A NEW BALLAD upon the Land-Bank: Or, Credit Restored. To the Tune of All for Love and no Money. WOuld any Man of common sense Grudge to spend his Eighteen pence, At the Rose in Covent-Garden, (Where Nick Spalden was Churchwarden) To see a Mountebank show Tricks, With Tom speeds Notes and Hasle-sticks. He'll turn your Money into Wood, Then make an Act that 'tis as good Within six pounds as 'twas before: But why just six pounds, and no more Nor less? why (Z— ds and Bl— d!) 'Cause this came first into his Head, Or else Seven, Nine, or Eight, Or Cinque or Quater had been the Rate. Then see him send this Talley With Tom speeds Note to Grocers-Alley, (For Sons of Women never married To place of Birth (by Law) are carried) Where you shall see this 94 Shrink to 50 in an hour. Grocers-Hall brings all to Par, Here first and last all equal are: Grocers-Hall is a Level, Where little C—per will sell as well As tall and trusty Sir I— n E— well. Whatever Tailors throw in Hell, Serves to make, or mend, or sell For Cucumbers or Cabbage; So riffle, raffle, Chequer-Baggage, Pros or Con's, hic, hec, or hoc, Sell all alike in Common-stock. It is not safe for Trained-Bands To let lie in Tradesmens hands (Whom we have bilked) such Weapons, As Boys at Shrovetide throw at Capons: These may be used to arm the Weavers, Or serve the Prentices for Cleavers. And if the Rabble can't come at sticks, They may take these for Cat-sticks. Therefore the second day of April Owners of Tallies at your peril, Bring them into Grocers-Hall, Or not have them paid at all. Well nicked for time! first skipped (I warrant) Lest this should prove a foolish Errand: But Fools sent the first day (by Command Sir) Take time to the second to bring an Answer. So the thing is laid right in the Cum and the quando, The Fools are employed by a Continuando. Then for a Reward To S—ck and W—rd For giving Tallies Houseroom, Here follows the Law Made by our Bashaw, Sprung up as quick as a Mushroom. You must know (forsooth) The whole Faith and Troth Of our Mortgaged Nation, Was bound up in Conscience From granting a Licence, Or making a Creation Of any other Bank, Tho' this was a Hank The Lawmakers never thought on: It's no matter for that, He'll show it as pat, To be denied by Notone. The word THE in a Name By Law is the same As if 'twere said a Sole-Bank, As A. by himself A. Set before B. A. N. K. Signifies a whole Bank. But H—ley and F—ley Nonobstante this Sole With intent to damn the House of Commons, brought in A Bill full of Sin, But when 'twas past, a Deus of One Souz or Penny Of New Milled Money (Before the same was Coined) They brought to the ' Chequer, But they Talked all by Letter, And gave their Opinions signed. A Pl— gue o' G—d d—m 'em For Sons of Moab and Ammon, What d' think they said to us? That Ten per Cent. Was a fair Discount: And what d' think they did to us? Not a Man to be found That would stand bound For Two Millions and a half; Bulleys and Hectors, Poor Dogs and Projectors, How should they have Pelf. To give 40 per Cent. To have Money lent On Tallies in our own Bank, Is cheaper by far Than to have them at Par, By setting up a Land-Bank. The Land-Bank was part Of Jacobites Art, This I said, and so I'll have it, And to make it more clear, I did (I know where) Produce a Plot-Affidavit. For when I cast a Spell, And pretend to foretell A thing within my own reach, Then bring it about, (Which is easy to do it) I pass both for Statesman and Witch. I'll have a Law made, None shall set up the Trade To borrow or lend Money, But they at Grocers-shop, Who are at a full stop, And neither pay all nor any. And this will raise Credit, For they'd pay if they had it, And what can you have more, (Sir) Then I'll send them sticks, To give their Creditors licks, And beat them out of door, (Sir.) No Bank, nor Bank-Bills, Nor Paper nor Quills, Like theirs shall be used, And this will requite 'em (Or else we will Knight 'em) For having been abused. To give Notes for Money, Without paying any, Let any Folks else if they dare (Sir) To know 'em in kind, Before or behind; Is penal as bug—ing a Mare, (Sir.) To draw 'em or paint 'em, Or follow or ape 'em, Shall be a Sin against the State, To sue 'em or strike 'em, Or do any thing like 'em, Shall send you into Newgate. But when all this is done, This shan't overrun Our Bills on the Capitation, But that they may ride Aside or astride, And troth it all over the Nation. We have talked with some Men, And we'll talk to 'em again, To be our Undertakers, And if they won't discount 'em, At Ten Pounds per Centum, We'll try to sell 'em by the Hawkers But the Clause of Exclusion Hath a plain Allusion, By no other Bank is only meant a Landone, Land-Bank is the De— l, From whence comes all evil, 'Twas they that fired London. 'Twas they called for Light A little before Night, To find Faults with their Fellow-members But we knew the Plot, Could they Candles have got, They'd burned the House to Embers. They hinder our Votes, And Soldiers New Coats, For the Tallies on the Salt-Act, For which they offered Ninety, Are now proffered for Fifty, And this is matter of Fact. If we don't knock 'em down, We can ne'er hold our own, 'Cause theirs is grounded on Reason, But whoever talks sense About Credit or Pence, I would have hanged for Treason. Therefore let Will— m L—nd Make the Kingdom bound To the Bank of England by Indenture To serve Apprentice, And fast when Lent is, For eleven Years adventure. K— g, C—ns, and L—ds, Shall be bound by their words To stand by and defend this Wood-pile, With Life and Member, And fresh Hasle-Timber, In case the other should fail. I gave 'em their Lesson, At opening the Session, To ask no questions about it, But do as I bid 'em, And Vote as I'd have them, The Project is mine, (if I hit it) What a Negative Law, To bind up the paw Of Legislative powers (Sir) This is such a jest, And so like the rest, That sure it must be yours (Sir.) And mark what I say, Stake down and I'll lay, A hundred pound Talley to 94 pound (Sir) This will do no good, But you're got in a Wood, And will run yourself aground (Sir.)