A Sober Guests CONCERNING Several Dark Prophecies IN THE REVELATION, Especially The XI. Chapter. Extracted out of several Author's Expositors on the APOCALYPS. By T.P. Minister of the Gospel, P. P. 1 Pet. 1.19. We have also a more sure Word of Prophecy, whereunto ye do well to take heed, as to a light that shineth in a dark place, till the day come, etc. LONDON, Printed, etc. TO THE READER. THe reverend and learned Author of this ensuing Treatise, having had of late an unpleasing liberty from his Ministerial Employments, wherein he hath for these many years last passed been exercised with much acceptance, and precious fruit, and being studious how he might best serve his Generation, and improve his time and talon for common benefit, did engage himself (moved no doubt thereunto from above) to the study of the book of the Revelation, and to make a search into the deep Mysteries contained in it, the rather that he and others by his means might the better understand the mind of God in the way of his providential dispensations, which are so variously interpreted, and at which so many stumble and fall. The Province, the task, though difficult, yet is proper for him, and men of his capacity to undertake, to whom the Arcana Coeli, the lively Oracles, the mysteries of the Kingdom of God are committed, and whose duty it is to make Visions plain. In this work the Author hath laboured ad sudorem, ad pallorem; and no doubt found it to be dolour in oculis, as the Psalmist phrases it. When he had laboured much in this work, and had brought it ad umbilicum, knowing and considering with himself, as Piscator did upon the very same occasion, That we know but in part, prophesy but in part, and that the spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets, he willingly offered his papers to the perusal, and submitted them to the judgement and censure of his Brethren, and among others, to me, the least of all, whose acquaintance with the Author and his work within not many hours bears the same date. And I must profess I count it a mercy to have acquaintance with both, and do cordially own the Work for the Author's sake, and the Author for the Works sake. After I had saluted the Treatise, a limine, I found more and more encouragement to pass further and further into it, and having perused it was fully concurrent in my judgement upon it, with others that had run the lines before me, that it was Opus praelo dignum, and did hearty press the publication of it, as that which would be of precious use, and much for benefit to such as desire to move by the Apocalyptique line, wishing that being well taught it might have the fairest gales, and a most gainful trade. Reader, the Treatise is now in thy hand, and wilt thou not take cognizance of it, and be acquainted with it? Solomon gives it for the character of a fool, That he hath a price in his hand to get knowledge, and hath no heart to it; will it be for thy honour to be so charactered? When the little book mentioned Rev. 5. was held in the hand of him that sat on the Throne, and none found worthy to open it, and look into it, John was deeply affected, and wept much, to think that a Book that would be so much for the Church's benefit, should remain a sealed book. God hath made gracious provision formerly, and now of late, that by Labours and Lucubrations of this and other the faithful servants of Christ, this mysterious book should be opened, and elucidated, the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 explained; and shall not this precious provision be accepted and made use of? Thou hast in this Book, which the Author hath laboured in, an account given in a prophetical and mysterious way, of a Lamb slain, but alive again, standing on Mount Zion in a military posture, fight, and conquering, and going out to conquer. A Lamb I say, so the great Shepherd of the sheep delights to be styled and called by his Lambs and Sheep. 2. Thou hast an account of a lovely Bride, in beauty and bravery, made ready for the Lamb her Husband, and the solemnisation of their happy Nuptials after Espousals. 3. Of a foul and formidale Beast, succeeding a great red Dragon, in place and power, and under specious pretences of holding correspondency with the Lamb, making war against him. 4. Of a scarlet coloured Whore, having upon her the names of Blasphemy, and in her hand a golden cup full of abominations, and filthinesses of her fornication, inebriating therewith the Kings and Princes, and Inhabiters of the earth. 5. Of the followers of the Lamb, in their numbers witnessing to him, warring with him, and suffering for him, and then appearing with his father's name in their foreheads, with Crowns and Palms, rejoicing and triumphing, having gotten the victory over the Beast and over his Image, and over his Mark, and over the Number of his name. 6. Of the followers of the Beast, and fornicators with the Whore, receiving a Beasts mark, and their dreadful doom, as persons that were not the Lambs Milites conscripti, not written in the Lamb's Book of life. Briefly, Thou hast an account of seven Seals, seven loud sounding Trumpets, seven Vials filled up with hot scorching and scalding wrath, and poured out upon the Antichristian world. These and other the like mysterious things are held forth in this Book of Revelations, and in part cleared up in the Writings of this and other the servants of Christ, make use then of this provision made, and bless God, that thereby thou art in a fair way to possess that blessing which in Rev. 1. is pronounced on them, and ascertained to them that read, and hear, and keep the say of this Book. The time hastens wherein the things contained in it will have their full accomplishment; and then instead of a prophecy of things to be done, it will turn itself into a History of things already done; believe it now as a Prophecy, that thou mayst rejoice in it as a History. And take heed lest through neglect to labour and search for the right understanding of this Book, by such holy helps, thou be not found in compliance with Beast-worship, and fall under the power of that word which is pronounced in a judicial way, Rev. 22. Let him that is filthy, superstitious, idolatrous, be so still; which Scripture is doing quick and severe execution at this day. A word or two more (that I may not hold thee too long at the door) The time is hastening wherein the Lamb of Zion will complete his victories over the Beast of Babylon, and then Beast and false Prophet shall be cast into the lake of fire, and the smoke of their torment shall ascend out of the bottomless pit: Make it thy care that when others shall be found the marked followers of the Beast, thou mayst be found among the sealed followers of the Lamb; while others defile their garments with Antichristian filth, soil and slain them with Superstitious and false Worships, thou mayst have thine close and clean upon thee, having made them white in the blood of the Lamb; so shalt thou be enabled comfortably to wait for the expiration of the Beasts 42. months, and therewith the downfall of Babylon, and the expiration of the Witnesses 1260 days, and therewith their rising again; the sounding of the seventh Trumpet, the coming down of the New Jerusalem, the solemnisation of the Marriage between the Lamb and his Bride, and bear a part with the Lambs triumphing followers in their rejoicings, that the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth, that he hath taken to himself his great power, and that at last the Kingdoms of the World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. FAREWEL. ERRATA. Gentle Reader, THe Author's absence from the Press hath occasioned some Mistakes in the Printing; Thou art desired to correct with thy pen these faults among others, Page 10. line 7. r. Rev. 17. ll. 17. r. this. p. 11. l. 22. r. w●. p. 20. l. 13. r. Genserieus. l. 19 r. Almains, p. 23. l. 7. add were. p. 23. l. 4. r. these. p. 24. l. 17. r Togrulbeck, p. 34 l. 25. r. divided, p. 45. l. 28. r promoting p. 46. l. 25. for his Bride, r. h●s Lords and Cesers. p. 47. l. 3. r. establish, p. 52. l. 16. r. Jupiter as God, p. 57 marg. r. Aurevem, p. 61. l. 20. ●. ●●●ti●ation. p. 66. l. 3. r. Rev. 21. p. 91. l. 20 r. successors. p. 97. l. 26. r. diligent, p. 107. l. 13. r. there, p. 109. l. 18. r. secession. p. 116. l. 20. r. sixty. p. 117. l. 14. for was, r. of, p. 121. l. 9 r. And therefore. p. 126. the Greek words in the marg. place in the marg. of p. 121. p 128. l. 6. r. Appiarius, p. 130. l. 9 perception, p. 169. in marg, r. cure. p. 19 q. l. 20. r. raised, p. 176. l. 7. r. insurrection. UPON THE APOCALYPS, Anno. 1662. THis Book is called a Revelation, because it makes known to us secret hidden mysteries, and future events. It is called the Revelation of John the Divine, that is John the Apostle or Evangelist; called John the Divine, by way of peculiar emphasis, because as an Eagle he soars aloft, writes more sublimely of the Divinity of Christ Jesus, as in his Gospel and First Epistle, so in this Book, where Pareus observes there are forty eight arguments of Christ's Divinity. This John the Evangelist and Apostle was Penman of this Revelation, who wrote this book after all the books of the New Testament had been penned and published, he surviving after all the rest of the Apostles, and lived (as Sophronius thinks) to the third year of Trajan the Emperor, which was in the one hundred and second year after Christ's birth, as Helvicus computes. It completes and seals up the whole canon of the Old and New Testament, cap. 22. 7, 14, 18, 19 The time when he wrote this Revelation was when he was banished into the Isle of Patmos, for the Word of God and testimony of Jesus, by that cruel persecutor Domitian in the fourteenth year of his Reign, saith Hierem. Domitian reigned in all but fifteen years, and his fourteenth year was the 96 year after Christ (as Helvicus computes) So that from John's writing this Revelation, suppose in the 102 year after Christ, to this present year 1662. are 1560 years. It is also called the Revelation of Jesus Christ, because he is the author of it, even Jesus Christ himself, the faithful and true witness, who sent his Angel to testify the same to John the Apostle, and by him to the Churches, Rev. 11.22.16. And though it be called a Revelation, and the Revelation of John, and of Jesus Christ, because it doth make known to us hidden mysteries, and future events, yet it's not without mixture of much intricateness and obscurity; having as Hierom saith, as many mysteries as words. Sundry Books of Holy Scripture are hard to be understood, especially those that are prophetical; but among all the prophetical books, chief this. It is a book full of obscure and intricate visions, making known abstruse and hidden mysteries, most mysteriously, and that in relation to future times; And therefore the profoundest judgement of interpreters, is here not only exercised but puzzled, so that they must acknowledge here are many knots they cannot untie, and mighty deeps, through which they cannot fully wade. The opening of the seven seals, the sounding of the seven Trumpets, the pouring out of the seven Viols, who can fully comprehend? Rev. The profound Mysteries of the measuring of God's Temple and Altar; the Gentiles treading under foot the outward Court and holy City, the two Witnesses, and the time of their Prophecy, Rev. 11.1, 2, 3. The battle between Michael and the seven headed Dragon, the woman's Travel, bringing forth, flight into the Wilderness, Rev. 12.3, 7. the seven-headed, and ten-horned Beast blaspheming, and prevailing over the Saints, Rev. 13.11. etc. The two horned beast, repairing the former beast, Rev. 13.14. The beasts Image, Mark, and number of his name, v. 15. and the number of the beast, 666. The Angels flying through the midst of Heaven, with the everlasting Gospel, Cap. 14.6. The casting the beast and false Prophet into the lake. Cap. 19.20. The first resurrection, and the reigning of the revived Martyrs with Christ a thousand years, Rev. 20.4, 5. The binding of Satan the mean while, and losing him afterward, Rev. 2●. 2, 7. The battle and ruin of Gog and Magog, Rev. 20.8. And in a word, the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, and the finishing the mystery of God. Rev. 21.2. These and the like profound mysteries, who can completely understand? Yea, I verily believe no mortal creature on earth, is able fully to understand and penetrate into all the profound depths and mysteries of this book, which hath so exercised and puzzled all interpreters. Yet this I think, if some things therein, by help of divine light, may be cleared, though all cannot, he that writes shall be a gainer, and he that reads shall be no loser. Therefore I writ this, that I may by Divine assistance give some light to the understanding of some things in this Divine and sacred Prophecy, the mysteries therein being revealed, that they might be understood, the true understanding whereof so much concerns us, and the Church of God in this last hour of the world. Now that we may fathom and understand somewhat of this mysterious Book, I will endeavour two things. First, To give some light into the main body or substance of this Book. Secondly, I will endeavour to open and explain some things in the 11. Chapter, in the History of the two Witnesses, because there are many particular and important things, which do relate to our present times, and are set down for the comfort of the Church, which is now afflicted. To begin with the first, viz. to give some light into the main body of this Prophecy; now in order to this, ponder and weigh advisedly two things. First, The Scope or Intent of the Book. Secondly, The Synchronisms, or the contemporaneousness of the Prophecies therein, how the Visions therein run parallel one with another, and what an accurate harmony, and sweet consent there is among them in respect of time. First, Eye and observe intentively, the scope of the Book, that is, the common time and Period, whereunto all the particular Prophecies and passages in the Revolation do jointly run, and wherein they do ultimately determine. For this is the Polestar and compass we must steer by; the chief mark, or white, which must be aimed and leveled at in interpreting this whole book; and all the mysterious visions therein contained: Like an accurate Archer therefore, keep the eye of thy judgement fixed steadfastly on the Scope, that so far as possible, thou shoot not wide, not short, nor over. Now the Scope or intent of the Revelation 1. Parts of the book. is more generally to make known to the Apostle John, and by John to the Churches, the present things that then were, when the Revelation was given, and the future things that should be afterwards from John's time to the end of the World, as the title of the Book intimates, Rev. 2. More particularly, Jesus Christ intends in this Book to declare the future condition of the Christian Religion, and Churches of the Gentiles, especially the European Churches, the remains of the Roman Empire, and the Tyrannical dominion of Antichrist (those singular subject matters of this book) extending themselves in Europe peculiarly; or as another learned writer expresseth it, to the same purpose, Christ intends in this book to describe the state of the Church in the New ●●●ament, The Arocal up; is a prophesy of the destruction of the Roman Empire, not only as Heathenish, but as Christian, when as it were, it was paganised again, and persecuting the Church. Mr. Thomas Goodwin in his Sermon before the Parliament. 1645. and also the things that shall come to pass in the Roman Empire, or the fourth Monarchy, under which the Church of God doth subsist, and that in divers remarkable Periods of events. Now this description comprehends three Periods, or three sorts of times. The first Period contains the time of the Dragon; the time in which the seven Crowns stood upon the seven heads of the Dragon, Rev. 12.3. when the Dragon himself under the heathenish Emperors was publicly adored and worshipped, but the Christians banished, persecuted and put to cruel death: till at last Constantine the great, came to the Imperial Seat, whereby the reign of the Dragon came to an end; for he throws down all both Idol-worship, and Princes that upheld it; So the Dragon was cast out of the Church Heaven, the whole Empire turning Christian (though as one well said, the Devil did not th●● turn Christian) for he stirred up th'iberian Christian world, to persecute the Orthodox Christians, as much as Heathen Rome had done, yet notwithstanding the Church prevailed, was built up, and triumphed until after the death of the good Emperor Theodesins, at which time the Devil left his shape of a Dragon, and resigned his Host, his residence and seat, with his great authority unto the beast with ten horns, that risen out of the Sea, Cap. 13.1, 2. The second period comprehends the time of Antichrists reign, Period 2. or the time in which the Pope of Rome, as the Antichrist and installed Lieutenant of the Dragon Blasphemeth God and his name, and persecutes his Saints for the space of 1200 and 60 days, Rev. 13. Which God hath permitted as a scourge to Arrian Rome. when the Dragon was overcome, and cast out of the Church Heaven, he did cast out of his mouth Water as a flood after the Woman, Rev. 12.15. i.e. he stirred up the Septentrional Nations to invade the Roman Empire, So Brightman, Deed. Piscator, I unius. intending thereby to root out and destroy the Church; but the earth swallowed up the flood, in regard these Nations embruned the Christian faith, Some by the flood understand Heresies, especially Arrianism, overflowing the Christian world, and so interprers the earth to be the multitude of Christians mer in general Counsels, who defending the true faith, overthrew and drank up these heresies, as dry ground drinketh up water. remaining in the Roman Empire, and erected several Kingdoms in it. Seeing then the Dragon saw that he could not maintain the Heathenism wherein be was openly worshipped and served, he resigneth to the Beast (which riseth up out of the Sea, Rev. 13.7. and is ridden and governed by the great whore of Babylon, Rev. 133. etc. that is to the Antichrist, who in the time of these wars, doth creep out in the Roman Empire) his power and his seat, and great authority, Cap. 13. vers. 2. And so makes him his Vicar and Lieutenant, by giving over to him his Seat and Residence, the City of Rome, and the whole Roman Empire; whence it came to pass, that about the time the Bishops of Rome began to seek to have the primacy and preeminence both in Church and State, as Innocentius the first did, in the year say some, 402. others 406. The Dragon doth resign to his Lieutenant 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, The Dragons delegate or Inostirute. R●●. his whole host (for in this sense the seventy Interpreters do use this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, as, Exod. 14.14. and 15.4. as Mat. 24.29.30.) The Host of the Dragon, are his Angels or Devils, So Mede. and the Idols in which the Dragon and the Devils are worshipped and served by the heathen. These (Idols) the Antichristian Popedom hath received, and worshipped under the name of Saints, the Dragon and his Vicegerent, as hereof the Text speaks, Cap. 13.3, 4. The whole earth did wonder at the beast, and they worshipped the Dragon, that gave power unto the Beast, and they worshipped the beast; The Dragon doth give also to him great authority, and makes him a head over great countries, whereof David did prophecy, Psa. 110.6. The time of his Lieutenantship shall continue forty two Months, i.e. one thousand two hundred and sixty years. Upon this follows the third Period which bringeth Statum Ecclesiae tranquillum, Period 3. as the pure, so the peaceable and quiet estate of the Church upon earth. Seeing at the found of the Trumpet of the seventh Angel, the seventh plague or the third we do come upon the Roman Empire, and at the same time the seventh Viol of God's wrath is poured out ● wherewith the enemies of the Church are wholly cut off and destroyed, yea, even the Devil himself shut up in the bottomless pit, Rev. 20.1, 2, 3. therefore there can nothing but a true and constant peace ensue; whence it is that the Church of God rejoiceth with great joy, with a great voice saying, as Rev. 11.25. The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. and v. 17. She giveth also thanks to the Lord God Almighty, because he hath taken to him his great power and reigneth. Now unto these three Periods, The scope of the revelation. or times, the whole body of the Revelation of St. John, and the parts of it are directed. For the Son of God describeth in this Revelation, the State of the Christian Church, and the things befalling to the Roman Empire in relation to the Church, in a three fold manner. First, By seven Epistles, Cap. 2.3. Secondly, by a Book Scaled, Cap. 4.5, 6, 7. Thirdly, By a little Book open, Cap. 10. and so following. He doth also appear to John every time in another shape. First, In the likeness of a Son of man, who suffereth in the first Period, i. e. in his Members, Rev. 1.12. I saw one like to the Son of man in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks. Secondly, By his horns and eyes which are 7 is noted the absolute perfection of his power & wisdom, & all for his Church against his enemies. As a beast in the shape of a lamb, having seven horns and leven eyes, chap. 5.6 which doth fight in the second period. Thirdly, As a mighty strong Angel clothed with a cloud, cap. 10. who in the third period hath all things put under his feet, and reigneth. First, In the likeness of a Son of man, in the midst of the seven candlesticks, cap. 1. vers. 12, 13, 14, 15. These Epistles are by Christ not only intended to those particular Churches named, but to all the Church's w●h than were elsewhere in the world, & which should be in all ages till his 2d. com●ing. He declareth the condition of the Church in general by seven Epistles (for though these seven Epistles seem primarily and immediately to have respect to the state of the Church then present, to the state of the seven Asian Churches especially: Yet secondarily, mediately and Analogically they have respect to other following Churches, as it were adumbrated and resembled by them) Yea Mr. Brightman goes further, and makes them to contain in them Prophecies touching the future state of all the Gentile Churches; and so makes all these Epistles, as well prophetical in respect of the future Counterpane Churches, as historical in respect of the present Antity ●e Asian Churches. So then I say Christ declares the condition of the Church in general by seven Epistles; whereof the first and second belong to the first period, viz. Ephesus and Sm●rna. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh to the second period. And the promises cap. 2, and 3. to the third period. For then those promises made to the Church conflicting with her enemies and overcoming them (as that chap. 2.7. I will give to eat of the tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God; parallel to that Rev. 22.14. and cap. 2.3. He shall walk with me in white; parallel to that, Rev. 7.9, 13. and 19.8. and that chap. 2.26. To him that overcometh I will give power over the nations, and he shall rule them, etc. and that cap. 3.21. I will grant to sit with me upon my throne; parallel with Rev. 20.4. All which promises relating to the graceful and peaceful estate of the Church after her deliverance from her enemies, by their just ruin and destruction) shall be accomplished. Secondly, Christ appeareth to John as a beast in the shape of a Lamb, with seven horns and seven eyes, and openeth the book sealed (the secret and hidden decree of God) and intimateth thereby the things befalling the Roman Empire, Mede divides the Apocalypse from the fourth chapter to the end of the book into two Systemes of prophetical Visions, the one containing the fate of the Empire, from cap. 4.1. to 10. and 8. yea to cap. 12. ver. 1. the other of the Church from cap. 12.1. to 22.6. both beginning from one Epocha viz. the second, in such sort as the first, as by comparing c. 4.1. with 10.8. Hence the second prophecy seems nor to be subsequent or s● bordinate to the first, but coordinate thereto. These two series of prophecies seems to be plainly intimated, Rev. 10.11. Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, nations and tongues; q. d. thou hast prophesied once already by virtue of the vision of the seven seals, and seven trumpets; now thou must prophesy again a second time, by virtue of the little book thou hast eaten up. under which the Church is built up and preserved, cap. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and distinctly how things shall be carried both in the Political and Ecclesiastical State; and first in the Political State. And that both in the first, second and third period. In the first period, which by opening the first six seals is performed; cap. 6. where in the first five seals, is set forth the condition of the Church under the Heathen Emperors; but in the sixth, the full of Heathenism under the Christian Emperors, from Constantine the great, until the death or after the death of Theodosius is prefigured. In brief the meaning of the first six seals is this, That Prince of unspotted righteousness, the rider of the white horse, with his arrow and his bow in his hand aimeth at something of high importance (and it is no less than what he promiseth his followers at their lowest ebb, Luk. 12.32. Fear not little flock, for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom) and he hits the mark in the sixth Seal, where the Pagan Empire is shattered to the purpose by Constantine turning Christian. But to adorn the course of time till then by some prophetic Remarks, the Riders of the Red, Black and Pale Horses are brought in, as also most concerningly the cry of the souls under the Altar; whereby is denoted especially the reign of Dieclesian, and that ten years unparallelled persecution then commencing; which fifth Seal, the rescuing of the Empire into the hands of Christ by the subversion of the Pagan power, doth immediately succeed, and is matter of the sixth Seal, figured out by proper prophetical expressions, as of a great earthquake, the eclipse of the Sun and Moon, and falling of the stars, which Mr. Mede interprets to be when by Constantine the Great and his Successors, there was such a mighty change and subversion of the Roman Heathenish affairs (signified here by the great earthquake) wherein all the heathenish gods were shaken from their heaven, their Priests rejected, and for ever deprived of their revenue, their Idol Temples broken, pulled down, burnt, demolished, throughout the whole Roman world; and the Emperors, Kings and Potentates endeavouring to secure their endangered gods, themselves subdued, frighted, put to flight, at last none daring to defend their Roman Heathenish Religion, so terribly crushed and fallen. This is the first compliment of Christ's victory over the Roman heathenish Empire, the foundation whereof Christ laid in the first Seal. For the particular accommodation of events to the particulars of the Text, I refer the Reader to Mr. Joseph Mede in his Commentary upon the Apocalypse, whose application is very orderly, proper and articulate, in the explication of the four first Seals, where the lion on the east side of the Israelitish camp is applied to Christ the Prince from the East; the nature of the lion being suitable to the thing signified in the vision, viz. victory to him on the white horse; and the like in the rest. For so the Ox on the West side of the camp is applied to Trajan from the west; the man on the South side to Septimius from the South; and the Eagle on the North side to Maximinus from the North; The natures also of the visions, are suitable to the things that came to pass under those Emperors. The mighty slaughters under Trajan and Adrian his successor, are indigitated by the Ox: The exactness of administering justice, and careful provision of Septimius, and Alexander Severus, by a man to whom numbering, and measuring, and administration of justice is so proper. The extraordinary raging of the Famine, Sword, and Pestilence, under Maximinus, by the carnivorous Eagle that feeds upon dead Cakasses. All which applications, as they are easy, natural and distinst, so they are very weighty and worthy the Spirit of God and his holy Prophets to predict. 