Carolus Leigh M. D. W. Faithorn delin. I Savage sculp. portrait THE NATURAL HISTORY OF Lancashire, Cheshire, AND THE Peak, in Derbyshire: WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE British, Phoenician, Armenian, Gr. and Rom. ANTIQUITIES IN THOSE PARTS. By CHARLES LEIGH, Doctor of Physic. OXFORD: Printed for the AUTHOR; and to be had at Mr. George West's, and Mr. Henry Clement's, Booksellers there; Mr. Edward Evet's, at the Green-Dragon, in St. Paul's Churchyard; and Mr. john Nicholson, at the King's-Arms, in Little-Britain, LONDON. MDCC. IMPRIMATUR, GUILFORD PAINTER, S. T. P. Vice-Cancel. Oxon. To His GRACE, JAMES, Duke of ORMOND, Chancellor of the University of OXFORD; To the Reverend the Vicechancellor, THE DOCTORS, PROCTORS, HEADS of Colleges and Halls, AND THE Rest of the Learned MEMBERS OF THAT Flourishing and Famous University, THIS WORK is humbly Dedicated. IT was some Years since by Recommendation from several of the Heads of Houses, Professors, and Doctors of Physic, that this Work was undertaken; it is therefore from You that it presumes to seek a Protection, which if it has the Honour and Happiness to obtain, the Censorious Critics may show their ill Temper, but will be too Weak to wound it. I must own it may be looked upon by some, perhaps, as a Piece of Arrogance for so obscure a Pen, to solicit a Protection from such a Learned and Honourable Body: But since the Sun, that great Luminary of the Universe, sometimes gilds the darkest Grottoes, I presume therefore so far as not totally to despair of Your Favour. I do with the profoundest Gratitude acknowledge that an Encouragement from so many Learned Persons, contributed no small Matter to this Undertaking, and had that been wanting, the Difficulties I met with were so many, and so insuperable, I should not have been able to have accomplished my Design. The Method I have taken in this Book, (which has been a Work of Seventeen Years) is chief to relate Matter of Fact; having seen the Misfortunes of many, in swelling their Books with Digressive Quotations, and Chimerical Hypotheses, and as the French observe, frequently losing the Truth by Argument. I can solace myself with this, that I dread not to be Contradicted in any Instance I have mentioned, having been Critically Curious in each Observation and Experiment, and those frequently repeated. It is my Hopes that several Matters in the following Sheets may occur, that in future Ages may not only tend to the Wealth and Honour of those Counties, but the Improvement of Natural History, and the general Good of Mankind, no Counties in England affording so great a Variety of Mines, Minerals and Metals, with other choice Products, and the most surprising Phaenomena of Nature, if it happen to have this Effect, it will be to the infinite Satisfaction of Your Ever-devoted, Most Humble, Obliged, and Obedient Servant, Charles Leigh. To His Excellency, WILLIAM, Duke of Devonshire, etc. ONE OF THE Lords Justices of ENGLAND. The Right Honourable, WILLIAM, Earl of Derby, etc. The Right Honourable, RICHARD, Earl Rivers, etc. WITH The Rest of the Nobility and Gentry, Encouragers of this WORK. My Lords and Gentlemen, THERE are particular Spirits in Mankind which soar above the common Level: Hence it is, that true Patrons of Learning and Honour, have such an Influence over those who move in a lower Orb, that they are enabled by that borrowed Lustre, to dart such Reflections, as raise some Sort of Men to that Pitch of Thought, that can allure them to the Perusal of a Book. So little, indeed, by a great many is Learning esteemed, and a Public Good encouraged, that an Author like an Ass in the Indies, may be overloaden with Treasure; but the Brambles in his tedious Fatigues, are frequently his Recompense: The Poets, how unhappy soever they may have been upon other Accounts, have had their Moecenas' in all Ages, to guard them from the Fury of the Critics; while the Philosopher, generally like Truth, the Object of his Intentions and Discourse, comes into the World naked: It's only his Innocence and Integrity that skreens him from their Malevolent Censures; but to add Lustre and Energy to his Performances, is to derive it from the Patronage of the Great, which gives to 'em (if the Metaphor be not too uncouth) a kind of Perpetual Living. Since therefore, so many Noble Personages and Worthy Gentlemen, have been pleased so far to encourage this Undertaking, by honouring both it and me with your Generous Subscriptions; I hope you will pardon this in me, who cannot but now, and ever shall acknowledge it with the deepest Sense of Gratitude, and remain with the Profoundest Respect, My Lords and Gentlemen, Your most Obedient, and Obliged Servant, Charles Leigh. THE EPISTLE TO THE Candid Reader. I Cannot but be conscious to myself that several Errors may occur in the following Work, which have slipped my Observation; but in relation to those, I have only this to say, as an Apology for myself, the Work consisting of that Variety of Subjects, I had so many different Persons to deal with, I could not give that attendance to the Press, which otherwise I would have done; and that if any material ones be met with, they are not mine. There are some of the Plates which are figured twice over, but those being wrought off while I was in Oxford, the Error could not be rectified, but those are ranged in the Book with their proper Explications, so that the Fault is not material. It is said of Demosthenes, when he gave the Athenians an Account how their Ancestors fought by Land at Marathon, and by Sea at Salamis, he took not the least Notice of their being Victorious, but all he aimed at, was to conceal that Tragical one at Chaeronea. If therefore the candid Reader in the ensuing Work meets with any thing which may be of Use or Divertisement to him, I hope he'll be so benign, as to erase, or at least correct the Errors, since the Author, though he may be apt to flatter himself, to have been in some measure happy in the Former, may be as unfortunate in the Latter. The Design of the whole Work is briefly recited in the Preface; to that therefore I refer him, and shall not presume upon his Patience by Harangues and Repetitions; but subscribe myself, His Humble Servant, Charles Leigh. THE PREFACE. SO different are the Tempers of Men, and so various the Impressions made upon their Minds, that as it would be an high piece of Folly in me to expect the Favours of all; so on the other hand, 'tis equally prudent to be armed against the Criticisms of many, who will be apt to quarrel with divers Things contained in this Work; the Method whereof, (wherein I have endeavoured to be as concise as I could, having evaded Quotations from others, as far as the Subject would bear,) I shall briefly touch upon, having first premised, that what is recited therein, is chief from my own Observation and Experiments. This Work therefore is divided into Three Books, the First relating to Natural Philosophy; the Second chief Physic; and the Third, the British, Phoenician, Armenian, Greek and Roman Antiquities of these Counties. As for the First, There is an Account given therein of the various Temperatures of the Air in those Parts, with the different Effects it has upon Humane Constitutions, and other Animals: The Pressure of the Air is likewise fully examined, and it's made highly probable from various Experiments, that the Ascent of the Mercury in Glass-Tubes is not made by an External Pressure upon the Surface of the Quicksilver contained in the Cup, but by the various Elasticities of the Air in the Top of the Tube. The Rise of Rivers, Meeres, Lakes, Ponds and Springs, with the Origin of them, is here accounted for; the Principles of Mineral Waters from divers Experiments demonstrated; a full Account of Hot and Cold Baths, and in those Waters the different Causes of Heat and Cold assigned, with their various Effects upon Humane Bodies. Likewise, there is an Enquiry made into the different sorts of Earth and Coals here met with, with the Methods of Improving them, and the several Manufactures that are or may be made from them; the Mosses or Morasses, in respect to their Nature and Vegetation, from the Plants that grow upon them, are examined, with the different Trees found in them, and divers other Phaenomena ' s: An Universal Deluge is fully demonstrated from several Topics; but that there was a total Dissolution of the whole Strata of the Earth at that time, is proved impossible, both from Scripture and Observations in Nature: Whence 'tis evident, Dr. Woodward ' s Hypothesis is Erroneous, as is likewise that of the Theorist. I have farther considered the different Minerals and Metals, made various Experiments upon them, and have not passed over the Methods of discovering an Essaying them; the Mineral Damps are also examined, with a full Account of their Causes and Effects; so are the Diamonds cast up by the Moles, and the Vegetation of Sea-Plants briefly, but fully illustrated: There is a concise Account given of the Physical-Plants, with a Rationale of their Effects and Tastes, and the Poisonous Plants ranged in their different Classes, with an Account of their Causes. The Generation of Fishes, with the different Kind's of them, the Formation of Shells, and the Vegetation of Pearls are enquired into, and solved; besides which, you have a Description given of Mineral plants, Shells, Fish Bones, Teeth and Formed-stones, with the Causes of them; to which is added an Account of Animal-Shells, and Subterraneous Skeletons, Foreign to this Island; as the Stag of Canada, the Elk, Hippopotamus or Sea-Horse, together with some American Canoes found upon the Draining of Martin Mere in Lancashire. Neither have I overlooked the Reptiles, Infects and Birds of these Parts, particularly the Barnacle. And for the Quadrupeds, they are likewise described, and divers Experiments and Observations made upon them. The Second Book treats chief of Distempers both Chronic and Acute; besides which, it contains an Account of Persons that have been Eminent for Arms, Arts, Professions, Sciences, and Trades; for Erecting Hospitals, Colleges, and other noted Acts of Charity. The Third and Last Book relates to Antiquity, wherein you will find divers Heathen Altars, Sacrificing-Vessels, Coins, Fibulae, Lamps, Urns, Tiles, Fortifications, Signets, Pagods, etc. found in these Counties, described and explained: Likewise its next to a Demonstration from the Armenian, British and Phoenician Languages compared together and examined, their Deities, the Asiatic Manner of Fight, the Eastern and British Way of computing Time, the Reverse of a Coin and divers other Things, that not only show these Counties, but the whole Island was chief and primarily inhabited by Colonies from Asia long before either the Greeks or Romans came hither. As for the Cuts of the Coins and other Curiosities contained herein, which will be found to be numerous, I have not declined the Charge of having them drawn and engraven by the best Artists I could meet with, and I do not doubt but it will appear to be so to the judicious Eye. I hope, I shall not be reputed guilty of Tautology and Impertinence, because I have recapitulated some Things now and then for the further Illustration of other Matters: And for the Language I have only this to say, that I have endeavour d to adapt my Expression to the Nature of my Subject, and that in writing of Philosophy, Physic and Antiquity, the Embellishments of Classic Eloquence is not much to be expected, since those must be expressed in Terms peculiar to themselves, and to do otherwise were to grasp at a Cloud instead of Juno, and instead of reciting the Fact only express the Shadow. But after all that has or could be said, I know there are some Men of that assuming Temper, that there is nothing grateful to them which is not their own; but how unjustly they usurp that Authority I leave to their own Consideration, and shall only desire the Impartial and unbiased to satisfy themselves with the Truth of any Observation recited in this Book, and I shall not then despair of their favourable Opinion of me. There is one Thing more that I cannot but take Notice of, and that is, the Unfairness of some Modern Authors in laying down Theorems upon Experiments which were not their own, and not acknowledging from whom they had them: And this may be observed in the Natural History of Staffordshire, and a late Latin Piece concerning Digestion, as will appear by Two Letters inserted in this Book. I might enumerate more Failings incident to the Humours of the Age, but I shall endeavour to evade the Calumny, of erecting a Porch larger than the Building, and shall therefore proceed to the First Chapter. To his Ever-honoured Friend Dr. CHARLES LEIGH, upon his Natural History of LANCASHIRE, etc. WHen by the powerful Sanction of a God, From shapeless Nothing, and a dark Abode, This newborn World, and early Nature rise, Those shining Lamps, and you expanded Skies: Then Man was dropped on this capacious Ball, Large in itself, a Point unto the All; His wise Creator never did design His Life a lazy Round, and him supine; Large Scenes he drew as Subjects for his Pen, Worthy th' Almighty Author, and of Man; The whole Creation in a Choir does move From Plants below, to spacious Orbs above, Those twinkling Lights we ken in yonder space, For aught we know, are Globes of Earth and Seas. But above all Man is alone supreme, Vast in himself he forms a finished Theme: Through all his Structure shines a Power Divine, He speaks a God in every Stroke and Line, To him subservient the Creation bows, And all its Blessings for his Health bestows. Of old what Egypt and Arabia taught, And what learned Greece to more Perfection brought, What high Improvements After-Ages gained, And what Industrious Moderns have attained, In you comprised we all their Knowledge trace, And new Additions do your Volume grace. From Paean's Shrine fresh Laurels are designed To pay you Homage, and your Temples bind, Even Nature's self does all her Treasures yield, And quits to you the Trophies of the Field; Her in her dark Recesses you have viewed, Through every Maze her wondrous Paths pursued: What Magic late and Mystery they call, Now Art appears, and Demonstration all, Nature exalted, rears her shining Crest, And in her Works th' Omnipotent's confessed. You chief teach this curious Age to know What Mineral Seeds in Purling Waters flow, In raging Fevers how the Blood takes Fire, And how in tedious Chronics we expire; In darksome Mines where noisome Damps offend, Even there your conquered Empire you extend; What Air, or Earth, or liquid Seas contain. Your comprehensive Genius does explain. Old Rome to Britain once again returns, And Heroes rise out of their dusty Urns, Their Votive Spoils proclaim their Grandeur here, Speak how prevailing once their Legions were, Rescued from Rust of Time they live in you, Whilst we their Power in their great Ruins view. May you these high Discoveries still pursue, (If aught remains of that great Task to do) Your Labours will the Test of Time endure, Whilst you beyond the Critics Rage's secure, Lord of yourself, are pleased with future Toil, And spread your healing Wings o'er all your Native Soil. R. J. Some of the Names of the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry, Subscribers to this book. Many are omitted (several Persons Subscribing for different Numbers) whose Names are not known to the Author. A SIR Willoughby Aston Dr. Robert Andrews Dr. Archer of Kendal Thomas Ashurst, Esq john Atherton of Busie, Esq Edward Aid, Esq john Aglonby, Esq Thomas Ashton, Esq Mr. Alonson, A. M. Mr. Henry Ashton Mr. Thomas Askue Mr. Thomas Armatryding, Mr. Adir Mr. Atherton B Sir john Bridgeman, Bar. Sir Benjamin Bathurst Sir Roger Bradshaigh Sir Rich. Blackmore Sir Rich. Brooks Sir Tho. Billet Sir Will. Busbie Sir john Bland Sir Henry Bunbury Reginald Britland, Sergeant at Law Dr. Bateley, Archdeacon of Cant. Dr. Birch of Westminster Dr. Breech of Christ-Church Dr. Baynard. Dr. Daniel Brown joseph Brown, M. D. Thomas Brotherton, Esq Geor Birch, Esq Thomas Brooks, Esq Humphrey Booth. Esq Allen Bathurst of Trin. Coll. Esq john Braddyle, Esq Henry Brown, Esq Henry Bradshaw, Esq Geo. Beach, Esq Lawrance Booth, Esq Nath. Booth, Esq Orlando Bridgeman, Esq Orlando Bridgeman, Esq Rich. Bold, Esq — Be●●ford, Esq William Blencore, Esq — Brockhall, Esq Mr. Bradshaw of New Coll. A. M. The Reverend Mr. Hugh Barrow, B. D. Roger Bolton, M. A. Adam Budle, M. A. Mr. Becinsall, B. D. Braz. C. Capt. Booth. Madam Brookes. Mr. Robert Brewer Mr. Thomas Bennet Mr. Thomas Barbon Mr. Tho. Briggs of Lostock Mr. Tim. Banks. Mr. Thomas Bradshaw Mr. Butterworth Mr. Michael Burton Mr. Nathaniel Boothhouse Mr. William Burhell Mr. john Bradshaigh Mr. john Brenand Mr. Henry Brooks Mr. john Brown C Lord Cavendish. Lord Cholmondeley. Lord Bishop of Carlisle. Lord Bishop of Chester. Sir Robert Cotton Sir Edward Chisnal Sir john Crew The Reverend Dr. Charlott, Master of University College, Oxon. Dr. Chamberlain of London. Dr. Cox of London. Dr. Covel, Master of Christ's College, Camb. Dr. Carmichal Dr. Carter Henry Chetham, Esq john Cheshire, Esq Robert Cholmondeley, Esq Tho. Cliffton of Litham, Esq Samuel Crook, Esq Allen Chamber, Esq Laurence Charter Prof. of Divinity. Colonel Codrington. Daniel Chaddock, Gent. Mr. Carswell Mr. john Charleton Mr. Robert Cheshire of Runchorne Mr. Francis Cholmondeley Mr. john Clayton Mr. Clark of Wicham Mr. Thomas Clopton Mr. james Crayle of London Mr. George Corbishley Mr. Thomas Crowther D His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire The Earl of Derby. Countess Dowager of Derby. Sir Thomas Delves Dr. Drummond Samuel Daniel, Esq Cham Dartigueneve, Esq Christopher Dauntesy, Esq — Domvil of Linn, Esq Mr. Delves, M. B. Edw. Denham, A. M. Mr. Delves of Manchester Mr. Davy of Fradsham Mr. Charles Du-Bois Mr. Davenport E The Honourable Madam Egerton. Edmund Entwistle, D. D. Dr. Eives. Peter Edgerton of Shaw, Esq john Eglenby, Esq Thomas Ewer, Esq Mr. joseph Eton Mr. Robert Eskrigg of Eskrigg F Sir Daniel Fleming. Dr. Thomas Fern, London Dr. Fenton Dr. Pet. Fulwood at Stampford, Lin. Laurence Fogg, D. D. D. C. William Farrington, Esq Thomas Foster, Esq Edward Fleetwood, Esq john Ferrer, Esq john Franks, Esq Thomas Fleetwood, of Bank, Esq Richard Fleetwood, Esq Roger Fleming, Esq Thomas Fleetwood of Staffordshire, Esq Mr. Stephen Fox Valentine Farrington, Gent. Mr. john Farrington Mr. Fiswick Mr. Fernill of Ridgeley Mr. Henry Fean Mr. Barwick Fairsax G Sir Christopher Greenvil Dr. Gibbons, London Dr. Goodall, London Dr. Gould, London Dr. Grundy. Thomas Gerrard, Esq Thomas Glazier, Esq Thomas Gardiner, Esq Henry Gilberson, Esq — Greenvill, Esq john Grosvenour, Esq — Greenvill, Esq The Reverend Parson Gibbs of Bury Mr. Gwin, Fellow of jesus Col. Ox. josiah Gregson, Gent. Mr. Thomas Gibson. Mr. john Gadbury. Mr: Henry Glibberton Mr. Edward Graves. Mr. Francis Gregg Mr. Green, London H The Marquis of Hartington. Sir Henry Hunloke Dr. Halkat Dr. Lancelott Harrison Dr. Henshaw Dr. Hicks, London Dr. How, London William Haddock, Esq Thomas Hanmore, Esq john Harrison, Esq Richard Hardy, Esq john Harleston, Esq Thomas Hesketh, Esq Robert Hesketh, Esq Henry Hodgkinson, Esq john Hodgson, Esq james Holt, Esq Benjamin Houghton, Esq — Holt of Crisleton, Esq john Hopwood, Esq Edward Hornby, Esq Hurleston, Esq Hulme, Esq William Hulton, Esq — Hulton, Esq The Reverend Mr. james Hamer, B. D. The Reverend Mr. Hall Mr. Holbrooke, M. B. Mr. Haydock Capt. Hambleton Mr. Haddon Mr. Haywood Mr. john Harrison Mr. james Harvey of Knutsford Mr. Harrison of Poulton Mr. Thomas Haworth Mr. William Hawkins Mr. john Hawkins Mr. Hargraves Mr. Hyde, Br. Coll. S. Mr. Thomas Hodgson Mr. Thomas Hunt Mr. Robert Hyde Mr. Francis Hopson Mr. james Holland Mr. Hunt Mr. Hulme Mr. Hind Mr. Humphrey Hutchinson Mr. Christopher Hopkins. Mr. Charles Halstead. Mr. james Hardy Mr. Hall of Knutsford Mr. Hall of Hulms Chap. I Alexander johnson Esq Mr. Michael johnson Mr. Nicholas jackson K Lord Bishop of Kilmore in Ireland. Lord Killmorry. George Kenyon, Esq Mr. Aaron Kinton of St. Martin's in the Fields. Mr. Keil of Ball. Coll. Mr. Knaplock L Lord Bishop of London, Sir Fancis Leicester, Sir William Lowther, Dr. Levett Robert Law, M. D. Rich. Legh of High Legh, Esq Peter Legh of Lime, Esq Peter Legh of Booth, Esq Obad. Lane, Esq john Legh of Adlington, Esq Peter Legh of High Leigh. A. M. Mr. Rich. Langon, Mr. William Law, Mr. john Legh Mr. john Leadbeater Mr. Roger Langton, Mr. Arthur Laundres. Mrs. Ann Loveday, Mr. Rich. Lownds, M Sir john Manwareing, Sir George Markham Sir Strencham Master's Sir William Meredith, The Reverend Dr. john Mear, Dr. of Divinity, and Principal of Brazen-N. Col. Thomas Mather, Esq john Minshall, Esq — Minshall of Grays-Inn, Esq — Minshall of the Temple, Esq Alexander Moson, Esq Ralph Milbank, Esq Thomas More, M. B. Mr. joseph Milner Mr. john Markland of Wigan Mr. Bevin Mr. Valentine Moneston Mr. Thomas Moss Mr. Richard Mostyn Mr. Francis Moult. Mr. George Moult N George Nodes, Esq Roger Nowell of Read, Esq Mr. Thomas Newby Mr. Nisbet O Crew Offley, Esq — Oaks, Esq — Ogle, Esq Alex. Olbeldston, Esq Mr. john Ody Mr. john Offley, Grays- Inn. Mr. Thomas Ogle Mr. William Only Mr. Osborn, Ex. Coll. Mr. Andrew Osborn Mr. Ambrose Osborne of Warrington. P Dr. Thomas Parnell Dr. Parsons john Price, M. D. Edward Parker, Esq Robert Parker, Esq The Reverend Mr. Price. The Minister of Penwortham The Vicar of Presbury Christopher Parker, Gent. William Patten, Gent. Nicholas Penington, Gent. Mr. Pictairn Mr. Parker, Mr. Parker of Oxford Mr. james Pearson Mr. Thomas Patten Mr. Plumtree Mr. Henry Prescott of Chester. Mr. Thomas Proddy Mr. john Pope R The Earl Rivers. The Countess Dowager Rivers The Lady Elizabeth Rivers Sir Alex. Rigby, Knt. Dr. Tancred Rovinson, London Dr. Rule. Thomas Rigby, Esq William Rosthorn, Esq john Risley, Esq Edward Rigby, Esq Charles Rigby, Esq Christopher Rawlison, Esq Richard Wright Preb. of Chester Mr. Keel of Balliol Mathematic Lecturer. Mr. Richards, Ex. Coll. Mr. Thomas Rean. Mr. jonathan Rose. Mr. Reiner, London S His Grace the D. of Somerset. The Honourable james Stanley, Esq Sir Alexander Setton, Baronet. Sir Archibald Steinson, M. D. Sir Thomas Stanley. Sir Robert Sybbald, M. D. Sir Thomas Standish Dr. Sloan, London Dr. Sherwood, London Thomas Slater, Esq William Stanford, Esq Thomas Stafford, Esq Nicholas Starkey, Esq Richard Spencer, Esq Roger Sudel Major of Preston. Charles Smallwood, L. L. B. The Reverend Mr. Nicholas of Stocport. john Smith, Gent. john Smith Gent. Daniel Sanford, Gent. Mr. Strathem Mr. Slyford, London Mr. Skeer Mr. William Shaw Mr. Stanwicks Mr. Nathaniel Spooner Mr. Barton Shuttleworth. Mr. Edward Shelton. Mr. Savile. Mr. Samuel. Shaw. Mr. john Stringham. Mr. james Smith. Mr. john Sheer of Doddington Mr. john Sutherland. T Sir Tho. Tyrrell of Thornton Nicholas Townley, Esq Richard Townley, Esq Richard Tompson, Esq Thomas Townley, Esq Dr. Tyson, London Dr. Tod john Thane, Preb. of Chester Mr. Edmund Townley, A. M. Zachariah Taylor A. M. Mr. William Taylor Mr. Richard Thompson Mr. Benjamin Tooke Mr. Thomas Tatham U Mr. Thomas Vernon W The Earl of Warrington. Dr. john Wainright, DD. LL. The Reverend Dr. john Wallis Dr. Woodroff Dr. Wroe Dr. Willoughby, London Dr. Waterhouse john Ward of the inner Temple, Esq Laurence Walmsley Esq Bartholomew Walmsley, Esq Benjamin Walmsley, Esq john Wedgewood, Esq Gabriel Wood, Esq William Wooley of Derbsh. Esq Mr. Will. Ward, Vicar of Portsmouth Mr. Thomas Waltham Mr. Thomas Watson Mr. Westby Mr. Thomas Wareing Mr. Henry Wise Mr. Richmond Walton Mr. Evan Wall. Mr. Thomas Williamson Mr. Thomas Wilson Mr. Withers Mr. Whitehead Mr. Thomas Winkely Mr. Richard Walmsley of Showley Mr. joseph Walker Mr. Whitehead of Kirkham Mr. William Walbanck Y joseph Yates, Esq Charles Yarborough, M. B. Mr. Peter Yates Advertisement. I Thought it necessary to give this public notice to all that Subscribed to this Book, That several Impressions of Seals came to me, enclosed in Letters, but the Gentlemen who Writ them, mentioned not to whom each particular Coat belonged; for want of those Directions, I was obliged to omit several; but have left a Plate, and given Orders for the Engraving of them; So that if those Gentlemen be pleased to send an Impression of their Arms to Mr. Sturt, an Engraver, near the White-Lyon in Red-Cross-Street, in London, they may have their Arms Engraved; and that Plate annexed to the rest. Place this before the first Plate of the Arms. blaaon blaaon A New Map of LANCASHIRE, CHESHIRE & DERBYSHIRE, in which are Delineated most of the Towns, Rivers, Meers, & Places Relating to the Natural History of these Countries by Charles Leigh Doctor of Physic map of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire THE Natural History OF LANCASHIRE, CHESHIRE, AND THE PEAK in DERBYSHIRE. CHAP. 1. Of the Ancient Inhabitants, and of the Air in those Counties. LANCASHIRE, my Native Soil, hath its Denomination from Lancaster, the County Town, an Ancient Corporation, in which there are many and spacious Buildings: It is Situated upon the River Lune, of which I shall have occasion to treat hereafter. This Country was formerly Inhabited by the brigants, who settled behind the Mountains, towards the Western Ocean: From what Country these Men came is not very certain, (as Mr. Cambden affirms) some deriving them from Spain, others from the Alps, and a third sort giving them that Name from the Piracies they committed, as the French: However thus far we may conclude, They were a Warlike People, inhabiting amongst the Ancient Britain's; and the further Disquisition of that matter I leave to the Antiquaries, it being foreign to this Undertaking: Wherefore I shall hasten to the Natural History, and according to my designed Method, First, Treat of the natural and various Temperaments of the Air, and afterwards of the unusual Phaenomena which have happened in that Element. However before I leave the Ancient Inhabitants of this County, take a farther Account of them, given by that Learned and Eminent Antiquary, Mr. Hollingworth, once Fellow of the Collegiate-Church of Manchester, his Manuscript being now Reposited in the Public-library there. The Ancient Inhabitants (says he) of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Westmoreland, Cumberland and Durham, were the brigants, their chief City was York, sometimes called Brigantia: In Vespasian's Time, Petilius Cerialis struck a Terror into the whole Land, by Invading at his first Entry the brigants, the most populous of all the whole Provinces; many Battles, and some Bloody ones, were fought, and the greatest part of the brigants were either conquered or wasted. I dare not be positive in Matters of so abstruse a Nature, but my own Opinion is, That they Originally were Phoenicians; and this I shall in some measure endeavour to make out, from the Name of the Island in general, and the Phoenician Name of a River in these parts. As to the Island itself, as some have asserted, it was anciently called Bratanac, that word in the Phoenician Language signifying Tin, which was the chief product of the Isle they Trafficked in: However, tho' that may seem to admit of a debate, yet it is well known to be the Custom of the Eastern Nations to express themselves by Allegories, Metaphors, and concise Expressions, and so the Hypothesis is not irrational. As to the derivation of the word Britannia, it may thus be accounted for in another sense, Brit in the British Language signifies Paint, and all our Historians agree the Britain's were a painted People; and, as is imagined, made use of the Juice of Glastum or Woad, and the Land at that time probably had no other Name save that Monosyllable: But upon the Phoenicians arrival to Trade upon their Coasts, which chief they did in Cornwall, where the Tin Mines were discovered, and whose Inhabitants were called by the Greeks Cassiterides; it is very likely than their Weights, which were the Standards of Commerce, were made of Tin, Led perhaps not being then discovered. Hence, it may be, the Phoenician Merchants to the word Brit added anac, which in the Phoenician Language is Poise or Balance by which they Trade; nor do the Arabians differ much from that, styling it ana, which by an easy corruption may be reduced to Britannia. As to the brigants, it is reasonable to conclude, a greater part of them Phoenicians, a People of Syria, very industrious Improvers of Navigation, since we have a remarkable River in Lancashire called Ribbel, by Ptolemy styled Bellisama, which word undoubtedly he derived from the Phoenician words Belus and sama, signifying in that Language, the Moon, or Goddess of Heaven, she being supposed to have a particular Influence over Waters, and at that time the Deity they Adored. Hence it is evident, That before the Greeks Traded into Britain, the Phoenicians had been there, and no doubt discovered the greatest part of the Island: Since therefore a River in this Country, in those early days, retained a Phoenician Name, as the Greek Geographer Ptolemy makes it manifest it did, to me it seems an undeniable Conjecture to suppose, that that Name must be attributed to it from the People of that Country, viz. Phoenicia, that resided near it; probably in the pleasant and beautiful Town now styled Preston▪ To this we may introduce one reasonable Allegation more, That these People were of an Asiatic Origin, that is, from their manner of making War, which was in managing their Chariots, as the Eastern Nations practised, a Custom not made use of in any European Kingdom, save this Island only: This julius Caesar found upon his Invasion of the Isle, which way of Fight he had not met with, either in Germany, Gaul, Belgium, or other his conquered Countries. To these may be added the Reverse of a Roman Coin of Asia minor, which shows the Expertness of those People in Navigation, above all the World; which may still more easily induce us to believe, they were a great part of 'em a People of that Nation; but that will be explained in its proper place, viz. in the Chapter of Antiquities: However thus far we may venture to conjecture, since the asiatics were so great Masters of that Art, that they might easily Transplant themselves hither. For the further Confirmation of what is here laid down, I shall only produce one Instance more, and so close this Head. It is affirmed by Strabo, and several others, that the most Northern part of Britain was anciently styled Thule, which at this Day the Scots term Orkney, and the Latins Orcades. Now Thule being a Phoenician word, signifying Darkness, by an easy Train of Thought we may reasonably infer, the Phoenicians might give that Name to those Islands; either from the great Shadows of their Woods, which were then numerous, or the Shortness of their Days, many of which are but Five Hours. Since therefore we may reasonably suppose, the Phoenicians were in those more Northern parts, to me there appears no difficulty to conceive, how they might Transplant themselves into Lancashire, and other Counties Inhabited by the brigants. Having now accounted for that River styled by Ptolemy Bellisama, and likewise made it highly probable, that the Phoenicians were in those Parts, it remains in the last place, that I assign some Conjectures, why afterwards that River was called Ribbel. Concerning this the Suppositions are various, some deriving it from the Greek Verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, which to me seems irrational; since Bel, which is a Phoenician word, cannot be accounted for in the Greek Language. Others would make it British, but I do not see how in that Language that can be made out; since in British, Avon or Savon are the Names for River, which Words cannot bear any relation to Ribbel. Wherefore, with submission to the more Knowing in those Languages, it is my Thoughts, that since from the preceding Topics, we may reasonably infer the Phoenicians were in those Parts, and cohabited with the Britain's, who being a People of vast Industry and Experience in Navigation, might from their Neighbours, the Persians, with their Colonies, send hither several of that Country. The Persians, as well as they, in those Days Deified their Rivers, sometimes styling them Heaven, and the God and Goddess of Heaven: Wherefore Arribel in the Armenian Language (which is the Language commonly spoke in Persia) signifying Heaven, thence Ribbel may be accounted for, and not otherwise. So far as from the Harmony of Languages I am able to conjecture, the radical Letters in the Armenian Tongue, and in the River now styled Ribbel, being in a great measure the same; and the Rivers then, by those People, being sometimes styled Heaven, I do not see how that consent of Languages and History can be reconciled, but by supposing People from that Country inhabiting amongst the Britain's. The more clearly to illustrate, that the brigants were a mixed People of Phoenicians and Britain's, I shall produce but one Instance more, and upon that Head not further presume upon the Reader's Patience. The Instance is taken from a Rivulet, a Branch of that River before treated of, styled Ribbel; this Rivulet is at this day vulgarly styled Savig: Now ig in the British Language being a Diminutive to show the distinction betwixt a River and a Rivulet, which is therefore added to Avon, which in that Language signifies a River, Afonig and Savonig in the British Language signifying Rivulet, from thence may easily be accounted for the Name of that Rivulet now styled Savig: Since therefore in those Parts we find a mixture of Phoenician, Armenian and British Languages, we may thence make this reasonable Corollary, that those People lived together. And why they were styled brigants, I presume may be accounted for from Tacitus, who very likely might take 'em to be a People from Gaul or Belgium, that is, from the Brigantines Rovers and Pirates; since in those Countries, to this very time, the Vessels commonly made use of for expedite Sailing, are styled Brigantines'. The Air for the most part is mild, serene and healthful, excepting on the Fenny and Maritime parts of the County, where they are frequently visited with malignant and intermitting Fevers, Scurvies, Consumptions, Dropsies, Rheumatisms, and the like; occasioned by Sulphureous Saline Effluvia, sometimes extremely foetid, which I have frequently observed to be so, before the approaching of some extraordinary Storm; and it is most certain, the Inhabitants upon the Sea Coasts, from the hollow murmuring Noise, which is frequently heard from the Ocean, and the offensive Smells perceived from those Coasts, will make as early and certain a Prognostic of the Change of Wether, as the Modern Virtuosos can do by their Mercurial Tubes. It is observable, whilst this Noise is heard in the Ocean, the Surface of the Water is elevated after an unusual manner; and upon the subsiding of the Water it is observed, the Storm immediately succeeds: From which Phaenomena it is reasonable to conclude, the following Tempests to be occasioned by Eruptions from the Bowels of the Earth, struggling with that mighty Element, till they had forced their way through its immense Body, which afterwards flying about in the circumambient Atmosphere, frequently occasion tempestuous Commotions, and sometimes pestilential Distempers. These being the Phaenomena which are almost each Year observable, I hasten to more unusual Accidents; and, first, shall begin with those of Lightning and Thunder, and other Appearances in the Heavens. About Eight Years ago, in a small Village, called Elswick, upon a Sunday about Three of the Clock in the Afternoon happened a terrible Tempest of Lightning and Thunder, which produced very dismal Effects. The particulars of it were these: After several amazing Claps of Thunder, and dreadful Flashes of Lightning, at last struck through the Air a Blaze, not much unlike that of an artificial Serpent; it took its course into a Chimney, and beat down the Bricks outwardly, seemed to burst like a Squib upon the ground, and afterwards clouded the House with Fumes, which had exactly the smell of Sulphur. A Man lying in the Range of the Chimney, was Killed, and lay as if he had been sleeping; the Bench upon which he lay was split under him, and under that an Hound-Bitch Killed; near to him was sitting the Wife of the House, with a little Child upon her Knee, the Mother afterwards was wore away with the Fluor Albus, and the Child fell into the Rickets, which distorted the Spine, and after some Years, being confined to his Bed, died of that Distemper. Behind a Table several Persons were sitting, and from amongst Four or Five, only One was struck off his Seat into the midst of the Room, and was for some time Paralytic in his lower Parts; but I afterwards by a due Course of Physic, and Bleeding, and Blistering him immediately upon the Accident, restored him to his former Health. Another Gentleman sitting in a Chair near him was struck out of it, and lay upon the Ground in most violent Torture, in which I saw him; but by Bleeding and Blistering in some Days recovered him. In the outward Porch were sitting several Persons, and a young Man Killed out of the midst of 'em, none of the rest being Injured, or sensible of any Disturbance; only one Woman perceived a Waft, like a Gust of Wind, under her Coats, but received no damage. In the Rooms above I observed the following Phaenomena: The Chamber Door was thrown off the Hinges into the midst of the Room, the Curtains of the Bed were singed, and its two diagonal Posts split in pieces; the Windows, tho' fixed firm in a Brickwall, were forced from their stations, but no Glass broke; upon the outside of the Glass I observed a black Steam, which was insipid, and had no smell; the Brick Pillars, in which they were fixed, were pierced through with the Lightning, the Holes were about an Inch diameter, and seemed as if done Artificially. From these its plain the Matter of the Lightning was in part Sulphureous, and in this I am further confirmed by some Phaenomena communicated to me by several, who had made Voyages to the West-Indies, who do all affirm, that in those Parts are frequent and terrible Lightnings, in which dreadful Hours the Smell of Brimstone is very distinguishable; and sometimes upon their Hats, and the Decks of the Ships, they find perfect Brimstone collected. Wherefore it may suffice us Mortals, to be satisfied what is the material Cause of Lightning and Thunder; but Mechanically to explain how they produce these wonderful Effects, I do judge is not in the Power of Human Understanding: But in general, by the Symptoms in the Instances recited, we may conclude, there was a total Dissipation of the Animal Spirits, and a Coagulation of the Blood: Wherefore Bleeding and Epispastics, if any thing be to be done, must certainly be the Method that ought to be taken. Many more Instances of this kind might be produced, but it has never been my Temper to swell a Book with unnecessary Quotations, or to transgress so far upon the Reader, as to tyre out his Patience with Instances of Authors tending to the same purpose; unless something occurred, that might clearly and fully evidence the Truth of an Hypothesis, or some wise conduce to the Good of Mankind: If therefore this History be comprised in a smaller Volume, than perhaps some might expect, let such be satisfied 'tis for the Reasons alleged; and as that hitherto has been, so shall still continue my Resolution. Mock-Suns, or Parhelii, and Moon-Bows have been observed in this Country; but as they have not happened in this Generation I shall pass them over, and proceed to give an Account of some Damps which Infect the Air, in which no Creature can live. It is observable in several Cellars, especially against hot Wether, a suffocating Damp arises out of the Earth, this is usually most violent when any Quantity of strong Liquors are fermenting; in this I have seen Candles extinguished, Creatures rendered Lethargic, Asthmatical, and their Tongues lolling out and salivating, and Boys thrown into Swoonings or Deliquiums. The time I stayed in the Damp, which exceeded not one Minute, I found a very unaccountable Chillness seize my Spirits, and was sensible of an universal Weakness, was deeply Asthmatical, and could abide it no longer: This is removed by Opening the Cellar-Windows, and putting Fires into the Place, which will not Burn till Vent first be given. Of this I shall have occasion to treat more fully in the Discourse of Mineral Damps, wherefore shall in this place pass it over. The next things remarkable are Hailstones, of which the Year 1697. afforded us a pregnant Instance. The Wind blowing high at Northwest, happened a violent Storm of Hail, several Stones were Nine Inches in circumference, others were Six, Seven and Eight. In this Storm several Rooks were Killed in their Nests; some Hares upon their Seats; vast Quantities of Glass broke, and all Kind's of Cattle in a general Consternation. Before the Storm happened, several Birds were taken up, never before that time seen in these Parts; from this its probable to conjecture, the Tempest arose from the more remote Northern Climes, and spent itself when it came into a warmer Climate, but was driven by the Wind: For it was observable, it was almost forced directly cross the County, in a direct line from the Sea Coasts. Allowing Nitrous, Saline Particles to be the Cause of Snow and Hail, it is easy to solve the rest of the Phaenomena, by alleging a greater quantity of those Particles collected in the Atmosphere, at those times, when these Storms invaded us: Wherefore I shall not form unnecessary Schemes of Reasoning upon that matter, but proceed to what I next design; and that is to give an Account of the various Alterations observed in Quicksilver, upon its Surface in the different Tempers of the Air, and shall then close this Chapter. The Learned Mr. boil, in his Hydrostatic Experiments, and Linus and Torricellius in theirs, upon Tops, and at the Bottoms of Mountains, have sufficiently demonstrated, by the Quicksilver ascending the higher, by how much the more it was immersed in Water; and likewise by rising higher in the Valleys, than on the Tops of Mountains: The ascending of it in the Weather-glasses to be by pressure, the weight of the Atmosphere in those Cases being much greater, and consequently the pressure more. To these I shall add what has been observed by our Learned Warden, the Revd Dr. Wroe, who for several Years has kept an exact Diary of the Weatherglass: He always observed the Quicksilver, upon its ascending, to alter its Surface, insomuch as in very dry Wether to become perfectly Convex; and upon an Alteration of the Air to a wet Temper, to alter to a plain Surface, and in extreme wet Wether to a perfect Concave, the Mercurial Particles hanging on the sides of the Glass: By this it should seem, that besides the Ascent made by the Pressure, there is another also made by the intestine Fermentation of the Quicksilver; and in this I am the farther confirmed, since Quicksilver in Glass Tubes Hermetically Sealed, has been observed to Rise and Fall; which could not be, was the Ascent by Pressure wholly upon the Surface of the Quicksilver contained in the Cup. Another thing remarkable in the Air, is the exposing openly dried Leaves of Tobacco, which in the hottest Days do soon grow Moist; for which no other Reasons can be assigned, but the Exhalations in hot Wether are far greater, and consequently the aqueous Particles more numerously ranged in the Atmosphere: And this I take to be the reason why the Drops of Rain are then usually larger; and perhaps, for the same reason, the Bigness of Hailstones may in some measure be solved. CHESHIRE, a County Palatine, and amongst other Things, Famous for its Earls, who had a Palatine Jurisdiction belonging to them; and all the Inhabitants held of them as in Chief, and were under a Sovereign Allegiance and Fealty to them, as they to the KING. This County was anciently Inhabited by part of the Cornavii: The Air there may be said to be more Healthful and Mild than in Lancashire, this County not so much abounding with Fens, Salt-Marshes and Mosses: What is said more of the Air in Lancashire, may serve as to this Place; and as to its farther Antiquities, the following Account may be added. According to Sir Thomas eliot, the First Name given to this City was Neomagus, so called from Magus Son of Samothes, Son of japhet, its Founder, (see Lambert pag. 17th) about 240 Years after the Flood. Were this Account true, for aught I know it may stand in Competition with the most antique City in the Universe. Its Second Name was Caerleon, (see Albion Mareoticus) so nominated from Leon Vaur or Gaver; who, as some will have it, was a Giant in Albion, and One of its Restorers. The reason of this Conjecture I suppose may, in some measure, be grounded upon the following History, i. e. upon a Giant's Skull being dug up in Pepper-street, with the rest of the Bones. Upon the Britain's coming over and settling there, it was afterwards called Caerleil; and afterwards Caerleir, because these Two British Kings were Enlargers and Beautifiers of it, according to jackson, Stow, and others. Before the Arrival of the Romans here, it is probable this City was called Genuina or Gunia, as will more fully appear from the Inscription of a Votive Altar, dug up in this City, and Dedicated to jupiter Tanar, that is, in the Welsh Language, the Thunderer; which language it is likely the Romans might make use of in this Inscription, to demonstrate their Conquests over the Britain's. After the Romans had fixed here their conquering Legion, styled Valens & Victrix, it was then styled Caerlheon; Caerlegion, or as 'tis otherwise commonly called, Ardourdwy; and Caer by way of Excellence, as Mr. Cambden observes, to distinguish it from the other Caerleon, or Caerusk, in South Wales. The Latin Historians style it Cestria, that is, a Castris which the Romans had fixed there; and Leincestria, that is, the City of the Legions. It has likewise been styled (as is evident from the Roman Tiles dug up there) Deunana, Deva, and Devana Civitas; and these Names I presume to be attributed to it from its Proximity to the River Dee. In later Ages it was styled Legan-Chester, Lege-Cestre; but in these Days West-Chester, or Chester, as the Greeks express it, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that is, to denote its Preference to Dorchester, or Rochester. By Ptolemy it is sometimes called Oxcellum, Uxcellum, Plegimundham, and Leogria, or Locrine's Land; of which the Three first denote no more (as Hollingshed observes in the First Volume of his Chronicles of England) than a Rock, an Island, or Place of strong Defence; by which we may easily observe, that this was the Boundary of King Locrinus' Kingdom Westward: This was the chief City of the Ordovices before the coming in of the Romans, (as most of our ancient Historians do affirm) those People were the Inhabitants of North Wales. The Greatness of this ancient City is still the more conspicuous, from those stately Remains of its Ruins: I mean the subterraneous Vaults in Cellars through Freestone Rock; the Entrances into them are ranged into several Angles, and by what I can learn from the Descriptions of the Catacombs in Italy, we may reasonably conclude, these to have been made for the same purpose. This Instance sufficiently demonstrates the Greatness of the Roman Power at Chester; and likewise, that it is probable, since by their Conquering Legion there, they had Blocked up the Britain's in Wales, that they were resolved, not only to keep Incorporated while living, but likewise to preserve even their very Ashes together. In these Passages have been found several Roman Coins, as I have been informed, which more fully illustrates these Vaults to have been Heathen, and not those subterraneous Passages made use of by the Monks, which may be observed in various Monasteries. This may be seen in a Cellar in Bridge-street, belonging to Mr. john Minshull. DERBYSHIRE was anciently Inhabited by the Coritani, who these were, as well as the Cornavii, is uncertain. The Air in the Peak of that Country, is more subject to Rains and Winds than in Lancashire and Cheshire; and it's not unpleasant to see the Clouds riding after the sides of the Mountains, which by dashing upon them are frequently forced down in Showers; and by the sudden Rarefaction of the Meteors in the Air, penned up betwixt the Hills and the Clouds, and getting vent in the spaces betwixt the Hills, I think may fairly illustrate, why Winds are in those Parts so frequent; but this will be more easily conceived, if we consider those Artificial Winds, which are made by an Aeolipile; which Instrument it was, gave me the first hint of Dulcifying Salt-Water, which Experiment I showed to the University of Oxford, some Years before Mr. Fitz-Gerald had a Patent for doing it; who Communicated this Experiment to him I know not, but it's most certain it was not his own. Having now given Account of what is most remarkable in the Air, I shall proceed to consider the next Element, and that is Water. But before I enter upon that, must beg leave to add Two remarkable Observations. The first is to illustrate the Elasticity of the Atmosphere: The second is a Description of a Noted Echo at Norton-Hall in Cheshire, the Seat of my Honoured Kinsman Sr. Richard Brooke, Baronet. The first was Communicated to me, and Experimented by Christopher Dauson of Langcliff in the County of Yorkshire, Esq which he did in the following manner. At the Bottom of a prodigious high Hill called Engleborough in Yorkshire, he took a Bladder about a quarter blown, and tied the Neck of it very close; as he ascended the Hill the Cylinders of the Atmosphere growing shorter, and consequently pressing less upon the sides of the Bladder, the internal Air expanded itself so far, that when he came to the Top of the Mountain it was fully blown, and as he descended the Hill again, gradually subsided, so that at his coming to the Bottom it was but a quarter blown as at first; from which Phaenomenon the Elasticity, or Spring of the Air, is manifestly evident. At Norton in Cheshire there is a remarkable Echo, where at about 60 Yards distant from the Hall Stairs, the sound of a Flute can scarce be discerned, but may be heard exactly in an opposite Gate about 30 Yards from the Place abovementioned; but moving some Six Yards further, in a direct line towards the opposite Gate, the Sound than vanishes from the said Gate, but may then be very clearly heard from the Place where the Instrument is sounded: The Sound is doubtless reverberated from the first Gatehouse, and then repercussed again by the opposite Gatehouse, and forms a Triangle, as near as I could think, by the opposite and parallel Stations: I observed by distinguishing the sound in this, the sphere of Activity in Perception is evident, and cannot be more aptly compared to any thing, than that of Sight; in which to have a true Idea of an Object, a due distance is necessary, both as to Proximity and Remoteness, otherwise the Object is not adequately discerned; as we may observe by holding any Object too near, or too remote from the Organ. To these may be added an Experiment no less diverting, from Two Chemical Preparations, e. g. From Spirit of Hartshorn, and Elixir of Vitriol, prepared by Vigani. Open Two distinct Vials of these, neither of them will emit any visible Effluvia; but by bringing the Glasses near to each other, you may then perceive a continued Cloud hang over them. I do not remember the like Phaenomenon to be observed from any other Two Liquors in distinct Vials; which Experiment may demonstrate to us, the strange Propensity there is in Matter to separate or unite; but it is most probable, the Volatile Alkalious Particles of the Hartshorn, and the Volatile Acids of the Elixir, even in the Air, by their Points and Pores united, by their magnitude become visible, which before could not be discerned separately: And this I think is the first Experiment that presents us with a Fermentation hover in the Air, and likewise demonstrates to us abundantly, how Saline Particles may, and do invisibly float in the Atmosphere; but are undiscernible, till concreting into Moleculae, and adapted to the Figures of the several Pores of their distinct Oars, where they form Efflorescences; this granted, it will be no difficult matter to account for Renascences of Salts, and may likewise hint to us, how by such Concretions of Saline Particles, Distempers are frequently caused in Animals. I have in some Persons in acute Distempers, ordered the Patient to hold his Finger upon a Thermometer, or small Glass Tube, impleted with Spirit of Wine; but perceived nothing further remarkable, than a quick and considerable Ascent, which I might have expected from the like degree of Heat in any other Body. These following Observations of the Barometer, were Communicated very lately to me, by Mr. Prideaux near Ludgate-hill in London, which take as follows. It is evident, that the Ascent of Mercury in the Barometer, is in a great measure made by pressure; but whether that pressure be from the circumambient Atmosphere, upon the superficies of the Mercury contained in the Glass, in which a Tube containing Mercury is immersed; or from the various Elasticities of the Air, that implete the Top of the Tube, is the next Thing that merits our Enquiry. For my part I cannot but adhere to the latter Hypothesis, since the subsequent Experiments seem to demonstrate it: As first, Let there be immersed a Mercurial Tube, in another of a larger size, containing Quicksilver; the smaller Tube is to be annexed to the end of a Trabea, the opposite end of which is balanced by a Weight or Pondus, that keeps those Two in Aequilibrio; so that the smallest pressure upon the Superficies of the Mercury, contained in the larger Tube, in which the small One is immersed, depresses it; thence it must necessarily follow, as the Mercury in the smaller Tube ascends, the larger must subside, and alter the Equilibrium, were the pressure upon the Superficies of the Mercury contained in the Dish. The contrary of which is Matter of Fact: For as the Mercury in the small Tube ascends, the Balance rises at the same Time, which it could not possibly do, were the pressure upon the Superficies of the Quicksilver, contained in the larger Tube, but a different Phaenomenon must necessarily have followed. Besides it is evident, that a Mercurial Tube, immersed in a Cup, containing Quicksilver, does not considerably ascend so high in the Tube, as the Quicksilver in a Tube of the same Length and Diameter, suspended in the Air: The Reason is, the Air contained in the Top of the Tube, has only that Mercury, contained within the small Tube to raise, and not that contained in the Dish, which doubtless must clog its Spring, or Elasticity. To these may be added a Third Experiment, and that is, Let Two Tubes of equal Size and Diameter, be immersed in Two Cups containing Mercury; the one a plain simple Tube, the other in the form of a Bicornu; at the Top of this last the Mercury ascends considerably higher than in the former; the Reason is plain, because the Elasticity of the Air in the Bicornu, is double to that in the single Tube. Now were the Ascent of the Mercury occasioned by the pressure of the circumambient Air, upon the Superficies of the Quicksilver, contained in the Dish, its Ascent in the Two different Tubes would be the same; the contrary of which is Matter of Fact. Any of the Curious may any Day see these, and many other Observations at the aforesaid Gentleman's House. I could wish the Gentleman, for his ingenious Experiments, by an Assent of the Learned to his Hypothesis, might receive his due Honour: Or that our Modern Virtuosos, because the Notion is New, would not, but upon solid Reasons, endeavour to explode it. The most material Argument against it is, that of Bladders carried up to the Tops of Mountains; but supposing the Air to be Thinner at the Bottom of the Mountain, than it generally is at the Top, and consequently the Spring of the Air not so clogged, which I am positive is true, that Objection vanishes; wherefore I shall not expatiate further on this Topick, but leave every Man to his own Conjecture. CHAP. II. In which is accounted for, Waters remarkable for their Levity, those that have their Flux and Reflux; Mineral Waters of all sorts, those that have been thought to Transude through Glass Bottles; Subterraneous Eruptions, and the most Remarkable Rivers and Ponds. AS these Counties are more subject to Rains, than some of the more Inland Ones, they likewise afford us greater Variety of Waters, than any One; or indeed, than all the Counties in England. The most Remarkable are, either Ponds, which they vulgarly call Meers, Rivers, or Springs. The most Noted Ponds are only Two, and both of them called by the Name of Martin-mere: The Larger of which is now Drained by that Ingenious Gentleman, and Generous Undertaker, Thomas Fleetwood of the Bank, Esq and will, no doubt, turn to his extraordinary Advantage, Part of it being a fat, muddy Soil, and containing a great Quantity of Marle. It's Circumference is about Eighteen Miles, its Diameter Two: In it were found great Quantities of Fish, as Roach, Eels, Pikes, Perch, Bream, and the like. Upon the Dreining of this Mere were found, no less than Eight Canoes, in Figure and Dimensions not much unlike those used in America: And in a Morass in Sawick, about Nine Miles distant from the Mere, was taken up a Stone, not unlike a sort of Whetstone, tho' different from any other Stone I yet saw; and with it an Instrument of a mixed Metal, resembling the Securis, or Roman Sacrificing-Ax, tho' somewhat less; nor unlike that which the Native Indians of Old used, formed of Stone, in making Hollow their Canoes after Burning, and in Barking their Trees, which they call a Tomahoke; how therefore, in these Places, these came to be lodged, is next to be enquired into. As to the Kind's of Boats the Ancient Britain's made use of, we have only this Tradition from julius Caesar, that they used Wicker-Boats covered with Hides, that his Ships of War and Galleys were an unknown Terror to the Inhabitants here. He likewise tells us, the Britain's on the the Maritime Coasts, Traded to Belgium and Gallia, by which he probably means, Holland, Flanders, etc. that their Buildings were very Eminent, their Manners, Customs and Politeness, like their transmarine Neighbours; that they made use of Brass Imported, that Iron was a Product of the Country, but in small quantity; but that Lead was discovered in the Inland Counties, and so proceeds. As to these Canoes, One of which had some Plates of Iron upon it, 'tis my Opinion, they were made use of by the Ancient Britain's in Fishing these Meers, and passing Rivers; not that the Inhabitants were so long in forming them, by burning them hollow, and shaping them with sharp Stones, as the Americans were, before the European Metals came amongst them; which as the Missionaries inform us, with One of our Instruments, could in One Day dispatch as much as in Six Months before. The Britain's doubtless had the Use of Iron, etc. and were furnished with it from the Maritime Ports, and they from the foreign Merchants; these Canoes might probably be sunk here, that they might be rendered of no Advantage to the Romans, when the Natives were forced to quit their Habitations, by their prevailing Arms; nor can I imagine these an Effect of the Deluge, neither the Metal Instrument, nor Stone found in the forementioned Moss, but that they further confirm what I shall make out afterwards, that Morasses Vegetate, and that they proceed and increase from the Plants that grow upon them; and notwithstanding the Subterraneous Trees found there, tho' we consent to omit them in the Argument, there are yet so many others of different Species, together with Marine Shells, and other Exotic Exuviae, found many Yards in Marle in the Inland Counties, that without supposing Morasses to proceed from the Deluge, as many contend, they may fairly and fully be otherwise accounted for. As to the Instrument and Stone, they might casually be lost there, and lie absconded for successive Generations. I had almost slipped one thing, which may give us a clear Idea of the Greatness and Difficulty of this noble and useful Enterprise, the Dreining of this remarkable Mere, in effecting of which there were sometimes no less than two Thousand Hands at once employed; so that to surmount all the natural and artificial Oppositions of the Work, there was highly needful a Person of so generous and piercing a Spirit, and so extraordinary a Temper, as the worthy and successful Undertaker. Besides these sorts of Canoes, it is unquestionably true the Britain's made use of another kind of Boats, the use of which proved of great Service to julius Caesar, as we find in the first Book, de Bello Civili, cap. 11. for when he had pitched his Tents betwixt Sicoris and Cinga, two Rivers in Spain, over which he had the Convenience of two Bridges, a sudden Inundation broke them both down, and overflowing the Banks, cut off all Communication betwixt his Foragers that were sent out, and his Friends marching to his Assistance, and his distressed Army. He was reduced to great Extremity, nor could he possibly repair the Bridges, by all the Efforts he made, the Opposition of the Enemy's Cohorts were so vigorous on the other side. His last Refuge was for building these light Boats, the use of which he had learned in Britain, and which proved of high Advantage to his perishing Army: Imperat militibus (says Caesar) ut naves faciant, cujus generis eum annis superioribus usus Britanniae docuerat. Carinae primum ac statumina, ex levi materia fiebant: reliquum corpus navium, viminibus contextum, coriis integebatur. And Lucan, speaking of the same thing, expresses himself thus, lib. 4. ver. 130. Utque habuit ripas Sicoris, camposque reliquit, Primum cana salix madefacto vimine parvam Texitur in puppim, caesoque inducta juvenco Vectoris patiens tumidum superenatat amnem. Sic Venetus stagnante Pado, fusoque Britannus Navigat Oceano: sic cum tenet omnia Nilus, Conseritur bibula Memphitis cymba papyro. The Commentator upon the Place quotes Pliny, lib. 4. c. 16. Ad eam Britanni vitilibus navigiis corio circumsutis navigare. From the whole it may seem probable the Britain's upon the Ocean might make use of their Wicker-Boats, in Meers and standing Waters of their Canoes. Lucan's Verses may be thus rendered: Caesar the Champain leaves and spreading Ground, When Sicoris Waves his daring Troops surround; The twisting Willows to the Keel he joins, And reeking Hides cement and close their Lines: Proud of their Crews, they waft them to the Shore; Such Venice knows, such Britain taught before, Such Boats has Nile itself to Memphis bore. The other Mere is about Two Miles in Length, and One in Breadth; and is famous for Pearches, and vast quantities of Fowls, as Curlews, Curleyhilps, Wild-Ducks, Wild-Geese, and Swans, which are there sometimes in great Numbers: There was killed upon that Water an Asper, of which I prepared the Oil, but did not find that it answered the Character generally given of it for taking of Fish. These Meers lie in low Grounds, have Rivulets or little Rivers, that discharge themselves into them, and having but little Vent out, form themselves into these large Area's. In the Mere that was drained were found great Numbers of Fir Stocks, and Fir-apples; so that Mr. Cambden is certainly mistaken, when he asserts those Stocks not to be really Sirs, but other Woods only made Resinous by a Bituminous Earth, in which they have been lodged, as is commonly conjectured, since the noted Deluge; however the Woods might be altered, its certain the Apples could not belong to any other Tree: But I shall have occasion to treat more fully of these, when I come to treat of the Mosses. The Rivers of most Note are, the Mersey, Ribbel, Lune, and Wire; the Dee and the Dove in Cheshire and Derbyshire. Mersey runs by Warrington anciently remarkable for its Lords, the Butlers, who obtained for it the Privilege of a Market-Town in Edward the First's Time; and is now a Town famous for its Trade and Market, where I think I may safely affirm, Maulting is brought to as great Perfection as at Derby, or elsewhere, the Liquors brewed from it being no ways inferior to the most noted Alice in England. From Warrington the Mersey grows broader, and soon after contracts itself again, but at last opens into a wide Mouth very Commodious for Trade; and then runs into the Sea near Leverpool, a Town formerly but mean, but now the Third Seaport of England, and as well Built as any I have seen. In this River are taken vast quantities of Sparlings, or Smelts, a Fish remarkable for its Smell, as well as Tast. Ribbel, called anciently Bellisama, has its Rise from amongst the Mountains in Yorkshire, and runs by Ribchester and Preston; from thence grows wider, and in the Meals empties itself into the Sea. This River affords us plenty of Salmon, Codfish, Flounder, Turbut and Plaise; but a River by reason of its Sands, very unfit for Trading. The Lune, (from what will hereafter be observed, may take its Name from Luna, the Moon or the Goddess of Heaven) runs by Lancaster, and arises from the Mountains in Westmoreland: Upon this River is a noted Salmon-Fishing, the best I have eat any where, and is very Commodious for Trading, which is there now blooming. Wire issues from the Mountains in Wiresdale, runs not far from a Market-Town called Poulton, as Commodious for Trading as any of the rest: This River affords us a Pearl-Fishing, which are frequently found in large Muscles, called by the Inhabitants Hambilton-Hookins, from their manner of taking them, which is done by plucking them from their Skeers or Beds with Hooks; but of these I shall have occasion to treat more fully, when I come to speak of Shell-fish, and the Germination of Pearls. The River Dee is the most Noted in Cheshire, in Latin called Deva, as appears by the Roman Tiles dug up there, upon some of which are these Letters in Roman Characters, COLL. DEVA LEG. XX. V V. In British it is called Dyfyrdwy, as springing from two Fountains in Wales, from which some believe it had its Denomination, dwy in the British Language signifying Two: Others say those words signify black Water; but why that Epithet should be applied to this River, I see no ground for it, the River being large and open, and the Water clear and pellucid. Some allege these Words signify a divine Water, and hence a Fountain sacred to the Gods was called Divona; and upon some Roman Tiles dug up at Chester I have seen that word in Roman Characters: Nor is this Conjecture altogether improbable, since in those Days divine Honours were paid to Rivers, as Gildas informs us, the Thessalians paid them to Peneus, upon account of its Pleasantness; the Scythians to Ister, for its Largeness; the Germans to the Rhine, because it was their Judge in Cases of Jealousy betwixt Married Persons. It is said moreover of this River Dee, it seemed Holy to the Christian Britain's, for when they were drawn up in Order of Battle, ready to engage the Saxons, they first kissed the Earth, then devoutly drank of this Water, in Memory of the Blood of their Holy Saviour. The River Dove in Derbyshire, called so by the Inhabitants from its Transparency, I imagine, as resembling the silver Feathers of that Bird, is remarkable for a Fish called the Grailing, and likewise Trout said to be the best in England. It runs for the greatest part through a Limestone, which renders its Water so fertile a Manure, that even in Winter the Meadows on both sides of it appear fresh and green; and if it overflows them in the Spring, like another Nile, it enriches them: In Commemoration of which high Improvements, the People have this Saying: In April Dove's Flood Is worth a King's Good. But of this River in a far loftier Strain the Ingenious Charles Cotton Esq writes; for by his witty Flights on these Streams, one would rather conclude they washed the Banks of Helicon, than the rugged, unpolished Mountains in Derbyshire. This River swells sometimes so much in twelve Hours time, to the great terror of the Inhabitants, that it carries down their Sheep and other Cattle; yet in the same Compass of Time falls again, and returns to its old Mounds; whereas the Trent, when it overflows its Banks, keeps the Fields in float four or five Days: these Reasons are manifest; because in one the Country is Mountainous, the other is a large extended Flat. This River runs to Ulcester seated upon an Hill of easy Ascent, where it draws to the Trent; it inclines towards Tutbury-Castle formerly very large, and also called Stutesbury, commanding as it were the lower Country by its high Situation on an Alabaster-Hill, where there is a little Monastery built by Henry de Feriers, a Noble Norman, to whom William the First gave large Possessions hereabouts; but they were all lost by Robert de Feriers, Earl of Derby, upon his Second Revolt from Henry the Third. There are now Proposals for making the River Dee Navigable, which, if effected, will doubtless be very advantageous to that ancient City, where that Honourable Legion, viz. the Twentieth was fixed, styled by the Romans, Valens Victrix, which was of those by Tacitus termed Emeriti or Veterani. Having done with the Meers and Rivers, according to my proposed Method I come now to treat, first, Of the Springs, not properly to be called Mineral-Waters, but yet remarkable, either for their Lightness, Coldness, Perspiration, Flux and Reflux; and of these some are continual, others at certain Seasons, as after wet Wether, and some are remarkable for throwing up several Marine Shells. Secondly, of Mineral-Waters, and the various Kind's of these, with an Account of their Principles and Uses; and of those, these Counties afford us a great Variety. Near to a Noble Seat called Ashton-Hall about two Miles from Lancaster, which Seat is now in Possession of the Rt Honble the Lady Gerrard of Bromley, from a white Marle issues a pleasant and smooth Water remarkable for its agreeable Taste and Lightness: This Water is lighter by an Ounce in a Pint than any I have seen in these Parts. Now all Waters containing more or less of Earthly Particles, and in the various Consistencies and Quantities of those, differing one from another in Gravity; it may be imagined this Water to receive its Oily Taste and Lightness from the white Marl, that being an Oily and light Body, and the best Tillage this Country affords. A Spring remarkable for its Perspiration is that near Stalo-Bridge in Cheshire: This Water, if put into a Glass Bottle closely Corked, will force its way through the Pores of the Glass; or the Water by emitting cold Effluvia upon the external Superficies of the Glass condenses the aqueous Particles of the Air, and so forms that Dew, or Sweat so often observable there: For my part, considering how difficult it is for any Menstruum whatever to penetrate the Pores of Glass, nay even for Air itself, as is sufficiently evidenced by the Experiments in the Air Pump: I must own my assent to the latter; and this may be farther illustrated by the Dews upon Bottles in Wine-Cellars, which are wholly insipid, and consequently cannot be spirituous Liquor that perspires through the Pores, but the aqueous Particles of the Air there condensed. Springs remarkable for their Coldness in these Countries we have none, save One near Larbrick, which is a Water extremely Cold, and of which I shall treat in its proper place; this Water is the Coldest I have seen in these Parts, and may no doubt answer the ends performed by that of St. Mungus in Yorkshire. We have only One Spring that Ebbs and Flows, and that is called Tideswell in the Peak in Derbyshire, tho' nothing so Noted as that near Gigleswig in Yorkshire, where I have seen the Water to ebb and flow several times in an Hour; and always upon the subsiding of the Water, heard a gutling Noise within the Mountain, not unlike that obvious to us in pouring Liquors out of Bottles, only it is much louder; Conjectures about this Flux and Reflux are various, some imagining it to be caused by the return of a Stone, that in an Aqueduct hangs in aequilibrio, as the Learned Mr. Hobbs; others that a large Receptacle filled with Water by subterraneous Winds from the opposite part is blown over, as LeGrand and others of the French Virtuosos. Tho' Mr. Hobbs' Hypothesis seems to carry the greater stress of Reason along with it, yet at the same time if we consider the Effects Water has upon Stone, upon which it continually falls, or runs over, in diminishing its Superficies, or overturning those of a prodigious Bigness upon Floods, or other Eruptions, it will be as difficult to conceive, how a Stone should be so exactly poised in an Aqueduct so long a space of time as this must needs have been, so as to occasion a Flux and Reflux of the Waters, as is observable in these Fountains. Wherefore I shall venture to form a different Hypothesis, and that it may be performed with all the Perspicuity so dark a matter will admit, in the first place I will describe the Spring, and its situation, as exactly as I remember. The most noted Spring of this Nature is at Gigleswig in Yorkshire, as abovementioned: The Well lies at the Bottom of a Mountain of a considerable Height, and is almost contiguous to a great Road betwixt Settle, Lancashire, and Westmoreland. The Diameter of the Spring, as I think, is about a Yard, and the Perpendicular near the same dimension: The Flux and Reflux is not always certain being sometimes only once, again twice, sometimes thrice an Hour; and I think the Water upon the Flux may subside about three quarters of a Yard, and then you always hear an hollow gutling Noise within the Mountain, as is above recited: From these Phaenomena it seems reasonable to conjecture, that within the Mountain is a considerable Cavity impleted with Air, from which the Aqueducts that form the Spring run; and that those and their Exits are but small, and it is very probable from this Cavity they do not run in direct, but spiral Lines like those in a Worm used in Distillation: Now when the Water that ascends out of the Earth, which composes these Springs, reaches this Cavity, they must necessarily, as it fills gradually, press the Air into the spiral Aqueducts, and force it forward to the end of the Aqueduct; it is there then obstructed by the Water in the Well, only a little Air and Water getting vent raises gradually the Spring; the Dust still continues to fill higher and higher with Water, till at length by its Gravity the Air is forced through, and then it is the Flux happens, and the hollow gutling Noise is heard, occasioned undoubtedly by the external Air rushing in, and struggling with the Water to supply the Cavity of the Mountain, which is now discharged of that Water, but still impleted with Air; it is now the Flux ceases, and again renews as before, and so it reciprocally succeeds. Such spiral Aqueducts I have frequently observed in the Mountains in Derbyshire, particularly near Tideswell, where that other Spring ebbs and flows, hence it seems rational the same may be here also: However here is not any thing dogmatically asserted, nor am I so bigoted to this Hypothesis, but can easily quit it when any more reasonable is offered, and more exactly quadrates with the Phaenomena of these Springs. Now as these Aqueducts are more or less Spiral, or of different Dimensions from the Sinus within the Mountain impleted with Air; or as the Spring that fills the Dust with Water is but easy, or rapid, so its probable the Flux and Reflux becomes so uncertain, for in some it flows not once in several Hours, as in that called Tideswell, the Water perhaps being sometimes diverted by other Aqueducts, and reaches not the Cavity or Sinus within the Mountain; this may happen by several accidents, as the falling in of Earth, or Pebbles, which for a time may divert the common course of the Spring, till by a continual currency it forces its passage again. Several Springs we have which are only at certain Seasons, as some near the Manor in Furness, these are occasioned by Rains, or an hazy Atmosphere. At this Abbey are the most stately Ruins I have any where observed, as most beautiful Pillars, spacious Windows, noble Arches, and subterraneous Vaults. Near this place is a considerable Salmon Fishing, and a large Park, in which are variety of Deer, as Red, Fallow and White, and is by much the most curious Seat in these Parts: It was formerly possessed by Sir Thomas Preston, who quitted it; and as I have been informed, is one of the Religious, and amongst them one of the meanest Order: But is now possessed by the noble and virtuous Lady Madam Katherine Preston, Daughter and Heiress of Thomas Preston of Holker Esq. Tho' this Digression be foreign to a Natural History, yet I hope the Reader will pardon it, since I could not well pass by so considerable a Building. Some Waters we have which cast up Marine Shells, as Latham Spa did formerly; but that being troublesome to the Drinkers has been prèvented by laying Millstones upon the Spring, so that the Sand and Shells cannot boil up so high as formerly: This is one of the best sorts of Vitriolic Chalybeates, and is remote from the Sea, or any Salt Rivers; whence therefore these Shells come may be worth our enquiry, and a clear decision of that may farther illustrate those other Marine Shells found in Marle; as the Echini, Cochleae, Torculars, Whilks and Periwinkles, of which I have great Numbers by me, and took them myself out of firm Marl at three Fathom deep, some being entire, others broken, but all soft and friable, yet grew hard as Coral being exposed to the Air. The Decision of this Phaenomenon in a great measure depending upon the Origin of Fountains, I think it a pardonable digression, if I a little expatiate on that subject before we descend to the particular Case. Springs by the French Virtuosos are supposed to flow from the Dews, Rains and Mists imbibed in the Earth, and afterwards formed into various Currents, which are those we commonly call Springs: Now this being a Notion inconsistent with Reason I cannot adhere to it; for were this Hypothesis true, it would hence follow in the various Seasons of the Year, as Summer and Winter, they would vary very much in their Currents as to quantity, which in several Springs is not discernible. Secondly, Several Springs are found in Mines in the Bowels of the Earth, deeper than the Dews and Rains are supposed to descend. Thirdly, Some Countries abound with Springs where Dews and Rains are never known to fall; from all these it is evident continual Springs can never be imagined to be caused by Rains and Dews; it remains therefore that they either proceed from the Ocean, or a subterraneous Abyss: The latter of these the Learned Dr. Woodward adheres to, and could such a thing be made out, his Hypothesis would be undeniable; but such a thing as an Abyss being no where to be discovered in Nature, and that what Notions we have of it are only from Moses that divine Philosopher: In what sense the inspired Legislator might take the Abyss we pretend not to determine, whether the Ocean in general, or a subterraneous collection of Waters equal to it, and keeping a Communication with it, as Dr. Woodward supposes: Wherefore we rather assert what the great Aristotle supposes concerning Springs, that they have their Rise from the Sea; of this Caesar had a clear Demonstration when he Invaded this Island, and Encamped upon the Sea Coasts, where by digging in the Sands he was instantly supplied with a sufficient quantity of fresh Water, which by filtering through the Sand became sweet the saline Particles sticking in the Sand. A Phaenomenon like to this was observed when that great General Duke Schomberg Encamped upon a Plain called the Melts near Hile-Lake: This granted then that Springs have their Rise from the Ocean, it is easy to imagine how they may bring up Marine Shells, and unless this be allowed, I think the Phaenomenon cannot otherwise be fairly illustrated; but how this becomes a Mineral Water is from the Mineral Bass from which it springs. Against this Hypothesis there remains yet one material Objection, viz. If Fountains have their Rise from the Sea, how comes it to pass that there are Springs upon the Tops of Mountains, which are higher than the Sea, since it is evident from Hydrostatic Experiments Water will not naturally rise above its level. To this I answer, in the first place it is no wise demonstrable that there is any Mountain higher than the highest part of the Ocean, since it is supposed to be a Globe of equal Magnitude with the Earth. Secondly, Granting it were so, yet it is probable those Mountains lying in the middle Region, a sufficient quantity of aqueous Particles might be imbibed by the Earth to produce Springs there, and yet this particular Instance does no ways invalidate the general Hypothesis, in which is meant the generality of Springs, and not each particular Fountain. It is true subterraneous Eruptions of Waters especially after Earthquakes, as at Port-Royal in jamaica, and at Kirby in Furness in Lancashire have happened, which have driven down Houses, and Rocks of that magnitude, that many Teams of Oxen could not move, by which it may be concluded there is a subterraneous Abyss of Waters: To this I say, it is not certain whether these come from the Ocean, or from an Abyss, and shall not therefore pretend to determine it, but shall proceed to what I next proposed, and that is to treat of Mineral Waters: In doing of which I begin with those impregnated with Vitriol. The Vitriol Spring in the Kennel-Pits at Haigh, when I first tried it, yielded an Ounce of Vitriol from a Quart of Water; nay it was so highly impleted with Vitriol, that any common Alkaly would raise a Fermentation with it, and cause a Precipitation: The Vitriol it yields is White for the greatest part, tho' there is some Green mixed with it; it is not now of that strength several fresh Springs having broken in, which yet might easily be diverted; of this the Revd Dr. Wroe our Warden has been frequently an Eye-witness: Notwithstanding this Dr. Lister with unequalled Assurance tells the World Vitriol is not to be found in any Waters in England, but that all Waters of a Vitriolic Taste are only impregnated with a Pyrites (which we vulgarly call Firestone) Germinating in the Waters; and this must be imposed upon the World as implicitly, as if it was an Article of Faith in Philosophy: For any Man to oppose him he brands him straight with the Character of Mean and Impudent, and such like opprobrious Epithets, a Language, if I mistake not, unaccountable for one of his Gown and Dignity: For my part what I relate is matter of Fact, and the Dr. may be fully convinced if he pleases, if not it is no fault of mine; and since I cannot as firmly believe the Germination of the Pyrites in our Chalybeat Waters (as they are commonly called) to be like that of Mint in Bottles of Water, I hope the Dr. will pardon my Infidelity till he give me better grounds for it, at which he has not yet offered any farther than a capricious ipse dixit. Adjacent to a Place called Humblesco-Green, in a small Farm in Maudsley is a Spring impregnated with Sulphur and a Marine Salt; the Water is extremely foetid, tinges Silver a Copper colour by its Sulphur; in Distillation a Quart of Water yields half an Ounce of sulphur Salt. This Spring no question would answer all the Intentions of the sulphur Water near Knaseborough in Yorkshire either as to Bathing or Drinking; and no doubt by the addition of Rock Salt might be made an advantageous Salt-work, having Coals so convenient. The Salt at the first boiling is brown and foetid, but dissolved and evaporated again makes as good a Salt as any I have seen; it springs out of Bass and has I presume from that its sulphureous and saline Particles: The various Kind's of Bass I shall discourse of in their proper place, and there show how they are impregnated with different Principles. There are other Springs that arise out of Bass, and are sulphureous and saline yet different from the former, as St. Anne's, and the hot Baths at Buxton in Derbyshire; here the Waters are sulphureous and saline, yet not foetid, but very palatable, because in these Waters the Sulphur is not united with any Vitriolic Particles, or but very few saline, it tinges not Silver, nor is Purgative, by reason its saline Parts are dispensed in such small proportions, which saline Particles make up a compound Salt constituted of a marine Salt, and the Shall Catharticum Amarum, which indeed is the Nitrum Calcarium, that impregnates Epsom, Northall, Dulech, and the rest of the Purging-Waters in those Parts. These Waters if drank create a good Appetite, open Obstructions, and no doubt, if mixed with the Chalybeat Waters that are there, may answer all the Intentions of the Bath Waters in Somersetshire, and that of St. Vincent's near Bristol so noted for Curing the Diabetes, of which I have seen several Instances in these Parts; and likewise for Curing of Bloody Urines arising from the weakness of the Urinary Vessels, of which I saw a most noted Instance in Leverpool. This Bath is of a temperate Heat, and without question by reverberating the Halitus, might be brought to any degree of Heat; but I think in its own natural Heat it may in general be said to be more agreeable to the Constitutions of those Parts, and where the hot Baths cannot be safely used this may. This last Summer I saw remarkable Instances of its Effects in scorbutic Rheumatisms, in Persons that could not go before without the help of Crutches, who came from thence to Manchester on Foot without them, distant from Buxton full sixteen Northern Miles. But the Virtues as well as Use of Bathing are so particularly described by my Honoured Friend Sir john Floyer of Lichfield, that for your further satisfaction I refer you to his elaborate Piece, and shall only abridge those Cases he recites. These hot Baths spring out of a Bass not unlike Marble, and it is pleasant to see in what Bubbles the sulphureous Halitus breaks out of its Matrix, and impregnates the Waters. After our worthy Author had given us a most exact Account of Perspiration, from his Own and Sanctorius' Observations (in rightly considering which consists the Basis and Usefulness of all Bathing) in the first place he enumerates the Mischiefs of the hot Baths. In his 2d Part, p. 2. I observed (says he) that many Persons came to the hot Baths at bath without any good Advice; or they who came with it used it indiscreetly, and imprudently managed their Bathing, by using it without any due Evacuation, or continuing it too long, that they went from thence worse than they came; some having inflamed their Blood, and thickened its Serum, so as to renew their Rheumatic Pains; others Died of Fevers, Consumptions, Convulsions, Bleeding, and Imposthumes. Instances of these I have seen in several in these Parts; but this Point Dr. Pierce is pleased to touch as tenderly as an Hypothesis about the Waters, of which he seems afraid, but would have us rest satisfied without ask Questions, and bring the Ingenuity of the most polite Parts, to an equal level with the most unthinking Animal: For my part I shall not fear to deliver my Sentiments, since I have no other end in it than to inform the World, in the Phaenomena I observed in Nature; and if these be exposing One's self to be thrown at like a Shrovetide Cock, as he observes, if I escape the terrible Blow of being Necked, and survive the Combat, the Comb shall be at his Service. These Instances, as he proceeds, may convince all considering Persons, that we ought not to use hot Baths for Pleasure, especially where there is a fullness of Humours, and a hot Constitution; and since the following Accidents frequently happen upon Bathing, they will certainly overbalance all the Pleasure of it; the Inconveniencies he reckons are profuse Sweats and Haemorrhages, Apoplexies, Sleepiness, Vertigo's, Convulsions, Asthmas, debility of the Sight, Swooning, a general lassitude and dejection of the Appetite, Torpor of the Mind, and Effeminacy of the Flesh, pag. 4. My Journey to Buxton this last Year discovered to me a Bath, very different to that at bath, it being a very temperate one, producing no Sweeting after it, but rather a Coldness; and upon a due Consideration I found the Bath very useful in many Cases, in which that of bath did Injury, as in Comsumptions, hot Scorbutic Pains, and all Defluxions of Humours, and Bleeding, and all hot inordinate Flatulencies of the animal Spirits, in Hysteric and Hypochondriac Cases. The farther Particulars may be seen at large in his third Chapter, to which I refer you, as likewise to his Extract out of Dr. jones, and the Observations annexed to his ingenious Treatise. Before I close the Discourse of this Bath it may be enquired, why the Sulphur in one Bath tinges Silver a Copper colour, as that at Knarseborough and Maudsley; why others of a Golden or Yellowish colour, as those in Somersetshire; and why others impregnated with Sulphur tinge not at all. To these I answer, Where Sulphur tinges a Copper colour, it is from the addition of a Vitriolic Salt, as is common to observe from the solutions of Sulphur and Vitriol; but where a Golden colour ensues it is from a greater proportion of mineral Sulphur, and but little of Vitriol, as in the sulphur Auratum of Antimony, and the golden Pyrites: But where they Tinge not at all, it's from Sulphur only, as that at Buxton, which seems to arise out of a Bassy Marble. The Waters we shall next consider are the Acidulae, or those commonly called Chalybeats, with which these Counties abound. The most Notes are those near Lantham, Wigan, Stockport, Burnley, Bolton, Plumpton, Middleton, Strangeway near Manchester, Lancaster, Larbrick, Chorley, and of these Stockport is much the strongest; these Waters spring out at the Bottom of a great Rock, in strength are much the same in Winter as Summer, which is a Conveniency very few in England besides them have; these Waters give as deep a Tincture with Galls, as any I ever saw, and where Chalybeats are indicated exceed those of Knarseborough and Tunbridge; they will in twenty-four Hours, by being exposed to the Air become insipid, and then yield no Tincture; these Waters lie very light, not heavy upon the Stomach, which is a Convenience the Drinkers of Knarseborough and Tunbridge have not. These Waters are impregnated with Sulphur, Vitriol and Ochre, a little of the Lapis Scissilis, and a marine Salt united with the bitter purging Salt, as in the Chalybeat Water at Latham, but these Two last it yields in small quantities, a Gallon of Water not affording many Grains of Salt, but Ochre and Vitriol they contain plentifully; the Ochre is impregnated with Iron, and for that reason, and no other, may these Waters be called Chalybeats: the Sulphur is only discernible early in the Morning, and that chief by their smell, tho' there is a Chalybeat near Manchester, whose smell is very Sulphureous at all times; these Waters most commonly spring out of a Bass that is impregnated with Sulphur, Ochre and Vitriol, which I demonstrated to the Hon ᵈ Sir john Floyer at Buxton: I showed him the Shalt or Bass, and by infusing various Proportions of it in common Water, you may have all the various Colours of the Acidulae, viz. A pale Red, a deep Red, a Violet and a Purple: As therefore the Acidulae are differently impregnated with this Bass, their Colours are likewise different. At the same time I showed him an Acidula springing out of this Bass, and likewise that the Bass was impregnated with Sulphur, Vitriol and Ochre, tho' Dr. Lister vehemently affirms, no Stone but the Pyrites contains Vitriol; but when a Man writes only what he fancies, and not what he sees, it cannot be imagined but he must assert many Paradoxes; and by too tenaciously adhering to a well woven Hypothesis, in effect makes himself one of the meanest of Philosophers. It is not the mechanism of Reason, and the espousing of a Word which sounds pleasantly, that illustrates the Phaenomena of Nature; but that which is plain, easy and intelligible, and what may rationally from Experiments be deduced, that gives a Man a true Gust in natural Learning: The Dr. then may rail as long as he pleases, but he can never make me disbelieve my Senses, or assent to that which is contrary to the common Reason of Mankind. Of these I have given a full Account in my Tentamen of Mineral Waters, and my Exercitations, to those therefore I refer my Reader; I shall only presume so far upon the Reader's Patience to annex the following Experiments, and shall not expatiate further on this Subject. The First is to show, Why Galls, Oak-leaves, etc. will give a Tincture with those Waters vulgarly Chalybeats, and why other Acids will not. The Second is to illustrate, How by mixing Acids with those Waters before you put the Galls to 'em, that then the Galls, etc. will not. To clear these Phaenomena we must premise these Hypotheses, viz. That several of the mineral Particles are suspended in the fluid, perhaps as near to an Equilibrium or Balance as can easily be conceived; so that the least addition of another Body to 'em, must instantly cause a Precipitation, and consequently then give a Tincture to these Waters, by impleting their Pores, and so in different Angles transmitting the Light, which must needs introduce a Diversity of Colours, viz. A pale Red, Agat, Violet, Purple, or intense Red, according to the various Proportions of the Mineral impregnating the Water: Hence therefore it is, that the Galls containing a volatile Acid, or rather austere, that by their hooked Particles they easily clasp themselves about the mineral Particles, and must therefore (as is evident from the Premises laid down) necessarily cause a precipitation of the Mineral; which I shall more fully illustrate, by making it probable, that the mineral Particles are suspended in the fluid in the manner recited. It is observable, that the Earth over which these Springs run is always covered with an Ochre; which to me seems evidently to hint, that the mineral to the fluid retains so equal a balance, that the least motion occasions a separation; and thence it is, that in those places where they have their currents, they constantly drop an Ochre, and colour the Earth as before observed. The second Experiment is this: If before you put in the Gall you add an Acid to the Water, as for example, Spirit of Vitriol or Sulphur, the Gall than gives little or no Tincture to the Water; and the Reason I take to be this, the Acid you mix with it being specifically heavier than either the mineral Particles or the fluid, by their rigid inflexible Particles keep the Mineral suspended; so that consequently the acid of the Gall being volatile, it is not powerful enough to bring 'em down, and thence it is that by this method they usually hover upon the surface of the Water in an azure Cloud, the Mineral as well as that being Volatile; which is abundantly evident, both in the Evaporation of those Waters, and likewise by exposing them to the Sun, which in twenty-four Hours makes them insipid, and in that space of time so sequestered of the mineral Particles, that then they will not yield any Tincture with a Gall, or if any but a faint one: So volatile is the Vitriol in those Waters, which no doubt is carried off by the Sulphur, which from its Volatility might justly be drawn like the Statue of Mercury winged, and still pointing upwards. To these I thought necessary to add the following Experiments, that I might do Justice both to the public, and to that most Learned and Ingenious Gentleman Richard Townley of Townley Esq who Communicated them to me. In the Water at Burnley in Lancashire he has observed the following Phaenomena: First, That if that Water be exposed to the Air there will subside a Scarlet sediment. This being a Phaenomenon never observed before in any Water in England I ever heard of, it may therefore justly challenge our Conjectures about it. Ochre and Lapis Scissilis, which are the usual Hypostases of those kind of Waters, it is most evident it could not be; the one being of a Yellow, the other of a Greyish colour; but to me it seems to be a Bituminous exalted Sulphur, and this will more fully appear when we come to examine its Salts, of which it contains Three different species: First, A small proportion of Natron, or Egyptian Nitre, which if exposed to the Air will like that, or Salt of Tartar, dissolve per deliquium; will ferment with any Acid, and has a strong lixivial Taste. After the Natron has run per deliquium there remains another Salt entire, which if dissolved in Spirit of Wine or Water totally flies off; by which it is plain the Salt is volatile, and most probably the volatile Salt of the Natron, which is the only fixed Alcali in the World I know of, that by this method, or by the fixed Salt of Tartar, will yield a volatile Alcalisate Salt: From which Phaenomena it is undeniably evident Dr. Lister was mistaken, when (to use his own words) he violently affirms, No Waters in England contained Natron; a Gallon of this Water contains about twelve Grains of Sediments, and four or five of Salts; the Salts when separated from their Earth's are White, but will not shoot into any regular Crystals; have a smell much like that of Natural Balsam, which to me seems to be the scarlet Sulphur that precipitates in the Water by exposing it to the Air; this Water has a vitriolate Taste, and with Galls yields a Tincture of an Agate colour; has been experimented in scorbutic Cases, and answered the desired end. The Hanbridge Water, a small Spring which lies betwixt Burnley and Townley, yields a Natron or natural Alcali, as those Bourbon Waters in France, cited by Monsieur Du-Closs; and another alcalious Salt, which like a Terebinthinate or Resinous Body, will melt with a small degree of Heat; it is plain, the Reason why this Salt melts by Heat is only from a volatile Bitumen united with it, for the Salt being long kept in a glass Vial, will not melt by any moderate degree of Heat, but is then purely Alcalious, the Bitumen being wholly evaporated, as I found in my Observations at Townley. This Water at the Fountain with Galls yields a Tincture inclining to a faint Orange; if kept any considerable time in Glass Bottles a perfect Citrine; contains the greatest quantity of Natron of any in these parts; purges by Stool and Urine, and is of great Use in the Stone and Scurvy, as hath been found by several Persons, who in those Cases have tried them with great success. The Water near Emmet, which is about two Miles distant from those forementioned Waters, is of a vitriolate Taste, and sulphureous Smell, which with a solution of Sublimate yields a white Precipitate, which no other Waters in those parts will do, nor any in France, as the French Virtuosos have observed, and indeed only those at Spada in Germany; and if so it may be highly worth our time by frequent and strict Trials, both in Cases in Physic, and Experiments in Chemistry, to find out the Principles and Use of it, which may perhaps save us the Expenses of a tedious Fatigue to Spada. At the same time I saw there a Salt prepared from a Water in Yorkshire, which had exactly the smell of Hipposelinum or Horse-Parsley, a Phaenomenon never yet observed in any Salt before; this smell proceeds from a certain proportion of bituminous, saline and terrene Particles; for what remained after evaporation was of a Yellowish colour, and contained a great deal of terrene Matter, but the Salt when separated is perfect concocted Vitriol. Dr. Lister may here again be satisfied of his Error, for not only the Waters in Lancashire, but those likewise in Yorkshire contain perfect concocted Vitriol: Nay, in the same Coal-Mines near Burnley, there are Springs of perfect Vitriol, and under these others that contain Natron or Egyptian Nitre, as the abovementioned ingenious Gentleman fully demonstrated to me when I was last there. Another Salt the said Richard Townley of Townley Esq showed me, which was perfect Salt-petre, prepared from a very rapid Spring, a Gallon of which contained half an Ounce of this Salt, which upon Chrystallization shoots like Salt-petre from India into long Striae, and fulminates with Sulphur. This Salt he had from a Gentleman that discovered the Spring, but at present conceals the Place: So that what myself and others have alleged in affirming, no Waters in England to contain Salt-petre is erroneous; let others retract when they think convenient, for my part I fairly own my Error, and from repeated Observations can positively affirm, there is no marine Salt but what contains more or less of Indian Nitre, but the proportion is so small, and the method of preparing it so tedious, it would not be of any farther use than to satisfy the curious Enquirer; but the Advantages that may accrue from the before recited Spring, may for aught I know be one of the greatest Treasures, as well as Secrets in Nature. The next Mineral-Waters I shall consider, are those springing out of Bass, and Sulphureous only; of these the most Noted is One near a Place called Inglewhite, this springs out of a Black Bass, which by Calcination I found to contain Sulphur; the Water has a very sulphureous Smell, as strong as that near Harrigate in Yorkshire, but contains little or no Salt, which is the reason it is not Purgative like that, but by adding the like proportion of common Salt to it, viz. about a Dram to a Pint of Water, that Inconvenience is remedied, and then you have either sulphureous Baths, or purging Waters; for my part I should rather choose to add the bitter purging Salt, as being most agreeable. Having now examined all the various Waters springing out of Bass, we proceed in the next place to give Account of saline sulphureous Waters arising out of other Minerals. And I shall begin first with the sulphur Water near Wigan, called by the Inhabitants of that place, the Burning-Well; this is a very diverting Phaenomenon, and for its Rarity is visited by most Persons whose Curiosity leads them to Natural Inquiries. It is about two Miles from Wigan, in a Village called Aucliff, in the Ground of William Mollineux of that Place Esq. The Well is at the Bottom of a Tree, the Water Cold, and without any Smell; when any Person comes to see it, a Man clears the Well from all its Water, that done you will immediately hear a hissing Noise in a Corner of it, and by holding a lighted Candle near to it, the sulphureous Halitus immediately takes Fire, and afterwards spreads itself upon what Water has issued in, and 'tis only then, indeed, it ought to be called the Burning-Well: 'Tis observable, tho' this sulphureous Halitus continually mixes with Water, yet the Water continues Cold, nor will it tinge Silver; wherefore I imagine this Halitus is purely sulphureous, consisting only of Oily inflammable Particles, without any mixture of Vitriol, or if any but inconsiderable, and 'tis reasonable to suppose this kind of Sulphur to impregnate the Baths at Buxton. 