ORDERS, RULES AND ORDINANCES, Ordained, Devised and Made by the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of STATIONERS OF The City of LONDON, for the well Governing of that Society. LONDON, Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1678. 16 Feb. 1677/8. We do allow the Printing of these Orders for the Use of the Members of the Company. Ri. Rainsford. Fra. North. TO all to whom these Presents shall come, We the Right Honourable Heneage Lord Finch Baron of Daventry, Lord High Chancellor of England, Sir Richard Rainsford Knight, Lord Chief Justice of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench, and Sir Francis North Knight, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, send Greeting. Whereas, in a Statute made in the Parliament holden at Westminster the Twenty Fifth day of January, in the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of the late King of Famous Memory, Henry the Seventh, for the Weal and Profit of his Subjects, It was amongst other things Ordained, Established and Enacted, That no Master, Wardens and Fellowships of Crafts and Mysteries, or any of them, nor any Rulers of Guilds and Fraternities, should take upon them to make any Acts or Ordinances, nor to Execute any Acts or Ordinances by them then afore-made, in Disinheritance or Diminution of the Prerogative of the King, nor of any other, nor against the Common Profit of the People; But if the said Acts or Ordinances be Examined and Approved by the Chancellor or Treasurer of England, or Chief Justices of either Bench, or Three of them, or before both the Justices of Assize in their Circuit or Progress in the Shire where such Acts or Ordinances be made, upon pain of Forfeiture of Forty Pounds for every time that they do contrary, (as by the same Statute more plainly doth and may appear.) Know ye, That the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, willing and desiring that the said Act of Parliament, be in all things duly observed and kept, the Third day of January, in the Nine and Twentieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc. Have presented unto us a Book containing divers Orders, Rules and Ordinances by them Ordained, Devised and Made, for the well Governing of their Society; And as well for the Consideration of the good Estate thereof, as for the better Governing and Ordering of the said Society, at their humble Suit to us made, to have the same Settled and Established; And that We all and every their said Acts and Ordinances hereafter mentioned, and by them so to us exhibited, would Examine, and those and every of them Correct and Amend, and so Approve them in due and convenient manner and form, as the said recited Act of Parliament requireth: We well perceiving and considering the said Supplication to be good and reasonable, according to their desire, and by the Authority of the said Act of Parliament to us given, All and every their Acts and Ordinances so to us Exhibited, have Seen, Read and Examined; The Tenor whereof hereafter followeth, Viz. THE Orders, Rules AND ORDINANCES, Ordained, Devised and Made By the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of STATIONERS of the City of London, for the well Governing of that Society. IT is Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society and their Surcessors for ever shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter by the appointment of the Master, or, in his absence, of the Wardens of the said Society for the time being Assemble themselves together (as heretofore hath been usual) and keep Courts at their Common Hall or other convenient place of Meeting within the City of London or Liberties thereof, for such Affairs of the said Company as have been usually at such Courts done and dispatched, wherein Care shall be taken as well for the better Ordering, Ruling and Governing of the said Society and the Members thereof, as also for the Correction, Redress and Reformation of such Abuses and Disorders which may happen in the said Society amongst any the Members thereof; and shall and may there also Admit Apprentices to their respective Members according to the usage of the said Society and Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom; And may also then make free of the said Society such as have served their Apprenticeships or such as shall be otherwise thought fit to be admitted Freemen thereof, as by the ancient Usage of this Company hath been done and practised: And may also at such Court's debate and determine all and every other lawful Act and Acts, thing and things, which shall at any time or times appear to the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the greater Number of them there met together fit and convenient, touching or concerning the State or Government of the said Society, or any thing relating thereunto. Which said Courts or Assemblies shall be called Courts of Assistants; and to which Courts or Assemblies to be held in manner aforesaid, the said master, Wardens and Assistants shall come in their Gowns and other decent Apparel, and the said Assistants shall not departed from thence without the leave of the Master or one of the Wardens first had; and that every person being a Member and Assistant of the said Society, shall upon summons by the Beadle or other person for that purpose appointed repair to every such Court or Assembly to be holden by the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them, at such hours and times as he or they shall be appointed, and shall not departed thence without the leave of the Master or one of the Wardens first had, upon pain that every person so neglecting or disobeying, not having a sufficient Excuse to be allowed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them, in a Court of Assistants, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of One shilling. IT IS also Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society shall and may yearly and every year from henceforth hold and keep Four Quarter Courts or Assemblies (to wit) One in each Quarter, at such times and place within the City of London aforesaid, or Liberties thereof, as the said Master or Wardens of the said Society shall appoint: To which said Courts or Assemblies the said Master or Wardens may cause to be summoned by their Beadle or other person appointed for that purpose all the Members of the said Society, or so many of them as to the said Master or Wardens shall be thought fit; every of which Members being so summoned, shall accordingly appear at every such Court: At all which times all the Orders and Ordinances of the said Society, or so many of them as shall be held necessary, shall be then and there distinctly read and published before the Members of the said Society, who shall be there Assembled, the better to acquaint them with the same; and that they may also be put in mind of keeping the same according to the Tenor of their Oaths taken at their Admittance into the Freedom of the said Society; and also that all persons who are concerned to obey the same may be left wholly inexcusable for any disobedience thereunto. At which said Quarter Courts or Assemblies every Member of the said Society shall pay to the Renter Warden of the said Society, [or such other Person to be