A DISTINCT DISCOURSE AND DISCOVERY OF The PERSON and PERIOD OF ANTICHRIST, WHEREIN A Diligent Enquiry is made concerning the time of his Rise, Reign, and Ruin, The Answer whereunto is not peremptorily Imposed, but modestly Proposed. In magnis, Voluisse sat est. Difficilium, facilis est Venia. Published for public good by Christopher Ness, Minister of the Gospel in Fleetstreet. LONDON, Printed for the Author, and to be sold by him. 1679. TO THE Right Honourable ANTHONY Earl of Shaftsbury, Lord Precedent of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy- Council. Right Honourable, THe Etymologist, Defines nobilis, quasi prae Aliis Virtute notabilis, and the Heathen Sage saith, Nobilitas sola est, atque Vnica Virtus; The Antiquity of a Noble Race, is but the matter of true Nobility, 'tis Virtue that is the Form which quickens it, and giveth life to it: If Nobility (which is but the Moss of time) do not grow upon the back of Virtue, it wants its true Supporter, and soon dwindles into nothing: Quoe nos non fecimus ipsi, Vix ea nostra Voco. 'Twas once a tart Sarcasm, Meum Genus a me Incipit, tuum Verò in te Desinit: Antiquity of Pedigree, is only a Nobility by Parchment. That Nobility is most truly Divine, where God is the top of the Kindred, and Religion the Root of it: Tantus quisque est, Quantus est apud Deum. My Lord, this happy Conjunction of Honour and Virtue in your Lordship, (I speak without Vanity) doth plainly declare you an Honourable Patriot, yea, and in this sad conjuncture of Affairs, you have shone forth (through the good hand of God upon you) as a Star of the first Magnitude in our British Horizon, now when Hell and Rome have been Clubbing their most sublimated Wits to destroy King and Kingdom, Employing their deceitful Dalilahs to cut off the Locks of our Land, and their crafty. Vlysses' to steal away our Palladium, to wit, our Religion (which is both our Ornament and our Muniment) from us. Then did the Lord raise up your Lordship as the Atlas of England, to support a sinking Nation: it would be prodigious ingratitude not to acknowledge it: Undoubtedly, my Lord, God hath given you (I speak it not with the stinking breath of a sordid Sycophant) a great Soul in a little Body for some eminent Generation-Work, and all your former Sufferings and present Diseases, serve but (as a dark Soil in a well drawn Picture) to set off your splendour and excellency: God hath given you a profound Judgement, and a most charming (not an effeminate) Eloquence, which is hitherto an effectual Instrument (in the Lord's hand) to conjure down those Incarnate Devils that Beelzebub and his Eldest Son (the Pope) have raised up amongst us. Your Lordship hath not been like the Nobles of the Tekoites, that would not put their neck to the Lords work, as if it had been below their Greatness, Neh. 3.5. but rather like the Nobles of Israel, who digged Wells with their Staves of Honour for the common good, Numb. 21.18. You have done Worthily in Epphrata, and is famous in Bethlehem, God hath wiped off the Scandalum Magnatum, Psal. 37.6. Go on (noble Sir) as another Joseph, Daniel, or Nehemiah, to save much People alive from the hands of Popish Cutthroats, Nulla infoelicitas frangit quem nulla Foelicitas Corrumpit▪ let your Goodness so Sanctify your Greatness, that you may improve this upperground whereon you stand, and hold not your Peace for our enlargement in this day, Esth. 4.14. The work of your day is to pull down this cursed Antichrist, (here treated on) and to set up our blessed Christ in his Throne, wherein that you may be daily more signally and more singularly useful, is the Cordial Prayer of Your Honours much Devoted Servant Christopher Ness. Candid and Christian READER. THe whole sum of our Blessed Bible is, that God made the World, and in it, Men, that of them he might Constitute a Church, wherein he might be purely Worshipped according to the Doctrine of the Law and of the Gospel, to the end of the World. This Church of God is always under some special Promise and Prophecy: The Coming of Christ in the Flesh, was the grand Promise and Prophecy to the Old Test. Church; and the Coming of Christ in the Spirit (in sending the Comforter in extraordinary Gifts) was the grand Promise and Prophecy to the New. Those were Promises and Prophecies of the former days, all which have had their full Accomplishment: There be also Promises and Prophecies of the latter days, to wit, of Christ's Coming in Glory to confound Antichrist and all his proud helpers: Those are yet to be accomplished, as the Church of God was ever very inquisitive after the time of the 1st. and 2d. Coming of Christ, Matth. 2.4,7. Luk. 2.25.26. and Act. 1.4. always waiting for the Consolation of Israel. Even so should we do now for Christ's 3d. Coming, that he may not come like a Thief in the Night upon us, Revel. 16.15. and 1 Thess. 5.2. The Promises are the Magna Charta, or Grand Charter of the Church, purchased by Christ, Propounded, Ratified, and Accomplished in him, 2 Cor. 1.20. The Promises are [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] exceeding great and precious, 2 Pet. 1.4. They are first exceeding Great, as they are above our Fears, Wants, Prayers, Hopes, Tastes, and Imaginations; 2ly. Exceeding precious, as proceeding from a precious God, purchased by a precious Christ, and both applied to and sealed on our hearts by his precious Spirit, they are more precious than the most precious Stones in the World, though some Pearl be [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] of an infinite price and value; all the comforts in Heaven and on Earth are wrapped up in the Swathing bands of the Promises: all our present comfort, and future hope, are hid in them, they are as good Money, as any in our Purse, as good bonds, as any in our Desk, and as good Jewels, as any in our Cabinet, more especially, the Promises of the latter day, which are called better Promises, Hebr. 8.6. yea the best Promises, both in the Word and in the World: our Lord (like the Bridegroom of the Feast) Joh. 2.10.) keeps his best Wine till the last: Now 'tis a thousand pities we should be so ignorant of them, or unacquainted with them, knowing so little what they are, and where they lay: we are not such Strangers to our Money, Bonds, Jewels, etc. If an Herod diligently inquire, Matth. 2.7. how much more ought every true lover of Christ; As an help in this Enquiry, God gave the Spirit of Prophecy, a Daniel to the Old Test. Church, and a John to the New, Divine Prophecies are blessed Comments upon Divine Promises, that the Promises are all sealed, breeds Comfort; but that none of them are Dated as well as Sealed, this breeds uncertainty, especially considering how apt we are to Antedate Promises, and to Post Date Threaten; but that Prophecies are Sealed, breeds sorrow, this made John weep, Revel. 5.4. whereas the opening of the Sealed Book, was matter of great joy, for then the Elders took their Harps and blessed God, ver. 5. 6, 8, 9 to find out the due Date of the Promises and Prophecies of the latter day, is the design of this Manual; wherein you have a brief Landscape representing the very Quintessence of the most Illuminated Authors upon this Subject, and which gives you a prospect of such Varieties in a few hours, as cost its Author many Days, Weeks, Months, and Years hard Study: Thus a little Map represents a large Country, at one view, which will take up much time to travel over, Oh Search the Scriptures, Joh. 5.39. as Tradesmen do their Shop-Books, and let not the Bible lie moulding beside you: If the rustiness of Gold witness against men at the last day, Jam. 5.3. why not the mustiness of Books, especially of the Bible: Oh consider what is said here, and the Lord give you Understanding in all, so prayeth Yours in the best bonds, Christopher Ness. Aug. 25. 79. Books published by the Author. 1. THe Crown and Glory of a Christian. 2. A Christians Walk and Work on Earth, till he come to Heaven. 3. A Protestant Antedote against the Poison of Popery. 4. A Crystal Mirror, or Christian Looking-Glass, Discovering the Treason and Treachery of the Heart. A DISTINCT DISCOVERY OF The Person and Period OF ANTICHRIST. CHAP. I. 1. SUch is the tender love of our blessed Redeemer, to his dear Spouse (the Church) that he hath foretold her of all future Calamities (that should befall her in succeeding Generations) in the Revelation; wherein not only the fata imperij [the destinies of the Empire] are revealed, but also the fata ecclesiae [the concernments of the Church] and the former are discovered for the sake of the latter: many great persons and affairs of the world are indeed Recorded in Scripture, which had been (as many others are) passed over in silence, save only that they are [in ordine ad Ecclesiam] relating to his Church: but especially Christ hath forewarned his Church of that great Calamity by Antichristianism that she might be forearmed against it. 2. The Church of God is always under some divine prophecy, under some part of those unalterable decrees of Heaven, that were unseald and revealed by Christ to John, and which have their orderly execution in a continued Series of Providence in the world: thus Christ told his servant, that the Churches first Calamity (after his white horse, his Riding forth conquering and to Conquer in the Gospel) should be those 10 persecutions under Rome Heathen. Revel. 6 3. to the end, her Second (after the dethroning of the Dragon in those Heathenish Emperors by Constantine the Great) should be that flood of Arrianism that came out of the Dragon's mouth, when Rome was Christian. Revel. 12.9 13.15. This Heresy was so pestilential to the Church, that it compelled even Christian Emperors to rage against Christian Congregations; as if they had been tearing out their own bowels: then the Churches third Calamity should be the double beast, Political and Ecclesiastical, which like Samsons Foxes are tied together by the Tales, and exercise the Cruelty of the Dragon under the 7th head against the Church making up the great Antichrist; then became Rome Antichristian. Revel. 13.1. & 11. 3. There be sundry Enigmatical Intimations of this Antichrist in the Old Testament both in Persons, Names and Titles, all which bear at least a Resemblance of him as, 1st. in person. Thus Daniel's Antiochus is made a Type of John's Antichrist by the most judicious Interpreters. This Antiochus doth not only praefigure his Antitype in name (whose name signifies an Adversary or Opposer) but also in disposition and all manner of practice. 1st. in disposition, Antiochus was crafty, of an impudent face, and ([ad omne malum inverecundus] notoriously shameless: so Antichrist hath a whore's forehead, out facing the daylight of the Gospel, yea and the Sun of Righteousness himself, daring him to the face. 4. As Antiochus resembles this Antichrist in disposition, so 2dly. in practice; as, he warred against Judas Macabaeus the Captain general of the people of God, to wit, the Jews; so this Antichrist wages war against Christ the Captain General of the Church: as Antiochus exalted and magnified himself above every God, and spoke morvellous things against the God of gods. Dan. 11.36. So doth Antichrist. 2 Thess. 2.4. As, he took away the daily sacrifice, polluted the Sanctuary, and set up the Abomination of Desolation, so doth Antichrist; as he bewitched many with fair Speeches, so Antichrist deceives the world with his Intoxicating Cup of fornication. 2 Thess. 2.9. Lastly as he prospered till the Indignation was passed. Dan. 11.36. Even so must Antichrist do. 5. Thus have we a representation of Antichrist in Daniel's proper name and person of Antiochus; so secondly in zachary's appellative name or Periphrasis [of a foolish Shepherd] by way of eminency, whom he foretells should arise in the Church, as a punishment for rejecting Christ, who should eat the flesh of the fat, and become as ravenous as a cruel beast, tearing their limbs asunder. Zach. This Hieroglyphic doth not only signify those Theives and Robbers which were Shepherds over the Christ-killing Jews. Joh. 10.10. but also that Grand-idol-shepheard 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 over the outward Court-Christians or Papagan Gentiles, against whom God denounces this woe, that his arm shall be dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. v. 17. Cyprian makes the King of Babylon. Esa. 14. and Gregory makes Leviathan. Job. 41. to be the types of Antichrist. 6. The 3d intimation out of the old Testament concerning the Antichrist, is in the title prefixed to the 9th Psalm. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] Gnal. Muth labben. upon the death of the Son▪ now who this Son should be, is controverted. Some makes it Absalon [Davids own son] this is improbable; others understand it of Goliath more probably, who was the son of perdition; whom David calls [O thou enemy.] v. 6. not only a son of perdition [actively] as he was a destroying son, having destroyed Cities: but likewise [passively.] made to be taken and destroyed, his destruction of others should end in his own destruction, he should sink down into the Pit, v. 15. Thus Antichrist is called a Son of perdition, 2 Thes. 2.3. a Destroyer, Rev. 11. and one that shall sink into the lake of Fire and Brimstone, Rev. 17.8. and 19.20. when Christ shall overcome him, as David did Goliath. 7. To omit daniel's 4th. Empire, (which was to be such a destroying beast, as no name could sufficiently express it; for the 1st. he calls a Lion, the 2d. a Bear, the 3d. a Leopard but the 4th. he names a Beast in General as if exceeding, as well as including the Savage nature of all the three former) Dan. 7.4,5,6,7,23. and other places of the Old-Test. that hold forth (at least) obscure Representations of Antichrist: let us now come to the New-Test. where the Veil is done away, and where he is without a parable, and plainly characterised, he is by a Prophetic spirit so punctually, and with so many circumstances described, as if pointed at by the finger, and as if that description were an History of things past, and not a Prophecy of things to come. 8. The New-Test. indeed tells us, there be many Antichrists; as 1 John 2.18. (that were as petty-enemies to Christ, in comparison to the grand Impostor) such as Theudas, Act. 5.36. who under pretence of a Prophetic spirit, misled many Jews; and Judas the Galalean, v. 37. who seduced the People into a Sedition, in which they perished: and Simon-Magus, Act. 8.9. who was so great a deceiver, that he was attended on as an Oracle, v. 10. and accounted of as a God: after those, Barchozba or Benchochebah, (so famous in Jewish Stories) the Son of a Star, though but a blazing one, that soon consumed itself into ashes. 9 All those grand Heretics that lived in the times of the Evangelist John, (such as Ebion, Nicolaus, and Cerinthus,) and that black-Roll mentioned by Eusebius, and other Church-History-writers, (such as Cerdo, Martion, Novatus, Arrius, and many others, Ejusdem farinae) were all particular and inferior Antichrists, who played at small games against the Church, in respect of this great one, who was to tread down the outward Court of the Temple for so many Centuryes of years. 10. All those false or pretended Christ's, (that are spoken of in Scripture, as Matth. 24.11.24. Act. 20.29.30. 1 Tim. 4.1.) were but harbingers to him that is called (the Antichrist) by way of Emphasis, to Usher him into the World. Thus as if Christ's Ape, he hath his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or forerunners to attend him, as John-Bapt. was praecursor to our Lord: briefly, all such as deny Christ's coming in the flesh, are Antichrists, 1 Joh. 4.3. such as are for Judaisme and Jewish Ceremonies, following Moses, as if there were no Messiah for the Church's Lawgiver; such as set up a covenant of works, who in denying the Testament, deny also the death of the Testator; yea, all such as oppose either the natures or offices of Christ, are (quodam— modo) Antichrists. 11. But as there be many Devils, yet but one Beelzebub, one prince of Devils; so though there be many Antichrists, yet but one grand-prince-Antichrist, that bears God's brand upon him in Scripture-Record: The Holy-Ghost hath stigmatised him, (as Ahaz was, this is that King Ahaz, 2 Chron. 28.22.) so this is the Scarlet-Whore, Rev. 17.3. this is the Teraefilius, the base-born-Beast that springs out of the Earth, Rev. 13.11. This is he (the man of Sin) which is an Hebreaisme, for one notoriously sinful, the firstborn amongst the Sons of Belial: This is (that Son of perdition, 2 Thes. 2.3.) brother to Judas, who betrayed his Lord, whom Christ calls by the same name, (the Son of perdition) Joh. 17.12. Those are all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dicta, pointing at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that (like Saul) overtops all the other Antichrists by the head and shoulders. 12. The name [Antichrist] properly imports one having contrariety and opposition to Christ: Thus is he contrary to Christ in that Apostolical description of him to the Church at Thessalonica, as 1. in his pride, he is contrary to Christ in his Humility, who was lowly in heart, and came not to be Ministered unto, but to Minister, Matth. 20.28. but Antichrist exalts himself above all that is called God, 2 Thes. 2.4. This incarnate Devil (as the Fathers call him) like his elder Brother Lucifer, Esa. 14.12.13. would advance his Throne above the Stars of God, whereas Christ is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, he will be called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, as if he were not only above the Stars of God, but also above the Sun of Righteousness himself, His Title is Holiness itself: he is contrary to Christ, 2ly. in His Holiness, (as well as in his Humility) for he is called the wicked one, 2 Thes. 2.8. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] a Lawless one, who makes not the Laws of God his Rule, as the Holy Child Jesus did; but can abrogate, or at least dispense with such Divine commands, as holds not consistent with his mystery of iniquity: 3. He is contrary to Christ in his Truth, for Christ is Truth itself, Joh. 14.6. but Antichrists coming is after the working of Satan with lying wonders, and all deceivableness, 2 Thes. 2.9.10. the Father of lies; as he was the first raiser, so he is the chief supporter of Antichrist in the World: Thus in those and other respects, Antichrist is a contradiction to Christ. CHAP. II. 14. NOw come we to inquire who this Antichrist is, about which there hath been much controversy, since the smoke of the bottomless-Pit hath darkened the truth of God in the World: If there were such doubtful Questions in the days of the Gospel, about the Person of Christ; yea, even among the Disciples of John-Baptist? saying, Art thou He that should come? or must we look for another? Matth. 11.3. no wonder then if there be so in our days, about the Person of Antichrist, [who he should be] whom the word of God so fully describes, yea, and that among our own Divines also, see Baxters Association. Pag. 69. 15. In my inquisition after him, I shall follow this Method; 1. Negatively, showing [who he is not,] and 2. Positively, [who he is,] of the 1st. Negatively, some would have Theudas to be him, because he was a great Impostor, Act. 5.36 others Simon-Magus, who was a greater Deceiver, and to find Grotius (a man of great learning) of this Judgement, I much wonder at, which makes some fear he played the Cassandrian, in gratifying the Romanists herein, who would gladly enough receive any Interpretation, to wipe their mouths from the Beast: I have showed above how both those indeed were inferior Antichrists; but neither of those could be the great Antichrist, for they wanted both Time, Place, People, Kingdom, and Succession. 16. As Grotius mistakes in this of Antichrist, so in that of the Witnesses, whom he makes Two Bishops in Jerusalem, witnessing against that Sorcerer: Thus, Dato Vno absurdo, mille sequuntur, This Interpretation is full of Absurdity; for the Revelation about the Beast and the Witnesses, was a Prophecy of things to come, Revel. 1.1,3. and 4.1. but the Story of Simon-Magus was past and of no such consequence, though many in Samaria and at Rome, wondered at this Magician, yet this was nothing to the whole Worlds wondering after the Beast that slew the Witnesses; and if Simon were [the] Antichrist, than Peter, and Paul, must be the Witnesses against him, (rather than the Two foresaid Bishops) because they lived in his time, and encountered with him; and Peter's Ministry (if Eccles. Story be true) destroyed him. 17. Bellarmin affirms that Antichrist must be a Jew, of the Tribe of Dan, whom the Jews must receive for their Messiah, Bell de sum pont. lib. 3. and Remandus de Antichristo, says further of him, that he must Reign in Jerusalem three years and half, and at length attempting to mount up to Heaven, shall be slain by Christ on the Mount of Olives: and Pererius in Dan. lib. 15. adds still more of this trash, that he must not only be Circumcised and observe the Sabbath, but also must be born in Babylon: Thus those Romanists labours in the very fire with the figments of their own brains, to put Antichrist far of from Rome, not any of those notions seem so much as probable, unless the last of being born in Babylon, mystically taken. 18. The Absurdity of this opinion is easily detected, for Antichrist was to succeed the Apostle Paul's time and John's; but the 10 Tribes were cast off long before, and much more the Tribe of Dan, which was the first Tribe that forsook the worship of God, and fell off to the Gentiles, (which Jacob foresaw, and looked up to God for Salvation by Christ for them, Gen. 49.18.) their Idolatry being Recorded, Judg. 18.30. and 1 Kin. 12.28.29. therefore is there no mention of this Tribe in the First Book of the Chronicles, wherein all the other Tribes are mentioned, because they were of a long time Revolted from the true Religion. 19 Besides, if this pretended Antichrist were to be of the Tribe of Dan, how should he be received of the Jews for their Messiah, (as those Romanists dream) seeing the Jews expect their Messiah out of the Tribe of Judah, from the Posterity of David, and not out of this Tribe; neither doth that other notion of his Reigning Three years and a half, hold any better consonancy, either with Scripture or Reason, that so many Nations should so suddenly subject themselves to the Government of a Jew, (as is clear must do to Antichrist) after such inveterate hatred of all Nations against the Jews for so many years, which all Histories do testify. 20. Indeed several of the Fathers were of this opinion, that this Tribe of Dan was left out in that 7th. of Revel. (where all the Tribes were sealed) because Antichrist was to spring of that Tribe; Yet Austin gives another descant, (in his 11th. Homily on the Apocalypse) expounding the two horns of the Beast, to be the two Testaments; [whereas if the Beast (Antichrist) be a Jew, he is only for the Old Testament, for the New-Testament is not for restoring Judaisme, and for rebuilding the Temple at Jerusalem] and whereas he resembles a Lamb, yet speaks as a Dragon; that is to say, he presents himself under the name of Christinity, to spread abroad secretly the venom of the Devil: Thus he thought him a Christian rather than a Jew, and Tostatus, Oleaster, etc. calls this about omitting Dan. in Revel. 7.] a fabulous Interpretation. 21. That which occasioned the mistake of the Ancients is, that this Tribe was likened to a Serpent and to an Adder, Gen. 49.17. (as well as the omission of the Tribe of Dan in the sealing work, Revel. 7. as before) but the clearest Interpreters do understand jacob's Prophecy, to have relation to Samson: and the Fathers (living so long before Antichrist came to his full growth) may well have their grain of Allowance given them (as all holy men) in those mistakes, especially in their Allusions and Allegories, concerning this Serpent, which they lay down as Conjectures only, not as Positive and Divine Truths. 22. It may (with as much probability) be said, that Antichrist shall arise out of the Tribe of Simeon; because Moses makes no mention of that Tribe in his Benediction of the Tribes, Deut. 33. as that he shall come of Dan, because John makes no mention of him in the Signation of the Tribes, Revel. 7. But they render better Reasons for both those Omissions, that say, Simeon was omitted by Moses, for his bloody treachery against the Shecehemites, and Dan by John, for his notorious Idolatry, and Revolting from God, he saw deep adversity on them, Judg. 1.24. as well as gross Apostasy in them that prayed so abruptly, I have waited for thy Salvation, Gen. 49.18. ut Suprá, Tremel saith, Simeon was omitted, because included in the Benediction of Judah. 23. Our own Countryman Dr. Donne, hath a better gloss about Antichrists arising out of the Tribe of Dan, than this of the Romanists or Ancients; for he wittily observes that the word [Dan] in the Hebrew language signifies judgement, and Antichrist taking upon him the power of judgement over all Faith and all Actions, as if he were the Judge paramount of Controversies, setting himself in Christ's stead, who is Judge of the world. Thus Antichrist in a way of allusion to its signification may be said to come of Dan. 24. But to omit the refutation of all other opinions about their fictitious Antichrists, let us now come to this rhat hath the fairest pretences of all other, that they may wipe the mouth of the great man of Rome from the beast, they have strenuously asserted, that the great Turk is Antichrist, and Mahomet is the false prophet, for (say they) the Turk is a professed enemy to Christ, warring against Christendom, (quà talis) and that his seat is Jerusalem, in the temple of Solomon, and this agrees (say they) with the character of Antichrist exactly, who is said to be in the Temple of God, and to sit in that City, where our Lord was Crucified, to wit, Jerusalem. 25. Here is a clear story, yet if seriously weighed in the balance of the Sanctuary, it will be found light and misapplyed: for, Antichrists Seat cannot be Jerusalem according to John's description, who calls that City, the City of the beast, which in his time was the great City, that Ruled over the Kings of the Earth, but so did not Jerusalem when he wrote the Revelation. John wrote that Book about 94 years after Christ; but it rather was then a ruinous heap only, it was burnt down to the ground in Titus Vespasians time: and the Revelation was not writ till Domitian (who succeeded Titus) banished John into the Isle Pathmos. Revel. 1.9. So must be after its destruction. 26. As Jerusalem cannot be the great City in John's time, neither stands it upon 7 Hills as Rome doth, which all Roman Histories take special notice of; hence is she called by the Ancients 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Septicollis urbs, and that Verse of Propertius. Septem Urbs alta jugis, toti quae praesidet orbi. This cannot be truly applied to Jerusalem without notorious violence to the truth; and John tells us peremptorily that the whore is Seated upon 7 hills, as Revel. 17.9. which the very Jesuits themselves deny not. 27. Neither can it be made apparent that there is any Temple (of Solomon especially, which was destroyed by Nabuchadnezzar in Zedekiahs' time, and a new Temple builded in Cyrus' Reign) for Antichrist to sit in at Jerusalem: for after the second Temple was destroyed by Titus Vespasian, we do not read any thing of a third (though Julian himself endeavoured it) that was ever built, and Galatinus the Monk proves by the Ancient Talmudist that there shall never be any building of a third Temple. Galat. de Arcan. cathol. Ver. lib. 5. Cap. 10. Yea and a more pregnant Testimony we have from Christ himself, who says, that one stone shall not be left on another that shall not be overthrown. Math. 24.1.2. and both Temple and City should be trodden under by the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentles shall be fulfilled Luke. 21.24. 28. Though it be said that Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God 2. Thess. 2.4. It must not be meant literally of some material Temple built of Wood and Stone, but mystically of the Church of God; as the best Expositors (both Ancient and Modern) doth interpret: and as for these words, [where our Lord was Crucified] they must be taken mystically also, as Sodom and Egypt are, for as the Seat of the beast must be a place, like Sodom for impiety, and and like Egypt for tyranny; so where Christ must be Crucified, either in Cruelty to his members, Act. 9.4. or in Contemning his Gospel, Heb. 6.6. but more of this after, in the definition of Antichrist) or in the Sacrifice of the Mass, and this is Rome. 29. Besides, that Jerusalem is never called the great City in Scripture, neither is it capable of that description in Revel. 17.10,12,13. For where do we read any where of that City, [Jerusalem] that it had 7 Kings, 5 of them to be fallen, and one there was remaining in John's time (which cannot correspond with that City that was then destroyed and had no King over it) and another to come to make up the 7th; and then the beast appears [Hoc cum Sanctâ Urbe non omninò quadrabit] this corresponds better with the Temple of Peter, and Papal chair (út infrâ) then with the Temple of Solomon or Throne of David. 30. I may add further, that our Lord was not properly Crucified in Jerusalem, but without the City, as Hebr. 13.12. but suppose it were within Jerusalem, yet was it done under the Roman Empire, and by Pontius Pilate, (a Roman-Magistrate) yea, and after the manner of the Roman death, for the Jews used not that manner of punishment, and should that clause be understood literally, the Argument would conclude as strongly for Sodom, or Egypt, (to be the Seat of the Beast) as well as for Jerusalem. 31. As that unquestionable character of Antichrist (that he should sit in the great City which (in John's time) Reigned over the Nations) cannot agree with the Great Turk; which City at that time (as is made manifest) was not Jerusalem; So neither can this character any better suit with him, that the mystery of Iniquity must be an Apostasy from the Christian Faith once embraced; but the Turk (whatsoever he be) is no Apostate, being descended of a Nation that never was Christian, but honouring another Prophet above the true Christ. 32 Neither is Antichrist said any where in Scripture, to come like a Victorious Conqueror with potent and puissant Armies, (yea such as are innumerable) as the Turk does, but as a grand Impostor, deceiving the Nations by the deceitful workings of Satan, 2 Thes. 2.9. nor must Antichrist Sat in porcorum hara, or in Daemonum Stabulo, [in such a Crowd of Infidels] as the Turk does, but in the Temple of God, in the midst of the Church: besides, the Turk is an open Enemy, no mystery of iniquity, no Churchman, no Priest, no false Successor of Peter, no worshipper of Images, no Usurper of a Deity; so cannot be [the] Man of Sin. 33. Moreover Antichrist hath horns like a Lamb, looks like Christ, so doth not Mahomet, who never was a Christian, (2.) Antichrist healed the Wound (which the 6th. head had gotten) by a new sort of Idolatry, to wit, a Worshipping of Images, this Mahomet abhors, pretending to worship one God only; (3) Antichrist comes with signs and lying wonders, which Mahomet pretends not to, but says (to cover his want of miracles) that Christ was sen● with Signs, but he with a Sword: and (4ly) Antichrist pretends to be Christ's Vicar in all his Actings, but this Mahomet thinks below him as i● above Christ. See Rosse. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. pag. 165. 34. As to the time of both their Originals; it must be confessed that Papism and Mahumetism were (much what) contemporary, and therefore Dr. Sibs (in his Evang. Sacrifice) calls them Twins, because they had their beginnings (about the same Century: Mahumetism being the very next Heresy that succeeded Papism; the first overspeading the East and the South, as this 2d. did the West and the North. Pareus Medulla. Hist. Eccles. pag. 247. Osiander Epitome 7. Century. pag. 31. And both those pestilent furies hath raged in the world ever since. [ità merente mundi perfidiâ] a wicked world deserving no better; these two being the Sink of all former Heresies. 35. Mahumetism is the Scum of Judaisme and Paganism sodden (as it were) together, and strawed over with a little spice of Christianity: and their Koran contains a Religion every way accommodated to the carnal affections and corrupt inclinations of mankind; the plausibleness of which (together with a Successful Sword, which, (he saith) must do greater things then either Moses or Christ with all their Miracles) hath overspread a great part of the world. Hence the Turk is called the great Leviathan of the land that swallows up all before him; as he long ago devoured the holy land, and the Golden Candlesticks of Asia. 36. Why this Mahumetism hath spread so far, and continues so long in the world, Rosse. View of Relig. pag. 175. Saith, the halfmoon is erected instead of the Cross. 1. from the looseness of the Clergy and Laity. 2. from the continual Jars and digladiations among Christians about Religion. 3. to punish the wickedness of the Greek (it may be added, and Germane) Emperors: Mahumetism hath lasted already above a 1000 years, pag. 177. & 179. It is too too manifest to this day, how the Turks improve their Empire on Christendom, which is not so zealous in defence of the truth, as those [Musulmanni, believers, or rather misbelievers] are foolhardy for their false god; and the Turks Superstitious Credulity of fate (prefixing the hour of every man's death, which he can neither defer nor hasten) makes them both fearless of Danger and Careless of their own security, this makes them successful in war. 37. Some learned men are of opinion that God raised up the Turks to punish the Romans, for being so Cruel to his Saints, and for their Notorious Idolatry. The Turks (being haters of Idolatry) are made the Rod of God's anger to punish Christian or rather Antichristian Idolaters. ☞ It is worth our observation, that as yet they have not done much harm to the Protestant Churches; but most to the Ignorant Greeks and Idolatrous Papists. 38. The Eastern Roman Empire the Turks have laid waste, and the Western hath not taken warning according to Rev. 9.20. God will do his work with his Rod and then burn it. This Empire shall be destroyed per intestinas divisiones, as Luther in his Mensalia affirms; in the mean time, as he is an enemy to the Godhead and pure Gospel of Christ, so he is an Antichrist, called Orientalis Antichristus the Eastern Antichrist. 39 Yea, our Dr. Holmes doth strongly assert, that the Turk and the Pope make up one Antichrist, and he gives those reasons for it, 1st. Mahumetism was hatched by Sergius a Popish Monk. 2ly. according to Dan. 7. ver. 8.24. The Turk possesses three of those Kingdoms which were under the Pope. 3ly. the Turk sits over the Material, as the Pope over the Spiritual Temple. 4ly. both their names amounts to 666. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greek as well as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. 5ly. both are Sons of perdition, the two Master-limbs of Antichrist, the one Eastern the other Western. 40. Unto all this concerning the Turk, I shall only subjoin the choice observation of that holy and learned Servant of Christ, Mr. John Cotton, who intimates (in his Treatise upon Revel. 13.) that while the Pope stands, no war against the Turk can prosper; for it was because of Rome's sin that the Turk was so advanced. God raising up a beastly Engine to punish a beastly Religion. Thus may the Turk be one Antichrist, but not [The] Antichrist, or at most but one Limb of him, which shall stand longer than the other Limb; for we Read of the Turks Rise in Revel. 9 but not where of his Ruin, till Revel. 20.8. CHAP. III. 41. HItherto Negatively, what is not [The] Antichrist, now I come to show Positively, what is? If we hunt this beast home (quasi cum Catulis fidelibus) this Fox that hath most spoiled the Vineyard of Red-Wine, will be found to Kennel in Rome; The Ld. Chancellor Bacon told K. James (in a dispute about Antichrist) had he an Heu and Cry for it, he must apprehend the Pope by it. And as for his birth and Nativity, his Father was an Amorite, and his Mother an Hittite, what ever he profess to the contrary. 42. Antichrist is taken either Generally for every one that is against Christ and thus all those opposers of Christ forementioned are Antichrists, in this Sense; there were many Antichrists in the Apostles time: or 'tis taken Specially, and that two ways. 1st. Either for some notable Empire that openly opposes itself to the Kingdom of Christ; thus the Turkish Empire may be Antichrist, or that doth it privily and closely: so 'tis the Popish Empire. 2ly. 'Tis taken 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for the most principal part of that Empire, and so the head of the Popish Empire is truly called [The] Antichrist. 43. That we may come more distinctly to the knowledge of this Antichrist, Learned Chamier lays down a most sure Rule. Quicunque omnes Capit Antichristi Notas (quas Scriptura delineavit) est Antichristus: whosoever hath all those Characters (wherewith the Scripture deciphers Antichrist by) is [the] Antichrist: but it will appear by the Sequel, that the Pope of Rome hath all those Characters upon him, by which the word of God describes him, therefore it necessarily follows that the Pope of Rome is [the] Antichrist. 44. And there is another infallible Axiom used by our Protestant Divines to the same purpose, Cui Competit Definitio, ei Competit Definitum; but the Definition (that the holy Scriptures afford us) of Antichrist doth best accord with the Pope of Rome; therefore he is the thing defined, to wit, Antichrist: that description (the word of God gives of Antichrist) doth not only show what, but who he is (called) Antichristus ille magnus, the Great Antichrist. 45. The holy Scriptures gives us this definition of Antichrist. (1st.) he is an Apostate (or Runegado-Christian) (2ly.) professing friendship to Christ, but practising enmity against him, (3ly.) Stirred up by the efficacy of Satan. (4ly.) Usurping a Monarchy in the Church, (5ly.) Excercising his Kingdom in the great City that Reigneth over the Kings of the Earth (6ly.) Behaving himself in the Church of God, as if he were God. (7ly.) Seducing the Nations with lying wonders. (8ly.) A man of Sin, a Son of perdition, a wicked one, an Idolater. (9ly.) Ambitious, Cruel, full of all uncleanness. (10ly.) To be revealed in those last times, (11ly.) to be Consumed by the breath of Christ's mouth, and (12ly.) to be destroyed by the brightness of his Coming. 46. That he must be 1st. an Apostate, a faller away from the truth. 2 Thess. 2.3. demonstrates [Refuga à domino suo] as Austin calls him, one that departeth from the faith and purity of Religion. 1 Tim. 4.1. 2ly. in pretence a Friend to Christ, but in truth an Enemy. He must be a Christian (titulo-tenus) is shown us by his sitting in the Temple of God. 2 Thess. 2.8. and by his having horns like a lamb, Rev. 13.11. This veil of the name of Christ, colours over all his wickedness and makes him a mystery of iniquity. 2. Thess. 2.7. 47. Yet in reality Antichrist must be an enemy to Christ (notwithstanding all his pretences for him) 1. Joh. 4.3. though the Greek particle [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] signifies Substitution and Vicegerency; so Antichrist is one for Christ, yet [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] as it implies opposition and Contrariety shows, he is one against Christ, though he look like a lamb, yet doth he speak like the Dragon, Rev. 13.11. yea and Acts like the Dragon also, for the Dragon gives power to the beast. Rev. 13.4. and the beast makes war with the Saints. v. 7, yea and with the lamb too. Rev. 17.14. (though he seem to be like him and for him) the beast and all his ten horns do war against Christ. Rev. 19.19. he is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. 2 Thess. 2.4. an Adversary. 48. It appears 3ly. that Antichrist is one stirred up by the efficacy of Satan, not only because the Dragon gives power to the beast. Rev. 13.4. but also his coming is described to be, by the working of Satan. 2 Thess. 2.9. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] Antichrist must have the most eminent Activity of Satan's skill, both to found and finish his Kingdom. Satan delivers the Key of the bottomless pit to him. Rev. 9.11. and makes him the great Steward of his house, insomuch as Antichrist hath a greater power (according to their belief) in Hell, than Joseph had given him by Pharaoh in Egypt, thus Antichrists Doctrine is called the Doctrine of devils and his habitation, the habitation of devils. 1. Tim. 4.1. and Revel. 18.2. 