'Tis plain from these and the sulphur Wells at Maudsley, and those at Harrigate in Yorkshire, which are all sulphureous, and yet all Cold Waters, that it is only by accident that sulphur Waters become hot, viz. by Collision of the sulphureous Particles, when in the Spiracles of the Earth they have not a free open passage, they beat and dash one upon another, and by that Collision grow hot, as we may observe in the rubbing of the Phosphorus, which immediately takes Fire; likewise in new Hay, and in Wheels taking Fire by Motion only: For to imagine the Heat of the Baths to proceed from Fermentation in the Waters, or from subterraneous Fires, is no wise consistent with Experience, which after all our Hypotheses must be the true Touchstone of our Reason. The foregoing Instances may convince the World, that sulphureous Particles grow hot without Ignition, and that there are sulphureous Particles in all hot Baths is abundantly demonstrated: But for a farther Illustration of this Hypothesis take this following Experiment, Let some Brimstone be set on Fire in a Glass Body, immediately upon its taking Flame stop the Mouth of the Glass and the Flame expires, yet by the sulphureous Fumes dashing upon each other the sides of the Glass wax warm; a certain signal this must needs be, that where sulphureous Particles are denied a passage, or where they force their way through uneven Sinuosities, by beating upon and encountering one another, an Heat must be produced, as is apparent by the Sunbeams in Convex Glasses. And this is farther confirmed by the Learned Dr. Browne in his Treatise of the Mines in Hungary; in some Places of the same Mine it was extremely Cold, in others so intensely Hot, that tho' his clothes were never so thin, the Heat would be troublesome to him. The Miners work all Naked, and Eight Hours are as much as most can endure. The Heat in these Waters cannot arise from Fermentation, because no fermentation can be discovered in them; nor by any Experiments, either in Distillation, Precipitation, or any other Method could I ever observe such a Contrariety of Matter in them, that one part would ferment upon another, so as to cause any sensible Heat. From subterraneous Fires they cannot proceed, because in these parts such were never known; or were there any, could not but discover themselves, since no Fires will burn without admission of Air, and there must likewise be Flues and Chasms whence they vent their Smoke and feculent parts; but since none of these were ever disclosed in these parts, it is not probable the Baths should grow hot by any such cause; and when the Heat of the Baths may be sufficiently explained by the Collision of sulphureous Particles, what necessity is there we should have recourse to any such unwarrantable Hypothesis, as a Fermentation in the Waters, or to subterraneous Fires: Those two Notions are lately espoused by Dr. Guidot and Dr. Pierce of bath, but I am apt to think those Gentlemen rather fancy than observe the Phaenomena of Nature: For I am very well satisfied, had they made strict Inquiries into those Waters, they would never have troubled the World with such Chimerical Hypotheses. Dr. Pierce indeed does not much trouble himself or the World with any Scrutiny into the Contents of the Baths, or the Causes of the Heat of them; but only gives you an Instance from Savoy, which is as remote as that place to his Undertaking: And as for Dr. Guidot he is so Inconsistent with himself, that unless he have the Art of reconciling Contradictions, I am sure his Thermae Britannicae are not to be accounted for. I do not speak this as any wise arrogating a greater Genius to myself, or to lessen those worthy Persons, but only from the Phaenomena I have observed in Nature; and if they please to do the same, I despair not of their Pardons. Having now done with the sulphureous saline Waters, in the next place I shall proceed to treat of saline Ones only, as those at Northwich, Namptwich, Middlewich, Dunham in Cheshire, and Barton in Lancashire. Various have been the Notions concerning the Rise of these Springs, some imagining they proceeded from the Sea, others from subterraneous Rocks of Salt which have of late Years been discovered, and first made Useful by myself, in refining that Rock to a White granulated Salt, which is now practised in many places. These Springs sometimes break out in the Rock, but oftener either above or under it; some of them in a Quart of Water contain about seven or eight Ounces of Salt, whence its plain that quatenus Salt-springs they proceed not from the Sea, because a Quart of the best of that Water affords seldom above an Ounce and Half of Salt. Some of these Springs will tinge with Galls, but most refuse it; whence its plain Dr. Lister in his usual manner is much mistaken, in forcing the Pyrites upon us. 'Tis true from the sulphureous Smell that may be observed in the Fermentation betwixt this Salt and Oil of Vitriol, that there is a Sulphur contained in the Salt, but that no wise warrants a Pyrites, since that is an aggregate of different Principles, viz. Ochre and Vitriol, besides Sulphur; which Bodies by the Dr's own Confession Salt does not contain, which is the only true Notion he lays down about those Waters, and that he may assume as an Observation of his own. It is likewise observable, that the Salt made from the Brine-springs, and the Rock-salt dissolved in fresh Water, that these Salts will shoot into different Figures; whence it is evident the Brine-springs proceed not from the Rocks of Salt that are discovered, but from Rocks of Salt that lie deeper in the Bowels of the Earth. Besides in different Springs I have observed the Figures of the Salt to differ, as some in Middlewich, from those at Northwich, where by Chrystallization they shoot into quite contrary Figures; so that the Sal Mediterraneum, as the Dr. styles it, is like to lose its Character: Nay, Rock-salt itself will never shoot into any regular Figure at all, whence it may be averred, these Salt-springs have not their Saltness from any subterraneous Rocks of Salt yet known; it follows therefore, if they are not saturated either from the Sea, or from subterraneous Rocks of Salt, we may then form another Hypothesis, and conclude them to arise from Aerial saline Particles impregnating a proper Bass, and so by various Solutions and Impregnations, keeping a continual Circulation, and so constantly supplying us; and what chief gives umbrage to this, is the Renascence of marine Salt, which is so prodigiously made out by Untzerus, in his Account of those Mountains of Salt that supply Russia, Persia, Mesopotamia, Media, and those vast Countries; which as he affirms, every Year Vegetates, and the places whence the Salt was digged is the Year following as full of Salt as before. Phaenomena like to this may be observed in the Vitriol-stone near Hesse-Cassel, and in those Iron-Mines belonging to the Duke of Florence, as is related by Fallopius. Besides the marine Salt these Springs do likewise contain the Nitrum Calcarium: Its observable the Salt of some of these Springs will not easily precipitate, but a little Alum and fresh Butter will effect it, and then it makes a larger Grain and stronger Salt than any of the rest. In the Evaporation of these Salts there is likewise observed a white Sand, which is thrown to the Corners of the Pan; and this by frequent Evaporation and Filtrations I found to be the Particles of the Bass, out of which these Salt-springs arise. The most noted Purging-Waters in these parts are those in a Village called Rougham, adjacent to the remarkable Sands which are the great Road into Furnace nine Miles in breadth, and at each Springtide entirely covered with Water; these in calm Wether afford us very pleasant Travelling, but in tempestuous Seasons no less dismal, than we can suppose the wild Deserts of Arabia. From the bottom of an high Rock near these, the Water issues forth in a very plentiful Current; it is a little brackish, taken inwardly it purges both by Urine and Stool, and no doubt, by a due preparation of the Body they become of extraordinary use in the Scurvy, Worms, crude Digestions, and Distempers of that Nature; the Water by Evaporation at the last becomes lixivial, and is then extremely brackish; as the Water evaporates, there successively arise Films at first radish, and afterwards of a grey Colour: these Films will ferment with any Acid, and contain a little of a natural alcalious Salt, which I take to be the Natron of the Ancients; the Salt which remains after Evaporation, seems to be a Marine, but by frequent Filtrations and Crystallizations, I found it likewise contained a bitter purging Salt, which is truly Dr. Lister's Nitrum Calcarium, and is that purging Salt which impregnates Epsom, Dullech, Northall, and other purging Waters in England, as is hinted above; besides the Salt there likewise remains a greyish Earth, which will ferment with any Acid. When the Water is evaporated to a lixivial Colour, if you then drop Spirit of Hartshorn into it, it immediately makes a Coagulum, and precipitates; which Phaenomenon is only observable in those Waters that contain the Shall Catharticum Amarum, which demonstrates that Salt likewise to contain a natural Acid, and if in the like Water you drop any acid Spirit, as that of Sulphur and Vitriol, you will then perceive a very sulphureous smell. From these it is plain these Waters contain three different sorts of Salts, as the Natron, the Marine, and the Shall Catharticum Amarum; likewise two sorts of Lapis Scissilis, either of which will ferment with an Acid, and Sulphur too. From a mixture of such Principles as these, what Effects may not be hoped for, in Scrofulous and Leprous Persons, and other Distempers of that nature? Nay, I have been assured by some of the Inhabitants there, that some Persons by drinking these Waters have been recovered from periodical Epilepsies: but again, I say, the Body ought to be rightly prepared before the drinking of them, and that Consumptive Persons ought not to meddle with them, at least very sparingly; some Persons by drinking of these have been freed from the Jaundice, others from Quartan Agues, and in the Pica Virgins, if the Patient be not emaciated, you may reckon it a specific; by drinking of these, prodigious Worms, as the Cucurbitae, the Ascarides, and Bunches of Worms, have frequently been voided, and I do not think in that Distemper the like to these are to be had. There are other Purging-Waters which arise out of a Morass in a Village called Witherslack: these Waters contain a marine and a bitter purging Salt, but are inferior to the former. There is another purging Water which springs out of the Sand, near a Place called Mine-End, which is the Mouth of the River Wire: This no doubt is the Sea-Water, which filters through the Sand, but by reason of the shortness of the Filtration, (the Spring lying so near the River) or the looseness of the Sand, the marine Water is not perfectly dulcified, but retains a pleasing Brackishness, not unlike that which is observable in the Milk of a Farrow Cow, or one that has Conceived; this Water purges a little, but is much inferior to either of the other. These Waters give no Tincture with Galls, tho' Dr. Lister violently affirms all saline Springs will do it. These are the most noted Purging-Waters that I have seen in these Parts, I shall therefore in the next place proceed to those, which may be ranked amongst the Acidulae, but do likewise contain Natron: and those are the Waters near Burnley and Emmett, which were first discovered to me by that most Learned and Accomplished Gentleman Richard Townley of Townley Esq The like to these Mons. du Clos affirms are in several places in France; for a full Account of which, I refer the Reader to that ingenious Author. From the Experiments made by the Royal Academy in Paris in the Bourbon-Waters, and the parallel Observations those in these Parts entertain us with, we may make a probable Conjecture of their Principles, and I think may safely affirm that in the Cases where those are proper, these as a most natural Succedaneum may be made use of, and will, I question not, answer what Intentions may be expected from the former. These Waters with Galls give a Citrine Tincture, and the Gall immediately precipitates in white perpendicular Lines: but you must note these Experiments were made in the Waters remote from the Fountains; I evaporated several Quarts of the Water, and towards the latter end found it to have a little of a lixivial Taste, after the surface was covered with a thin greyish Film; this Film consisted of saline, alcalious and terrene Particles, and would make a brisk Fermentation with any Acid; afterwards the Salts rise in perpendicular Lines upon the sides of the Retort. The like Phaenomenon I observed in evaporating the Water that came from Nitria in Egypt; and the like may be observed in Evaporation of other alcalious Salts: After the Water was wholly evaporated there stuck to the sides of the Retort a greyish Matter of a very lixivial taste, and would ferment with any Acid. By Filtration the Earth is easily separated from the Salt, and then you have a natural alcalious Salt the true Natron of the Ancients, as is manifest from those Specimens of Egyptian Nitre, brought from Nitria to the Musaeum at Oxford by the Learned Dr. H. and likewise by the Description of Natron recited by discords; tho' our Countryman Dr. Lister boldly affirms there is no such Salt in any Waters in England: but this is not the first piece of Boldness he is pleased to arrogate; and if his Reason be not totally screened, he may, if he pleases, be satisfied he's mistaken. These Waters are of great use in the Stone, Scurvy, and other Chronical Diseases, of which I have seen several Instances. There are other Waters of an austere styptic Taste, that will coagulate Milk, but give no Tincture with Galls, as some Pumps near Bury and Chorley; these I conjecture arise out of Alum Over, or Marle; they lather not with Soap, but make a perfect Coagulum from the Acid and the Alcaly fixing together. Some Springs we have that petrify, as one in a Wood near Bury, and another by the side of a Rivulet near Manchester; these Waters superficially incrustate as the Chemists call it, stratum super stratum; are of an austere Taste like those in Yorkshire; in Evaporation they yield a great quantity of a greyish Earth that will ferment with an Acid, and some little proportion of Salt. By these Phaenomena I do conjecture the terrene Particles are dissolved in Minimis. by the natural Acid, or (as Helmont calls it) the Esurine Spirit, and when on the surface of any Body they are united they form these Incrustations: I am the farther confirmed in this Hypothesis, because I have observed Petrefactions where only there could be an Acid halitus, as in several Plants and Roots adjacent to the petrefying Waters near Knarseborough. These Waters inwardly taken are commended by several in Dysenteries, and for the same reason they are proper in those Cases; I do judge them of use in the Cure of a Diabetes. These are the most remarkable Phaenomena I could ever observe of the Waters in these Parts: having therefore examined those, I shall, according to my proposed Method, in the next place proceed to give an Account of the various Earth's these Counties afford us. An Appendix to the WATERS. AFter I had finished my Experiments of Mineral Waters, I had the fortune to meet with an elaborate Tract entitled, The Natural History of the Chalybeat and Purging Waters in England, with their particular Essays and Uses, with likewise Observations on the Bath in Somersetshire, dedicated to the Rt Honble the Earl of Manchester, by Benjamin Allen, Med. Bacc. Th●se I shall examine in their Order, and shall in the first place take notice of his Observations concerning the Rise of Chalybeat Waters: Pag. 14. he says, the Earth and Soil of these Springs is ever a Sand or Gravel, and that the Water issues from, or rather makes a Rock cemented of Stones, which are never to be found but where the Water is Vitriolic. How true this is, the World may judge from the following Observations: In the Rocks at Strangeway near Manchester in Lancashire, three or four Yards in Freestone Rock, are several Chalybeat Springs, which with Powder of Galls give a deep Claret Tincture, and will answer all other Experiments usually tried upon the Acidulae. Eight or nine Yards within a Freestone Rock near Stockport, in the same County, are several Chalybeat Springs, which with Galls yield a purple, fully as deep as Tunbridge, or Knarseborough, and will turn green with Syrup of Violets; in these Rocks are found sometimes small Vitriol-stones, a small quantity of which scraped into common Water, instantly makes the artificial Chalybeat Waters, but there is not the minutest Particle of the Pyrites to be found here. It is plain hence, that these Springs proceed, not always, from Sand and Gravel, nor are they (as he alleges) Marcasitical, that is, Springs impregnated with the Pyrites; for to satisfy his Curiosity farther, the Pyrites here is neither discoverable by Ocular Demonstration, nor by dissolving the Rock in Aqua fortis, which he asserts, if it contains the Pyrites, will turn to a Jelly; and yet that very Assertion is without ground, for because the Pyrites will turn to a Jelly, does it thence follow all Bodies that will do so, participate of the Pyrites? By the same reason he may aver, That because Bones and Harts-horns with a little common Water, in Mons. Papin's Digesting Instrument, become gelatinous, that either the Bones contain the Horns, or vice versa, the Horns the Bones. Now since these Rocks answer not this end, it is evident these Springs, according to his own Notions, cannot be derived from the Pyrit●●; but this, I presume, he only asserted as a Compliment▪ to an eminent Physician, and if he prefers his Friendship before strict and true Observations in Nature, I envy not his Choice. His other Experiments upon the Acidulae are no more than what have been before observed by other Authors, I shall therefore pass them over. As to the Purging-Waters, he derives them from the Pyrites, Selenites, and Loame, and are (as he alleges) impregnated with purging Salts of various kinds, formed into a saline Nature, by an acid Mineral Juice in the Loame. Hence, pag. 117. he has this Period: So I conclude the Salt of these purging Waters to be of a middle Nature, betwixt Nitres and Vitriols, and formed out of the Loame by the help of a Vitriolic Juice, or liquid Salt, and collected in most Cavities. As to this Hypothesis, from the following Phaenomena, I doubt not but to convince him that he is again mistaken; that is, that there are Springs which do contain the bitter purging Salt, and yet arise not out of Loame, (e. g.) At Rougham in Furness in the County of Lancaster, at the bottom of a Rock issues a purging Spring, at least twenty Yards perpendicular from its Summit, where there is neither the Pyrites, the Belemnites, nor Loame: the Spring flows in a luxuriant Current. This Water, upon the first Evaporation, affords a Salt not much unlike Sea-Salt, but the marine may be easily separated from the bitter or purging Salt; and than you have a Salt which affords Bacilli, or Stiriae, which will easily dissolve even by the heat of the Hand, nay even by the Air itself, and answers all the Experiments Dr. Grew made upon Epson-salt: It is hence evident that these Salts have not their Origin (as he alleges) from the Pyrites, Selenites, and Loame; the Earth after distillation was light and of a greyish Colour, and would strongly ferment with an Acid. But to give him an ampler demonstration of his Error, I shall produce him another Instance or two: At Thernham in the County of Lancaster, there is an Earth which contains Loame, and a great quantity of Selenites; and the same Phaenomena may be observed upon the Ridge of Hills that run upon the Seacoasts towards Rossall, in the same County: out of both these Earth's issue several Springs, which will neither tinge with Galls, nor are they Purgative; hence it is evident, tho' the Principles he lays down do all concur, yet that thence does not necessarily follow a Marcasitical, or Purging Water, nor are the Salts, as was observed before, collected so superficially as he alleges; 'tis true indeed I have seen the Salt Bass, by being exposed to the Air, shoot out various Efflorescences, at the same time from a Spring issuing out of the same Bass, at least 20 Yards within the Earth, may be prepared the true bitter purging Salt: So that what he has informed us in relation to the Purging Waters, is as groundless as the former. As to his Method of preparing a Salt from Loame, by Spirit of Nitre, it is no wise convincing, since the Phaenomena he recites may happen barely from the Spirit, without a Salt congenite to the Loame▪ the different Salts he prepared from the Purging Waters, may, for aught I know, be true and exact; but what I allege is, that neither the Chalybeats are always from the Pyrites, nor the Purging Waters▪ from Loame, Marcasite, and the Selenites. His other Experiments are but what were before observed by Dr. Plot, and Monsieur du Clos, to whom I refer the Reader. I shall in the next place examine his Observation upon the Bath in Somersetshire▪ P. 178. he says, that The Salt contained in this Water appeared fully to be Salt-petre, in that it did not disturb a solution of Sal Saturni in fair Wether. But this is no Demonstration at all of Salt-petre, for the bitter purging Salt will do the same, which is not at all Nitrous, altho' it bears the same Bacilli or Stiriae with Nitre; for since the Salt is not inflammable, there is no reason to suppose the Existence of Salt-petre. It now appears his Attempts upon Bath-Waters are as fruitless as his other Experiments, and in his reasoning about them he is inconsistent with himself: I shall only remark one thing more, that when this Purging Salt becomes striated, if it be dissolved in a small quantity of Water, in a few Days it drops an hard pellucid Salt, which will not dissolve in the Air; is bitter and pungent, the Figures of it are various, sometimes Cubical, sometimes Pentagons, and Parallelopepedons; so that it is manifest it is very difficult to reduce Salts to their distinct species, by determinate Figures. It is certain by these Experiments, that the Salt in this Purging Water, which at first by its Taste and Figure seemed only to be a common marine Salt, consists of three different Kind's; why therefore it should be styled a Nitre, I can see no reason. I have often wondered why some Persons ambitiously affect the Imposing of Terms, assuming to themselves Titles of New Discoverers, without any ground at all: For if from the mere Trunk of a Mole, I should go about to prove it was the species of an Elephant, the World would doubtless conclude me the blinder Creature. I shall beg leave to add to this Appendix one thing more relating to Cold Springs; in which, as the Moralists assure us of the two contrary Passions, joy and Sorrow, that the former is an Expansion, the other a Depressure of the Spirits; so it is no less probable in these two opposite Qualities, Heat and Cold, that in one the Nerves are dilated, in the other shrivelled or contracted: But since the Cause of intense Coldness is the Subject of this Paragraph, I shall only expatiate on the latter; in order to that I shall lay down a general Hypothesis, and afterwards illustrate it, first by the Effects of Cold, and afterwards by parallel Experiments that produce it. Coldness therefore in Waters I suppose to proceed from volatile saline Particles, which by their Points contracting the Extremities of the Nerves, obstruct the Spirits, and thence proceeds an Horror or Trembling; and if the Cold be intense, a Stupor, or Numbness, hence it is that the Capillaries in the Skin, by the Punctures of those saline Particles corrugate, and the Blood thereby stagnates, and by the distension of those Vessels the Skin appears extremely red. That Coldness in Waters proceeds from these saline Particles, is evident from solutions of Snow in common Water, in which those Particles are so volatile, that upon Distillation I found them wholly to evaporate: It is not therefore as the Peripatetics imagine, that Coldness proceeds from dull unactive Principles, but from volatile saline ones, which by their Inflexibility or Rigidness, like so many Barriers, fix the Particles in Water, which are of a softer Temper; and thence it is that it freezes, and is turned into Ice: In Springs therefore that are naturally intensely Cold, I suppose the Loam, from whence these arise, to have Pores so configurated, as constantly to imbibe these saline Particles from the circumambient Atmosphere, which doubtless are of as Volatile nature as those of Snow; for I never could find in the Distillation of Cold Baths any Salt that could be reduced to a Crystal, except a marine one, and that in so small a proportion, that it is impossible to suppose that the Coldness should proceed from thence. 'Tis true indeed in artificial Cold Baths the Water is made violently so by solutions of marine Salt, and Salt-petre, but then to effect that, there are those quantities of Salts, that are never to be found in Baths naturally Cold; whence it is evident the Coldness in them cannot proceed from a solution of those Salts, but from a Volatile Aerial Nitre doubtless brought into the Atmosphere by particular Winds; for it is evident in opposite Parallels from the Line, in the one you have violent Frosts, in the other intense Heats, as the Ingenious Dr. Monday of All-Souls College in Oxford, beyond contradiction has made evident. The most remarkable Cold Spring in these Parts is that at Larbrick, of which take the following Account. Upon immersing your Hand into it, the Part immediately grows extremely red, and you will then perceive a most violent Pain; Fishes of several sorts I have seen put into this Spring, which make but one Effort, and instantly expire. It is an Acidula, or Chalybeat Water, and therefore is accounted for in another place; as likewise the Effects of Cold Baths, which are considered in the following Treatise of the Scurvy and Rickets. But more fully to illustrate the unaccountable Penetrancy, Agility and Rigidness of those Particles that produce Cold, take the following Experiment: Let a Thermometer of a Foot long, and Hermetically sealed at both ends, and about half filled with Spirit of Wine, be immersed in a Cold Spring, for Instance in that at Larbrick, and continue suspended in it about half an Hour; in that space of Time the Spirit in the Tube will subside a full Inch, which Instance fully demonstrates how penetrating those frigorific Particles must be, that thus enter the Pores of the Glass, and force the Spirit to subside to that degree: This Instance likewise demonstrates their Inflexibility, that by penetrating the Pores of the Glass, they should so fix their Points upon the superficies of the Vinous Spirit, which being of a softer Texture must necessarily give way and subside. By this Experiment you may easily find out the various Degrees of Cold in Springs, and by comparing those with Observations of the like nature, made in the two noted Baths, Holywell in Wales, and St. Mungus in Yorkshire, may easily find of what use the Springs in these Counties may be in the like Cases which these are eminent for. I must needs own that in Leprous Distempers, Scorbutic Rheumatisms, the Rickets, and Scorbutic Atrophies, before the Hectic heat is grown too intense, I have not seen any Medicines perform the Effects which these Waters frequently do. CHAP. III. Of Earth's, Clays, Boles, Marles, Improvements by Shells, Shell-fish, Hares and Rabbit-Skins, Soap-boilers Ashes, and Putrified Ferns; of Morasses, and their various Improvements. THese Countries afford us various sorts of Earth's, but the most noted are the Black Soil, the Foxglove-Earth, and the Clay-Earth, which indeed is a mixture of Clay and Marle. The Black Earth is commonly rich Pasture, or Meadowing, or good Corn-Land; the Foxglove-Earth, which is a tender Earth, and of a brownish Colour, is usually good Pasture, and by Improvement brings plentiful Harvests of Corn; the Clay-Earth is chief for Corn, and in that either for continuing long, or producing a well fed Corn, exceeds both the other. Sometimes these Earth's abound with great quantities of Lime-stones and other Stones, which mightily contribute to their plentiful Productions, as is observable in the Closes near Lancaster, and other parts in the North; the Country People imagine it proceeds from the Warmth they impart to the various Earth's, but I rather attribute it to their Nitrous or Alcalious Salts, which, as I shall demonstrate hereafter, conduce to the fructifying of Earth's. These Earth's are usually improved either by Marle, Dung, Lime, Shell-fish, Shells, Rags, Hares, or Rabbit-skins, Soap-maker's Ashes, Sea-Mud, the common Dirt of the Lanes, or putrified Ferns. The Marles, where there is depth of Soil are usually the best Improvements; and indeed a good Marling is often counted equal to the Purchase of the Land; the Marl affords a Nitrous Salt, and Oil, which I take to be the Principles that make it so fertile; its Salt I conjecture is imbibed from the Air, which may be the reason that the longer it lies exposed, the more prolific it is: Hence it is common amongst Persons that can afford, to Marle their Ground, and break it up several Years afterwards, by which it becomes more fruitful, and continues much longer. The white Marle is of a brittle, short Body, and consequently more easily washed away by the Wether; for this reason it only renders the Soil fruitful for a few Years, not comparable to the other for continuance. The like may be said of Lime, and putrified Marine-fish, and Shells, which by their Calcination by the Sunbeams are converted into Lime, these being of a loser Body than the Clay-Marle, more speedily mix with the Earth's, and for that reason, as the Country People term it, will sooner white, that is, will sooner produce Corn; the same may be said of Sea-mud, however the Continuance of these are far inferior to the other: The Fruitfulness of the last mentioned I judge may proceed in a great measure from their Oils and alcalious Salts, with a due proportion of Earth, and no doubt but Acid and Alcaly have the same use in fructifying Soils, as they have in Animals; and hence I believe that from the Dung of the Seafowl in Fowley-Island, which takes that Name from the abundance of Seafowl there, the Pasture becomes so pregnant, that it surpasses all in these Parts; a Sheep from thence is usually sold for 50 s. or 3 l. The most noted Clays in these Parts are the Potters-Clay, Tobacco-pipe-Clay, and Soapstone, as the Miners call it. The Potters-Clay is usually blue or yellowish, or of a Dove or Coushat-Colour, as the Workmen term it; after it is moulded into Pots, it is burned in a circular Oven, and is glazed with a Slurry, and Lead-Ore finely powdered: This Slurry is made of a different Clay to what the Pot is; it is usually reddish, and will run to a Glass, which the others will not; which is the reason that with this and Lead-Ore they glaze their Pots. It is observable this Slurry upon one sort of Clay will be yellow, upon another black, on another green, and on others of the Colour of the Duke of Alva's Bottles, which must proceed from various Metals that flux from the Clays, and consequently produce various Colours. I was informed from my Ever-honoured Friend Sr. Roger Bradshaw of Haigh, that it was upon a whitish yellowish Earth, in a Field near the Kennel-Pits at Haigh, that Mr. Dwight made his first Discovery of his most incomparable Metal: I have attempted several Colours with Smalts, and found that by those, and an azurine Spar frequently found in Lead and Copper Mines, I could upon Barnstable-Clay run a Glass not easily distinguishable from Tortoise, and no doubt if experimented by an Artist, he would find it of extraordinary use. I have likewise with several of these Earth's run black Lead, by which and a little Horse-Dung finely powdered and then wrought together, I have seen it stand Fire, when a good Germane Crucible has broke in pieces. Instruments of this may doubtless be made of great use to the Essayers and Refiners of Metals, and be had at far more easy Rates than those brought from Germany. Tiles of any sorts are likewise made from these Earth's. The Tobacco-pipe-Clay is usually blue, or of a Colour betwixt white and yellow; there are at Rainforth tolerable Pipes made of this, but not comparable to those at Chester, these are made of Clays brought from the Isle of Wight, Poole and Biddiford, which are esteemed the best in England, and if I mistake not the best in Europe. Boles we have only in two places, Eller and Heesham; these are of a yellow Colour, stick close to the Tongue, and will ferment with an Acid. In the same place we have likewise a white Earth, or Soapstone; this will lather with Water, I have seen some Persons trimmed with it; this is usually full of the Pyrites, when wet very Oily, but when dry put into Water will make an hissing like unquenchable Lime: Upon which Phaenomenon I shall beg your patience, to expatiate a little before I proceed to the next particular. Mons. L'Emery has observed, That the reason of the Ebullition of unquenchable Lime with Water, proceeds from the setting at liberty the igneous Particles locked up in the Lime, hence they disentangle themselves, and rallying with united Forces, must consequently produce that Ebullition. The like I think may be affirmed of this, only here the Ebullition causes not any sensible Heat, which notwithstanding may be, tho' igneous Particles be contained in the Water, as I have seen in the Burning-Well near Wigan, which is actually Cold. But that this Ebullition does proceed from sulphureous Particles, I have reason to conjecture, because out of these Earth's, through the salt Water, frequent flashes of Flame may be observed like Lightning to dart by Intervals; it appears a diverting Phosphorus in the Night-season, at which time spreading the said Earth upon my Hand, I have discerned the like Phaenomenon. Morasses we have several in these parts, which may be distinguished into these Classes, the White, the Grey, the Black: It is plain from Microscopical Observations, that the White is nothing but a Compages of the Leaves, Seeds, Flowers, Stalks and Roots of Herbs, and Fruits or Shrubs which no doubt increase every Year; these bourn to white Ashes, but yield but little of lixivial Salt. The Grey is harder and more ponderous, and to me seems to be but a more perfect putrefaction of the former. The Black is the best Fire, and the most Bituminous, which I take to be a consummated putrefaction of the Plants that grow upon these places, as Elaeagnus, Ros Solis, Erica, and the like; and in this I am farther confirmed, because I have frequently observed the white Moss, which is demonstrably a Compages of the recited Plants, converted easily to black Moss, which is done by draining of the Dales, or cutting Sluices thorough the Morasses; by which means the white Moss which before was like a Sponge saturated with Water, now drained, contracts to a more compact Body. Besides these are the Heathturfs, and a bituminous Earth near Ormskirk, but of that I shall discourse in its proper place. 'Tis the received Opinion, that these Morasses had their Rise from Noah's Deluge, and this Hypothesis seems to be backed by the great quantities of exotic Trees, marine Shells, and other Phaenomena that are observed there; I have likewise seen a Brass-Kettle which was given me by Major George Westby, and a small Millstone found in those places, as likewise Beads of Amber. 'Tis plain these could not be brought thither by Noah's Deluge, since in those early days the Refining of Metals was not known, and 'tis very probable such kind of Millstones not made use of: But since I have shown how Moss may, and doubtless does increase, it is easy to conceive how such things may sometimes be found in Morasses; but whether these subterraneous Trees, Pine-Cones, Nuts and Shells did grow in these places, or were brought thither by the universal Flood, is a Question that may challenge our next Consideration. I must confess I have not seen Sirs grow naturally in any part of this Kingdom, but what there are have been raised by great Care and Industry; and Caesar assures us, that when he first invaded this Island there did not any Sirs grow in it. From these to me it seems plain, that these could not come from any other Cause but a Deluge, and it is most probable from that dreadful one recited by Moses: Some persons I know have endeavoured to evade this Assertion by averring, that these subterraneous Trees were not really Sirs, but only Woods made Resinous by a bituminous Earth, and so consequently might be there without a Deluge. To these I answer; Not only Fir-stocks, but Fir-apples are likewise found in these Morasses, and these I hope those Gentlemen will allow me could not belong to any other Tree but to the Fir; besides the grain of the Wood, and the Turpentine that upon burning drops from it, sufficiently demonstrate it to be really Fir: so that what is argued upon that account is but a mere Subterfuge, and bears nothing of Argument along with it. I have often indeed wondered how upon the tops of Mountains there are sometimes these Morasses, and the adjacent Valleys Arable Ground; but in that terrible Confusion which doubtless was at the Deluge, I think the Phaenomena of Nature cannot be mechanically accounted for: so that if a Naturalist can but demonstrate a Deluge by Matter of Fact, that it only could produce these wonderful Effects; whether he can or not assign the Modus of doing it, is not material. These Sirs are split and dried, and by the poorer People made use of instead of Candles. It is urged by the Learned Dr. Plot, that these Morasses were the products of the Woods that grew upon them, which by putrefaction of the Leaves, Rains and Dews, may, as we daily see, be converted into Boggs or Morasses; and that the Sirs found there were not brought thither by any Deluge, but were the product of the Soil, and in probability ruined by the Britain's, in revenge to the Danes, the Pines being their darling Tree; and he adds that Caesar having never seen the Northern Parts where the Pines grew, might easily be mistaken in that as well as in the Beech-Tree, which he asserts was not in this Island, tho' found contrary by Experience. To these I answer, Tho' the Hypothesis be ingenious, yet for the following reasons I think it not to be defended: For in the first place I think it not rational to conjecture, that the Pine through the whole Island could be so universally destroyed, as that for the future it should never be the natural product of the Soil, as we find at this day it is not; besides had the Pine, as he asserts, been destroyed in revenge to the Danes, by the Britain's, they would for the same reason have destroyed the Oak too, the Danes at that time being an Heathenish People, and their Druids Worshipped that Tree, for which therefore they must doubtless have a far greater Veneration than for the Pine. Wherefore had the Pines been destroyed for this reason only, the Oak likewise could not but have fallen a Sacrifice to their fury; for surely their own Superstition in that revengeful Juncture could never have been a Curb to their unbounded Rage. Secondly, The Postures the Fir-stocks are found in, evince they were brought thither by a Deluge; I have seen seven or eight of a vast Thickness contiguous to each other, and whoever considers the Circumference of them must necessarily conclude they could never grow there in that Order, it being impossible there should be a distance betwixt each Tree for the ascending Boughs. Thirdly, Under these are frequently found the Exuviae of Animals, as Shells, Bones of Fishes, under one particularly I saw the Head of the Hippopotamus; it is plain from hence these could not come from any other Cause but a Deluge; and if so, since the Pine is not the product of this Island, we may as reasonably suppose those to be brought thither after the same manner. What Caesar alleges of the Beech not growing here, I am apt to think that kind of Beech he saw in Italy never grew wild in this Country; we may conjecture this from the description Virgil gives of the Beech-Tree, when he terms it Patula Fagus, which cannot be affirmed of those produced usually in England: And this may serve for an Answer to what is espoused by Dr. Plot. I shall therefore in the next place proceed to consider the bituminous Earth near Ormskirk, that being another species of Moss; but before we close this Paragraph I shall presume so far upon your Patience, as to give a solution to an Objection urged by some, and then conclude. It is observed by some the Pines by themselves are found in Numbers, and likewise other Trees ranged in order are discovered together, as Birch, Ashe and Oak, distinguished in several Lines, whence they probably infer that Woods of those distinct Trees once grew there. To this I answer, That tho' they may be observed so in Martin-mere, yet the Assertion is not generally true, for I have observed them in other places to lie promiscuously; here a Fir-stock, next to it a Birch, an Oak, or an Ash, not keeping any Order at all; so that what one particular place may do, no wise illustrates a general History of those fossil Trees, since generally speaking the quite contrary is observed. Secondly, These Ranks of Trees found together no wise invalidates the Deluge, for the same Argument may be urged against fossil Shells, which are frequently found collected there; yet I suppose no Man will urge this as an Argument of their not being brought thither by a Deluge, but rather the contrary, since upon the Seashore in their native Beds they are always found in great Numbers. To these may be added that remarkable Mountain called Naphat in the Province of Conought in the Kingdom of Ireland, which is several hundred Fathom above the surface of the Sea, yet at the top of this Mountain ten Yards within it are vast Beds of all sorts of marine Shells, as Whelks, Muscles, Cockles, Periwinkles, Torculars, Pectinites, Turbinites, Oysters, etc. which doubtless, considering the immense height of the Mountain, could not be deposited there by any means but a Deluge, and that an universal one. Parallel to these are those vast Mountains of Oyster-shells in Virginia, and other parts of the West-Indies; likewise the vast quantities of marine Shells found several Yards deep in firm Marl in Lands remote from the Sea, in which five Yards within the Marl I saw the Skeleton of a Buck standing upon his Feet, and his Horns on its Head, which are yet preserved at Ellel-Grange near Lancaster. I'll give you one Instance more, That eight Yards within Marle in Larbrick near Preston in Lancashire, was found the entire Head of a Stag, with the Vertebrae of the Neck whole, which by its Branches and Magnitude is foreign to any I ever observed in these parts; but by the Cuts of those in Canada, I cannot judge them any other than of those in that Country: These are now in the Custody of Richard Longworth of St. Michael's Esq when they were taken out of the Earth they were soft and pliable, but now hard and firm. A Phaenomenon not unlike to this is observable in Coral, which immediately grows hard, the humid Particles being spent by the heat of the Air; so that the saline and terrestrial Particles are not longer disunited, but thence come to a strict union, and consequently an hard and firm Body. More Instances of this nature might be produced, but what are recited are sufficient to confirm an impartial Reader in the truth of what is alleged; and to others I think it not worth while to make any Address at all. However I shall produce another Instance, and then leave every one to his particular Sentiments: In a Place in Lancashire called the Meals, under the Moss four Yards within Marle was found an exotic Head, which by the description given me of it by the Country People, may doubtless be that of an Elk; the Brow-Antlers were bigger than usually the Arm of a Man is, the Beams were near 2 Yards in height, and betwixt the two opposite Tips of the Horns, which is the Diameter, was 2 Yards likewise. Such a Curiosity never before seen in these Parts induced the Country People to cut it asunder into many pieces, each preserving a part as a Rarity; so that had it been entire, it had been much greater: The scattered remains of it may now be seen in different Places, but that is but a slender satisfaction to a curious Enquirer. The Elk most certainly is and ever was a Creature foreign to this Nation, how therefore so many Yards in Marle under the Moss this should come to be deposited, by any other means than an universal Deluge, I would gladly be informed; considering likewise the wildness of the Place, and the thin number of People where this Phaenomenon was observed, (for the Meals are little more cultivated than the Deserts of Arabia) I think I may venture to affirm, if a Man will lay aside Prejudice, and not be too fond of an overweening Opinion, he cannot account for it any other way. To close this Head it may be agreeable enough to insert that remarkable Instance of Andrea de Valeta, Communicated to me by Signior Vigani, who had itfrom the Person himself: viz. That in the Kingdom of Granada, remote from the Sea, he saw an Indian Canoe or Boat dug out of a solid Rock. These all throughly considered undeniably evince an universal Deluge, which doubtless could not be any other than that of Noah, of which Moses gives so ample a relation; and if so, the recited Phaenomena amount to no less than a Demonstration of the Truth of what that inspired Philosopher has transmitted to us. As to the Forms of other Fossile Plants found in solid Rocks, as some not far from the Coal-Mines adjacent to Latham, where I have seen the Impressions of Polypody, Maidenhair and Thorn Leaves in an hard greyish Rock, imprinted in a Black bituminous Matter. I likewise observed in a Marble near Holker, the Lineaments of a Man; and in Pool's Hole near Buxton Bath, the Representations of several other Creatures, and various Modifications of Matter. These I take to be purely the wanton Sport of the Fluor Stalactites, and do believe these Lusus Naturae are caused by different Mixtures of bituminous, saline and terrene Particles; and are not the Exuviae of Plants in the Deluge, which in that universal Destruction subsided with the broken Strata according to specific Gravitation. At Halsil near Ormskirk is a Bituminous Turf, which emits a Smell like the Oil of Amber; and from it may be prepared an Oil not easily distinguishable from the former, and answers all the Intentions of that noble Medicine, but this must be discreetly managed, otherwise it contracts a foetid Empyeuma. Pieces of this by the Country People are made use of instead of Candles, and burn like Torches; I have seen it flame upon the surface of Water, as long as any part above its superficies remained. Where this is got there floats a bituminous Oil, I have seen strange Effects of it in preserving Raw Flesh, which comes near to the Egyptian Mummy. The Morasses are made Arable by Draining and Marling them, and bring then very good Corn; they frequently pair off the Tops of these with Push-plows, which the amass together in small Heaps, when they are dry they set them on Fire, and by their alcalious Ashes the Ground is made very Fertile, but will not continue so above three Years, after that it is very Barren. One thing had almost slipped me, how sometimes in Mosses are found human Bodies entire and uncorrupted, as in a Moss near the Meals in Lancashire. In Eller-Moss was found the Skeleton of a Stag standing upon its Feet: These are the most remarkable Phaenomena I have observed in Morasses, I shall not therefore swell these Sheets with unnecessary Recapitulations, but according to our Design proceed to the next Chapter. CHAP. IU. Of Mines and Minerals, as Coal-Mines, Kennel-Mines their various sorts; the Method of Discovering them. An Account of Sparrs, Talcs, Stalactites, Asbestus, Alum and Vitriol Oars; Salt Oars of various sorts, Salt Rocks, Sulphur Oars; the Pyrites, Native Vitriol, Salts of various kinds; Mineral Damps, and Diamonds. IT is an Observation as common as true, and which may justly challenge our Admiration, That the Mines in all Parts of the World (I mean Coal and Kennel-Mines) are always found in Strata, shelving towards the Centre; or as the Miners call it, Dipping: Insomuch, that the same which in one part perhaps cannot be discovered under Twenty Fathom, is yet at the Rise of the Mine frequently found near the Surface of the Ground: These generally keep the same Dip as the Coal Slat that lies over them, and by finding that you speedily disclose the Mine; and whatever the Miners may pretend, so far as I have been able to observe, more certain Directions for the Discovery of these Mines cannot be given. If the Mines lie in any considerable Strata, (or as the Workmen style it) lie True, their usual Dip is East or West; or as they vulgarly word it, to the Twelve-a-Clock, or Four-a-Clock Sun. In these Mines are those luxuriant Springs of Acidulae, that it would be impossible ever to make them serviceable, if they lay not in this shelving Posture: For did they lie in an Horizontal Plane, they would most commonly not be found under some Hundred Fathoms, and then the Quantities of Water would be too great for any Engine to discharge. It was therefore, no doubt, the wonderful Providence of the Almighty at the universal Deluge, in the Disruption of the Earth, that as the Psalmist terms it, They started aside like a broken Bow, to remain as everlasting Monuments of his Power, as well as Kindness to Mankind: And a farther Argument of his infinite Goodness is, that they are most commonly found in cold Climes, and not in those Regions where they have a more kindly Influence of the Sun. To pretend to solve the Postures of these, in so great a Confusion as was at the Deluge, by specific Gravity, is I think but to trifle in Terms: For Mechanically to account for these wonderful Phaenomena, would be an Undertaking equal to that Genius who so easily discovered a Pacing-Saddle, or preserved Antiphthisical Air in Bottles brought from Montpellier. In these Mines it is plain no specific Gravitation is observed, for Coals, Strata of Marle, Coal Slats, in all the Mines I have seen always lie promiscuously; for sometimes you come to a Stratum of Marle, afterwards to a Stratum of Freestone, Ironstone, or the Pyrites; then to a Coal or Kennel-Mine, then to a Stratum of several Kind's again, and then to Coals or Kennel again, and sometimes to Coals above them all; from which it is evident, that in their subsidence they were not determined to any specific Gravitation, but as Dr. More terms it, were solely governed by an Hylarchic Spirit. These things premised, I shall proceed to the Phaenomena frequently observed in them, As the constituent Principles of Coals, their Mineral Waters, Damps, and Pyrites. Coals may be said to consist of Bitumen or Sulphureous parts, Vitriolic and Ferruginous, sometimes interlarded with a mixture of Ochre and Terrence parts; the sulphureous Particles are easily distinguishable by their Burning, viz. By their Smell and the azure Colour of the Flame; the Vitriolic parts are proved two ways, first, I have sometimes seen Native Vitriol in these Mines: secondly, By Distillation; as more particularly in the Kennel near Haigh, from which by Distillation in a Retort, will come over a very austere Vitriolic Water: Besides the Springs that issue out of these do sometimes afford us quantities of Vitriol, as I have before remarked. Their ferruginous Particles are discovered in the Cinder, by their adhesion to the Magnet, which I take to be a Pathognomonical Symptom of Iron in that case, tho' Dr. Lister is pleased to style it one of the Pyrites: But when the Dr. is framing an Hypothesis, he is no Slave to his Senses; and by the same Parity of Reason, he might put forth Comments upon Transubstantiation. Ocres frequently adhere to Coal, as do the Bass and Terrene parts: As to the Pyrites, that darling Proteus of the Dr. which at a dead-lift helps him to a Solution of any Phaenomenon, and which has given him the Character of a profound Naturalist amongst several Persons, perhaps because they were incapable to apprehend him; nor indeed can I think he apprehends, or believes himself those Assertions he lays down concerning this Pythagorical Gentleman the Pyrites. This Pyrites is frequently found betwixt the Lamellae of the Coals, and sometimes in Fissures and Strata: These by their Configuration to the Receptacles in which they are disclosed, appear to have once been fluid; I have seen some Cubical, others in Pentagons, and some rolled up in Magdalons, and Striated like Cockle-shells, in lines exactly like those; a Collection of these I have by me, and design them for the Musaeum at Oxford. Others I have seen in the Shape of the Pectinites. The Pyrites consists of Sulphur, Vitriol, Ochre, Metallick parts, as Iron, Copper, etc. Of this there are various sorts, as the Aureus, Argenteus, Ferreus, Cupreus. The Sulphur is distinguishable in it by the Detonation it makes with Nitre, as likewise by the sulphureous Smell which by Collision may be observed in it. The Vitriol is known by its Germination, which it frequently emits exposed in the Air. The Ochre, and Metallick parts are discovered by Calcination and Fusion, and of these I have seen several Essays. These are the most noted Phaenomena I could ever observe in this Minion of Dr. Lister; but if he would have greater Matters credited of it, he surely writes not what he has seen, but what he fancies: Let him first oblige the World with more ample and convincing Discoveries of its Merit, otherwise why should we Attribute to it more than its Value? It may be freely said of this as of most of the Dr's Notions, All is not Gold that glisters. Sparrs there are of several sorts, but the most Noted may be reduced to these Classes, the Rhomboidal Pellucid Spar, the Sapphirine Rhomboidal, or Azure Spar, the Opace Azurine Spar, the Alabastrites and the Stalactites, the Pellucid irregular Spar, the Diamond Spar, so denominated from its figure: These all will run, and are commonly made use of by the Miners to run down their Oars. These are a Composition of Vitriolic Salts, Sulphurs, and Terrene Particles: The Sulphur is discernible by Calcination, as are likewise the Saline, and Terrene Particles, which are very austere, and like a Bowl will adhere to the Tongue. The Rhomboidal Spar is frequently found in the Mines in Derbyshire, and is constituted with various Lamellae, which are all Rhomboidal; which figure no doubt proceeds from a particular mixture of Saline and Terrene parts. Sometimes I have seen Sparrs consisting of various Parallellograms; these are Pellucid like Diamonds, and will cut Glass, and are frequently found in Molehills, at Downham in Lancashire: These are not to be found by Digging, as I have been informed by several of the Neighbouring Inhabitants, from what Depth therefore these Earthy Pioners do bring them up is uncertain; they are called by the Names of Downham-Diamonds. The Sapphirine or Azure Spar is frequently found in Copper and Led Mines in Lancashire and Derbyshire; some are more Opace than others, which no doubt proceeds from the different mixture of Saline and Earthy parts. The Alabastrites and Stalactites are found plentifully in those most noted Cavities, Pool's Hole, and the Devil's-Arse in the Peak in Derbyshire: These are not so pellucid as the other, therefore seem to contain a greater proportion of Terrene, and less of Saline Particles. The Figures which these Stalactites shoot into are Wonderful, and to a Thinking Man the most diverting Objects in the Universe. In some places the Cavity is scarce a Yard deep, in others an Hundred Fathoms perpendicular, of a most magnificent Arch: From the Top of this vast Roof there continually drops a Water, which forms various Lamellae of the Stalactites, in the shape of Haycocks, Lions, Men, Fretwork, and several other diverting Phaenomena. Dr. Woodward supposes the Stalactites to be formed by the Water in some Strata of Earth, filtering from the Spar, and so according to the position of Particles, to constitute various Lamellae of Spar. I shall not deny but this in part may be true, yet in those Cavities it is most certain the Water forms various Lamellae of Spar, after it is fallen from the Rock, as is very discernible in those little Hills called Haycocks, upon which the Water is continually dropping, and each Year forms various Lamellae of the Stalactites; the Water is clear, and of a pleasant Taste, and in Distillation yields a good quantity of this Sparry Matter: Wherefore it is most probable, there is a continual solution of this kind of Matter, by some acid Esurine Halitus, which may likely be the Effluvia of some of the Mines, or Minerals in those parts. I am farther confirmed in this, because the Sparrs by Calcination are of a very austere styptic Taste; therefore it is most rational to think, that they may be some Vitriolate Effluvia which make this solution, but are not to be discerned in the Water, because the Saline Particles are sheathed in the Terrene, and so cannot exert their pungent Qualities until they are disentangled: And hence it is that the Water, tho' it be highly saturated with these Spars, is yet of a pleasing Taste; and no doubt but a thorough Discovery of the Principles of these Waters, would give us a satisfactory Account of the Formation of Gems, and might likewise be of Use in Physic. There are different Kind's of these Sparrs; as to their internal Qualities, some if taken inwardly will Vomit, and Purge most violently, as that in the Led Mines near Andlesack in Lancashire; and this no doubt consists in a great measure of Salt and Sulphur, which I take to be the reason that it is Emetic. But the Nature of this Spar will be more fully made out from the subsequent Instances, and the first is by Calcination, in which you may easily discover that a Pound of this will yield a Dram of Arsenic at the least, lying betwixt the Lamellae of the Spar. Whence therefore this comes to be of so Poisonous a Nature is plainly evident: Notwithstanding this, the Neighbours thereabout will frequently take a Scruple at least of this in Fits of the Stone, in whom it vomits, purges, and works violently by Urine; in this Case, as they have frequently assured me, they have found great Relief: Whence the Vomiting and Purging proceed is evident, as we have before observed, viz. from the Arsenical Sulphur; as likewise from that profuse quantity of Urine, which may sufficiently hint to us what kind of morbific Matter it is, that causes the Diabetes, both from the Quickness of its poisonous Quality, and likewise the Sweetness of the Urine. There are some have been so daring, as to venture to take a Dram of this, particularly One james Barns' Wife and Child, but alas! to their woeful Experience they found the sad Effects of it; for in about Nine Hours afterwards they both Expired. The like Quantity of this, in about Three Hours time, will Kill a Dog; and it is observable, that the Dog while living is deeply Lethargic, which may farther illustrate to us, in malignant Fevers attended with those Symptoms, what kind of Matter probably it is that causes those Symptoms; but that is more fully Discussed in its proper place. Nay, so spreading is the Poison of this Spar, that it has not only been fatal to the Creature that has taken it, but a Dog by licking the Blood of a Swine, which had accidentally taken it mixed with Meal and Butter, expired likewise; and it is farther observable, that the Flesh of the Swine was afterwards Eaten, and did no mischief tho' the Blood was poisonous; because as we may reasonably conjecture, the Arsenic had not spread itself farther than the Mass of Blood. There is likewise in the same Mine a Black Spar, which affords a diverting Phaenomenon; or perhaps by some may be esteemed a melancholy Scene, which is in the following manner, If you calcine this Spar in a Crucible, its sulphureous Particles so diffuse themselves in the ambient Air, that the Persons standing by, by their Paleness resemble the Corpse of so many deceased Persons. It is further remarkable, that there are sometimes Cavities in the Body of this, and likewise in the Lead-Ore, which are impleted with Water, tho' there are no apparent Aqueducts leading to them; these by the Miners are styled Self-Loughs: Whence this Water is derived may merit our Consideration; but it is most probable it is raised from the more remote Bowels of the Earth, by a subterraneous Heat, and collected in those Cavities; so that it is undeniably demonstrable, that the aqueous Particles must penetrate the Pores of the Rocks, Sparrs and Oars, which will more plainly illustrate to us how sometimes in those kinds of Cavities there are found living Toads, which some have had the vanity to fix there ever since Noah's Deluge; but from the Ova, or Eggs floating in the Particles of the Water, it is most probable to conclude they bred there. Others are Diuretical, and are frequently taken with success in the Gout and Stone, which no doubt they effect by their saline Particles inciding the Lentor in the Blood, and so consequently give ease in those Cases: Instances of this kind I have seen several, but to insert them here is foreign to this Undertaking. These are the most remarkable Phaenomena I have observed of Sparrs, I shall therefore in the next place hasten to Talcs and Amianthus, or that which is called Feathered Alum. The Talcs are pellucid, and frequently found in Marle, and will easily calcine into brittle white Lamellae, and would no doubt make a very good Plaster, which in the Malt-Kilns might be of great use, being far better than those common Clay-Floors; this is not at present made use of any farther than a common Mortar, but its farther Improvement succeeding Generations may discover. The Amianthus is likewise found in Marle, it consists of various Filaments, and is that which the Ancients made their perpetual Lamp with; I have seen Cloth and Paper made of this, which would stand Fire, and doubtless it would be highly worth the while of some of our ingenious Mechanics to make farther Essays upon it. It is called by some the Salamander's Wool, because, as I imagine, like that it is able to withstand the fury of the Flame: juncker and Etmuller give us an account of its Principles, and likewise of some Trials they have made upon it; I shall therefore refer the Reader to those Authors. It is used by some Physicians in Unguents, in Distempers of the Nerves, but for my part I cannot see what use it can be of in those Cases; I cannot conceive how so sluggish and unactive a Body can penetrate and open the Obstructions of the Nerves, nor is it likely that its Particles should be absorbed by the Capillary Vessels, and so destroy that Acidity of the Blood that may occasion the Distemper. The next thing to be considered are the Alum and Vitriol-Ores, and of these there are various sorts. Vitriol is a Salt so denominated from its being like Glass pellucid, and of this there are three sorts, White, Red and Green. The Red is found in the Mines in Hungary, and the White and Green in Lancashire and Derbyshire: The Green is either Natural or Artificial; Natural, such as is that in the Kennel-Pits at Haigh in Lancashire, and in some Lead-Mines near Castleton in Derbyshire; Artificial, such as is prepared from the Pyrites, by Calcination and Fermentation. Of the Green there are two sorts, the one spongy and the other solid, but with Galls all yield the same Phaenomena. Of the White likewise are two sorts, the solid and the Trichites, the solid is found sometimes in Laminae, betwixt those of the mineral Bass, or Shiver, as the Miners term it; the Trichites is an Efflorescence from the Oars in the form of Hairs, and for that reason so styled from the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, which signifies an Hair; the Oars of these are commonly Bass, and as I suppose have their Pores so configurated, as not to admit of other Salts, and with these Salts we do imagine they may be impregnated from the Bowels of the Earth, by the ascending Effluvia, or by those Particles which fall from the Atmosphere, as is evident from those Stones near Hess-Cassel in Germany, which by exposing them to the Air, afford at several times a greater quantity of Vitriol than the whole substance of the Stone amounts to. The white Vitriol is frequently found mixed with Alum, which I suppose might give occasion to some to make no difference betwixt those Salts; but they may easily be distinguished, for the vitriolic Particles will spend themselves in Efflorescences in the Air, but the aluminous remain fixed; and than it is, and not till then, that the Alum ought to be prepared. Roch-Allum we have at Brindle and Houghton in Lancashire, where great quantities might be made, those Parts being most modious of any in the Kingdom for this Business, since they may be so easily supplied with that Sea-plant which the Arabians called Kali, and we in our Idiom Kolp. Alum, as well as Vitriol, is most commonly found in Bass, and as we suppose may challenge the like production; they differ likewise in their Figure in Chrystallization, yet neither of them do at all times shoot into one and the same Figure. Here one Question of moment offers itself to our Enquiry, (viz) Whether or no green and white Vitriol be specifically different, or only differ in Colour as they are differently saturated with some Ore or Mineral: It is certain I have in the same mineral Water observed, both green and white Vitriol, and likewise out of the same o'er both green and white Vitriol make their Efflorescences; wherefore it seems probable to me that these two are not specifically different, but that the one consists of a more compact and close Texture, and the other of more lose Particles: I am farther confirmed in this Opinion, because I find that they will both turn black with Galls, and are both Emetic. The Oars of Vitriol are either Marcasite, or Bass; the Methods of making Vitriol have been before recited, both in the Philosophical Transactions, and in a Piece of Mr. Ray's; I shall not therefore transgress on the patience of my Reader. As to marine Salts they either make their Efflorescences out of some kind of Limbs, or Bass, as I have observed upon several Walls in Lancashire; and upon the blue Bass in Cheshire sometimes upon old Walls may be observed Salt-petre, and oftentimes an alcalious fixed Salt, which I take to be the Natron of the Ancients; and which we likewise find in some Waters in Lancashire, as in those near Townley and Burnley. If the Use of this Salt was fully prosecuted, it would doubtless be of great Benefit, as far surpassing all our artificial Alcalies, if we may judge of it either by the Phaenomena observable in it, or from those Accounts which the Ancients give of it, as Hypocrates and Dioscorides; and Vauslebius, a modern Author, in his Account of the Plague at Grand Cairo, assures us of the wonderful Efficacy of this Salt, of which he himself was an Eye-witness; for tho' Hundreds in a Week constantly expired of the Plague then raging, yet so soon as the Nitre falls, which they know by the Turgidness of the Nile, and the fermenting and rising of the Nitre-Pits, the Sickness immediately ceases. Polyd. Virgil informs us that the first Invention of Glass was by an Accident which happened from this Salt, (viz.) Some Merchants who had been at Nitria, a place in Egypt where it is collected in greatest quantities, taking several large pieces of Natron on board their Vessels, and having a mind to go on Shore for their Diversion, ordered some Piles of it to be raised on the Ground, upon which they might fix their Kettles, as on Furnaces, to boil their Meat; but when the Fire grew to an intense heat, the Salt and Sand fluxed together, and ran into a transparent Glass, a Method not much unlike that which is practised from the Ashes of Kali; how far therefore it might be useful upon this Account, deserves our Consideration. Rocks of Salt of a vast thickness are frequently found in Cheshire, some of them twenty-five Yards or more thick; but whence these came, whether from the universal Catastrophe of the World at the Deluge, or have been since formed in the bowels of the Earth, admits our next Enquiry. It is observed that such a quantity of Water will only dissolve such a proportion of Salt, nor will the Salt after dissolution precipitate; if then we imagine these Rocks to proceed from the Deluge, we must conclude that vast Globe of Water that drowned the World, to be more saturated with Salt than any of the Brine-springs in Cheshire; and if so, the Rocks of Salt had been universal over the World. Wherefore to me the most rational Conjecture is, That upon the Rupture of the Strata of the Earth, Islands of those Salt-Rocks floated in the Flood, and so for a considerable time might be tossed to and fro undissolved, and in that general Confusion upon the subsiding of the Water, might settle with the rest of the Mines and Minerals, and so have continued in the Posture we find them ever since. I have before demonstrated that the Brine-springs do not proceed from the Rocks of Salt that are already discovered, but from the Rocks that lie deeper in the Bowels of the Earth, or it may be from none at all, because the Figures of the Salt are different; I shall not therefore insist further upon that Point, but pass on to what I next proposed; and that is to give an Account of Alum, and its various Oars. Alum may be divided into three Classes, the Roch, the Feathered, and the Trichites, the which is made most commonly from an Ash-coloured Bass, and is frequently mixed with white Vitriol, as may be observed in the Oars in Lancashire and Derbyshire: The Feathered Alum, as was noted before, is often found in reddish Marles near Thernham in Lancashire. The Uses of these are so notorious, I shall not insist upon them. The next Mineral that bears the nearest affinity to its Salts is the Downham-Diamond; these, as we hinted, are cast up by the Moles, and in those little Mountains often discovered after showers of Rain, I have seen some of them as dazzling as those from India, and would likewise for some time cut Glass, but not like those continue it. The Learned Mr. boil, and Signior Bret have given us a large Account of their Formation, to whom therefore I refer my Reader; only in short I shall give you my own Conjecture, which is that I take them to be a Composition of saline and terrene Particles, perhaps not unlike those of the most refined Sparrs; and in this I was confirmed by the Calcination of them, in which I could discover a perfect vitriolic Taste, and found a cretaceous Matter; but this I presume is in that small proportion, and so curiously interwoven with the saline Particles, that the whole Body becomes transparent, as we see in those of Glass the like Phaenomena are observable. The next Minerals to be prosecuted are the Sulphurs, of which various kinds are observable in these Countries, as in Mines, Metals and Minerals; and these, as they are united with different Bodies, may be ranged into several Classes: some may be called Vitriolic Sulphurs, because consisting of oily and vitriolic Particles, and form that Body which we commonly call Brimstone, and these are observable in Coal-Mines, Mineral-bases, Oars, Metals and Minerals; others are Oleaginous Sulphurs, as the Halitus in the Burning-Well near Wigan, the Sulphur-Damps in several Mines, and the burning Turf near Halls-hall, and a Sulphur different from all these is observable in Lead, Copper, and the Pyrites. But to give a clear Idea of all these I shall delineate their several Effects, by which the Reader will the better judge of their constituent parts. I shall therefore in the next place proceed to the Oily and Metallic Sulphurs: The Oily Sulphurs are easily inflammable, but in their burning have no smell; these are observable in the Burning-Well near Wigan, and the burning Damps in Coal-Mines, as was before hinted: sometimes these take Fire by Collision, and sometimes by Accension, as from the flames of the Candles the Miners work with, and then too often produce dismal Effects, as the blowing Men out of the Shafts, scorching them to Death, and sometimes destroying the Works. The Effects of these are as fatal as those of Lightning, and frequently present us with very odd Phaenomena, as the rending in pieces prodigious Rocks, ejecting several great Stones perpendicular, with a thousand other Disasters in the Works. From these things to me it seems plain, the wonderful Effects produced from Lightning upon Animals, are chief from their sulphureous Particles, by a total and sudden dissipation of the animal Spirits, whence necessarily follows a coagulation of the Blood, and consequently Death: Wherefore in these Cases to save the Life of the Patient, if possible, as was inserted before in the Chapter of Air, speedy bleeding in the Jugulars or Arms is to be used, Cupping-Glasses, volatile Alcalies, Friction, Epispastics, and the like, are the Methods to be taken; and not to trifle with Milk, expecting that to imbibe the Poison, as is the common Custom. Other Sulphurs are observable in Lead and Lead-Ores, the Effluvia of which are apt to produce Palsies, the Byon, and Consumption; in these a metallic corrosive Salt is united with the Sulphur, and so either by causing a coagulation of the Lympha, or serum of the Blood, entangles the Spirits, obstructs the Lungs or Nerves, and so produces the forerecited Distempers. The Byon is not much unlike a Quinsy, the symptoms running parallel, and no doubt but the like Method in that as in an essential Quinsy ought to be taken. The Sulphur of the Pyrites will easily fulminate with Nitre, which Pyrites is a Complex of different metallic Particles, as they are found in different Mines, as in Lead, Copper, Iron, Antimony, etc. as was before related. Sulphur is discernible in some mineral Waters by their smell, and by a Reverberation of the sulphureous Steams of hot Baths in Cupulos, native Sulphur may be collected. Sulphur by the Greeks is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, because they thought in this, in those times of Heathenism, the Gods descended, and by Thunder and Lightning destroyed the Provinces: But by modern Authors it is taken for an inflammable or oily Concrete from some mineral Acid, which is rendered evident in the preparation of common Brimstone, which contains both an inflammable Oil, and an acid Spirit, and accordingly as the Acid is united with the Sulphur, the Sulphur is benign or poisonous; hence it is that common Brimstone may more safely be taken, because it contains a mild Acid; but the Sulphurs of Antimony, Arsenic, and other Minerals, are poisonous because they contain more penetrating Salts, and so inflame and lacerate the Vessels. As to Mineral Damps it is observable that they will continue upon the surface of the Water in the Mine the space of a Month at least, in an Oval form, as the Miners assured me, and then frequently break; at which time, if the Miners be within the Works, they are often suffocated: I discoursed with one who had like to have perished by them; he told me he perceived a sudden Coldness to strike to his Heart, as he termed it, and an extraordinary sweetness in his Mouth, that he lay like a Person in a Swooning Fit, and was not sensible of either Pain or Sickness, nor could he remember any thing farther, save that he drew his Breath short as he recovered, and was drowsy for some time afterwards. The Phaenomena seem to indicate these Damps to consist of arsenical Sulphurs, and vitriolic Effluvia, which suddenly entangle the Spirits, and so produce a Coagulation of the whole Mass of Blood, and consequently Death itself, if not speedily prevented. The way the Persons have in those Cases to save themselves, is by digging an Hole in the Earth, and lying in it upon their Faces till such time as the Damp has spent itself; and sometimes by shooting at it, and so firing it out: One of the Men, whose Ignorance led him to Superstition, affirmed it to be an infernal Spirit; and indeed if a Man reflect upon the Wickedness of most of the Miners, one might have too much reason to conclude that they have too great a Correspondence with such sort of Company, their Morals being inconsistent with any Religion; there is scarce a vicious Act but they are guilty of it, their Folly is as notorious as their Vice; after all their toilsome Labours for a whole Week in dismal obscure Cells, the product of all their six Days Work is generally on the seventh expended in Drunkenness and Lewdness. Sometimes in these Mines are observable mineral Earth's, by the Miners called Coke, and Toftan, but to me they seem a courser sort of Sparrs: These, as the Miners affirm, are unerring Indications of Lead, and when they come to those Minerals, they will pretend to tell you how far they are from Lead; but too much Confidence is not to be given to these Assertions, for I have observed these Minerals to be where no Lead could ever be found; nor indeed considering the various Bodies Led is found in, is there any reason to conclude these to be the preceding Characteristics of that Metal; but these things being to be more fully considered in the Chapter of Metals, I shall not expatiate upon them in this, but to that refer the Reader. The Metals in these Countries are Led, Iron, and Copper; the Metallis affinia, or Bodies betwixt Metals and Minerals, are Antimony, Black-Lead, and Lapis Calaminaris. Lead-Ore is frequently found either in Sparrs, white Sand, (some of which is as white as the most refined Sugars I have seen) in the Fissures either of Limestone or Freestone, and then it runs in Veins, as the Workmen call it: These are of different sizes, sometimes the Mine being a quarter of a Yard diameter, and the same Mine sometimes not above an Inch, and a little after the the Rock clasping together, the Vein entirely disappears, through which the Miners continuing to work recover the Vein of Metal as formerly; this kind of Ore is most commonly found in the Fissures of Lime and Freestone. Another kind of Lead-Ore is found in Lumps, and that in white Sand, as in the Lead-Mines near Keswick. There are four sorts of Lead-Ore, viz. the Spar-Ore, Coke-Ore, Potter's Ore, and White Ore: The Spar and Coke-Ore are about equal Value, and are fluxed with white Wood in Furnaces for that purpose, and they usually run about a fourth or fifth; Potter's Ore will not lose above a seventh, and frequently contains a proportion of Silver; the White Ore is a natural Ceruse, and yields a greater quantity of Metal than any of the rest. Iron Oars there are of four sorts, as the Raddle-Ore, Clay-Ore, Blue Ore, and the Button-Ore, so called from little globular Protuberances that cover its superficies: The common way of fluxing these is by a large Blast with Wood-Charcoal; but I am informed that lately by the Cakes of Pit-Coal those Oars may be run into a malleable Iron; and if so, the Profit in the Northern Parts will be extraordinary, they having vast quantities of that Ore, and likewise of Coals. 'Tis most certain it is nothing but the Sulphur of the Pit-Coal that renders the Iron brittle, and runs it to a Regulus, but whoever understands the fluxing of Metals, may easily by Lixivials and due Preparations know how to manage that Point. In the running down of all Metals a particular care ought to be taken of the Workmen, otherwise they will too often evaporate it, sink it into a Lithorhage, or run it down with the Cinders, by which means they have an opportunity at leisure to convert it to their own Use, and so to defraud the Proprietor: And unless this Disadvantage is prevented, though there is a vast gainful prospect from the Mines in Lancashire, they will never answer expectation; for I myself have fluxed the same sort of Ore to a fourth of malleable Metal, whereas the Forger has only run it, as he averred, to a twentieth, nor would he account for any more to the Proprietor. Copper Oars may be reduced to the following Classes, viz. The Azure, the Green, the Golden, and the Cinerous, or Ash-coloured; and these are found simply of themselves, and sometimes mixed with Iron, Led and Antimony, of which I have various Specimens, but when the Oars are so compounded they never turn to Account. The Azure might for aught I know answer all the Intents of Ultra-Marine, and in fluxing will not lose above a twentieth Part; but of this the quantity is so small, that no great Advantage can be expected from it. The Golden Ore is so called from the Pyrites Aureus mixed with it, which gives it that Colour: Of these there are quantities sufficient, I do think, to supply all Europe, and were the Mines rightly managed, we should not have any necessity to import our Copper from Sweden, which would be of vast Advantage to the Kingdom; but either the Ignorance or Fraud of the Smelters is such, that the Product is in a manner destroyed. The Method of rightly running this Metal is, by reducing the Ore to a small Powder, and afterwards roasting it till all the Sulphur is evaporated, and then by an addition of lixivial Ashes. Nitre and Tartan, the Ore in a proper Furnace will run to a fourth Part of malleable Copper; whence it is plain by the quantity of Ore got Weekly, that the Profit would be vastly considerable, but at present, for aught I can learn, they are so miserably managed, that they turn to no Account at all. The Green Ore is of two sorts, the Vitriolic, and the Stoney: The Vitriolic will run to an half malleable, the Stoney not to a twentieth; and this may be done without either Roasting, or the Flux-powder, which in the Golden Ore cannot be effected. The Cinerous Ore must be fluxed as the Golden, and then it will run to one half malleable; and of this kind there are in Lancashire quantities sufficient. But that the Method of Essaying Metals may be more easily apprehended, I shall in each of them set down the particular Forms, which I found most practicable; and shall in the first place begin with Iron, and so descend to the rest. The Species of Iron Over are all enumerated before, wherefore I shall directly begin with the Process in running down that Metal, with some Experiments upon the Haematites or Bloodstone. The Furnace in which this is run down is about two Yards square, and so rises perpendicular a Yard or more; it is lined within with a Wall of the best Freestone, to keep off the force of the Fire from the Walls of the Furnace; the Bellows which are large and moved by Water, enter about the middle of the Focus. The rest of the Furnace is raised upon this, six or seven Yards in a square or quadrangle, but tapering, so that the sides draw each other by degrees, and the top Hole or Orifice where they throw in Baskets of Stone and Fuel, is but half a Yard square; into this place they put down a Pole, to know how far it hath rested for a certain time, and when they find it to have subsided about a Yard and half, than they put in more till the Furnace is full again. There is a sort of Iron o'er that yields an Iron that is brittle when it is cold, this abounds with too great a quantity of Sulphur, however it may be made a Metal malleable as any of the rest, by reducing to Powder, and roasting the Ore till the Sulphur is sublimed, then running it down with common Salt or Pot-Ashes, or the Ashes of Ferns. There is another sort of Ore they call Red-shire, that is such an Ore which yields an Iron, which if hammered when red-hot proves very brittle; therefore these two melted down together produce a good sort of Iron. Their Fuel is Turf and Charcoal, and in some places Charcoal only; several trials have been made with Pit-coal, but all hitherto unsuccessful, that Fuel abounding with too great a quantity of Sulphur, by which the Metal is rendered friable; but I am apt to think if they used the Pit-coal made into Coke, that Inconveniency might be avoided; the dusty part of the Charcoal is useful for burning the Ironstone; to every Basket of this burnt Stone they put in one of Brimstone, to make it melt freely, and cast the Cinders. This Mineral has a strange Effect upon Iron, as we see by the various Preparations made from it by this Body; the Rationale of which I take to be this, That the Body of the Iron is opened by the Acid of the Sulphur, and so quits itself of the Cinder, or terrence Particles. 'Tis strange to imagine the wonderful Effects Acids have upon Iron, even the least of them making an alteration in that Body; the very Acidity of a Potato, which is not distinguishable by the Palate, will make the Metal when polished livid, and raise a Rust or Crocus upon its Superficies; other stronger Acids make a perfect solution of it, particularly Oil of Vitriol converts its Body into a green Crystalline Salt, which may again be run down into malleable Iron: So wonderfully are the terreous Particles dissolved in Minimis, or as we express it, in Miniature, that they are not to be discerned by the naked Eye, or the best Microscopes. This Metal, if rightly prepared, comes nearer to a Panacea, or universal Medicine, than any Drug yet known, and in Chronic Scorbutic Cases is doubtless as much a Specific as the Peruvian Bark in Intermitting Distempers, but this by the By; I shall now proceed to other Phaenomena observable in its Fusion. In the midst of the Furnace is a Tunnel, at which they put in Charcoal, where it is kindled, than they add Over broken into pieces about the bigness of a Pigeon's Egg, so much as they intent to melt down; then they set their Bellows at work, and continue blowing about twelve Hours, feeding it still with new Charcoal as it settles; the glassy Cinder being very liquid, is let through an Hole at the bottom of the Wall; the Iron is left in a Conical Hole in the midst of the Hearth, which they take out with great Tongues, than put it under heavy Hammers, moved as the Bellows by Water, whereby after several heatings, in the same Furnace it is melted in, it is beaten into Bars: About an hundred pounds' Weight of Metal is gained at one Melting, which is the Product of about three times as much Ore. This indeed was the ancient way of running down Iron Over, but of late the following Method is practised. They have a plain and open Hearth like that of a Blacksmith, without any enclosing Walls, excepting where the Bellows enter there is an hollow place, which they fill and heap up with Charcoal; then lay the Ore broken small round it upon the flat of the Hearth to bake, or as some express it, to Roast or Aneel, and by degrees thrust it into the hollow, where it is melted by the Blast; the glassy Scoriae run very thin, but the Metal is never in a perfect Fusion, but runs into Clods or Masses, which taken out are beaten into Bars, as before: To some of this Ore adheres a green Crystalline Spar, which consists of ferreous, vitriolic and terrene Particles; the ferreous Particles may be discovered by Fusion, and the vitriolic, terrene and sulphureous Particles by Calcination; by which Method you may distinguish a strong sulphureous Smell, and afterwards by exposing it to the Air may discern Mr. john Sturdy in the Philosoph▪ Transact. vitriolic Efflorescences formed like Needles, or small Bacilli. The soft Clay Ore is reddish, and is that which we may style Haematites, equally good as that from East-India; the Teapots in London made of it, and in Staffordshire, for Art and beautiful Colour, are not behind any from China. This Ore is frequently used with success for the Murrain in Cattle, and for all Diseases in Swine, to which latter they will give an handful or two in Milk; which may sufficiently hint to us of what extraordinary Use it may be in Inflammatory Diseases, Quinsies, and Pestilential Fevers, and may in all likelihood, by a particular Composition of ferreous, saline and sulphureous Particles, far surpass all those Bowls and sealed Earth's which we import from the Levant and the Indies; and may for aught I know in Chronic Cases likewise be a better Mixture to reduce the Mass of Blood to a right Crasis, than the most eminent Chemists could yet effect by their elaborate Preparations: And why may not this Ore, being opened by a Volatile temperate Acid, answer all the Indications of the Acidulae in England? since what Phaenomena we find in the Acidulae by Galls, either as to Tincture, Precipitation, or Evaporation, may by preparing this Ore, as recited, and infusing it in common Water, be observed. These are the most remarkable things which I took notice of in this Metal, we proceed next to Copper Oars. And here I shall give you a Process in making a small Essay to satisfy the Curious, what quantity of Copper the yellow Ore contains; it is effected in this following Method: Take twenty Pennyweight of Copper Over, beat it in a Mortar and searce it fine, than put it into a Crucible thoroughly Annealed; keep it constantly stirring in the Crucible, placed in the Fire, with an Iron Spatula, otherwise it will run into minute Masses, and be very difficult to flux down the Metal, because the Flux-powder cannot so entirely mix with the Copper Particles, so many of the Scoriae interposing: Let it thus be stirred about two Hours, or till it be of a dark Colour, not much unlike Aethiops Mineral, and emits no sulphureous Smell at all; for if the Sulphur be not entirely burnt off, it will carry off the Metal in Fusion, or at least if there be any considerable quantity of it, convert it to a perfect Regulus, and be as brittle as Glass. I have seen a Regulus run from this sort of Copper Over, which when taken out of the Furnace after Fusion, has been hard, but brittle, yet it has by lying in the Air mouldered to a small Powder, in Colour not unlike the Pyrites, which I presume might be occasioned by the Particles of the Air making a solution of the fixed Salt, which the Metal was run down withal, and so the Mass must necessarily be reduced to Powder, not unlike Coal-slates, in which by their long continuance in open Air we may observe the parallel Phaenomena. After the Ore is thus prepared, if it be that of Tilberthet or Cocklebeg in High-Furness in Lancashire, it will then weigh about seventeen Pennyweight and an half. After this to run down the Metal, proceed in the following Method: Take of Crude Tartar and Nitre each, one Ounce, powder and mix them well together, afterwards flux them in a Mortar, which is thus done. Put an Iron Spatula, or any other piece of Iron red-hot into the mixture, continually stirring it till the great Emotion ceases, powder the remaining part when cool, and add to it two Pennyweight of Pit-coal beaten also to Powder; mix these with the prepared Ore, than put them all into a Crucible, place it in a Furnace armed with Bricks, with a Wall about a Foot square, and as much in perpendicular; cover the Crucible with a Plate of Iron, to reverberate the heat upon the Ore, by which means it more easily fuses; let the Bellows be blown with a moderate Blast, and keep the Focus of the Furnace from suffocating with Cinder, by frequently elevating the Fire with the Spatula, or Iron Salamander; in about half an Hours time, or less, the Ore will run, which may be discerned by the violent Boiling of the Salts: Then remove the Crucible from the Furnace, and strike it easily for some little time upon the Ground, which motion makes the Metal more readily to separate from the Scoriae. If when the Crucible is thus hot, you should immerse it half way in cold Water, it is diverting to observe, that this glowing Heat emits for a considerable time an actual Flame, occasioned (as it is probable) by a Concentration of the Igneous or fiery Particles: The Crucible being cool, you will find at the bottom of it about six Penny weight of Copper; so that it is evident the Ore contains betwixt a third and fourth Part of Metal. If the Metal, occasioned by the remaining Sulphur, should prove brittle after it is thus run down, you must then run it down again in the same Furnace, by addition of some Saltpetre, and by repeating the Fusion twice or thrice, you will have a malleable Copper, or that which the Workmen call fine Copper. This is the best Method for Essaying this sort of Ore that I ever yet could learn, nor do I think it can be well effected otherwise. The reason why the Saltpetre and Tartar are thus prepared, is this, (tho' it is not usual in other Flux-powders, because the Ore abounds with so great a quantity of Sulphur) If the Saltpetre was not thus bridled with the fixed Salt of Tartar, it would doubtless carry away the greatest part of the Metal: I have been informed that this Ore when prepared as directed above, may be run down with Flanders-Ashes; and it is very likely it may be so; to Experiment which would be highly worth the time of the Gentlemen that are concerned in Copper Mines; for by that means they may perhaps prevent the Expense of repeated Fires, which they are at before they can reduce it to malleable Copper. These are the most remarkable Phaenomena I have observed in Fusion of Copper Over, I proceed next to treat of the Fusion of Lead Oars; which is done only by roasting of the Sulphur, and afterwards in a common Furnace by running it down with white Wood This Ore contains a very corrosive Sulphur, insomuch that when it was Essayed in an Iron Vessel, I have known it corrode it quite in pieces, which Sulphur is I doubt not, the occasion of that Distemper the Smelters call the Byon. I have in some of these Mines observed a liquid Metal, not much unlike Quicksilver, but cannot aver it to be the same; and have frequently in Copper Mines seen small pieces of Virgin Copper malleable without Fusion; but how it came to be so, I do not determine, considering with what difficulty the Metal is ravished from its Ore; on that Topic therefore I leave every Person to his own Conjecture. There is some Lead o'er which contains Silver, which after Fusion may be separated from it with Spirit of Nitre, and so both the Metals preserved. But let us consider farther this poisonous Sulphur of Lead, which will better be understood by the tragical and various effects which it produces, not only upon Human Kind, but upon Quadrupedes. The other Distemper is by the Miners called the Belland, which discovers itself in the following Symptoms, A continual Asthma or difficulty of Breathing seizes the Patient, with a dejection of Appetite, his Complexion turns pale and yellowish; these are attended with a dry Cough and Hoarseness; swelling of the Limbs and Joints ensue, which are rendered useless. This Distemper may be taken either by working in the Lead-Mines, or by the Fumes of the Ore in smelting of it: These very Symptoms happen to Horses and other Cattle; these generally take the Distemper either by feeding on the Grass where the Lead-Ore is washed, or by drinking of that Water: In some Horses that have died of this Disease, the Ore has been found in Lumps and Masses in the Stomach. Let us now inquire into the Cause of these Distempers, since it may perhaps seem strange how an Ore without any diminution of its Substance in appearance, should so far affect the extreme Parts, as to cause them to swell, and render them useless: In prosecution of which I allege that it is probable the Sulphur of the Lead is a Substance as minute as that of Antimony in Crocus Metallorum, which we find by daily Experience will cause most violent Vomitings, without the least diminution of its Weight, why may not this Sulphur then enter the very Penetralia of the Nerves, and in those by its saline Particles produce a Corrugation, and by that means obstruct the Influence of such a proportion of Spirits as are necessary to Nutrition? Hence the Blood becomes dispirited, and performs not its due Circulation, but stagnates in various parts of the Body; the Serum becomes Effete and Viscid, and thence proceed the Hoarseness, Asthma, weakness and swell of the Joints. It is probable this Distemper in the beginning, before it has too far affected the Nerves, might be cured by repeated Emetics, but after it has once advanced to that State, all Endeavours are vain. In the Discovery of these Mines, I do not find that the Miners use the Virgula Divina, or the Forked and Virgin Hasel, but the Ore generally discovers itself in the Fissures of Rocks; and this they follow till they break into the Bowl or Trunk of it, which resembles the Trunk, and its Veins, the Boughs of a Tree. I have sometimes observed in the Centre of a piece of Limestone, like a Frog involved in Amber; an entire piece of Ore, without any Strings or Leaders directing to it; which brings me in the next place to consider the Formation of Oars, whether they germinate, or are the Exuviae of the Deluge. It is affirmed of the Iron Mines in the Duke of Florence's Country, that in 3 Years time the same Mine will be as pregnant with Ore, as it was before it was exhausted: Which Instance to luxurious Wits has afforded sufficient grounds to descant upon the Germination of Metals, even to that excess, that some fond Opiniatres who have observed the metallic Tree in a Course of Chemistry, have almost reduced the Metals to Vegetables; but he that considers the Fissures of the Rocks, and the closing of those again, where the Metal entirely disappears, no Strings leading to the subsequent Body, and likewise the preceding Instance in Limestone, together sometimes with petrified Plants, Shells, Bones, and the Exuviae of Fishes, unless for the fake of being styled an Atheist, he would be esteemed a Philosopher, he cannot conclude these to be any thing else but the Ruins of an universal Deluge; and in a serious Contemplation of these in those dark Recesses of Nature, the Power of the Almighty is as discernible, as in the great Luminaries of the Universe. As to that Instance of the Iron Mine in the Grand Duke of Tuscany's Country, this may be said: 'Tis probable it is a soft Ore, which by the Effluvia continually ascending from the Central part of the Earth, may carry along with them metallic Particles, and consequently in such a space of time fill up those Vacuities again, or the empty spaces whence the Ore was extracted; which Phaenomenon to an inconsidering Eye, might give reason to judge the Ore Vegetated. Having now discovered the ways of Finding, Essaying, the Site and Formation of Metals, I proceed in the next place to the Methods of their Separation, and thence to the Metallis affinia, and so I shall close this Chapter. The Separation of Metals from Oars is twofold, either by Menstruum, or the Test, which Artificers call the Couple: The Menstruum, if the Ore contains Copper, Gold or Silver, is Spirit of Nitre, Aqua fortis, or Aqua Regia, which make a solution of the metallic Particles, and by Alcalies may easily be precipitated, and then by Fusion you may judge what quantity of Metal the Ore contains. The Separation by the Test is the common Method of the Mint, and of the Silversmiths; which being a particular Trade, and not properly the Province of Natural History, I shall not interfere in that Business, but to those I shall refer the Curious. Quicksilver is found sometimes, but that rarely and in small quantities; I remember once out of a Lead-Mine I saw about a Pound of Virgin Quicksilver, but never any native Cinnaber in these Parts, which is its usual Ore. Black Led we have near Keswick, which might be got in great quantities, but the Mines are opened only once in seven Years, that being engrossed by the Dutch and Germans, and by them made use of in glazing Earthen Ware, and in making their Melting-pots, but I presume they make a farther Use of it, in mixing it with Metals, which is not yet communicated to us; but by mixing this with Red-Lead, I have seen it run upon an Earth near Haigh, a Glass scarce discernible from Tortoise. The Lapis Calaminaris is sometimes found in the Copper Mines, and made use of in converting Copper into Brass, and is likewise used in the Dysentery, which being a strong Alcaly, by imbibing the Acid, may be a Specific in that Distemper. I having now accounted for the most remarkable Phaenomena in Metals and Metallis affinia, I shall in the next place, according to my intended Method, proceed to give an Account of Vegetables remarkable in these Countries, and their various Operations. CHAP. V. Of Plants, the various Species of Marine, Amphibious, Sea Plants, and their Vegetations illustrated; of Plants peculiar to the Counties; of the Physical and Poisonous Plants, with a Rationale of their Effects; Fossile Plants examined, and demonstrated from various Observations, that they are but Lusus Naturae. THE Learned and Indefatigable Mr. Ray has discoursed with that accuracy and fullness of these, that there is little room left to enlarge upon this Subject; wherefore what I shall offer in this Chapter shall be chief about their Germination, and some particular Phaenomena which I have observed in some of them. Their Virtues and Classes being before by that incomparable Man so fully explained, that to touch upon those would be but to Copy him, and would be indeed superfluous. In some of the Alga's or Sea-Oaks I have observed various Capsulae impleted with a pellucid Jelly, and in those an infinite Number of globular Grains, which I cannot imagine but to be their Seed; wherefore it seems probable to me, that when those Capsulae are come to their full Maturity, as in those of a foetus, there is a Disruption of their Membranes, than that crystalline Humour, (so I call it because it so nearly resembles that of the Eye) with the Seeds is excluded; the Taste of it is a little Mucilaginous and somewhat Saline, which Phaenomena demonstrate it to be a proper ferment to propagate the Germination of those Plants: I am farther confirmed in this Opinion, because upon the Rocks where these Plants grow, I have frequently seen this kind of crystalline Humour, and out of that, various kinds of Alga's or Sea-Oaks germinating, first sprouting with two small Leaves, and afterwards successively formed into the whole figure of the Plant. What therefore the ancient Botanists, and some of our modern Ones have alleged of these, asserting them to be amphibious Plants, only produced without Seed, if we fully consider the above-recited Phaenomena I think may fairly be judged an Error. I can only speak experimentally as to the Alga, but for the Seeds of the Corals, Corallines, Mosses, Sponges, Alcyoneas, I will not be obliged so strictly to account for. Coralline we have in these parts in great quantities, and it is almost noted to any vulgar Eye for its eminent Virtues in kill Worms; and I think it may be preferred to any other Alcaly, it