JOHANNES PETTUS EQVES AURATUS HIC TACENS ILLC SCRIBENS ALIBI LOQVENS. AGENS PATIENS Aetate. 57 1670. W SHerwin ad 〈◊〉 facibat portrait of John Pettus Fodinae Regales. OR THE HISTORY, LAWS AND PLACES OF THE Chief Mines and Mineral Works in England, Wales, and the English Pale in Ireland. As also of the MINT and MONEY. WITH A CLAVIS Explaining some difficult Words relating to Mines, etc. By Sir JOHN PETTUS, Knight. LONDON: Printed by H. L. and R. B. for Thomas Basset at the George in Fleetstreet, near Clifford's Inn. M.DC.LXX. To His HIGHNESS Prince Rupert, Count-Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Constable of Windsor-Castle, Chief Governor of the Mynes-Royal and Mineral Works in England, etc. And one of His MAJESTY'S most Honourable PRIVY COUNCIL. SIR, THIS Treatise of the Mines Humbly submits itself to Your Patronage, and the rather, because as I therein observe, at every 70 Years some signal Occurrence revived them to our Memories; for in the sixth of Eliz. after several 70 Years, a Germane gave us the clearest Guidance to their Conduct; And your HIGHNESS about 70 Years after made them very useful to his late MAJESTY'S Martial Affairs during the Civil Wars; and now in time of Peace, we have made choice of you for our Chief Governor to both Societies: But in respect you were not privy to the Grants and Privileges belonging to us, I conceive this short History or rather Abstract of what concerns us, may be acceptable to you; I confess, they are unfit for your Perusal, were not my Intents more zealously employed upon higher Advantages, as your Highness may collect from my fisth and sixth Chapters; for I think it requisite that the Countries and Villages, where such Mines and Minerals are, should be exactly and publicly known, which I shall in time divulge (with the like for Plants) whereby such Metallists, Mineralists, Botannists, or other Artists, who have occasion to use them, need not trouble foreign parts; for with more ease and as much plenty, they may be supplied at home. But not to trouble your Highness further, I was under your Command in the late Wars, where I was in part witness to your great Conduct, and Heroic Acts, and I am now once more under your Command in the Affairs of the Mines, whereby I have also observed your incomparable skill and general Knowledge in the lesser Arts and greater Sciences, worthy of a Prince's Recreation and Study, all in their kind tending to some public good, and to inspect them no diminution of Greatness, and in these wherein your Judgement may tonceive my Capacity extendable, be pleased freely to Command, SIR, Your most Humble, Obedient, and Obliged Servant, JO. PETTUS. Anno 1670. To the Right Honourable The Lord Ashley, Chancellor of the Exchequer, one of the Governors of the Mines Royal, and Mineral Works, and of His MAJESTY'S PRIVY COUNCIL. MY LORD, THIS Treatise presents itself also for your Lordship's Concurrence, wherein I have clearly stated the King's Interest in our Mines by his Prerogative, according to the most ancient and best Record; I have also added the particular Customs of some Counties, and other Discourses of things relating to our Societies. And I did once resolve to have inserted, first the reasons why we do not make such benefit of our Mines and Minerals as we might do; and secondly, the remedies which may be used for the better managing of them; But I do forbear to publish them, because I have seen the bad effects of Printing those worthy Designs concerning Fishing, the Guiny Trade, and Farthings, etc. for if they had been only in the breast of the State, till every circumstance and opposition had been well weighed, resolved, and (unexpected to others) put in execution, they would have redounded much more to the public advantage: And this Affair of our native Mines and Metals is much of the like nature, for I conceive the King and Kingdom's Interest is first to be considered; Next, how the Proprietors may be so sweetened by profit to them, that they may not only concur in voluntary Discoveries, but assist in their Operations, (and this may be done without diminution of the King's Prerogative;) Thirdly, how we may supplant Foreiners herein, who hitherto have supplanted us; Fourthly, how to countenance Discoverers, either by rewards or assistance; Fifthly, to encourage Lessees, and to prevent their fraud, of which hitherto many have been too guilty; And lastly, how by these to make some honest and reasonable profit to ourselves. And that these may be the better digested, it is humbly recommended to your Lordship, That a Committee of the Societies may be chosen (being upon Oath) which may Model these Heads, or more, into fit Representations to His MAJESTY; and according to his Approbation, the Societies to put them in action; and to them I shall be ready to represent my thoughts and Considerations, with a constant recourse to your Lordship's Universal Knowledge, which may direct us in the most facile way of effecting what is aimed at, by, My Lord, Your Lordship's most Humble and faithful Servant, JO. PETTUS. Anno 1670. TO MY HONOURED FRIENDS OF THE SOCIETIES OF THE Mines and Mineral Works in this History Mentioned. ABout Twelve Years since you were pleased freely to make me a Participant in both your Societies, to gratify which Favours I have ever since studied and endeavoured your Services, and at some of our Meetings Considerations being had that it was sitting to make our Societies more publicly known, for the benefit of Lessees and Discoverers of Mines, etc. I resolved to write, and by the Encouragements of my Honoured Friends Sir Robert Murray and Sir Francis Cobb, and some of the Long Robe, both Common and Civil, and the help of our own Records, I have at last produced this History, wherein I can call nothing my own but the imperfect Method, Style, some few Observations, and the pleasure I took in finding such a worthy Diversion from Idleness. It is the first Collection extant of this kind, and if I have pleased you herein, and facilitated the way to any future Additions by others, I hope to receive their thanks, and yours, which is all that is expected by Your Grateful Friend and Servant, JO. PETTUS. Anno 1670. AN INTRODUCTION TO THIS HISTORY. THE Usual Method of Historians is to to begin with the Creation wherein I might tell you, that when GOD breathed upon the Face of the Waters, that was a Putrefying Breath; and that such Waters as were quiet and calm turned into Plains or Leveled Earth, and the Boisterous Waters into Hills and Mountains; according to the proportion of the Billows, and their Spaces into Valleys, which have ever since continued in those wonderful and pleasant Dimensions, the Seminal Virtues of all Sublunary things being locked up, and more durably preserved in them; and yet from thence they are transmitted through Terrene Pores, either from their own Exuberancies, or the Sun or Stars Extractions into various and visible Forms: and these Extramissions may be the better conjectured, because many do write of Subterranean Trees, Serpents, Fishes, etc. which in their confined Bulks cannot transmit themselves, but by the Effluctions of those Seminaries do force their Appearance upon the Surface of the Earth in more delightful Shapes. And such Superficial Excressencies (whether Vegetables or Minerals) do direct the Miners in their Knowledge of the Nature of the Metals under them; which sometimes also is done by the Virgula Divina, or Magical Rod (being no other than an Hazel Stick cut in a certain season of the Stars Aspects) still showing what rare Congruity there is between the Stars, Plants, Animals and Minerals; as if they were but the soft Products of those Meditullian Putrefactions. And it is also observable, that in all Operations of Metals, before they be fit for use, they are reduced into Water or a certain Liquidity, showing that their first matter was Water (as I said, and) as many Philosophers do hold, and we see that only Fire can reform these Condensations into their first Principles. And now I speak of Fire, I might also discourse of the strange nature of Bone-ashes, (of which our greater and lesser Tests are made) so resistible of that Element, that if any one would write of the Nature of Ostiologie, good Arguments might be raised for the Resurrection of our dry Bones with their attending Spirits, without disturbance to the Power of the General Conflagration; my Considerations herein being founded upon the Opinion of some Rabbins, who held the Resurrection of Man's Body shall be by means of a certain incorruptible Bone in him. After the formal Historian hath vented his Philosophy about the Creation, he usually proceeds to Adam, of whom also I might tell you, that he may be esteemed a Miner from the Text; where 'tis said, that God placed him in Paradise, Gen. 2. and commanded him to dig or till the Earth: As also a Refiner; otherwise, why should it be made known to him, that the River Pison did encompass the Land of Havilah where Gold was, if Adam were not to wash and refine it from the less valuable Earth? And the Knowledge of this was part of Adam's Wisdom, for Gold (if I interpret it right) is relative to Wisdom, when 'tis said, that God filled all things with his Wisdom. as Pison, (Pison being mentioned in no other places of Scripture) as the only River that encompassed Gold; Ecclu. 