2. In the second Period, the seventh Seal is opened, and seven Angels, by seven Trumpets declare to the Roman Empire by seven judgements, its ruin, Cap. 8. Which plagues have been fulfilled. The first Trumpet, Trump. 1. the Vision of it is hail and fire mingled with blood, Rev. 8.7. which Hailstones and fire, are symbols of hostile vengeance executed upon enemies; this was fulfilled in the infestation of the Roman Empire from the year 395. to 406. partly by Alaricus and the Goths, and partly by the Barbarous Nations under Ruduguisus, and partly by the Vandals and Alans; these are the Northern storms of Hailstones, with blood and fire that fell upon the Empire. The vision of the second Trumpet, Trump. 2. is the burning mountain cast into the Sea, which was fulfilled by Alaricus his taking and firing of Rome, vers. 8. upon which followed a continual spoil of the Empire, till it was dilacerated into ten Kingdoms; for the Text saith, the third part of the Sea became blood, i. e. the extent of the Roman Dominion, and the collection of the people therein (which was a third part of the world) was destroyed, the head City being wasted; the Barbarians at their pleasure wasted her Provinces, deviding them into new Kingdoms. The third part of the Creatures died, i. e. the Armies of the Empire for its defence were irreparably ruined, and the third part of the Ships destroyed, i. e. all helps and means of traffic, of supporting the power of the Empire being woefully lost, Rome, being first taken by Alarieus King of Goths, Anno. 410. and after that the Roman Dominion was still miserably dilacerated, till Anno. 445. Rome was taken again, and spoilt by Genserius, King of Vandals; and next year after the Kingdom, as it were divided into ten Kingdoms, foretold by Daniel and John, viz. 1. Britons. 2. Saxons. 3. Frank's. 4. Burgundians. 5. Wisigoths. 6. Sueves and alan's. 7. Vandals. 8. Alemuners. 9 Ostrogoths. 10. Grecians. Trump. 3. vers. 10. The third Trumpet Vision is the great Star falling into the third part of the River burning like a Lamp; the Comet Lampadius suppose properly so called; This was fulfilled upon the Roman Empire, in the extinction of the Western (aesariate, which was grown very low and obscure, in those inconsiderable Emperors, Avitus, Majoranus, severn's, Authemius, Olybrius, Glycirius Nepos, the immediate predecessors of Augustulus, but fell quite, and was extinct in this prince of sorrow, bitterness and sad misfortunes, whom Odoacer King of Heruli pulled out of his Throne. 476. The fourth Trumpet Vision, Trump. 4. vers. 12. is an Eclipse of the third part of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, which proceeds further concerning Rome; for this Trumpet exceeds the former, and signifies that that light she shone with under the Ostrogoth Kings, should be extinct, and she should be despoiled of Royal Majesty, yea, of Consulship and Authority of Senate, which ill fate is very properly prefigured, by the obscuration of Sun, Moon, and Stars; for by these luminaries the Scripture sets out the power and Government of Cities or Kingdoms, Esaia. 13.10. 60.20. Jer. 15.9. Ezek. 32.7. The fift Trumpet Vision is, Trump. 4. Cap. 9.1, 2, 3. the Key-bearer of the bottomless Pit, and the Locusts; this was fulfilled upon the Roman Empire by Mahom●t and the Saracens: In the Application of which Vision, Learned Mede is admirably critical and punctual. The plague therefore of the fifth trumpet is that false light or pseud oprophet Mahomet sent down upon earth by the vengeance of God, The star fallen from heaven, is that false light or prophet Mahomet, sent down upon earth by the vengeance of the God of heaven. By the star here is meant, say the Annotators upon the Bible, Some Apostate Minister that fell from the true religion to Mahometism; such as Sergius of Constantinople, the Nestorian Monk, and John of Antio●h the Arrian, who are said to affist Mahomet in composing the lying Alcoran. And so this Trumpet is expounded of Mahomet and the Saracens. Vide Ann●t on cap. 9 of Apo●alyps. whose doctrine is the fume of the bottomless pit, and his followers the Saracens, the locusts here spoken of; as 1. Coming out of Arabia, as the Egyptian locusts did that plagued the literal Egypt. 2. And then hugely numerous, as the company of locusts use to be. 3. And also making their stay, foe, which you may turn menses quinos, by five months; which is an allusion to the usual continuance of locusts, Plin. 11.29. and answers in the prophetical sense to five months of years, that is 150 years, that these locusts infested Italy; and to the twice 150 years that the Saracenical kingdom continued; so properly are the five month's applicable to them. 4. As also their golden crowns, to the multitude of their conquests, they having subdued Palestine, Syria, both the Armeniaes', the lesser Asia, Persia, India, Egypt, Numinia, Portugal, Spain, within the space of fourscore years. 5. The Arabians, whence the Saracens, wore their hair tied up like women. 6. The sound of the wings of their locusts, Rev 9.9. which was as the sound of chariots and many horses running to battle, doth fitly signify the mighty and swift victories of the Saracens. 7. As also their poisonous Scorpions tails do the venom of the old Serpent, under the false religion of Mahometism. For all those powers that are not under the kingdom of light, are part of the powers of the prince of the dark kingdom the Devil. 8. As is here intimated very clearly, the King over them being the Angel of the bottomless pit, vers. 1●. though they pretend to be such zealous worshippers of that one true God that made Heaven and Earth, which they do mainly in envy and opposition to the Christians profession of the Trinity, while themselves are in the mean time under Abaddon, and Apollyon, which signifieth a destroyer, and are still as truly Pagans as the Assyrians and Greeks, that worship Adad and Apollo. The sixth Trumpet Vision, as the second woe, Tramp. 6. is the losing of the four Angels, that were bound in the River Euphrates. This was fulfilled upon the Roman Monarchy by the Turks; which four Angels at the River Euprates, Mr. Mede very fitly Interprets to be the four Sultan's of the Turkish Dominion. Bagdad, Cosarea, Aleppo, Damascus, planted on this side, and that side Euphrates, he Calculating the time of a dar, month and year, that is 396 years from the Inauguration of Togzulbeck the Prince of the Turks, to the taking of Constantinople, v. 14, 15. which is just 396. years, he applying those Myriads of Myriad of horse, vers. 16. to the known numerosity of the Turkish Armies, who being Persians, by their long abode in that Country, are called Persee in the Greek History, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Paras, quo nomine in sa●r●s literis vocatur Persia. so that the foot are in this allusion horsemen too; the Hebrew word signifying Eques as well as Persia, which allusion to names is used also by Daniel, in making the He-goat stand for the Kings of the Aegeades, i. e. of the Macedonians, their brest-plates of Fire, Jacinct and Sulphus he interprets, of that aspect they seem to have, by discharging their Carbines, or Pistols in the fight, which makes all their breasts for a time seem fiery, then of a blue Jacinct colour by the smoke; and the most lasting object of sense is the stinking Sulphur, which representation is to be understood of them nearer at hand; this invention of Gunpowder (foreseen by that spirit that inspired John, and not vainly pointed at in these visions, but for the better assurance of the time they belong to) is again intimated, in that it is said, the heads of their Horses were as the heads of Lions, because of the terror of their noise, dreadful, like to the roaring of a Lion, when they discharge against the enemy. For presently follows, verse 17. Out of their mouths came fire, and smoke, and brimstone; all were breathed out together from their jaws at once; this interpretation of Mr. Mede seems very apposite; before him also Brightman Interprets this of guns, pieces of Ordinance, and Gunpowder more used by the Turks then any other men; the greatness of that Gun was almost incredible, which Mahomed used in the beseiging of Constantinople, for the drawing whereof, seventy Yoke of Oxen, and 2000 men were used, as Laonicus Chalcocondular in his Eighth Book of Turkish History reports. And those 1200. Jenazaries, which are the ordinary Guard of his body, are all Gunners. The tails of the Horses were as if they had been half a Serpent, vers. 19 clapped to, and hanging out with her head. Mede makes in Emblem of that sad after-clap, of their victory over men; the Devil than that Old Serpent, being ready to parley with them, vers. 20. and to seduce them to Mallonatism, to drink in the Sarazen, Mahometan Religion, whereby they proved very hurtful and pernicious, as the Saracens before them. The calamitous effect, wrought by the losing of these four Angels, and their Euphratean Horsemen and Horses, was the kill of the third part of men, i. e. many of the Roman Empire, which was the third part of the world. This is amplified by the incorrigibleness and impenitency of the rest of the Roman Empire, that had escaped the deadly fury of this Euphratean Army of Turks; though these judgements were inflicted before their eyes on their brethren, yet they repent not of their sins and abominations. 1. Not of their devil-worship; this worshipping of Demons and Idols, Mede interprets in the proper sense, and applies it to the rest of the Roman Empire infected with that we call Papal Superstition and Idolatry: This is very fit and appropriate, none can deny. 2. Nor of their murders of the Saints, whose souls cry under the Altar. 3. Nor of their Sorceries. v. 20, 21. 4. Fornications. 5. Thefts, procuring upon the Roman world the judgements of this Trumpet. The Application of these two last Trumpet-visions is so particular and exquisite, that it would make one eager to know the meaning of the seventh and last Trumper-Vision, which consists of loud praises to the God of heaven, that all the kingdoms of the world are become the kingdom of the Lord, and his Christ. Cap. 11.15 This we have in the third Period, when the seventh Angel doth found, Period 3. and withal the seventh Judgement is executed upon the enemies of the Church; which is the third wo. Cap. 10. It being a Trumpet of woe to the wicked and unbeleiving, answerable to the seven thunders that filled the space of the seventh Trumpet, whilst that mighty and illustrious Angel roars like a lion, and is justly conceived to represent our Saviour Christ, the lion of the Tribe of Judah, who being once stired up, will never cease pursuing the prey till he hath brought all under his feet, death itself not excepted. And so I come to speak of the Third Appearance of Jesus Christ to John, mentioned before p. 13. in the likeness of a strong Angel, cap. 10. who in the third period hath all things put under his feet and reigneth. In this 10 cap. according to Mede gins the second Prophecy. Here the judicious Reader may be pleased to consider that the holy Spirit of Christ seems purposely here to have suspended the actual sounding of this 7th Trumpet, by interposition of so much of the second prophesy, contained in this I try book, as is parallel with and contemporary with the first prophesy, from the very beginning of it, to the end of the fixth Trumpet; that to by linking, and as it were by looping these two prophecies together after this manner he might indigitate unto us the right way of interpreting both these prophecies by parallelling and comparing them one with another in respect of their visions and mysteries, which are so notably contemporaneous. This Angel is said to be be clothed with a cloud, having also in his hand a little book, which John swallowed down and thereupon prophesies how things shall come to pass, especially In the Ecclesiastical State. In the first Period for 400 years and upwards. Period. 1. Where 1. The Church is built up under great persecution, chap. 11.1. 2. The Church is gloriously beautified and clothed with the Sun of Righteousness, hath the Moon under her feet, despiseth all worldly and earthly things, and reigneth over the works of darkness, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars, the Apostles, and the wholesome doctrine of the same, chap. 12.1, 2. 3. The red Dragon, the Devil stirreth up many heresies, persecuteth the Church; Constantive the Great cometh to the Imperial seat, the Dragon is overcome, and Heathenism extirpated, vers. 4, and following. In the second Period from the 400. years and upward, Period. 2. until the end of the 1200. and 60. years, these seven concurrent times are described. 1. The holy City is trodden under foot by the Gentiles. 2. The two Witnesses clothed with Sackcloth, Cap. 11. ver. 2, 3. to the 10th. the explaining of which I refer to the 11. Chap. 3. The woman fled into the Wilderness, and is fed there, The primitive Church rescued from heathenish bondage, fled into the wilderness, i. e. into a middle estate, not wholly hid and invisible, nor yet gloriously visible, but as it were in a middle condition betwixt both. Rob. The two wings of a great Eagle given to the woman to by into the wilderness, Mede refers to the Roman Empire, whose Ensign is an Eagle, and to the two Caesar's of the Eastern and Western Empire, divided as two wings, by whose aid and protection the Church fled into her wilderness estate. Cap. 12. verse 6. to 14. As Mary upon the birth of Christ, fled from Herod into Egypt: So the Woman i e. the Primitive Church, notwithstanding the persecution of the Dragon, having brought forth a man Child, (who was to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron, which primarily belongs to Christ personal, Psa. 2. Secondarily to Christ mystical his Church and members, which Christ mystical ruled all Nations by a rod of Iron, subjugating the Roman Empire, partly by a spiritual Gospelvictory, promoted by Michael and his Angels, against the Devil and his Angels, rulers in that Empire; partly by a corporeal conquest afterward, when Christians prevailed and obtained such power and success under Constantine the great, and his Successors) fled into the Wilderness, where she hath a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there 1200 and 60. days, vers. 6. which is again related, v. 14. The meaning I conceive is this; the Church, though freed from heathenish tyranny, yet is afresh embarked in new troubles and persecutions by divers enemies; Now during all this time, the Church is in her wilderness condition, as Israel of old was after their deliverance from Egypt. Thus take the parallel; Israel delivered from Egyptian bondage under Pharaoh, fled towards the wilderness, but was pursued by Pharaoh, had liberty to worship God in the Wilderness, where their Tabernacle was erected, there Apostatised from God and his pure worship, in the matter of the Calf, Baalpeor, Baalam, etc. and was there exercised with new troubles and afflictions, of hunger, thirst, fiery Serpents, and of divers enemies, abode in the Wilderness 40. years, during which space they made 42 journeys and stations from Egypt to Jordan. And at last all their enemies being subdued, Numb. 33. from 1. to 50. they quietly possessed the promised rest, the Land of Canaan: So the Church being freed from Heathenish Tyranny, under the Red Dragon, fled into the Wilderness, but was pursued and persecuted by the Dragon, had liberty granted of worshipping God, in the wilderness, by the edicts of Christian Emperors and Kings, who erected for them Temples, or public places for Christian worship, yet in that her Wilderness estate, she made many idolatrous defections. Apostatising from God and his pure worship; especially to Antichristianisme; Cap. 12.17. And the Dragon was wroth with the woman, & went to make war with the remnant of her seed, etc. Cap. 13.1. And I stood upon the sand of the Sea. etc. Mede saith, the words are to be read not & steti, but & stetit. Cum Latinis omnibus, & Sire interpr. i e. The Dragon stood upon the sands, i. to bring up this beast out of the sea to persecute the woman. Further he saith, v. 3. And I saw one of his heads wounded to death. That the word (vidi) is not in some Editions, as the Complutense reading the sentence thus, The Dragon gave him his power, seat and great authority, and one of his heads wounded to death, that it might be healed: or that had been wounded to death; and the healing of his wounds which is added, this he either saw to be done while he was rising out of the sea, or as soon as he was risen out of it. is there exercised with new troubles and persecutions by the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet; abides in this Wilderness seat 42. months. At last the Dragon, the Beast, and the false Prophet, with all her enemies being vanquished, the Church obtains the new Heavens, and new Earth, and reigns with Jesus Christ a thousand years, yea, for ever and ever; the former and following series of this Prophecy clears this parallel. This state of the Church seems to last till the seventh Trumpet; So that to this day the Church is still in this Wilderness-condition, but drawing towards the borders of a far happier estate. 4. The beast with ten horns blasphemeth God, and maketh war with the Saints, cap. 13. v. 5, 6, 7. This ten horned Beast, as was mentioned before, is the Dragons Delegate or Substitute; he is said to rise out of the Sea; by Sea here, understand that multitude of ten Kingdoms, into which the Barbarians had shredded the whole compass of the Roman Territories, out of all which the Dragon now endeavours to extract, and of which to compose one Roman Dominion, or that conflux of Armies and people, striving in war like a tempestuous Sea; He is said to have seven heads, and so is the same beast, cap. 17.3. compared with vers. 9, 10. His seven heads, are interpreted by the Holy Ghost himself, to be seven Mountains, whereon the Royal Seat of the Empire of Rome was built, and seven Kings or kinds of Government, by which the Empire should be governed. The names of blasphemy, notes his blasphemous idolatries, tending to the extreme reproach of God, his Religion and Saints; his ten horns, and upon his horns, Voice out of the Wilderness, p. 38. ten crowns, these signify that he should not come to his crown by the strength of his Sword, his Leaders, and his Legions, But of the crowns upon the horns, see another interpretation. p. 90. as the Dragon did, but by the base and voluntary submission of all the Caesars, Kings and Princes, as should with one Council and Vote, deliver up their authority and power secular to the devotion and pleasure of the beast; therefore he wears his Diadems, not upon his heads, as the Dragon did, but upon his Horns, and upon his Horns ten crowns. Which ten Horns crowned, say most Writers, denote ten Kings or Kingdoms, into which the Roman Empire of the sixth head, was divived, all which were to be conjoined, Mede in Cum. Apoc. part. 2. cap. 13. into one for carrying of the whore. These 10. horns thinks Mede, belong not to all the seven heads, but only to the seventh, because the heads flourishing, the horns flourish; the heads fulling, the horns necessarily fall therewith. Now these ten horns cannot belong to the first five heads, because in John's time, these five were fallen already, Rev. 17.10. and consequently their horns with them; nor can these horns belong to the sixth head, which then was in John's time reigning; for the Angel tells John plainly, the ten horns are ten Kings, which have received no Kingdom as yet; compare Rev. 17.10. with the 12. verse. Therefore it remains that these ten horns belong only to the seventh or last head. Again, this beast is described by his shape, vers. 2. And the beast that I saw was like a Leopard, i. e. like unto the Grecian Monarchy, resembled by a Leopard, and divided into four heads, as this Roman into ten, Dan. 6.7. The Leopard, is a beast all spotted, Pareus in Apoc. 13.2. very swift, extreme cruel, a notable Emblem of this present beast, Voice out of the wilderness, p. 37. who for his presumption in extolling himself above the Prince of the Covenant, defiling his Sanctuary, desolating his Sacrifice, burning his Statutes, and enforcing the humble and meek to the abnegation of the truth, by blood, fire, strappadoes, and such like exquisite torments, the spirit resembles him to his Arch-type, Autiochus, descended from the Monarch of Greece, here (as in Daniel) deciphered by a Leopard, and I saw the beast like a Leopard. Secondly for his strength, cruelty, and devouring nature, the spirit likeneth him to a Bear, and his feet were like the feet of a Bear, strong, cruel, and of a devouring nature, the emblem of the Persian Monarcy; It had saith Daniel, Cap. 7.5. three ribs in the teeth of it, and they said thus unto it, Arise and devour much flesh. Thirdly, the Holy Ghost likeneth him to the Lion's mouth. The Lion was an Emblem of the first Monarcy, the Baby lonians; the Lion's mouth notes strength and cruetly in tearing, crushing, and swallowing up his prey; yea, herein the Holy Ghost ascribeth unto him the profane and cursed mouth of the Monarch of Babylon, in commanding the dwellers upon earth, Dan. 7.4 upon pain of fire and furnance, to adore his golden Idol that he had set up. How notably sets this our the Character of this beast, his parts being framed of the most notable persecutors that ever were, being a confection or compound, made up of the terribleness, strength and cruelty of all the three foregoing Monarchies! hence Daniel admirably describeth this fourth Beast, Dan 7.7. as dreadful, and terrible, and strong exceedingly, And it had great Iron teeth. Further, the Holy Ghost describes him as by his shape, so by his State and constitution; he was vested with great power, and Royal Dominion; and herein the holy Ghost sets down the efficient cause, the manner of acquiring it, and the event of it. 1. The efficient cause of it, we have in the latter end of the second Verse. viz. The Dragon; the Dragon gave him his power and his seat, and great authority; by power Scripture notes, not only strength, but bands, armies and multitudes of persons; The Dragon's Bands or Army, are his Angels or Devils with Idols their receptacles (saith Mede) these he gives to this beast, together with his Seat and great authority, viz. all that authority which he had in the heathenish Roman Empire, from which Michael and the Martyrs cast him down, overcoming him; this he gives to the beast his Substitute, to recover it for him. How cunningly now Satan acts, not now as a red Dragon, but as masked in a new manyformed beast, to draw the Church to Idolatry under the Christian Empire! 2. The manner of his acquiring this Dominion, by healing of his mortal wound, received in his sixth head, by the barbarous Nations, Or rather according to Mede, by Michael's Victory over the Dragon. but now cured by this substituted power of the Beast, in the course of his seventh and last head, See these two opinions reconciled afterwards. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed, v. 3. 3. The event of this his great Dominion upon the World, generally all admiring and adoring this beast, thus healed and now termed as the Dragon's Deputy, viz. highly approving of him, and subjecting themselves to him and his power, as incomparable and irresistible. Adoring in Scripture, is put for yielding subjection, Gen. and 49.8. Esa. 45. In obeying the Emperors, or the Pope's Idolatrous, decrees, they not only Worshipped them, but the Devil in them; for the Dragon gave them that power, and his work they did. And all the World wondered after the beast, and they worshipped the Dragon, who gave power unto the beast, i. e. they subjected themselves to the Dragon in the Beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the Beast, who is able to make War with him! v. 3. Again, this beast is described by these acts which are ascribed to him, viz. his Acts of Idolatrous blasphemy; and cruel Tyranny. First, His acts of Idolatrous blasphemy; for the Scripture is wont to set forth Idolatry as Blasphemous, opprobrious, and contumelious; See Deut. 31.2. Jer. 23.25. Isai. 65.7. This whole description is taken out of Daniel, Cap. 7.25. where he speaks of the same Roman beast; but what the Angel declares to Daniel more briefly. John explains more largely. this is generally mentioned. And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemies; and then the continuance of this blasphemous beast is computed, And power was given to him to continue 42. months, vers. 5. The objects of his blasphemies, or Idolatries, are particularised, And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his Tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven, v. 6. thinks Mede, God's name by Image-worship, his Tabernacle Christ's body, Here note saith Mede, the beasts 42. months are not to be reckoned from the beginning of his evelty and war against the Saints, but from the beginning of his blasphemy, i. e. His Idolatry or spiritual whoredom, which is, when that is attributed to the creature, which properly belongs to God. Or when any thing beside God is worshipped with Divine Honour, or when Saints or Angels are invocated, which is to blaspheme them that dwell in Heaven, v. 5, 6. which invocation of Saints begun saith Perkins, to be brought into the Church, Anno. 3080. and in 20. years and upward, no doubt it grew up to some height. (wherein the Godhead dwelled personally) by transubstantiation; them that dwell in heaven, viz. Saints and Angels; by Angel worship, Saint-worship, or rather Devil-worship under their names. Secondly, His acts of cruel Tyranny. 1. Partly persecuting the Saints, And it was given to him to make was with the Saints, and to overcome them, i. e. with the remnant of the woman's seed in the wilderness; now this War against the Saints he did not wage from his beginning but when he came to his strength, 1200. years after Christ; his first expedition was against the Waldenses and Albigenses, i. e. true worshippers of Christ, called by that name, whereby multitudes of those people, and other true Christians were destroyed for seventy years together; first intended against the Saracens, after turned against the Christians that would not worship and submit to the beast, besides the destroying of ten hundred thousand of them in France, if Peronius may be believed, many thousands since slain by the Pope's Champions in Germany, where Charles the fifth made woeful slaughter, especially at Magdeburge by the Pope's appointment; and what bloody work hath been made in Germany, since, for forty years together, by the Emperor, I need not relate; Not to speak of the many thousands slain in France, Ireland, and England, besides those many more that have died for Religion, by the bloody inquisition, by the hands of the Hangman; 3●●o. in the Low-Countries, by the command of the Duke De Alva; 800. here in Queen Mary's days, etc. hence the beast is said to make himself drunk with the blood of the Saints. Note here with Master Mede, that this kill by this war of the Beast, is of another kind, and differs from that against the Witnesses, Cap. 11. his words are these, The War which the beast wageth against the Saints universally, is one; and the war which he shall wage against the Witnesses towards his end, when the Witnesses shall finish their testimony, is another; and this is manifest from the different issue and event of both these Wars; the first war of the beast is very prosperous, for by it he obtains power over kindreds, tongue and Nations, Cap. 13.7. but the other is fatal to him, and precedes his ruin and downfall. 