49. Antichrist must 4ly. Usurp a Monarchy in the Church; not only a Spiritual, but also a Temporal Kingdom; for this beast is described with two horns, (to signify his double power) Rev. 13.11. his Spiritual power Consists in the Excercise of that Key of the bottomless pit, which Satan gives to the Star of the Antichristian Church (as above) whereby he binds and loses, not Ministerially in Christ's name, but rather Magisterially in his own name, usurping an absolute Authority of Decreeing and Condemning what he pleases, without the Authority of the Holy Scriptures. 50. He hath also a Temporal or Political Kingdom, for the Antichrist, or second beast exercises all the power of the first beast Rev. 13.12. that is, takes on him Civil Authority and using a Secular as well as an Ecclesiastical Sword: he must sit in the same Seat, where the Imperial civil Courts hath been kept, and there set up his own Courts, that as a complete Plenipotentiary he may hear all causes, Civil aswel as Sacred. Rev. 13.2. 52. That he must (5ly.) exercise this his Monarchy and Kingdom, in the great City that Rules over the Nations appears from, Rev. 13.2. The Dragon gives to the beast not only his power, but also his Seat where his Throne had been; and the woman that Rides upon the beast, is called plainly the great City, which then had the Empire, and Reigned over the Kings of the Earth. Rev. 17.18. called the great whore Sitting upon many waters, to wit, many Nations of sundry languages, Rev. 17.1,15. which shows not only the largeness of Antichrists Territories, but also the Instability of his Kingdom, which hath no better a foundation than as built upon Unconstant-waters. 52. That he must carry himself (6ly.) in the Church of God, as if he were God, is expressly declared in 2 Thess. 2.4. Antichrist must exalt himself above all that is called God or worshipped, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] either with Civil or Religious worship. There are, that are called Gods. 1 Cor. 8.5. to wit, Magistrates. Psal. 82.6. Those he exalts himself above, in deposing Kings, and disposing Kingdoms; yea not only above those titular gods, but also above the true God (In ambitione plusquàm Luciferianâ) beyond Lucifer himself; for he said only, I will be like the most High. Esa. 14.14. But Antichrist will be above the most High, not only in dispensing with, but also in contradicting his Laws. 53. Antichrist must (7ly.) Seduce with lying wonders, this is proved from 2 Thess. 2.9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. To astonish his beholders and to maintain his Reputation, he should come with signs and wonders, wrought by the power of Satan. Those should be the means of his advancement, he doth great wonders Rev. 13.13. calling fire down from heaven, as if another Elijah: the spirits of devils issuing out of the mouth of this Antichrist works wonders. Cap. 16.14. 54. Antichrist must have (8ly.) a threefold brand put upon him, as appears from 2 Thess. 2.3,8. 1st. a man of Sin, 2ly. a Son of perdition. 3ly. a wicked one, all those Epithets, to show, what a notoriously Sinful, lost, lawless one he should be, the 1st. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] denotes him the eldest Son of all the children of Belial, a Superlative Sinner, the worst of men, as Christ (to whom he is contrary) was the best; the 2d. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] describes him a man of destruction actively, (a destroying Son called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Rev. 9.11. So he is to the Church of God) and for destruction passively, to be cast into Hell, Rev. 19.20. the 3d. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as above fig. 13.] deciphers him one that neither fears God not reuerences man, as, Luke 18.2. for the Laws of neither can keep him within compass. 55. That he must be further Stigmatised (9ly.) for being Idolatrous (the first Adjunct) is manifest, from Rev. 17.2. not only in his own person, but like another Jeroboam, making others to sin with his Intoxicating cup of Fornication, thus is Idolatry termed by the Holy. Ghost. Ezek. 16.17. the 2d. adjunct is, Ambitious, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] one advancing himself above every Monarch on earth, and more than equalling himself with the great God of heaven (as above fig. 52.) 2 Thess. 2.4. his 3d. Title [Cruel] is Represented by the woman made drunk with the blood of the Saints, Rev. 17.6. and by the name of a devouring beast, so oft put upon him, as before in fig. 7. his 4th. Title [Unclean] is shadowed out by those names of Sodom and Egypt. Rev. 11.8. and by those names of great whore, and mother of fornication. 56. (10ly) Antichrist is one to be revealed in those last times, appears plainly from 2 Thess. 2.7,8. he must be in the world along time, before he be Revealed; while he remains a mystery of iniquity, or iniquity in a mystery he is under a vail, The depths of Satan. Rev. 2.24. Unknown, Unrevealed. This mystery was working out of sight in persons (as Diotrephes) and in Doctrines (as touch not, taste not, etc. forbidding Meats and Marriages betimes; but his Revealing is an Antecedent of Christ's coming. 2 Thess. 2.3. 57 The 11th. clause in the Definition of Antichrist, is, he must be consumed with the Spirit of Christ's mouth. 2 Thess. 2.8. The manner 1st. it must be gradual, not all at once, but a lingering death, (this the word [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] signifies) a wasting a little and little, till he be Annihilated: and 2ly. the means of his consuming, the spirit or breath of Christ's mouth, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] to wit, by the preaching of the Gospel, whereby the Spirit of Christ works powerfully (yet gradually) in the hearts of men to bring them off from supporting Antichrists Kingdom. This is called by the Prophet, the Rod of his mouth, and the breath of his lips. Esa. 11.4. and the Sword of his mouth. Rev. 2.16. 1 Kin. 19.17. 58. The 12th Clause is, Antichrist is one that must be destroyed with the brightness of Christ's coming. 2 Thess. 2.8. wherein 1st. the manner [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] shall be brought to nought and utterly abolished, though he Seat himself among the Stars, yet from thence the Lord will bring him down, Obad. v. 4. even into utter destruction. 2ly. The means, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] which may not be taken strictly for that precise point of time, wherein Christ shall come personally to judge the world? See infrá 227 Paragraph (as Esti●… observes on the place) but largely for the Spiritual manifestation of Christ's presence in his Church, before which, this Antichrist shall melt away, as dew before the Sun; even to an utter extirpation. 59 Thus in those 12 clauses, I have shown the Scriptural marks and definition of Antichrist, which are beyond Controversy and Undeniable, these are the claws of the beast. [Ex ungue leonem] A Lion is known by his paw; my Assumption now is, that this definition doth [quadrare cum Papâ] suits with the Pope, hoc restat ad probandum; I Argue thus, Hypothetically. If the Pope have those marks, and this definition of Antichrist, than he is the thing defined; but the Antecedent is true, ergo the Consequent, or Categorically thus, whoever hath those marks and this definition, is the Antichrist; but the Pope has them, ergo, this is to be proved by an Induction. CHAP. IU. 60. THe 1st part of the Induction. The first thing to be now demonstrated for clearing my assumption, is, [that the Pope and his Church hath apostatised from the Faith] which is evidenced thus, the Church of Rome with her Pastors, in the primitive Apostolical times was a beloved Spouse of Christ (as that famous Epistle of the Apostle to that Church doth sufficiently manifest) but now if we compare the Doctrines of that Epistle with the Romish Doctrine now (as it came out of the Trent-Councel) there is nothing more true, then to say (as the Prophet Esa. 1.21.) how is the faithful City become an harlot, her silver is now become dross, and her wine is mixed with water, v. 22. She that once was Bethel, is now Beth-aven; she that was once Christian, is now become Antichristian. 61. It is not unnecessary to praemise here, that when I speak of the Pope (either in this, or any of the other following Characters of him) I do not speak of him personally, as if but one in number, a single person; but collectively, both as conjunct with the Clergy at one time, and as varying by Succession for a long time together, under the notion of Peter's Successor, whom the Romanists call the Church (〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) by way of Eminency, giving the power of the Keys to him alone, as i● Christ had given the Keys to Peter alone, Ma●… 16.19. and as if he alone were the Church that must be told in case of obstinate offences▪ Mat. 18.18. 62. In this sense the Pope and the Church of Rome are Synonimicall terms in this Discourse; and the Apostasy of the Body and the Head are collectively the same. Now to prove his Apostasy, 1st shall be from persons, and 2ly from things. 1st from Persons. Bishop Davenant in his begged Suffrage shows, how the Church of Rome now is no more a true Church, than an arrant whore is a true Wife to her Husband, she hath forsaken Christ and followed false lovers. 63. Bishop Bramhall uses this Argument: that Church which hath changed the Apostolical Creed, the Apostollical Government, and Apostolical Succession, cannot remain an Apostolical, Orthodox or Catholic Church: but the Church of Rome hath done all this, Ergo, and so by Consequence is Apostatised. Bishop Hall also demonstrates, how she hath so degenerated from herself, and from the Truth, insomuch that now their can be no peace with her. Our repugnances with her are irreconcilable, though Franciscus de Clara (alias Damport) that quirking Scot would reconcile us. 64. A great cloud of Witnesses might be brought in to prove this Apostasy. For many Champions of the Protestant Religion have irrefragably evidenced, that Rome is not only revolted from Christ, but also from herself under her primitive Pastor? whose Writings could never be answered to this day: but seeing they are (but) human Testimonies, Tria (in this place) shall be omnia. Suffrages that are Human, non sunt Numeranda sed Ponderanda. I shall therefore add some Divine Testimonies against which there can be no just Exception. 65. The Apostle in his Epistle to that Church, doth more than intimate, that she might prove an Apostatising Church, Rom. 11.20. be not highminded, but fear. We must not look upon that passage as an empty ring of a tinkling Cymbal, but a Prophetical intimation of some possibility. and probability of their future abjection and Apostasy. But more plainly the same Apostle, 1 Tim. 4.1,3. points his finger (as it were) at Rome: so suitable are their Doctrines to those Doctrines of Devils there mentioned, as our learned Mr. Mede on that subject clearly shows. Mede's Aposta. of later Times. 66. The Doctrine of Daemons. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] Mr. Mede understands to be the Papists deifying and worshipping of Saints and Angels, their Bowing down to Images, Breaden-Idols and Crosses, like new Daemon-pillars, their Adoring and Templing of Relics: all which make as lively an Image of the Gentiles Theology of Daemons, as could be expressed. Thus he, taking the word [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] to be Genitivus Materiae not efficientis as noting the Subject-matter, not the Efficient cause. 67. But more particularly (omitting Mr. Mede's Notion) let us see how the Romish Church [quasi digito demonstratur] is pointed at by this Prediction in the 1st of those Doctrines of Devils, 1 Tim. 4.3. to wit, forbidding to marry, the Scripture commendeth Marriage as God's Ordinance, and as an Holy and Undefiled state, permitting it equally to all Men, so they marry in the Lord: yet the Romish Church forbids any in Holy Orders to marry, and that by Laws and Canons which never either Manichee, Martion or Tatian did (though they had low thoughts of it) as other ancient Heretics had: they never made any Decrees against it. 68 The 2d Doctrine is, Prohibition of Meats, which God hath appointed to be received with Thanksgiving. This is also as express and notorious Doctrine of the Church of Rome, which hath forbidden by Law that which God by Law Ordained. God allows the free use of the Creature, but Rome restrains it by certain Times & Differences at her pleasure, Rome forbids some at all times, and all at some times to abstain from some kind of Meats, far beyond the Montanists that never put such stress on their Fasting Days, as Rome does. 69. Anselm expounds this, 1 Tim. 4. on this wise. The Spirit of God doth manifestly (in me and by me) say, that in the last Times, that is (saith he) during the Reign of Antichrist or before, some shall departed from the Faith as the same Apostle saith, 2 Thess. 2.5. there shall be a falling away first. Thus this ancient Father applied those Doctrines of Devils to the Apostasy of Antichrist, and Espancaeus upon this 1 Tim. 4. says (in totidem Verbis) that the Apostasy from the Faith (there mentioned) is the same with the Apostasy of the Man of Sin spoken of in 2 Thess. 2.5. 70. Thus it appears from Testimonies, how Antichrist is an Apostate, forsaking the Doctrine of the Gospel, and not only Embracing, but also Ordaining those Doctrines of Devils: it may 2ly be made more manifest ex parte Rei, and de Facto, by comparing the Doctrines of Antichrist with the Doctrine of that famous Epistle of Paul to the Romans. There's not a word there of the Pope's Supremacy, of Invocation of Saints, of Adoration of Images, or of the Virtue of Relics, of Monkish Sanctity, of Indulgences, of Transubstantiation, of Purgatory, of the Mass, or of Auricular Confession, etc. wherein the marrow and substance of the Romish Religion consists. 71. These were not the Doctrines of that Church in the Apostles days; but now she hath heaped up other Doctrines that do not only contradict the Apostle's Doctrine, but such as destroys the very foundation of Christianity, at least by consequence (if not in positive terms) as in their Doctrine of Justification by Inherent Righteousness which is contrary to Rom. 1.17. & 4.6. their Praying to Saints contrary to Rom. 10.13,14. and their Merit, against Rom. 8.18. 72. No other foundation can any man lay besides Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 3.11. Yet Rome hath laid other Foundations (not holding the Head, Christ Col. 2.18,19.) they overthrew Christ's Merits, by setting up their own merits, and Christ's Mediation by making other Mediators, and Christ's Satisfaction in their Purgatory-sufferings; so likewise the All-sufficiancy of Christ's Sacrifice by Reiterating their Mass as a Sacrifice: Rome also overthrows the very Humanity of Christ (which is locally circumscribed in Heaven) by their making it wholly present in a 1000 places on Earth at once in their Transubstantiation. 73. Besides, Rome denies the Sufficiency of the Scriptures (which are a Foundation Doctrinal, as Christ is the Foundation personal) and forbidding their Laity to read them, they do as much as say, the word of God is not Necessary to Salvation, neither Necessitate medii, nor Necessitate praecepti: So their Worshipping of Saints, of Angels, of Crucifixes, of Relics, of Images and of very Wafers, are no better then real Undermine of the sacred Foundation. Thus it appears they do not only destroy that great Fundamental truth of Justification by Christ, in ascribing it to Works: but also in overthrowing both Christ and Scripture. 74. Many more evidences may be added, as their making a New Rule of Faith, to wit, Tradition, a new guide or head of Faith, to wit, the Pope, prescribing Prayers in an Unknown Tongue, attributing the effect of the Sacraments and all Services to the External work, the Pope's Canonising of Saints, his Forgiving of sins in a Magisterial manner, his creating new Articles of Faith, and making himself as Infallible as God. By all which 'tis made as clear as the Sun that the Pope is this grand Apostate, both from Christ and the Apostolical Church at Rome. 75. I have insisted the longer upon the first part of the Induction, because in the Definition of Antichrist, that clause stands as the [Genus] thereof; the other following are as the [Differentiae] which I shall with much more Brevity run over. Now come we to the 2d part or clause in the Induction, which is [pretending friendship but intending opposition] that the Pope is a Christian none denies it, (though a Degenerate one) his Title shows it; [Christ's Vicar-General upon Earth] thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies Substitution and Vice-gerence, so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a Viceroy) is most fitly also accommodated to the Pope, as he is Christ's Vicegerent. 76. But like a Pirate at sea, he hangs out false Colours to deceive unwary Souls. For though he would look like the Lamb, yet speaks he like the Dragon, and bushes the true Lamb with his horns, Rev. 13.11. and though he be said to sit in the Temple of God in his external profession of Christianity (which once did flourish in the Roman Church in Primitive times) yet hath he introduced the Doctrines of Devils into God's Temple, and hath made war with Christ, and with his Saints that would not embrace them: hence the Pope is truly called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies not for (as above) but against Christ. 77. The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (which the Apostle uses, 2 Thess. 2.4. signifying an Opposer or Adversary) is truly applied to the Pope, though he be not an open Enemy; for he must speak lies in hypocrisy, 1 Tim. 4.2. he must bring in privily damnable Heresies, 2 Pet. 2.1. he must be a false prophet, Rev. 16.13. he must come in sheep's clothing, Matth. 7.14. in a word, he must be a mystery of iniquity, 2 Thess. 2.7. and 'tis wisdom, yea wisdom peculiar to Saints to discern him, Rev. 13.18 All this makes the Pope a more dangerous enemy, Ps. 55.12,13. 78. That the Pope is an Opposer of Christ and an enemy to him, appears in his opposition to all the 3 Offices of Christ. 1. his Prophetical office the Pope overthrows, in his undervaluing Christ's word as Unnecessary (as before) yea, and as obscure; capable of many interpretatione (as if it were a Nose of Wax) and in equalling, yea, preferring his own Traditions before it. Lastly, in assuming a power to make what Scriptures he pleaseth Canonical or Apocryphal. 2ly his Sacerdotal office, in his urging the merits of Saints, and Expiation of Venial sins by men's sufferings, etc. as before. 3ly his Regal, in assuming an unlimited Power to himself of making Canons in the Church, as the Bishop of Bishops, the Head of the Church; titles of blasphemy in any, save in Christ Jesus only. 79. The 3d clause of the Induction is [stirred up by the efficacy of Satan] the Pope is such an one, not only as under godly pretences of friendship to Christ, he hath transformed himself (like Satan) into an Angel of light, into an Apostle of Christ, 2 Cor. 11.13,14. and making himself to look like the Lamb, though more of the Dragon then of the lamb be found in him. Thus his sworn Swordmen the Jesuits, do ambitiously affect the title of being of the Society of Jesus, though indeed they be the worst sort of Enemies against Jesus in the World, warring against his Image where ever they find it, Presbyteri à socio geritis qui nomen jesu Dispeream si vos Jesus amare potest. but also in more open Satanical practices. 80. That Satan hath been the chief Architector of the Pope's kingdom (as well as of his Doctrines, called therefore the Doctrines of Devils) appears (ex abundanti) out of their own Chronologers, as well as out of ours. Benno Uspergensis (one of their Cardinals) writes what kind of Pope's Satan set up after Silvester the 2d. and Platina (the Pope's own Secretary, and keeper of the Vatican Library) Matthew Parisiensis and others, make them Limbs of the Devil. 81. To dig in this dunghill of Satanical Popes, would be both endless and unpleasant: to relate the stories out of Platina (their own creature) who wrote by the commandment of Sixtus the 4th. or out of Benno Uspergensis in his Paralipom. (their Cardinal) neither of which could write out of prejudice against them, I omit; and shall only add one passage out of Matthew Paris: (the last of the fornamed) Hist. Angl. in Guil. Conquest. Y. 1072. pa. 10. he reports how, Satanas & omne contubernium Inferorum, etc. that is, the devil and all his hellish Crew, wrote letters gratulatory to the Pope and his Clergy for sending more souls to hell, then ever went before. 82. To let pass Bernardus, Damianus, Gulielmus de sancto Victore, Nicolaus Gallicus Narbonensis, Savanarola the Florentine, Arnolphus, Clemanges with many more mentioned in Illyrici Catologo Testium Veritatis, all which (notwithstanding the darkness of the time they lived in) espied the efficacy of Satan raising up the Pope: besides Petrarch, Mantuan of later time; to say nothing of Wickliff, Husse, Jerome of Prague, etc. or our own later Chronologers, as Alsted, Pareus, and our Countryman Dr. Prideaux, etc. which show how many Popes gave themselves to the devil, for obtaining of the Popedom by his help. 83. Popish Chronologers (as well as Protestant) confess that some of the Popes were Necromancers, in express league with the devil, and such as sacrificed to [him] as if the devil were their God. Some did not only study and practise it themselves, but also taught it to others, thus promoting Sorcery and Conjuration; and if those be not evidences of the Pope's coming by the working of Satan, what can be? To say nothing of the Key of the bottomless pit which Satan hath given to him, as before. 84. The 4th part of the Induction is [usurping a Monarchy in the Church] which is taken pro Confesso by all Popish writers, that the Pope doth, who challengeth to himself the Monarchy of a double power Spititual and Temporal. Insomuch that his Parasites have courted him with that double title (proper to our Lord Christ) of King and Priest, yea, and this as Peter's Successor, as if Peter had not only the Keys committed to him but the Sword too; whereas their own Image-makers frame Peter with the keys, and Paul with the sword. See instances Paragr. 90. 85. Boniface was hard put to it for warranting his double Sword, when he had no better proof than that of Luke 22.38. [behold Lord, here are two swords.] Here he understand the Church, and Christ (he saith) doth not tell them, these two swords are too many in the Church, but only it is enough: and Peter had one of those swords by Christ's allowance, for Christ bade him put his sword into his sheath, and why may not Peter's Successor have a Temporal sword too. Therefore this same Boniface the 3d. upon a great Jubilee, appeared one day with a goodly Mitre in his Pontisicalibus, and the next day with a Crown and a naked Sword born before him: a clear evidence of his usurpation of this double Monarchy. 86. That the Monarchical power is usurped by the Pope, [in the Church] appears in his calling himself the Monarch of the Church, acting absolutely as to Spirituals, and universally as to Temporals, so far (as they say) they are▪ in ordine ad Spiritualia. Thus Bellarmine affirms, that the Pope hath power to depose Kings, and dispose of Kingdoms for advancing the Catholic Church. Thus this grand Thief and Robber (so called, John 10.8.) sitting in the Temple of God, robs both God of his part, and Caesar of his too; committing high Treason against both God and Caesar. 87. Indeed the Apostle, 2 Thess. 2.4. does not say that he sits 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Temple, but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Templum, upon or against the Church as Austin reads it and others, to show how tyrannical a Monarch he will be: but the Enallage of the Preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is usual in Scripture, as Mat. 2.23. Mark 1.9. So the reading holds [in] the Temple or Church of God. That the Pope sits in the Church, res ipsa loquitur, and himself boasts of his Apostolical Seat, which was indeed a true Church in Paul and John's time, though now degenerated in the Pope's time (thus the Temple of Jerusalem was called the Temple of God, even when it was become a den of thiefs) or the Pope may be in the Church, as a Wen is said to be in the Body. 88 The 5th clause of the Induction is [that his Seat must be in the great City that ruleth Nations] this is so accommodated to the Pope, that none can contradict it, for he hath erected his Episcopal See upon the 7 hilled City, called by the Ancients, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, as Rev. 17.9. calls it the city on 7 Hills, to wit, Rome which in John's time was the great City [by way of eminency] superlatively great; called the Lady of kingdoms, and the Mistress of the world. For John lived under the 12th Caesar, when Rome was predominant [almost] over all Lands, and was dignified with this Encomium [Orbis in Urbe.] CHAP. V. 89. THe 6th clause [exalting himself as God, above all that is called God] is the 6th part of the Induction; which doth exactly quadrare cum Papa, the Pope is the [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] 2 Thess. 2.4. that lifts up himself above all Kings and Emperors, who are as titular Gods on earth. This is as clear in all Histories as if writ with a Sunbeam, though in profession the Pope be styled Servus servorum, yet in practice he is found Rex Regum: many instances we read of those Earthly gods holding his Stirrup, kissing his Toe, as well as waiting (at his Gate) his leisure and pleasure. 90. To particularise the Pope's pride and exaltation in some few instances. Boniface the 8th wrote thus Imperiously to the French King; we would have thee to know that thou art Subject to us, as well in temporal as spiritual matters; So 'tis Recorded in the Hist. of France. Pope Pius in his 2d. Epistle to Mahomet the Turkish Emperor pag. 396. promises to make him Emperor of the East (as his predecessors had made Charlemagne Emperor of the West) if he would turn Christian and supply the necessities of the Church; Remondus in his Antipap. Chap. 20. Relates of Pope Innocent, saying the Church hath given me a Mitre for my Prelacy, and a Crown for my Kingdom, as I am Vicar of the King of kings and Lord of lords. 91. Platina writes, that Pepin one of the Kings of France having kissed the Toe of Pope Steven the 2d, held his bridle for him on horseback, and served him as his Lackey or Footboy: in vita Stephani secundi. The Emperor Frederick holding the stirrup to Pope Adrian the 4th, and mistaking the wrong stirrup, the Pope rages against him, although the Emperor excused himself, saying he had not been brought up with holding Stirrups: and Benedict the 9th sent a Crown to Peter King of Hungary with this Motto, Petra dedit Romam Petr●, tibi Papa Coronam. But more proudly did he that set the Crown on Henry the sixt's head, and kicked it off with his foot again. 92. Yet most proudly of all did Alexander the 3d carry to Frederick Barbarossa the Emperor, who comes creeping to the Pope for an Absolution, and kissing his Feet, the Pope, like a proud devil Incarnate, sets his foot on the neck of the Emperor (than prostrate before him) saying those words of the Psalmist, Ps. 91.13. Thou shalt tread upon the Lion and Adder, the Dragon and Basilisk thou shalt tramph under foot. The Pope calls himself the Sun, and the Emperor but the Moon in a lower orb to him. 93. Nich. Vignier in his Eccles. History, relating the manner how the Emperors were consecrated and crowned, says that after Mass the Pope in his Pontifical Chair, holds the Crown betwixt his feet, which, the Emperor bowing down his head, lifts up from his feet, and presently the Pope strikes the Crown of with his foot from the Emperor's head down to the ground, to signify that he hath power to depose them again at his pleasure; and then the Cardinals that stand round about, takes up the Crown and sets it on with great reverence: is not this like one of the spu●… or kicks of the beast? 94. Thus the Pope, though he pretend himself to be Peter's Successor, yet walks he not in Peter's steps, for whereas Peter takes up Cornelius when he fell down at his foot, Act. 10.26. Yet a Pope can let a Caesar (who is Cornelius Master) to lay at his feet, and kiss his Toe: and to exercise other practices of Insolence towards him. See more Parag. 143. o● succeeding Peter. All those forcited instances do well accord with that witty Acrostic made of those four letters. PAPA, to wit, Paparum Ambitio Peperit Antichristum. 95. And as if this were too little for the Pope to exalt himself above those titular Gods, he exalts himself above the true God too; in contradicting his Word, disannulling his Institutions, and taking upon him to dispense with his Laws; as Pope Paul the 3d dispensed with the 5 Commandment, in poisoning his own father. And that Pope with the 6 Commandment that said, Was God so angry with man for an Apple, and not he (God's Vicar) with his Cook for a Peacock: and with the 7th, in allowing of Concubines, and common Whoredoms: and with the 4th in denying its morality, and with the 2d in omitting it. Et sic de caeteris, which might be shown ad Nauseam usque. 96. That he exalts himself (as God) appears by those fllattering Titles that are given to the Pope; as Lateran Council Sess. 4. it was cried to him, tu es alter deus, deus in terra, etc. and thou hast all power in Heaven and Earth given thee; this was said to Leo the 10th, and their own Advocates blasphemiously write. Idem est dominium Dei & Papae: besides those many incommunicable properties of God attributed to him, as Infallible, Almighty, supreme Head and Husband of the Church. Pater patrum, Dominus dominantium, and Episcopus Episcoporum, all which (and much more) shows the Pope [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] a tanquam God, the Canonists usual phrase is, our lord God, the Pope. 97. The 7th clause in the Induction is [that he must seduce with lying Wonders.] This the Papacy owns with not a little boasting of their power of working Miracles, insomuch that Bellarmine (himself) makes this a note of the true Church, and proves the Romish Church to be a true Church, because she is dignified (as he says) with this honourable Mark: and what strange wonders do we read in Gregory's Dialogues, in the life of St. Francis, in Jacobus de Voragine, in Bellarm. Lives, and in many other lying Legends, for confirmation of Popery? All which are the piae frauds of Antichrist. 98. That many Popes have done Miranda, or things to be wondered at, is not denied: for many of them (being in league with the Devil, as their own Histories testify at large) might work many things by the Devils help, that bred admiration in the beholders, as Hildebrand (that firebrand of hell) in a great concourse of people, shakes fire out of his gown sleeve in the sight of them all. These things and such like, as Conjurers, they have done: these are indeed miranda but not Miracula. 99 True miracles require divine Power, exceeding the ability of second causes: these neither Satan, nor any of his Instruments can do, for it is the Royal Prerogative of God, Ps. 72.18. God only doth wondrous things. In this sense, the Devil cannot go beyond the power of Nature, though through the acuteness of his Angelical understanding, and his long observation and experience from the beginning of the World, he is able to produce strange and extraordinary effects. Yet all falls short of a true Miracle, strictly taken. 100 There is difference ex parte Rei, betwixt miracles and wonders: Miracles exceed the power of Created Agents, but wonders do not so. The Sorcerers of Egypt can imitate Moses, and work wonders with their Enchantments, they can bring frogs to the increase of their plague, but they cannot take the frogs away again, their Frogs which they brought were but Phantasms, for their frogs were not gathered up on heaps (when the Plague was over) as Moses' frogs were, Exod. 8.7,14. This was a plain figure of the lying Wonders of Antichrist and Rome, which spiritually is called Egypt, Rev. 11.8. 101. Satan did conjure up, all his Infernal powers in Pharaoh's time, that he might vie with the wonder-working power of God, and darken his glory, and the honour of his servant Moses: therefore 'tis said, the Magicians did so with their enchantments, Exod. 7.11. & 22. & 8.7. Thus he endeavoured to obscure the gifts of Miracles in the the Apostles, by the Sorceries of Simon Magus: and what a representation Satan made to Saul, of raising up Samuel from the dead: thus by the subtlety and agility of his nature, he can amuse the minds of men with strange actions. 102. Many such things Satan hath done for those in Confederacy with him (as the Popes have been) to raise admiration in the beholders, especially where blind Ignorance and credulous Superstition, hath sat as Judge by the help of the External Senses only: Such are the miracles that Rome boasts so much of: some of which being true, in Genere Rerum may well be called lying wonders, though they be false in Genere miraculorum: Others be merely fabulous which never were done, and so to be called Wondrous Lies. 103. Their lying Legends are full of this latter sort; as that St. Dunstan pulled the Devil by the nose with a pair of Pincers; that St. Patrick drove all the Venomous Beasts with his Staff out of Ireland; that St. Gooderick tamed Wolves and Serpents with the Sign of the Cross; that St. Nicholas (when he was but an Infant) abstained from sucking his Mother's Breasts every Wednesday and Friday: and many more such trash; Imputing the driving away of the Devil to their Crucifixes & Holy-waters, as Dr. Morton's Grand Impostor shows at large: they can show of the Milk of the Virgin Mary, and the foreskin of Christ, and Feathers of the Cock that crew at Peter's Denial of Christ. 104. Suppose those Stories of their Legends true, which they writ of an Image gratulating Aquinas for his Voluminous labours, saying [bene de me Scripsisti Thoma] as if it had been a Voice from Christ out of Heaven, or as others say, from the Mother of Christ, for clearing her from Original Sin. This might be done by the Devil to deceive. 105. Such an other delusion was Bernard complemented withal, when the Image of the blessed Virgin saluted him with [good morrow Bernard,] at his entrance into the Church; which the good man (though devoutly Superstitious) tartly replied to, that her Ladyship had forgotten both herself and her Sex, for it is not permitted to Women to speak in the Church, 1 Tim. 2.12. the Psalmist tells us that Idols or Images have mouths and speak not: These must therefore be Juggling tricks, unto which that Scripture alludes. Rev. 13.15. in making their Images to speak. 106. Our own Historians tell us, how Friar Bacon made the Devil speak through the Brazen nose at Oxford: and what else was it but the same Devil that gave out all those Ambiguous Oracles at Delphos to the Heathens. Their own Baronius tells us, how Simon Magus made Images to walk by the power of the Devil, and their Stories of Images weeping, nodding, and stretching forth the hand, [as with a blessing] are all dough-Cakes baked in the same Oven: the same Devil exercises his art of deceit, both under the first Beast, to uphold the Heathenish Idolatry, and under the 2d Beast, to maintain Antichristian Superstition. 107. Henry Stephanus in his Apology for Herodotus, tells us of some Answers that were given to such Superstitious Fools as prayed to Images by some Juggling Priests that lay hid behind the Images, Polidore Virgil (a Papist) says, those Answers were made by Priests that crept into the hollow of the Image: Thus Devils Incarnate, (by their own Confession) makes their Images to speak, to say nothing of their blessing-Image at Westchester moved by a Wire and a Priest behind it, and other lying wonders. 108. It is a good Rule, when Miracles are wrought to be Patrons of Sin, they come from Satan: Such were those wonders that Simon Magus wrought, not only to raise up an admiration of himself, but also to bring men off from Holiness, and from embracing the Gospel: Origen tells Celsus that Antichrists Miracles were to bring men [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] to the deceitfulness of Sin; but Christ's Miracles were [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] for the Salvation of Souls: true Miracles oppose Satan's Kingdom, and are Mercies as well as Miracles. 109. Satan's wonders that he works, (whether mediately or immediately) may amaze men, but do not benefit them, unless by way of Collusion; as one Devil (in the exorcist) may cast out another, out of one possessed; which is done by the Devil's consent, and not by the power of any of their Exorcisms: a Devil will willingly quit a demoniac, for the hardening of men's hearts, and for the further advancing of his own Kingdom: Thus Austin de unitate Ecclesiae, Cap. 16. calls the Miracles of his time, either (figmenta mendacium hominum, or portenta fallacium Spirituum) forgeries of lying men, or prodigies of deceitful Devils. 110. Chrysostom on the 23. Homily on John the 5th. said thus, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] thou hast no need of Miracles, for those are Signs to the unbelievers, and Stella (one of their own Religion) speaks well of this point, saying, Miracles as Scaffolds are necessary in the building of an house, but when the house is finished, they are but impediments to the Passengers; so now if Miracles were done, it would argue a weakness in the confirmation of our Faith by the Miracles of Christ and the Apostles. 111. Miracles now are rather hurtful then profitable, and he that looks for wonders now is a wonder himself, as Austin de civet, dei lib. 22. Cap. 8. or saith qui credente mundo ipse non credit, magnum est ipse prodigium: he that seeks for wonders now, when the Faith of the Gospel hath been preached to the World, and confirmed by Miracles, is himself the greatest wonder, our Lord hath told us John 10.41. that God's Ministers may teach Truth, and yet work no Miracles: and such may be the Devils Impostors, that come with Signs and Wonders. Deut. 13.1.2. Matth. 24.24. 112. The wonders then, (which the Popish Church brags of) are but fallacious and counterfeit wonders spoken of, 2 Thess. 2.9. and so are the very brand of Antichrist; so that while they boast of them, and make them a note of the Church, they declare to all the World, that their Church is the Antichristian Church: were they true wonders wrought by a Divine power, they would then be God's Seals, which are never set to confirm an untruth, but their wonders contradict the Doctrine of Christ, and so are the badge of Antichrist. 113. Suppose the Jesuit Acosta should (for gaining the poor Indians to this Popish Religion) foretell them, that for a Sign to them, the Sun should be Eclipsed at such a time: This would be a wonder to them that are ignorant of the natural Causes thereof: yet no true one in genere Miraculorum, though in genere Rerum it fall out-so. 'Tis a lying wonder from the Jesuits, because it is given out with a purpose to deceive: Miracles are not a touchstone to try the truth of Doctrine by, but we must try miracles by the word of God. 114. I have been longer upon this Clause, because the Church of Rome lays a great stress of her excellency above all Churches, in her Miracles, whereby they (as it were) graphically decipher themselves to be the Antichrist, If any desire to see more of Antichrist's lying wonders, let him read Osianders' Epitome 7. Cent. fol. 260, 261. & 9 Cent. fol. 84. 120. & 11th Cent. fol. 236. and Fuller's Chur. Histor. concerning Abbeys and Monasteries▪ pag. 332. & 333. 115. The 8th part of the Induction is, the threefold brand, that God hath stigmatised him withal in his word: [The man of sin, the son of perdition, and the wicked one] to show what a complex of many gross Impieties [the Antichrist] should be, and how fitly this character corresponds with the Pope; not only Dr. Prideaux in his Introduction, Pareus Medulla. Histor. Ecclesiast. Osianders' Epitome, and all our Church Histories abundantly declare; but also their own Historians make most shameful descriptions of their Pope's Lives. 117. 'tis a good Rule, [Firmum est genus probationis, quod etiam ab adversario sumitur, ut Veritas, etiam ab inimicis Veritatis, probetur.] 'Tis a strong proof, when enemies of the Truth, are constrained to bear witness of the Truth: and Vives de instrumento probabilitatis, saith thus, Amici contra amicum, & Inimici pro Inimico invincibile Testimonium est, which in plain English is thus explained: the Testimony of a Papist against a Papist, and of a Papist for a Protestant is without exception. 