being a composition of marine and alcalious Particles, and by that means answering two Intentions; and by reason of its safeness, in giving of which there can be no mistake in the Dose, it may challenge a greater Fame than Mercurius Dulcis, which by being given either in too great a quantity, or not being rightly sublimed, has sometimes produced most dismal Effects; wherefore the Person who meddles with this aught to know the right Dose for the Years, and particular Constitution of the Patient, and likewise be rightly satisfied that the Medicine is true, for I am certain no one Remedy is so commonly adulterated; so that he who prescribes it, not only runs the risk of his Reputation, but hazards likewise the Life of his Patient: by mistaking this I saw Two Persons Poisoned beyond recovery; which Instance I think may sufficiently caution us when, and how to prescribe it, and that Ladies, Nurses, and Apothecaries, and wise Women, who are not competent Judges whether it is rightly, or not rightly prepared, may not hereafter attempt to give it so liberally as they have done. Sponges we frequently find thrown upon the Shores, but I do not remember that I ever saw them growing. Corals we have not any, but Mosses and Alcyonia of various sorts. The Alga Saccarifera is frequently found upon these Coasts, and by hanging in the Air it will yield repeated Efflorescences of a white Sugar, as sweet as any prepared from the Sugarcanes; it is not for the present of any known use, but perhaps by Experiments which may easily be made upon it, succeeding Ages may farther inform us; however I can only add this, that the quantity of Sugar that may be had from one of these Alga's is very considerable. There are other kinds of Alga's which the Inhabitants commonly call Mermaids Purses, of these there are Two sorts, the Black and the Yellow: I do not remember any One to have given an account of these, nor can I inform myself to what Species they belong, having never yet seen them growing, and I only found them scattered on the Seashores. The Sea-Grapes may likewise be observed on these Coasts; and these I think are the most remarkable of Amphibious Plants in these parts. The perfect Marine Plants are not very numerous, but the following are common enough, Eringo, Soldanella, Buckthorn, Plantain, Sea-Colewort, Spurge, Squills, Sea-Purslain, Sedum Minimum, Sea-Spurge, Thrift Marsh-Pinks, Rock Sampire, Marsh Sampire, Horned Poppy Flore Luteo, Sea-Scurvy-grass, Serpillum, Carduus Mariae, Verbena, Rocket, Absinthium Abrotani Folio, or Sea-Wormwood. The Eringo is of frequent use in Scorbutic and Consumptive cases, and makes a most pleasant Ale by infusion. Soldanella is commonly used in Hydropic Cases, and often with success; nor have I observed it to be so rough an Hydragogue as some Botanists have pretended. Squills that grow here are not used, but I see no reason why they may not answer all the ends of the other. Serpillum is a Plant often successfully made use of in Catarrhs, and in the Fluor Albus. Rock Sampire makes a most delicate Pickle, and may be ranged in the first Class amongst Antiscorbutics. Sea-Wormwood is a Plant of extraordinary Virtues, yielding an Aromatic Oil, a volatile and fixed Salt, and is of great use in Hysteric, Hypocondriac, and Hydropic Cases. Carduus Mariae in Pleuritic Cases may be styled amongst the first; and no doubt but the Juice of it taken in inflammatory Distempers may be of great use. Marsh Sampire has a Taste perfectly Saline, makes an agreeable Pickle, and doubtless helps Digestion. These Plants may be counted Specifics for the Distempers incident to those Coasts, which if duly considered, give us pregnant reason to admire the Goodness of Him that made them. The amphibious Plants are not of use in Physic, but their Ashes are serviceable to Glass-makers, and spread upon Ground make very good Tillage. Some have pretended that in dulcifying Sea-Water these have been made use of; and it may be the Mucilage of these Plants may bridle the Sulphureous part of the Salt, which makes the Water unhealthful, but however this method can never be serviceable at Sea, nor is there any necessity for it. Having now dispatched the amphibious and perfect marine Plants, I shall in the next place proceed to the Inland Plants of these Countries; but shall not give an account of each particular Plant, but only of those that are esteemed rare. The Vaccinia Nubis, or Cloud-berries, are found upon Pendle-Hill in Lancashire, a Fruit of a pleasant Taste, and a good Antiscorbutic. The Lily of the Valley is in many of our Woods, and is a noted Sternutatory. Herba Paris is in many places, and is an eminent Counterpoison. Androsaemum grows frequently about our Mosses, a most excellent Balsamic and Vulnerary. Nummularia grows in many of our Mosses, a Balsamic. Ros Solis is very common, carries a pellucid Mucilage, in which I presume consist its Virtues in Atrophies; and no doubt were these fully enquired into, they might give reason to enlarge farther upon its Qualities, for where there is a necessity to bridle an Acid, as there is in most chronic and acute Distempers, this may doubtless be a proper Vehicle to entangle those Salts; besides which it yields a volatile Oil and Salt, which sufficiently correct Acids. The Services we have growing in great quantities upon the Rocks near Rougham, which yield a delicious Acid. The Dwarf Cynorhoidon grows in great plenty, the Conserve of its Fruit is a good Antiscorbutic, and of great use in Consumptive cases. Scolopendrium grows frequently upon the Rocks. Ophioglossum or Adder's-Tongue grows near some of our Meers, as Martin-mere. Calamus Aromaticus grows in several places: as Osmund Royal frequently upon the Morasses, the Root of which is of great use in the Worms, Rickets, and Consumptions; and I think I may aver that I was the first that in that Case prescribed it. Virga Aurea grows upon the Sea Coasts in Furness. A particular kind of Scurvygrass grows upon the Rocks near Castleton in Derbyshire, more acrid and pungent than any I have observed, and has a small Leaf, exactly resembling that called the Danish Scurvygrass. The fresh Water Plants in these parts are common with most others, therefore I shall not insist upon them. Lunaria is in some places, but very rare; Origanum is common, Mountain Sage and Buckbane are likewise so; and I think amongst the Vegetables they may be esteemed Two of the best Anti-scorbutics, either in infusion or decoction. Rocamboes' grow in the Meadows near Preston, and make an agreeable Sauce. The Dutch Myrtle or Gale is common upon the Mosses. Erica or Cypress-Heath is common in these parts, and of great use in Hydropic cases. Telephium is in plenty, and useful in curing the Piles. We have the Filipendula Aquatica, as likewise Solanum Lethale, Sphondylium, Hyoscyamos, and other Herbs of poisonous qualities. The Viscus Corilinus is common, but I have not observed the Quercinus, but either of them will answer in the Cases directed for: These by the Ingenious Mr. Ray are supposed to Vegetate from a Seed devoured by some Birds, which in their Bowels receives a Fermentation, and by a Mucus which is injected with it adheres to the Tree, and so by the imbibed ferment gins its Germination. An Instance not much unlike this Tavernier gives us of the growing of Nutmegs in East-India, which he affirms are swallowed by the Birds of Paradise, which by intoxicating them, urge them to vomit them up again; then by a ferment which adheres to the Nutmegs, ejected from the Stomaches of the Birds, they begin to germinate, and cannot any otherwise be propagated: But this by some is looked upon only as a Stratagem of the Dutch to keep the world in Ignorance, they having engrossed all the Nutmeg-Islands; and to divert others from attempting the planting of them. Tavernier is positive in the Instance, so that what he lays down whether true or not I shall not pretend to determine; but if it be so, it fairly illustrates the other Instance. The Lady-slipper we have in several of our Woods, and the Geranium Robertianum, which is of extraordinary use in scrofulous Cases, either in Powder or Decoction. Spatula foetida grows in some parts, but very rare. Lamium album grows in several places, and is a good Anti-strumatic. Dulcamara grows very common, and is an Antiscorbutic, good in the Jaundice and Dropsies; the Bark of it is used, and that in infusion. Upon the Draining of Martin-mere several unusual Plants were observable, never before seen in these Parts, particularly a kind of Grass which grows to a prodigious length, and is as sweet as Liquorice; this in a very short time fattens Sheep and other Cattle, and makes them very delicious Food, but then they must be slaughtered out of it when thoroughly fattened, otherwise they are apt to grow rotten and die: Which Distemper (by what I can observe in the Dissection of those Creatures) is nothing but an Anasarca, or Dropsy of the whole Body; and in these we have the fairest opportunity of discovering the Lymphatic Vessels, which if thoroughly known both as to their Uses and Rise, would bring Matters in Physic very near to a Demonstration, and in Hydropic Cases might save the Lives of several Persons, by having a clear Idea of the Cause of that Distemper in those Creatures. Erysimum we have in these Parts, and it is of use in Asthmas, Consumptions and Dropsies. Feverfew grows common, a noted Anticsteric and Diuretic. White Hoar-hound likewise, and is an excellent Pectoral. Scabios is plentiful, and Tragopogon or Goatsbeard, of great use in Consumptive Cases. Centaury and Celandine are very common, and are used in the Jaundice and Intermitting Distempers. Asarum grows in several places, and likewise Arum or Wake Robin, its Water is an Antiscorbutic, and the Roots are used in Distempers of the Stomach, and the Pica Virgins. Enula Campana is very common, as likewise Bistort, Echiums, and Buglosses; we have both the Hispidum and Glabrum, and Hieracia of several sorts, particularly the Lactescens, which deserves our strict Enquiry into its Virtues, of which the Botanists have not taken notice. Water-Plantain grows common, and is much used in Arthritic Cases; we have likewise the Plantago Rotundi-folio; other Plantains are common, which in the Autumnal Season are apt to collect a white Powder from the Air, about which time Intermitting Distempers are generally Epidemical: This Powder has no peculiar Taste, I have given it to Dogs and Cats, but never found any Effects from it. Ebulum or Dwarf-Elder grows in several places, and is of great use in Hydropic Cases. There are several other Plants in these Counties, but these being the most remarkable for their Virtues in Physic, I have only given an Account of them for the benefit of the Inhabitants of these parts, the other are already described at large by the incomparable Dr. Morrison, Mr. Ray, Dr. Plackenet, Dr. Sloane, Dr. Robinson, and Mr. Dale; wherefore for a full and entire satisfaction in those Matters, to those eminent and learned Authors refer the Reader. As to fossil Plants, Dr. Woodward in his Essay towards an universal Natural History, seems not to give a more probable Conjecture of a total dissolution of the Strata of the Earth at the universal Deluge, than by the Observations he has made upon Plants discovered in Rocks: But since this Hypothesis labours under so many unanswerable Difficulties, I cannot till more pregnant Proofs are produced, adhere to it; nor can we reasonably suppose a dissolution of the Strata of the Earth, and yet conceive these to be kept entire: That very Instance in Coal-Mines is a demonstration against it. To these I shall add another Instance, I have now by me of a stony Substance of the exact resemblance and magnitude of a Cockleshell, found many Yards in Stone, yet much lighter than any Cockleshell of the same bigness; which could never be performed by specific Gravitation, as the Dr. alleges. In the next place to imagine a dissolution of most solid Rocks, and Bodies of more obdurate substance, this surely must be effected by some peculiar Menstruum, distinct from Water; and why then in the Name of common Reason should not Plants run the same risk? That Menstruum that could make so severe an Impression, and disunite those compact Bodies, would certainly have easily reduced Plants to ruin. That there was a Disruption of the Strata of the Earth, is but reasonable to allow, and likewise that various Bodies floated in that general Inundation; but that these Plants are any Argument for a Dissolution, or that they were the Exuviae of the Deluge, is in the next place to be considered. In the Rocks in these Parts are only found Polypody, Wall-Rue, Scolopendrium, or Leaves of Thorns; doubtless other Plants as well as these would have occurred to our Observation, had these been deposited here by Noah's Deluge. Again, these Leaves are never found doubled, which certainly in so dismal a Confusion as the Deluge was, would have happened had they here been deposited in that general Catastrophe. My Sentiment of the whole is this, (That as it is observable in Chemistry that the Salts of some Plants will divaricate themselves into the figure of the Plants) that these representations of Plants in Rocks are nothing but different Concretions of saline, bituminous and terrene Particles; and I am farther confirmed in this Hypothesis, since they, as well as the Capsulae they are found in, seldom fail to afford us that mixture. Various Specimens we have of these in Rocks in these Counties, in one particularly near Ormskirk in Lancashire, in which Scolopendrium may be seen exactly delineated: This was communicated to me by Mr. William Barton Apothecary in that Town, and is as I remember in some Rocks near Latham, belonging to the Rt Honble William Earl of Derby, to whom I am infinitely obliged for the Honour done me, in having had the Honour to be frequently Physician to his Lordship, and to that unparallelled Youth, his Son, the Rt Honble james Ld Strange. There are other Rocks in which may be observed Leaves of Thorns, as in some Rocks near Heesham, and in the Coal-Pits near Burnley in Lancashire. These are all the reputed Plants that I have found remarkable in these Parts. Having now fairly illustrated it to be highly improbable, that these Plants should be the Exuviae of the Deluge, but rather Concretions of Matter, or the Disports of Nature, it may perhaps be expected by some, that I should give an account of the different Opinions concerning the Universality of the Deluge, as well in respect of the Terrestrial Globe, as of the total Destruction of all its Inhabitants. I shall therefore give you a Scheme of the most principal amongst them: The first is of the jews, who extend the Universality of the Deluge, not only to all the Terrestrial Creatures, but the Fish they say, were suffocated by the Heat of the Rains, and Waters which broke out of the deep Fountains of the Earth. There are others also amongst the Jews, who deny this Universality of the Deluge, not only to all terrestrial Creatures, but pretend that besides the Eight Persons included in the Ark, Og the King of Basan was preserved. But to these I reply, that whoever considers those prodigious Mountains of marine Shells, in Ireland, Virginia, the East and West-Indies, cannot but conclude that they were deposited there by the Deluge; and then considering the height of the Mountains, and the vast remoteness of the Places, one from another, that the Deluge must be Universal also: But this particular is fully discoursed of in a preceding Chapter. The third Opinion relating to a Deluge is that of the Scholasticks, who are of Opinion that Enoch, who they say at that time lived in Paradise, was not involved in the Deluge: But since the holy Writ is silent in that matter, and that neither the Egyptian, Chaldee, Hebrew, or Greek Versions of the Old Testament take any notice of that Opinion, I cannot but conclude it erroneous and unwarrantable. There was a fourth Opinion of the Jews, who maintain, that not only a few Persons, but whole Nations never felt the Effects of this great Inundation, but that the Jews only, and other Inhabitants in Palestine perished in it; but what has been said in answer to the preceding Opinion may serve for this. There was a fifth Rank, who affirmed that there was a total Destruction of Mankind at the Deluge, yet so as that the whole Terrestrial Globe was not overwhelmed by the Waters; which Opinion is founded on two other Hypotheses, viz. That at the time of the Flood the Earth remained for the greatest part desolate and without Inhabitants, and that all the Waters in the Universe were not sufficient to cause so general a Deluge: Abraham Mylius pretends to demonstrate, that if all the Waters of the Universe had been sent down upon the Earth, they could not have covered the tops of the highest Mountains. Isaac Vossius approves of both these Hypotheses, but since from the vast Beds of marine Shells even upon the tops of the highest Mountains, it is undeniably evident that the highest Mountains were covered; it thence follows that the Deluge must be universal, and that Mylius and Vossius are both mistaken. The sixth and last are those that have chosen the truest Opinion, and maintain that the Deluge was universal, both in respect to the Terrestrial Globe, and its Inhabitants; because the Motive that induced God was universal; God complains that the Imaginations of men's hearts were only evil continually; his Threats likewise were universal, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, and every creeping thing, and the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them. Hence therefore it is evident from the holy Scriptures, and from the Phaenomena in Natural History, that there was a Deluge, and that this Deluge was universal too; wherefore I cannot but admire that the great St. Austin should be so far mistaken, as to affirm that there were not the least footsteps of the Deluge, either in the Greek or Latin Writers, since the contrary is so clearly demonstrated by Hugo Grotius. I shall now in the last place lay down some Hypotheses concerning the Qualities in Plants, and so close this Chapter, and by drawing a Parallel betwixt Chemical Preparations, and the Qualities in Physical Herbs, endeavour to give a Rationale of their Effects. But this having in a great measure been attempted by Pechlinius, Wedelius, Sr. john Floyer, and others, I shall but briefly treat upon that Head, and that in the following Method: First, By giving an account of Emetics, and the Rationale of their Qualities; afterwards of Cathartic or Purgative Plants, Antiscorbutics, Balsamics, Diuretics, Antistrumatics, Stomachics, Cardiacs, Antihydropics, Anticterics, Antepileptics, Restringents, Opiates, Paragorics, Alexipharmacs. The Emetic Plants are only two, Squills and Asarum, and both are of a bitter and nauseous Taste: first therefore we shall inquire into the Cause of the Bitterness in these, and then how that becomes Emetical. Bitterness consists in rigid, pungent and inflexible Particles, pointed upon terrene ones; hence the Points, by their continual Irritations, contract the Fibres of the Stomach, and still pressing it by their Inflexibility, at length they throw it into Convulsions, and so become Emetical, or Vomiting: Thus we see in a solution of Silver in Spirit of Nitre that the Points of the corroding Spirit being sheathed in the metallic Particles, it not only becomes extremely bitter, but likewise Emetical; the like may be observed by pouring Spirit of Nitre upon the Lapis Calaminaris: and doubtless thus it is that the Leaves of Asarum are so famous an Errhine, and of so great use in inveterate head-aches, viz. Their acrid saline Particles continually pressing the Glands of the Nostrils, force them to discharge that acrid Serum, which occasions that Distemper. The most noted Cathartics are Buckthorn, Monks Rhubarb, Elder, Damask Roses, Iris, Soldanella, Spurge, Mezereon. Buckthorn is extremely bitter, and affords an Oil and a pungent Spirit, neither of which are bitter, or in the least Purgative; whence it seems evident to me, that its bitterness and Purging quality consist in its saline Particles being strictly united with terrene ones, and so by that means contracting the Fibres of the Bowels, they become purgative. Roses, Iris, and the rest are likewise bitter, but they all differ in their Pungency. Mezereon, Spurge and Iris are both Emetic and Cathartic, which sometimes not only cauterize the Coats of the Stomach, but the Skin itself, if externally applied: No doubt but by due Corrections these might be made most noble Medicines, and the likeliest Method to effect this (as far as I can conjecture) would be by obtunding their saline Particles by the Lapis Calaminaris, or some such Alcaly; or if their Virtues consist in an acrid Alcaly, a proper Acid might be thought on; and I think it would be highly worth our while to make strict Inquiries into these Matters, that being the likeliest Method to bring us to a Certainty in the Practice of Physic. Before I close this Head I shall only offer two Experiments, and then proceed: The first is concerning Aloes, which by being infused in Spirit of Wine loses its Purgative quality, but yet retains its Bitterness; the second is concerning a solution of Aloes, which being injected into the Veins of a Dog, will inevitably purge him: From which Observations naturally arises this Question, Whether Cathartics effect their ends in the first passages, or by working Elective in the Mass of Blood, as the Physicians style it? I affirm the former, and to the first Experiment make this reply; The volatile, acrid, saline Particles in the Aloes being dissolved by the Spirit of Wine, it must of necessity (for the Reasons before alleged) be deprived of its purgative quality, yet so as still to retain its Bitterness, because it is probable some saline Particles are so enveloped with the oily and terrene ones, that a separation is not easily made, perhaps not without Distillation or Calcination; so that the Aloes in some measure may retain its Bitterness, yet be deprived of its purging quality. To the second I reply thus, A solution of Aloes being injected into the Mass of Blood, it is most probable its Particles are again separated from the Blood, by the conglomerate Glands of the Bowels; it is not therefore that they work Elective in the Mass of Blood, but by their contracting of the Bowels upon their separation: for it is undeniably evident, that several Purges will operate before they could possibly be supposed to have mixed with the Mass of Blood. In the next place Anti-scorbutics may be said to be either Bitters, Acrids, or Nitrous Plants: The Bitters are Lapathum acutum, Mountain-sage and Water-Trefoil, and these all afford an Oil, and acid Spirit, and a fixed alcalious Salt, but the Salt in the greatest proportion, next to that the Oil, and then the Spirit; hence it is that these Herbs, by their saline and oily Particles attenuating the Serum of the Blood, coagulated by its Acids, restore it to its due Circulation, and are for that reason of great use in Antiscorbutic Cases. The Acrids are the Cresses, Asarum, Scurvygrass, and Radishes, and do all of them afford Oils, and volatile alcalious Salts, wherefore for the Reasons before alleged they may properly be styled Anti-scorbutics. The Nitrous are the Aparine, Vetches, Ground-Ivy and Nettles, these all yield a volatile, nitrous, essential Salt, as may be seen in the freezing of their depurated Juices; and hence it is that by tempering and diluting the bilious Particles in the Blood, they alloy those Scorbutic heats, and are of great use in violent Bleeding, particularly Ground-Ivy, which by its saline Particles, not only deterses and quits the Breast from an oppressive Phlegm, but likewise by its Balsamics, consolidates. Balsamics do all of them afford terebinthinate Oils, and the chief amongst these are St. John'swort, Herb Robert, Tutsal and Pennywort. Diuretics are generally Anti-scorbutics, and those being treated of before, I shall not enlarge farther on that Head. Cardiacs are either mild Acids that temper too volatile a Bile, which continually irritates the Spirits, as in several Fevers, and of this sort are Woodsorrel, Berberries, Raspberries, and the like: or those that yield volatile Aromatic Oils, and so disentangle the Spirits, struggling in a Viscid Serum, and of this sort are Butter-burr, Angelico, Eringo, Balm, and the like. Antistrumatics are Whitlow-grass, Herb Robert, stinking Gladdon, and Dropwort, and no doubt but they effect their Ends by terebinthinate Particles, since most of them emit Effluvia of that Nature, which doubtless correct the Acid, that make the Gland scrofulous, by coagulating the Lympha, as may be observed in scrofulous Glands. Antihydropics, as Alteratives, are in the Class of Anti-scorbutics. Stomachics for the most part being Bitters, I shall not enlarge further on them. Anticterics consist of volatile acrid Particles, which attenuate a feculent Bile, and the chief of these are Celandine, Pilewort, and Madder. Pectorals are Maidenhairs, Ferns, and Bitters, the two first are Nitrous. Opiates and Paregorics are the white and red Poppies, and Cowslips, but how these bridle the impetuous Tumults of the Spirits shall be accounted for in its proper place. Paeony & Misleto are Antepileptics, and I am apt to think that it is by a Mucilage, which contains a volatile alcalious Salt, that they are of use in that Case, (viz.) by the innate Heat of the Stomach and Bowels the Salt sublimes from the Mucilage, and is there immediately imbibed by the Extremities of the Nerves; and hence they become of use in Convulsive Cases; whereas other volatile Salts are spent before they can reach the Nerves. Restringents are all of them either of a mucilaginous or austere Taste, as Comfry, Horse-tail, Sloes, etc. The one by sheathing the Acid, which makes a Disruption of the Vessels, and the other by austere vitriolic Particles pursuing them up, no doubt, effect their Ends. The poisonous Plants, it is plain, consist sometimes of saline, corroding, acrimonious Particles, such as inflame, and sometimes sphacelate the Stomach, and contract the Branches of the Par vagum, and then produce Tremors and Convulsions, as is evident in the Dissection of those Creatures that have been poisoned with these Herbs: Of this sort are the Cicuta aquatica, Ranunculus flammeus, Solanum lethale, Aconitum hyemale, etc. Some poisonous Plants are of a Narcotic Quality, as Poppy and Henbane, these are of a bitter Taste, and no doubt contain a volatile acrid Salt, which by fixing its points upon the Fibrillae of the Brain, and the Extremities of the Nerves occasions a Corrugation in them, and by that means hinders a Separation of the animal Spirits from the Mass of Blood, and consequently their Dispensation into the various parts of the Body: Hence they being taken in too great a quantity become poisonous: Lettuce likewise, Melons and Cucumbers, consisting of a mucilaginous Water, doubtless entangle the animal Spirits, and hinder their Expansion; hence by being too liberally taken, the whole Oeconomy of the Body is disordered, the Spirits receding like the Sunbeams, which being screened by thick interposing Clouds leave all in Darkness. An Appendix to the Chapter of PLANTS. HAving completed my Hypothesis concerning the Vegetation of Sea-Plants, I shall in the next place propose some Conjectures about the Vegetation of River and Land-Plants, and give an account of the Experiments on all sides, and add some Trials, which I proved myself, and amongst the rest offer my own Sentiments. The most material Hypotheses relating to this Topic are reduced to Two, the one asserting that Vegetation is from Earth, the other from Water only; A Suffragan to the latter is the Ld Bacon, Nat. Hist. Cent. 5. Par. 411. Where he asserts, That for Nourishment of Vegetables Water is all in all, that the Earth only keeps the Plant upright, and guards it from too great Heat or Cold. Others in this Hypothesis are more positive, as the Honble Mr. boil, Helmont, and his Followers; these back their Assertions with the two subsequent Experiments, the first is that concerning Mint, and several other Plants, which prosper and thrive greatly in Water; the other which you have in the Sceptical Chemist, writ by Mr. boil, is as follows: Take a certain quantity of Earth, bake it in an Oven, then weigh it, and having included it in an Earthen Pot well watered, make choice of some fit Plant, as a Pompion, which being first carefully weighed and set in it, there let it grow, continuing to water it till it is much advanced in Bigness; then take it up, and tho' the Bulk and Weight of the Plant be much greater than at first, yet the Earth will be found little or nothing diminished in Weight; therefore it may be concluded that it is not the Earth, but Water that Nourishes, and is converted into the Substance of the Plant. Thus far likewise proceeds the ingenious Dr. Woodward, but had the Dr. given us a full account of his Sentiments on those Authors, he might likewise have observed that they not only took Plants, and put them in the Earth prepared as he recites it, but likewise the Seeds of Cucumbers and Pompions, which acquired their due Magnitude, and yet the Earth was not diminished in Weight; these Experiments indeed considering the minuteness of the Seeds of those Fruits, with the largeness of their Size when grown to perfection, and yet no decrease of the Earth, might give them very pregnant Reasons for their Conjectures, but these I shall examine in their place. The other Hypothesis is that of the Ancients, which Dr. Woodward asserts, for the confirmation of which the Dr. has offered the following Experiments. Common Spearmint was set in spring Water, the Plant weighed when put in july 20th just 27 Grains, when taken forth October 5th 42 Gr. so that in the space of 79 Days it had gained in Weight 15 Gr. the whole Water expended during the 79 Days amounted to 2558 Gr. and consequently the Weight of the Water taken up, was 170 8/●5 as much as the Plant had got in Weight. Common Spearmint was set in Rain-Water, the Mint weighed when put in 28 Gr. ¼ when taken out Gr. 45 ¼ having gained in 79 Days Gr. ½, the Dispendium of the Water Gr. 3004, which was 171 23 23/35 35 as much as the Plant had received in Weight. Common Spearmint was set in Thames Water, the Plant when put in weigh Gr. 28, when taken forth Gr. 54, so that in 77 Days it had gained 26 Gr. the Water expended amounted to Gr. 2493 which was 92 21 21/26 26 times as much as the additional weight of the Mint. Solanum or Nightshade was set in Spring-Water, the Plant weighed when put in Gr. 49, when taken out 106, having gained in 77 Days 57 Gr. the Water expended during the said time was 3708 Gr. which was 65 3 3/7 7 times as much as the Augment of the Plant; this Specimen had several Buds upon it when first set in the Water, these in some Days became fair, and Flowers, which were at length succeeded by Berries. Lathyris, Sea-Cataputia Gerhardi was set in spring Water, it weighed when put in Gr. 98, when taken forth Gr. 101 ●●●, the additional Weight for this whole 77 Days being Gr. 3 〈…〉 the Quantity of Water spent upon it during the Time was Gr. 2501, which is 714 4 4/7 7 times as much as the Plant was augmented. It is to be noted that the Orifices of these Glasses were covered with Parchment, perforated with an Hole, adapted to the Stem of the Plant. Mint was set in Hyde-Parke Conduit Water, which weighed when put in 127 Gr. when taken forth 255 Gr. the whole Quantity of Water expended upon this Plant amounted to 14190 Gr. the Plant had run up two Foot in height and had shot one considerable collateral Branch, to the Fibrillae of the Roots adhered a terrestrial Matter. Mint was set in Hyde-Parke Conduit Water, in which was dissolved an Ounce and half of common Garden-Earth, the Mint weighed when put in 76 Gr. when taken out 244 Gr. Water expended was Gr. 10731. Mint was set in Hyde-Parke Water with the same Quantity of Garden-mould as the former, the Mint weighed when put in 92 Gr. when taken out 376 Gr. the Water expended was 14950 Gr. the Earth in both these Glasses was very sensibly and considerably wasted, it left a green Substance here as above. Mint was set in Hyde-Park Water distilled off in a great Still, the Mint weighed when put in 114 Gr. when taken out 155 Gr. Water dispended was 8803 Gr. this Plant was pretty kindly, had two small collateral Branches and several Roots, with terrestrial Matter adhering to them, the Water was pretty thick, had many and numerous terrestrial Particles swimming in it, and some Sediment at the bottom of the Glass, this Glass had none of the green Matter abovementioned in it; the residue of the Water remaining in the Still was very turbid, high coloured and reddish, like ordinary Beer; the Mint weighed when put into this Water 31 Gr. Water expended 4344 Gr. This Plant was very lively, and had sent out six collateral Branches, and several Roots. I took Hyde-Park Conduit Water, in which was dissolved a Dram of Nitre, the Mint set in this suddenly began to whither and decay, and died in a few days, as likewise did two more Sprigs that were set in it successively. In another Glass I dissolved an Ounce of Garden-mould, and a Dram of Nitre, and in a third half an Ounce of Wood-Ashes and a Dram of Nitre, but the Plants in these succeeded no better than in the former. In other Glasses were dissolved several sorts of Earth's, Clays, Marles, and variety of Manures; Mint was set in distilled Waters, and other Experiments I made of several kinds, in order to get Light and Information, what hastened or retarded, what promoted and impeded Vegetation, but these do not belong to the Head that I am now upon. In Hyde-Park Conduit Water I fixed a glass Tube about 10 Inches long, the Boar about one sixth of an Inch in diameter, filled with very fine and white Sand, which I kept from falling down out of the Tube into the Vial, by tying a thin piece of Silk over that end of the Tube which was downwards, upon the Immersion of the lower end of it the Water by little and little ascended to the upper Orifice of the Tube, and yet in all the 56 Days it stood thus, a very inconsiderable quantity of Water had gone off, viz. scarce 20 Grains, tho' the Sand continued moist to the very top to the last; the Water imparted a green Tincture to the Sand quite to the top of the Tube, and in the Vial it had precipitated a greenish Sediment mixed with black, to the bottom and sides of the Tube, as far as it was immersed in Water, adhered pretty much of the green Substance described above. From these Experiments the Dr. draws these Corollaries, That Earth, and not Water, is the Matter that constitutes Vegetables, that Improvements by Nitrons, and Alcalizates, are only by the saline Particles attenuating the earthly ones, and preparing them to be carried up by the Water, and disposed of into the substance of the Plant; that Water serves only as a Vehicle to the terrestrial Matter which forms Vegetables, and does not itself make any addition to them. Now, if I mistake not, if we must make Earth a mere simple Body, and that to be the Matter only that is converted into the substance of the Plant, this Hypothesis will labour under more Difficulties than the former, if (according to the Doctor's Notion) the saline Particles contribute no farther than in preparing this Mould; for we may undoubtedly assure ourselves, that the Manchinello in the West-Indies, that irresistible and deceiving Poison, must needs consist of more Bodies than Earth alone, otherwise how comes its Fruit to be so fatal, that not only the Eating of it is present Death, but the very eating of the Creatures that have fed upon it produces the same Effect; nay even the drops of Rain that fall from its Leaves are of so poisonous a Nature, as to blister and inflame the Skin: Here doubtless is more than a bare Contexture of Earth, and without question the most corroding, sulphureous and penetrating Particles we can have any Idea of. Besides, were Vegetation from Earth alone, I cannot see how one Plant could be distinguished from another; wherefore to me it seems rational to infer, That the Body which the Dr. calls Earth, consists of as many different Bodies as that which the Chemists call Water; so that from either of these two Bodies simply considered as such, it is equally absurd to derive Vegetation; but these two Bodies do indisputably consist of variety of Corpuscles, e. g. Saline, Terrene, Aerial, and Bituminous, and as the Vessels in Plants by their various Orifices and Contextures, admit of different proportions of these, so accordingly the Plant is differently modified, and from their different digestions and proportions receives its Form, Colour, Substance and Virtues. And by this Hypothesis we may account for Plants physical, poisonous, fragrant, foetid, and of other kinds; hence jalop and Scamony a sort of Spurge in the West-Indies, by their resinous saline Particles, become purgative, and if taken in too large quantities, poisonous; the same may be affirmed of Laureola, Aloes, Spurge, Senna and Agaric: It is manifest from the Dissection of those Creatures to which Nightshade, Nux Vomica, Calculus Indicus, and Water-Hemlock are given, that the Poisons of these consist in acrimonious, saline Particles, corroding and inflaming the Stomach, of which the learned Wafer gives us various Instances; others by exalted Sulphurs quit from saline Particles, doubtless become Fragrant, Aromatic and Cordial, being by their size and figure (which we presume to be Spherical) the more readily adapted to assist the animal Spirits by their activity. When these Sulphurs become pointed with Salts, 'tis most likely that the Plant becomes foetid and unpleasant, as the stinking Garden Orach, and Herb Robert: I might likewise account for the Heat, Blistering, and other qualities of Herbs, but those being in part done before, and not properly within the Verge of this Undertaking, I shall not recapitulate, but to the ingenious Sr. john Floyer of Lichfield on that Head refer the Curious, in whose Works they may find variety of Experiments on those Subjects. I must confess that the Experiments which Dr. Woodward has made relating to Vegetation, are exact as well as learned, he having besides the dispendium of the Water in so many Days, fully demonstrated the Plant to have gained a considerable Weight, which he affirms to have been from Earth; but then (as I affirmed before) the question is, what he calls Earth; for if by that he means a pure simple Element, viz. a Body consisting only of one size and figure, than (from what has been hinted before) it is as absurd to deduce Vegetation from that, as from Water. I shall only beg leave to add an Experiment or two, and so conclude: I took the Seeds of Nymphaea or Water-Lilly when full ripe, and put them in glass Vials, in which they continued twelve Months, I added fresh Water to them as the other evaporated; the Seeds at the bottom of both Vials stood erect, and emitted a pellucid Mucilage, which stood in opposite Globules near the upper end of the Seed; the Water deposited a great deal of green and earthy Matter, but the Seed never vegetated or sprouted at all, tho' this be a Water Plant. From this Experiment it is evident, that besides Earth and Water barely considered as such, other Bodies are necessary to the Vegetation of various Plants, and probably to this a fat sulphureous Ouze, in which it usually grows, and has Roots of an immense Magnitude, some I have seen as thick as the Thigh of a Man, which were taken out of the Pond at Tabley in Cheshire, when it was drained, where the remaining Earth or Mud, which was black and foetid, was wholly overspread with them. This Instance, I think, may fairly serve to illustrate the Hypothesis that I have laid down concerning the Vegetation of Plants. To these may be added those extraordinary Improvements made by Chandler's Ashes, consisting of oily and saline Particles, as likewise the Impost of Malpighius, prepared with an Infusion of Sheep's Dung, Pigeon's Dung, and a small quantity of Nitre; of which I saw an Instance the last Year at Edgecroft in Lancashire, by which from a fourth part of Seed, in the most barren part of the Field, I saw a very luxuriant Crop: It might do well for our Gentry (who inhabit their Country Seats) and Husbandmen thoroughly to consider this, since the right application of it to a proper Soil, may be of so great Advantage; and who knows what this, even in the most cold and barren Ground, may effect, which hitherto for the greatest part hath lain useless; but besides what is here offered, their Interest may be a more inciting Argument to induce them to Trials of this Nature. But can there be had a more ample Demonstration of this Hypothesis, than even from Water and Earth themselves? How common is it to observe Earth, by being long penned up, to emit sulphureous Effluvia? Hence we have foetid Smells by opening of Ditches and Sluices, and hence probably it is, that in Consumptive cases, from ploughed Grounds that have for a considerable time been Pasture, many persons have received Benefit, which must assuredly proceed from sulphureous benign Particles loosened from their Cells, and conveyed to the Mass of Blood, which by their activity obtund the saline Particles that make the Coagulum, and in short prevent the putrefaction, which brings on a Phthisis or Consumption. And as to Water, nothing is more common, than it to grow nauseously foetid by long keeping, which Phaenomenon sufficiently evinces the Existence of sulphureous Particles in that Element; besides, some sulphureous Waters in four Days by being close stopped, become extremely foetid as St. Ann's at Buxton in Derbyshire, which exposed to open Air, altars not at all, nor has the least ungrateful smell: The reason is, because those sulphureous Effluvia which have spent themselves in a free Air, are now forced by their confinement, to unite with saline Particles, and thence by their Points grate upon the Organ, and are foetid and offensive. It is likewise to be observed, that if these sulphureous Particles are penned up in any Aquaeduct, that then by their Collision upon one another, they become excessive hot; hence it is that the hot Baths at Aix la Chappel, in the Bishop of Leige's Country are caused, by retarding the hot Spring with a Stoppel, and in a little time after by giving it Vent the Waters are rendered very hot, and even too intense to be endured. This Instance farther confirms our Hypothesis concerning the Heat in Baths, and by this Phaenomenon it is evident, that if the same Essay was put in practice at Buxton, the Bath there might be brought to any degree of Heat, and at the same time likewise they might have temperate Baths to answer the variety of Cases and Constitutions, and by that means acquire an advantage above any Baths yet discovered. Thus I have made it evident how compounded those Bodies are which we commonly style Earth and Water, nor can I see any reason to assign either of them as the principles of Vegetation barely considered as such. CHAP. VI Of Subterraneous Skeletons, Petrified Shells, Subterraneous Shells, and Form Stones. A Midst all the Mazes and Recesses of Nature, none are more common or more amazing than these following Phaenomena: Near Chippin in Lancashire, 20 Fathom in Limestone Rock, I have seen Cockles, Muscles, and the Pectinites, all of a perfect flinty Substance. In High-Furness in the same County I have observed, as to their outward appearances, the Bones and Fins of Fishes, and sometimes Bones of a Gigantic Magnitude, and those of a sparry Substance, which may be reduced to the Fluor Alabastrites; I have likewise seen the Glossopetrae or Crow-Bills, and those invested with an hard flinty Film, the Matter contained therein being a black hard Stone. Upon these Phaenomena it is that Dr. Woodward supposes them to be the Exuviae of those Creatures at the Deluge, and deposited in those Rocks by specific Gravitation; for he takes it for granted, that there was a total dissolution of the Strata of the Earth, and that the whole Globe was but one continued Fluid, and that in variety of Temperatures, and in some Balsamic mixtures these Shells, Fins, Fishes and Bones, have been embalmed ever since that terrible Catastrophe. A Notion (could it be maintained) as wonderful for the profound Respect it bears to the Truth of Moses' History of the Deluge, as to Static Philosophy: But since the Deluge has been before fully demonstrated from other Phaenomena observable in the Earth, and that against this Hypothesis there are so many concluding Arguments, I shall in the first place to clear this Head, inquire into the Nature of these Petrifactions, and reduce them to their different Species, and then lay down some Arguments to convince the World, that they are not the Exuviae of those Animals. As to the Testaceous Petrifactions, they are either the Cockle, Muscle, Oyster, or Pectinites; the three first are of a Flinty substance, of the Pectinites there are two sorts, the one is Flinty, and the other is the Pyrites Aureus, or golden Marcasite; I have likewise observed in that substance representations of Fibulae or Buttons, these may be observed in the Copper Mines in High-Furness; the Glossopetrae are found in some Mines in Wales and Derbyshire, and of those there are three sorts, the one resembling the Bill of a Crow, another that of a Lapwing, and a third the Bill of a Perr, a small Bird very common upon the Seacoasts: These were given me by my worthy Friend and Relation Peter Legh of Booths in the County of Cheshire, Esq We therefore come in the next place to lay down some Arguments, why these Bodies could not be the Exuviae of Animals at the Deluge; for had these been the Exuviae of Fowls, Fishes, and other Creatures, how is it possible but that other Shells, and Beaks of other Fowls, as well as of these, might sometime or other have been discovered in these Rocks; but since no others are found, it seems probable to me that they are but what I formerly alleged, the Disports of Nature. In some Marbles gotten near Holker in Lancashire, I have seen the exact shape of a Man, and that in six Inches compass. In some Mines in Derbyshire I have seen a Substance bearing exactly the similitude of a Man's Tooth, and that as big as a Child's Head, to which was annexed an Head which would have contained several Measures, and the Limbs proportionable. In Pools-Hole there is the resemblance of a Lion, a dead Man, a Chair, and a Flitch of Bacon; yet no Man (I suppose) will assert these to be Exuviae, or the Chair one of the Household goods of the Antediluvians, no more than the forementioned Cloak-Buttons the Appendices of their Apparel. In other Mines I have observed the resemblances of Skrews, Stars, Feathers, Bones, and Shells, and all in the same Stratum: Now, I say, considering all these together, unless we will conclude the rest petrified, as well as the Shells, there is no necessity to assert the former, but that they may equally be different Modifications of Matter. Once in an Earth that came from East-India, I saw the the perfect shape of Cockles of several sizes, where there were not the least signs of any Shell, or any Petrifaction at all; it was a brownish soft Earth, and indifferently friable; It was communicated to me by Mr. Edward Ent, Son to Sr. George Ent, and formerly of Balliol-College in Oxford. I have seen great variety of Petrifactions, performed by the Sea-Water itself, at Hagy Bar Hills in Lancashire: The Marl there shelves downwards, and several sorts of Pebbles are included in various Capsulae; this Marl is converted by the Sea-Water into a firm Grit, or Freestone, in some pieces of which we find Shells of Sea-Snails embalmed, and those not in the least petrified. Consider we then this Petrifaction of Earth, and tho' the Shell is often very minute and tender, yet it still retains its Identic Body; I say, if we reflect on this, it is not so easy to imagine (as some conceive) that after the Deluge the Petrifaction of Shells ensued with such facility; for in a multitude of Instances, here the Earth only, not the Shells have undergone that This Marl, I presume, may be petrified after this following manner, viz. Let us allow Marle to be a substance apt to dissolve in Water, it is probable then that the Sea-water by frequently overflowing it, in tract of time makes a solution of its Particles, and in their room deposits white gritty Particles, with which even clear Sea-Water much abounds, which is demonstrable in the Evaporation of that Water into a granulated Salt, at which time vast quantities of Grit are collected in the corners of the Boilers; but the Particles of this Grit are so minute, that till they concrete into Moleculae, they are not discoverable either by Microscopes, or by the nicest Filtration: These then being amassed together by the motion of the Sea-Water, are wedged and riveted so close, as at last to form a perfect Freestone; some large Columns there are of these, on which the Country People hang their Wooden Gates, and serve instead of Posts, others seem exactly to resemble Persons standing in old decayed Hats. From which Phaenomena it is demonstrable, that there may be perfect shapes of marine Shells, Bones, Plants, and Beaks of Birds in some Earth's, and yet not the Exuviae of those Creatures. I must confess the most complete Collection of these (I do believe) in the World is in the Custody of Dr. Woodward, and could I receive a satisfactory Answer to the Arguments above recited, I would willingly adhere to his Hypothesis; but since they amount to no more than a Conjecture, and that those Phaenomena may be otherwise solved, and indeed that there are so many convincing Reasons to the contrary, I am forced to deviate from an Hypothesis, which I could wish were true: The divine Splendour of such an Undertaking, as well as the irresistible Charms of his Style, almost commanding an assent to it. 'Tis true, what Mr. Robinson has replied to the Dr. carries not the air of an Orator and Philosopher, his Language for the most part being grating, particularly those unaccountable Terms of the Miners themselves; but since Truth walks naked, and needs not the Embellishments of Eloquence to set her forth, I must needs own, that what he relates in his Observations of the lying of the Strata in several Mines, is true and exact; and tho' Dikes, Riders and Leaders, with several other Idioms, may look rather like a piece of Magic than Philosophy, yet surely the things signified by these, are observable in all the Mines which I ever yet saw. But amidst all the Disports of Nature, there is none more remarkable occurs than that which I saw among the many and choice Curiosities of my Honoured Friend Mr. Henry Prescot of Chester, Deputy-Register of the Ecclesiastical Court there. The Figure is as follows: There are six Calvae, or Skulls, contained in a Shell, with the representation of Hats upon them, included one within another, with the Brims cocked up; on the backside of the Head are four rhomboidal Figures, an Ellipsis with an Ecliptic Line, and the Parallels upon a Globe, and branching from those the Vertebrae and Medulla Spinalis. If therefore the Dr. will still pertinaciously affirm that those representations of Plants, Bones and Shells in Rocks, were the Exuviae of real ones, deposited there by specific Gravity, and embalmed ever since the universal Deluge, he may with the same parity of Reason allege these to have been the Heads of the Antediluvian Patriarches. From the Phaenomenon laid down we may now without great difficulty account for those representations of Shells, Bones, Fins of Fishes, and Plants, observable in Rocks and Quarreis, and may easily be convinced, that to solve these there is no necessity to suppose an universal dissolution of the Globe of the Earth at the Deluge, but indeed are Arguments conclusive to the contrary; wherefore to these I shall only add one general Remark, and so close this Head. Can it be imagined that in that general Destruction there should be such a Menstruum, or universal Dissolvent in Nature, that should convert all the Strata of the Earth, Mines, Minerals and Metals into a liquid Form, and yet some few Shells, Bones and Plants remain undissolved, which are of a much softer Texture, and as we find by repeated Experiments, far more easy to be dissolved? He, I say, that can aver this, cannot fairly tax a Rosicrucian with Enthusiasm, nor justly blame the Adeptist for his extravagant Notions relating to the alkahest, that Chemical universal Dissolvent, which he himself does not believe, yet would so far impose upon the World as to have others to do so; but for this the Dr. has promised to account in his general History of the World. Having now dispatched this Point, I shall in the next place proceed to real Shells, Skeletons, and Fins of Fishes, which are sometimes found under Ground, and from those deduce some Corollaries. The subterraneous Skeletons observable in these Parts are only two, the one an human Body found in the Morasses of the Meals, and the other a Skeleton of a Buck, found erect in Ellel near Lancaster; both which being mentioned in a preceding Chapter, I shall not enlarge further upon them. As to subterraneous Shells they are frequently found in Marl-pits, about four Yards deep in solid Marle, and often in places remote from the Sea. These marine Shells are of various sorts, as Whilks, Periwinkles, Cockles, Muscles, Torculars, and the Echini Marini, and of these I have several Specimens in my Custody. I consider next the form Stones, and those are the Bufonites, the Belemnites, and the Ophites or Cornu Ammonis, so denominated from the figure of a Serpent, or the Horn of a Ram. The Bufonites I have seen in Marle near Preston in Lancashire; the Belemnites in a Freestone Rock near Stockport in Cheshire, in which Rock likewise are observable several small Pebbles, that lie frequently in black Capsulae, and as I have been informed by the Masons, sometimes a living Toad has been found in Freestone Rock, in the like Cista or Cavity, which doubtless must be lodged there in this following manner: It is to be presumed that the Ouum of some Toad was brought thither by a Spring or Vein leading to that Cavity, for Springs are very often discerned in Freestone Rocks, ouzing thorough their Pores; now it cannot be imagined that it was lodged there ever since the Deluge, which must necessarily follow, unless we allow the recited Hypothesis. Of the Lapis Serpentarius there are two sorts, the one bears the Image of a Viper wreathed up in spiral Lines, and that I have seen in the Copper Slates in Furness in Lancashire; the other the shape of a Serpent at length, and this was found in a Freestone Rock at Haigh in Lancashire, and communicated to me by that learned Lady, the Lady Guise. As to the Shells remarkable in these Parts, they are either the large Sea-Cockle, in which I never yet saw Fish, the Navel Shells, the Turbo, the Echinites, the large Wilkes or Periwinkles; these are cast upon the Seacoasts in great numbers; there is likewise another Shell which resembles the Scabbard of a Sword, and by the Seamen commonly called the Swordfish; the Echinites has several little Hairs that grow through small Orifices, but I could never discover a Fish in any of these, which that I should not, has often caused my wonder: I imagine therefore that they are brought from a great distance to the Shore, by the violence of Storms, and that the Fishes in those turbid Commotions quit their Shells. Of the Pectinites there are various sorts, and those variegated sometimes with red parallel Circles, sometimes they are smooth, sometimes they have little Protuberances upon their superficies, as has likewise the large Sea-Cockle. Let us now come to that grand Enquiry of the learned Steno, (viz.) Whether or no Rocks were at first a Fluid, and by subsidence of terrene gross Particles formed into that substance? The clearing of this point will depend upon the Phaenomena observable in them, and those are chief Flints, and a kind of Pebbles that will run into a Glass: Now it is most evident that these are of a Nature very different from that of the Rock, and have likewise never in any Age been observed to germinate; we may hence reasonably allow that Rocks were first fluid, and that different kinds of Fluids' did then precipitate by specific Gravity, that eternal standard communicated to them from the first formation of Bodies, which doubtless did in a great measure depend upon the Magnitude and Number of their Pores, and according to those variously subsided: Conformable to these Phaenomena is Moses' History of the Creation, where in the first Chapter of Genesis he tells us, that the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and that the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. But these last Words are more aptly expressed by junius and Tremellius, those two great Masters of the Hebrew Language, who from the Hebrew Text translate it not Movebat, but Spiritus Dei incubabat superficiei aquarum, that is, the spirit of God brooded upon the face of the waters; a Metaphor taken from a Fowl hatching her young ones. The Explication of which Text further evinces, that at the Creation, before any thing was reduced to form, this Globe was an immense Liquid, consisting of all sorts of Particles. Hence not only from Phaenomena in Nature, but likewise from Divine Writ it is evident that these prodigious Mountains were the subsidence of a Fluid; wherefore how rugged soever these may appear to the Eye, yet even these, if we pry into their innermost Recesses, undeniably evidence the Power of Nature, and the Existence of an omnipotent Being; so that tho' there was not an universal dissolution of their Strata at the Deluge, as was before manifested, yet to account for the various Phaenomena observable in those Mountains, it is certain that they must once have been fluid Bodies, and successively indurated into these hard Consistences by their own Gravity, and the Heat and Salts of the ambient Air, upon the receding of the Waters, as Moses clearly evinces in the same Chapter, where God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear, and it was so, and the evening and the morning were the first day. Which brings me to a small Digression, in enquiring what in those Antediluvian Ages was meant by a Day, an Hour, or a Year. The Latin word Hora has been judged by some to be derived from the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, which signifies to limit or bound, because it is the measure of Time, so in Mathethematics comes the word Horizon, because that terminates the sight; but Macrobius and Pausanias both allege that its original is owing to the Egyptians, because the Sun in their Language was styled Horum; the Septuagint Interpreters would have it indifferently to express a short space of time, hence in St. Luke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used for Suppertime; some are of Opinion that Hours anciently signified the four Seasons of the Year, hence the Greek Annals called them their Hori, and their Writers Horographici; some there are that think the Greeks called that part of Time an Hour wherein the Dog-star arises, hence Galen in his Book De Alimentis, calls those Horean Fruits which spring up at that time wherein the Dog-star arose; In general by an Hour the Ancients have signified an Age, and by the twelfth Hour Old Age, as some would have it, hence in that Dialogue of Marcus Crassus and the K. of Galatia, comes that Expression, What Man, says he, art not thou now arrived at the twelfth Hour, and yet talkest of building a new City? but I am apt to think this might rather be Metaphorically spoken, because in the computation of Time for the greatest part, so many Hours terminate the artificial Day; it might therefore not unaptly be compared to the Period of Old Age. Herodotus relates that the Grecians from the Egyptians received the use of the Pole, the Gnomon, and the twelve parts of the Day, and the original of that Use among the Egyptians was because their Priests in those Days were accustomed twelve times a Day to make a noise to their Cynocephalus; and Cicero takes notice of such a Ceremony to Serapis, from which it seems clear that an Hour in those Days was the same as now in the computation of Time; and that Dial of Ahaz, where the Miracle was wrought of the Sun's going back ten Degrees, seems to confirm that the jews in those days computed Time in the like manner, for all Interpreters agree those Degrees were the Indices of such parts of the Day; and the description that Pancirollus gives us of an Instrument amongst the ancient Romans, farther evinces the truth of this Hypothesis: They took (says he) a Vessel made of Glass, in the bottom of which was a narrow Hole done about with Gold, lest the Water should wear it away; on the other part of the Vessel was drawn a right Line, having the 12 Hours set upon it; after which they filled the Vessel with Water, which issued drop by drop out of the little Hole; they thrust a Cork into the Water fastened to a little Wand, the end of which pointed at the first Hour, and as the Water decreased at the second and third Hour, and so on; this the Greeks called Clepsydra. From all which, both from the Practice of the jews, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, it is most probable that the Antediluvians computed Time as we do now, and that Noah very likely transmitted those Instructions down to his Posterity. The next thing therefore to be considered is to illustrate what is meant by Days: Days by all Nations are divided into two kinds, the one natural, the other artificial, the one consisting of twelve, the other of twenty-four Hours; having therefore fully explained what the Ancients meant by Hours, I need not farther to insist upon this Point. I shall then proceed to explain what is meant by a Year: The word Annus, or Year, in the three ancient Languages is derived from a thing that turns round, or a Circle, for so much the Hebrew word does signify 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉; hence the Egyptians represented the Year by a Snake biting its Tail, but whether a Lunar or Solar Year is meant by the Patriarches, is next to be considered. The Turks and Arabians use the Lunar Year, and the same Custom is observed in Tartary, Siam, japan, Peru, and in other Places; but Kepler alleges that the jews after their departure out of Egypt used only the Solar Year, The Patriarches, says he, used the Egyptian Year of 365 Days, and divided them into 12 Months; and it is certain the Jewish Year, until the Grecian Monarchy, was wholly Solar, that all their Months, save the last, consisted of 30 Days; and josephus writes that there was no Innovation in their Rites as to their Year, wherefore from the afore-recited Authorities, and likewise from the jewish and Egyptian Hieroglyphical representations of a Year, it is highly reasonable to conclude, that the Years spoken of by the Patriarches were Solar Years, or 12 Months, in which the Sun perfects its Course in the Zodiac: So that what some have offered to prove an Hour or Month to be a Year amongst the Ancients, is groundless, and is only a metaphorical Allusion to a Custom very frequent in the Eastern Countries. To conclude, from all the recited Phaenomena, if we will but appeal to our Senses, it is evident that Moses' Narrative of the Deluge is not only the most true, but the most complete; I cannot therefore but admire at the Theorist, and Mr. Whiston, who affirm that before the Deluge there were no Mountains: In the first place the Arguments they offer are no way conclusive, but barely Hypothetical, a mere begging of the Question; they have indeed supplied us with polite Schemes, and witty Allegories, and where they do not by dint of Reason convince us, like Sirens, by their Wit they charm us: but it is not Paint that can long preserve the Features, after that is once discovered, the Face appears more deformed; I can no more think the World before the Deluge was formed like an Egg, or that there were no Mountains, or that upon the breach of the Shell the Waters gushed out and overwhelmed the Globe, than I can espouse that wild Notion of the Philosopher, who fancied himself an Egg, and dreaded lest the Heavens should fall and destroy him: What Moses has delivered upon that Subject exactly quadrates with Nature, and from his History it is very clear, that there were Mountains before the Flood; in the seventh Chapter of Genesis he says, the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth, and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered; fifteen cubits upwards did the waters prevail, and the mountains were covered. Whence it is plain that before the Deluge there were Mountains, otherwise how could they be covered; he may as well reconcile the contradiction of a Man covering his Head with his Hat, when he had none upon his Shoulders, and the one Absurdity is as easily defended as the other. In the same Chapter that inspired Philosopher very clearly conveys to us the beginning, progress, and conclusion of the Deluge, all which throughly considered, one would think, to any unbiass'd Person are Arguments too plain and convincing to be obviated; for let us take him barely and literally as an Historian, where he acquaints us, that the fountains of the great deep were broken open, the windows or the clouds of heaven poured down their waters, for it reigned forty Days and forty Nights. What can we imagine those Fountains to be but the Freshes separated by the Earth from the Sea, which upon those Convulsions of the Earth, when it was broken open, issued forth upon its surface? And then that great fall of Waters from the Clouds, which doubtless incessantly and vehemently poured down Night and Day, joining with them, might easily cause that general Inundation. To those that allege the deficiency of the Waters to accomplish so universal a Flood, let us by plain Text and Demonstration answer; in the first Chapter of Genesis, when the earth was without form and void, than darkness was upon the face of the deep, which plainly shows (as was asserted before) that this Globe was a mere immense Liquid, for the Earth surely would have had a Form, tho' Darkness had been upon it, had it then been separated from the Waters, but upon their subsidence dry Land appeared, and received a Form; wherefore then by a very reasonable Consequence could not that Power, that made the first great separation of Fluids from Solids, once again cover all with Fluids'? or why could not the same proportionate quantity of Liquids', that could dilute such a Mass of Solids, once again overwhelm them? but where was then the necessity of a total dissolution of all the Strata of the Earth at the Deluge? or why must all again return to its primitive Chaos without form? Besides the Evidence of all the recited Phaenomena, Moses very readily clears that difficulty, for Chap. 7. he tells us, that the Ark was lifted up above the Earth, that all the high hills and mountains were covered; which lifting or floating of the Ark above the Earth, and covering of the Hills and Mountains, seems to be very dissonant to a Dissolution; not but that a strange Catastrophe occurred to the superficies of the Earth, by the resistless motions of the Waters, which gave so many evidences of their Power and Universality at that time: Again, Chap. 8. The waters returned from off the earth, not separated as at the Creation, and again that they decreased continually, till the tops of the mountains were seen. Upon the whole I can see no reason why any should so elaborately endeavour to answer Difficulties, where none present themselves, and that by so acquaint a Method, as to amuse the Reader by starting greater. Having now from Observations in Nature and Divine History, given an account of the Deluge, that we may form some Idea of it, I thought it not inconsistent with my Design, to insert the following Phaenomenon. About three Years ago near Hide in Cheshire happened an unusual Flood, which overwhelmed the Banks of the River, and violently broke in at the Eye of a Coal-Pit, the Water in its impetuous Current through the hollows forced the Air before it, which when penned up in the Extremities of those Passages, by its Elasticity divided a solid Rock at least 20 Yards perpendicular; the Water over the greatest part of the Field appeared in large Columns, not much unlike the Spouts in Africa; when having spent its force, the Rock closed again, and all over the Field were to be seen various pieces of Coal scattered. Hence we may imagine when all the Springs of the Deep were broken up, and the Clouds poured down their Waters in continued Cataracts for forty Days and Nights, in so strange a Convulsion, I say, from the recited Phaenomenon, we may form some inadequate Idea, how that terrible Destruction was accomplished. And since we are treating of Floods, I think it a pardonable Digression, if I give an account of a Spout seen by my Brother within these two Years, in his Voyage to Virginia. The figure of it (as he affirms) was like a Spire-Steeple inverted, and hung for a considerable time from the Clouds to the surface of the Sea; it afterwards divided, and then the Sea was in a most violent Commotion, which was observed by the flowering of the Water, as he styled it; the lower Pillar hung for a considerable time upon the surface of the Water, but at length vanished, the upper part from the Clouds remained longer. His Conjecture is, that the Spout was not a Column of Water that ascended out of the Sea, but a Cloud only that hung down to the surface of the Water, and he gives these Reasons for it, first, because the upper part of the Pillar continued much longer than the lower part, after its division: in the second place, before the Spout appeared the Air was extremely dark, and by that the Seamen predicted the appearance of a Spout. What former accounts we have of Spouts in Authors, are different from this, whether therefore there may be various sorts of Spouts, I shall not determine, as being foreign to this Undertaking. Dampier confirms this Account, by the Description which he gives us of a Spout in his first Volume, pag. 451. he says, It is a small ragged piece or part of a Cloud, hanging down about a Yard seemingly from the blackest part thereof; commonly it hangs down sloping from thence, or sometimes appearing with a small bending, or elbow in the middle; I never saw any hang perpendicularly down. It is small at the lower end, seeming no bigger than ones Arm, but it is fuller towards the Cloud from whence it proceeds. When the surface of the Water gins to work, you shall see the Sea for about 100 Paces in circumference foam and move gently round, till the whirling Motion increases, and then it flies upward in a Pillar about 100 Paces in compass at the bottom, but lessening gradually upwards to the smallness of the Spout itself, there where it reacheth the lower end of the Spout, through which the rising Sea-Water seems to be conveyed into the Clouds; this visibly appears by the Clouds increasing in bulk and blackness, than you shall presently see the Cloud drive along, altho' before it seemed to be without any Motion, the Spout also keeping the same course with the Cloud, and still sucking up Water as it goes along, and they make a Wind as they go: thus it continues for the space of half an Hour, more or less, until the sucking is spent, and then breaking off, all the Water which was below the Spout, or pendulous piece of Cloud, falls down again into the Sea, making a great noise with its fall and clashing Motion in the Sea. Pag. 452. he adds farther, ' One Capt. Records of London, bound for the Coasts of Guinea, in a Ship of 300 Tuns, and 16 Guns, called the Blessing; when he came into the Latitude of 7 or 8 Degrees North, he saw several Spouts, one of which came directly towards the Ship, and he having no Wind to get out of the way of the Spout, made ready to receive it, by furling his Sails; it came on very swift, and broke a little before it reached the Ship, making a great noise, and raising the Sea round it, as if a great House, or some such thing had been cast into the Sea. The fury of the Wind still lasted, and took the Ship on the Starboard-Bow with such violence, that it snapped off the Boltsprit and Foremast both at once, and blew the Ship all along, ready to overset it; but the Ship did presently right again, and the Wind whirling round, took the Ship a second time with the like fury as before, but on the contrary side, and was again like to overset her the other way; the Mizzen-mast felt the fury of the second Blast, and was snapped short off, as the Foremast and Boltsprit had been before; it came on very swift, making a great noise, and raising the Sea round it, as if a great House, or some such thing had been cast into the Sea. From these Instances it is undeniably evident, that a Spout is rather a Cloud, than a Pillar of Water, rising in a pyramidal form out of the Sea, as some affirm in their Voyages upon the Coasts of Africa, or such a Column of Water occasioned by a Commotion in the subterraneous Abyss, as Dr Woodward in his Philosophical Essay alleges. To these I will only add an Instance or two more, which might easily slip an undiscerning Eye, and tho' the Observation to some may seem trivial, yet I doubt not but the Matter when rightly considered, carries weight along with it, and may justly challenge our Enquiry. I have in some Parts several Leagues from the Ocean, two Yards within Marle, seen Stones of a considerable magnitude most exactly divided, yet adapted to that height of Symmetry, and nice proportion of Parts when joined, that no Tallies, nor the most curiously divided Bodies, could more exactly close their Fissures, and in an horizontal Line betwixt these 8 or 10 Yards of Marle interposing: Considering therefore that those Stones in all probability were originally but one, the distance betwixt them and their depth in the Marl, it must surely be most consonant to Reason to conclude that they were only split, not dissolved in that unaccountable hurry at the Deluge, and embalmed there to perpetuate its Veracity; betwixt these are often to be found marine Shells, which sufficiently evidences this Hypothesis. Nor have we those Disports only of Shells and fossil Plants, in Bodies that are impregnated with Spar, Alabaster, Bitumen, and the Pyrites, but likewise other Phaenomena of the like Nature, particularly at the Kennel-Pits at Haigh in Lancashire, in several Slates of which I have seen long parallel Cylinders joined together, and running in direct Lines, imprinted in solid Stone, twice the length of a Man's Finger, and the breadth or more of his Hand; an evident Demonstration that this firm Substance must originally be a Fluid, which allowed, it will be no difficulty to account for the various representations of Shells and Vegetables: These were first communicated to me by that honoured and learned Lady, the Lady Guise, Mother to the present Lady Bradshaw of Haigh. But farther to demonstrate that Solids were originally Fluids, a more convincing Instance cannot be produced than in the Stone called Buphthalmos, or Ox-Eye, so styled from the analogy it bears to that Organ: In this there is a Pibble of a sable Colour, included in an Alabaster Spar, and the Spar so strictly adheres to the surface of the Pibble, without the least unevenness, and composes so exactly a Convex figure like that of an Eye, that it is impossible they should come into that shape, but as the Chemists term it, In statu fluoris: These are found on the Seacoasts in Lancashire, and Wirehal in Cheshire. CHAP. VII. Of Fishes. THE Curious here have a large Field of Philosophy to range in, since both the Seas and Rivers in these Counties present us almost with an infinite variety of these Creatures: I shall not expatiate upon each particular Species of Fishes, but only take notice of the most remarkable, which have occurred to my Observation, in the Seas, Rivers, Ponds and Meers. The Seas frequently afford us Seals, or Seacalves, and those of different Magnitudes; they are often thrown up in Salt-Rivers formed by the Tides, some I have seen eight, some twelve Foot long, but these are most common in the Baltic Ocean, where the Russes take them in great quantities; the Method is very remarkable, They generally go out in great Numbers to hunt them, sometimes they find three or four Thousand together, basking themselves upon the Ice; these than they surround, which when the Seacalves discern, they pile themselves upon an heap (as it is probable) by that means to break the Ice, and quit themselves from the Enemy, which they sometimes do, and frequently so bend the Ice, that they are obliged to wade to a considerable depth to attack them; so remarkable is the Principle of Self-preservation in all Creatures whatever. Their Food is upon Fish, but I found by one which I had alive, that he could not eat under Water, and when he dived for his Prey he closed his Mouth and Eyes, and pursed up his Nostrils so close, that the least drop of Water could not enter: I did not find that he could continue long under Water, but frequently mounted up into the Air, and then immediately dived again. They are extremely smooth, and will by't severely, having Mouths like those of Tigers, and indeed when provoked, make their Attacks with that kind of spitting, harring Noise. I thought it not amiss to add the Account which Dampier gives of the Sea-Dog, called by the Dutch Hound, which is agreeable to the shape and size of those which I saw: They are (says he p. 89.) as big as Calves, the Head of them like a Dog, and therefore by the Dutchmen called Sea-Hounds, but it had been more proper if they had said English Bulldogs: Under each Shoulder grows a long thick Fin, these serve them to swim with when they are at Sea, and are instead of Legs to them when on Land, for raising their Bodies up on end by the help of these Fins or Strumps, and so having their Tail-parts drawn close under them, they are bound, as it were, and throw their Bodies forward, drawing their hinder Parts after them, and then again rise up and springing forward with their fore Parts alternately, they lie tumbling thus up and down all the time they are moving on Land; from their Shoulders to their Tails they grow tapering like Fish, and have two small Fins on each side the Rump, which is commonly covered with their Fins; these Fins serve instead of a Tail on the Sea, and on Land they sit on them when they give suck to their Young: Their Hair is of divers Colours, as black, grey, dun, spotted, looking very sleek and pleasant when they come first out of the Sea. The next remarkable Fish is the Sepia, or Ink-Fish, of which I have seen several upon these Shores; it has ten Horns, not much unlike those of a Snail, and with these, as with Oars, it rows itself forward in the Water; it has two full Eyes, its substance seems to be a kind of Pulp, and one half of it is invested with a Membrane like a Leg within a Stocking, and therefore by some it is called the Hose or Stocking-Fish; it has only one Bone, and that upon its Back, thin, flat and pellucid; from its Mouth descend two pellucid Ducts, which terminate in a Vesica which contains its Ink, by pressing this the Ink quickly ascends, and as some Naturalists affirm, when they are-in danger of being taken, by contracting this they discharge such a quantity of Ink as blackens the Water, and secures them from discovery; I have a Letter by me writ with this Ink about ten Years ago, which still continues: this Liquor was the Ink of the Ancients, hence came that Expression of the Poet, Nigro distillans Sepianodo; it has no remarkable Taste, and by reason that the whole substance seems to be a kind of Pulp, it is hard to determine whether this Liquor is its Chyle, or perhaps the Juices of some Sea-Plant which it lives upon, or else a Liquor separated from its nutritive Juices; for what else to term it I know not, since I could not observe in it either Veins or Arteries, yet doubtless there are other Vessels adequate to those. This Fish sometimes the People eat, and it is observable, that it will mildly purge them, like Cassia, or some such Lenitive. The next to be remarked are the Pisces Vaginales, so called because they resemble the Pudenda of a Woman; these stick fast in the Sand, and are scarce to be pulled out, when you touch them, they contract strongly, and emit a Liquor like that of the Vagina in Coitu; of these there are great quantities on the Sands near Leverpoole, and other parts of the County of Lancaster. We have frequently cast upon the Seashore the Sea-Blebs, the whole substance of which seems to be nothing but a perfect Jelly, and to view it, you would wonder how it had Life; only in the Centre of it is a knot of Vessels which appears red, and is branched like the Leaves of the Herba Paris, or True Lovers Knot, and in these no doubt the greatest part of the Circulation is performed: 'Tis wonderful to me, what the use of that Jelly can be, and whether or no it has any communication with that knot of Vessels, with Microscopes I could not discern any: This by being too long held in the Hand, is apt to make it break out in Pustules. The Starfish, so called from the resemblance it bears to a Star, is very common in these Parts; its Stomach is in its Centre, and the rest of its Body is fibrous, which no doubt conveys a Liquor analogous to Blood or Chyle; when touched it contracts very strongly, and I presume its Food is Sea-Plants: Male and Female in these I could not observe, but presume that they are rather of an Hermaphrodite species; these are not of any known use, as I remember. Sometimes we have Whales and Sturgeons, but these very rarely, one of the latter I saw taken near Warrington of about 12 Foot long, and 2 Foot deep. Three Fishes I took of an unusual shape, and cannot find the figure of them in any Author; their Heads are extraordinary large, and their Aspect terrible, they have two large Eyes upon the midst of their Foreheads, an extraordinary wide Mouth, and different Rows of Teeth, like those of a Shark, and within the Stomach equal Rows of Teeth parallel to those above, and no doubt but there must be a Mastication there, as in the Mouth. They have no Gills, but instead of those Bones like cross Bars, from their Spine there are not any Bones that branch forth as in other Fishes, like Teeth from the midst of a Comb, instead of those they have a round pellucid Body, not unlike a blown Bladder; from the Head along the Body there are Bones descending in Lines, like the Meridian's of a Globe: The rest of the Body is like that of a Dogfish, they have a Stomach, Bowels and Liver, but I could discern no Lungs; their Membra Genitalia seem to be after the manner of Dogfish. The Green-back and Mullets are very common, they afford an excellent Nourishment and a delicate Taste; we have likewise great quantities of Soles, a species of Flounder, these are in my thoughts the best of Fishes; the Turbot is likewise very common and very palatable; the Sand-Eels are very frequently taken, and dug out of the Sands by the Fishermen, like Worms; and it is not an unpleasing prospect to observe the infinite number of little heaps like Molehills, formed by the Worms themselves upon the Sands; these are only the Faeces of the Worms, collected by their twisting round one another in so exact a figure, that the Fishermen by their magnitude can judge, what Worm is fittest for their purpose, and accordingly dig up such or such a Bed. The Oyster and Lobster are very common, and likewise the Shrimp and Prawn; the Prawn is a Fish not much unlike the Shrimp, but much larger, and far better Meat, and in my thoughts the most pleasing of any Shellfish whatever; it generates in Eggs, and of these it deposits an infinite number, which by a clammy Matter it fastens to the Rocks, and piles them one upon another, till they look like a Pyramid inverted, and hang like Icicles on the Verge of a Penthouse. We have the best and largest Cockles in England here, and Muscles in that number, that upon the Seacoasts they manure their Ground with them. The Pearl-Muscles are very common: Which leads me to give an account of the Germination of Pearls. The Formation of the Shells of Muscles I have observed from the bigness of a Pins head, to 2 Inches in length, and find in their first Formation, that the Shells are pellucid, but afterwards, as the Lamellae are constantly form, they become opaque; their substance at first seems to me to be a Gluten thrown off from the Fish, and indurated by the Air; as the Fish grows in bigness, it still emits a greater quantity of this, and so the Shell continually increases, till it arrives to its full hardness and maturity. In these Shells (and likewise in Oyster-shells) I have frequently found Pearls, some just appearing through the innermost Lamellae, others half through, some hanging like Fruit upon a Pedestal, others dropped from the Mother of Pearl, and sticking on the outside of the Fish; whence it is plain that Pearls are not formed by Dews, (as some have observed,) nor within the Fish, (as others,) but in the Shell itself. I find the Pearls as well as the Shells to consist of various Laminae, wrapped one within another, and betwixt the Mater Perlarum and the Pearl I could never observe any extraordinary difference, only I think the Pearl makes a greater fermentation with an Acid; whence it is most probable, that the most Volatile part of the Mater Perlarum protrudes itself from the rest of the Laminae, and so constantly presses forwards till it forces its passage into the Shell itself, and so forms the Pearl. They are generally of a Spherical figure, made so (I conjecture) by the figure of the Shell; these Pearls are of great use in Physic, and did the People industriously apply themselves to the getting of them, considerable quantities might be acquired, at a less Price than Crabs Eyes, which they infinitely surpass, tho' they were genuine, but for the most part they are adulterated, and instead of Crabs Eyes we have merely a Composition of Chalk and Mucilage, or perhaps Tobacco-pipe Clay, to the infinite prejudice of the Patient. From what has been observed in the Germination of Pearls, it is evident that what Christophorus Sandius from Hamburgh transmitted to the Royal Society at London, must necessarily be a Mistake; which that the Reader may more easily apprehend, I shall transcribe the Account he gave to that learned Body, and leave it to any unprejudiced Person to judge of his Error: since any of the most Curious may any day in the Year, in the River Wire near Hambleton in Lancashire, have a full Demonstration to the contrary. The first Letter runs thus, being translated by the Publisher of the Philosophical Transactions, March 25. A. D. 1674. Touching the Origin of Pearls, of which I formerly gave an Intimation, be pleased to receive the following Account. The Pearl-shells in Norway and elsewhere do breed in sweet Waters. Their Shells are like to those which commonly are called Muscles, but they are larger; the Fish in them looks like an Oyster, and it produces a great cluster of Eggs, like those of Crayfish, some white, some black, (which latter will yet become white, the outer black Coat being taken off) these Eggs when ripe are cast out, and being cast out they grow, and become like those that cast them; but sometimes it happens that one or two of these Eggs stick fast to the sides of the Matrix, and are not voided with the rest: these are fed by the Oyster against its Will, and they do grow, according to the length of Time, into Pearls of different bignesses, and imprint a Mark both in the Shell and Fish, by the situation conform to its figure. Upon which I cannot but remark in the following manner, and indeed in doing that, can scarce confine myself within the Rules of Decency, there being not one true Line in the whole Letter: For in the first place they do not always breed in fresh, but likewise in salt Waters, as is evident in the River Wire, where the Water is continually salt, and when the Tide flows, little less brackish than the Sea itself; in the second place, the Shell is not only like that of a Muscle, but the Fish also is a real Muscle, and not an Oyster; in the third place, in those Fishes never any Eggs are discerned, consequently it is not possible that the Pearl should be the Egg of the Fish, but on the contrary it is demonstrable, by the Instances above-recited, that the Pearls are various Protrusions from the Laminae of the Shell, and those I have observed as well in the black, as in the crystalline Laminae, having frequently seen black Pearls, as well as the crystalline ones, which are so many Envelopments of the Mother of Pearls; Fourthly, by what is alleged it is evident, that these are not fed by the Oyster against its Will, and that they do not any farther imprint a Mark into the Shell, than by dropping out of it, but indeed after that they do commonly leave a Bruise there, by which you may easily discern how many Pearls have vegetated from each particular Shell: A Phaenomenon not much unlike this I once observed at Oxford in a Water-Rat that was pregnant, upon a Dissection of her, for by opening the Ovaria, we found as many Knots in those, as there were young ones in the Uterus. His second Letter was dated the 27. of February, 1674. and is as follows. As to the Authority I have to assert such an Origin of Pearls, as I have done in my former, I here declare that a certain Dane, called Henricus Arnoldi, an ingenious and veracious Person, having by his own Experience found it so at Christiania in Norway, did in that manner relate it to me, as I imparted it to you, he having with great seriousness assured me of the truth thereof: besides the thing seems highly probable, neither do any considerable Objections appear against it; if I should chance to go into those Parts, or at least into the Country of the Duke of Brunswick, where also Pearls are found, not inferior to the Oriental one's of the same size, I should not fail to endeavour to make the Observation myself. From what has been before observed, it is plain his Hypothesis is not probable, and that there are unanswerable Objections against it; so that his very All centring only in a Relation from the forementioned Dane, is altogether fictitious, nor do I believe there are Pearls, either in Brunswick, or any other part of the World yet known, comparable to those in East-India, the Mother of Pearl of the Oysters in those Parts being much finer than any discovered here, or in the West-Indies: And if so (by what has been observed) it is most certain, that the Pearls must be finer also, which are only the most refined parts of those defecated Laminae of the Shell. It is true indeed there are in fresh Waters hereabout Muscles of the magnitude he mentions, which are commonly called Horse-Muscles, of these vast numbers were found in the Pond at Tabley in Cheshire, when it was drained, but not any of them contained Pearls, nor was the Fish palatable. These, I think, may serve for a full Answer to Sandius' Hypothesis, I shall not therefore transgress longer on the Reader's patience, but only take notice of the Phosphori, or flashes of Fire in the Nighttime, frequently observable in Muscles and Oysters, and so close this Head. It is observable that these Fishes abound with a great quantity of volatile Sulphur, and hence it is, that in Tabid Cases, as in scorbutic Atrophies, they are of extraordinary use, for their sulphureous Particles being communicated to the Mass of Blood, they afresh inspirit and restore it to its due Circulation, and then the Blood distributes its nourishment to the Body, which before stagnated in several Capillaries, where for want of a daily supply the Body emaciated. Another confirmation of their great quantity of Sulphur, is their extreme fetidness upon Putrefaction, which is as offensive as any preparation of Sulphur whatever. These granted, and that Flame itself is only a due quantity of sulphureous Particles put into a particular Motion, and then again considering what vast numbers of those Particles abound in those Fishes, and their extraordinary Activity, it is easy to imagine how those Noctilucae, or flashes in the Nighttime, when their Particles are not scattered by the Beams of the Sun, may frequently be observed in them; and it is probable that if some of our Virtuosos made their Experiments upon foetid Oysters, they might more easily prepare the Phosphorus, than from Blood, Flesh, or Urine, which is the common, but very tedious Process. The Echini are common, as likewise Torculars, Whilks and Periwinkles; we have likewise another Fish shaped like the Head of a Rabbit, and thence called the Rabbit-Fish. The Pap-Fish is common, so called from the likeness it bears to a Nipple, the Country People use them for their Nipples when sore, which by guarding them from fretting on their clothes, give relief. These are the most remarkable of Sea-fish that I have observed in these Parts, wherefore I shall in the next place descend to River and Pond-Fish, and of these the most remarkable are the Salmon, Sparling or Smelled, and the Char, as likewise Eels in the River Reke near Manchester: And of these I shall show the difference, and their manner of Generation, and so conclude this Chapter. The Rivers abound with great quantities of Salmon, but chief those into which the Sea flows daily, as Ribble, Lune, Wire, and the Mersey, in these there are considerable numbers taken, but the most in Ribble and the Lune. Concerning the Growth of these the Opinions are various, some asserting that after the Salmon leaves the Sea, she makes to fresh Rivers, and constantly presses forward till she gains the Shallows, and in the Sands, Stones and Pebbles deposits her Spawn or Eggs, upon which the Male ejects a Milk which fecundates them, and so the formation of the Foetus is begun, which first is styled a Salmon-Smelt, the second Year a Sprod, the third a Mort, the fourth a Forktail, the fifth a Runner, and the sixth a Salmon. Others assert that the Salmon comes to its Maturity in one Year, and the Morts, Forktails and Runners are a distinct species of Salmon, and will never attain to the magnitude of a grown Salmon, and that because (as they allege) several of these have been put into Ponds, and never arrived to any other pitch of greatness. Now it is certain that the Salmon are always best, and grow most, when they immediately leave the Seas, and by their continuance in fresh Waters they still decline, and wax leaner; when they first quit the Seas their Flesh is firm and well-tasted, and at that time they have often abundance of little Infects upon them, which the Fishermen call the Salmon Louse, and it is then that she is best in season: The Fishermen will actly tell you, by observing of these, how long they have left the Seas, but upon their continuance long in the Freshes they become extremely lean, and not at all palatable; so that 'tis probable if these Morts and Sprods which were taken into Ponds, and did not increase at all, 'twas because they were out of their proper Food, and so consequently instead of growing did emaciate; for 'tis most certain, when they deserted the salt Water, 'twas not for any Food they expected in fresh Rivers, but indeed to reach the Shallows, as well for the preservation as propagation of their Fry, which in the Deeps would be destroyed by other Fishes: so admirable is the Conduct of Providence even in the meanest of Creatures. Tho' the Rivers are frequently stemmed and barricadoed with Wears of a considerable height, yet 'tis wonderful to observe how they will leap over these to gain the Shallows, to deposit their Spawn: since therefore the Smelled comes down from the Shallows, and makes towards the salt Waters, 'tis probable that the fresh Rivers are disagreeable to them; and since the Sprod seems to be the same Fish of another Years growth, and the rest likewise gradually till they complete the Salmon itself, I am rather inclined to adhere to the former Opinion, for why should not there in this, as in other Creatures, be a gradual Increase? I apprehend not any convincing Reason to the contrary, nor do I believe Nature here altars her established Methods in arriving to a full Growth and Maturity. The next remarkable Fish is the Char, and that is found in Winder-mere in Westmoreland, and no where else that I know of, except in Conningston-Meer in Lancashire. This Fish is not very unlike a Trout, only the Flesh is much more red, and when Potted, 'tis most delicious Meat; of these great quantities are yearly sent to London, from Kendal and Lancaster. 