2. And as his cruelty and tyranny is partly seen in persecuting the Saints, so partly also by subduing all to his power, except the elect; And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life, vers. 7, 8. This is amplified by a conclusion dr●●n from hence, which is both monitor and consolatory. Monitory to atte●●●nd consider well, who adore the beast. If any have an ear to hear, let him hear, vers. 9 Consolatory to the faithful, not worshipping the Idolatrous Beast notwithstanding all his cruelties inflicted to this end; they are comforted from God's just revenge, and retaliation of their Imprisonment, and butcheries upon the beast; He that leadeth into captivity, shall go into captivity; and he that killeth with the Sword, must be killed with the Sword; they are also comforted from the eminency which will appear in their faith and patience, waiting on God till he thus avenge them of the beast; here is the patience and faith of the Saints vers. 10. I come now to the fift concurrent time, under this second period. That is, the beast with two horns, at the same time, The false Prophet, beasts or the Pope of 〈◊〉 and his Clergy, was the Author of nothing for the Nation that ten horned beath, whereby the power of the Dragon was revived; by a new Idolatry and Tyranny, brought in after the likeness of the former. Mede. And the Pope and his Clergy together, do Institute this false Prophet Beast, or false Church Beast, 〈◊〉. drives a trade with his peddling wares, v. 11. to the 18. This is the second beast, viz. the two horned beast, or false Prophet, the reviver and restorer of the ten horned beast, which seems evidently to be the Roman Antichrist, viz. the Papacy or the Pope and his Clergy; so all interpreters do most unanimously interpret this beast; Pareus, Mede, Piscator, Diodate, Forbes. Now in the Vision of this beast, note his rise, his character, his power and acts. First, his Rise, not so noble as the former beast out of the Sea of Worldly Dominions, but more base out of the earth, a low and mean condition of things; or not out of the Sea of Armies and people striving in wars as formerly; but out of the earth silently, without all noise, as the grais or Plants silently rise; And I saw another beast come out of the earth. 2. His Character: The Character of the beast, is laid down in this threefold resemblance. 1. He resembles the Lamb in his horns, i. e. his power; And he had two horns like the Lamb; the Lamb had seven horns, denoting his perfect power, Rev. 〈◊〉 6. This Beast had two horns like him, though not equal to him. Some think hereby the beast Hypocritically imitates Christ in his meek Lamblike power, as Diodate. Some by the two horns understand the double power of binding and losing. So Mede; or the secular and Ecclesiastical power or sword Usurped by the Pope. Some by the two horns like the Lamh, understand the Law and the Gospel, Voice out of the wilderness. wherewith the Lamb doth save and kill; but as concerning the use and force of the horns, the spirit saith they were therein so contrary to the Lamb, that when they did open, either to touch the Law, or preach the Gospel, they spoke and taught like the Dragon's Doctors, and like the Priests of Jupiter, Teaching and Preaching to the Children of the World, that they ought to Worship the God of Heaven, as the Dragon's Priests had taught their Fathers to worship the Gods of the Heathen. The power of the first beast did consist in Idolatrous worship, saith Mede, which power was given him by the Dragon. Voice out of the wilderness. Therefore in the second place he is said to resemble the Dragon in her voice, And he spoke as the dragon, vers. 11. i. e. by his doctrine and decrees he patronizeth Idolatry, and persecuteth the Saints, as the Dragon did in the former beast. Thirdly, He resembles the first beast in the exercise of his power; And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him i.e. he causeth his new Christened Caesar's to set up a race of sycophantical, high and princely priests who under a colour of practising the affairs of the Lamb, should cunningly clap Jupiter's coat upon the Lambs back, and bestow all the rites add ceremonies of Jupiter and his Idols upon Christ; and so by turning Jupiter's worship into Christianism, he might turn the worship of God into Paganism and Idolatry, and that so he might at least profane and desolate the true worship of the true God, whose Majesty and truth of Deity they could no way blemish. And for the better success in this their project, should cause to be erected throughout all Kingdoms and Nations, certain Covents and swarms of ungodly and prostituted Clarks, by avouching and maintaining against all comers, that the Pope in Peter's Successor, and that the Supremacy his Caesars and his Kings gave him, is the very Keys of Heaven and Hell; that his Throne and Seat is Peter's Chair, and Sea Apostolic; and that the execrable form of Jupiter's Worship, wherein his Bride and Caesar's delighted, is the very true Worship of God, which the Lamb and Apostles delivered. Should I say, by these mists, legerdemains and new editions of old Idolatry, established in the fight of the Beast, V 12. Conspectu ejus, rendered before him; is as much as to say, for his sake, or in favour of him. the self same profanation and devout impiety, which his predecessors, the Caesar's so ardently embraced? for so much the spirit rippeth up in saying, The Pope of Rome who is the head of this beast, doth exercise also the supreme rule or government of the for esaid beast. Mede. And all the power of the first beast he did in the * i.e. before him, or unto him; according to that 1 Sam. 2.18 compared with 1 Sam. 3.1. sight of the beast; and thereby so strongly deluded and seduced the children of disobedience, as followeth in the third place. Tirdly, The description of his power and acts. 1. He causeth the inhabitants of the earth to loathe the sacrifices of the God of heaven, In the presence of the beast, is the same as with him, or in his behalf, as if he should have said, This two horned beast is Chaplain to the ren horned beast, so that it ought not to be wondered at if he speak like the Dragon. Mede Comment. part. 2. cap. 12. verse 12. and to refuse to worship as the Lord commanded, but to choose rather, as the Spirit saith, to worship and submit to the first beast, i.e. to worship the God of their fathers, as the Dragon commanded them, just after the prescription of his Caesar's, and manner of the heathen. And that we may the better discern from whom those Proctors of Antichrist borrowed their Church service, the Spirit remembers he repaired the wound of the first beast mentioned vers. 3. whose deadly wound was healed. 2. Mede. Hoc fac●um est in prel a cum Michacle & sanctis martyribus. He seduceth and causeth men to make an mage to the first beast who was wounded; the first Beast being the sixth head (as was formerly showed) of the Roman Empire, which was heathenish when wounded. The Roman beast of the seventh head is his image, becoming like him not only in his kingdom, power and foveraignty, Bestia Bicornu, loquitur ut draco & imaginem gestit Bestiae prioris: viz. Romani Imperii Idololatrici, eamque in vitam invocat. Zanch. 2 Thess. 1. T. L. but also in his new Idolatry or Idol-worship, not of Pagan-worship, but of Saints and Angels, etc. like thereunto. The image of the Beast, saith a learned writer, is the image of the beasts religion, i.e. such a Christianism as doth counterfeit and represent the Paganism of the Dragon, attiring and decking Jupiter's profanation with the holy and honourable names of God, Jesus, Spirit, Scriptures, Church, Sacraments, Saints, etc. like excellent Comedians, who deck themselves with Crowns, Sceptres, Purples, representations of Kings, when indeed they are the Idlest and basest of the people. And as the Lord commanded his servant Moses, to erect such a Tabernacle of witness here on earth, as should in all points, be after the Idea, model, and platform of that divine and eternal Tabernacle, which he saw in the mount: So Antichrist (Lord of misrule) commands his propudious Clergy, to cause all People, Nations, and Kingdoms, to set up such a Christianity, as should in all points answer the Idea and model of that profane and execrable Heathenism, wherewith he saw the Gentiles enamoured; and thereby so strongly seduced the inhabitants of the earth, that they verily thought the mystery of iniquity to be pure and undefiled Christianity, and the abomination of desolation, spoken of in Daniel the Prophet, to be the only true ancient and apostolic Religion, teaching them that perish by consenting to lies, that they ought to worship God, as the Gentiles did worship Jupiter: That as the Gentiles had their Arae, so Christians must have their Altars; And as Heathens had their bloody Sacrifices, so Christians must have their unbloody Sacrifices; most Offer Bread and Wine to God, as the Heathens did to Ceres and Bacchus; And as the Pagans had their Pontifex Maximus, so Christians must have their Pope; And as Ethnics had their Sacerdotes, so Christians must have their Priests; And as the Dragon, had his Pantheon, so Antichrist must have his All-Saints; And as the Ethnics had their Supplications, so Christians must have their Processions; Lustratio, A purging by Sacrifice. As Gentiles had their Lustrations, so Christians must have their Holy Water; As the Dragon in his Church-Service had his Cerei, Novendiale Sacrum Liv. A Solemnity or Sacrifice at Burials, used nine days after the party was dead. so Antichrist in his Church-Service must have his candles; As the Dragon had his Novendial Sacrifices, so Antichrist must have his Masses of Requiem; Hecatombs were Sacrifices, wherein was killed a hundred Beasts. As the Dragon had his Hecatombs, so Antichrist must have his Trentals; As the Dragon had his Colleges Sodalium and Arvalium fratrum, i. e. Priests of Bacchus and Ceres, Ordained by Romulus; so must Antichrist have his Cloisters of Monks and Friars; And as the Dragon had his Vestals, so Antichrist must have his Nuns and Sanctimonials; And as the Dragon did celebrate the birth-days of his Caesars, so Antichrist must solemnize the Nativity of his Saints; And as the Dragon had his Annals, so Antichrist must have his Legends; And as the Dragon had his Sreularia Spectacula, so Antichrist must have his Jubilees; And as the Dragon had his Bacchanals, So Antichrist must have his Carnivals'; And as the Dragon had his Lupanaries, Lupanor a Brothel-house or Srewes. so Antichrist must have his Stews; and as the Dragon had his Enchanters, so Antichrist must have his Exorcists; And as the Dragon had his Asyla, so Antichrist must have his Sanctuaries; And as the Dragon had his Exequys and Parentals, so Antichrist must have his Dirige, and de Profundis. And as the Dragon did deify his Caesars, so Antichrist must Canonize his Saints; And as the Dragon had his civil Laws, so Antichrist must have his Canon Laws; And as the Dragon had his Imperial Rescripts, so Antichrist must have his decretal Epistles; And as the Dragon had his Tribunitial Intercessions, so Antichrist must have his ancontroulable Interdictions; And as the Dragon had and used his Proscriptions, so Antichrist must have and use his Excommunications; And as that Beast commanded his Heathens to please their Goddess June with Cane votalibeas, so this beast commands Christians to please their God with Vows; And as the Deagon had his Triceps Hecate, so Antichrist must have his Triple Tiara, to signify his triple pretended Jurisdiction; Hexaphorum, A Litter or Chair to be cartied up and down by 6. men And as the Dragon had his Hexaphorum, so must Antichrist be carried up and down; Briefly as the Dragon's Priests did teach the Heathen to Worship Jupiter's God, so Antichrist must teach his Christians to Worship God as Jupiter is. And look what form of Religion the Dragon had, and what manner of life he led; the same must Antichrist in his person parallel and maintain; This is the Image of the Beast, which he causeth men to make; and this he effecteth two ways, He persuade's them by signs and wonders, that with him they consent to make an Image of the Beast wounded in his sixth head; which at length being made, at his bidding, that wound received in v. 13, 14. 2 Thes. ●. the state of the Dragon is healed, and the Dragon Deast seems to be revived, Mede. 1. By deceiving them with lying wonders, and counterfeit miracles. 2. By frighting men, and terrifying them with formidable Edicts, Anathemaes, Thunderbolts of Excommunication, debarring men even of civil commerce while excommunicated. Now it follows vers. 15. Vers. 4. He had power to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should speak, and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. By which image of the beast is meant not only (as was showed before) that Religion which the first beast (viz. the Roman heathenish Empire had) and the second beast (viz. Ecclesiastical Rome) sought to revive, vers. 14. But also a lively portraiture or representation of that power, and authority, and sovereignty which the Roman heathenish Empire had. Now it is said in this 15. verse, Datum est ei dare spiritum, etc. He had power to give life to the image of the beast; i.e. It is given to the false Prophet, viz. the Pope and his Clergy to give life to the Popish secular power to speak, i. e. with power and authority to speak, to command and forbid in all Kingdoms, as well to command by his Edicts those things that were needful for the defending of his honour and dignity; as also to forbid any other Religion but the Religion of the Beast; and to punish, and that with death, all those that would not obey and worship the Beast. And indeed, all that power that the Image of the Beast, viz. the Popish Secular power hath to rage's against the Saints, is given him by the false Prophet Beast, viz. the Pope and his Clergy. Hence the Pope and the Papacy affirm, that even Kings and Emperors have from them whatever they have: So that the Germane Cesar was not Roman Emperor till he was confirmed by the Pope. And an Emperor, saith Aretius, is but an image of him, chosen indeed by the seven Electors of Germany, but confirmed by the Pope; for if the Pope confirm not the new elect, he is no Emperor. And the matter is so carried in the exercise of this power against the Saints, that whom the Pope and his Clergy do condemn for Heresy, as they call it, they forthwith deliver them over to the Secular power to be killed; as ye may often read in the Book of Martyrs. In these three last verses, Ver. 16.17, 18. I will endeavour to explain some things by showing what is probable to be the sense and meaning of these four things in these three verses. 1. The mark of the Beast. 2. The name of the Beast. 3. The number of his Name. 4. The number of the Beast, 666. And that no man might buy resell, save he that had the Mark, or the Name, or the Number of his Name. Now these are three distinct badges, Bright man, Pareus, Forbes. or characteristical notes of the Beasts Vassals or worshippers. I like well Forb's his expression of himself in this point, All that follow Antichrist, have his Name, but in divers manner. 1. Some have the character thereof, i e. the name imprinted, and are his proper goods, as having his burning iron and mark; a familiar phrase from the manner of men; these are Priests and Jesuits, Popish Peers and Prelates. 2. Some have his Name, yet so as they have not his Mark, who have not learned the deepness of Satan, nor are Antichrists sworn bondmen; these are the common sort of Papists. 3. Yet some have but the Number of high Name, i.e. they are so far from being his sworn and marked slaves, as they are no otherwise his, then so far as they are counted to be so, and numbered among his: So the Annotators upon the Bible; The number of his name, i. e. such as are esteemed so to be, and numbered among such. And a late learned Writer hath further improved this sense. His words are these. They that have the number of his name, are a company of men taking part with Antichrist, in a more remote kind of subjection; such as do hold and bring in such doctrines, opinions and practices in worship, as men shall reckon and account them Papists in heart and affection. Such Numerantur Papistae, they aim at Popery. And though their professions deny it, yet their actions and corruptions in Doctrine and Worship shall speak it in all men's consciences, especially of all Orthodox and reformed Protestants, who cannot but so judge that it is the Pope they fear and worship. Further he saith, They shall profess the Protestant Religion, but in their practices and underhand deal and polic●es depress it, and advance the Popish Religion and party, like those, Tit. 1.16. They profess they know God, but in their works deny him, being abominable, disobedient, etc. These are justly to be accounted Papists, and have received the number of his name, which imports a secret cleaving to Antichrist, and to be of his company, as truly as they that receive his name; for though in profession they go not so far as to take that name, or openly to own the Church of Rome, yet really they do that which shall cause all men so to reckon them. That of the Apostle, 2 Tim 3. is a prophecy of this generation of men. ominous, constituit duos Deuces, Mosem & Aaron; totedem Pharo magos orponi illis voluit. Calv. on Tim cap. 3. For besides plain Popery, which is prophesied of 1 Tim. 4. to arise in the latter days, you have in 2 Tim. 3.1. another prophecy of a sort of men that shall arise in the last days (Popery is prophesied of to be in the latter days) who have a form of godliness; and shall be despisers of those that are good; Yea he compares them to Jannes and Jambres, the chief of the Egyptian Sorcerers, who by their lying miracles did resist Moses, yea and Aaron too, which is to be understood, though not named in the Text, as Calvin notes, to which two the witnesses are resembled, Rev. 11. These, saith my learned Author, This was written above 20 years ago. are the last Champious of the Beast before his fall; ergo, said to be in the last times, who shall proceed so far as to slay the Witnesses in that Kingdom which is the tenth part of the City; then this their folly or madness shall appear to all men, which being discovered shall, be their ruin; for they shall priceed no further. Amen. Now touching the number of the beasts name, Vers. 18. 666. how hath it puzzled and tortured all writers to satisfy themselves about the true mystery in the particular intended thereby; I find four opinions about it, two of them more considerable. 1. Opinion 2 Of those that labour to find out such names especial in Greek or Hebrew (in which tongues all the letters are numerals, and signify some number or other) as may agree to this Roman beast; the numeral letters of which name or names may exactly amount to 666. and they especially pitch upon the name Latino's, the numeral letters whereof come to 666. and multitudes of other names are found out to like purpose, not only by modern but ancient writers; but this opinion about 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Forbs saith is so childish an Egyptical toy that he marvels much how ever any solid mind could propound it for a rare point of wisdom. And 'tis the saying of a learned English Writer, Voice out of the wilderne s. long before Forbs (if I mistake not) They that have thought to calculate and find out the mystery of Antichrists number 666. in a word, at a word, he saith, they are deceived, not knowing the power and construction of the Scripture. Others hold, Opin 2d. that Antichrists power should begin Anno Dom. 666. so a late learned Writer hath referred the number 666. to the time of Antichrists revealing, Mr Stevens upon the four metal Kingdoms. So Ball and Bullinger; which opinion is rejected by Pareus, Comment. Apocalyp. and year of rising and coming to his full power and supremacy, which was in Phocas his time; and so would make the 1200 and 60 days to begin then. Which (saving my respect to such a learned man) I judge cannot be the meaning of the mystery; because the 1200 and 60. days, and the Witnesses prophesying in sackcloth begin together. Now the treading down of the holy City (the time when the Witnesses began to prophesy in sackcloth) and the woman's flight into the wilderness, where she was fed 1200 and 60 days, is judged by the best Writers upon the Revelation to be after the death of Theodosius. when the Roman Empire was overrun by the barbarous Nations, which was long before Phocas his time. A third third Opinion is also of a learned Writer, Opinion 3d. To this way of Interpretation of the number 666. learned Marlorat agrees; his words are these, Losi hujus tot fere sunt expositiones qout exposi●ores. And then reckons up, and rejects some common opinions about it, and then concludes thus, Rectius ergo ad tempus Regni Antichristi nonnulli hunc numerum referunt.— ad Regem Babylonicum dicebatur Numeravit Deus Rignum Tuum & perfectissime numeravit illud, Dan. 5.26. Nam completis 70 annis captivitatis populi ei, per Jeremiam praedictus finis Regni illins aderat, perendeigiture est ac si diecret Joannes, quemadmodum humana regna dauturnae esse non possunt, sed certum habent annorum numerum diviaitus, constitatem; ita & Antichristi Regnum; quod ad piorum consolutionem dictum est, ne putent Antichristi regnum eternum fore. Nam finem habiturum est, & regum Christi relique amnia cessara. Felixagitur est qui numerum hune bestia intelligit, cui a Deo datum cognoscere, etc. Ma, lorat on Rev. 13.1. who queres for this Mey. who wrote a Treatise many years ago, Anno 1592. called Babylen is fallen; to which he only sets two letters of his name, T. L. and he interprets 666. to reveal Rev. 13.18. the secret counsel & purpose of God concerning the period and final end of Antichrist and his Church dominion. Where rejecting all opinions but this about it, he saith, 1. The word Number is never used in Scripture for the beginning and rising of any term of time limited and predicted by the Prophets, but only for the end, period and determination thereof. 2. He calls it the number of a man; by man saith he is meant, the total sum of that succession of beastly men, which make and constitute the existence and person of one Antichrist; and by the word number is meant the fatal end, and fual determination of their reign: and government, for so the Finger of God speaketh to Belshazer, God hath numbered thy Kingdom i. e. God hath ended and finished the days of thy Kingdom. So that by the number of the beast, is nothing else but the Period and Final determination of the usurped tyranny and damnation of Antichrist, which the Lamb, the Lord and preserver of Israel, for the glory of his name, consolation of his Church, and confusion of her foes, shall bring to pass in the year which shall be 666. 3. He saith, for as much as the Egg of Antichristianisme, was laid in the days of Innocent tha first, successor to Anastasins, the first also of that name, in Anno. 406. And that by express Commission, there was furthermore granted to the beast, his heirs and successors, 1260. years, for the hatching, fostering and perfecting this child of perdition and mystery of iniquity, which being added to 406. by rule of true audit, must needs verify this admirable judgement, which the Spirit of God hath here denonnced and determined to make good upon him in the year which shall be 1666. In which account and discovery of his end, the Holy Ghost of purpose leaves out the millenary number, as not only known perfect and immutable, but as respecting also the common use of all Nations, as well Hebrews. as Gentiles, who in their styles (for brevity sake) do no less often speak and write by the imperfect number, omitting the millenary, then after the perfect, adding the millenary, as Munster well observes. 4. Vide Calindarium Hebraicum Sebastiani Munsteri. This learned Author triumphantly concludes this his interpretation, in these words to the Church of Rome. And in that year shall my Lord of Rome lay down his proud waves; and although he fortify never so strong, and lay his foundation as low as Hell, and build his Turrets as high as Heaven, and place his Mitre above the Stars, yet in that day he shall die the death of the uncircumcised, and perish like the Amorite, whose fruit is destroyed from above, and root from beneath, Amos 2.9. and the multitude of his offences shall consume the multitude of his Forces; And it shall be more possible for him, and easy to him to weigh the fire, or measure the wind, or call again the day that is past, or recover the virdure of the withered grass (as a holy one saith) then to avoia this counsel and decree of his downfall, here determined by the spirit a 'gainst him, saying, And the number of him is 666. This interpretation is very pleasing; Qui numerum hunc besti a intelligit, ae Deo datum est cognoscere, etc. Ibid. Marlorat. and would be less questioned than the former, if it did agree with the beginning of the verse, which the Author calls a little short Preface of the Holy Ghost, to prepare his Reader to attention. Here is wisdom, That is (saith he) here is the discovery of a mystery, a point of high understanding, and the spirit saith, not he that will, but he that can, he that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; but I rather incline to this opinion than the Former. The 4 opinion is of those that parallel and compare the number of the beast, Opinion 4 666, with the number of the Lamb's company, and the new Jerusalem, 144. which are set as opposites one against another, and as opposites may serve to explain one another. To this end, by computation they find that the Lamb's number, 144. is only builded by multiplication of 12. upon 12. and can not otherwise be multiplied, showing that the true Church of Christ is built only upon the 12. Apostles doctrine, and still holds the foundation in all that is built thereon. But on the contrary the beasts number though it seems more compact, accurate, and uniform, cannot be raised nor builded upon 12. take what multiplyer ye will, no, can it be divided or quartered by 12 showing that Antichrists Apostatical Church riseth not on the foundation, much less keepeth the foundation of the twelve Apostles Doctrine, nor can endure to be tried thereby? Thus far Forbes in his Comment, Rev. 13.18. After him Mr. Potter hath further improved this Opinion. He saith 'tis called the number of the Beast, without mentioning any name, jotter. also the number of a man, without intimating any thing to do with his name. Now the meaning of Numerus Humanus is such a number as men usually deal with, and may be numbered by humane art, but it seems there is some skill to be used herein; for he saith (here is wisdom) and let him that hath understanding, calculate the number of the beast. And the Holy Ghost sets down the very number that is to be numbered 666. which number yet cannot be numbered after the manner of men (which way notwithstanding is intimated) but by extraction of the roots of these two numbers, the root upon which the Lamb's number and true Church is raised, 144. being twelve, the Apostolical basis; the Root upon which the beasts number, 666. the character of the Antichristian Apostatical Church is raised, being that fatal number twenty five, both which he describes and amplifies at large. This Interpretation lights so pat upon the Romish Hierarchy, that a man cannot but be amazed at so exact a providence; for this learned Writer hath out of History made it even over clear, that 25. is a Character as essentially interwoven into the Hierarchy of Rome, as 12. is into the State of the new Jerusalem; and these Six main things that this Holy City is set out by in Rev. 17. First, Twelve Gates, Secondly, Twelve Angels at the Gates. Thirdly, Twelve Tribes writteni on the Gates. Fourthly, Twelve Foundations, with names written on them. Fifthly, Twelve thousand furlongs, the solid measure of the City. Sixthly, Twelve manner of fruits of the tree of life. These six have their opposites exactly in the Roman Hierarchy or City. First, Twenty five G●●es, whether taken literally or mystically for Churches to baptise in. Secondly, Twenty five Angels, i. e. Pastors. Thirdly, Twenty five Titles or Parishes. Fourthly, Twenty five Cardinals. Fifthly, Twenty five thousand furlongs, the perimeter of which Cube, is the circuit of Rome, as the perimiter of the Cube twelve thousand Furlongs, the circuit of Jerusalem. Sixthly, Twenty five Articles of the Creed, which should be the food of the tree of life to all beleivers. In these essential matters, and in many other things besides, hath he evidently shown how exactly the Root 666. is applicable to the Roman Hierarchy, the two horned beast; to whose Treatise I refer the Reader for further satisfaction, also to Dr. More, who approves this opinion, and answers the most material objection against it, in his Book of The Mystery of Godliness, Book fifth, There is another opinion I have met with of the number 666. since the funishing this Treatise, which though new, and different from all the former, yet is worthy of consideration; I refer the Reader to the Treat see Entitled, Christ and Antichrist, or 666. multiplied by 2½ whereby the true number of Antichrists reign is discovered. Page 196. I confess I like this opinion far better than the first, as being in my judgement, 1. More grave and ponderous. 