117. Let us therefore take a brief account out of some Popish writers (whose Testimonies are unquestionable) and so make a compendious Landscape of a few Pope's Lives, to show what men of sin, yea, rather monsters than men, they were. To begin with Sabinianus (who succeeded Gregorius Magnus, he who abominated the title of Universal Bishop, as smelling too much of Antichrist) this Pope their own Writers brands thus: Sabinianus culpabili vitâ, & formidabili morte notatus est, he lived wickedly, and died miserably. Fasciculus Temporum ad Ann. 614. 118. What a villainous prank did Stephanus the 6th (whom many call Stephen the 7th) play (such as never was played before, as Cardin. Baronius Tom. 10. Annal. ad Ann. 897. Num. 2. expresses it) with the Carcase of his Predecessor Formosus, which he took out of the grave, brought into judgement before a Council of Bishops, spoiled it of his Papal Robes, clad it with a Layman's garment, indicted, arraigned and condemned it, cut off 3 fingers of it, and cast it into Tiber. Yea, depriving all them of their Orders (whom he had ordained) reordaining them again. Hoc prae sui immanitate omnibus incredibile videtur, saith Baronius. Erroris tamen convincuntur, qui ista de Formoso negant & conficta putant: the barbarousness of it makes it unlikely, yet the truth is, it is no fable. 119. Another of their Popish writers (Platina by name) tells us of Boniface the 7th, that he rob Peter's Church, and fled for a time to Constantinople, who afterward by Simony, and murdering two Popes, made himself Pope. Of whom Baronius says, inter famosos latrones & potentissimos grassatores, atque patriae proditores (Sulla's & Catilinas') annumerandus. He outstriped the most notorious robbers and traitors to their Country that ever were; yea Catiline and Sylla, and at last died like a Beast. This is a truth confirmed by two witnesses of their own, Platina in the life of Boniface the 7th, and Baron. Annal. Tom. 10. ad Ann. 985. Num. 1. 120. Their own Platina in the Lives of the Popes, writes how Sylvester the 2d. [ambitione & diabolica dominandi Cupiditate impulsus, largitione primò quidem Archiepiscopatum Rhemensem, inde Ravenatem adeptus, pontificatum postremò majore conatu, adjuvante diabolo, consecutus est, hac tamen lege, ut post mortem totus illius esset, cujus fraudibus tantam dignitatem adeptus erat▪] in plain English, he gave himself both body and soul to the devil, that he might obtain the Popedom. And this is confirmed by many others of their own Writers, as Cardin. Benno de vita & Gest. Hildebrandi. Stella de vit. Pontif. Caranza. Summ. Concil. & Aeneas Silvius. Comment. de Concil. Basil. lib. 1. says plainly Sylvester Diabolicâ fraude Pontificatum ascendisse. The Devil made him Pope. 121. And William of Malmesbury, lib. 2. de gestis Regum Angl. cap. 10. fol. 36. affirms the same thing of this Sylvester, saying, he is verily persuaded Sylvester was such a Villain, 〈◊〉 Historians relate him to be, otherwise why (saith he) did this Butcherly fellow at his death, tear his own flesh (as he did) had he not been guilty of some notorious Impieties. Neither was Benedict the 9th much better, whom their own Platina calls teterrimum monstrum, who lived like a Beast in his life time, and after his death appeared partly like an Ass, and partly like a Bear. Caput & cauda erant asinina, ut reliquum corpus sicut Ursus, saith Fasciculus Temporum ad Ann. 1304. 122. Such a notorious wretch also was Boniface the 8th, who entered like a Fox, reigned like a Lion, and died like a Dog, as his own Predecessor (Pope Celestine) foretold of him. To omit the stories which their own Baronius and Benno hath recorded, how many Popes have been Magicians, and given themselves to the Devil, sacrificing to Devils in forests and mountains. If those were not men of sin, sons of perdition and wickedness, where can any such be found? 123. But above all those wicked ones, there be yet three unnamed, which in their own Chronicles were monsters of men: as 1st Hildebrand (called commonly Gregory the 7th) that firebrand of Hell, that set both Church and State on fire; who hired a Varlet to tumble great stones down from the Battlements of the Church, to destroy the Emperor (Henry the 4th) as he was in his Prayers. Who poisoned 6 Popes (to wit, Clement the 2d, Damasus the 2d, Leo the 9th, Benedict the 10th, Nicholas the 2d, Alexander the 2d) in the space of 13 Years, by the help of his familiar Brazutus, that he might come to the Popedom. Who also being angry with his breaden god, for not answering how the good Emperor might be destroyed (who had escaped his bloody hands in St. Mary's Church in mount Aventine, by the death of the Villain, whom he employed) this Pope throws his Sacrament into the fire. 124. This man of sin ordinarily carried about him a conjuring Book, as Cardinal Benno, in vita Gregor. 7, at large relates those things. This is he that confessed at his death, that the devil set him on work, to provoke God to wrath against the world. Florentinus Vigern. in Chronic. pag. 641. Matth. Paris in Guil. Conquest. Anno 1086. The 2d is John the 23. that denied the life to come, and the resurrection of the body, saying; that men perish like the beast. This made him die like a beast, insomuch as he for his scandalous life, was called by those that knew him, the incarnate Devil. Concil. Constant. Sess. 11. Act. 6. & penult. 125. But the 3d is John the 12. who made Deacons in a stable, and a Boy of ten years old a Bishop, the Lateran (his Palace) a plain Stews, who being at Dice invocated Jupiter, Venus, and other Gentile Daemons; yea, and drank a Carouse in honour of the Devil, who at last was slain by the Devil (himself) while he was committing adultery. Luitprandus Hist. Rerum per Europam Gestarum, lib. 6. cap. 7, 8, & 10. Yea, Bellarmine himself doth confess those Popes to be thus tainted, as Stories describe them; but that we have raked usque ad Naufeam, in this stinking Dunghill. I might tell you, what our own Dr. Heylin in his Geography of Italy, relates, the 2d Edition pag. 181, 182. to which I refer you. 126. The 9th Paragraph of the Induction, is that threefold Epithet, [Idolatrous, Ambitious and Cruel] all which be as palpable Adjuncts of the Pope, as any of the former. As first, that he is [Idolatrous,] therefore he is called pater omnium fornicatorum & abominationum terrae. How doth he adore Images, not only giving 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to his Idols, worshipping of his Breaden god, and of his Crucifixes, directing Prayer to it, as to God or Christ himself. As in their [All Hail, Oh Cross, our only Hope, increase Righteousness to the good, and grant Pardon to the guilty] is plainly manifest. Thus is he as idolatrous as those in Jerem. 2.27. saying to a piece of wood, thou art my Father, and to a stone, thou hast begotten me. so Hab. 2.19. 127. It appears also in his Lady's Psalter, how he makes the Virgin Mary not only equal, but sometimes superior to the Son of God: as in those Matins, [Show thyself a Mother, and by the right of Motherhood, command the Redeemer] how doth he call her the Queen of heaven, the Mistress of Angels, and such like stuff according to the Council of Trent, attributing to her Omnipotency both in heaven and earth. Coster. in Hymn. Ave Maris stella, and a Kingdom of mercy, etc. as Biel in Canon. Missae. lect. 80. 128. As to his second Adjunct [Ambitious] enough hath been said of that before, from Paragraph 89. to 97. and the 3d to wit, [Cruel,] is as palpable as any, not only in his Murdering all that stands in his way to the Popedom, as Hildebrand did (ut suprà Paragr. 123.) and several others: but also in Butchering so many innocent Lambs of Christ in all Ages, and in all Nations (where this Beast raged) which would not bow the knee to his Baal; witness the Massacres at Piedmont, Germany, Ireland, England, and many others. 129. All these characters of Antichrist being thus aptly accommodated to the Pope, how can we but say with Dr. Sclater in his Comment upon the 2d Epist. to the Thessalon. pag. 115. If a man may be so bold with the Pope, as John Baptist was with our Saviour, to ask, [Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another.] The like answer should be returned, Go and tell what you have heard and seen; to wit, Devils worshipped, God contemned Religion profaned, Superstition hallowed, Beastly lust practised, Parricide not only committed, but defended; and much more horrid Hellishness those (parùm probi homines) hath done. Is not this the man of sin (without a Peer) foretold of in the Word. 130. The 10th branch of the Induction, is [He must be revealed in those last times] this also suits to the Pope as the coat to the body, for Antichrist hath several Periods, he was a long time in the Embryo before he was born, as he was a mystery of Iniquity, so must he have a secret rising of his Dominion; whereof some Foundations were laid in the Apostles times by Satan and his Instruments. The itch of preeminency began the groundwork of this Romish Babel betimes, 3 Epist. John ver. 9, 10. Thus the time of his Conception held proportion with his Continuance in the world: this Mystery was working long in the Pope, before he was revealed to be Antichrist. 131. If there must be 1260 years betwixt his Revelation, and his Desolation or Destruction: then there must be a proportionable time for the Conception of this Monster, before his Birth and Revelation. Pliny writes of the Elephant (whom Job calls Behemoth [the Hebr. Foemin. plural] as if he were many Beasts in one) that he is two years in breeding in the womb, before he be brought forth: so this great Beast or Behemoth was breeding some hundreds of Years before his Revelation. 132. It is unquestionably true, that Antichrist had many Periods. The Beast that John saw rise up out of the sea, Rev. 13.1. and come out of the earth, v. 11. ascended up by little and little (and not all at once) till at last his whole Body appeared above ground, in a full view, and above Water, even to a full manifestation. His first Period was Nascens, his 2d Crescens, his 3th Triumphans, his 4th Decrescens, and his 5th Period Expirans: as Rome the city was not built in one day, no more was the Romish Church or Antichrist. And this Beast risen up by degrees, being hid in a mystery, before he was Unvailed. 133. Crakanthorpe (in his Vigilius Dormitans) observes, that Antichrist was Nascent when Rome usurped authority first over all the Churches; 2ly he was Crescent, when he maintained Adoring of Images, and Praying to Saints: 3ly Regnant, when he exalted Himself above Kings; and placed his Mitre above their Crowns: 4ly Triumphant, when he became Lord of the Catholic Faith: 5ly Cadent, we see him (saith he) in our Day, by Luther, Calvin, Perkins, etc. who unmasked him; and he adds a 6th Period, to wit, Morient, saying, If we do not, yet our Posterity shall see him die, for God saith, that his day is coming, Ps. 37.13. 134. In his first Period, he was conceived in the Apostles time, yea, then animated; for the spirit of that Antichrist was then in the world, 1 Joh. 4.3. and strove long to see light. He was well nigh an 100 Y. in lifting up his head [of Supremacy] above the Earth. Ambition and Superiority shown itself in some of those Bishops of that See betimes, though they were reputed generally good men; yet had they from the following Centuries of the Apostles, a tincture of Antichrist. 135. Ecclesiastical History tells us, how the purity of Doctrine was notoriously darkened, and defiled with Humane Traditions, from the time of Sylvester the 1st (that was Bishop when Constantine the great was Emperor) then began poison to be sown more rank in the Church, and so on to Sabinianus. Yea and many endeavours were used by Innocent the first, in Y. 404. And by Leo the first, and by Pelagius the first and 2d, to bring forth this monstrous brat of Supremacy, long before Boniface the third, got full strength to do that work, by the Midwivery of the Parricide Phocas in the Y. 606. So then his first Period (Nascent) is from the Apostles time to Boniface the 3d, in the 6th Century, then was he Antichrist revealed indeed. 136. His 2d Period (Crescent) is from this Boniface to Hildebrand, in whose time Hell broke lose, and that woman [Wickedness] perked herself higher and higher in the Ephah, Zech. 5.7,8. From him to Luther may be accounted the 3d and 4th Period (Regnant) and (Triumphant) wherein the Pope reigned and triumphed over all Princes and Nations, even with both Swords. The 5th Period (Cadent) must be from Luther's time, after whom (they confess) Popery never prospered, but languished daily. And his 6th Age (Morient) is this our day, wherein he grows sick of his Consumption (which is a lingering death) more and more: the Gospel hath won ground of Popery, and many Kingdoms are alienated from this Antichrist. 137. The Romanists have a saying among them, that since their Pope was so publicly preached to be Antichrist, their Religion never throve; and this hath been done long, not only by Wickliff, Luther, and other great Reformers, (which are supposed to be those Angels preaching the everlasting Gospel, etc. Rev. 14.6,8,9. But by the Waldenses, Arnulphus, Parisiensis and many others. Illyric. Catalogue. Testium Veritatis. The fulfilling of this 6th and last Period (which is Morient) we must patiently wait for. The Vials of God's wrath are begun already to be poured out upon him, and shall at last bring his final Extirpation. CHAP. VI 138. BUt before I can touch the two last Paragraphs of the Induction: there be some objections which the Romanists lay in our way, which here must be removed, as Amasas body, that hindered the People from going End way 2 Sam. 20.12. They say first, that Antichrist shall have no such period or proportion of time as is here specified, for he is some single Person only, because he is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉: the Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 denoteth some Individuum, some singular Person. 139. To this I answer, (1.) That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth not always point at a single Person, for Mark 2.27. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is man at large [but man for the Sabbath] and not any Individual Person: and the same word is taken in this large sense, Luke 4.4. [Man lives not by bread alone] and not in their contracted signification: and likewise in 2 Tim. 2.17. in all which places the Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is annexed with, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but (2ly.) Deut. 18.15.18. a Prophet there, is a Succession of Prophets, so here a Succession of Persons of the same Function is the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉: God raised up more Prophets than Moses, to consummate the Revelation of his will; Antichrist (3ly.) cannot be a singular Person, because he began in the Apostles time, and was to continue till the brightness of Christ's coming did destroy him: (4ly.) 'Tis therefore a Succession of men, (now above a 1000 year old) as the Emperor that letted him was, yet called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. 2 Thess. 2.6. with this Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. 140. But 2ly. they object that Antichrist must Reign 3. years and a half only, and no more, but the Pope hath Reigned long beyond this precise time; Answer, how can this be, that he should subdue so many Kingdoms, and make all the World wonder after him in so narrow a compass of time, and that he should intoxicate Nations with his Cup of Fornication, and himself with the blood of Saints in 3. years and half. 141. Besides, 2ly. Antichrist is called Terraefilius, as he is one base-born, thus the 2d. Beast is said to come up out of the Earth, Rev. 13.11. because of his low and Sordid Original: it follows then, to be altogether improbable, (if not impossible) that one of so base an extract should raise himself into such high Renown, not only at home, to obtain this Imperial Seat; but also abroad, to dispose of so many Crowns and Kingdoms in the space of 3. years and half: If so, this Beast would far exceed in his expeditious exploits, the swiftness of the Grecian Goat, to wit Alexander, that is said not to touch the Ground for swiftness, Dan. 8.5. yet had he 6. years to Conquer the East in, though he was born heir to a Crown. 142. Their 3d. objection is, how can the Successor of the Apostle of Christ be at any time Revealed to be the Antichrist, the Pope is not only Peter's Successor, but Christ's Vicar, professing Christianity, so no Enemy to Christ, as the word [Antichrist] imports: (1.) Answer, This makes him not only a mystery of Iniquity, but the firstborn of the Devil, who transforms himself into an Angel of light, while he is indeed the Prince of darkness: and should he not profess Christianity, he could not come with all deceivableness, as is said, 2 Thess. 2.7.10. [he must sit in the Temple] Austin Reads 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, upon or against the Temple: as if, a Tyrant riding upon the Church, or as if an Enemy Warring against the Church▪ we Read it [in] the Temple. 143 The (2d.) Answer to this 3d. objection is; It is not a little doubted whether ever Simon Peter was at Rome, (at least Bishop of it,) but it lies out of doubt, Simon Magus was there. The Distich runs thus, An Petrus Romae fuerit sub Judice lis est Simonem Romae nemo fuisse negat. From this Simon they learned to set Spiritual things (as Pardons, etc.) to sale for Money, & Romae omnia venalia: but if we grant the Pope to Succeed Peter, 'tis in that one thing of denying his Master, or he Succeeds him as Night Succeeds Day, as the Storm a Calm, and as Sickness Succeeds Health: how unlike Peter the Pope is, See, Parag. 94. before mentioned. 144. However this man of Sin pretends to be Peter's Successor, yet sure he never took in Peter's Counsel, of not [Lording it over God's heritage 1 Pet. 5.3.] If this had been, this bramble would not have advanced himself to be King over all the Churches and Vineyards of God: Judg. 9.15,20. And were this Peter's Successor, stinted to Peter's allowance, [Silver and Gold have I none Act. 3.6.] he would soon be weary of that Chair that had so scant a Cushon in it, and so mean a Purse to maintain it: Besides, Damasus writes that the Bishop of Rome from the first of them to Telesphorus, yea and till the days of Silvester in Constantine's time, (as others say) were poor Martyrs and persecuted Ministers: Those were like Peter's Successors indeed. 145. Their 4th. Objection is, that if Rome have any relation to Antichrist, it was when it was Rome Heathen, for than did it persecute Christ indeed in the 10 first Persecutions: Answer, Rome Heathen cannot be this Antichrist; for first, it was when Rome degenerated into a Whore, that Antichrist Rose: this cannot correspond with Rome Heathen, which never was a Loyal Spouse; 2ly. It was when the Provinces fell off from Rome, and set up ten Kings of their own. The ten Horns receive Power as Kings one hour with the Beast, Revel. 17.12. 146. Yea further, 3ly. Rome Heathen was no mystery of Iniquity, never pretended friendship to Christ, but was always an open Enemy, did no Miracles, nor hath it a congruity with the rest of the Characters of Antichrist; and 4ly. Antichrist is when the 7th. Government Succeeded, but those Caesars was the 6th. Rev. 17.10. in whose time John lived, saying, [One is.] 147. A fift objection against the Premises, is, that Antichrist is not yet Risen, because the preaching of the Gospel in all the World, must be a precedent Sign of Antichrists coming, Matth. 24.14. which (as they say) hath not been done, therefore Antichrist is not yet born: Answ. 1st. Christ saith nothing in that Matth. 24. of the coming of Antichrist, but speaks in General, only of the Rising of false Prophets: 2ly. Christ says indeed that the Gospel shall be preached in all the World before the end come, v. 14. not before Antichrist come: 3ly. that [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉,] then is the end] is meant of the City and Temple of Jerusalem, if we compare v. 14. with v. 16. and Luk. 21.20. 148. And 4ly. as it is but a petitio principii to make the End there spoken off, to be the end of the World; so 'tis no better, to make the end of the World Contiguous to, and Contemporary with Antichrist: for the Apostles tell us, that in their time Antichrist was already come, 1 Joh. 4.3. and 2 Thess. 2.7. 5ly. but grant that the End there spoken of, should be the end of the World, as Hierom, etc. interprets it; Yet we cannot infer from hence, that the Gospel must be preached to all the World, before the coming of Antichrist, (as they imagine) but only before the End of the World. 149. But 6ly. their own Maldonate in Matth. 24.14. acknowledges the accomplishment of this very Prophecy before Jerusalem was destroyed: all the World is Synecdochically taken, for the most parts of it; Thus one Paul fills all with the Gospel, from Jerusalem to Illyricum, Rom. 15.19. and all the other Apostles were gifted with all Languages, that they might preach to all Nations, had they not done so, those Tongues Act. 2. had been given them in vain, contrary to [Deus & natura nil faciunt frustrà.] 150. chrysostom hath a good observation, if one Paul (saith he) could Season so many Countries, as from Jerusalem to Spain, Rom. 15.24,28. (the former laying far East, and the latter much West) we may easily conceive, what the other Apostles did, who divided the world amongst them. Yea, their owh Stapleton relates, how Thomas the Apostle) preached to the Indians, and to the lowest Antipodes: but above all testimonies, the Scripture speaks expressly, that the Faith of the Primitive Church of Rome, was spoken of through all the world, Rom. 1.8. and its sound was gone into all lands, Rom. 10.18. And it was preached to every creature, Mark 16.15,20. And every where, Col. 1.6,23. otherwise it could not have brought forth fruit in all the World. 151. Their 6th Objection they make, is, Antichrist (when he comes) must slay the two Witnesses, and those two are Enoch and Elias (say they) which they prove from Mal. 4.5. Rev. 11.3. etc. hence inferring, that seeing Enoch and Elias are not yet come, so nor Antichrist. Answ. 1st. As the Jews dreamed of a Christ for themselves, which God never promised; so those Romanists expect such an Antichrist, as the Scripture no where describes: the like mistake is found in both. (3ly) Mal. 4. speaks not one word either of the coming of Enoch, or of Antichrist. 152. And (3ly) that Elias (spoke of, Mal. 4.) is not Elias proper or personal, but mysterial or symbolical, to wit, John Baptist (who was an Harbinger to Christ, but not to Antichrist) as both the Evangelist Mark, ch. 1.2,40. and the Angel, Luke 1.17. yea and Christ himself interprets it, Mat. 11.14. & 17.13. (4ly) in Rev. 11. There is no mention either of Enoch, or of Elias, but by way of Allusion. 153. Whereas they urge Math. 17.11. that Elias must first come, and restore all things. It is answered (5ly) that Christ saith not there [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in futuro primo, shall come] as if they might expect his coming in some age after Christ. But it is [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in praesente, cometh] Thus John Baptist was come, and that in the spirit and power of Elias, to restore all things, that is, to turn the hearts of Fathers to their Children, etc. Mal. 4.6. For none can restore all things absolutely but Christ, Col. 1.20. But (6ly) how like is this to a fond dream, that those two great Favourites of God (which were not to see death, Heb. 11.5.) were only preserved from the cruelty of their own Time, and reserved (I know not where) to be slain by Antichrist. 154. But the 7th and last Objection, is, Antichrist cannot come into the world before the Roman Empire (which letteth him [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] 2 Thess. 2.6,7. be removed: for (say they) as Christ came into the world when the Roman Empire was at the height, in her very 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. So Antichrist must come at the Empire's lowest ebb, and when utterly ruined. But still there is an Emperor (say they) though his Seat be in Germany, hence they infer, that Antichrist is not yet come. Answ. 1st. This is a mere humane conjecture, without any Scripture Light, that the ruin of the Empire must precede the Rise of Antichrist: for Antichrist was come into the world in the very Apostles time, long before the desolation of the Roman Empire. 155. And (2ly.) That of 2 Thess. 2.6,7. hath not relation to Antichrists rising but to his Revealing: he secretly risen in the Church, long before he was openly revealed to be the man of Sin: (3ly.) [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉.] 'Tis removed (by their own confession) out of the midst of Rome, where the Germane Emperor hath neither Palace nor Dominion. And 10 Kingdoms are risen up out of the ruins of the Rom. Empire, besides the Germ. Empire. (2ly.) It was high-water with Rome in Augustus' days, than Christ came: and low ebb with it in Augustulus (that fatal Name) in whom the Western Caesar breathed out his last. CHAP. VII. 156. THus prohibentibus remotis, those objections (like Amasa's slain body) being taken out of the way. I come now to Antichrists last Period (where this digression began) and to view him as (Morient) and as one giving up the Ghost, This is held out in the two last clauses of the Induction (the 11th and 12th) the 11th is, he must be consumed by the spirit of Christ's mouth, which holds forth 1st the manner, and 2ly the means. 1st the manner, God doth not destroy this grand Enemy of his Church all at once, but consumes him in his wrath by little and little, as Psal. 59.11,13. 157. God will deal with Antichrist, as with a notorious Malefactor, who must not have that favour, to be dispatched out of all pain at once, either by strangling or decollation: praestat semel mori quàm semper metuere, aut diu sentire mortem. Antichrist must die by Inches, and his Soul must be driven out of his body by degrees; that (according to Nero's Speech) he might not only die, but a long time feel that he is a dying. God writes (Magor missabib) upon this proud Pashur, Jer. 20.3. and makes him a terror and burden to himself in a lingering Consumption, before his utter Extirpation. 158. This agrees with that sound Maxim [Deus & Natura non faciunt saltum] and with that parable of the lost Groat, wherein Christ tells of a Candle and a Bosom. The Bosom doth not sweep away the dirt and defilement of an house at one brush, but 'tis oft laid on, and applied to all the parts of the Room, till it at last sweeps all out of doors. So when Christ comes to sweep this lump of defilement (sc. Antichrist) out of the great House of the World, with the Bosom of destruction, Isa. 14.23. he 1. drives it out of the Middle Temple, than out of the outward Court (long defiled with it, Rev. 11.2.) and at last, out of doors. 159. And when Christ came to purge the Temple (when that House of prayer was made a Den of Thiefs) we may not imagine that those buyers and sellers went out at the first lash (he gave them) with his Whip; but 'tis more than probable, so many sturdy Fellows (as were there employed in that Merchandise) would play [loath to departed] as unwilling to lose so advantageous a Market. John 2.15. & Mat. 21.12. All this must have a Gradual accomplishment; though undoubtedly some Beams of Divine Majesty shone forth in Christ herein. And thus Christ will whip out of the Temple, this grand Thief (Antichrist) by degrees, when he comes into it, Mal. 3.1,2. 160. We read of two Jezabels in Scripture (both mothers of Fornication) 2 Kin. 9.33. & Rev. 2.20,21. The old Testament Jezabel was suddenly destroyed in the midst of her Painting and Delicacy; that cursed Woman (so called, 2 Kin. 9.34.) was suddenly thrown out of the window, and trodden down under foot. But the New Testam. Jezabel was cast upon her bed of Languishing, that she might wear away in a lingering Sickness. This double Doom is inflicted upon this Antichristian Jezabel, that cursed Queen of Whoredoms. 161. She is first cast into a bed of Languishing, with the latter Jezabel, that she may pine away in her Iniquity, Leu. 26.39. God will consume her days in vanity, and her years in trouble, Psal. 78.33. She must lie long sick of a lingering Consumption (that her Ruin may bear proportion to her Riso) she had many steps in her rising, and shall have in her fall. In the end comes the Doom of the former Jezabel upon her, sudden destruction [in one day, Rev. 18.8.] and that, by the hands of her own Paramours, Revel. 17.16. with 13. Her carcase shall be cast out as dung, 2 King. 9.35.37. 162. As the Walls of old Jericho were not thrown down the first day that it was besieged, but Israel must walk about it 6 days, and wait for the downfall of this cursed City till the 7th day, Heb. 11.30. & Josh. 6.13,14 to 20. So this Mystical Jericho falls not in the first day, nor in the first Vial that is poured 〈◊〉 upon it: but seven Vials are appointed to be poured out for his utter Extirpation, which are called the seven last plagues, for in them are filled up the wrath of God, and destruction of Antichrist, Rev. 15.1. In the mean time, God in much patience, bears with those Vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, Rom. 9.22. 163. As Rome was not built in one day, neither must it be thrown down in one day; but the Walls of it shall molder down by degrees. God gins with that spiritual Babylon▪ first to disquiet her only, as he did with the literal Babylon, Jer. 50.34. He will disquiet the Inhabitants of Babylon, that hath so much, and so long disquieted the Inhabitants of Zion. Thus the compassing about of Jericho, the former of the 7 days, was at least a disquieting of the Inhabitants thereof, and an Alarm to them, if not here and there a stone dropping out daily out of the Wall to weaken it. 164. As sure as God threw down Old Babylon (though her walls were 50 Cubits thick, and 200 Cubits high, yet lay she open, and exposed to the Vials of the wrath of God) so sure shall this mystical Babylon tumble down also, though she be seated among the stars, and be long in falling (even 7 days, or Vials) yet God will pull her down thence, and every Vial shall bring a degree of ruin upon her. 165. The fall of Old Babylon was foretold by the Prophet, Esai. 21.7,9. and executed by Cyrus, Esa. 45.1,2. & ch. 46. & ch. 47. The Church sings an Hymn upon her assurance of Babylon's fall, Esa. 27. Then the Prophet Jeremy describes her destruction at large, showing how the vengeance of the Lord, and the vengeance of his Temple came upon her, Jer. 50.15,21. & chap. 51.11,29. and all this in a gradual accomplishment. The wall of Babylon falls as the wall of Jericho did, ver. 44, 53. 166. Thus also the fall of mystical Babylon is foretold, Rev. 14.8. and 'tis executed, Rev. 18.2. yea, and the word is doubled (like Pharoh's dream, Gen. 41.32.) because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. The Duplication of the word, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, imports both Assurance and Expedition. This Babylon hath once fallen culpably, and she must again fall penally: a weak man throws down the old Babylon, but a mighty Angel this: that falls like an ordinary stone, but this like a great millstone: that sinks only, but this is thrust down with Violence, into the bottom of the sea, and no boying it up again: that shall not rise, but this shall be found no more, Jer. 51.63,64. compared with Rev. 18.21. 167. The God of truth hath said, that Babylon is fallen, and twice over, though it be but falling, 'tis as sure to fall, as if fallen already. Just as we see a beast or a bird struck dead wi●… a Gun, before the report be heard: so Antichrist is dead-struck by that Word, Rev. 14.8. although the report neither of his Crack, nor of his Fall come yet to us. Fall he must (the foundation of its Fall God hath laid already) though all the World lend their shoulders to uphold him. 168. The Lord hath doubled Babylon's doom [it is fallen, it is fallen] to denote the certainty of it, and 'tis expressed in the present (not future Tense) to show, that God will as surely destroy it, as if we saw it now destroyed. As sure as Jericho is fallen, so surely shall Babylon fall; and that shortly, as well as surely, for the Ark of God's presence hath compassed about the walls of this mystical Jericho several days already: not only because four of the Vials are supposed to be over, and poured out upon it, but also because we live about the six thousand Year of the World, and 'tis an old Tradition, that the 7th will be a Jubilee and Sabbath. CHAP. VIII. 169. THus we have seen the first Particular, to wit, the manner, it must be Gradually, and by a lingering Consumption: now let us 2ly inquire after the means. We read that Jericho fell by the force of Faith, Heb. 11.30. It was not by their Silver Trumpets (which they had appointed for calling their solemn Assemblies, Num. 10.1,2.) nor by the power of their Arms (whereby they overcame Amalek, Exod. 17.12. but by Rams horns. 170. Ram's horns were contemptible instruments, for battering down strong and impregnable Walls, and yet carries a fair Congruity with the means of battering down the walls of Babylon. It must be by the Breath of Christ's mouth [the preaching of the Gospel] God overturns great things by base means, 1 Cor. 1.27,28. by treasure in earthen vessels, 2 Cor. 4.7. 171. The means that God uses to pull down this Antichrist, are reducible to two heads. 1st Persons, and 2ly Things. 1st of Persons: 1st in general. Many battering Rams hath God raised in those two last Centuries of years, to break down the walls of this spiritual Babylon (which is Antichrist complex) insomuch as not only several stones have dropped out of the walls, but her very Foundation shakes. And if our Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom this proud Haman (Antichrist) hath begun to fall, he shall not prevail against him, but shall surely fall before him, Esther 6.13. 172. The Persons that God employs for the fall of Antichrist, are principally three: 1. Powerful Preachers, 2. Profound Writers, 3. Potent and pious Prinoes'. 1. Of the powerful Preachers, those are intimated to us in those 3 Angels in Rev. 14.6,8,9. that raised up the first batteries against Babylon, and made the first separation from Antichrist. The first of those Angels brings the everlasting Gospel, flying in the midst of Heaven, above all Human hindrances and oppositions, and Preaching the pure Worship of God, as opposite to the Idolatrous and impure Worship of Antichrist. 173. This first Angel or powerful Preacher, may well be supposed to be Waldus and his Followers, from whom sprung the Waldenses, who spread the Gospel in France, Picardy, and the Lower and Upper Germany; in Bohemia, Savoy, and Lombardy, about 1100 The. after Christ, as the History of the Waldenses show. And Bishop Usher, de Successione Ecclesia, cap. 6.16. 174. The 2d. Angel (light increasing then in the World) proclaims with open mouth, that Rome was Babylon, and the Pope that Beast described in the Revelation, and [the] Antichrist. This was only muttered at the first separation from the Romish Church, by Waldus and his Companions, saying in modest terms only, Romanum praesulem Reliquis Episcopis parem esse, (as Bishop Ʋsher de Successione Ecclesiae tells us loco predicto) that the Pope of Rome was but equal to all other Bishops. 175. But in the following Ages, (boldness growing as well as knowledge) Ecclesia Romana, was proclaimed to be Meretrix Babylonica, (as Bishop Usher, Cap. 17. shows) that the Church of Rome was the whore of Babylon: This was done especially by Wickliff and his fellows, about the year of Christ 1371. This 2d. Angel (Wickliff) seeing the Kingdom of Antichrist shaken by the Ministry of Waldus, that went before him; now declares boldly, that God had then laid the foundation of the destruction of it, (his cry was, Rev. 14.8. Babylon is fallen, is fallen) and would as surely destroy it shortly, as if he had seen it fallen already. 176. Then comes the 3d. Angel, (more vehement than the rest) and that was Martin Luther and his fellow-labourers: This Angel proceeds further, and preaches Damnation to all that would not come out of this mystical Babylon, telling the World more boldly, (than the other two Angels did) that God had a Cup of Indignation (without mixture, that is, not allayed with any mercy) for all those that continued to drink of the Cup of Fornication: God would give them Wine for Wine, Wine of Wrath for Wine of Whoredoms, Rev. 177. None of those great Reformers whom God stirred up in those Ages) were so like this third Angel, as Luther, who denounced horrible and heinous torments, easless and endless pains to the whole train of Antichrist, and such as abode in the Worship of the Beast, Urging separation from Rome under the pain of damnation, and to Rebel against such light, (as then was held forth) could not consist with Salvation, as 2 Thess. 2.12. Luther's Epitaph was. Pestis eram vivus, moriens tua mors ero, Papa. 178. Then 2ly. profound Writers have from the Quiver of common Reason, human Testimonies, and especially from the Holy Scriptures drawn out, and shot such arrows at the Beast, that though his first Wound was healed, Rev. 13.3. yet those Wounds they have given him (those last Centuries) are plainly incurable by any other Engine, save by private Treachery and public Violence: The Beast can hardly lick himself whole again, no not with his Order of Jesuits, and all their endeavours to uphold his tottering Kingdom. 179. Quot ac quantos Scriptores Evangelicos haec postrema aetas in lucem protulit, etc. how many famous Champions of the Protestant Religion hath been Valiant for the Truth, and strenuously battered the Walls of Babylon: such as Melancton, Oecolampadius, Zuinglius, Bullinger, Aretius, Gualther, Musculus, Lavater, Polanus, Polyander, Zanchy, Beza, Chemnitius, Calvin, Pareus, Marlorat, and our own Jewel, Reinolds, Whittaker, etc. those and many others, [non modò, docendo sed etiam Scribendo, damnum Antichristo vel maximum attulere,] did him very great harm. 180. Besides many other famous Authors in former Ages, which Illyricus in Catologo Testium Veritatis, doth abundantly enumerate: Christ hath had his Witnesses against Antichrist in all the Ages of the Beast, (though most and clearest in the latter Ages) which hath given their Testimony, both by Preaching and Writing (though but in Sackcloth) against the Antichristian Idolatry, all along the lease of 42. Months, that is granted to the Beast to tread down the holy City. 181. The Pen of those famous Lights in their day, was an Artificial Tongue, whereby they spoke to Places and People absent, as well as present, to them afar off, as well as to them that were nigh: and thereby abundance of knowledge was communicated to the World: Writing hath an Image (as it were) of Eternity in it, it makes a man live when he is dead, though the Prophets cannot live for ever, Zech. 1.5. yet their laborious Writings may preach, both when and where they themselves neither may, nor can, nor dare, Hebr. 11.4. 182. But 3ly. and lastly, Potent and Pious Princes, are Instruments in the hand of God to pull down Antichrist: we read of an Angel that had on his head a Golden Crown, and in his hand a sharp Siccle, Revel. 14.14. which may well resemble some glorious Prince, that shall begin to execute God's Judgements on Babylon, and v. 15. is some Zealous Preacher out of the Church that calls on him to do this Execution. 183. When Godly Princes do exercise their Power for Christ and against Antichrist, then is it said that Christ [the Son of Man] sits in the Throne to Rule with them, having a Golden Crown upon his head, as he is described in that Vision, Rev. 14.14. He is called the Prince of the Kings of the Earth, Rev. 1.5. and then are Christian Kings said to be caught up to God and to his Throne, Rev. 12.5. when they do Authorise and Execute the Reaping of this Harvest by their Kingly Power. 184. But more plainly and without a Parable, the Lord tells us, Rev. 17.16,17. that the ten Horns (which he calls ten Kings, v. 12.) shall hate the Whore, and make her desolate and naked, they shall eat her Flesh and burn her with Fire: for God hath put it into their hearts, etc. Those very Kings that were the occasion of his Rise before, shall (by an overruling providence) be the Instruments of his Ruin; First God in Justice gives them up to be Vassals to Antichrist, and then in Mercy he moves them to destroy him. 185. Dr. Sibbs in his Evangel. Sacrifice Serm. First, Relates the occasion of Antichrists Rise thus; The Roman Emperor having Enemies in the East, was forced to Reside at Constantinople, and Rome thereby being neglected, the Pope takes this occasion to set up himself, to depose Childerick, (a weak Prince) and to set up Pepin (Father to Charles the great) to gratify him. This brief Landscape he gives. 