A Looking-Glass FOR THE Episcopal People Showing them how they walk Contrary to the COMMON-PRAYER They Profess and Teach. Wiitten in True Love, that all might come to know the Truth, as it is in Jesus, by a Lover and Friend of Truth, though by the World Reproachfully called a Quaker, Francis Lea. That was the true Light, which Lighteth every Man that cometh into the World, John. 1.9. There is a Spirit in Man; and the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth them Understanding, Job 32.8. Printed in the Year, 1674. A Looking-Glass FOR THE Episcopal People, etc. SInce the Lord God of Everlasting Love hath caused his Everlasting Truth to be Revealed in and amongst a Poor Despised People; who by the Seed of Ishmael and Stock of Esau are Reproachfully called Quakers, many have been the Reproaches, Mockings, Scourge, Whip, Stockings, Stoning, Imprisonments unto Death, and Cruel Persecutions, which many of the aforesaid People called Quakers have suffered and patiently born, both from Professors and Profane, who like Pilate and Herod have often combined together, to oppose the holy Truth of God, and despitefully use the Followers thereof by all Ways and Means imaginable: But He that sits in the Heavens shall Laugh; the Lord shall have them in Derision; and then shall He speak unto them in his Wrath (which is coming more and more upon the Ungodly) and vex them in his sore Displeasure. For the Mountain of his Holiness will he Exalt upon the Top of all Mountains; And hither must all the Nations come that will be Saved, to walk in the LIGHT of the Lord; which is become as a Stumbling-Stone and a Rock of Offence to the Carnal Professors of this Generation; and as Foolishness to the Learned Rabbis and Doctors of the Times: But to Us that have Believed and walk in this Holy LIGHT of the Lord, it is become the Chief Cornerstone, Elect and Precious, which in the Lord's due time will Dash to pieces all Images, though never so seemingly Glorious, and all Image-makers', and all that do or shall oppose the same. And though many have called it Natural and Insufficient, etc. Yet We that have believed in it, and have known the Efficacy of it, must Testify unto all, that it is the LIGHT of Christ, the Word by whom all things were made; and therefore not Natural, but Divine and Spiritual; Nor Insufficent, because the LIGHT of Christ, who is able to save unto the uttermost all that come unto God by him; in whom was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men, John 1.4. Which LIGHT the Book of Common-Prayer doth amply and largely confess and testify unto, as follows. Com. Pr, Collect the 3d Sunday after Easter. Almighty God, which showest to all Men that be in Error the LIGHT of thy Truth, to the Intent that they may Return into the Way of Righteousness, etc. HEre is a very Ample Confession and Testimony to the true LIGHT, and the universality of It. First, Because that God doth show it to All Men that be in Error (to wit) the LIGHT of Truth, which is the LIGHT of Christ, who said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, John 14.6. whose Life was the Light of Men, John 1.4. and who said, I am the LIGHT of the World; he that followeth me shall not walk in Darkness, but shall have the Light of Life, John 8.12. who also said, I am come a Light into the World, that whosoever believeth on me should not Abide in Darkness, John 12.46. Secondly, The Sufficiency of this Light is hereby vindicated from all the Calumnies and Reproaches of those that do or shall oppose the same: Because the Intent of God's showing it to all Men that be in Error, is, that they may Return into the Way of Righteousness; which they cannot do if the Light which God shows them be not sufficient to lead out of all Error; For how can a Man be said to Return into the Way of Righteousness, unless he first know a Leading out of, and a turning from the Way of Error and Unrighteousness. But God shows to all men that be in Error the Light of his Truth, to the Intent that they may return into the Way of Righteousness. Therefore let none slight the Lord's Love, who shows his Light unto them, but join to and obey the same, that they may know a Returning into the Way of Righteousness, which is the Way of the Lord, whose Ways are Ways of Pleasantness and Righteousness, and all whose Paths are Peace and Holiness. And blessed be the Name of the Lord many are come to be lead by this Light (out of all the Ways of Error, Darkness and Unrighteousness) into the same; and because they are Witnesses of and to this Light, and do in tender Love exhort People to be Followers of the same, have they been both by Professors and Profane persecuted, and evilly entreated, as aforesaid. Com. Pr. Collect the 