2. More certain and determinate. 3. More conform and suitable to other mysteries revealed in this book. 4. More accurately discriminating between Antichrists false Apostatical Synagogue, and Christ's true Apostolical Church. 5. And in the right computing whereof, more true Theological, spiritual, and heavenly wisdom will be found. Thus much of the fifth concurrent time under the second Period, and therein a description of the Beast with two horns, Cap. 13. wherein I have been more large than I intended; I come now to A sixth concurrent time, under this second Period. That is, at the same time (viz. of the holy City being trod under foot, and the two witnesses prophesying in Sackcloth, The State of the Church, and virgin company during these distresses and persecutions. and the woman fled into the Wilderness, and of the ten-horned and two horned beast, Cap. 13.) the hundred and forty four thousand sing a new song, Meretrix a joanne conspr●itur in deserts. Cap. 17.3, 4. Ergo tempus bestigest tempus deserti Mede. and live without blame, Cap. 14. v. 1, to the 6. In which Verse is set down, the true hurches, or Virgin companies constant and pure adhering unto Christ in the midst of Anti●bristian Idolatries and persecutions, described in a vision of the Lamb, and his company standing on Mount Zion; when the world wondered after the beast, and worshipped him, than the true Church did adhere to, and attend upon the Lamb. I looked, and lo a Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with him 144000. having the name of him and of his father, written in their foreheads, vers. 1. 1. Their standing with the Lamb on mount Zion, intimates the notable stability of the Church against all Antichristian Machinations. 1. The Lamb stood as in his Watchtower, vigilant over his Church for her protection, and they stood as his Servants and soldiers attending upon him. 2. Their number 144000. is the same number before mentioned in the preparatories to the seventh seal, Rev. 7.4. the number of the true Church, which is built upon the Doctrine of the 12. Apostles; as this number is built only on twelve (as was before observed) this number is here opposed to the number of the Beast 666. in the close of the former Chapter, which can by no means be built upon twelve. 3. They are said to have his father's name on their foreheads, or rather the name of him, and the name of his father, etc. which more fully expresseth their Character as opposite to the name of the beast; hereby they are distinguished from the beasts worshippers; this notes their true profession of, and subjection to the Father and the Lamb. 4. vers. 2. The voice from Heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great Thunder, and the voice of Harpers harping with their Harps, for 2. signifies their pure Gospel-worship, described by the numerous multitude of the Heavenly singers (whereunto these 144000. conform themselves) resembled to waters, thunders, harpers. 5. verse 3. The new song they sing] is either a new Gospel song since Christ's coming, opposite to the old before Christ's coming, or new in respect of new conferred benefits under the Gospel, among which this preservation of his 144000. from Antichristian defilements was no small one; the Scripture is wont to call for new songs for new mercies; Here by song we may understand all Gospel-worship, by a Synecdoche, the part for the whole, And during the Beast, Dominion none could worship the Lamb purely without Idolatry upon earth, but those that were redeemed from the earth; that is, bought by the blood of Christ, and brought out of Popery from Antichrists earthly Church, Cap. 12.12. 6. And where it is said They are not defiled with women, vers. 4. vers. 4. and to follow the lamb, etc. is signified their spiritual chastity, not being guilty of spiritual whoredom and Idolatry; and their constant attendance upon the Lamb, in all states and places, and their peculiar relation to God and the Lamb, (they being peculiar fruits to him, redeemed out of the profane mass of the Idolatrous world) is expressed in the latter end of this fourth verse. 7. And Lastly, it is said of them, vers. 5. In their mouth was no guile, and that they are without fault before the Throne of God, which notes both their integrity and innocency; their integrity, In their mouth was found no guile: Some Greek Copies read, no lie; Idols in Scripture are called lies, and Idolaters Liars; Isa. 28.15. jer. 16.19. it seems to note their freedom from Idolatry, and they did not Hypocritically profess and pretend to be Christians, and yet Idolatrously adore the beast. Finally, their innocency in God's account is annexed as a reason of the former, And they are without fault before the throne of God, vers. 5. The Seventh and last concurring time, in the Angels prophesy of things that shall come to pass in the Ecclesiastical State, Cap. 10. See before. relating to the second Period, Is The Whore of Babylon, i the Popish Hierarchy ruling and riding the Beast with ten horns, i.e. the Princes and Potentates which adhere to the Papacy at their own choosing and liking; Cap. 17. Cap. 17. ver. 3. I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of the names of blasphemy, having seven beads and ten borns. And the woman was arrayed in purple, and scarlet colour, and decked with gold, etc. vers. 4. where the Whore of Babylon is described. 1. By the monstrous beast whereon she sits, cruel and bloody, noted in her colour; full of Antichristian Idolatries, most opprobrious and reproachful to God, noted in her names of blasphemy. and besides seven-headed and ten-horned; so that it is the very same beast formerly described, cap. 13. 2. By her luxurious and meretricious array and ornaments; And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour (like the beast she sat on) and deeked with gold and precious stones, and pearls. By her whoredoms she had obtained all these costly deckings; and for winning the greater credit and custom to her whoredoms she was thus gaudily and thus glitteringly attired. Popery is a sumptuous, gaudy and glittering Religion. 3. By her intoxicating cup whereby she amorously allures and enchants her lovers to spiritual lewdness with her, having a golden cup in her hand, full of abomination, and filthiness of her fornication. vers. 4. An allution to the custom of Whores, Joseph. Mede. who in golden cups are wont to give amorous draughts to their Lovers, to provoke and to inflame their love and lust. Now what Religion in the world hath outwardly more specious, curious, golden pretences, but inwardly more abominable cursed Heresies, Blasphemies, Superstitions, Idolatries, showing gold without, deadly poison within! 4. Her whore's name. Touching which note. 1. Where it was wrtten, viz. on her forehead, intimating she was an eminent notorious whore indeed; And upon her forehead was a name written; Tertullian De pudicit. Sen. Cont. 2. Lib. 1. vers. 8. An allusion to the ancient custom of Stews and Brothel-houses, that on or over the doors of their Cells and Chambers, were wont to write the names of the Whores, as Tertullian, Seneca and others intimate. But if the Whore was famous indeed, her name and praise was written, not only on her cell, but on her forehead. 2. Her name itself, describing in great part her nature, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, or Fornications, and Abominations of the earth, v. 5. This name shows 1. that this Whore is Babylon, not proper, but mystical Babylon. 2. That this, mystical Babylon is the Mother and most notorious author of all the abominable Idolatries, those spiritual whoredoms in the whole world. This can intent no other but Rome. 5. Her extreme cruelty, & bloody tyranny against the Saints, emphatically expressed, being drunk therewith, she had swallowed so much, vers. 6. This Metaphor from drunkenness denotes the height and extremity of her bloodiness; witness Anchrists butcheries of the Saints under the names of Waldenses, Albigenses, Leonists, Wicklivists, Hussites, Lutherans, Hugonites, etc. condemned and destroyed by Antichrist, because they would not drink of Rome's whorish cup. All Ecclesiastical Histories and Martyrologies since Antichrists rise and reign, fully declare this Whore's bloodiness, especially in her Spanish Inquisition. See Foxes Acts and Monuments. Especially consider the late Irish massacres designed and acted by bloodthirsty Papists, to the utmost of cruelty in Ireland, 1641. as may be seen in Doctor Jones his Remonstrance of the state of the Rebellion in Ireland; And in the Declaration of the Commons of England assembled in Parliament, touching the rise and progress of that Rebellion, ordered to be published July, 25. 1643. This causeth in John great admination at the strangeness of the Vision of the Whore, in the latter end of vers. 6. And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Which gave occasion to the Interpretation of this Vision more clearly; And the Angel said, Wherefore didst thou marvel? Rev. 17.7. The City or Whore of Rome is said to sit upon a Beast, viz. the fourth Beast mentioned in Daniel, which is the Roman Monarchy. And what City or people hath so ridden the Roman Empire, as Rome hath done? They that suffer themselves to be thus ridden by her, are Abettors and Supporters; they are Peoples, Multitudes, Nations and Tongues over whom this proud City reigns. The Catholic Roman Church they are commonly called by themselves; but by the holy Ghost, The Beast on which the woman sit. Usher Rev. 17.18. in his Sermon before King Charles, on Ephes. 4.13. I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the Beast that carries her, whichha th' seven heads, and ten horns, ver. 7. Hereupon the Angel doth more clearly interpret and explain the Vision. 1. The mystery of the Beast carrying the Whore. 2. The mystery of the Whore herself. First, The Angel explains the mystery of the Beast in the Whole, and in the Parts. First, in the whole, the Beast is interpreted, 1. Partly, According to his Many-form State, or fourfold form and condition of this one and the same Beast. The Beast that thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition. The beast thou sawest, 1. was. And 2. Is not. And 2. shall ascend out of the bottomless pit. And 4. Go into perdition. This very Interpretation itself seems to be a riddle and a paradox, that needs a further interpretation. To omit variety of men's opinions, sundry whereof rather obscure then clear this present Description; This seems plain to be the sense. As the whore is after interpreted to be the great City which reigneth over the Kings of the earth; viz. Roms; for what other City in John's time did so reign? So the Beast that carrieth this Whore, what can it be but the * To this agrees Irenaus, Lactantius, Jerom, which testimony of the Ancients Cornelius a Lapide considering, professeth that he will not tergiversari but granteth, that by Babylon is meant Rome. Roman Empire? which though for substance it was one, One Beast, yet for States, conditions and manner of Government, was multifarous or many form, as here described, viz. This Beast the Roman Empire Was, that is, before John's time, when this Revelation was given, it was but in another form and state then in John's time, i governed by Kings, Consuls, Dictator's, Decemviri and Tribunes, all which were passed in John's time. And is not, i.e. this beast the Roman Empire is not in John's time, under those or any of those five manners of Governments; but under a sixth, viz. of Caesar's, and those both Heathenish and Christian. This sixth head of this beast, that ruled in John's days, viz, the Heathenish Caesar's, they became no Christians till Constantine. Yet the whore sits not upon this beast, as under any of those forms or states of Government; but on the Beast under another form, which should rise up after them six, as than not in being. And is not, viz. the beast under the Pontificial or Papal Government. And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition; that is, saith Mede, that form of the beast in which he shall carry the Whore, shall be the last form of the beast, beyond which he should not prolong his life. Now what form of this Beast shall ascend out of the bottom ●ss pit? or the abyss (as 'tis in Greek) this word abyss may be taken either for the Abyss of the sea, or the Abyss of hell: Now take it either way, The sixth head the Caesar's heathen and Christian, was deadly wounded. The Heathen Caesar's received a deadly wound by Constantine and his Successors, who overcome the heathen Emperors, and rooted, our their hear● 〈◊〉 Idolatry, etc. The Christian Caesar's received by the bath 〈◊〉 Nations a deadly wound, who dilaterated the Empire into ten Kingdoms; And the deadly wound of the heath 〈◊〉 Caesar's was bea●ed by the substituted 〈…〉 Be●●●, 〈◊〉 course of his seventh head, and by his how Idolatry, or Idol-worship, not of Pagarworship, but of Saints and Angels, The deadly wound of the Christian Caesar's was healed, when the Roman Empire divided into ten Kingdoms, was again made up into one for the 〈◊〉 of the Whore, by the subtlety of the Dragon and false Prophet. it agrees to that form of beast that carries the Whore. For that Beast that ariseth out of the Abyss of the Sea, having seven heads and ten horns, as also out of the Abyss of Hell, for the Dragon Satan gives him his power and seat, and great authority, Rev. 13.2. The Caesar's heathen and Christian were the beasts sixth head or form: The beast at last under the Christian Caesar's, received by the barbarous Nations a deadly wound, the Empire beginning to be divided about Anno. 456. into ten parts, or Kingdoms, viz. of Britons, Saxons, Franks, Burgundi●●●, Wisigoths, Sweves and alan's, 〈◊〉, Almains, Ostrogoths, Grecians, as Mr. Mede hath observed out of Sigonius. This distracted state or form of the beast, under these ten Kingdoms, at least, though really, and in substance the same with that under the Caesar's, yet seems to be another distinct power, and as it were the seventh King, Rev. 17.10. which was to continue but a short space, but is indeed the same with the 6. viz. the Caesar's. The Roman Empire thus torn into ten, at last by the subtlety of the Dragon, and the false Prophet (the two horned beast Antichrist) is recollected, and all the ten united as in one Empire under the Pope, Rev. 13.3, 12, 13, 14. as head and Monarch thereof, and so his deadly wound was healed; And this is the Pontifician or Papal head, the only form of the Beasts State and Government (which seventh bears the Whore) this Pontifician head, or form of the Emperor's Government (in respect of that changed and miserably dilacerated Cesarship, Re. 17.12. which was as the seventh) seems to be as it were the eighth head or King, but really, and indeed is but the seventh and last head of the Roman beast, and this Papal head goeth into perdition, and in him the Roman Empire shall be utterly abolished. 2. As the Beast in the whole is interpreted partly by his many form state, or a fourfold form, so partly according to the World's wonderment after this beast (whereby it is evident that this is the selfsame seven headed beast, and ten horned which was formerly described, Cap. 13.) Rev. 13.1, 3, 4. And they that dwell on the Earth shall wonder (whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the World) when they behold that beast which was and is not, and yet is, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. or rather as some read it (and yet is at hand) for so it notably agrees with the former description in the beginning of the verse. The beast was and is not, and shall asound out of the bottomless pit; or it ●ay thus be explained, retaining the ordinary reading. The Beast that was, i. e. the Roman Empire that was under five former sorts of Government. And is not, i. e. is not as yet under the seventh or last form or sort of Government, viz. Pontificial or Papal. And yet is, that is, under the sixth form of Caesar's at present in John's time, vers. 8. Thus the beast in whole is interpreted. Secondly, The Beast is interpreted in his Parts, viz. his seven heads and ten horns what they are; An Emphatical intimation of the singular wisdom required to the true discerning of these mysteries, being first premised, And here is the mind that hath wisdom First, The seven heads of the beast, are interpreted to be seven Mountains and seven Kings, that by this double accommodation, this interpretation might be more sure, Partly to seven mountains; the seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth; vers. 9 That is, these seven heads are seven hills upon which Rome is built, viz. the Capit●line, Palatine, Calian, Aventine, Aesqui●●●, Viminal, and Quirinal Mount. For the honour of which seven mountains (saith Parens) an Annual 〈◊〉 was observed on the third of the I●●s of December, either in memory of Romulus the builder of the seven mountained City, or of Servins Tullus, who to Romnlus four Mountains added three more, seven in all; Partly to be seven Kings, i. e. seven orders, forms or kinds of Governors or Governments of this Roman, Kingdom or Empire, whereof Rome is the Imperial seat. And there are seven Kings, vers. 10. viz. seven orders or sorts of Rulers; Kings Consuls, Tribunes, Decemvirs, Dictator's, Caesar's, Pon●●ficrans, or Popes; Five are fall (i. e. in John's time the first five, viz. Kings, Consuls, Tribunes, Decemvies, Dictator's) And one is (i. e. Caesar's, then in being in John's time;) and the other is not ye come; (i. e. the dilacerated state of the Cesarship or, Cesartan Empire into ten Kingdoms at the least, by the Barbarians, as was before intimated,) this was as it were a seventh head, but was indeed but of the sixth, being the same in substance with the Caesar's, but was not come in John's time, and was but to continue a short space, till the Dragon and fall Prophet had reunited, and so healed this wounded and dilacerated state of the Empire. Therefore in the Text it is added, And when he cometh, Rev. 13.2. he must continue a short space, vers. 10. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seventh; and goes to perdition, v. 11. That is, the Roman Empire that was under five heads or forms of Government, before John's time, and under the sixth head of Caesar's in john's time (which Caesar's were changed as it were into another and seventh form in its dilacerated state of the ten Kingdoms) yet is not, i.e. In John's time, is not yet brought under the last head or form, viz. the Papal, which is the eighth (i.e. in respect of the change of the Cesarship into ten Kingdoms, which seemed to be as a seventh, but was indeed only part of the sixth head) and the Papal head is of the seventh i.e. he is indeed the last and seventh head, or form of this beast (in the course of which seventh head he carries the whore) and in this state or form the beast shall be utterly destroyed. Thus of the seven heads and their Interpretations. 2. The ten horns of the Beast are Interpreted to be ten Kings, Bestia decemcornupeta seu secularis, est unia versitas illa decem plu●m nus Regnorum (in quae Caesarum post exturbatum ●raconem, Imperium Barbarica plaga dissilierat) in unam denuo Rempull cam Romanam, redintegratà Draconu impierate, coalescentium. Mede. Cap. 13. page. 181. or ten Kingdoms, viz. those ten before mentioned Kingdoms, into which the Empire of the Caesar's was divided by that deadly wound of the Barbaman Nations, which ten Kings or Kingdoms were not yet sprung up in John's time, but into which afterwards, the body of the Roman beast, in the course of his last head should be dilacerated, by the deadly wound of the Cesarean head: And which ten Kings should unanimously give all their power to the beast, for his restitution and reparation, under the Government of his seventh and last head (For unto this seventh head only, and not to any of the six aforegoing these ten horns belong) Now these ten horns are interpreted and described, First, Partly by their constitution, as hath been now explained, v. 12.13. Secondly, Partly by their hostile persecution against the Lamb in his Members. These shall make war with the Lamb, viz. by making War with the Saints, and overcoming them 42. months, as was before declared. Thirdly, Partly by their overthrow by the Lamb, Christ Jesus and his Saints, at last; which overthrow is confirmed both by the Lambs Regal power, and by the Saints three victorial properties. And the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and they that are with him are called and chosen, and faithful, v. 14. Hitherto of the interpretation of the Mystery of the beast carrying the Whore. 2. Now of the Mystery of the Whore herself, carried by this beast, which is here also interpreted. Herein note, 1. Her Ample Dominion. 2. Her utter destruction, and 3. Topical Denomination. 1. Her ample Dominion, over peoples of many Nations and Languages, signified by the waters where the Whore sitteth; And he said unto me. The waters which thou sawest where the Whore sitteth, are Peoples, and Multitudes, and Nations, and Tongues, 1.15. 2. Her utter destruction and judgement which the Angel promiseth to tell john's is described. First, By the Instrumental means of her destruction, the ten horns upon the beast. Secondly, by the degrees of her destruction from these ten horns. And the ten horns which thou fawest upon the beast, shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. vers. 16. These degrees of their destroying her shall be, 1. Their hatred of the Whore, with whom they have committed fornication. 2. Deserting of her, betaking themselves to Christ's pure worship. 3. Denuding of her, or making her naked, both by words, laying open her filthy and abominable whoredoms and Idolatries, etc. and also by deeds, withdrawing her respective revenues from her, which were wont to be given her. 4. Eating her flesh, not only by retaining to their own use, her rich incomes, Carnes nostras illi manducant qui nos persequuntur, Aug. in Locum Tom. 8. but also by opposing and persecuting her, which in Scripture language is as eating of one's flesh, Job 19.22. Psa. 27.2. 5. Burning of her with fire; When? the punctual time cannot particularly be determined, but it hastens apace, and cannot be far off, if the fift viol be now running, which shall be poured out upon the form of the beast, which is now the judgement of many learned Divines; Let the Saints strive mightily with God, and pray the Whore into flames, for her ruin approacheth; And some of those Kingdoms that helped to raise up the Whore, shall be as ready to pull her down. Thirdly, Her utter destruction is also described, by the principal cause thereof. God's providential dispensation according to his Word, who can as easily make these ten horns unanimous to her ruin, as they were to her rise and reign; For God hath put into their hearts to fulfil his Will, and to agree, and to give their Kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled, v. 17. 3. We have thirdly and lastly her Topical Denomination. The Holy Ghost so clearly indigitates, and as it were names her, that he that runs may read and not mistake. That this Whore is Rome, the known Motropolis and Royal Seat of the Roman Empire, Ribera in Cap. 17. Bellarmin. l. 2. de pont. Rom. Cap. 2. Papists themselves confess. And the Woman which thou sawest, is that great City that reigneth over the Kings of the Earth. This is that beast that goeth to perdition or Destruction. Of which Destruction God causeth her to be First, Forewarned, cap. 14. vers. 6. and following verses. Which premonition is described in the Vision of three Angels, It is called the everlasting Gospel in opposition to those innovations and traditions of men, under which the Churches of Christ had laboured a long time. Vide Mr. Bridge his Sermon on Rev. 14.8. i.e. Evangelical Ministers preaching the everlasting Gospel against the Beast and Beast-worshippers. 1. The first Angel exhorts all that had given their names to Christ by profession, to consider how Gods judgements were now inflicted upon the Heathenish Idols and Idolaters, and therefore to worship God the Creator only and purely, ver. 6, 7. This Angel, learned Mede interprets of the Council of Constantinople in the East, consisting of Three hundred thirty seven Bishops, wherein the worship of the Virgin Mary, and invocation of Saints was opposed, 720. And of Frankford Synod in the West under Charles the Great consisting of about 300 Bishops, 790th. year of our Lord, which damned both the worshipping of Images; and also the second Council of Nice that established it. Others interpret it of divers in England, Pareus, Brightm. as Killington, Langland, especially Wicklife, about Anno 1371. and of divers in Bohemia, John Husse, Hierom of Prague. 2. The second Angel (the first Angel's doctrine being despised) denounceth Babylon's irrevocable ruin from that time forward, till it be consummated for their obstinacy and impenitency in Idolatries: The substance of the Angel's doctrine is a commination of Babylon's fall, with the reason of it, vers. 8. Babylon is fallen, it is fallen, i.e. she is now fallen initially, and shall fall totally and finally. This Angel, Mede interprets of the Waldenses and Albigenses, who first of all other renounced Romish Idolatries, and many followed them, which falling off from Rome was the laying of a foundation from Babylon's fall, till it should be utterly ruined. 