ACADEMIA OXONIENSIS SAPIENTIAE ET FELICITATIS. blazon of Oxford University To being by us approved and appointed Collectors of the Moneys due to His Majesty, By virtue of a late Act of Parliament, Entitled, An Act for the raising Money by a Poll, and otherwise to enable His Majesty to enter into an actual War against the French King, and for Prohibiting several French Commodities. UNIVERS. OXON. ss. THESE are in his Majesty's name, 〈◊〉 will and require you, that you speedily Collect and Levy of the several and respective person or persons, in the Estreat or Assessment hereunto annexed, mentioned, the several and respective Sum and Sums of Money on them respectively Rated or Assessed; And to that end, you are by the said Act, required to make demand thereof of ●he Parties themselves, or at the place of their last abode within six days after the receipt ●●ereof; And if any person or persons shall refuse to pay upon your demand the several ●●um or Sums, and proportions in the said Estreat or Assessment mentioned, on him, her, or them respectively Assessed, and by the said Act appointed for such person to pa●●, you are thereby authorized and required for nonpayment thereof, to distrain the pers●●n or persons refusing, by his or their Goods or Chattels; and the distress so taken, to ●●eep by the space of four days at the Cost and Charges of the owner thereof; And if the owner do not pay the same within the said four days, than the said distress is thereby dir●●cted to be appraised by three or two of the Inhabitants where the said distress is take●● and there by you to be sold for payment of the said Money; and the overplus coming 〈◊〉 the said Sale; (if any be) over and above the charges of taking, and keeping the said d●tress, you are immediately to restore to the owner thereof; And whereas it is provided by the said Act, that if any person or persons, shall refuse, or neglect to pay the Sum or Sums so Assessed, by the space of 20 days after demand, as aforesaid, where no sufficient distress can or may be found, whereby the same may be levied; that the said person or persons, should by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of three or more of the Commissioners by t●e said Act appointed, be committed to the Common Goal, there to be kept without Bail o● Mainprize, until payment shall be made; you are therefore hereby required, immediatelo● after the said 20 days, to return unto Us, or any Three of the Commissioners by the said Act appointed for this University, the Names of the person and persons in the said Estreat or Assessment mentioned, who shall so neglect, or refuse to pay the Sum or Sums o● him or them Assessed, by the space of 20 days after demand, and no sufficient distress can be found, whereby the same may be levied, that so such further Order may be taken therein, as by the said Act is directed. And all Constables, Head-boroughs, Tything-men, and other His Majesty's Officers, are by the said Act required, and enjoined to be respectively aiding and assisting in the execution thereof; And the respective Parents, Guardians and Tutors of every person under the Age of 21 years, are upon default of such person, and upon demand to pay what is due by the said Act, for every such person residing in their Family, or under their Tuition: And you are hereby further required, to take such speedy and effectual Order and care in the Premises, that you fail not to Levy, and pay in the total Sum in the said Estreat or Assessment mentioned, to the Receiver General to be appointed by h●s Majesty at or before the 12 day of June now next coming; hereof you are not to fail, as you will answer the contrary at your utmost Peril. Given under our Hands and Seals the tenth day of May in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc. Annoque Dom. 1678. Jo: Nicholas. Vi. Can seal ●m Lan 〈…〉 seal Ben: Cooper seal Richard Wit seal