5th Suday after Easter. Lord, from whom all good things do come, grant us thy Humble Servants, that by thy Holy INSPIRATION we may think those things that be good, etc. THE Cry hath been and is by the blind Leaders of this Generation, that Inspiration ceaseth now, and is not to be witnessed; and because a Remnant which God hath gathered by his Powerful Arm do testify unto all, that Inspiration doth not Cease, but abides with and continues among God's People, are they accounted Deluders, a Dangerous People, Pestilent Fellows, Movers of Sedition, etc. by those who know not the Truth, as it is in Jesus; but hereby is it plainly manifest, that Inspiration doth not cease, because by it people may come to think those things that be good, as by the Prayer above mentioned is desired and prayed for; which doth imply, that without the Inspiration of the Almighty people cannot come to think those things that be good; for if they could, why should the people pray unto God to grant them by his holy Inspiration that they may, if they can think good Things without it? Wherhfore those that deny Inspiration, and account those Deluders that preach up and exhort People to press after the same, do plainly manifest, that they do not think those things that be good; and if People do not come to think good things (as by the Inspiration of the Almighty they may be enabled to do) they will never come to do them: But those that are Witnesses of God's Holy Inspiration, as the People called Quakers are, are thereby enabled not only to think, but to do good things also; for it is the Inspiration of the Almighty that giveth Understanding, which made good Elibu to say, (Job 32.8. who well knew from whence a good Understanding came) There is a Spirit in Man, and the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth them Understanding: Which All aught to seek after, that thereby they may come to have a good Understanding (which those that deny Inspiration want) and then they will come not only to think, but also to do those things that be good, as they come to witness the Holy Inspiration of the Almighty. Com. Pr. at the Communion. Almighty God, unto whom all Hearts be open, all Desires known, and from whom no Secrets are hid, cleanse the Thoughts of our Hearts by the Inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, etc. COme all you that say, Inspiration is Ceased; here is another Confession and Testimony to the Inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, which will stand over the Heads of you all; for, by it comes the Thoughts of the Heart to be cleansed, as many pray for, as aforesaid, Cleanse the Thoughts of our Hearts by the Inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, etc. then not to Cease; if the Thoughts of the Heart are to be cleansed by it; for if it should, then how would the Thoughts of People's Hearts come to be cleansed, if the Inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, which people pray for as a Means to cleanse the same should Cease? And if the Thoughts of the Heart are to be cleansed by the Inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, than those that preach up & exhort people to press after the same, as the people called Quakers have done and do unto this Day, are not Deluder's nor Heretics, etc. but truly Orthodox. Com. Pr. Litany. That it may please thee to Bless and Keep the Magistrates, giving them Grace to Execute Justice and to Maintain Truth. THE Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all Men, etc. Tit. 2.11, 12. and therefore as well unto the Magistrates as unto others: and if the Magistrates would be taught by that Grace, it would teach them to deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts in themselves, and to live Soberly, Righteously and Godly in this present World: and then the Lord would bless and keep them, if they would be taught by his Grace so to do; which would also enable them to execute Justice and maintain Truth: For Magistrates can't truly rule for God, & execute Justice & maintain Truth, until they come to be taught by his Grace, and witness the Lord to Rule in them. Wherefore if the Magistrates would maintain Truth they should first seek to be Witnesses of it in themselves, and then they will seek after the Preservation, not the Destruction of those that live, walk in and preach up the Truth, as the People called Quakers have done and do to this day, who Seek and Labour in true and tender Love to turn all people to the Light which God shows unto all men that be in Error, and to the Inspiration of God's holy Spirit, and to his Grace that brings Salvation, which hath appeared unto all men, etc. and yet they have suffered for testfying unto the same to this