by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them, at any Court of Assistants appointed for that purpose to demand and receive the same] his or their Quarteridge-Money which shall be due and payable to the said Society by him or them according to the Rates or Proportions following, (viz.) The Master, each Warden and every Assistant of the said Society shall pay the sum of Two shillings Eight pence yearly by Eight pence a Quarter, every person which is of the Livery or Clothing of the said Company shall pay the sum of Two shillings yearly by six pence a Quarter, and every person of the Yeomanry of the said Society shall pay the sum of One shilling and Four pence yearly, by Four pence every Quarter for ever, towards the support and maintenance of the said Society; And every person so refusing or delaying to pay the same Quarterly upon Demand as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London for every such default the several Rates following, (Viz.) Every Assistant the sum of Eight pence besides his Quarterage, every Livery-man six pence besides his Quarterage, and every one of the Yeomanry Four pence besides his Quarterage. AND for the better avoiding of Disorders, Noise and Confusion in all Courts of Assistants or Assemblies as aforesaid, It is Ordained, that every Member of the said Court shall always keep silence at the Command or desire of the Master or Wardens; and when any Matter or thing shall be moved or debated in any Court of Assistants or Assembly as aforesaid, there shall but one person speak at one time to the matter in debate: And all Debates, Propositions and Discourses shall be addressed to the Master, or in his absence to him who shall possess the Chair only (which person to supply the place of Master, in his absence shall be chosen by the major part of the Members being of the Court of Assistants there present) that so the Opinion and judgement of every Member may be heard and known, and also that every person shall speak bareheaded, and that every person except the Master, (or that person who in his absence shall possess the Chair,) who shall at any time speak as aforesaid shall address his discourse to the Master or him who shall in his absence as aforesaid possess the Chair: And that all ●…ebates be serious and without any Speeches or Expressions that may ●…stly give Offence in the said Court or any person therein, upon pain to forseit and pay for every Offence against this O●der to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London aforesaid, the sum of One shilling. IT IS likewise Ordained, That the full and absolute power of Nomination and Election of Master, Wardens and Assistants, Members of the Livery, and of all other Officers of the said Society, shall always be and remain as usually heretofore hath been, only in the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society or the major part of them in a Court or Courts of Assistants assembled; In which Nomination and Choices they shall observe the Ancient ways, Time and Method of Nomination and Election which have heretofore been observed and used in the said Society. AND IT IS further Ordained, That the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court or Courts of Assistants assembled yearly and every year according to their ancient Usage, and at their usual time shall Elect and choose one discreet, honest and able person, being a Member of the said Court of Assistants, to be Master of the said Society for one year than next following; which Person so Elected shall forthwith accept the Office of Master of the said Society, and take the Oath hereafter in these Presents for that purpose appointed, and shall hear the same Charges, and perform the same Duties as other Masters before him have heretofore usually done; and shall continue therein for one whole Year, and until a New Master of and for the said Company shall be Elected and sworn. And if it shall happen that the said Master so to be Elected, shall die, or be removed before the end of his year, the Wardens and Assistants or the major part of them may forthwith at a Court of Assistants to be by the said Wardens appointed, proceed to a New Election in manner and form aforesaid, according to the Custom of the said Society, of some fit person being one of the said Court of Assistants, to serve in the Office or place of Master of the said Society for the remainder of that time which the deceased or re●…ed Master ought to have served. And if any person chosen in such manner as is by this Ordinance appointed, to be Master of the said Society, shall refuse to accept the said Office and take the said Oath (having no reasonable or just Impediment that may hinder him so to do, and which shall be allowed to be so by the Court of Assistants of the said Society or the major part of them then present) than such person so refusing to take upon him the Execution of the said Office, and to take the Oath aforesaid, shall for such his refusal pay forthwith to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Twenty pounds, unless upon his application to the Master, Wardens and Assistants or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants then present, they shall think fit to excuse him upon payment of a more moderate Fine, to be by them imposed, not under Ten pounds, to be paid to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London. And the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court or Courts of Assistants assembled, shall forthwith upon such refusal Elect in manner and form aforesaid one other fit person to be Master of the said Society instead of the person so refusing, and for such time as the person so refusing should have been Master if he had not refused; and until there shall be a New Master chosen who shall take upon him the Execution of the said Office and take the said Oath, the same Method for Election shall be observed and Penalties incurred for refusal. ALSO it is Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them, shall according to their ancient usage at such Court of Assistants, to be held at the said usual time, Elect and choose one of the Members of the said Society (being qualified as aforesaid) to be first or Upper Warden of the said Society for one whole year from thence next ensuing; Which person so Elected shall forthwith accept of the said Office, and take the Oath hereafter in these presents for that purpose appointed, and shall continue therein for One whole year, and until some new first or Upper Warden shall be elected and chosen in his place, and shall bear an equal part with his under-warden in the making of an Election-Dinner for the Master, Wardens and Assistants and Livery, according to the ancient custom of this Company, (this Company making to him and the under-warden the same allowance which hath been usually made to other Wardens upon the same occasion.) And in case of the death or removal of such first or upper-warden, warden, the Master remaining, Warden and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, may forthwith proceed to a New Election in manner and form aforesaid, according to the Custom of the said Society, of some fit person, being one of the said Court of Assistants, to serve in the Office or Place of