'Tis likewise observable that these Fishes are only found in one part of Winder-mere, the other part being destitute of them, which perhaps may be occasioned by the Pikes taken there in great quantities. There is another Fish taken there not unlike the Char, but something less, nor is the Flesh quite so red. The Water is extraordinary clear, and contains several small Islands, in one of which Sr. Christopher Philipson once resided, and in another a Hermit, a Relation of Sr. Francis Sawcole's, who for some Years subsisted only on Roots and Fish, and never went to Bed, but is now dead. What farther may be said in relation to the Char, was communicated to me by my honoured Friend and Relation Sr. Daniel Fleming of rydal in the County of Westmoreland. Winder-mere (says he) according to the English Saxon is Windal-Meer, which some think to be so denominated from the great Winds frequent there, others from its winding and turning in and out, and others from a Person's Name, as well as that of Thurston-Meer, now called Coningston-Water in Lancashire, and that of Ulfes, now styled Uls-Water in Cumberland, which are both near thereunto, which makes the last Conjecture the most probable. This Lough, Lake or Mere, is about a Mile in breadth, and ten Miles in length, with great variety of crooked Banks, which afford an agreeable Prospect; it is in several places of a great Depth, and produces many kinds of Fish, as the Char, Salmon, Pike, Bass, Perch, Eels, etc. This Lake by some is placed in Lancashire, but by others in Westmoreland, which is the more likely, since the Fishery thereof belongs to the Barony of Kendal, a Town of great Trade, particularly for Cottons, and the most noted in that County. This Mere is the largest in England, and looks as if it was paved or flagged at the bottom with square Stones, a sight diverting enough in Fishing. Our learned Clarenceux was imposed upon, when he was informed that the Char was a Fish peculiar to Winder-mere, since in Coningston-Meer, within five Miles, a Char much fairer and more serviceable is caught. The Char is a sort of Fish about a quarter long, somewhat like a Trout, and generally red bellied; there are three sorts, the Male, which is large, with a red Belly, but the Flesh thereof somewhat white, having a soft Roe, and is called the Milting-Char; the Female Char is large, but not so red-bellyed, the Flesh is very red, within being full of hard Roes or Spawn, which our Philosophers in their Discoveries sufficiently demonstrate to be the Ova, or Eggs of the Fish, which are fecundated by a Milk injected on them by the Male, and perfected by the kind influence of the Sun: the Ova thus impregnated, are buried by the Female in Sludge or Sand near the adjacent Banks, and so receive Invigoration, these are commonly called the Roving Chars; the third sort having no Roe, is commonly called the Gelt Char. These Chars differ from the Welsh Torgough, a Fish taken in Carnarvan-shire, and the Switzerland Rentel, these being probably the same with the Case, a sort of Fish something like the Char, but spawning at a different time, and caught in the River Brathy, that runs into Winder-mere. The Char is not to be caught by Angling, or any other Method but by Nets, they keep generally in the deepest parts of the Water, and are most commonly caught in the coldest Wether, when the Banks are covered with Snow; the Char never swims out of the Mere, but the Case is taken in divers Rivers. The River Reke is remarkable for Eels, which I think I may affirm to be the fattest in England, and indeed to that degree of fatness, that they almost nauseate; and this a late Author, a Gentleman of a considerable Estate near Manchester, chief attributes to the Fat, Grease, and Oils, which by the Woke-Mills are expressed from the woollen clothes, and so mixed with the Water: And indeed considering the number of these Mills standing upon that River, and the extraordinary fatness of the Eels, I do not think the Conjecture amiss. It may now be worth our time to make Enquiry into the manner of the Generation of this kind of Fish: I could not in these, by any Dissection I ever made, observe the distinction of Male and Female, which has given occasion to some to conjecture they came from the middle Region, since Ponds and Pits are found frequently full of them, in which none had ever been deposited, and therefore 'tis concluded that their Ova being so small as not to be discerned by ocular Inspection, they might be exhaled with the Waters, and consequently fall down with the Rains, and when these happened to fall into Rivers and Ponds, they by the influence of the Sun, begin and complete their Generation. But whence arose those Ova to be thus exhaled? they must needs claim some Origin or Formation before they ascended to the middle Region; there is no doubt but the Rains are oftentimes saturated with Ova of divers Species, as may be seen by Putrefaction of the Water, in which an infinite number of small Worms are discerned, these indeed may be small Ova wafted up by the Winds, and descending with the Rains. It is affirmed in Russia and Lithuania, after excessive Showers, that the Ground is almost covered with Creatures not unlike Mice, which often produce by their corrupting, pestilential Fevers, which in some occasioned the like Conjecture; yet this Phaenomenon may admit of another solution, for why may not those Creatures be there generated, and after the fall of those Rains desert their Cells or Latebrae, to bask upon the surface of the Ground, as we daily see here in Frogs and Worms, and other Reptiles? However it is, the Ponds that were never stored may be supplied other ways, for it is usual for Eels to quit the Pits, and creep into the Grass and Ditches, and this I have often observed, having found Eels in the midst of Fields, remote from any Pit, by which means other Ponds may be replenished with this kind of Fish: for my part I shall not determine the Point, but these being industrious Ages, by the assistance of Microscopes, which are daily improved, others may give us farther satisfaction in this Matter. But I cannot here omit that remarkable Experiment of the most ingenious Lewenhooke, who in this Creature was the first that gave us an ocular Demonstration of the Circulation of the Blood, and beyond contradiction has made it manifest that the Vein and Artery are one continued Canal, showing a Pulsation in one part of the Vessel, and none in the other, but that the Blood slowly creeping on, the Arteries at their Extremities form a kind of Semicircle; so that the straight Line being terminated, the Systole of the Heart at so great a distance is not able to affect a Curve, for we must imagine the Pulse to be extremely weak at the Extremities of the Arteries, for when a Vessel deviates from the direct Line of the Power, it thence ceases to be affected with it; and hence it is that the Veins, tho' they are continued Vessels with the Arteries, have no Pulsation at all. What is said of this Fish generating with Vipers, is trifling and ridiculous, for whoever examines the Parts of these two Creatures subservient to Generation, will find it wholly impossible, the Male Viper containing a Penis, and the Female Ova and Ovaria, but in Eels neither are discernible. The next remarkable Experiment in this Fish is the long continued Systole and Diastole of the Heart after it is taken out of the Body, which sometimes is for some Hours: This may justly challenge our strictest Enquiry into its Reasons, since (were they clearly demonstrated) it might be of great use in Anatomy. From this it is plain that Muscular Motion is not performed by the Blood and Nitroaerial Particles fermenting in Metaphorical Glandules, in which the Extremities of the Arteries terminate, which a late young Author forwardly and foolishly affirms, in his small Book of Muscular Motion; for it is plain here that the Circulation is cut off, so that this Motion cannot be performed by any Blood flowing from the Arteries, in the manner he alleges; besides, the Globules of the Blood itself are discernible by Microscopes, one would think then that these Glandules which separate the Globules, should be much more perceivable themselves: But these Glandules are neither to be observed by Mercurial Injections, nor Microscopical Observations; it would be better for the Author to lay by his Suppositions, and much to his advantage to apply himself to an industrious Education, to render himself Master of right Reason, which done, he will soon see the vanity of his own Attempts in this kind. In explaining Muscular Motion, Borellus and Steno are deficient, and Dr. Charleton after all his elaborate Experiments, fairly owns his dissatisfaction in any Hypothesis, that he could form concerning it; for my part I think it is only to be solved by Him that gave it: How can we suppose Muscular Motion to be performed in most Shellfish, which have no Blood nor Glandules? yet some of them have very brisk and active Motions, as the Shrimp and Prawn; or how in Convulsions come the Muscles to contract so strongly? It is impossible a little Blood and Lympha should effect this, but indeed (as Dr. Willis very well imagines) it is rather a violent Explosion of the Spirits. But than it is impossible that the Spirits should be a Mucilage, (which the forementioned Author of Muscular Motion affirms, whose unparallelled Assurance admits not of a Rival) that being too unactive a Matter to produce such Effects; the Spirits are sure the most volatile, refined parts of Matter we can form any Idea of, wherefore what that Author has writ in relation to this Matter, amounts to no more, than to show him consummately ignorant. One remarkable Fish had almost slipped me, it is called the Catfish, from the likeness of its Whiskers upon the upper Lip to those of a Cat: This Fish is of a Taste indifferently palatable, but what is most observable in it, is the prick of its Fins, which are of a very poisonous Nature, tho' none of its Bones produce the like Effect; upon a Puncture the part will presently look red, be very painful, and swell to an extraordinary bigness, not much unlike a Phlegmon Erisipiloides: This is found about the Peele, and sometimes near Heesham. How this Puncture comes to be of so poisonous a Nature, we shall now examine: The Fins look pellucid, and seem hollow, like so many parallel Tubes centring each upon a Cistus, impleted with a pellucid Liquor; it is probable therefore that upon the Puncture the Fin pressing upon the Cistus, the Liquor contained in it necessarily ascends, and mixes with the Blood, which being of an Acrimonious nature, contracts the Capillaries of the Cutis, and so causes the Inflammation, perhaps not unlike that arising by the bite of a Viper. Another Fish we have called the Rabbit-Fish, from the resemblance of its Mouth to that of an Hare or Rabbit: It is about 4 Inches in length, and as much in depth, the Back of it is arched and sharp, and in its Belly is an Orifice not unlike the Vagina of the Uterus. Lamperns and conger's are frequently found, and a small Fish called a Hue, exactly like an Anchove, and like that, by a proper Pickle, its Flesh and Bones will dissolve, this eats as agreeably as those from Genoa; vast quantities of these commonly hang in the Nets of the Fishermen, the Seagulls feed upon them, and it is a diverting Scene enough to see their frequent Skirmishes about them. The Skeat, Thornback, and Rea, are taken in great quantities, as likewise the Dogfish, which some would have to be a species of a Shark, but whoever inspects their Jaws, the Roes, Figure, and position of their Teeth, will find it only a vulgar Error. They do not externally emit their Ova, as many Fishes do, but generate as Dog and Bitch; in the Womb of the Female I have often found a great number of young ones; it is reported that if at any time her Whelps be in danger, they run within her and so secure themselves. They are but ordinary Food, yet are frequently eaten by the Country People. The Trout and Grailing may be plentifully had at Buxton, which are generally esteemed the best in England; to these kinds of Fishes I presume the Water issuing from Limestone, is most agreeable. I have by me a round flat Bone, taken up from the Sea-Coast near Hilbree-Island in Cheshire, the inside of which is woven with an infinite number of Vessels, like the Cortical part of the Brain, but to what species of Fish it did belong, or what was the proper use of it, I cannot yet learn; its Diameter is about five or six Inches. Since the writing of this I find it to be a Bone betwixt the Vertebrae of a Whale. CHAP. VIII. Of Reptiles and Infects. THERE being little room left for making Additions to these, they being described so accurately before by Dr. Lister and Mr. Ray, I shall not trouble the Reader with Repetition, but only give an account of some particular Observations which I have made. The Viper is common in most of our Mosses, as is likewise the Adder or Longworm, which exceeds the other both in length and thickness, but its By't is not so poisonous. In what particularly the the Poison of a Viper consists, has been an old Dispute betwixt Monsieur Charras and Signior Redi; the one asserting the Poison to consist in a yellow Liquor contained in a Bladder, at the bottom of its Tooth, which Liquor, upon its biting, by the Pressure of the Bladder, is forced through a Tube within the Tooth, and consequently into the Wound, and thence ensue very direful Effects; he alleges likewise that by this Liquor Pigeons and Pullet's, by dropping it into a Wound made in either of them, have been killed, tho' the Liquor he took from the Viper when dead. The other asserts that he has tried the same Experiments, but observed no such Effects at all: These two Signior Vigani has in some measure reconciled, who alleges that the yellow Liquor with which Signior Redi killed Pullet's and Pigeon after the Death of the Viper, was either saturated with the Spirits of the enraged Viper, by whipping it before, by which means it was rendered more poisonous; or else (as its probable) that in the hot and dry Climes of Italy, those Creatures are more venomous than in colder Countries: To me this Conjecture seems reasonable, however what its Venom is, is not so material, but it is certain very noble Medicines are prepared from them, and a Wine from their Flesh, singular in Consumptive, Leprous and Scorbutic Cases; they afford likewise a volatile Salt, the most generous Cordial in Nature. The Lizard is frequently found in the Mosses, and is said to be one of those which the Naturalists style Philanthropis, or Lovers of Men, never (as they say) doing injury to Mankind, but destroying any venomous Creature hurtful to him. These are the most noted Reptiles. Amongst the Infects we shall begin with the Grasshopper: This Creature in its Infancy is wonderfully preserved by a Froth which it raises upon the surface of some Plant, concealing itself by that means from Birds, or other Creatures which might destroy it. This Froth by the Vulgar is called Cuckoo-spittle, by some a Meteor that falls from the Air, and is by them esteemed poisonous, whereas indeed it is nothing but a Froth formed from the Plant, by this little Insect: I have taken several of these, and closed them with some Plants in Boxes, so that they could have no communication with the Air, and the Day following they were all covered with this kind of Froth, which Experiment puts the Matter beyond Controversy. The Caterpillar deposits her Eggs in Cotton, in the Clefts of Trees, which are enlivened by the influence of the Sun, at a proper season of the Year; I do think she is destroyed by her young ones, which creep within her to suck, for I have sometimes found them creeping upon Cabbages, with twenty young ones within them, and sometimes dead with these within their Bodies; they enter them at little Orifices like Nipples, on either side of the Belly, and sometimes creep so far as to be scarce discernible, but most commonly one half of them hangs out. The Possum in the West-Indies is said after the same manner to convey and nourish its young ones, which are observed to run into an external kind of a Womb, in which they lodge whilst she endeavours an Escape: so various are the Methods which different Creatures have for the preservation of their Species. The Locust-Fly I have been informed has been found in Wales, but I remember not any to have been discovered in these Parts. The Red Spider is very common, and is said to be that, which frequently poisons Cattle; of this I call to mind a remarkable Instance upon a Cow, which a Farrier asserted was poisoned by this kind of Spider: The Beast was extremely swelled, and her Belly extraordinary hard, she lay moaning upon the Ground, doubtless in violent Pain, and past hopes of help; the Farrier however offered, if the Owner consented, to thrust his Knife in her Stomach, to put her out of Torment; the Owner complies, and the Farrier immediately enters in his Knife, upon which there instantly issued forth a Steam, which took Fire at the flames of the Candles, and blazed all over the Barn, and was with some difficulty extinguished; the Cow suddenly rushed upon her Feet, began to eat, and afterwards grew perfectly well. How this sulphureous Halitus got into the Stomach, is not easily solved, and indeed it is a very odd Phaenomenon, but it is certainly the most probable that it proceeded from the sulphureous Particles of some Herbs she had eaten, for I cannot conceive, how any Infects she had swallowed could produce such Effects. Human Worms I have observed of various kinds, as the Cucurbito, so called because they resemble the Seeds of Cucurbits, are jointed one into another, and hence are extended to three or four Yards in length: Of these the learned Dr. Tyson has given a most exact Account, to whose Works I refer the Curious. The Ascarides are commonly seen, but how these are generated in the Stomach and Bowels, may merit our Enquiry: It seems probable to me that the Ova of Infects are either mingled with the Liquors we drink, conveyed thither by the Air, in which doubtless they continually float, and when received into the Stomach and Bowels, by the innate warmth of those Parts, are gradually formed till they arrive to their full growth: Parallel to their Formation may be the hatching of Eggs in Egypt in Stoves, or by the heat of the Sun. Another way of Conveyance of these Ova into the Body, may be by the Roots, Fruits and Herbs, or even in our common Food, allowing first that the Generation of all Creatures arise from Ova, which we must necessarily espouse, otherwise the origin of these Worms is inexplicable, for to assert that they proceed from a Putrefaction of Humours, is but a general Term, and indeed rather gives an account of the Effect, than the Cause. Of what we have alleged there cannot be a clearer Demonstration, than in the following Instance, as appears from the History of the Freebooters in the South-Sea in America, in the Year 1685. where in the Island of St. john, not many Leagues distant from Panama, they give us this Account: There are but four Months of fair Wether there throughout the Year, which are December, january, February and March, the other Months are incommoded with great Rains, which fall almost without intermission, and which, besides the Bloodyflux they bring, are so pernicious, that if a Man has been wet with them three or four times, if he do not presently shift himself, there breed large Worms betwixt the Skin and the Flesh, in form somewhat like unto a Quill, and about a Finger long; whence to me it seems evident that the Ova of various Infects impregnate the Rain-waters, if so, it is easy thence to conjecture, how by the Liquids, Fruits and Aliment we take, Worms may breed in human Bodies. Against this Hypothesis there remains one material Objection yet to be solved, That if Worms in human Bodies arise from their Ova, conveyed thither in the Meats and Liquids we take, how comes it to pass that they are so usually formed in Infants, who never tasted any thing but the Milk of their Parents or Nurses, a Nourishment that has passed the first digestions of the Stomach and Bowels (where the Worms are most frequently nested) and separated from the Blood in the Breast by the Glands, and other Vessels adapted to that purpose? To this I answer, That the Ova of Worms, and several Infects, are as small as the Globules of the Chyle, and may consequently mix with the Blood, by the same Ducts the Chyle does; if this be granted, 'tis no difficult matter to assign a Reason how Worms are generated in the Stomach and Bowels of Infants, for the Ova are thence carried along with the Milk, and lodged in the Stomach and Bowels of the Child. To illustrate this the subsequent Instance will be very necessary: In the Year succeeding the great Frost, I frequently took notice of little white Grubbs lodged within the Pippins of several Apples, like those in the Kernels of Nuts, tho' the Skin and Pulp of the Apple were entire without the least Perforation. Now, I say, considering the minuteness of the Vessels that convey nourishment to the Kernels of the Apple, which are much smaller sure than those that bring Milk to the Breasts in human Bodies; by the same parity of Reason we may affirm that the Ova are introduced into the Body of the Infant, by the Chyle which it receives from the Breasts. But perhaps it may be objected, if the various substances of Creatures are included in Minimis in their distinct Seeds, what necessity is there for these Ova? To this I reply, Tho' Malpighius and Lewenhoeck have discovered Animalcules in the Seeds of divers Animals, and in a late Transaction, in human Seed there are delineated different growths of them, that altho' I should grant this, yet I affirm that these Animalcules could never arrive to Perfection, until they are deposited in their proper Ova, and there they receive their Nutriment; and this is not only evident in Infects, but even in Fishes, Birds, Quadrupedes, etc. and Mankind itself. As to Frogs they generate in Eggs, the first formation of the Foetus is in a black Speck, adhering to the Ouum, after they are enlivened, they have long small Tails, and are then called Bull-heads; in a little time this shapeless Covering is thrown off, and their perfect shapes are disclosed, they have a peculiar Membrana Nictitans, with which they cover the whole Eye, which preserves them from the points of Reeds, Rushes and Prickles, which otherwise might injure them; they will lie with their Lungs expanded a long time, squeezing out the Air by degrees, and so it is they continue under Water so long; at a certain time of the Year they have a Membrane which closes their Mouths, it is wonderful how long a time they sleep in the Water, without any Food, their Mouths being still closed by this Membrane; but jacobaeus, a Danish Physician, assures us, that they have two peculiar Vessels, which carry nothing but Fat, which he imagines nourishes them in that Interval, but this being spent, the Blood grows sharp, and then by its Irritation they immediately awake. In Consumptive Cases the young ones are frequently made use of in France, and, as I have been often told by the Inhabitants of that Country, with great Success; I do judge that for the same reason that Snails are prescribed in those Cases, these may be also, both of 'em consisting of a viscid Mucilage, which probably may sheathe the acid Salts of the Blood, which in the first place coagulated the Serum, converting the Lympha into a Size, as may be frequently seen upon the surface of the Blood taken from Consumptive Persons, and so having reduced it to that cross Consistence, it is very probable that it may raise Obstructions in the Lungs, whence ensue Nodes, Tubercles, and at last Imposthumations, many of the small Bladders of the Lungs being distended beyond their natural tone, and at last breaking one into another. There is a Water distilled from the Spawn of these, frequently (and with success likewise) used in Spitting of Blood, for which, in some measure, the same Cause may be assigned, as in the former Case. But I have often wondered, why Plasters of these are so frequently prescribed in most of the scrofulous Cases, not only in our own Dispensatories, but in foreign likewise; but it may be, that in the Mucilage of these there may be invelop'd volatile alcalious Salts, that may destroy those Acids in the Blood, which so incrustate the Serum, that it obstructs the Glands, and so makes 'em scrofulous: This I rather surmise, because I know by repeated Instances, that from the Mucilage of several Plants (whose Virtues have been always supposed to consist in that, because 'tis easily prepared from them) a Volatile alkalious Salt may be separated; and if it be so in a Vegetable, why not in an Animal likewise? There only remains one Observation more relating to this Creature, upon which I shall descant a little, and then not trouble the Reader further; and that is to show what that Substance is which is vulgarly called Star-slime, whether the Frogs spawn, as some imagine, or a Meteor that falls from the Air, as others allege, or lastly a Body that arises out of the Earth: And these I shall examine in their several order. That it is not the Spawn of a Frog, is evident from the subsequent Argument, because it is frequently found in those seasons of the Year in which the Frogs do not spawn, as in Winter; nor does it seem probable that it should be a Meteor, because I do think that no Man can Experimentally aver, that he ever saw such a Substance fall from the Air upon the surface of the Earth, which doubtless in some Generation would have happened, had the Production of it been in that manner; it remains therefore in the last place, that we conclude it to be a Mucilage arising out of the Earth, which is usually in low moist Grounds; and what is said in relation to this, may in a great measure be applied to that Substance vulgarly called Faries Butter, both of which, as I suppose, may in small portions be raised by a subterraneous Heat, but successively condensed into that Body in which we find 'em, by the intense coldness of the ambient Air. Having finished my Observations in reference to Frogs, I shall in the next place proceed to what I proposed, and that is, to make some Remarks upon the Toad. As this Creature (like the Viper) contains one of the greatest Poisons in the Universe, so (like that also) it supplies us with the richest Cordial. I have in the late pestilential Fever seen repeated Instances, which demonstrate the truth of these: In a low vermiculating Pulse, so called from the analogy it bears to the creeping of a Worm, (a melancholy Hieroglyphic, to show a Man by what Reptile he is just a hurrying to be devoured) by giving plentiful Doses of a Powder prepared from these, many have been snatched from the very brinks of Eternity. Nor has it less frequently in more lingering and tedious Distempers afforded us an easy and a large Reprieve, I having by the repeated taking of this Medicine in Hydropic Cases, seen the Lives of many for several Years protracted; so that as in the former Case it saves us from perishing by the scorching heat of a Fever, so it does in the latter likewise keep us from sinking in the Waters of a Dropsy. The Taste of it (if rightly prepared) is a little Acid, which I take to be the Effect of a volatile, alcalious Salt, and it is I presume in these Cases by attenuating the viscid Serum of the Blood, that it produces these wonderful Effects. I have been lately informed by Persons of great Learning, as well as Integrity, that in the Fever before recited, large Doses of Laudanum have effected the same thing, a Practice modern to what has been formerly laid down; but the reason of the giving of this in so large quantities, was grounded in a great measure upon Experiments tried with a solution of Laudanum, by injecting it into the Mass of Blood, which was always found to make it fluid; and if so, to me the Method seems rational. Some Years ago I laid down some Arguments in the Exercitations I printed at Oxford, accounting for the Cause and Cure of that Distemper, from which it is evident, beyond contradiction, that the Mass of Blood in that Distemper is coagulated; and this may fully hint to us what I shall afterwards make out, viz. that Opium, by its acrid Salt making the Mass of Blood too fluid, becomes poisonous, or else because the Points of this too much contract the Fibrillae of the Brain, and so obstruct the separation of the animal Spirits; it is not to be imagined that by crass feculent Particles it should effect these Matters, since it is abundantly known to be a most noted Diaphoretic, and consequently a Medicine whose Ingredients are volatile, and 'tis therefore, I doubt not, that in the confluent Pock it is of that extraordinary use, viz. by attenuating the Serum of the Blood, which was almost converted to a putrid Pus. Much more might be added in relation to this, but I hasten to some other Observations, and so shall close this Chapter; and those are chief concerning Butterflies, Bees, Hornets, and the Heminens, or the American, or Humming Bird. The Butterflies, by the ingenious and industrious Mr. james Pettifer of London, as to the Descriptions of them are ranged into that accurate Order, that it would be but superfluous to add any thing in relation to that Matter; wherefore since the Preparation from 'em yield us not any thing material, and their Generation having been fully accounted for by others, I shall pass 'em over; as likewise the Bees, their Government, Generation, Stings, and Honey, having been before accounted for by so many various and learned Hands; however I shall make some few Remarks, by what a wonderful, but natural Chemistry they elaborate their Honey, and how tho' seemingly dead, they revive, and lastly the difference betwixt them and the Heminens. So wonderful is the structure of the Organs of these Infects, and so differently modified, that the various Juices which they suck and extract from Plants, that the greatest Bitter they convert into one of the sweetest Extracts, and the rankest of Poisons into one of the most balsamic Medicines; with what little reason therefore do some so vehemently inveigh against our Chemical Preparations, as not safe or agreeable to human Constitutions, since we see one of the meanest of Infects does so fully evince the contrary. Can I see that Creature imbibing the Juice of the most poisonous Vegetable, and converting it to a safe and a palatable Medicine, and not allow to Man, that he shall with all his exalted Reason, be able so far to correct the Poison of a Metal or Mineral, that it shall become a safe Medicine? Surely he that of human Kind has these Apprehensions, either wants a public Genius, to exert its Faculties for the good of Mankind in general, or that he has a mind to rest satisfied in the ignorant Traditions of his Ancestors, and at last be entombed in Cimmerian Darkness. I shall now in the next place assign some Reasons how after being seemingly drowned in Water, or suffocated by the steams of Brimstone, they will revive. It is certain that Air is not conveyed into the Bodies of these Infects, either by the Mouth, or any Nostrils, they not being supplied with Lungs, but has its admission through the Pores of the Body; if these therefore either be impleted with Water, or their Orifices pursed up by the Restringency of an Acid, as in that of Sulphur, it is then that the Bee lies as if dead, the animal Spirits in her wonderful Vessels being deprived of a fresh supply from the Air, but as soon as the humid Particles are either scattered by the heat of the ambient Air, or that the Orifices of their constringed Pores recover their natural tone, it is then, if the Spirits expand themselves again, that this Insect seems, as it were, reanimated. The Heminens, or Humming Bird, tho' it seems to ply about a Flower, after the same manner as the Bee, and has a Proboscis like that of a Bee, and is much about the size of the largest of that fort, yet this Creature never produces Honey, and the reason I take to be this, because that Bird has Viscera and Bowels like other Birds, which the Bee has not, and therefore the Digestions being different, so must the Effect be likewise. The Sting of the Hornet and Bee are fully accounted for by others, wherefore I shall close this Chapter. CHAP. IX. Of Birds. THESE Counties afford us great variety of Birds, and in some places even clog the Inhabitants with their Plenty. Amongst the rest, the Barnacle being very common, and the manner of its Generation having been a Matter of Controversy, I shall recite my Observations upon it, and endeavour to reconcile that Point. It is observable of our Ships which Trade to the West-Indies, that upon their return home, an infinite number of small Shell-fish often adhere to them, at the first view not much unlike young Geese; these for several Ages have passed for Barnacles, not only amongst the Vulgar, but Men of Learning likewise, wherefore to set things in their true Light, I shall in the first place give the Anatomy of this Shellfish resembling the Barnacle, and afterwards that of the real Bird, and then lay down some Reasons to show the Impossibility of their being bred after the manner formerly received. This Shell sticks to the outward Planks of Ships by a glutinous Matter, it resembles the Head of a Goose, to which there is a Neck annexed, yet this Neck is not conserted to the Body, but terminates immediately within the Shell, whence it is impossible that this should be the Barnacle in Embryo. Within the Shells are Claws, with Hairs like those of Lobsters, wound within one another in spiral Lines, and are not very unlike the Wings of a Goose, but these I found to be perfect Shells, and not Quills or Feathers; whence it is plain, that they could not appertain to the Barnacle, that being of the Feathered Kind. These Shell-fish are observable upon several Seaweeds in the Gulf of Florida, and are there chief picked up by our Shipping: I never yet could meet with any Seaman who could affirm that he had seen any fall from Ships, and swim, which must have necessarily happened, had they been converted into Barnacles; besides, in the Anatomy of Barnacles, I found them (as other Geese) Male and Female, the one having a Penis, the other Ovaria, whence it is evident that their way of breeding is no wise different from that of other Birds; what therefore has been asserted by Speed and others concerning this Bird, is only a vulgar Error, and they only wanted a thorough Enquiry, to give them satisfaction in this Matter. The Sea-Crow is a Bird common in these Parts upon the Seacoasts, the shape of it is like that of other Crows, and it only differs from them in Colour, the Head and Wings being black, and the Body blue; its Food for the most part are Muscles, and I have often with admiration observed these Birds to peck up Pebble-stones, and then to soar with them in the Air to a considerable height, then to let fall the Stones amongst the Beds of Shell-fish, which most commonly break some of them, they afterwards alight, and feed upon their Prey. These Fowl are said to breed in the Isle of Man, but are not used as Food. The Puffin is a Bird about the bigness of a Duck, and sometimes is seen in these Parts, they are generally extraordinary fat, and when Pickled are relishing Food; this Bird breeds likewise in the Isle of Man, in a Place commonly called the Calf of Man, in little Cells within the Rocks, and it is observable when they have young ones, that they take their flights to the Scotch Shores, and there fish for small Fry; when their Stomaches are full, they return and eject their Prey for the nourishment of their young: so endearing and indissoluble an Affection is imprinted on all Creatures for the preservation of their Species. The Asper is a species of the Sea-Eagle, and is sometimes observed in these Parts; its Food is upon Fish, one I dissected, and in its Stomach I found a great number of small Fishes, some entire, some half digested, and others turned to a perfect Mucilage; in the Coats of the Stomach I discovered several tubular Glands, which by compression would emit an insipid kind of Lympha, which with any kind of Alcaly or Acid, would not cause any fermentation, and yet the Fishes that lay in that part of the Stomach were either thoroughly digested, or had half ways arrived to it. From which Phaenomenon it is evident, that this Liquor is the ferment of the Stomach in these kind of Birds, and that Digestion is not always performed by Acids, (as some affirm,) nor by Alcalies (as others) but indeed by an unaccountable mixture of both these united with several other Bodies; of which, Steno speaking of the Saliva, has this Expression, Nihil invenies, quod illa respuet, nihil cui sine pugna non associetur. If therefore we can but content ourselves, in having the satisfaction to know how to correct too prevailing an Humour in this wonderful Mixture in a Morbific State, it is as much as relates to the Preservation of Mankind; I think I may affirm, that all we can attain to from all Hypotheses hitherto formed about Digestion, falls infinitely short of that universal Menstruum, whatever the Adeptist may pretend, he only amuses us with obscure and Utopian Preparations, and gives us the Cloud to grasp at: But here Nature plentifully distributes, what he only imagines, and without torturing us with unmerciful Flames, by Methods easy to herself, tho' unknown to us, she prepares the true Alkahest, or Universal Dissolvent. How trifling then is it to affirm this to be a Sal. Volat. Oleos. as a late Author has done; for if so, how comes Digestions of Bones and Metals to be performed in the Stomach? no such Phaenomenon ever was effected by the preceding Liquor hitherto prepared by any Man: why then should that be the universal Menstruum of Nature, set up merely to support a tottering Hypothesis? Or why should we frame Schemes of Matters, which are not really what we fancy them, but what we could only wish them to be? And thus by an overweening Affectation of our own Conceptions we lick our deformed Offspring, imposing upon the World groundless and imaginary Ideas, for absolute Demonstrations. Others by Acid and Alcaly will unmask all the dark Recesses of Nature, and make these two Combatants all the Ingredients of the Universe; but let these Men consider the wonderful structure of the meanest Vegetable, the unaccountable preparation of its Juices, the wonderful preservation of its Species, and they will then find Acid and Alcaly to be too pitiful Principles to account for these admirable Phaenomena. Others with their Striate Particles presently set together all the Operations of the six Days of the Creation, yet at the same time they cannot demonstrate the Properties of an equilateral Triangle. Thus we crowd our Heads with unnecessary and false Ideas of Things, and neglect the most useful part of Learning, which is a true knowledge of the Properties of Bodies, so far as we can attain to it by Experimental Learning: But I fear I have made too long a Digression on this Point, and shall therefore proceed to what relates farther to this Head. As to the Oil of the Asper so vulgarly famed for alluring of Fish, it is only a general Mistake, and in no wise answers the End. The next remarkable Bird is the Sparling-Fisher, it is about the Bigness of a Duck, and by a wonderful Activity in Diving catches its Prey, and yields a very pleasant Diversion when pursued by Water-Dogs. The Cormorant is common in these Parts, and in the Indies it is made use of to take Fish withal, the manner which they do it by is this: A Ring being fixed about the lower end of the Oesophagus, its swallowing any farther is prevented, and then he is turned into the Water; when his Prey is caught, he returns to the Shore, and immediately ejects what Fish he had taken, and again pursues his Game: The Guts in this Bird have but small Circumvolutions, hence the Food which he takes passes so very quick, that he is almost continually hungry, which renders him more fit for this kind of Diversion. Not much unlike this is a Creature in Lithuania called a jerfe, whose Bowels have no Wind, and so it becomes continually craving, and gorges until its Belly is distended like a Drum; and then gets betwixt two Trees, and presses forth the Feceses, and so returns with as eager an Appetite to its Prey as ever. Two White Crows I have seen in these Parts, One of which was Presented to King Charles the Second, and kept as a Curiosity in the Park at St. James', the Present was made by that ingenious Gentleman Edward Tidesley of the Lodge, Esq. It is said in Russia and other cold Climes, that Birds and other Animals, which in the Springtime are of a brownish Colour, in the Winter turn as White as Snow, which argues different Exaltations of the Sulphurs both in Hairs and Feathers. Of Moor-Game we have great Plenty, both of the Small, and the Black, they live upon Heath, but more particularly upon that part, which we call Erica, or Dwarf-Cypress; they afford us a pleasant Recreation, and when caught they are delicious and healthful Food: The Description of these are so accurately delivered by Mr. Willoughby, that I thought it not worth the time to trouble the Reader farther. Of the Curlews there are Two sorts, the Curlew and the Curlew-hilp, these are the larger, and not very unlike the Woodcock; they frequent the Seacoasts, and are very good Meat. The Water-Hen is common in Ponds and Meers, but not much regarded, because esteemed unpleasant Food. The Rale is a Bird about the bigness of a Partridge, and is common in these Parts, it hides itself in the Grass, and is discovered by the snarling Noise, that it continually makes; it is very excellent Food, and doubtless of extraordinary Nutriment. The Quails are likewise common, and generally extraordinary Fat, and eat delicately. The Razor-bill is sometimes observed upon the Seacoasts, so called from the similitude which its Beak bears to a Razor, but this Bird is more common in the Isle of Man than here. The last Winter at a Place called Durton near Preston in Lancashire, I had a diverting Relation of a small Bird, in shape resembling, and about the bigness of a Water-wagtail, which was as follows: A Troop of Dragoons having been Quartered in that Town, some of the Soldiers were constantly commanded to attend the Horses, it was in the Summertime, and they generally lay, and reposed themselves upon the Grass: The Bird would frequently fly towards them, and make its approaches to their Bodies, and at length reached their Faces, and offered to their Mouths, what it had conveyed out of the Grass, and then would return and come and offer its Food as before; but what is most remarkable is, that the Bird would not approach any Person but those in a Soldier's Habit, which was Red: This was confirmed to me by several of the Soldiers, whom the Bird had attacked in this manner; and likewise by a great Number of Persons of undoubted Credit, who were Eye-witnesses of the Fact, so that the truth is not to be questioned: From this Passage many Conjectures arose, but that not being a Matter relating to Natural History, I shall not trouble the Reader with them; whoever pleases may make their Presages from this, as the Romans did of old from the Pecking of Chickens: However, 'tis probable that the Redness of the Habit might be to this Bird, as a Cloth of that Colour is a Lure to an Hawk, and here all their surprising Interpretations may centre. Seagulls are of Two sorts, the Great and the Less, the Great Gull is near as large as a Goose, the Lesser about the bulk of a Partridge, they both live upon small Fish, which they frequently take up in the Shallows, and it is a very diverting sight to see them mount, and hover in the Air, spying out their Prey, which discovered they strike instantly into the Water, take it up in their Pounces, convey it to Shore, and there feed upon it; these Birds frequently pursue one another in their flights, and if in pursuit one Gull happens to Mute, the Excrement is frequently caught by the other, and swallowed; it is my opinion, That oftentimes the Apous a Fish not wholly digested, may be ejected, which is the allurement of the Pursuer so eagerly to devour their Feceses: There are vast Quantities of these in the Isle of Walney, particularly in the Breeding-time the whole Island is near covered with Eggs, or Young-ones, so that it is scarce passable without injuring them; their Taste is very strong, and ungrateful, and therefore not much regarded. The Sea-pies are very common, they are Birds of the Colour, and about the size of a Magpie, and are a very agreeable Food. The Red-shanks and Perrs are common likewise upon the Seacoasts, and are relishing Food. Wild-Ducks, Geese and Teal are very plentiful; but the most remarkable thing of the Wild-Ducks is their way of feeding them at Bold in Lancashire: Great quantities of these Birds breed in the Summer-season in Pits and Ponds within the Demesne, which probably may entice them to make their Visits in the Winter; they oftentimes adventure to come into the Moat near the Hall, which a Person accustomed to feed them perceiving, he beats with a Stone on a hollow Wood Vessel, the Ducks answer to the sound, and come quite round him upon an Hill adjoining to the Water, he scatters Corn amongst them, which they take with as much Quietness and Familiarity, as Tame ones; when fed they take their flight to the Rivers, Meers and Salt-Marshes. Swans are common in these Parts, but more particularly upon the Seacoasts, and upon Martin-mere near Poulton in Lancashire: The Cygnet is very good Food, but the old Ones not tolerable. Sometimes there are Birds not common in these Parts brought hither by Storms (as was hinted before) particularly about Two Years ago, by a violent Hail Storm; amongst the rest there was a Bird all White (except only a short Red Beak) about the bigness of a Pigeon; and by what I observed of it, I could apprehend it to be no other, than what our Travellers call the Tropic-bird, met with usually in crossing that Line. The Kings-Fisher and Heigh-ho are likewise common enough, as are the Fieldfeir and Woodcock, which visit us in Wintertime, and then return Northwards; they are said to breed in colder Climes, as in the Highlands in Scotland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, and such like Parts: It is probable therefore, when those Countries are buried in Snow, and the Brooks and Rivers frozen up, that they take their flights hither. The Cuckoo and Swallow leave us in Winter: the Opinions of some are, that they sleep during that Season, and they ground their Conjectures upon finding many of them in hollow Trees, and subterraneous Vaults; but why these may not as well pursue the Heat, as the other, is the Query: I have not dissected any of them taken from their profound Dormitories, so I pretend not to decide that Controversy. ERRATA in the First BOOK. IN the 2d Epistle Dedicatory, l. 2. for Respect r. Respect. In the Preface, l. 3. for Coals r. Boles. Pag. 2. l. 9 for Cerialis r. Cerealis. p. 3. l. 17. for Britain r. Britain, and so wherever you meet with it. p. 5. last l. after Brigantines r. of Rovers, etc. p. 8. l. 26. for wise r. ways, ibid. l. 30, before shall r. it. p. 10. l. 8. after Mountains a Comma instead of a Colon. p. 13. l. 11. for after r. by. ibid. l. 33. for Yorkshire r. York. p. 18. l. 9 for nor r. not. p. 19 l. 5. for nor r. neither. ibid. l. 6. for neither r. nor. p. 20. l. 6. deal for, and r. the building of. p. 23. l. 35. for easy r. easy. p. 24. l. 17. after Lightness r. or Coldness, etc. p. 32. l. 32. after considering r. of which. p. 33. l. 35. for Comsumptions r. Consumptions. p. 36. l. 6. after vulgarly insert called. ibid. l. 20. deal that. ibid. l. 21. deal they. p. 40. l. 6. after tedious insert that. p. 41. l. 23. for wise r. ways. p. 43. l. 5. for wise r. ways. p. 44. l. 1. deal that. p. 45. l. 3. for Furnace r. furness. p. 50. l. ult. for stiriae r. striae. p. 51. l. 16. after thence insert it. ibid. p. and l. after follow insert to be. p. 52. l. 2. for weather r. water. ibid. l. 5. for stiriae r. striae. ibid. l. 11. for striated r. striated. p. 54. l. 9 for make r. made. expire r. expired. ibid. l. 14. for Penetrancy r. Penetration. p. 56. l. 4. after afford insert it. p. 57 l. ult. for unquenchable r. unquenched, r. the same p. 58. l. 4. p. 61. l. 1. for fallen r. fallen. p. 61. l. 10. after should be a insert convenient. p. 64. l. 31. for Empyeuma r. Empyreuma. p. 65. l. 3. for the r. they. p. 67. l. 21. for Transubstantiation r. Transmigration. p. 67. l. 33. for Magdalons r. Magdaleons. p. 76. l. 25. for Bret r. Boet. p. 78. l. 12. for Quincy r. squinsy. ibid. l. 13. r. squinsy. p. 81. l. 20. for Cinerous r. Cinereous. Item p. 82. l. 12. for Cinerous r. Cinereous. p. 83. l. 4. after reducing insert it. p. 97. l. 17. for Anticsteric r. Antibysteric. p. 98. l. 7. for Plackenet r. Pluckenet. ibid. l. 10. in beg. add l. ibid. l. 22. deal the first of. p. 102. l. 4. for only r. chief. p. 110. l. 6. for Nitrons r. Nitres. p. 111. l. 17. for Wafer r. Wepfer. p. 112. l. 29. for Impost r. Compost. p. 115. l. 13. for Animals r. Creatures. p. 120. l. 15. for Echinites r. Echini, and so elsewhere. p. 135. l. 10. for opaque r. opac. p. 136. l. 22. for Crayfish r. Craw-fish. p. 140. l. 9 for Salmon r. Salmon. ibid. l. 16. for actly r. exactly. ibid. l. 20. deal and. p. 149. l. 12. for them r. her. p. 150. l. 15. deal either. p. 151. l. 31. for Pippin r. Peppin. p. 155. l. 32. for Heminens r. Hemineus, Item p. 156. l. 11. r. Hemineus. p. 156. l. 12. for that r. tho. ibid. l. 27. deal that. p. 157. l. 9 for Heminens r. Hemineus. p. 189. l. 13. for Liquid r. Fluid. TAB. I. An Explication of Mr. Burgher's first Plate. (a) The first Figure in the upper part of the Plate is a Man sounding a Flute upon the Stairs leading to the Hall. (b) The first Gatehouse. (c) A Man standing about 30 Yards from the first Gatehouse, where observe that the Sound is not then discernible at the first Letter (a), from whence the Man sounds the Instrument, but at the Letter (e), which is another Gatehouse standing as described in the Cut. (d) Is a Man moving about 10 Yards nearer to the Gatehouse (e), and then the Sound is not discernible from the Gatehouse (e), as it was before, but from the first Letter (a) upon the Hall-stairs, where the Man is sounding the Instrument. These Phaenomena clearly demonstrate to us, that the Motion of Sound is undulating or waving, and not in direct Lines; so that the Sound being repercussed from (b) the first Gatehouse, the Undulation from thence passes by the Man standing at (c), but is repercussed again from the Gatehouse (e), from whence the Undulation of the Air being much greater, it there terminates at (c), and that is the Centrum Phonocampticum, or Centre of Sound in that place: But the Man standing at (c) moving to the Man standing at (d), than the Sound vanishes from the Gatehouse (e), but is very discernible from (a), where the Man is sounding the Instrument; and the reason is very obvious, because the Undulation of the Air passes by him standing at (d), but is repercussed again from the Hall, from whence then it terminates at (d), which is the Centrum Phonocampticum, or Centre of Sound in that place. The lower part of the Plate shows the Flashes of Lightning, the largeness of the Hailstones that fell in that Storm and Hares and Birds that were killed by them. Note here, That the Explication of this Plate refers to the first Plate Engraven by Mr. Burghers of Oxford, figured TAB. 1. and the Explication of Mr. Townley's Micrometre, as likewise Mr. Brotherton's Experiments described in the Book, relate to Mr. Burgher's second Plate, figured TAB. 2. where his various Experiments concerning the Circulation of the Sap in Trees, are fully described, being taken from the original, as likewise the Observations made by the Micrometre; I thought it necessary not to insert these Cuts with the rest, because they were those gentlemen's, and not mine. An Explication of the Cuts, contained in the second Plate: Engraved by Mr Sturt. THAT I might do justice to the Author of the Experiments, lest I should in any wise mistake his Notion, or as I have expressed them, that they should not be thoroughly understood, I have for the Readers further satisfaction, annexed to those the Cuts of the various Barometres, and shall explain the different Phaenomena, which I observed in them: But the Reader must here be pleased to take notice, that the Gentleman's Name is not as is before asserted, Prideaux, but john Patrick, who lives in Ship-Court in the Old-Baily, in London, near Ludgate; where any Person at any time may see the various Experiments. Fig. I. A Glass-Tube, weighing exactly a Pound, fixed to the end of a Balance, as described in the Figure. Fig. II. A pound Weight balancing the opposite end of the Beam, so that the two opposite ends of the Beam hang now in aequilibrio, that is they are equally Balanced. To illustrate the Phaenomena observable in this Experiment, proceed in the following Method. Fill the Glass-Tube with Mercury, afterwards immerse it in the Cistern, at the bottom of the Tube, as described in the first Figure containing Mercury, the Mercury then forms the Vacuity in the top of the Tube, and shows the Scale of the Wether for that time. Now it is that the Tube, and the Mercury contained in the Tube and Cistern, complete four Pounds. Hence it should follow, that four Pounds suspended at the opposite end of the Beam, aught to be an equal Balance to the Tube Cistern, and Mercury suspended at the other end of the Beam, but quite different Phaenomena's are observable; for by only hanging two Pounds and five Ounces at the opposite end of the Beam, the Mercury contained in the Tube and Cistern, all of which weighing four Pounds, are immediately buoy up. Hence it is plain the Mercury contained in the Tube, does not gravitate upon the Mercury contained in the Cistern, for if it did, the two Pounds suspended at the opposite and of the Beam, could not have buoy them up, two Pounds being only half Balance to four, it must therefore necessarily follow, that the Mercury in the Tube hangs pendulous from the Crown of the Glass, and becomes of no weight below, whence 'tis plain, the Quicksilver does not ascend in the Tube by a pressure from the Quicksilver contained in the Cistern, for had it done so, it would then have followed, that as the external Air pressed upon the surface of the quicksilver in the Cistern, and by that forced upward the Mercury in the Tube, that as the Mercury ascended in the Tube, the Balance should have fallen lower, but a quite contrary Observation occurs, for as the Mercury ascends in the Tube, at the same time the Balance rises also. Fig. II. In a Glass-Tube four Foot long, containing half a Pound of Quicksilver, without a Cistern, and the Mouth of the Tube wide open, the Column of Quicksilver, contained in the Tube, is about thirty inches, the Quicksiver in this Tube rises and falls 9 inches, and seven tenths prependicular, for fair and foul Wether, and presages the change of Wether very nicely; there are several other Tubes of a smaller size, which perform the same. This Tube hanging at the bottom of a Balance, at whose opposite end was suspended a Weight which was an Equilibirum to the other, had the external Air forced up the Mercury in the Tube, it must thence have followed; that as the Mercucury ascended, the Tube would have risen at the same time, but the contrary of this is very evident, for though the Mercury contained in the Tube, arise to the inches before mentioned, yet notwithstanding that the Tube never moves at all, which Observation plainly Demonstrates, that the Mercury hangs pendulous in the Tube, and only rises and falls according to the different Springs or Elasticities of the Air, contained in the top of the Tube. Fig. III. A Tube in the form of a Siphon, turned up 8 or 9 inches at the bottom, when filled with Mercury its ascent or descent is but one inch and a half. Fig. IU. Another Tube of the same form at the bottom, but at the top in the form of a Bicornu, or forked, which Branches are about four inches long, the Mercury in this ascends three inches, which doubles the Scale to the former, which shows the ascent of the Mercury, is from the various Elasticities of the Air at the top of the Tube, and not from the pressure of the Ambient Air contained in the Cistern, add to these one Head more, the Mercury will then ascend one inch and a half higher, add two Heads it will rise three, and so on proportionably, which Phaenomena, in my apprehension, amount to an absolute Demonstration of the truth of this Hypothesis. Fig. V A plain Barometre, in this the Mercury only rises three inches. Fig. VI A Bicornu, or forked Tube. In this the ascent of the Mercury is the same as in the other, which could not have been, had the Gravitation of the Ambient Air caused the ascent of the Quicksilver, since according to that Hypothesis, the Quicksilver in this should only have risen half an inch, since the Cistern of each only contained one Pound of Mercury. Fig. VII. A plain Tube open at the bottom, with a Column of Mercury about thirty inches, in this the motion of the Quicksilver is very discernible at the top, before it is moved at the bottom, which plainly shows the ascent or descent of the Mercury, is from the Dilatation or Contraction of the Spring of the Air contained in the top of the Tube. Fig. VIII. By moving this Tube a little upwards, if the Air incline to a fair Temperature, the Mercury immediately ascends in that small Tube, but if to foul, as quickly subsides, but if upon that motion it neither moves upwards nor downwards, it shows the Air at that time to be of a settled temper. Let the Column of the Mercury be what it will, as for example twenty eight inches, when it rises to the top of the Scale, it will then complete thirty one, which Observation fully Demonstrates, that the Mercury contracts and dilates three inches. Fig. IX. Shows the Mercury moving thirty inches upon the Declivity, this sort of Barometre shows the variation of the Wether much more exact than any other. There is a Thermometer on the opposite side of it, and in the middle may conveniently be fixed a Looking-Glass. To these Experiments may be added the following Observations, which may not only be diverting to the curious, but likewise may tend to the good of the Public and preservation of the Mariners. It is Observable, that under the line, the Mercury scarce either rises or falls, except about two or three tenths, and will not stir while they continue there, the reason is, either that the extraordinary heat there, so rarefies the Air in the Tube, or that the Etherial Particles there, are so clogged with the Rains of the Monsoons, that the Spring of the Air is very much weakened, and consequently therefore cannot elevate or depress the Mercury as in other Chines. But when you come into the Latitude of fifteen degrees, either North or South, the Mercury then will rise and fall an inch, when in thirty degrees it rises two inches, when in forty five it rises then full three inches, when in sixty degrees Latitude, it than shortens and returns to two inches, in seventy five it shortens to an inch, in eighty one it neither rises nor falls a quarter of an inch. By an accurate Observation of these, when rough tempests, and interposing Clouds prevent the taking of an Observation exactly, the Mariner may easily see in what Latitude he is in, and by that means may perhaps by observing his Compass at the same time, to let him see whether he is North or South; may not only frequently make his Voyages in a much shorter time, but likewise preserve his Cargo. Which if throughly pursued, will not only be of extraordinary use but Diversion also. Those Barometres were invented by the said Mr. Patrick, who is willing both to show them to the curious, and supply any Person with them; and methinks when both interest and pleasure Prompt to a through Prosecution of the Experiments, it cannot be reasonably thought that a suitable encouragement should be wanting. It is further remarkable, that in those hot Climes, though the motion of the Mercury is so little, that in the variation of the Wether it cannot but with great difficulties be observed; yet by his Barometre, showing the motion of the Mercury upon the Declivity, by having an account of the Latitude of the place, he adapts his Barometres to it, by which the different motions of the Mercury are as discernible as in different Latitudes. This to be inserted after the Cuts of the Barometres. An Explication of the Cuts contained in the Plate marked FIG. 1. Fig. 1. Is one side of a terrene course Fluor or Spar, found in the Mines in Derbyshire, in which are very discernible those Bodies which we commonly call the petrified Bones of Fishes of various sorts, some like the Vertebrae of a Flounder, and the horizontal Bones branching with 'em; it contains also very lively representations of Feathers, Skrews, Stars, pieces of Shells, and the Exuviae of Reptiles. Fig. 2. Is the Reverse of the same Fluor, in which are very discernible those Bodies which we commonly call petrified Cockles, Oysters, Pectunculi, Patellae, the Nautilus (which is observable near the lower Verge of the Figure) resembling in a great measure a Crescent; various Bodies like the Vertebrae, or Entrochi, Snails, representations of Stars, and various striated Figures; pieces of the Capsulae of Infects, like those of Butterflies; there are also some Figures resembling the half part of a Worm, besides various Bones of several small Fishes, and all petrified, or perfect Stone. Surely in these the Disports of Nature are very remarkable, and to me it seems very evident, that they are but the various Contextures of Salts, Sulphurs and Earth's, and not the Exuviae of Creatures deposited there by specific Gravity at the Deluge, when the Earth was universally dissolved, as an eminent Author affirms; since this stratum of Earth contains all those different Bodies, viz. Salts, Sulphurs and Earth's, the various mixtures of which show us diverting Representations, as will be observed in other Tables; so that he who contends for these to have been the Exuviae of those Creatures which they represent, must likewise account for the Figures of Feathers and Stars observable in the same stratum, which I do conjecture is not easily done, taking the whole Matter together. (I) Fig. 4. This is a Stone taken out of the Bowels of a Man in Lancashire, and covered with Sponge. Fig. 5. Is a species of Coral, the Superficies is tubulous and stellated; this seems likewise partly to consist of a Fluor, and if (as in this it is evident) Nature manifestly shows her Disports, viz. in the representations of Asterisms in Miniature, why may she not as well do it in the representations of Shells in Rocks. Fig. 6. Is the Ophites, or Cornu Ammonis, that is, the Serpent-stone, or Rams-horn, found in the Mines in Derbyshire. This Stone bears the Figure of the Serpent, some of which I have seen so extremely exact, viz. those that come from the Isle of Malta, that in those not only the external Figure of the Viper, but the very Vertebrae, Head, Teeth and Eyes were most exactly described, and far surpassed the Petrifactions of any Shell whatever. By the same parity of Reason therefore they may urge these Stones to be petrified Vipers, as they do those Shells to be petrified Fishes, which I presume none will attempt, lest perhaps after an elaborate Hypothesis, he may at last find the Snake in the Grass. (2) An Explication of the Cuts contained in the second Plate, marked FIG. 2. Fig. 1. By some styled a species of the Bufonites or Brain-stone, viz. from the representations which it bears to a Toad, or as some would have it, to the Cortical part of the Brain. He who here observes the curious Composure of the Lines upon the surface of the Stone, and the infinite Number of small Striae included in them, must acknowledge that the Disports of Nature are not to be paralleled; for what can I else call ' 'em? surely no Man's Reason is so totally eclipsed, nor can his Forehead be so extremely hard, as to assert this to be a petrified Brain, if he does, I am sure I envy not the Product of his own. Fig. 2. The Cylindrical Pyrites striated, found in the Kennel-Mines at Haigh in Lancashire. Upon the superficies of this the striated Lines are drawn exactly like those upon Cockle-shells; to me therefore (from what is before observed) it seems very obvious, how the representations of those Shell-fish may frequently be found in Quarries. Fig. 3. A petrified Oyster, found in Derbyshire. Fig. 4. A Cockle petrified, found in Lancashire; this is likewise styled the Pectunculus Auritus. Fig. 5. One of the Echini petrified, with the representations of Trees upon it, as may be observed by the Cut: Here again the Disports of Nature are very remarkable, for surely none will affirm that ever Timber grew upon this small Pibble. Fig. 6. A Cockle of an irregular Figure, or Pectunculus, found in Lancashire. Fig. 7. A Snailshell petrified, found in the Coppermines in Lancashire. Fig. 8. Moss petrified by a Water near Manchester, towards a place called the Collyarsts. Fig. 9 A Hair-Ball taken out of the Stomach of a Calf. Fig. 10. A petrified Pectunculus with spiral Lines, found in Lancashire. Fig. 11. A Glossopetra or Crow-bill, by some called the Sharks-tooth, found in the Lead-Mines. Fig. 12. A Glossopetra found in the like Mines both in Wales and Derbyshire. Here again are extremely remarkable the Disports of Nature, for what else can they be termed? Can I call 'em the Exuviae of those Creatures before mentioned? surely he that has seen that large one in the Possession of Mr. Charleton of the Temple, and the great variety of others, that are frequently found in this Kingdom, some representing the Bills of Crows, others those of small Birds, and will affirm them to be the Exuviae of those Creatures, has a Fancy extraordinary luxuriant, and I doubt not but he will attempt to fly, and convince the World, that Man is not that Creature Plato took him for, viz. an unfeathered Animal. Fig. 13. A piece of a Pectunculus petrified, specifically higher than the common Shell of that kind, by which 'tis plain that Shells at the Deluge subsided not by specific Gravity. Fig. 14. One of the same Kind. Fig. 15. The Figure of a Cockle or Pectunculus, of a Flinty Substance. Fig. 16. Another sort of the Echini petrified. Fig. 17. A Pyrites in the form of a Pectunculus. From all which 'tis plain how various the Disports of Nature are. Fig. 18. A Stone taken out of the Kidneys of a Gentleman. Fig. 19 A Stone taken out of his Bladder. Fig. 20. A Shell taken out of the Bladder of a Hog, representing one of the Curvirostra. Hence it is plain that Shells may be found where Fishes of that Kind never were; and since the Formations of 'em, and the different Representations of 'em in Rocks, may with no difficulty be otherwise solved, can I see any necessity from those Phaenomena, to infer an universal Dissolution of the Globe at the Deluge? So many unaccountable Absurdities attending that Hypothesis. Fig. 21. A Stone taken out of the Gallbladder of the beforementioned Gentleman, viz. Major Ashurst of Ashurst in the County of Lancashire, Esq. (3) An Explication of Cuts contained in the third Plate, marked FIG. 3. The Spots in the three first Shells-show the Germination of Pearls in Muscles, that is, their Eruption from the Lamellae of the Shell; these I have observed from their very first appearance, to their dropping from the Shell upon the surface of the Fish. Fig. 4. Is a Turbo: In this Shell I never saw any Fish, but I presume it quits its Shell when by Storms it is forced from the Bottom of the Sea, where I do conjecture is its natural Abode; these Shells therefore being found in Inland Countries in firm Marle, do now fully confirm the Disruption of all the Strata of the Earth at the Deluge. Fig. 5. Is a Curvirostrum, found upon the Seacoasts in Cheshire, tho' most commonly in India. Fig. 6. Is a Pectunculu 〈…〉 with Azurine, circular Lines Interpolated. Fig. 7. Is a Pap-Shell, or Patella. Fig. 8. Is a Spar consisting of various Rhomboids, found in Derbyshire in the Lead-Mines. Fig. 9 Is a Buccinum, found upon the Seacoasts near Hillbree-Island in Cheshire. Fig. 10. Is a Trochus, found near the same Place. Fig 11. Is a different sort of Buccinum from the former, found likewise near Hillbree-Island in Cheshire. Fig. 12. Is a third sort of Buccinum, found near the same Place. Fig. 13. Is a Concha Veneris, found likewise upon that Coast, but most commonly in India. Fig. 14. Is the white feathered Lead-Ore, found in the Lead-Mines in Lancashire and Cumberland; the Lines you see are Tubulcous, and striated like those upon a Cockle, from which it is observable that Metals, as well as Minerals, have their various Disports. Fig. 15. Is a sort of Iron-Ore, with several globular Protuberances upon its Superficies, and for that Reason vulgarly called the Button-Ore. Fig. 16. Is a Fluor or Spar, of quadrangular, and several rhomboidal Figures. Fig. 17. Is a Fluor found in the Lead-Mines, consisting of irregular and triangular Figures. Fig. 18. Is a different Kind of Fluor, found also in those Mines, constituting six triangular Figures in one equilateral Quadrangle, and another broke off, from the various Contextures of which it is easy to imagine how those different Representations of Bones and Shells found in Rocks may be accounted for. Fig. 19 Is the Buphthalmus or Ox-Eye, described in the Book. Fig. 20. Is one part of a Bile-Stone taken out of the Bladder of an Ox. Fig. 21. Is the other part of the same Stone, both of them resembling the Bark of a Tree, in which the Disports of Nature are still further remarkable, which I have now traced through Minerals, Metals, Quadrupedes, and Shells themselves, I shall in another Chapter proceed to more Observations in Minerals, and some in fossil Plants, and human Kind. (4) An Explication of the Cuts contained in the Fourth Plate, marked Fig. 4. FIG. 1. A Cut of an Indian Canoe found upon the draining of Martin-mere in Lancashire; it is very probable the Britain's were taught the Use of these Boats by the Asiatics who inhabited amongst them, (the Colonies of which People we have before proved in these Parts) it being found in the Sludge under the Water, adjacent to a River now styled Ribbel, formerly Bellisama, both which are Phoenician and Armenian Words, and likewise a Rivulet branching from it styled Savig. It is very likely those People in those Days might make use of these Boats in Fishing and passing Rivers. Fig. 2. and 3. These were found in a Moss not very remote from the Canoe; the former is a Stone like that of a Whetstone, the other a Copper Instrument not much unlike the Head of an Axe; the like to these Dr. Plot observed in Staffordshire, but not of so large a Size; he looks upon them to be Roman Axes, and that they might be lost in those Days by the Soldiers in their Passes; the one he styles the Securis Lapidea, and the other the Securis Cuprea: But since they are both of so small a Size, that it is not possible that a Beast should be slaughtered by them, as may be observed in those collected by him, now in the Musaeum in Oxford; and further, since that which he styles the Securis Cuprea has not the Shape of the Roman Securis, which I have frequently observed upon their Sacrificing-Altars, I cannot but conclude that he was certainly mistaken, and do rather look upon 'em to be Indian Instruments, since the Indians at this Day make use of such a kind of an Axe or Securis in forming their Canoes and barking their Trees, which at this Day they call a Tomahowke. These therefore being found under Ground near the same River where the Canoes were, to me it seems more probable that they were Instruments made use of by the Asiatic Indians then residing in those Parts: And for the Stone, to wit, Fig 2. I only take it to be the Cos or Whetstone for the Securis. These considered together, I look upon 'em to be the greatest Relics of Antiquity in the Universe, and clearly confirm to us what has been alleged before in Relation to the Asiatic Colonies in these Counties. Fig. 4. The Sepia or Ink-Fish; he lies upon his Back, which shows his Spots which are not very unlike those of a Trout, the white Specks shows the Bladder, which contains the Ink, and the white Lines the Ductus' branching from it, through which, by contracting the Bladder, he ejects his Ink, and darkens the Water when he would hid or preserve himself; and it is wonderful to observe the vast Quantities of Ink that one of these small Fishes will discharge, I having writ several Letters with the Ink which I pressed from the single Bladder of only one of them. Fig. 5. Shows him dissected lying upon his Back. Fig. 6. Shows him lying upon his Back not dissected. Fig. 7. and 8. The Urtica Marina or Piscis Vaginalis, described before in the Book. Fig. 9 The Head of a young Hippopotamus or Sea-horse, as he just shows his Head above Water, as a Seaman described him to me who saw him, but it is not very like that Head found under Moss in Lancashire, as will appear by the Cut of it in the Sixth Plate. An Explication of the Cuts contained in the Fifth Plate, marked Fig. 5. THE Figure is the Head of a Stag of Canada found Eight Yards within Marle in Lancashire, with the Vertebrae of the Neck adhering to the Head, one as large again as this was found Four Yards under the Moss in the Meals in the same County. These Creatures being Foreign to this Island, I think, sufficiently demonstrate the Universality of the Deluge, but this being before fully discussed in the Book, to that I refer you. The Explication of the Head is included in the Plate, wherefore it needs not to be inserted here. (5) (6) An Explication of the Cuts contained in the Sixth Plate, marked Tab. VI of Fishes. FIG. 1. is a sort of Patella that lies betwixt the Vertebrae of the Back of a Whale; this I found to be so by the Skeleton of one which I lately saw in Smithfield in London. This Bone was found near Hillbree-Island in Cheshire. The Use of it I take to be twofold; the First, to facilitate the Motion of that immense Creature; the Second, to prevent its Vertebrae from grinding one upon another, which, did not this interpose, probably they might do; so admirable is the Conduct of Providence in the largest Creature in the Universe, as well as in the minutest Insect. Fig. 2. A Sturgeon taken in the Mersey near Warington in Lancashire, in a Salmon-Fishing belonging to Mr. Thomas Patten of that Town. Fig. 3. A Seal or Sea-Calf, called by the Dutch, Seahound, taken in the River Ribbel in Lancashire, near that pleasant Seat called the Bank, the Seat of that Honoured Gentleman Thomas Fleetwood, Esq Fig. 4. is an exact Cutt of that Hippopotamus or Sea-horse-head dug up under Moss in Lancashire, which I frequently saw: This is a Creature peculiar to the South-Seas, and never was by any Mariner whatever observed in these Seas which encompass our Island: Unless therefore, a Man purely for the Sake of Contradiction will oppose the Universality of the Deluge, I am apt to think, he will scarce be able to account for all these surprising and different Phaenomena's by any other Method; so that whoever considers the Account given of the Deluge by Moses, will find him one of the greatest Philosophers, as well as most faithful Historians that ever writ since the Creation, his Style being throughout nervous, and his Thoughts sublime, insomuch, that as 'tis said, Longinus, that great Master of Sublimity, could not but admire his Eloquence. Fig. 5. is the Rana Piscatrix, or Sea-Toad found frequently in the River Wire in Lancashire: It has an extreme wide Mouth, and is said to be a very voracious Creature, it is not eaten as Food by the People, but I have seen them eagerly devoured by the Seagulls, and some of them almost pecked to a perfect Skeleton; the Rows of its Teeth are not much unlike those of a Shark; wherefore I conclude its usual Food is upon small Fishes: It yields a great Quantity of Oil but extremely fetid. TAB. VI An Explication of the Cuts contained in the Sixth Plate, marked Tab. VI relating to Pooles-Hole in Derbyshire. THESE perhaps, are the most amazing Vaults in the Universe that are Natural and not Artificial. These described in this Plate are Pooles-Hole and Elden-Hole, the most terrible Chasm that I ever yet beheld: How therefore these Cavities came to be form in these Mountains is the next Thing to be enquired into. It is very probable that these Cavities have continued in those unpolished Mountains ever since that terrible Deluge, so fully before discoursed of, and in my Sentiments absolutely demonstrates the Veracity of it; for so far as I am able to conceive, it is not in the Power of Humane Understanding to give any rational Account of those prodigious Cavities, but either by Earthquakes or that general Inundation; but since there is no Historian that gives an Account of any such Earthquake in this Island, and that by the Experience of those which have happened in all preceding Ages in these temperate Climates, we may reasonably suppose there never were any such. I adhere therefore to the latter Hypothesis, and do suppose that at that Universal Destruction, the Strata of the whole Globe were broke asunder, most of them lying in a shelving or dipping Posture, as in all the Quarries we find at this Day they do; it is probable therefore that they tossing to and fro in the Flood upon the receding of the Waters, most of these Strata lying shelving, sometimes Two opposite Summits convened and in that terrible Confusion wedged themselves together, and by that means might easily form those prodigious Arches and Cavities which in our Days we observe in these Mountains. These Phaenomena's, if I mistake not, absolutely evince the Universality of a Deluge, but on the other Hand as clearly convince us, that the World was not then converted into a Fluid; for had the Globe then been an Universal Fluid, and all Things subsided by Specific Gravity, as Dr. Woodward affirms, there being no empty Space in the Fluid, as all Philosophers aver there was, was it possible that ever such Cavities could have been form? I am certain, if it was so, whoever considers the Immenseness of these void Spaces, must needs acknowledge that the Fluid than retained the most prodigious Pores that ever it did since the Creation. This Cavity entertains us with several very diverting Objects, which shall be accounted for in their Order: And, indeed, considering the great Diversity of Figures that may be observed in the different kinds of Sparrs in these Places, and the great Affinity the Substance of the Alabaster Sparr has to that of petrified Shells by the different Convening of these, does it at all seem difficult to me to imagine how in those Mountains those Mineral Shells are frequently found? But I must own they are sometimes so extremely like those Shell-fish which they represent, that to a vigorous Fancy they afford Subject sufficient to write ingenious Novels. A. The Cutt of the Woman who had Horns, whose Picture I saw at Whalley-Abby in Lancashire. B. The Child that was born of a Lancashire Gentlewoman with the Representation of a Flame upon its Body, the Mother being affrighted with that terrible Flame when the City of London was burned. C. The Representation of Plants in Rocks in a black Bituminous Substance imprinted in that from the Rock itself, like that of an Impression in Wax from a Signet; the Rock seems to be a corpse sort of Marble or Limestone, but extremely hard: Instances of this kind I have seen at Heseham near Lancaster, likewise at Latham near Ormskirk, and in the Coal-Mines near Townley in the same County; so that in Vegetables, as well as Shells, the Disports of Nature are very obvious. From these Instances it is very demonstrable that the Globe at the Deluge was not dissolved, for had it been then a Fluid, that Bituminous Matter in which the Plants are delineated could not have taken an Impression from the Rock, since according to that Hypothesis, the Rock at that time must be a Liquid also; and consequently therefore could not give an Impression to the Bitumen. The Observation may be further illustrated by a very familiar Instance: Let us suppose an Impression made upon Wax by a Signet, take another Piece of Wax, and by the Heat of a Flame reduce it to a Fluid, apply this to the Wax that has the Impression upon it; 'tis true, indeed, the Heat of the melted Wax will likewise turn the other Fluid, but at the same time it erases the Impression; so that it is plain, that had the Rock been then a Fluid, it could not have given an Impression to the Bitumen, unless you will imagine the Rock both above and under the Bitumen, to indurate before that which is both Chimerical and Absurd. D. Shows the Entrance into the Cave. E. The Figure of the Lion form by the Dropping of the Water from the Top of the Sides and Top of the Archippus F. The Pillar commonly called, the Queen of Scots Pillar, consisting of an Alabaster Sparr, form after the same Manner. G. The Figure of a Humane Corpse, form likewise by the Dropping of the Water from the Top of the Arch and the Sides. H. The Sparry Globe called the Font, in the Top of which there is a small Cavity constantly filled with Water; this consists of various Lamellae enveloped one within another, and is likewise form by the Dropping of the Water. I. Is another Globular Sparry Substance, commonly called by the Natives, One of Mr. Cotton's Haycocks, form after the same Manner. K. Is that Sparry Substance hanging at the Top of the Arch, commonly called, the Flitch of Bacon, form also by the Water, which is that kind of Sparry Matter styled, the Stalactites, as are all the rest described in this Plate. L. Are those Sparry Substances hanging at the Top of the Arch, commonly called, the Chairs, form after the same Manner. M. Is the Place called, the Needle's Eye, which is a small Hole that goes quite through the Rock, so that from thence a Person standing with a Light to the Person that stands at the Bottom near the Water; the Light seems to resemble a Star. The Current through the Cavity is in a great measure made by the Dropping of the Water, and likewise the Fretwork that resembles a Choir. An Explication of the Cuts contained in the Seventh Plate, marked Tab. VII. relating to the Devil's Arse, near Castleton, in Derbyshire, etc. THE First Figure on the Right-hand is a Piece of the Nautilus, found in Lancashire; in this the Disports of Nature are wonderful, as may be observed by the various Figures included in the Shell, and the curious Lines upon its Superficies. The Second Figure is the Cheshire Woman who had Horns; an Account is given of her in the Plate, so that a further Relation needs not to be inserted here. The lower Part of the Plate is that wonderful Arch, commonly called, the Devil's Arse, near Castleton, in Derbyshire, the Area where the Persons and the Houses are, where a great many of the poor Inhabitants live, is within the Arch, and reaches to the first Water which runs cross it, as you may observe by the shadowed Figure stretching in that Line. The Second shadowed Figure is the Second River, and then the Rock opens again, as may be observed in the Figure. The Third shadowed Figure is the Third and Last Water, where the Rock and the Water closes, and then you cannot pass further. TAB. VII. The next Thing to be enquired into, is whence in this prodigious Cavity these Subterraneous Rivers have their Origin: It is observable in several of the Mountains in Derbyshire, that at the Bottoms of the Mountains there are several Cavities, which the Inhabitants call Swallows, into these run several Rivulets of Water, but where the Water has its Exit is not known: It is therefore my Opinion, that in large Subterraneous Cavities, as in that at Castleton, several of those Rivulets convening, it is from them these Subterraneous Rivers are form, and am apt to think, that those Springs which issue out of the Mountains in such rapid Currents, as some near Castleton do, are from them also. From all these the wonderful Disports of Nature, are not only discernible, as is fully demonstrated in Minerals, Metals and Plants, but in Animals also; Why therefore some Persons should spin out such elaborate Hypotheses to amuse Mankind, when these Phaenomena's may otherwise be familiarly enough solved, I cannot apprehend? But those Heads having been fully enough discussed before, I shall not therefore recapitulate, but shall desire each Person to make his Observations accurately, and weigh the Whole together; and could hearty wish some Persons of no mean Character, would not violently espouse Hypotheses which are not warrantable, and not fly into violent Passions when they are not opposed in any thing, but what is not consonant to Experiments and Natural Observations. How these Gentlemen may resent these I am in no wise uneasy, and whatever their Opinions may be of themselves is not my Business to inquire into, but when from Persons of Learning, in Answer to the Experiments I fully tried, I received no Answer but Opprobrious Calumnies and Supercilious Arrogance; let those Gentlemen be assured that I am ready to justify what I have recited, and when ever they think convenient to make and Reply, either to them or these, if any thing material be offered, or more probable Arguments be produced, I will either acquit myself or fairly drop the Argument, for I am not so bigoted to any mean Performances of my own, but when more probable Conjectures are offered, can easily relinquish them, but in those Matters which I have recited as Experiments or Observations, I dread not their Criticisms. TAB: Y ᴱ I. OF BIRDS. An Explication of the Plate of Birds, marked Table the First, of Birds. 1. THE Sea-Crow; its Food is upon Shellfish, and its manner of Feeding is very wonderful, as is observed in the Book. These Birds are said to breed in the Hollows of Rocks in the Isle of Man, and though common upon the Seacoasts in these Counties, yet never known to breed here; their Flesh is not grateful, and therefore not eaten. 2. The Brasilian Magype; this was driven upon the Coasts by the violent Hale Storm, described in Mr. Burgher's first Plate, and found dead upon the Seacoasts in Lancashire. 3. The Tropic Bird, driven in at the same time. 4. The copped Wren that fed the Dragoons near Durton, in Lancashire, of which an Account is given in the Chapter of Birds. 5. The Osprey or Sea-Eagle. See likewise an Account of that in the same Chapter. 6. The Barnacle or the Anser Bassanus; in these, as in other Geese, there are Males and Females, and they breed after the same manner, as may be observed in the Chapter of Birds, that Species of the Shellfish, they have formerly been said to proceed from, is a Species of the Pectunculus, resembling that contained in the second Plate, Number 15. which I found in the Coppermines in Lancashire: These Shells are usually licked up by the Ships in the Gulf of Florida, and do not breed in these Seas; which Phaenomenon still further confirms to me, these Petrifactions to be nothing but different Concretions of Fluors, Sulphurs, Salts and Earth's, and may justly be styled, Lapides sui generis. FINIS. The Author's Vindication of himself, from some Calumnies lately cast upon him. SO strangely Opinionative are some Persons, and fond linked to the Wild products of their own teeming Genius, that an Ocular Demonstration to these amounts not to a thorough Conviction; nay, so prodigiously overweening of those are their Sentiments, it is so far from attaining of it, that against the most evident Truths they wilfully shut their Eyes; and fall into such extravagant Expressions, that they almost exceed the rudest Offals of Billingsgate, and that for no other reason, but because I do not, as they suppose, that at the Deluge the Globe was Universally dissolved, or, as some will have it, converted into a Pudding, and instead of Plumbs, was larded with Cockles, which are since petrified: Those Gentlemen may be assured, I shall not concern myself with their Missionaries; but when they themselves judge it convenient to make a Reply that is material▪ I shall then be at their Service. Some of these have endeavoured to traduce me, both at the Engravers, and the Press, but have, in some measure, been disappointed in their Expectations: They have indeed, out of their unexpected Candour, been pleased to acknowledge, that there was somewhat of Style in the Work; but for that reason were pleased to allege, it was not my own; in Answer to that, I have only this to say, in Vindication of myself, that in Composing the Work, I had not the least assistance from any Person whatever; and have not in any wise been defective to make myself so far Master of the Language that I writ in, as to adapt my Expressions to the subjects that I treat off. How far these kind of Actions are reconcileable, either to Justice, Honour, or Learning, I freely submit to the common Censures of Mankind; nay, even to their own Sentiments. And would gladly be informed, by what unaccountable Methods they have so totally Monopolised all natural Learning, that the freedom of thought shall not be allowable to another. Notwithstanding their wonderful assurance, I will once again venture to affirm, their Petrefactions, many of them, at least, are not so tightly like the Shells which they represent, but we may as reasonably suppose, that the Espousers of this Fiction, may be as much mistaken as the Bird which pecked upon the Grapes drawn by Zeuxes: And am apt to think, that upon a serious Consideration of the whole matter, The one will be found as starving an Entertainment as the other. 'Tis true some of these Gentlemen have very choice and curious Collections of Natural Curiosities, and in their Collections of petrified Shells, as they term them, even outstrip all the Trophies of Caligula, when he made that vast Collection upon the Belgic Shore; but if these Gentlemen cannot be certain, that those Shells are the Exuviae of those Fishes they take them for, they do but impose upon their own Judgements, and only entitle themselves to a spurious Offspring; wherefore considering the many absurdities that inevitably arise from that Hypothesis that Learning is built upon, I shall not expatiate upon them here, but leave the further disquisition of those matters to the unbiased Readers. This to be inserted, as a Postscript, at the end of the First Book, after the Explication of the Cuts. THE Natural History OF LANCASHIRE, CHESHIRE, AND THE Peak in DERBYSHIRE. BOOK II. CHAP. I. Of Quadrupeds, unusual Phoenomena in Humankind, of Persons noted for Arts, Professions, and Acts of Charity. THAT there should be a Species of Quadrupeds in these Parts, different from others in England, is scarce to be imagined, I shall therefore only take notice in this Treatise of what are most remarkable amongst us; In a Park called Stiperly in Cheshire, belonging to john Legh of Adlington, Esq from which Family my Ancestors had the Honour to descend, are an unusual kind of Sheep; they are of a larger size than most others, and bear rather a kind of Hair, than Wool. They have all Four Horns, and some of them of an Extraordinary size, the Two Horns next the Neck, are erect like those of Goats, but larger, the other next the Forehead are curved, like those of other Sheep, whether or no these be a particular Species of Sheep, or perhaps might come at first by Goats and Sheep engendering together I cannot determine, their Flesh is agreeable enough, yet different from other Mutton, yet more resembling that than Goat's Flesh; Not far from thence lies Lime-Park, belonging to Peter Legh of Lime, Esq in which there are a great Number of Red-Deer, of which this is remarkable, that once a Year the Keepers drive them together upon a grass Plain before the Gates of the Hall, a thing, I believe, not practised upon these Wild Creatures in any other part of the World; The wonderful consent there is betwixt the Horns and Testicles of these Creatures is scarce to be imagined, as likewise their Yearly casting their Horns, it is most certain if these Deer be gelded before the Eruption of their Horns, they never produce any afterwards, and if before the usual time of casting them, they than never cast those they are possessed of; which Phoenomenon to me seems to argue, that the principal occasion of casting their Horns is, that about Rutting time their Testicles are more pregnant than at other Seasons, hence their Blood being raised to an higher Ferment, nay indeed to so touring a Pitch that Nature itself is almost unhinged, hence the Blood Vessels being distended beyond their Natural Tone, are uncapable to contain any longer, but are forcibly burst asunder, by the disruption of these, the Horns, which abound with them, are despoiled of all possible Communication of Nourishment, by which means the Nerves are rendered Weak and Languid, the Horn consequently by its own Weight declines, and falls off; these Horns afford us in Chemical Preparations, an Oil, and a Spirit, which is indeed nothing but the Volatile Salt dissolved in Phlegm, and a Volatile Salt, which are all of them of Extraordinary use in Languors, and Convulsive Distempers, or in any Malady of the Nerves; It is affirmed, by the Learned Dr. Brown in his Travels in Hungary, that in Servia where the Plague frequently rages, they find no better Antidote against it than Eating the Flesh of these Creatures, for which there may be this Reason, it is probable the Flesh of these Creatures, contains a greater quantity of Volatile Salt than other Flesh may, by which means it becomes a more generous Food, and by a more than an Ordinary Volatilised Chyle, prevents Coagulation of the Blood which causes that Pestilental Distemper, those Volatile Alkalies, destroying the other Saline, Acid particles that make the Coagulum; The Horns of these Creatures by their own Effluvia are Convertible into a Jelly, which is of great use to Emaciated Persons, and a noble Food to any, it may be it was from this Preparation that Monsieur Papin received the first hint of his New Digester, by which he Converted Bones into Marrow by their own Effluvia, which I have seen frequently Experimented by that Excellent Chemist Christopher White of Oxford, Operator in the Public Laboratory of that most Flourishing University; it is affirmed by the Huntsmen, that these Creatures when they find themselves Encompassed by the Dogs, and no possibility of escape, will weep most Mournfully, a sight that to a Tender Spirit would damp the Divertisement of that days Recreation, so endearing a Principle is Life to all Creatures. In the Park near Manor in Lancashire are spotted Deer; There are some of these likewise in Dunham-Park, belonging to the Right Honourable the Earl of Warrington in the County of Chester. In a Park near Bury in Lancashire are Wild cattle, belonging to Sir Ralph Ashton of Middleton, these I presume were first brought from the highlands of Scotland. They have no Horns, but are like the Wild Bulls and Cows upon the Continent of America, of which Monsieur Hennipin has given us a full account in his Travels up the River Mesashippi, upon the Banks of which great Herds of these are frequently seen grazing, and are Hunted by the Indians, as the Deer by us; The defect of Horns in these Beasts brings into my Mind a very remarkable Phoenomenon of one Alice Green, whose Picture I have seen in Whalley-Abbey in Lancashire, this Woman had Two Horns which grew out at the back part of her Head, they grew backwards like those of Rams, and were about three Inches long, these she cast once in three Years, and had always intolerable pains before the Horns broke out, whence came this Lusus Naturae, or Preternatural accident, is, I think, a Phaenomenon not to be accounted for, unless at the time of Coition some such Monstrous Idea might then be imprinted on the Faetus, which is the most probable Conjecture I can make on this point, since we have several Instances of strange Impressions thus Effected, a Remarkable one is mentioned in Van Helmont, where he tells us, of a Woman who Dreamt she was with Child of a Cherrytree, which made such a wonderful Impression upon the Faetus, that in the Palms of the Hands, instead of those Lines usual to Mankind, were to be seen the Figures of the Leaves, and Boughs, and Cherries, several other accounts of this Nature might be produced, which would too much swell this Chapter to recite them, I shall only insert one more which was upon a Woman near Clitheral in Lancashire, this Woman when with Child was affrighted with Fire, and upon the Body of the Infant, was very discernible a Lively representation of Flames, this was Communicated to me by Dr. Parsons of Preston, and I am satisfied in the Truth of it; how these representations of things, and sometimes the things themselves, are caused by Ideas imprinted by Mothers upon thè Faetús, is in my Judgement a matter that may admit of various Hypotheses, but not any that will amount to a Demonstration, for how is it solvable by any Rules of Mechanism, that the Faetus which by a few Vessels adheres to the Womb of the Parent, that an Artery and Vein, which only carry and reconvey Blood to its subsistence, should ever perform these amazing Phoenomena, it is certain the Faetus has no Communication with the Mother any way, than only in the Chyle, which is separated by the Glandules in the Placenta Uterina which cannot possibly be imagined to produce these effects, how therefore the motions of the Animal Spirits penetrate through all these recesses of Nature, so far as I am able to apprehend, surpasses human Conception, and is indeed only solvable by him who knows no Limits, but Acts according to his own Almighty Will and Pleasure: The Atheist here may have room enough for Contemplation, and then let him tell us, how an Artery carrying only a little thoughtless Blood, and a Vein returning what is not spent upon the nourishment of the Embryo, let him tell us, I say, how by an Accidental concourse of Monades or Atoms, it is possible these things should be effected; but since I am apt to think he cannot define me what thought is, he may here acquiesce, and needs not blush to acknowledge his Ignorance, but may conclude with the Royal Psalmist, that it is, the Fool hath said in his Heart, there is no God, and indeed only he. Lancashire chief in these Parts is most remarkable for breeding Cattle, of a size more than Ordinary large, particularly about Burneley, and Maudsley, from which places I have known Cattle sold at extraordinary Rates, an Heifer sometimes amounting to Fifteen or Twenty Pounds, the ground they Feed upon is usually upon an Ascent, and the Grass shorter than in lower Grounds; The usual method is to buy Calves in those Parts, when they are about One Year Old, then by removing them to a more Fruitful Pasture, they arrive to a larger Pitch than usual; The like is Observable in Horses, and hence it is, that in Yorkshire, they generally breed the best of that Species. Let us here add something concerning the Superfaetation of Hares, which though not always, yet is frequently observed, that in the Uterus at the same time, Young ones of different Productions are discovered, one perhaps no larger than a small Plumb, another about half its due size, and a third at perfect Magnitude, I have often seen here the Caesarian Birth, that is a Young one taken alive from the Do ripped open, preserved and nourished for a considerable time afterwards, Phoenomena not unlike to these Superfetations, are observable in various Plants, especially the Orange-Tree, upon which are Blossoms, and Fruits of different growths at the same time. Let us inquire into the Rationale of this, and in the first place consider, that these Creatures have frequent Coitions after Conception, and then why may we not easily suppose, according to our former Hypothesis, that the Semen equally at one time, as an other, after it is injected into the Uterus, may be absorbed there by the Capillary Arteries, and by them be conveyed, and deposited into the Ova, and cause a Faecundation, and since there are various Ova's in the Ovaria, it does not at all seem difficult to me how Superfaetation happens; But rather indeed wonder there are not the same effects in Female Humankind, the same circumstances concurring; But some may object against this Hypothesis, and allege that impregnation is not performed by the Semen thrown by the Mass of Blood within the Ova; But that only a Gas, or Aura of the Seed is by the Cornua conveyed to the Ova, and so produces Faecundation. But to these I answer, since with small Bellows at the end of the Tubes, I have frequently attempted to force only Air within the Ovaria, but could never effect it, and since the Ovaria are likewise involved in a double Membrane, I do not see how in the least that Hypothesis can be defended, but since the Cornua, or Horns of the Womb, convey the Faetus from the Ovaria thither, to assert too that they likewise carry the Semen to them, to me seems very Preposterous; besides Dr. Harvey assures us, he has often immediately after Coition, dissected the Womb and its Cornua, but never in those could discover the least relict of the Semen, which probably he might have done, had it been only thrown there to transmit its Aura into those Organs, to convey it to the Ovaria; again, if we consider the sudden Indisposition of Persons after Conception; The several Hereditary Distempers that attend many Births, as the Gout, Stone, Dropsy and Consumption, can we imagine how these causes should be solved, unless we suppose the very substance of the Seed to be deposited in the Ova; for how an Aura should ever bring these about to me is unaccountable; But if, as some defend, Faecundation is effected by Animalcules floating in the Semen, and that the Ova are only recipients to them, I would then appeal to those Modern Virtuosos, that espouse this Doctrine, to solve the causes of Hereditary Distempers, and inquire of them if these small seminal Gentlemen, have not frequent fits of the Gout, and are not sometimes Hydropical and Consumptive: But how Rational this is to imagine, I leave it to the World to judge, but shall rather conclude myself, that the very substance of the Seed is deposited in the Ova, and that as that is tainted, so likewise is the Faetus, and hence Hereditary Distempers arise. But to return to the Hare, it is observable those bred upon Morasses, and Parts adjacent to the Seacoasts, are usually the swiftest, though of the smallest size; But this their Velocity may, I presume, proceed in some measure from their Diet, which as I have frequently found by dissection, is a short dry Grass, and sometimes the Tops of Heaths, and Barks of Trees, which being excellent Antihydropics, may occasion the dryness of their Constitutions, and in some measure their swiftness, by absorbing the Serum, or watery Parts of the Blood, by which the Muscles consequently must have less pressure upon them, and doubtless the Lymphducts are less numerous in these than in other Creatures. As to their different Colours it is observable those in colder Climes, as in Russia, and the Highlands of Scotland, are White or Grey, but in other Countries they are of a Brown Colour, these variations of Colours by the Chemists are solved by their Experiments on Sulphur, which by different degrees of heat turns White or Red, as it is more or less Exalted, and considering the Down of these Creatures, abounds with a great quantity of Sulphur; I think the conjecture not irrational. Distempers most incident to this Animal are commonly in the Liver, which are Hydatides, or Blisters upon its Superficies, proceeding doubtless from a Rupture or breach of the Lymphatic Vessels in that part, occasioned by violent running, and afterwards the coldness of the Earth too suddenly closing the Pores, and Obstructing perspiration, hence those Vessels become distended beyond a natural Tone, and Burst; This Creature is highly commended by the Germans to be a Healthful, Noble, and Generous Food, particularly by Ab-Heers, of which in his Spadacrene you may see a full and large account. But before I close my observations upon Quadrupeds, I thought it not a miss to insert two Instances, they being not only unusual, but of great Importance, the first is of two Persons, who in a small Cottage near Bury in Lancashire, died of the small Pox, during the whole time of their Sickness, Two Cats for the most part lay upon the same Beds with the Patients, in a little time after these Persons had Expired; Both the Cats fell Sick, with the usual Symptoms in the Apparatus of the small Pox, and so regularly proceeded to the State of Eruption, and Maturation, with Pustules exactly like those in Humankind; at last those subsided, and soon afterwards both the Cats died. By this instance it is evident the small Pox is not a Distemper peculiar only to Humankind; But why to Mankind more than other Creatures, is the next thing we are to inquire into? The Decision of this Question depends upon two Topics; The first is the particular Composition of the Blood in Mankind, differing from that in other Creatures, and consequently those not so subject to this Distemper; That the Blood in Humankind does differ from that in Quadrupeds, is evident from the different Proportion of muriatic, fixed, and volatile Salts, that may be obtained from it, and this probably may proceed from their variety of Food and Liquors, and for that reason, I think, it would be highly worth the time of our Modern Virtuosos, to take an exact Proportion in each of those, and to observe the Distempers the most incident to different Creatures, as likewise those that are Carnivorous, and those that Feed only upon Plants, and distinguish them accordingly; it's most certain, it is a particular Crasis in the Blood, when Man is disposed to receive this Distemper, some Persons I have known conversant with People in the small Pox, and yet Twenty Years afterwards have themselves been infected and died of them, when therefore by a particular Crasis the Blood is so disposed to receive the Morbific particles of the Air, partly taken into the Body by the intromitting Pores, and partly by inspiration, it is then by the various concretions of these the Serum of the Blood is converted into a Poisonous Ichor, which by its acrimony separates the Cutis from the Cuticula, and forms those Pustules we Name small Pox. A second reason why Man is peculiarly subject to this Distemper, may be the variety of the Orifices in the Miliary Glands of the Cutis, which doubtless in Mankind, are much different from those in other Creatures, it must therefore necessarily follow, that where there are not proper secretory Vessels to receive such particular Coagulations, those Creatures cannot, as Man, be alike subject to equal Distempers; These may suffice for a Decision of the Question proposed, I shall therefore in the next place proceed to the second Instance, and that is of a Mastiff-Dog; he belonged to the Honourable Peter Bold, of Bold, Esq this Dog still attended his Master in his Chamber, during a tedious Sickness, being a Consumption of the Lungs, after this generous Gentleman Expired, and his Corpse removed, the Dog almost each moment entered the Room, making a Mournful, whining Noise, and prosecuted his researches for several days, through all the Rooms of the House, but in vain; He then retired to his Kennel, from whence he would not be Courted, but refusing all manner of Sustenance, died there; of this I was an Eye-Witness, being through the whole course of the Distemper concerned for that Honourable Gentleman; what some may Bogle at to call Reason, I know not, but, I think, a deeper Sense of Sorrow and Gratitude, could not be shown in any Creature whatever. Which brings me in the next place to consider what the Philosophers call the Knowledge of Brutes, concerning this there are various Opinions, the Platonists did not seem to doubt of it, and for that reason when they defined Man, to distinguish him from other Creatures, only styled him an unseathered Animal. The Pythagoreans run into a wilder extreme, and were so fully possessed with the Opinion of the Souls of Brutes, that they believed there was a mutual Transmigration of Souls. And hence surely we could not blame the Poet, when he says, the mighty Thunderer transformed himself into a Bull. But however, tho' without question there is something of a Spiritual distinguishing being, that actuates the Body of a Brute by the assistance of the Animal Spirit; yet the before recited Hypothesis of Pythagoras, in bringing their Souls upon the level with that of Man, I look upon to be groundless; since Man is the only Creature in the World that has a reflex thought, and can abstract from matter, and that has any Notion of a Deity; But alas! how imperfect would that be, had not God, out of his Infinite goodness, been pleased to communicate himself to us by Revelation, as we may find by too many Instances amongst the poor Americans, who though they have Notions of a Being Infinitely Good, yet have likewise the same of one