CR DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms LENT-PREACHERS Appointed to Preach before His MAJESTY, For the Year, 1679/80. February 25. Ash-wednesday, Dean of the Chapel. 27. Friday, Dean of St. Paul's, Dr. Stillingfleet. 29. Sunday, Bishop of Exeter. March 3. Wednesday, Dr. Tennison. 5. Friday, Dean of Bangor, Dr. Lloyd. 7. Sunday, Bishop of Peterborough. 10. Wednesday, Dr. James. 12. Friday, Dean of Wells, Dr. Bathurst. 14. Sunday, Bishop of Carlisle. 17. Wednesday, Dr. Cradock. 19 Friday, Dean of Winchester, Dr. Megott. 21. Sunday, Bishop of Oxford. 24. Wednesday, Dr. Hall. 26. Friday, Dean of Sarum, Dr. Pierce. 28. Sunday, Bishop of Salisbury. 31. Wednesday, Dr. Spratt. April 2 Friday, Dean of Canterbury, Dr. Tillotson. 4. Palm-Sunday, Archbishop of Canterbury, or York. 7. Wednesday, Dr. Littleton. 9 Good-Friday, Dean of Westminster. 11. Easter-Day, Lord Almoner. ARLINGTON. Printed for Samuel Mearne Stationer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. LENT-PREACHERS, Appointed by the Lord BISHOP of LONDON, To PREACH on Wednesdays and Fridays, For the Year, 1679/80. St. SEPULCHERS. St. BARTHOLOMEW by the Exchange. Febru. 25. Ash-wednesday, Dean of Peterborough, Dr. Patrick. Dr. Cave. 27. Friday, Mr. Clegat. Mr. May. March 3. Wednesday, Mr. Fowler. Mr. Williams. 5. Friday, Dr. Sharpe. Dean of St. Paul's, Dr. Stillingfleet. 10. Wednesday, Mr. Calamy. Mr. Audley. 12. Friday, Dean of Bangor, Dr. Lloyd. Dr. Beverige. 17. Wednesday, Mr. Patrick. Mr. Evans. 19 Friday, Dr. Dove. Dr. Puller. 24. Wednesday, Mr. Salter. Mr. Green. 26. Friday, Dr. Hascard. Dean of Canterbury, Dr. Tillotson. 31. Wednesday, Mr. Sherring. Mr. Ivory. April 2. Friday, Dr. Spratt. Dr. Bradford. 7. Wednesday, Mr. Horden. Mr. Pearson. 9 Good-Friday, Dr. Bell. Dr. Woodroff. Printed. 1680/79. 10. Jan.