24.27. and nothing shows our Wisdom more, than the compass or getring of Gold by proper courses, and then the wise use of it, and the Sciences belonging to it: and doubtless the great plenty of Gold with which Solomon had stored himself, made him be esteemed the wiser. And it is not to be omitted, that the three Wise Men of the East in their Wisdom thought it a Present fit for a Saviour. I might also inform such men as think it not lawful to meddle with any thing that is not mentioned in Scripture, that for their comfort Six of the Seven Metals are there often repeated; viz. Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper (or Brass,) Iron, and Led; but Quicksilver is not, yet instead thereof Amber is, of which two there is diversity of opinions, which should be the seventh Metal, they that deny the seventh place to Quicksilver, say it is but Silver liquid, and included in Silver, and so Amber may come in as the seventh, and the rather because Scripture mentions it. Now Pliny and the Civil Laws make three sorts of Amber, which the Latin calls Electrum, one the gum or natural juice of a tree, the other found in Ethiopia in large Pieces, not known to proceed from Trees; the third is a natural Composition of Gold, and a fifth Part of Silver, according to Pliny, which upon dissolution it is found to contain; and this is the true Electrum, Ezek. 8.2. or Metallick Amber, or seventh Metal, and the Scriptures have such esteem of it, that where the Text speaks of a Vision (the vulgar and Chaldee Translators say the vision was quasi Aspectum Electri, like the Aspect of Amber; but the Syriack saith, the Vision was quasi Aspectum Dei, like the Aspect of God; so great esteem had this Electrum in the world, that they could not parallel the description of it to any thing, but the Aspect of God himself, which modestly is to be understood that no Celestial or Terrestrial things have equal resplendency to it: And therefore if Adam had any notice of it, it might then have been properly placed the first of Metals; but since it is not, let it satisfy them to stand in the seventh place, because it is in the Scripture, and not Quicksilver, and was known to former Ages, though not to us, unless what is imitated by Art: And as I have given you a hint of some observations upon two or three Metals, I might run through the rest, but that were to make a Book of a Preface. I might also add, that it is thought by Paracelsus, that Moses in writing the History of the Creation did mystically teach the whole progress of the Metallick Art, and that Mayerus teacheth this Art also by the use of Music: But these and many other speculations I wave, for my intentions are rather to instruct others in the practical Part, then amuse them with the Theory; therefore that they may be the better guided, give me leave to recommend the 33. and 34. Books of Pliny's Natural History of Metals, and next Georgius Agricola, for the ways of finding out Metals, digging and ordering them together, with the description of the Engines and Tools requisite for that work. Then Lazarus Escherus, which by order of the Societies is translated out of High Dutch, and this teaches the perfect way of Melting, Fining, and refining Metals, the manner of making Furnaces, Tests, and Instruments fit for such operations; and if thou desirest to dive into the secrets of the Philosopher's stone, let me recommend to you the second part of Joannes Spagnesus, who lays the most plausible Maxims for it, of any that I meet with, and for the practical part of this, I refer thee to Basilius Valentinus: And for the clearer understanding of these Authors, I shall shortly present you with a Dictionary of such words as concern the Metallick and Chemick Arts with their Interpretations; a Specimen whereof is at the end of the Book. And now, Kind Reader, as thou likest this thou mayest proceed. A DISCOURSE OF THE HISTORY AND LAWS Of the MINES and MINERALS Within England, Wales, and the English Pale of Ireland. CHAP. I. What a Mine is. A MINE is defined to be a certain Foramen, Mine. Hole, Hollow place, or Passage digged in the Earth, from whence Metals or Minerals are by labour raised: for if common Stones only are found (as Marble, Touchstone, Freestone, etc.) we call them Quarries, Quarries. and not Mines. And where Clays are digged (as Fuller's earth, Potter's earth, etc.) we call them Pits. Libavius terms it the Womb; or Nature's place of Metals. Pits. CHAP. II. The Names of those holes which concern Metals. THey are either called Shafts or Adits. The Shaft is that which is digged round or square, Shaft or Puteus. like a Well, from which the Earth that is digged is wound up in Baskets by Ropes, as we do Buckets of water; and these are not only for that use, but likewise to give air to the Mine. And ofttimes Pumps are put into these Shafts, to fetch out the water; for these Shafts are in many places 40, 50, or 60 fathom deep before the Miners come to the Metal or Minerals for which they dig. Now the Adit is from the Latin word Aditus, that is to say, Adit or Cuniculus. an entry, passage, or approach to a thing. And this is usually made on the side of the Hill, but towards the bottom, about 4, 5, or 6 feet high, and 8 feet wide, in the nature of an Arch, sometimes cut in the rock, and sometimes supported with timber; so that the sole or bottom of this Adit may answer the bottom of the Shaft, but somewhat lower, so as the water may have a sufficient Current to pass away, which is exactly known by the ordinary ways of Dialling, or the Workman's keeping the water at his foot while there is any: and he is directed toward the Shaft by a Needle touched with a Loadstone, the using whereof is called Dialling: Dialling. and by this and other Arts the water is conveyed away with more ease and less charge than by Pumps. And when the Miners by these Shafts or Adits do strike or thread a Vein of any Metal (for Metals under the Earth are dispersed like Veins in our bodies, and therefore called Veins) than the Metal which is digged from those Veins is called Oar, as Silver oar, Oar. Led oar, etc. And by these Adits the Fumes, Damps, and unwholesome Vapours, Damps. are better dispersed, which otherwise might endanger the Miners; but if any of them be surprised with such a Damp, so as for the present he may be deprived of his senses, he is drawn up out of the Mine, and they dig a little hole in the earth, Against Damps. and lay him on his belly, with his mouth to the fresh Earth of that hole, which speedily recovereth him. CHAP. III. The several Metals for which we dig. THey are Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper, Led, Metals. Iron and Quicksilver; and these are often found lying upon the cliffs or chinks of Rocks, known by their colour, brightness, or other marks; or by such other Minerals as the Workmen call Leaders, because they usually accompany the Metallick oar, and lead to it. Or they are discovered to us either by the nature of Plants which grow over them, by the Flough, The ways of discovering them. by Moles which cast up their shade or glittering earth; (and therefore in Derbyshire and other places where Lead abounds, they rarely kill them) or by Springs and Streams of water, or by the use of an Hazel stick (if credit may be given to it:) But by some or one of these the Miners are encouraged and directed to dig. As for Gold and Silver, which are the nobler and richer Metals we have not yet discovered any Mines which yield perfect Gold or Silver oar (as in America and other hotter Climates, although we are not altogether out of hopes of very rich ones in England and Wales) but our former and later Ages here have and yet do get Gold and Silver merely by Extraction, or melting those base hard Metals, so as by art of the Refiner the Gold or Silver is separated from them. Now the Oars which this Kingdom affords are only Tin, Copper oar, Led oar, Iro oar and Cadmine oar (which some call Callamine) of which Brass is made with a mixture of Copper. And these Oars being digged, the Miners bring them (being first beaten small and washed) to certain Furnaces and Mills prepared for that purpose. Where, when they are smelted and cast into a solid form, if Led, they call them Pigs; if Tin, Blocks; if Iron, Bars; if Silver or Gold, Cakes; if Copper, Rose-cakes. And being thus form, the Tin oar is called Tin, the Copper oar, Copper; the Lead oar, Led; the Iron oar, Iron; the Cadmine and Copper oar united is called Brass: and this being once more melted (which melting is called Refining) if they yield Gold or Silver in any advantageous quantity, the Mine and Oar are entitled accordingly. CHAP. IU. Of those Metals as they are mixed. AS it is questionable whether there be any Element pure; so it may be doubted, whether there be any Metal without a mixture of other Metals. For in hot Countries, where Gold and Silver are so pregnant, that both for bulk and value they