equally Bad; and therefore Worship one through Love, and the other through Fear. Knowledge in Brutes by the Peripatetics is styled natural Instinct: But since they are not able to define what that is, it is only to explain an obscure Matter by one more dark. I shall therefore pass it by as not material to this Subject. But the Cartesians Quadrupeds are looked upon as a most complete Piece of Clockwork, or Automala, moved only as the Object makes an Impression on the Organ, but since these Creatures are certainly endued with Thought, and Memory, which can never be explained by Rules of Mechanism, that Hypothesis is but ill grounded; Nay, they are so far from explaining these two faculties by their Problems in Mechanics, that they are at a full stop, even by those Rules. To unfold to me the more easy instance of voluntary motion, Steno, Charleton, Borellus, and Crone, have made Ingenious Conjectures on this Point, yet are defective when they come to examine the main business on those Notions; Epicurus, Lucretius, and Mr. Lock, refine, and explain, the Knowledge of Brutes, by Images, and Ideas, and these they make either Simple or Complex, and those imprinted upon the Organ by the Object, and thence it is through a long experience of those Ideas, they are able to think and distinguish, and in that, as they would have it, consists their Knowledge: Now I would only inquire of these Learned Gentlemen, a solution of one Question, whether or no these Ideas imprinted on the Organ, by the Object, be Material or Immaterial; if they allow them Material, it is impossible but by such a weight of matter, through the whole Series of a Creatures Life, imprinted on the Organ, the Organ must unavoidably be too oppressed even to distinguish at all: It is plain the Eye, for a small Season, may view the Sun, but by a pressure of its Particles upon it, it soon becomes dim, and undiscerning; But to this they may reply, that an Impression on the Organ is made equally as that of the Effigies of a Signet on Wax; But this will appear as liable to absurdities as the former, for from the same object on the same Organ, still new Impressions must succeed, hence the Organ in a common tract of time, must necessarily be worn out and destroyed, and consequently not be able to distinguish any thing; for doubtless if the Object could at any time stamp any Impression or Idea, it must Caeteris paribus still do so, and then the consequence is unavoidable: But if they allege these Ideas or Images are Immaterial, than a Soul or Spiritual being follows evidently in those Creatures, sufficient to actuate the Body, and be capable of some degrees of Knowledge; this allowed, there is no occasion for these Images, or Ideas, for why should Nature produce any thing in vain; Being's without a necessity are never multiplied: And now after all the Blaze that Elaborate Piece of Human Understanding has procured in the World, from what is observed, it is easy to learn, that it amounts to no more than trifling in Philosophy, and refining on the Godhead; and perhaps to too many unwarily caught, has been of pernicious consequence; I have insisted the longer on this subject, because this Book, though so Universally received, if rightly weighed, is no more than what Mr. Hobbs has before alleged; I shall therefore Examine his Hypothesis, that being the Basis of the former; Mr. Hobb's Notion was, That all Being's were material, and that betwixt Matter and Nothing there was no distinction; which notion, no doubt, gave hint to that great Man before mentioned to form his Ideas; how far Mr. Hobb's Hypothesis is consistent with reason, for the following Reason I submit to the Judgement of the World: In the first place let him tell me how Matter can think; if he be there at a loss, his Notion unavoidably falls; but to say it can, is only to assert Matter acting upon Matter, and then I would know what it is that judgeth of that action Thought, when it abstracts from all material Objects; This cannot be supposed to be a being consisting of Matter, for than it could not judge of the Action for the Reasons before alleged: It is true in Mathematical Argumentations we have not Ideas of any Being's, but what consequently we must suppose to be Material, for our apprehensions of them are under some determinate Figure, and so consequently Material, because that is a Quality, viz. Extension, inseparable from Matter: But since to form adequate Conceptions of immaterial Being's, surpasses both our Intellects and Organs, it does not therefore follow that there are not any such Being's, no more than since a Mathematician cannot by the Rules of Arithmetic demonstrate why one Grain should become five hundred, which notwithstanding is obvious, and familiar enough. It is strange such absurdities should be put upon the World; methinks the Being that has no dependence upon the Pen I writ with, sufficiently evinces me to the contrary: Not that I speak this out of a conceit of any mean performances of my own, but only that it is actuated by a Being independent from it, by which I am able to demonstrate I am a Rational Creature. I proceed next to Dr. Willis's Hypothesis concerning the Souls of Brutes, which is, that they are an actual fire, I shall endeavour to examine his Reasons, and Conjectures relating to that Opinion, and then lay down some Arguments why it cannot be so; in order to which, I shall examine the various Species of Fires, and their different Pabulums, and shall then, from the Experiments he recites, see how far they are convincing upon that Topic: of Fires there are various sorts, but all of them may be reduced to these generical Heads, viz. Aerial, Terrestrial, or Animal, the Aerial ones are those of Lightning, shooting of Stars, flying Serpents, the twins Castor, or Pollux, called by the Spaniards Corpse le Saint, and these frequently fix upon the Masts and Sails of Ships; the Seamen by their long continuance, or quick disappearance, will pretend to Prognosticate the future Wether, it is impossible from any experiment he could make upon these in the Air Pump, that he should form any Corollaries, and since these no ways refer to this business, I shall not farther enlarge upon them. The Experiments recited by the Honourable Esq boil and the Doctor, are upon common Fire in the Air Pump, which they found to extinguish as they drew out the Vitrous parts of the Air, and the same thing happening to Animals in the Air Pump, the Doctor hence concludes the Souls of Brutes to be an actual Flame; and had he lived to have seen the Phosphorus prepared from the Blood, I question not but his pregnant parts would highly have improved that Notion; in answer to his Hypothesis I would gladly know of any Man, whether it is possible Fire should think, or that voluntary motion can be solved by that Element, when it is by the Laws of Nature confined only to one motion, and that is Ascension, as the Psalmist Philosophically, and truly words it, as Naturally as the Sparks fly upwards, and these granted, it necessarily follows the Hypothesis is groundless, because in Brutes there is both Thought and voluntary motion, as is before sufficiently demonstrated; the next Hypothesis is that of Dr. Mayow, who supposes the Soul of a Brute to be a Nitroaerial Spirit, and for that Hypothesis recites the same Experiments Dr. Willis does, for that of Fire, the same difficulties therefore lying against that Notion, as the Doctors, I shall not recapitulate but pass it over; these are the most remarkable Authors that have writ on this subject: I shall therefore in the last place, propose my own Sentiments on that Head, my Thoughts are, that in all living Creatures whatever, there is a Spiritual, immaterial Being, that thinks, and actuates them: To this some may reply, if so, where then is the difference betwixt Man and Beast? There Souls must be both equally immortal with sounds contrary to Revealed Religion. To those I answer, that these Creatures have only a lower degree of Reason, not comparable to that of Man, even as we can imagine ours to be Inferior to the Intuitive Knowledge of Angels, their Allegations therefore on this account are Foreign to the purpose, but suppose I allow farther, that the Almighty may Annihilate the Souls of these Creatures, after Death; but whether he do or not, or in what future State they are like to be, since his Infinite Wisdom has not condescended to Reveal his Actions so far to Mankind, does it at all concern me? And therefore I can easily conclude with the Philosopher, Quae supra nos, nihil ad nos; and it would be much better to acquiesce in a modest ignorance, than disturb ourselves, and amuse the World with these unaccountable Theorems. Having thus far accounted for Phoenomena preternatural in Animals, in the next place, I shall descend to give an account of Persons in these Parts, that have been Eminent for their Learning, and Inventions, in Natural Philosophy, or Mechanics; Amongst these the Learned Dr. Pearson may justly be placed the first, witness his most Learned Exposition on the Creed, and his unanswerable piece the successione Patrum, which at this day is received in the Vatican itself, though he a Bishop of a different persuasion from him that presides there, and esteemed as Sacred as a general Council, or any Authority of the most noted Father; For Learning likewise and Pious generosity, Bishop Smith, and Dean Nowell have immortalised their Names, the former was one of the Founders of Brazen-Nose College in Oxford, the latter gave several Scholarships to it, which to this day are called the Nowellians, to these Men of Learning we may justly add Sir Peter Leicester of Tabley, to whom the World owes a great deal of Thanks, for his History of the Antiquities of Buckley-Hunder'd, and I hope it may be Pardonable, though I add my great Grandfather William Legh Parson of Standish, he was Tutor to Prince Henry, and Chaplain to Henry Earl of Derby. As to Pious, and Charitable Foundations, there are three very remarkable in Manchester in Lancashire, viz. a College, a Public School, and an Hospital; The College was first founded Ann. Dom. 1421. By Thomas De la Ware, first Rector of the said Parish Church, and Brother to the Lord De la Ware, whom he succeeded in Estate, and Honour, and then Founded a College there consisting of one Master or Keeper, Eight Fellows Chaplains, Four Clerks, and Six Choristers in Honour of St. Mary, St. Denis of France, and St. George for England, to whom the said Parish Church was formerly Dedicated: This Foundation was dissolved 1547, in the first Year of King Edward VI the Lands and Revenues of it taken into the King's Hands, and by him demised to the Earl of Derby, and the College House and some Lands, sold to the said Earl: The College was refounded by Queen Mary, who restored most of its Lands, and Revenues, only the College itself, and some of the Revenues, remained still in the hands of the Earl of Derby; it was also Founded a new by Queen Elizabeth, Ann. Dom. 1578. By the Name of Christ College in Manchester, consisting of One Warden, Four Fellows, Two Chaplains, Four Singing Men, and Four Choristers, the number being lessened because the Revenues were so, chief by the Covetousness and False dealing of Thomas Herle, than Warden, and his Fellows, who sold away, and made such long Leases, as could never yet some of them be retrieved: It was last of all refounded by King Charles I. Ann. Dom. 1636. constituting therein One Warden, Four Fellows, Two Chaplains, Four Singing Men, and Four Choristers, and incorporating them by the Name of the Warden and Fellows of Christ's College in Manchester; the Statues of the same being drawn by Archbishop Laud. The Hospital was Founded by Humphrey Chetham, Esq that great Example of industrious improvement, and incorporated by King Charles II. designed by that bountiful Benefactor, for the Maintenance of Forty Poor Boys, out of the Town, and Parish of Manchester, and some other Neighbouring Parishes, but since then, it is enlarged to the number of Sixty, by the Governors of the said Hospital; the Boys are to be taken in betwixt the Age of Six and Ten, thereto be maintained with Meat, Drink and clothes, and at the Age of Fourteen to be bound Apprentices, to some honest Trade or Calling, at the charge of the said Hospital, for the maintenance of which he endowed the same with the Yearly Revenue of 420 l. which is since improved by the care and good Husbandry of the Feoffees or Governors, to the Yearly value of 517 l. 8 s. 4 d. they having laid out in the purchase of Lands, 1825 l. which was saved out of the Yearly income over and above the maintenance of the Poor Children, and others belonging to the said Hospital; wherein there are annually near Seventy Persons provided for. Within this Hospital, by the Bounty of the said Founder, is also erected a fair, and spacious Library, already furnished with a Competent stock of choice and valuable Books, to the number of near four Thousand, and are daily increasing with the income of 116 l. per Annum, settled upon the same by the said worthy Benefactor, to buy Books for ever, and to afford a Competent Salary for a Library Keeper; there is also a large School for the Hospital Boys, where they are daily instructed, and taught to read, writ, and keep Accounts. The Public School was Founded Ann. Dom. 1519 by Hugh Oldham, D. D. and Bishop of Exeter, who bought the Lands on which the School stands, and took the Mills there in Lease of the Lord de la Ware for 60 Years, afterwards, with the Bishop's Moneys, Hugh Bexwick, and joan his Sister, purchased of the Lord de la Ware his Lands in Ancoats, and the Mills upon Irks, and left them in Feoffment to the Free-School for ever; which Revenues are of late very much increased by the Feoffees of the School, who out of the improuments, have as well considerably augmented the Master's Salaries, as the Exhibitions annually allowed towards the maintenance of such Scholars at the University, as the Warden of the College, and the High-Master shall think requisite, and have besides, for some Years past, added a Third Master, for whom they have already erected a New, and convenient School, at the end of the other. Besides these public Benefactions, and Endowments, there have been several other sums of Moneys, and annual Revenues, left and bequeathed to the Poor of the said Town, by several Persons, who are thereby, with the Charity of the present Inhabitants, competently provided for, without starving at home, or being forced to seek relief abroad. Let us do Justice to the Memory of the generous William Hulme of Broadstone, Esq who has nobly added to the Benefactions of the public School four Exhibitions; The Scholars are to be Bachelors of Arts, in the College of Brazen-Nose in Oxford, these are to be elected by the Wardens of Manchester, the Rector of Bury, and Parson of Prestwich then Living, they are at present of value betwixt Twenty, and Thirty Pounds per Annum each, but after the Death of his Lady, will advance to near Sixty Pounds a piece Yearly; and these they are to hold till they have commenced Masters of Arts, and I do believe they will then be the best Exhibitions in that University. The Town gives Title to an Honourable Family, Henry Montague, being Created Earl of Mancester by King Charles I. Ann. Dom. 1625. which Honour is now possessed by Edward his Grand Child, third Earl of the said Family; This account was given me by my honoured Friend the Reverend, and Learned Dr. Wroe, the Present Warden of the Collegiate Church at Manchester, within which Church, are inscriptions of some Eminent Persons. At Maclesfield in Cheshire was a College Founded by Thomas Savage first Bishop of London, and afterwards Archbishop of York, in which several of that noble Family, the Savages, are buried; as also of the Family of Dunham, which from Hammon de Massy, By the Fittans', and Venables, came Hereditarily to the famous Family of Booth. After these Learned and Charitable Personages, let us rank others Eminent for natural discoveries, of which these Countries have not been altogether Barren; The World owes a great many Obligations to the great industry, and Knowledge of Richard Townley, of Townley, Esq which will be the best understood by a recital of his own Experiments, and Performances. His Letter to Dr. Croon, touching the invention of dividing a Foot into many thousand Parts for Mathematical purposes is as follows. Finding in one of the last Philosophical Transactions, how much M. Auzont esteems his invention of dividing a Foot into near 30000 parts, and taking thereby Angles to very great exactness; I am told, I shall be looked upon as a great wronger of our Nation, should I not let the World know, that out of some scattered Papers and Letters, that formerly came to my hands, of a Gentleman of these parts, one Mr. Gascoigne, found out, that before the late Civil Wars, he had not only devised an instrument of as great a Power as M. Auzonts', but had also for some Years made use of it, not only for taking the Diameters of the Planets, and distances upon Land; But had farther endeavoured out of its Preciseness, to gather many certainties in the Heavens, amongst which I shall only mention one, (viz.) the finding the Moon's distance, from two Observations, of her Horizontal, and Meridional Diameters, which I rather mention because the French Astronomer, esteems himself the first that took any such notice, as thereby to settle the Moon's Parallax. For our Countryman fully considered it before, and imparted it to an acquaintance of his, who thereupon proposed to him the difficulties that would arise upon the Calculation; with considerations upon the strange Niceties necessary to give him a certainty of what he desired; The very instrument he made I have now by me, and others more perfected by him, which doubtless he would have Infinitely mended, had he not been slain unfortunately in his late Majesty's Service. He had a Treatise of Optics ready for the Press, but though I have used my utmost endeavour to retrieve it, yet I have in that point been totally unsuccessful: But some lose Papers and Letters, I have particularly about this instrument for taking of Angleses, which was far from perfect; Nevertheless I find it so far to exceed all others, that I have used my endeavours to make it exact, and easily tractable; which above a Years since I effected to my own desire, by the help of an Ingenious and and exact Watchmaker in these parts, since which time I have not altogether neglected it, but employed it particularly in taking the distances (as occasion served) of the Circum-Jovialists, towards a perfect settling their motion. I shall only say of it, that it is small, not exceeding in weight, nor much in bigness an ordinary Pocket-Watch, exactly marking above 40000 Divisions, in a Foot by the help of two Indices, the one showing Hundreds of Divisions, the other Divisions of the Hundred; Every last Division in my small one containing 1 1/10 10 of an Inch, and that so precisely as I use it, there goes above 91 91/22 22 Divisions to a second. Yet I have taken Land Angles several times to one Division, though (for the reason mentioned by M. Auzont) it be very hard to come to that exactness in the Heavens, (viz.) the swift motions of the Planets; Yet to remedy that fault, I have devised a rest, in which I find no small advantage, and not a little pleasing those Persons who have seen it; being so easy to be made, and by the observer managed without the help of another; which second convenience my yet nameless instrument hath in great perfection, and is by reason of its smallness and shape, easily applicable to any Telescope. Sir, if you think this invention thus improved, worthy to be take notice of by the Curious, you may command a more perfect description of it, or any of the observations, either Mr. Gascoigne or myself have made with it. A Description of the Instrument referring to the CUT. THE 1, 2, & 3. Figures do represent the several Parts of this Instruments; the 4th Figure part of the Telescope with the Instrument applied to it, and the 5th, the rest on which the whole reposeth. The first Figure represents the Box with the whole Instrument, (excepting only the movable Cover) and the Screws, by which it is fixed to the Telescope. In this Figure (aaaa) is a small oblong brass Box, serving both to contain the Screws, and also to make all the several movable parts of the Instrument to move very true, smooth, and in a simple direct motion; To one end hereof is Screwed on a round Plate of brass (bbbb) about 3 inches over; the extreme Limb of whose outside is divided into 100 equal parts, and numbered by 10, 20, 30, etc. Through the middle of this Plate, and the middle of the Box (aaa) is placed a very Curiously wrought Screw about the bigness of a Goose Quill, and of the length of the Box, the Head of which is by a fixed Ring, or Shoulder on the inside; and a small springing Plate, (dd) on the outside, so adapted to the Plate, that it is not in the least subject to shake; The other end of this Screw is by another little Screw (whose small point fills the Centre or hole made in the end of the longer Screw for this purpose) rendered so fixed or steady in the Box, that there appears not the least danger of shaking, upon the Head of this Screw without the springing Plate is put on a small Index (ee) and above that an handle (mm) to turn the Screw round as often as there shall be occasion, without at all endangering the displacing of the Index; it being put on very stiff upon a Cylindrical part of the Head, and the handle upon a square; the Screw hath that third of it, which is next the Plate, bigger than the other two thirds of it, by at least as much as the depth of the small Screw made on it, the thread of the Screw of the bigger third; is as small again as that of the Screw of the other two thirds; to the grosser Screw is adapted a Socket, (f) fastened to a long Bar or Bolt (gg), upon which is fastened the movable sight (h) either a Thread nearer or a Thread farther of from the fixed sight (i), the (kk) which will not admit of any shaking; There are Sixty of these Threads, and answerable thereto are made Sixty divisions, on the edge of the Bolt or Ruler (gg) and a small Index (l) fixed to the Box (aaa) denotes how many Threads the edges of the two sights (h) and (i) are distant; and the Index (ee) shows on the circular plate, what part of a Revolution there is more, every Revolution as was said before being divided into an hundred parts, at the same time that the movable sight (h) is moved forwards or backwards, or more Threads of the courser Screw, is the plate (pp in Fig. 2) so as the middle betwixt the sights may lie in the Axis of the Glass, however the Screw be turned, the midst betwixt the sights will always be in the Axis, and the sights will equally, either open from it, or shut towards it. Figure 2. Represents the movable cover containing the Screws, to be by the Bookseller cut off by the pricked line (xxx) from the Paper, and to be fitly placed on Figure (1) according to the pricked line (yyy) answering thereto, that by the taking off as it were, or folding up of this cover, the inward Contrivance of the Screws, and sights may appear. And because it is conceived by some Ingenious Men, that it will be more convenient instead of the edges of the two sights (h & i) to employ two sights, fitted with hairs, therefore is added Figure (3) Representing the two sights, (r & s) so fitted with Threads (t & u) that they may be conveniently used in the place of the solid edges of the sights (h & i) The fourth Figure represents, how the Screws are to be put on, The Table (A. D.) is divided into three lengths, of which (as in ordinary ones) (B. C.) is to lengthen or Contract, as the object requires; But A. B. is here added, that at A. you may put such Eye Glasses, as shall be thought most convenient, and to set them still at the distance most proper for them, Indices, or Pointers, which here are supposed to be at, B. which length also altars also in respect of divers Persons Eyes, (E.) is a Screw, by which the great Table can be fixed so, as by the help of the Figures any smaller part of it can immediately be found, measuring only or knowing the Divisions on (B. C.) the distance of the object Glasses from the Pointers (F.) is the Angular piece of Wood that lies on the upperScrew of the rest, this rest is represented by Figure the 5th. As for a description of the uses of this ingeniously contrived, and very curious Engine, the Reader may understand it by the preceding Letter. To this may be annexed another Letter of the same ingenious Gentleman, containing Observations on the quantity of Rain falling Monthly for several Years successively, which is as follows. jan. 9th 1693 1693/4 4 I Have now completed this last Years Observations, which I was very desirous should accompany the others I now send you, and I hope you will be pleased upon that score to pardon my delay in obeying your Commands, I wish they had been more exactly made, and should have been so, had they been intended for any thing but my own satisfaction, and enabling me to give some Conjecture at the Proportion of Rain that falls in this Country, with that at London, and in other parts of this Kingdom, but in this I have not yet attained my desired end, not having heard of the like made in any part of England, tho' a Friend or two had promised to undertake, and afford me an Account of their Observations, but it may be they did not think it worth their while, or that it would prove more troublesome than I found it; For I only fixed a round Tunnel of 12 inches Diameter to a leaden Pipe, which could admit of no Water but what came through the Tunnel, by reason of a part soldered to the Tunnel itself which went over the Pipe, and served also to fix it to it, as well as to keep out any wet, that in stormy Wether might beat against the under part of the Tunnel, which was so placed that there was no building near it, that would give occasion to suspect, that it did not receive its due Proportion of Rain, that fell through the Pipe some nine Yards perpendicularly, and then was bend into a Window near my Chamber, under which convenient Vessels were placed to receive what fell into the Tunnel, which I measured by a Cylindrical Glass, at a certain mark, containing just a pound, or twelve Ounces Troy, and had marks for small parts also; I preferred this way of finding the Contents of my Vessel, for measuring the Water, before any other, of gauging of small Cubical or Cylindrical ones, where an inconsiderable and almost indiscernible Error, in the dimensions, will prove much greater in the content, whereas in the other way, provided the Cylinder itself be small, or like a very small Neck at the marked place for a pound, one may easily come to as great exactness as may be wished, by the help of this Cylindrical Glass, I thus kept my account of what Rain fell, and generally twice or thrice a Day, when I took several other Observations, both of the Thermometer, Barometer, Winds, etc. what Rain I found in the Receivers, if not more than made what was left in the Cylindrical Glass, a full pound I again left in it, but if there was more than that quantity, I filled it just to the pound mark, which I threw away, and did the like with the remaining Water, as often as it would allow, still keeping an account of the pounds thrown away, and noting also the parts of a pound remaining in the Glass, by the help of which latter, and the parts remaining at any time before, by numbering the Pounds, and Substracting the Parts at the end, for Example, of one Month, from the Pounds thrown away, and the Parts remaining, at the end of another; I find the quantity of Rain fallen betwixt these two times, and that so as to assure me, that I erred no more in the quantity of Rain of another Year, than by mistake in the differences of the parts of a Pound, in the first, and last Observation, whereas should I still Writ down the Rain that falls between two Observations, I might be subject to make as great a mistake, in every one of them, and consequently be much more uncertain of the quantity of Rain fallen, in many of those added together; Besides, this Addition is longer in performing, and giving the quantity sought, than the method I make use of, I have added these particulars to show you how little trouble there is in this task; which therefore I hope some of your ingenious Friends may be persuaded to undertake, and then by continuing my own Observations, I may be farther satisfied than hitherto I have been with them, for I have yet Learned as to the main point, is, that here we have almost just twice the quantity of Rain that falls at Paris. This County, and particularly that part of it where I live, being generally esteemed to have much more Rain than other Parts, and in a greater Proportion than I thought reasonable to be allowed, however it be yet by what I have sent you, 'twould be unjust without farther Observations of the like Nature in other Parts, that all England should be esteemed to abound as much in Rain as these parts do, where by reason of the very high Grounds in Yorkshire, and the Eastern Parts of Lancashire, the Clouds driven hither by the South and S. W. the general Winds in this part of the World, are oftener stopped and broken, and fall upon us, than such as come by an E. and S. E. Winds, which broken by the Hills are generally spent there, and little affect us; and this is the reason that Lancashire has often considerably more Rain than Yorkshire. The above mentioned method of estimating Rain by pounds, to those of my Family, gave a sufficient Idea of the Proportions of the falling Rains, and the Wetness of the different Seasons, though they knew not how high it would raise the Water in a Cylinder Equal, at the bottom to my Tunnel; but to inform others of this with little trouble, in the Table I have sent you the Pounds and Parts are doubled, and these I have rather sent you than those of the whole Pounds, since the same gives both the quantity of half Pounds, and the height in inches, according to the general way of estimating the quantity of Rain, only with this difference, that for the half Pounds only the last Figure, is a decimal Fraction, and the other the number of the half Pounds, and for the height, the two last Figures denote the Decimal Fraction of an inch, and the remainder of the height in inches, so near the truth, that they only fall short of it one inch in 200. which defect is easily supplied; To this I need only add that the numbers on the right hand, are the sums of all those in the same line, that is, in the first part of several numbers for Ten Years, so that the last of them shows the sum both of the half Ounces, that have fallen during that space of time, and the height the Water would have been raised in that time also; To this I shall only add one Example; The sum of all the Rain in the Ten first Years 41227. and therefore according to what has been said 4122 (7. is the number of half Pounds, that fell in Compass of the Tunnel during those Ten Years, and 412 (27. the height it would have raised the Water during that time: But if you desire to be more Critical, if you add 2 (06 its 200th part, you will have 414 (33 for the true height; and 41 (413 for the mean height by those Ten Years observations; and 412 (27 for the mean quantity of half Pounds; by the same method you will have the means for the other Five, viz. Of height 41 (78, and 417 (8 for the mean number of half Pounds, which means do strangely agree, and both considered do give for the mean by all the Fifteen Years 41 (516 inches in height, which is about ¼ of an inch more than double to that raised by the Water at Paris, which as set down in the Memoirs for the Ingenious, for February last, is stated about 19 ½ French inches, which make 21 English, I have omitted the accounts of the Years 87, and 88, which I found faulty by reason the Person (who had the charge of noting what Rain fell during my absence several times then from home) did not punctually observe the usual method I had prescribed him. I forgot when I mentioned my way of Gauging by weight that it was grounded upon 22 (7368 Cubical inches of Rain Water, being equal in weight to one pound or 12 Ounces Troy, so that dividing any superficies in inches of a Vessel for receiving the Rain Water, by the before mentioned number it will give you the Pounds and parts, that will raise the Water upon that superficies with upright sides, just an inch, and thus I found that 4 (974 Pounds would fill a Cylinder equal at the Bottom to my Tunnel, and one inch high, which you see is very near five Pounds, which you will also find will only raise the Cylinder by 1/200th part; but now I have detained you so long, and I am afraid needlessly, so that I trust to your goodness for Pardon in, and what else you shall find amiss upon the score of my Eyes, which oblige me to trust more to others, than otherwise I should. I am Your Humble Servant. The Table of Rain. 1677 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Sum january 472 371 043 512 053 986 238 032 110 472 3289 February 270 371 161 492 363 135 245 483 042 020 2582 March 245 250 202 413 235 237 305 087 185 572 2731 April 325 170 092 222 057 308 402 370 380 305 2631 May 313 581 105 188 069 315 353 097 201 437 2659 june 516 257 298 342 397 517 468 192 410 473 3870 july 351 339 350 302 292 482 412 313 497 188 3526 August 485 145 835 502 425 385 582 338 398 870 4965 September 223 527 553 146 607 293 152 199 163 572 3435 October 333 644 616 570 170 427 330 425 325 293 4133 November 432 555 127 479 235 525 192 579 522 709 4355 December 400 057 439 269 423 456 037 299 548 132 3051 Sum 4365 4267 3821 4428 3326 5066 3716 3414 3781 5043 41227 1687 88 89 90 91 92 93 Sum january 333 707 197 054 218 1509 February 393 171 112 168 078 922 March 875 145 476 342 298 2136 April 468 078 386 498 539 1969 May 182 244 300 330 093 1149 june 302 179 412 416 181 1490 july 120 218 285 448 112 1183 August 222 402 193 198 668 1683 September 442 403 215 605 641 2306 October 470 765 165 273 514 2457 November 415 717 230 148 627 2137 December 368 262 169 892 261 1952 Sum 4860 4291 3140 4372 4230 20893 These following Observations of the Eclipse of the Sun were communicated by the said Learned Gentleman, in a Letter to Mr. Flamsted which I will first transcribe, and then for the satisfaction of the Reader translate. Coelum ante Eclipsin valde fuit Pluviosum; attamen nisi de futura serenitate desperassem fere ipsum defectus initium, non minus accurate, quam finem observare, credo, Liquisset. Omnino certas esse omnes has observationes asserere non ausim; quip nubes frequentissime solem subtercurrentes, ventusque validior Tubam aliquando quatiens, haud utique justas capi mensuras sivere. Accessit & aliud infortunium, quod cum Phasium, captas mensuras, binis Partibus, duobus Micrometri locis, ostensas, retro numerarem, servus cui scribendi negotium demandaveram, vitiose aliquando eas descripsit, quod tamen percepi, & correxi, credo. Quales quales sint observationes, tui esse juris jubeo; Exitus locus adeo vertici vicimus erat, ut in quam ab ea partem inclinaret, bene non potuerim definire; etiamsi hora 9 29. per horologium, cuspides horizonti apparerent Parallelae. Solis Diameter hora 9 10 erat 2334; satis, ut putavi praescice. Deinde accedente sole ad meridiem per lineam longam meridianam horologium justo tardius inventum fuit scrupulis 1. 42. Magno tamen Aequinoctiali sciaterico, quo medias minoresve scrupuli Horarij parts, possum distinguere, horologium toto hoc mane tardius duntaxat 45. Lineam longam meridianam iterum prima occasione examinabo; interea correctioni per hanc factae potius quam sciaterico fidendum puto. Townleij Latitudo observata (ut ad me scribit) 53. 44. Longitudo a Meridiano Londinensi 9 Circiter scr. hor. ad occasum. Horahorol. Oscillatorij. h Correct. p. Lin. Merid. h Mensurae Phasium 8 06 45 8 08 27 A B 1190 16 09 forsan 1109 14 50 8 11 00 8 12 42 C D 1935 26 15 18 00 19 42 A B 1405 19 04 21 00 22 42 C D 1805 24 30 26 14 27 56 A B 1504 20 47 34 00 35 42 C D 1711 23 13 42 15 43 57 A B 1551 21 03 accuratè 46 30 48 12 C D 1702 23 20 vel 1720 23 15 8 51 45 8 53 27 A B 1553 21 04 accuratè 9 00 00 9 01 42 C D 1809 24 23 9 12 34 9 14 16 A B 1357 18 25 9 30 55 9 32 37 A B 872 11 50 9 41 15 9 42 57 Precise. Desit Eclipse, quantum per Aeris Vibrationem potui discernere. It was very Rainy Wether before the Eclipse came on, so that had I not lost all hopes of a clear Sky, my Account of its beginning had been as exact as that of its Exit, I cannot ascertain to you all my Observations, because the Clouds often intervened betwixt me and the Sun, and many a blast of Wind discomposed my Tube, and so altered the measures I had taken. Another accident also interposed, for even when I came to compute the Dimensions I had observed of the Phases in two places from two parts of the Micrometre, my Servant that was to note down my observations through mistake had penned them very faulty, however I corrected them the best I could. Such as they are, I freely recommend them to you, the place of Exit of the Eclipse was so virtual that I could not possibly determine to what part it inclined from it. However at about 29 Minutes after nine by the Clock, I found there appeared points Parallel to the Horizon. The Diameter of the Sun betwixt Nine and Ten was 2334 parts as I conjecture Eclipsed; afterwards the Sun coming to the Meridian, by a long Meridian line I found the Clock was two slow by one Minute, and 42 seconds, but by a large Equinoctial Dial upon which are drawn Minutes and seconds, I found the Clock during the whole Morning had only been two slow by 45 seconds, I shall again Examine the Meridian line the first opportunity that offers. However in the mean time, I think we ought rather to confide in the correction made by that, than to rely upon the Aequinoctial Dial. The Eclipse by Mr. Townley was taken in the Latitude of 53 and 44, the Longitude from the London Meridian is about 9 hours to the West. After this worthy Gentleman, let us mention our much Lamented, and Eminent Countryman Mr. jeremiah Horrax. Of whom take the Learned Dr. john Wallis' Character, and account of his Works; This Horrax says he is the same with him that is the Author of that excellent Tract, called Venus in Sole Visa, published by the Famous Hevelius, together with his Mercurius in Sole Visus: Who if he had not been snatched away by an untimely Death, in the flower of his Age, would certainly by his industry, and exactness, which did accompany his great affection to Astronony, have very considerably advanced that Science. Now we have only left us these imperfect Papers, digested not without great care and labour, by that Learned Mathematician Dr. john Wallis Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford; whereto do occur, First, The Keplerian Astronomy, asserted, and promoted, which this Author undertook, after he had spent much time and great pains in acquainting himself with that of Lansbergius, which he at first embraced with so much eagerness and addition, that it was difficult to divorce him from it; Till at length by the Advertisements of William Crabtree, a Sagacious and Diligent Astronomer at that time, he found that neither the Hypotheses of Lansbergius, were consistent among themselves, nor his Table agreed with observations exactly made; nor the precepts of them were well demonstrated, nor could be, whatever that Man boasted of his wonderful agreement of his Tables, with the observations of former times; all which Errors being found at last by our Author himself, and withal the Writings of Kepler, and the Rudolphin Tables, by him searched into, he saw cause to prefer them to the Lansbergian, because grounded upon Hypotheses consonant to Nature, and well agreeing with the Heavens, though he found causes, by his accurate observations, to amend even these Tables, yet without a necessity of changing the Hypothesis, in which Work when he was well engaged, he was cut of by Death very Young, in the 23th Year of his Age; His first pieces than were his Disputations against the Astronomy of Lansbergius, in which he clearly demonstrates that the Hypothesis of that Author do neither agree with the heavens, nor among themselves, which argument he carried on so far, that having finished the four first Observations (as they are here to be found) he had begun a few sheets of the fifth, which was about the Diagram of Hipparchus, from which some have pretended exactly to demonstrate the distance of the Sun. After which follow two disputations more, the one of the Celestial Bodies, and their motions, the other his Answer to the Cavils of Hortensius, against Tycho, so much of the first part of this Volume. The second contains a good number of extracts out of this Author's Letters to his intimate Friend, and industrious Companion in the study of Astronomy, William Crabtree, in which occur many good Celestial Observations, interlaced with many notable Discourses, concerning the method of his studies. The third is a Catalogue of AstronomicalObservations as they were made by our Author, without allowance for the Excentricity of the Eye, which he afterwards Castigated by a Correction fairly written with his own hand. The fourth is his new Theory of the Moon together with the Lunar numbers of Mr. Flamsted upon it. To these let us add the curious Experiments and Observations of Thomas Brotherton of hay, Esq in the County of Lancaster, concerning the growth of Trees, which are as follows; The first Experiment was made in the Year 1671, upon a Crabtree about four Inches in Diameter. It was hacked round with an Hatchet, so as to cut pretty deep into the wood, besides cutting of the Bark for about four inches wide; after which it was observed to increase above the said hacking very considerably, and to shoot in length of Wood about one foot; the next year it increased considerably, and shot in length about nine inches, but the third Year it died to the very Root. Much the like was observed in another, part of whose Bark was Eaten off by a Canker, that the lower part stood without increasing, and by degrees the Wood Rotten and Mortified; but the upper part increased to the third Year when it died also. Most of the following Experiments were tried on the Abies or Scotch-Firr, and on the Black Poplar with White Bark, and on Hazel or Ash-Trees. A Scotch-Firr of three Years growth, having a Ring of the Bark cut off of the breadth of three inches, near the bottom of of the stem or stalk, below the uppermost knot, or joint, was observed to grow and shoot out its Top about half a Yard; and the parts all about the Ring to increase very much in thickness, much more than it would have done if the Section had not been made; But all that part of the stock between the said Ring, and the knot next below it increased not at all; but that part that was below the knot increased somewhat, yet not so much as if the said Ring of the Bark, had not been cut off; the second Year it also increased considerably, but not so much as the first Year, but the third Year it died; the Branch that was here produced had the Ring cut off from it, April 1st 1686. and the part above the Section increased, and grew till the 17 of October following, when it was cut off from the Tree; In this space of time the part below the Ring increased not at all, but stood at a stay, but the part above the Ring shot out a new joint, between a Foot and half a Yard, and increased in thickness for the whole length of it, and in all its parts twice as much as it would have done, if it had not been cut, as was apparent by a like Branch on the opposite side of the knot, which was not cut or barked round in the same manner; The Bark also of the part above the Section, swelled or grew downwards over the woody part (which was bare) above half an inch in breadth. The usual time for making this Section, was either in March, or the beginning of April; Trial was made upon some Young Trees, cutting a Helical swath of the Bark, about half an inch in breadth, by leaving a like Helical swath of Bark, to communicate betwixt the upper and under part; in this Trial the difference of growth succeeded not, but the remaining swath of the Bark swollen downwards, and by the end of the Year, covered the bared part of the Wood; The like event almost followed, upon making an invented Section round, of about half an inch in breadth, the upper Bark quickly swelling downward, and joining again with the lower. It was also observable, that as the upper Bark grew downwards, so it increased also in thickness, whereas the Bark below thickened not at all. Several of those Boughs which were about an inch Diameter, and had increased as above, the Summer before were observed to outlive the great Frost, and to receive no considerable Damage, whereas others otherwise ordered, were Killed by it, as will appear by and by more particularly: In the first Figure is represented a Scoth-Firr of three Years growth (it shooting forth every Year, both from the Body and the Branches, a new joint and Circumambient Sprouts to a determinate length) barked with three Rings of about 1 ½ inch broad, each about the middle of the Internodia, or parts of the stock between the joints, at c. b. & a. this in one Year increased and shot forth branchings, as in the second Figure that is the stock at a. which was about the bigness of a Quill, below the Ring to the next joint, continued of the same bigness, but above the Ring it increased, and grew to the bigness of ones Finger, and from the new joint, at e. e. shot out new Limbs and stock, about a quarter of a Yard, which was somewhat bigger than if there had been no Ring made; next the branch f. f. increased likewise proportionably, by swelling in bigness, and from a new joint shooting out new Body and Limbs, as the top and Body, and the Body of the Tree below the joint h. to the Ring b. increased more than if the Ring had not been made, but the part of the stock below the Ring to the next joint, increased not at all; The like shooting forth and increasing, was observed in the second Limbs, joint and stock, below it, g. g. i. to c. between which and k. it increased not; the like also succeeded in the lower Branches l. l. any joint k. and in the stock d. below the joint k. Figure third represents a young Scoth-Firr of two Years Old, on one of the lowermost Branches c. was made a Ring Section, between the Body, and first knot of the Limb; The following Year, that part of the Limb above the Ring, increased twice or thrice as much as the Corresponding parts of the other Limbs, from the same knot, as a. which increased as if there had been no Section made at B. but the part below b. to the Body, increased not at all. Figure fifth represents a young Hazet cut into the Body with a deep gash, and the Parts of the Body above and below, cloven upwards, and downwards, and the Splinters a. and b. by wedges kept off from touching each other, or the rest of the Body; these in the following Year were observed to be in the State, represented in the sixth Figure, that is the Splinter a. above the gash, was grown very much, but the Splinter b. below, stood at a stay and grew not, but the rest of the Body at c. grew as if there had been no gash made. Figure seventh represents a like gash made just above the lowermost knot, and the part Splintered or Cleft, and Wedged off from each other, and from the Body as before, but there is left a Branch upon the lower Splinter, to see what will be the state there of the next Year, or in October next, when it is probable by the other Experiments the lower Splinter and Branch upon it, will be found to have grown and increased, as the Splinter, in the former Experiment did above the gash, though not in the same Proportion. Figure eight represents four young Poplar-Trees. A. B. C. D. all of equal bigness, growth, situation, and soil, as near as could be found; these were ordered as is represented in the 9th Figure, that is, A. had all its Branches and Top cut off, B. had all its Branches pruned off, but it was left with a small head at the Top, C. had its Branches cut about half way, and those of the upper half left growing; D. was left growing, without being at all pruned or lopped, the event was expected, the success was found to be thus, A. in the following Year shot out many Twigs round about, but the Body increased but little in height or bigness; B. shot out likewise many Twigs, where it had been pruned, and the top Branches and top also increased considerably, and the Body also increased much more in height and bigness than did the former; A. C. increased much more in all its parts than B. But D. increased in Limbs, height, and bigness most of all, swelling in bigness and stretching in height, and spreading in its Boughs much more than C. and in about ten Years time, was more than four times as big as A. The same worthy Person also observed, that all the Poplars, that has been pruned died in the Great Frost, 1684. in so much that in 25 that were so ordered, he observed 19 to be killed by it, and remaining to be very weak and hardly able to recover, and increased very little in the following Years; These Poplars were about 30 Foot high, and had only a small head left at the Top, unlopped, of about 4 or 5 Foot, and were pruned the Spring before the Great Frost; He observed also that divers of those that had been pruned, two Summers before the Frost, were killed by it; but not one of those that had been pruned at all were hurt by it; He took notice likewise both in Lancashire and Cheshire, that Trees of 60 Foot in height, that had been pruned, and had only a small top left, were also killed by the said Frost, whereas those of the same kind and height which stood near to them, and had not been pruned, continued to flourish, and suffered no harm thereby. Several of those Branches of about an inch Diameter, and Trees that had been barked round, as above theSpring before the Great Frost, outlived the Violence of the same, and the preceding Winter. Where these prune had been tried upon Trees Twenty Foot high, the difference of their increase was sensible the following Summer, but in 7 or 8 Years time the difference is Prodigious, the unpruned, Trees growing several times bigger than the others that were pruned, both in Body and Branches even to Admiration; He hath often observed also that when the top Branches would shoot out, and grow two Foot, or more, in length, the lower branches would not shoot above four inches; and farther that in the Branches of the Scotch-Firr, the joints above the Rings barked round would increase, and grew much bigger in three, than they would in five Years, if the said Rings were not cut of. The same reason upon discoursing some other particular inquiries about the spreading and increase of the Roots, assured that he had observed a very large Pinaster, about two Foot and half Diameter, and of an height proportionable, (viz. of about 20 Yards, the lowest Boughs of which were about 30 Foot above the ground) did spread and flourish on every side alike, though it had no Root at all towards three quarters of its Situation, but only toward one quarter, into which it spread its Roots very far, and large, divers of them reaching above 70, or 80, Foot from the Body of the Tree, the Reason of which spreading was occasioned by its being Planted just within the square Angle of the Corner of a deep thick and strong Stone Wall, which was a kind of Banking, or Warfing, against a River that ran by it; this Tree I say, though it had nourishment only from one Quarter of four to its Roots, yet did the same flourish, and spread equally on every side. Upon consideration of these and divers other Observations and Experiments, Mr. Brotherton is of Opinion (1.) That the sap, most of it, if not all, ascends in the Vessels of the Lignous part of the Tree, and not in the Cortical part, nor between the Cortical and Lignous Parts. (2.) That increase and growth of a Tree in thickness is by descent of the sap, and not by the ascent, and if there were no descent, a Tree would increase but very little, if at all. (3.) That there is a continual Circulation of the sap all the Summer Season, and during such time as the sap is stirring, and not a descent at Michaelmas only, as some have held. To me it seems very probable, that the Bodies of Plants, as well as those of moving Animals, are nourished and increased by a double Food, the one an impregnated Water, and the other an impregnated Air, and that without a convenient supply of these two, the Vegetable cannot subsist, at least not increase; these do mutually mix, and coalesce, and parts of the Air convert to Water, and parts of Water to Air, as some of these latter are rarified and freed from their Chains, and become Spiritual and Airy, so others of the forementioned, are clogged, and settered, and become debased. To this purpose all Plants, as well as Animals, have a twofold kind of Roots, one that Branches, and spreads into the Earth, and another that spreads and shoots into the Air, both kinds of Roots serve to receive and carry their proper nourishment to the Body of the Plant, and both serve also to convey and carry off the useless Recrements; Useless I mean any farther, within the Body of the Plant, though useful to it when they are separated, and without it, the one for seasoning the Earth and Water, wherein it is Planted, and the other for seasoning the Air, the method of which I have elsewhere explained. To these, I hope without offence, may be subjoined two Letters, writ by myself some Years ago, to that Learned Society; for whatever is drawn from the Transactions relating to these parts, though before published, may yet give a diverting information to many Gentlemen, who are strangers to those Papers, the first Letter directed to Dr. Plot Secretary to the Royal Society, runs thus. Since you gave me some Specimens of the Water of Latron, and likewise of Nitrian Nitre, I have found that those descriptions the Ancients gave of it, exactly agree with those Specimens' we have here; Their Encomiums of it were so many, and so different the Names, which they ascribed to it, as a Sceptic indeed might equally Question whether or no they writ of any thing else, or whether or no they writ of any such thing, that we might therefore better understand the writings of the Ancients concerning it, and the Phaenomena which it afforded here, I have thought convenient to make use of this method: I shall in the first place show whence Nitre had its Denomination; in the second, the different Names which Ancient Authors ascribe to it; in the third, the different places whence it comes; In the fourth, a description of it as it is when a Compositum; In the fifth, the number of its principles when Chemically resolved; in the sixth, the rise of them; in the seventh, its Separation from the Water of Latron; in the eighth, its use in Physic; in the ninth, in Agriculture and Mechanics; in the tenth, wherein it differs from Sal Armoniac; in the eleventh from Salt Petre. That all Nitre took its Name from a Town in Egypt, called Nitria, I shall take for granted; I shall therefore in the next place give an account of the different Names which by Authors are ascribed to Nitre. By Hypocrates it is sometimes called Sal Aegypti, Sal in Aquis crescens, & Nitrum Rubrum, By Basil, Serpens Terrenus, By Vitruvius, Flavilla Salis, By Pliny, Spuma Nitri, & Ros pinguioris Naturae; By the Grecians, Halmiraga; By Encelius, it is called Cryfocolla, Baurac, Sal Lucidum; Sal Petrosum, Sal Anderenae; but the word Baurac by the Babylonians is less restrained, for they divide Nitre into two Species, the one they term Sal Petrosum Purpureum, Modice Amarum, the other Species they term Baurac, which they used in Seasoning of their Meat; the former of these may probably be the Nitre here spoke of, and the latter Salt Petre. By jungius and Hoffman, it is called Cerberus Chymicus, and Sal Infernalis; By Rulandus and johnson, it is called Faex Vitri, and Cinis Clavellatus, and so by Fallopius, and sometimes Cabalatar, Algali, Anatron, Tincar, Sago; Here likewise is to be noted that Aphronitrum, called by Schwenckfeldius in his Tracts de Fossibus Silesiae, flos Asiae, and Spuma Nitri, is not, as I conceive, specifically distinct from the Natron here spoke of. For according to Molenbrochius, and junken, that will Ferment with an Acid, and is commended in the same Distempers, as the Nitre of Nitria; again it is said by Pliny, fontibus quibusdam innatat, Videturque nilo deferri. By Encelius it is said to be found in Armenia, Rabbath, Africa, Rome, Egypt, or Babylon, and therefore by him is divided into six Species, Nitrum, vel est Armen. Afric. Egypt. Rabbath; Rom. Vel. Babyl. By Wormius it is said to be found in Nova Hispania; The Natron may be described thus, it is an Alkaly Salt perforated like a Sponge, and of a Lixivial taste, and thus I find it described by Pliny, Mathiolus, and Agricola. Its Principles I take to be chief two, viz. a Sal Marine, and an Urinous Salt. That it contains a sal Marine seems manifest, by these Experiments, first, because that a Solution of the Natron has much of the taste that a Solution of Sal Marine hath, secondly, in Evaporation the Particles of the Natron incrustated upon the surface of the Water, as the Particles of Sea-Salt do in Evaporation. Thirdly, because the Natron is perforated, which proceeds as I suppose from a Sal Marine, for that when it Chrystallizeth shooteth into little Cavities; Fourthly, if the Natron be mixed with Salt of Tartar, it emits the same Spirit as Sal Armoniac, when mixed with the same Salt. And Lastly, That it contains a Sea Salt seems plain from Cesalpinus. Says he, Efflorescit etiam sponte non solum in salinis ad similitudinem lanuginis canescentis, sed etiam in Vasis in quibus sal continetur; But here it is to be noted, that though the Nitrian Water is of a blushy Colour, and makes a brisk fermentation with an Acid, yet a solution of Natron looks clear, and will not ferment with an Acid; the reason why a solution of the Natron looks clear, though the Nitrian Water, which is but a solution of the same Salt, is of a blushy Colour, may perhaps be this. I suppose that the Water of Latron receives its redness from a red clammy substance, which serves chief to cement the two Salts together, and this I the rather conjecture, because after a solution of the Natron had passed through a Filtre, there stuck to it a red clammy Matter and the solution was clear, and the reason why a solution of the Natron will not ferment with an Acid I conceive to be this, because in a perfect dissolution its parts being separated one from another by the parts of the Water, their struggle are too weak to make an Effervescency with an Acid, and in this I was farther confirmed by these two Experiments. I found that if into a solution of the Natron, I poured an Acid while the Water looked Whitish or Disturbed, the Salt not being perfectly dissolved, it made a brisk Fermentation, but when the Water came to be clear, the Salt being then perfectly dissolved, if I than poured an Acid upon it, it would not ferment; I likewise found that this solution being Evaporated to a third part, would ferment again. Its second Principle I take to be an Urinous Salt, First, because if mixed with Salt of Tartar, it smells like Sal Armoniac when mixed with the same Salt. Secondly, when it was distilled with Salt of Tartar in a retort, it afforded an Urinous Spirit as piercing as Spirit of Sal Armoniac. I come now to the rise of its Principles Sal Marine, and a volatile Alkaly, Sal Marine being a Fossile Salt, I shall take for granted it receives from the Earth, and shall endeavour to illustrate it hath its volatile Alkaly from the Air; First, because it is said by Pliny spumam Nitri (which is the Natron here spoke of) Antiqui negebant fieri nisi ros cecidisset. By Monsieur de le Chambre it is affirmed, that three or four days before the Nile gins to overflow, there falls a certain dew which hath a fermenting virtue, and leau'ns a Past exposed to the Air, and at that time saith Pliny, and Le Chambre, the Nitre Pits grow full of Nitre, and sands. Vanssebius, and several say, that though 500 in a day die at Grand Cairo of the Plague, before the beginning of the Inundation of the Nile, yet the very day after there does not one die, which doubtless could not proceed from any other reason, than because at that time the Air was impregnated with this volatile Alkaly, for at that time the Nitre Pits grow full, and this dew falls; This I think may sufficiently hint to us the great use of its volatile Spirit; Especially in Pestilential Distempers. Lastly, about that time the Nile gins to overflow those Specimens which we had here, grew heavier by being exposed to the Air; Here it is to be noted that this Alkaly is not made so by Fire, I cannot therefore conclude with Helmont, that all Alkalies are made so by that Element. The next thing to be considered is its separation from the Water in Latron, of which the Learned Dr. Huntingdon, who was at Nitria, gives us this account; There is a Town in Egypt, called Nitria, which gives name to the Nitrian desert, where there is a Lake called Latron, taking up an Area of six or seven Acres, situate about thirty Miles West and by South from Terena a Town lower upon the Nile than Grand Cairo, and about the same distance Northwest from the Pyramids. From the bottom of this Lake ariseth this sort of Nitre, called Natron, to the top (as they do apprehend) and there by the Heat of the Sun condenseth into this kind of substance, that all the Nitre comes from the bottom to the Top I dare not affirm, I shall therefore premise some Phoenomena it afforded in Evaporation, before I give you my conjecture about it; I took an Evaporating Glass which held about four Ounces, and poured into it two Ounces of Nitrian Water, this I set upon a sand Furnace, giving it Fire by degrees, as soon as the Water was warm, the particles of Nitre began to swim upon its surface, in straggling and uneven numbers, these after a while United, and afterwards there arose a Salt sufficient to Colour the whole superficies of the Water, I took then a thin Glass and skinned off this Ice, but could scarce take it all of before it was seconded by another, and thus the Salt did rise successively in Films, as long as there was any Water in the Glass, these Films had the Colour and taste of the Nitre that came from Nitria, and did like it ferment with an Acid; And these are they which by Pliny are called Flos Salis, and if I mistake not, the same with that which Herodotus saith, they make their Mummy with, if therefore by the Languishing heat of a Digesting Furnace, the the Nitrous Particles could separate themselves from the Water, and over that spread themselves in an Ice, it may be as probable that by the greater heat of the Sun, the Nitre of Latron is separated from the Water after the same manner, and as in the Evaporation of other mineral Waters, when the Water is not strong enough to hold up the Salt, it is generally covered with a thin Film; so I suppose in the Evaporation of Natron some Particles of the Water being flown away, the Particles of the Sal Marine branch one into another, and so incrustate upon the surface of the Water. In this Hypothesis I was the farther confirmed by this Experiment: I took some of the Natron and dissolved it in Water, and set it to Evaporate, and I found that the Salt did not incrustate upon the Water, till three parts of the Water was Evaporated, it did not therefore seem probable that all the Nitre came from the bottom to the top, and so condensed by the heat of the Sun, but that they incrustated when the saline Particles branched one into another, some of the Aqueous parts being exhaled. The reason why its volatile Alkaly in Evaporation does not fly quite away, is because it is held there by the Sal Marine. The next thing to be considered is its use in Physic; by Pliny it is commended in Ulcers, and Inflammations, Palsy in the Tongue, Consumptions, Colic Haemorhagies, Purulent Ears, and Intermitting Fevers; By Galen it is said, desiccat, & digerit, Multo autem majus ejus spuma; By Agricola its prescribed in the same cases, commended as a Cephalick, of wonderful success in the Griping of the Guts, intermitting Fevers, and the Leprosy, Mathiolus commends it in the same cases; By Hypocrates it is commended when the Menstrua are obstructed, and again saith he, purgat humores albos, convenit in abortionibus ubi puer haud exierit, he likewise commends it in some kinds of barrenness, and to this Kircher in his Mundus subteraneus alludes, when he says, Nili aqua in potum redit non modo saluberrimum, sed & faecundandis mulieribus mite opportanum; and Petrus Giurius, gives us this memorable story out of Caesius, that when Philadelphus' King of Egypt Married his Daughter Berenice, to Antiochus' King of the Assyrians, he Commanded his Daughter to Drink of the Water of Nile, that she might make her Husband happy in a numerous Offspring; By the Testimony therefore of Hypocrates, Galen, Mathiolus, Diascorides, Pliny, and Agricola, it appears to have been of great use in Physic. But here it is to be noted, that when Nitre is prescribed by the foremention'd Authors, that Nitre which is an ingredient in Gunpowder is not to be understood; Amongst the Moderns we have this account of it, Monsieur du Closs is of Opinion, that most of the Mineral-Waters in France, are impregnated with this sort of Nitre, and that all their Cures are done by it. Molenbrochius, affirms a Tincture of Aphronitum to be of wonderful Efficacy in the Stone, this I the rather Credit, because it is said by junken, in his Medicus, the Nitre of Nitria is of so piercing a Spirit, that it will not permit either Stone or Rock to be thereabout; And Ten Rind in his Meditations de Veteri Medicina, affirms it to be of wonderful success in the same Distempers. The next thing to be considered is its use in Agriculture, and in Treating of this, I think, it convenient to premise one Phaenomenon which it afforded in Evaporation: when the Salts had spread themselves over the Water in an Ice, those thin Plates after a while would break, and ascend in perpendicular lines to the top of the Glass, I do say therefore, that Nitre may be said to fertilise the ground after this manner; It's volatile Particles being by some subterraneous Fire, or else by the heat of the Sun, they do quickly ascend into the small Tubes of the Plant, and by their Elastic Nature carry along with them, or force before them, those Particles which as they differently convene, constitute the different parts of the Plant. But this conjecture will be made something the more probable, by an Experiment in Kircher, where he says, if you take a wooden Tube, and put into it Tartar, Quicklime, Salt, and the Urine of a Wine Drinker, reduced into a Mass, which is to be hardened in the Sun, and after that set in a cold Cellar, by the help of Salt-Petre from the beforementioned Mass, you will not without admiration see Flowers branch out of it; yea, such is the force of Nitre, that if in a Glass kept close shut, you put the juices of some Nitrous Herbs, on the beforementioned Mass, Nitre contained within it being pregnant with Spirits, will force itself through the very Pores of the Glass. M. de La Chambre says, Plants do grow in Egypt in such abundance, that they would Choke one another, if not hindered by throwing Sand upon the Fields, insomuch, that the Egyptians must take as much pains in lessening the fatness of their Land, as other Nations do to increase the fatness of it. In Mechanics we have this account of it, it's said by Pliny, Cap. de Vitri inventione, that a Company of Merchants being thrown upon a shore, where there were not any Stones to be found, were forced to take great pieces of Egyptian Nitre out of their Ships, and make Walls, upon which they hung their Boiling Kettle, the Nitre being heated by the Fire mixed with the Sand, ran into several Streams of Glass, which afterwards hinted the way of making Glass, it is likewise of use in Dying; for Pliny and Vitrivius affirm, that by the help of this, true Azure is made, and that without this, there cannot be a true shadow. In the last place, I come to consider wherein it differs from Salt Petre, and Sal Armoniac, it may be distinguished from Salt Petre; First by its fermenting; it will ferment with any acid, but Salt Petre will not, I found it would ferment with Vinegar, as the old Commentators observe in their Comments upon jeremiah and the Proverbs; but Salt Petre will not, which gave occasion to some in those Texts to alter the Word Nitre. Secondly, It may be distinguished from Salt Petre in its taste, for Natron hath a Lixivial taste, the other not. Thirdly, By the volatile Spirit it affords: For from one comes over a volatile Alkaly, but from the other a Corrosive Acid. Fourthly, The Natron affordeth a red clammy substance, insipid, but the other not, this Clammy substance, if I mistake not, is that which by Pliny is called Aerugo Salis, this it hath from the Earth, and therefore it is again said by Pliny, sunt ibi Nitraria in quibus, & rufum exit à colore Terrae. Fifthly, Like Salt Petre it will not Crystallise. Sixthly, in the fire it makes no Detonation, but in this it resembles Salt Petre, as that by the Flowers of Sulphur is made into a Sal Prunellae, so this if you drop Spirit of Sulphur upon it, shoots into Pyramidal Salt, that is not by the taste distinguishable from Sal Prunellae, though its taste before was Lixivial; From Sal Armoniac, it may be distinguished first by its Colour, for the Natron is reddish, the other not; secondly, by the Texture in Sal Armoniac the parts seem close, and firmly knit together, but the Natron is Spongy and Perforated, thirdly, if mixed with Sal Armoniac, Shall Armoniac Emits the same Spirit, as it does when mixed with Quicklime. But I think it comes more near to the Nature of Sal Armoniac, than Salt Petre, first, because it is composed of a Sea-Salt, and an Urinous Alkaly, secondly, like Sal Armoniac when dissolved in Water, it makes it extremely cold, and as Franciscus Hernandez says, in his History of Mexico, it produces the same effect when dissolved in Wine; but I have not at present the convenience of trying this, the Specimens' now being but small. I cannot therefore conclude with Kircher, that the Natron is not Specifically distinct from Salt Petre, or with Libavius, that it is a Composition of Alum, Sea Salt, and White-Wine; These all are the Observations I have been able to make at present concerning this Mineral; if any more occur, you shall have an account of them. Note here I was the first that ever prepared a volatile Alkaly from that Salt. The Second Letter concerning Digestion take as follows. Should I reckon up here the many Controverted Hypotheses of Anatomists concerning this subject, and set up a new one of my own; it might perhaps seem a piece of fond presumption: I shall not therefore be so vainly Opinionative, as to think I have fully explained here the Nature of Digestion, but shall only give you an account of an Artificial Digester, which I hope may something illustrate the Natural one, It has been observed by Helmont Maebius, Tachenius, and the Honourable Mr. boil, that Meats by being kept in an acid Liquor, would look extremely White; But I do not find, that by the help of a Salt, that is merely an Acid, there can be any Chyle prepared from any Meats; Wedelius is of Opinion, that Chyle is nothing but a mixture of Oil, and Serum; Tilingius affirms it is made by a Nitrous Salt, Dr. Harvey by Tritruration; Dr. Willis by an Acid and Sulphur; Silvius and Diemerbrook by the Salva, Dr. Mayow by a Nitroaerial principle; Galen and Aristotle by Heat; others by a Ferment spewed from the Glands at the bottom of the Stomach; others by the relics of the meat grown sour. So many different Opinions, I shall neither endeavour to reconcile nor decide; I shall therefore only lay down the Phoenomena, this Liquor afforded, and from thence draw inferences as probable conjectures; But shall in the first place premise a description of this digesting Liquor, and see how far it may probably Parallel the natural ferment of the Stomach. The taste of it is like Meat vomited out of a full Stomach, something sour, but will not ferment with an Alkaly. It is prepared from Spirit of Sulphur, Spirit of Hartshorn, the Chyle of a Dog, and is Saliva; it is pellucid and without any smell; the Salt that it shoots into is Cubical; upon Veal it afforded these Phoenomena, into a Dram of this Liquor, I put a piece of Veal the bigness of a Nut, and set it upon a digesting Furnace, in two hours' time there came from the Meat a Liquor, that had the Taste and Colour of Chyle, and the Meat was afterward Lighter, Dry, and Insipid, and it afforded the same Phoenomena likewise in Beef, Mutton, or any other Meat I could meet with: And here it is to be noted, tho' it has been affirmed by some, that the same thing may be done by acid Liquors only, yet since by all the Trials I have made upon them, I have not yet observed them, I hope my Scepticism in this Case may be pardonable; If therefore we now consider, by the help of this Menstruum, there came from the beforementioned Meats, a Liquor which had the Colour, and Taste of Chyle, and if we farther consider, that the Taste of this Menstruum is not distinguishable, from the Tastes of Meats vomited out of a full Stomach, I hope I may, without being thought fond of an Hypothesis, conjecture, that by some such Menstruum, the Meat is Digested in the Stomach; But here I would not be thought to affirm that by a liquid Menstruum only, the Meats are digested in the Stomach, but that there are likewise required these farther requisites in some or in most Creatures; First, That the Stomach receives a gentle heat from the Liver, it is therefore for this reason, said by the Learned Glisson, Calor hepatis in hepate est actio, & Ventriculo est Usui. Secondly, That the Stomach have a Natural Situation, for says Riolanus, interdum Ventriculus propendit usque ad umbilicum ut observatum in Cadaveribus, quod vitae coctionem multum incommodat, and Vesalius in his Anatomy, Lib. 4. gives us this Example, Observavi Omentum in scrotum, devolutum, & auctum Ventriculum, ex sede sua destraxisse, adeo ut munus ejus deficeret. Thirdly, it is assisted by the Omentum, these may be argued from those Creatures that have no Caul helping concoction by doubling their hinder Legs, and resting their Bellies upon them as Hares, and Coneys. A second instance may be brought from Valentinus; Andreas Molenbrochius in Miscellaneis curiosis, Ann. 1670. Militaris quidam vir, dum viveret nil nisi Ventriculum accusabat, quod nullum cibum appeteret, coqueretque cui ad confortandum Ventriculum multa adhibita fuere, sed omnia incassum, dissecto cadavere, Omentum plane putrefactum est, ventriculo reliquisque Visceribus Salvis; ex quo colligitur, Omentum ad Ventriculi coctionem non parum facere; Fourthly, its necessary that the Stomach have a Tunica Villosa; First, because that by that it is enabled to divide the Meat into Parcels, which undoubtedly must much Facilitate the Operation of the natural Ferment, as we see all Menstruums, will sooner dissolve Metals, when they are filled into Parcels, than when they continue in the Lump; Secondly, if it had not a Tunica Villosa, the Tunica Carnosa, would be apt to be too much distended, by our Meat and Drink, which would necessarily weaken the Tonical motion of the Stomach, and consequently therefore its Digestion. Fifthly, That there be right Digestion, its necessary that there be Wind of the Intestines, for if it were not for these, the Digested Meat would move too fast from the Stomach, and so torment us with perpetual Hunger, which assertion, I think, may be sufficiently confirmed by these two Instances, the first is from Cabrollius, Observation the 10th, and Riolanus Anthrop. Lib. 2. Cap. Firminus Chaudonius voracitate erat Erysictonaea, cui causam praebuit, quod nec stomachi nec intestinorum figuram ullam habebat proportionatam unicum a Pylori locem ad anum, intestinum erat sine ullo anfractu, cumque aliorum intestina quatuordecim aequant ulnas, hujus vix ad quatuor spithimas accedebant in formam Literae. S. the second instance is taken from a Creature in Lithuania, and Muscovy, that generally feeds upon its prey, till its Belly be swelled like a Bladder, then conveys itself to some straight place, and so violently forces the Meat out of its Stomach and Intestines, and then immediately returns to its prey with as craving an Appetite as before; which continual and insatiable Hunger, is judged to proceed from the straitness of its intestines, for as the Learned Pawius observed in its dissection, its Guts had no Circumvolutions, or Wind; From these therefore it is plain, that besides a fermenting Liquor in the Stomach, other External means concur to Digestion. I shall therefore in the last place, inquire what may probably be the ingredients of the natural Ferment, and so conclude; The ingredients of the natural-Ferment, I take be these; The Saliva, the Succus of the Glands of the Stomach, and a Nitro-Aereal Spirit of the Nerves, that the Saliva is an ingredient may seem probable from these Reasons; First, because that by the help of this, Meats though impregnated with different principles, may be made to mix with a Menstruum; for as the Learned Steno has it, Pag. 27. de glandulis oris. Saliva omnia ferre valet, sive intra Corpus, sive extra Corpus examinaveris, nihil invenies quod illa respuet, nihil cui sine pugna non associetur. Secondly, since the Saliva is impregnated with a volatile Salt, it is probable that that may help Digestion. The second ingredient I take to be a Liquor, that is separated by the Glands in the bottom of the Stomach; and this I shall evince by the Authority of the Famous Willis, and Silvius de Le Boe, and first from Dr. Willis in his Pharmaceutice rationalis, pag. 6. Tunica haec villosa in postica sive Convexa ejus superficie, qua Tunicae Nerveae cohaeret, glandulis annulatis numerosissimis ubique consita est, quae proculdubio vasorum in Tunica Nervea dehiscentium ora Contegunt; ac (uti Videtur.) Humorem illis destinatum aut ab ijs depositum, immediatius excipiunt, ac percolant; Silvius, pag. 881. gives us this account of it; Hoc Chylificans fermentum, in recens natorum vitulorum, ventriculis reperitur crassiusculum, diciturque coagulum, sensim autem minuitur, ac in adultis, glutinis instar, offenditur liquidiusculum, inter ventriculi rugas haerens; By these therefore it seems probable, that the Glands in the Tunica Villosa, separate a fermenting Liquor; and its farther observed, that those Creatures which have the most of these Glands, are the most voracious; Lastly, that the Nitro-Aereal Spirits of the Nerves, are ingredient of the Stomachical ferment, seems reasonable from the Arguments of Dr. Mayow, pag. 55. He argues thus, jam vero cum Spiritus Animales, à particulis Nitro-Aereis constant, haud difficile erit intellectu, quomodo effectus predicti, ab iisdem in ventriculo perficiuntur, quanquam enim Spiritus Nitro-Aereus acidus non est, ab eodem tamen ferrum corroditur, vitriola perficiantur, Salia fixa ad fluorem perducuntur, rerumque compages, tanquam ab universali menstruo, solvuntur; These therefore, are my Thoughts concerning Digestion, but here is nothing in these Dogmatically asserted; If therefore any Hypothesis here may be found Erroneous, upon better grounds I shall readily lay it down. CHAP. II. Of DISTEMPERS. BEfore I enter upon the Treatise of Distempers, I think, it may be suitable to my present business, to insert here some preternatural remarks on various Phoenomena found in Human, and Animal Bodies of different Species; I have now by me Red Stones, and others of a Chalky matter taken out of the Calf of a Man's Leg; from another voided by stool, a stony substance covered over with a Body resembling a Sponge, from others concreted, bile Stones perfectly Triangular, and smooth as polished Marble, taken out of the Vesica fellea of an Ox, from another a substance exactly like that of the Bark of a Tree; This was presented to me my worthy Friend Henry Bradshaw, of Marple, Esq I have likewise by me a perfect Shell taken out of the Bladder of a Hog, hair Balls taken out of the Stomaches of Calves, Cows, and Oxen are familiar enough, as to spongy and stony substances, in the Bowels and Bodies of Men and Women, it is most probable they are produced by a mixture of Marine and Bilous Particles, converting the aliment, and the juices in those parts into those Bodies; But the Vegetation of Sponges not ing perfectly discovered, pretend not in this matter to be positive, for none ever yet could discover their Seeds, so that they seeming to be only Concretions of various Bodies, from Sea-Water, the Hypothesis concerning these may challenge the more probability; as to Shells found in Animals: The illustration of these will the better appear by giving you an account of the Formation of Shells in general, which may be reduced into two Kind's, the Pearly, and the Chalky kind, the former are composed of several Laminae, and frequently contain Pearls, as Muscles, and Oysters, the Lobster, and Coc●le, etc. seems to be concreted Chalky substances, the Pearl itself is likewise composed of various Laminae, and is the most volatile part of the Mater Perlarum, but of that I have sufficiently treated before to which I refer you, these kind of shells are composed of Oily Saline, and Viscid Particles, and are indurated by their Saline and the Nitrous Bodies they imbibe from the Air, not much unlike those Concretions Observable in the mixtures of Alkalies, and Acids. The Chalky Shells are nothing but a mixture of Alkalious Saline and Terrene parts, and in their first separation from the Fish are Viscid, and Pellucid, and receive their hardness, and Colours from various mixtures of the Particles of the Air; The truth of this Hypothesis is evident from their Calcinations, Fermentations, Solutions, and gradual Vegetations; now the Shells of the Fishes being form after this manner, it may not be difficult to account for Shells sometimes found in the Bladders of Animals, since there is no Animal but what contains a sufficient Proportion of such Saline and Terrene Particles. As to Hair Balls they are usually found in that part of the Stomach of the above mentioned Beasts called the Reticulum, or manifold. They are generally of a Black, or Dusky shining Colour, not much unlike that of Bezoar Stone found in the Bowels of Indian Goats, under the superficies is a stony substance, but will not as Bezoar ferment with an Acid, nor indeed with an Alkaly. Wherefore to me it seems probable, it may be a Concretion of the Succus of the Glands, Choler, and the Mucus of the Stomach, which may reasonably be supposed to indurate into that matter, the liquid parts being cast off by the innate heat of the Stomach, the more Terrene ones must consequently fix and incrustate, in those Cells which are not to be discovered in other Creatures. The Hairs contained in these are usually short and broken, which by the rough superficies of the Tongues of these Creatures, either by sucking in, or licking them, they are conveyed into the Cells of the Ventricles, and there form into a Globular Figure; for though some may urge that their Ventricles abounding with Glands, those Hairs might as well be form there, as in other parts of the Body, as sometimes in the Kidneys, yet that conjecture is groundless, because the Hairs there are fixed and terminated upon Glands; but these Balls are independent of the Stomach, and seem not to have ever been inserted in any Glandules there. And now before I proceed to Distempers in general, I shall beg leave to insert some few, peculiar rather to these, than the more Southward parts of the Kingdom; The first is the Felon only incident to Infants, and usually in their first Year; it breaks out upon the Body like an Itch, with an inflammation attending it; The Face, and Head, and sometimes the Arms, and other parts of the Body are overspread with a White or Yellow Scurf, not unlike that in the recedence of the Smallpox; It is certain this nauseous Distemper is very pernicious in these tender Blooms; But again, those Infants that have it not, are commonly unhealthful; The Origine of this Distemper must certainly come from the Saline Particles of the Air, and the same temper of the Milk, occasioned doubtless from the plenty of Salt Meats, and leavened Bread, the too common Food of these parts, the Blood thus saturated with these Particles, and they separated by the Miliary Glands of the Cutis, must necessarily stagnate, and consequently inflame, and corrupt, whence inevitably follows this Epidemical Scab, or Psora. The method of Physic in this case is but small, since it may easily be taken off with a little Calomelanos, or Syr. Cichor cum Rhab, and Anointing the parts with Ol. Ros. Camphorat. Sometimes the Poor Infants take the Distemper from their Nurses, who have frequently the Itch, and in those it is the more difficultly Cured, wherefore I could hearty wish the Gentry, who often Nurse forth their Children, would be very cautious in their choice of these Persons. The Rickets, and Scrofulous cases, are likewise very common amongst us, but chief occasioned by the Milk of Nurses with Child, who for a small advantage prostitute their Consciences, to an unpardonable Wickedness, and make no scruple by this means to ruin Hundreds, the Act is so opprobrious, and the Mischiefs so numerous, that for my part, I think, Romulus and Remus, when nourished by the Milk of a Wolf, on the Banks of Tiber, received a more Palatable, and much more healthful Diet. Scrofulous cases may be ranked amongst the Opprobria Medicorum. They may be divided into these Classes, Strumous, Glandulous, Cutaneous, and Osseous, the first may be termed Mesenterical, the Glands there being obstructed, and thence ensue the Rickets, or Consumption; the other species are attended very often with that Herculean Distemper, called a Spina Ventosa, I have seen the Scrofulous Glands of the Mesentery, impleted with a pellucid Liquor, not unlike the White of an Egg, and sometimes like Honey, which no doubt proceeds from no other cause than the Serum made too Viscid by its saline Particles, which then stagnates distends and swells up the insterstices of the Fibres, and thence proceed their bigness, and hardness, this humour being long entertained, and lodged there, at length acquires so high an Acrimony, as by the perpetual Corrugations of the Fibres, they become Cancerous, and very difficult, if not incurable, wherefore in this Case, before the Patient is too much Emaciated, or the Hectic too far advanced, after the common Method has not Answered, it is prudent, as well as necessary to attempt a Salivation, managed with great care, and discretion, as to the Cutaneous Scrofules, occasioned by a Viscid Lympha, distending the Miliary Glands; their tumors are usually soft, white, and without pain, and common both in Young, and adult Persons, but are by a gentle Salivation easily removed; In the Spina Ventosa in the joints, or elsewhere, the Bone is Carious, and the Humour so Virulent, it swells the Bone like an Honeycomb, and sometimes throws it off in Exfoliations, or by digesting it in a purulent matter, this is seldom, or difficulty Cured, but often terminates in a Consumption; I have known some linger long in this Malady, actual Cauteries applied to the Bones, and Salivation carried on very regularly, and that too for no short time, yet all these processes unsuccessful; I could wish our Learned Surgeons in this case would make their utmost Applications, for the discovery of some specific to correct this Humour, I have often seen a bright Silver Probe, turned to a Livid Colour by merely passing it into the Orifice, wherefore to me it seems probable some potent Alkaly might be thought of to be of service here. And now having dispatched my remarks on the preceding particulars, I shall enter on the Treatise of other Chronical Diseases, and since after all my Observations in Natural History, Man justly assumes the noblest part in the Creation, for whose good each individual in its proper Sphere does, or aught to Act in this World; he only then may Challenge our strictest inquiries: Here indeed is a Field large enough, and a subject too Copious for these Sheets, I shall therefore contract myself on the several Heads, and be as short as the subjects will admit, and shall first begin with that Distemper called the Scurvy, as being the Basis of many others. SECT. I. Of the SCURVY. I Thought it necessary to give a full account of this Distemper, that I might thereby more fully illustrate those that are Concomitant with it, in order to which, I shall in the first place, acquaint you with its various Denominations amongst the Greeks, Arabians, Latins, Germans, Dutch and Danes; in the second place show in what Countries it is most Epidemical, and assign the reason of that; and thirdly, shall describe its various Symptoms, with a rationale of them; and illustrate these by various Histories; and lastly, lay down a general Method of Cure for the Whole. The Word Scurvy most probably took its Name from Danish, Dutch, or Saxon, particularly in Lower-Saxony, viz. Schobrock, Scorbock, Schaerbunck, Scharmundt, Schorbeck, which in those Languages signify, or denote a fetidness of the Breath, Gripes of the Bowels, and Universal pains, a Debility of the Limbs, and spots upon the Skin, which to this Distemper being inseparated Symptoms, it is evident the Word must be derived from thence. By Marcellus in the time of Gratian and Theodosius, Roman Emperors, it was styled Oscedo, ab Oscitatione, from frequent yawning usually attending this Malady; Pliny assigns it a different Denomination, viz. Scelotyrbe, which is very clear by the description he gives us of a Distemper contracted in a Camp on the Banks of the Rhine, in the time of Germanicus Caesar; By the Greeks, particularly by Strabo it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that is as the Latins express it, quasi oris merda, from the fetidness of the Mouth, a Symptom general enough here. Hypocrates, that great Master of Learning and Physic, describes it to be Lain Magnus, and Illeon Haematitis from indurations of the Spleen, and fluxes of Blood, from the Bowels, of which I shall give you several instances; The Lepra of the Arabians is but an higher species of this, and that I shall make evident in its proper place. This Distemper is the nearest Epidemical in these Northern Climes, and upon the Baltic, occasioned doubtless by the Saltness of the Air, and the living on too saline a Diet. Nor is it less raging in Virginia, and the West-Indies, particularly in those places styled the Salts, where there is almost continually a saline, fetid, and hazy Atmosphere; which Phoenomena thoroughly considered sufficiently demonstrate its causes; which shall be more largely treated of in the ensuing Discourse of Consumptions; As to its Symptoms, and their causes, they are to be divided into a simple, and complicated State, the most common in a simple State are as follows; the Patient is frequently afflicted with a fetidness, and shortness of Breath, an Universal Debility, looseness of the Teeth, spots upon the Skin, and sometimes Ulcers, Pustles, Morphew, Eprysipilas, Phlegmons in the Cutis, Erratic pains, violent Sweatings, numbness in the extreme Parts, head-aches, spitting of Corrupt putrid Blood, frequent Toothaches, Gripes, Vomiting, and purging of Blood, with a stinging, and itching in the Skin, sometimes a Vermiculation, as if something quick crept within the Skin, intermitting Heats, and sometimes extreme Coldness, particularly on the Head, frequent Convulsions and Tremours, a blue Viscid spitting, and a lixivial Urine, with a pricky lateritious Sediment, and often sweet Scented, pains and swell in the Gums, blackness of Teeth, and inflammations of the Uuula, and Amigdilares, or Almond Glandules; This Distemper by our Modern Physicians, especially the Learned Dr. Willis is divided into two Classes, the one he styles an Hot, the other a Cold Scurvy; viz. a Sulphureo saline, and a saline Sulphureous, in the one the Blood being saturated with too great a quantity of Muriatic Salt, in the other too much Exalted with Sulphur; These I shall particularly examine, and afterwards account for the Symptoms. The cold Scurvy no doubt proceeds from too great a quantity of saline Particles abounding in the Mass of Blood, and this is evident from the Muriatic Salt, that may be prepared from the Urines of those Persons abundantly more than from others, as likewise from their extreme Salt spitting which is sometimes Vitriolic, and Aluminous. How far the Blood may be said in an hot Scurvy to be too highly exalted with Sulphur, is the next thing to be examined, It's true indeed in this Distemper there are frequent heats, and inflammations, but those may be supposed to be effected in the following manner; e. gr. the Bilious Particles of the Blood united with the saline ones, become of too large a size to be separated by their proper Emunctories, hence the minute Glandules of the Liver not making their due separation of the Bile, it necessarily Regurgitates into the mass of Blood, and partly thrown off by the Reins, the Urine is rendered thereby highly Lixivial, this has been made very familiar to me in the dissection of the Livers of some Persons, where all the Glandules have been highly distended, and totally obstructed by a crass, feculent Bile; which containing too great a proportion of a fixed Alkaly, and Muriatic Salt, raises a fermentation with the Juices of the Blood, and assuredly occasions those Heats, and flushings common in Scorbutic Persons; this intense Acrimony acquired, by its pointed Salts the Capillaries of the Membranes and Cutis being contracted, great pains and inflammations unavoidably ensue. These are the distinguishing Characteristics so far as I could hitherto observe in practice, that can fairly be accounted for in hot and cold Scorbutic cases. In the next place I proceed to give the Rationale of theSymptoms: The fetidness of the Gums may arise from the putrefaction of the Blood in those parts, which I presume to be effected in the following manner: Those parts in their Natural temper being of a lose and spongy Contexture, and consisting of an infinite number of Capillary Veins and Arteries, which run not Parallel, but are interwoven one with another, and compose an Aggregate of Spiral lines; hence the Blood in this case grown too grumous by the Acid Salts, more readily stagnates here, and consequently putrifies; whence proceeds that fetidness or stench of the mouth, called by the Greeks 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. By the same Coagulations and Acrimonious humours lacerating and distending the Nervous parts of the Lungs, thence unavoidably ensues a difficulty of Breathing, and sometimes a violent Haemorrhage, the Capillaries being thereby corroded, whence if the Diaeresis or Rupture be of any considerable Vessel, the Patient frequently dies Vomiting Blood almost in an instant; TheSpirits likewise by these saline, feculent Particles become entangled, so that for want of a due distribution of them, an universal Lassitude and Debility happens: From these kind of humours likewise falling upon the Nerves, and Membranes of the Teeth, they grow lose, turn black, become hollow and decay, and thence ensue violent Toothaches. By these Acrimonious Particles continually vellicating those parts, a Stupor and Numbness, I presume, must necessarily follow, from an Obstruction of the Spirits, Vermiculations or Creepings, Coldness, Itching, or Stinging, from the same Humours lodging upon the Muscles and Membranes, as likewise those violent Hemicranias', and head-aches, which are often periodical. Sometimes happen unruly Gripes in the Stomach and Bowels, sometimes dry, at other times attended with a Diarrhaea or Purging, the one may be caused by a Saline Acrimonious Viscid Phlegm, adhering to the Coats of the Stomach and Bowels, the other by an Acrimonious Choler. It is observable these Symptoms happen frequently about the Autumnal Aequinox, and commonly after a very hot Summer, one as I presume, by the intense heat of the Wether generating too great a quantity of Bile, and the other by the North-West-Winds, common at that time of the Year which implete the Air with saline particles, which is manifest at that Season more than usual. A remarkable instance in this case occurs in the Philosophical Transactions, where an account is given of a Lady in America, by Mr. Clayton of Croffton in Yorkshire, in the following manner. I stood at the Window, says he, and could view the Clouds, for there small black fleeting Clouds will arise, and be swiftly carried cross the whole Element; as these Clouds arose and came nigher, her torments increased, which were grievous as a Labouring Woman's, there was not the least Cloud but Lamentably affected her, and that at a considerable distance, but by her Shrieks, it seemed more or less according to the bigness and nearness of the Clouds. This happened in September, which is the time before recited in which the Symptoms are most raging, and the Air most Nitrous and Saline; it is probable the saline Particles may stick upon the Bile, like the Prickles upon an Hedgehog, and occasion these tormenting Symptoms. When this Distemper arises to that, we call a confirmed Scurvy, it's then frequently attended with spots of various Colours, as Red, Livid, Yellow, Green, and with Ulcers, Pustules, or a White Scurff, the same with the Lepra amongst the Arabians, and Indians; It is certain in the Capillary Vessels of the Cutis, not running in direct but rather Spiral Lines, and forming a Retre or Net, by the stagnation of the Blood there, I say, we discover those spots of various Colours in the Skin, according to the different Proportions of Choler intermixed, which renders them Yellow or Green, etc. And as the Humours acquire a more intense degree of Acrimony, it than proceeds to a solution of continuity, and those Scorbutic Ulcers grow Numerous: Lixivial fomentations are here of use, and come near to a specific, an evident argument the Blood does not abound with too great a quantity of Alkalies, as Colebatch Foolishly, and Ignorantly imagines, but doubtless with too many Acid, or Acrid Particles. It is true indeed, the Elesh may be corroded by an Acrimonious Alkaly, as in potential cauteries of Lap. Infernal. etc. but it is not then these Ulcers are Cured again by the same kind of Alkaly, their use there would rather enlarge the Ulcers; whence it necessarily follows, those Ulcers that proceed from the Habit of the Body, and are cured by Alkalies must arise from Acids. The next Symptom to be accounted for in this Distemper is the Lepra, and is as difficultly Cured as any that Occurs to Observation, its cause I take to be from Volatile Acrimonious Particles, mixed with a feculent Bile, and separated by the miliary Glands of the Cutis, discovered by Leevenhock, and Malpigius, and bursting them Concrete into a Dry, White and Yellow Furfur: That the cause of this Symptoms is from such Acrimonious Particles, is evident from the Excoriation of the Cuticula, and the Gleeting, continual Itching, and Stinging, which are very obvious. This Symptom is not so common amongst the Europeans, as the Indians, particularly in the Mindano, Malagan, and Philippine Islands where it is almost Epidemical; the Natives there are not much disturbed at it, having a certain Cure by Vegetables there produced, the discovery of which could not yet be extorted from them by any Method whatever. In this state of the Diseases, I have frequently Salivated the Patient, and it has as often returned, yet have more than once known it Cured by a long continuance of the Acidulae or Chalybeate Waters, cold Baths, and an universal abstinence from Flesh Meats, of which Regimen that Learned, and ingenious Gentleman, Edward Baynard, Doctor of Physic, and Fellow of the College of Physicians gave me the first intimation. Who some Years ago recovered a Patient at the Bath, when Bathing, and Drinking those Waters, and repeated Salivations had all been insuccessful, the Person I saw at London, in perfect Health, and I believe to this day continues so; sometimes in this Distemper there happens a flux of Blood from the Bowels, shining and black as Pitch, caused by a Rupture of the Vessels, but this Symptom being in a great measure accounted for before, I shall not recapitulate. By the Viscidness of the Lympha in this Distemper, the Nerves that branch into the Muscles become Obstructed, hence in the hands I have often observed the Chorea Sancti Viti, or the Dance of St. Vitus, when by the Antic motions of the hands, the Persons seems to Mimic Buffoons and Jugglers: And sometimes in the Thighs from a parallel cause arise those Unaccountable Convulsive Motions; that one might reasonably have concluded some living Animal had there taken its abode, Muscular motion is performed by every Muscle (except the Sphincters) having its opposite, or Antagonist, hence as one Dilates the other Contracts, so that the Nerves obstructed in either of them by these Humours, such kind of motions must consequently ensue. Having now assigned the Rationale of its various Symptoms in a simple State, in the next place let us consider it as complicated with the jaundice, Drospy, Strumas, periodic Hemicranias', Epilepsies, Vertigos, and Asthmas, and in those Enumerate only some particular instances, the Symptoms being before accounted for. As to its complication with the Jaundice and Dropsy, I shall give you some instances in my ensuing Discourse of the Dropsy, which will illustrate the Hypothesis by peculiar Demonstration in the Dissections of some Persons that died of the same, I will only insert the cases of two Persons yet living, and in Health in this Town of Manchester, the one was of Mr. james Scot, the other of Mrs. Boulton, Wife to one of our Chaplains; the Skin was Yellow, and Livid, the Eyes Yellow, the Urine Black, and resembling Mum, its quantity small, the Appetite dejected, the Limbs swelled, and pitted, a continual Thirst, and universal Weakness; these by Emollient Hydragoges, Antiscorbutics, Anteicterics, Aperitives, Stomachics, and Chalibeated Syrups prepared from Sal. Martis. were to the surprise of their acquaintance restored to their perfect Healths: By a method not much unlike this, I recovered the Lady Leicester, of Higher-Tabley in Cheshire, who was then afflicted with the black Jaundice, a violent Hemicrania complicated with this Distemper. One remarkable instance I will insert more, of Mr. john Sherburn, Steward to the Honourable Bartholomew Whalmesly, of Dunkenhall in Lancashire, Esq in whom these Symptoms were observable, he was incessantly tormented with