3. The third Angel, going beyond the former, warneth all the Worshippers of the Beast what horrible vengeance hangs over their heads, and would fall upon them if they persist still in following and worshipping the Beast, and not renounce him. And the third Angel followed him, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his Image, and receive his mark, etc. the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, etc. vers. 9, 10, 11, This Angel, thinks Brightman and Mede, was M. Luther, with his associates and Successors, who so vehemently opposed Papal doctrine and superstition; whereupon followed the eminent Reformation of the Germane and other Churches. Luther (saith Pareus) left this Fatidical verse behind him, Pestis eram Vivens, moriens er mors tua, Papa. O Pope, I was thy plague while I had breath; And though I die, yet I will be thy death. Parens thinks this Angel to be understood of Luther's succession to the end of the world, from Anno 1546. because no fourth Angel follows, but Christ sitting on his white throne of judgement. Secondly, As Babylon is forewarned, so her punishments and plagues are not only threatened, As the seals brought in judgements upon the Pagan world, Trumpets on the Christian world, as ruled by Christian Emperors; so the seven last vials are poured out upon the Antichristian world: Cotton on the Vials. These seven plagues are compared to the plagues of Egypt, as Sores, Blood, Darkness, Frogs, Thunder and Lightning. And in the pouring out of these vials understand nothing but mere divine wrath, no mercy runs out of the vials. Further note, As the seven Trumpets were sounded to the ruin of the Roman Empire, so the seven Vials are poured out to the ruin of the Beast, and to the gradual ruin of the Beast they all tend: For every Vial is a degree to the Beasts destruction, who as he risen, so he shall rall by degrees. but gradually inflicted; which dreadful judgements and the actual inflicting of them are represented under vials, and the pouring forth of these vials, which vials are full of the wine of that wrath of God poured out without mixture, Rev. 14.10. This we have in Chap. 15, and 16. Thirdly, When no reformation doth follow (as did not; for in pouring out of the Vials, it is said, cap. 16. vers. 9 They blasphemed the name of God, etc. but repent not to give him glory, so vers. 11. they blasphemed God because of their plagues, but repent not of their deeds) God passeth sentence upon her, and destroyeth her; which destruction is briefly touched upon, chap. 17. but is largely and pathetically described cap. 18. Whereupon in the third Period follows the description of the great joy and triumph of the Church over the total ruin and destruction of her enemies, Period. 3. chap. 19 and the desired peace and tranquillity of the Church. In this 19 Chapter is set down the victorious triumphs and gratulations of them in heaven, i.e. the Church, Saying Hallelujah, Salvation, and honour, and glory, and power unto the Lord our God, ver. 1. And that 1. For the judgement of the great whore justly executed upon her, vers. 1. for her wicked Idolatries, and persecuting cruelties against the Saints. vers. 2. 2. For the Dominion of Christ; Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reighneth. vers. 6. Parallel to that in Rev. 11. to 18. 3. For the marriage of the Lamb, vers. 7. ver. 7. Let us be glad and give honour unto him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, etc. whose marriage garments are freely given her by Christ, verse 8. And all the marriage guests which are called to the marriage Supper of the Lamb, vers. 8. are pronounced blessed, vers. 9 And because this victorious Triumph, and gratulation of the Church is for the total ruin and destruction of her enemies; therefore as in the former part of the Chap. John speaks of the judgement of the whore, so in the latter part of the Chap. he speaks of the judgement of the beast, and false prophet, together with their Armies of Adherents, warring against the Lamb and his Army. These Adversaries are all mustered together under the sixth Viol in Armageddon; Rev. 16. 13, 14, 16. now the seventh Viol (the exposition whereof is yet continued) describes the event of the battle in Armageddon, Cap. 19.11. to the end. viz. the beast and his adherents are entrapped and ensnared easily, and suddenly roiled by Christ; the Beast and the false Prophet are both taken, as wild beasts, in Nets and Gins, and are jointly executed in a most dreadful manner, being both cast alive into a Lake of fire burning with Brimstone; Their whole Army put to the Sword; and the Fowls invited and filled with their flesh, and enriched with their prey. This is to be understood of Chricts final victory, not only spiritually but corporally, over the beast and false Prophet (now vexed and enraged at the judgement of the Whore,) and this by some remarkable and dreadful demonstration of his providence. In the 20. Cap. is set down the judgement of the Dragon, that old Serpent the Devil and Satan, that had incited and used as his instruments, the whore, beast, and false Prophet, and their followers, to oppose and persecute the Lamb and his Saints; and the 21. and 22. Chap. contain the Churches happy estate, upon her enemy's destruction, and the glory of the new Jerusalem. These things we may see and learn by observing intentively the scope of the boon of the Revelation of Saint John, that is, the common term and period whereunto all the particular prophecies and passages in the Revelation do jointly run, and wherein they do ultimately determine. Now having done with the scope or Intone of the Book, I am next according to the method I propounded in the beginning, to speak of the Synchronismes Which we must powder and weigh advisedly, in order to the understanding of the Prophecies contained in this book; concerning which I will premise four things. 1. A Synchronisme of Prophecies, is a concurring or meeting together of things foretold in those Prophecies, at the same time, or which may be said to be contemporaneous, or coaetaneous, of the same time and age, that fall out or come to pass in the same intervals or spaces of time, or if I may so phrase it, that time together. 2. The order of the seals, and in them of the Trumpets, is certain and indubitable; the same certainly which the number assigned to them both doth indigitate or point to as it were with the Finger, viz. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The Seals are opened one after another in order, in opening of the seventh Seal whereof, the Trumpets are sounded one after another successively. 3. Therefore the rest of the Prophecies compared, first with themselves, and then with the Seals by Synchronismes, the order of the whole Revelation will be made manifest. 4. These Synchronismes are not built upon the Hypothesis or argument drawn from any interpretation, not do they lean or stay upon the praejudgement of the event of things, but upoon the innate Characters of the visions themselves, and are Apodictically or demonstratively true, to any that have but a competency of wit and patience to peruse them; as these Synchronismes; The treading underfoot of the outward court, the Witnesses prophesying in sackeloth, the Woman in the wilderness, the ten horned and two horned Beast, the sealed servants of the Lamb, the whore of Babylon, the succession of the first six Trumpets, (the chief matters of the Apocalypse, being comprehended within these Synchronismes) All these are circumscribed within the space of 1200. and 60. days, i.e. years. 5. The dililent and heedful comparing together of visions that are contemporary, will notably and especially help to the more certain defining, and, determining of the beginning and period of future times, foretold in this book, and so to the true understanding of the Revelation; It being one of the greatest difficulties of the Revelation, punctually, and certainly to find out the beginnings and periods of the times therein intended. Now in laying them down I will follow my former method, and without prejudice to any man's judgement, I may pursue that method which to me seems most clear and genuine, most plain and easy to be understood; however the disposing of the Method will not alter the matter. The contemporaneousness of these Prophecies, or of the visions in these Prophecies, stands thus. 1. The first six seals appertain to the first Period, viz. that time when Rome was heathen; the sixth whereof signifies the mighty change of things to the advantage of the Church, the Empire becoming Christian. The Visions that are synchronal to the time of the six seals, Rev. 12. are the fight of Michael and the seven-headed dragon, about the child's birth, wherewith the woman travailed; the measuring the Temple and Altar and them that Worship therein, which are Symmetral or commensurable to the Angel's measure. Rev. 11. Mr. Mede interprets the fight of the seven-headed Dragon and Michael, the conflict of the Church of Christ, with the Pagan cruelty till Constantine and Theodosius his time, which therefore as it is synchronal, so it hath great Cognation with the visions of the six seals. For the Archer on the white Horse aims at that effect, all the time of that bloody Battle, which he hits and reacheth in the completion of the sixth Seal. The inward Court of the Temple that is measured, signifies the pure Christian Church, before it was adulterated by a kind of Christian Paganism; which condition also of the Church, hath a plain cognation with other things synchronal; as their resolute opposing the Dragon, and their being so serious in their Religion, that they preferred it before their own lives, so that the measure of the Temple and the Altar, and the battle of the seven-headed Dragon and Michael, are contemporaneous to the six first Seals, and one to another. 2. The six first Trumpets, sounding under the seventh Seal, appertain to the second Period, when the Empire was turned Christian, and Paganized again under Christianity. So they appertain to the Church's apostasy, and the cruel persecution of the Members of Christ in this Apostasy. Now I will show you these things that are synchronal to the six first Trumpets. 1. The unmeasured outward Court of the Temple or holy City given to the Gentiles to be trodden under foot, Rev. 11.2. 42. months. 2. The Lords two Witnesses (at last to be overcome and killed by the beast, after they have finished their testimony) prophesying in Sackcloth 1200 and 60. days. chap. 11.3 3. The Woman that brought forth the man child, and fled from the Dragon into the Wilderness, chap. 12.6. and was nourished there 1200 and 60 days, or for a time, times, and half a time. 4. The seven-headed, and ten-horned beast, after the deadly wound of his last head was healed, blasphemeth God and his Tabernacle, c. 13.5, 6, 7 and them that: dwell in Heaven, warreth with, and overcomes the Saints 42, months. 5. The two horned beast or false Prophet, who restoreth the first beast, Rev. 13.11. to the end of the chapter. and exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, whose deadly wound was healed, etc. whose number is 666. 6. The Lamb's Virgin Company 144000 redeemed from the earth, who alone could learn and sing the new song, standing with him on Mount Zion; the Fear and worship of God is commanded, Rev. 14. the ruin of Babel, and them that worship the beast is threatened. 7. Babylon the great Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth, sits upon the seven headed beast, now in the course of his seventh head, being ten-horned, Chap. 17. making the inhabitants of the earth drunk with the Wine of her Fornication, and going to perdition, with which doth Synchronize six of the seven Vials of God's wrath, destroying the beast which are also contemporaneous to the sixth Trumpet. For pouring out the Vials doth bring mine and destruction upon the beast, as is manniest from the text; for the conquerors of the beast, do sing the song of Moses, Cap. 15.2, 3. And further it doth speciaily appear from the first Vial, Cap. 16.2. which caused a noisome fore to fall upon the men that had the mark of the beast, and on them that did worship his Image. And from the fifth vial, v. 10. which was poured upon the throne of the beast, and his Kingdom was full of darkeness; also from the sixth Vials pouring out, provoking unclean spirits like Frogs to come out of the mouth of the Dragon, beast, and false Prophet, who by their subtle art of deceiving, shall draw the Kings of the earth, and the whole world, i.e. all the Beastian party together to battle against Christ, to their utter ruin and destruction; therefore the pouring out of six of the seven Vials and destroying the beast, are contemporaneous to the sixth trumpet, also contemporaneous one to another. Thus I have showed these seven Synchronals to the six first trumpets founding under the seventh Seal, which are also contemporaneous one to another. Now these Visions that are Synchronal to the six first Trumpets, though they be more than any Synchronals besides, yet they have all a near cognation and manifest colligation one with another. The general summary of the condition of times they point out, is the Apostasy and degenerating of the Church, which yet is never conceived so all, but that there are some pure Apostolical Christians in it; and therefore to present the two sots of Professors of Christianity, there are two sorts of Visions. 1. Those of the Whore of Babylon, the ten horned beast, and the two-horned beast relating to the degeneracy of Christensom. 2. The two Witnesses mourning in Sickcloth, the Virgin company, the sealed of the Lamb, to those that kept me purity of the Church, all these Synthronize with the six first Trumpets, out of which is blown the wrath of God upon the Roman Empire, as is but just by reason of their Apostasy: As it is also equal with God to protect his own then; And therefore the company of the Lamb are Sealed and marked, to he kept from the common calamities. Again, Note, the general Apostasy could not have crept in, 1. If the Ecclesiastical and Secular power had not conspired; Which may refer to the time of Inn entius for then this Apostasy did first sprout out, when Rome obtained at the Emperor's hands priority of place, suffrage and censure over all; for as the tree pulls up the creeping Ivy, so the primacy of the Church of Rome pulled up the aspiring supremacy of the bishop thereof; which Church ●rthem nency and pro●● on a●●ct long ruffling and shouldering) was first obtained at the lands of Honorius (though altar wards upon great concertation or Daggers-drawing, it was by other Caesar's and Kings confirmed, renewed and ●●ptiated, and at last completed in Pho●s his time, 〈◊〉 and ●) who by the advantage of the w●●ness and death of his eld●s ●rother, Ar●●us having obtained power and protectorship, subjected the Church of the East Empire (which most withstood the West and Roman supremacy) with all other Churches whatsoever, to the Church and Sea of Rome; At the instan●●●it and importunity of the then Bishop of Rome, whose name was then Innocent the fust, in the First year of his creation, and in the year of Redemption. 406. therefore there is the two-horned beast as well as the ten-horned beast; Against which are opposed the two mourning Witnesses, the one sustaining the person of the faithful magistracy, the other of the faithful Ministry. 2. And this Apostasy consisting much in gross dolatry, and vain superstition, which according to the Scripture language is termed whoredom: This state is also set out by the Vision of the Whore of Babylon, Rev. 17. To which is opposed the Virgin company, Rev. 14.4. 3. There is lastly the like cognation or affinity between the six first Trumpets, and the six first Vials. For as the trumpets were sounded to the ruin of the Roman Empire, so the Vials are poured out to the ruin of the Beast; out of the first, viz. the Trumpets, the wrath of God was blown upon the Roman Empire; out of the other, viz. the Vials, the wrath of God is poured out upon the beast his Worshippers, his seal and throne, and all his partakers, to their ●●ter ruin and destruction. And thus of the Synchronismes that relate to the second Period. Thirdly, The Seventh Trumpet appertains to the third and last Period; The Church's recovery out of her Apostasy, and her graceful and peaceful estate from that time. Now the Synchronals that are contemporary to the seventh Trumpet, and commence at the ending of the sixth (under which the mystery of God shall be finished) and to the innumerable company, of white robed; palm-bearing Triumphers of all Nations, Kindred's and People's, and poagues, and also contemporary to each other, are 1. The pouring out of the seventh Vial (to the beginning only of the seventh Trumpet.) 2. The binding of Satan a Thousand years. 3. The first resurrection, and reigning with Christ a thousand years. 4. The holy City, the New Jerusalem, prepaved as a Bride ador●e ●o for her Husband (in the light whereof the Nations of them that are saved shall walk, and whereunto the Kings of the earth shall bring their glory) cometh down from God out of heaven. These are the last Synchronals that are contemporary to the seventh Trumpet, and commence at the ending of the sixth, and end at the day of Judgement, properly so called, that immediately leads to Hell or Heaven. These are contemporaneous Visions or mysteries in the Prophecies of this sacred Book, which give great light to the Revelation, and are truly the key of it; therefore necessary to the understanding of it. They that attempt the interpreting of the Revelation without the guide of Synchronisms taken from the innate characters of the Visions themselves, do cast themselves upon unnatural, distorted and impossible applications. This may be the reason why many learned men of note (we do not speak of all) have been much mistaken in their Expositions (for to say nothing of that reason given by some, viz. That the ancient Interpreters in the primitive times, have applied to these times, many things which yet as then had no relation to them; the modern Interpreters following their steps, not minding so much the History as the Authority of the Interpreters, have thereby led themselves and others out of the way) This I conceive to be the main reason, the method and harmony of the Revelation is not observed. In the Revelation all things are set down in good order, what from time to time should come to pass; the Synchronisms or concurrencies of times, are set down one after another, and the Revilation and changes in the Ecclesiastical and Civil States, are exactly and punctually distinguished; even as an excellent and well versed Historian is wont to do in the description of humane astions; Dotario contrary to all this many interpreters do pervert, overturn and disturb the method; seek and find out by-way boof error; the things which as Rela●n, belong to one and the same time, they see down as following one another; what shall come to pass after the call of Baby●● they place before it, ofttimes not knowing themselves where they stack, or how they shall wind themselves out. Besides they mistake and confound the States one with another; not observing where mention is made of the Exclesiastical or Civil State: So that many times they apply Monastical matters, and the actions of Antichrist, to that which is in the Revelation spoken of the Civil State. Hence it is that the more one doth read some Expositors, the more one is confounded. But by the benefit of this key or guide of Synthronisms, easily appears how natural a sense is made of every Vision, and how perfectly answerable to History and events. And thus much of the main body or substance of the Book. Now before I come to the Eleventh Chapter, I will here set down something concerning the time of Antichrists beginning. If we search the instant of his beginning we shall hardly find it, seeing in the Apostles time it began to work under a mystery, 2 Thess. 2.7. but if we ask the time when he should be revealed, we find it in Scripture to be at the ruin of the Roman Empire, which being the only obstacle to Antichrist, was first of all to be taken out of the way, that afterwards Antichrist might be displayed in his colours by these three degrees 1. Of a voluntary succession and removal of the Imperial Throne from that very place where Antichrist should place his Chair. Hence learned Usher saith, Rome became the seat of the Beast by the means of the trans●●ting of the Seat of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople. 2. The second of a violent oppression of Christendom by a foreign people, viz. Goths and Vandals, which Antichrist by glozing and flattery, must win by little and little to the embracing of his abominations, for the more speedy and surer planting of his ten several horns. 3. The third of a fraudulent Usurpation of a double sword, the one spiritual in the Church, the other temporal in the Common-weal, by Antichrist himself then peeping abroad. For the first it was to shall out at or about the three hundredth year after Christ; about that time was the voluntary changing his seat, dividing his Empire, which Chrysostom expounds to be the removing of the let. 2 Thes. 2.7. For the second, the overrunning of Christendom by the barbarous Nations, when Antichrist did crouch at the feet of those Tyrants, fawning and flattering them, till out of them such Kingdoms might be settled as might give their power to the beast: This was to fall out about the four hundredth year after Christ. For the third, when by these horns he was hoist up to that huge height of unjust Usurpation, as to exalt himself above Kings and Emperors, ruling not only in the external and temporal estates, but even in the faith and consciences of men, this was about that year after Christ, which some interpreters make the number of his name to intimate unto us, Rev. 13.18. PART II. Concerning that great Question, when did the 1200 and 60. days begin, I will here set down further THe great Earthquake, Rev. 11.13. whereby the Kingdoms of the grand Antithrist, the whore of Babylon, and all their supporters shall be utterly subverted in all Nations, drawn near. It may possibly be with us as it was with the people of the lews, when our Saviour Christ name in the flesh, or with the Churches of the Gentiles, when Antichrist came, Our Saviour was both come and gone, before the Jews generally would know him for the Messiah; and Antichrist was grown to his full age and stature, before the world took any notice of him: So Antichrist is near his end, and going a pace to perdition, before the most of God's people, do so much as begin a little to discern it. That this grand earthquake is at hand, appears because the Beast Antichrist, who is to fall by it, is so well stricken in years, and so near his end. The whole term of his life and reign without the womb, (for the mystery of iniquity was framing this Embryo even from the Apostles times, 2 Thes. 2.7.) is 42. months, Rev. 13.5. or 1200. and 60. days, that is so many years, putting a day for a year, as Numb. 14.34. Ezek. 4.6. Now these years grow towards their full period; for it is well nigh so much time since they begun; this will be made to appear by these two Indices. First, it is almost so long time since the Papel state became the seventh head of the Roman Monarchy. Secondly, because is almost 1200 and 60. years since the ten Kings began, and the Beast began with them, as may appear. Rev. 17.12. First, It is almost so long since the Papal state became the seventh head of the Roman Monarchy; Indice or Evidence first. and when it began to be that head, than it began to be the beast. Rev. 17.11. that we may understand this, we are to look upon the Text. Rev. 17.9, 10.11. Here is the mind that hath wisdom; the seven heads are seven Mountains, on which the woman sits; and there are seven Kings, five are fallen, and one is, the other is not yet come, See the same Exposition of these words before on the 17. th'. And when he cometh he must continue a short space; and the beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seventh, and goeth to perdition. The seven heads of the Roman Monarchy signify two things. First, Seven hills, upon which the woman si●s; i. e. upon which the City was built, (for the City is called the woman. vers. 18.) the seven Hills what they were, see before, page 78, 79. Secondly, The heads also signify seven Kings, i. e. seven several forms of Supreme government, that have been in Rome; what these also are, see before, Page 78. Of these, five are fallen, when the Apostle received the Revelation, that is, Kings, Tribunes, Decemvirs, Dictator's, Consuls. One is] That is the Emperor, a Soldier, chosen for the most part by the Armies. And the other is not yet come] He doth not say the seventh, but the other; This sense of the words, though not the same with that I give on Chap. 17. Page 81, 82. yet meeting with it in a learned Writer since, I thought good here to put it down, and leave it to the judgement of the Reader, to choose which Interpreration he likes best. pointing no doubt at the Christian Emperor, who didnot differ from the Heaven Emperor, as a distinct form of Government (for they were both Soldiers, and chosen by the Soldiers) but in the quality of his person, the one hating and persecuting, the other loving and protecting Christian Religion. And when he comes, he must continue a short space] For the Empire when it came into the hands of the Christians, stood but a short time in its strength, a matter of seventy or eighty years, from about the middle of the reign of Constantine the great (for till than he was exercised with mighty Wars against the Heathen Emperors) unto the end of the ra●●n of Theod●sius the great, from about Anno. 316 or 320. to 395 or 397. It follows in the next verse, the beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth and is of the seventh, viz. The Papel state was in respect of the bulk of the Empire, whereof he is a horn [And is not] i. e. it hath not any present existence in the Apostles times, as the seventh head; for the time of that is not yet come. Even he is the eighth, and is of the seventh] that is, he is the eighth, if you make the Christian Emperor one; but he is indeed the seventh; for there is but seven heads, and he is but the seventh distinct form of Government, Kings, Tribunes, Decemvirs, Dict●ors, Cons●ls, Emperors, and the seventh, Popes. Now here lies the Argument. It is 〈◊〉 to wards the end of the 1200 end 60. years, since the Pope became the head of the Roman Kingdom. Ergo the Earthquake that must ruin him and his Kingdom, draws near. To make this appear, we are to know, as some have observed, there were divers degrees of the fall of that vast body of the Roman Empire; one after the death of Julian the Apostate, about Anno. 365. For then the barbarous Nations invaded, and made huge Havoc in the provinces of the Empire. A second was about Anno. 410. when Rome itself was sack by Alaricus the Goth, and the Empire dismembered. A third about Anno. 455. when ten Kings were risen up instead of the Empire, to which let me interpose one notable one (out of a learned writer) about Anno. 395. at the death of Theod●si●s the great; the barbarous nations had made many attempts before, but were from time to time, especially by his valour repelled; 2 Thes. 2.7. The time of Antichrists revealing is when he who letteth is taken out of the way; now this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, or he that did let the 〈◊〉 pearing of Antichrist, is interpreted by Anrient and la●● Writers, 〈◊〉 be the Roman Empire, not then wholly demolished, but divided and weekened; it was divided after Theadosius, into Eastern and Western, 〈…〉 in the East, and Arcadius in the Wost; now the Western Empire was the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which was taken away by the death of Arcad. us. But upon his death they broke in like an huge inundation, bore down the Empire before them, shivered it in a hundred pieces, so as it near recovered any more. This great mine of the Roman Empire, was six years adoing; for so great a body as the Empire, could not by created means be ruined in a short time. And it is very remarkable, both because it made so great a change in the Kingdoms of Europe and Africa, planting them almost universally with new nations and names; and in special because that storm brought our forefathers into this Land, settling here a new Nation and language. It is thirdly also observable, because in it the sixth Head of the Roman Monarchy, the Emperor went off and the seventh the Pope came on; only the question is about which of these times and degrees was the Empire's destruction. Not so high as Julian's death; for the Empire stood in good strength after that for thirty years at least; nor so low as 455. when it was quite broken, and not long after lost its very name; but somewhere between, viz. either about 406. or 410 years after Christ, when Rome itself the head of the Empire was taken. Now if the beasts reign began about or between 406 and 410 then the ruining earthquake must needs approach, considering how many years are gone of the 1260 years. Object. The sixth Head of the Empire continued long after the death of Theodosius the Great. Answ. 1. Not in strength, but was still more and more broken unco its dissolution. 