A Model of a COLLEGE to be Settled In the Glocester-Hall in Oxford is judged to be a very fit place, and accordingly is s●t apart for the same. UNIVERSITY, For the Education of some Youths of the Greek Church. I. THAT there be a College in the University for the Education of Twenty Youths of the Greek Communion, to be brought up here for the space of five Years, or fewer, if in lesser time they shall have gone through the Course of Studies, which shall be thought necessary for them; and then without any pretence whatever to the contrary four of them to be yearly sent back into their own Country, and others to be still successively brought over to succeed them here. II. That in the said College, they be furnished with Lodging, Meat, Drink, , Medicines, Books, and whatever else shall be necessary for their Support or Studies. III. That the usual Age at which they come over be between 14 and 20; and that they be already entered in the Ancient Greek: and if there be any of them who understand the Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Armenian or Russian Language, that as many of them, as can be had, may be such. iv That at their first arrival, either by the Right Honourable the Governor, or the Honourable the Deputy-Governor of the Turkey Company, they shall be Solemnly delivered into the care of him, who is to be their Governor, who having received them, shall forthwith present them to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London; and in a Day or two after conduct them to the University. V That the Lodgings prepared to receive them, be so contrived that each Classis, (for they will be to be divided into two Classes) may have their Chambers and Studies within the view, or call of their respective Tutor, who shall be always ready, as to direct them in their Studies, so to be the Guardian of their Manners, and keep them constantly to the Language they are to converse in. VI That the Language in which they shall converse for the two first years be the ancient Greek, and that then, or sooner, as their Attainments shall be, they may be entered in the Latin, making that their constant Language for one or two other Years, and when sufficiently advanced in these, they may be entered in the Hebrew. VII. That they be all alike Habited, in the gravest sort of Habit worn in their own Country; and that they wear no other either in the University, or any where else. VIII. That as to Philosophy they begin with Aristotl● and the Greek Scholiasts, from thence be led on to Plato, joining with these the Study of their other ancient Authors, and such of the Greek Fathers, as shall most conduce to the explaining of the Holy Bible, and thereby fit them to be Learned and able Preachers and Schoolmasters in their own Country IX. That they be likewise acquainted with th● 〈◊〉 of the chiefest Controversies, as between their own Church, and that of Rome, so between the Protestant, and the Papist. X. That Dr. B. Woodroffe Can. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon is appointed Governor of Glocester-Hall, with Power and Direction to take to him the Governor of the said College constantly attend at the times of solemn Devotion, and preside at all public Exercises, frequently visiting the Youths in their Chambers, and daily setting out, and taking an account of their Studies. XI. That the said Associates or Tutors. two Associates or Tutors, (who may be provided out of any other College or Hall in the University, or elsewhere,) be joined with the Governor, to whom it shall belong to assist under him in the Education and Government of the said Youths. XII. That the Youths go not out of the College without leave from the Governor thereof, nor without a Companion by him to be appointed; to recompense which Restraint, places for innocent Exercises, and Recreations may be allotted within themselves. XIII. That there be no Vacation in the said College, but wholly left to the Discretion of the Governor to give what Relaxations he shall see fit. XIV. That as to the times of their solemn Devotions, which shall always be in Greek, half an hour after five in the Morning, half an hour before Supper, and at Nine at Night shall be the prefixed Seasons; at each of which they shall in their turns read a Greek Chapter out of the Holy Bible. XV. That for their better Instruction in Religion, an Orthodox Catechism be compiled in the Ancient, and Modern Greek, both for their present use here, and to be carried with them at their return, to be distributed among poor Christians of the Eastern Church. XVI. That for the Satisfaction of the University, some of them twice every Term perform public Exercises in the Schools in Greek, by declaiming once, and disputing once, as shall be directed by the Vicechancellor. XVII. That for the Satisfaction of others, who may be concerned in this Work, and may not have the Opportunity of taking Cognizance of what is done in the University an Account of their Progress in their Studies may from Year to Year, or oftener, if thought fit, be given in in Writing to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, and a Duplicate thereof at the same time sent to the Turkey Company: And when to return into their own Country they may be again presented to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, and so returned back to the Turkey Company by their Governor, with a particular account in Writing of the whole Progress each shall have made in his Studies in the time of his stay here, to be sent with them to the respective Partiarch to whom they belong. XVIII. That as to all things, besides what are above mentioned, relating to good Manners and Discipline, etc. they be subject to the Statutes of the University. XIX. That for the better Ordering of the Fund by which this is to be carried on, (it being to arise chief by the Contributions of those, whose Hearts God already hath, or shall move to so good a Work) it be managed by such trusties as the Contributors, or major part of them, shall nominate and appoint, to see the Sums subscribed to be employed for the Uses . XX. That a Receiver be likewise appointed by the Major Part of the Subscribers or trusties, whose Business it shall be to receive the several Subscriptions to be paid in to the Governor or Officers of the said College as shall be thought most fit; who shall likewise Audit, or make up the Accounts from Quarter to Quarter with the said Governor or Officers, to be remitted back to, and approved by the trusties.