give the denomination of a Gold or Silver Mine; yet even from these Lead or Copper, etc. may be extracted in some small proportion: so with us, though the bulk be Tin, Copper, Led, Iron, Cadmine, etc. yet even from the worst of them some Gold and Silver may also be extracted; and mostly so much, as that the value of that little which is extracted, may be much greater than that of the bulk from whence it had its extraction. And with the several mixtures of these several Metals other Forms are produced; as Tin and Lead make Pewter, Tin and Brass make Alchemy, Copper and Cadmine make Brass. And sometimes Steel is found perfect through natural hardness, but Iron and Tin make it by art. Tin, Led, Brass and Copper make that tuneable metal from which our Bells are founded, and the artificial mixture of these Metals may afford as many varieties as those do Changes CHAP. V Of Minerals and other Products or Juices, how beneficial to the Kingdom. THe chief are Sulphur, common Salt, Saltpetre, Nitre, Minerals. Allom, Vitriol, Copperice, Copperice stone, Armoniac, Arsenic, Sanderick, Cinoper, vermilion, Stibium, Antimony, Zink, Black Lead, and many more; Red and Yellow Ochre, and Coals of several sorts. And from the Metals are produced Letharges, according to the Metals; White Lead, Red Lead, Potter's Lead, and many other varieties. And in these Veins of Metals and Minerals are often found Lodestones, Amathists, Astrolites, Rough pearl and Soft diamond; and several other excellent things, which are accounted as Treasures. Besides the enjoyment of the Metals and Minerals digged from the Earth, the benefit to the Nation is great; for in the Book of Rates we shall find above two hundred particulars of ingrowen Metals and Minerals, which do afford great Customs to the Crown, and would do much more, if the management from their original vent were duly inspected. Then for the Physicians and Chemists (though Galenists are not to be slighted) we see of Gold is made Cordials, of Silver epileptics; and Tin is used for Cephalaicks, Histerick passions, etc. From Copper is extracted Ens Veneris, so famous against Ulcers, etc. Led sanative by Emplastrums, Callamine and Brass as eminent for the Eyes, Iron and Steel for the Spleen and Hypocondriacks. As for Quick silver, Sulphur and Salt, they are the Arcana Chemica, and so are Vitriol and Antimony, producing Medicines scarce credible to any but Experience. The others do service to the Dyer's and the Painters, and some of them to the Female sex, as Ceruse, Vermilion, etc. giving them Tinctures or Washeses of Beauty. And from the precious Stones they have other embellishments. In short: From these Metals and Minerals digged out of the Subterranean world, may be studied the greatest part of NATURE, all Arts employed, Labours encouraged, and the chiefest Sciences demonstrated. CHAP. VI The Counties and Shires in England and Wales where these are found. THese Metals and Minerals are mostly produced from the Hilly and Mountainous parts of England and Wales. For Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Isle of Ely, and other flat and almost level Countries or places, do not afford them, nor are apt to breed them; or if they did, yet it would not quit cost to dig for them, because the charge of exhausting the water by pumps (which must inevitably be) would prove greater than any expectable gains: whereas in mountains and hilly places the Waters and Oars may be carried off by Adits; which though made with hard labour, yet with less charge and more certainty. The best Tin Mines yet known are in Cornwall and Pembrokeshire. Copper Mines containing some Gold and Silver are in Cornwall, Tin, Copper, Gold and Silver. Devonshire, Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, Derbyshire, Shropshire, Cheshire, Northumberland, Cumberland, Pembrokeshire; and we doubt not of good in Kent. The best Lead oar containing Silver are in Devonshire, Led and Silver. Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, Northumberland, York shire Bishopric of Durham, Flintshire, Denbyshire, Shropshire, Carnarvonshire, Merioneth, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecknock, Monmouth, Buckinghamshire, Dorsetshire, and (in the time of Henry the Fourth) one in Essex, Iron oar is plentiful in Cornwall, Shropshire, Iron. Staffordshire, Gloncestershire and Sussex, etc. Cadmian oar, or Lapis Calaminaris, in Gloucestershire, Cadmian. Somersetshire, Cornwall and Nottinghamshire. Quicksilver is found in many Veins where the Lead lies, and in these places are also found the Minerals . Quick silver. Allom more particularly is found in Yorkshire and Pembrokeshire. Allom. Note that Allom digged is accounted a Metal, but Allom made of water not so. Copperice is in the Copper Mines. Copperice. Copperice stones are thrown up by the Sea between Quinborough and Gillingham in Kent, Copperice stones. etc. Sanderick, Cinoper, Stibium, Sanderick, Cinoper, Stibium, Antimony, Black Lead. Red Ochre. Yellow Ochre. Antimony and Black Lead are in most of those places where Lead is discovered, but the best Black Lead particularly in Cumberland. Red Ochre in Warwickshire, Sussex and Somersetshire. Yellow Ochre in Oxfordshire, etc. White Lead and Red Lead are made of common Lead, and Potter's Lead is made by art from common Lead oar. White Lead. Red Lead. Potter's Lead. Salt. Salts in Cheshire and Worcestershire in Stones and Springs, and some is made by art from Salt water on the Seacoasts, and at Exmouth in Devonshire, and in other marbly Shores, at a low water it show itself upon the Sand for many miles by calefaction of the Sun. The Parishes and Villages where the Mines lie not, are under the Societies care, and here omitted, being entered upon continued Discoveries in their Leaguer books. OF THE IRISH MINES. As for those Mines within the English Pale of Ireland, granted to the Society by Queen Elizabeth; it is fit that the Circuit of that Pale should be known, before the particular places of these Mines be set down. The Irish do acknowledge that the English Pale is all the County of Dublin, Kildare, Carlough alias Caterlough, in the Province of Lemister, and all the Province of Meth, as it is divided into three parts, viz. East Meth, West Meth, and Long ford; and this Circuit is called the English Pale, because those Territories were always inhabited by the English, nor could they be dispossessed notwithstanding the often incursions of the Irish, so that their safe guarding of that Circuit of ground from the Irish was (as it were) a Pale to the English, and therefore called the English Pale. But when the Society shall think it useful to make a further inquiry into the Latitude of their Grant from the Crown, th●y will find all Demister, Ulster, and part of Munster to be also included; but in so much ground as is confessed by the 〈◊〉 to be within the Pale, and anciently appertaining ●o the English, there are store of Le●d Mines affording good quantity of Silver; also Copper Mines and Iron Mines, and other Metals and Minerals, which may prove a reward to Industry, and to the further Inquiries of the Society. CHAP. VII. The usual Definition of the Poor Mines and Rich Mines or Mines Royal. WHere the Oar which is digged from any Mine doth not yield, according to the Rules of Art, Poor Mine. so much Gold or Silver, as that the value thereof doth exceed the charge of Refining, and loss of the base Metal wherein it is contained, or from whence it is extracted, than it is called poor Oar or a poor Mine. On the contrary; Mine Royal. where the Oar digged from any Mine doth yield according to the Rules of Art so much Gold or Silver, as that the value thereof exceed the charges of Refining, and loss of the base Metal in which it is contained, and from whence it is extracted, than it is called rich Oar or a Mine Royal; 'tis appertaining to the KING by his Prerogative. And herein consists the skill and honesty of the Refiner; for some have made very great Products from that very Oar, from which less skilful Essayers could extract nothing. CHAP. VIII. The way of Computing this by the Art of Extraction. l. s. d. TWo Tun and a quarter of Oar make a Tun of Metal at a medium rate 3 l. 10 s. which is 07 17 06 Carriage to the Mills at 6 s. 8 d. per Tun 00 15 00 Sives, Tubs and Oar bags at 2 s. is 00 04 00 So that the Charge of the Oar deducted at the Mills which makes a Tun Metal costs 08 17 02 Charge of Smelting per Tun. 2 does. White Coal at 8 s. per does. 00 16 00 5 barrels Black Coal at 2 s. per bar. 00 10 00 Smelting wages per Tun 00 15 04 Stamping and washing Slags per Tun 00 05 00 Smiths work per Tun 00 02 04 Rents and Repairs of the Mills, Carpenter's work, Carriages to the Water's side, Clerk's attendance at the Mills, and incident Charges per Tun 01 15 00 Charge of Refining per Tun 13 00 10 300. of Lead wasted in Refining and Reducing at 12 s. per Cent. 01 16 00 Refiners wages per Tun 00 05 00 Black coal, Charcoal, Turf, Bone-ashes, Carpenter and smith's work, and other incident Charges 01 10 00 03 11 00 Total Charges 16 11 10 If the said Tun of Metal be made either of Goginian, Coomervin or the Darrein