an intolerable Headache, to that intense degree, that even Life itself grew burdensome, and had not the Dictates of Conscience interfered, could have acquiesced willingly in a Manumission; The Spirits by the saline Particles of the Blood, were put into such disorderly motions, that he often fancied the Persons attending him, were inverted and stood upon their Heads, and himself too in the same Posture: at other times he imagined there was an Aperture of the Sutures of the Skull, and seldom slept but in some small intervals in the Day time; his Urine was often Lixivial, and sometimes fetid, and bore upon its superficies a saline Film, where the Salts were Crystalline, and shot into Needle like forms, or Bacilli; The points of those, I presume, occasioned his insufferable pains; the Pulse was generally Depressed, and Languid, but Frequent, and Vermiculating; Methods of various kinds were attempted, but in vain, as Blistering, Bleeding, Vomiting, Purging, Cupping, Antiscorbutics, Cephalics, Issues, the Cortex, Shaving the Head, all which afforded but some small intervals of ease, hence I concluded the Mass of Blood to be too deeply saturated with saline Particles to yield to those courses; so I resolved to proceed to a Salivation, and try by that means to remove the Malady, this was affected by Calomelanos, prepared by Signior Vigani Professor of Chemistry at Cambrige, and by that method he was perfectly recovered. The general method of Cure in Scorbutic cases, may be composed of the following intentions: First, to cleanse the first Passages by universal Evacuations, as Emetics, and Cathartics, secondly, by Antiscorbutics to reduce the mass of Blood to a regular Crasis: The forms of those are at large described by other Authors, wherefore I shall not trouble the Reader with them; I only observe this, that the best of those I have found, are the Natural Chalibeat Waters, and after due preparations, Bathing in temperate or cold Baths, as at Buxton and St. Mungus, what farther is to be done chief consists in Diet, which ought to be but a moderate quantity of flesh Meats, and those fresh, Antiscorbutic Teas, Fruits, Gruel, and Panadoes, these are the most remarkable things relating to this Head, so I shall close this Section. SECT. II. Of CONSUMPTIONS. COnsumptions in general as they occur to us in daily practice may be reduced into these following Classes, (viz.) Scorbutic, Strumous or Chylous, or they are frequently the effects of Epidemic intermitting Fevers, or Dropsies, the Rickets, Surfeits, Impetigo, the Chlorosis, fluor albus, Rheumatic, Scorbutic, Jaundice, of an Hernia Carnosa, spitting or Vomiting Blood, and very often the Worms. But since the Scorbutic Phthisis rages more Familiarly amongst us, it shall chief be the subject of my present Discourse. Scorbutick Phthisis may challenge three Originals contracted either from the Air, or they are Hereditary, or proceed from some error in the six Non-naturals. I'll speak first of those that arise from the Air, they are called Stationary, or Diseases peculiar to such a place. In those parts which abound with Marshy grounds, or where the Air is all impleted with the smoke of Pit Coal, these Consumptions are in a manner Epidemical. This granted, it is plain this Distemper owns its rise, and Progress, to Vitriolic, Sulphureous, Saline Particles; But to illustrate this Hypothesis take these following Experiments. Drop a little Spirit of Vitriol upon Spittle, there immediately ensues a White Viscous Coagulum, like what is frequently Coughed up in Consumptions. Or take some of the Vitriolic Spring near Haigh in Lancashire, mix that with Saliva, you will then distinguish the Coagulation to be of an Ashy Colour, Parallel to that I have often observed in a Scorbutic Phthisis. Or if you distil Kenel, there straight ascends a Vitriolic Liquor, mix that with the Serum of the Blood, it passes straight into a very Viscous Coagulum, the same as in a Scorbutic Phthisis. These things premised, it is evident that by Vitriolic Particles, the Spittle, and Serum of the Blood are rendered Viscid, and in Taste, Consistence, and Colour adequate to what we find in Scorbutic cases. Since then as is Demonstrable by Chemistry, these Vitriolic Particles are disunited by Fire, and fill in Crowds the circumambient Atmosphere, and that in such an Air the Phthisis is most general and particular, it is but a rational consequence to imagine, that then these Vitriolic Particles communicated to the Mass of Blood by the Air we breath in, begin, and cherish this Stationary Phthisis. But now the principal difficulty to be solved is this, how the Inhabitants bordering on Salt and Marshy Coasts, become the subjects of this Distemper, and are so much infested with it, who live only upon the products of the Fields, and altogether abstain from Meats Salted, or Dried in Smoke, how, I say, the Air here becomes saturated with saline Particles, since Marine Salts, as is plain by Evaporation, are of a more fixed Nature than to ascend by the Heat of the Sun or the force of the Winds. Having had several Thoughtful Essays on this subject I brought it at length to this Conclusion. It is very clear to any Man's Observation, that these Maritime Climes abound both with Sulphureous, and Saline Particles, this Hypothesis is confirmed by the subsequent Arguments. In the first place about Eventide in these parts are to be seen infinite flashes, like so many Phosphors bursting from out the Earth which undoubtedly argues a Sulphur to be there, in the second place very fetid smells are often emitted like what are discernible in a Mixture of Sulphur and Salt, so that from these Salt and marshy places, Sulphureous Particles continually arising, are yet so entangled with Saline one's, that they bear them up upon their Points, and by that means impregnate all the Neighbouring Atmosphere; for since this Phthisis is so universal in those Airs, it is but reasonable to suppose it draws its nourishment from Sulphureous, Saline Particles. For a farther Confirmation of this Hypothesis we may draw an Argument te Contrario, as for instance, this Distemper is very rare where these saline Loams are wanting, hence it is that in some places of Russia, and New-England, for a whole Year together you will scarce hear a Person Cough, though he inhabits on the Sea Coasts, and why may it not be for the same reason that the Air in Monpelier, is become so famous against Consumptions though it borders on the Mediterranean Sea. When on the other hand in the first mentioned places not a Year passes, but Consumptions, Dropsies, Scorbutic intermitting Fevers, nay whole Myriads of Diseases very severely abound, so that we may almost say of these Salt and Marshy places, as Pythagoras did of the Herb Aproxis, whose Root takes Fire like Naphtha, and by whose Effluvia the Air is rendered infectious. It remains now that I treat of the other species of a Scorbutic Phthisis, (viz.) arising from some error of the six Non-natnrals, and those that are Hereditary, as to the first, their causes may be explained by the above recited Arguments, so waving them, I'll proceed to the Scorbutic Hereditary Consumption. It passes for an undoubted truth amongst Philosophers, and Anatomists that an Human Foetus is form in the Ouum, but the manner how these Ova become impregnated is the Controversy. The Ova are guarded by a double Membrane, and involved in their proper Coats, so that not one Drop can be squeezed from them, there are some that very zealously assert, they are impregnated by a certain Gas Virile, or Seminal Air; certain it is, and very obvious to us in practice, that many labouring under this Distemper have prosecuted the steps of their Forefathers, although their Mothers through the whole Course of their Lives have continued strong, and healthful, some are seized with it about the same Age their Fathers were before, some perhaps sooner, some later, some have all along continued sickly and infirm, others robust, and vigorous enough, till the very seizure of the Consumption, and all this according to the different Crasis of the Semen Virile, even as the Spirits are lodged there, or more or less depressed, or the Saline Particles exalted, hence the very Principles of Life form our different Constitutions, and so early or late the Person becomes Consumptive. Upon the whole it is my Opinion, that the Semen Virile in the Uterus is absorbed by the extremities of the Vessels, and thence communicated to the mass of Blood, which by its Circulation impregnates the Ova, for how is it possible the Gout or the Stone should be derived from the Father by a Seminal Air? The conclusion is very evident to the contrary; but of this I have treated before. I shall proceed now to the Symptoms of this Disease, which I will very briefly lay down as I have Experimentally found them. A loss of Appetite, and Strength, generally attends the Patient, with a straitness or compression of the Breast, a tickling Cough, the Spittle Large, Thick, White, and sometimes Yellow, Pellucid, Sky Coloured, fetid, Salt, Acid, Sweet, more or less, according to the Discrasy of the Blood, and the quality of the Obstruction, with profuse sweatings in the Night time, a tabidness of the Flesh, hot and cold fits alternately succeeding, the Urine Lixivial, with a very large sediment, sometimes Yellow, and sometimes Red, many times a Diarrhaea, and Gripes of the Belly torment them, with swelling of the Extreme parts. These things observed I will now endeavour to assign the reason of those Symptoms, and first, as to the loss of Appetite it may thus happen, those Glandules seated in the lower part of the Stomach, which were wont to separate subacid Humours flowing from the Arteries, by which the Nervous Fibres irritated, the Appetite was excited, but they being now clogged with viscous Humours, are rendered very unfit for that motion, hence proceeds that loathing of Meat: That there are such Humours is very apparent in some Persons after taking a Vomit, if we observe the great quantity of tough phlegm they discharge. By the same Viscid Humours extravasated in the Lungs, the inspiration of the Air is interrupted, hence proceeds that straitness of the Breast the Person complains of; this glutinous matter separated by the tracheal Glands is often thrown up in large quantities, and this also besmearing all the Trachaea, occasions hoarseness, the Conglobate Glandules thus stuffed by these Coagulations, and the small Foramina of the Lymphducts at the same time obstructed; that Lympha which used to pass through them, now deprived of its proper Emunctories, regurgitates into the mass of Blood, and forces its way through unwonted Passages, and thence it happens, that by the Glands of the Windpipe those continued showers are distilled as is plain in a tickling Cough. By the same parity of reason those large sweats are so frequent, and hence comes the Diarrhea, Gripes, and Swell of the extreme parts. Sometimes by these tough and clammy Humours, the Glandules of the Mesentery become Obstructed, and even the Chyle itself is intercepted in its Passage to the Blood, whence the whole Body robbed of its daily nourishment, the strength decays, the Patiented Emaciates, and the Excrements are often White, the very Lacteal Vessels disappear, just as we may observe the Milky Way in the Heavens, screened from us by interposing Clouds. Some portions of the Chyle are precipitated by Saline Particles, thence happens the spittle emitted by Cough to be white, thick, and sweetish; and sometimes urged through the Kidneys, the Urine than becomes filled with a white, and plentiful Sediment. By the subsidence of the Muscles, the Prognostication is Ominous, as the common People apprehend, the Soul then being about to desert the Body and ready to take Wing; Hypocrates and others of the Greeks Denominate such Persons 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. The Glands of the Liver Obstructed forbid a due separation of the Bile, which rebounding into the Blood, and Fermenting there with its Acids, thence a slow Fever ensues, and the same reason may be alleged for so large, a Yellow, or Red Sediment in a Lixivial Urine. As to the hot and cold fits successively intervening, they may very easily proceed from such a Fermentation, and so unequal a mixture of the sour Chyle in the Blood. The Spittle as we hinted before in this Distemper is often Thick, White, and Sweet, occasioned by a Precipitation of the Chyle upon the Lungs, and sometimes it happens to be thin, and Pellucid, commixed with Thick, this I conclude to be the Lympha which instead of passing through its proper Ducts, by reason of the obstructions of the Conglobate Glands, forces itself through other secretory Vessels; and in this case He mightily errs, who offers obstinately to stay the the Defluxion by Opiates; He might equalty pretend to check the Billows in a raging Storm. At other times the Spittle is Sky Coloured, Salt, and Bitter, these happen as the Bile, and Salts of different species are indifferently intermixed. There yet remains another familiar Symptom to be explained, how in this Distemper the Urine becoming so very Lixivial, and depositing so large, and red a Sediment, yet affords a very grateful and sweet smell, not unlike those Urines voided after the Administration of Turpentine, and preparations of Sulphur, its superficies at the same time being all overspread with a thin Oleagenous Pellicle: In this case I suppose the Urine to be highly saturated with Saline, and Vitriolic Particles, the Saline Particles after their Effervessence with the Bile Precipitate it, hence ensues that vast quantity of Sediment, and those two Bodies by Fermentation grow Red, just like Sulphur exalted by Fire, and thence it is the Deposita of the Urine appear so like Brick; The Saline Particles likewise in their Fermentation entangle some Oleagenous Particles, which in that hurry being forced through the Reins, and the Urine thus impregnated, being exposed to Air, these Oily Sulphureous Particles striving to disengage themselves, float upon the surface, and emit so pleasant on Odour, an instance like to this is in dulcifying Spirit of Nitre, with Spirit of Wine, which must necessarily strengthen the Hypothesis, where the like smell is very distinguishable. But now the Query is, whether in this State the Lungs are always full of Tubercles, as the Eminent Morton proposes; I confess indeed in these parts the People are generally as averse to a Dissection, as an Execution, so I neither deny nor assent to it; yet as far as I have observed in practice, I affirm, that not one Symptom of an Inflammatory Fever has appeared in many Persons who have sunk under this Distemper; to this Opinion the History of Dr. Bennet agrees, taken out of Theatr. Tabidor. pag. 96. (viz.) When I practised Physic at Bristol, in that Vaulted City Consumptions were very frequent, I met with some that with no great difficulty Expectorated a sweetish Spittle, yet in the space of three Months were grown very feeble, and enervate, some indeed of these, though not all were much fatigued with Coughing, and so wasting insensibly died Tabid, for satisfaction in this Case we opened a certain Person, who after he had ceased Spitting a Salt Phlegm, for some time Coughed up Blood, the Lungs indeed had lost their Tone, yet both them, and the other Viscera appeared sound. However mistake me not as if I inferred from this instance, that the Lungs in Consumptive Cases were never filled with Tubercles, for I have often seen them Ulcerated: I only affirm this, that in this common Lancashire Consumption, where the Patient suffers a daily decay, and continually throws off a Thick, and White Spittle, in the beginning, I say, and increase of this Distemper, the Lungs could not be pierced, nay I have known many die without one Symptom of an Hectic, through the whole course of the Disease, so that we may reasonably conclude their Lungs could not be Ulcerated. Proceed we now to treat of the Phthisis in a confirmed state, and here we may observe Nature every day declining, insomuch that the Mass of Blood contracting a very Vitriolic habit; the Spittle tasteth like Alom, or Salt of Steel, and now it is the Saline Particles range at Large, and know no bounds, now the Fever becomes more continued and strong, by Fermentation of the Vitriolic, and Sulphureous Particles; as when you mix Oil of Vitriol, and Oil of Turpentine together. By this Effervescence the Capillary Vessels of the Cheeks become distended, hence happens that fixed red Colour on both sides the Face, a certain signal of approaching Death; just like the last efforts of a Lamp deprived of Oil, it flashes and expires, or like a setting Sun, gilding red all the Hemisphere. The Conglobate Glandules thus more and more Obstructed, and a greater quantity of the Nutritious juice being daily precipitated, a thicker and more plentiful Spittle follows, by the Vitriolic Particles commixed with the Sulphur of the Blood, and hence ensues a smell like that of fetid Fish. The Lungs at length oppressed with an uncommon weight of Phlegm, the Patient becomes Asthmatical, and finds a continual burden upon his Breast, and in this case I have known the Spittle to be extraordinary fetid, yet not always proceeding from Ulcers of the Lungs, as some assure us, for how could those Persons be free from a Diarrhaea, and sweats, when the Lungs are all penetrated with Ulcers; The cause of this stench may rather be attributed to Volatile Sulphureous Particles, pointed with Saline Ones, with which the Serum of the Blood abounding they commix with the Saliva, for the Sulphureous Particles apt enough to fly off, bear along with them the Saline Ones, and strike upon the sensory, and affect it with a Nauseous smell; When on the contrary Sulphureous Particles, per se, disentangled from SalineOnes, touch upon the Olfactory Fibres, produce a very grateful scent, as is Evident in the Effluvias of Aromatic and Balsamic Flowers, and now the Nutritious juice Expectorated in vast quantities, the Fancies Hippocratica, and a Marasmus of the whole Body is the consequence. The Conglobate Glands being still more Obstructed, and the Blood all degenerated into a Saline temper, the Patient is now afflicted with profuse sweats, violent Diarrhaeas, with acute pains like those in Rheumatisms almost intolerable, some complaining of Pains in the Bones, in whom there is not the least suspicion of the Lues Venerea. One Symptom more remains not less common than the rest, and worthy our highest regard, in many Persons emaciated to mere Skeletons, and reduced even to the last Extremity, the Appetite yet remains good and laudable, nor is any Hectic heat the effect of Eating, no Sweats nor Diarrhaeas nor inflation of the Stomach, attend the Patients, and yet they insensibly waste away, throwing up a large quantity of Thick, and White Phlegm. From what has been said we may sufficiently gather, that the Natural ferment of the Stomach sharpened with the Vitriolic Particles of the Blood, irritate its Nervous Fibres: The Spirits thus excited, produce a quicker motion, and promote the Appetite, which, Ostrich like, covets and dissolves whatever is ingested, hence passing through the Lacteals, and Chyliferous Ducts it enters the Mass of Blood, and is there by the Saline Particles precipitated into Thick, and unnutritive Humours, incapable to transpire by Sweat, or descend by Diarrhaeas, but subside in the Lungs, and by that means the party continually declines. There is yet another remarkable Symptom under this Head, that an irregular intermitting Fever seizes very many almost spent with this Distemper, some it assaults only once, others twice or thrice in the space of Twenty four Hours; It rushes on with great disorder with an Itching betwixt the Scapulas and Loins: The whole Body trembling is rendered Convulsive, and an intense heat succeeds, and after that sweats, and sometimes a looseness; what can these Reciprocal returns of Heat, and Coldness proceed from? But from sharp Salt Humours extravasated upon the Nervous Membranes, upon the Extremities of the Nerves, and the subcutaneous Miliary Glands, these parts being saturated to excess, and Vellicated by their Acrimony, of course produce those Chilling Pains, but at Length the Humours being absorbed by the extremities of the Vessels, and then mixing with the Blood, a new Fermentation with the Sulphureous Particles arises, and so the Feverish heat renews; The Morbific matter at length overcome is cast off by Sweat or Siege. I have known some who in a State of Health, have been of a very pleasing and agreeable Disposition, yet being much worn out by this Distemper, have grown very fretful and peevish, and so violently Passionate, that they could scarce endure to see, or hear any one speak; this must needs be the effect of the sour juices of the Blood, that nettle, and enrage the Spirits. To conclude, something might be added here concerning the other Species of Consumptions, those that are either Hereditary, or arise from some error of living, but since their Symptoms are observed to be much the same, it is but reasonable to suppose their Originals so too. Every State of the Consumption might be Illustrated with Parallel Histories, as likewise the Methods of Cure might here be proposed, but those being accounted for before in my Phthisiologia Lancastriensis, to that I refer you. SECT. III. Of the DROPPEST. I Shall now proceed to treat of the Dropsy which the Greeks divide into three Species, (viz.) The Timpanites, the Ascites, and Anasarca, the Timpanites receives its Denomination from its Sound, the Ascites from the Figure it represents of a Bottle, or the Uterus, and the Anasarca from an ill Habit contracted in the Muscular parts, but to reconcile the different Opinions of the Ancient and Moderns, which are near as Numerous as their several Authors, would be to as slender purpose, as to Command the Winds raging in a Storm: I therefore only take notice of some topping Hypotheses, and so give you my own Opinion; The causes assigned by the Ancients for Dropsies, were either a Flatus as the Timpanites, or else a Weakness of the Liver, and thence by a defect of Sanguification ensued the Ascites and Anasarca; According to our Celebrated Willis, the Timpanites proceeded from a Convulsive motion of the Stomach, called Tetanus, disturbing its Nervous Fibres; This Opinion seems to me very improbable, for how can a Convulsive motion in that part continue so equally for so many Years: I have known many afflicted with the Timpany and all along have digested well their Food, have been free from Thirst, and disturbed neither with Sweats nor Gripes, their Urine has been plentiful and laudable enough, which agreeable Symptoms could never happen, was the Stomach still inflated with such a Convulsive motion; as to the other species of the Dropsy, he alleges, they arise from the Mass of Blood become Acid and Vapid, and the Chyle by that means rendered incapable to assimilate itself to it, but how this Discrasia comes in that point he is silent; which, in its proper place, I will endeavour to disclose. What our Eminent Sydenham Writes concerning this Disease, respects chief the Practice, to whose Works I refer you; The late Dr. Morton asserts their causes to arise from the Conglobate Glandules grown Schirrous, which tumefy burst the Lymphatic Vessels, but his error in this will very plainly appear in a Dissection or two I shall instance in. The Learned Dr. Lister in his Exercitation of Dropsies, positively assigns the Origin of this Disease, to proceed from a defect of the first Concoction, and from the Stomach being inflamed even to a Cauterisation, but his mistake in this, as in many other things, shall be briefly shown. I do here affirm, I have known many Dropsical Persons through the whole Course of the Disease retain a very good Digestion, and their Urine both in quantity and quality agreeable enough, which things considered, it is beyond the Power of Sense to reconcile those Placid Symptoms to a Stomach so highly inflamed; It now remains, with the leave of so many Eminent Authors, that I propose my own Opinion, which I am far from positively asserting, but shall fairly refer it to the judgement of the Learned World: The Dropsy than may be divided into two species only, (viz.) the Bilious and Lymphatic; I call that Bilious, proceeding from thick condensated Choler, Obstructing both the Glands and Biliary Pores of the Liver, hence the Bile denied a due separation, the Lymphatic Vessels, both in the Liver, Kidneys, and others parts of the Body, become distended, and at length bursting, produce indifferently, either the Ascites or Anasarca. The Lymphatic Dropsy arises from a Viscid Lympha, producing the same effects in those Vessels as are alleged above; the Aetiology whereof shall in what follows be explained. That the Dropsy may proceed from thick Coagulated Choler, is confirmed by the Examination the Learned Silvius makes of its Principles; it consists of a Lixivial Volatile and Oily Salt, very apt for Fermentation with any Acid, and thence according to the different Genius of the Acid, different effects are produced; let us then imagine the Bilious Particles either in the first Passages, or in the mass of Blood, altered from their Natural Crasis by Saline, Acid, Muriatic, or other Acrid Bodies, by which means the Bile becomes feculent, perhaps not unlike Vitriolated Tartar; The Glands of the Liver hence become Obstructed, and its due secretion forbidden, they then swell beyond a common Compass, and the Particles rush qua via datur into the Lymphatic Vessels, which they must necessarily Distend, and Lacerate; it is very common to our Observation, that where ever this feculent matter is deposited the part tumifies even to a solution of continuity, from whence a Yellow Liquor continually distils, of a bitter Pungent taste, which is a certain Argument of its being saturated with Bilious Particles. The Kidneys likewise obstructed by this feculency, we find the Urine to be small, and of an high Colour, not unlike Brumswick Mum, its sediments Yellow, and often times Black and Red, the Tongue Yellow and Dry, a continual Thirst, Pungent Pains all over the Body, and a general Lassitude: In these desperate Circumstances Mankind lives like an Amphibious Animal, and in a Deluge of Waters breathing in Air, hence through defect of Inspiration that difficulty of breathing ensues. As to the Lymphatic Dropsy it may thus happen, the Saline Particles of the Blood, as was alleged before in the Treatise of Consumptions, according to their different species Coagulating the Mass of Blood, in what ever part of the Body they are nested, there assuredly they condense the Lympha, and render it gelatinous like the Whitesof Eggs, and so consequently must swell and burst the Vessels as is above recited; One thing in this kind of Dropsy is worthy our taking notice of, that the Patient is not disturbed with Thirst, the Urine in quantity and quality laudable, the Appetite rather too craving than dejected, no pains invade, save that of bearing about so heavy a mass of Water, and this sort of Dropsy is more incident to Women than Men, and though it has hitherto been mistaken for a Timpanites, it is truly a Dropsy of the Peritonaeum, the Lymphducts of which Membrane are burst, and its Glandules highly tumifyed, hence and no otherwise ensues the Timpanites, as shall be rendered apparent by the following Histories. For a farther confirmation I refer you to Nuck, Ettmullerus, and juncken. From what has been said the causes of the Ascites, and Anasarca may be easily deduced, wherefore I shall not insist longer on their Aetioligies, but shall proceed to illustrate our Hypothesis in the following cases. The first, shall be of Mr. john Leeds, Bachelor of Physic, who practised many Years in this Town of Manchester, he was seized with the Black Jaundice, upon which ensued, an Ascites, and Anasarca; no endeavours were wanting to relieve him, and no Methods of Physic unessayed to Cope with the Disease, but in vain; generally Beloved, and now as generally Lamented, he Expired: through the whole course of his Distemper, his Digestion was good, his Thirst little or nothing, at which I wondered, his Urine but small, yet for Colour and Consistence like Brumswick Mum, with a Black Sediment, his Body was Emaciated, and his Countenance Ghastly and Wan; towards his latter end, a Cough was very troublesome to him: His Body being opened, thirty six Pints of a Yellow bitter Water was discharged from the Abdomen, there was little or none of the Omentum remaining, the Stomach was some what contracted but no ways inflamed, the Spleen retained its Natural Colour and State, the Conglobate Glandules were of a suitable Magnitude, neither schirrous nor fumifyed, the Lacteal Vessels as much as I observed of them no ways altered. But when the Liver was exposed, its whole substance was indurated, incision being made into it, those Glands first discovered by Malpigius, were turgent, and large as common Hail Stones, all impleted with a feculent CrassBile; from the whole it is undeniably apparent, this must be a Bilious Dropsy and Challenges no Original, either from the Stomach inflamed, or the Conglobate Glands indurated, but only from a feculent Bile obstructing both the Glandules of the Liver, and its Lymphatic Vessels: How the Bile becomes thus degenerated is before Explained. The next instance Parallel to this is of Lieutenant Colonel john Williams, in Her late Majesty's Regiment of Dragoons, he was seized with the Black Jaundice, at his Quarters in Manchester, the same Ominous Symptoms ensued, as in the preceding Case, he swollen gradually in the Belly, his Urine in Colour and Quantity as is above recited, yet his Digestion was laudable enough, and his Thirst not troublesome; the Ascites, and Anasarca came on a pace, all our attempts in the Physical way, gave only some intervals of ease, alleviated indeed, but removed not the main Obstructions; for several Weeks he kept regularly to a course of Physic and Diet, towards the end of his Distemper his Cough was violently tedious, and the swell of his Thighs, and Legs fatigued him with a constant uneasiness, insomuch, that all Rest interrupted, even Life itself grew burdensome; thus every Day declining, his Manly Soul at length took flight: About twenty four Pints of Water were taken out of the Cavity of the Abdomen; the Omentum was not so much consumed as in Mr. Leeds; the Stomach, Spleen, and all the other Viscera were genial enough, except the Liver, where the same Scene was represented to us as before, and from whence unquestionably all that Tragic Series of Mortal Symptoms arose. It was easy to account for many more of the like cases, where the same unhappy Train of consequences attended, but these being particular Dissections, I fairly in them appeal to a Demonstration. I shall now descend to illustrate my Hypothesis of the Lymphatic Dropsy by the following instance. Mrs. Heywood living at the Roads near Manchester, aged about Fifty Eight; for four Years was afflicted with the Tympany, all along she Eat her Food, and Digested it will, was clear and free from Thirst, her Urine was plentiful enough, nor was her Countenance any ways altered from an healthful Complexion, and save for the increase of the Tumour of the Abdomen, she was other wise very hearty, and sprightly, she had gone through all the Classes of Physic, but alas! The Numerous Prescripts of a multitude of Physicians were all unsuccessful; Her case was sent up to the London Physicians, where different Opinions, directed different methods, whether they had not rightly the Case stated to them, or that the distance of place precluded their nicer Observations, I cannot be positive, but all endeavours were in vain; Her Belly still increasing to the Magnitude of a large Globe, she sunk beneath the Load: Full seventy Pints of Water, the greater part very Viscous, were discharged from the Cavity, the Muscles of the Abdomen were all Emaciated, and the Omentum totally consumed; The Peritonaeum was full five Inches thick, whose Duplicature form a very large Sacculus, all repleted with Schirrous Glandules highly tumifyed, and pellucid Vesicules, as big as the common bunches of Grapes, the Liquor contained in these Bladders, was like the Whites of Eggs clear and Gelatinous; The Stomach, Spleen, Liver, Mesentery, as much as I could perceive of them were in a pure Natural State, nor were the Ovaria impleted with those Vesicules, but appeared very sound; These were the most remarkable things to be taken notice of, and doubtless the case was what is generally called a Timpany; which notwithstanding if we'll but Credit our Eyes, arose neither from a Tetanus of the Stomach, nor as the Ancients would have it, from the flatness, or vapours of the Abdomen; But merely from the Lymphatic Vessels of the Peritonaeum, distended, and burst. I had two cases sent me, by the Learned Dr. Griffith, who resided at Warrington in Lancashire, in the Year 1696. since removed to Dublin, the one was in all Circumstances like the last mentioned, so I shall forbear to relate it; In the other the Uterus proved to be the seat of the Tumour from whence about sixteen Pints of very putrid Water were Emitted, his account may be seen at large in my 54 Exercitationes, Printed at Oxford. From all which it is abundantly Demonstrable, that this Lymphatic Dropsy arises from the Lympha rendered Viscid by Saline Particles, for did it proceed from the Inflammation of the Bowels, or Glandules, the Patients would assuredly be afflicted with thirst, and complain of Heat, whereas neither was a grievance. Yet mistake me not as if I imagined every Lymphatic Dropsy to arise from the Peritonaeum, I only assert that Dropsy which is commonly called the Timpany. The other Species, as well the Ascites as Anasarca, may happen in any part of the Body abounding with Lymphducts; The Timpany likewise in other Membranous Parts may form Cistus' and Vesicules, as in the Uterus, or the Cornua Uteri, or many other places, but most frequently in the Peritonaeum; Whoever has a desire to be farther informed how these Hydatides are form in the Lymphatic Vessels by Mercurial injections into those Vessels, he may soon satisfy his Curiosity. And now as to Dr. Lister's Hypothesis, the Query is whether Dropsies arise sometimes from the Stomach in a manner cauterised, or from the Tunica Villosa of the Stomach, having lost its Tone, as the Learned Willis would have it, for my part I believe from both causes, as I have seen from many dissections; But though it be allowed that Dropsies often arise from continued Debauches, and surfeited Habits of Bodies, it does not thence follow that all the Species of Dropsies spring from the same Origin: For how could it possibly be I beseech you, that many Persons Temperate to a wonder, should yet so commonly die Hydropical? As may be daily observed in them that are worn out, and almost spent with lingering Fevers, and all Cacochymical, and Scorbutic constitutions; I profess sincerely there is not any distemper tending more to the discredit of Physicians, than the several Species of Dropsies: Hydragogues, Antiscorbutics, and Diuretics, of all degrees and kinds, I have known too often unsuccessfully used, so could hearty wish for the good of Human kind some other more happy methods were discovered. As to the Cure in general of this Distemper, there are Specimens' sufficient in most Authors, I shall not therefore fill these Sheets with a Train of Recipes, but shall only touch upon Two uncommon Heads, and refer them to the Learned World. The first shall be of the Pills prescribed by Crato, and his own disquisition upon them, which are as follows, ℞ Terebinth. Clarae ℥ ss aq. Adianthi lb j, misce & bulliant ad totalem aquae absumptionem, & add Cantharidum, abscissis alis, & pedibus capitibusque subtiliter pulverisatarum ℈ j Mastic. Cinnamom. ana. ℈ ss Rhabarb. elect, & pulv. ℥ j cum Ol. Amigdilar, q. s. f. Mass. Cujusʒ ij tuto dari possint, of which he thus descants, the Turpentine though in greatest quantity, yet conduces much to the opening of the Urinary passages, and strengthens the Entrails, the other Correctives are for the sake of the Cantharideses, as the Mastic, Rhubarb, Cinnamon and the Oil, how far these Pills may benefit, or what improvements may be added, I have not yet Experienced, but can see no reason why Cantharideses may not be rendered as safe and wholesome a Medicine, as Corrosive Sublimate, from which our Famous Calomelanos is prepared; why may not the Volatile Salt of those Flies, though highly Corrosive, be matched with an equal Corrector. Bartholine commends an infusion of them, and if the Eminent Dr. Lister had directed his infusion of them, in the Dropsy as well as in the Gonorrhaea, I believe he had not missed the mark. The second Question is of no small moment, whether a moderate Salivation may not be of advantage in this Distemper, the great effects that method produces in Scrofulous, Scorbutic, and Venereal cases, are apparent to all the World, when all other endeavours have failed; and since Dropsies generally arise and bloom from the like Vitiated Ferment, why may not the success be as answerable too? That the Blood is effaete and vapid in Dropsies is evident enough, from whence some Object the whole Oeconomy of the Body is too infirm for that Course; But whence is it this Debility of the Blood arises? Is it not from Saline Particles abounding in the Mass of Blood? And how can the Body be more effectually, and readily freed from them than by the proper Emunctories, the Salivating Ducts; Nature herself methinks points us out the Road: To conclude, my advice is this, whilst the Viscera remains sound, let this or some other promising method be Essayed, to relieve the Languishing Patient. I will give you one instance of a Dropsy proceeding from an unwieldy fatness; it was of Mr. Richard Heap, Bachelor of Arts, and Usher of Manchester School, who as I conjectured had laboured under a Dropsy, and an Hernia Intestinalis, for near two Years; for all the Integuments of the Abdomen were suspended like a large Satchel betwixt his Thighs, and were no little trouble to him in Walking, various Methods were Essayed, and for about Twelvemonths he seemed to be relieved, but the following Winter his Distemper renewed, and in the space of three Weeks an Hundred and Twenty Pints of fetid Water, Issued through the Velamina of the Scrotum, which at length Sphacelating he died; His Body being opened, the substance of the Cutis was found to be very Schirrous, over all the Region of the Groin, the Membrana adiposa was full seven Inches Thick, the Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Intestines, and Mesentery Glandules, were in a sound and healthful State; The Peritonaeum was entire and firm, a Corner of which Membrane pierced through the whole substance of the Liver, and adhered to the Vertebrae of the Spine, there were betwixt Twenty and Thirty Saccule's of Fat about the size and shape of Pears, that adhered to the Bowels, but within the Cavity not one Spoonful of Water: Through all his Distemper, he Eat, Drank, and Digested well, and plentifully, had no extraordinary Thirst, and voided Urine in quantity sufficient, and only that the swelling daily increased, he was otherwise no ways indisposed; This must needs ensue from that weighty substance of Fat pressing upon the Lymphatic Vessels, and thence Obstructing the due Secretion of the Lympha, the Dropsy followed. Having thus as briefly, and comprehensively as possible run through this large Field of Chronical Diseases, from which Hypotheses many other Corollaries may be deduced, I shall now descend to treat of acute and intermitting Distempers, and so close the Chapter. SECT. iv Of Acute Distempers in general, particularly the Pestilential Fever raging in Lancashire, in the Years 1693, 94, 95, 96. THere is scarce any Year but the Fever receives some new Appellation from the common People, but those Fevers that rage chief amongst us at set Seasons, as the Spring and Fall, may be reduced to these two Heads; They are either inflammatory, malignant, intermittent Fevers, or they are simply intermittent: In all the Learned Treatises yet Extant on this subject, nothing is more familiar to us than an inflammation of the Blood, but what is meant by inflammation seems yet to me to be unsolved; The Greeks divide inflammations into two Species, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, and these two Terms are taken either in a large or strict Sense; when at large they mean any immoderate flushing Momentaneous heat, that appears without a Tumour, such as present themselves daily in Scorbutic Cases; But when strictly taken they signify to us a severe hot swelling, red, and painful in the fleshy Parts of the Body, proceeding from a Collection and stagnation of overheated Blood, Violently flowing upon the Part, and disturbing all the inferior Orders of Vessels around it, but these distinctions of inflammations our Modern Authors take no notice of; our Celebrated Sydenham makes no difference betwixt Malignity and Inflammation, but as the Blood is more or less Inflamed, so is the Malignity greater or less; as for Malignity itself he condemns it as a subterfuge of ignorance, yet explains not what he means by inflammation of the Blood, his whole performances rather delineate to us the effects, than causes of inflammation; The Eminent Morton says, the inflammation continues until the Febrile Poison, the Primary cause of inflammation, is either expelled by Art or Nature, or that the Spirits sink under it: by which account it is very plain he places the causes of inflammation, in a certain Poison oppressing or destroying the Spirits, but passes by in silence what that Poison is, so Noxious to Human kind, so that the inflammation of the Blood, thus accounted for amounts to no more, nor gives us any clearer Idea of its Aetiology, than that Archaeus of Helmont, a mere riddle to himself and all the World, or that Light within which directs to greater Obscurity; Wepfer was in the right of it, when he takes notice of Helmont's Ferment, that it was neither Substance, nor Accident, neither Man, Woman, nor Hermaphrodite; so consequently nothing. True indeed he acknowledges various Species of Poisons, but reduces their Operations all to Occult qualities, and to attempt their Explications, as he alleges, is only a Philosophical trifling; but with the leave of so Eminent an Author, let us take Oil of Vitriol, Spirit of Nitre, or any other Menstruum, we may readily discern their Effects, in Corroding of Flesh, or Coagulating the Blood, or by a Menstruum prepared from Cantharideses, the like Phoenomena are produced, and all arise from a like cause, but must it be no less than madness itself to endeavour their Analisis? And must they altogether be solved by Occult qualities? If the matter stands thus, how comes it that a Philosopher of the first Class, is Eminent beyond a Noisy Mountebank? Or in relation to Physic, how comes it that a regular Physician, outstrips a vulgar Empiric? Let us suppose a Person making his Observations with Microscopes, whether shall we solve the different Phoenomena there, by different refractions, or by Occult qualities? No one certainly in his Senses would take the last for a Rational reply; This I know, that Sulphureous, Saline, and Oleaginous Poisons, may be prepared out of various Bodies, nor does it seem unreasonable to me, their different effects should be solved by certain Principles: For my part let them Delight that will in Darkness, and by dusky Notions obscure the sight of Mankind, I shall think it no Error freely to Essay a solution of causes, and perhaps to will in some is to effect it. To set aside all Controversies of this Nature, I will briefly explain what I mean by Malignity or Inflammation of the Blood, by an Inflammation of the Blood, I mean a Coagulation of its Serous Parts, proceeding from certain, Saline, Austeres, Acid, or Acrid Particles: For confirmation of which Hypothesis, take the following Experiments: In the first place, Let Alum or Vitriol be mingled with the Serum of the Blood, it straghtways passes into a sizy Viscous Coagulum, like what is observable on the superficies of the Blood in Malignant inflammatory Distempers. In the second place, Scorbutic Persons, Drinkers of Wine, and the Inhabitants near the Seacoasts, whose Blood doubtless abounds with such Particles, are above others subject to these Distempers, or how comes it that Bezoardick Medicines are of such Efficacy here, unless by absorbing or otherwise altering these Saline Particles, for Particles of different kinds will exert themselves, and show their Power; that the Animal Spirits by these Medicaments are expanded, and excited as some affirm, I confess is true, but thus I imagine it to be Effected, not that the Medicines immediately act upon the Spirits, but by destroying the Saline Particles, they dissolve the Coagulation of the Blood, and hence the Animal Spirits unfettered, in a constant, and continued Course perform their waving Motions, and like the Sun darting its rays through all the enlightened Hemisphere, actuate the whole Microcosm, and those Noble actions of the Spirits display themselves, which were almost extinct in a Viscous Lympha, and appeared only as a Star twinkling in an hazy Air, and diffused only some Languid Motions, through the whole frame of the Body; that saying of Hypocrates agrees with this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that is an interception of the Spirits in the Veins, occasioned by a severe Obstruction there; for this reason it is, that Camphir, a Natural Sal. Volat. Oleos. is so much applauded in Pestilential Diseases, by junken, Ettmullerus, and others, and this I Experimentally speak, that for two or three Years past, I made use of Electuar. de Ovo, in which Camphir is an ingredient, and met with desirable success in Malignant Pestilential Fevers, and judge it equal to the Noblest Alexipharmics, from the whole we conclude, that the more or less these Saline Particles are Malignant or Inflammatory, the Distemper is more or less Acute or Pestilential: For a farther illustration, if we drop a little Spirit of Nitre into Blood immediately taken out of the Arm, it produces even in the twinkling of an Eye, a Black Viscous Coagulum, which a solution of Vitriol effects but very slowly, and hence it is these Distempers are sometimes called Essential, Spurious, and sometimes Scorbutic, which is attributed to the solutions of Salts of different Kind's, Coagulating the Lympha, and Contracting, and Vellicating the Membranes, Nerves, and all the Limbs of the Body, but against this Hypothesis these Objections occur. First, In inflammatory Distempers it very often happens the Blood is diluted, so consequently cannot be Coagulated, as is evident from the frequent large returning Hemorrhages, and from the use of Acids, and a slender diet in these Cases. Secondly, In these Distempers the very first Symptoms sometimes appear in the Genus Nervosum, and produce Deliriums, continual Watchfulness, and Convulsive motions, wherefore it may seem reasonable they do not always proceed from a Coagulation of the Blood, but rather from the Genus Nervosum. To these I reply, That doubtless there are Poisons of various Kind's, some of which fuse and others Coagulate the Blood, as in that Disease called the Plica Polonica, and others; but the present Controversy is not about these: we only inquire now whether those Distempers called inflammatory amongst us, whether, I say, in those the Blood is Coagulated or Colliquated, that is made to fluid. To the first Objection I answer, though there happen sometimes Violent Hemorrhages in these Cases, yet these arise from a Coagulation of the Blood, in this manner, in many of the Capillary Vessels the Blood being either Coagulated, or through its Viscidity moving slowly, and still pressed forwards from the larger Vessels, urges its passages through other Ramifications, and hence ensues that expense of Blood through the Nostrils, sometimes the Stomach, and Womb at Critical Seasons, which with Evacuations the Patiented many time expires; yea, very often we observe that even in those Persons these Hemorrhages happen, whose Blood upon the opening of a Vein appeared Black and Sizy, which is an undeniable Demonstration of its Viscidness. To these may be added the frequent fluxes of Blood in Scorbutic Cases, where the Blood is unquestionably condensed, as the Purple Livid Spots abundantly evince: And in these Persons, Testaceous Powders, preparations of Steel, Mineral Water's Natural or Artificial, Challenge the first Class, either in absorbing or altering the Saline Particles, and so promoting a free circulation of the Blood. In the second place, as to what relates to Acids, we may allege with Wedelius, that they both Coagulate and dissolve a Coagulation of the Blood, and for this reason may be of Excellent use in these cases; besides, yet there are Acids which Act upon each other, as Spirit of Niter and Oil of Vitriol, Vitriol and Marine Salt, and thence are converted into a third substance, by the same parity of reason tho' the cause of inflammatory Distempers may be deduced from a Coagulation of the Blood, or Lympha from Saline Particles, etc. yet there are Acids of different kinds, imagine the juice of Berberies, or Lemons, or Gas Sulphuris, by adhering to the Saline Particles, Coagulating the Blood and Nested there, by their adhesion, thus they become so far altered and augmented in bulk; that they are rendered incapable to penetrate the Lymphatic Globules, or coalesce longer with them, whence the circulation returns, the Blood reassumes its wont vigour, and the Distemper ceases. To the third thing of a slender Diet being given in these cases, as Gruels, Panado's, and Posset Drink, it is certain that these given in large quantities dilute the Saline Particles, and render the Lympha fluid, and by that means assist the circulation, and hence are of Extraordinary use. To the fourth I answer, That some Saline Particles are of so Active and Penetrating a Nature, That even in a moment of time they may be transferred to the Genus Nervosum, as is observable in that Sulphurous Halitus near Mount Aetna, where a Dog instantly grows Convulsive, and expires without Speedy relief. Let us imagine then when in the beginning of the Distemper such severe Symptoms attend, the Morbific Ferment to be Acrid and Volatile, such perhaps as Spirit of Niter, by these Corrosive Particles smartly irritating the Nervous Fibres, and Whirling them into twisting Motions, and at the same time Coagulating the Lympha, sometimes the Patient is Molested with Wakefulness, and Convulsive motions, sometimes a deep and heavy Coma, or becomes Paralytic, or Apoplectic; the Animal Spirits thus entangled in a Viscid Lympha, cannot be separated from the Nerves, which now deprived of their wont Pabulum, the Person becomes Pallid, like the Image of Death. But against these Assertions, there yet remains one Powerful Argument, and urged Vehemently by Persons of no common Fame; (Viz.) That no Acid could ever yet be produced from the Mass of Blood by any Art yet known; to Vindicate which the Learned Boil is very often quoted, who could never by any Experiment whatever effect it. But to that I thus reply, That all the Experiments tried by that Eminent Philosopher, were only on the Grumous part of the Blood, as I remember, not in the Lympha, but in the Massy Red Body of the Blood, the Saline Particles are so involved with others of a different kind, that they are not distinguishable by the taste, and sight, nor can they be separated by any Art of Fire, but only by their proper Emunctories, (Viz.) The Lymphatic Vessels, and Glandules of the Body, as is evident in very many instances; for pray tell me whoever yet could separate one Particle of Bile or Urine from the Blood? Or what Person will deny such Liquors are therein contained? Besides, it passes for an undoubted Truth, as Demonstrable, that the Lymphatic Vessels are only Compages of small Arteries, and consequently whatever is contained in them, first passed through the Arteries; this granted it is beyond dispute, the Lympha sometimes affords an Acid; the truth of this is confirmed by the Learned Nuck, who by many repeated Experiments knew how to discover an Acid in the Aqueous Humour of the Eye, which by a peculiar Lymphatic Vessel is separated from the Artery; for this Humour is only brought thither by the ramuli of the Carotid Artery. I'll annex one Argument more, that if no Acid be contained in the Blood how comes it, I beseech you, that in Carious or Virulent Ulcers, the Silver Probe becomes instantly of a Livid Colour, which can only be effected by an Acid not an Alkalious Menstruum? or what causes the Spittle of many Consumptive Persons to be like a solution of Alum? That Argument will not abide the Test, set forth by a late Scribbler in assigning the causes of Distempers to Alkalies not Acids, but like his New Light to Surgery vanishes like a wandering Star. In the Gout or Stone, says he, a Chalky matter is deposited in the joints, Reins, and Bladder, fermenting with any Acid, so consequently of an Alkalious Nature, therefore these Distempers arises rather from Alkalies than Acids. We allow it to be true indeed, that those Bodies may be reputed Alkalies, for from them Volatile Alkalies may be prepared, but whoever denied Alkalies to be contained in the Blood? Or what then? Does this prove the consequences, that they produce Distempers? no more if I mistake not than the frothy Spittle of Epileptic Persons demonstrates the causes of their Convulsions, or the Ochre of Mineral Waters discloses their Principles. We allege then that in those Distempers the Blood having acquired a Saline, Acid, Austeres, or Acrid Temper, and in that case commixing with the Alkalies of the Blood, become like a certain Magistery or an Adiaphorous Salt, by which feculent matter the Capillary Vessels and Membranes become distended, and contracted by its Acrimony, hence in the parts affected arise those Inflammations, and pungent pains, the like Cretaceous substances may if I mistake not, be observed by a mixture of Spirit of Niter, and Oil of Vitriol, with the Serum of Blood, yet this is not to be supposed to be produced from Alkalies, but by Acids United with them; daily practice illustrates the truth of this. It is very well known Lime Water, Millepedes, Mineral Waters, a Milk diet, and other Medicines of an Alkaline Nature, which infringe Acids, are preserved: In the Cure of these Diseases, which success could never ensue if their causes were Alkalious, more might be added but these may suffice. Let such Persons who Pride only in a jingle of words, and argue against confirmed Principles, perhaps rather through the Protection of a Patron, than an awful regard to Philosophy, and the truth of things, be assured they mount like Icarus on Artificial Wings, and may expect an equal ruin. The truth of our Allegation may farther appear from an Experiment first shown to me by my Learned and Worthy Friend Dr. Edw. Baynard of the College of Physicians, London. He ordered the Urine of Rheumatic Persons to be distilled by Mr. George Moult Chemist; after distillation scarce one grain of Salt was found remaining, which he had never observed in the distillation of any Urine before, which doubtless must proceed from this cause, that the Saline Particles lodged in the Mass of Blood, were so entangled in a Viscous Lympha, that the Glandules of the Reins, and Urinary passages were Orifices too small to separate them: The same reason may hold in those labouring under the Dropsy, for their Emission of so small a quantity of Urine. These things premised, proceed we next to give an account of the Pestilential Fever raging in these Counties, the Aetiology of which may be deduced from what proceeds: Sometimes it seized the Patient with an intermittent fit or Two, and then instantly turned continued, and in this Class Malignant intermittent Fevers may be ranked; sometimes Violent Pleuritic, and Rheumatic pains attend them, the extreme parts, were elevated to an uncommon bulk, and many times the Groin swelled; and which was worthy our Observation these Symptoms receding the Patients grew Delirious, or Comatose, sometimes their Pulse seemed regular, but oftener weak, quick, unequal, and intermitting, with Vibrations, and twitching of the Tendons, sometime they were oppressed with Cold clammy Sweats, Convulsive Motions and an Universal trembling, yet many thus afflicted recovered, and many sunk away in an irrecoverable Coma, others were all distained with spots of different Colours, as Red, Yellow, Purple, and sometimes with Purple Tokens about the Neck, that many times the Patients seem as though they had been strangled. I saw Carbuncles upon the spin with all the Ambient flesh Black-will and Sphacelated, but indeed these were only in one Person. One there was that was Paralytic but he recovered; many complained of insufferable Headaches, as if the very Cranium had been opened; they were very restless, and had repeated Deliriums, and sometimes it fell out, that even to their Dying hour, many were neither sick in appearance, nor was the Pulse irregular, their Urine well digested, and were sensible all along; many were seized with Violent Hemorrhages, at the Nostrils, and sometimes the Uterus; others complained of Nauseousness, and continual Sickness, and Vomiting, the Tongue was spread over with a Yellow Pellicle, with sometimes Black or White Fissures, the Urine often Lixivial, full of Red, White, Black, and Dusky Sediments, many of these Died Convulsive, or Comatose, sometimes the Urine was pellucid, and for many Days deposited a Bricky Sediment, yet having observed remissions in many of these by the use of the Cortex desirable success attended. What the Eminent Dr. Morton takes notice of as to this Bricky Sediment, I rather attribute it to a peculiar Bilious Scorbutic Temper of the Blood, than the febrile ferment as he would have it. The Urine sometimes had no Consistence with it, was greenish and bore an Oleaginous scum over it, but the Patients voiding such were afflicted with very severe Symptoms; many were oppressed with cruel Diarrhaeas and Gripes, and others with Costiveness, their Egesta downwards were of a Blackish green, become so doubtless by very Acrid humours commixed with Bile; by the Learned Hypocrates such sort of Excrements were styled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, and those Persons very Mortal Symptoms attended; that Expression of Galen, occurs with this, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that is, The Bowels bound, and the Excrements black and small, like those of Goats, is Ominous. The Blood upon the opening of a Vein was generally sizy, and sometimes very florid, with a separation of little or no Serum, for that was too much entangled with the grumous part of the Blood by Saline Particles to disengage from it; in some the Spittle was thick, and plentiful, sometimes Yellow, and sometimes streaked with Blood, and very often so fetid, there was no abiding in the same Room; many of them toured on to forty Days, when being counted Consumptive, and no regard had to the Fever, they expired; their Teeth frequently, in Twenty four Hours, grew very Black, though White enough before; and when Dead, purple spots appeared thick about their Neck and Breasts, which Symptoms to me are undeniable proofs of a Coagulation of the Blood: Besides, can any one observe the vast quantity of Viscous Phlegm expectorated, and not conclude from thence the Serum of the Blood to be Coagulated? Or who in the Name of common Sense, that sees the different Coagulations performed by different Acids, and the various solutions from various Alkalies, will not upon the whole matter Vote these Distempers to arise rather from the first than the second Principle? But this Hypothesis will be the farther illustrated by what follows, Let Blood be taken from the Arm of an Healthful Person, and as it flows into the Porringer, mingle with it some Spirit of Hartshorn, Sal Armon. or Viganis, Tinctura Antimon. and in another Porringer mix some of his SalVolat. Oleos. impregnated with Salt of Amber, in the first Vessel the Blood remains fluid and florid, in that commixed with SalVolat. Oleos. a sizy Pellicle covers all the Superficies, as in Blood in inflammatory Distempers; proceeding doubtless from that Acrid Volatile Salt, Coagulating the Serum, which by the heat of the Blood endeavouring to fly off, is condensed like Birdlime. Note well here, if I mistake not, this Phoenomenon clearly Demonstrates to us the causes of these Distempers, and may be of great use in Physic. The Famous Malpighius and Borellus, have observed in that Epidemic Distemper in Pisa, that by certain Fermentative Particles, a too great Secretion of Bile happened, insomuch, that many Alkalious Particles were thrown out of the Mass of Blood, notwithstanding which the Distemper did not arise from them as such, but only as they were armed, Porcupine like, with other Morbific Particles. In one Porringer let the Blood remain as it comes out; in another mingle either Hungary Water, Tincture of Tartar, or any Volatile Alkalious Spirit; in the first you will observe all the Superficies sizy, and in the second the whole to be Florid, it abundantly appears hence, that the Viscidness of the Blood arises not from Alkalies as they are such, first, because Blood mingled with Alkalies' becomes Florid, yet that very Blood mixed with an Alkaly, armed with an Acid grows sizy; these are the most remarkable Symptoms observable in these Distempers; and as to the Therapeutic part I refer it to be deduced from what precedes. Of Intermittent Distempers. IT is reported by the Germans, that an Eagle was so Artfully form of a certain Wood, that it took Wing to meet the Emperor Maximilian upon his road, and appeared as though alive. The truth of this is not our present enquiry, but an easy Parallel may be produced; any one that reflects on the admirable Virtue and force of the Peruvian Tree, amidst the Crowds of almost breathless Persons languishing in Fevers: Hence it is that so many prolific Wits have been exercised in explicating its qualities, and the doubtful Controversy of the cause of intermittent Distempers, some have placed the seat of the Disease in the Mass of Blood, as the Celebrated Willis; others in the Pancreatic juice grown too Austere, as the noted Silvius de Le Boe; others from Salt Humours thrown by the Arteries into the Miliary Glands, as the Learned Dr. jones, others in a certain Poison oppressing the Elastic force of the Animal Spirits, as the late Dr. Morton, and others in the Nervous juice Vitiated as the accomplished Dr. Cole: but to make strict inquiries into these several Opinions would be too tedious a matter, I shall not therefore insist upon them, but passing over these Philosophical disputes, shall assign the cause of all intermittent Fevers, their Seat and modus; In the first place, therefore let us suppose all intermittent Fevers to arise from Saline Particles Coagulating the serous part of the Blood, the truth of this may be thus rendered apparent; as first from the Air, the Season of the Year, or an Error in the six Non-naturals, in those places where the Atmosphere abounds with Saline Particles, as in Moist and Marshy parts, there intermittent Fevers Yearly Epidemically rage, as in Holland, some Parts of the West-Indies, in the Marshes of Kent, Essex, Lincolnshire, Lancashire, and other the like Countries, that the Air does abound with such Particles in such places has been before shown, from the Season of the Year it is very clear, as about the Vernal, and Autumnal Aequinox, at which times of the Year above the rest the Air is filled with Saline Particles, for at these Seasons Saline Efflorescences are more observable, as may be seen on the Lime of Walls, and then it is these Fevers rage's most. That they arise from an Error of living, is very plain from the meaner sort of People, who are more subject to them, and whose Diet is chief Salted or sour Meats; to these we may add, that after the fit is ended, the Urine often is highly Lixivial, emitting a Pleasant smell, and depositing a Lateritious Sediment, which is very familiar in the Scurvy, in which case it is allowed by all, the Blood abounds with Saline Particles, hence we may take notice the Cortex may be of no small use in Scorbutic cases, whose success we have Experienced more than once; From what has been said it is plain; intermittent Fevers arise from Saline Particles. Proceed we next to show the seat of the Distempers, and this may be evinced from the following Heads: First, From Observations in cases, and again from the Opinions of the Ancients, and their Methods of Cure, and after all, our own conjectures in the matter. As to the Historical part, I will first instance in the case of Alexander Rigby, of Laton in Lancashire, Esq he was seized with a Quartan Ague, that continued upon him some Months, which Proteus like, still altered its form, many times after theCold trembling fits were passed, upon approach of a Hot fit, he became Epileptic though of no long continuance, but by a regular method with the Cortex, and other alterative Medicines, he perfectly recovered, and lived many Years afterwards. The second instance is of Mrs. Clegg, Wife to the Reverend Mr. Clegg, of Kirkham in Lancashire; who for a whole Winter, and some part of the Spring, had been afflicted with a Quartan Ague, which at last altered into a double Tertian; but alas! Instead of those Reciprocal returns usual, Convulsive motions succeeded to that degree, that for many hours her Limbs were all distorted, an Aphonia, or loss of Speech seized her, so that the very Standards by concluded her Dead. Many of these fits she had, and then fell into an Hipocondriac Melancholy, being called into her relief, Apperitive Apozems were prescribed, afterwards the use of Mineral Waters and Chalybeats, withCatharticks in due intervals; by the use of these and the Sulphur Spa in Yorkshire, in about a Month her Melancholy vanished, but her Aguish fits returned, which were only weakened by the preceding Method, the Cortex with the bitter alterative Decoction, with Rad. Serpent. Virg. were directed, which being regularly pursued she recovered. Another case on this Topick I'll produce you, of Ann Cambell, Wife of Thomas Cambell, at Stakes near Preston in Lancashire; she was seized likewise with a Quartan in Autumn, and for about a Month her fits were regular enough, but then a very tragic alteration ensued, it seized upon the Nerves, and instead of Aguish fits, she became Speechless, except some inarticulate inward Muttering; her Sense, and Memory were lost, that for the time she knew no one nor remembered any thing; the day after cruel Spasms disturbed her, and thus she continued for four or five Months; about three in the Afternoon the fits came on, and after all she laboured under a severe Anasarca, from which and her Quartan, by the use of Hydragogues, Antiscorbutics, and the Cortex, she recovered her former Health. From these Historical cases it is evident the Genus Nervosum is effected in intermittent Fevers; it now follows, in the next place, to confirm it by the Opinions, and Practice of the Ancients. That our Predecessors in Physic were Inferior to us in Anatomy, is not to be disputed, hence it was they transmitted to us their Sentiments in very Ambiguous expressions; however by Comparing their Theory and Practice together, we find they placed the cause of intermittent Distempers in a certain Spirit, piercing through the Blood and ent'ring even the Penetralia of the Nerves. To evince this take Hippocrates' Thoughts, (our Primitive Standard in Physic) let any one consult his Book de Flatibus, where they may find he assigns the cause of intermittent Distempers to certain Malignant Spirits commixed with the Animal Spirits; I will only produce, two instances relating to the thing, the first is this Aphorism 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. On which words Duretus, thus Comments, The Sense of any cold Cause first arises in the Limbs, then coursing through the Back effects the Head, but still occasioned by an ill Digestion, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉; In another Aphorism thus, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, on which words the same Author thus proceeds, For a Rigour or Chilliness in the Back, denotes the Seat of the Distemper there; but repeats the words occasioned by an ill Digestion, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Hypocrates said before, it is plain from these Aphorisms and Commentaries, this Cathectic Habit of the Blood affixed to the Nerves, was the cause of intermittent Fevers, in pag. 130. & 131. he adds thus, This cause may be given for the Yawning, and Stretching, which are common Symptoms in this Distemper, for the Nerves, Tendons, and Ligaments, by concenter'dBlood grow hot, and are contracted, and by the Flatus' force are as it were distorted. Hollerius in his second Book of Distempers, pag. 23. says, It was Customary among the Ancients, and practised by the Moderns, that besides other Medicines directed before the fit, upon its approach to Anoint the Spine, Scapulas', and Arms, and use the Oil of Chamomel prepared with Wild Cucumbers, with a Decoction of Rosemary in it, and other ingredients agreeable in a Palsy, so those crass Humours which occasioned the Quartan, and produced the Palsy, were prevented. In Clusius, translated by Christopher Acosta, pag. 326. These may be noted, In Diurnal intermittent Fevers after the Spine is Anointed with Peruvian Balsam made warm, half an hour before the fit, let five or six drops of the same, be taken in a little Wine as before directed, it allays all their Symptoms if repeated twice or thrice. Vallesius in his sixth Section of Epidemic Distempers, pag. 219. thus proceeds; To what was before prescribed the Egyptian Nitre may be added, with Coriander and Cummin Seeds applied to the Orifice of the Uterus, in Barrenness and in intermittent Fevers to the Loins, and the whole Spine; He alleges the fits arise thence, from all which it is evident, the Opinions of the Ancients were, that all intermittent Fevers arose from a certain Fermentative matter, impacted upon the Nerves, but knew not how to explain the Modus through their Ignorance in Anatomy, which is brought to a Noble perfection in these Days, but that is not not so much to our purpose, it is sufficient for me to show these were the Sentiments of the Ancients. I cannot therefore see why the noted Dr. Morton in his first Exercitation of intermittent Fevers, pag. 72. thus argues against the Ancients, in these words, Argumentis quae in Hypothesi nostra generali attulimus pensitatis, nemo opinor in receptaculis, Visceribus, aut recessibus ad Mentem veterumCollocabit, verum ingremioSpirituum delite scere concedet; the arguments duly considered which we urged in our general Hypothesis, no one, I think, will place their cause either in the common receptacles, the Bowels, or other recesses of Nature as the Ancients would, but solely in the Spirits; since assuredly by the instances quoted the Opinions of the Ancients, placed the Causes of intermitting Distempers in the Spirits. Having now made it highly probable that intermittent Fevers arise from Saline Particles Coagulating the serous part of the Blood, it now remains, to show how it produces these Tragedies, and assign the seat of the Distemper: Upon the Coagulations accrueing in the Mass of Blood, the Lympha is rendered too Viscid to be separated by its proper Vessels, hence it regurgitates back or forces its way through more open Passages, which we may reasonably suppose to be the Conglomerateglands' seated in the Areolas of the Stomach, and Bowels, hence by repeated Circulatious thoseSalt Humours are discharged upon the Stomach and Bowels, first, producing but slight Corrugations, or Tremble, but afterwards more dismal Agonies; these Saline Particles at last entirely entangled in a Viscous Mucus, are still hurried about, and irritate or disturb the Animal Spirits, insomuch, that the whole Body seems to be in a general Convulsion, for now it is the extremities of the Nerves, and the Nervous Membranes, by consent bring in the Genus Nervosum, as first, the Par Vagum, than the spinal Marrow, and all the other Nervous ramifications, so that from Head to Foot the whole Animal Oeconomy is disturbed, the Saline Particlesat length encountering with the Bile, from this Emotion it is those heatsarise, those inquietudes and pungent Pains; at length precipitated by the peristaltic motion of the Bowels, it enters, the Lacteals, and Passes into the mass of Blood, there fresh disturbances arise, as well in the Nervous parts, as the whole Habit of theBody, till it is partly thrown off by Sweat; when I have often observed in many Persons, their Sweats to be perfectly of a sour smell, and partly by Urine, which being highly Lixivial deposits a Lateritious Sediment by reason of the Bilious Particles too much exalted, and United with Saline one's; But against this Hypothesis many important Arguments may be objected, I will Enumerate the most Material; First, If the Seat of this Distemper be in the Stomach or Bowels or both, it is not probable the whole Body should so instantly be shaken as in this Distemper it generally is, Secondly, We find the Genus Nervosum effected and very severe Symptoms attending, as Convulsions, Epileptic, and Apoplectic fits; Thirdly, How happens that feebleness, and pain of the Loins, those Yawning and Stretching, if the Morbific matter was confined only to the Stomach, and Bowels. Fourthly, If in intermittent Distempers, the Lympha was grown too Viscous; How comes it the whole Body seems to be dissolved in such profuse Sweats, Fifthly, If they arise from Salt Humours, whence comes it that from Salt and Acid things inwardly taken, Agonies and Tremble do not always immediately ensue. To these I will Answer in Order: To the first, although the Morbific matter be lodged only in the Stomach and Bowels, yet by irritating their Nervous Membranes all the Nerves are effected, and consequently the whole Body suffers, the truth of this is rendered apparent by those instances produced by Wepfer, particularly that of the Poisonous Aquatic Hemlock, where he reports of a Woman, who having Eaten of this Root, in the space of half an hour was seized with Convulsions, a stiff bending forwards, and as intensely backwards, and likewise with the Cramp; in which small time it can scarcely be imagined it should enter the Mass of Blood, and the Penetralia of the Nerves, but after she had taken a Dose of Theriaca mixed with Vinegar, the Roots were vomited up entire, her Epilepsy ceased, and she recovered; others instances he brings like this tried upon Dogs, and Wolves and Cats, by Harderus, Hurterus, and himself, where by the use of Cocculus Ind. Nux-Vomica they were seized, with Agonies and Tremble, in space of half a quarter of an hour, and upon a dissection of them they found the Powders had not passed the Stomach, but by irritating its Membranes brought in the whole Order of Nerves, with the spinal Marrow; whence ensued those violent Convulsions, and Spasms, from all which it may be concluded beyond dispute, that the Body may generally suffer, though the Morbific matter be nested only in the Stomach and Bowels: Moreover, who is not sensible that the Histerick Epilepsy arises from the Membranes of the Uterus, and that cruel Convulsions, Agonies, and Tremble proceed from the Colic, whose Seat is doubtless in the Intestines: To these may be added that strong Convulsions arise from the puncture of a Nerve, and sometimes from the Herniatomia, which things considered it seems easy to conceive, how Agonies seize the Patient in intermittent Fevers, though the Stomach and Bowels are only effected, therefore, I think, myself Excusable to so many Learned Men, though I descent from their Nervous Hypothesis in this case for these following reasons, First, I cannot think these Salt Humours that are the causes of intermittent Fevers can enter the Substance of the Brain, the Passages or Tubes of the Nerves, or Nervous Membranes except Vertigoes, Convulsions, Stupors, or the like Symptoms had preceded the fit, which seldom happens here, Secondly, The Orifices of the Nerves are so small, that they are scarce distinguishable by the most improved Microscopes, nor can we discern any tumefaction above a Ligature, how then can we Imagine these Salt Crass Humours, can penetrate the Genus Nervosum, so as to occasion intermittent Fevers, pardon me if I bring a Comparison from the sacred Writ, no more than an Elephant can pass the Eye of a Needle. To the Second and Third Objection brought against this Hypothesis, the preceding Arguments may suffice; To the Fourth I reply, the Nervous System is doubtless deprived of its due Pabulum, by the Viscous Lympha entangling the Animal Spirits, hence the Face grows pale, the Strength decays, the Appetite fails, and the Subcutaneous Glandules, deprived of the elastic force of the Spirits which contracted them, now become Flaccid, and open with wider Orifices, insomuch that the serous part of the Blood continually throws off, and the patiented dissolves in continual Sweats, for when we affirm the Serum of the Blood to be over Viscid, it is not to be understood of an Universal Coagulation, but that various humours contained in the Mass of Blood, are condensed according to the Quality, and Quantity of the Saline Particles, hence the fits ensue at certain distances of times, by the Circulation of the Blood, which granted it is plain enough to conceive how those profuse Sweats come on; To the fifth I Answer, perhaps by the Mucus of the Stomach besmearing its Tunicles, tho' Salt and Acid Liquors may be immediately received into it, notwithstanding that it is so defended by it that no Agony can instantly arise, or perhaps by the various alterations the Saline Particles undergo in the mass of Blood, they become so Volatilised they produce different effects, the truth of which is plain from the difference betwixt Crude and Fermented juices; These things allowed, we may readily solve how by one only Dose of the Cortex, taken half an hour before the approach of the fit, very often diverts it, and secondly, how by Purges though very gentle, as even Milk glisters, the Distemper returns, thirdly, how the fits renew within a Month, the Cortex not being repeated; and fourthly, this leads us to a solution of other Inflammatory Cases, as the Pleurisy, Apoplexy, Rheumatism, Colic, etc. That a small quantity of the Cortex taken half an hour before the fit, may produce these effects, let us suppose, that by the innate heat of the Stomach and Bowels, and by the Humours there lodged, in a Moment almost a Tincture is extracted from the Cortex, just as we see in Galls put into Mineral Waters, even in the twinking of an Eye it becomes of a purple Colour, and Precipitates: by a Parallel reason may we allow the Cortex to Precipitate the Saline or Austere Particles, hence the Morbific matter altered, the Nervous Tunicles are no longer twitched nor Corrugated by their Points; thus many times by one single Dose the fit is diverted: But this could never ensue in so short a time, by only one Dose of the Cortex, if the Morbific matter lodged in the very substance of the Nerves, and that the Particles of the Cortex according to the Nervous Hypothesis, were to pass into the very Genus Nervosum, whose Penetralia are too small for such Particles as we asserted before, some urge indeed that by a puncture of the Nerve many times a Lympha distils, but this does not demonstrate that a Lympha passes through the Nerves, but rather shows it to be a Lympha flowing from Capillaries adhering to the outward Tunicles of the Nerves, or it may be a Lymphatic Vessel itself wounded: but against these assertions one strong Argument remains, that if intermittent Distempers arise from Saline Particles lodged in the Stomach and Bowels, thrown of thither by the mass of Blood, how comes it then since the Circulation of the Blood is so swift, that the fits come not once every hour but only at stated times, and hence are called Quotidian, Tertian, and Quartan Agues. To this we say, it is very true the Circulation of the Blood is very often and swiftly performed, and each in dividual Emunctory endeavours its proper Secretions, but the Lympha here having acquired such a thickness, that it cannot duly enter its proper Vessels, is forced to rush into more open passages (viz.) into these Conglomerate Glandules, through which perhaps it can only enter in the space of Twenty Four Hours, sooner or later, according to the quality of the Disease, nay even these Glandules themselves, in a sound and Natural state, separate a Viscous Mucus but in very little quantity; and perhaps whilst the Blood performs its many Circulations, this febrile matter touches upon the the Membranes of the Muscles, and hence it is those Symptoms called Antesignana, or Forerunners, as Yawning, Stretching, Pains of the Loins, etc. proceed; but after a sufficient Collection of Acrimonious matter separated by the Conglomerate Glands, then ensues that train of Agonies; it is certainly very wonderful to consider, what horrid Tumults the Particles of the Blood, deprived of a separation by their proper Emunctories, raise in the Body; That Particles of Bile are separated from the mass every Circulation is indisputable, but when the Glandules of the Liver become incapable to do that Office, than they rebound into the Blood, and are hurried here and there, and rush through any Avenue, so that in some I have known periodical Convulsive fits return once in 24 hours; for the truth of which one instance shall suffice; In january, 1696. the Honoured Robert Hesketh, of Rufforth, Esq was seized with the Black Jaundice, insomuch, I concluded all the Glands of the Liver to be Obstructed, his Urine was Black, so impregnated was it with Bilious Particles, which at length invading his Brain, thence a Frenzy ensued, and for three Nights together about a certain hour he became Epileptic, from which instance it is clear that Particles denied a separation by their proper Emunctories, undergo various Circulations before they are separated from the mass of Blood, by the same parity of reason the Lympha rendered Viscid, must undergo the same Stages before it can exert itself, and at last being separated by theConglomerate Glandules, by itsAcrid Viscocity it frets the Nerves both of the Stomach and Bowels, and so brings on the fits; some indeed allege if the Morbific matter was lodged in the Mass of Blood, at the end of the fit the Distemper would be removed by Sweat, but that's their mistake; for in these Distempers we suppose the mass of Blood to have contracted a Saline temper, so that every day Coagulations are generated, according to their quality sooner, or later; It was very strange to observe what unaccountable Ideas those Extravasated, Bilious Particles produced in the forementioned Case; he would sometimes tell me at Noonday he saw various sorts of Creatures crawling around him, vast Cities and in them innumerable Crowds of People Walking, Trees, and many other things. All which put together let us imagine that a daily Tincture is extracted by the Humours from the Cortex as was said before, by which means the fits are weakened, until its Virtue being spent the Morbific matter renews, and the Fever returns; hence it is easy to show how Purges revive them, but if we remove the cause first the effects appear no more: that these Distempers, Proteus like, put on many shapes is evident. I will only add that intermittent Fevers, and other inflammatory Distempers commonly so styled, may be reduced under the same Class, and differ only in degree, as the Morbific matter is Qualified. From the whole in these cases the Cortex has acquired a merit durable as time. To conclude, let us suppose that Natural Ferment composed ofa Volatile Alkaly, an Oily Succus, and an Acid, to be altered in these Distempers from its Natural Crasis, and converted into a Saline temper, whence flow those infinite distribances, and perplexing Agonies, such a Ferment as this was prepared by me at Oxford in August, 1684, and inserted in the Philosophical Transactions. To which I refer you, and could not therefore but wonder at a late piece concerning the Ferment of the Stomach relating to the same matter, and the Author not having the Ingenuity to acknowledge from whom he had the Notion. FINIS. ERRATA. PAge 8. line 34. read honoured, p. 9 l. 8. r. the same, l. 23. r. Spirits, p. 10. l. 3. r. Automata, p. 12. l. 17. r. and, p. 13. l. 14. r. their, Ibid p. & l. r. which, Ib. p. & l. 23. r. it does not, p. 14. l. 1. r. Fathers, p, 15. l. 36. r. Reke, p. 17. l. 5. r. Fittens, p. 18. l. 34. r. taken, p. 19 l. 3. r. Instrument, p. 25. l. 3. after in add this, p. 26. l. 11. r. vicinus, Ib. l. 23. r. Horologii, p. 27. l. 13. r. vertical, Ib. l. 22. r. opportunity, Ib. l. 29. r. Horrox, and so every where else, p. 28. l. 16. for the first His, r. the, Ib. l. 27. r. Hypotheses, p. 31. l. 21. r. and, Ib. l. 30. r. Hazel, p. 33. l. 23. r. Person, Ib. after discoursing add of, Ib. l. 35. r. Wharfing, p. 36. l. 13. instead of the last Velure with a Capital and full point, read it without either, p. 37. l. 29. r. negabant, Ib. l. 34. r. Vanslebius, Ib. l. 36. r. Syrians, p. 40. l. 4. r. Dioscorides, Ib. l. 24. after being add raised, p. 41. l. 18. r. Vitruvius, p. 42. l. 21. for all are r. are all, p. 43. l. 5. r. Saliva, Ib. l. 18. for the first is, r. the, p. 44. l. 9 r. Coctioni, Ib. l. 12. r. detraxisse, p. 45. l. 5. instead of à Pylori locem, r. tantum à Pyloro locum, Ib. l. 2. after take add to, p. 46. l. 10. r. Ingredients, Ib. l. 17. r. tanquam, p. 47. l. 11. after me add by, Ib. l. 19 for ing r. being, Ib. before pretend add I, Ib. l. 26. before the Lobster, add the other as, p. 51. l. 26. for to r. from, Ib. l. 27. r. inseparable, p. 52. l. 25. r. Erisypelas, Ib. l. 13. r. Bricky, p. 55. l. 21. r. Rete, p. 56. l. 7. r. these, Ib. l. 13. r. Vegetables, and so every where else, Ib. l. 16. r. Disease, p. 57 l. 21. r. hydragogues, Ib. l. 26. before a violent add and, Ib. l. 29. r. honoured, p. 59 l. 5. r. Scorbutic Rheumatisms, Ib. l. 10. r. Phthises, p. 61. l. 2. r. Argument e contrario, p. 63. l. ult. for in r. with, p. 64. l. 14. r. becomes, deposits, Ib. l. 29. r. so emits a pleasant odour, p. 71. l. 8. r. Aetiologies, p. 72. l. 29. r. well, p. 73. l. 11. r. vesicles, and so elsewhere, p. 75. l. 1. r. on, p. 78. l. 4. r. Aetiology, p. 80. l. 28. r. too, Ib. l. ult. for which with r. with which, p. 83. l. 17. r. Consequence, Ib. l. 29. after Serum r. as the. TAB. TWO THE Natural History OF LANCASHIRE, CHESHIRE, AND THE Peak in DERBYSHIRE. BOOK III. CHAP. I. Of ANTIQUITIES. TO know what our Ancestors were, cannot be more lively delineated to us, than by the Ruins we discover of those Days; hence it is that by penetrating the Bowels of the Earth, we can trace the Footsteps of our Forefathers, and imprint upon our Minds some Ideas of their Times: The Politeness of the Roman Eloquence was admirable, and methinks to see the Vas Lachrymatorium, as the last Obsequy to a deceased Friend, as we are Men, demonstrates to us what we ought to be, but as we are Christians much more: But, alas! an adequate Idea of those Days cannot be expected, yet I shall endeavour to revive the Phoenix from its Ashes, and in order to that give you an Account of some Roman Urns, with other remarkable Antiquities, of which these Counties furnish us with no small Variety: The most noted Place for these, is Ribchester in Lancashire, by Antoninus called Coccium from Coccius Nerva, or Goccium, and doubtless a Town of large Circumference, as is visible by its Ruins; I have seen there subterraneous Walls, Urns, Coins, Romish, Danish and Saxon, Anchors, Rings, and Nails of small Vessels or Boats; this Place however is at a great Distance from the Ocean, and to which there is no River Navigable; how therefore the Exuviae of those Times came there to be deposited, may challenge our Enquiry. That this Place was a Roman Station seems unquestionable, and maintained as a Fortress to keep that Part of the Country in Awe, and it is not improbable but that here they placed their Machine's; and hence it is those Relics are daily discovered, for in all likelihood, when the Romans, commanded Britain by Legions, they would never much subdivide or disperse themselves thinly into different Parts, but rather keep embodied and entire: But to make it clear how these Utensils, and Marine Antiquities came here to be lodged, tho' it certainly was never a Port, being now so far distant from the Sea, take these following Particulars: The First is in a Letter from the Ingenious and Learned Mr. Oddy, Schoolmaster at Blackburn. When we were at Ribchester together, and had carefully viewed the Place, you may remember I gave you my Opinion, and Reasons why Ribchester had never been Navigable so high, and that Doubt raised about the Place called Anchor-Hill, may easily be solved; that that Bank was a Rampire of the Fortress is very visible, under which there is yet a broad and deep Foss leading towards the River, serving, as I conceive, for a double use, viz. as a Trench to fortify the Place, and a Canal (like to that up to Holbourn-bridge, London,) for Boats for the Garrison upon all Occasions, to pass over and repass the River, which is not fordable thereabouts but in dry Wether; and we may reasonably suppose there was a great Number of Boats of all forts belonging to so large a Fort and City, the Anchor-Hill, so called, being as it were a little Dock or Hithe, for the Building or Repairing them, and that the Anchors, Rings and Nails there found, were only for then use, and not for Ships, they being far too little either for Ships of Burden or War. We cannot rightly make out what Legion of the Romans was planted here, by any of the noble Ruins we disclose; however, by what has been discovered, both the Antiquity and Grandeur of the Place, will be clearly represented, and our modern Observations be no small Supplement to the more ancient Ones, where Mr. Cambden and others have saved me the Trouble, I shall fairly name them in order, and in Conclusion add my own. The first Inscription Mr. Cambden takes Notice of, is at Salisbury-Hall, on the Pedestal of a Pillar, which is as follows: Deo Marti ET VICTORIAE DD. AUGG. ET CC— NN. And in the Wall adjoining to it is another Stone, with the Portraiture of Cupid, and another little Image, and in the backside of it is this Inscription; SEOSEAM ROLNASON OSALVEDN AL. Q. Q. SAR BREVENM BEDIANIS ANTONI US MEG: VI IC. DOMV ELITER. These Mr. Cambden supposes to be British Names of Places, but I do not see how that can be made out, but rather look upon 'em to be the Names of Officers in a Wing of the Sarmatians. AL. Q. Q. SAR denoting the Ala Sarmatum, or a Wing of the Sarmatians, of which Tacitus gives a full Account; Osalvedn may probably signify Oswald's Town, the noble Family of the Osbaldstones' still residing there; so that these Names may not only be British, but likewise Roman and Sarmatian. His next Account is of a fair Altar, with this Inscription▪ THIS MATRIBUS M. INGENVI— US A'SIATICVS * DEC. AL. AST. SS. LL. M. The Signification of which, as Cambden himself is silent, so I refer it to other Antiquaries to discuss: However, upon my being last at Oxford, I received there the Satisfaction to find, that juno and Diana were constantly called by the Romans Deae Matres. And the further Explication of this Altar, is that Ingenuis, an Asiatic one of the Decuriones of the Asturian Wing, dedicated this Altar to the Mother Goddesses, juno and Diana. Another little Altar he saw cast out amongst the Rubbish, with this Inscription; PACIFE RO MARTI ELEGAUR BASILIUS POSV IT EX VO TO This Altar from its Smallness Mr. Cambden takes to have been some poor Man's Altar, to carry about with him, and to have been for offering Incense, Salt and Flower. But to me this Interpretation seems more reasonable, from the very Words themselves at length, that Elegaurba, doubtless a Commander there, dedicated this Altar to Mars after some signal Overthrow of the Enemy; and thence Peace ensuing, he styles him Pacifero, but who this Elegaurba was, or what Country Man, I pretend not to determine. He speaks also of another Stone dug up, with the Portraiture of a naked Man on Horseback, without Bridle or Saddle, brandishing his Spear with both Hands, and insulting over a naked Man prostrate, who held out before him a kind of square Piece; between the Horse and the Person prostrate stand the Letters D. M. under the prostrate Man are GAL. SARMATA. There were other Letters too defaced to guests at, one would imagine, says he, both from the former Inscription and this that was found many Years ago, that a Wing of the Sarmatae had their Station here. HIS TERRIS TEGITUR AEL. MATRONA QV VIX. AN. XXVIII. M II. D VIII. ET. M. JULIUS MAXIMUS FIL. VIX. AN: VI. M III. D XX. ET CAM PANIA. DUBBA. MATER VIX. AN. L. JULIUS MAXIMUS — ALAE. SAR. CONIUX CONIUGI. INCOMPARABILI ET FILIO PATRI PIENTIS SIMO. ET SOCERAE. TENA CISSIMAE MEMORIAE. P. This Inscription, as I take it, may be thus translated, Aael: a Matron who lived 28 Years, Two Months and Eight Days, in this Earth lies entombed; and Marcus julius Maximus her Son, who lived Six Years, Three Months and Twenty Days; and Campania Dubba her Mother, who lived Fifty Years: julius Maximus and Alae a Sarmatian, Wife to her incomparable Husband, erects this to perpetuate the Memory of Simo the Son of a pious Father, and his Father in Law. Now the Word Asiaticus in the Inscription beginning with This Matribus, and in that preceding it beginning with Seoseam, and in this last of all, that Word Sar, being repeated, it makes it more probable to me, that Sarmatia being a Part of Asia, and likewise Part of Europe containing Poland, Russia, Muscovy, and most of Tartary, from which vast Country the Phoenicians, being an industrious and trading People, transplanted several Colonies hither, and on the Portraiture of the naked Man these Words Gal. Sarmata being found too, does farther illustrate these People called brigants residing here, to be for a great Part Asiatics, of which Mr. Camden takes no Notice. Thus far and no farther Mr. Camden proceeds in the Antiquities of this noted Station; but as to the ancient Name of the Place, he says, Ptolemy styles it Rigodunum, and that being corrupted from Ribodunum may not be unlike Ribbochester. It is his Opinion likewise, the Town of Preston, called so from the Religious, quasi Priest Town, sprang from the Ruins of this remarkable City which might be ruined by Wars or Earthquakes. I shall now acquaint the Reader with my own Observations, made in this present Year 1699 when I was upon the Place, which gave me a new and different Prospect of Matters above what he has recited: The first remarkable Piece of Antiquity I took Notice of, was a Fortification called Anchor-Hill, because Anchors have sometimes been found there under Ground, with Rings and Nails of small Vessels, Roman Paterae of a Metal like that of our China Teapots, with the Effigies of Wolves and Flowers upon them, and at the Bottom of some these Letters Fab. Pro. which doubtless must be in the Time when some one of the Fabii were Proconsul or Procurator. From Anchor-Hill there goes a Way to Preston and a Road to Lancaster, where there was another Fortification, and a Roman Wall; another Road likewise directs to Mancunium, or Manchester, where was a Fortress called the Giants or Torquins' Castle, and doubtless that was their Highway to Devona or Chester, where the Twentieth Legion, styled Valens and Victrix, was fixed; Chester was then a Blockade to the Britain's in Wales: Not far from this Fortification, called Anchor-Hill, at Ribchester, I saw a Common-shore, and a Floor composed of Roman Tiles, which absolutely demonstrates the River there was never Navigable, for had it been so that City must unavoidably have been under Water, together with in that Country, commonly called the Field, from its resemblance to a Field being all Champaign. Near this Shoar I saw a Pillar about Seventeen Inches Diameter, with Letters upon it, but those in a great measure erased, and not at all legible. This Pillar in all probability was erected in Commoration of some remarkable Victory the Romans obtained over the Britain's. The Roman Coins I met with there, which are discovered as the Hill shelves into the River, were one of them Augustus Caesar's, the rest Titus Vespasian, Dioclesian, Coccius Nerva, from whom 'tis likely the Place by some was called Coccium, Domitian, Trajan, Adrian, Severus, Commodus, Marcus Antoninus, and julia, some in Copper, and some a mixed Metal, in which last the Letters are very legible; likewise one Saxon Coin, and that in Silver; amongst these was likewise found a Ruby, with Mars on the Reverse, the Genius of the Place, as appears by a Roman Altar dug up there, which is now removed to Dinckley, a Seat not far remote from thence, and now in the Possession of Edward Warren, Esq who married a Talbot, an Heiress of that noble Family; on this Altar these Words are inscribed, Deo Marti & Victoriae: There is another Roman Altar, but on that the Letters are erased, and are not legible. I saw likewise Two Coins found at the same Place with Crosses on the Reverse, and the Head of an Emperor, but the Letters too obscure to be read; however, it is very probable it may be of Constantine the Great, from the Figure of the Cross appearing to him in the Air, with these Words, Sub hoc Signo Vinces: At the same Place are frequently found several Pieces of Roman Urns, and Flower-Pots, all which considered: fully demonstrate the great Antiquity of the Place, and in those Days its Magnificence, which is now but a small Village, tho' it is still honoured with several Noble Families that are Neighbours to it. But its Greatness in those Days may appear farther from the Finger of a Copper Statue, which doubtless was erected for one of their Emperors, and found amongst the Ruins. The Romans to perpetuate any memorable Overthrow of their Enemies had Three Ways to do it, either by erecting of Pillars with Inscriptions, or the Statues of the Emperors, or by Triumphal Arches, of which here are the Ruins of the two first: But, tho' all these represent to us the Grandeur of the Place, yet they prove not to us that any Roman Emperor ever resided there, but rather that the Station was commanded by Tribunes, Proconsuls, and Procurators. These following Pieces of Antiquity were communicated to me by Mr. Oddy, Schoolmaster, at Blackburn; and the Reverend Mr. George Ogden, Fellow of the Collegiate Church of Manchester, and present Vicar of Ribchester. Besides the engraven Altars here mentioned, I saw another when I was last over there with this Inscription, DEO MARTI ET VICTORIAE DEC. ASIATIC. AL. SARMAT. SS L. L. M. I. T. C. C. N. N. This seems to be an Altar dedicated to Mars and Victory, the Genii of the Place, by one of the Decurions, by Birth an Asiatic, commanding in a Wing of the Sarmatae, and the fix last Letters may be Imperatori Triumphanti Caesari Coccio Nervae, to the Triumphant Emperor Coccius Nerva; from whom this Place by Antoninus was called Coccium: This is truly Antique, and gives us an ample Demonstration of the Truth of what Antoninus relates. From our Observations upon the Inscription of the Altars found at Chester, and Hulme, we may readily inform ourselves who commanded the Legions or Detatchments from them; the twentieth Legion at Chester, styled doubtless Valens Victrix, was commanded by Longinus Flavius, a Tribune. That at Manchester by the Inscription at Hulme, seems to be only a Detatchment from the Sixth Legion residing at York, styled also the Conqueror, and commanded here by Lucius Senecianius. Brutus was the third Commander in it. Yet this at Ribchester only acquaints us with the Title of the Officer, a Decurion commanding the Tenth part of a Legion; but whether this Detatchment was from York or Chester, is not apparent by any Account these ancient Ruins afford us. However, considering the Roman Ways leading to Ribchester, both from York and Chester, we may equally balance the Dispute, and conclude, Parties from both Legions might be dispatched thither as their Conveniencies stood. These Ways are yet to be seen over the Forest of Fullwood, near Preston, to Lancaster and Appleby, etc. others are visible from Manchester by strange Ways, towards Bury, and so to Ribchester. There was one very eminent Piece of Antiquity dug up at Ribchester, viz. a large Stone, now a Cornerstone in Salisbury-Hall, which anciently belonged to the Talbot's; on one side is Apollo with his Quiver on his Shoulder, leaning on his Plectrum or Harp, with a lose Mantle or Velamen, and on the other side Two of his Priests in the same Habit, with an Ox's-Head in their Hands, sacrificing to him the Heads likewise of various Animals lying prostrate at his Feet. We may here raise a very probable Conjecture of this Votive Altar, that it was erected in the Time of Dioclesian, as Mr. Leigh's Caesar's informs us. Eusebius, in Lib. 5. de Prop. Evang. assures us, that that Emperor going to Apollo for an Oracle, received for Answer, That the Just Men were the Cause that he could say nothing: Which Just Men Apollo's Priests interpreted to be Christians. Upon which Dioclesian began his most inhuman and barbarous Persecution; so cruel it was, that Dr. Heylin in his Geography, tells us, There was not a Day in the Year, except the First of january, (on which Day they used not to shed Blood) but there were sacrificed Five Thousand Christians at the least; as he makes evident from St. Ierome's Epistles to Heliodorus and Chrosmaticus: However, this Island in some measure escaped the Fury of it, Divine Providence interfering: For Fuller in his Church History of Britain, informs us, it continued for one Year only. That this Altar was erected here in Dioclesian's Time, is further probable, from the great Number of his Coins frequently found here. This is a true Relict of Antiquity, and, perhaps, as valuable as most in the Kingdom: It gives us a clear Idea of the Pagan Superstitions, and their unmerciful Butcheries of the increasing Christians, as likewise of their obstinate Adherence to their Heathen Rites, notwithstanding the convincing Tokens of a Superior Power: Neither the Silence of their Delphic Oracle, struck dumb at our Saviour's Nativity, nor the free Confessions of their inferior Pagods, were any Motives to their Conversion, but they rather added Fuel to their Rage, and spurred them to more intense Persecutions. At Lancaster, lately in digging up of a Cellar of Mr. Partington's, were found several Roman Disci, and Sympuvia, or Cups used in Sacrifice, and Coins, as