2. Rome became the the Seat of the Beast, by the means of translating the sear of the Empire from Rome to Constantinopl●, from whence ensued the parting the Empire into two parts, by which division it being weakened, and alter also sundered in affection as well as in place, was the easier to be entered upon and obtained by the Pope, especially after the death of Arcadius. Bishop Usher sum of Christian Religion. p. 443. It is not absurd to imagine that the sixth head and the seventh might be in some degree together. For first, it is but a comparison, not like that natural head, of which there can be but one atonce, more makes a monster; and truly this Rest is a monster. Besides the Impesial and Papal Head did not so thwart or cross one another at first, as afterwards they did; so as it might be with them, as Logicians say of contrary qualities; they may consist together in the same subject, gradibus remissis, non intensis; they might both of them have their power and not entrench one upon another. Popes at first meddled in a manner only with the matters of the Church, as being desirous to settle their Ecclesiastical authority; and the Emperors on the other side almost wholly busied themselves about the Civil State to govern and defend the Empire. And yet further (which may lessen the absurdity) before that you shall have in the Roman Government sometimes as it were two heads at once; as Consuls who were for a year, and a Dictatator chosen it may be for three months, or for six months, upon some extraordinary exigencies and necessities of State, who was for the time supreme, as namely in matters of war, as the Consuls were supreme for other Civil affairs. The Earthquake whereby Antichrists Kingdom is to be ruined, approacheth, Indice or Evidence 2. appeareth by this second Indice or Evidence. Because 'tis almost 1200 and 60 years since the ten Kings began, and the Beast began with them, as may appear Rev. 17.12. The ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings, which have received no Kingdom as yet, but received power as Kings one hour with the Beast. The ten Kings are the many Kingdoms that sprung up out of the ruins of the Empire, as the Kigdoms of France, Spain, etc. These are called horns aptly, because Antichrist doth with them as the beast doth with his horn (so the Dragon, i.e. the Heathen Empire had done before them, while they were his born, Rev. 12.3.) that is, propugn himself, and oppugn his adversaries; for this hath been Antichrists course all along, to push down and to gore even to death, for the most part, all those that opposed his Idolatries and Heresies in all nations by those horns, i.e. by the Kings and people of those Nations, who have given their power and strength to the beast, Rev. 17.13. and who do generally continue it to the Beast with one mind and consent. Which have received no Kingdom as yet. For when the Apostle wrote, there was no such Kings in rerum natura, or existent in the world, as the King of France, the King of Spain, etc. These Kingdoms were then horns of the Dragon, i.e. Provinces of the Empire, and therefore in the description of the Dragon chap. 12.3. the Crownsare not said to be upon the horns, i. e. upon the Kingdoms, who had then no Kings of their own; but upon the Heads, i. e. upon the Imperial head at Rome. As for instance, this land Britain, was in the Apostles time a Province or Kingdom, but it had no King of its own, and so no Crown; that was upon the head of the Emperor at Rome, and he had supreme power over this Island; but when as these Kingdoms became the horns of the beast they came also to have peculiar Kings of their own; England had and hath its King, and France its King. And to go on in the description of the Beast, the Crowns are not said to be upon the heads, but upon the horns, And upon his horns ten crowns, Rev. 13.1. But received power as Kings, one hour with the beast, The Roman Empire was by little and little, so divided, that Anno. 403. some horns appeared. i. e. The Kings and the beast began their reign together; now the Kings and Kingdoms began to arise above 400. years after Christ when the Empire began to be destroyed; Clavis Apo●alypt. Histories do not speak much of them under the name and notion of Kings, till after 400. years, or about 410. but the truth is, Histories are very confused and no wonder; for those were times of strange confusion. The beast is said to begin with them at one and the same time, or as the word may be interpreted the first hour; the word in the Greek Text, that signifies one, signifies also first; and so it may may be interpreted, the beast began to rise the very first hour the Kings began to rise, rather than the first hour after they were risen; for therein is a difference of many years, it being almost 60 years from the first breaking of the Empire, before the ten Kingdoms were set up in it. That the word that is here translated (one) is used also to signify first, For two or three years we must not pinch much; it is hard to make an exact account so as there be no mistake as to time, Modicum non curat nec prator nec propheta. we may see in many instances, as Luk. 24.1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, which is word for word, one day of the Sabbath or week, but it is generally rendered (and so the meaning is) the first day of the week, the women came to the Sepulchre. Now if the Kings and the beasts begun their reign together, so long since as between 400. and 410. then is this Earthquake which is to ruin him, and them also if they persist in his service (Dan. 2.44, 45. Rev. 19.18, 19) near at hand. Quest. What reason have we to think that the Pope about that time began to be the great Antichrist? Answ. For answer, we are to know there are two particular characters of the Beast, as some Divines observe out of the Text, the former the cause of the latter, viz. 1. Blasphemy, for he is full of the names of Blasphemy, Rev. 17.3. by which understand Heresy and Idolatry. 2. Cruelty, for he is ascarlet-coloured beast, and makes war with the Saints, Rev. 13.7. but both these flow from a higher principle, which is as I may say (proprium quarto modo) and a more convertible character of the beast, and that is his primacy or supremacy: This supremacy hath in it two things, that make it up; one is a claiming authority over the consciences of men, and so over their faith and worship; 2. the extending of his power to all Churches and Nations. I will not say these two are the same things, nor that they issue from one and the same root; but surely this I may say, they are near a kin, and have their roots not far asunder, because they are generally still found in one and the selfsame person. That both these meet in the grand Antichrist, will appear. First, He arrogates authority over the soul; So much I take to be intimated in these words of Daniel, speaking of him, Dan. 7.25. He shall speak great words against the most high, and think to change times and Laws; that he shall arrogate power to himself, to change God's Laws, as in coining and altering Articles of faith, appointing worship for God, etc. (high words, great words against God●) 2 Thes. 2.4. He, as God, sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God; how doth he do that? viz. by Lording it over the consciences of God's people, as if he were God, and thereby deprives Christ of one of the principal flowers of his Crown, which is to have dominion over the faith; see more for this, Rev. 13.5, 6, 15, 16. Secondly, the great Antichrist is to extend his power, at least presumptively and intentionally, where he cannot do it actualy, over all kindreds, tongues, and Nations. Rev. 13.7. It is Antichristian to claim such authority, The Title of Pontifex Maximus renounced by Gratian and Theodosius after him, was after the death of Theodosius the first, taken up by the Pope who holds it to this day; So that what ever the Ropes name be, Poutifex Maximus is his ordinary stile, Cotton on Rev. 13. vers. 16. though but over one man, or one Church; It is more Antichristian to claim such authority over many Churches; more Antichristian to claim this Authority over whole Provinces; still more Antichristian to claim it over many, Princes and Kingdoms; but yet all these do not amount to the grand Antichrist; Why? because there may be a greater. But now he that claims such Sovereignty over all the Churches in the World, is the grand Antichrist indeed; for there can be no greater. Now this the Pope doth; yea, that he may be sure to challenge as large a dominion as Christ hath; he doth not only arrogate authority over all the World, but also in Heaven and Hell, where Christ hath power, yea in purgatory, where Christ hath no power. He that will but look upon the sentence condemnatory of Pope Leo the tenth, in his Bull against Luther, will find this true, wherein he doth not labour to convince Luther of error by solid demonstrations out of the Word of God, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but mainly because his doctrine was contrary to the decrees of Popes, etc. He doth also charge and command Patriarch●, Metropolitans, Primats, Archbishops, Bishops and all other Ecclesiastical Orders downward, even to the begging Friar●; and then all Kings, Electors of the Empire, Princes, Dukes, and so on, and at last all men throughout the whole univerful world (the very voice proper, and native language of the grand Antichrist) on pain of the great Excommunication, that they do not embrace Luther's doctrine, nor adhere to, or favour his person. Now the Popes challenged this supremacy in some degree soon after the fourth Century; Pope Innocent the first drew all Appeals from other Bishops to the Apostolic Sea, according to former Statutes and Customs, as be he saith in his Epistle to Victricius. Innocent. Epist. 2. ad V●cori●ium. Majores cansae ad s●dem Apostolicam sicut Synodus statuit, & beata consuaetudo exigit, A●no 404 or 406. post judicium Episcopale reseruntur. not to speak of their claiming the title of Universal Bishop, nor yet their assuming the title of Pontifex Maximus, the name of the chief Heathenish Priest among the Romans, which dignity many of the Emperors had annexed to their Imperial greatness (which Grecian the Emperor first renounced, Anno 380: and the rest after him) they did about that time plainly arrogate and usurp a judiciary power over Councils and Churches. As in the time of Innocentius the first, who did sue for, and obtained of the Emperor Honorius, Priority of place, suffrage and censure over all Churches: In his time therefore Historians report, the Roman Church began to swell with pride, and to usurp Jurisdiction over other Churches. And this appears by the insolent letter which this Pope Innocent the first sent to the fifth Council of Carthage, in which Council the heresy of Pelagius was condemned. This Council sent their letters to this Bishop of Rome, expressing therein the decree of the Council. See sympson's History of the Church. Cont. 5. The answer that this Innocentius returned to this Council, was intermized with words of swelling pride, as if no decree could be firm unless it had the allowance of the Roman chair. Besides they did then claim this prerogative, that Appeals aught to be made to the Bishop of Rome from all Churches, and he to give the last definitive sentence: yea, so zealous were they about this time, that three Popes, Zosimus, Boniface, Celestine, did in the sixth Council of Carthage, in which Saint Augustine was present, in the cause of one Appianus, who had appealed out of Africa unto Rome (as many had done before) not only challenge the receiving of Appellations from all Churches, but also forge a decree of the great Council of Nice, which had been almost a hundred years before, to support it. This was by the Fathers of the Synod indeed then rejected, and the pretended Canon found to be forged and spurious: yet this was a right by the Popes then challenged. Before the Council of Constantinople which some reckon to be in Anno 381. others in Anno 383. Wolphius Lection. memorab. Tom. 1. p. 131. saith, Hoc scilicet tempore gliscebat Antichristus Rome, i.e. Antichrist did then begin to appear at Rome, etc. yea that very Council of Constantinople, consisting of 150 Bishops, moderated by Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople, did acknowledge the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome, only reserving to the Bishop of Constantinople the second place among the Bishops; and immediately after this Council the Bishop of Rome did mightily labour to draw all causes to his own Consistory. Morn. Mystery of Iniquity, p. 40. But this Supremacy they were ambitious of long before, as learned Brightman and others observe; for in the first great Council of Nice where Constantine was present, the Bishop of Rome was not there: of whose absence Bellarmin gives two reasons: 1. It did not seem convenient that the Head should follow the Members. 2. Because in the Eastern Councils always the Emperor was present, or his Ambassador who did challenge the first, Bellarm. l. 1. de Concil. & Eccles. c. 29. at least material place to himself. Lest therefore he should either suffer this, or else make a tumult, he would not go to the Council, but rather sent his Ambassadors. Hence Brightman concludes That in the time of this Council, the man of Rome, though not outwardly and openly, Home Romae. Brightman Antichrist Nascen. Antichrist Crescent. Antichrist Re●nant and Triumphant. He was the first, when he usurped an universal Authority over all Bishops. See Dr. Crackinthorp his Treatise of General Councils, cap. 13. p. 186. yet inwardly and secretly did lift up himself above all that is called God, 2 Thess. 2.4. From all which I conclude, that about 400 years after Christ, the grand Antichrist was not only as a great big Embryo swelling in the womb and ready to come forth, but rather as a child lately born lying in the cradle; that it is probable, yea, I may say, more than probable, that between 403 and 410 Antichrist begun. Object. Daniel speaking of these horns, intimates that the little horn Antichrist that grew so great, should come up after the rest Dan. 7, 24. Answ. He spoke as it were in his preception and observation; the little horn risen with the rest, but he did not discern it, until he considered the horns as is were with a prying eye, vers. 8. And as it was in the Vision, so it was in the accomplishment indeed; he risen imperceptibly, because the world mistook what manner of Creature he should be. No, we may rather suspect that Antichrist was up before the Kings, the Papacy having such strange appearance of him, before any of the Kings sprung up. Rev. 17.12. And so some read these words; 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They received power as Kings one hour; not with the Beast, but after the Beast. Thus I have given two Indices or Evidences to prove, and that a priori that the 1200. and 60. days are near to a period. And so the Earthquake that must ruin the Beast, is at hand. But there are two other Evidences of it a posteriori, which are more certain and more indubitable. 1. The slaying of the Witnesses, or rather their lying dead in the street of the great City, which precedes the great Earthquake, which shall be at their resurrection. Centemporary with which resurrection (as a second Evidence) is the pouring out of the fifth Vial upon the throne of the Beast; Some think this vial is now about to be poured out. for at the pouring out of this Vial, this great Earthquake gins, and so continues and ends not till the pouring out of the seventh Vial. Of the first of these see the following. AN EXPOSITION OF THE XI. CHAP. OF THE REVELATION. THere are many important things contained in the Revelation of Saint John, which do relate to our present times, especially in the 11. Chap. and in Chap. 16. in the Description of the pouring out of the Vials of God's wrath. This 11. Chap. is the heart and kernel of the whole Book. The eleventh Chapter goes through all the three Periods of times before mentioned, and is as it were an abridgement of the whole Revelation. It is declared unto John how things shall come 〈◊〉 the Christich Church. In the first Period, verse the first. Period. 1. In the second Period, verse. 9.10.11. Period. 2. In the third Period, from verse 11. to the end. Period. 3. Vers. 1 In the first Period, verse 〈◊〉 thus writeth John. 〈…〉 And there was given unto me a Read, like unto a Rod, and the Angel 〈◊〉 saying, Wise and measure the Temple of God, and the Altar, and them that worship therein. Here he gathering and building of the Christian Church is commanded unto John, under the measuring of the Jewish Temple 〈◊〉 Jerusalem; the length whereof not 60. Cubits; breadth 20. height 120. which Cubical number of the Dimensions of the Jewish Temple, hold of ●●th of the mystical Temple, the number of the New Testament, the number of them that are sealed, which is 144,000. By which is meant the regular purity of the Church, and Religion at the first, which is set forth under the particular vision or mystery, of measuring the inner Court of the Temple, situate immediately next the holy of holies, where God dwelled between the Cherubins; Intimating that the Primitive Church, and Religion therein immediately next unto Jesus Christ and his Apostles, was exactly examined by, and conform to the measuring reed of the written word of God, and therefore singularly pure and holy. The Church was then gloriously beautified, and clothed with the sun of righteousness, Cham 12.1. had the moon under her feet, despised all earthly and worldly things, and reigned over the works of darkness, and she had upon her head a crown of twelve Stars, the Apostles and the wholesome Doctrine of the same, Chap. 12.2. But though this was a time of great purity, yet it was a time of great persecution, under which the Church was built up at that time; then the Dragon under the Heathen Emperors raged against the Church; the Christians were persecuted, banished and put to cruel death, killed like Sheep appointed to the slaughter; hence not only the Temple but also the Altar is said to be measured, and them that worship therein, i.e. in the inner Court, where the Altar of Offerings stood, where the Priests did Sacrifice, called Thysiasterium. Hereby the holy Ghost means, the Christian Church should be exposed to afflictions and persecutions, suffer many grievous torments and tribulations; therefore he ●●●seth the suffering, and miseries they should undergo to be measured out to them, whereby he setteth certain bounds to the Tyrants, beyond which they cannot go; and when they are come so far, then must vengeance overtake them; hence it is that the sacrificed souls of the Martyrs, who were slain for the word of God, and testimony of Jesus, and lie under the Altar (as slaughtered Sacrifices) cry with a loud voice to the lord, holy and true for vengeance, Rev. 6. vers. 9, 10. yet under all these persecutions they did worship, i. e. serve ●o da● with purity, so with perseverance so the end; they did stick close to him in all sorts of persecutions, even to the yielding up and sacrificing of their bodies and lives. Now the persecution of this pure Apostolical Church continued 300. years, till at last Constantine the great came to the Imperial seat, whereby the reign of the Dragon came to an end; the Dragon was cast out of the Church-heaven. Rev. 12. This regular purity of the Church, ordered according to the Scripture rule and standard, continued till after the death of Theodosius; it continued till the beginning of the 42. months, when the Devil left his shape of a Dragon, and resigned his host with his residence and seat and great authority unto the beast with ten horns, See before, p. 10, 11. when it risen out of the Sea, Rev. 13.1. Verse 2. But the Court which is without the Temple, leave out and measure it not; for it is given to the Gentiles, and the holy City they shall tread under foot, forty two months. Here in this verse and verses following, the second period is set down, viz. under the Antichristian Vicar in two Synchronismes or concurrences of times. First, the Gentiles tread the Holy City under foot 42. months. Secondly, The two witnesses prophecy in sackcloth, 260 days. To begin with the first, where gins the Church's Apostasy from her primitive Apostolical purity, which is set forth under the particular vision of the outward Court of the Temple, further distant and remote from the holy of holies, signifying the Church succeeding the Primitive Church, in the following ages, should not be in Religion so regular, and conform to the Canon and measuring reed of God's word, as the primitive Church, but should grow irregular and exorbitant, in gentilish idolatrous worship, Profaning it, as if heathenism were again revived; for heathemish Idolatry by Popery is brought in again; The Heathens worshipped Saturn, Jupiter, Juno, Venus, etc. in the Popish Religion, Marry, Peter, Paul, George, are set up in stead of these, and called upon in time of distress; so there is but little difference between them. Here more particularly let us consider, 1. A prophetical direction to leave out the outward Court, or holy City, and nor to measure it; the outward Court and holy City seem to be all one, the latter exegetical to the former; For the outward Court was the Place for the holy City, or the people of Israel to meet for divine worship; yea, in the wilderness, the Tabernacle having but one court (into which ordinarily it was not lawful for any to enter into, but the Priests and Levites) there was no outward Court, but the tents of Israel, or the Holy City. So these words, outward Court and holy City, mutually explain one another. So then by the outward Court here is to be understood, the outward worship and service of God, which consisted in the outward appearance, and a company of superstitious ceremonies, whereof God takes no notice but rejecteth it; leave it out, measure it not, saith the Angel. 2. We have a reason of this direction, for it is given to the Gentiles, etc. i. e. this outward Court or holy City unmeasured is given to the Gentiles, i. e. It was to be left out, or cast out as profane, and that which God will make no account of, yea, to be given to the Gentiles to be trodden under foot 42. months. i e. it shall be given or left by God's just dispensation to the Gentiles, vix. to them that exercise Gentilish Idolatrous Worship, the event whereof should be treading under foot the holy City, as the Gentiles trod Jerusalem under foot, hostilly possessing and overthrowing the City, to which this Text here seems to allude; Luke 21.24. by being trodden by the Gentiles is meant the imitation of Pagan Worship, introduced by the Apostasy of Christendom. Dr. More. so the Church typified by Jerusalem, should be possessed and profaned by Romish Gentiles, and their Idolatries; the meaning is (as Mr. Mede well observes) the Antithristian Apostasy, which he calls Redivivus Ethuicismus, Heathenism revived, shall prevail over the Christian Church, and shall bring in a new kind of Idolatry, into the places where the true religion was professed, or the imitation of Pagan Worship. This came to pass after Constuntine, and immediately after the death of Theodosius; the ●●oths, Huns, and alan's, with other barbarous Nations, invade the Roman Empire, ruined and destroyed the same on all sides, whereby the Church (in this sense) as the holy City began to be trod under foot, and the Antichrist had an occasion given to break forth and show himself. And this treading under foot shall continue 42. months, parallel with the time of the Witnesses prophesying in Sackcloth, which follows. Vers. 3. And I will give 〈◊〉 to my 〈◊〉 Witnesses, and they 〈◊〉 Prophecy two 〈◊〉 ●●●dred and sixty days 〈◊〉 in sackcloth. Here we 〈◊〉 the Concomitant ●●ent attending upon this defiled and deplored estate of the Church; the Lords 〈◊〉 Witness prophesying all the while in Sackcloth 〈◊〉 continually bewailing and lamenting the 〈◊〉. For we must know that the Apostasy and degeneracy of the Church was never conceived so ill, but there were some pure Apostolical Christians ●●it. The Apostasy though general, ●ver all tough●● kindreds, and Nations, yet it was not so universal in all individual persons, but them were a remnant according to the election of grace; Rev. 11.4. as in the ●●alitish Apostasy, the Lord reserved 7000 that had not bowed their knees to Baal, so in this antichristian defection, the Lamb 〈◊〉 Mount Zion had twelve times twelve thousand that adhered to the Doctrine of the twelve Apostles, Rev. 14.1, 4, 5 And as the Lord had his Saints during all the reign of Antichrist, so he raised up his magistrates, and his ministers, who in 〈◊〉 several successive ages, in several phares, testified against the Tyranny, spiritual whoredoms, and Idolatrous worships, and deceiving frauds of Antichrist. It is true, as the generality of the people, so the generality of the Magistrates, punies, and Priests in those times did worship the Beast, even all that dwell upon the worth, whose names wore not written 〈◊〉 the Lamb's Book of Life. But in this general defection both of people, and of 〈◊〉 guides a ●●●trachers; the Lamb had a rem●●●t with him (who were called, Rev. 17.4. and the 〈◊〉, and faithful) even an afflicted poor remuent of Pastors as well as of people, reserved in the midst of Balysia; who during the reign of Antichrist solidwed the Lamb; did not defile their garments, but preached and prayed, and li●●d, and died in their constant and cons●●●●● us opposition of the man of Sinle appears not only from this verse, but also from chap. 12. vers. 6. that the Church, during the whole time of the 〈◊〉 of Antichrist should be in a sad, la●●entable, and wilderness condition; yet margre all the fury of the ten-headed and two horned Beast, the Church as preserved safe all that time in the Wilderness; she is fed and nourished Forty two months. See Jus Divinum Ministerii Anglic. p. 35. This woman is not only kept alive in the Wilderness all the time of Antichrists reign, but she is 〈◊〉 and nourished there by Gospel Administrations. She is fed by the two Witnesses (for the prophesying of the Witnesses is contemporary with the woman's flight into the Wildernese) even as Elias was nourished in the Wilderness, Doctos More makes the two Witnesses to be the two Testaments, as well as Magistracy and Ministry. Doctor More his Mystery of godliness, Book 5. chap. 17. page 207. and kept safe 〈◊〉 the fury and rage of Joz●●●●. And as God by good Obadiah preserved a hundred Prophets of the Lord alive all the time of Ahaba bitter opposition against them: Even so the Lord had his good Obadiahs: some faithful Magistrates to encourage, support, preserve and nourish the faithful Ministers of Christ (though in a wilderness condition) all the time of Antichrists prevalency. And as the two-horned Beast, and ten-horned Beast, the Ecclesiastical and Secular power conspired and united together in the general Apostasy, which else could not have crept in: so against these are opposed as united together, the two mourning Witnesses, the one sustaining the person of the faithful Magistrate, the other of the faithful Minister. Now the Text faith, I will give power to my two Witnesses. These two Witnesses prophesying, were not two Individual persons, Enoch and Elias, as Bellarmin and other Papists affirm: But a succession of holy men, not in private, but in public station, stirred up all that time to testify the truth of Christ against Antichrist. By the two Witnesses in general, This noted by their Prophesying in Sackcloth. are meant (saith Mr. Mede) all the Interpreters and Assertors of Divine truth, who should by their daily complaints bewail the foul and lamentable pollution of Christ's Church: And in particular it is conceived by the two Witnesses to be meant (say learned Expositors) the faithful Teachers and Governors of the Church, Clavis Apoc. both Ecclesiastical and Political: More especially say the London Ministers in their Jus Divinum Ministerii Anglicani) the true Ministers of Jesus Christ, who are called Witnesses of Christ, Acts 1.8. and whose proper office it is to bear witness to truth and holiness, against all Heresies, Blasphemies, Idolatries and ungodliness of Antichrist. To these Witnesses power is given, To such I, will give power that they may edify and propagate the Church, and preserve the same against all Heresies and hostile attempts. Clavis Apocal. i. e. Authority and Commission; yea, the power of Christ is bestowed upon them, by which they are enabled not only to pray and to mourn, but to prophesy, not so much by prediction of things future, as by preaching the everlasting Gospel. It was a mighty power from on high that a few condemned, persecuted Ministers should have gifts to be able, and power to be courageous to preach against the Son of perdition, when all the world wondered after the beast. To my two Witnesses.] Two, because very few in comparison of the Ministers of Antichrist, who were innumerable; and because two Witnesses were sufficient to confirm any truth; but chiefly they are called two, like their types; in allusion to Moses and Aeron in the Wilderness; on Elijah and Elisha, when the Israelitea● or shipped the Calves and Beal; ●● ●orobabel and Joshua in Babylon, and 〈◊〉 the return of the Istatitie from raptivity. And they shall Prophecy, These sackcloth Propheciars, were not only Saints who mounfully bewailed the abominations of those times, that the Holy City should be trampled under foot, but such as by way of Office were distinguished from others; Mat. 10.41. Prophets distinguished from righteous men, and Prophets distinguished from Saints. Babylon is therefore ruined, because in her is found the blood of the Prophets and of the Saints, Revelat. 