First or upper-warden of the said Society for the remainder of that time which the deceased or removed First or upper-warden of the said Society ought to have served. And if any person chosen as aforesaid to be First or upper-warden of the said Society, shall refuse to accept the said Office, and take the Oath in manner aforesaid (having no just or reasonable Impediment or Excuse that may hinder him so to do, and which shall be allowed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants) than such person so Elected and refusing to take upon him the Execution of the said Office, and to take the Oath aforesaid, shall for such his refusal forthwith pay to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or art of Stationers of the City of London aforesaid, the sum of Twenty four pounds, except he Served or Fined for First or upper-warden the preceding-year, and then for his refusal in such Case he shall forfeit and pay but six pounds. But if any person shall be chosen first or upper-warden as aforesaid, who never served first or upper-warden of the said Society before, shall make his applications to the Cours of Assistants, the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, if they think fit, may excuse him from serving in the said Office upon payment of a more moderate Fine, to be by them in a Court of Assistants imposed, not under Twelve pounds; and that then the Master remaining, Warden and Assistants, or the major part of them, in a Court of Assistants, shall forthwith upon such refusal Elect in manner and form aforesaid, one other fit person to be first or upper-warden of the said Society instead of the person so refusing, and for such time as he should have served first or upper-warden by such Election, if he had not refused, and until there shall be a first or upper-warden chosen, who shall take upon him the Execution of the said Office, and take the said Oath, the same Method shall be observed, and Penalties incurred upon every such refusal. AND it is likewise Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them, according to their ancient usage at such Courts of Assistants to be holden at such usual time shall Elect and choose one other Member of the said Society (being qualified as aforesaid) to be second or under-warden of the said Society for One whole year from thence next ensuing; which person so Elected shall forthwith accept the said Office, and take the Oath hereafter in these Presents for that purpose appointed, and shall continue therein for One whole year, and until some one second or under-warden shall be Elected and sworn in his place, and shall bear an Equal part with his upper-warden in the making of an Election-Dinner for the Master, Wardens and Assistants and Livery, according to the ancient custom of this Company; this Company making to him and his upper-warden the same allowance which hath been usually made to other Wardens upon the same occasion. (And in case of the death or removal of such second or under-warden, the Master remaining, Warden a●d Assistants, or the major part of them, may forthwith proceed to a New Election in manner and form aforesaid, according to the custom of the said Society, of some fit person, being of the said Court of Assistants, to serve in the place or Office of second or under-warden of the said Society, for the remainder of the time which the deceased or removed second or under-warden ought to have served.) And if any person chosen as aforesaid, to be second or under-warden of the said Society shall refuse to accept the said Office, and to take the Oath in manner aforesaid (having no reasonable or just Impediment or Excuse that may hinder him so to do, and which shall be so allowed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants) Then such person so Elected, and refusing to take upon him the Execution of the said Office, and take the Oath aforesaid, shall for such his Refusal forthwith pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Twenty pounds; But if such person that shall be so Elected, hath served Second or under-warden the preceding year, than the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, if they think fit, may excuse him from the said Office, upon payment of some other smaller sum of money, so as it be not under Five pounds; and although any person which shall be chosen second or under-warden as aforesaid, hath not served second or under-Warden of the said Society before, yet if he shall make his application to the Court of Assistants, the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of assistants, if they shall think fit, may excuse him from serving in the said Office, upon payment of a smaller sum of Money than the said Twenty pounds, so as it be not under Ten pounds, and that then the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall forthwith upon such refusal Elect in manner and form aforesaid one other fit person to be Second or under-Warden of the said Society, instead of the person so refusing, and for such time as he should have served Second or under-Warden by such Election if he had not refused, and until there shall be a second or under-Warden chosen, who shall take upon him the Execution of the said Office, and take the said Oath, the same method shall be observed, and penalties incurred upon every such refusal. AND IT IS further Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them shall and may from time to time, and at any time or times hereafter, when they shall think fit, at a Court of Assistants, make choice of such and so many of the Members of the said Society (who have paid their Fines for not serving, or else have served according to the Custom of the said Society in the Office or Place of Renter-warden of the said Society) as they or the major part of them shall think fit to be Assistants to the said Master and Wardens, and of common Council of the said Society; and that every person and persons so chosen as aforesaid, shall before he or they take upon him or them his Office or place of an Assistant as aforesaid, or sit in any Court of Assistants of the said Society, take an Oath before the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them; which Oath is to be administered in a Court of the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them, according to the form for that purpose hereafter appointed. Every which said person or persons so chosen to be an Assistant as aforesaid, shall after his being sworn as aforesaid, pay to the Clerk of the said Society for Administering the Oath, and Registering his Name, the usual Fee of Ten Shillings, and to the Beadle of the said Society his usual Fee of Five Shillings. AND it is hereby likewise Ordained, That within some time convenient after the Election and Oath taken by the new Master and Wardens of the said Society as aforesaid, not exceeding two months, the last Master and Wardens, and every of them, shall give a true and just account in writing (unto such persons as shall be appointed by the then Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, Auditors for that purpose) of all jewels, Plate, Money, Linen, Charters, Deeds, Evidences, Obligations, Writings, Books and Papers whatsoever, and of all other Goods and Chattels whatsoever belonging