day. Now if the Magistrates would execute Justice, they should punish the Evil-Doers, who hate the Light, neither come to it, lest their Deeds should be Reproved, John 3.20. for if they do not, but punish those that do Truth, and come to the Light, & bring their deeds to it, that they may be made manifest that they are wrought in God, Joh. 3.21. (as the people called Quakers do) than they bear the Sword in vain, which the Magistrates ought not to do; for they should be a Terror to those that do evil, and a Praise and Encouragement to those that do well: And those Magistrates who do not execute Justice and maintain Truth after this manner, will instead of pretending to do it be found Fighters against God, his Truth and People. Com. Pr. Litany. That it may please thee to Give to all thy People Increase of Grace, to hear Meekly thy Word, and to receive it with pure Affection, and to bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit. IT would greatly Rejoice us to have all people come to hear the Word of God meekly, and to Receive it with Pure Affection, and to bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit: for blessed be the Name of the Lord, he hath given and doth give to his People Increase of Grace, who have been and are faithful unto its Appearance, and they are come meekly to hear his Word, and have received it with pure Affection, and daily bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit, which are Love, Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness. Faith, Meekness; against such there is no Law, Gal. 5.22, 23. Wherefore the Magistrates should not make Laws against nor persecute those that bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit, and deny all the Unfruitful Works and Lusts of the Flesh; and are come by the Inspiration of God's holy Spirit to think and do those things that are good, and to have the Thoughts of their Hearts cleansed thereby; but to Favour, Cherish and Protect them, because against such there should be no Law: But if they should not, but still go on to persecute the Innocent, then will they plainly manifest unto all, that they do not hear meekly the Word of God, nor have received it with pure Affection, nor bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit; for Persecution, Cruelty and Oppression are not the Fruits of the same. Com. Pr. Litany. That is may please thee to bring into the Way of Truth all such as have erred and are deceived. THis is that which the People called Quakers have long desired and prayed for, and earnestly seek after, That all those who have Erred and strayed from the Ways of God like Lost Sheep, and have followed too much the Devices and Desires of their own hearts, and have left undone those things which they ought to have done, and have done those things which they ought not to have done, and are crying, that there is no Health in them, being miserable Offenders, that they might beturned to the Light, which God shows to all men that be in Error, to the Intent that they may Return into the Way of Righteousness, and truly witness a being lead into the same thereby: And for bearing our Testimony to this Blessed Light, and seeking in Love to turn all people unto the same (that they might not be any longer deceived with Error) have we suffered so much Persecution unto this day: Yet it is our earnest Desire, that none may any longer kick against the Pricks of it in their Hearts and Consciences, which testifies against all Iniquity there, lest the Day of their Tender Visitation pass over their Heads, and the things which concern their Peace be hid from their Eyes. Com. Pr. Litany. That it may please thee to Descend and Provide for the Fatherless Children and Widows, and all that be Desolate and Oppressed. IF some had well minded this Prayer there had not been so many Fatherless Children and Widows as were made by the Act for Banishment, etc. when Parents were banished from Children, & Children from Parents, and Husbands from Wives, only for meeting together to worship God in Spirit and Truth, and for bearing their Testimony to the Light and Inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, and for bringing forth the Fruits of the same, against whom there should have been no Law. Neither would there have been so many made Desolate and Oppressed, as were by the late Act, entitled, An Act against Conventicles, etc. by means whereof many Innocent People were Rob and Spoilt of their Goods by Unreasonable and Ungodly Men: Wherefore it would do well for all that are in Authority, seriously to lay these things to Heart, and for the time to come to provide for the Fatherless and Widows, and all those that have been made Desolate & Oppressed by the hands of