oar, the same yields in Silver per Tun of Metal 14 00 00 One Tun of Lead, the Waste being deducted, as aforesaid, is 12 00 00 26 00 00 The Charge in all is 16 11 10 Deducted out of 26 l. the clear profit of a Tun of Lead is 09 08 02 If the said Tun of Metal be made of the Oar of Coomsumblock, it yields 20 l. per Tun in Silver. This is only to show the manner of computing a Mine Royal by Art; but some are of opinion, that all Metals do contain Gold or Silver in them, and that therefore all Veins of Metals do belong to the King. But for the Readers satisfaction as to matter of Law in that point, he is referred to the Second Part of this Treatise. And thus having briefly described Mines, Metals, Minerals, their places and definitions; the next is to show what Governors or Officers the Kings of England have from time to time deputed, and what Directions and Powers have been granted for their better Regulation. CHAP. IX. Of the Antiquity of the Mines Royal. THese Works in Wales, with some other in Devonshire, Somersetshire and Cornwall, as far as Tradition can assure us, were anciently wrought by the Romans. By the Damonii in Devonshire and Cornwall, by the Belgae in Somersetshire, and by the Dimetae in Cardiganshire. And Caesar in his Commentaries saith, that one reason of his invading the Britan's, was because they assisted the Gauls with their Treasures, with which their Country did abound. And Cimboline Prince of the Trinobantes (wherein Essex is included) who had lived much at Rome in Augustus his time, was seated at Walden in that County, and did (according to the Roman way) coin Money instead of Rings, which might be from that Mine, which was afterward discovered in Hen. IU. his time in that County, (as yet unknown to the Society.) However 'tis certain there were Mines, which did supply former Ages, and may be again used with very great advantage to this present Age. As for the Laws made by the Romans concerning Mines, the most material of them are abridged, and annexed in their genuine Language, that others may make their own Interpretations. Most of which Laws are agreeable to the Grants and Powers of our succeeding Kings; only as to the Condemning such Men and Women to the Mines, who had committed some heinous Crime against the Laws of the Empire, our Kings have been more merciful therein, though that point were in this Age worthy of consideration, in respect of the yearly multitudes of able ingenious persons, that suffer death by the Laws, whose Lives upon this Employment might be very useful. CHAP. X. Of the Powers granted by our Kings concerning the Mines. EDWARD I. Anno 33. THe King for advancement of the Stannaries in Cornwall frees the Tinners from all pleas of the Natives touching the Court, Cornwall. and from answering before any Justices, etc. concerning the Stannaries, save only the Keeper of the Stannaries, (Pleas of Land, Life and Member excepted) neither are they to be kept from work but by the said Keeper, and indemnifies them from Tolls, etc. gives them liberty to dig Tin and Turf any where in the said County, and to turn Watercourses for their Works at pleasure: Tinners. with many other Privileges both to the Keeper and Tinners concerning weighing and selling their Tin. CHAP. XI. EDWARD III. KIng Eward III. by Indenture dated 11 July, Anno 32. Rot. 4. grants unto John Ballanter and Walter Bolbolter all his Mines of Gold, Silver and Copper in the County of Devon for two years, with liberty to dig and search, Devon. (except in Gardens yielding 20 marks the first year, and the 5th. part the second year) and all other persons are excluded from digging there. EDWARD III. Among the Remembrances of the Exchequer, Slop. the King to John Jugg and Henry of Wisbich; Whereas We are informed, that certain Mines of Lead mixed with Gold and Led Oar are found in the County of Salop, He wills that the Barons of the Exchequer and Treasurer may be certified of the manner of finding the said Mines, Gold and lead Oar mixed. and whether any hath been transported, and by whom; and empowers them to inquire upon oath, and commands them to certify His Treasurer and Barons thereof at, etc. so that further Order may be taken, and to return the Inquisition, etc. Witness Our Treasurer, 30 Octob. Anno 7. CHAP. XII. RICHARD II. KIng Richard II. by his Letters Patents dated 11 Junii, Devon. Gold and Silver. Anno 8. grants to Richard Wake Clerk, his Mines of Gold and Silver in the County of Devon, and liberty to dig (paying damage to the Owners of the Grounds) as well within Liberties as without, for ten years, paying a tenth part of the profit unto the Holy Church, and to the Exchequer the nineth part, and all other persons to be excluded, prout ante. RICHARD II. The King to Hugh of Burnell, Salop. and our Sheriff of Salop; Whereas We are informed by James Miner of a Mine of Copper and Silver in or near the Lordship or Priory of Wenlock, whereout no little profit would accrue to Us, if wrought by experienced Workmen; We assign you to ordain the said James to work the same without any let, he not doing any thing against the Laws of our Kingdom, or demolishing any Houses or Gardens, etc. Witness the King at Westminster, 4 Junii, Anno 17. Regni, Rot. 12. CHAP. XIII. HENRY IU. KIng Henry iv by his Letter of Mandamus, Essex. Gold. dat. 11. Maii, Anno 2. Rot. 34. commands Walter Fitz-Walter (upon Information of a Concealed Mine of Gold) to apprehend all such persons as he in his judgement thinks fit, that do conceal the said Mine, and to bring them before the King and his Council, there to receive what shall be thought fit to be ordered. HENRY IU. The King to William Charleton, Prior of Pilton; Devon. Holding Silver. Whereas we have granted to Henry and John Derby the Led Mines holding Silver, in Com. Devon. for ten years, paying Us nine pounds of pure Silver yearly, and to Us and others all other deuce, We make you controller thereof, and command your diligence therein during pleasure. Dat. 9 Feb. Anno 7. Regni, Rot. 20. CHAP. XIV. HENRY VI THe King by His Letters Patents, England. Gold and Silver. dat. 24 Feb. Anno 5. grants to John Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, and Protector of England, all Mines of Gold and Silver within His Kingdom of England, for 10 years, paying the tenth part to the Holy Church, to the King the 15th. and to the Lord of the Soil the twentieth part, to dig, etc. but not under Houses, in Arable Land or Meadow, without Licence of the Lord of the Soil, and to make reasonable amends for any damage. HENRY VI The King by his Letters Patents granted to John Sollers all Mines of Gold and Silver in Devon and Cornwall, Devon. and Cornwall. and all Mines of Lead holding Silver or Gold; Gold, Silver and Lead. to hold (from the expiration of 12 years formerly granted to the Duke of Bedford) for 20 years, paying the fifteenth part of pure Gold and pure Silver; with liberty to dig and work the same, but not to dig under any Houses or Castles, and a Clause to provide for Wood and Labourers. Dat. 11 Julii, Anno 17. Hen. VI Rot. 45. HENRY VI The King by his Letters Patents makes his Chaplain John Bottwright controller of all his Mines of Gold and Silver, Devon and Cornwall. Gold, Silver, Copper, Latin, and Led. Copper, Latin, and Copper Latin Led, within these two Counties. Dat. 10 Sept. Anno 30. Hen. VI Rot. 15. & 20. HENRY VI The King by His Letters Patents granted to the said Bottwright Provost and Governor of all his Mines, Devon and Cornwall, Copper, Tyn and Lead. prout ante; and grants him all Mines of Copper, Tin and Lead, there whereout any Gold or Silver shall be fined; to hold during his good behaviour, paying the tenth part of pure Gold and Silver, Copper, Tin and Lead, to be fined at his own charge; with power to let and set for twelve years, paying to the King the tenth Bowl of Oar, of Copper, Tin and Lead holding Gold or Silver; and to dig without interruption, with a Clause to make a Provision for Wood and Labourers, the Fee of the Church excepted. Dat. 20 Junii, Anno 31. Hen. VI Rot. 20. & 25. HENRY VI The King by His Letters Patents Anno 34. Rot. 24. Devon and Cornewal. Gold, Silver, and all Metals containing Gold or Silver. gives and grants to the Duke of York all his Mines of Gold and Silver, and of all other Metals containing Gold or Silver, within the Counties of Devon and Cornwall; to hold at the pleasure of the King for 21 years, with a Clause not to dig under the Houses or Meadows of any person, and with a Clause to free and indemnify the Miners, without impediment of the King or his Subjects, wheresoever the said Mines shall be found within the said Counties. HENRY VI Among the Remembrances of the Exchequer, Devon. Anno 36. Regni, in the Records of Easter Term Rot. 20. inter alia: Devon. Memorand. That John Bottwright, Governor of the Mines of Berryferres in Devon, complains to this Court, Mines. that Robert Glover at the command of Roger Champernown took away 144 Bowls of Glance oar, Glance oar. valued at 15 l. 6 s. 8 d. and made profit of the same without any thing allowed to the King, to the King's damage 100 l. and thereupon desireth the Advice