to the said Society, and which did at any time come to his or their hands, charge or custody; and shall likewise safely deliver them to the Master and Wardens then in being, together with his or their Key or Keys; and also all other things whatsoever belonging to the said Society, which are or were in his or their custody, and not accounted for, upon pain of Forfeiting to the use of the said Society for every Month that every such person or persons shall neglect to Account as aforesaid, or detain any of the said Premises after the time limited hereby over and above the full value of the same (such person or persons having no just Impediment for so doing, which shall be so allowed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants) the sum of One hundred pounds. And it is likewise Ordained, that the said Accounts with the Inventory, and such other things as shall be so delivered up, shall immediately after the Auditing and Allowance thereof be fairly entered by the Clerk of the said Society into a Book for that purpose provided, which Book shall be safely kept by him in his Office. AND also it is further Ordained, That the common Seal of the said Society, together with the Plate, jewels, Goods, Charters, Writings, Evidences, and all other things belonging to the said Society, shall remain and be in one or more Chest or Chests, which said Chest or Chests shall also stand in the Hall or such other place as the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants shall direct, and to which there shall be three several Locks and Keys, the custody of one of which said Keys shall be in the Master of the said Society for the time being, the custody of another shall be in the first or upper Warden for the time being, and the custody of the third shall be in the second or under Warden for the time being, during their respective Offices, and until their Accounts shall be audited only. And if it shall happen the said Master or either of the said Wardens to be sick or travail out of the said City, or shall absent himself for Fourteen days, that then in such case every such Master and Warden respectively shall leave his or their Key or Keys with some other honest and able person or persons, being one of the said Assistants, so that the said Companies affairs may not suffer prejudice by want thereof. Upon pain to forfeit for every such default to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London aforesaid, the sum of Five pounds. ALSO it is further Ordained, That no Leases, Demises, Annuities, Grants, Gifts or Bargains and Sales of what nature or kind soever, of any House or Houses, Lands, Tenements, or other thing or things whatsoever appertaining to the said Society, nor any Obligations, Bills or Specialties whatsoever, shall at any time be granted by or pass under the Common Seal of the said Society, unless the same be ordered so to be by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, upon pain that the Master and each Warden which shall be master or Warden at the time of such offence, offending contrary to this Ordinance, shall forthwith be Disfranchised, and pay each of them for such their Offence, to the Master and Keepers or wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London aforesaid, over and above the damage which the said Society shall receive for such their offence, the sum of one hundred pounds a piece. AND also it is Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them, in a Court of Assistants, when and as often as they shall think fit, may Elect, choose and admit into the Livery or Clothing of the said Society, such person and persons free of the said Society, as they shall think fit; and that after Election of any person into the Livery or Clothing aforesaid, the Master of the said Society shall cause the Beadle of the said Society to put upon him so elected a Livery Gown, after the manner heretofore accustomed in the said Society; and then the said Master shall put upon his shoulder a particoloured Hood made after the usual manner; after which the said Master and Wardens, each in their order, shall give to such person and persons his and their hands, saying these words, (Videl t.) BROTHER, you are Admitted to the Clothing of this Company; or words to that effect; and that every person which shall be elected and chosen of the Livery or Clothing of the said Society, shall upon such his admission into the Livery or Clothing as aforesaid, according to the ancient usage of the said Society, pay to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens: and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Twenty pounds for a Fee or Income for such his or their admission as aforesaid, and to the Clerk of this Society his usual Fee of Ten shillings, and to the Beadle of this Society his usual Fee of Five shillings; and if any such person so elected into the Clothing as aforesaid, shall refuse to accept thereof, having no reasonable cause, and to be so allowed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them, in a Court of Assistants; then he shall pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, for such refusal, the sum of Forty pou●ds. AND it is further Ordained, that all those who shall be of the Livery or Clothing of the said Society, shall from time to time upon the Beadle's summons for that purpose, meet at such place and time as shall be appointed by the Master and Wardens of the said Society; and also that every person being duly summoned as aforesaid, and shall make default, not having a reasonable Excuse, or shall departed without the leave of the Master or Wardens, or one of them, shall for every such Default pay to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of one Shilling. AND also it is Ordained, That every year yearly in a Court of Assistants, to be holden as aforesaid, at the usual time, the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them then present, may Elect and choose one honest, discreet and able man, being of the Livery of the said Society, who shall bear the Title of Renter-warden of the said Society for One year next ensuing, and till another shall be chosen and sworn in his place; and in case of the death or Removal of any Renter-warden, the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall forthwith proceed to a New Election of a Renter-warden in manner and form aforesaid; which person so Elected, shall forthwith accept the said Office, and take the Oath hereafter for that purpose in these Presents mentioned, and also shall diligently attend the Master and Wardens upon their summons, and carefully collect and receive all Quarteridges due from and payable by all and every or any of the members of this Society, and also all the Rents due to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, upon all or any Lease or Leases whatsoever, already made or hereafter to be made by the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London; and shall also at the usual time, to wit, within One month after some other person shall be sworn into the said Office or such other longer time as shall be appointed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants render to the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or such other person