17.24. Twelve hundred and sixty days] These are not natural days, but prophetical, every day taken for a year, as Ezek. 4.6. Numb. 14.14. the days of their Prophesying in sackcloth, are twelve hundred and sixty years, and so expire not till the 42. months of the Beasts reign be expired. For months taken prophetically as before, every day for a year, and reckoning for every month 30. days; now multiply the 42. by the 30. and the reign of the Beast is, 1200 and 60. years; and though there be great difficulty, when to begin the rise and reign, and most expositors herein much vary, yet in the continuance there is a general accord, and none can rationally make any question of it. Now if we descend from the words of this Prophecy, and come to observe the answerable events in History, we shall find that in every age there were Witnesses opposing the 〈◊〉 canny, Idolatry, and Blasphemies of Antichrist; their particular names, times, places and their manner of resisting the man of sin, it would be too large to infirst upon; From the 600. year of Christ, to the 16. century, See a Catalogue of the Witnesses in their several ages, in the Ministers of London, their Jus Divinum Ministerii Evangelici. page. 53. Also the Histories of the Maegdeburgon. See also Illyricus his Catalogue. Testium Veritatis. Also Jacob. Usher, de Eccles. Success. & Statu And Mr. Sim. Birckbeck his Treatise called Protestants evidence. yet a Catalogue is given of them by Protestant writers, As, Our famous Jewel for 600. years, from the time of Christ and his Apostles, hath abundantly proved, that the truths professed in the reformed Churches, were maintained by the Ancients. And in the succeeding centuries, when the man of sin began to prevail, there were in their several ages godly and learned Ministers, who opposed Popish errors, defending the sufficiency of the Scriptures, and of Communions to be received in both kinds, justification by free grace, disclaiming the defilements of worship, in adoring Images, invocation of Saints, praying for the dead, worshipping relics, declaiming against his supremacy, and Title of universal Bishop, as Antichristian. Yea, Protestant writers make mention of Magistrates as well as Ministers, opposing Antichrist; yea in this one Kingdom you shall find in History before the Conquest, Kings for piety called Saints, opposing the insolency and wickedness of the Church of Rome; King Edgar acknowledged no Supremacy in the Pope, but saith, the care of the Church, ad nos spectat, it belongs to the King, and not to the Pope. Yea, when the Popes were swelled to that height, that Kings kissed their feet, yet then the Kings of England opposed their Usurpation. Object. If the Witnesses Prophecy 1200 and 60. days, than they Prophecy after they are slain. Answ. In that sense they are said to be slain, they may prophesy in sackcloth; nay they will necessarily do so, viz. perform their witness with sadness and mourning; Their finishing their Testimony, doth not cause their Prophesying to cease; their suffering and their slaying, is the most glorious part of their sackcloth Prophecy. And so I proceed to the fourth Verse. Vers. 4. These are the two Olive trees, and the two Candlesticks, etc.] That is they are like unto Zerubbabel and Joshua, restorers of the Jewish Church under the Babylonish Captivity, in resemblance to whom, the two Witnesses should endeavour to bring the Church out of Antichristian bondage and slavery. These are represented by two Olive trees, Zach. 4. ● standing on the two sides of the Candlestick, continually supplying it with Oil; But why two Candlesticks when Zachary mentions but one? See the conjecture of Mr. Mede upon this Chap. The Candlestick signifying the Church of these times, maintained with spiritual supplies, not by strength or armies, but by God's special blessing and influence: the Olive Trees extraordinarily dropping Oil for light into those Candlesticks. Vers. 5. And if any will hurt them, fire cometh out of their mouths and devoureth their enemies: And if any will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. Here the witnesses are compared to Elijah and Elisha, restorers of Gods pure Worship from Baalitical Idolatry. In this allusion is signified a double power which is granted to them. First, A power to avenge themselves against their Enemies, not by any external fire or sword-power (when hurt by them) but their revenge like fire proceedeth out of their mouth; 'tis by the mystical fire of the word they preach, denouncing God's wrath against their wickedness. As Elisha called for fire from Heaven upon the Captains and their fifties; 2 King. 2.9, 10, 11. If any shall hurt them, he must in this manner be killed, i. e. spiritually and mystically by the word of their prophecy, which as fire devoureth them, according to that of the Prophet, Jer. 5.14. he makes his word a savour of death unto death to them; they have ever the vengeance in a readiness for their enemies, 2 Cor. 10.6. Thus they avenge their own wrong; but how the wrong done to the Church? Secondly, Therefore secondly they have power to avenge the Church of Christ, against the defilers, and Gentilish prophaners thereof. These (saith the Text) have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their Prophecy, viz. Mystical rain. As Elijah shut Heaven that it reigned not on Israel, almost consumed with drought and famine, in the days of his Prophecy, till he had destroyed the false worship and worshippers of Baal; So these Witnesses by the Keys of the Kingdom of heaven, have power to shut heaven against the Idolatrous Gentiles, excluding them from hope of eternal lise, by the blood of Christ; and showers of Divine grace, till they repent and forsake their Idolatrous worship, and being mindful of their baptismal Covenan, return to the pure worship of God, by one mediator Jesus Christ, and so put an end to the mournful Prophecy of these witnesses. Of this power of the Witnesses we have an example, Chap. 14.9. where 'tis said, the third Angel, whereby is meant (according to Interpreters) Luther and his Successors, denounceth most woeful torments to all the followers and worshippers of the Beast. If any shall worship the beast and his Image, or receive his mark, etc. he shall drink of the Wine of the wrath of God, etc. It is added, Annotations upon the Bible. In the days of their Prophecy] three years and six months in Elijahs time, answerable to the number of months here, verse 2. Vers. 6. Lastly, These witnesses have power over matters to turn them into blood. And to smite the Earth with plagnes as oft as they will. Here the Witnesses are resembled to Moses and Aaron, deliverers of Israel out of Egyptian bondage, and restorers of Gods true worship in the Wilderness. The two witnesses shall exercise the power of Moses and Aaron, whence Learned Mede collects the power of the Witnesses figured in this type, not to belong to all the days of their sackcloth prophecy, but only to the end of their Prophecy; viz. the pouring out of the Vials. As Moses and Aaron immediately before, and at their bringing of Israel out of Egypt, turned those waters into blood, and smote them with ten sore plagues: So towards the Period of these two Witnesses Prophecy, when the Christian Church (under their conduct, as it were of Moses and Aaron) shall now begin to be rescued from the Antichristian bondage, and Tyranny of the Beast, the Vials of God's wrath like Egyptian plaguen, shall come upon the beast and his Gentilith worshippers, the plague of the first Vial being a noisome grievous sore, the second and third blood the plagues of the rest greater and more grievous to he inflicted upon the beast and his party, or the Gentiles treading down the outward Court and holy City, the interpretation whereof I refer till I come to Cimp. 〈◊〉 It is enough here to note this last power of the Witnesses to belong to the pouring out of the Vials. Vers. 7. And when they shall finish their Testimony the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, shall make War against them, And shall overcome and kill them. Hitherto of the gift and power of the Witnesses. It followeth now that I speak of the sat or the various consequents and events of their prophesying expressed in this verse; wherein these Witnesses become singularly conform to Jesus Christ, who preached about forty two months, i. e. three years and a half, was then slain by the Roman Governor, lay dead three days,, three days after rose again with a great earthquake, and forty days after ascending into Heaven, a cloud receiving him. But to give some light into the Text, Then they shall finish their testimony.] Translators and Interpreters have been mistaken in rendering these words, thus, When they have or shall have finished their testimony, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to think that this killing should not begin till the 1200 and 60 days should be expired; because by this means the Witnesses should remain in Sackcloth, and the woman in the wilderness, beyond the time appointed, and also the fourth beast should continue to blaspheme longer than 42. months, to all which not only the plain text, but also the swearing of the Angel, Dan. 12.17. and the great Oath of the Son of God, Rev. 10.6. are contradictory. Therefore the words must not be rendered in the Perfect-tence, when they have finished, or in the Future Perfect tense, when they shall have finished, but in, Future simplici, cum Finituri sunt; When they shall finish their testimony. So Claverius in his first Apotalyptical dawning, page 124. and (Mede) in his Commentary upon the Revelation reads the words, When they shall finish, i. e. when the 1200 and 60 days shall draw towards an end. And when now part of the Christian world shall repent of their Gentilish Idolatries, and reform, and the Witnesses for joy shall begin to lay aside their mourning weeds (though yet they were not passed the danger that was prophesied should come) That seven-headed beast of Rome in the course of his last head (of which see before Chap. 13.) disdaining and scorning the prevalency of these mourning Witnesses by their Prophesying, shall make war against them, overcome and kill them. First then to speak of the Witnesses finishing their Testimony, I agree herein with Mr. Mede, that the mourning Witnesses began to finish the Testimony of all the former Witnesses; from the beginning of the reformation of the Reformed Churches, and so on to the beginning of the beasts war against them, preceding the kill of them. His words are these (speaking of the Witnesses finishing their Testimony, and of the War and slaughter of them) quorum primum (inquit) de testium planctu finiri caepto ab initio Ecclesiae reformatae, huc usque continue factitatum est, etc. In the beginning then of the reformation of the Reformed Churches, this finishing began; Now this reformation began in Germany, in the reign of the Emperor Charles the fifth, by Luther and his Associates. Luther began the finishing of this Testimony by Sermons, writings, disputations, whereby he discovered and detected the lies and frauds of Antithrist, as Moses did the Cheats and falsehoods of Jannes and Jambres, the Egyptian Sorcerers, which Doctrine of Luther, Charles the fifth laboured by all means to suppress by conventions, decrees, and edicts; but Luther and his Associates being backed and assisted, by the Duke of Saxony, the Landgrave of Hesse, and other Princes in Germany, the Magistrates of Fellow Witnesses withstood these Edicts and decrees, and answered to them in every point. Entered into a Protestation against them; Protestation. And of this Protestation the Princes and all that adhered to them were called Protestants, which name is now given to all them that in their Doctrine swerve from the Church of Rome. League and Covenant. Afterward (being sorely for this threatened by the Emperor) the Protestants entered into a League and Covenant, to aid each other in the Quarrel of Religion. And not long after the Protestans drew up a Confession of their faith, Confession of faith. and presented it to the Emperor, this is that Confession of faith, that is called the Augustane Profession. This finishing of the Testimony of the former witnesses thus begun, was carried on by their example in other Cities and places abroad, whence sprung up other reformed Churches, as of Helvetia, Sucvia, Geneva, France, Holland, Scotland, and England, last of all reformed. The finishing then of the Testimony (I conceive) must be by the Magistrates and Ministers of some of these reformed Churches, who shall give in their Testimony against the Church's Apostasy, towards the latter end of the 1200 and 60 days. For the finishing must be meant of the last Witnesses, before the last battle of the Beast against them, whereby he overcomes and kills them. And it is likely the Witnesses of some of the reformed Churches, last reform, conclude, complete and make an end of finishing this Testimony, as the Witnesses of the first reform Churches begun it. Yea, not only by, Witnessing against the Apostatical Church of Rome, as they did, but by giving the clearest, the fullest Testimony for truth and holiness against the errors and unholiness of Antichrist, for Church purity, against Church-corruptions, and the Apostasy of the Church of Rome, that ever was given this twelve hundred years. So that these last Witnesses may be called the Finishing Witnesses, that finish, complete and perfect the testimony of all the former Witnesses, do it with so much light, and convincing evidence, and with so much heat in their testimony (called fire in their mouths, vers. 5.) as doth vex and torment their enemies, and enrage them to a War again them. So much of finishing their testimony. It follows, The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, etc.] That is Antichrist or any of the Beastian party. He is compared to a beast not only because of his inhumanity, but because of his irrationality, in seeking by killing the Witnesses to hinder the course of the Gospel, 2 Thess. 3.1, 2. And he is said to come out of the bottomless pit or Abyss, The word in the Greek signifies all these. By this Beast here is meant the Popish Ecclesiastical Government, who use the temporal sword. Clavis Apo●. which may be understood, out of hell, as chap. 9 2. or out of the sea, as the ten-horned beast did, Rev. 13.1. or out of the body of the earth, or a deep pit in the earth, and so may signify the two-horned beast, chap. 13. 11. Now 'tis this beast and his party that makes War against, overcomes and kills the Witnesses, his party is described, chap. 13. 15, 16. Such as either receive his mark, or his name, or the number of his name. The explication of which see before upon chap. 13. Shall make war against them.] i. e. against the Witnesses. We read chap. 13. 7. of the Beasts war against the Saints. And it was given to him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them, i. e. saith Mr. Mede, the remnant of the woman's seed in the Wilderness, chap. 12. 17. which the same, Author conceives to be executed when such a numerous company of the Waldenses and Albigenses, and other true Christians were destroyed seventy years together. First intended against the Saracens, after turned against the Christians that would not worship and submit to the beast. Here in this 11. chap. vers. 7. is set down by the holy Ghost, the beasts war against the Witnesses, Note here into 〈◊〉 precedes the kill of the Witnesses; a War properly to caned, and a War against the Witnesses, ●● the Magistrates and, Ministers of some of the Reformed Churches; for so it did the kill of the Witnesses to the Germane Churches; the War betwixt the Emperor and the Germane Princes, especially the Sweeds lasted many years, at last ended in a Pacification, out 〈…〉 were left, and deprived of the liberty of the Consiliences, whereby the Preachers and Professors of 〈◊〉 Gospel in the He 〈◊〉 Provinces were, civilly slain, Apug. 1650. which differs from the others regard of the time of its it being at the latter end. of Antichrists reign, when the Witnesses finish their testimony, not then they begin to finish, but when they shall finish, It commonwealth from the time. They were persecuted and fought against by Antichrist often before; but this is the last hattel before their death, and rising again to the ruin of Antichrists Kingdom. Which War (as Par●●s notes) is not only Ecclesiastical but Civil; for the beast doth stir up Princes of Kingdoms and Provinces to make War against the Witnesses, that he may overcome and kill them. And shall overcome them.] i. e. not by power and armed force, as in the war against the Saints, chap 13. 7. which made way for, and effected a cruel bodily killing of the Saints before mentioned; The enemies have now given over this bodily kill of the Prophets and Saints almost this 100 years; few in this space have been called before Tribunals and sentenced to death. Happily some few examples may be found, like a few drops of rain after a great shower, but not many. They have forborn this course, not out of any love or compassion to the people of God, but merely because they durst not, or because they found by proof that this course prejudiced their cause. Sanguis Martyr. Semen Eccles. but he overcomes them by his Jesuitical, or rather bottomless pit policy, bringing it so about, that the secular and ecclesiastical power, like Herod and Pilate are united against the Witnesses; the latter making use of the former, as a rider makes use of the power and strength of his horse, to ride over, tread down, and kill the Witnesses, Rev. 13.3. And kill them.] Now because these words are somewhat killing and discouraging, because the same with those, chap. 13. 7. and import as if this slaughter, because the last, were worse than the first. I will first therefore give you the judgement and opinion of learned Mede, of this last killing by the Beast. His words are these, Neither can it certainly be concluded, that because this kill that the Beast makes of the Witnesses is the last, therefore 'tis the greatest and the worst of all that went before it. But it hath and deserves a singular mention and description amongst all the slaughters of the Beast, perhaps not so much for the greatness of it (sure not because of the continuance of it) as because it was to be a sign that the mourning of the witnesses should end soon after it, and that the ruin of the City of Rome should instantly follow it. Foyes as the compassing about of Jerusalem with Armies, Luk. 21.20. did foretell and was a sign her destruction and desolation was at hand, and near at her drors; the like here may be intimated (as we may conceive) concerning the destruction of Babylon; when you shall see that triennial slaughter of the Witnesses, then know the desolation of that great City of Rome it at hand. Now this kill of the Witnesses by the Beast or his party, is to be understood according to the forecited Author, and all late Interpreters, metaphorically or analogically of a civil death. For he is said to die in that notion or sense, who in that station wherein he stood either Political or Ecclesiastical, or any other, ceaseth to be what he was; hence he is said to kill, The slaying of the Witnesses is to be understood not of a corporal but civil death: Caryl on Job cap. 21. 7. that doth punish any man with such a death. For in Scripture language to live, is often to be, to die is not to be; in which sense we are said to die to sin, when we are no longer the servants to sin; and to live to Christ, when we begin to be Christ's. Furthermore, This killing is plainly meant a killing them as Witnesses, not as men; a throwing them out of their places and stations, as if, naturally dead. Whether this sad time be passed, present, or to come, I leave others to judge. it appears by the following Verses, it must be meant of a civil death, ver. 8. Their dead bonies lying in the street of the great City three days and a half; this shows it cannot be meant of a natural death; for how should their bodies lie dead in that sense, for three years and a half, or say it were for shorter time? Again, it is clear from vers. 11. For look what the resurrection of the Witnesses to life shall be after their kill and lying dead such a time, such must needs be the kill; for no resurrection properly so called can come to pass before Christ's coming under the seventh Trumpet. But this Resurrection here in the Text is to be while yet under the sixth Trumpet. Corrente adhoc tuba sexta. Verse 8. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great City which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucissed. Here we have the Witnesses unburied estate, and here is the place described where they are killed; for where they lie dead, there they must be killed; Now the Text saith, their dead bodies lie in the street of the great City. By the great City is meant the City of Rome, of which the Angel speaks, Rev. 17.18. and Chap. 14.8. Babylon the great City; Bellarm. l. 2. pontiff. Rom. c. 2. & l. 3 c. 5. and that by Babylon is meant the City of Rome, is granted by Bellarmin himself. It is added, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, i. e. mystically in a mysterious sense and resemblance, another Sodom for its spiritual uncleaness, and another Egypt for its Tyranny over God's people. Here note by the way, when ever we read of the plagues of Sodom or Egypt in this book, and the Visions of it, we are to understand the same spiritually, that is, mystically. For when the Roman state is subject to all these plagues, it is Sodom or Egypt mystically; we shall meet with something concerning the plagues of Egypt, in the pouring out of the Vials; as we did in the History of the witnesses, and of the destruction of Sodo●● in the judgement of the beast, Chap. 19, and 20, and 10. vers. the meaning of all which is to be opened with this key; hence also it may be demonstrated, that the Roman Dition is the subject of the Trumpets, because some of those plagues are Egyptian plagues; but to whom should Egyptian plagues be brought but to Egypt? which the Holy Ghost here makes to be Rome. So we see plainly what is meant by the great City, but what is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the Street of this great City, is not so easy to unfold. For certainly it cannot be meant of any Court, Street, or broad place within the City, for these reasons. 1. Because our Saviour Christ (who is said to be crucified in this street) was not crucified in any Street, or market place, either of the City of Rom, or of Jerusalem, but without the gate, Heb. 13.12. therefore the stree of the great City, is not any street or broad place within the walls of either City, but a place without the City. 2. The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being put in the singular number, doth note such a kind of state or Republic, the City whereof hath only one street, not many; but the streets in any great and famous City are more than one; a City hath many streets. 