of the Court. CHAP. XV. EDWARD IU. THe King by his Letters Patents, England. Led holding Gold or Silver. that. Dec. 20. Anno 8. Regni to Richard Earl of Warwick, John Earl of Northumberland, and others, grants all Mines of Gold and Silver, etc. on the North side of Trent within England. And all Mines of Lead holding Gold or Silver in the parts aforesaid (agreeing with the Owners of the soil) to hold from the Feast of the Purification next, for 40 years, paying to the King the 12. part of pure gold and silver, and to the Lord of the soil a sixteenth part as they grow, liberty to dig, etc. except under Houses or Castles without Licence. EDWARD IU. The King by his Letters Patents 30 Julii Anno 12. Rot. 2. grants to Gallias Lynne, Semerset & Glou cest. Led, Tin and Copper holding Silver. William Marriner, and Simon Pert, power to dig and search for Mines, within the Counties of Somerset and Gloucestershire, of Lead-Oar, Tin, or Copper, holding silver or gold for the term of five years, and to agree with the Lord of the soil, paying to the King every eighth Bowl of rich Oar, with a clause to make their Mills to Fine and Melt, as the Owner and they can agree; And all Officers, etc. to be assistant. EDWARD IU. The King by his Letters Patents dat. 23, Northumberland. Martii Anno 15. Rot. 20. grants to his brother Richard Duke of Gloucester, Henry Earl of Northumberland, Copper. and others, the Mines of Blanch Lands called Shildane in Com. Northumb. And the Mine of Alston-Moor called Fetchers'. The Mine of Keswick in Cumberland, and the Copper Mine near Richmond in Yorkshire; To hold from Lady day next, for 15 years, Paying the King the eighth part neat, to the Lord of the Soil the ninth, and to the Curate of the place a tenth, as they arise. EDWARD IU. The King by his Letters Patents Dat. 11 Martii, Northumberland. Gold, Silver, Copper, Led. Anno 18 Rot. 31. Upon surrenders of the former grants to William Goderswick and Doderick Vaverswick, all Mines of Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead in Northumberland and Westmoreland, To hold from Lady day next, for ten years, paying to the King a fifteenth part neat, to the Lord of the Soil, and to the Curate as they can agree. CHAP. XVI. HENRY the VII. THe King by His Letters Patents, England & Wales. dat. 27 Feb. Anno 1. Regni, Rot. 92 makes Jasper Duke of Bedford, and others Earls, Lords and Knights, Commissioners and Governors of all his Mines of Gold, Silver, Tin, Gold, Silver Tyn, Led and Copper, Led and Copper in England and Wales, to answer the profits to the King, and made Sir. William Taylor controller, To hold from Candlemass day following, for 20 years, with Liberties of Court and other Privileges, Paying to the King the fifteenth part of pure Gold and Silver, and to the Lord of the Soil the eleventh part, as it grows, Liberty to dig and search, etc. Except under the Houses and Castles of the King and his Subjects. This Henry VII. (a wise Prince) taking notice of his interest and Prerogative in the Mines, did in the very first year of his Reign grant this Commission, and by this and other ways raised a vast sum of Money, and left his rich Coffers to Henry VIII. Who added to the Bulk by the Sale of Abbeys, etc. But before Henry VIII. his death, almost all the Treasures of his Fathers and his own were consumed, and what remained was left to Edward the VI an Infant, whose experience could not guide him to the Care of such affairs: then followed Queen Mary, who matching with Spain, was thereby interessed in the wealth of Europe, and needed no other support or inspection; so this concern stood neglected for above 70 years. CHAP. XVII. QUEEN ELIZABETH. ABout the third year of Queen Elizabeth, she, by the advice of her Council sent over for some Germans experienced in Mines, and being supplied, she, the tenth of October, in the sixth of her reign, grants the Mines of eight Counties, besides those in Wales, to Houghsetter a German, etc. whose name and Family still continue in Cardiganshire; and doubtless we had much of our knowledge from their Predecessors, who revived this work in Cardiganshire. They also entered upon another work of Copper at Keswick in Cumberland, being within the Royalties of the Earl of Northumberland formerly granted to him from the Crown, together with all Mines, etc. Whereupon the Earl opposed Houghsetter, but the matter being brought to Trial between the Queen and the Earl, it was the opinion of the Judges, that notwithstanding his Grant the Queen had power to search for Treasure in any one's ground. So that it is good for Princes, and even for mean Lords, to keep a Claim to their Prerogatives and Customs, lest time, as in this case, should cause an opposition. For 70 years' intermission made that questionable, which for many ages before was out of question. But this Suit being ended, (the Abstract of which Proceed is hereto annexed) to prevent the like occasion for the future, the Queen (May 28. in the 10th. year of her Reign) erects a Corporation, of which William Earl of Pembroke was the first Governor, and Robert Earl of Leicester, James Lord Monjoy, Sir William Cecil Assistants, and many other Persons of Quality joined, consisting in all of 24 Persons and as many Shares, and those Shares subdividable into half and quarter parts, so that they might consist of 96 Persons, their Votes being according to the proportion they had of Shares. And this Society was and is entitled The Society for the Mines Royal; and they have the Grant and care of Gold, Silver, Copper, etc. within 8 English Counties hereafter recited, and of all Wales. As for the Laws and Rules by which they were managed, they are also annexed. These Persons thus incorporated by a joint Stock wrought several Mines with good success. The Queen did also in the 7th. year of her Reign grant to William Humfreys and Christopher Shute a German, all Mines, Minerals, and Subterranean Treasures, (except Copperice and Allom) which should be found in all other parts of England, (not mentioned in the former Patent) or within the English pole in Ireland, by the name of Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, Led, Quicksilver, Cadmian Oar, or Lapis Calaminaris, and all manner of Ewres or Oars, simple or pure, mixed or compounded, for Latin, Wire or Steel, etc. And also on the same 28th. of May in the 10th of her Reign, the Queen frames the Participants into a Corporation, by the name of The Society for the Minerals and Buttery works. As for their Laws and Rules they are also annexed with the other. This also was looked upon as so considerable a matter to the Crown, that Sir Nicholas Bacon then Lord Keeper, the Duke of Norfolk, William Earl of Pembroke, Robert Earl of Leicester, William Lord Cobham, Sir William Cecil, Sir Walter Myldmay, Sir Henry Sidney, Sir Francis Jepson, Sir William Gerard, with 29 more considerable Persons, Gentlemen, Lawyers, Citizens and Foreiners, were Participants. And this Society consisted of 36 Shares, subdividable also into half and quarter parts; so that it was capable of 144 Shares. And this also by a joint Stock did effect great things, which turned to good advantage both to the King and to the Society. THE ARMS OF THE SOCIETY OF THE MINES ROYAL, Given Aug. 26, 1568. Anno 10. Eliz. 1568 This Coat is blazoned in Page 24. and the other Coat in Page 23. above it. coat of arms of Society of Mines Royal As they are Blazoned. Silver with a Mount Vert. A Man working within a Mine, with two Hammers and a Lamp, all in their proper colours on a Chief Azure. A Cake of Copper between a Bezant and a Plate on a Wreath Silver and Azure. A Demy man (called in Dutch the Schicht Master) with an Escocheon on his Breast Or and Azure per bend inverted; in one of his Hands an Instrument called a Wedge, and in the other Hand a Compass, Gold mantled, Silver doubled Azure, supported with two Men, the one called the Hammer-man, with a Hammer on his Shoulder; and the other the Smelter, with a Fork in his Hand; all in proper colours. THE ARMS OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE MINERAL AND BATTERY WORKS, Given also Anno 10. Eliz. coat of arms of Society for Mineral and Battery Works As the are Blazoned. The Field Azure upon the Base point Vert, a Doric Argent, supported by a Lion and a griffon armed and languid Gules. On the top of the Pillar a Ducal Crown Or. On the Chief an Annulet Argent between two Bezants of the same. The Crest on an Helmet and Wreath Argent and Vert. Two naked Arms and Hands supporting a Cake of Copper proper; the Supporters an ancient Man in a Gown wearing an Headpiece, on it a Crescent, and holding one hand on the Escocheon, in the other a Pickax: on the other side a Woman, holding also the Escocheon with one hand, and in the other a Quadrant. CHAP. XVIII. KING JAMES. ABout the second of King James both the Societies thought fit to renew their Charters with some Additional Powers (also annexed) and then William Earl of Pembroke was Governor to both Societies, and so continued till his death in an Annual Election. CHAP. XIX. CHARLES I. AFter the death of William Earl of Pembroke, in the Year 