At a Meeting of the Vicechancellor and the Heads of Colleges and Halls of the University of Oxford on the 25. Day of November in the year of our Lord 1695. WHEREAS in a Sermon lately preached before the University of Oxford in the Church of St. Peter in the East on the Feast of S S. Simon and Judas last passed, these Words, amongst others, were delivered and asserted. viz. [There are Three Infinite distinct Minds and Substances in the Trinity.] Item [That the Three Persons in the Trinity are Three Distinct Infinite Minds or Spirits, and Three Individual Substances.] Which gave just cause of Offence and Scandal to many Persons: The Vicechancellor and Heads of Colleges and Halls, at their general Meeting this Day assembled, do judge and declare the said Words to be False, Impious, and Heretical; Contrary to the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, and particularly to the received Doctrine of the Church of England: And do therefore strictly forbid all manner of Persons, under their Care and Charge, to Preach or publish any such Doctrine for the future. By Order of Mr. Vicechancellor and the Heads of Houses. Ben. Cooper Notary public and Register of the University of Oxon.