some of Aelius, Adrianus and Augustus Caesar; the Cups have upon their sides the Figures of various Creatures, and julius Flavius in Letters; on the bottom of one of these appeared very legibly these Letters, Regin. I. which we may easily interpret, a Discus used in Sacrifice to juno, as she was styled Regina Caeli. These and the foregoing Observations, together with the Roman Wall there, commonly called the Weary-Wall, abundantly demonstrate that ancient Town to have been a most eminent Roman Station at the least. The next Place remarkable for Antiquities is Coln, in the same Hundred with Ribchester, the Antiquities of which Place were transmitted to me by the Learned Mr. Hargrave, Rector of Brandsburton, near Beverly in Yorkshire, in the following Words: I have often from the Name Coln conjectured, that the Place was of more ancient Original, than the Tradition current among the Inhabitants made it; and I was the further confirmed in this by the great Number of Roman Coins, which have been frequently dug up nigh it, as at Wheatly-Lane, which are generally Copper; and those Silver Ones cast up by a Plough, Three or Four Years ago, nigh Emmet, enclosed in a great Silver Cup, some of which I have seen; one of Gordianus was very legible, and another not so: I have seen Parts of others, whose Remains show they were one of the Antonines. But that which most confirmed my Conjecture of this Town's being a Roman Station, was a Conversation I was honoured with the last Summer, by our Reverend Dean of York, Dr. Gale, who was pleased to show me a Book written about the Seventh Century, by a nameless Author at Ravenna, which is so far as I know of it nothing but an Itinerary, wherein many ancient Names of Towns through the Roman Empire are remembered, which others have omitted, especially in Britain: That Author comes from our Camolodunium to Colunium, and thence to Gallunium, which by the usual Transmutation of the Roman G. into our W. that Learned Person concludes to be waly, and thence, I think, I may safely, from the Distance of Coln from Almondbury, and its lying in the Road betwixt that and whaley, conclude that Coln was a Roman Station. I will only add, Sir, that the Book I have mentioned was printed at Paris 1670, or thereabouts, and if our Dean's Copy was procured from the French King's Library, and (which is strange) that inquisitive Person told me, he could not where meet with an other Copy, this last Thing has induced me to think, that somewhat I have troubled you with in Relation to the Antiquity of the Place, may be new to you. The Respect I bear to the Place of my Birth, has perchance tempted me to determine too peremptorily in favour of it, which I wholly submit to your very judicious Censure; and if what I have written so hastily may be any ways serviceable to your Chapter of Antiquities, I shall be extremely proud to have been in the least measure, Your Humble Servant. With all Deference to that Learned Gentleman, it is my Opinion, Coln was not a Roman Station, and that for these following Reasons: First, Because where the Roman Stations were there are usually Fosses, and Fortifications, of which this learned Gentleman gives no Account; and tho' the Coins found there might induce him to think it so, yet that Instance is not convincing, since they are frequently found in several other Parts, which in probability were never Roman Stations, as at Bury, and Standish in Lancashire: Besides, it is frequently observed, that where the Roman Stations were, there are usually found Roman Altars dedicated to the Genius of the Place, Paterae and Fibulae; it is very likely therefore that where those Coins are found, and not the other Antiquities, they were only buried there by the Romans in their Marches, when they quitted their Stations, who rather chose to hid them in the Earth, than let them fall into their Enemy's Hands. Secondly, It is probable it was not a Roman Station, from the Account that is given of the Boundaries belonging to them; for, as Siculus Flaccus informs us, the Fields that lay near the Colonies were determined by several sorts of Bounds; in the Limits there were placed for Marks, sometimes one thing, and sometimes another; in some a little Statue of Mercury, in others a Wine Vessel, in others a Spatula, in others a Rhombus, or a Figure in shape like a Lozenge; and in some, according to Vitalis and Arcadius, a Flagon or Jar. Now, none of all these, as ever I heard of, having been dug up at Coln, I cannot conclude it a Roman Station, but that the Coins found there were lodged by the Romans in their Itineraries; but, by reason some of these have been found at Up-holland in Lancashire, that Place, indeed, may have been a Roman Station. From what has been observed, to me it seems more feasible, that the Name Coln, is derived from the Saxon Word Culme, in that Language signifying Coal, that Place abounding with that sort of Mines. That Manchester was a Fortress of Note in the Romans Days, is apparent, from the large Ruins remaining in a near adjoining Field, and some Inscriptions that have been found in Neighbouring Places: But, that I may do Justice to the Memory of Mr. Hollingworth, once Fellow of the Collegiate Church in Manchester, I hope I shall not be censured in transcribing his Manuscript, relating to the Antiquities of this Town, and now reserved in the Library there. He supposes it received its Denomination from Maen, which, as we find from the Glossaries of the British Tongue, signifies a Rock or Stone, because it is seated on a Rock or stony Hill: The Romans called it Mancunium, or Manucium, according to the Variety of Copies mentioned by Antoninus the Emperor, who lived about an Hundred and Twenty Years after Christ: The Thoroughfare ascribed to him, are from Eboracum (York) to Calacina (Tadcaster;) then to Cambodunum, a Place now ruined near Almondsbury, in Yorkshire; then to Mammuncio, or Manucio (Manchester;) thence to Condato, Congleton in Cheshire; and then from Coccium (Ribchester) to Mancunio, and so to Condato. This Town of Manchester was a Station or Fort of the Romans; now the Stations of the Roman Colonies were the several Plaits of our Cities, and principal Towns, before whose Coming the Britain's had not other Cities or Towns, than Woods fenced with Trenches and Rampires, which were Places of Retreat, to avoid the Incursion of the Borderers. In Aldport, close by the Town, was another Fort, where many Roman Coins have been digged up; it was built Foursquare, was commonly called Mancastle, or Mamcastle, being built, as may be presumed, by Vicius Lupus, Propraetor, and Lieutenant of Britain, as Ulpian the Civil Lawyer called him, who strengthened these Northern Parts with Forts and Castles. From this ancient Fortress the Place was afterwards called Aldport; Ald for Outpost in Teutonic, (from whence, and not from the French they anciently have it) was sometimes used for a City, Walled Town, or Fenced Place. Near to the Confines of the Parish towards Prestwich, there is a Field called Ho-Castle-Field, and a Lane called Ho-Castle-Lane; Mr. Cambden visiting these Parts, saw at the Fort of Alpark, upon a long Stone this Inscription, CANDIDI FIDES XX iiij And john Dee then Warden of Manchester, copied out this for him. COHO I FRISIN ) MASAVONIS P. XX III These Two Pieces it seems were for the Preservation of the Memory of Two Centuriont, that had so many Years faithfully and worthily served the Romans there. In the Year 1692, under the Root of an Oak, in Med-Lock, near Knot-Mill, was found a Stone Three Quarters long, Fifteen Inches broad, Eleven Inches thick, with the Lettered side downward, which Mr. Cambden saw not at least before the Finishing his Britania, but is now to be seen in the Garden of Holme, the Seat of Sir john Bland, Bar to whom that Estate descended, the same formerly belonging to the Moseley's, in Right of his Wife, a Lady of great Temper, Piety and Prudence. The Inscription of the Stone is thus; FORTUNAE CONSERVA TRICI LUCIUS SENACIANIUS MARTIUSBLEG. VI VICT. This seems to be an Altar dedicated to Fortune, by Lucius Senecianus Martius Brutus, a Commander in the Sixth Legion, which remained in York in the Time of Severus his being there, after he had vanquished Albinus, General of the Britain's, and reduced their State under his Obedience: It was surnamed Victrix, and is placed by Dio in Lower Britain, and the Twentieth Legion, surnamed also Victrix, remained at Chester, which was placed in Higher Britain: This Division it seems was made by the said Severus, and the Country about it where these Legions were, were divided into little Regions, since called Hides. This was part of the Kingdom of Deiara, several of whose Youth being sent to Rome, and Pope Gregory admiring their Beauty, sent over Augustine to convert the English. Edward, the First King of the West Saxons, and afterwards of the Mercians, sent into the Kingdom of the Northumber's an Army of the Mercians, saith Hoveden, ordering that they should fortify the City of Manchester, and place valiant Soldiers in it, it being defaced by the Danes: It was a Frontier Town betwixt the Mercians that inhabited Cheshire and Derbyshire, and the Northumber's inhabiting Lancashire and Yorkshire; and in their Wars and mutual Incursions, was sometimes possessed by the Mercians, and sometimes the Northumber's. Thus far our Author proceeds. As to the present State of the Town, it is vastly populous, of great Trade, Riches and Industry, particularly for the Fustian Manufacture, and Printing them, as for those likewise which are called Manchester Wares; both which are now sent all over the Kingdom, as well as to the Indies: It is watered by the Rivers Erwell and Irk. Little can be added of Lancaster for Antiquity, save that it was doubtless a Roman Fortress, as appears by the Roman Wall and Road leading to it; it is at this time a very thriving Corporation, and an improving Port: Its Eminency chief lies in this, that many Branches of the Royal Family have enjoyed Titles derived from it; which for the Dignity of the County in general, I will enumerate as briefly as possible. The First that was styled Lord of the Place in the Beginning of the Norman Government, was Roger of Poictou, surnamed Pictarensis, because his Wife came out of Poictou in France: He was succeeded in that Honour by William, Earl of Morton and Warren, upon whose Death King Richard the First bestowed it on his Brother john, afterwards King of England; of whom Gualther De Hemingford and R. Hoveden gives this Account: That King Richard showed great Affection to his Brother john; for, besides Ireland, and the Earldom in Normandy, he bestowed upon him such great Preferment in England, that he was in a manner Tetrarch there: For he gave him Cornwall, Lancaster, Nottingham, and Derby, with the adjacent Country, and many other Things. After this, King Henry. III. Son of King john, promoted his younger Son Edmund Crouchback (he having been prevented of the Kingdoms of Sicily and Apuleia) to the Earldom of Lancaster, giving it in these Words: The Honour, Earldom, Castle and Town of Lancaster, with the Cow-Pastures, which at this Day they call Vaccaries from thence, and Forest of Wiresdale, Lownsdale, Newcastle under Lime, with the Manor, Forest, and Castle of Pickering, the Manor of Scateby, the Village of Gormancester, and the Rents of the Town of Huntingdon. Edmund had Issue, Thomas, Henry, (and john, who died unmarried) which Thomas was Second Earl of Lancaster, and was succeeded in that Honour by his Brother Henry, whose Son Henry was in Parliament created Duke of Lancaster, (being the Second Dukedom that was erected in England, that of Cornwall being the First in the Person of Edward the Black Prince) and left Two Daughters, Maud, Duchess of Bavaria, and Blanch married to john of Gaunt, so called because he was born at Ghent in Flanders, Fourth Son of Edward the Third; who thereby coming to the whole Estate, and being now equal to many Kings in Wealth, was created Duke of Lancaster by his Father; he also obtained the Royalties from him, and the King then advanced the County of Lancaster into a Palatinate: By this Rescript, wherein after he had declared, the great Service he had done his Country at Home and Abroad; he adds, We have granted from Us and our Heirs, to our Son aforesaid, that he during his Term of Life, shall have within the County of Lancaster his Chancery, and his Writs to be issued out under his own Seal, belonging to the Office of Chancellor; his Justices likewise as well for Pleas of the Crown, as for other Pleas relating to Common Law, to have Cognizance of them, and to have Power of making all Executions whatsoever by his Writs and Officers; and to have all other Liberties, and Royalties whatsoever, appertaining to a County Palatine, as freely and fully as the Earl of Chester within the said County is known to have. Nor was he only Duke of Lancaster, but by Marriage with Constantia Daughter to Peter, King of Castille, sometime bore the Title of King of Leon and Castille; but by Contract he parted with this Title, and in the Thirteenth of King Richard the Second was created Duke of Aquitaine by Consent of Parliament, to the great Dissatisfaction of the Country. At that Time his Titles were, john, Son to the King of England, Duke of Aquitaine and Lancaster, Earl of Derby, Lincoln and Leicester, and High Steward of England. After this Henry de Bullingbrook his Son succeeded in the Duchy of Lancaster, who having deposed Richard the Second, obtained the Crown, and conferred that Honour upon Henry his Son, afterwards King of England; and that he might entail it upon him and his Heirs for ever, he had an Act of Parliament made in these Words: We being unwilling that our said Inheritance, or Liberties, by reason of our now assuming the Regal Seat and Diguity, should be any ways changed, transferred, diminished or impaired, but that our said Inheritance, with its Liberties and Rights aforesaid, should in the same Manner and Form, Condition and State, wherein they descended, and fell to us; and also with all and singular Liberties, Franchises and Privileges, Commodities and Profits whatsoever, which our Lord and Father in his Life-time had and held it, for term of his Life, by Grant of the late King Richard, and wholly and fully continued, preserved and enjoyed, by Us and our Heirs, specified in the said Charters; and by the Tenure of these presents, we do upon our certain Knowledge, and with the Consent of this our present Parliament, grant, declare, decree, and ordain for Us, and our Heirs, that as well our Duchy of Lancaster, as all and singular Counties, Manors, Honours, Castles, Fees, Advowsons', Possessions, Annuities, and Signories whatsoever, descended to us before the Royal Dignity was obtained by us, how, or in what Place soever, by Right of Possession, Inheritance, or in Reversion, or other way remain to Us, and our said Heirs, specified in the Charter abovesaid after the said Manner, for ever. And in this State and Condition it remained from that time, saving that Edward the Fourth, in the First Year of his Reign, when he had attainted Henry the Sixth for Treason, appropriated it, as they term it, to the Crown; that is to say, to him and his Heirs, Kings of England: However, Henry the Seventh broke this Entail; and so at this Day it has its peculiar Officers, namely, a Chancellor, Attorney, Clerk of the Court, Six Assessors, a Messenger, Two Auditors, Three and Twenty Receivers, and Three Supervisors. Chester, the Metropolis of that County Palatine, is very remarkable for the many Antiquities there discovered, and will furnish us with Variety of Matter, both in relation to its self, and the many celebrated Personages that have received Titles from it, that it was Eminent in the Romans Days is unquestionable, by the numerous Spoils of their Grandeur, and Magnificence found there. I will briefly give you the most noted Observations of Mr. Cambden upon it, and then add what has been more lately observed: That it was a Roman Colony, the Tiles daily dug up there confirm to us; on the Reverse of some is inscribed, Col. Divana Leg. XX. Victrix. It is true, indeed, we cannot expect to behold the stately Ruins of the Place in this Generation, which preceding Ages did, yet even in the last Age it was not barren of them, as Ranulph, a Monk of this City tells us, in his Polycronicon: There are Ways, says he, under Ground wonderfully arched with Stonework, Vaulted Dining-Rooms, huge Stones engraven with the Names of the Ancients; and sometimes Coins dug up with the Names of julius Caesar, and other famous Men. Likewise Roger of Chester, in his Polycraticon; When I beheld the Foundations of vast Buildings, up and down in the Streets, it seemed rather the Effect of Roman Strength, and the Work of Giants, than of British Industry: As to its Situation, Lucian the Monk, who lived Five Hundred Years ago, speaks very largely, both for its Pleasantness and Conveniency; and doubtless it was an Argument of the Roman Prudence, here first to form a Camp (for so the Word Chester from Castrum implies) and then to build a City; for as Lucian observes, this Place standing in the West Parts of Britain, was very convenient to receive the Roman Legions, transported hither; and besides, it was proper for Watching the Frontiers of the Empire, and was a perfect Key to Ireland; its Harbour supplied it with the Products of all Europe: For, says the same Author, Ships come in from Gascoigne, Spain, Ireland and Germany, so that we drink Wine very plentifully. Mr. Cambden takes no Notice of any Antiquities in this City, except some Pavements of Chequer-work; so that our Votive Altars, and Curiosities must be of more modern Discovery: Mr. Gibson, indeed, the late Publisher of him with Additions, has an Altar with this Inscription; I. O. M. TANARO. T. ELUPIUS. GALER. PRAESENS. GWA. PRI. LEG. XX. W. COMMODO. ET LATERANO COS. V S. L. M. Which he thus reads; * But upon this Altar Mr. Prideaux, who writ the Marmora Arundeliana, Comments thus; That it is an Altar dedicated to jupiter the Thunderer; Tanar in the British Language signifying Thunder, and makes Praesens Guna to Praeses Gunathae, that is, Governor of North Wales. jovi Optimo Maximo Tanaro Titus Elupius Galerius Praesens gubernator, Principibus Legionis Vicessimae Victricis Valeriae Commodo & Laterano Consulibus, Votum solvit Lubens Merito. From which Inscription he argues the Twentieth Legion was styled Victrix Valeria, and not Valens Victrix, as Mr. Cambden and others would have it. Another Inscription he mentions, is, VARONIV ......... ECTUS LEG. XX W etc. And here the V being doubled, he appeals to Dio, who says the Twentieth Legion, which is called Valeria and Victrix, is now in upper Britain, which Augustus preserved, together with the other Legion that hath the Name of Vicesima, and hath its Winter-Quarters in Lower Germany, and neither now is, nor then was usually and properly called Valeria: He farther proceeds, that Valeria may as well be allowed, as to other Legions, the Additional Titles of Ulpia, Flavia, Claudia, Trajana, Antonina, etc. were. But as to this disputed Title, we shall give the Reader full Satisfaction in what follows: Before I take Notice of his other Altar communicated to him by Mr. Henry Prescot of Chester, let me insert what the same Author acquaints us was found round it: About the Foundation where the Altar lay were to be seen the Signs of a Sacrifice, as the Bones, Horns and Heads of several Creatures, as the Ox, Roebuck, etc. with these Two Coins, 1. Brass on the first side, IMP. CAES. VESPASIAN AUG. COS. III. And the Face of the Emperor on the Reverse. Victoria Augusti, S. C. and a Winged Victory standing. 2. Copper on the first side, FL. VAL. Constantius. Nob. C. And the Face of Constantius on the Reverse. Genio Populi Romani, a Genius standing, holding a Bowl, (used in Sacrifices) in the Right Hand, and a Cornucopia in the Left. One of these Coins is not spoke of in the following Manuscript given me by Mr. Prescot, so I thought it not amiss to quote Mr. Gibson for it. But that I may now do Justice to the Courtesy and Generosity of that curious Gentleman Mr. Henry Prescot of Chester, the Reader may here take a full Account of that Altar from his Manuscript. To Kendrick Eyton, Esq at Eyton, in the County of Denbigh. SIR, Chester, jan. 12. 1693. THE Altar found here, is a considerable Piece of Antiquity; it does, indeed, prove itself so at first sight, but because the Names of the Emperors and Consuls are wanting, it requires greater Skill in Antiquity, than I pretend to, to fix its Aera; however, since you command me, I will give my Conjectures upon that, and other Circumstances of it: In july last, 1693. upon Occasion of digging a Place for a Cellar, in the House of Mr. Heath, in the East-Gate, about Two Foot deep, it was found with the Inscription downward, upon a Stone Two Foot square, and One in thickness, which is supposed to have been the Pedestal, being mouldered off on three sides; the Foundation lay deep and broad, consisting of many great Stones; the Earth about was solid, but of several Colours, and Ashes were frequently found. About the Foundation were found the Heads, Horns, and Bones of several Creatures, viz. The Ox, Wolf, Roebuck, etc. On the Left Side of it was a Flowerpot, on the Top is a Cotyla or Cavity, in the Bottom of that Cavity a young Face, supposed to be that of the Genius; on the Back, Ornaments, or Drapery of uncertain Figures. On the Right Side, a Genius standing with a Cornucopia in his Lefthand, the Right-Hand being cut off by the Workman unawares, together with several Letters of the Inscription signified by the Blot. It is plain then in Fact, that the Altar was erected by Flavius Longinus, Tribune of the Twentieth Legion, named Victrix and Valens; and Longinus his Son descended from the House (City rather) of Samosate, in Performance of their Vow made for the Prosperity of the then Emperors, to the Genius of the Place: Yet in order to discover the Manner of that Performance, who the Tribune, or Augusti, or Emperors were, the Aera of their Reign, and the Year of our Lord (all which are very doubtful) I offer these Observations. (Genio Loci) In the Roman Heathen Theology, the very Genii are almost innumerable, one being deputed to every Person, Place, and almost every Thing useful in their Families, and for their Occasions: They are more frequently understood to preside over Generations, Nativities, and after that, to be Tutelary to the Person all his Life long: Hence it is, that the Effigies of the Genius is commonly Juvenile, crowned with Plantane-Leaves; and Flowers, Wine, Nard and Honey are offered to him in Sacrifice, on Nativities; and the Reason is, because the Birthday, whereon the Person first enjoyed that cheerful Gift, the Light of the Day, should not be defiled or profaned with Blood, or the Depriving another Creature of that Light. Indeed, that Place in Horace, Lib. 3. Ode 17. Cras Genium Mero Placabis & Porco Bimestri, Is brought for an a Per Demsterum in Rosinum, ad C. 14. Lib. 2. Authority, to prove the Sacrifice of an Animal to a Genius: But to me it is a Mistake, and contrary to Horace's Intention; he there urging Lamia to spend the Day merrily (Indulgere Genio genialiter vivere) and not advising to any Solemn Act of Religion; and in some Additions more agreeable to this Interpretation it is, Curabis (not Placabis) Genium, and Cutem curare is a proper Phrase for the same Purpose: And this Sense is confirmed by the same Poet, b Epist. L. 2. Epist. 1. V 144. Tellurem Porco Sylvanum Lacte Piabunt, Floribus & Vino, Genium Memorem brevis aevi. But to the Genius of a Place, a larger and more indulgent Province was delegated: There might be subordinate Genii, and particularly such as presided over Nativities within it, and to this Genius for the Plenitude of his Power and Superintendency, more magnificent and pompous Immolations were made, and from the same Opinion many Altars were erected to that Genius, as appears in Gruter, IV. 7. VI 2. | VIII. 4. 6. 7. | IX. 23. | XC. 10. | CV. 2. | CVII. 5. | ClXXVII. 5. | MXVII. 7. | MXVIII. 9 | MlXVIII. 2. | Longinus Flavius;) This Tribune does not occur in any History I have read: We c Andr. Shotti, Gentes & Famil. Roman. find that from the Cassia Gens, there descended a Plebeian Family, surnamed Longini; it is very probable that G. Cassius Longinus, one of the ancient Lawyers, remembered by the a Digest. Lib. 1. Tit. 2. Emperor justinian, was of that Family. It is manifest, the same Longinus was Praeses of Syria in Claudius his Time, and very credible, that he was of the same Family with Cassius the Assassin of Caesar, as appears by the Commendation of his Skill in the Law, and Arms, and his own Endeavour to support the Honour of that Family. (Caeteros praeminebat Peritia Legum, nam Militares Artes per Otium Ignotae, Industriosque ac Ignavos pax in aequo tenet, attamen quantum sine Bello dabatur, revocare priscum Morem, Exercitare Legiones, Cura provisa perinde agere, ac si hostis Ingruerit, ita digna majoribus suis, & familia Cassia ratus, per illas quoque Gentes Celebrata.) Cassius Longinus, the Assassin of Caesar, was Quaestor to Crassus in Syria, and after Crassus his Death he returned back to Syria: It is probable during his Residence there, he might plant that Family which above an Hundred Years after (when the Lawyer Cassius Longinus came Praeses thither) was held in great Esteem in those Parts. From so great and illustrious an House, many Families, no doubt, were propagated, and considering into what Displeasure that House fell with the Imperial Family, upon the Occasion of Caesar's Murder, it is reasonable to think they would rather propagate and flourish in Syria, than at Rome be obnoxious to the Envy and Revenge of the julian Family. This Supposition granted, the Number of 346 Years (viz.) the Space betwixt the Time that Cassius fixed in Syria, viz. Anno U. C. 700. and the Aera which I shall presume to assign to our Tribune, viz. Anno U. C. 1046, will be found sufficient for the Propagation of many Families out of the Cassian Gens, or Stock. If then the Nomen of our Tribune had been Cassius, this might have given more probability of his Pedigree or Derivation from the famous Cassius. The Flavian was an ancient Stock or Gens, tho' Plebeian, and its likely our Tribune was descended from it, and was of a different Stock from Cassius; but the Cognomen Longinus is at least a Note of their Collateral Relation: a Rosini, Lib. 4. L. de Patria pot. Differunt enim Agnati a Gentilibus hoc modo, quod Agnati dicuntur, qui ex eadem Familia nascuntur, & idem cognomen habent, Gentiles qui ex eodem genere nascuntur, & simili nomine appellantur; and therefore a Conjecture may be tolerably inferred, that, from what is here observed, our Tribune was of Relation (though of several Descents) to the famous Cassius. Leg. XX. The Workman's rude Instrument here wounded the Stone so deep, that we may safely conclude, there was room for the Addition of Two Letters, and then it will be Leg. XX. W. It is certain, that b Gruter & Rosinus. Victrix was the ancient Epithet to the Twentieth Legion, and the most authentic Proof of that Epithet is the ancient Column at Rome, whereon the 32 Legions were recorded. Another Epithet is added, but variously interpreted, some take it for Valeriana or Valeria, others for Valens; but the latter seems to have the Preference by the Authority of this Inscription, c Gruter, p. 492. V PRAEF LEG. XX. VALEN. VICTR. PRIMIP. LEG. X. GEM. PIAE FIDEL. CENT. LEGION. FOUR SCY. THICAE. CLAUD. XIIII. GEM. VII. GEM. etc. d Tacitus in Vita Agric. 13. julius Caesar rather discovered than subdued this Island to the Roman Greatness; Augustus waved the Prosecution of julius his Attempt out of Prudence, and Tiberius out of Policy; but Claudius reassumed it with Success; he sent over hither several Legions, and its most probable the Twentieth: In his Reign we find a very great Impression made upon Britain, several Provinces subdued, a Warlike Prince (Caractacus) carried Captive to Rome, and a magnificent Triumph thereupon: In the Course of the Conduct of Ostorius Scapula the Legate, it is remarkable what is said in Tacitus, Ann. 12. 32. (Et ductus in Cangos Exercitus.) The Learned Cambden supposes upon the greatest Deliberation, whereon he was put by Lipsius, that the a Cheshire. Cangi were those Britain's inhabiting these Parts, he being induced thereunto by the Pigs of Lead found in the Ground, and having this Inscription on them; IMP. DOMIT. AUG. GER. DE. CEANG. We find the Provinces about the brigants, Silures, and Ordovices, subdued by Ostorius, and considering the Situation of Chester, as it lies to those several Provinces, it's not improbable but the Twentieth Legion might in his Time be encamped here. In the Reign of Vitellius, this amongst others was accounted a standing Legion in Britain, as appears by that in Tacitus, Hist. Lib. 2. 22. Cum vexillis Nonae, Secundaeque, & vicesimae Britanicarum Legionum. Upon obtaining of the Empire by Vespasian, we find it here b Ejusdem Vitae Agr. 7. under the Conduct of Roscius Celer, c Agricolam xxmae Legioni tarde ad Sacramentum transgressae praeposuit. and very difficultly drawn to swear Allegiance to the new Emperor: And he that considers the Success of Agricola in his Proconsulship of Britain under that Emperor, and particularly in these Parts, will be induced farther to believe, the said Legion had its Residence here; and from thence it's most probable the City was called Cestria, or Caerlleon in British, a Castris; and the Learned d In Not. in Polyalbion. Selden does therefore reconcile the Saying of William of Malmesbury, Emeriti julianarum Legionum ibi residere, by applying julianarum to julius Agricola the Lieutenant, and not to julius Caesar. Yet, though it is credible this Place might become considerable from the so long Residence of a Legion or Legions here, as being a necessary Consequence of drawing a Confluence of conquered Britain's to them, and of their Inhabitation there; it is not easy to believe it did improve and advance to the Denomination and Grandeur of a City, before it was made a Colony by an Imperial Charter. Had it been a Municipium or Hans-Town using its own private Laws and Customs, or had it been a City in the Time of Vespasian, or before Septimius Geta, it's likely some History had mentioned it, and also that it would not have been made a Colony by Septimius Geta: a In Cheshire. Mr. Cambden mentions a Coin of that Emperor, the Reverse whereof is, COL. DIVANA. LEG: XX. VICTRIX. That Coin is a most valuable Piece of Antiquity, and to be preferred before all our Charters; it found'st us a Colony from Rome, and proves (what we so much seek after) our Relation to that Legion: That Chester was called Deva, is also proved by the Itinerary ascribed to the Emperor Antoninus Pius, wherein it is thus inserted, DEVA. LEG. XX. VICT. M. P. XX. That is, from Candato or Congleton, Twenty Miles to Deva or Chester. This too proves the Residence of the Twentieth Legion here, and if the Itinerary be as ancient as some assert it, we may boast of a much greater Antiquity than we pretend to; but quitting that, we are not to question but it is very ancient and of good Authority. As for the forementioned Coin of Geta, it is unquestionable, and it is probable Chester was made a Colony in the Year of Christ, 211. Another Coin of this Emperor of the same Year with this Inscription, IMP. CAES. P. SEPT. GETA. PIUS. AUG. BRIT. On the Reverse, VICTORIAE. BRIT. seems to attest so much. Admitting this; it is manifest, this City was a Roman Colony 1482 Years ago; and no doubt but the Residence of the Twentieth Legion so many Years before qualified it for that Dignity, the Legionary Soldiers being by long Succession naturalised to the Place; and the Emeriti or Veteranes of them were the first Petitioners for the Honour, and the first regular Inhabitants, and Fathers of the Colony. Longinus Fi. Ejus.) There is here a Flaw in the Stone, but the Space is so small that one Initial Letter only seems wanting; and since 'tis but one, it rather denotes the Proenomen, as A. for Aulus, C for Cajus, D. for Decimus, L. for Lucius, etc. than the Nomen, viz. Flavius to be wanting: This, indeed, would be a greater Matter of Scruple, but that it is found common amongst the Romans, to omit, or assume their Names, or their Surnames pro re Nata, or at their Pleasure. a Macrob. Saturnal, Lib. 1. Cap. vj. Nec Mirum si ex cognominibus nata sunt nomina, cum contra & cognomina ex propriis sint tracta nominibus. Domo Samosata.) The Place is here used substantively, by Apposition, as is frequent in Inscriptions, (viz. Gruter, 634. 5. Domo Africa, 873. 15. Domo Asia, 385. 1. Domo Carthagine, 174. 34. Domo Roma, etc. Since there might be, as is before presumed, several Families descended from the same Gens, in Syria, the Addition of Samosata doth ascertain the Person, and his Family: a Plin. Hist. Nat. Lib. 5. Cap. 24. Samosata is the Capital City of Comagene, a Region of Syria, and is seated on the River Euphrates. Augg.) But since neither the Emperors nor Consuls are named in the Inscription, and that our Tribune Flavius Longinus is not mentioned in History; we are yet in the Dark as to the Aera of it: We find by Experience that the Romans, perhaps, careful to preserve their own Greatness, used to throw Coins Cotemporary to the Work into the Foundations of their theatres, Temples, Altars and Public Buildings, and by very good Fortune in the Foundation of this Altar was found a Coin inscribed thus, On the first Side, FL. VAL. CONSTANTIUS NOB: C. On the Reverse, GENIO POPULI ROMANI. This is an Evidence so current and natural to the other Inscription, that it must be admitted by the most rigid Antiquary; it is manifest then from History that Constantius, when only Caesar, was sent over into Britain by the Emperors Dioclesian and Maximinian, with a great Force against alectus, (which alectus, after he had slain Carausius, assumed the Empire to himself, about the Year of Christ 293, and about the Ninth Year of the said Emperors,) that he was successful in his Expedition against alectus, and reduced the Island to Peace, and under the Obedience of the Emperors. And it is reasonable to conclude, that upon such Commotions in this Island, as must be upon such Vicissitudes, a Man of that Post and Character as our Tribune was of, being a Tribune of that old Britanic Legion, and most probably well affected to his lawful Masters, the Emperors, (together with his Son then with him) did make, and perform his Vow to the Genius, or Tutelary God of the Place, upon the Prosperity and Success of the said Emperors, or Augusti, against the said Usurpers, under the Conduct of Constantius, then adopted Caesar. Here follows a Letter from Dr. Fowke of Little Worley, to the said Mr. Prescot: Dear SIR, Little Worley, Apr. 15. 1697. YOU have taken much learned Pains to oblige me, more than I any way expected, or could modestly ask, I have not Skill, nor Leisure, nor Memory enough, that you may fear my Critic or make any Argument of it: If I had Time I would rummage some Books, but indeed your Comment seems to me so reasonably founded, that I think it will be hard to correct it. In so obscure and private a Matter as the Subject of the Inscription, I cannot find any thing material of the Gens Cassia or Flavia in Patin or Ursin de Famil. Rom. so late as your Tribune, as you have dated him: I think there is something in Remetius' Epistles, but I have not Time to turn it; it's now to be wished Mr. Cambden had told us where that Coin of Geta is, you value so much, it is not among those of Mazzobarbaon Occo in Geta. Neither can I readily recollect where there is a full Catalogue of the Roman Colonies, and among them your Divana, or methinks, it should be rather Devana, from the River Dee and the old British Dwy; it would indeed be a great Reputation to you to be a Colony, and not a Municipium only of the Romans: If that Conjecture be well founded, I have little to say else about your learned Pains, (and I will not offer to pay your Kindness with a cold Compliment) only at the Beginning where you interpret Domo Samosata of the House of Sa— this, methinks, should rather be rendered the City or Country of Sa— qui Genus? unde Domo? Virgil. Aeneid 8th Servius; and the Dauphine Interpreters read it Country or City, but this is a small Matter; and I have nothing greater to offer but my hearty Thanks and Acknowledgements, and that I will keep your Comment, not only as a Monument of Antiquity, but of your Learning, Skill and Friendship to me, which shall ever be cherished in whatever may be returned to it material to your Service or Satisfaction, by, SIR, Your most Faithful humble Servant, PH. FOWKE. I had almost omitted the other Antique Rarities shown me by Mr. Prescot; one was a small Copper Effigies dug up in Lancashire, about a Span long, with Wings upon the Shoulders, and one Leg lifted up, and bended backwards as if ready to take flight; the Face seems like that of a thoughtful old Man: I showed it several eminent Antiquaries, who all conclude it no Mercury, but rather a Domestic Pagod, and a very noble Relic of Antiquity. He likewise showed me a Roman Lamp, two sorts of Brass Fibulae, with which their lose Garments were clasped, and like those in the Eastern Countries, ready to throw off at Bathing-time: There was another sort of Fibula like an Amethyst; this, perhaps, belonged to a Roman of Quality; we had likewise a vast Collection of Roman Coins which shall be accounted for. And now what may farther be added to the Antiquities of Chester, may be reduced to these Four Heads. First, The Government of the Romans in Cheshire. Secondly, The Chronology of the Kings, Dukes and Earls of Mercia, of which this County was a Part. Thirdly, The Bishops of Mercia and Chester from the first Planting of Christianity there. Fourthly, Their Parliamentary Barons, Spiritual and Temporal, who were to assist the Earl in Council at home and Wars abroad. I will be as brief as possible in the Account, and must here acknowledge myself indebted to the ingenious Author of the Vale Royal, whose Credit is authentic with the Curious and Learned. As to the Names of the Britain's inhabiting this County in the Times of the Romans, they were called Devani, Cornavii, and Cangi; of the Cornavii, Ptolemy gives the following Account, in the Second Book of his Geography, Cap. 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉; that is, The Cornavii lie East of these, whose Cities are Devana, and have there in Garrison the Twentieth Legion, called the Conqueror: This Twentieth Legion was raised by Augustus Caesar, as Dion Cassius relates in his 55th Book of the Roman History. They were placed first of all in Gallia Belgica, now Lower Germany, and from thence by the Command of the Emperor Claudius transported into Britain under the Command of Aulus Plautius, in the Year of Christ 43, whom the Emperor himself followed the very same Year, as the same Author testifies, which he confirms by the famous Eclipse that happened therein on Claudius' Birthday (the Sun being darkened about Five Digits) the First of August, in the Sixth Degree of Leo: But at what Time to fix this Legion in these Parts, is something difficult to determine; yet we may reasonably conjecture it to have been in that Year when Caesonius Paetus, and Petronius Turmilianus were Consuls under the Reign of Nero, and in the Year of Christ 61, considering the Coins of Nero which are frequently found at Chester; and that that likewise was the Time when Suetonius Paulinus attempted the Conquest of Anglesey: But this may admit of a farther probability from the Scheme of Thirty Three Legions of the Empire (then in being) Eight Years afterwards drawn up by Galba their Emperor; in which, as Onuphrius relates it, he places the Twentieth Legion in Britain, styled Valeria Victrix, which Error is before answered, and will farther appear so from Tacitus, Ptolemy, and Roman Tiles dug up at Chester. They continued in this Station when Marcus Aurelius Alexander was Emperor in the Year of Christ 223; and also when Constantine the Great had newly built Constantinople, this Legion remained in its old Station till the Year of Christ 330, and probably was transported out of Britain by Constantine, he laying great Stress upon his Countrymen: Frequent Musters were made of the British Youth, and powerful Levies transported for the Service of the Empire. Richard Broughton assures us in his Ecclesiastical History published at Douai, out of a jewish Author, that so early as Vespasian's Reign, Twenty Thousand Britain's were translated hence for Palestine, and were at the Sacking of jerusalem: There were standing Alae of them both in Asia and Europe; but towards the Declension of the Empire, when so many numerous Provinces revolted, especially in Valentinian the Third's Reign, about the Time of Aetius his Second Consulship, he being then Precedent of Gallia, all the British Forces then in Arms were carried away, and the whole Island left enervate, disarmed, undisciplined, and not one Roman Legion to assist them, but the Inhabitants all lay exposed to the Insults of their more potent Invaders. The Cangi may reasonably be supposed to inhabit these Parts, as has been hinted before, and that Conghill in the Hundred of Brexton in Cheshire, and Congleton in the Hundred of Nantwich, and Kendale in Westmoreland, and Kentsand in Lancashire, received their Denominations from that People by an easy Corruption. As to the Kings of Mercia, who were Governors of this Province, in that famous Heptarchy of the Saxons, the first of the Royal List is by Holinshed called Crida, who left it to his Son Wibba, Anno Dom. 595, this King had Wars with the Northumber's, and slaughtered Twelve Hundred Monks at Bangor, Anno Dom. 604, as is manifest from the Computation made by Henry of Huntingdon, and Bede's Ecclesiastical History: This City till now was in the Possession of the Britain's, but their King being defeated, it fell into the Hands of the Northumber's, as Malmesbury testifies; but as Sir Henry Spelman observes, they were stopped by the British Forces under the Command of Bledrick, Duke of Cornwall, Manaduc, Duke of South Wales, and Cadwan, Duke of North Wales, who slew Ten Thousand of their Soldiers, and forced them to retreat to their own Country, North of Trent. Cadwan was now crowned King in the City of Chester, as Dr. Powel, Gyraldus in his Description of Wales, and Dr. Llwyd affirm: Ceolus, Brother of Wibba, was the next Mercian King, and Penda the Son of Wibba succeeded him, Anno Dom. 625. He was a great Warrior, and succeeded by Peada, the Son of Penda, Anno Dom. 655. he married Alfleda, Daughter of Oswy, upon Condition he would turn Christian, as Florentinus testifies, and was baptised by Finanus in the King of Northumberland's Palace: Afterwards he founded the stately Abbey of Peterborough; he was succeeded by King Oswey, as Bede relates, who was dethroned by Three Captains, Immin, Eada and Eadberht, and Wulferus fixed on the Mercian Throne; he was the second Son of Penda, and began his Reign 658: In the Beginning of his Reign he was unfortunate, but at length gained the chief Rule over the Saxons. Etheldred succeeded him A. D. 676, in the Kingdom of Mercia; this Prince changed his Crown into a Cowl, and became a Monk in the Abbey of Bardny in Lincolnshire, as the Monast. Angl. informs us. Upon this Resignation of the Throne, Kenred the Son of Wulfer ascended it. He took a Journey to Rome A. D. 709, became one of the Religious and died there. Cheldred, the Son of Etheldred succeeded next, in 716, and was buried at Litchfield in Staffordshire. Ethelbald, the Son of Alwey, the Son of Eoppa, the Son of Wibba, began his Reign the same Year of our Lord, as appears by the Saxon Annals; he laid the Foundation of, and gave a Charter to the Abbey of Crowland in Lincolnshire; he was powerful in Arms, and lead a great Army against Somerton Castle, Six Miles from Glastenbury in Somersetshire, An. 757; he was slain at Sekinton in Warwickshire, and buried at Repton in Derbyshire, his Death was brought about by his own Subjects, especially Bernred, who succeeded him in the Mercian Kingdom: He lost his Kingdom to Offa his Successor; for his Parentage and Progeny not being known, the Legality of his Right was suspected, so he was deposed and afterwards burnt, after his Engagement with Offa: Egfrid the Son of King Offa succeeds him, whose Reign was One Hundred and Forty One Days; he was buried at St. Alban's, and succeeded by Kenulph, in Seven Hundred and Ninety Six: In his Reign Egbert, King of the West Saxons wasted the Welsh Territories, and took the City of Chester from them; he died in the Fourth Year of his Reign and was buried at Winchcomb in Gloucestershire, An. Eight Hundred and Twenty, as Malmsbury testifies. Kenelm succeeded him, an Infant, and he, as Ingulph reports, died a Martyr. Some say, he was murdered, and buried at Clent in Staffordshire. Ceoluph was expelled his Kingdom by Bernulf, who was an Usurper, and began his Reign, An. Eight Hundred and Twenty Two; he was slain in the Fourth Year of his Reign by the East Angles: Ludican his Kinsman began his Reign in 826, and he likewise was slain in Battle by the East Angles. Whitnaff of the Mercian Blood Royal was chosen King, before he understood Martial Discipline; he was overthrown in a Battle by Egbert's Captains, and absconded in a Monastery, as Huntingdon testifies; he died in Eight Hundred and Forty, and was buried at Repton in Derbyshire. Bertulph, Brother of Whitnaff, by Permission of the Saxon Monarch, obtained the Mercian Kingdom, An. Eight Hundred and Forty Eight. In the Year Eight Hundred and Forty Nine King Alfred was born, in the Third Year of whose Age, the Danes came into the Mouth of the Thames with Three Hundred and Fifty Nine Ships, with whom Bertulph had an unhappy Engagement, as Hoveden testifies; he died in Eight Hundred and Fifty Three: In that Year Burthred ascended the Mercian Throne, and was assaulted by the Danes: This King died at Rome, and was buried in the Church of the English College there, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Selulfe a Servant of his was substituted by the Danes in his Room, in Eight Hundred and Seventy Five, and bound by Oath to keep Possession in their Name, as the Saxon Annals assure us. He commanded the Danish Army against King Alfred, An. Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven: In the Year Eight Hundred and Eighty Six, after King Alfred had overpowered his Enemies, he made Etheldred Duke of Mercia, and Captain of his Forces in the City of London, and so the Mercian Kingdom ended, and instead of Kings, the noble Alfred substituted Dukes, under him to Govern it, which happened in the Year 886, as Matthew of Westminster testifies, it having continued under the Reign of Twenty Two Kings from King Crida. Of the Dukes of Mercia. Etheldred, one of the Race of the Kings of Mercia, being constituted Duke, he married Elfleda, the Daughter of Alfred. The Danes in 894, took the City of Chester, but were therein besieged and reduced to great straits, and they quitted it in 908, as Matthew of Westminster affirms: This Duke and his Lady Repaired the City of Chester, and Walled it about; he was buried at Gloucester. Afterwards Elfled ruled and built Edesbury, once a famous City, now nothing but Rubbish: It is at this Day called the Chamber of the Forest. Near this Place are many Fortifications and Fosses; she made Wars upon the Britain's at the Castle of Brecknock, took it, and therein their Queen and Thirty Three Prisoners: She had a War with the Danes at Derby, assaulted the Castle and took it: She died at Tamworth the Thirteenth of July, and was buried in the Porch of St. Peter. Elswina the Daughter of Etheldred succeeded her, An. 919. The City of Chester in 941, was surprised by the Welsh, and won again by King Edward the Elder, whose Fifth Son Edward married this Elswina, as Matthew of Westminster testifies, who was Mother to King Edgar. At this Time the Danes still usurped some Parts of England: Alfarus was the next Duke of Mercia; Alfric, the Son of Alfar, succeeded him in 986, who when he should have engaged the Danish Army, counterfeited an Infirmity to the Dishonour of the Nation. Edrick, the Son of Egilricus, was the Sixth Duke of Mercia, and the Danes hitherto continued their Usurpations: He was deposed from his Dukedom by King Canutus, and that Part of the Kingdom of Mercia was afterwards governed by Earls, commonly styled the Earls of Chester. Of the Earls of Chester. Leofric, the Son of Leofwin, (the Danes still continuing in these Parts) was a great Lover of Chester, and adorned it with several Buildings; Algar the Son of Leofric succeeded him; he died in the Year 1059, and was buried at Coventry: Edwin, the Son of Edgar, succeeded him in his Earldom; but after the Defeat of Harold, by William the Conqueror, the Saxon Nobility ended; and this Earl was by the Conqueror carried into Normandy, from whence he attempted to make his Escape into Scotland, but was slain in his Journey thither, as Hoveden testifies: Gherbod, a Fleming, was the First Earl of Chester after the Conquest; then Hugh Lupus had the Earldom, and he was succeeded by Richard his Son; Ranulph, Nephew to Hugh Lupus, succeeded him in the Earldom, than Ranulph, Son of the former Ranulph, received that Dignity in 1141, was poisoned, and succeeded by Hugh Kevelioc his Son; then Ranulph the Third, surnamed Blundevill, succeeded his Brother Hugh; John Scot, Nephew to Ranulph, succeeded him, he likewise was poisoned, died at Darnel Grange, in the Hundred of Edsbury in Cheshire, and was buried at Chester: After his decease Henry the Third held that Earldom in his own Hands, till he created Edward his Son Earl of that Palatinate; Edward the First, Son of Henry the Third, succeeded him, who mightily delighted in the Pleasantness of the City of Chester, and for that Reason termed the Country the Vale-Royal of England; he was succeeded by Simon de Montfort, who was a Warrior, as appears from his Battle at Lewes in Sussex, wherein he defeated the King, and afterwards received the Earldom of Chester; he was slain at Evesham, and his Honours returned to the Crown in 1265. Edward the Second, born at Carnarvan in Wales, succeeded him, he was Earl of Chester and Flint; Edward the Third his Son was created Earl of Chester, as likewise Prince of Wales, and Duke of Aquitain; Edward the Black Prince ensued next, then Richard his Son, born at Bordeaux, likewise assumed the Title of Prince of Chester, as Wallingham testifies; Henry the Fifth was after him Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earl of Chester; Henry the Sixth succeeded him in that Earldom; the next Earl was Edward, Son of Henry the Sixth, he was murdered at Tewksbury by Richard Crouchback; Edward the Fifth succeeded him, who was likewise murdered by his Uncle; Edward, the Son of King Richard the Third, was next Earl of Chester; then Arthur, Eldest Son to Henry the Seventh, who was succeeded by Henry the Eighth, his Brother; afterward Edward the Sixth; then Prince Henry, Eldest Son of King James the First, and he was succeeded by King Charles the First, and he by Charles the Second his Eldest Son. Thus it remains Titular to the Royal Family, and for aught appears may continue so for a Series of endless Generations. The Bishops of Mercia. The Two First Bishops were Diama and Ceollah, Two Scotch Men; the Third was Tramkere, an English Man, but ordained by the Scots; after him jarnman, or Germane, as Bede relates it. To these succeeded Bishops, who had sometimes their Sees at Coventry, sometimes at Chester, but most commonly at Litchfield: Those were all in the Saxon Government, of whom there is a full Account in Ingulphus, Bede, and others. The First after the Conquest was Petrus, who removed his Seat from Litchfield to Chester, but was afterwards altered by Robert Pecaam, who had Three Seats, Chester, Litchfield and Coventry, but the Episcopal Seat was again restored to Chester, in King Henry the Eighth's Time, and that of St. Werburgh, appointed the Cathedral Church, and the Bishop made a Suffragan of York: The Catalogue of the Bishops after that Time may be seen at large in Godwin, and others. The Barons of Chester. The First Barons we read of were Nigell, Baron of Haulton, Robert, Baron de Mount Hault, Seneschal or Steward of the County of Chester, who dying without Issue, it came to Isabella, Queen of England, by Settlement, and john de Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, and his Heirs; thence to William de Malbedenge, Baron of Malbanc, whose Great Granddaughters transferred this Inheritance by their Marriages to the Vernons and Bassetts, and for want of an Heir Male to Vernon, Baron of Sipbroke, it came by the Sisters to the Willburhams, Staffords and Littleburys: Robert Fitz-Hugh, Baron of Malpas, Hammons de Massey, Fittens de Bolin, Gilbert Venables, Baron of Kinderton, Warrens of Pointon, Barons of Stockport, descended from the Noble Family of the Earls of Warren and Surrey, succeeded in Right of Marriage. I have not met with any farther Antiquities of Chester, or the County, but by what has already been discovered, we may assuredly conclude the City of Chester to have been the most Ancient and August Colony in these Parts. Derbyshire (especially the Peak, which in the Saxon Language signifies Eminence, part of the famous Mercian Kingdom, whose Inhabitants were called Coritani) will afford us but a slender Scene of Antiquities; the very Nature of the Place rendering it inhospitable to Mankind, and at the same time indulgent to Wolves, and Beasts of Prey; yet withal, we may with Admiration contemplate the Conduct of wife, and provident Nature, where amidst all this unpolished Rubbish of the Globe, she herself sits in State, and displays her Works equally compatible with the most desirable Objects: Those uneven Mountains she has made pregnant with a very useful and necessary Metal, and as useful Minerals; she has here and there scattered her Disports for the Diversion of the Curious, and cut out large Themes for Philosophical Inquiries; she liberally affords Hot and Mineral Waters, for the Relief and Comfort of infirm and decrepit Mortals; so that these untractable and dispeopled Parts become frequented with numerous Crowds, who yearly arrive here, either through a Prospect of Ease from their Pains and Infirmities, or for the pleasing Entertainment of the Mind with new Objects, of which these Parts are very prolific. I will as briefly as I can give you my Thoughts of what is most remarkable. I have not heard of any Roman Antiquities save that Place, called Little Chester, mentioned by Mr. Cambden, where Coins of several sorts, and different Metals are sometimes dug up, some of Copper, Silver and Gold; and an Altar mentioned by Mr. Gibson dug up near Bakewell, in the Grounds belonging to Haddon- House, the present Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Rutland, with this Inscription, DEO MARTI BRACIACAE OSITIUS CAECILIAN PRAEFECT TROW— V. S. As to the Tooth, Skull and Bones, found in digging a Grove, mentioned by Mr. Gibson, I have spoke of such Forms before, and take them to be only the Lusus Naturae, in Sparr and other indurated Bodies, which unquestionably at the first were all fluid, and capable of any Impression: We have such a Tooth, though scarce so ponderous, in Manchester, yet it weighs Two Pounds and a Half, having been found in Derbyshire, with a Skull, and Limbs resembling those of a Man, reported to have been found with it, though those are long since lost; the Tooth itself is a Surprise to many Beholders, who after their superficial Eyeing it, conclude it absolute Bone, and stand amazed at its Bulk and Weight; when, in truth, it is only a Sparry Substance impressed with such a Form: For, do we not daily discover the Forms of Plants, and the seeming Beaks of Birds, Effigies of the Bones of Beasts and Fishes, all of solid Stones? Why Nature therefore should be tied up only to these, and not in her Sports and Interludes divert herself, and Mankind with Humane Shapes, I can see no Reason for. I shall now first begin with the Baths at Buxton, but having sufficiently treated in a preceding Chapter of Hot Baths in general, the Cause of their Heat, and their Uses, I'll refer the Reader thereto, and here first give you the Distich of Verses made by Mary, Queen of Scots, who honoured this Place with her Presence, as Mr. Cambden has them: Buxtona, quae calidae celebrabere nomine Lymphae, Forte mihi Posthac non adeunda, Vale. Buxton, whose Fame thy Baths shall ever tell, Whom I, perhaps, shall see no more, Farewell. That these Baths were eminent in the Times of the Romans is most certain; Lucan and others acquaint us, they were extraordinary hot; the high Road, called the Roman Bath-gate, as Mr. Cambden says, further confirms it, but it is especially evident from a Roman Wall cemented with red Roman Plaster, close by St. Ann's Well, where we may see the Ruins of the ancient Bath, its Dimensions and Length. This Plaster is red and hard as Brick, a Mixture not prepared in these Days; and indeed, the white Plaster the Romans used was much firmer and harder than any made in these Times, being harder than the Stone itself; the red Plaster appears as if it was burnt, exactly resembling Tile, but I rather am inclined to think it was a Mixture of Lime and powdered Tiles cemented with Blood and Eggs, which acquired that Hardness: Nor is it unlikely, but the white Plaster was effected by some such Method, only instead of Tyle they might use Chalk. I shall briefly now take a short Survey of the Wonders of the Peak, tho' I confess, they do not directly fall within the Heads of this Chapter, however, being so universally remarkable, I cannot well omit them. Pool's Hole within a Quarter of a Mile of the Well, may be thus described; it enters in at the Foot of a large Mountain with a small Arch so low, that for several Paces you are compelled to creep upon all Fours, but it then opens to a considerable Height, not unlike the Roof of some large Cathedral; on the Right-hand stands an Hollow, commonly called Pool's Chamber, where by striking with a Stone upon the Walla noisy Echo rebounds: From hence you march forward over Ridges of Stones and Rocks, conducted with a Guide and a Candle, and in that rough unequal Passage we received the Diversion of beholding various Representations produced by the petrifying Water continually dropping from the Roof and Sides of the Rock. Here indeed, we must use more Caution than the Stargazing Philosopher, who being taken up with a profound Contemplation of the Heavens, was surprised by a Stumble into a Ditch. Here you may see the Representation of most curious Fretwork, Organ and Choir-work; in other Places the Figures of Animals, as the Body of a Man, a Lion, and many other Things which a pregnant Fancy may suggest; here is one Thing called a Font, by others Esquire Cotton's Haycocks, a Chair and Flitches of Bacon, with many more Varieties. Now you arrive at the Queen of Scot's Pillar, clear and bright as Alabaster, beyond which is a steep Ascent near a Quarter of a Mile high, which Terminates near the Roof in an Hollow, called the Needle's-Eye, in which a Candle represents a Star in the Firmament: The whole Prospect, indeed, in this remarkable Cavity is augmented by the Light of Candles. Near the Pillar we fired a Pistol, which redoubled like the Noise of a Cannon. You return the lower Way, where there are many small Currents of Water: These are what I observed remarkable here. Elden-Hole is a terrible Chasm, it was plummed Eight Hundred Fathom by the Ingenious Charles Cotton, Esq but no Bottom found; if a Stone be cast in you hear its Sound a considerable time; it is about Seven Yards in breadth, and double that in length, and very astonishing to look into. That called the Devil's-Arse is a large and most graceful Arch, from whose Top continually drops a Sparry Water, which like that in Poole's, petrifies; within the Arch are several small Buildings, where the poorer sort of People inhabit; and I could not but fancy them to be like the Troglydites, or Cunicular Men, described by Dr. Brown, that lived not like Men but Rabbits. From this Arch I passed to a Water which almost closed with the Rock, however this Water may be passed, and then the Arch opens again, when you come to very large Banks of Sand; at the third Water the Rock closes, and is impassable any farther. Mam-Tor is another Thing remarkable in the Peak, this is an high Hill near Castleton, under which there are several Lead Mines; this Hill is almost perpetually shivering down Earth, and great Stones, yet never visibly grows less, and has thus continued for several Generations; indeed, the Hill extends a great way in breadth, so that altho' it constantly diminishes, it is not discernible by the Eye. The next Thing to be noted is Tide's-Well, that ebbs and flows, but that being accounted for in another Chapter, I shall not recapitulate here. Having now given an Account of the Natural Wonders of the Peak, I shall proceed next to the Artificial ones which occur, and are not less surprising. What I have observed before in the foregoing Rarities, are the rough Draughts of Nature; yet being nearly viewed, they are of so admirable a Texture, and managed with so unerring a Conduct, that they justly challenge the Skill of the most daring Artist. In what follows, Art sits Triumphant, and bids fair for a Corrivallship with Nature. Chatsworth, like a Sun in an hazy Air, adds Lustre to those Dusky Mountains, and attracts a general Congress to be Spectators of its Wonders: It is the Seat of His Grace, William, Duke of Devonshire; the Passage to it is of an easy Ascent; the Gate itself is very remarkable, adorned with several Trophies; the Hill composes a stately Square, from which through a Gallery upon Stone-Stairs, so artfully contrived, that they seem to hang in the Air, you have the Prospect of a most beautiful Chapel, as likewise of the Hall, in both which are choice and curious Paintings, performed by Signior Vario, Master of that Art; in the Hall is the History of Caesar, stabbed in the Senate; and in the Chapel an admirable and lively Draught of the Resurrection: Hence we were conducted into the Chambers, which are Noble and Great, and most richly Inlaid, with the choicest Woods, and Compose a very stately Gallery. At the upper End of it is his Grace's Closet, richly beautified with Indian Paint, where there are various Figures of Birds, as Drawn by the Native Indians: Here stands a stately Looking-Glass, which, when you approach it, reflects the whole Gallery back again, and so deceives the Sight, that the Walk seems to continue to the Eye, though you have reached the Bounds of the Gallery. The next Curiosity were the Gardens, very delightful, pleasant and stately, adorned with exquisite Water, Works; the First we observe is Neptune with his Sea-Nymphs from whence, by the turning of a Cock, immediately issue forth several Columns of Water, which seemed to fall upon Seaweeds: Not far from this is another Pond, where Sea-Horses continually roll; and near to this stands a Tree, composed of Copper, which exactly resembles a Willow; by the turning of a Cock each Leaf distils continually Drops of Water, and lively represents a Shower of Rain: From this we passed by a Grove of Cypress, upon an Ascent, and came to a Cascade, at the Top of which stand Two Sea-Nymphs, with each a Jar under the Arm; the Water falling thence upon the Cascade, whilst they seem to squeeze the Vessels, produces a loud rumbling Noise, like what we may imagine of the Egyptian or Indian Cataracts: At the Bottom of the Cascade there is another Pond, in which is an Artificial Rose, by turning of a Cock the Water ascends through it, and hangs suspended in the Air in the Figure of that Flower: There is another Pond, wherein is Mercury pointing at the Gods and throwing up Water; besides, there are several Statues of Gladiators, with the Muscles of the Body very lively displayed in their different Postures: The Pile is not yet finished, but will assuredly be a very complete and magnificent Structure, and worthy of so illustrious a Family. Haddon-House is a stately Building, with noble Gardens, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Rutland, and worthy the Sight of the Curious. I shall now in the next place proceed to give an Account of the Earls of Derby; the First of whom were the Peverels, Earls of Nottingham and Derby, as Mr. Cambden transmits' it to us from good Authorities: Afterwards King Richard the First gave and confirmed to his Brother john the County and Castle of Nottingham, Lancaster, Derby, etc. with the Honours belonging to them, and the Honours of Peverel: After him those of the Family of the Ferrars are allowed to be Earls, whom King john created Earls of Derby with his own Hands, but his Two Sons William and Robert in the Civil Wars were stripped of this Dignity, and many Possessions of Robert were given by King Henry the Third to his younger Son Edmund; and Edward the Third by Act of Parliament gave Henry of Lancaster, the Son of Henry of Lancaster, the Earldom of Derby, to him and his Heirs, and likewise assigned him a Thousand Marks yearly, during the Life of Henry his Father: From that Time this Title continued in the Family of Lancaster, till King Henry the Seventh bestowed it upon Thomas Stanley, who had not long before married Margaret the King's Mother; afterwards William the Sixth, Earl of Derby of this Family, a Man of great Worth and Honour, enjoyed it, when the Author Mr. Cambden writ this; William departing this Life, Anno Dom. 1642. was succeeded by james his Son and Heir, Eminent for his good Services to King Charles the First, as was also his Excellent Lady Charlote, who with a true Masculine Bravery sustained the Siege of Lathamhouse against the Parliament's Forces, when my Grandfather Colonel Chisnell Commanded under her: He received Two Commissions, One from His Majesty King Charles the First, for a Regiment of Horse, the Other from his Highness' Prince Rupert, for a Regiment of Foot; in which are these Expressions: For the defence of the True Protestant Religion, by Law established, the Liberty and Property of the Subject, and Defence of His Majesty's Person; which is an invincible Argument of the Degeneracy of the contrary Party, who would calumniate these worthy Patriots, with being Abettors of Popery and Arbitrary Power. The worthy Earl after the Fight of Worcester, being unfortunately taken in Cheshire, was on the Fifteenth of October Beheaded at Bolton in Lancashire: He was succeeded by his Son Charles, and he by his Eldest Son and Heir William, the present Earl; he had Issue james, Lord Strange, by Elizabeth, Granddaughter of the late Duke of Ormond, and Daughter to the late Earl of Ossory: This young Gentleman in the ripening Bloom of his Years, had all the Marks of a sweet Temper, real Honour, and solid Judgement, that in those Years could possibly be expected; but to the unspeakable Loss of his Parents, and the universal Sorrow of the whole Country, he unfortunately died the last Year at Venice of the small Pox, in the Course of his Travels: The present Earl has now Two Brothers, (but no issue Male) Persons of great affability, true Conduct and Bravery, as the World is sufficiently convinced of by their repeated Actions in Flanders, in the Service of his present Majesty, King William the Third. Having thus far proceeded in the Antiquities of these Countries, which unquestionably add to the Glory of them, in laying before us the Regard the Romans had by erecting their Colonies, and forming their Stations for the Security of these Parts of Britain; it remains now for the Satisfaction of the Reader, that I give him an Explanation of the Reverses of the Coins dug up in different Places here. I pretend not hereby to add many to the numerous Catalogues collected and explained by the Care of preceding Antiquaries; but that I may give what is due to these Parts of our Isle, esteemed, indeed, obscure and barren by many, one may by these Reverses form some Idaea's of the Extent of the Roman Empire, and their wondrous Transactions carried on in those Times. One thing is observable here, that as it was an universal Custom in Egypt and China to deliver their Sentiments by Hieroglyphical Representations, so in those Days the Roman Emperors were no less devoted to that Piece of Vanity. I shall not observe any strict Method in the Successions of the Emperors, but give you the Coins indifferently as they came to my Hands. On the Reverse of one of julius Caesar's Coins was Mars with a Spear, or Scutum, or Target, which doubtless denoted his Warlike Temper. On one of Augustus Caesar's was Pallas with these following Letters, DESID. P. R. thus interpreted, the Desire of the Roman People; which sufficiently evidences to us the great Encouragement given to Learning in those Days, at which Time it was, those great Masters of Eloquence and Poetry flourished, viz. Cicero, Virgil, Horace, etc. Others of his have a Peacock on the Reverse; that doubtless denotes his Apotheosis, or being deified; that being a Bird sacred to juno, who in those Days was styled the Mother Goddess, or the Goddess of Heaven: It must needs be amazing to consider, that such strange Impieties and unaccountable Ignorance, and yet such exalted Learning, should then abound. I have seen others of the same Emperor which bore Ceres with a Cornucopia in one Hand, and a Flowerpot in another, which in that Reign denoted Pleasure and Plenty. The same I have seen upon Adrian's and Domitian's Coins, wherefore I shall not need to expatiate further upon those. Only some of Domitian's have Augustus' Germanicus, which denotes his Conquests in Germany. Titus Vespasianus has on the Reverse an Altar with a Cotyla, which must likewise signify either his Sacrificing to the Gods, or that Divine Worship was paid to himself. Those coined by the City of Rome have usually Two Infants sucking a Wolf, which allude to the Story of Romulus and Remus, of which Florus gives a Relation, to whom I refer you. Upon Helena's, the Mother of Constantine the Great, I have seen Mars with a Spear in his Right-hand, holding the Left upon the Head of a Monkey, which seem to hint to us the Extent of the Roman Empire in those Days, that Creature being the Product of Asia. There are frequently found Victoria winged, and in one Hand holding a Victoriola winged, which seem to point out to us their unlimited Conquests. I have on some observed Proserpina sitting in a Chair feeding Snakes, which probably may allude to an Universal Quietness and Plenty, she and Ceres being the supposed Goddesses of the Valleys, making all Things fruitful. I have seen upon a Coin Sibilla Belgica, and upon the Reverse a Man with a Spear and a Trophy upon his Shoulder, who this should be, I cannot make out from any Author. There are several others of Septimius Severus, and Geta his Son, that have on the Reverse juventus, which denotes the flourishing State and blooming Greatness of the Roman Empire. Some have a Man with a Torch in his Lefthand, signifying, either a Sacrificing to the Genius of the Place or to the Emperor. Upon others are Neptune's with a Trident in one Hand, and a Dolphin in the other, which may represent their Conquests by Sea, and probably upon this Island. On some an Eagle and the Word Consecratio, which intimates the Emperor's being deified, or his ascending to Heaven; that being a Bird sacred to jupiter, and as it has been affirmed, one that only proves its Legitimacy, by not being dazzled with the Beams of the Sun, whence came that Metaphor in the Greek Tongue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, which implies Sincerity. Many times we meet with Apollo's Priests with Simpuvia's or Sacrificing-Cups in their Hands together with the Securis and Dolabrum, which are all Instruments that denote Sacrifice. Some have on the Reverse Justice with a Sword and Bilanx, which represent Authority. There are of Geta's that have a Cupid in the Right-Hand, and a Cupid and a Laurel in the Left, which may represent his Juvenileness and Martial Temper, being, when but a Youth, put into great Commands by his Father Severus, who obtained many Victories over the Britain's: Afterwards the said Geta was slain by his Brother Caracalla in the Arms of his Mother, as Herodian testifies. Others bear a Palm with these Words, PAX AB TE, these hint to us, that Peace usually succeeds Victory. Antoninus Pius has some with Britania on the Reverse holding a Cornucopia, which manifest to us the Plenty in Britain in those Times. Upon some he styles himself Britannicus, denoting his Conquests here. Severus has on the Reverse Two Cornucopia's, evidencing the Abundance of Plenty in the Empire in his Reign. Severus Alexander has on the Reverse one of the Popae or Agones holding a Palm, which probably may signify, that by their Prayers to the Gods the Emperor became Victorious. Others have the Flaminii with Torches in their Hands, which was another Order of their Priests that assisted at Sacrifices. Some have a Woman with a Crow in her Hand, which may relate to Sacrifice, that being a Bird taken notice of by their Augurs and Aurispices in their Predictions. Some are adorned with the Tubicines, which was another Order of their Priests sounding their Trumpets during the Sacrifice. I have some with the Flaminii sacrificing Two Pigeons to jupiter, and the Genii of the Place. Others have the Sagittarii, another Order of their Priests. Others have Ceres and Annona, arguing Plenty and an Universal Amnesty and Charity. Some with a Tripos and Caduceus, denoting Peace. Upon some may be observed Ceres holding a Spike of Corn in the Lefthand, and a Torch in the Right, intimating, as I conjecture, that for reaping Harvest a Sacrifice ought to be performed to her: Some of Faustulus' Coins are of this Kind. Upon some are stamped a Star with a Crown and Fasces, which seems to allude to the magnificent Custom, when Caesar ordered his Golden Bench to be brought into the Theatre, and appeared there with his Crown adorned with Gold and Gems; this, as Lipsius observes, was likewise an Honour dedicated to the Gods. The like may also be seen at large in Tacitus' Annals, and Causabon's Comment upon Suetonius' first Book. I have seen on some Venus Victrix, in one Hand holding a Victoriola or Victory in Miniature, with a Scutum along with it, under which are these Words, Sub quo Orbis Terrarum jacet: This seems to indicate, that by the Assistance of Venus the World must be subject to Caesar's Arms. Upon others are Orbis Terrarum Caduceus, duae Dextrae junctae, Concordia Insignis, with the Fasces and Securis; which intimate, that under Caesar the World should enjoy Concord, signified by the Two Hands; by the Caduceus and Fasces, are meant the Vigour of the Laws, and their Religion by the Securis or Sacrificing-Ax. Upon some are Caesar in the Habit of a God, holding in his Right-hand a Cornu. which was an Honour dedicated to the Genii and to Heroes, and in his Lefthand a Victoriola with the Statue of Mars. Others have a Sacellum or Temple dedicated to julius by the Triumvirs. Others a Blow and a Perticus or Ploughshare used in Tillage. Upon some are the Stern of a Ship, a Globe, Cornucopia, Caduceus, and Apex Pontificalis, which intimate Caesar's governing the World, and represent Peace, Happiness and Religion. Some have Venus Clypeo Caesaris, and an Eagle fixed upon an Altar; for then the Surname of jupiter was publicly attributed to Caesar. Some have Minerva bearing a Trophy with a Dragon at her Feet; because, as Pliny, Plutarch, Pausanias and others observe, that Animal was sacred to that Goddess. On those of Marcus Brutus is an Anchor with a Dolphin; this indicateth the Command or Sovereignty of the Sea, which the Ejurati by a powerful Navy assumed to themselves. Some of his also have the Lyra, Laurus and Coulter Victimalis, these all relate to the Ludi Apollinares, which in the Absence of Brutus were acted. On others of his are Caduceus Orbis and Clavus, which indicate, Caesar being slain by Brutus, the World should be governed with utmost Felicity. Upon some are Cancer, Acroterion and Rosa, which refer to the Victory of Cassius after the taking of Rhodes; for the Rose is observable in all the Coins of the City, and the Crabfish or Cancer only indicateth the Maritime Places and adjacent Islands; the Acroterion indicateth Victory after a Naval Engagement. On others I observed Mars naked, with an Helmet on his Head, leaning on a Spear, pressing a Scutum with his Foot, in his Lefthand holding a Flagellum or Scourge; the first of these intimates the Power of Mars in time of War; the last his Justice in punishing Mutineers or Offenders; this is the proper Habit of Mars, and no doubt, the Ground of it was to imprint a lively Idea upon the Minds of the Soldiers, both as to their Valour and Duty. Upon some by the Urceus Lituus, and Pullus Gallinaceus of Mark Antony's, are delineated his Inauguration. A full Account may be seen of the Superstitiousness of those Times in Goodwin, Dupry, Rosinus, and others. Upon some is one of the Equites carrying a Trophy upon his Shoulders, which might probably be stamped after some Victory. On the Coins of Marcus Lepidus, who was Tutor to Ptolomy's Children, may be observed one offering a Diadem to a Youth holding an Eagle; this doubtless in their younger Years was to instil into them true Principles of Honour and Greatness, the Diadem being the Regalia of the Emperor, and the Eagle a Bird Sacred to jupiter. On some I have observed Four Spikes of Corn, designing an Annona, or a general Amnesty, which doubtless signifies in that Year the Sacrifices to Ceres were numerous; at which Time Lepidus returned out of Africa, where he presided and eased the Romans of their Bondage. Others have a Tripos, out of which a Serpent appears, the Lituus, and Sympulum, these only design the Sacerdotia. Some have a Vessel betwixt a Thunderbolt and a Caduceus; this by some is thought to intimate thus much, that we ought to spare the Humble, but pull down the Proud; Peace and Clemency being prefigured by the Caduceus, and by the Thunderbolt War and Contention. The Tripos with a Star, is discernible upon some, on one side environed with a Lituus or Trumpet, on the other side a Sympuvium, or Sacrificing-Cup; the Birds which stand in the midst are Crows, of which we have spoke before. I have seen likewise the Sellae Curules, to which there are affixed Three Laurels, placed upon a Crown; these were in Honour to the Triumvirs, they having each of them One. Some have a Caduceus with a double Cornucopia, and a Poppy on the Reverse; whence it is signified, That by the Poverty of some Men Plenty and Security is obtained: As in the dubious Fate of War, by impoverishing some Persons, the Fortunes of a greater Number are raised: The double Caduceus denotes Plenty, but the Poppy may import either Quiet or Sadness. Upon those of Cneus Domitius is the Keel of a Ship with the Sun, because he coined that Money when he Commanded in the Ionian Sea. Upon others are the Insignia of Cohorts, Praetors, and different Legions, all which bore the Eagle, but had their various Distinctions. Some have Two Hands conjoined with a Legionary Eagle, and under that the Rostrum of a Ship; this denotes Concord both by Land and Sea. I have seen a Palm with a Crown of Ivey, with this Inscription, ALEXANDRIA AEGYPTI, perhaps, because the Palm was plentiful there; the Crown was of Ivey, because Antoninus commanded himself to be styled Bacchus, or because at Alexandria Bacchus was the presiding Genius. Upon others Piety with a Cornucopia, the Stern of a Ship, and a Stork, the Ensign of Piety; because the younger Storks nourish the old Ones. Upon several are the Temples of D. julius, upon some the Triumvirs joining Hands, and Tellus or Ceres adjacent, holding a Cornucopia and Caduceus; hence is signified, that the Earth by the Concord of the Triumvirs, enjoyed Happiness and Plenty. Upon one of Dioclesian's Coins is Ceres leaning upon an Hasta, and holding a Cornucopia, denoting Plenty; at her Feet are these Letters, P. L. N. which Letters imply, pecunia Londini notata; that is, Money coined at London; the Two other Letters D. N. that stand before the Head, signify, Deus noster, as having caused himself to be styled, and worshipped as a God. Upon some are the Bows and Quivers of the Armenians; these denote the Extent of the Roman Empire in those Parts. Upon others these Words, Armenia Romanorum Clypeis oppressa, which relate to the same Matter. Upon some Nux Pinea, which is the Ensign of the Vintagers that Year, probably abounding with Plenty of good Wines. Others have painted Targets, bespeaking the Roman Conquests there. Upon some is Victory standing on a Basis, below her Two Snakes wreathed and raising themselves upwards, which wonderfully exercise the Learned: It may be, by the Two Snakes is intimated the Division of the Roman Empire into Two Factions, that is the Hospitalitates, and Distdia, which were composed by Victory mediating; for the Snake is the Symbol both of Friendship and Division. In some there is Victory sitting upon a Celestial Sphere, as though she would diffuse her Power above Heaven itself, and holds a Velamen in her Hand, which composes a Circle that her Eternity might be by that denoted. So prodigiously aspiring were the Emperors in those Days, that they even outdid the very Cyclops, who waged War with Heaven itself. Others have a Caduceus, and a Scutum, stamped with the Image of the Sun; these indicate the Felicity of the Times, sought for by the Ludi seculares, the Caduceum signifies Happiness, and the Sun the Age, which by its Circumvolutions it commensurates. Thus we may observe how the Romans were addicted to Hieroglyphical Representations: However, to have a clear Sense of them, may give a Man a Gust of the Flights of the Roman Poets in those Days of Heathenism, in their Characters of, and Addresses to the Emperors. Some have Phoebus' naked, sitting on a Rock, and playing upon an Harp; it is probable by Apollo here is meant Augustus Caesar, in whose Reign Learning was so much Encouraged. Augustus is on some Togated, holding in his Hand a Victoriola, which still shows his great Inclination to Learning and Arms. Some have Venus Victrix, with a Spear and Helmet, and a Scutum adjacent, which had for its Ensign a Star; this probably represents the Shield of Augustus, which for the Memory of his Father he adorned with a Star, as likewise his Helmet. Some have Neptune pressing the Keel of a Ship with his Foot, in one Hand holding a Trident, in the other a Dolphin; these bespeak the Sovereignty of the Emperor at Sea. Others have Diana Venatrix, denoting the great Pleasures of those Days. Others have Hispania holding Spikes of Corn, showing the Plenty thereof in that Province; she holds likewise Darts in her Hand styled Gosa, which were taken by the Romans from the Spaniards. In some are discernible a Siren, one half representing a Woman, the other a Bird; this denotes the Cumaeans, a Colony brought over to the Roman Empire by Augustus, for Cumis was commonly called the Body of Parthenope, which was one of the Sirens. Some have a Parthian carrying Banners. Some Victory, sitting on the Rostrum of a Ship, with a Laurel and a Palm, denoting Victory at Sea. Others have Parthians offering a Boy to Augustus, and as appears by the Bracelets, they carried supplicated Peace from him; these sufficiently denote to us the Power the Romans had amongst those Warlike People; if we consider therefore the Roman Puissance in those and succeeding Times, and withal the Effeminacy of the Italians in these Days, it may give us just Reasons to suspect the ancient Race of the Romans is extirpated, and the present Inhabitants are but the spurious Offspring of the Scythians, Goths and Vandals. On some there are these Words, QUERNA CORONA, a Crown of Oak, perhaps, alluding to the British Druids who worshipped under Oaks. Severus Pius Augustus has on the Reverse these Letters, P. M. T. R. P. a Man holding a Patera, and Discordia; the ters may be interpreted, Pontifex Maximus Tribunitiae Potestatis. On some is a double Cornucopia, which is the Ensign of Vibo Valentiae, as is manifest from the Coins of that City. Some have Pietas holding a Spear and a Laurel, because the Laurel was chief made use of in Sacrifices, which they held in their Hands, when they worshipped their Gods, imploring, as we may conjecture, Success and Victory to Caesar's Arms. Upon some is Tiberius sitting on a Star, denoting either Eternity or Victory to him. There is likewise Antonia in the Habit of Constantia Aug. holding a Cornucopia, with a Torch for the Priesthood of Augustus, denoting all Virtues. Upon some is Augustus amongst the Seven Planets in the Habit of a God. On others Caligula sitting upon a Star, holding a Laurel and Spear, denoting his being deified and his Victories. I have seen those of Germanicus, holding the Eagle of the Legion, which he retook after it was lost at the Battle of Varvana. Some have Hope clothed in a divided Garment, with one Hand lifting up the Skirts of it, and with the other preferring an Herb to it, which shows how little we ought to value our Expectations in this World. There are Coins of Titus Claudius with the Sacerdotia and Sacrificing-Vessels. Sometimes Peace stands winged, touching with a Caduceum the Head of a Serpent, which seems to hint, the best way to compose Differences is by Clemency. Constantia is observed sitting in a Roman Stola, lifting up the Foremost Finger of her Right-hand, which Posture denotes Vigilancy. Britania is observed holding in her Right-hand the Stern of a Ship, what is in her Lefthand is not distinguishable; adjacent to that is the Keel of a Ship, denoting the Kingdom encompassed by Sea, as likewise the Inhabitants Application to Navigation. Vesta covered sitting, holding a Sacrificing-Cup, and offering a Lamp, denotes the Perpetuity of that Fire. On another of Constantia's, she leans upon a Spear in a Military Habit, lifting up the foremost Finger of her Right-hand, which shows how constant and indefatigable Claudius was for the Commonwealth, and indeed, there is just Reason to believe it, since he sailed round the Island, and was the first Roman Emperor that made any considerable Progress in Britain, as Dion, Suetonius, Tacitus and others observe. Others have a naked Barbarian with a Dagger, fight with a Roman in regular Armour: It's probable, this naked Man was a Britain, for Zonaras and Xiphilinus assure us, the Armour of the Britain's was a short Shield, Dagger and Spear. Some have the Genius holding a Patera and Cornucopia. Constantius has on the Reverse sometimes Mars, Virtus, Exercitus; for by his Warlike Temper he wrested the Empire from his Two Brothers, which his Father Constantine had divided. Domitian has Ceres with a Cornucopia, denoting Plenty. Sometimes he has Mars holding in his Right-hand a Spear, in his Left a Target. Antoninus bears a Cippus, an Instrument to punish Offenders. Nero may be observed with his Head radiated with a Victoriola and with a Laurel, which denotes his Ambition to represent the Sun; and in sacrificing the Laurel, a Tree sacred to Phoebus, he compared himself to Apollo, by reason of the Victories he obtained by his Harp and sing: One remarkable Instance Nero afforded, was that he played upon his Harp the Burning of Troy, as Rome itself was in Flames. Others have Roma Armata, with Breasts exerted like an Amazon; this doubtless was to Typify the Valour of the City of Rome. Some have Victory offering a Shield to Nero. Some an Hunter pursuing a Boar. Some Hispania with a Quiver and Two Darts, signifying the Valour of that Nation, and with a Spike of Corn, showing its Fertility. Galba may be observed Gowned, holding the World in one Hand, and with the other touching the Head of a Youth: This seems to relate to the Galbae in Piso, in adapting the Hospital Boys, instituted by Galba, to Piety. Otho has these Words, SECURITAS POP. ROM. with a Spear and a Laurel, which denote, that by the Victories of Otho, Security was brought to the People of Rome. On the Reverse OTHO PONTIFEX MAXIMUS, with a Branch of Laurel and a Spear, denoting that Expiations and Purgations by Sacrifice were performed by them; and these are all the Otho's I have seen. Some Coins have jupiter sitting upon a Star with a Spear. Others Mars Grandivus, with a Spear and a Trophy. Others Fortune, holding the Helm of a Ship in her Left Hand, and a Cornucopia, representing what vast Riches may be acquired by Navigation. Clementia, sitting with Spikes of Corn, may be observed in Vespasian's Coins. As likewise the Palm, that abounding in judea, which he Conquered. jupiter Custos standing before the Altar with a Patera and Hasta, which seem to show that by Government and Religion the World is preserved. Peace holding an Olive-branch, burns her Arms; behind her stands a Pillar, supposed to be Bellona's, from which a Spear usually appears. Tutela Dea protecting Vespasian or Titus, and Domitian. Eternitas represented by the Sun and Moon, those being by the Egyptians deemed Eternal. Neptune Redux with a Trident and Acroterion, for the Return of Titus to Rome by Sea. Domitian in the Habit of Piety, a Son standing by, which Typifies that by Piety the Empire nourished and cherished her Son Caesar. In some Coins may be observed Hercules, or Trajan the Emperor, he much affecting to be clad in that Habit. The Via Trajana in Species of a Woman holding a Wheel and Reed, denoting probably the Industry of the People of Rome. Matidia with her Two Daughters, which represent Piety, with which she preserved her Two Daughters Sabina, and Matidia the Younger. Adrianus, the Reverse a Woman holding a Globe in her Hand, which shows that Adrian and Venus governed the World. Egypt leaning upon a Basket of Fruit, holding a Cistrum, or Horn like a Trumpet in her Hand; Ibis, a Bird Sacred to the Egyptians, is adjacent, and was the Bird, when it found itself indisposed, that injected Salt Water by the Help of its Beak into the Anus; and thence showed us the Use of Clysters. Cappadocia holding a Mountain in her Hand; its probable, because the Cappadocians worshipped a Mountain for their God. Africa sacrificing, by reason of the Coming of the Emperor, and holding Spikes of Corn covered with the Exuviae of Elephants. Asia Minor with the Rostrum, and Stern of a Ship to demonstrate their Expertness in Naval Affairs, in which her Inhabitants then excelled, and holding in her Right Hand a Serpent, perhaps, because the Country abounds with them: This Emblem, as it delineates to us the Industry of those People in Navigation, at the same time renders it very probable, that many Foreign Parts might be Peopled thence; and Britain, by what we have hinted before, as likely as any. But the more fully to evidence the Truth of this Conjecture, I shall in the First place back it with a Quotation from Divine Authority. In the Second place, clearly and fully evince, that the Britain's in those Days worshipped the same Deities as the Phoenicians did. And in the Third and Last place make it evident, that in Nero's Time a British Queen wore a Golden Torques, which sufficiently demonstrates the Britain's traded with other Nations before Caesar made his Attempts upon this Island, which from the subsequent Observations may fairly be proved to be Phoenician. Of the First; Ezekiel, Chap. 27. gives us this Geographical Account, which, if I mistake not, exactly quadrates with the Reverse of the forementioned Coin; and fully illustrates to us, how from their vast Industry, Skill and Experience in Navigation they might transplant themselves hither; that the People of Tirus, which was one of the chief Cities of Phoenicia, were seated at the Entry of the Sea, were Merchants and a People for many Isles, that their Ships were made of the Fir-Trees of Senir, and their Masts of the Cedars of Lebanon, that they had Oars from the Oaks of Bashan, Benches of Ivory from the Ashurites, brought out of the Isles of Chittim; embroidered Linen from Egypt for their Sails, Blue and Purple from the Isles of Elisha, the Inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad were their Mariners, and the Wisemen in Tyrus their Pilots, the Wisemen of Gebal and Ancients thereof their Calkers, that all the Ships of the Sea were there to occupy their Merchandise, those of Persia, of Lud and of Phut were in their Armies. Observe here Lud in the Hebrew Language signifies Lydia, a Country bordering upon Phoenicia; that therefore the British King assuming that Name (from whom the City of London, as most conjecture, is denominated) seems to me to produce, that the Phoenicians had discovered the whole Island, since it is probable, he might chief affect the Name from some eminent Lydian he most admired among the Phoenicians; whether it be so or no, I shall not take upon me to determine: However, it may merit the strictest Inquiries of the Learned. That the Phoenicians Traded to Tarshish is certain, which by the best Commentators is esteemed to be the Mediterranean, and likewise to Tubal, javan and Meshech, which signify the North, amongst which, its probable the Britain's may be included; that they likewise traded in precious clothes for their Chariots, an Instrument only that they as well as the Britain's, made use of in Fight. Having now cleared the first Head, I shall proceed to the second, and that is, to prove that their Way of Worship in Britain and Phoenicia was the same; which, if I mistake not, duly weighing the preceding Arguments, to wit, the Phoenician Words in these Parts and Manner of Fight, with their prodigious Merchandizing, puts it beyond Contradiction, that this Island must necessarily be inhabited from that Country, in a great Measure at least. The Deities they then worshipped retained the following Names, Andraste and Astarte, of which Dion Cassius gives the following Account in his Life of Nero. The British Amazon Bonduca or Boadicia, says Leo, before she engaged the Romans, with her Hands lift up to Heaven, had this Ejaculation; O Astarte, Protectrix of Women, I invocate thee. Now the Phoenicians, as well as she, worshipped Astarte, by that meaning the Moon or Venus, which sometimes they termed Venus, sometimes Belisama, sometimes Diana and sometimes Proserpina, from the benign Influence that they expected from her in the Rivers, Woods, Valleys and their Pleasures, she being styled Belisama upon the Waters, in the Woods Diana, in the Valleys Proserpina; and when they implored her Assistance for Pleasure and Felicity, Venus. Schaedius likewise in his Account of the Germane Gods gives us a Relation, that they paid a most profound Adoration to this Deity, insomuch, that when she was in her Wane they declined Fight, of which the Romans frequently took their Advantage, and made by that Method their Conquests the easier. Their Manner was always, in the New-Moon to engage their Enemy, of which Superstition to this very Day there remains still some Footsteps, it being a common Custom amongst the Populace upon the first Appearance of the New-Moon to put up a Benediction to her in the following Form, to wit, Yonder is the New-Moon, God bless it. I shall now in the Third and Last place endeavour from another Relic of Antiquity to make it evident, that the Britain's traded with the Eastern Nations, to wit, Phoenicia, and that is from a Torques lately found in Staffordshire, belonging, as may be supposed, to the British Queen Boadicia: Of which take the following Account: In the County of Staffordshire, in the latter end of April, 1700. a poor Man in the Parish of Patingham, found a large and ponderous Torques of fine Gold, the Weight of it was Three Pounds and Two Ounces, in Length it was about Four Foot, curiously twisted and writhe, with Two Hooks at each End, cut even but not twisted; one of the Hooks seemed to have a small Notch in it, as if something had worn it by hanging to it; it was fine Metal, very bright and flexible, it would wrap round your Arm, your Middle or Hat, and be extended again easily to its own Shape, which most resembled the Bow of a Kettle. It seems to be a British Piece of Antiquity for the following Reasons: First, It's being found near an old British City, as Dr. Plot in his Natural History of Staffordshire, makes that Place to be. Secondly, Dion Cassius assures us, that Bonduca or Boadicia wore a Golden Torques. The Romans, as well as the Britain's, wore these Torques, and probably both of them had it from the asiatics. Titus Manlius had the Surname of Torquatus given him, as an Achievement of Honour for kill Gallus, a Man of a prodigious Magnitude. The Torques by Virgil is thus described, — Is petere summo Flexilis obtorti in collum circulus auri. which exactly quadrates with the Account given of it. From this Instance therefore, we may deduce this reasonable Corollary, that since the Britain's, as well as the Romans wore Golden Torques, and that Gold is not the Product of this Island; and that as it is evident from the Quotation in Ezekiel, the Phoenicians Traded in Gold, Precious Stones, and all the Eastern Spices, and might for these trade with the Britain's, for Tin, Iron, Copper, and other Products of the Island; that several Colonies of the Phoenicians were seated here before the Romans made any Attempts upon it. The Account of this Torques was communicated to me by the Reverend Mr. Smith, Bachelor of Divinity, and Senior Fellow of Brazen-Nose-Colledge, in Oxford. Faustina, on some representing Lucina, predicts Faecundity, she being the Goddess that assisted in women's Labour, she has Three Infants standing by her; upon some is Eternitas alata, holding a Torch in her Hand, and carrying Faustina to Heaven. Heliogabalus has a Patera pouring Liquor upon an Altar, holding in the Lefthand a Ferula, in Imitation of the Magis, who near the Altar sang the Hymns of the inextinguishable Fire, holding their Ferula's. Hercules Densoniensis; this relates to Denso, a Town or Castle upon the Frontiers of the Franks, behind the Rhine, as St. Hierome ad Chronicon Eusebii says, In the Year 376, the Saxons were routed at Denso. Upon some is Laetitia holding in her Right-hand a Diadem, in her Left an Anchor, showing that Joy to be firm and right grounded. Upon others is the Image of the Sun radiated, holding in the Lefthand a Spear, a Captive sitting upon the Ground at his Feet, an Epithet ascribed to the Conqueror, Hercules Scytalo Sagitti Pelliger: This Sign the Pagan Emperors carried in their Expeditions. On others Securitas holding a Laurel, because it was supposed to divert Dangers. Imperator Crucem Tenens, which was in the Insignia of Constantine the Great. Victoria Crucem Gemmatam Tenens; under that Sign assuring the most glorious Victory. Caesar Valerianus with Proserpina feeding Snakes, which is explained before. Antoninus, with a Person holding a Discus, denoting Sacrifice. Septimius Geta, Mars holding a Spear in his Right-hand, and a Torch in his Left with these Letters, I. N. C. JUVENTUS; the first argue his Martial Temper, as likewise his Regard to the Gods by the Torch adapted for Sacrifice: The Letters may mean thus, Imperator Noster Caesar, and juventus either signifies his Youth or the flourishing State of the Empire. Severus Maximus Critinus Augustus has at the Bottom of the Head IWI. on the Reverse L. TAUG. This seems to be a Coin stamped by some Tribune of an august Legion, as the Letters seem to imply; but why Severus was styled Critinus, I cannot make out by any Antiquary. Valerius Maximus with a Neptune, Dolphin and Trident, explained before. Severus sometimes has Providentia Deorum and Pallas, implying his great Veneration for the Gods and for Learning. julia has sometimes on the Reverse Pietas Publica, and a Woman with a Patera at her Feet; she was Wife to Severus, and as some affirm, very lewd; wherefore by having the Sacrificing Cup by her Feet, it looks as if she scorned and trampled upon Religion. julia Maesa has on the Reverse Venus and Foelicitas; she was Mother to Commodus, who, as some declare, was got by a Gladiator, for which Reason, perhaps, she fixed her chief Happiness in that Goddess. She sometimes holds a Patera in her Hand, denoting Sacrifice, very likely to Venus. Severus Alexander has a Man holding a Patera with these Letters, M. P. T. P. COS. II. implying Sacrifice, and that he had been of the Tribunitial Power, and twice Consul. Severus Augustus has a Sacellum, signifying his Veneration for the Gods. Septimius Geta, a Man holding a Trophy with these Letters, P. O. N. U. T. H. which may probably be Pontifex, the Emperors being frequently styled, Nobilis victor, Triumphator Heroicus, & Cos. II. twice Consul. Severus Alexander has Virtus, Exercitus, Augustus, a Man holding an Hasta and Patera, denoting his Application to Morality, Arms and Religion. Valerius Maximus has on the Reverse Proserpina holding a Snake in one Hand, atd another hissing at her; this denotes the Division of the Roman Empire, spoke of before. julia has sometimes S. V AU. AUG. P I. with Pallas on the Reverse, which is no more than Votum solvit Augusto Principii, she styling herself Augusta, and that Pallas was one of her Genii. Some bear these Words IMPERATOR. CAESAR AUG. on the Reverse a Man holding in one Hand a Bidens, and in the other a Scutum: The Bidentes, as Scaliger upon Varro observes, were Cornigerae, and denote Sacrifice; the Toga signifies Peace, the Scutum Authority, and the Letters A. P. O. L. may be thus interpreted, Augustus Pontifex Legislator. julia Mammaea, on the Reverse a Man holding a Spear and Scutum, URBIS ROMANAE CONSERVATRIX; this was found in a Roman Urceolus, near Standish in Lancashire, with Two Hundred Roman Coins more, and Two massy Rings of Gold, belonging doubtless to the Equites Aurati. Severus Pius Augustus has on the Reverse these Letters, D. M. T. R. P. with a Man holding a Patera and Discordia; D. M. may signify Dominus Maximus or Deus; T. P. that he was of the Tribunae Potestatis, the Patera Sacrifice, and Discordia argues they were dissatisfied about the Worship of the Gods, or perhaps, that the Christians divided from them. Commodus Antoninus Aug. has sometimes Ceres with Spikes of Corn, which denotes only Plenty, with these Letters L. I. R. AUG. V TRIUMVIR. which may denote Liberalitas, and juventus Romana, and that he had been Five times Triumvir; as likewise PO. FOUR COS. signifies Pontifex or Princeps, and Four times Consul. Antoninus Pius Aug. I find him with a Man holding a Patera and Bidens; both denote Sacrifice, with these Letters, P. M. T. P. D. X. FOUR COS. FOUR P. R. the first five Letters may signify Pontifex Maximus Tribunitiae Potestatis Deus; X. and FOUR may denote the Year of his Reign, and Four times Consul; P. R. is the People of Rome. Another of the same Emperor has Libertas. Another of his has Neptune, a Spear and Star, a Trident, Sacellum