186. The Dr. relates also, how those 10 Kings betray their own Kingdoms, in giving up their power to the Beast, therein doing wrong 1st to God, 2ly to Themselves, and 3ly to their Subjects. And though it be said, that God puts it into their hearts, to give up their Kingdoms to the Beast, Rev. 17.17. Yet we may not understand this, as done by either outward Command, or by inward Infusion: but God finding them in an evil Estate, he uses their sin to his own End. 187. However this shall be done only, until the words of God be fulfilled, ver. 17. And as sure as God hath put it into their hearts to give up their Kingdoms to that Beast, so surely God will (in his own appointed time) put it into their hearts also to destroy the Beast. But whether they shall all agree in this latter, as 'tis said they do in the former, is some doubt? 188. It is the judgement of some solid Interpreters, that those very Kings which held Communion with the Beast, and after hate and burn Antichrist, Rev. 17.16. shall yet lament to see the smoke of that burning, which they themselves kindled, Rev. 18.9. which may intimate to us, that Cross-Interests engaged them in that burning of Babylon, more than any true Repentance of their Popish Religion. 189. Not much unlike the Proceed of Israel against Benjamin, which when they had destroyed, they were sorry they had gone so far. Such cross-Interests fell out lately 'twixt the Pope and the King of France, about some affronts to the French Ambassador [Chigi] in Rome, whereupon the French King sends an Army of twenty thousand Men, over the Alps against the Pope, and reduced the Pope from his Luciferian Highness to the Order of the Humbled Brethren. 190. This Commotion betwixt them two, made many good Men (that wait for the consolation of Israel, in the Accomplishment of that word [the Kings shall hate and burn the Whore] to be yet fulfilled) to hope that God was putting it into the heart of the King of France, to execute his Vengeance upon Babylon. However it was clearly discovered to be the declining Age of Antichrist, for the Pope durst not use those bruta fulmina of his Predecessors against the King, but must satisfy him in all things that he demanded, even to the erecting of a Trophy, etc. 191. It is most probable, that all those Kings shall not hate the Whore, etc. But some of the Ten shall take part with Antichrist, after the fall of Rome, till they be destroyed at Armageddon, [Rev. 19.18. Rev. 16.14. & 18.9. The flesh of those Kings were there eaten] and others of them shall deal with this Harlot, as Men do with a Strumpet, when they see what harm they have got by her, as Ezek. 16.36,37,38,39. 192. The great God (who hath the hearts of Kings in his own hands▪ and turns them as he pleases, Prov. 21.1.) will certainly raise up the Spirits of some of those Kings, to repent of their Friendship with Antichrist, and to rage against him as professed Enemies, and to lay waste his dwelling, and to destroy him for ever. Whereas the King of France (in that late Contest with him) poured out only some drops of the Vials upon him. Some of those at last (if not he) shall pour upon him the whole shower, and this, at the end of his Lease, at the expiration of his Power [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] to do 42 Months, Rev. 13.5. 193. 'tis a ruled Case [what hath been, may be] now we have seen already in past Providences, how God hath called of several Princes from all amity with Antichrist; especial in the Northern Parts of Europe, since the Reformation of Luther. To say nothing of the Duke of Saxony, and Landgrave of Hassia, etc. which came forth (with Luther, and other Reformers) to help the Lord against the mighty Beast. We find that several of the 1● Kings (that formerly gave up their Kingdoms to Antichrist) are now fallen off from him▪ since the Reformation. 194. God hath cut off several Kingdoms in the North from the Jurisdiction of Antichrist, as England, Scotland, Denmark and Swedeland (which were 4 of the 10 Horns) and some of the Kings of those Kingdoms have personally appeared against Antichrist, some with their Pen, as King James, and some with their Sword, as Gustavus Adolphus. 195. To say nothing of Germany, that in a great part broke of from Antichrists See, under those wonderful Reformations wrought there, both in the Higher and Lower Germany. Nor of France, from whence came the Angel Waldus, that laid the first Foundation of Antichrists ruin (as before) and which hath in a great part separated from Rome; for the View of France tells us, the Hugonots had about 2150 Churches of the Reformed Religion, this was above 60 years ago; in all likelihood they are much increased now. 196. Thus though their Kings have not themselves declared open Hostility, and hatred against Antichrist, and so to weaken his Power by their personal Atchivements: yet their Kingdoms hath contributed much to the pulling down of this man of sin. So that if we reckon France and Germany (though but in part, battering at Babylon) together with those four before mentioned, England, Scotland, Denmark, Swedeland (which together with their Supreme Magistrates, have for a long time opposed Antichrist) we must needs say, that the Viall's already poured out, have dried up a great part of the Sea, or Jurisdiction of the Pope. 197. If Kings and Kingdoms have been thus bold with his Holiness, under the former Vials, and while so much of his Lease was yet to run: how lively and vigorous may we expect them to be (in the power of God) under the latter Vials, and when his Term of Continuance is about expiring. The wheel of Providence will be quicker and sharper in its Motions and Revolutions at the end of his Time. 198. Thus have we seen in the first place, the three personal Engines (in God's hand) against this Beast. 1. Powerful Preachers, 2. Profound Writers, and 3. Potent and pious Princes. Now 2ly come we to the things that the wise Jehovah hath, and doth use as Instruments for Demolishing this mystical Jericho; and they are principally four, to wit, 1. Spiritual practising, 2. Unanimous Praying, 3. Public Printing, and 4. Powerful Preaching, of all which very briefly, in the following Paragraphs. 199. First an holy practice of Piety, a close walking with God, and a living in the power of Godliness, doth prove an excellent Means for the extirpation of Popery; the reason is, because Popery is nothing else but a mere Form, denying the Power. 'Tis a lose Religion, and its Worship is a carnal compound of Flesh-pleasing things; it hath Music to gratify the Ear, Perfumes to please the Nostrils, and gaudy Pictures to bewitch the Eye, in these, and many other particulars, 'tis every way accommodated to an earthly Mind. 200. Popery is a drawing nigh to God with the body, when the heart is far from him, 'tis a being circumstantial in Substantials, and substantial only in Circumstantials; the Opus operatum of a Ceremony will expel Devils, and work Wonders; the Cheapness of their Pardons must needs render them notoriously licentious. How did Lewis of France multiply his execrable Oaths, when he thought the Kissing of his Crucifix was a sufficient Expiation from them all. 201. Now 'tis a Physical Rule [Contraris curantur contrariis] one Contrary is best cured by another: so is this lose Antichristian Religion by an holy Evangelical Conversation. Such a Conversation as this, doth not only put to silence the ignorance of foolish men from dispraising, but also opens the Speech (of knowing Men (for comnending the way of Reformation, not only among Pagans (1 Pet. 2. 1●.15.) but also among Papagans; beholding men in the Flesh, do live according to God in the Spirit, 1 Pet. 4.6. 202. This Engine I would commend to all those of the Reformation, that they may adorn their Profession, and bring it into credit, even among the Worshippers of the Beast. That whereas the Papists speak evil of the Protestants, as of evil doers, they may not only be ashamed of falsely accusing their good Conversation in Christ, as 1 Pet. 3.16. but also be constrained to say, that God is in them of a truth, as 1 Cor. 14.25. and those are the Seed the Lord hath blessed, as Isai. 61.9. Just as light expels darkness, so doth Evangelical Conversation the mist of Popery. 203. The 2d thing is Unanimous Praying; how doth all the Saints of God in all the Nations of the World (with one consent) pray against Babylon, and by the help of God's Spirit, gets many a kind pull at her (as Samson did at the pillars of Dagons' Temple, Judg. 16.29,30.) How doth praying Souls every where with one lip, as it were, bow themselves with all their might to pull down this Antichristian Dagon. 204. As David danced before the Lord with all his might, 2 Sam. 6.14. so the Servants of the Lord, prays before the Lord with all their might, to make this Dagon fall before the Ark of God. Solomon saith [whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might] Eccles 9.10. Now the Saints finding this great w●… of Demolishing the Kingdom of Antichri●… not more a work for their Hands, then for th●… Hearts; therefore they do it with all th●… might. 205. All the Servants of Christ should b● Habakkuk's, that is, Wrestlers: they should come forth as Princes before the Lord in this Work, as Job 31.37. coming near to God with Princely minds, all the seed of Jacob shall he like their father Jacob, wrestling till they have power with God, and have prevailed, Hos. 12.4, & 3. not letting God go without this blessing, Gen. 32.26. Prayer commands God concerning the work of his hands, Esa. 45.11. All such as love Christ and hate Antichrist, should be as the Sun when he goes forth in his might, Jud. 5.31. for dispelling the Fog of Popery. 206. How should all the Godly strive together in their Prayers to God, even to an agony, Rom. 15.30. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] to pull this Tower of Babel down, whose top hath well-nigh reached to Heaven. These are the thunderings and lightnings that filled the Temple and brings the hailstones and earthquake on the Mother of Harlots, Rev. 11. last. 207. The 3d thing is Typography or public Printing, a rare Engine for Communicating the knowledge of the Truth, to the pulling down the strong holds of Antichrist. The Art of Printing was bestowed as a special Gift by a gracious God, on the last Age of the World, that Knowledge might fill the Earth, as the Waters cover the Sea, that is, that there might be a full sea of Knowledge, Isa. 11.9. for the expulsion of all Popish Ignorance, which they say is the Mother of their Devotion, but indeed of Destruction, Hos. 4.6. I am sure 'tis no mother in Israel. 208. There is a witty Interpretation of that passage of Dan. 8.2,4. [Many shall run to and fro, and Knowledge shall be increased] that the passage of Commerce 'twixt one Nation and another, by the Art of Navigation being opened, it brought along with it a great increase of Knowledge. Many run (or pass) by that Art from one Land to another, and so abundantly improve their Intellectuals thereby: It may as congruously be applied to this Art of Printing, as to that of Navigation. 209 For hereby many Books run from one Nation to another, and so exceedingly increases Knowledge, as many Persons do by Navigation: they may both equally be alluded to daniel's Text (as well the one as the other, both being instrumental Conveyances of all kind of Knowledge, divine and humane) though neither of them be the genuine Sense of the place. 210. Alsted saith that this Art of Printing was first published at Moguntiae, Mentz, and from thence carried to Argentine, Strasburg, and other parts of Europe, to the great improvement of Learning: Other Authors say, it was first known to John Gottenburgh at Argentine, where John Mentelius Printed the first good Authors for the information of a blind ignorant World: and experience Justifies this assertion, that Typography as well as Navigation, hath been great advancers of knowledge. 211. Incredibilem Usum Generi humano ha●… ars Typographica in Omnes partes prebuit, saith Pareus, Medul. Histor. Eccles. Pag. 311. It hath been of very great advantage to all parts of the Earth: Printing is like a Wing, on which knowledge flies through all the Habitable World, and is at this day a famous Instrument of God's holy Spirit, to publish his Sacred and Infallible Truth, though Satan do use it also to spread his damnable Errors; The best things that are used are found also to be abused, yet lose they not their due worth thereby. 212. Sympson in his Church History speaks home to this point; saying, when Popedom was come to its height, than God graciously bestowed this Art of Printing on Mankind, for the Unvailing and Unmasking of this Mystery of Iniquity to the World: This was a marvellous providence of God in the 14th. Century; for ever since, Antichrist hath begun to decline, and in the 15th. Century to languish more and more. 213. The 4th. and last thing for the bringing down of Antichrist, is powerful Preaching, and this is held out in the very expression of this 11th. clause of the Induction; to wit, his Consumption or wasting away by the breath of Christ's mouth, [2 Thess. 2.8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉; Spirit or breath] which is the administration of Christ's Word by the help of his Spirit. This Ordinance of Preaching hath been a most effectual battering Ram against the lofty Walls of Babylon. 214. We may say of this as David said of Goliahs' Sword, [none like it, 1 Sam. 21.9.] oh that the Lord would give it to all places and People: not only Satan, but also his Eldest Son (Antichrist) would fall like lightning thereby, Luke 10 17.18. Though Printing (as we have seen) hath its peculiar Excellency, yet in this respect, Preaching is above it, as it is attended always cum viuâ voce: for Milk in a warm Breast is more effectual nourishment, than Milk in a cold suckling Box; so a Sermon Preached batters Babylon more than one Printed. 215. The Rod of Christ's mouth, and the breath of his lips, (the Prophet tells us) shall slay this Wicked one, Esa. 11.4. Thus hath God raised up his Boannerges or Sons of Thunder, Marc. 3.17. the Syriack word comes of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sons and, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to Thunder. Thus Nazianzen honours Basil (the great) with this Epitaph, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Sermo tuus tonitru, vitaque fulgur erat; He Thundered with his Doctrine, and Lightened with his Life, he had Urim and Thummim indeed. 216. Those Three Angels who were the Three first powerful Preachers, for separation from Antichrist, [Waldus, Wickliff, Luther,] were Sons of Thunder, especially the last of them: what a [filius fragoris] was Luther, that did not throw bruta fulmina at the Pope, as the Pope did at him: but rather such a Thunderbolt, as (according to Ovid's Fiction) struck Phaeton out of his Chariot; surely the Thundering Sermons that have been preached by those Sons of Thunder, have caused this Son of Perdition to shrink downward from his pinnacle of Pride many degrees. 217. The efficacy of this Ordinance of Preaching against the Walls of Babylon, is clearly held out in the type of the fall of Jericho, Josh. 6.13. [7 Priests bearing 7 Trumpets of Rams-horns, went on continually and blue with those Trumpets: the Priests going on before the Ark and blowing with their Trumpets.] This they continued to do all the 6. days, and v. 16. it came to pass on the 7th. day when the Priests blew with the Trumpets, the People hearing the Trumpets v. 20. shouted with a great shout, and the Walls of Jericho falls down flat to the ground. 218. The Antitype to the Sounding of those Ramshorns is the Ministry of the Word, which though it be contemptible to man, yet is it (in poor Fishermen) the power of God, a Weapon that is Mighty, for the pulling down of the strong holds of Antichrist, 2 Cor. 10.4,5. God hews down (his) Forts by his Prophets, Hos. 6.5. and Cursed is he that rebuilds them again, Josh. 6.26. God writes him childless that does so, 1 Kings 16.34. all from eldest to youngest dye. 219. We read in 1 Kings 19.17. How it was not only the Sword of Hazael, and the Sword of Jehu, that cut off that Idolatrous house of Ahab, but such as escaped their two Swords, should Elisha slay: Yet read we not any where of a material Sword that this Prophet used, but he slew them by a Prophetical denouncing of Divine Vengeance against Idolaters: Thus powerful Preaching is an hewing down of Antichrist by the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, Eph. 6.17. 220. As the Prophet Jeremy was set over Nations and Kingdoms to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, Jer. 1.10. to wit, by his Menances and Denunciations of Wrath, which should as surely be effected, as if the Prophet had himself effected them: So are all the Ministers of the New Testament set up against this Kingdom of Antichrist, to root it out and to pull it down; yea, and to destroy that man of Sin, that (abusing this same place of Scripture) assumes a power of setting up and pulling down Kings and disposing of their Kingdoms at his pleasure: God expounds it better, Jer. 18.7.9. 221. Oh pray then for such Ministers of the Lord as may blow continually the Rams-horns, as may lift up their Voices like Trumpets, Isa. 58.1. as may (with the Sword of the Spirit) hue down this cursed Bramble, out of which so much fire hath issued, as hath burnt down the Cedars of Lebanon, Judg. 9.15. Oh pray, that the slain Witnesses may Prophecy again and reveal Antichrist, (that was born in darkness) for the quintessence of Preaching is a Revealing of the mystery of Godliness and the mystery of Ungodliness. 222. There be therefore many demonstrative Arguments to prove the fall of Antichrist by; as 1. He must fall, because he hath no foundation in the Word of God, the Sandy foundation that he stands upon, cannot long uphold him; he is not built on the Rock of ages, he is no Plant of Gods planting: 2ly. There is not a promise for his standing, in all the holy Scriptures, but a direful threatening against his standing, Math. 15.13. [every Plant which God hath not planted shall be Rooted up.] 223. And 3ly. There is never a true Spiritual Prayer for him, neither in the Word nor 〈◊〉 the World: but all Prayer is against him; E●…siastical History tells us, how Prayer broke the neck of Simon Magus, and it will at length also break the neck of Antichrist. The Popish Queen of Scots seemed something sensible of this, when she said, she feared Mr. Knoxs' Prayer, more than an Army of Twenty thousand men. 224. He is 4ly. Not only guilty of much Blood, (which cries for Vengeance upon him) but also he is drunk with it; therefore as he now Staggers, (like one that is drunk) so he must likewise both stumble and fall, Isai. 8.15. Jerem. 25.27. then 5ly. Solomon saith pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall, Prov. 16.18. Antichrists pride was related before, Parag. 52.55. and from 89. to 97. all which must bring his fall and destruction. 225. But sixthly and lastly, because so many battering Engines are planted against him, not by weak man, but by the Mighty God, therefore down he must come, for strong is the Lord that Judges him, Revel. 18.8. When Joshua comes against Jericho in the name of the Lord, and surrounds it with the Ark of God and blowing of Trumpets, this plainly portends the downfall of it; So when our Joshua or Jesus hath battered Babylon with those Persons and things forementioned for some years already, (since Luther's days especially) this plainly portends it cannot stand, but must tumble down. CHAP. IX. 226. HAving thus demonstrated Antichrists lingering Consumption, and the means whereby it is accomplished, which is the 11th clause: I come now next to the 12th and last part of the Induction; to wit, his utter extirpation, (he must be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming) the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath an elegancy in it, as its simple, is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be idle: The Beast hath power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (which Mr. Mede Reads faciendi) to do 42. Months, Rev. 13.5. but the brightness of Christ's coming puts a Period to his lease of doing, cuts the traces of this wicked plougher, and then he can't blow or do no more, Ps. 129.3,4. he will be then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, one out of Employment and out of being also. 227. Some indeed take this brightness of Christ's coming to be at the day of Judgement, because it's said, than He shall come in flaming Fire, 2 Thess. 1.8. and then shall the Beast and false Prophet be put to death, and cast into the Lake, Rev. 19.20. This interpretation makes the final abolishment of Antichrist to be much later, than indeed it shall be. 228. This coming of Christ is not (saith Dr. Sclater) to be taken [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] in that Individual point of time, wherein Christ shall come to Judge the World at the last day: but it must be taken extensely and with some latitude; so as under it may be comprised the Anterior part, and the foregoing (both) Signs and times thereof: and he approves of that Critic Scholiast, that says, this phrase is not to be understood of his coming in Person to General Judgement, but of the manifestation of His Presence in the Church by effects of Power, Justice, Grace, and Mercy. 229. If this Extirpation of Antichrist be the same thing with the downfall of Babylon, that is described, Revel. 18. then under correction, (saith he) the brightness of Christ's coming cannot be the precise day of Judgement: for after [it] must follow the Calling of the Jews, the destruction of Gog and Magog, and some Halcyon-days of the Church here on Earth. 230. There is a coming of Christ spoken of under the sixth Vial, Revel. 16.15. [behold I come] which is added there as a Cordial to Christ's Servants, against those great preparations for the Battle at Armageddon: Under the sixth Vial is the overthrow of the Kings that assist the Pope, through the manifestation of Christ's powerful Presence, therefore is it called the great day of God Almighty, Rev. 16.14. and Armageddons Battle is described, Rev. 19.11. to the end 231. There is a plain Coming of Christ (mentioned in that Rev. 19.12.13.) to the Battle at Armageddon, wherein he gives the flesh of Popish Kings, and of Captains, yea and of all kind of Papists, small and great, (which seems to amount to this utter Extirpation) v. 18. than shall all Papists (bond and free) be destroyed; then shall the Beast and the false Prophet in his last War against Christ and his Church be taken, v. 19.20. so this casting of them into the Lake, is under the sixth Vial, and not as before at the day of Judgement. 232. The marriage of the Lamb the 7th Vial brings in, under the notion of the New-Jerusalem, which gins to be described, Rev. 20. (in the Book-prophecy) and Rev. 11.15. in the Seal-prophecy: (when all the Kingdoms of the World become the Lords, under the 7th Trumpet.) Now because Christ will not be married, but as a Conqueror; therefore before this Maraiage, he comes and manifests himself in this great Battle, to destroy Antichrist's Person (with all his proud Helpers.) Under this 6th Vial, as before he destroys Antichrists Seat under the 5th Vial. 233. The 17th of Rev. is but an Interpretation who is this Beast and Whore (spoken of) that the Church might be able to discern this Antichrist. The 18 Chap. is a solemn Funeral-song for Rome's Ruin by the fift Vial, or rather a Song Triumphant for the Expiration of Antichrist's Kingdom. 234. It may strongly be presumed, that Antichrists lease of his 42 Months will expire at the end of the fift Vial, when the great Fox (that hath so long spoilt the veins of Christ's Vineyard) shall be unkenneled. For though he may raise some forces, and make some Resistance under the 6th Vial (as his Preparation to this battle at Armageddon) yet shall he reign no more, after his Seat be ruind. 235. The Holy Ghost will not teach the Saints [Triumphum canere ante Victoriam] to triumph before a Victory. Now were not the Kingdom of Christ's grand Enemy (to wit, Antichrist) as good as at an end, at the Destruction of Rome by the fift Vial. This triumphant Song in chap. 18. had been preposterous and unreasonable, and should have been reserved till after the next Vial afterwards. 336. There was indeed another triumphant Song to be sung after, but it was more high and glorious than this, to wit, for the Marriage of the Lamb; and observe how the bride adorns herself in fine linen, clean and white for this Marriage, Rev. 19.8. Then gins the 1000 Years of the glorious State of the Church (described, Rev. 20.) which falls out afer the Beasts casting into the lake, so that cannot be the day of Judgement. 237. Add to this, that after the Beast and the false Prophet be cast into the lake of fire, Rev. 19.20. The Devil himself is still reserved, Rev. 20.1,2,3. wherein a famous Climax or elegant Gradation is observable, 1st the Angel with the great chain comes down from heaven. 2. He lays hold on the Dragon or Devil. 3. He binds him (as it were) hand and foot. 4. And then casts him into the bottomless pit (where he would not have been cast, Luk. 8.31.) 5. He shuts him up there, as if chaining only were not sufficient for restraining such a raging Devil: yea. 6. the door must be sealed too with Authority from Heaven, that the Peace of the Church might be secured. 238. Yet after all this, the Devil must be loosed again (though it will be for a little season, ver. 3, 7. for the day of Judgement presently follows, ver. 18.) to gather together Gog and Magog against the Camp of the Saints, and the beloved City, v. 8, 9 which (some think) is the Turkish Empire (Satan's last enemy against the Church) for the Rising of the Turk is mentioned, Rev. 9.3, etc. but his Fall is not where clearly, till in this Chap. this Adversary shall be chained up all the 1000 Y. (if he be the Gog and Magog) as his God and father the Devil is, all that time. 239. All those things being laid together, and seriously pondered, doth clearly evince, that the casting of the Beast, and the false Prophet into the lake of fire, cannot be meant the precise day of Judgement, for the Devil cannot be loosed any more after that day, but when his last Agents, Gog and Magog be destroyed, he is cast in too, where the Beast was cast 1000 Y. before, Rev. 20.10. 240. Besides, a glorious Estate is promised to the Church in many Scriptures, glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God, Psal. 87.3. Now this promise was never yet performed, not in the times immediately after Christ, for then the Church was neither visible nor glorious (as Mr. Mede saith, Diatribae p. 4.) not under the persecuting Emperors of the Heathen; for then, though indeed it was visible (having taken foot among the Gentiles) yet was it not glorious at that time. 241. Go to Constantine's time, wherein indeed the Sunshine of the Gospel seemed to break out from behind a Cloud: yet this lasted not, but presently it was darkened again with a thick cloud of Arrianism; and no sooner was the Arrian cloud blown over, but again the very Visibility of the Church was overshadowed with a thicker cloud of Antichristianism, that grand Apostasy foretold by the Holy Ghost. 242. This cloud (indeed after a long night of darkness) hath begun to be dispelled, by those 3 Angels formentioned (Waldus, Wickliff and Luther) yet it shall not wholly be done away, till this Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his Wings, as Mal. 4.2. both for calling in the Jews and the fullness of the Gentiles, then shall Zion be exalted above all Hills. And this will be that brightness of Christ's coming to abolish Antichrist. 243. So then this glorious Estate of the Church never yet had its due accomplishment, but shall be, when the Lamb comes to marry his Bride, and to give her a 1000 years of Tranquillity after the destruction of Antichrist. This cannot be that blessed Estate of the Church Triumphant in heaven, for, 1st. 'Tis expressly said, that the Saints shall reign on earth, Rev. 5.10. (not [doth, but shall] to wit) after the Beast and false Prophet be cast into the lake of fire. 2ly. There will be no need of binding up Satan, when the Saints reign in Heaven. 3ly. That Reign in Heaven is for more time than a 1000 years, 'tis for Eternity. 244. And 4ly. Satan must be let lose again (as before) which cannot be after the day of Judgement. 5ly. This marriage of the Lamb with the bride, and so (by consequence) this glorious estate of the Church must be a state on Earth, because it is said at that time, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and God will dwell with men, Rev: 21.3. Now were it a state in heaven, than it should rather be said, that men dwells with God, than God with men. 245. There must therefore be a Coming of Christ (I say not, personal) before the Day of judgement, to receive his Kingdom of the Father, Dan. 7.13. Not the natural or essential Kingdom, which he has (as he is God) for ever: but a dispensatory Kingdom delegated to him (as he is Mediator) which, when he hath put down all Power, all the 4 Monarches, and all the 10 Kings (of the last Monarchy) the Beast and false Prophet, yea, Gog and Magog; after the 1000 Years of the Church's peace, and after his Judging the World he resigns up his Kingdom again, 1 Cor. 15.24.25. 246. Thus we see there is a coming of Christ which will be a Restitution of all things, Acts 3.21. (Whereas the coming of Christ at the Day of judgement, shall be the Dissolution of all things) and this coming of Christ may be called [Epiphany] from the brightness of it, for then the clouds of Antichristianism shall be dissolved, and so shall it be not only bright to the Church, but destructive to Antichrist, who shall be Destroyed by the brightness of the coming of this Sun of Righteousness: at his presence will the mountains of the Man of Sin melt away, like Snow before the Sun, Psal. 114.7. 247. This is the Brightness of Christ's coming, that brings in Antichrists utter extirpation, 2 Thess. 2.8. For at the sounding of the 7th Trumpet in the Seal-prophecy, the Angel swears that [time should be no longer] to wit, for Antichrist, Rev. 10.6,7. than the mystery of God shall be finished, and then Christ comes (at the 7th Trumpet) and takes to himself his great Power, and reigns, Rev. 11.15,17. Then all Kingdoms become the Lords, though the Nations be angry at it. 248. In the like manner, at the pouring out of the 7th Vial, in the Book-prophecy, it is said [It is done] Rev. 16.17. that is, all is finished concerning Antichrist; not only his Seat and Kingdom is ended, but the Beast and the false Prophet are taken in Person, and all his Retainders are utterly destroyed by Christ, Rev. 19.20,21. And then gins the Kingdom of Christ. 249. Thus we have seen at large, how Antichrist's doom is, to be destroyed. O daughter of Babylon who art to be destroyed, Psal. 137.8,9. This Beast must go into perdition, Rev. 17.8. 'tis said [God, not Run] for it must be gradually done, every Vial must bring a degree of Ruin on him (as before.) Now those two last clauses of the Induction are subordinate, but not contrary: for Antichrist may be both consumed and destroyed, ever since the Separation and Reformation he hath been wasting away. 250. But when Christ shall come with a brighter Manifestation of himself, of his Grace, and of his Gospel to the World, than men shall be clearly convinced, that this is the great Whore that bewitches the Nations with her wine of Fornication, and that she is a common Strumpet with the Kings of the earth, Rev. 17.2. The Lord will then also mightily discover her to the Kings of the earth (that have given up their Power to her) and cause them to hate her, and to burn her for a Witch, Rev. 17.16. As the Beast hath killed with the Sword, so he shall be killed with the Sword (himself) at last, Rev. 13.10. (after a long Consumption and Captivity) as if one kind of death were to little for him. 251. This Antichrist therefore is a Son of perdition passively, (as well as actively) for he must go into perdition, but whether, by the battle of the Warrior, and by Garments rolled in blood at first, some doubteth. Osiand. Epitome 7. Cent. Pa. 315. However it shall be by burning and fuel of fire, Esa. 9.5. God will kindle a fire in the hearts of those Kings, and they shall make Roast-meat of the Whore: at last, she shall have blood to drink, (for she is worthy) sooner or later, Rev. 16.6. & cap. 18.6. And something hereof is mentioned in the 3d Vial, Rev. 16.6. CHAP. X. 252. NOw come we to the great 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] the grand Enquiry concerning the time of the fall of Antichrist, which hath puzzled so many grave, holy, and learned Interpreters. There is a strange Itch, and a strong propension of desire to know this; Oh that we may go to Christ privately, (as the Disciples did, Mat. 24.3.) and say to him, tell us when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of the Coming of Christ? We are ready to say with Balaam, Numb. 24.23. who shall live when God doth this? 253. Various Calculations and Computations of time (about Antichrist's fall) are extant at this day, even by many good Men, and great Lights in their Generation. My present Work shall be to draw a compendious Scheme of the several Conjectures of those most illuminated Servants of Christ (passing by others, I conceive were less enlightened) and then superadd my own Conceptions (quails, quales sunt) though I may say with Luther [Ego nullus sum in Propheticis] I am neither a Prophet, nor the Son of a Prophet. 254. There be two several ways of Computation, especially (according to the diversity of men's Apprehensions) which they take, to find out the time of Antichrists fall: some grounds their Conjectures upon that Number given to Daniel (who was the great Revealer of those Secrets in the Old Testament, as John was in the New) Dan. 12.11. That from the time of the daily Sacrifices taking away, and the Abomination of desolation setting up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety Days or Years. 255. To omit all foreign Writers (which would make the work more tedious) I shall only speak of our own Countrymen, who (according to their Light) hath made inquiry into this great Mystery: Some of those follow the Computation of Daniel, as 1st. Dr. Willet in his Comment on this Dan. 12.12. who relating Bullinger's Opinion [That those 1290 Days have reference to the last destruction of Jerusalem, because the Jewish War before the final destruction of their great City, lasted so many Days. 256. The Doctor answers Bullinger thus. That those 1290 Days must not be reckoned from the beginning of the Jewish War, but from the setting of the Abomination in the Temple by Antiochus, which lasted 3 Years and an half: and seeing the Number 1335. (mentioned in the 12. ver.) differs from 1290. just 45 Days, he conceives, that hath relation to Judas Macabaeus his cleansing of the Temple, 45 days before Antiochus his death. Now all this he makes a Type of things to come, looking on Antichrist in the New Test. to be the Antitype of Antichrist in the Old, and corresponding each with other, in Nature and Circumstance. 257. Hereupon he speaks to the Conjecture of some, that (because there be 45 days difference betwixt 1290. & 1335.) do gather from thence (that after Antichrist it destroyed, Christ will come in Glory, at the end of 45 days) but he answers to this, that then it would be known by daniel's Prophecy, when the day of Judgement is, which is contrary to the Scripture of the New Testam. Mat. 24.36. Luke 12.40. but rather thus (saith he) Christ by the brightness of his Coming will cleanse his Temple (as Judas Macabaeus did) and 45 days after, he will slay Antichrist. Here we have (at least) an obscure Intimation of the time of the fall of this Man of Sin. 258. But more plainly Mr. Symonds (Pastor of Rotterdam) reckons by daniel's Numerical Rule, and observing how Julian (the Apostate) endeavoured to set up the Abomination-Temple of the Jews, and to restore Judaisme in despite of Christ himself (whom he would have proved a Liar thereby) and all those Christians that lived in his Empire: how also Christ from heaven fought against his enterprise with Thunder and Lightning, and with an Earthquake from below, that cast up the very foundation which he had laid. 259. Hereby Christ (whom he would have proved a Liar) fulfilled his own Prophecy more fully, than it was before. That (not only above ground, but not so much as under ground) one stone shall not be left upon another, Mat. 24.2. Thus by a most eminent hand the Lord took away the Jews daily Sacrifice, and rooted up their Abomination-Temple, yea, and at the same time the Delphich Temple of the Heathens was utterly destroyed, to tell all the world that neither Judaisme nor Paganism should be set up any more, but the Kingdom of Christ. 260. These transcendent Providences Mr. Symonds and others, (I say) observing, are thereby persuaded to begin this 1290 days or years at this Exploit of Julian (which some say, was in An. Dom. 360.) and so the period of that Computation ends in 1650 Y. of Christ (which is long ago expired) only there is a reserve of 45 Years which prolongs this account to 1695. 261. There be other holy Men, that cast their eye (in this work) not upon daniel's number only, but on john's also: as Mr. Tilling-hast, who gins his account of 1290 Years at the Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple by Julian, which (he says) was in the Y. of Christ 366. to wit, 6 Years lower than the former Calculation, this for daniel's number; but then the 1260, or the 42 Months (which is John's number) he gins at the Year 396 after Christ. 262. And he gives this reason for the latter, because (saith he) at the Ye. 396. was the time of the Beasts rise, for than came in the Worshipping of Images, Prohibition of Marriages, Traditions, and Antichrists exalting himself above the Magistrate. Now both those Numbers, to wit, that of daniel's (the Prophet of the Jewish Church) holding out the time of the Rejection of the Jews, and of Antichrists domineering over believing Gentiles, jump exactly into one Period (sc. 1656 Y.) which also is elapsed, and yet no Vial it poured on the Seat of the Beast. 263. Dr. Goodwin likewise goes this way, comparing daniel's and John's Prophecy together, and making that Angel with the little book in Rev. 10. to be the same that appeared to Daniel, Dan. 12. for (saith he) both those Angels (1) use the same Ceremony, to wit, the lifting up of the right hand towards Heaven (2) both swearing the same Oath, to wit, by him that liveth for ever, Dan. 12.7. and Rev. 10.5,6. (3) both their Swearing hath one end about the same thing, and to the same purpose. 264. For that Prophecy of Daniel contains (but more darkly) the same things, that the Revelation of John (more clearly) handles; as namely the Tyranny of the 4th. Monarchy, and the oppression of the Church thereby: (First by the Empire, then under the last head of it, the Pope, of whom Daniel had Prophesied, Chap. 11. from v. 36. to the end) after whose time ended, should come in a fift Monarchy of the Saints, as Ch. 7. all which things are more distinctly presented to us by John; as namely under the 7th. Trumpet, (after the time of the Pope ended) a glorious Kingdom should come in, Revel. 11.15.17. 265. And (4ly.) as they both agree in one subject matter, so likewise in setting down the time (determined of God) how long this last head (the Pope oppressing the Church) should continue: to wit, for a time, times, and half a time, (Daniel mentioning it thus Darkly and Indefinitely) and when this last head shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy People, than all those things shall be fulfilled, Dan. 12.7. but 'tis more clearly and distinctly mentioned by John, (as became a Revelation) Chap. 11. so as indeed the 11th. of Revelation, is but an Explication of the 12th. of Dan. for the better comfort of the Church. 266. Then coming to pitch upon the time of Antichrists fall, Dr. Goodwin concurs in his Conjectures with those that reckons by daniel's Number of 1290. Y. and fixing the beginning of this account in julian's time, which was the last time both of the ceasing of the daily Sacrifice set up by him, and a setting up Heathenish Idolatry in the World: and he says, we may not reckon from Titus Vespasians time, (who destroyed the Temple) for then the term is expired long ago. 267. And he, finding two Periods of time most chief pitched upon by writers of this age, for great changes in the Churches of Christ; the one about 1656. and the other upon 1666. he (I say) falls in with both those Periods, showing how both may stand together: for the 5. Vial (saith he) hath 2 several powerings forth of 2 several portions; the one is the top, and the other is the dregs or bottom, The top of the Vial may be poured out in Y. 1656. to prepare for the other, but in Y, 1666. the dregs of its wrath shall fall on the Seat of the Beast. 