Robbers and Spoilers: For the Cry of these things are entered into the Ears of the Lord of Hosts, who will certainly plead the Cause of the Fatherless & Widow, and Relieve the Desolate and Oppressed; that so those who have established any Laws against the Righteous and Innocent, may for the time to come Disannul and Repeal the same, and break off their Iniquities by Showing Mercy, Doing Justly and Relieving the Oppressed; and then peradventure the Lord may lengthen out the Tranquillity of their Days. Com. Pr. Litany. That it may please thee to forgive our Enemies, Persecutors and Slanderers, and to turn their Hearts. THis hath been and is our hearty desire, that God would Forgive our Enemies, Persecutors and Slanderers, and turn their hearts: Yet how have we been Persecuted and Slandered unto this day? But we have so Learned Christ, as to Love Enemies, and to do Good to them that Hate us and Despitefully Use us: But many, who often repeat the aforesaid Prayer, saying, We beseech thee to hear us good Lord, are yet so far from Forgiving their Enemies, that they Persecute their Friends, Neighbours and Countrymen, and Slander them, in calling them, Heretics, and Seditious Persons, etc. and make Laws against them who preach up the Light and inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, as the People called Quakers have done and do at this day: Is not this a Mocking of God, for people to pray him to Forgive their Enemies, Persecutors and Slanderers, etc. and yet they to persecute God's People, and slander them, as many have done: But God will not thus be mocked; for such as Men Sow, such shall they Reap; if they Sow Violence, Cruelty and Oppression, they will certainly Reap Tribulation and Anguish, Indignation and Wrath forever. Com. Pr. Collect on St. Stephen 's Day. Grant us, O Lord, to learn to Love our Enemies by the Example of thy Martyr St. Stephen, who prayed for his Persecutors, etc. THis is a good Prayer; and would it were practised by all, as much as it hath been often prayed by many, that the called Christians of this and other Nations might come to learn and practise the same: But the Professors in New-England were far from either Learning or Practising this Prayer; for instead of following the holy Example of the Martyr Stephen, they fled the same, and Ran into the Steps of those who shed his Blood; and instead of Learning to Love their Enemies, and Praying for their Persecutors, as all true Christians ought to do, they Martyred their own Countrymen for telling them the Truth, and seeking in True and Tender Love to turn them to the Light, which God shows unto all Men that be in Error, to the Intent that they may Return into the Way of Righteousness. Wherefore come all you Papists and Protestants, and truly learn and practise this Prayer, that so Violence, Persecution, Cruelty and Oppression may have an End, Quod faxit Deus. Com. Pr. Collect on St. John Baptist 's Day. Almighty God, by whose Providence thy Servant John Baptist was wonderfully born, and sent to prepare the Way of thy Son our Saviour, by preaching of Repentance; make us so to follow his Doctrine and holy Life, that we may truly Repent, according to his Preaching, and after his Example constantly speak the Truth, boldly rebuke Vice, and patiently suffer for the Truth's sake, etc. IF this Prayer was better minded and practised by those who often repeat the same, than the Truth would be better maintained, Vice more boldly rebuked, and true Virtue cherished, and those that have patiently Suffered for testifying to the Truth (as aforesaid) would be more encouraged than they have been or are: But instead thereof the Truth and the Followers of it have been and are Discountenanced, Vice Cherished, and tho●e that have reproved Iniquity in the Gate have been made a Prey; Yet according to the holy Example of John the Baptist shall we constantly continue to Speak the Truth, Boldly to Rebuke Vice, and Patiently to suffer for the Truth's sak●; And also according to the holy Example of the Martyr Stephen, who prayed for his Persecutors, shall we hearty Desire and Pray the Lord, That he would be pleased to Forgive all our Enemies, Persecutors and Slanderers, and Turn their Hearts. Wherefore let all People truly Mind, Love and Obey the Light, which God shows to all men that be in Error, that so they might come to witness thereby a Returning into the Way of Truth and Righteousness, and then they will come to be true Christians indeed, and to answer the End of God's Love, and the Intent of his showing his Light unto them; which that all people may do, is the hearty Desire of him Southwark, the latter-end of the 8th Month, 1673. Who Wishes and Seeketh the Good and Welfare of all, F. L. THE END.