Money well Bestowed: OR, A New-Fashion SPIT. At the end of Cow-Lane, next to Smithfield, is to be seen divers Rarities, performed upon a Spit, and very useful for most Families. Being an Invention to Bake, Boyl, Roast, Stew, Broil, and Fry; the Spits always turning without Jack, Weights, Pulleys, Lines, Chains, Springs, Man, Woman, or any usual means. 1. IT Roasts any sort of Flesh, or Fowl, more sweet and cleanlier than any other way, and is basted without trouble to any person; and if the Meat be Spitted heavier on one side then the other, it never hinders its motion. 2. It Bakes Custards, Cheesecakes, Puddings, and Pies, also any Confectionary, to admiration. 3. It Boils any Meat with Roots or Herbs, more cleanlier than any other way, and much quicker, and you may Eat a Mess of Broth boiled upon the Spit. 4. It Stews and Broils. 5. It Frys Fish or Flesh with a great deal of Curiosity, and turns all the Fish as quick as in the common way you can turn one Fish. All these Performances having been seen by divers Ingenious Persons, who so well approved of the Invention both for its usefulness and Curiosity, that they have Importaned the Owner to Expose it to public view, who hopes no Ingenious Person after seen it, will think their Time or Moneys ill spent. Price 6 d. Children 3 d,