268. The latter of those Periods he reckons by John's Number of 42. Months, or 1260. Y. fixing the head of this account in the Year 406. after Christ, when Pope Innocent the First challenged and Usurped Jurisdiction over all Churches: Those two Numbers put together make exactly 1666. but the former of those Periods he reckons by daniel's Number of 1290. Years, which he gins at julian's Exploit, Y. 365. or 366. (because accounts of Years since Julian's attempt of building of the Temple, is various) which latter added to 1290. Y. makes exactly also 1656. according to his 1st. Period. 269. He proceeds further; saying, Daniel being inquisitive after the times when those things should he finished: The Angel (which is Christ, saying, Revel. 11.3. I will give power to my two Witnesses, etc. which no created Angel could say) gives him two Periods, the one 1290. as before, the other 1335. which is the ending of the dispatch of those great things before the Kingdom of Christ, (as the other is the beginning thereof) and which from Julian's time, ends about 1700. Y. of Christ: There be 45. Years to accomplish all the preparatory work in, as Antichrists Ruin, Jews Call, etc. and the first Period brings blessed times, but blessed is he that cometh to the end of the 45. Y. for then is Christ's Kingdom. 270. There be a 3d. sort of Holy and Learned Interpreters, that neither build their conjectures on daniel's prophetic Number wholly, nor yet as it stands in conjunction with the Apocalyptick number of John: but solely upon those numbers they find in the Revelation, which are of two sorts; 1. That 42. Months or 1260. Days or Years, which is the very term of time the Beast hath given him to tread down the holy City, Revel. 11.2.3. and to [do] or continue in, Revel. 13.5. 271. The 2d. Apostolic Number is that famous [666.] Revel. 13. last, which seems to cast up the Number of the Beast; to wit, the date and end of his Tyrannical Kingdom, whose days shall then be numbered, that is, finished, (as the phrase is of old Babylon's ending, Dan. 5.26. God hath numbered thy Kingdom and finished it) and the Holy Ghost hath computed it (as they have conceived) to be in the Year, which according to men's computation, shall be called, Six hundred sixty six Years: Number expressing time, for Aristotle defines Tempus (to be) Numerus motus secundum prius est posterius, Time is the number of Motion. 272. And of this Judgement is an unknown English writer, in 1589. of Christ, Intituling his Book [To the Church of Rome] and Subscribing himself by the two Letters [T. L.] whose Writing speaks him a man of a Savoury Spirit, and of no mean ability; I have read it with much complacency: who says that in that Year (666.) The great man of Rome shall fall as the Uncircumcised. 273. In the Number of the Beast, (he saith) the millenary Number is omitted, not only as Known and unchangeable, (for Antichrist was to Reign no more Thousands then One) but also as Respecting the common use of all Nations, (as well Hebrews as Gentiles) who in their Styles (for brevity's sake) do both speak and write by the Imperfect Number, omitting the Millenary, (as Munster in his Calendario Hebraico well observes) more than after the Perfect, adding the Millenary. 274. There be others indeed▪ that finding the Number of the Beast to be [666.] have therefore made this Number to design out the very Year of Antichrists beginning, or Revelation of his Tyranny and Kingdom, to wit, in the Year of Christ 666. so Mr. Stephens, and the rather because they find in Eccles. History, that in that very Year, the Latin Service began in the Church, (which is the Popish Service in all Lands) see Osiander Epitome Cent. 7. Pag. 189. see Paragr. 289. 275. But Number, when it is put to signify Time, (as Dr. Goodwin saith) doth not so properly signify the beginning of Time, as the ending of it. When the Number is finished, and (as it were) cast up and made complete: then is his Time Numbered and the account of it summed up, and not before; and therefore Daniel useth this Phrase, [Thy days are Numbered] to denote to us the ending of the Time of the Babylonish Kingdom, and not the beginning of it, as was said before. 276. Therefore many godly-learned, declining this latter Notion, hath yet gone over into the Opinion of the former (with T. L.) saying, this Cumputation (being called the Number of a man, that is, the ordinary vulgar way of Reckoning years, and measure of time, in the stile of the whole Christian World) holds out the very year of Antichrists Expiration, when his Number shall be summed up, that is, in that Year which is (according to man's Computation of years) ordinarily styled 666. as we usual say 88, for 1588. 277. Yet Mr. Durham (in his Comment on the Revelation) puts another sense on that Number (666) saying, it neither denotes the time of Antichrists Rise, or of his Ruin; but to show (saith he) that this Beast is not any ordinary Heretic, but a Chief one, that hath a great Number of lying Doctrines (his name of Blasphemy) compact together, and we are called in Rev. 13. last, to weigh his Heresies judiciously, not to number his Figures Arithmetically. 278. He that hath understanding of spiritual Truths, and his Senses exercised to discern them, will ponder the Doctrines of Antichrist in the balance of the Sanctuary, (〈◊〉 Belshazzar was numbered, and found light) Antichrist's number is the number of Man (for there is no Article in the Greek) not the Wisdom of God: his Doctrines are not of God, but of Man, yea, Doctrines of Devils. And there be sexcenti errores Pontificii (as some Book-titles be) as if Antichrist were a Compound of 666 grand errors. 279. Mr. Cotton upon Rev. 13.18. declares his opinion of this (666) that it is neither the Number of his Years when he began, nor the Number of his Years when he shall end: not the former (saith he) for though some think Antichrist arose to a name in the Y. 606. yet they cannot (though Boniface then took upon him the title of Chief Bishop) make that 666. seeing there is 60. Y. difference, and 'tis probable, the Holy Ghost would not have erred so much in such an express Number. Besides Antichrist was begun before this 606. and this Headship, or spiritual Advancement is but a part of Antichrist. 280. Nor can the latter be (saith he) for 666. cannot be the number of the end of Antichrists Years, seeing he continues still to this time (which is almost a Thousand years since 666.) and to say, that in this round Number something is omitted (as when we say (88) we mean 1588. yet in Scripture-phrase (saith he) such small Numbers are not regarded; and seeing Wisdom is required to find out this Number, what wisdom were it for the Holy Ghost to leave out a thousand (as we leave out when we say 88 for 1588.] the Holy Ghost (he saith) doth not so here, and therefore it cannot hold out the number of his Period. 281. He thinks as the number of the Beast is an opposite number to the Number of the Lamb (which consists all of 12. as of every Tribe 12000, and the City had 12 foundations, etc. Rev. 21.14,16,17.) the whole fabric of Jerusalem is 12. the foundation is Apostolical; but in the Number of the Beast, there is nothing Apostolical, six falls short of twelve. Boniface sums up all their Canons in one Book, which he adding to the 5 Books of Decretals, calls it Sextus, thus all their Religion is wrapped up in 6 Volumes, and the 6. (they call) the most perfect of all: hence the Number 6. is pitched on here, the number of a man for Popery is but man's Wit and Invention. 282. Now come we to the other Apocaliptick Number, to wit, the 42 months, or 1260 days or years (which some interpret in a way of conjunction with this last Number (666.) and therefore I do speak of it the latter, though in the Introduction I made it the former.) Many late Writers hath concurred with [T. L.] in making 1260 Y. to be Antichrists Term, and 666. (the millenary Number being understood, though not expressed as before) to be the period of that Term, and to find a fit Correspondency betwixt those two Numbers, they look out for the rise of Antichrist. 283. And finding the Egg of Antichristianism to be laid in the Days of Innocent the first, in the Ye. of Christ 406. and that by express Commission, there was furthermore granted to the Beast, his Heirs and Successors 1260 Years, for the hatching, fostering, and perfecting of this Egg or Child of Perdition: which being added to 406. makes 1666. to be the very Year wherein the Judgements of God (denounced) shall fall upon Antichrist. And he shall as easily weigh the fire, or measure the wind, or call again the day that is past, as avoid the decree of his Down-fall then determined, and as [T. L.] saith, than my Lord of Rome must lay down his proud waves. 284. Other Interpreters labour for no concurrence, or Coincidency betwixt 1260 and 666. but doth measure Antichrist only by that Lease or Term that is given him to do or continue, to wit, 42 Months, or which is all one, 1260 Y. Thus many learned and holy Men, binding up themselves to this Number only, and varying in their judgements, where to make the Epocha or Beginning of the Beasts Rise, hath likewise exceedingly varied in their Opinions, about his Period and Ruin. 285. Mr. Brightman makes the beginning of the Term of Antichrist to be at Constantine's coming to the Crown (for then began the war with the Dragon, etc.) when the Manchild was brought forth, that is, advanced to Imperial dignity, Rev. 12.5. and so he makes the Authority of the Beast to expire about the Year of Christ 1546. which year or time was so far from ending the Beast, that at that time he was rather more advanced, for than did the Council of Trent condemn the Scriptures, in advancing the Vulgar Latin to be most Authentic: and then did Charles the fift war against the Protestant Princes in Germany. 286. Mr. Durham comes near to this Computation of holy Brightman, making the close of the 1260 Y. of Antichrists absolute and uninterrupted Tyranny, and triumphing over the Witnesses, to fall out in the Year 1559. when Reformation began by public Authority at Ausperg, till then (he saith) the Witnesses ascended not into heaven. For then, not only in Germany a Diet enacted for Religion, but also in England it was raised up by Q. Elizabeth, and the Year before that, it was received in Scotland, and the year after, to wit, 1560. in France by Charles the ninth: thus he, in his Comment on Revel. 287. But 'tis objected (saith he) against this Opinion, that this Computation places the rise of Antichrist (over-high) in the 3. Century after Christ, which was a time, when the Church enjoyed both Purity, and Liberty in the Days of that good Emperor Constantine. To this, he answers thus: As Antichrist began to work from the Apostles time, so much more from the time of outward Rest and Peace which the Church enjoyed by Constantine, who freed her from Heathenish Persecution. 288. Pride soon (saith he) infected her Pastors, (Hodiè venenum in Ecclesiam fudisti, was imputed to Constantine, when he made the Church as it were, luxuriant with Temporal Privileges) and the Roman Pastor, having the greatest advantages of sharing in those Privileges (as Rome was then the Lady of Kingdoms) began soon to improve them, at lest ad Potentiam Pontificiam, though not suddenly add Omnipotentiam, as afterwards. 289. The Pontificial Omnipotency, or settled Superiority, and the title of Universal Bishop (he confesses) was not indeed usurped, till Boniface the third assumed it in the Year 606. After this came in the Latin Service and the Mass, in the Y. 666. (as I mentioned before, Paragr. 274 by Vitellianus the Pope, than also was Pantheon (the Temple of the Heathen God) opened and dedicated to All Saints; and so by degrees comes in all the Romish Trash, till Antichrist came to his full Growth. 290. But there is yet a stronger Objection against this Opinion (which the judicious Scot labours to remove) to wit, that the Kingdom of the Beast is contemporary with the Sackcloth-Prophecy of the Witnesses, and this must be, for after the Ascension of the Witnesses, and the Earthquake, the 7th Trumpet sounds, and all Kingdoms become the Lords, Rev. 11.11,12.13,15. The downfall of the Beasts kingdom must be before this, though he say, the Ascension of the Witnesses may consist with the decaying Kingdom of the Beast, who must be destroyed gradually under the 7th Trumpet, yet this sense is cumbered with many difficulties, as will appear afterwards. 291. Mr. Cotton goes yet a little lower then either of the former, in placing the beginning of this 1260 Y. to wit, to 96 or 97 Y. after Constantine, rendering this Reason, that though the War began with Constantine, and the Woman fled into the wilderness (as Mr. Brightman rightly observes) yet it cannot be said in his time, that there was no place found for the dragon in Heaven, for this (saith he) was the failing of that good Emperor, that he still allowed the Heathen-Idol-Temples to continue, only shutting their Doors, which his Successor Julian, opened again, and restored the Dragon to his Heaven of spiritual Authority. 292. Though the war was begun by Constantine, yet was it not accomplished by him, so as to cast out the Dragon wholly, and so as no more place to be found for him in Heaven, this was not (he says) till the time of Theodosius, then did the Emperors renounce (and not before) the title of Pontifex Maximus. Hereupon the Beast (the Pope) the very next year after, takes up this Name, and holds it to this day. What ever be the Pope's name, 'tis Pontifex Maximus; now this was about 396. Y. after Christ (as 96. after Constantine) which Number being added to 1260. makes up 1656. Antichrists Period. 293. This learned and holy man was not alone in his Expectations of eminent Providences in that Year, or about it (as is manifested before, in Paragr, 262, & 267.) yet his modesty in this his Conjecture is very eminent, saying, I will not be too confident, because I am not a Prophet, nor the Son of a Prophet to foretell things to come, yet he expected a great blow would be given to the Beast, and to the head of the Beast: yea, and the Expiration of his Power and great Authority, in his Comment. on 13. Rev. pag. 87, 88, 90, 93, 94. 294. Yea, Mr. Mede himself (whose Labours the Church of God hath much cause to bless God for) pitcheth his Expectation upon this Y. 1656. though tacitly and implicitly; for in his Synchronismes, he making the first Trumpet, and the Pope's 1260 Days to begin together, and in his Comment pag. 71. he makes the beginning of the first Trumpet to be in the Y. 395. after Christ, so as if the Reign of Antichrist began at that time with the first Trumpet. 'Tis clear enough, Mr. Mede inclined mostly to 1655. or 1656. for the Expiration of Antichrists kingdom. 295. There is another ground that made this Year of 1656. a year of great Expectation because it was the year of Noah's Flood in the old World, (unto which Christ compares his Coming, Matth. 24.37,38. as if there would be so many years to the first beginning of the new World to come since Christ, as was of the old World before the Flood, till the days of Noah, to wit, 1656. years. The Kingdom of Christ is called by the name of the World to come, Heb. 2.5. because it shall bring with it new Heavens, and a new Earth; wherein dwelleth Righteousness, 1 Pet. 3.13. 296. There be other learned Interpreters, that fix the beginning of this 1260. Y. upon other times; some upon the Y. 383. after Christ, because then the Council of Constantinople acknowledged the Primacy of the Roman Bishop, wherein the Beast received much power: others on 401. Y. after Christ, for then Pope Innocent drew all Appeals to Rome, and about that time, the Mystery of Iniquity was revealed. 297. the former Hypothesis of these two last, brings down Antichrists fall to 1643. Y. after Christ, and the latter of them to 1661. but because Chronologers vary in their Computations, to wit, when Innocent the first (who began the usurpation of Authority and Jurisdiction over all Churches, and first set out that notorious Falsification of the Canons of Nice, as pretending that those Canons gave the Roman Bishop this Power) was created Pope, Some say in the Y. 404. this makes Antichrists Period in the Y. 1664. 298. But other Chronologers makes his Creating Pope, in the Y. 406. as Sympson the Scotch Abbreviator of the History of the Church) pitches the beginning of the Pope's Usurpation in this Y. 406. who yet had no Eye (at all) upon that great Year of Expectation [1666.] in so pitching it, but because at that time according to his Calculations, he found that this Nocent Innocent the first was created Pope, as appears in his English History of the Church, 2d Book, 5. Century and pag, 323. 299. Mr. Burroughs, and many other holy Men hath begun their Computation of Antichrists Term at this Innocent the first, partly for the reason abovesaid, and partly because this Pope 1st took upon him power over Princes, for he excommunicated the Eastern Emperor Arcadius (who yet was out of his Jurisdiction) for banishing chrysostom, which none of his Predecessors (the Popes) ever attempted to do (a Copy of his Excommunication is extant in Baronius) and in his time also the Emperor Honorius exempted his Clergy from all Secular Powers, so made them a distinct Body for the Pope as their Head, a lively representation of the Apocalyptick Beast. CHAP. XI. 300. TThere be yet two Opinions behind, which are indeed Heterogeneal to all those before mentioned; the first is of that our Godly Martyrologist Mr. Fox, which (he saith) was after long Study and Prayer, cast suddenly into his mind by Divine Inspiration: to wit, that those 42. Month's must be referred to the Church's Persecution under the Roman Emperors, Reckoning from John Baptist, (that was slain by Herod the Tetrarch) until Peace was given to the Church by Constantine. 301. He takes those 42. Months for Weeks of Years, by which Reckoning, they make 249. Years; to which, if we add the 30. Years of Christ, when he was Baptised by John, it amounts to 324. Years after Christ, in which Year (he saith) Constantine the great embraced the Christian Religion: To this singular Opinion of this holy Man, I shall speak to by and by, (and yet without deriding it as the Popish Writers do) when I come to lay down my own Opinion (such as it is) on this Subject. 302. The 2d. Opinion is Dr. Beards, (one who hath writ a very Learned Treatise of Antichrist) whose notions (in this point) differs from all others (of the Interpreters aforesaid) about this Apocalyptick Number; saying, that it concerns not Antichrists Reign, but only the durance of the first Beast, which was the Roman Empire: and he gives 2. Reasons for this his Opinion; First, 'tis said, Rev. 13.5. that power was given to the Beast 42. Months or 1260. Years, this he says, agrees with the Event; for from the first foundation of Rome, to its Ruin by Theoderick the Goth, passed just so many Years, 1260. 303. His Second Reason why this Number holds out the length of the Civil Empire of Rome, (persecuting the primitive Church) and not the Pontifical or Antichristian; is, because (he saith) it is not the manner of Holy Scripture to premonstrate any certain Periods of those Intestine Troubles which are raised up in the Church by false Christians; but only by such as arise from Foreign Enemies, that professedly oppose the Truth: As we see (saith he) in the Persecution of the Ancient Church under the Egyptians, and Babylonians, and Antiochus. 304. Those Persecutions are defined in a certain Number of Years by the Prophets: but not that which was executed by their own Idolatrous Kings, as Jeroboam, Manasseh, and the rest of those Ungodly Kings of Israel; so (saith he) those Numbers in the Apocalypse are not to be referred to Antichrist, (who was to be a Domestic Foe, this is answered in Par. 347.) but to the Bloody Cruelty of those Heathen Tyrants, the Roman Emperors who (saith he) are the Gentiles that treads under foot the Holy City 4.2. Months, Revel. 11.2. yea he further affirms that this 42. Months in Revel. 11.2. and that in Revel. 13.5. are all one in effect, and cannot be well understood, but of the Heathen Emperors. 305. To this Opinion also I shall say something, as well as to the other of Mr. Foxes, (when I give my own conceptions of the point) and that in the first place, (though they be last named) because they hold so little consonancy with my own Opinion, and (as I Judge) with the Truth: and herein my method shall be first to declare (Negatively) what is not the mind of the Holy Ghost among those various Interpretations: and then [Positively] what (according to the best Scripture-light God gives me) is the true sense. 306. I come now to cast in my own mite, (such as it is) not without trembling and astonishment, and that on a 3 fold Consideration; 1. The abstruse difficulty and mysteriousness of this Subject; which may well be Reckoned among Peter's, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] 2 Pet. 3.16. things hard to be understood: 'tis such a profound mystery, as Angels can but peep into it, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] 1 Pet. 1.12. and such an one, as cost John many tears to understand, Rev. 5.4. This Consideration makes me cry out, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] Oh the depth of the Wisdom of God, Rom. 11.33. It causeth me to admire the profoundity of the Scripture, to kiss the Book and to lay it down, and to weep over my own Ignorance, and to cry, Oh when shall I know as I am known, 1 John 4.2. Gal. 4.9. 307. The 2d. Consideration is, the mistakes that so many famous lights of the Church have been found in, about it: Some out-living their own Conjectures, and finding them false, have been constrained to confess that they were on the dark side of the Cloud when they wrote them: Others (though not living so long) hath yet been confuted by time, which is the surest comment upon dark Prophecies: the 3d. Consideration is, the Consciousness I have of my own inability for so great a Work, which would pinch the Shoulders of an Angel: if it be said who is sufficient for these things, 2 Cor. 2.16. much less, poor I, that am less than all the Servants of God. 308. Yet that which encourages me against those Discouragments is, that all sufficiency comes from God, 2 Cor. 3.5. that he hath promised his Spirit to them that ask him, Luk. 11.13. that this Spirit doth [removere prohibentia] and [applicare auxiliatoria] that the Lord puts Treasure into Oyster shells, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] 2 Cor. 4.7. and conveys water of Life through a Leaden Pipe, as well as through Golden ones: that he hath promised blessedness to such as Read and Search this Book, Rev. 1.3. and his Spirit of Truth to guide into all Truth, Joh. 16.13. I would therefore come forth in the Strength of the Lord, Psal. 71.16. and plough with his Heifer to find out his Riddle, Judg. 14.18. 309. I how shall assay this great Work, according to the best Light the Father of Light gives, by whose help a Lamb may swim, where an Elephant may sink down into the bottom: and 1st. Negatively, (according to my propounded Method) the first Opinion I have to speak to, is that of our Godly Martyrologist Mr. Fox, whose notion I cannot assent to, for those following Reasons; 1. His changing Months into Weeks seems not to hold a clear consonancy with the ordinary current of Scripture, (which of puts Days for Years, as Num. 14. ●…4. and Ezek. 4.5,6.) but never (that I know of) are Months put for Weeks. 310. My 2d. Reason is, that the Revelation is a general Prophecy of occurences to come from John's time, to the end of the World, beginning at the 4th. Chap. to the end of the Book, (as the 3 first Chap. contain 7. Epistles to 7. particular Churches which were then in being) Christ comes to show John things that must shortly come to pass, Rev. 1.1. and the the time was at hand when those things (Represented to him in a Vision) should begin to be put in Execution, v. 3. then Ch. 4. v. 1. Christ calls up John, saying, come up hither and I will show thee things that must be hereafter. 311. Now those two things being seriously pondered: 1. That the Revelation is not an History of things past, but a Prophecy of things to come, which were to Commence after John's writing it, in regard of their first beginning: and 2ly. That John wrote this Book about 94 Years after Christ, thence (I say) it may strongly be concluded, that the Persecution of John Baptist by Herod can be no part of this Prophetical Vision, being a dispensation long before executed: and preceded in time not only all the parts of the Prophecy, but also the 7. Church's then in being. 312. I shall add other Reasons in the sequel against this Opinion as it hath a coincidency with that of Dr. Beards, (about the Pagan Empire) it shall suffice now to say, that as Simon Magus could not be the Antichrist, (spoken of in the Revelation) because that was a story that was expired long before the writing of this Prophetic Book (as before is spoke of in the 15. and 16. Paragraph) so, much less can that Persecution of the Church before Christ's death, be any part of that Persecution (foretold of in the Revelation,) which Christ (after he was dead, and lived again, Rev. 1.5.18.) showed to John, should afterwards come to pass. 313. Yet the Sanctity of this Godly Mr. Fox, (being so famously known) and his saying that he received it in a solemn manner by Divine Revelation, and the event likewise so aptly corresponding thereunto, being all well weighed, his Opinion may not be scurrilously derided (as it is by some Romish Authors) which hath more probability and Reason it, than a multitude of their idle dreams and fantastic imaginations; but rather [cum grano salis] may be charitably embraced, as a fair Gloss upon the place, among many other Glosses of Holy and Learned Men. 314. The 2d. Opinion [of Dr. Beards] I cannot close with neither, for those following Reasons; First, The two Apocaliptick Beasts must contemporize, (1.) Because the latter Beast is said to exercise all his Power in the Presence of the first Beast, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] Revel. 13.12. and (〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) v. 14. both which expressions makes the 2. Beasts Contemporary, but the Pagan and Antichristian Empire succeeded one another in a long distance of time; and so Antichrist showed no wonders in the Presence of the Pagan Empire. 315. Again (2ly.) 'tis very probable the 2d. Beast is called the false Prophet, Revel. 19.20. having the same description there that is found in Revel. 13.12.14. (that wrought Miracles before him) to wit, the 1st. Beast; so that in Rev. 19.20. we see the Beast and his Chaplain; to wit, the 1st. and 2d. Beast, both taken together and cast into the Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone: as two Inseparable Companions, they are neither separated in their Rise nor in their Ruin: but it is commonly known, that Antichrist did not Rise before the Pagan Empire was Ruined: For that was the (〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) that letted him from appearing, 2 Thess. 2.6.7. there was no Room for Antichrist at Rome, while it was the Seat of Pagan Emperors. 316. Thus my first Argument or Reason (being thus strengthened with these two Illustrations) conludes effectually against the Doctor's Opinion, that the first Beast is not the Roman Empire, (see more of this Subject in Paragr. 145. & 146.) neither in respect of its Continuance nor Persecution. My 2d Reason is, the Roman Empire and this Beast have two differing descriptions, (as both Mr. Mede, and Mr. Cotton, etc. observes) for the Roman (Pagan) Empire is described, Rev. 12.3. with 7. Heads and Ten Horns, (as this first Beast is) but with this difference in Rev. 12. the 7. Heads had 7. Crowns on their Heads, but in Rev. 13.1. the Crowns are not on the Heads but on the Horns, which maketh a great difference both in Place and Number; for in Rev. 12. but 7. Crowns, but in Rev. 13.1. there be Ten. 317. A 3d Argument that will be concluding against his Opinion is, that it is laid down as a mark of Reprobation, and so of Damnation to give honour to this first Beast, Rev. 13.8. They that honour this Beast are such, whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of Life: as if it were thus said, they shall perish eternally, that yield obedience to this Monster of Iniquity (as Mr. Cotton, and Mr. Mede explains it) but to yield civil Subjection to the Civil Power (even of a Nero) is not Damnation, but Duty, Rev. 13.3,5. 318. Again a 4th Argument is, that the 42 Months (this first Beast had to continue) must in all likelihood be reckoned from the healing of the deadly Wound. Now whereas the Doctor makes this term of time to reach from the first Foundation of Rome, to its Ruin by Theoderich. Where can we fix (according to that Notion) either the receiving, or the healing of this Wound? Rome could not be wounded before it was Rome: and if we fix it on any time after, than it will overreach its ruin by Theoderick, which he pitches upon. 319. Those Arguments may be improved against the Notion, about the Civil Rom. Empire whether Christian or Pagan, and are concluding against Mr. Fox's Opinion, as well as Dr. Beard? I shall have an occasion to speak more of those two Beasts afterwards, which will further enervate those two foresaid Opinions: and as the Doctor saith [that God uses not to praemonstrate to his Church any certain Periods of her Intestine troubles] I think, the contrary may be evidenced even in the very Instances of that learned Man: as first, in his Instance of Jeroboam. 320. The man of God sets down a plain Period of Jeroboams Idolatry, 1 Kin. 13.2. that Josiah (by name) should carry out, what Jeroboam brought in: and though this fell out not till 330 Y. after, yet is it as punctually set down in particular Circumstances, as if it were a Relation of things past, and not a Predication of things to come: compare with it, 2 Kin. 22.1,2. & 23.15,16. Now because the time was long betwixt the Predication and the Execution; the Prophecy comes attended with various Confirming Miracles [as the rending of the Altar, the withering of Jeroboams hand, and the Restoring of it again] that it might be believed: and why may not God foretell the Period when Antichrists Idolatries shall be cast out also. 321. And in his other Instance of Manasseh, God granted his Church some Prophets in those bad times, to reveal his Counsel concerning the issue of his Idolatry, 2 Kin. 21.10. & 2 Chron. 33.10. God also told his Church by Elijah, the issue of those two Troublers of Israel [Ahab and Jezabel] 1 Kin. 21.19,21,23,25. It was foretold, that though this cursed Woman escape the sword of Hazael, yet Jehu should slay her, 1 Kin. 19.7. compared with 2 Kin. 9.35,36,37. notwithstanding all her Painting, v. 30. 322. Now was the Lord thus gracious to his Church under the Old Test. to foretell what should become of this painted Strumpet (that for a long time had banished God's Prophets, persecuted his People, and set up the Worship of Baal (painting herself, and attiring her head, to make Jehu (the King) fall in love with her, 2 Kin. 9.30. and will not the Lord tell his Church under the New Test. what shall become of this Scarlet Whore (whereof Jezabel was a Type, as before) who hath enchanted the Kings of the Earth so long with her Painted attirements? Yes, the Lord hath said that (after her Lease of 42 Months) God will raise up some Jehu's to hate this Whore, and to burn her with fire, Rev. 16.17. 323. This leads me to a 3d Opinion (which I shall speak to also by way of Refutation) which is not only the Judgement of this very learned Author aforesaid, but of many other judicious Divines, to wit, that the 1260 Days, or 42 Months are not to be taken literally but mystically, and that they do not denote any certain definite Time in respect of Human Understanding, but only this, that God in his Counsel hath determined a set bound and limit to the Persecution of his Church, which cannot be passed over, and though this be certain to God, yet 'tis uncertain to us, for 'tis not given to us to know times and seasons, Acts 1.7. 324, I must confess, this Notion seems both plausible, safe, and such as would put an end to many Controversies about the various computations of this Number. Yea, and the many mistakes of holy and learned Men (about Calculating it) may be thought some kind of Confirmation of it. Yet how it can be embraced, with any Faith in God's word, I cannot satisfy myself for those following Reasons. 1. The title of the book (called a Revelation) show, that it is a manifestation of God's secret Counsel concerning his Church, and concerning the World, in order to his Church (both the fata Imperii & Ecclesiae) to the end of the World. 325. And this not only in general terms, but it is a distinct and particular Discovery of all the eminent passages and pauses of Providence, that appertains unto the Church in the World; It was a Revelation given by the Father to the Son (as he was the Church's Mediator) to acquaint his Servant with it, and not to keep it to himself. Now we may not say, that God revealed those concernments of the Church in general terms only to his Son, or that this Lion of the tribe of Judah, did not open this sealed Book wide (or well) enough: this would not have stayed John's great Weeping, Rev. 5.6,8. and besides, it takes away a great part of that Comfort (for which this book of the Revelation was given to the Church in those Ages of her Persecution) to say, it contains only general Intimations, and is not a distinct Revelation. 326. My 2d Reason or Argument against this Opinion is, It makes the Antè-Nati to see and know more than the Postnati: the old Testam. Church (that was before Christ) to have greater Privileges than the new Testam. Church that was after him: as if the former of those two Men (which bore the cluster of Grapes between them on a staff, Num. 13.23.) had an equal, yea, a fairer View of that cluster (so carried) than he that followed after with his face towards it: whereas the face of the other was from it. 327. The Old Testam. Church had revealed to her how long her Bondage in Egypt, her Captivity in Babylon, and her Persecution by Antiochus should continue: and shall not the Church under the New Testam. have it as distinctly revealed to her, how long her Bondage in Spiritual Egypt, her Captivity in Mystical Babylon, and her Persecution under Antichrist (whereof Antiochus was the Type) shall continue? This is to advance the Privileges by Moses, above those by the Messiah, as if the Twilight of the Church in her Minority and Nonage (under Shadows and Ceremonies) exceeded the Noonday of the Gospel-Church, which hath her face towards Christ, and to which God hath spoken by his Son, Heb. 1.1,2, 328. A third Argument or Reason against this Opinion is, when an indefinite time is intended by the Holy Ghost by a definite. His manner is, not to use Phrases wherein broken Numbers are, but whole, as in those words of Jacob to Laban [thou hast changed my wages ten times, Gea. 31.41.] so in Numb. 14.22. in both which places, a certain Number is put for an uncertain, this is usual in Scripture, as Job 19.3. Zech. 8.23. Leu. 26.26. but still by a whole (not by a broken) Number: yea, in Christ's words, Mat. 18.22. (till 77 times) there is a round Number used, for Peter's 7 is only multiplied into seventy times 7. to signify oft or many times: but here in 42 Months, and in 1260. Days broken Numbers are expressed as well as the whole, and neither of them are any where in Scripture-phrase used for Indefinite time. CHAP. XII. 329. THe 4th Opinion to be refuted in this Negative part is, the whole Computation (which all those learned and holy Men aforesaid have made) that hath universally (as one man) fallen short of the truth, both those that hath calculated by Daniel, and those by John distinctly, yea and those, by both jointly. None of them reckoning Antichrists Term beyond 1666. Y. which is now expired, yet Antichrist lives, and the Seat of the Beast stands. This Confutation is not by me, but by time (the best Interpreter of this Book) only some of them hath a Reserve of 45 Years. 330. Had not time itself (which brings forth the most infallible Comments upon abstruse Prophecies: yea, turning dark Prophecies into plain History) broken the Ice for me, in my praevaricating from their Opinions,; I should not have adventured to have grappled with them, for 'tis Impar congressus [an unequal match] as that of Troitus with Achilles, especially with them all at once. If Hercules (himself) may not contend with two at once, much less poor I (who am [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] the least of Saints, and the greatest of Sinners) may contradict such great Lights of the Church; famous in their Generation, and Men of renown: That was but a ridiculous Confutation of Bellarmine by two Words. [Mentiris Bellarmine] and such an one might mine (of those blessed Souls) seem to be, had not the issues of Providence made for me an unanswerable Argument against them. 331. Notwithstanding those eminent Servants of Christ have seemed to miss the Mark, and their Conjectures do (none of them) hold Consonancy with present dispensations of Time and Providence: yet may we find out some Salvoes (besides the Reserve of 45 Y. hereafter to be spoke of in Paragr. 441. whereby they may be brought of from any disgraceful mistakes; as 1st. The uncertainty of Chronologies. 2ly. The Variety of Computations from several Periods of Antichrist. 3ly. The difficulty of computing the Time both of the Church's bondage in Egypt, and of her Captivity in Babylon, though the Period of both was plainly recorded. 332. Of all those I shall speak in Order (to say nothing of the Sobriety of those holy Men in their Conjectures, and their disclaiming all confidence therein) which shall be as a Prologue to the positive part that is next to be spoken to, wherein I shall lay down my own Apprehensions, and yet not be too positive, nor peremptory or dogmatical therein: but so far as I think, I have the mind of Christ, 1 Cor. 2.16. & 7.6. 333. First of the uncertainty of Chronologies. A mistake may fall out either sooner or later in those Computations, from the vulgar Reckoning of the Y. 1666. It may fall over this account (that is common) as well as under, because Chronologers confess themselves, that the vulgar account of Years from Christ hath not been certainly preserved. This is testified by Arnobius in his Apology [Trecenti sunt anni fermè minus vel plùs aliquid ex quo coepimus esse Christiani] about 300 Y. under or over. If the precise point of Time could not be determined then (so near Christ) without difficulty, much more afterwards, when the Hundreds became a Thousand, etc. 334. The Computation of Time from the Creation of the world to Christ hath been made in much variety: we find above twenty several accounts thereof (differing one from another) in Alsteds Encuclopaedia, pag. 2993. now if there were such uncertainty in that Chronology before Christ (wherein the Records of the Old Testament go all along, as a thread for guidance in this Labyrinth) how much more in this Chronology since Christ (which hath not that advantage of the Scripture Chronicle to guide it beyond a 100 Years) if there were many years' Variety in that, how much more in this. 335. Of all kinds of Learning, Chronology was rudest in the Primitive times, so that in the first Centuries after Christ there is much obscurity; few Christian Chronologies were then preserved, for the Pagans that were cruel to kill the Authors, would not be so kind as to preserve their Books. Baronius (himself) despairs of giving any perfect Story of this time, and Parker compares it to Archimedes Sepulchre, which was so overgrown with Weeds, that Cicero could not get a perfect knowledge of it, so (saith this good Man) Antiqua adeò Temporis longinquitate exesa sunt & Antichristi dumetis obsepta, ut haud ea attingamus. We cannot get an Infallible account thereof. 336. That there is difference in Chronology appears in this, that Helvicus and others Reckons two Years short of the Vulgar, as 1664. for 1666. there be other Chronologers that Reckon as much over, as 1666. for 1664. and it comes to pass in their computing a Prince's Reign, a whole Year is allowed to the beginning of his Reign, and a whole Year to his ending; though another begin in that Year or the last Year of the Predecessor made but one with the first of the Successor: This brings a variation in Chronologies, even in latter times, (besides the obscurity of former times) So that 4. or 5. Years difference breaks not the Square. 