as the Master, Wardens and Assistants shall appoint, a true, plain, perfect and just Account in writing, of all such Moneys which he hath received, and Disbursments which he hath made (during his time of being Renter-warden) for the use of the said Society, and shall speedily make payment of what shall remain in his hands due upon such Account, and deliver his Books and all other Papers or things whatsoever, which may concern the said Society, to the Master and Wardens, or such other person or persons as the Master and Wardens shall appoint, upon pain that every person offending against this Ordinance, shall pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, for every month's time that he shall after request or summons in that behalf made, refuse or delay to make such Account, the sum of Five pounds; and for every month's time (after such Account stated) that the Moneys which shall be due upon the foot of such account to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the mystery or art of Stationers of the City of London, or any part thereof shall remain unpaid, the sum of Five pounds (he having no reasonable Impediment or Excuse which shall be so allowed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, for his failor therein.) AND further it is likewise Ordained, That after the Election of the Renter-warden by the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, as aforesaid, if the person so Elected, shall refuse to accept the said Office, and take the said Oath in manner aforesaid, having no reasonable or just Impediment or Excuse that may hinder him so to do, and which shall be allowed by the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, than such person so Elected, and refusing to take upon him the Execution of the said office, shall for such his refusal forthwith pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or art Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Fifty pounds. But if any person which shall be chosen Renter-warden as aforesaid, shall make his application to the Court of Assistants, the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, if they think fit, may excuse him upon payment of a smaller sum of money, so as it be not under the sum of Twenty four pounds. And also it is likewise ordained, That every person who shall hereafter serve in the said place or office of Renter-warden to the said Society, according to the ancient usage of the said Society, shall every year upon the day that the Lord Mayor of London shall be presented and sworn at Westminster (in the common Hall of the said Society) or at such other place as the Master and Wardens shall appoint, at his costs and charges find and provide one competent and sufficient Dinner for the Master, Wardens and Assistants, and all the Members of the Livery of the said Society. And if default shall be made hereof, that then every such person shall forfeit and pay for such his default to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Fifty pounds. AND it is likewise Ordained, That after the Election of any person to be Renter-warden as aforesaid, and his accepting of the said Office, and taking of the said Oath, than the Master and Wardens of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall forthwith proceed to the Election of an Assistant Renter-warden, who is to be assistant upon all necessary occasions to the present Renter-warden, which said assistant Renter-warden the next year following (or sooner, if the present Renter-warden should happen to die or be removed) at the usual time, according to the ancient Usage of the said Society, shall be elected for the succeeding year, if the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall think fit. AND also it is likewise Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall and may when and as often as need shall require, Elect and choose one fit person to be Clerk of the said Society, for the entering and registering of all Decrees, Ordinances, Acts, Agreements, Orders and things whatsoever, made or to be made in their Courts or Assemblies aforesaid, and to do all other things pertinent to the said Office; which said person so Elected shall forthwith take the Oath for that purpose herein after appointed: And also the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, may upon just and reasonable cause remove and displace such Clerk from his said Office, and in form aforesaid Elect another fit person for the Execution thereof. AND also it is further Ordained, That the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall and may when and as often as need shall require, Elect and choose one fit person to be Beadle to the said Society, who shall take the Oath hereafter in these presents for that purpose appointed, and shall at all times be attendant upon the said Master, Wardens and Assistants in Court, and Master and Wardens out of Court, when he shall be thereunto required or commanded by them; and shall also when he shall be thereunto required by the Master or Wardens of the said Society (and not otherwise) diligently summon and warn every one of the Assistants of the said Society, and others if he shall be so directed, to attend the said Master and Wardens as Courts or other Meetings which shall be appointed by the said Master or Wardens; and also the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the mayor part of them in Court, shall and may upon just and reasonable cause to them appearing, remove and displace such Beadle from his said Office, and in form aforesaid Elect one other fit person for the Execution thereof. AND it is hereby further Ordained, That the said Master and Wardens, or the major part of them in Court shall and may yearly according to the custom of the said Society, Elect and choose such and so many persons of the said Society as they shall think fit to attend the said Master, Wardens, Assistants and Livery, as Whifflers or Ushers in any Services to which they shall be appointed, at such times and in such manner as shall be appointed by the said Master or Wardens, upon pain that every person neglecting or refusing to attend as aforesaid, shall pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Ten shillings. AND also it is hereby further Ordained, That every person whatsoever that now is or hereafter shall be a member of the said Society, shall at all times from henceforth contribute his proportion in common with others of the said Society, as is usual in other Companies in London, of all charges, sum and sums of Money and Taxes whatsoever, which shall be at any time charged upon the said Company, or shall be Expended or necessary to be Expended for the welfare and good Estate of the said Company; which proportionable part shall be assessed and imposed upon him by the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in Court, who are hereby Impowered to make such Assessments; and that every person who shall refuse or delay to pay his proportionable share of money to be assessed as aforesaid, shall pay to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, such reasonable Fine not exceeding Five pounds, over and above so much money which shall be assessed as aforesaid for any of the uses aforesaid, as