3. We must suppose the bodies of the witnesses to lie there where they are overcome; but there use to be no meetings for War within the Walls of one City, but if they do not meet in the Enemy's Country, yet they meet in the Countries and Provinces subject to the City. 4. The dead bodies of the slain Witnesses lie three days and an half, where they may be seen of people, nations and tongues; who will not suffer their bodies to be buried; therefore they do not lie in the street or broad place of any great City, but seem to be dispersed abroad through some of the Provinces, to which for that reason the exposition of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 aught to conform and agree. If any shall say the Army of the beast, whereby the Witnesses are slain, may be made up of the people of several nations and tongues, therefore they may easily see the bodies of them whom they have killed; to this I answer, by having recourse to the foregoing reason, viz. that so great Armies do not use to meet within the Walls of a City; For the words are altogether so to be interpreted, especially when no reason of the Allegory or resemblance can be pretended, so as there might be no absurdity in the literal sense. What shall I need to say more? by the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then, is to be understod the Regions or Territories subject to the Dominon of the great City, Annotations upon the B●ble. called a great City, because it hath large Territories, or within the Dominion of the Roman Empire, or in the outplaces thereof. The word in the Hebrew 〈◊〉 signifies, Q●icquid omnino extra sit. sive extra urbem. Job. 5.10. Brightman makes the street here to be some part of the Roman Dition or Jurisdiction, wherein this sad spectacle is exhibited to be seen; othersome of the ten Kingdoms that have been in subjection to this great City, though they are not at this present members of the Political state in the Roman Empire; and yet it may be have some tye or dependence upon the Popish Roman Empire, for the great whore sits upon many waters, and reigneth over the Kings of the Earth, Rev. 17.1.18. all which add eund●m scopum proveniunt. Now according to this Interpretation of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, there will be no more obscurity in the following words, (where our Lord was crucified,) Christ is said to be crucified in the street of the City of Rome, Non in urbe Roma, sed intra ditionem Romanam. Mede. or where the bodies of the slain Witnesses are cast out, viz. not in the City of Rome, but within the Roman Dition or Dominion, within which ●hrist was literally crucified; thus much of this Verse; now to proceed, Vers. 9 And they of the People, kindreds and tongues, etc.— shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. Concerning which word, whether it may be taken for cruelty or kindness, seems doubtful, and cannot certainly be determined but by fulfilling the Prophecy. Most Writers do interpret the words of the Enemies of the Witnesses, who shall in this last persecution be so cruel to them, as not to suffer their dead bodies to be buried, fulfilling that Text, Psa. 79.2. Or rather the intention of the enemies in this civil kill, is the more to expose them to contempt, the bodies lie dead in the street, like despised broken Idols, in whom is no pleasure But I incline with Mede and others to think the words are to be understood of the friends of the Witnesses. For their enemies are described vers. 10. by the name of them that dwell upon the Earth, that rejoice at this slaughter, etc. But of those that will not suffer their dead bodies to be put into their Graves; 'tis said, they of the people, kindreds and tongues, by which they seem to be plainly distinguished one from another. So then, by them that will not suffer the bodies of the Witnesses to be buried, understand the friends of the Witnesses, which may be so many and so great a number, Towards the end of Antichrists reign, the everlasting Gospel going forth, Rev. 14.15. should bring in a great Harvest to God, and mightily increase the number of the Witnesses. Shall see their dead bodies; The word in the Greek doth import, Rationem habere, they shall have some cover over them. as make their enemies afraid to proceed to great cruelties against them; their enemies happily would starve them and their families, but their friends will feed them; their Enemies would banish them, totally destroy them, bury them under ground; but the friends of the Witnesses will not suffer their persons nor names, to be so dealt withal. And their Enemies may see their interest so great in the hearts and affections of the people, kindreds and tongues, as may give some check to their violence; for the wound being yet fresh, and affairs not well settled, happily their Enemies would be loath to make them desperate, or at least it may so come to pass, by the secret favour and endeavour of some great person or persons, things shall not be so carried against the Witnesses as there shall be no hope of a Resurrection. Three days and an half] i. e. three years and a half; but here is to be noted, the time here to be computed is not the kill, but the time they shall eye dead, and without life after they are killed; but how long the war lasts, Quam diu entem bellum ipsum durabit, quantu ●●que tempus dabitur prophetis interficiendis, non nisi vaticinii complementum docebit, Mede. and how long time shall be given for the kill of the witnesses, the fulfilling of the Propehcy will best tell us. Verse 10. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice ever them, and make merry, and send gifts one to another, etc. Of the manner of sending gifts in great rejoicings, see Ester 9.19, 20. They joy now they are rid of, and avenged of these Witnesses, who vexed and troubled their consciences. As upon the news of the French massacre, which begun on Bartholomew day, a Jubilee was proclaimed at Rome, the Cardinal of Lorain gave a thousand crowns to the messenger, and the Pope caused the massacre to be painted in his Palace: So no doubt such an eminent civil slaughter in Protestant Churches, must needs fill all the Popish world with rejoicings and longs of triumph; the Bestian party then accounting the day theirs, and that they have obtained a complete victory. Further note, the Beasts or Beastian parties triumph for three days and a half, must necessarily be computed and estimated, not from the end of the slaughter in all the Churches, but from the slaughter that shall be in that Church wherein the Prophets shall be last slain. Neither can we imagine it to be otherwise, unless we should furmise the slaughter of the Prophets to end in all the Churches at once, which to be done in so many several States and Nations at once, is hardly possible. But this joy of the Inhabitants of the earth, i. e. the Antichristian world, is but short; for v. 14. there is a woe Trumpet co Antichrist, and all his Creatures and Confederates, and all the enemies of the Saints, threatening the last and worst of woeful destructions to them. woe, saith Christ, to them that laugh; for they shall weep. Thus much of the War against, killing, and the lying dead of the Witnesses; Now of their Resurrection, Ascention, and the consequents thereof, in the 11th. and following verses. Verse 11. And after three days and a half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, etc. Here beginneth now the third Period, Period. 3. where the enemies of the Gospel are quelled, and therewith doth break forth the true peace and tranquillity of the Church. When these three days, or three years and a half come to an end, than also together therewith do expire the forty two months of treading the holy City under foot. ver. 2. The 120 and 60 days of the Witnesses prophesying in sackcloth, vers. 3. The 1200 and 60 days of the woman in the wilderness, chap. 12.6. the forty two months of the Beast and his blasphemies, c. 13.5. The times, time and half a time; which is 1200 and 60 days of the Beast with ten horns, speaking great words against the most High, and wearing out the Saints, mentioned in the book of Daniel, chap But to come to the Text, After three days and a half the spirit of life etc.] Such as the death of the Witnesses was, such will be their resurrection from the dead, viz. a restoring them to their former state, and that not so much by any endeavour of their own, or by any humane help, as by the finger of God, who is wonderful in all his works. So much is intimated in these words; The Spirit of life from God shall enter into them. We have such an expression concerning the lews in the Captivity of Babylon; I will put my Spirit within you, and ye shall live, and I will place you in your own land. The same will befall he slain Witnesses; God will lend them an unexpected help by such means as never entered into any man's man's thoughts; God will revive them again. And they stood upon their feet,] i.e. they appear again in the public Congregations, not as hearers only, but as Masters of the Assemblies, and take possession of their places, and publicly exercise their ministerial Office; they are unbound and loosed from their grave-cloaths (as Luzarus was when he came forth) and stood upon their feet; they are delivered from the bonds and cords, and heavy yokes of humane laws and constitutions that killed them and kept them dead, and hindered their resurrection. And great fear fell upon them that saw them.] i.e. as there was great joy and exultation among the Beastian party at then killing and lying dead, so there will be great terror when they shall fee this resurrection of the Witnesses to their former places and functions; then will there be a lively example set before us of that which is written in the book of Wisdom, chap. 5. Verse 12. And they heard a great voice from heaven, soying, Come up hither. That is, The Witnesses are not only restored to their former place and station; but they are raised up to some higher degree of honour: for so saith Mede, their being taken up by a cloud into heaven signifies. See Dan. 7.13. Isa. 14.13. and 19 They shall be called up by the supreme Magistrate to higher honour and esteem then before. And they ascend up to heaven.] i.e. they enter into their public charges in the Church heaven, and perform their ministry with great authority. And their enemies beheld them.] i.e. they that did so before rejoice at their sufferings: wherein is verified concerning them what is threatened, Jer. 50.11, to 13. Verse 13. And the same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the City fell, and there were slain in the earthquake the names of men seven thousand. At what time the Witnesses or Prophets ary raised to life, As the natural earthquake shakes the earth, so mystical earthquakes make Kingdoms quake with wars and troubles. Annot. on Bible. and ascend into heaven, there is a great earthquake, i.e. great commotion of the Nations, a great resurrection and combustion in the Roman Empire, a great mutation and change of Political affairs, a great turn of the times. Which great commotion of the Nations, and strange turn of things makes way for the resurrection of the Witnesses, and their restoring to life again, with so great an increase of honour and esteem. The effect of which great earthquake is the fall of the tenth part of the City, and the slaughter of 7000 names of men. Now that we may come as near to the true sense and meaning of these words as possibly we can, I will lay down and prove two things which will be good grounds to go upon in the explication of the Text. 1. Because no judgement can befall the Beast but what is contained in some of the Vials: This same ruin of Rome here described belongs to the fifth Vial; the proof of which is, there is the same subject of the plague in both places, viz. in this 11. chap. and in chap. 16. here 'tis the great City, there it is the throne and seat of the Beast; for Rome, the great City, to be the seat of the beast, is so well known that it needs no proof. It is further proved, because the ruin that is here described, doth so nearly precede the total destruction of the Beast, at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet, as nothing is said to intervene or come between but the passing away of the second wo. But now to the total abolition of the Beast is necessary the pouring out of the seventh Vial; to the passing away of the second woe, or that plague from Euphrates, is necessary the pouring out of the fixed Vial; therefore the destruction of the great City which goes next before the passing away of the second woe, doth belong to the fifth Vial. 2. The second thing premised and proved in order to the interpretation of this verse, is this, viz. The ●●ipe of the great City in vers. 13. is the very same destruction of Babylon which is prophesied of c. 18. which I prove thus, because it is certain from that Chapter, that that very same destruction of Babylon, or of the City of Rome, doth go before the full destruction of the Beast, and the beginning of Christ's glorious Kingdom, at the founding of the seventh Trumpet. But now the destruction of the City which is here declared, doth so nigh antecede that very Kingdom of Christ, that the Spirit of God (making mention of no other destruction between) passeth immediately to that kingdom, and the description of the seventh Trumpet. Therefore one and the same destruction of that City must of necessity be described in both; for who can imagine or believe that the holy Ghost should altogether pass by the greatest destruction of all, and make mention of some lesser slaughters between, no way to be compared to it. These things being so, it follows then, that the Interpretation of these words be leveled to this rule, and as it were tried by this touchstone, and so to seek such a sense and meaning of these words as doth best agree with the description of that destruction of Babylon; which with what reason may be, we may now see. Besides, the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, fell, must needs note some effect of an Earthquake, cannot agree to this Interpretation. And the touth part of the City fell] By which (I conceive) is not meant the tenth out of many Kingdoms given to the Pope, now taken from him; for then the word should be rather 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, than 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Nor yet the ten Kingdoms, or any of them subject to the Dominion of the City of Rome. who in this commotion of the Nations, fall off from the Papal State, and will be subject to it no longer. But by this ΔΕΚΑΤΟΝ, this tenth part of the City, I agree with Mede, is meant the fall and destruction of whole Rome, the City that now is, which is but the tenth part of that which it was, when it was in its glory. The City of Rome that now is, in regard of the old City of Rome, when she was in her flourishing condition, is but the tenth part, as the same is proved by Lipsius. The holy Ghost in the words intimates as much. Admirand lib. 3. So much of the great City as was remaining when the great earthquake came, at that time was ruined, viz. the tenth part of the City; for nine parts many ages before were fallen, partly by the desolations of war brought upon it so many times by the barbarous nations, and partly decayed and worn away with time, and partly destroyed with lightning and tempest; the tenth was reserved for the fate of the Papal state, the mother of Harlots, which by this earthquake, at the resurrection of the Witnesses shall be utterly destroyed. It is added, And in the earthquake wire slain of men (Greek) names of men, seven thousand.] Note here, the Text doth not say 7000 are slain by the fall of the City, but 7000 are slain in the earthquake, which earthquake is to shake down the whole kingdom of the Beast throughout the world; therefore by the 7000 men must not be understood (I conceive) so many individual persons. For 'tis not likely the pouring out of the Vial upon the throne of the Beast, will pass away with so small a slaughter of men. Sure we are, shaking down of the whole kingdom of the Beast, the total destruction of Babylon, Chap. 16. which the holy Ghost intimates by this earthquake elsewhere in the Revelation, will not be without the slaughter of a far greater number than 7000 men. To satisfit this doubt therefore, we must consider what may be meant by the City here, and what by the names of men. First, The City or great City, hath a double acceptation in these Prophecies, Being taken either for First, The Royal City of the Beast, viz. the City of Rome; called the throne or seat of the Beast, upon which the fifth Vial is poured out; or, Secondly, for the Citizens, or for the Romish City, constituted of the Pope and his Cardinals, and the whole troop of the Romish clergy, who, Rome being destroyed, burnt to ashes and leveled to the ground, not to be inhabited any more, shall betake themselves to another habitation; and so shall be reserved to the last Vial, at the pouring out of which it is said (besides the destruction of others, of all lands, Nations and Cities, in this earthquake so great as never was such since man was upon the face of the earth) great Babylon came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. For that burning and destruction of Babylon (taken for the Royal City of the beast) that is described, Chap. 18, and 19 doth altogether precede the destruction of the beast and the False Prophet, as is manifest in the Text. To sum up all in a word, happily it may so come to pass, that, that first destruction of Babylon, viz. of the City of Rome, may be without any very great slaughter, at least, without the total destruction of the Citizens; for though the City be utterly destroyed, yet a great part of the Citizens may fly from the destruction of the City, timely consulting their own safety, or for some other cause, which the event will make manifest; and thus the doubt or scruple concerning the small number of the slain may be satisfied. 2. And will yet more fully, if we consider what number may be designed in the words, names of Men. Names of men] may be taken for eminent and renowned Men, high and great persons, chief heads of Noble Families. Names of men, is as much as to say men of name; An Hypallage frequent in Scripture, as silver Shekels for Shekels of silver, Levit. 5. the Law of righteousness, for the righteousness of the Law, Rom. 9 Riches of grace for rich grace, Ephes. 1. So names of men may here be put for men of name, persons of great honour and dignity, in opposition to men without name, base and ignoble Persons, Job 30. According to this interpretation (which nothing can be said against) Names of Men signifying high and great persons (suppose they be of the Popish Ecclesiastical Order, whom we call Church men by great names and titles, distinguished from the inferior Clergy) if 7000 of these be slain, how many of a lower rank and order, which the Holy Ghost would not so much as count or reckon? Besides this, there may another interpretation be given of (Names of Men) viz. Companies and Societies of men, which are wont to be called by proper names, as well as particular men, as Cities, Towns, Parishes, Villages, Monasteries, and Nunneries; and what are these (if we consider the Matter) but names of men, as the Roman name is put for the Romans themselves; the Theban Polity, is called the Theban name; what is therefore the Names of those humane Societies, whether they be either of Rome, or in that they call the Church State, be the 7000 in this great Earthquake to be slain, i. e. subdued by the adverse power, which the Scripture useth to call death; but we must not rashly determine any thing in a thing to come; the best commentary of a Prophecy, is the fulfilling of it; but I bring these things to show, that of these words a larger sense may be given then is commonly conceived. When the word (Name) in Scripture doth not use to be restrained to one single signification, neither are (Names of men) joined together in any place of Scripture but in this, neither is the word (〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) Names, taken simply for particular single persons, but only in two places, Acts 1.15. Rev. 3.4. in other places it hath several significations. It follows, And the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of Heaven] i. e. the rest of the Bestian party, are amazed and terrified, and thereby compelled to acknowledge the just judgements of God, which he hath poured out upon them, and to confess their sins, which to do, is to give glory to God. Vers. 14. The second we is passed, and be bold the third we cometh quickly. The Second we is past] the meaning is, this great Earthquake continues to the end of the second we, or of the sixth Trumpet; together with which is to be finished the Prophesying of the mourning Witnesses; For after so great a Victory over the beast, and their ascending up into the Church-Heaven with so great honour, they put on their mourning weeds no more. But now if this second woe, or plague of the sixth Trumpet, be the Turks from Euphrates, flowing in upon, and overrunning the Roman Empire in times past, as was interpreted Chap. 9 it cannot be but the passing away of this second woe must be the overthrow of the Turkish Empire, the drying up of the waters of Euphrates, at the end of the pouring out of the fifth Vial, whereby way is made for the coming of the Kings of the east, cap. 16.12. At which coming of the Kings of the East, (lest there should be left too wide a space betwixt both Trumpets) the seventh Trumpet seems to begin; Hiatus. And so the wonderful preparation of the beast and false Prophet to the Armageddon Battle (Cap. 16.13.) together with the event thereof at the pouring out of the last Vial, (vers. 17.) must be made to begin at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. And truly it seems very congruous, that the preparation to the Battle, as well as the battle itself, should appertain to the same Trumpet; but here an objection must be removed out of the way, viz. Object. Whether the Beasts 42 months, and the Witnesses 1200 and 60 days, are one and the same term? but now these days of the mourning Witnesses, ending at the passing away of the sixth trumpet plague, or second we, It may very well be asked why the months of the beasts may not be supposed to be longer, when after this time, so great a part of the beast still remains, not to be quite abolished till the beginning of the seventh Trumpet. It may be answered. Answ. This may be either because at the calling of the Jews (there called the Kings from the East) a new kingdom gins. Or because in the duration of the beasts reign, there is an eye or respect chief to the Empire of the City of Rome; but now this great Royal City of the Beast in this Earthquake is taken & demolished; So that the Beast from thenceforth shall have changed his form; when he is driven from his Metropolis, it can no longer be counted (which is the signification of his other seven heads) a seven-mountained Kingdom. Behold the third woe comes quickly.] This gins at the sound of the seventh Trumpet. Wherefore these words immediately follow, Verse 15. And the seventh Angel sounded. And the seventh Angel sounds a Jubilee, and then there be great proclamations and acclamations in heaven, Called by some Divines the wo-joy Trumpet. that the kingdoms of the world are the kingdoms of Christ; and whereas before the Devil, Dragon, and Beast and his horns reigned, now Christ takes to himself his great power, and reigneth, for which the whole Church under the type of 24. Elders praise him, though the Nations be angry, as they ever are, when Christ puts forth his just power. Verse 15, 16, 17, 18. He now gives reward unto his servants the Prophets, etc. and destroys them that destroyed the earth; that is, he ruins the wicked and Idolatrous generation of Antichrist, who wasted his Church before, ver. 18. His tabernacle is now open in heaven, and the ark of his testimony seen, ver. 19 i.e. Christ represented by the ark, is clearly manifested; before, that wicked generation had forbidden men to read the Scriptures, had kept them in unknown tongues, and involved the mysteries of Christ in Masses, and rude heaps of other superstitious Ceremonies; but now he and all his excellencies shall be fully manifested to the Nations. Now I will not make Application of the explications of this Chapter, it being beyond my scope; only from the time of Antichrists reign mentioned in this Chapter, viz. 1200 and 60 years, and the time of the Witnesses lying dead, which is three years and a half, we may infer for our comfort; 1. That no sorrows or afflictions can steal upon the Church, but all are foreseen and determined by God. In all our sorrows and restraints, consider they are foreseen of God, and we are not unseen in them. Let us with Hagar in the Wilderness say, Then God seest me; Have I also looked after him that sees me? Gen. 16.13. 2. God hath measured out all the afflictions of his Church; that though her enemies may disturb and hinder pure Religion by force and violence, yet it is but for an appointed time. Antiochus may interrupt Jewish Religion, and bring in swine's flesh into the Temple; but it is but for three years and ten days, a time, times and a piece of time. Antichrist, that grand enemy of God's Church, may make havoc, and tread under foot the holy City; but it but forty two months, a time, times, and half a time; 1200 and 60 days Jezabel wastes the Church, and causeth the Prophets to hid themselves in caves, but it was but three years and a half in the letter; the Jews may bury Christ in the grave, and roll a stone upon him, and seal and watch the Sepulchre; but they can keep him down but only three days. Know whatever affliction thyself or any member or the whole Church sustaineth, it is not endless; neither shall the whole nor parts suffer one hour more than God's wisdom hath assigned: The proudest waves cannot pass those bounds and banks which Gods power hath set them. 3. In all the present sufferings and oppressions of the Church this comfort abideth by the Godly, that she is not lest of God, nor destitute of his presence, nor without a promise of deliverance, nor without faith of the ●ccomlishpment, nor without a joyful hope that the time of this oppression and suppression of the Church is not far from Expiration. Dr. More in his book of the mystery of godliness, Book 5. cap. 17. of the usefulness of Apocalyptick Visions, painted 1660. To which I will only add for a Conclusion the words of a late learned Writer. I am not ashamed to profess that I think it clear out of the Apocalypse that the scene of things in Christendom, Dies vel annus certe statui non potest in quem erunt exiqu●iae Rome: tam●● 〈◊〉, aliis Scriptures poe ●spic●● 〈◊〉 est, arbitror, non differendas ad longiss● 〈◊〉 ●ltra Sexagi●● 〈◊〉. Brightman Apocalyp. cap. 19 ve●. 〈◊〉: The time when he wrote this Book, appears in his Epistle, to be 1606 Feb. 25. will in a short time be very much changed for the better; the time of the Churches appearing that is purely Apostolical hath in life and doctrine, appears by the computation of Prophecy to be very near at hand, when the Witnesses shall rise, and the woman come out of the wilderness, and the kingdoms of the world shall be the kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever, Rev. 11.11. And he further saith. There is no stability to be expected in Christian kingdoms (but vengeance will ever and ap●n flow in upon them) till that City be resed, whose not only foundation is laid in Twelve, but whose Gates, Tribes, Angels, the by●adth and height of the wall, and the l●llid content of the whole City, are nothing else but the replication still of Twelve throughout; that is to say, till that Church appear that is purely Apostolical in Doctrine, Worship, etc. Which time being so very near at hand as appears by compute of prophecy, it should be a great encouragement for every one to look thitherwn●d, Besides, the characters set upon the 1200 and 60 days, as the treading down of the holy City, cap. 11.2. the division of the Roman Empire into two parts, cap. 12.14. and the rising of the Beast out of the Sea, cap. 13.2. Historians agree to be soon after or about the beginning of the fourth Century. and to shake off that dulness and lethargicalness that hath possessed the world so long, as if it would never be better. Wherefore let every Christian believe, repent, pray, reform himself, exhort and encourage his neighbour, conquer his corruptions, resist unto blood, striving against sin. For these times come not by rapine and violence, but by increase of righteousness upon the earth. Blessed is he that keepeth the say of the Prophecy of this Book. Rev. 22.7. To him which is, and which was and is to come, the Almighty, be glory and dominion for ever and ever, Amen, Rev. 16.8. FINIS.