337. I come 2ly. to the 2d. Salvo, taken from the sundry Periods of Antichrist, and that in a two fold Respect; (1.) In respect of his Rise, and (2ly.) In respect of his Ruin: in regard of his Rise there be various Reckon; (1.) Some Reckon the 42. Months, from Antichrists Conception, (2ly.) Others from the sharp Throes in the Womb of Rome before his Birth; (3ly.) Others again do account from his Birth and breaking out into the World: There be some (4ly.) that Reckon from his ascending the Throne; Others (5ly.) From his higher advancement; and (lastly) Some from his very 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the Top-gallant of his Luciferian Pride, and then was he both Risen and Revealed indeed. 338. No wonder then if from those several Epocha's or Periods of his Rise, many good men have made various Calculations of those 42. Months, especially if we consider also; (2ly.) The several Periods of his Ruin to be Reckoned to; as 1st. Of his Seat and Kingdom under the 5th. Vial; 2ly. Of his Person under the 6th. and 3ly. The utter Extirpation of all Antichristianism, under the 7th. Vial: Thus both a differing (Terminus a quo) and a differing (Terminus ad quem,) must yield various Calculations. 339. The 3d. Salvo is the difficulty of Computing the Time, both of the Egyptian Bondage and Babylonish Captivity, where Chronology is infallible, as composed by the Holy Ghost; 1. Of the Bondage of Egypt: there be two Computations of this, one is 400. Years, Gen. 15.13. Act. 7.6. and the other is 430. Years, Exod. 12.41. Gal. 3.13. Now the reason of this difference, is the different placing of the Foot of the Account; for the first account gins at the Birth of Isaac, which according to strict Calculation, makes 405. which broken Number is omitted in the whole, for in a great Number, so small a Number comes under no particular Account, as we say the 70. Interpreters usually; whereas they that turned the Hebrew Bible into Greek were 72. 340. But the 2d. Account gins, from God's promise of Canaan, (made first to Abraham in the 75. Years of his Age, Gen. 12.7. and upon his first passage into Egypt, v. 10.) which was 25. years before the birth of Isaac, compare Gen. 12.4. with Gen. 21.5. Now how it came into Moses heart to Visit his brethren, is hard to say: 'tis said, he supposed that his brethren would understand, that God by his hand, would deliver them at that time, which was 40. years before the true expiration of the promise: whether Moses were at that time acquainted with this promise throughly, and with the true Period of it, (because he wrote the Book of Genesis (as 'tis thought) in Midian) or he mistook the time of its Expiration, is not very easy to determine. 341. To find out the true and undoubted Period of this bondage in Egypt, was not easy in Moses time without a Divine Revelation, not only because of the variety of accounts, (as abovesaid) but also from the obscurity of that Word in Gen. 15.13. and Act. 7.6. (They shall afflict them (or evil entreat them) 400. Years) as if they should be in bondage and afflicted for so long a time: whereas it appears, that the one half of this time was spent before Israel's going down into Egypt: only 60. years in tolerable Servitude, and after that 80. years more under intolerable Tyranny, falling out within the 400. years, yet not lasting so long. 342. Secondly, as to that Captivity in Babylon, God told his People that it should last 70. Years, Jerem. 25.9,12.29.10. and at the end of that Term, they should be set free; but where to fix the head of this account and from whose Reign, or what year to Commence the Computation: there is not a little Controversy, (even to this day) Some conceiving that those 70. years begin at Zedekiahs' Captivity, (because then Jerusalem was utterly destroyed) and 'tis said, that the Land should enjoy her Sabbaths in her desolations thus long, 2 Cron. 36.21. 343. Secondly, Others reckon them from the 4th. of Jehoiakim; because 'tis the date of Jeremies Prophecy concerning this Term, Jer. 25.1. about which time Nabuchadnezzar (giving a great Foil to Pharaoh-Necho) Invades Judea in his way homeward, takes Jerusalem, and carries Daniel and others Captive, Dan. 1.1,3,4. and Jer. 46.2. There is yet a 3d. Opinion concerning this 70. years, (which is most probable) to wit, the commencing of this account between both the aforesaid, at the Captivity of Jeconiah, Jer. 22.24.26. Eight years after the latter of those Terms, 2 Kings 24.8.16. for then all but the poorer sort were carried Captive; and the Prophet Jeremy reckons from that Captivity, in Chap. 29.1,2. 344. Those several Computations must needs trouble the Jews, who were careful enough (it seems) to number those Years, Zech. 1.12. especially if it be granted that there were Two 70: years mentioned, to have two several Periods; the One to end in the first year of Cyrus, and the other (beginning at the Eleventh year of Zedekiah) to end at the 2d. of Darius, as Zech. 1.1. with v. 12. Intimates. This diversity would (doubtless) not only puzzle the ordinary Jews, (with their Priests and Levites, who said Hag. 1.2. Sometime, the time is not yet come) but even Daniel himself (in his consulting with Books, Dan. 9.1,2.) had he not been an Extraordinary Prophet. 345. And we do not find that this Daniel returned with the rest from the Captivity, (not upon that sordid account that the posterity of Selah did, who preferred their Service to the King of Babylon, above the Privileges of the Land of Promise, 1 Chron. 4.22,23. nor because he doubted the time was not yet come, as those forenamed) but to promote the cause of God's People (in his old age) which met with many obstructions for a Eleven years, from the first of Cyrus, to the second of Darius Hystaspes, and which made the People say, (the time is not yet come, Hag. 1.2.) they had several Returns; One under Zerubabel, Ezr. 2.2. Another under Ezra, Ezr. 8.1. (besides that of Nehemiah) all which made the Account obscurer. 346. It follows then, if there were so much difficulty in computing those Numbers, (both of Israel's bondage in Egypt, and of their Captivity in Babylon, whereof there were infallible Chronologies, and infallible Prophets to interpret them) If (I say) there were any mistakes then, about the commencement and determination of those years, (as the time is come, and the time is not come) it must not be wondered at now, if so many Learned men have mistaken in the Calculation of those Apocaliptick Numbers, wherein (besides their own fallibility in placing the head of their Accounts) the Uncertainty of Human History, makes it more difficult. 347. And here I shall take occasion to show, that Antichrist is not looked on as a domestic Foe, (according to the Notion in Paragr. 304) for his afflicting the Church, is compared to the bondage of Egypt, and Captivity of Babylon, (both which were Extrinsic, not Intrinsic Foes) hence the Plagues on the Kingdom of the Beast, bears proportion with those on Egypt: Compare Revel. 16.2. with Exod. 9.10.11. Deut. 28.27.35. and Revel. 16.12. compared with Jerem. 50.38. and 51.32. besides Rome is called Egypt and Babylon; Yea, and Romanists are called Gentiles, (which are not domestic Foes) Revel. 11.2. being Idolaters as they were. 348. Now come I to the positive part, which I call so, as it is contradistinct to the negative (which was last discussed) not because I intent to be positive or peremptory herein, but rather, laying aside both Confidence and Curiosity, I shall declare what I judge most probable, and consonant to Scripture (about the fall of Antichrist) with all sobriety; not so much Thetically, as Hypothetically. Not by Positions so much as by Suppositions; and the cogent necessity hereof lays in those 3 Salvoes forenamed, to wit, the uncertainty of Chronology, the variety of Periods, and the difficulty (even) of Scriptural Computations expressly declared by God, and now already fulfilled by him. 346. If there be controversy about beginning those Accounts (though of Dispensations that are past, and of Promises that are fulfilled) amongst the best Chronologers at this day: How much more difficult must it needs be, to pitch upon a certain period of Time for the fall of Antichrist, which is a dispensation yet to come, and the promise hereof only expected to be accomplished. The highest attainment of notions herein, can but amount to a probable Conjecture, and the many Mistakes of good Men (that are extant at this day) doth much confirm it, [Aliena errata me cautum faciunt.] Other men's mistakes make me wary. 350. To find out therefore by Scripture-light what I conceive most probable about this great Subject, I shall wave those numbers of Daniel (which so many have insisted on, as before manifested) because they are obvious to sundry Exceptions, (As that they have already had their accomplishment in Antiochus, etc.] and keep to the Apocaliptick number, against which no such exception can be made. 351. The Apocaliptick Number being taken for granted, to hold out the undoubted Term or Lease of Antichrists Reign in the world, to wit, 42 Months which (being dissolved by Reduction into days, allowing 30 days to a month, according to the old account) make up the just sum of 1260 Days. Those two Computations (of 42 Months and 1260 Days) being granted to be one and the same, for though they be mentioned apart in Rev. 12.6. & ch. 13.5. yet are those two numbers put together in Rev. 11.2,3. that by this linking them together all doubt might be taken away in accounting the 42 Months to be the same Computation with 1260 Days. 352. And it being taken [pro Concesso] likewise, that those 1260 Days are not Solar days (either Natural of 24 hours, or Artificial, from Sun-rise to Sunset) but Prophetical days, as in daniel's Week or 7 Days, which signify 7 Years. Dan. 9.24,26. So 30 Days for 30 Y. and 1260 Days for 1260 Years (as 70 seven-nights of Days signify in the Prophet 490 Y.) thus also in Ezek. 4.5,6. and Num. 14.34. ut supra. Upon this Hypothesis I build my Conjecture about the Ruin of Antichrist, granting him (according to God's Lease to him) 1260 Y. to continue in the World. 353. Now for guiding us in this intricate Labyrinth of Reckoning the continuance of Antichrists Kingdom, the Holy Ghost hath given us some certain Hints and Intimations, which (like Ariadne'e Thread) may help us herein: for the greatest knot of difficulty in this Work hath evermore been acknowledged, to find out where to foot the account. Now may we but meet with direction from Scripture, where the Epocha or Root of this Account must begin, it will be manifest enough where to end it: namely at the Expiration of those 1260 Years. CHAP. XIII. 354. THe first of those Scriptural Hints or Intimations for footing our Account, is in Rev. 17.12. from the rising of the 10 Kingdoms. The Holy Ghost saith expressly there, that the ten Kings should receive power (as Kings) one hour with the Beast; which phrase implies, that they both had their Rise about the same time, and in the same Age, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] is, in some Readins, at one hour, as in Joh. 4.52. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] is translated at the 7th hour; and this Reading plainly imports, that the 10 Kings risen with the Beast, and the Beast risen with the 10 Kings at one and the same hour; the 10 Kings be the 10 Horns of the Beast that beareth them. 355. And though (in the course of Nature) horns do grow up after the Beast be come forth into the World; yet 'tis not so in this monstruous Beast, for he brings his horns with him, Rev. 13.1. the Beast that bears the Horns, and the 10 Horns rise together at one hour: and now our work is to make enquiry when the Ten horn received their power 〈◊〉 Kings. Chronicles doth show us, how the Goths and Vandals broke off from the Imperial Yoke sundry Nations which were subject to it, and gave opportunity to set up those ten Kingdoms, which remain in Europe to this day. 356. Those ten Horns risen not all at once, but gradually (as was observed before of the Beast that bears them) now the first rising of any of those Horns, was in the days of the Emperor Honorius about the Y. of Christ 410. when the Emperor (being driven away from his Imperial Seat by those barbarous Nations) was constrained for the recovering of Rome again, to allow them by Covenant to set up a Kingdom in France (that was the 1st Horn) and about the Y. 415. the same Honorius was forced to allow the like in Spain, and by the Y. 456. all the 10 Horns (who gave their Kingdoms to the Beast) were up. 357. This is not only confirmed to us by Sigonius, Sleidan, Orosius, Alsted, Pareus, etc. but also by the Jesuit Petavius, in his Rationarii Temporum parte primâ, lib. 6. pag. 275. writing thus, [Alaricum ut averteret Honorius, Gallias & Hispanias ei concessit, etc.] Now after that Gensericus the Vandal had spoiled Rome, about the Year 456. or not much after, not only those two Horns of France and Spain were extant, but the whole Empire appeared to be divided into ten Kingdoms, which 〈◊〉 had all one mind, and gave their power and strength to the Beast, Rev. 17.13. that he should rule in their Dominions, and so though they had the title of Kings, yet they obeyed, rather than ruled. 358. Now if we take this hint and character of the Holy Ghost, and reckon from it, not from the appearance of the first of those Horns about 410. (though then was laid the foundation of the Beasts Kingdom) but from the time that all the 10 Horns were set up (for he is represented in his Rising as a complete Beast, having 7 Heads (to plot with) and 10 Horns (to push with against the Church of God) those ten horns or Kingdoms must set up Antichrist, and those ten Horns were all come forth about the Y. 456. to which, if we add those 1260 Y. it will make Antichrists period to fall out about 1716. 359. I must acknowledge this Rev. 17.12. will admit of various Interpretations, as this [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] may be taken indefinitely, for a short space, as in those Phrases [this is your hour, and the power of darkness, Luke 22.53. and (the hour of temptation Rev. 3.10.) and though we take it thus, it is yet comfortable; for neither the Pope nor his ten Horns shall abide for ever, 'tis but for a short space, v. 10. but for an hour, 'tis but short to God, though long to us: and [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] may be read after the Beast, as signifying, those ten Kingdoms risen after Antichrist; but we read it not so, and however 'tis not long after, 'tis but an hour after; they both rise in the same Age, this Beast puts forth his horns betimes. 360. The 2d Hint or Intimation, the Holy Ghost gives to us to guide our reckoning herein, is in 2 Thess. 2.5,6,7. the removal of the Roman Empire from the Seat of the Beast, that was [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] hindered his Revelation, though the Apostle doth not specify it, for exasperating the persecuting Emperors (who promised to themselves [aeterna Romae] or eternity of Imperial Rule) against the poor Christians, as Austin, Jerom, etc. very probably affirm: now as the rising of the 10 Horns is contemporary with Antichrist, so is the removal of this Impediment of his Revelation, as the Apostles [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 time] and [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then] here do plainly intimate. 361. This is such an undeniable Argument, that the Romanists (themselves) not only acknowledge it, but makes it also a ground of their Objection against us (that Antichrist is not yet come; which hath been answered in Paragraph 154, 155. suprà & 185. together with the 10th Clause of the Induction: 56. & 130. to 138. The time of this removal therefore must be the very [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] or point of time, wherein this term of 1260 Y. must be footed, because it is the time, wherein he was revealed, and the Computation must be (not from his 1st Rising to be) but from that Rising which was his Revelation. 362. Hierome (who lived in the times of the first Incursion of the barbarous Nations into Italy, etc. and wrote so complainingly of it, (dying in the Y. 420.) he when he saw Rome taken, and those Barbarians rending in pieces the Western Empire, said then in those times (in his Epistle ad Ageruch.) [qui tenebat, de medio sublaturus est, & non intelligimus Antichristum appropinquare] he seeing the Empire breaking, said, that Antichrist must needs be at hand: our work then is to find out the time, when Rome was relinquished by the Emperors in point of Government, and seized on by the Pope, that must be the head of the Account. 363. Now in this Enquiry we may observe, first that Antichrist risen up to a manifestation upon the ruins of the Roman Empire, this is proved not only from this 2 Thess. 2.6,7. [he that letteth, must be taken away] but from Rev. 13.1,11. [the Beast arises not till the Dragon be cast down (Rev. 12.) and the Dragon's seat is resigned to him, Rev. 13.2.] Yea and from Rev. 17.9,10,11. [five are fallen, and one is] to wit, the Caesars in John's time, the falling of one Head, was the rising of another till the last. 2ly. Observe the Roman Empire began its ruin after the death of Theodosius the first, when it was rend in twain betwixt his two Sons, the Eastern part to Arcadius, and the Western to Honorius (who was socordis ingenii, of a slothful disposition) under whom Rome was taken by the Barbarians. 364. Observe 3ly. that the Western Caesar (which was the 6. Head, as to Rome) did fall down in that fatal diminutive name of Augustulus (whom Petavius calls Momyllus) in the Y. of Christ 476. then (saith the Jesuit) [Imperium Occidentale desitum est] this Western Empire was forsaken, which after moldered into an ignoble Exarchate, whose Seat was not Rome, but Ravenna. See for this Petavius, Rationarii Temporum pars 1. lib. 6. pag. 304. & lib. 7. pag. 346. (that is good Proof which is fetched from an Adversary) and Alsted. Eucuclop. lib. 20. cap. 22. pag. 3012. Thus the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, or let being removed, and the Seat (as it were) resigned. Antichrist had a fair opportunity to reveal himself to be the seventh Head. 365. And whereas, it may be said here that the Pope of Rome (for many Years after that this Roman Hesperus was set in Augustulus) did surrogate the Kings of France (who were afterwards of Germany) into the name and title of Caesar's. I answer, in usurping his Authority of surrogating and deputing of Caesar's, he revealed himself to be Antichrist, besides the Mystery of keeping up the name of the Caesars, was to gull the world that the 6. Head was still standing, and that he might not appear to be the last Head. Now if we take this hint and reckon as high as we can, from Augustulus (as some do) 476. added to 1260. make 1736. a Date longer than before. This account of 1736. (cùm exibunt tempora Bestiae, si ducantur ab Augustulo) Mr. Mede was much taken with. See his Letter to the Bishop of Armagh, in Diatribe 4. pag. 334. he shows that the Chronology of the Samaritan Pentateuch (set out by Dr. Ʋsher) makes that year 1736. to make up the 6000. year of the World, and then the Sabbatical 1000 or Millenary to begin. 366. The 3d Intimation the Holy Ghost gives us for a right Computing the time of Antichrist is, in Rev. 12.3. [from the healing of the deadly wound] the Beast had 7 heads, which are explained to be 7 Hills, or 7 Kings and Monarchies, Rev. 17.9,10. for his extraordinary Sovereignty: now the wound that was given him, was by a Sword, Rev. 13.14. which could not be made in any of the Hills (whereon the Beast was placed) but in one of those Monarchies: and it cannot be meant, that the wound was made in the 6. Head (either Pagan or Christian Emperors as before, Parag. 314.) for that wound was never healed again, as the Jesuit Petavius and others unanimously acknowledge. 267. It follows then, that this wound must be found in the 7th Head, this Pontifex Maximus, that makes himself the Head of the Church (which the Caesars, Constantine and Theodosius utterly disclaimed) yea, and the wound seemed mortal and incurable [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, as if wounded to death] which Alaricus (in the 19 Y. of Caesar Honorius) gave this Head, insomuch that the Beast locked up himself in his den at Ravenna; the Church was then beheaded, and yet the wound was made deeper, and more desperate by Ataulphus (who would have changed the name of Rome into his own name [Ataulphas] and by Gensericus, Odoacer, Theoderick and Totilas. As Rome began in a diminutive name, to wit, Romulus (which would not be called Romula, from her Founder, for the fatality of that name, but Roma) so her Empire ended in another diminutive, in Augustulus by Odoacer, and made wholly desolate by Totilas. 367. This was such a Wound, that this 7th Head which had been long striving for universal Supremacy, and to be Lord Paramount in the World, was under an universal Neglect, and himself utterly discouraged: for the Eastern Emperor (with whom he had fallen out before, about Images) though invited, refused to be an healer of his Wound; and all Nations began to despise this Head, that was now become a servant to Barbarians. 369. Thus we see the wounded Head here to be no other than the 7th Government, to wit, the Pope which makes up the first Argument (against those Opinions forecited) that the 1st Beast hath relation to Antichrist in this Rev. 13. a 2d Argum. to prove this, is drawn from the description of the 1st Beast: as (1st) in his blasphemous mouth (blaspheming both the Lord of the house and the house of God, and those that dwell therein (where can this be found more than in this Antichrist, who blasphemes (1) against the Name of God, not only in assuming to himself Gods divine incommunicable Properties, but ascribing Divine honour to Images, as Esa. 65.7. & Ezek. 20.27,28. and in his pardons for Sin, Mark 2.7. 370. 2ly. He also blaspheems God's Tabernacle, which is either the natural Body of Christ (who is said to tabernacle amongst us, Joh. 1.14. & 2.19. Heb. 9.11.) by his Transubstantiating Priests, adoring Bread for Christ, or this Tabernacle is the mystical Body of Christ (which is the Church, 1 Cor. 3.19.) by his reproaching it under the names of Conventicles and Schismatical companies: yea, and those Saints that are in Heaven do not escape his blasphemies, in his putting upon them Divine honour, not only Invocating them, but also dedicating both Days and Temples to them: (2ly.) the Pope is like this first Beast (as in blasphemy) so in Persecution v. 7. and thus the Waldenses in the 12. Century (whom the Pope persecuted) understood him to be this very Beast, saying to his Champions, we know ye must overcome us, for God hath said, the Beast shall make war with the Saints, and overcome them, Rev. 13.7. 371, A third Argument to prove Antichrist this Beast is, from his Identity with the 2d Beast, which all acknowledge to be Antichrist, for Antichrist doth not always appear in one shape, but sometimes in one shape, and sometimes in another; sometimes as Dominus in Temporalibus, and so he makes himself the Moses of Israel, and at other times, as Dominus in Spiritualibus, and so he becomes their Aaron or Highpriest. and though he got his Temporal power after his Spiritual (so 'tis the younger of the two) yet it is first represented, as Moses (the younger Brother) is placed before Aaron the Elder. 372. This Opinion may not seem improbable, that both the 2 Beasts hold out one Antichrist: for the first reason is, one Elephant (propter ingentem magnitudinem, quâ instar plurium est) for his vast bigness, is called Behemoth (Job 40.15.) which is the Hebr. plur. foem. as if many Beasts in one, why may not this great Monster (Antichrist) be resembled by two Beasts, who indeed is a compound of many beasts (all Heresies centring in him) or a Beast of beasts (as the Song of songs) by way of Eminency: and as the Elephant is said to be the chiefest of the ways of God, Job 40.19. so Antichrist is chiefest of the ways of Satan, 2 Thess. 2.9. ut suprá. 373. The (2d) reason (that makes it probable) is, if the first Beast do not hold out Antichrist, than the Holy Ghost hath not (at all) set down the term of Antichrists continuance in the World; which is contrary to the whole current of Expositors, who all understand the Term of Antichrists Reign to be included in the 42 Months, or 1260 days or years of the first Beast. Now we do not find any such express terms of Time about the 2d Beast, how long he shall continue: as to that number of the Beast 666. I have showed at large (ut supra) that it cannot hold out the Number of his Beginning nor of his Ending, which a little Arithmetic or Human Wisdom might easily compute, and this is not called Wisdom with God, the wisdom of this World is foolishness with God, 1 Cor. 1.20. 374. But lastly the third Reason which renders it most probable is, that those two Beasts are one and the same, because there is but one Beast mentioned in Rev. 17.8. (which is the Holy Ghosts interpretation of the Beast, spoken of in the 13. chap.) he doth not speak of two Beasts, but (the Beast which thou saw, etc.) as in Daniel, the interpretation of the Visions follows the Visions themselves, so doth Rev. 17. interpret the Vision of the Beast in chap. 13. yea, Mr. Medes (notion of the 10 Popish Kings) and Mr. Cottons (of the Cathol. Church) makes a complex Antichrist. 375. Those things being premised, I come more clearly to speak of the healing of this deadly wound in this 6th Head, which we find in History, to be done not per saltum, but gradually, as an old wound (of an 140 Y. standing) required: the first Plaster that was applied to it, was by Justinian the Emperor, in the 5. Century, not only by the Expulsion of the Barbarians out of Italy by his two Generals, Bellisarius and Narses, but especially by his Constitutions (called Novellae & Authenticae) wherein the Decree was, that the Bishop of old Rome according to the Canons of the holy Counsels should have the Primacy of all Priests. 376. But assuredly it was never perfectly healed, till Phocas (the Parricide) closed up the wound about the year 606. granting to Boniface the third, that he should be Ecumenical Bishop (having all the World for his Diocese) and chief in honour as well as in Order, (hic Imperator facinorosus Pontifici Romano omnia indulgebat, ut facinora sua expiaret) Phocas yielded to the Pope (who insinuated into his favour) this Superiority: Those two Beasts, or beastly Men licked each other, and the Head was so perfectly cured by him, that presently all the World wondered after it, when thus recovering of its wound. Now the term of 42 Months or 1260 Y. being given to the Beast after the healing of this wounded Head; 'tis an hint (I say) that we must reckon from Phocas his healing it in Y. 606. which brings his fall still lower to 1866. 377. There is a fourth Intimation, which (because it is a Criticism) I shall not insist on, to wit, Rev. 13.5. power was given [to continue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, to make war 42. months'] as v. 7. he made war against the Saints, so that all Antichrists term shall be a Warring against the Church: now from this hint we are to inquire when Antichrist began his war, wherein Blood was shed, and Cities destroyed (as the Gr. word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 much blood) this was not till the 12. Century ag. the Waldenses, for 1. he was admired, 2. spoke great things, and lastly warred, this brings it still lower, but because [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] is not in some Copies, it is not in Montanus, nor in the Syriack, nor in the , nor in the vulgar Latin. I insist not upon it. 378. Yet allowing our own Reading, as Authentic, (because it is not safe to allow of Corruptions in Originals, seeing the Arabic Reading hath it [making War] it plainly holds out, that the Beast had this Lease of 42. Months given him; not only to be admired in the World, and in the Superstitious minds of his Worshippers for so long a time; yea, and not only to speak great things with his blasphemous mouth, in his Pardons and Thundering excommunications for such a term also: but likewise to make War against the Church, (as War is taken largely and not strictly) seeing that all those Three are joined together by the Holy Ghost, and 'tis so expressly mentioned (in our Greek Copy) Power was given him to make War 42. Months, Rev. 13.4,5. 379. The whole Reign of the Beast, is [quodam modò] a certain kind of War and opposition against the Church: for the Devil is her restless Adversary, and never departs from her, but as he departed from her Lord, only for a season, Luk. 4.13. once in the Month he will be sure to assault her, and thus he makes the Beast fulfil those 42. Prophetical Months, though there may be some lucida intervalla (some Respite.) Thus the Red-Dragon makes three Assaults or Persecutions, in Revel. 12. The first is against the Manchild (which that glorious Primitive Church, (clothed with the Sun, etc.) after many strong Prayers for a Nursing Father in the Empire, and after ten sharp Throes in the 10. Persecutions) brought forth, Chap. 12. v. 4. 380. The second Assault was against the Woman (or Church itself) that brought forth this Manchild, after he was caught up to God, and to his Throne, v. 5. and the Dragon being cast out, v. 9.13. Thus when Constantine (that Manchild) had destroyed the Dragon, than did the Dragon cast out of his mouth a Flood of Arrianism to drown the Woman. But the third Assault was against the Woman's Seed, or Remnant, v. 17. (that kept Gods Commandments) by the Antichristian Beast, Ch. 13. 'tis said, he went to make War with them, Chap. 12.17. which is the same word in Ch. 13.5. [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] so that the Beasts Reign is called a making War with the Seed of the Church. 381. This War or Persecution against the Remnant of the Seed, Antichrist began betimes after he had got his Kingdom, (as our Martyrologies do show) in all those ten Kingdoms that belonged to his Jurisdiction, for he had the Sword of those ten Horns at his Command, to War against this Remnant withal: Those Kings were to fulfil Antichrists will, Revel. 17.17. and was like so many Vassal-Kings under the Beast, to go and do at his bidding; Such a Check and Command he had over them, as the Centurion had over his Soldiers, Matth. 8.9. 382. If Antichrist say to this King [Go,] he presently Goeth, if to Another [Come,] he Come: If to a Third [do this] he must do it, if he bid any of those Horns, Go, push this Remnant, Go, Strike them with your Sword, They must fulfil his will, right or wrong: If he bid them, Go make War against Turks or Heretics, they went, as appears in the Holy-War, (so called) and in the Church's Persecutions: he had also his Emissaries (those Fryar-Frogs) that stirred up People (with promises of universal Pardons) to persecute Heretics, Rev. 16.13.14. yet all this amounts not to a formal War, (Strictly taken) the formalis Ratio of War, being a fight of several Battles betwixt two Parties, by force of Arms: Now though there were many butcheries and Massacres of the Saints from the Primitive times, yet properly no War till the 12. Century; for then the Waldenses took up Arms in their own just defence, (both as Men and as Christians) against the Popish Croisadoes. 383. There is a 5th. Intimation, to wit, The Woman's dwelling in the Wilderness, which Mr. Mede makes Contemporary with the Reign of the Beast, and to begin at the same Instant of time; 1. Because of the Equality of both their Times, (as 42. Months, and 1260. days being an Equal Number) therefore they must concur in the whole Intermediate space of Time, from beginning to ending: 2ly. Because upon her entrance into the Wilderness, she meets with this double Beast, the 10 Horned, and the two Horned one, to the former of which, the Dragon (standeth on the Seashore) gave his Power and Throne, as he saith. 384. But because this also is Encumbered with several Ambiguities, I dare not insist upon this neither; as 1. It doth not necessarily follow, that equal Times, must be the same Times, for bare Equality hinders not, but some of those Times may be before, and some after, and so have differing Dates; Therefore Mr. Mede confesses 'tis not Infallibly Concluding: 2ly. The Woman's flight into the Wilderness, if it Commence at Constantine's coming to the Crown, and the times of the Beast Synchronize with it, (as Holy Brightmen opinion was Par. 285.) this makes the Beasts Expiration long before 'tis found really to be so by Experience: Exitus acta probat. 385. A 3d. Encumbrance that this Intimation seems to be perplexed with, is, that there seems to be a double Computation of the Woman's flight into the Wilderness, one before the Battle was fought, Revel. 12.6. for the Battle is related after in ver. 7.8.9. the End of which was, there was no place for the Dragon in Heaven: the other was after, when the two wings of an Eagle was given to her, ver. 14. (as Mr. Cotton observes) so then this double Computation, must needs make the time of the Reign of the Beast the more Ambiguous: and 4ly. If Mr. Medes Notion hold, that the two wings (given to the Woman) were the two Caesars of the Empire, divided into East and West, by whose help she got into the Wilderness: Then the latter Computation of her flight, must not be till after Theodosius, for the division of the Empire [into East and West] stood not, till his two Sons came to inherit them. 386. But then 5ly. The Flood of Arrianism must precede the Rising of the Beast, which took up a great Interspace after the destroying of the Dragon: This Heresy continued some hundreds of years, and was a long time publicly received in the Church, spreading itself universally East and West, from thence Jerom [Ingemuit totus Orbis, & see Arrianum miratus est] and persecuting the Orthodox, (under Constantius) beyond all the Pagans, till the Earth (which helped the Woman, Revel. 12.16.) of the Barbarous Nations providentially broke this Arrian Faction: Thus this Synchronism wants not Ambiguities. 387. And (Ignotum per Ignotius) a dark by a darker, can never be any good demonstrative Argument, to find out the certainty of any Postulatum or Question whatsoever: Those Ambiguities both about the Beasts War, and about the Woman's flight, makes them the less demonstrative: for there seems to be a double account of both; Of the Beast's War one is, against the Remnant, when the Church was got from the Dragon into the Wilderness, (as Israel from Pharaoh into the desert) then began that War with her Seed, that could not get into the Wilderness with her, so had not Temples nor Prophets to feed and nourish them, (as the Church in the Wilderness had, Revel. 12.6.14.) but served God privately without either Meetings or Ministry, (as some say) in Antichrists Dominions. 388. And that Decree which Pope Innocent the first made (to wit, that (omnes Hereticos esse Vi cogendos) all Heretics must be compelled by force) was a fair foundation for, and an Introduction to that force of Arms which Antichrist used afterwards against the Saints, under the name of Heretics in all his Dominions: the other War is not only described in the Parties against whom it is raised, but also in the success of it, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] Saints are the Party against whom, and Victory is the Success of the Beasts War, whereof no mention is made in the former, if we compare Revel. 12.17. with Revel. 13.5.7. in all which 3 places, this phrase [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] is used, Revel. 13.5. holds out the Term of the War, Revel. 12.17. the War itself, and Revel. 13.7. names not only the Seed, (Saints) but the Success too. 389. Thus as we have a double account of the Beasts War, so likewise of the Woman's flight into the Wilderness, (as before) therefore can we not so fully fix upon either of those two last Intimations, unless we could find out the [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉,] the Article and point of time, when those double computations began, wherein I must confess myself to be at a loss, and the more, because I am at this day deprived of the help of my own Library: may we but fully inform ourselves of the exact Epochas and beginnings of all those Hints aforesaid, it would bring not a little light to this intricate Question: the full discovery of which I must refer to men of greater abilities and opportunities for Chronology. 390. There is also a 6th. Intimation, to wit, the treading under foot of the outer Court (or holy City) by the Gentiles, for the time of 42. Months, Revel. 11.2. which is the very express Term of the Lease of the Beast, as Revel. 13.5. Mr. Mede makes this likewise to Contemporize with the Beast, having one and the same beginning and ending, not only because of the Equality of their times, (as before) but also because of the Identity of their Expiration; for when the great Earthquake hath destroyed the Imperial City, and with it the Kingdom of the Beast, Rev. 11.13. and the Kingdoms become the Lords, v. 15. those very Gentiles that had trodden underfoot the holy City so long, are then cast out, at which they are enraged, v. 18. 391. The outward Court and the holy City, Mr. Mede makes to be Synonimus and mutually to expound themselves because the outward Court was the place of Worship for the People of the holy City: as the Inner Court was for the Priests and Levites: And those Gentiles that tread it down, are not Pagans, but Papagans, which are Idolaters like unto the Gentiles, who are also called Sodom and Egypt, yea, and the Synagogue of Satan ●… those shall possess the Holy City or Europe, (the allotted Seat of the Church) they shall tread under foot the outward Face of the visible Church, for 42. Months. 392. Now could we but find out the beginning of this treading down of the Holy City, this would guide us (as by a Synchronism) to the time of Antichrists fall; but I shall not insist upon this neither: not only, because a late Learned Critic makes this casting out of the Outward Court to the Gentiles, a Dispensation under the 6th. Trumpet, and in the last times of Antichrist, as if he should recover all those Kingdoms again, (before his fall) that have made a protestation against him, hence are they called Protestants, and not to contemporize with him from first to last; but also, because this hath such a fair Coincidency with the time of the Witnesses in Sackcloth, which I purpose to speak more largely to in the next place. CHAP. XIV. 393. I Come now to the 7th. and last Intimation, for guiding of us into this intricate point about the fall of Antichrist; to wit, the Sackcloth Prophecy of the two Witnesses, which to be Contemporary with the Dominion of the Beast, none ever denied, but that the Sixth Trumpet ends them both, is granted of all: so having one and the same term of time, it necessary follows, they must both begin together: the Witnesses must begin their mourning Prophecy, when Popery and Antichristianism gins, unto both which the 7th. Trumpet puts a final Period: So that may we find out the Epocha of their Sackcloth Prophecy, it will give great light to the time of Antichrists fall. 394. This Prophecy of the two Witnesses may be truly called crux Interpretum, it hath put so many Learned and Holy Men to a kind of torture in the Interpretation of it: and we may say of this Scripture, (as Maldonate of another Scripture) Locus facilior, si nemo exposuisset: It hath been so ruffled with variety of Interpretations, that they have made it seem darker by their Various and Heterogenal Conjectures. God hath left many places of Scripture dark to our understandings: nè illas Scripturas semel lectas fastidiremus, that we should not disdain the plainness of it, Austin, yet may we not make bawds of our own wit, to beget our own senses on Scripture, for that is to break the bones of the Lamb, and to do Violence to the Law of God, Zeph. 3.4. we should carry no sense to Scripture, but only fetch one from it. 395. That God had his Witnesses all along the Reign of Antichrist is manifest, by John's measuring out a Church for God, under the Antichristian Persecution; to wit, the Church in the Wilderness (as before) Ruled by the Reed of God's Word, and fed by the two Prophets there, [Revel. 12.6,14. that they, to wit, those two Prophets should feed her] though not fully feast her, in her Wilderness-state: and those Witnesses should have the Temple given them in the Desert, while Antichrist exercises his Idolatrous Worship in the Outward Court and Holy City, wherein true Christian profession and Worship hath been before. 396. Those witnesses (which are (in general terms) called the holy People, Dan. 12.7. and must be scattered and slain before all these things of Antichrist be fulfilled) are largely described in the 11th of Rev. with many particular and distinct Characters. An inspection into which, may contribute some light in our enquiry after the Epocha or Beginning of this Sackcloth-prophecy, which doth so exactly commensurate the times of the Beasts dominion, their slaughter being the last by't of the Beast, as Christ's death slew death, the Distich is, Mors mortis morti mortem nisi morte dedisset, Aeternae vitae janua clausa foret. So the death of Christ's Witnesses brings death on the Beast that slew them. 397. In this description observe 1. their Names, 2. their Number, 3. their Condition, 4. their Actions, 5. their Death or end, and 6. their Resurrection. 