and Caduceum, denoting his being deified, together with his Power and Peace at Sea. julia Mammaea has Providentia sitting, which may imply, Providence by a Nod directs the World. Another of Antoninus has a Man with a Star and a Scutum, in the Posture of a Gladiator, which shows the Soldier is ready to defend the Emperor's being deified; like the Knights of Maltha drawing their Swords at the reading of the Creed, to show their Readiness to venture their Lives in its Defence. There is another of julia Mammaea with juno on the Reverse, with a Spear in one Hand, and a Cornucopia in the other, and a Peacock with a Conservatrix at her Left-foot: These point to us her Power and being deified, and that juno was her Genius. Another of Antoninus has Aesculapius on the Reverse; this probably might be coined after some severe Sickness, and makes clear to us the great Regard the Emperors had for the Profession of Physic. There are of Diadumenus' Coins, on the Reverse of which are PRINCEPS JUVENTUTIS, and Two Pillars of Crescents by him, which typify his Youth and future Hopes of Grandeur. julia has sometimes a Vestal Virgin, a Symbol of Eternity. Another of Antoninus has Britania sitting, with a Cornucopia and these Letters, P. M. T. P. XV. which signify Plenty, and Pontifex Maximus Tribunitiae Potestatis, XV. Year of his Reign: COS. III. P. P. so that he had been Tribune, thrice Consul, and styled himself Pater Patriae, that is, Father of his Country. Severus Alexander has Apollo, which may hint his Affection to Music. julia has Faecunditas, Lucina and a Child, signifying Fruitfulness. Severus Alexander has on the Reverse one of the Agones holding the Branch of a Tree, in which, it may be presumed, the Genius most delighted. Others of his Coins have one of the Flaminii with these Letters, M. T. R. P. COS. which denote that he was sometimes styled Marcus, and that he had been a Tribune, Prince and Consul. There are some of Titus Elupius Galerius with Proserpina and a Serpent in her Hand; this Person was Governor of North-Wales, and dedicated an Altar to jupiter, as appears from the Inscription of one dug up there; the Serpent at that Time might signify Peace. Marcus Aurelius has Liberalitas, and a Man holding a Sword and Sacrificing-Cup, which show his Hospitality and Promptness to defend Religion. julia has Concordia and one of the Flaminii, only implying Quietness and Sacrifice. Antoninus Pius, on the Reverse Marti Deo Victoriae. There are some where Caesar is not legible, but have on the Reverse SACERDOS with a Man on Horseback; several British Coins of Cunobelin's have the same, but the Word Sacerdos makes me to take it for Roman, and one of Coccius Nerva's, by reason of the Imposition he took off that was laid on Carriages and Travelling Horses, which may be seen at large in Suetonius. Maximianus has on his Reverse juno. Commodus Augustus has this Word OPTIME and one of the Tubicines, which only implies, that whilst those Priests were sacrificing they sounded well. Clemens Augustus has a Woman with a Dove, hinting Mildness. Valerius Divus Augustus has on the Reverse one of the Flaminii sitting, which implies his being deified, and likewise a Priest sacrificing. Antoninus Pius has these Words VOTA SUSCEPTA, and a Tripos, which indicate he had performed his Vows to the Gods for the Peace he then enjoyed. Marcus Severus Alexander has sometimes Annona, explained before. julia has sometimes Discordia, which wants no Explanation. Valerius has Pietas and one holding a Simpuvium, denoting Sacrifice. Another of Alexander's with Victoria and a Trumpet in her Hand. Others of that Emperor have one of the Flaminii sacrificing Two Pigeons, JOVI & VICTORIAE, which only denote that jupiter and Victory were his Tutelar Genii. Imp. Aael. this cannot be made out, nor do I pretend to determine it. Marcus Valerius Alexander has a Man holding a Spear and leaning on a Tripos, which probably signifies the Sword was there sheathed. Macrinus has a Woman holding a Sacrificing-Knife and Ax. Aelius Adrianus has Ceres with a Cornucopia and COS. III. denoting Plenty, and that he had been thrice Consul. The next Thing to be considered, is to account for the Caesars in Britain, that the Reverses of their Coins may be the better understood. julius Caesar, as appears by his own Account, descended from from Ancus Martius, an ancient King of Rome, by his Mother's Side, by his Father's from the Gods; at Seventeen Years of Age he was made Flamen Dialis, Seven Years afterwards Questor of Spain, next Aedilis, and afterwards Pontifex Maximus. Whilst he was invading this Island, his Daughter julia died, and as Seneca testifies, he fought Fifty several Battles with Success, had Five Triumphs, been Four times Consul, and at last was murdered by a Conspiracy of the Senators, the Chief of whom was his Relation Brutus. The Second Caesar that made any Advance in Britain was Drusus Claudius: He landed at the Mouth of the Thames, and there joined his General Plautius. For his Success here his Army saluted him by the Name of Imperator. The Britain's for his Clemency after their Overthrow, erected Temples and Altars to him and worshipped him as a God. He had a Triumph erected to him: Upon the Louver of the Palace a Naval Coronet was fixed, as if at that Time Britain had been the Mistress of the Sea, and that the Ensign of its new Subjection. See Suetonius. He had Two Sons in Law, Pompeius and Silanus, who, while he ascended the Capitol upon his Knees, constantly supported him. He exhibited Triumphal Sports and Games, assumed the Consular Office and Authority, diverted himself with the Killing of Bears, Fight of Champions, and the Youths of Asia Dancing in Armour. Nero sent into Britain his General Suetonius, who defeated the British Queen Boadicia, who as some allege, afterwards poisoned herself, others that she sickened of Grief and died, having lost 230000 Men; 'twas he that sent hither the Twentieth Legion. Galba continued in Britain his General Trebellius Maximus. Otho continued the same General, and governed but Ninety Five Days. Vitellius succeeded him. Vespasian takes the Opportunity of the Civil War betwixt them: He had served from a Youth in the British Wars; commanded the second Legion; and sent into Britain that great General julius Agricola, who destroyed the Ordovices. Titus Vespasian brought the Britain's to the Roman Customs and Habits, who for the great Exploits performed by his General Agricola, was Fifteen times saluted by the Name of Imperator: He was styled the joy and Delight of Mankind. Domitian passed over to the Orcadeses; these he subdued in many Battles, as likewise the Caledonians under the Conduct of Agricola: In his Life-time he commanded himself to be styled God and Lord. Nerva reigned only One Year, Four Months and odd Days: According to Antoninus, he built Coccium in Lancashire, now styled Ribchester. Ulpius Trajanus reduced the revolting Britain's: During these Two Emperors Reigns, the Times were troublesome in Britain, since Nerva in his Life-time accepted Trajan as his Partner in the Empire: He constituted in Britain the Municipal Laws; at Sessions and Assizes ordered the Rods and Axes to be presented to the Backs and Necks of the common People, and enlarged many of the Roman Ways: He died at Seleucia in Asia the less; his Ashes were sent to Rome, and enclosed within the Crown of a goodly Pillar of One Hundred and Forty Foot in Height. Aelius Adrianus made a Journey to Britain in Person in the Sixth Year of his Empire, was thrice Consul; by Force of Arms he reduced the Britain's to Obedience, as is manifest from the Three Soldiers upon his Coin, denoting Three Legions, of which the Roman Army then consisted, with this Inscription EXER BRITANNICUS RESTITUTOR BRITANNI. He built a Wall Fourscore Miles in Length cross the Island, from Solway Frith upon the Irish Seas to the Mouth of the Tine by Newcastle on the Germane Ocean. Antoninus Pius was next, in whose Time the brigants broke in upon Genounia, which is North-Wales, the Inhabitants of which were then under the Protection of the Romans. He reigned Twenty Three Years, and died of a Fever at Lotium. Marcus Aurelius was the adopted Son of Antoninus Pius and Son of Elius Verus; he married his Daughter Faustina, and upon the Death of Antoninus Pius, took upon him the Empire, and chose for his Associate Lucius Verus. In Aurelius his Reign the Britain's again revolted, for appeasing of whom Calphurnius Agricola was sent Lieutenant hither, and for the Subduing of whom was raised that Altar to the Syrian Goddess. Commodus Antoninus his Son succeeded him, his Flatterers gave him the Name of Britannicus. In his Reign were many Seditious Troubles in Britain, the Northern Nations breaking down the Wall which was raised to keep them out, and cut in Pieces the Romans that came against them: He sends over Ulpius Marcellus as prime Commander, who by his Conduct soon repelled them; but being for that envied by Commodus, he was then speedily recalled, upon which, through the Licentiousness of the Romans, the Britain's again revolted. Clodius Albinus was created Caesar by Commodus, who understanding his Design refused that Honour; yet hearing of his Death ascended the Tribunal, and in an elegant Speech pressed the Senate to make him Consul. Helvius Pertinax, after Commodus was slain, was by Laetus saluted Emperor, being an aged Commander. The Senate moved to have Albinus joined with him, but he being jealous of Albinus refused it, and sent him back into Britain with a Commission to be his Lieutenant, which Albinus revenged by exhorting julianus to assassinate him. Didius julianus upon his Death bought the Empire: He was slain by the Soldiers that advanced him; Albinus being still Lieutenant in Britain. Septimius Severus having disarmed the Praetorian Bands, but being jealous of Albinus in Britain, ordains him his Caesar and Successor, himself pretending Age, which the other accepted by this Cajole. Severus marches into Syria to subdue Pescennius Niger, who pretended to the Empire, in a pitched Battle overcame Niger and slew him, subdued the Adiabenes, and Arabians, and then returned to Rome: He then being weary of a Rival in the Empire, sent over Murderers into Britain to dispatch Albinus, which Albinus too late discovered, and then declared himself Emperor. Hereupon Severus sent Onuphrius Heraclitus to take Possession of Britain. Albinus refused to resign, declares for the Empire, erects his own Statue, and stamped his Picture on his Coin, and to justify himself, with the choice Troops of all Britain entered France, and near unto Lions took the Field against Severus; Severus declares Albinus a Traitor, and gives him Battle. The Army of Albinus, saith Herolian, was very hot at the first, and the Battle seemed to go for the Albinians, insomuch, that Severus flying, fling off his Purple Coat and hid himself. Hence the Britain's concluding all to be their own, fell into Disorder, which Letus Albinus the General perceiving, came upon them with fresh Troops, thinking Severus had been slain, and designed to make himself Emperor, and totally routed them; which Severus perceiving, he reassumes his Robes, recalls his Forces, slays Albinus, and recovers a most fortunate Victory. After this Severus divides the Sovereignty of Britain between Vitius and Heraclitus; but in the Year 208, he came himself into Britain, where he had many Skirmishes: He built a Wall cross the Island from Sea to Sea, but this by some is supposed to be the same with Adrian's. Septimius Geta his Son was slain by his Brother Caracalla in the Arms of his Mother julia, who afterwards married Bassianus Son to a former Wife of Severus. Bassianus had no Issue but was succeeded by Heliogabalus; 'tis reported, he died in Britain. Macrinus succeeded him. Heliogabalus, the supposed Son of Bassianus, took upon him the Name of Antoninus. There are other Coins, but the Collection not being complete, I refer the Reader to the Cuts. These are the most remarkable Antiquities relating to this Island during the Roman Government, what People preceded them, as is hinted before, is evident from these following Heads, (which if we consider the Remoteness of the Places from each other) clearly evince to us, that the asiatics, before the Greeks and Romans came hither, had discovered the whole Island and fixed in it various Colonies. For the clearing of this Head I shall begin with the most Northern Part of Britain, and thence briefly proceed to the Lands End of England, in doing which I must a little recapitulate. Thule, the most Northern Part of Britain, is a Phoenician Word signifying in that Language Darkness, either from the Shadows of their Trees, or the Shortness of their Days; these Islands the Latins called Orcades, and the Scots now Orkney: That this Thule was the Orcadeses is evident from Strabo, since, as was before observed, he mentions Thule Britanica, which could be no other Place. Kent, the Name of a great River near Lancaster, in the Armenian Tongue signifies a great River. Lune the Name of a considerable River near the same Place, in the Armenian Tongue signifies the Moon. Bellissama, the Name of a River near Preston in Lancashire, in the Phoenician Language signifies the Moon or the Goddess of Heaven, whom the Britain's, as well as the Phoenicians, stile Andraste, and Astarte, as we may find by that Invocation made to her by that famed Heroine, but unfortunate British Queen, Boadicia, which was in the following Manner, O Andraste, I being a Woman invocate thee, Woman. Ribel, now the Name of the same River, in the Armenian Tongue signifies Heaven. Savig, a Branch of the same River, in British and Phoenician is Rivulet. Caer, the primitive Name of Chester is British and Phoenician. Lud, from whence London is most probably denominated, is Hebrew, signifying in that Language Lydia, a Country joining to Phoenicia. Add to these the Counties of Cornwall and Devonshire, which at this Day in their Language retain many Phoenician Words and Idioms, as Mr. sam's in his Britania informs us, as likewise the Islands of Silly; which Observations rightly weighed, make it a clear Demonstration that the Phoenicians had sailed quite round the Island, and in all Parts of it fixed their Colonies. I shall but produce one Instance more, and not further transgress upon the Readers Patience, that is the Method the Britain's had in numbering their Days and Nights, a Way only particular to them and the Eastern Nations, viz. to make the Day to follow the Night, and not the Night the Day, as the Germans and Romans did, as Caesar in his Commentaries assures us: Which particular Instance, in my Opinion, makes it as clear as those Lights they numbered, that this Island was chief inhabited from the Eastern Nations, this Custom being exactly conformable to the Primitive Eastern Way, of their Numbering of their Days and Nights, as is manifest from that in Genesis; And the Evening and the Morning were the first Day: And this evidently transmits' to us the great Value and Antiquity of our Country, and undeniably demonstrates the Veracity of the History cited from Ezekiel, Chap. 27. relating to their extraordinary Merchandising and Transplanting Colonies into distant Countries, which that it may not slip the Reader, I shall here transcribe so far as relates to this Matter, though the Head was before touched upon. Thy Borders are in the midst of the Seas, thy Builders have perfected thy Beauty. They have made all thy Ship-boards of Fir-trees of Senir: They have taken Cedars from Lebanon to make Masts for thee. Of the Oaks of Bashan have they made thine Oars: The Company of the Ashurites have made thy Benches of Ivory, brought out of the Isles of Chittim. Fine Linen with broidered Work from Egypt, was that which thou spreadest forth to be thy Sail; Blue and Purple from the Isles of Elisha was that which covered thee. The Inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad were thy Mariners: Thy wise Men, O Tyrus, that were in thee, were thy Pilots. The Ancients of Gebal, and the wise Men thereof were in thee thy Calkers, all the Ships of the Sea with their Mariners were in thee to occupy thy Merchandise. They of Persia, and of Lud, and of Phut were in thine Army, thy Men of War: They hanged the Shield and Helmet in thee, they set forth thy Comeliness. The Men of Arvad with thine Army were upon thy Walls round about, and the Gemmadims were in thy Towers; they hanged their Shields upon thy Walls round about: They have made thy Beauty perfect. Tarshish was thy Merchant by reason of the Multitude of all kind of Riches; with Silver, Iron, Tin, and Led, they traded in thy Fairs. javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they were thy Merchants: They traded the Persons of Men, and Vessels of Brass in thy Market. They of the House of Togarma traded in thy Fairs, with Horses, and Horsemen, and Mules. The Men of Dedan were thy Merchants, many Isles were the Merchandise of thine Hand: They brought thee for a Present, Horns of Ivory and Ebony. Syria was thy Merchant by reason of the Multitude of the Wares of thy making: They occupied in thy Fairs with Emeralds, Purple, and broidered Work, and fine Linen, and Coral, and Agate. judah and the Land of Israel, they were thy Merchants: They traded in thy Market Wheat of Minnith, and Pannag, and Honey, and Oil, and Balm. Damascus was thy Merchant in the Multitude of the Wares of thy making, for the Multitude of all Riches: In the Wine of Helbon, and white Wool. Dan also and javan going to and fro, occupied in thy Fairs: Bright Iron, Cassia, and Calamus were in thy Market. Dedan was thy Merchant in precious Riches for Chariots. Arabia, and all the Princes of Kedar, they occupied with thee in Lambs, and Rams, and Goats: In these were they thy Merchants. The Merchants of Sheba and Raamah, they were thy Merchants: They occupied in thy Fairs with Chief of all Spices, and with all precious Stones and Gold. Haran and Canneh, and Eden, the Merchants of Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad were thy Merchants. These were thy Merchants in all sorts of Things, in blue clothes, and broidered Work, and in Chests of rich Apparel, bound with Cords, and made of Cedar among thy Merchandise. The Ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy Market, and thou wast replenished and made very glorious in the midst of the Seas. Thy Rowers have brought thee into great Waters: The East-wind hath broken thee in the midst of the Seas. Thy Riches and thy Fairs, thy Merchandise, thy Mariners, and thy Pilots, thy Calkers, and the Occupiers of thy Merchandise, and all thy Men of War that are in thee, and in all thy Company which is in the midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the Seas in the Day of thy Ruin. The Suburbs shall shake at the Sound of the Cry of thy Pilots. And all that handle the Oar, the Mariners, and all the Pilots of the Sea, shall come down from their ships, they shall stand upon the Land; and shall cause their Voice to be heard against thee, and shall cry bitterly, and shall cast up Dust upon their Heads, they shall wallow themselves in the Ashes. And they shall make themselves utterly bald for thee, and gird them with Sackcloth, and they shall weep for thee with Bitterness of Heart, and bitter Wailing. And in their Wailing they shall take up a Lamentation for thee, and lament over thee, saying, What City is like Tyrus, like the destroyed in the midst of the Sea? When thy Wares went forth out of the Seas, thou filledst many People, thou didst enrich the Kings of the Earth with the Multitude of thy Riches, and of thy Merchandise. In the Time when thou shalt be broken by the Seas in the Depths of the Waters, thy Merchandise and all thy Company in the midst of thee shall fall. All the Inhabitants of the Isles shall be astonished at thee, and their Kings shall be sore afraid, they shall be troubled in their Countenance. The Merchants among the People shall hiss at thee, thou shalt be a Terror, and never shalt be any more. So far concerning the first Peopling of this Island of Britain from the Eastern Nations, upon which I could have farther enlarged very much, but that not falling directly under my Cognizance, I shall wholly desist, and proceed to give a succinct Account of the History of the Romans in Britain. We may thus by the many Relics of Roman Antiquities, in every Generation still improving, form to ourselves some general Apprehensions of that powerful Empire, and its extensive Boundaries, and by the mystic Representations on their Coins, and their votive Inscriptions explained, we very readily arrive to to their most Sacred Retreats, and find laid open to our View, all their exorbitant Superstitions, their idolatrous Immolations, the Plurality of their Gods, the impious Ambition, and resistless Will of the Emperors, together with the Universal Complacency, and Servile Flattery of all Orders of the Empire paid to them. Tho' as Christians, we may be too apt to pass our Resentments on their Ignorance and Worship, and at the same time admire that such sublime Learning, and singular Perspicuity should produce no better Effects: But if we duly consider the Thing, and take the Roman Nation, in the common Acceptation of Mankind, we shall find the Subject worthy rather our Pity than our Censure; for, if we reflect on the Divine revealed Will confined only to that Corner of Asia, called Palestine, and all the rest of this immense Globe, involved in invincible Blindness, erring through depraved Nature, the Romans may admit of the same general Excuse, and share the same equal Lot with their Fellow-Creatures. That they were a Nation designed for Empire, their Character deservedly shows, besides the Situation of Italy, which doubtless is a Plan of Ground seated conveniently for the Conquest of Europe, Asia and Africa, the very Genius and Temper of the Roman People, with their unerring Conduct in Civil and Military Affairs, bespoke them rising to Universal Monarchy. We need not blame them in giving the Denomination of Barbarous to all other Nations; for compared with their Humanity and Conduct, all preceding Empires, and particular States may be regarded as such; their Ambition extended rather to a Dominion over, than Extirpation of Kingdoms, Obedience and Tribute were chief the Goal they aimed at; and happy it was doubtless for many Countries, where their prevailing Armies cut their Way to Victory. To close this Chapter; For the Reader's Satisfaction, I shall give a brief Account of their Attempts and Progress upon this Island, the Difficulty of their Enterprise, the Benefits accrueing by their Conquests, their high Regard and Esteem for Britain, with the ill Consequences their voluntary Desertion occasioned to that unfortunate People. When Gaul, that Terror of the Roman Empire, was reduced into a Province, and Caesar's successful Arms had reaped the Spoils of Germany, and the Belgic Territories, it was then his Ambition, great as Humanity was capable of, led by a secret Decree of Providence, urged him to the Invasion of Britain; but whether it was certainly known then to be an Island, or rather part of a new World, as the Soldiers termed it, adjoined to some remoter Continent, is not now the Enquiry. However, the Country, he tells us, was well Peopled, and Warlike enough, that the Maritime and Inland Inhabitants differed much, both as to their Way of Living, their Manners, Behaviour and Customs; the first having built them Towns not unlike those of Gaul, and Belgium, whose Dress was much the same; the others were painted, and went naked, lived in Fortresses form in Woods, and were very Savage; their Way of Fight was singular to any other of these Western Nations, they made War in Chariots, which they managed dexterously, after the Asiatic Manner: He found a great Plurality of Kings amongst them; this, tho' it rendered the Conquest more tedious and difficult to the Romans, yet it was sure to be effected at last, and every petty State, tho' perhaps Confederates with some few Neighbouring one's, were certain to be involved in the general Overthrow. It is not my Purpose to particularise the Actions of the Emperors, and their Lieutenants here, that being already performed by many learned Hands and full, as the Histories of those Times convey to us, I shall only cursorily take notice of some general Things, which may, perhaps, prove of useful Diversion to the Reader. It was about Fifty Three Years before the Birth of our Saviour, julius Caesar made his Two Descents upon this Island; he was doubtless the first public Invader of it, and Success attended his Enterprise, after struggling with Storms and Shipwrecks by Sea, and all the Difficulties of a rough opposing Enemy by Land, his Fortune yet surmounted all; and several of the Southern Counties, (for it was at the Downs he landed, as Mr. Halley demonstratively makes out,) having felt the Smart of the Roman Arms, were compelled to give Hostages for Peace, and submit to a Tribute imposed upon them. Tho' this was only a Footing for the Empire, yet it showed the Way to farther Progressions, and gave them a Taste of a Country they parted not with till the last Convulsions of the Empire obliged them: This was the first Aera of Britania's lost Liberty, which continues by successive Revolutions to this Day; tho' it is reasonably thought after Caesar's Departure the Britain's paid no Tribute, nor performed any other Articles, but that they lived under their Native Governors as of old, till the Reign of Claudius Caesar. The Great julius diverted by intestine Wars, made no more Attempts upon it, nor did his Successors the Renowned Augustus, Tiberius, or Caligula think fit to proceed; Caligula, indeed, made a Flourish upon the Belgic Shores, but pleased his Ambition only with some Marine Shells, as vain Trophies of the Conquered Ocean. Claudius' succeeding him, began in Earnest to grapple with these Transmarine Natives, and in Anno Dom. 43. detaches his Lieutenant Plautius from Gaul, who successfully landing, had some Engagements with the Enemy, when Claudius himself arriving with Elephants, and strong Reinforcements, in a pitched Battle routs the Britain's, and immediately returns. This Exploit was performed during his Sixteen Days stay in the Island, and Six Months from Rome: This Action, as Mr. Tyrrel observes, was regarded by the Roman Senate as no small additional Glory to the Empire: The Emperor's Son had the Title of Britanicus given him; to himself a Triumph was ordained, Annual Games constituted, and Triumphal Arches erected: The Officers in this Expedition were rewarded with Triumphal Ornaments, and all Things performed with high Solemnity; the Title of Britanicus, which many succeeding Emperors espoused, was esteemed as Glorious as that of Germanicus, Africanus, and Asiaticus: Under this victorious Emperor his Lieutenants finished many fortunate Campaigns, and in at least Thirty pitched Battles were successful; they pierced even to the brigants, Inhabitants of Lancashire, Yorkshire, etc. but met with a bold and vigorous Opposition from the Silureses, possessing South-Wales. Here Caractacus their King had mustered his British Forces, seized upon advantageous Passes, secured the Avenues, and very Manfully encouraged and commanded his Troops; nothing was defective in his Conduct, or the Courage of his Followers, save Fortune herself, imprisoned on the Roman Side: This Great unfortunate General fell a Captive, and his Army a Prey to the Romans; himself in Golden Chains was led in Triumph to Rome, to whom the Emperor for his Princely and Undaunted Behaviour granted Pardon: The Triumph over this British Prince, was esteemed at Rome equal to that of King Syphax by Scipio, or Perseus by L. Paulus; Ostorius, General in Britain, had all the Ensigns of a Triumph decreed him. From these great Advances of Claudius' Arms, we may reasonably conclude, the Britain's had received deep Impressions of the Roman Prowess; first from the Landing and Victories of julius Caesar, and for many Years afterwards from their Commerce with the Romans in Gallia, Belgium, and elsewhere; so that the Keeness of their barbarous Violence seemed to have lost its Edge; for at Plautius' landing the Southern Counties made little Opposition, but timorously declined to fight, and were easily routed: It's true, indeed, the farther they pierced, the more stout Opposition they encountered withal, as shall be farther taken notice of. But now it was, whether from a Supineness on the Roman Side, or indeed from some very severe Injuries imposed on a Part of the Britain's, or both, they gather to a monstrous Head, and with a very barbarous Violence destroy all before them; several of the Roman Troops were cut in Pieces with cruel Devastations of Towns, and their Inhabitants, whilst they being Masters of the Field, omit nothing that Revenge and Fury could dictate. Thus Nero found Affairs in this Province, and in this Extremity Paulinus Suetonius commanded; he resolves with about 10000 Men to give them Battle, encamps himself advantageously, whilst the Britain's headed by an enraged Queen, presuming on Victory, with an Army of 100000 Men engaged them: The Success fell to the Roman Side, with the Slaughter of at least 80000 of the Enemy; this proved a finishing Stroke, and retrieved all the Romans had lost. For some Years afterwards little Action was farther known till in the Year of Christ 71, Vespasian mounting the Imperial Throne, sends great Armies and noted Generals into Britain, amongst whom was the Great Agricola whose Life Tacitus gives us more particularly than what we find of any other Lieutenant: In the Eight Years of his Command here, he finished a complete Conquest of Britain, and doubtless had confirmed it, had not Domitian's Envy recalled him. Like a general Inundation he overthrew all Opposition in many pitched Battles, being still victorious, his Conduct and personal Courage was equal to ancient Heroes, he pierced beyond the Two Friths, now Dunbritton and Edinburgh, and there found new and unknown Nations of the Caledonian Britain's: His Fleet still coasting along discovered the Isles of Orkney, having finished his Conquests by Land, he commanded his Admiral whom he furnished with all Things necessary to sail round the Island, which was accordingly performed. Many Forts this accomplished General built, and in the Year of Christ 85 delivered the Province in Peace and Quiet to his Successor. For many Years nothing further occurs remarkable, save the constant Commotions of the more Northern Britain's, and some Revolts in the Inland Countries; these obliged the Presence of succeeding Emperors: Adrian built a Wall Fourscore Miles long to keep in the Caledonians, which was greatly improved by Severus, who in Person marched to the utmost Limits of the Island, yet never engaged in a pitched Battle, but only some tumultuary Skirmishes, wherein and by Surprises and Sickness he lost 50000 Men. We may hence reflect on the Difficulties the Romans underwent in the Conquest of Britain, which was not the Business of one Campaign and one Army, for as Mr. Tyrrell observes, it cost as many Soldiers and as much Expense to reduce this Province, as it did the Empire in the Reduction of all Asia. But now Britain is cemented a Province to Imperial Rome, which was continued to be retained in its Allegiance by strong Legionary Forces; and doubtless it was in these Times, and in these Parts they established their Colonies, fixed their Stations, built their Forts and Citadels, which improved into fair and spacious Towns, now the Woods being levelled produced Structures worthy the Roman Greatness, their Bogs and fenny Places as numerous in those Days as of late in Ireland, were drained or rendered passable by Causeways, and their Rivers by Bridges. The Britain's now relish the Roman Manners, and admire their Eloquence, leave their Fastnesses in Woods and inhabit Towns, wear the Roman Habits, use Baths, and marry interchangeably. Husbandry now flourished and supplied 'em with Plenty of Grain, shipping from all Parts arrive, importing all Things necessary for the Pleasure and Use of Man. The British Youth were disciplined, and proved a strong Bulwark to the Empire: Preceding Emperors had drawn large Supplies from hence to assist them in their Wars, but now they were made standing and continued so. Now the revolving Reigns furnish us with the noble Ruins we discover of their Votive Altars, Statues, Coins, and other Spoils of Antiquity. Let us at length view the Empire in its declining State, and see the Island suffer equal Revolutions with it. This unwieldy Bulk of Roman Greatness oppressed with its own Weight, long staggering, at last sunk beneath it; what by intestine Divisions when either Side exhausting their Provinces sheathed their Swords in each others Bowels, through whose Wounds Foreign and Barbarous Nations made an easy Entrance. Britain's suffered still in all these Struggle, being despoiled of its Youth and Soldiery, for now the Empire could no longer sustain itself against the terrible Invasions of Goths, Vandals, Gauls, and other as barbarous and potent Enemies; amongst all the Emperors that plumed the Strength of this Island, to the Tyrant Maximus is chief attributed its final Ruin. Most of the Military Forces were drawn into Gaul, and never returned, they being either slain or planting themselves in Armorica. It was in this Juncture the Scots landing form Ireland, and joining with the Picts or Northern Natives, break all their Mounds, and ravage cruelly amongst them, prove too strong for the raw undisciplined Remains of the Britain's, who now being deserted and distressed, and ready to fall unto more miserable Captivity, pitifully implored Relief of the Romans, with Promises of perpetual Subjection to them. For once or twice a Legion or two succoured them, but then hiding or carrying off their Treasures, they bid the forlorn Britain's an Eternal Adieu, advised them to stand to their own Defence, and boldly oppose the Foe, which how weakly they performed, succeeding Annals make manifest. These may suffice for the Roman Affairs in Britain, I shall only add, that in the Reign of the Emperor Valentinian the Third An. Dom. 435. the Romans deserted this Island, which from the Time of julius Caesar's second Landing to this their Dereliction, was the Space of 488 Years. Thus from the Explications of the Heathen Altars, their Pagods and various Genii, the Roman Highways, their Colonies and Stations, the Lives and Actions of the Emperors, their Coins, and different Explications of their Reverses, I have endeavoured, with as much Brevity and Perspicuity, as Matters of so intricate a Nature will admit of, to account for the Roman History in these Northern Parts. And tho' Caesar affirms in his commentaries, that all the Inland Britain's inhabited in Woods and Fastnesses; yet I think, whoever considers the Country adjacent, and the various Names given to that ancient City Chester, together with the City itself, cannot but conclude he was certainly mistaken; and he might easily be so, having never advanced his irresistible Legions so far as these Countries. It now remains in the last place, that I give some Account of the British Antiquities in those Parts, but since none that I could certainly call such, have occurred to my Observations, I cannot expatiate upon that Topick. 'Tis true, indeed, I have seen various Coins, which Mr. Cambden calls British, but since the same Reverses are frequently observed on the Roman Coins, I dare not be positive in that Matter; nor, indeed, does it clearly appear to me, what the British Coins were, whether any sort of Metal or Shells, as the Americans have at this day; had they been of any kind of Metal, it is very probable that in these Parts, in some Generation or other some of 'em would have been found: Wherefore I can only add further upon that Head, that I have seen a Copper Coin dug up at Ribchester, which seemed to have had a Head, but not like any of the Romans or Greeks that I ever yet saw; along with this there was another of an odd kind of mixed Metal, such as the Romans never used, that I know of, it had no Letters or Stamp, but looked like a Piece of Money, and seemed to be a Composition of Tin and Copper. Since therefore that Matter, so far as I am able to judge, cannot be fully determined, I shall leave every Man to his own Conjectures; and in the next Place proceed to the Explications of the Plates, and not transgress further upon the Reader's Patience, but close the Whole. FINIS. Postscript. I Desire the Reader would be pleased to observe, That when the Armenian Language is mentioned, that he would likewise take notice of the great variety of pronunciation of the same words amongst those People; in this our Lexicons and Manuscripts are so far from informing us, that though a Man should be Complete Master of most of their Idioms, yet their variety of Elocution is so great, that should he discourse the different sorts of People from the distant Parts of that Country, he would scarce be able to apprehend their common Conversation. I have been Conversant with several Natives from different Parts of that Country, and find, in some measure, the difference of their Elocution to proceed from a mixture of Sclavonian and Persian, as they differently Border upon Russia, and Persia: To illustrate the truth of this assertion, I shall produce but some few instances, which in this Book are recited, relating to those Antiquities, that it may be the better apprehended, and doubt not then, but by a thoroughObservation of those, and the Arguments before premised, to satisfy the Unbiass'd, from what Continent this Island was in a great measure Inhabited. The words are not many, but are as follows: The Moon some Armenians pronounce Lune, others Luce, others Lucen; Note here that Lune is the Name of that River from which the County of Lancaster is denominated. A great River some pronounce Keat, others Gait, some Kear, others Kent; where observe, that the Names of two great Waters upon Kent Sands, are Kear and Kent: Wherefore for any Person to derive the Names of those Places, as Mr. Cambden and others do, from the Saxon word Can, denoting a Corner, to me seems to be a manifest Error; and I do with a great deal more reason surmise, that they are the small Relics of the Asiatic Colonies. This to be inserted after the third Book. ERRATA in the Third BOOK. PAg. 10. l. 16. after Aelius deal the Comma. p. 14. l. 16. for 1692, r. 1612. p. 38. l. 19 for Wallingham, r. Walsingham. p. 46. l. 22. before the sixth instead of after, the Comma should be before. ibid. l. 30. for Chisnel r. Chisnalle. p. 68 l. 17. for Principii r. Principi. p. 69. l. 4. for Tribunae r. Tribunitiae. p. 72. l. 3. for there r. then. p. 74. l. 10. for Lotium r. Lorium. p. 90. l. 20. for underneath judea, r. judea underneath. p. 89. l. 5. after Peacock put a Comma. p. 95. l. 1. for VII r. VI TAB. I. AN EXPLANATION OF THE CUTTS. TAB. I. 1. A Ruby found at Ribchester in Lancashire; as the Earth shelved down near the Riverside; a Signet doubtless of some eminent Roman. The Figure is Mars holding a Banner in the Lefthand with a Scutum or Target at the Bottom of it, in the Right-Hand a Thunderbolt; this doubtless was one of the Genii of the Place. 2. A Signet found near Standish in Lancashire in a Copper Urceolus, with Two Hundred Roman Coins and Two Gold Rings of the Equites Aurati or Roman Knights; these were found by a Countryman as he was ploughing. The Figure is Mars leaning with his Lefthand upon a Spear, holding in his Right-Hand a Victoriola or small Victory, with a Target at his Right-Foot. 3. An Idol found near Up-holland in Lancashire by a Countryman as he was ploughing; this I take to be Victory, the Genius of that Place. 4. An Altar dedicated to the Genius of the Place found at Chester. 5. An Altar to jupiter dug up at Chester. 6. An Altar to Coccius Nerva dug up at Ribchester. 7. Another Altar found at Ribchester, dedicated by some Asiatic, one of the Decurions of the Asturian Wing. 8. Another Side of the Altar at Chester dedicated to the Genius of the Place. 9 An Altar to Caligula found at Ribchester. 10. An Altar to Apollo found at Ribchester, holding his Plectrum in his Right-hand, pointing with his Left to a Quiver upon his Soldier; on the other Side of the Altar are Two of his Priests in their Habits sacrificing to him, holding the Head of an Ox in their Hands. 11. The Vessel in which the Coins were found, near Standish in Lancashire. 12. A Roman Discus or Sacrificing-Cup found at Ribchester, when one of the Fabii was Proconsul or Propraetor. 13. The Bottom of a Sacrificing-Vessel. 14. The same, both these probably belonging to some private Soldiers. 15. A small Altar found at Ribchester. 16. A Piece of a Simpuvium. 17. A Simpuvium out of which they drank by small Draughts as they sacrificed to their Gods. 18. The Finger of a Copper Statue dug up at Ribchester. 19 A Piece of a Roman Tile taken out of the Common-shore at Ribchester. 20. A Roman Pillar several Yards under Ground at Ribchester. 21. The Ring of a Boat found under Ground at the Place called Anchor-Hill in Ribchester. 22. A Piece of the Top of a Roman Urn found at Ribchester. 23. One of the Roman Fibulae found at Ribchester. 24. The Ring of a Roman Boat found under Ground at Anchor-Hill in Ribchester. TAB. II. 1. A Piece of a Sacrificing-Cup to juno found at Lancaster 2. The Bottom of it. 3. Two Sides of the Sacrificing-Altar found at Ribchester, showing the Thuribulum, the Vessels out of which the Frankincense was smoking while they were Sacrificing, the Vessels they melted it in, with the Securis and Dolabrum, the Sacrificing Axe and Knife. 4. Two other Sides of the Altar at Chester to the Genius of the Place, on one Side of which is a Flowerpot, on the other Venus holding a Cornucopia. 5. An Amethyst Fibula found at Chester. 6. The same; these doubtless were the Fibulae of very eminent Romans. 7. Another sort of Fibula in Copper. 8. Another kind of Fibula in Copper, both found at Chester. 9 The Horn of the Rein-deer found under the Altar at Chester. TAB II. Tab: 3 RIBCHESTER AND LANCASTER COINS An Explication of the Cuts contained in the Plate, marked Tab. 3. FIG. 1. AUG. GERM. COS. This is a Coin of Augustus Germanicus, who had been Consul. The Reverse is erased. Fig. 2. HADRIANUS. The Letters on the Reverse are AUGUS, denoting Augustus, a Title assumed by most of the Emperors. The Letters S. C. denote, Senatus Consultum. The Figure is naked standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Cornucopia. I take the Figure to be Quies, a Goddess amongst the Romans. Fig. 3. AEL. ADRIANUS. The Figure is standing with Two Infants standing naked on each side. I take this likewise to be the Goddess Quies. The Letters COS. III. at the bottom, show he had been thrice Consul. Fig. 4. AUG. The Reverse A. R. This is Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius, Emperors. Fig. 5. G. ASIATI. This I take to be Sergius Galba, who took the Name of Asiaticus. The Letters COS. III. show he had been thrice Consul: The Reverse is erased. Fig. 6. DN. DIOCLETIANUS AUG. that is, either our Lord or our God. Diocletian styled likewise Augustus. The Reverse is the Goddess Quies, holding a Cornucopia in the Lefthand. The Letters IVO seem to be an Abbreviation of Invicto. The Letters MISTOOK at the bottom, according to some, is Pecunia Londini Notata. It was this Emperor who raised that terrible Persecution against the Christians in Britain. Fig. 7. GALIENUS AUG. The Letters on the Verge, VIRTUS AUGUSTI. The Figure is naked standing; and is the Type of the Goddess Virtue. Fig. 8. ANTONINUS AUGUSTUS. The Reverse is Orbis; the Figure sitting. Fig. 9 IMP. CONSTANTINUS PII. This is Constantine the Great; the latter P denotes, he took upon him the Title of Pontifex. The Reverse is SOLI INVICTO COMMIT 1. At the Bottom of the Figure MISTOOK. The Figure is the Type of the God Sol standing, naked; and by the Words Invicto Comiti, he seems to hint, that he would extend the Roman Empire as far as the Sun went; that is, all the World over. The Figure at the Bottom was likewise found at Ribchester, with some of these Coins; and since it is not a Romish Coin, if the Britain's in those Days had Copper Coins, I do judge this may be one. NOte here, That the Explications of some of the Reverses of the Coins in the Fourth Plate must be interpreted thus, and not as printed in the Explication of the Coins contained in that Plate. In Fig. 1. The Reverse is the Spolia, denoting Victory. In Fig. 2. The Adverse is a Dolphin, or as some will have it, a Navis Praetoria; the Reverse the Signa Militaria. The Reverse in 3. the Figure is lying, leaning with the Right-Hand upon a Spear, holding a Crow in the Left, denoting Sacrifice. In 4. the Figure is a Sacellum. In 6. Upon the Reverse the Figure is sitting, holding in the Right-Hand a winged Victory, leaning with the Left upon a Scutum. In 13. the Figure is sitting, holding in her Lefthand a Bough, and in the Right a Spear. In 14. the Figure is sitting, holding in the Right-Hand a Spear, in the Left a Bough. In Fig. 15. the Reverse is an Eagle upon an Altar, intimating, the Emperor's being deified. In 16. the Figure is standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Patera, sacrificing alone at an Altar. Tab 4 CHESTER COINS TAB. IV. An Explication of Mr. Henry Prescot's Coins found at Chester, contained in Table the Fourth. 1. THE Type of a Peacock. On the Reverse is L. Hostilius Sasern. 2. Ant. Aug. iij. Vir R. P. C. Navis Praetoria: The Reverse is Leg. XVI. two of the Signa Militaria, with a Legionary Eagle betwixt them: The Explication of which is, That by Arms and Navigation the Roman Commonwealth was constituted: Those two I take to be Consular Coins. 3. Is the Head of julius, with a Star: This shows he was Emperor and Caesar, and that he was deified. The Reverse is P. SEPULIUS MACER. The Figure standing holding a Spear in the Lefthand. 4. Is Divus Augustus, T. P. P. which shows he was deified, and had been of the Tribunitial Power. The Reverse is Rome and Augustus, with two winged Victories holding Garlands in their Right-Hands. 5. TI. CAESAR DIU. On the Reverse the Figure is sitting holding in the Right-hand a Spear, in the Left a Bough, with these Letters on the Verge, P. M. which shows that he was deified, and likewise styled Pontifex Maximus. This I take to be a Coin of Tiberius Augustus. 6. Nero Caesar Augustus. The Reverse is the City of Rome, sitting upon the Spolia. 7. Imp. Ser. Galba Aug. On the Reverse is a Garland of Oaks, with these Letters on the Verge, S. P. Q. R. O. B. C. S. by which Letters are chief intimated the Senate and the People of Rome. 8. Otho Caesar Aug. The Reverse is Securitas P. R. intimating the Security of the People of Rome under Otho. The Figure holding in the Right-hand a Garland, in the Left a Spear. 9 Vitellius Germ. Imp. Aug. The Reverse is Pontifex Maximus: The Figure sitting, holding in the Right-hand a Patera, in the Left a Spear. 10. Imp. Caesar Vespasianus Aug. The Reverse is a Woman pensive, sitting by a Trophy underneath judaea, alluding doubtless to his sacking of jerusalem. 11. Imp. Caes. Vesp. Aug. P. M. From these it is plain he was then styled Pontifex Maximus. The Reverse is Four of the Signa Pontificalia, with these Letters on the Verge, AUGUR TRI. POT. which denote Sacrifice, and that he had been of the Tribunitial Power. 12. Imp. Titus Vespasianus Aug. P. M. The Figure on the Reverse is an Elephant, with these Letters on the Verge, T. R. P. XII. IMP. XV. COS. VIII. P. P. all which show he was styled Pontifex Maximus, Pater Patriae, Emperor, of the Tribunitial Power and Consul. 13. Adrianus Aug. Cos. III. P. P. The Reverse is Vota Publica. The Figure a Person alone sacrificing at the Altar. This Coin shows that the Public Wishes were for Adrian, that he was thrice Consul, and Pater Patriae. TAB. V An Explication of some Roman Medals found in a Copper Urceolus, by a Countryman, as he was Ploughing near Standish in Lancashire. THE Series of these Caesars gins thus: You must begin with the First Head upon the Lefthand, which is Domitian, who was Emperor; you may observe by the Medal he was likewise styled Augustus Germanicus, and Pontifex Maximus, and had been of the Tribunitial Power, and likewise Consul. The Reverse is Pallas standing, holding in her Right-Hand a Dart, and in her Lefthand a Scutum or Target. The Second is Trajan; and you may observe by the Coin, he was styled both Emperor and Caesar, and likewise Nerva and Augustus Germanicus, Pontifex Maximus: He was of the Tribunitial Power, Four times Consul and Pater Patriae. The Reverse is Victory standing, holding in her Right-Hand a Laurel, in her Left a Palm. The Third is Antoninus Pius; he was Four times Consul, was likewise styled Pater Patriae. The Reverse is Two Right-Hands holding Spikes of Corn and a Caduceus. The Fourth is Marcus Aurelius; he was Emperor and thrice Consul, he was styled Augustus, and of the Tribunitial Power. The Reverse is a Soldier holding a Spear in his Right-Hand, laying his Left upon a Target. TAB. V The Fifth is likewise Marcus Aurelius; he was also styled Marcus Antoninus, Augustus, and was of the Tribunitial Power. The Reverse is a Man stolated standing, holding a Bough in his Right-Hand, and in his Left a Spear. The Sixth is Faustina, the Wife of Marcus Aurelius; she was likewise styled Diva Faustina. The Reverse is Consecratio, and a Peacock, which shows her being deified. The Seventh is Lucius Verus; he was likewise styled Divus Verus. The Reverse is Consecratio, and an Eagle, which denotes his being deified. The Eighth is Commodus; he likewise assumed the Name of Antoninus Augustus, was of the Tribunitial Power, Emperor and thrice Consul, and Pater Patriae. The Reverse is Liberalitas holding in the Right-Hand a Tessera, and in the Left a Cornucopia. The Ninth likewise is Commodus; he then assumed the Titles of Antoninus Pius, Felix, Augustus and Britannicus, and had been at that time Five times Consul. The Reverse is jupiter standing, holding in his Right-Hand a Thunderbolt, and in his Left a Spear, with these Letters upon the Verge, OPTIME MAXIM. The Tenth likewise is Commodus. The Reverse is a Woman holding in each Hand a Signum militare. The Eleventh is Commodus. The Reverse is Securitas Orbis. The Figure sitting, holding in the Right-Hand a Globe. The Twelfth also is Commodus. The Letters of the Reverse are Fidei Coh. denoting the Fidelity of the Cohorts; he than had been Six times Consul: The Figure is a Person stolated, holding in the Right-Hand Spikes of Corn, in the Left a Spear. The Thirteenth is Divus, Clodius Septimius, Albinus, Caesar. The Reverse is the City of Rome sitting, holding in her Right-Hand a Victoriola or small Victory, in her Left a Spear, with a Target under her Seat. TAB. VI TAB. VII. An Explication of the Coins contained in the Sixth Plate, found likewise at Standish in Lancashire. THE First Head is Severus Pius Augustus. The Reverse is Fortuna Redux; the Figure is the Type of Fortune sitting, holding in her Right-Hand a Prora, in her Left a Cornucopia, intimating Plenty by his return from Foreign Countries. The Second is likewise Severus. The Reverse is Fundator pacis; the Figure is stolated and veiled, holding a Bough in her Right-Hand; the next Reverse of his is Liberalitas, the Figure is standing holding in the Right-Hand a Tessera, in the Left a Cornucopia. The Third is Severus Pius Augustus. The Figure upon the Reverse is two Captives sitting by a Trophy. The Letters are PART. MAX. P. M. T. R. P. X. COS. III. P. P. By these it is plain, he was styled Pontifex Maximus, and Pater Patriae, was of the Tribunitial Power, and thrice Consul; and by the Letters PART. MAX. 'tis probable he styles himself of the greatest Part, which perhaps, may refer to the Division of the Empire at that time betwixt him and Albinus, who was then Caesar in Britain. The Fourth is likewise Severus Pius Augustus. The Reverse is Victoria Britannica. The Figure Victory, holding in the Right-Hand a Palm, in her Left a Laurel. The Fifth is IMP. CAESAR. SEP. SEV. PERT. AUG. This probably was stamped after he had vanquished Albinus, he then styling himself Emperor and Caesar. The Reverse is Vict. Aug. T. R. P. Cos. the Figure Victory, Gradient or Passant, holding in the Right-Hand a Laurel, in the Left a Palm; the Letters denote he was of the Tribunitial Power and Consul. The next Reverse is FELICIT. TEMPOR. the Figure is two Cornucopia's joined, and a Spike of Corn betwixt ' 'em. Another Reverse of his is Moneta, the Figure standing, holding a Bilanx in the Right-Hand, in the Left a Cornucopia. The Reverse of another is APOLLINI AUGUSTO: The Figure is Apollo standing in a Woman's Habit, holding in the Right-Hand a Patera, in the Left a Harp or Plectrum. The next Reverse of the same Emperor is HERCULI DEFENCE. The Figure is Hercules leaning with his Right-Hand upon his Clavus or Club, and holding in his Right-Hand a Bow. After Severus the next Head is julia Augusta his Wife. The Reverse is LAETITIA; the Figure is stolated, holding in the Right-Hand a Laurel, in the Left a Temo. The next likewise is julia Augusta. The Reverse is PIET US PVBLICA; the Figure is stolated, standing with Hands expanded before an Altar. The next is JULIA AUGUSTA. The Reverse is PIET AS AUG. The Figure is one sacrificing at an Altar. Another of hers is PIA JULIA FELIX AUG. The Reverse is VENUS GENETRIX; the Figure is Venus sitting. The next likewise is JULIA PIA FELIX. The Reverse is DIANA LUCIFIRA, holding a Torch with both her Hands. The next also is another of the same Empress. The Reverse is VESTA, holding in the Right-Hand a Palladium, in the Left a Spear or Hasta Pura. TAB. VII. An Explication of the Coins contained in the Seventh Plate. 1. UPon the First Head are these Letters, IMP. CAES. M. AUR. ANTONINUS AUG. The Reverse is FIDES EXERCITUS; the Figure is sitting betwixt Two Signa Militaria, holding in the Right-hand an Eagle. 2. JULIA PAULA AUG. The Reverse is Concordia holding a Patera in the Right-Hand with a Star. 3. JULIA MAESA AUG. The Reverse is FECUNDITAS; the Figure is stolated, standing, holding in the Right-hand a little Boy, in the Left a Cornucopia. 4. JULIA MAESA. The Reverse is PIETAS AUG. the Figure the Type of Piety at the Altar. 5. JULIA MAESA. The Reverse is PUDICITIA, the Figure sitting, in the Lefthand holding a naked Spear, moving her Right-hand towards her Face, as if she would cover it. 6. JULIA MAESA. The Reverse is SAECULI FELICITAS, the Figure is stolated at the Altar, holding in the Lefthand an Hasta with a Caduceum, in the Right-hand a Patera with a Star, which shows her being deified. TAB. VII. 7. JULIA SAEMIAS AUG. The Reverse is VENUS CAELESTIS; the Figure is a Woman stolated standing, holding in her Right-hand an Apple, in the Left a naked Spear with a Star. 8. JULIA SAEMIAS. The Reverse is VENUS CAELESTIS; the Figure is sitting, holding in the Right-hand an Apple, in the Left an Hasta pura, with a little Boy at her Feet. 9 IMP. C. M. AUR. SEV. ALEX AND. AUG. This is Alexander Severus: The Coin shows he was Emperor and Caesar. The Reverse is FIDES MILITUM; the Figure is stolated, standing betwixt Two of the Signa Militaria. 10. ALEXANDER SEVERUS. The Reverse is FIDES MILITUM; the Figure sitting, holding in each Hand a Signum Militare. 11. IMP. C. M. AUR. SEV. C. The Reverse is JOVI VICTORI; the Figure is jupiter sitting, holding in the Right-hand a Victoriola, in the Left an Hasta Pura. 12. IMP. C. M. AUR. SEV. C. The Reverse is LIBERALITAS AUG. The Figure is standing, holding in the Right-hand a Tessera, in the Left a Cornucopia. 13. IMP. C. M. AUR. SEV. C. The Reverse is P. M. T. R. P. II. COS. P. P. The Letters show he was styled Pontifex Maximus, was of the Tribunitial Power, twice Consul, and Pater Patriae. The Figure is a Military Man holding in his Right-hand a Bough, in the Left an Hasta. 14. IMP. C. M. AUR. SEV. The Reverse is P. M. T. R. P. III. COS. P. P. This Coin shows he was likewise thrice Consul; the Figure is sitting, the Type of Health. 15. IMP. ALEXANDER PIUS AUG. The Reverse is PROVIDENTIA AUG. The Figure is standing, holding in the Lefthand an Half Hasta, in the Right Spikes upon a Panarium. 16. IMP. SEV. ALEXANDER AUG. The Reverse is PERPETVITATI; the Figure is stolated, leaning upon a Pillar, holding in the Right-hand an Hasta, in the Left a Globe. 17. IMP. SEV. ALEX. The Reverse is P. M. T. R. P. VII. COS. P. P. The Figure is Mars Gradivus holding in his Right-hand an Hasta, in the Left the Spolia upon his Shoulder. TAB. VIII TAB. VIII. An Explication of the Coins contained in the Eighth Table found at Standish in Lancashire. 1. IMP. SEV. ALEXANDER AUG. This Head is Severus Alexander, who was Emperor, and styled likewise Augustus. The Reverse is P. M. T. R. P. VIIII. COS. III. These Letters show he was likewise styled Pontifex Maximus; was of the Tribunitial Power; thrice Consul; and likewise styled Pater Patriae. The Figure is a Military Man, holding in his Right-Hand a Pilus, and in his Left a Globe. 2. IMP. SEV. C. The Reverse is LIBERALITAS AUG. FOUR The Figure is standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Tessera, in the Left a Cornucopia. 3. IMP. SEV. C. The Reverse is VICTORIA AVGVS. The Figure is Victory, holding a Clypeus, in which is VOT. X. 4. JULIA MAMAEA AUG. This is julia Maniaea Augusta. The Reverse is FECUND AUGV 8 TAE. The Figure is a Woman fitting, with a little Boy standing by her, to whom she seems to offer a Patera. 5. JULIA MAMAEA. The Reverse is FELICITAS PVBLICA. The Figure is standing leaning upon a Pillar, with her Left Elbow in the Right-Hand, holding a Caduceum. 6 JULIA MAMAEA. The Reverse is JUNO. AUGUSTAE. The Figure is juno sitting, holding in the Right-Hand a Flower, and in the Left a Sceptre. 7. JULIA MAMAEA. The Reverse is JUNO CONSERVATRIX. The Figure is juno standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Patera, in the Left an Hasta, with a Peacock stretching out his Head towards the Patera, or Sacrificing-Cup. 8. JULIA MAMAEA. The Reverse is VENERI FELICI. The Figure is standing, holding in the Right-Hand a little Boy, and in the Left an Hasta or Spear. 9 JULIA MAMAEA. The Reverse is VENUS VICTRIX. The Figure is Venus, with an Helmet, and an Hasta, and at her Feet a Scutum or Target. 10. JULIA MAMAEA. The Reverse is VESTA. The Figure is standing veiled, holding in the Right-Hand a Palladium, and in the Left an Hasta. 11. JULIA MAMAEA. The Reverse is VESTA. The Figure is veiled standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Patera, and in the Left an Hasta tranversed. 12. IMP. MAXIMINUS PIUS AUG. This is Maximinus, who was Emperor, and styled Pius and Augustus. The Reverse is P. M. T. R. P. P. P. The Letters show he was likewise styled: Pontifex Maximus, of the Tribunitial Power, and Pater Patriae. The Figure is standing betwixt two of the Signa militaria, elevating the Right-Hand, and holding in the Left an Hastile. 13. IMP. MAXIMIN. The Reverse VICTOR. AUG. The Figure is Victory Gradient or Passant, with a Garland and a Palm. 14. IMP MAXIMINUS PIUS AUG. The Reverse is FIDES MILITUM. The Figure holding in either Hand a Signum militare. 15. MAXIMINUS PIUS. The Reverse is PAX AUGUSTI. The Figure is the Type of Peace standing. 16. MAXIMINUS PIUS AUG. GERM. Hence it is plain, he also assumed the Name of Germanicus. The Reverse is PROVIDENTIA AUG. The Figure is the Type of Providence. 17. IMP. C. M. CLOD. PUPIENUS AUG. This is Clodius Pupienus, who was Emperor and Caesar, and styled likewise Augustus. The Reverse is PAX. PUBLICA. The Figure is the Type of Peace sitting, with a Bough and a Hasta. 17. IMP. GORDIANUS PIUS FEL. AUG. This is Gordianus, who was Emperor, and styled Pius Felix and Augustus. The Reverse is VIRTUTI AUGUSTI. The Figure is Hercules standing, holding in his Right-Hand his Clava or Club. Tab. 9 TAB. IX. An Explication of the Coins in the Ninth Table, found in the same Place. THE First Head is Plautilla, the Wife of Caracalla. The Reverse is a Woman standing, holding in her Right-Hand a Spear, and in her Left an Infant, with these Letters upon the Verge, PIETAS AUG. The Second is Plautilla Augusta. The Reverse is Venus' half naked standing, holding in her Right-Hand an Apple, and in the Left a Laurel with a Target; before her an Infant or other small Figure standing; upon the Verge of the Coin are these Letters, VENUS VICTRIX. The Third is Septimius Geta; he was styled Caesar and Pontifex Maximus. On the Reverse upon the Verge of the Coin are these Letters, PRINCEPS JUVENTUTIS: The Figure is a Person standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Bough, and in the Left a Spear. The Fourth likewise is Septimius Geta. On the Verge of the Reverse are these Letters, PRINCEPS JUVENTUTIS. Caesar Paludatus standing, holding in his Right-Hand a Pilus, and in his Left a Spear, with a Trophy at his Back. The Fifth also is Septimius Geta. On the Verge of the Reverse are these Letters NOBILITAS; the Figure is stolated standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Spear, and in the Left a Palladium. The Sixth is another of Septimius Geta. The Reverse shows him to have been Consul as well as Pontifex; in the Figure's Right-hand is a Shield, and in the Left a Spear. The Seventh is another of Geta's. The Reverse on the Verge has these Letters PROVIDE. DEOR. The Figure is the Type of Providence. The Eighth is Marcus Opel. Seu. Macrinus Aug. He was Emperor and Caesar. The Reverse is LIBERALITAS AVG; the Figure is stolated standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Tessera and Frumentarium, and in the Left a small Cornucopia. The Ninth is an Altar of Macrinus. The Reverse is A EQVITAS AUG. the Figure is standing, holding in the Right-hand a Bilanx or Ballance, and in the Left a Cornucopia. The Tenth is Marcus Opelius Antoninus Diadumenus Caesar. The Reverse is PRINCEPS JUVENTUTIS; the Figure is standing with Two of the Signa Militaria. The Eleventh is ELAGABALUS; he assumed the Name of Antoninus Pius Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, Pater Patriae, was Four Times of the Tribunitial Power, and Thrice Consul. On the Reverse the Figure is Passant, lifting up his Right-Hand towards Heaven, holding in his Left a Flagrum with a Star, which denotes his being deified. The Twelfth is another of Elagabulus. On the Reverse the Figure is sacrificing at the Altar with a Star at the Top, holding in the Right-hand a Patera, and in the Left a Sceptre with a Star. The Thirteenth is Elagabalus also. On the Reverse is SACERD. DEI SOLIS ELAGAB. the Figure is stolated standing, holding in the Right-hand a Sacrificing-Cup upon an Altar, after the Manner of one sacrificing to the Gods. The Fourteenth is another of Elagabalus. On the Reverse is ABUNDANTIA AUG. the Figure is standing, pouring moneys from its Bosom, near the Head is a Star. The Fifteenth is Elagabalus likewise. On the Reverse is INVICTUS SACERDOS AUG. The Figure is stolated, sacrificing a Victim at the Altar, holding in the Right-hand a Patera, and in the Left a Parazonium. The Sixteenth is another of Elagabalus. The Reverse is a Type of Providence. The Seventeenth is likewise Elagabalus. The Reverse is LIBERALITAS AUG. the Figure is standing, holding in its Right-hand a Tessera, and in the Left a Cornucopia with a Star. The Eighteenth is Elagabalus. The Reverse is LIBERTAS AUG. the Figure is standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Shield, and in the Left a Cornucopia with a Star. TAB. X. An Explication of the Coins contained in the Tenth Plate. THE First Head is that of julia Domna, who was likewise styled Augusta. On the Reverse are these Letters VENERI VICTR. The Figure is Venus half naked, in her Lefthand holding the Branch of a Palm, in her Right-Hand a Globe, and with her Left-Arm leaning upon a Pillar. The Second is Caracalla, who assumed the Names likewise of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and was styled Caesar. The Reverse is SECURITAS PERPETVA; the Figure a Military Man standing, holding in his Right-Hand a Shield, and in his Left a Spear. The Third is another of Caracalla's. The Reverse is SEVERI AUG. PII. FIL. that is, he was the Son of Severus Augustus Pius; the Figures are the Signa Pontificalia. The Fourth is a Caracalla; he was then of the Tribunitial Power. The Reverse is MINER. XXX. VICTRIX. The Figure is Pallas standing, holding in her Right-Hand a Victoriolia, or little Victory, in her Left a Spear, and behind that stands a Trophy. The Fifth is another of Caracalla's. The Reverse is FIDES MILITUM, denoting the Fidelity of the Soldiers. The Figure is stolated standing, holding in the Right-Hand a Labarum, and in the Left a Signum militare. Tab 10 The Sixth is likewise of Caracalla's. The Reverse is TEMPORUM FELICITAS; the Figure holding in the Right-hand a Spear, and in the Left a Cornucopia. The Seventh is another of Caracalla's. The Reverse is PROVIDE DEORUM; the Figure is a Type of Providence holding in the Right-hand a Globe, and in the Left a Cornucopia, denoting that Caesar governed the World in Plenty. The Eighth is likewise Caracalla. The Reverse is JOVI CONSERVATORI; the Figure is jupiter standing naked, holding in his Right-hand a Thunderbolt, and in his Left a Spear inverted, with an Eagle at his Feet, and at his Back Two of the Signa Militaria. The Ninth is another of Caracalla's. The Reverse shows he was then styled Pontifex Maximus, had been thrice of the Tribunitial Power, thrice Consul, and was likewise styled Pater Patriae; the Figure is jupiter sitting, holding in his Right-hand a Victoriola, and in his Left a Spear. The Tenth likewise is Caracalla. The Reverse is the Emperor Paludatus, holding in his Right-hand a Victory affixed to a Globe, and in his Left a Spear, and at his Feet a Slave. The Eleventh is another of Caracalla's. The Reverse is FELICITAS AUG. the Figure is standing, holding in the Right-hand a Caduceum, and in the Left a Cornucopia. The Twelfth is likewise Caracalla. The Reverse is a Military Figure standing, holding in the Right-hand a Spear, and in the Left a Scipio. The Thirteenth is another of Caracalla's, in which he then assumes the Name of Britannicus; the Figure is the Type of Health sitting. The Fourteenth is likewise a Caracalla. The Reverse is PROFECTIO AUG. the Figure is a Military Man advancing, holding in his Right-hand a Spear, with two of the Signa Militaria at his Back. The Fifteenth is another of Caracalla's, and he was then also styled Germanicus. The Reverse is MARTI PROPUGNATORI; the Figure is Mars Grandivus holding in his Right-hand a Spear, and in his Left the Spolia upon his Shoulder. The Sixteenth is also a Caracalla. The Reverse is VENUS VICTRIX; the Figure is Venus Half naked, leaning upon a Scutum, in her Right-hand holding an Icuncula or small Image. Having now explained all the Antiquities that I was able to discover in these Parts, I thought it would be ungenerous in me, should not I name the Persons who shared with me in the Fatigues I had in the Explications of them. I cannot therefore but return my unfeigned Thanks to the Learned and Reverend Dr. Crostwhite, of Queen's College in Oxford; who freely and generously assisted me in tracing the Oriental Languages through the best Authors, and likewise to the Natives of those Countries themselves, whom I found very affable, and extremely communicative. And as to the Roman Antiquities, for my fuller Information in those, I must own I was infinitely obliged to the Learned and Generous Mr. Charleton of the Temple, Dr. Williamson and Mr. Prescot of Chester, and Mr. Oddy of Blackburn in Lancashire: Wherefore, I hope those worthy Persons will accept of this Acknowledgement; which will ever oblige Their Humble Servant, Charles Leigh. FINIS. THE INDEX. A ADrian, Emperor, his Coins, Book 3. Pag. 61. Item 72. Goes in Person to Britain, and his Conquest, p. 73. Built a Wall Eighty Miles long there, p. 74. A Coin of his found at Chester, p. 91. Egypt, Coins relating to it, B. 3. p. 61. Aeolipile; what, and how made use of by the Author, B. 1. p. 13. Africa, Coins relating to it, B. 3. p. 61. Agricola (julius) Vespasian's General in Britain, B. 3. p. 73. Makes a complete Conquest of Britain, p. 77. Alabastrides, where found and described, B. 1. p. 69. Albinus (Clodius) created Caesar, etc. B. 3. p. 74. Continued in Britain, p. 75. Declared himself Emperor, and was slain near Lions, ibid. A most valuable Coin of his found at Standish, p. 94. Alexandria Aegypti with a Palm, etc. on Coins; explicated, B. 3. p. 54. Alga's, various Capsulae in them impleted with a pellucid Jelly, B. 1. p. 92. Alga Saccarifera where found, and its Produce, B. 1. p. 93. Alum, where found, and the Nature of it, B. 1. p. 74. Divided in three Classes, p. 76. Amianthus, where found and described, B. 1. p. 72. Anasarca, a Species of the Dropsy, B. 2. p. 68 Andraste, a British Goddess, B. 3. p. 63. Annus (a Year) the Etymology thereof, and Extent considered, B. 1. p. 123. and seq. Antonia, etc. on Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 57 Antoninus Pius, Emperor, some Account of his Coins, B. 3. p. 50. More, p. 59 More, p. 66. Item, p. 69, 70, 71. His Affairs in Britain, p. 74. A Coin of his found at Standish, p. 92. Apollo's Priests, etc. on Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 49. Armenian Bows, etc. on Coins and why, B. 3. p. 55. Ascarides, a Worm, its Generation in Human Stomaches, etc. enquired into, B. 1. p. 150. Illustrated with a Story of the Freebooters in America, ibid. & seq. Objection against the Author's Hypothesis answered, p. 151. & seq. Ascites, a Species of the Dropsy, B. 2. p. 68 Asia Minor, Coins relating to it, B. 3. p. 61. Asper, a kind of Sea-Eagle; its Food, B. 1. p. 159. Dissected by the Author, and his Observations from it. ibid. & seq. Atmosphere; the Elasticity of it illustrated, B. 1. p. 13. etc. Augustus Caesar, Emperor, some Account of his Coins, B. 3. p. 48. More, p. 56. & seq. A Coin of his found at Chester, p. 89. Avon or Savon; the British Name for a River, B. 1. p. 4. Aurelius (Marcus) Emperor, his Coins accounted for, B. 3. p. 70. His Affairs in Britain, p. 74. A Coin of his found at Standish, p. 92, 93. Another, p. 98. Author, Experiments made by him upon Waters, B. 1. p. 36. & seq. B Barbarian naked, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 58. Barnacle, a Bird; its Generation from Shell-fish, examined and refuted, B. 1. p. 157. & seq. More, and the Cutt of it annexed, B. 1. p. 190. Barometer; curious Observations of it, B. 1. p. 15, 16. Bassianus, Emperor, B. 3. p. 76. Bath, in Somersetshire, Mr. Allen's Observation on it, examined and refuted by the Author, B. 1. p. 52. Bees; Remarks how wonderfully they elaborate their Honey, B. 1. p. 156. The Reason of their Reviving after being seemingly drowned in Water, or suffocated by Brimstone, ibid. & seq. Belemnites; Stones, where found, B. 1. p. 119. Bellisama, a River in Lancashire; the Etymology of it, B. 1. p. 3. More, B. 3. p. 76. Bile-stone: See Cutt and Explication, Fig. 20, 21. in Plate 3. at the End of B. 3. Birds described, B. 1. p. 157. & seq. A diverting Relation of a Bird at Durton, in Lancashire, p. 162. Uncommon Birds sometimes in Lancashire, etc. p. 164. Black-Lead, where found, and by whom engrossed, B. 1. p. 90. & seq. Boadicia's Prayer to Andraste, B. 3. p. 63. Her Golden Torques, p. 64. & seq. Boil Mr. His Experiment of the Vegetation of Plants, B. 1. p. 106. & seq. brigants, ancient Inhabitants of Lancashire; why so called, B. 1. p. 1, 2. ibid. p. 5. Britain, when Conquered by the Romans, B. 3. p. 25. Peopled from the East, p. 61. Proved from Scripture, and by other Arguments, p. 62. & seq. More of its being Peopled from the East, B. 3. p. 77. & seq. How described by Caesar, p. 74. When first Invaded, p. 75. Revolt in Nero's Reign, but are reduced, p. 77. Made a Roman Province, p. 78. Quite deserted by the Romans, p. 79. Britania; its Etymology, B. 1. p. 2, 3. Represented upon a Coin, B. 3. p. 58. Brotherton (Thomas) Esq in Lancashire; his Experiments of the Growth of Trees, B. 2. p. 29. Illustrated by several Figures, described, p. 30. & seq. The Author's Opinion hereupon, p. 34. Brutes, of their Reason, B. 2. p. 9 & seq. Author's refining their Knowledge by Ideas, etc. examined and rejected, p. 10. & seq. Their Souls are not an actual Fire, p. 12. Nor Nitroaerial Spirit, p. 13. The Author's own Thoughts upon't, ibid. Brutus (Marcus) and Cassius, some Coins accounted for relating to them, B. 3. p. 52. Bufonites, Stones, where found, B. 1. p. 119. See the Cutt and Explication, Fig. 1. in Plate second, marked Fig. 2. at the End of Book 1. Buphthalmos, a Stone in Lancashire, etc. B. 1. p. 130. Bull-Heads. See Frogs. Burning-Well, near Wigan, described and accounted for, B. 1. p. 40, 41. From whence the Heat proceeds, p. 42. Buxton in Derbyshire; Hot Baths there, and their Virtues, B. 1. p. 31. Their Virtues and Use, p. 32. & seq. The Queen of Scots Latin Distich upon them, B. 3. p. 42. Byon, a Distemper how caused, B. 1. p. 88 C Caduceus Orbis on Coins, explicated, B. 3 p. 51, 52. One with a double Cornucopia, etc. explained, p. 54. One with a Scutum explained, p. 55. Caer, the Etymology of it, B. 3. p. 77. Caligula, Emperor, his Coin, B. 3. p. 57 Cancer, Acroterion & Rosa on Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 52. Cangi, what Part of Britain they inhabited, B. 3. p. 26. More of them, p. 33. Canoes, found in Martin-mere, B. 1. p. 18. The Cutt explained, p. 181. Cappadocia, Coins relating to it, B. 3. p. 61. Caracalla, his Coins explained, p. 108, 109, 110. Caractacus, a British Prince, carried Captive to Rome, B. 3. p. 26. More of it, p. 76. Caterpillar, how she generates, and is destroyed by her young Ones, B. 1. p. 149. Cattle, large ones bred in Lancashire, B. 2. p. 5. Cattle wild in Lancashire without Horns, B. 2. p. 3. Catfish, the Pricking of its Fins dangerous, and why, B. 1. p. 146. Ceres and Anona on Coins, B. 3. p. 51. Item, Ceres alone, ibid. Char, a Fish found only in one part of Winder-mere, described, B. 1. p. 141. Item, p. 142. How caught, ibid. & seq. Chatsworth in Derbyshire, the Duke of Devon's Seat, described, B. 3. p. 44. & seq. Cheshire, described; its Air, B. 1. p. 11. The ancient Inhabitants of it, B. 3. p. 32. Chester, its Etymology and various Names, both Ancient and Modern, B. 1. p. 11, 12. It's ancient Greatness, ibid. Remarkable for many Antiquities, B. 3. p. 18. & seq. Divers Roman Inscriptions here, p. 19 & seq. The Twentieth Legion, styled Valeria & Victrix, quartered here, p. 19 & seq. Two remarkable Coins here, p. 21. Another Inscription, p. 25. Made a Colony by Septimius Geta, p. 27. A Coin of Constantius found here, p. 29. More of the 20th Legion being here, p. 32. & seq. An Account of its Earls, p. 37, & seq. Of its Barons, p. 39, & seq. Roman Altars dug up there, p. 82. Several sorts of Fibulae, p. 84. Horn of a Rein-deer, ibid. Two Consular Coins found here, p. 89. Claudius (Drusus) Emperor, his Expedition to, and Conquest of Britain, B. 3. p. 72. More of it, p. 75. & seq. Claudius (Titus) etc. his Coins explicated, B. 3. p. 58. Clays, the different sorts in Lancashire, etc. B. 1. p. 56. Clemens Augustus, his Coins, B. 3. p. 71. Clementia, etc. on Coins explained, B. 3. p. 60. Clepsydra, an Account of it, B. 1. p. 123 Coals, the Nature of them, B. 1. p. 67. Cockles, the best in England in Lancashire, etc. B. 1. p. 135. Coke or Toftan, what it is, B. 1. p. 79. It's strange Effect upon Iron, ibid. Coins accounted for, B. 3. p. 48. & seq. Coln in Lancashire; its Roman Antiquities, B. 3. p. 10. & seq. No Roman Station, p. 12. It's Etymology, ibid. Commodus, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 69, 71. His Affairs in Britain, p. 74. Divers Coins of his found at Standish, explained, p. 93, 94. Consecratio, upon Coins explicated, B. 3. p. 49. Constantia, some of her Coins described, B. 3. p. 58. Constantius, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 59 Consular Coins, B. 3. p. 89. Consumptions, reduced to Classes, with an Account of the Rise of them, B. 2. p. 59 Why the People on Salt and Marshy Coasts are subject to it, p. 60. The Species of Scorbutic Consumptions treated of, p. 61. & seq. The Symptoms of the Disease, p. 62. The Reasons of them assigned, ibid. & seq. Why the Urine is so very Lixivial herein, p. 64. Whether the Lungs are always full of Tubercles, p. 65. Symptoms of a Consumption in a confirmed State, p. 65. & seq. Copper-Ores, the several sorts of them, ill managed, B. 1. p. 81. & seq. What quantity of Copper it produces, and the Fusion described, p. 85. & seq. Coralline, where found, and the Use thereof in Physic, B. 1. p. 92. & seq. Coritani; the ancient Inhabitants of Derbyshire, B. 1. p. 13. Cormorant; a Bird, how used to take Fish with, in the Indies, B. 1. p. 161. Cornavii; the ancient Inhabitants of Cheshire, B. 1. p. 11. Cornucopia, etc. on Coins explicated, B. 3. p. 54. Double, p. 57 Crows, two white ones, B. 1. p. 161. Cuckoo and Swallow; a Query, whether they sleep in Winter, B. 1. p. 164. Cuckoo-spittle, what it is, B. 1. p. 148. & seq. D Damps in Lancashire, and the Effects of them, B. 1. p. 8. & 9 Damps Mineral, described, B. 1. p. 78. & seq. Day, what meant by it, B. 1. p. 123. Dee, a River in Cheshire; its Etymology, B. 1. p. 22. Proposed to be made Navigable, p. 22. Dear Red in Lime-Park in Cheshire; an unusual Thing concerning them, B. 2. p. 2. Observations of their casting their Horns, ibid. Use of their Flesh and Horns in Physic, ibid. & seq. Dear spotted in Dunham-Park, B. 2. p. 3. Deluge, various Opinions concerning the Universality of it, B. 1. p. 100 & seq. Moses his Narrative of it most true, p. 124. & seq. Derby, a Catalogue of its Earls, B. 3. p. 46. More particularly of the present Family, p. 47. Derbyshire; an Account of it, B. 1. p. 13. More, B. 3. p. 40. The Peak described, p. 42. & seq. Pools- Hole, and other Rarities there described, B. 3. p. 187. & seq. Diadumenus, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 70. More explained, p. 106. Diana Venatrix, etc. on Coins explicated, B. 3. p. 56. Dioclesian, Emperor, a remarkable Coin of his, B. 3. p. 54. Distempers intermittent; accounted for, and illustrated with divers Cases, B. 2. p. 87. & seq. Dog at Bold in Lancashire, his odd Manner of Dying, B. 2. p. 9 Dogfish described, and generates like a Dog and Bitch, B. 1. p. 1●7. Domitian, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 48, 59, 60. Subdued the Orcadeses and Caledonians, p. 73. A Coin of his found at Standish in Lancashire, p. 92. Domitius (Cneus) his Coins, B. 3. p. 54. Dove, a River in Derbyshire, the Etymology of it, B. 1. p. 23. Course and Overflowing, ibid. Downham Diamonds, how cast up, described and compounded, B. 1. p. 76. Dropsy; the different Species of it, and Causes assigned, with the Author's Sentiments and Experience, B. 2. p. 68 & seq. Whence it may proceed, p. 69. As also the Lymphatic Dropsy, p. 70. Particular Cases in the Dropsy recited and accounted for, p. 71. & seq. The Cure in general, p. 74. & seq. Whether Salivation be proper for it, p. 75. Another odd Case recited, p. 76. Ducks wild, their most remarkable Feeding at Bold in Lancashire, B. 1. p. 163. & seq. E Earth's; the several sorts of them in Lancashire, etc. B. 1. p. 55. Bituminous Earth, where, with the Nature and Use of it, p. 64. Echo in Cheshire of a strange Nature, B. 1. p. 14. The Cutt and Explication at the End of Book 1. Eels, an Enquiry into the Generation of them, B. 1. p. 143. & seq. The Blood circulates in them, p. 144. Elagabalus. See Heliogabalus. Elden-Hole. See Pool's- Hole. Elke's Head found deep under Ground, and where, B. 1. p. 63. Elixir of Vitriol, B. 1. p. 14, 15. Emmet-Water; accounted for, B. 1. p. 39 Equites on Coins, and why, B. 3. p. 53. Reke River remarkable for the fattest Eels, and why, B. 1. p. 143. Eternitas, etc. on Coins, B. 3. p. 60. Experiments Chemical, from Spirit of hartshorn, etc. B. 1. ibid. F Faustina, her Coin, B. 3. p. 66. One found at Standish, p. 93. Feathered-alum. See Amianthus. Felon; a Distemper in Infants in Lancashire, etc. Its Symptoms, Origine and Cure, B. 2. p. 49. Fires; several sorts noted, B. 2. p. 12. Fishes described, B. 1. p. 130. & seq. Three strange ones taken by the Author, described, p. 133. & seq. Flaminii upon Coins, B. 3. p. 50. Flood, an unusual one in Cheshire, with the Effects of it, B. 1. p. 126. & seq. Fluor or Spar, strange one, in Derbyshire. See the Cutt and Explication at the End of Book 1. Fig. 1, and 2. in Plate marked Fig. 1. Of other Forms. See Plate 3. Fig. 8. 16, 17. at the End of Book 1. Fortune, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 60. Frogs, how they generate, B. 1. p. 151. Sleeping long without Food; and the Reason of it, ibid. Medicinal, ibid. Waters distilled from their Spawn, used against Spitting of Blood, p. 153. Plasters of them, ibid. G Galba, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 59 His General in Britain, p. 73. One of his Coins found at Chester, p. 90. Galerius (Titus Elupius) his Coins accounted for, B. 3. p. 70. Germanicus, etc. his Coins explicated, B. 3. p. 58. Geta, Roman Emperor; a Coin of his proving the Antiquity of Chester, B. 3. p. 27. More, p. 28. More of his Coins, p. 49. & seq. More, p. 67, 68 Slain by Caracalla his Brother, p. 76. His Coins found at Standish explained, p. 105, 106. Gigleswig, a Spring in Yorkshire that ebbs and flows, described and accounted for, B. 1. p. 26, etc. Glass, how first made by accident, B. 1. p. 75. Gordianus, Emperor, his Coin explained, B. 3. p. 104. Grasshopper, how strangely preserved in its Infancy, B. 1. p. 148. Green-back and Mullets, excellent Food, B. 1. p. 134▪ H. Haddon-House, whose, B. 3. p. 46. Haematides, or soft Clay Over; its Goodness and Virtue, B. 1. p. 85. Hailstones, a dreadful Storm in Lancashire, and when, with the Effects of them, B. 1. p. 9 Cutt and Explication at the End of Book 1. Hair-Balls in the Stomaches of Beasts, described and accounted for, B. 2. p. 48. Hares, somewhat concerning the Superfaetation of them, B. 2. p. 5. & seq. Whence comes their Velocity, p. 6. Their Colours different, and why, p. 7. Distempers, ibid. Helena, her Coin, B. 3. p. 49. Heliogabalus, Emperor, his Coin, B. 3. p. 66. Took the Name of Antoninus, p. 76. His Coins explained, p. 106, 107. Hemeneus, or Hummingbird, why it produces not Honey like the Bee, B. 1. p. 157. Hercules Densionensis on Coins, and why, B. 3. p. 66. Hippopotamus, some Account of it at the End of B. 1. p. 183. Item, p 185. Hispania, Coins of it, B. 3. p. 156. Item, 59 Hope, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 58. Hora, the Etymology and ancient Signification of it, B. 1. p. 122. Horrax (jeremiah) Eminent for his Skill in Astronomy, and his Character by Dr. Wallis, B. 2. p. 27. & seq. Item, An Account of his Works, p. 28. & seq. Hue, a Fish, eats pickled like an Anchove, B. 1. p. 146. Human Worms, B. 1. p. 150. I Imp. Aael, an obscure Coin, B. 3. p. 71. Imperator Crucem tenens; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 66. Imperator Caesar Aug. with a Bidens, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 68 Inflammation of the Blood, what is meant by it, B. 2. p. 77. & seq. Ink-fish. See Sepia. Inscriptions Roman at Ribchester, B. 3. p. 3. & seq. Item, p. 8. More at Manchester, with their Interpretations, p. 14. & seq. Divers at Chester also interpreted, p. 19 & seq. One near Bakewell upon an Altar, p. 41. Instruments, strange ones found near Martin-mere, B. 3. p. 181, 182. Iron-Ore, the several sorts of it, and how best run into malleable Iron, B. 1. p. 80. & seq. More particularly described, p. 82. & seq. With Protuberances, Cutt and Explication, Fig. 15. in Plate 3. at the End of Book 1. julia, etc. on Coin, B. 3. p. 67, 68, 70, 71. julia Augusta Pia, etc. divers Coins of hers found at Standish, explained, B. 3. p. 36, 37. julia Domna, her Coins explained, B. 3. p. 108. julia Maesa on Coin, B. 3. p. 67. More Coins of hers explained, p. 98. julia Mammaea, her Coins explained, etc. B. 3. p. 68 Item, p. 69, 101, 102. julia Paula Aug. a Coin of hers, B. 3. p. 98. julia Saemias; Coins of hers explained, B. 3. p. 99 julianus (Didius) Emperor, slain by the Soldiers, B. 3. p. 75. julius Caesar, Emperor, Observations of his Coins, B. 3. p. 48. More, p. 51, 71. His Exploits in Britain, p. 72. A Coin of his Head, with a Star, etc. found at Chester, p. 89. jupiter, etc. on Coins, B. 3. p. 60. K Kent, a River in Lancashire, its Signification in Armenian, B. 3. p. 76. L Laetitia, on Coins, the Meaning, B. 3. p. 66. Lancashire, its Denomination, B. 1. p. 1. Air, p. 6. Observations of the Weatherglass here, p. 10. More of the Effects of the Air, ibid. Made a County Palatine, B. 3. p. 16. Lancaster, Sympuvia found there, B. 3. p. 30. But few other Antiquities, p. 15. A Catalogue of those to whom it gave Titles of Honour, p. 16. & seq. Lapis Calaminaris, where found, and how used, B. 1. p. 91. Lapis Serpentarius, two sorts, and where found, B. 1. p. 120. Larbrick Cold-Spring; Experiments upon it, B. 1. p. 14. Lead-Ore, how found, described, and the several sorts of it, B. 1. p. 80. The Fusion of it, p. The Distempers that arise from it, ibid. & seq. How the Mine is discovered, p. 89. Lead-Ore feathered. See Fig. 14. in Plate 3. at the End of Book 1. Leicester Sir Peter, writ the Antiquities of Buckley Hundred, B. 2. p. 14. Lepidus (Marcus) some Coins referring to him accounted for, B. 3. p. 53. Letter, one from the Author to Dr. Plot, concerning the Water of Latron and Nitrian Nitre, B. 2. p. 35. Gives the Denomination of Nitre, and divers other Things, ibid. & seq. Another Letter concerning Digestion, p. 42. & seq. From Mr. Oddy, concerning the Antiquities of Ribchester, B. 3. p. 2. From Mr. Hargrave, of the Antiquities of Coln, ibid. From Dr. Prescot, concerning the Antiquities of Chester, p. 21. & seq. From Mr. Fowke to Mr. Prescot, p. 30. Lewenhoke demonstrates the Circulation of Blood in Eels, B. 1. p. 144. Lizards, frequent in Lancashire, B. 1. p. 148. Longinus Flavius, a Roman Tribune in Britain; with an Account of his Family, B. 3. p. 23. & seq. Lud, the Etymology of it, B. 3. p. 77. Lune, a River in Lancashire, B. 1. p. 22. In Armenian, signifies the Moon, B. 3. p. 76. M Maclesfield in Cheshire, a College founded there, by whom, B. 2. p. 17. Macrinus, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 72. More explained, p. 106. Manchester, a College, Public School and Hospital founded there, when, and by whom, B. 2. p. 14. & seq. College dissolved, when, and refounded by Q. Elizabeth, and after by Charles the First, ibid. Revenues of the Hospital and Public School, p. 15. Other Charities in Manchester, p. 16. Benefactions added by William Hulme, Esq to the Public School, ibid. Town gives Title of Honour, to whom, ibid. It's Antiquity and Etymology, B. 3. p. 13. Roman Inscriptions here, p. 14. Vastly populous, and flourishing in Trade, p. 15. Marcus Valerius Alexander, his Coins, B. 3. p. 72. Marles, an Account of them, B. 1. p. 56. Petrified, where: See the Cutt and Explication at the End of Book 1. Fig. 3. in Plate marked Fig. 1. Mars on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 52, 59, 60. Martin-mere drained, B. 1. p. 17. Canoes found in it, p. 18. Fir-stock and Apples found therein, p. 21. Matidia, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 61. Maximinianus, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 71. Maximinus, Emperor, his Coins explained, B. 3. p. 103. Mercia; an Account of the Kings of it, B. 3. p. 34. & seq. Item, Dukes of this Country, p. 36. & seq. Its Bishops, p. 39 Mermaids-Purses, where, B. 1. p. 93. Mersey, a River in Lancashire, described, B. 1. p. 21. Metals in Lancashire, etc. what they are, B. 1. p. 80. How separated from Ore, p. 90. Mineral-Waters, accounted for, B. 1. p. 24, etc. Item, Those that arise out of Bass, p. 40. Minerva, etc. on Coins, B. 3. p. 52. Mines, Coal and Kennel, always found in Strata, B. 1. p. 65. How to be discovered, p. 66. Farther Observations, ibid. Mint, the Vegetation of it, Experiment by Dr. Woodward, B. 1. p. 107. & seq. Morasses, several sorts in Lancashire, etc. described, B. 1. p. 58. An Enquiry into the Rise of them, p. 59 & seq. How manured, p. 65. Muscular Motion hard to be solved, B. 1. p. 145. N Natron, where found in England, B. 1. p. 38. More of it, p. 39 Nautilus, a Fish; some Account of it at the End of Book 1. in the Explication of the Cutt contained in the Plate, marked Fig. 1. annexed to B. 1. Neptune upon Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 49, 56. More, p. 60. Nero, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 59 His Wars in Britain against Boadicea, p. 73. One of his Coins found at Chester, p. 90. Nerva, Emperor, built Coccium in Lancashire, B. 3. p. 73. Nitre, the great Use thereof in a Plague, B. 1. p. 75. It's Denomination, B. 2. p. 35. Different Names given it, ibid. Different places whence it comes, p. 36. It's Description as it is when a Compositum, ibid. The Number of its Principles, when Chemically resolved, p. 37. Rise of them, ibid. It's Separation from the Water of Latron, p. 38. Use in Physic, p. 39 Agriculture and Mechanics, p. 40. & seq. How it differs from Sal Armoniac, p. 41. From Salt Petre, ibid. Nitria, a Town in Egypt, B. 2. p. 38. Nitrum Calcarium, where contained, B. 1. p. 44, 45. Nowell, Dean, gave several Scholarships to Brazen-Nose College in Oxford, B. 2. p. 14. Nutmegs; an Account of their Growth, B. 1. p. 96. Nux Pinea on Coin, and why, B. 3. p. 55. O Ochre, where found, B. 1. p. 67. Oddy Mr. his Letter concerning the Antiquities of Ribchester, B. 3. p. 2. Optites, or Cornu Ammonis; a Serpent-stone See the Cutt Fig. 6. in Plate marked Fig. 1. at the End of B. 1. Oars, the Formation of them enquired into, B. 1. p. 89. & seq. Otho, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 60. One of his found at Chester, p. 90. P Pap-fish, described, B. 1. p. 139. Parthians, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 56, 57 Patella of a Whale, and the Use of it, at the End of B. 3. p. 185. Peace winged, etc. on Coins, explained, B. 3. p. 58, 60. Peak, in Derbyshire; its Natural Wonders described, B. 3. p. 42. & seq. Item, Artificial Wonders, p. 44. & seq. Pearl-Muscles, common in Lancashire, etc. B. 1. p. 135. Pearson Dr. Eminent for his Learning in these Parts, B. 2. p. 13. Pearls, an Account of the Germination of them, B. 1. p. 135. Sandius, in his Letter to the Royal Society, mistaken, p. 136. & seq. Pectunculus' petrified. See Cutt and Explication, Fig. 10, and 13. in Plate 2. marked Fig. 2. at the End of B. 1. Pertinax (Helvius) Emperor, refused Albinus for his Colleague, and was assassinated, B. 3. p. 74, 75. Petrifactions, where found, the different sorts of them seen by the Author, B. 1. p. 115. His Arguments against their being the Exuviae of Animals at the Deluge, ibid. & seq. Examples of divers Petrifactions, p. 116. And how effected, p. 117. Phoebus, etc. on Coins, B. 3. p. 56. Phoenicians, Traded into Britain, B. 1. p. 3. etc. More, B. 3. p. 76. & seq. Phosphori in Muscles and Oysters; from whence they arise, B. 1. p. 138. & seq. Pietas, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 57 Pisces vaginales, where, and described, B. 1. p. 133. Plants Antepileptic, which they are, and their Use, B. 1. p. 105. Plants Anticteric, which they are, B. 1. p. 105. Plants Balsamic, which they are, B. 1. p. 104. Plants Cardiac, which they are, B. 1. p. 104. & seq. Plants Cathartic; their Names, Nature and Physical Uses, B. 1. p. 102. & seq. Plants Emetic, which they are, and an Enquiry into their Bitterness, B. 1. p. 102. Plants Fossile found in solid Rocks, etc. accounted for, B. 1. p. 64. More of them in opposition to Dr. Woodward's Hypothesis, p. 98. & seq. Plants Marine in Lancashire, etc. accounted for, B. 1. p. 94. Plants Inland in Lancashire, etc. accounted for, B. 1. p. 94. & seq. Plants Opiate and Paregoric, what they are, B. 1. p. 105. Plants Poisonous, what they are, and how they operate, B. 1. p. 105. & seq. Plants River and Land, Experiments of their Vegetation, B. 1. p. 106. & seq. Plautilla; her Coins found at Standish explained, B. 3. p. 105. Pools- Hole and Elden-Hole, in Derbyshire accounted for, and described, annexed to, B. 1. p. 187. & seq. Potters-Clay, an Account of it, B. 1. p. 56. Pox Small, two Cats contracted it of two Persons, and died of it in Lancashire, B, 2. p. 7. Not peculiar to Mankind, p. 8. The Reasons why more frequent than in other Animals, ibid. Prawn, a Fish described, B. 1. p. 134. Proserpina upon Coins, explained, B. 3. p. 49. Puffin, a Bird, described, B. 1. p. 159. Pupienus, Emperor, his Coins explained, B. 3. p. 103. Pyrites, where found, B. 1. p. 67. What it consists of, p. 68 The Cutt and Explication of a Cylindrical one, Fig. 2. & 17. Plate 2. marked Fig. 2. at the End of B. 1. Q Quadrupeds described, B. 2. p. 1. & seq. Querna Corona on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 57 Quicksilver, where sometimes found, B. 1. p. 90. R Rabbet-Fish described, B. 1. p. 146. Rain, Townley's Table of it, B. 2. p. 25. Rale, a Bird in Lancashire, described, B. 1. p. 162. Rana Piscatrix; an Account of it annexed to B. 1. p. 186. Red-Spider poisonous to Cattle, etc. B. 149. Reptiles and Infects described, B. 1. p. 147. & seq. Ribbel, a River in Lancashire; the Derivation of the Word and Argument from it, B. 1. p. 45. More of that River, p. 22. More, B. 3. p. 77. Ribchester in Lancashire; its ancient Name, and famous for divers Antiquities, B. 3. p. 2. & seq. Divers Roman Inscriptions here, p. 3. & seq. Explained, ibid. Other remarkable Antiquities here, p. 6. & seq. More, p. 9 Antique Ruby found there, described, p. 81. Divers Roman Altars found there, p. 82. Item, A Roman Discus, etc. ibid. A Sympuvium, Roman Tyle, Urn, Fibulae, Ring of a Roman Boat found here, p. 83. Item, Two sides of a Sacrificing-Altar, p. 84. Rickets common in Lancashire, etc. how occasioned, B. 2. p. 49. Divided into Classes, p. 50. Cure, ibid. Rocks; an Enquiry whether at first fluid, B. 1. p. 120. & seq. Rome, her Coins, B. 3. p. 48. & seq. More of its Empire, p. 55. Armed, etc. p. 59 S Sagittarii on Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 50. Salmon, abounds in the Rivers of Lancashire, etc. B. 1. p. 139. An Account of their Growth, ibid. & seq. Salmon-louse, what, B. 1. p. 140. Salt-Petre contained in Water, affirmed, B. 1. p. 39 Salt Rocks in Cheshire, and Conjectures upon it, B. 1. p. 75. & seq. Salts Marine, where they make their Efflorescences, B. 1. p. 74. Sand-Eels, what they are, B. 1. p. 134. Sandius, his Letter to the Royal Society of the Germination of Pearls, B. 1. p. 136. Another Letter, p. 137. Mistaken in his Notion, p. 138. Savig; a Rivulet in Lancashire, the Etymology of the Word and Argument from it, B. 1. p. 5. Item, B. 3. p. 77. Scurvy; its various Denominations, B. 2. p. 51. It's Epidemicalness, p. 52. Symptoms, ibid. Divided into Classes, p. 53. The Rationale of its Symptoms, as Fetidness of the Gums, etc. ibid. & seq. Spots and Lepra, p 55. & seq. Particular Instances of its Cure, p. 56. & seq. The general Method of it, p. 58. Sea-Blebs, Fish's cast upon the Shores of Lancashire, etc. described, B. 1. p. 133. Sea-Crow described. Item, Its Food, B. 1. p. 158. Cutt, and further Account of it annexed to B. 1. p. 159. Seadogs, as described by Dampier, B. 1. p. 131. & seq. Seagulls, described, and why they pursue one another in their Flights, B. 1. p. 163. Sea-Horse. See Hippopotamus. Sea-Oaks. See Alga's. Sea-Toad. See Rana Piscatrix. Seals, or Sea-Calves, how taken, and described, B. 1. p. 131. More of the Seal at the End of B. 3. p. 185. Sellae Curules, etc. on Coins, the Meaning, B. 3. p. 53. Sepia, or Ink-fish; the Nature of the Ink discharged by them, described, B. 1. p. 131. More of it, p. 182. Severus (Septimius) and Geta, Emperors, their Coins accounted for, B. 3. p. 49. & seq. More of Severus, p. 67, 69. His Affairs in Britain, p. 75. Built a Wall there, ibid. Severus Alexander, Emperor, somewhat of his Coins, B. 3. p. 50. More, p. 67, 68, 70, 71. Divers Coins of his found at Standish, explained, p. 95, 96. More Coins of his explained, p. 99, 100 More Coins explained, p. 101. Severus Pius Augustus, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 57 Item, p. 69. Sheep, strange ones in Stiperly-Park in Cheshire, described, B. 2. p. 1. & seq. Shells Marine, found deep under Ground in Lancashire, etc. B. 1. p. 62. In Marl-pits, p. 119. Remarkable ones named, p. 120. Pearly and Chalky kinds of Shells, and the Formation of them, B. 2. p. 47. & seq. Taken out of an Hog's Bladder, ibid. Sibilla Belgica on a Coin, B. 3. p. 49. Slurry, what it is, B. 1. p. 56. & seq. Smith Bishop, Founder of Brazen-Nose College in Oxford, B. 2. p. 14. Sol, etc. on Coins, explained, B. 3. p. 66. Soapstone, where, and the Nature of it, B. 1. p. 57 Sparling-fisher, a Bird, described, B. 1. p. 161. Spars, several sorts of them, where found, and described, B 1. p. 68 & seq. Uses in Physic, p. 70. & seq. A black Spar that affords a diverting Phoenomenon, ibid. Spikes of Corn (four) on Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 53. Spout at Sea described, B. 1. p. 127. The Account confirmed by Dampier, ibid. & seq. Springs; an Account of the Origin of them, B. 1. p. 28, etc. A Spring impregated with Sulphur, where, p. 31. Springs arising out of Bass, accounted for, ibid. & seq. Stag's- Head entire, found deep under Ground, and where, B. 1. p. 62. More of it, p. 184. Stalactites, where found, and described, B. 1. p. 69. & seq. Stones of exact Symmetry deep in the Earth, B. 1. p. 129. Stones of different Forms, Colour, etc. taken out of the Bodies of Animals, B. 2. p. 47. Standish in Lancashire, a Roman Signet and Coins found there, described, B. 3. p. 81. The Vessel wherein the Coins were, p. 82. Starfish, described, B. 1. p. 133. Star-slime, what it is, examined, B. 1. p. 154. & seq. Sturgeon, the Figure of it, B. 3. p. 185. Sulphur in Baths, why it tinges of a different Colour, accounted for, B. 1. p. 34. & seq. Several sorts described, p. 77. & seq. Etymology, ibid. Siren, etc. on Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 56. T Talcs, where found, and the Nature of them, B. 1. p. 72. Tempest, a terrible one, and when, in Lancashire, B. 1. p. 6. The Effects of it, p. 7. Thermometer, Experiment with it, B. 1. p. 54. Thule, the Etymology of it, B. 1. p. 4. More to the same Purpose, B. 3. p. 76. Tiberius, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 57 A Coin of his found at Chester, p. 90. Tideswell, a Spring in Derbyshire ebbs and flows, with an Inquire into the Reason of it, B. 1. p. 25, etc. Timpanites, a Species of the Dropsy, B. 2. p. 68 Accounted for, p. 69. Titus Vespasian, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 48. His Affairs in Britain, p. 73. A Coin of his found at Chester, p. 91. Toad very poisonous, but the Excellency of its Use in Physic, demonstrated, B. 1. p. 154. & seq. Tobacco-Pipe Clay, B. 1. p. 57 Townley (Richard) Esq his Letter to Dr. Croon, about the Invention of an Instrument for dividing a Foot into 40000 parts, B. 2. p. 17. & seq. His Instrument described, p. 19 & seq. Another Letter about the Quantity of Rain falling Monthly for divers Years, p. 21. & seq. His Table of Rain, p. 25. His Observations of the Eclipse of the Sun, p. 26. Trajanus (Ulpius) Emperor, his Affairs in Britain, B. 3. p. 73. A Coin of his found at Standish, p. 92. Trees, found deep under Ground, discussed, B. 1. p. 61. & seq. Tripos with a Star, on Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 53. Triumvirs, their Coin explicated, B. 3. p. 54. Trout and Grailing plentiful at Buxton, and the best in England, B. 1. p. 147. V Valerianus (Caesar) etc. his Coins explained, B. 3. p. 66. Valerius Maximus, etc. on Coin, B. 3. p. 67, 68 Valerius Divus Augustus, Emperor, his Coins, B. 3. p. 71. Venus Victrix, on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 51. Item, p. 56. Verus (Lucius) a Coin of his found at Standish, B. 3. p. 93. Vespasian, Emperor, his Affairs in Britain, B. 3. p. 73. Coins of his found at Chester, p. 90. Vesta covered, etc. on Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 58. Via Trajana, etc. Coins; the Meaning, B. 3. p. 61. Victoria winged, upon Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 49. With her Two Snakes, p. 55. Upon a Celestial Sphere, etc. ibid. Item, p. 56. Item, p. 66. Viper in Lancashire, described, B. 1. p. 147. An Enquiry wherein its Poison consists, p. 148. It's Flesh Medicinal, ibid. Vitellius, Emperor, his Coin, B. 3. p. 90. Vitriol, three sorts of it, where found, and described, B. 1. p. 73. & seq. Vitriol-Spring, where, B. 1. p. 30. Its Produce of Vitriol, ibid. More of Vitriol, p. 39 Up-Holland; an Idol found there, B. 3. p. 81. Urceus Lituus, etc. on Coins, and why, B. 3. p. 53. W Waters, that cast up Marine-Shells, B. 1. p 28. At Burnley in Lancashire accounted for, p. 37. Natron found there, and at Hanbridge, p. 38. Its uses in Physic, ibid. Waters of a Styptic Taste, and the Nature of them, p. 48. Coldness in Waters, whence, p. 53. Waters out of Bass, B. 1. p. 40. Water's Chalybeat, where, B. 49. Proceed not from the Pyrites, and why, ibid. & seq. Water's Mineral. See Mineral-Waters. Waters purging, where, and the Rise and Nature of them described, B. 1. p. 45. More of these Waters, p. 46. Farther discussed, p. 50. & seq. Waters ranked amongst the Acidulae, where, and contain Natron, B. 1. p. 43. Experiments thereupon, p. 47. Water's Saline, where, and the Rise of them, B. 1. p. 43. The Nature of the Salt made from them, ibid. & seq. Water's Sulphureous Saline, accounted for, B. 1. p. 40. & seq. Winder-mere, described, B. 1. p. 141. & seq. Wire, a River in Lancashire, the Fishing there, B. 1. p. 22. Woman with Horns in Lancashire, B. 2. p. 3. & seq. An Enquiry into the Reason, ibid. One with Child frighted, and the Effect, p. 4. Item, p. 118. One with a Crow upon Coins, explicated, B. 3. p. 50. More of a Woman with Horns, ibid. Woodcocks, where they breed, B. 1. p. 164. Woodward Dr. his Experiments concerning the Vegetation of Mint, etc. B. 1. p. 107. & seq. His Corollary therefrom, examined and refuted by the Author, p. 110. & seq. Wrong in his Notion of Petrifactions, p. 115. FINIS. ADVERTISEMENT. There is newly Printed for John Nicholson, at the King's-Arms, in Little-Britain, London, A Complete Dictionary of the Greek and Roman Antiquities; explaining the obscure Places in Classic Authors, and Ancient Historians, relating to the Religion, Mythology, History, Geography and Chronology of the Ancient Greeks and Romans; their Sacred and Profane Rites and Customs; Laws, Polity, Arts and Engines of War: Also an Account of their Navigations, Arts and Sciences, and the Inventors of them; with the Lives and Opinions of their Philosophers. Compiled Originally in French, at the Command of the French King, for the Use of the Dauphin, the Dukes of Burgundy, Anjou and Berry: By Monsieur DANET. Made English, with the Addition of very Useful MAPS.