the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in Court shall think fit. AND also it is likewise Ordained, That none of the members of the said Society shall at any time hereafter, revile, abuse or defame in words or otherwise, the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or any of them, or any other member of the same Society, but shall at all times well demean themselves, and be of good behaviour and civil conversation both in word and deeds. And it is further Ordained, That if any person of the court of Assistants or common Council of this Society, shall infringe this Ordinance, or any part thereof, he shall be liable to be Expelled and put out of his place as an Assistant, or one of the common Council of the said Society; and after such expulsion shall not be capable of being chosen again, until he or they shall pay to the Master and Wardens of the said Society, such Fine not exceeding Five pounds as the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall Impose upon him or them for such his or their Offence; and also upon pain that every other Member of the said Society offending against this Ordinance, shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, such Fine not exceeding Twenty Shillings as the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall Impose upon him or them for such his or their Offence. AND also it is further Ordained, That if any person being a Member of this Society, being of the Court of Assistants, or a Livery man of the said Society, when commanded by the Master and Wardens to attend in his Gown and Hood, shall at any time render himself disobedient to the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or any of them, or shall hold any private meeting, or give counsel to or confederate with any person or persons, to resist or oppose the said Master, Wardens and Assistants, or any of them, in their lawful Government, or shall do any act or thing which may in any wise prejudice the said Society, or may tend to the breach of any of the aforesaid lawful constitutions and Ordinances, Then every person so offending, for such his Offence against any part of this Ordinance shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, such Fine not exceeding Five pounds, as the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall impose upon him or them for such his or their Offence. ALSO it is Ordained, That if the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Society, or any of them, or any other Member of the said Society, shall at any time hereafter, reveal, disclose or make known any of the lawful secrets, conferences or consultations of the said Society, tending to the discredit, damage or prejudice of the said Society, or any of the Governors, Officers or Members thereof, That then such person so offending, be he Master, Warden or one of the Assistants, shall be excluded from the Court of Assistants or common Council of the said Society, until he hath paid such Fine, not exceeding the sum of Five pounds, as the Master, Wardens and Assistants, or the major part of them in Court, shall impose upon him or them for such his or their Offence. And every other member so offending, shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty, of the mystery or art of Stationers of the City of London, such Fine not exceeding Forty shillings, as the Master, Wardens and Assistants or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall impose upon him or them. AND he it further Ordained, That when any difference or differences shall hereafter arise between any member and members of this Company for any Copy, Right, or any thing relating to Printing, Book-selling or Book-binding, That then before any Action or suit be commenced, they shall first make their application to the Master, Wardens and Assistants in a Court of Assistants, and give them true information of the ground and occasion of such Difference or controversy; which said Master, Wardens and Assistants, in a Court of Assistants, are hereby authorized to hear all parties concerned, and to use their utmost Endeavours to compose such Difference and Differences, without the trouble and charge of going to Law, upon pain that every member that shall for any of the Causes aforesaid commence any Suit or Suits, without application made as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Ten pounds. AND whereas since the making of the late Act of Parliament made in his now Majesty's Reign, entitled, An Act for preventing the frequent abuses in Printing Seditious, Treasonable and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets, and for regulating of Printing and Printing-presses, several members of the said Society have Erected Presses contrary to the said Act, and therewithal have printed several seditious, treasonable, schismatical, scandalous and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets, to the great Scandal of the said Company, and the Government thereof: For the future prevention whereof, It is hereby Ordained, That no Member of this Company shall hereafter Erect or cause to be Erected, any Press or Presses for Printing, or any Printing-house or Printing-houses; nor shall knowingly Demise or Let, or suffer to be held or used any House, Vault or Cellar, or other Room whatsoever, for a Printing-house or place to print in, unless he or they who Erect such Press or Presses, Printing-house or Printing-houses, or shall so knowingly demise or let such Houses, Cellar, Vault or Room, or suffer the same to be used, shall first give Notice to the Master and Wardens of the said Society, or one of them, of the Erecting such Demise, or Presses, Printing-house or Printing-houses, or of such Demise, or suffering to work or Print, upon pain of forfeiting the sum of Ten pounds for every Offence to be committed contrary to any of the Clauses of this Ordinance, and Forty shillings a day during every day that the same shall continue, to be paid to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, to the use of the Poor of the said Company. AND also it is further Ordained, That no Member or Members of the said Society, shall at any time from henceforth erect, or cause or procure or suffer to be erected any private Press or Presses, commonly called A Press in a hole, nor shall countenance, assist or contribute towards the erecting or setting up of any such private Press or Presses, or shall knowingly accommodate, furnish, or supply any such private Press or Presses, with Paper or any other materials for Printing, or contribute towards the same, or pay or contribute towards the payment of any Wages, Salary or Hire, to any person or persons, for the working at any private Press or Presses, or towards the payment of any Rent or Reward for any House or place where such private Press or Presses shall be Erected and set up, or connive at or conceal any such Press or Presses, House or Houses, place or places, or the Name or Names of any such person or persons that shall erect or cause to be erected, or contribute towards the erecting, furnishing, supplying, working at, or preparing work for any such private Press or Presses, or shall willingly and knowingly buy, barter, or contract for any Impression or part of any Impression, of any Book or Books, or part of