1st. Their Names, which are not proper but appellative being two, 1. Witnesses, 2. Prophet's: 1st. they are called Witnesses, as being in all Ages to witness against Antichrist, and to testify to the Truth, but most eminently ('tis probable) in the last Age, when they come to be slain for their Testimony. 2ly. They are called Prophets, v. 10. because they not only taught People to worship God according to his Rule (so the Church in the Wilderness all along nourished with the sincere Milk of the Word Rev. 12.6,14.) but also foretold the fall of Antichrist out of the Word. 398. 2ly. Their Number, two, which is the lowest number (for one is but the Root of numbers) to show the paucity of them that witness to the Truth under Antichrists Reign, and that is intimated in Rev. 11.1,2,3. where the inner Court is only reserved for the Holy People that keepeth the Truth, when the outward Court (a large spacious place) is given up to Antichrist: for the Witnesses should be as few as the Priests and Levites that worshipped in the Inner Court, in comparison of Antichristian Idolaters that worshipped in the Outward, Luk. 12.32. Rev. 1.6. Priests to God. 399. And yet they should not be so few, as to be below a full Confirmation of the Truth, for two witnesses are sufficient to confirm any truth, Deut. 17.6. Mat. 18.16. 2 Cor. 13.1. God order it so by his overruling Providence, that his truth shall not be starved; (no, not in the worst of times) by want of Witnesses, or a sufficient Confirmation: or this number two is an Allusion to those 3 famous Pairs, the first to Moses and Aaron (the Church's Prophets in Egypt and the Wilderness) 2ly. to Elijah and Elisha (Prophets to Israel under the Idolatry of Baal, when the Church was not visible, and only 7000. left that was hid in Corners) 3ly. to Zerubbabel and Joshua (Prophets in Babylon, and in Rebuilding the Temple. 400. That there is such an Allusion in this Number to those 3 famous Couples it is probable, because in the following description [the turning of waters into blood, and smiting the earth with Plagues often, v. 5.] hath relation to the first of them, Moses and Aaron: and [shutting up heaven, and destroying Men by fire, v. 5, 6. to Elijah and Elisha, and the Olive-trees and Candlesticks] to Joshua and Zerubbabel. v. 4. Zech. 4.3,11,14. The 3d thing in the description of their Condition, 'twas sad and mournful, Sackcloth is the covering that is worn in bad times, Amos 8.9,10. 2 Kin. 6.30. they mourn in Sackcloth (while Antichrist triumphs in his Silken Copes and costly Garments) and all, because Idolatry hath spread itself so fast and so far, and because of the troubles of the true Church. 401. 4ly. Their Actions which they performed (with that power which the Lord gave them) were eminent Exploits, and that of two sorts: one against Antichrist, and the other for the Church: 1st. against Antichrist, they have power to do very great things, which carrying such a fair correspondency with the 4 first Vials in Rev. 16. hath made a late learned Critic take those exploits of the Witnesses to be the pouring forth of the 4 first Vials, as 1. Plagues on the Earth, v. 6. ch. 11. (as in the first Vial, Rev. 16.2.) 2ly. Water into blood, v. 6. (as in the 2d Vial, ch. 16.3. and in the 3d Vial, v. 4.) and 3ly. A tormenting of Men with fire, as in the 4th Vial, chap. 11.15. with chap. 16.8. 402. Which Interpretation, though very ingenious, yet seems it to me a little doubtful, not only because (1st.) the Order of the Vials is inverted by it, [as the plagues on the earth, the first of the Vials, is the last in this description of the exploits of the Witnesses, and tormenting by fire, the first of those Exploits, is the last of the 4. Vials.] But 2ly. it seems somewhere too narrow, in leaving out that eminent action of shutting Heaven up from rain, which none of the 4 first Vials correspond with. And 3ly. somewhere too wide, in making one of those exploits to comprehend two distinct Vials, to wit, the 2d and 3d. to say nothing of the time of fixing them. 403. The service (2ly) which they do for the Church is, 1st. a power of Prophesying, whereby they both instructed the Church in the knowledge of the Truth, and comforted her by predicting the ruin of Rome, which, notwithstanding all her rage against the Church, could not yet deprive her of the help of those Witnesses, for God gave them power to Prophesy all Antichrists Reign: 2ly. to supply the Church with Oil sufficiently, that is, with Grace enough for this hard time of Persecution, that they might not be like the foolish Virgins, whose lamps went out for want of Oil. 404. The two Olive-trees [and] the two Candlesticks, some reads The two Olive-trees [with] the two Candlesticks [with for [and] justifying that Reading from that in 1 Sam. 14.18. where [and] is read [with] the Children of Israel: because Candlesticks in Rev. 1. 20. is meant Churches, and though the Churches were 7. then in John's time yet Antichrist reduced them to two, and yet those two should be supplied with grace to hold out all the wills of God, Acts 13.22. those two Sons of Oil (the Witnesses) are not branches but Trees to nourish their Graces in that evil day, and to pour in Oil into their Lamps continually, which was Aaron's work, Exod. 27.20. 405. The fifth particular in the description of the Witnesses, is their slaughter and death, wherein consider 1st. the time when, 2ly. the place where, and 3ly. the manner how. 1. Of the time when; the Holy Ghost tells us, when they shall have finished their Testimony, Rev. 11.7. when their Prophecying-work is done, for if God had given them power to Prophesy longer, as v. 3. they should have continued in their Prophesying work longer, Maugre the malice of all their enemies: God permits them to be slain because their Prophecying-work was done, thus their Lord and Master could not be slain till his hour was come, John 8.20. and in that hour of darkness he was put to death, Luk. 22.53. 406. Mr. Mede reads [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] when they shall be about to finish their Testimony, because the Greek Verb is not of the Preterperfect, but of the Future Aorist Tense (which is incertae significationis, of an uncertain time) making the time of this Slaughter to be, when part of the Holy City, or Christian World repent of their Idolatry, casts off the yoke of Antichrist, and reforms the Temple within themselves, the Witnesses getting heart by all this, gins to put off the Sackcloth, and to lay aside their Mourning Prophecy (which they have done ever since the Reformation) then comes the Beast (as it were, ascending afresh into the Throne) enraged with the success of their Mourning Prophecy, he overcomes and kills them. 407. Mr. Brightmen opinion was, that the slaughter of the Witnesses were passed, and fulfilled in the Smalcaldian War, in that great Overthrow of the Protestant Party by Charles the fift, Anno 1547. and in condemning the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament (which he makes the Witnesses) about that time in the Council of Trent, which is now above an hundred and twenty Years ago: other later Writers apply this Slaughter to those ruined Churches in Germany, in Bohemia Anno Dom. 1618. and in the Palatinate, 1621. and later in Piedmont at Lucerne about 1655. as Mr. Tillinghast. 408. Dr. Twiss Judgeth that this slaughter of the Witnesses hath been on foot many years ago, not by Judicial proceed only in the Martyrdom of God's Saints, but by the Sword of War also; 1. In the Low-countrieses by Duke d' Alva, then in France by the Guisses in that bloody Massacre of Admiral Coligni, and many Thousand Protestants, then in Germany as above: after that in Ireland, where some Hundred-thousands were butchered by the Irish Rebels, and since that in England by the Antichristian brood, with so manifest opposition unto Truth and Holiness, under a Protestant Prince, as (he thinks) the like was never known since the beginning of the World. 409. Though it be very Consentaneous to our minds to think this Slaughter over, yet seems it not to be so, to the Truth: who would not (saith Mr. Mede) much rather hope that so lamentable an accident to the Church were passed, than fear it, to be yet to come; but a mistake on that hand is more dangerous then on this: for the expectation of a future Calamity conduceth more to Piety, than an over-credulous Security thereof, as if it were already past. We are prone by nature to put the evil Day far from us, Amos 6.3. to keep on our watchtower in expectation of this Dispensation, doth most promote the power of Godliness. 410. There be several Arguments that Captivates my Judgement in this point, that the Witnesses are not yet slain, the 1st. Reason, 1. Before the Witnesses be slain, I conceive, their Testimony must be full, before it be finished. But in those Slaughters , and in those by Queen Mary in our Land, the Testimony that was given them, was to the Doctrine of Christ, but never (that I know of) to the Discipline of the word, which hath been the Controversy of our present Generation. 411. As the first Reason is taken from the want (in those former Slaughters) of a plenary Testimony; so the 2d. Reason is drawn from a Concomitancy of it▪ Various are the Concomitants that attend this Dispensation; as 1st. The pouring out of the 5th. Vial upon the Seat of the Beast, to darken Antichrists Kingdom, and to extinguish the glory of it; for this Slaughter is his last scattering of the holy People, with which he should accomplish his Time, Dan. 12.7. This shall be the last by't of the Beast, than his power to do (mischief) for 42. Month's shall End, at the same hour is a great Earthquake, Revel. 11.13. saith Mr. Mede, 2ly. It must be about the end of their Sackcloth-Prophecy, which evidently continues still, for God hath not said yet to his Witnesses, as he said to Joshuah, (coming out of Babylon) Take away those mournful Garments and give change of Raiment, Zech. 3.4. 412. And 3ly. upon the accomplishing of 3. Years and half, attends it also a glorious Resurrection, (which the Spirit of Life from God causeth, Setting them upon their Feet to Preach against Popery again, to the great confusion of their Enemies, Revel. 11.11.) yea, and a more glorious Ascension, into a more Excellent Church-state than before v. 12. those I call Concomitants, (not because they are so strictly taken) but because they fall within the Verge of that Dispensation, so as to evince those foresaid Slaughters in Germany, France, etc. not to be [the Slaughter] because no● thus attended: it being above an 100 Years since the Eldest, and far above 3. Years and half since the latest of them: and likewise because I would distinguish them from Remoter Providences. 413. The 3d. Reason is taken from the Consequences of it; as 1st. The passing away of the second woe, v. 14. which is the 6th. Trumpet, to wit, the Turkish Power and Tyranny, that stands in its full strength and height at this day, notwithstanding all those late Stones of the Jews Embodying themselves against it: 2ly. The blowing of the 7th. Trumpet, which comes quickly after the former, v. 14 and brings in the Kingdom of Christ, v. 15. now since the Smalcaldian War is 120. Y. yet Antichrist Reigns, (not Christ) Rome is in her Ruff, the Witnesses in their Sackcloth, and no foundation of any of the Praemisses apparently laid. 414. It is therefore safest for us not to flatter ourselves, as if this evil day were past and gone: for so long as the 5th. Vial is not poured out on the Seat of the Beast, Rev. 16.10. we may daily expect that the Beast will be pouring out some of the Vials of his Wrath on us, and it is not determined in Scripture what time this last War of the Beast shall take 〈◊〉 before he hath fully Conquered and Slaugh●…d them; which may be a Salvo to the ●…esaid opinions, that those Slaughters were ●…innings and parts of this last War. 415. And also a Salvo to a latter Opinion ●…en any of the aforesaid, to wit, that the late ●…ssion of Parliament which put forth the Godly Ministry out of place (as well as Ma●…racy) at one time, was the time of killing 〈◊〉 Witnesses, (which I shall speak more to 〈◊〉 the place of killing them) This also may 〈◊〉 looked on as some skirt (at least of the last ●…wer) of Antichrists Rage: but however, 〈◊〉 last War must end about 3. years and half before the downfall of Antichrist, (how long soever it continue) for otherwise it would ●ake an Inequality in the Synchronism betwixt ●…e 42. Months, and 1260. days, should it be ● litte before, or a little after. 416. Thus of the time of Slaying them: now 2ly. Of the place where the Witnesses be Slain, there they lie dead: now much controversy hath been about this Street, what it should be: Mr. Mede makes it the whole Territory of Rome's Dominion, taking 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the largest sense as Synonymical with the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chuts, which it oft Answereth in the Septuagint-translation, as he saith, Discoursing of it very Critically and Learnedly. 417. Graserus (a Judicious Divine) conceives this place of the Slaughter to be, (no● the whole Territory of Rome's Dominion) bu● the Universal States and Kingdoms of th● Protestant Religion: saying, [quod hacten●… per partes Impleri nunquam desiit, jam plenari●… & Universaliter perficietur] this Slaughter, that in some place or other never Ceased, but hath been in fulfilling by parts in every Kingdom where the Witnesses have been; but at last (he saith) there shall be a General total Eclipse of the Churches at once, for 3. years and half. 418. Mr. Tillinghast goes still narrower: looking upon this street to be Germany: as it is one of the ten Kingdoms, that belongs to the Beast: as if the great City consisted of 10. Streets and this to be one, as the 10th. part of that Dominion, this makes the Opinion probable that it shall be one of the ten Kingdoms, (as one of the ten Streets of the great City) especially considering how the great Earthquake strikes off a 10th. part from the great City, Revel. 11.13. which may well be one of those 10. Kingdoms, though not likely Germany, according to his Opinion, for the Slaughter he fixes on Germany, hath not been so attended as before, etc. 419. Another gives better Evidences, that this Street is Britain; 1. Because there be more for the purity of Discipline, distinct from the World in it, then in all other Kingdoms; ●…d where there be most Witnesses, there (in 〈◊〉 likelihood) must be the Slaying of them: ●…y. As Antiochus, so Antichrist shall plant 〈◊〉 Tabernacle of his Palace between the Seas, Dan. 11.45. and none of the 10. Kingdoms ●…ays so [Inter maria] between the Seas, as Britain does. 420. And to make it more probable, this late dispensation of slaying the Godly Magistracy and Ministry; as to their Office) might be further improved, praesupposing two things; 1st. that the Magistracy and Ministry be the two Witnesses, and 2ly. that their slaughter is but a Civil slaughter, but the first of those is doubtful, not only because the Witnesses are called Prophets (which is a title rarely given to Magistrates, neither is it their peculiar work to Prophecy, as of those) but also because we cannot find a Series of Magistracy, all-along testifying against Antichrist in every Century, as may be of the Ministry. 421. As to the 2d, concerning the civil Slaughter, I shall speak to in the next place [in the manner of it] adding only here, that the time of commencing that Act (by which the Magistracy and Ministry were excluded) to that great year of Expectation, 1666. (making up completely and exactly 3 Years and half) and Nations all that time warring against those Slaughterer's, to hinder them from burying the slain Witnesses, as Dutch, French, Dane, etc. made it more probable that this was the Place where, and that was the Time when the Witnesses were to be slain: but that those following Considerations doth (at least) counterbalance that Probability, and now, Event makes it seem improbable. 422. As 1st. That great year of Expectation is now fully expired, the Year 66. is gone, and the Witnesses are not only in their Sackcloth still, but lays slain in the street after that term without any Resurrection from that state, or Ascension into a better. Yea, and Rome also, after that Year, says still, I sit like a Queen, and am no Widow, and doth see no sorrow: No pouring out of the Vial on the Seat of the Beast is heard of, but that Year brings forth the Burning of London, where the Mystery of Godliness hath long flourished, and not the Burning of Rome, that Mystery of Iniquity. 423. 2ly. Consider whether a limiting of their slaughter to England be not over narrow and private an Interpretation, it being but a Shovelfull of Earth (as the K. of Spain once called it in his Haughtiness) a very small Island, in respect of the whole World: and we find Mr. Brightman blamed for his overmuch restrictiveness of Interpretation, in calling Lord Cecil, Lord Cromwell, and Bishop Cranmer those Angels in the Revelation, Fuller's Chur. Hist, 17. Cent. b. 10. pag. 50. which seems (he saith) to be unsuitable with the large concernment of Scripture, as if England (half an Island) were more considerable than all the World besides. 424. And 3ly. consider, the Witnesses must be slain (expressly) by the Beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit, Rev. 11.7. Now the Witnesses that have been accounted slain in England, were not slain by the Beast, but only by the Image of the Beast (for so is Prelacy esteemed) it was a Prelatical not a Popish power that slew them. 4ly. It may also be doubted, whether the Witnesses shall be slain by a Protestant Power, as well as in a Protestant State; because 'tis said Rev. 18.24. In Rome must be found the blood of those Prophets, and of all private Christians that are slain for Religion: what was said of Jerusalem [a Prophet cannot perish out of it,] so nor can those two Prophets perish out of Rome, they must be slain by a Popish (not a Protestant) Power; and so long as any State professes the Protestant Religion, they cannot be deemed the Beast that slaughters the Witnesses. 425. I confess, one hath an excellent Notion to qualify this, saying, there is a Generation of Men set forth as the Beasts last Champions, Rev. 15.2. who yet shall not (at least at the first) so openly allow the Beasts name and character, though they receive the number of his Name, and are therefore reckoned his, as truly as the other; and as the Pharisees (acknowledging again the foreign Power of Rome, Joh. 19.15.) slew Christ, that faithful Witness. So the Prelates advancing the Popish interest by Superstition, and Arminianism and by Canon Law and Discipline, as Mr. Cotton shows in Rev. 13. p. 260.) shall also slay Christ mystical in those Witnesles: yet the Event of (66) confirms not this Notion. 426. Then 5ly. it may be also considered, whether this civil slaying of the Witnesses in our Land be comprehensive enough to hold out the last Slaughter, which may be more than a civil Slaughter. And this brings me to the 3d thing, to wit, the manner how they must be slain: there be two manner of ways, how the Witnesses may be slain, 1. Civil, 2. Natural. 1. There be grounds of Hope, that it shall only be a civil Slaying: for 1. they must be slain as Witnesses (not as Men) and when those Prophets of Christ are silenced, and so put out of the way of witnessing, then are they slain as Witnesses. 427. A 2d ground of this Hope is, this accomplisheth Antichrists end, which is twofold, 1st. a rendering the Witnesses contemptible, this is obtained by putting them out of their Prophecying-work, for thereby they lay (as dead men in the street, Rev. 11.8.) like despised broken Idols, in whom there is no pleasure: and so is his 2d end too obtained by a civil Death, to wit, a freeing himself from their tormenting him, Rev. 10.11. which they did as Prophets (in their Prophecying-work) and not as Men. A 3d ground of this Hope is, their Slaughter shall be like their Resurrection, now as their resurrection is mystical and metaphorical, and not real (for no Resurrection (properly so called) can be before the Coming of Christ, under the 7th Trumpet) but this comes to pass while the 6th Trumpet is in being (as Mr. Mede shows) therefore their Slaughter then shall be civil. 428. A 4th ground is taken from the Beasts policy, who dare not martyr the Saints, as formerly, because he found that [sanguis Martirum was semen Ecclesiae.] Therefore it may be like that Persecution of Julian, who put none to death as Christians, but used other means to oppose Christ, not only by Fines and Ejections, but also by Flatteries and Preferments: and this is the more probable, because it was the method and manner of promoting Heathenism, just at its last extirpation in Julian: so may it be of promoting Antichristianism, just at its last and final extirpation. 129. A 5. Ground is that expression in Dan. 12.7. he shall accomplish to scatter the power of the holy People. It is called but a Scattering, the Hebr. word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Naphets, dispergere; The same word is used 1 Sam. 13.11. The People were scattered from me, they were not slain as men, but scattered as an Army; so this word denotes, it shall rather be a dissolving of their employment as Witnesses, than a slaughtering them as men. A 6. Ground is from their laying unburied, if those 3 days and half be understood of Prophetical days, for so many years (as all generally take them) then could it not be a Natural death (for they could not lay unburied 3 Y. and half) but a Civil one, that they might be a Testimony above ground all that time. 430. But the 7th ground of this Hope seems very pregnant, to wit, from the four living Wights, and 24 Elders, and a great multitude that are found, sounding out Rome's funeral, and praising God solemnly and publicly at the burning of that great City under the 5. Vial, Rev. 19.1,2,3,4. The voice was as the sound of many waters, v. 6. all which could not well be, if the slaughter were natural and universal (as before) how could those 4 living Wights and 24 Elders, and so great a Multitude survive such a dispensation, and as Dr. Goodw. observes, those could not be a mere succession of new Converts, but the same Persons outriding this last Storm, to possess that glorious State of the Church (after those 3 years and half ended) which is described Rev. 19 from v. 1. to 10. 431. As there be grounds of hope, that it may be a civil death only; so their wants not grounds of fear, that it may prove a natural or real slaughter: as 1st. It shall be the last by't of the Beast, and therefore the more deadly. Rome Antichristian may be to the Church, what Carthage was to Rome Heathen: [plus negotii fuit cum semirutâ Carthagine, quàm cum integrâ] saith Florus (in the third Punic War) of dying Carthage; and further, [quàm maximè mortiferi morientium bestiarum morsus esse solent] the bitings of dying Beasts are most deadly, for than they are most malignant: and may it not be said of dying Rome, the last by't of the Beast (I am afraid) will be more than an Analogical or Metaphorical death, her malignity then expiring. 432. A 2d ground is taken from the conformity of those Witnesses to Christ (that faithful Witness, Rev. 3.14.) in his sufferings: that there is an allusion to Christ in this description of the Witnesses, is plain enough, both in his Preaching, Death and Resurrection: as he preached about 3. Y. and half, then was put to death, and about 3 days after rose again with an Earthquake, and ascended into heaven in a Cloud: thus there be many Parallels and Congruities betwixt them; hence I infer. If those Witnesses must be conformable to Christ, than they must suffer more than a metaphorical death, they must die a natural death, as he did, otherwise the Portraiture will not resemble the Pattern. 433. A 3d ground of fear is taken from those 3. Expressions, in Rev. 11.7. [make war, overcome, and kill] the Beast 1st. makes war which must differ in malignity and success from all his foregoing wars, whereof his whole Reign of 42 Months (in a manner) consists. 2ly. He overcomes, getting all power into his hands, to be Lord-paramount (and Dominus factotum.) Then 3ly. he kills, were their suppression as Prophets only intended, the word (overcome) would sufficiently import it: yea, and as Dr. G. excellently noteth, there is but 2 Expressions in Rev. 13.7. which yet implies all those bloody Butcheries of the Beasts reign (make war and overcome) now here (kill) is added, to hold out some further cruelty than a bare suppression (as public Persons) upon those, that this bloodthirsty Beast hath got into his clutches. 434. A 4th is from the nature of affliction, which usually is sorest at last, as in the bondage of Egypt their bricks were doubled upon them, at last, according to that saying (Duplicantur lateres, & venit Moses) the last Persecution under Dioclesian was of all the ten first, the sharpest. Thus most Christians have their sorest Conflicts upon their dying bed, yea, and Christ himself under the deepest Desertions (crying Eli, Eli, lama Sabachthani) at his giving up the Ghost: this renders it probable enough, that the last brunt of Affliction, before the Church's Moses come will be the sharpest. 435. The 5. ground of fear is taken from the rage of the Beast, at the success of their Prophecy, Many Kindred's and Nation's shall fall off from Antichrist, through the influence of their Testimony, so the Beast comes (in this last War) like a bear rob of her whelps, besides as D. G. notes, Antichrist will be further chased with so many Vials poured out upon him, so that when he gets Power into his hand, he will come forth in that cursed rage, and in that fierce cruelty (of the brethren in Iniquity, Gen. 49.7.) This brings in the 6. ground, then gets Rome a fresh draught of blood (after some respite of years) wherewith she is described to be drunk, just at its destruction, Rev. 17.6. 436. In which description is an elegant Climax of admiration, 1. A Woman drunk, this is more shameful than for a Man to be so; 2ly. No liquor would serve her to be drunk withal but blood: And 3ly. no blood but that of Saints. This made John wonder with great admiration, and the rather 4ly. because he saw her Dead drunk with her last Cups of blood, and now staggering and falling, never to arise any more: thus have we grounds of fear as well as of hope, and whether it shall prove, Event will best discover, however it fall out, whether the one or the other, or mixed of both; it is best for us, to prepare for the worst, a mistake in hope is more dangerous than one in fear, that makes us secure, but this watchful. CHAP. XV. 437. THis leads me to the last particular, to wit, the resurrection of the Witnesses, however or whenever they be slain, this is certain, that after 3. Y. and half, they shall be raised again; and the garments of Captivity (their Sackcloth-covering) shall be taken from them, and fine linen, clean and white, shall be given to them instead thereof; the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, Rev. 19.8. then shall the Ministers of the Lord stand up with Urim and Thummim, as Ezr. 2.63. then shall the Yoke be destroyed because of the Anointing, Esa. 10.27. then shall those Prophets not only be raised up (as Christ risen) (to die no more into their former Estate, but into a more excellent dignity: then the new Heavens, etc. then the Lambs feed after their manner, Isa. 5.17. eating clean provender, etc. Isa. 30.24. 438. Having thus run over the description of the Witnesses, unto their Resurrection, which for want of room I can but name, and which brings forth [the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] the ruin of Rome. Now can we but find out where to head the Prophecy of those Witnesses in Sackcloth, it would more clearly guide our Conjectures about the fall of Antichrst; for there is an exact equality betwixt the 42. Months (the Beast's time, being measured by Months) because his work is Idolatry, a work of darkness, moon or nightwork; and the 1260 Days (the term of the Witnesses) whose work belongs to the day, under the conduct of the Sun of Righteousness. 439. Without controversy, assoon as Antichrist is revealed, and enthroned in his Pontificalibus; the Witnesses than gins to put on their Sackcloth (beholding his silken dust, and his Golden Damnation) and to mourn at the revelation of this Mystery of Iniquity. So they thus contemporizing in their beginning, must necessarily do so in their ending too. So that this 3 Y. and half () must be a part (yea, and the last part) of both those Terms: and as to their beginning of this Sackcloth-prophecy, I shall refer my opinion to an Appendix annexed to the end of this Treatise. 440. Let no Man marvel that I do but grope in this method, not only because I am removed by this Dispensation from my Library, but also because it is an untrodden Path; and though I would not say with Zabarel, (hoc ego primus vidi) savouring too much of vain affectation. Yet this I may truly say, that never any Authors (that I am acquainted with, or heard of) propounded this Method to find out the true Calculation of Antichrists time, by those several Intimations fore-spoken of; an improvement whereof may be made by abler hands than by poor I. John came first to the sepulchre, and saw indeed the linen clothes, but Peter went in and took a particular View, John 20.4,5,6,7. 441. And what hath all those learned and holy Men () done but groped at it, yea, and hath miss the mark: those lights hath been in the dark, yea, even those that found the reserve of 45 Years (to retreat to in their Interpretations) seeing they make the former Period of those Years to bring with them some eminent Blessedness, Paragr. 269. such as the scattering of the Holy People to be accomplished, and the Witnesses rising to die no more, which things (Experience tells us) are not fulfilled according to their Calculations of the beginning of this Reserve, the end whereof should bring in the Kingdom of Christ. 442. Above all those eminent Lights, Mr. Burroughs seems most cautelous in his Conjectures about Antichrists downfall; who observing the variety and uncertainty of all Chronologies, takes an 100 Y. compass to foot his Account in, saying, betwixt 4 & 500 Y. after Christ, Antichrist risen (though he lean most to that Opinion expressed before, Paragr. 299.) so that his Interpretation holds good at any time, till 1760. Y. after Christ be expired. In his first Vol. of Lectures on Hosea, and the last Pages. 443. ☞ Now whether this Calculation of Mr. Burroughs do hold or no, or ours? from the rising of the 10 Horns to 1716. Y. in Pa●…gr. 358. or from the removal of the Rom. ●…pire from the Seat of the Beast (which the ●…cient Church looked much at, using to pray ●…t the Continuance of it, because they knew ●…hen it was broken, Antichrist would come) 〈◊〉 1736. in Paragr. 365. or from the healing ●f the Wound, to 1866. as in Paragr. 376. or 〈◊〉 any of the other hit or no? However, God's ●…ime shall not miss, who keeps his word to a Day, Exod. 12.41. Though we mistake our reckon, yet God cannot mistake his, and will make Antichrists feet slide in due time, Deut. 32.35. This may both comfort and strengthen us. 444. Beside the uncertainty of Chronologys and our own aptness to Antedate Promises, and to Postdate Threaten, it must be considered, that it is much safer to Postdate Prophecies, then to Antedate them, for Antedating of them brings a disapointment unavoidable; then if Hope deferred make the heart Sick, Prov. 13.12. Hope disappointed must strike the heart dead: Oh how tedious is that time to the bigbellied Woman which is beyond her Reckoning: every hour is a day, every day is a week, and every week a long tedious Month to her: and such inconveniencies hath come by those several misreckoning already passed; besides, the Atheism it occasions in men's hearts against the word of God. 445. However God is a God of Judgement, and knows how to time all his Promises and Providences, in their best Season. And this peremptoriness of Opinion (where out knowledge can be but Conjectural, till we see the event of things) cannot be good: as in that last point of the Witnesses; 1. They may be a long time (of this 1260. days) in Slaying, before they be fully Slain: so 'tis hard to say positively where or when: and 2ly. we must distinguish betwixt Exemplications and Genuine Interpretations, the kill of the Witnesses may be Exemplified in many Ages and Countries, which yet may not be the sole proper, and positive Accomplishment of that Prophecy concerning them. 446. Concerning this day, that is known only to the Lord, Zech. 14.77. we can but say, we think we have the mind of Christ, while this Veil and face of Covering is undone away, Esa. 25.7. we speak by permission, and not of Commandment: Yet this we may certainly say, that Antichrists Kingdom hath been a long time a decaying Kingdom, by sundry Vials already poured upon it, a Scotch mist is upon it, [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Rev. 16.10.11.] as if the 5th. Vial (in some sprinklings) were upon it, Christ hath won much ground from Antichrist already, whatever may be, as the last lightning before his everlasting fall, the Assyrian may get Emanuels' Land, Esa. 8.8. 447. Ishbosheths Kingdom was a type of ●…tichrists, as david's was a type of Christ's, ● Sam. 3.1. David had a Divine promise for 〈◊〉 foundation, so waxed Stronger and Stronger, ●…t the other (having no support but by an ●…rm of Flesh which withered up like Jero●…ms) waxed weaker and weaker: And as ●…is man of shame (for so Ishbosheth in Hebrew ●…gnifies) was destroyed by some of his own Captains, 2 Sam. 4.2.6. so this Man of Sin must be destroyed by some of his own Kings, Rev. 17.16. and those (whom the Lord shall 〈◊〉 her end call out of Babylon) are Commanded ●o Reward her double, Rev. 18.4.6. when ●er favourite-Kings stand affar off, and dare 〈◊〉 help her, v. 9.10. 448. It is true after all this, Sheba the Son of Bichri makes a Rebellion against David, ● Sam. 20. Bichri, [Hebrew] signify, the firstborn (that Son of Perdition) who begets Sheba, (Hebr. Seven) or 7 Capital Sins, which may Rebel against our David, and In●…ade Emmanuels Land again: but Wisdom ●akes Council, takes off Shebas head, yields it up to David's General, that so a Mother in Israel and the Inheritance of the Lord might not be destroyed, v. God will put this Wisdom into the hearts of some of those Kings, and they shall say with Darius, why should wrath be on us and our Realms. 449. God hath given all the Kingdoms of the World to this David, Psal. 2.6. long before the Devil proffered him a Sophistical Representation of them, in Matth. [All these will I give thee] which the Centurists interpret [I will make thee Pope] because Rome was then the Mistress of the World, (and is called [the World] Luke 2.1.) and not where could such glory be seen, as was a fit temptation for Christ, but the Pomp of the Roman-Empire: thus Satan offers to Christ that which he knew should be the Seat of Antichrist: he would have the Singular seed of the Woman, to become the Singular Seed of the Serpent, and makes Rome a Stumbling-block betimes; yea, and after he had offerred Christ all Kingdoms, he accuses him (by his Instruments) for aspiring to one, and that a little one, [the King of the Jews] but as Christ said to Satan, [Get thee behind me] so will he say to this his Eldest Son, to wit, Antichrist. 450. Though Christ refused what Satan offerred, yet will he take to himself the Kingdoms that God hath given him, Revel. 11.15.17. and Christ's Rise shall be Antichrists Ruin: Antichrists Evening shall be Christ's Morning, Zech. 14.7. though Antichristianism may revive at last, (as Heathenism did in Julian before its utter Extirpation) for she says, (the day before destruction came) I am no Widow, as if Married to her 10. Sons again, Revel. 18.7.8. and though he should plant the Tabernacle of his Palace [Inter Maria] between the Seas, (as above) Dae. 11.45. ●et shall he come to his end, and none shall help ●im: when the Whore sings her own Requiem,▪ I sit as Queen] in that day is her Ruin. 451. But the great Cry of God's People is, ●… Lord how long, and why are his Chariots so ●…ng in coming?) as wearied with their Wilderness-State, their Eyes failing while they look for their God: we measure Christ's slackness in coming; 1. By the shortness of our own lives, 2. By the scantness of our own patience, and 3ly. By the edge of our own desires to see his Coming: Now a little time in all these Respects, is a long time; Yet (in deed and in truth) Christ is not slack as some men count slackness, 2 Pet. 3.9. after some of those 3 ways, our time is always ready, but His time is not yet, John 7.6. only this he comforts us withal, in due Season ye shall Reap if ye saint not, be not weary in well doing, Gal. 6.9. 452. Oh pray, that our Carcases may not sell in this Wilderness,, that we may pass over this Jordan into that good Land, even to that goodly Mountain and Lebanon, Deut. 3.25. Dr. Stoughton tells of a Prophecy, that Antichrist should never overcome Venice, Paris, and London, what is done to the 2 former is known, Oh pray, he may never totally overcome this last: alas we are tainted both with Egypt's Idolatry. and Wilderness-sins; only here's our hope, God dealt with Israel in the Wilderness after the tenure of the Old Covenant, so they fell there through Unbelief, and entered not into God's Rest. But God will deal with us after the tenure of the New Covenant, the free Grace whereof comes riding Triumphantly over all our Unworthiness: Mercy Triumphs over Justice, Oh pray, that though we be not worthy, we may be accounted worthy to escape those things that may come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man in a better Dispensation, Luk. 21.36. An Appendix concerning the Witnesses. CHAP. XVI. 1. AS the Oracles of God which were committed to Israel were by a special Miracle of Mercy preserved in the Captivity of literal Babylon: So the Truth in the Old and New Testament hath been no less wonderfully continued, all along the Tyranny of Mystical Babylon: And as God preserved his Truth, so his Church in Babylon, during the Rise and Reign, yea, and till the Ruin of Antichrist: though the Apostasy was General, yet was it not so Universal in all Individual Persons, [in those Tongues, Kindred's, and Nations, that wondered after the Beast] but that there was yet a Remnant according to the Election of Grace, Rom. 11.4.5. As in the Baalish Apostasy, God reserved 7000. that bowed not to Baal; So in the Antichristian Defection God had his 144000. Virgins that were not polluted with the Babylonish Whoredoms, Revel. 14.1,4.5. 2. As there were (all that time) the true Seed of the Woman, which kept the Commandments of God, and had the Testimony of Jesus Christ, Revel. 12.17. against whom the Dragon raged, yet the Gates of Hell could not prevail: so during all the Reign of Antichrist God raised up his Ministers, who in their several successive Ages in several Countries, gave their Testimony (as Gods Witnesses) against the Spiritual Whoredoms and Idolatrous Worships of Antichrist, and nourished the Church in the Wilderness, Revel. 12.6,14. The smoke of the bottomless Pit was never so thick as to darken wholly the light of the Gospel, and the Dragon's Tail never so long, as to knock out every Star out of Heaven or the Church, the Lamb hath all along a Remnant of poor afflicted Pastors (as well as of People) reserved in the midst of Babylon, which were called chosen and faithful, Revel. 17.14. Those are the Witnesses (which the Holy-Scripture foretells,) should Prophecy in Sackcloth 1260. days, or, which is all one, all the 42. Months of the Reign of Antichrist. 3. Though it cannot be denied, but the People of God (all this term) mournfully bewailed the Abominations of those times wherein Antichrist trod down the Holy City, so may be called (quodam modó) Witnesses in Sackcloth: Yet the Godly Pastors of this People (distinct from them in Office and in the Act of their Prophetical Function) are more properly and peculiarly called the Witnesses; for 1. The first Reason is, the People are not called (any where in Scripture) Prophets, as those Witnesses be: The 2d. Reason is, the People are the Church in the Wilderness, which those Prophets fed, Revel. 12.6,14. so may not be confounded with them, unless we will make a double pair, (according to the notion of some) from Rev. 11.4. the 2 Olive trees to be the 2 Prophets, and the 2 Candlesticks to be 2 Churches, which the People make up in the Wilderness. 