A PROPHECY, Of a Countryman, called Michael Lindeman, being 86 Years of age, living in the Dukedom of HAGEN; done in the Harvest-time of the Year of our Lord 1699. 1. THe King of Poland, with the help of the Swedish and Muscovites, shall bring the whole Kingdom of Poland under his Authority, and shall cause the Gospel to be preached throughout all his Dominions, and rout and destroy the Romish Religion throughout all his Realms. 2. Whilst shall the Lion of the North, or Swedish King, with the Wild-Ox, his Neighbour, or the great Czar of Muscovie, and the Polish King, descend and come down into Silesia with all their Forces: upon which the Romanists shall run away with great multitudes, and then the preachers of the Gospel shall be restored to their former state. 3. And then the Papists will not know where to run or hid themselves, so that they shall cover themselves with Skins; yea, the Prelate of Hagen, will be known by a Swedish Soldier; for, finding a soft skin upon his hands, he understands that it is no Countryman, but a Person of Quality, therefore he will deal very hard by him. 4. The Swedes and Muscovites shall receive great help, for the whole Germane Empire will Join themselves together, and shall pass thorrow Bohemia, Moravia, and the Empire, marching to the Emperor, to see what and how he hath dealt with the Protestants. 5. Then they will march towards Rome, for to besiege the Pope; before which place they shall rest three weeks: But there will be great Thundrings; The fire shall descend from Heaven upon the four corners of Rome, setting all in fire and flame; and thus Rome, with all its Cloisters, will be set in fire, and at last the Romish Monarchy will be in a confusion, and the Gospel shall be preached almost throughout all the World. 6. This shall come to pass in the Year our Lord 1700, or within the time of a Year and a half. He exhorts all People to be constant and stedfest in their Belief, and says, that this will come to pass within seven months and a half, and that they shall see it; and that the Papists, for fear of the Swedish Army, will run away out of Silesia; and that God shall raise up the Believers of the Gospel, within a short time again, yea more as they ever were before. Note. This man undertakes all the Punishments imaginable, in case it does not come as he hath said. He also has foretold the coming of the Turk before Vienna, at which he was put into Prison, but when the Turkish Army came before the City, saith he, take notice, for upon this very day, about two of the Clock, in the afternoon, he shall lay his siege. Three days after this his saying, came the Post where he was imprisoned, and told, that the siege exactly was laid at the same hour he had foretold, and then the Papists, out of shame, set him at Liberty: Of this the Gazette made mention at that very time. He also has foretold, the great persecution which should come to pass in France, and also the War which followed on the back. EDINBURGH, reprinted in the Year, 1700.