Book, Pamphlet or Paper; or knowingly bind, stitch, put together for sale, publish, dispose, or disperse any Book, Pamphlet or Paper, which shall be Imprinted at any such private Press or Presses, upon pain that every Member in any of the said cases offending, shall be liable to be disfranchised for such Offence, or to pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, such reasonable Fine, not exceeding Fifty pounds, as the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the said Company, or the major part of them in a Court of Assistants, shall Impose upon him for such his Offence. And for the better discovery of all such private Printing-presses, commonly called Presses in Holes, it is further Ordained, That every person and persons that shall discover any such private Printing-presse to the Master and Wardens of the said Society, or either of them, shall have the sum of Five pounds, or what more the Master or Wardens shall think fit, as a Reward for such his Service, to be paid to him out of the common Stock of the said Society, by the said Master or Wardens, or one of them, and shall be allowed in their or any of their Accounts. AND it is likewise further Ordained, That no member or members of the said Society, shall employ either to work at the Case or Press, or otherwise about his Printing, any journeyman-printer, Freeman or Forreigner, or other person whatsoever, that shall have offended in any of the cases mentioned in the Two last Ordinances, for the space of Three months' next after due proof thereof made, either by Confession or otherwise, to the Court of Assistants of the said Society, and notice thereof given to the wheral Master-Printers of the said Society, without Licence from the Master or Wardens of the said Society first had and obtained; Upon pain that every Member so offending after Notice given as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Ten shillings for every month that he or they shall Employ such Offender or Offenders as aforesaid. AND it is likewise further Ordained, That no member or members of the said Society, shall knowingly permit or suffer his Apprentice or Apprentices, or Covenant-servants, at any time to work at any Press or Presses, any matter or thing whatsoever prohibited by the said Act of Parliament, and the Two Ordinances: and that if any such Master-Printer shall at any time discover or know that any of his Apprentices or Covenant-servants shall offend in any of the said Cases, That then such Master-Printer shall cause such Apprentice or Apprentices, or Covenant-servants, forthwith to be brought to the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being, and make complaint of all such his and their Offences, to the end that such Offender and Offenders may be punished according to the ancient custom of the said City, Upon pain that every Master-Printer not effectually putting in Execution this Ordinance, or faintly prosecuting the same, shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Forty shillings. AND it is also Ordained, That no Master-Printer, or other Printer or Workman, being a member of this Society, shall teach, direct or instruct any person or persons whatsoever, other than his or their own Legitimate Son or Sons, in this Art or Mystery of Printing, who is not actually bound as an Apprentice to some lawful authorised Printer; Upon pain that every person so offending, shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, the sum of Five pounds. AND also it is hereby further Ordained, That no member or members of the said Society, shall hereafter Erect or set up, or cause to be erected or set up, or countenance, or contribute to the Erecting or setting up of any Printing-presse or Presses, for any new Printing-house or Houses, or shall supply or furnish the same with any Materials for Printing, until the now Legal Master-Printers and their Printing-houses be reduced according to the direction of the aforesaid late Act of Parliament, Upon pain of forfeiting the sum of Fifty pounds for every such Offence, and Twenty pounds a month for every month that the same shall continue, to be paid to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London. AND it is also hereby further Ordained, That if any journeyman Printer, or other person, being a member of the said Society, shall work at any private illegal Press, and not discover the same within Two days after such working as aforesaid, to the Master and Wardens of the said Society, or any of them, or shall knowingly work at or upon the Printing of any seditious or scandalous Book, Pamphlet or Paper, or any other Book or Books, or part of any Book or Books imprinted wrongfully and without leave or Assignment of the lawful Owner, the sole printing whereof lawfully belonging to the said Society, or to any other person or persons, or shall knowingly bind, stitch, or sow together any such Book or Books, That then such journeyman Printer, or other person as aforesaid, their or any of their Widows, shall not in any wise be admitted a Pensioner to the said Society. AND it is hereby further Ordained, That no person whatsoever, being a Member of this Company (Except his Majesty's Printers, or their Assigns, who pretend an Interest in the Statutes and Abridgement of Statutes by Grant from the King) shall at any time or times hereafter, print or cause to be printed the Statute-Books or common Law-Books herein after named; That is to say, Poultons' Statutes, Cook upon Littleton, Cooks Entries or Reports, or any other Law-Books whatsoever, whereunto Edward Atkins Esq or his Assigns, now are or hereafter may be entitled, by virtue of Letters Patents to him granted, Upon pain that every Member of this Company (Except the King's Printers and their Assigns aforesaid) offending in the premises, shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, for every Impression of the said Books before particularly named, or of any other Law-Books granted in the said Patent to the said Edward Atkins, printed contrary to the meaning of this Order, the sum of Two hundred pounds of lawful money of England, in Trust for the said Edward Atkins. The By-Law to be Read at the Administering of the Freeman's Oath, and a Printed Copy thereof to be delivered to every Member of the said Company dealing in the Stationer's Trade. IT IS hereby Ordained, that no Member or Members of this Company shall hereafter knowingly Imprint or cause to be Imprinted any Book, Pamphlet, Portraiture, Picture or Paper whereunto the Law requires a Licence, without such Licence as by the Law is directed for the Imprinting of the same. AND in Case any Member as aforesaid shall henceforth know of the Imprinting, Binding, Stitching, Publishing or Dispersing of any such Book, Pamphlet, Portraiture, Picture or Paper as aforesaid, such Member or Members as aforesaid, shall from time to time disclose the same unto the Master or Wardens of the said Company within Three days after the knowledge of such Offence committed, together with the Name or Names of such Person or Persons so offending; Which said Master or Wardens upon such Information given, shall cause the same to be entered in a Book hereafter mentioned, within six days after such Information received, upon pain that every Person