4. The 3d. Reason is, from the power the Lord gave those Witnesses, not only to pray and mourn, (which is the work of private Christians, as well as of public Ministers) but also to Prophecy, not so much by praedicting future things, as by Preaching the Everlasting Gospel, (against the Son of Perdition) as their proper Function, which is not the Function of the People; the 4th. Reason, Prophets are usually distinguished from the People, where they are placed both together, as Mat. 10.41. Prophets and Righteous men are distinct, so in Revel. 17.24. Prophets and Saints: the 5th. Reason, Ministers have in all ages born the heat and burden of persecuting times, and ever have been the Sacrifices for Slaughtering Tyrants, and most likely shall be so, when the Slaughter of the Witnesses comes at the end of Antichrists Reign. 5. And those Witnesses are called two, not so much upon the account of any Contradistinction of Orders, but to express the paucity of them, which were very few, (if compared with the Locusts out of the bottomless Pit, which were Innumerable) and yet not so few, but they were sufficient to confirm the Truth, and publicly to detect the Abominations of Antichrist, and to denounce the wrath of God against him; yea, and the exercise of that power (God gave them) was so effectual, that Fire is said to proceed out of their Mouths, for devouring their Adversaries, Revel. 11.5. for the Lord did make his Words in their mouth to be Fire, and the Popish People to be Wood, and it devoured them, Jer. 5.14. Thus their Ministry is said to torment those that dwell on the Earth, Revel. 11.10. or on Earthly principles. 6. And if that Scripture in Revel. 3.10. [the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the World] be Synonimical to the Slaughter of the Witnesses in the Street of the Great City; as Dr. Arrowsmiths' opinion is, taking the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (as he Reads it) or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not largely for totum terrarum orbem, for the whole World, but strictly, for the Roman World, that is, for those Nations subject to the Roman Power, for so is [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉] taken in Luk. 2.1. If (I say) this in Revel. 3.10. be exegetical to that in Revel. 11.8. thence have we an hint that the Street may not be any particular Kingdom, (wherein those Prophets are to be slain) but all the Kingdoms that either have been, or shall be subject to the Romish Beast, which accords with Graserus, and Mr. Medes opinion of the Street, but this for digression. 7. It is very manifest, that God hath had his Prophets or Ministers to witness to the truth in all Ages, even from the very Apostles times, and that the Faith of the Reformed Churches was maintained by the Ancients ever since that time, our Jewel (against Harding) doth abundantly prove, ever for 600. Years. Yet as there were divers other Heresies that pestered the Church of Christ; besides, and before that grand heresy of Antichristianism prevailed. So the testimony of those ancient Witnesses was principally against those Heresies precedent to Antichrist, as Athanasius against Arrianism, and Chrysostom against Pelagianism, etc. doth show this. 8. And though we find several of those ancient Witnesses to prophecy in Sackcloth, especially, those two forenamed, who were for a long time in a mournful suffering estate for their Testimony against those Heresies, etc. Yet may not we take them for those Sackcloth-prophecies in Rev. 11.3. because their Sackcloth was put on upon other accounts, to wit, for the Heresies aforesaid, etc. and not upon the account of this Romish Beast that was to tread down the holy City, for Antichrist was not yet come to his throne in their day. That Cockatrice egg was long in the shell before it was hatched, and appeared a fiery flying Serpent; it stole into the world (sensim sine sensu) unsensibly, and at unawares. 9 In the following Ages, when the man of Sin began to prevail, God raised up godly and learned Ministers, who in every Century opposed the Romish Doctrines, defending the sufficiency of the Scripture, Communion in both kinds, Justification by free Grace; and disowning Invocation of Saints, Worshipping of Angels, Adoration of Images and Relics; yea, and Praying for the Dead. All which they opposed with many pregnant Reasons, and openly testified against all the corruptions and usurpations of Antichrist. 10. Indeed Rainerius (a grand Papist) gives us ' an intimation of the Antiquity of a Sect which (he saith) hath now leavened almost all Lands, having a great pretence of Holiness, because they live righteously among men, and believe all things truly concerning God, only they hate and blaspheem the Church of Rome, to which the multitude is very inclinable: this Sect (so pernicious to the Church of Rome) hath been ever since Pope Sylvester (he grants) in the days of Constantine, if not from the Apostles times. From this hint it may be said, that there hath been Witnesses against Rome (such as the Pauperes de Lugduno were, he he writes on) ever since the 3d Century in Constantine's time, Rainer. contra Haer. cap. 4. pag. 54. those were true Protestants. 11. But though this be certain (beyond controversy) that the same Truths (professed by the Protestant Churches) have been defended by the Ancients, not only from Constantine's time, but also from the very Apostles. Yet to find out Witnesses, distinct witnesses, and witnesses in Sackcloth, mourning for the Abominations of Antichrist, before Antichrist was revealed, I think will prove very difficult; and seeing God gives us a plain intimation, that the flood of Arrianism must be swallowed up before the rise and revelation of the Antichristian Beast, Rev. 12.16. & 13.1,11. I conceive the proper Witnesses against Antichristianism will hardly be found till the Arrian heresy expire, and the Testimony against it be fulfilled: we cannot make them contemporize. 12. Now if Antichristianism could not be revealed, while Arrianism was regnant in the World; and if we despair of proper Sackcloth-witnesses (such as we now treat on) before the Revelation of Antichrist, than it may contribute no little light to us in this grand Inquest, to search after the time when the Church left groaning under Arrianism: for God doth not burden his Church with two such great evils (as Arrianism and Antichristianism) both at once: the Epocha of the latter must be the expiration of the former. 13. That the Arrian Heresy began in the 3d Century, is obvious to all vulgar understandings, for the suppressing of which Heresy, the general Council at Nice in Bythinia was called, in the Year 325. after Christ: but the venomous plants of that Heresy was so deeply rooted, that they could not be plucked up thereby; and so Arrianism spread like a Gangrene (ut suprà) and infested the Church for some Centuries after, and though those good Emperors, Theodosius (both elder and younger) Arcadius, Martian and Justinian improved their zeal and diligence against it, yet could they not bring it to an utter extirpation, or to a cessation of its Persecution. 14. The Church of God was sadly persecuted by the Arrian Vandals, till the good Emperor Justinian sent his brave General Belisarius against them, and thereby freed the Christians from their Persecution, subverting their Empire in afric: this was done (according to Helvicus) in the year of Christ, 533. And yet in Asia the seeds of this Heresy could not be rooted up, but the Eastern Churches were crumbled into Factions, and wearisome Digladiations (by it) among themselves: till Mahumetanism arose, and swallowed up all before it. This was about the 6. Century, and much what contemporary with Antichristianism, ut suprà Par. 34. ch. 2.— Vix lucem in Occidente aspexerat Antichristus, cùm repentè in Oriente exortus est Pseudopropheta Mahomates, saith Bishop Ʋsher de Success. pag. 31. 15. It follows then that the Witnesses testimony against Arrianism lasted till the 5. Century, then how can we find genuine Witnesses against Antichrist till the 6. Century. Among those Fathers, which our Historians and Chronologers call (patres sub Papatu] Alsted. Encuclopoed. pag. 2840. which they begin to reckon by ranks about Century the 6. Indeed I find Hierom in the 4th Century to witness that Antichrist was coming, when he saw the Empire shaken by the Barbarians, but he is no Witness in Sackcloth against Antichrist revealed. 16. I find (upon diligent search) that Gregory the great, just upon the 6. Century comes forth much like a Sackcloth-Prophet, and mourns out those words in his day, Putrescentem. quasi navem Ecclesiam habemus, & tempestate fortiter obviante; jam jamque putridae tabulae naufragium sonant. Which doleful complaint of Gregory's Agobardus Bishop of Leiden (living in the 3d Age after him) took up, subjoyning to Gregory's words a more doleful ditty, Si tunc jam putrescebat navis Ecclesiae, & si ejus tabulae jam putridae erant, quid nunc est, Agobard. ad Ludovicum Imperatorem de Regimine Ecclesiastico. If the Church was a crazy Ship, ready to be broken with a storm in Gregory's day (as he mourned) 'twas much more so in 3 Ages after Gregory. 17. Yea, the same Gregory lib. 4. epis. 32. breaks out into this mournful exclamation, O Tempora, O Mores, saeviunt & dominantur quotidiè in necem fidelium cultores Idolorum & tamen Sacerdotes qui in pavimento & cinere flentes jacere debuerunt, vanitatis sibi nomina expetunt, & novis & prophanis vocabulis gloriantur. And as if through a prospective Glass he had seen a storm arising, this same Gregory prophesies of his succeeding Age, Qui post nos vixerint, tempora deteriora videbunt, ita ut in comparatione suitemporis felices nos dies habuisse aestimabunt, lib. 8. epist. 36. and further, Omnia quae praedicta sunt, fiunt, rex superbiae propè est, & (quod dici nefas est) Sacerdotum ei praeparatus est exercitus, lib. 4. epist. 38. He foretells sad times were coming, when the king of pride (Antichrist) comes. 18. Gregor. magn. writing to Mauritius the Emperor, ep. 32. lib. 4. saith, Ipsa Christi man-data superbi atque pompatici cujusdam sermonis inventione turbantur: Petro quidem cura Ecclesiae committitur, universalis tamen Apostolus non vocatur: & Consacerdos meus (Johannes Constantinop.) Universalis Episcopus vocari conatur. From hence I note, that in Gregory's time Antichrist was more likely to be revealed, at Constantinople, than at Rome. And the same Gregory saith, Juxta est ille, de quo scriptum est, ipse est Rex super universos superbiae filios, quod non sine gravi dolore dicere compellor. Then showing John of Constantinople's ambition to the Bishop of Alexandria and Antioch, he concludes thus, Oh quàm gravi considerationis hujus gemitu torqueor! epist. 32. lib. 4. herein he speaks like a mournful Witness. 19 Now what can be said to this prophetical Testimony against Antichrists revealing (though not yet revealed) but as our learned Bishop Usher; that this Gregory the great did not speak these things of himself, but rather he prophesied (as Caiphas did) being Highpriest that Year: for he laid down this Rule, Quisquis se universalem Sacerdotem desiderat, is in sua elatione Antichristum praecurrit, which fell out soon after his death, he strenuously opposed John of Constantinople, in his aspiring after this Title, calling it Diabolicam superbiam & Antichristi malitiam, lib. 4. epist. 6. 20. He did not only oppose it in others, but also did abominate it in himself, confidently asserting that In istud scelestum vocabulum (universalem scilicet Episcopum) consentire, nil aliud esse, quàm fidem per dear, and calling himself Servus servorum Dei (whether Hypocritically, as some say, I dare not judge) yea, and acknowledging himself a Subject to the Emperor Mauritius. Notwithstanding all this, I cannot make this Gregory my first Sackcloth-Prophet, not only because he was a notorious Patron of Superstition, though an Opposer of this Supremacy, but also, because the mystery of Iniquity was but opening her Pack of Abominations in his time, and not yet revealed: now this Sackcloth-Prophecy must not forego it, but contemporize with it, lest an inequality be made twixt 42. M. and 1260. days. 21. Isidore (who was Pupil to this Gregory the great) is more likely to be a witness against Antichrist revealed, for then Phocas (that second Zimri) had slain his Master, and midwived Antichrist into the world. This Isidore beheld with his eyes that grand usurpation of Universal Supremacy, not only in Boniface the third, but in three other Popes after that Boniface (living till about 640. Y. after Christ) and so had more occasion to abominate this Antichristian arrogancy than his Tutor (Gregory the great) had. Yea, and might better say (than his Namesake that lived before him) Ecclesia foeminae cuidam similis est, quae ex antiqua felicitate excidit, ac signa tantùm habet (ornamentorum scilicet Arculas) opibus autem spoliata est. She hath the chest, but lost the cash. 22. This Isidor makes not Petrum but Petram the Rock to be the Foundation of the Church. Illyricus Catalogue. Test. Verit. pag. 647. and Alsted joins Sophronius with him, saying of them that they teach so of their Works, Ut ex iis plurima Romanae Curiae dogmata possint refelli, Chron. Test. ver. pa. 369. and that Toledan Synod, Anno Christ. 630. wherein Isidore sat Precedent (as Calvisius pa. 677. saith) decreed against the Corruptions of the Romish Clergy. 23. Alsted saith, Seculum istud à Gregorio magno adeò sterile admodùm fuit, ut non usque quàque clari sunt viri modò recitati. So dismal was that darkness when Antichrist began to see the light, not much unlike the Apostles Voyage, Act. 27.20. wherein neither Sun nor Stars for many days appeared. For after the Light of the Primitive Church expired, little considerable Knowledge shone forth in the midst of the Antichristian ignorance and blindness: Yet all along the 6. Century, and so downward, God had his Witnesses, against Antichrist (though but few) which are called [patres sub Papatu] such as Hesychius, Leontius, Venerable Bede, Damascen, Haimo, Theophylact, Oecumenius, Rabanus, Bertram, Paulus Diaconus, etc. 24. Illyricus tells us that the Order agreed upon in the 5. Century, was, that the Romish Bishop should have the first Place in the Counsels, the Bishop of Constantinop. the 2d Place, the Bishop of Alexandria the third, and the Bishop of Antioch the fourth: and that this was agreed on for Order sake, but not for Dominion. Yet he further shows, that this Order of the 5. Century was turned into Dominion in the 6. Illyr. Cat. Test. pag. 619. to 632. at large, and in pag. 695. he tells of a Book which Clemens wrote against Boniface, who got it burned, which Book, were it extant (saith he) Nos de multis rebus commonefacere posset. it would tell tales out of the School. Thus Antichrists revelation must be in the sixth Century. 25. But more particularly Anastasius Bishop of Antioch in the year 607. looks much like a Sackloth-mourner, who was named Sinaita from his long fasting and praying in Mount Sinai, as Nicephorus lib. 18. cap. 44. (if he may be credited) relates, this fasting and mourning was immediately after the revelation of Antichrist, and so renders it the more probable, being the very year after. About the same time our own Historians tell of that famous Preacher Wolferus, that like another Elias (according to the description of the Witnesses) obtained Rain from Heaven in plenty, which had been much wanting for 3 Years together, about this time also Daganus (this Daganus refused to eat bread with the Romish Bishops in the same Inn, utterly rejecting them) and several other Bishops opposed the Romish Rites, and refused all Communion with their Romish Bishops, saying the Profession of Christianity was purer amongst them, than that which they brought from Rome. 26. The same Isidore aforesaid (Lib. 8. Etym. Cap. 11.) saith of Antichrist, Christum se mentietur & contra eum dimicabit, & adversabitur, Sacramentum Christi (ut veritatis eius Evangelium) solvet, omnesque veteris legis Ceremonias restaurare tentabit: He will feign to be for Christ, yet War against him: he will restore the Ceremonial Law of Moses, and corrupt the Sacraments of the Gospel of the Messiah, and Olympiodorus also in the 6th. Cent. (in Eccles. 4. Cap.) saith, Vidi ipsos peccatores cum adolescente Secundo, hoc est, Antichristo, qui exurget pro domino nostro christo: he calls Antichrist [adolescens] quia Juvenili temeritate est in malo fervidus, robustusque nequitiae Innovator, He was Rash, Heady, and Hot in his Innovations, when but a Youth: Mugd. Cent. 6. Cap. 4. Pag. 121. A. and besides this Olympiodorus, I find that Illyricus brings in several other Witnesses to succeed in that age, as Justus, Cassiodorus, etc. Illyr. Test. Ver. Pag. 576. 577. 578. 27. Olympiodorus, Justus, and Cassiodorus, opposed the Popish points, and expressly say about this primacy of the Romish Bishop, [Ca●…t Ecclesiae Christus & unus Pastor est Christus qui unum habet Gregem, Sc. unitatem Ecclesiae Catholicae,] and Johannes Maxentius, who would have disputed at Rome against their Errors, but was ill treated there by the Pope; which made him break out into those words, O mira furiosorum Caecitas, & a veritate alienatarum mentium Criminosa fallacia: neque enim fas est, tam apertè posse mentiri Episcopum Romanum, Oh the Impudence of the Pope thus openly to prevaricate; about this time John of Beverley mourned out his Soul for the troubles of the Church, leaving his See at York, he died at Beverley with a Gospel Spirit, Illyr. Test. Pag. 696. 28. This Maxentius aforesaid had a Bull issued out against him by the Pope, which he Answers, and Reproves the Pope of several lies in it, and rebukes his Pride very often, Illyr. Catal. Test. Ver. Pag. 584. and (our Illyricus adds many other Witnesses in the 6th. Cent. against Antichrist, as Adelhelmus, Caesarius, Julian, Pomerius, and some others, pag. 647. and Alsted adds Hesychius, who upon his Commentary upon Leviticus, hath many Testimonies concerning the Truth, Catalogue. Test. Verit. Pag. 369. 29. Alsted says of this Caesarius, [Egregia quaedam Scripsit, quae non favent papistarum Doctrinae] his Writings favour not Popery, ibidem. and Sabellicus (Ennead. 8. lib. 6.) tells how Peter of Constantinople opposed Primacy in the Roman Bishops, as Gregory had done in John of Constantinople, and Paulus Cretensis appellationem ad sedem Romanam concedere noluit, he allowed not of Appeals to Rome, as Vitalians Ep. in tom. 2. Concil. makes it apparent: The Magdeburg Centurists makes Isidore, Caesarius, Adelhelmus, Julian, Pomerius, Witnesses to the Truth, Cent. 7. Cap. 4. Pag. 28. and say of the Bishops of Constantinople, [quòd Phocae constitutionem molestè tulerunt, & a Romanae Ecclesiae formâ abhorruerunt,] they loathed the Romish Forms and Dominion, Pag. 125. 30. Bede tells us of Aidanus, (our own Countryman) who stood off not only from Romish Primacy, but from Prelacy, in his owning a Synod wherein Elders, Deacons, and People, met, Bede lib. 3. Cap. 5. and when the Romish Ceremonies were intruded on the Church, he said, non gravia legis, non Pharisaeorum onera populis proponenda, the yokes of the Law and burdens of the Pharisees, ought not to be imposed upon the People, Osiand. Epit. 7th. Cent. Pa. 105. and another of our Countrymen [Finnanus] hath this eminent Encomium left upon Record, that he was [Christianae libertatis sirenuus propugnator contra jugum pontificium] a stout Champion for Christian Liberty against Romish Tyranny, Magdeburg Hist. Cent. 7. Cap. 70. Pag. 289. and 2. adversus Ceremonias pontificias Rom. fortis defensor Osiand. Epit. Cent. 7. Pag. 180. and in the year of Christ 638. 31. Osiander also tells us of Colmannus, qui masculè sese pontificiis traditionibus opposuit, who bravely withstood the Romish Traditions, Cent. 7. Pag. 196. adding also to the number of those Witnesses the aforesaid Caesarius, ibid. and the Magdeb. Centurists say, quaedam concilia hujus aetatis veritatem Testantur, some Counsels defended the Truth in that day, Cent. 7. Cap. 4. Pag. 28. and Pag. 189. Concil. Angl. (at our Hereford) acted, ut nullus Episcoporum se praeferat alteri per Ambitionem, no Prelate must prefer himself before another by Ambition, this in Y. 673. or (as Helvicus) 664. and the 11th. Toledan Council condemns the [〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Papisticam] Popish Disorder, which Helvicus makes about 674. see Illyricus, pag. 689. and Alsted Chron. p. 369. 32. I have been larger in producing Witnesses against Antichrist in the 6th. Century not only, because I take that to be the Epocha of the Beasts Revelation, but also because I cannot find (upon my very strict scrutiny) any Witnesses before that, Cent. against the Beast Revealed, wherein I have the concurrence of many Reverend and Learned men: Augustin (in libro de Antichristo) saith, Antichristum non Anteâ in mundum venturum esse, nisi venerit primùm disoessio, i. e. nisi discesserint omnia Regna a Romano imperio, quae priùs subdita erant, hoc autem Tempus nondum advenit, there must be a departing of the Kingdoms from the Empire, before Antichrist come, this is not yet done, saith he in the 4th. Century, and Gregory saith the like (as before) in the end of the 5th. Century. 33. The Magdeburg Centurists say, (Centur. 5. page 1. F.) plus nimio concessum est, Antichristus hoc seculo quasi intra Viscera Receptus videatur, qui posteriori seculo (veluti maturus faetus) est editus, and in Century 6. Cap. 1. pag. 1. G. [Antichristi Regnum, quod quasi in alvum Ecclesiae superiori seculo receptum est, hoc seculo vitam & Incrementa accepit, & quasi ad maturitatem suam & ad ipsum partus Tempus sub Phocâ imperatore est deductum] Antichrist lay lurking in the Womb all the 5th. Century, and when he was fully ripened for the Birth, he was brought into the World by Phocas in the 6th. Century: This is a clear proof from many Learned men. 34. So likewise Osiander in his Epitome, Histor. Eccles. Cent. 5th. Pag. 1. says that then might be Antichrists Birth and Craddling, as well as Conception: Antichristianismus (saith he) hâc in Centuriâ conceptus, and Pag. 179. haec fuere Antichristi Romani incunabula] not yet made manifest, and Cent. 6. Pag. 1. he saith, In hâc Centuriâ Antichristus pedem in Ecclesiâ dei posuit & fixit: and Cent. 7. Epist. 2d. Pag. tunc Antichristus Rom. sedem suam plenariè in Ecclesiam dei collocavit, quam ipsius Antecessores aliquoties inferre conabantur, Antichrist fixed his foot, he took full possession of the Church of God in the 7th. Century, which his Predecessors did but endeavour to do. 35. And Cent. 7. Pag. 1. he saith Antichristus adjuvante Phoca Ecclesias dei sub jugum suum misit, Antichrist by the help of Phocas, brought the Church of Christ under his Yoke: for till Boniface the 3d. those words [Volumus & Jubemus] which he calls, (vox Superba Antichristi) was not heard of: and the Bishop of Rome became not Antichrist, donec Malefacius ille Bonifacius a Phoca Imperatore obtinuit, etc. till he obtained a full power of calling together and breaking up Synods, of Confirming and Abolishing the Decrees of the Synod: till then, he did not Seat himself in the Church of God, as Paul foretold, it should come to pass, 2 Thess. 2. Osiand. Epit. Cent. 7. Pag. 14. 15. 36. Illyricus also makes this Boniface the 3d. primum in Regno magnae bestiae Regem, the first King in the Beasts Kingdom, who had the mouth of a roaring Lion, and spoke like a Dragon, Revel. 13.2.11. 2ly. He makes Pope Joan to begin the Kingdom of the great Whore, and 3ly. He makes Pope Sylvester the 2d. to begin the Kingdom of the great Dragon, because then began the Pope-Conjurers, Necromancers, Robbers, Murderers, etc. then 4ly. He makes Innocent the 4th. to begin the Kingdom of the Locusts, by whom the Fryar-Mendicants came and spread themselves all over the World; and lastly, The declining Kingdom of Antichrist, he reckons from Julian the 2d. who threw Peter's Keys into Tiber, as Unvaileable, and took Paul's Sword, which (he said) should prevail, Illyr. Catal. Test. Ver. Pag. 650. 37. Illyricus likewise Relates a famous Story of Agestinus, in this 6th. Century) that was expelled the College for his Witnessing against Popish fooleries to Eustasius; for Redress of this grievance, the Synod at Matiscon was summoned by King Lotharius, wherein Agestinus makes a particular Invective against the Superstitions of that day, in Y. of Christ (as Helvicus reckons) 625. and could we have a faithful account of this Synod, (saith Illyr.) freed from the Monkish Writers, some grave Witnesses against Antichrist would be found, Illyr. Pag. 676. Alsted also gins the Infancy of Antichrist at Innocent the 1st. Year 404. his Childhood, at Boniface the 3d. Year 606. his Youth, at Leo the 3d. Year 800. his grown Age, at Hildebrand, Year 1075. and his old Age at Leo the 10th. Year 1517. then rose Luther against Leo's Indulgences, Alsted Chroonl. Pag. 392. 394. 38. And in the 7th Century Bishop Usher demonstrates, that at least the Church did live then (though she had not sound health) in giving her Testimony against Antichrist, as many Bishop's exploded Antichrists Images at Constantinople in Y. 754. and further shows how the British, Germane, and Churches gave the like Testimony (sighing out their [proh dolours] like mournful Witnesses) with the Oriental Churches, against Image-worship, Usher de Successione Ecclesiae pag. 33, 34. 39 But in the 8th Century, Gregory the fourth (unlike to the first of that name forenamed) appeared such a man of Sin in his proud Tyrannical Usurpations, that Italy itself had several Sackcloth-witnesses against that Antichrist (as Baronius confesses, Ann. 863. Sect. 42.) Inter quos fuit Basilius, Zosimus, & Metrophanes, cumque ipsis multi alii, qui hujusmodi tyrannidem deplorabant, & ad Ecclesiarum defensionem multis cum lacrymis opem ab aliis implorabant, Many Witnesses then deplored Antichrists Tyranny, and implored the help of others against him. Usher de continua Success. pag. 39 & 40. In this Century also Albertus, Clemens, & complures alii à Bonifacio dissenserunt, Histor. Magdeburg. Cent. 8. and vehemently opposed him. Avent. Annal. lib. 3. I name but few witnesses in those Cent. (because it is not doubted of by any, but by Enemies) and they be too many to be quoted. See Magde. Cent. 7. pag. 277. 40. Then in the 9th Century, Agobardus, Rabanus Maurus, Bertram, yea and Scotus, were all Orthodox about the Lords Supper, and opposed the Popish Doctrine of the Real Presence with the Authority of Austin, as well as of the Scripture. Fox Martyrol. 1st Vol. pag. 187. And he shows how Scotus also assented to the Grecian Church, more than to the Roman. See also Jus divinum Ministerii, p. 54. Osian. Epit. 9 Cent. pa. 44. li. 4. c. 1. Clark Martyr. Engl. pa. 42. Dr. Humphrey Regius Professor at Oxford tells this story of Scotus (out of Crinitus) in his Preface to Praxis Jesuitism. pag. 22. that Scotus was supposed to be poisoned by some of his own Popish Scholars, for his Testimony against Popery in that Point. And about the latter end of this Century, Arnulphus Bishop of Aurelia speaks boldly in a Synod at Rheims. Quid hunc in sublimi solio residentem veste purpured & aurea radiantem? quid hunc (inquam) censetis? Antichristus est: and sadly mourns there, quòd Religione profligatâ, nomen Dei impunè humilietur; & Cultus divinus etiam à summis Sacerdotibus condemnatur, who is this that sits on his Throne in Scarlet? 'tis Antichrist, who by a lose Religion lays the Truth waist, yet escapes . Usher. Ibid. pag. 44. 41. In the 10th Century (though Bellarmin says, Nullum seculum indoctius & infoelicius.) Yet God had his Witnesses against Antichrist, as appears by our own Aelfricks' Homily in the Saxon Tongue, appointed to be read at Easter to the People in Confutation of the Real Presence; neither was this the Opinion of one Bishop (to wit) Aelfrick only, but Wulfsine Bishop of Sherbourn, and Wulfstane Bishop of York, and divers other Learned Men in that time: but especially Berengarius was a witness in Sackcloth against Transubstantiation, an error that crept late into the Church, and yet was the first that was most vigorously opposed. 42. In the 11th Century Bernard writes, woe be to this Generation for the leaven of the Pharisees, etc. all pretend to be the Ministers of Christ, and yet serve Antichrist; for he is Antichrist which counterfeits himself not only the Day, but the Midday, extolling himself above all that is called God, this is (as he calls him) the meridian Devil, etc. And in another place, he in Prayer mourns out those words [Oh God, thy near Friends (in pretence) come near to conspire against thee, etc. Alas, alas, oh Lord God, these are the chief in Persecution, that are chief in the Church, and about their forbidding Marriage, he saith, it fills all [Concubinariis incestuosis, seminifluis, mollibus, masculorum concubitoribus & omni denique Immundorum genere] with filthy Fornicators, effeminate, incestuous, Seed-shedders, Sodomites, all manner of uncleanness. This is spoke like a Witness. 43. Then in the 12th Cehtury, more Light began to break forth, and the Waldenses appeared (those famous Witnesses against Antichrist) that communicated Light to many Nations. Insomuch that in the 13. Cent. our own Grosthead Bishop of Lincoln (Romanorum malleus) daringly wrote to the Pope himself, that he was Antichrist. In the 14. Cent. appeared Bradwardin, Armachanus, and that famous Sackcloth-Prophet John Wickliff. In the 15: Cent. John Hus, Jerom of Prague, and then Luther, etc. So that in no Cent. did the Lord want witnesses to his Truth, besides many others that mourned in secret places of the wilderness, which are not found upon Record. 44. Thus from the beginning of the 6t. Century, Witnesses in Sackcloth may be found against Antichrist revealed, but not so clearly from the 4th Century (which yet many hath followed) from Innocent the first, which not only Event, but also this Argument seems to gainsay, to wit, though Innocent the first attempted Supremacy, yet on a slender Foundation, insomuch as his Successors Zosimus, Boniface the first, Celestine the first, and Sixtus the third, bottomed their claim of Supremacy upon a supposititious Canon of the Council of Nice. This fraud was detected by the African Bishops, comparing it with the Authentic Copies, Alsted Encuclop. Histor. pag. 2849. at large. 45. Methinks to foot the account of Antichristianism from Leo the first, seems far more probable, than from Innocent the first, because this Leo the first insisted upon no supposititious Canons for his Supremacy claimed, but (as Alsted saith) [Cunctis majoribus suis astutiùs egit] he was more crafty than all his Predecessors; pleading a Divine Right for his Primacy, that Christ gave to Peter above all the Apostles, & so consequently to the Roman Bishop (Peter's Successor) above all other Bishops. This plea his Legates strenuously urged in the Counsel of Chalcedon, in the Y. of Christ 450. as Helvicus accounts it, or 440. as Prideaux, being the 4. Ecumenical Council, to which if we add the term of Antichrist (1260.) it will fall about 1700. or 1710. Y. after Christ. 46. This seems a more probable Epocha, not only because Event hath not yet confuted this, as it hath done the other: but 2ly. because the highest claim for Supremacy (to wit, Jus divinum) was then pretended: 3ly. the name (Leo) suits well with the Beast (Antichrist) who is said to have the mouth of a Lion, and a mouth speaking great things, Rev. 13.2,5. as if this Leo (called Magnus) were graphically pointed at in that description. But 4ly. 'tis observed that 3 great Dispensations about Antichrist, fell out under 3 Leo's [Beasts all] this Leo the first laid the foundation, Leo the third advanced the Kingdom of Antichrist by crowning Charles the Great. And Leo the ninth (or as some say the tenth) weakened it, and perhaps a 4th Leo may arise to destroy it, about the Y. of Christ 1710. 47. But the most probable of all, is the timing of Antichrist at 606. ut suprá. For 1. Gregory the great said after Leo the great, that Antichrist was but at Hand in his time. 2ly. Boniface the third than caught the Bird of Supremacy, which his Predecessors only beat the Bush for. 3ly. Luther then timed Antichrist, who was so much enlightened against him, and many solid, holy, and learned Men since, according to which, Antichrists fall may be protracted till about the 18. Century. Exitus acta probat, Event will be the best proof. 48. Thus through the help of Christ I am at length arriving out of this troublesome Sea, wherein I could find so few way-marks to guide me in my search after so abstruse a point. Those first Ages of Antichrist were very unhappy in the rarity of famous Writers, or (at least) the Monuments of very few be come to our hand, because the mystery of Iniquity more and more prevailed: hence Illyricus saith, Pontificiorum astu, scripta omnia, quae Primatum Romanum & Superstitiones ejus seculi impugnabant, suppressa sunt, & ex bibliothecis ablata, & flammis consecrata, Illyr. Cat. Test. pa. 676. those Writings are few upon Record, being either consumed with the teeth of Time, or cancelled by an Index expurgatorius. 49. Yet this is a received Truth, and subscribed by all, That the Faith (which Christ and his Apostles taught in the first Age) had visible Professors and Witnesses in all ages, for otherwise the gates of Hell would have prevailed against it, and Christ would not have been present with the Church to the end of the World. Therefore that there were Witnesses in every Age can be doubted by none, but to assign all the Witnesses (in every Age) to that Faith which was once delivered to the Saints, from the [primo Antichristi ortu] hic labour, hoc opus est: and though Witnesses to the Truth be found to be few in comparison of the Enemies to the Truth, yet by those few we may conjecture, many more (as in Ahabs' time) lay hid unregistered. So that to say our Religion was not before Luther, is a Popish slander, seeing it is unanswerably proved, that the Faith of our Religion is the same Faith which Christ and his Apostles taught in the primitive times. 50. To conclude, the precise point of time for Antichrists fall, can hardly be demonstrated from Boniface the third neither; because Phocas his grant to Boniface, Palmerius makes to be in Y. of Christ 607. and Beda 612. Magdeburg. Centur. 7. pag. 121. D. E. though most make it in the 606. This uncertain (substratum) compels me to leave the pointing out of this Punctilio of time to God only. It shall be one day known to the Lord, Zech. 14.7. [Hu Jevadang Jehovah] is an exclusive expression, God only, and not Man knows it, 'tis neither night nor day with us. When the Church hath no Prophet (there being [Chathimath Chazon] a sealing up of Prophecy, Dan. 12.6,9.) to tell her how long; then she goes to God and cries, Oh God, How long, Ps. 74.9,10. The Saints upon Earth cry, How long, Ps. 13.1,2. The Souls under the Altar cry, How long, Rev. 6.9,10. And Christ (himself) cries, How long, Zech. 1.12. God answers with good words and comfortable, v. 13. to wit, v. 21. that his hamers shall 1 fray the Beasts horns, 2. cast them down, 3. cast them out as Gentiles, 4. cast them away, as a stone out of a sling, 1 Sam. 25.29. God will give them scattering for scattering, 1 Sam. 2.3,13. Luk. 1.51,52. 1 Kin. 14.10. In the mean time our work is Waiting and Watching, which is 1. Angelical, Dan. 4.10,13. and 2. Evangelical Work, Mat. 24.42. & 25.13. & Mark 13. last. No Watchman can tell us what time of Night it is, Isa. 21.12,13. only that the Sunset to our Antipodes (or Antichrist) is Sun-rise to us, until the Day dawn, and the shadows flee away (the Church saith) I will get me up to the mountains of Myrrh, and hills of Frankincense, Can. 4.6. This holds out 1. our Repenting- which is as bitter as myrrh, Lam. 3.19. 2. our Praying-work which comes up as Incense, Ps. 141.2. Oh, that we may be found so doing, till the sun of right: arise with healing in his wings, then shall we go forth (from the bondage of Babylon) and grow up as calves of the stall, Mal. 4.2. FINIS. THE TABLE. CHap. 1. The Preamble, Antichrist in his Resemblances and Realities signified by names and titles, Proper and Appelative, p. 1. to 6. many Antichrists, but one [The Antichrist] p. 7. he is one contrary to Christ in his Humility, in his Holiness, and in his Truth, pag. 8. Ch. 2. Shows (1.) Negatively, who is not [the Antichrist,] not Simon Magus, as Grotius, nor a Jew of the Tribe of Dan, as Bellarmin, p. 9 to 14. nor Mahomet, p. 15. to p. 21. Ch. 3. Shows (2.) Positively, who is [the Antichrist] 'tis the Pope, p. 22. what is the Scripture-definition of Antichrist, the 12. branches of that Definition, p. 23. Ch. 4. Proves first, that he is an Apostate from p. 31. to 37. 2 . That he is Christ's Enemy, p. 28. 3 . Stirred up by Satan, p. 39 to 41. 4 . That he hath a Monarchy in the Church, p. 42. 5 . In the great City, p. 44. Ch. 5. Proves 6 . That he exalts himself as God, to 47. 7 . Seducing with lying wonders to 54. 8 . He hath a 3 fold brand to 59 9 . His 4 fold Adjuncts to 62. 10 . That he is Revealed, in 6 Periods, Nascent, Crescent, Regnant, Triumphant, Cadent, and Morient, to p. 66. Ch. 6. Answers the Romanists objections, 1st. That Antichrist must be a single Person, 2 . That he must Reign but 3. Years and half, 3 . That Christ's Vicar cannot be Antichrist, 4 . That his Seat must be Rome Heathen, to p. 70. 5 . That the Gospel must be Preached in all the World, before Antichrist Rise, 6 . That Antichrist must slay Enoch, and Elias, the 2 Witnesses; to p. 75. Ch. 7. Holds out Antichrists Morient Period in the 11 th'. and 12 th'. Characters, the 11 th'. is, he must have a lingering Consumption; 1st. The manner of it described to p. 80. Ch. 8. Holds out, 2 . The means of pulling down Antichrist, which are two, 1st. Persons who are Three, (1.) Powerful Preachers, (2.) Profound Writers, and (3.) Potent, Pious Princes, to p. 91. 2 . Things, which are 4. Spiritual practising, (2.) Unanimous Praying, (3.) Public Printing, and (4.) Powerful Preaching, to 102. Ch. 9 Shows the 12 th'. Character, that Antichrist must be destroyed by Christ's Coming; that this Coming of Christ cannot be meant the day of Judgement, to p. 110. Antichrist shall be Destroyed as well as Consumed, p. 111. Ch. 10. Inquires after the time of the fall of Antichrist; Conjectures, 1st. From daniel's Number, 2. From john's, distinctly, 3. From both jointly, to p. 119. from the 42. Months, or from 666. to p. 125. various opinions about the term of Antichrist, to p. 131. Ch. 11. Contains Mr. Foxes, and Dr. Beards, Opinions, (differing from all others) about the term of Antichrist, to p. 134. my own Opinion laid down, 1. Negatively against Mr. Foxes, and Dr. Beards; Reasons why? to p. 142. a 3 d Opinion (that the number of 42. Month's must not be taken definitly, but indefinitely,) refuted to p. 145. Ch. 12. Refutes the whole Computation (of the Learned Men aforesaid, both from Daniel, and John's Number) to 1666. The grand Salvoes for their Vindication, as 1st. Uncertainty of Chronologies, 2. Variety of Computations, 3. The difficulty of computing the bondage of Egypt, and the Captivity of Babylon, to p. 154. 2 . My positive Opinion, paragr. 348. how grounded, to wit, upon sundry Scripture Hints and Intimations, to p. 157. Ch. 13. Holds out the 1st. Scripture-Hint, from the rising of the 10. Kingdoms, to p. 160. the 2 d. is, the removal of the Roman Empire from the Seat of the Beast, to p. 163. the 3 d. hint is, from the healing of the deadly wound, to p. 165. a Digression proving the 1st. Beast to relate to Antichrist, to p. 168. when the wound was healed, to p. 162. the 4 th'. hint is, the Beasts War with the Saints, to p. 172. the 5 th'. hint is, the Woman's dwelling in the Wilderness, to p. 176. the 6 th'. hint is, the treading under the Outer Court, to p. 178. Ch. 14. Contains the 7 th'. Scripture-hint, to wit, the Sackcloth-Prophecy of the 2 Witnesses, to p. 180. the Witnesses described, by 1. Their Names, 2. Number, 3. Condition, 4. Action, 5. Death, 6. Resurrection, to p. 184. of the time when, the place where, and the manner how the Witnesses are to be Slaughtered, to p. 186. Reasons why this Slaughter is not yet over, to p. 189. what the Street is, to p. 129. the manner how Slain, whether Civilly or Naturally, the 1st. hoped, the 2 d. feared, to p. 200. Ch. 15. The Rising of the Witnesses, is the Fall of the Beast, Mr. Burroughs is Cautelous in his Conjectures, to p. 202. an account of the several Computations, paragr. 443. the precise time is known to God only, not to Man, p. 204. a parallel betwixt Ishbosheth, and Antichrists Kingdom, Antichrists last outburst is as Sheba's Rebellion, p. 205. Satan tempts Christ to make him Pope or Antichrist, p. 206. Refer the timing of Antichrist to God, to p. 208. Ch. 16. Of the Witnesses, not People, but Pastors, p. 210. their first appearing, p. 225. Antichrists Conception, Birth, and Craddling, p. 226. the Kingd. of the Beast, Whore, Dragon, Locusts, and its Decay, p. 227. Antichrists Infancy, Childhood, Youth, Middle, and Old Age, p. 228. the soon time of his fall, Y. 1710. the 4 Leo's terminates him, p. 233. the precise day referred to God, p. 236.