1630, Philip Earl of Pembroke was chosen Governor of both Societies; and in this King's Reign (about the Year 1639) there was some Dispute between Sir Hugh Middleton and Sir Richard Price concerning the Mines at Tallabent in Wales, whither Royal or not Royal; and this was also about 70 years after the Trial with the Earl of Northumberland: Whereupon several Eminent Lawyers subscribed their Opinions (hereto also annexed) and the matter was soon quieted. Then from 1641 to 1647 no Governor was chosen, but the Mines in Wales continued working under Mr. Thomas bushel, who made them very serviceable to the Martial Concerns of the King during the Civil Wars. CHAP. XX. CHARLES II. IN the Year 1649 Philip dies, than his Son Philip (now living) was chosen Governor of both Companies, and in 1662. the Lord Anthony Ashly-Cooper, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and one of His Majesty's Privy Counsellors, was joined as Governor of both Societies with the Earl. In 1668 (the Earl of Pembroke being willing to quit the Government in respect of his retirement) Pr. Rupert Duke of Bavaria and Cumberland, Knight of the Order of the Garter, and one of His Majesty's Privy Counsellors, was chosen together with the Lord Ashly-Cooper Governor of both Societies, and the Deputy Governors of both Societies, are now the Lord Brunker, Sir Robert Murray Knight, Sir John Pettus Knight, Sir Francis Cobb Knight, Col. Ashburnam Cofferer to His Majesty, Thomas Foley Esquire, Edward Swith and Edward Henshaw Esquires. The Assistants to both Societies are Col. Ashburnham, Edward Smith, Paul Foley, John Darrell, John Wright, Edward Henshaw, Anthony Knightsbridge, Dudley Dudley and Edward York, Esquires; Henry Kemp, Thomas Hayes, Roger Norton and Richard Reynoll, Gentlemen and Citizens. The Auditors, Treasurers, Register and Serjeant are chosen by the Governors and Assistants, as occasion requires. There are other Members of these Societies, of which some do sometimes attend, as the Lord Byron, Sir George Hamilton, Alderman Bond, Mr. Arcbold, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Clutterbuck and Mr. Squire. Others have not attended for many years past, and therefore I shall not mention them. The usual place of Sitting is at Mr. Kemp's House in Sheer-lane, (who is Register to both the Societies) where all the Books of the Records remain; and either there, or at his Chamber in the Inner Temple, all Persons who are desirous to interest themselves in this Concern, may receive directions and satisfaction. CHAP. XXI. Of other Companies having like Appellations. IN the Year 1662. His Majesty KING CHARLES II. did erect a Corporation, intituling it The Royal Society for improving Knowledge; whose Studies and Endeavours are to enlighten the World with all Real Experiments in Nature, tending to the benefit of Mankind; and of this the Lord Brunker is Precedent. His Majesty also in the Year 1663. erected another called The Royal Company, whose business is to settle the Trade with Guiny in Africa concerning Gold and Silver, etc. whereof His Highness the DUKE of YORK is Precedent: so that there being first the Society of the Mines Royal, secondly the Society for Mineral Works, thirdly the Royal Society, and fourthly the Royal Company; it was thought fit to insert their Titles here, that those who have occasion to apply themselves to either of the said Societies or Companies, may not be confounded in their Appellations or Applications. And these two Societies of the Mines Royal and Mineral Works have been so prudent, as to make several of both the other Societies Members also of theirs, for the better intercourse between them in such public concerns. CHAP. XXI. Why our Mines, affording Gold or Silver, should properly belong to the King by His Prerogative. WHere the Supreme Power of Peace and War is fixed (as with us it is acknowledged in the King) he ought to have those Attendances to his Power, which may either continue the one, or support the other. And Money (the Product of Metals) being the Ligament of that, and Nerve of this; it is most reasonable, that seeing the Cause is more honoured then the Effect, that He whose very Image and Superscription makes Metal and Money passable, should in Politics have the command of those Mines, to which after some progress of Art and Labour, His mere Image gives the Reputation; for that which we call Intrinsic Value, is still but according to Extriusick use. For we find in History, that Copper, Ten, Led, nay even Leather, have been in as great esteem; and at this day Iron in some Foreign parts is more passable then Gold. So that having the effects of its virtue from our Caesar's Superscription, it is just that Caesar should have his due, and all the means and assistances to art in the Effects thtreof. Nor doth it appear by any Record, that this Prerogative was ever opposed by any Proprietor: For the Earl of Northumberland's Case (hereafter mentioned, and set down at large by Plowden, concerning the Copper Mines at Keswick in that County) was only whether in granting the Manor to the Earl, together with all Mines within the said Manor, the Mines also should pass; and it was resolved by most of the Judges, that though the Grant of the Manor was good, yet the King could not alienate Mines, being perfectly linked to the Prerogative of the Crown: so that this Opposition was rather to explain his Grant, then to oppose the Prerogative. For the Queen's Deputies worked the said Mine without any further opposition of the said Earl or his Saccessors. And soon after She fixed the Conduct of that Affair into a Corporation, reserving to Herself a proportion of what they should get, and a pre-emption of what was saleable, in case She had use for it; and lest the benefit of the Mines should exceed the bounds of a Subjects Fortune, She reserved to Herself and Her Successors a Power at any time to reassume the management of those Affairs to Herself, paying to the Corporation such Compensation as should be indifferently awarded. CHAP. XXIII Why the Government of the Mines was by Queen Elizabeth committed to the Conduct of Corporations. AS it is conceived, the first Reason of the Queens committing them to Corporations was, that the Crowns Prerogative therein might be permanent; for our Laws say that Corporations never die. Next, that the Arts, Methods, Rules and Orders, by which they were to be conducted, might be registered by them for the use of Posterity, which in former times were but lose und uncertain, and died with the Undertakers; for no former extant Records do assist us herein. And this makes other Nations so famous, because by way of Corporation they entail their Arts and Manufactures to their Successors, thinking them no derogation to any of their other Degrees of Honour, to which they have by those Arts or otherwise achieved. And the Romans were so strict herein, that when any Artificer died, the Heir of that Artificer was convened before Judges about the things of that Art which he professed. The third reason was, from Her observation of the Inartificialness of former Ages in this Concern; which may be collected from Her sending for and employing so many Germans and others Foreiners, (where Mines were plentiful, and the Arts belonging to them) who might put us into the tract of managing ours, in finding and diging them, and in smelting and refining Metals. And therefore the Queen provided in Her Charter, that 8 Foreiners might be admitted, and upon such admission of any Foreiner, he was to have Letters Patents for his Indenization without Fees or Charge; and not only they, but all persons interessed in these Operations, are to be discharged of all Fifteenths, Tenths, Subsidies, Taxes, Impositions and Charges, except such as are excepted in the Patent, and all Officers, Miners, etc. to be free from Juries and Arrests, for which the Civil Law (which is the ground of most of our Laws concerning Arts) gives this reason, because the Charge, Care, Circumspection and Labour (if duly executed) are so great and advantageous to the Public, that it was thought but reasonable by the Romans, and by their example for us, to give them encouragement by such Concessions. And that this Nation was so unknowing in the guidance of this Affair, is evident from the great quantities of Slags from Lead, and Cinders from Iron, which by former Ages were thrown aside as of no use, but to mend High ways, or to build with instead of Stone. But of these our present Artists do make as great if not greater profit, then of fresh Oars; for which though Philosophers give some specious reasons, yet their goodness may rather be imputed to the defect of former skill, in not duly melting and refining them, then from any improvement of their Nature by so long lying under the Concoction of Heat. A fourth reason was, that Arts and Sciences might be improved, and in their very Improvement rewarded; Curiosity being not so prevalent a spur to Knowledge as expectation of Gain. Now of the Seven Mechanical Arts, viz. Agriculture, Clothing, Navigation, Hunting, Architecture, Medicine and Martial Discipline; and of the Seven Liberal Sciences, viz. Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Astrology, Geometry, Arithmetic and Music; they who deal in the Conduct of Mines must be well versed in at least five of the Seven Arts, and four of the Seven Sciences, And though the first Incorporations consisted but of 60, yet they had power to take in 240; and really whatever at present men may think) that number is scarce sufficient (as may hereafter be shown) to carry on so great an Affair. For it may be confidently affirmed, that as to all Metals (except Gold, of which we have but a small quantity) and useful Minerals, no proportion of Ground in Europe affords better of all sorts (and Quantities enough for our own uses, and to supply others with good advantages) than this Island of Great Britain and I eland; for though Scotland be not under our Conduct, yet it is known that there also are good Mines. But the fifth and chief reason of those Incorporations (as is conceived) was, that they might stand as Mediators between the strictness of the King's Prerogative, and the Subject's presuppositions of an Equitable propriety. And this was the great Prudence of that Queen and Her Council to erect such Moderators, lest (upon mistake of the Earl of Northumberlands Case, or other Foundation from the Irresolution of the three dissenting Judges of the twelve) others might raise further Disputes. CHAP. XXIV. The profits and advantages which were made by the first Incorporators, as well to the Crown as to themselves, by the several Mines and Works at first wrought by them, and what those were. AFter the Suit determined between the Queen and the Earl of Northumberland, the Society did erect several Mills and Works at Keswick in Cumberl. under the conduct of Howceter a German, where they had plenty of good and rich Copper oar, Copper Works. which afforded great profit to themselves and the Nation. But by the death of the first German Artisans, and the neglect of a continued Stock, and want of Evil in those Parts, and the succeeding Wars, all those Mills and Works stand ready (though much out of repair) for the Ingenuity of the present Incorporators or others, which in due time may be taken into consideration. And as encouragements it appears by the old Books, that for many years there was very great profit made of them, both Public and Private: and it may be evidenced that all sorts of Copper and Brass Manufacture might from thence receive both for Ourselves and Foreiners; and these maintained no less than 4000 Artificers and Labourers daily. The other great Work was of Iron at Whitbrook and Tintorne in Munmothshire, Iron Wier Works. for the working of Iron Wier for Cards for Woollen Cloth, which is still kept in work by Mr. Foley, now Treasurer to the Society. This also yielded a great benefit to the Nation, and to the Society; but by reason of the Acts of Parliament made against importing of Foreign Wier are something imperfect, and for other reasons, they afford little: to which also the Society will doubtless have more regard, because it concerneth somewhat the good or ill of the Clothing Manufacture, by the exportation of our Wire, and importation of Foreign Wire; and this Work, and other Iron Works which support them, did also employ at least 4000 Men daily, and so have done for many years by Mr. Foley, whose Example herein aught to be recorded to Posterity for imitation. There were also other excellent Works of Latin and Brass Manufactures in Nottinghamshire, Latin and Brass works. conducted by the Lord John Byron, and others about London; to which was allowed a large Stock, for they set on work no less than 8000 Men daily, and did produce great advantage to the Crown and themselves. But these Latin and Brass Works are decayed, and those Arts almost gone with the Artists, which ought to be considered and revived. The chief Mines which produce Silver now in working (though not effectually) are those Mines Royal at Coomsumblock, Silver Mines. and the Darren Hills, Coommervin, Cogincan, Tallabont, Coomustwith, Tredole, Thruscott and Rossevawre; which were the old Roman Works. Near to which are conveniently placed the Smelting and Refining Mills, Silver Mills. which therefore are called the Silver Mills. All which are in the Township of Skibery Coed, in the Parish of Llanny Hangell Genner Glynn, alias lany Hangell Castle Qualton, in the County of Cardigan, alias Shire Abertivy. These five great Works were wrought for many years with the joint Stock of the first Incorporators, under the Conduct of themselves; but afterward Sir Hugh Middleton undertook those in Cardiganshire, paying 400 l. per annum Rent to the Society, and he cleared Monthly the sum of 2000 l. and had he not diverted his Gains to the making of the New River from Ware to London, certainly he would have been Master of a Mass of Wealth; but great Wits and Purses seldom know how to give bounds to their Designments, and by undertaking too many things, fail in all. And we may further give credit to the Beneficialness of those Mines, whenas Mr. Thomas bushel, by his Knowledge and Ingenuity to work them to the best advantage, did find business enough there for a Mint, and with the Product thereof made provision for the Clothing of the late Kings whole Army. These two last are particularly mentioned, that the Product of the others may be collected by the Instances of these. And as for the advantages which the due management of these would produce, they are hinted in Chap. V & VI But it might be added with a submissive Confidence, that with due care herein we might give Law to all Europe, as to all Utensils of Metals, whether considered Domestic or Public, Civil or Martial. And the Advantages being so, we may justly infer, that by the not duly and carefully managing of this Affair, the Disadvantages are in the same degrees as much prejudicial to the Interest of this Kingdom, as the due use of them would be profitable. For it is clearly demonstrable, that every Year for many Years past, this Kingdom hath by negligence herein lost a Million of Money, which by vigilance they might have saved: whereby we want when others abound with our own natural Store. To give a particular Demonstration of these Five Works would make this Treatise too large; but because it may be satisfactory to some Persons, by a Scheme or Map to see the Manner and Position of the Silver Mines, whereby they may judge of others, here is affixed a Plot of the Mines at Come-some-luck in Cardiganshire, as also an account of the Materials and Number of Men belonging to them, with the Officers for the Mines, Mills and Mint; for the better direction to such as may undertake the like. A Map of the Mine of Come-some-luck. COMSUMLOCK HILL. depiction of Comsumlock Hill A 1, 2, 3, 4. The old Works of Sir Hagh Middleton and Mr. bushel. to B The Round Holes signify the Shafts of the Mine. B The Windlass to wind up Oar out of the Shafts. CD A New Vein. E Sir Hugh Middleton's Adit which carried but that Level. F The New Adit which carries on the Great Level now working. G Mr. Dickinsons and Mr. Hills Adit to drain the Castle Works. H Sir Hugh Middleton's decayed Chapel. I The old Stamping House. K The Smelting Mills. L A great Space of Ground not yet wrought, to be supposed six miles from the Hill. M The Brook that divides the Hill. N The Stream which drives the Mills. THE ROMAN WORKS. depiction of Roman Works THE DARREIN HILLS, OR ROMAN WORKS. A 1, 2. The old Roman Fort. B The Roman Trench through and cross the Hill. C The Mine Works. D A great space of Ground never wrought. E The Shafts to the Mines. F The Small Brooks which divide the Hills. G The Places for Adits to the Mine. H The Rake of the Mine. I A Trench crossing the Darrein Hills to find Oar. K Another Trench for that purpose. L A Passage for Horses to carry Oar. CHAP. XXV. Of the Silver Mills. ABout three miles from Tallibont there is a certain Stream of Water, which falls into four great Wheels, whose Turning guides the rising and falling of the Bellows, and Stampers which belong to the Hearths and Furnaces, for Smelting, Stamping and Refining. And that the Nature of them may the better be known, here followeth a Particular taken in Anno 1667, of all Utensils and Attendances to them belonging. At the great Smelting Mills. Five Hearths with Backs, Cheeks, Workstones, Iron Plates, and other necessaries. Five Pair of large Smelting Bellows with Beams, Frames, Swords, Triddles, Clogs, and all things to them appertaining; one new large Water wheel with Water-troughs, Sluices, and other necessaries convenient for working the said five Hearths. One great Pair of Scales, with ten Half-hundred Weights of Lead, and other small Weights needful. Three Wooden Measures for White Cole, six Wheel-barrows, six Shovels of Iron, with Iron Forks and Tongues, five Moulds, and a Ladle for Casting. And to these belong 10 Men, 10 Men. and these five Hearths may well employ 500 Miners. In the Oar-house. One great Beam with Scales and Iron Chains, and several Weights for Oar. 1 Man. 1 Man. In the Old Mint-house. One Pair of small Bellows, one Wind-Furnace to melt Silver in, made with Brick and Iron bars; one large Beam of Iron, and Brass Scales, with several piles of Brass Weights, and other Weights to weigh Silver with; one great Iron-bound Chest with three Locks, formerly used for the Coiners there, with old defaced Stamps therein, one Table-counter with Cupboards, Shelves, etc. 1 Man. 1 Man. In the Stamping Mills. One large Shed lately erected over certain Stampers, with a new Frame for them; three sets of Stampers, one for wet Slags, one for dry, and one for Bone-ashes, all faced with Iron, and beat upon great Iron Planks cast for the purpose only; one large Water-wheel with Troughs, etc. for drawing the said Stamps, and the annexed Mill to grind Bone-ashes, with a pair of Stones, and all things necessary for Grinding and Sifting bone-ashes in order to Refining. 