offending in either or any of these Cases, and having a part in the English Stock of this Company, the Profits of such part of his Stock for one year shall be sequestered, and paid into the hands of the Master and Keepers, or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, to the use of the Poor of the said Corporation: Unless the Master, Wardens and Assistants, with the Consent of Roger L'Estrange Esq or such Persons as hereafter shall have the like Power concerning the Press committed to them, as he now hath, upon hearing of the matter, shall according to the nature of the Offence think fit to mitigate the same. AND, if any Person or Persons having no part in the English Stock of this Company, shall offend in either or any of the Cases abovesaid, Then such Person or Persons shall forfeit and pay to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Art of Stationers of the City of London, to the use of the Poor of the said Corporation, the sum of Ten pounds; Unless the Master, Wardens and Assistants, with the Consent of the said Roger L'Estrange Esq or of such Persons as shall succeed him in his Authority and Power as aforesaid, upon hearing of the Matter shall according to the Nature of the Offence think fit to mitigate the same. AND, if any Person having and receiving a Pension from this Company, or that hath or shall have any of the Companies Money in his or their hands upon Loan, shall offend in either or any of the Cases abovesaid, Then such ●…sion shall be taken away from such Pensioner, and all such Money which such person or persons as aforesaid, doth or shall owe to this Company, shall as soon as the same shall become due, be forthwith called in, and in default of payment, a speedy course at Law shall be taken by this Company for the Recovery thereof. AND, if any Printer shall offend herein, such Printer shall not for One year next following such Offence, nor after One year expired without the Consent of the Master, Wardens and Assistants be employed in the doing of any work for or belonging to the English Stock of this Company. AND be it further Ordained, That for the Future shall be kept by the Clerk of this Company, two Books; In one of which shall be fairly written such Informations given to the Master or Wardens as aforesaid; and in the other shall be fairly written, what Seditious, Scandalous, Treasonable and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets shall be seized, and Discoveries thereof made, together with the Number of them, and the Persons from whom they were seized: which Books shall be shown to Roger L'Estrange Esq when he shall think fit. The Master's Oath. YOU shall swear to be good and true to our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty that now is, and to his Heirs and Successors, Kings or Queens of this Realm: And that you shall as Master well and truly Order and Govern all the Fellowship of this Mystery and Company of Stationers, whereof you are chosen Master for this present Year, according to your best skill and Judgement: And the good Rules and Ordinances of this Company you shall keep, and see to be kept to the best of your power. So help you God. The Wardens Oath. YOU shall swear to be good and true to our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty that now is, and to his Heirs and Successors, Kings or Queens of this Realm: And that you shall as Wardens well and truly Order and Govern all the Fellowship of the Mystery and Company of Stationers, whereof you are now chosen Wardens for this present Year, according to the best of your skill and knowledge: And the good Rules and Ordinances of this Company, you shall keep, and see to be kept according to the best of your power. So help you God. The freemens Oath. YOU shall swear to be good and true to our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty that now is, and to his Heirs and Successors, Kings or Queens of this Realm, and to be Obedient to the Master and Wardens of this Company in all lawful manner: You shall also keep secret all the lawful Counsel of this Fellowship: And all manner of lawful Rules and Ordinances for the good Ordering of the said Fellowship ye shall to the best of your skill observe and keep, and to your power ye shall be well willing, helping and furthering to the good Governance and Wealth of the same Fellowship, and shall not be party or privy in any Counsel or Device that may be to the hurt or hindrance of the same Company, or to the overthrowing and breaking of the good Laws and Ordinances of the same: But all such Practices, Counsels and Devices you shall disclose to the said Master and Wardens of the Company, and them labour to hinder and break so much as in you lieth. So help you God. The Clerk's Oath. YOU shall swear to be good and true to our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty that now is, and to his Heirs and Successors, Kings or Queens of this Realm: You shall be Obedient in all lawful manner to the Master and Wardens of this Fellowship: And you shall make true Entries of all such things as you shall be commanded by the Master, Wardens and Assistants for the time being, and faithfully keep all the Books and Records: And in all other things you shall well and truly demean yourself as Clerk of this Company, and the same to execute according to the best of your skill and knowledge. So help you God. The Beadle's Oath. YOU shall swear to be good and true to our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty that now is, and to his Heirs and Successors, Kings or Queens of this Realm: You shall be in all lawful manner obedient to the Master and Wardens of this Company; and all persons of the said Company when you are commanded you shall in due time lawfully summon and warn to the Assemblies of the same. All the lawful Counsel also and Secrets of this Company you shall well and truly keep: And all other lawful things appertaining to your Office you shall well and faithfully do. So help you God. The Oath of an Assistant. YOU shall swear to be good and true to our Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty that now is, and to his Heirs and Successors, Kings or Queens of this Realm: And that you shall according to your best Skill and Judgement, with your Advice or otherwise, well and truly Assist the Master and Wardens of this Company, when there shall be Occasion: And the good Rules and Ordinances of this Company you shall keep, and see to be kept to the best of your power. So help you God. ALL which Orders, Rules, Ordinances and Oaths, in manner and form aforesaid made, We the said Lord Chancellor of England, and Lord Chief Justices of either Bench, have seen, perused and Examined, and in Order to the preventing and avoiding of the Penalty inflicted by the aforesaid Statute upon the Execution of Ordinances not approved, as by the said Act is directed, (And as far forth as by Law we may) we do approve, ratify and confirm. In Witness whereof, to these Presents, We the said Lord Chancellor of England, and Lord Chief Justice's of either Benches, have hereunto subscribed our Names, and set our Seals, the Second day of February, in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. Annoque Dom. 1677. H. Finch, C. Ri. Rainsford. Fra. North. FINIS.