1 Man. 1 Man. One Smith's shop with Bellows, Tongues, Anvils, Hammers, Vice, Sledges, Grindstone, etc. thereunto appertaining. 1 Man. 1 Man. Six great Tubs (of Cask) Buddles, Sieves, Rakes, Shovels, and other necessaries for washing and cleansing of Slags. 2 Men. 1 Man. At the Refining Mill. Several Troughs and Sluices for the conveying of Water to the Mill, one large new Wheel, that carrieth three Pair of bellows, with Swords, Beams, Truddles, Frames, Clogs, and all things appertaining in good order. One Pair of very large bellows for the Test only, with a great Frame or Model of Iron cast, to make the Test in, with a great Cap of Stone in a Case of Iron fit for Refining; as also an Engine or Winlace, with Ropes and Pulleys to draw up the same, with several Refining Irons, Feeding Plate of Iron, Tongues, Furnace with Iron door, grates, and bars of Iron, etc. necessary thereto, one pair of reducing bellows and furnace to melt the Litharidge into Lead, after refining with Irons, etc. necessary thereunto. 2 Men. 2 Men. One Pair of bellows and Furnace for melting of Slags, with Iron bars, Shovels, etc. necessary thereunto; one plancked Plate for tempering the bone-ashes with beaters, and a Room made fit to lay Corn in. 2 Men. 2 Men. A the Red Lead Mill. One great Water wheel, with several Sluices, Troughs and Dams thereunto belonging; four Pair of stones for grinding Red Lead, one large Oven with several Chimneys for making and colouring Red Lead, with Iron forks, Rakes, Shovels, etc. for the same; as also one great Iron Door and Door case to the said Oven, and two other Iron Doors in Iron Frames, with Iron gates and and bars to the Fire-hearths of the said Oven. One great Copper Bason to wash Red Lead in, one Iron Ladle, Tunnel, etc. one great Beam and Scales to weigh Red Lead with, several sets of Cooper's Tools, great Plains, etc. necessary for making Red Lead Cask. 2 Men. 2 Men. Materials at the Mines Royal. At Tallabont three great washing Tubs, two brass wire Sieves, one Beam and Scales with Weights for Oar, one great Trewerne with Iron wheels to carry out deads' belonging to the Addits', as also Pumps, Timber, Ropes, and other necessaries belonging to those works. Washers 2. At Coginian, one Smith shop with Bellows, Anvil, Hammers, Sledges, etc. for sharpening of tools for the works, six tubs, several Iron Riddles, Sieves, Buddles, Rakes and other necessaries for dressing of Oar, with one beam, 2 Washers. scales and weights for weighing thereof, several Pumps, Ropes, Timber, etc. belonging to the said work. Washers 2. Also several tubs and sieves for dressing of Hillock Oar at Coomervin, and Coomsumblock, with Timber, Pumps, and Scales to weigh Timber therewithal, and four dozen of Oar bags to lie in the Carrier's hands and Custody. To keep these Mineral works in constant repair, there is always besides the Smith, a Carpenter continually attending. Officers necessary to be employed by the Society. A Treasurer. 2 Correspondents. A Supervisor of the Mills and Works. One Master worker, or Chief Steward, who ought to understand the whole concern of the Mills and Works, both as to Smelting and Refining, and all materials thereunto belonging, as White coal, Black coal, and Charcoal, and also to be able to assist the Steward of the Mines in making contracts with the Miners, the best and savingest way for the good of the works, and the undertakers. One Vnder-Steward to reside at the Mines, and to attend the Miners and their works, and to see they work them fairly, and according to their Contracts, and also to dyal and level the works, and as occasion requires to provide Timber and other necessaries, and to see the Oar well cleansed before it be sent to the Mills, and to keep an account thereof as it is sent in by the several Carriers. One Paymaster to be a good Accountant to reside near the Mills to pay the several Miners and workmen, their Accounts being first made up by the Master-worker and Steward of the Mines, and fairly entered by him. One Clerk as an ordinary person to attend daily on the Mills, to receive in, and see measured and weighed, and to deliver out by measure and weight all White coal, Black coal and Oar, as they daily come in; and to keep an exact account of all Oar delivered to the Smelters, that the Mill Book may agree with the Stewards of the Mines. Also one Carpenter and one Smith. Besides these there are about 50. or 60. Carriers, according to the quantity of Oar; raised with horses, who usually carry two bags of Oar, containing 200. weight, which they deliver to the Clerk employed for that purpose, who is constantly to attend the bringing in thereof, who keeps several Tallies with such Carriers as brings the same, which Tallies (the Carrier's being gone for more Oar) are fairly entered by him which keeps the Mill Book, by which the quantities are known, and from which works such Oar comes, and when the same is delivered forth to the Smelters to be wrought, he which keeps the Mill-Book and stands charged therewith, delivers the same to the several Smelters that are to work it, and keeps an exact account thereof, by which the product of the severa. Oars doth more certainly appear. These are all the Officers and Agents needful, unless upon great increase of works and workmen, and then one other Steward to assist at the Mines, to see the Oar clean and weighed, will be fit. The Miners are to find themselves Iron, Steel and Candles at their own charge. The Masters are only to find Timber for the Works, and Ropes, Pumps, Tubs and Sieves to cleanse the Oar, and Bags to carry it to the Mills. Now this Master-Worker, Chief Steward, Chief Essay-Master, or Chief Refiner (for these are his several Titles) answering the greatness of his Trust, for he is as it were Judge, between the King and the People, his Prerogative and their Propriety, by distinguishing Mines and Oars, and by Assaying the Oars, he is to give his judicious determination therein, founded on the Artificial Method . And being thus form in Ingots, Cakes or Dollars, they are usually in gross called Bullion. CHAP. XXVI. Of the Mint and Officers belonging to it. THE Silver and Gold being thus extracted into Bullion by Labour and Art, certain Officers of the Societies, or of their Lessees, are obliged to carry it to the King's Mint, which signifieth with us the place where the King's Gold, Silver, or other Mettle is coined or form into such shape, or with such distinguishing Impressions as he thinks fit. This Mint is at present, and long hath been in the Tower of London: But it appears by several Coins of Silver and Gold, Anno 21. Rich. 2. c. 16. & Anno 9 Hen. 5. Sta. 5. cap. 5. that there was a Mint at Dunwich in the County of Suff. in the time of Hen. 2. and Hen. 3. Afterwards at Calais, and of late years one erected at the Silver Mills in Cardiganshire, and at Shrewsbury, and in other parts of the Kingdom, according to the King's occasions. The Officers belonging to it have not been always alike, but at this present they are these. The Warden, who is the Chief of the rest, Warden. and is by his Office to receive the Silver from the Goldsmiths, and to pay them for it, and to oversee all the rest belonging to this Function; his Fee is 100 l. per. Annum. Master-worker. The Master-worker, who receiveth the Silver from the Warden, causeth it to be melted, and delivereth it to the Moniers, and taketh it from them again when it is made; his Allowance is not any set Fee, but according to the Poundweight. The third is the controller, controller. who is to see the Money be made the just Assize, to oversee the Officers and control them if the Money be not as it ought to be; his Fee is 100 Marks per Annum. Assay-master. Then is the Master of the Assay, who weigheth the Silver, and sees that it be according to the Standard; his Yearly Fee is also 100 Marks. Then is the Auditor to take the Accounts and make them up, and audit them. Next the Surveyor of the Melting, Auditor. Surveyor. who is to see the Silver cast out, and not to be altered after it is delivered to the Melter, which is after the Assay-Master hath made trial of it. Clerk of the Irons. Then is the Clerk of the Irons to see that the Irons be clean and fit to work withal. Then the Graver, who graveth the Stamps for the Money. Graver. Smiter. Then the Smiter of Irons, after they be graved, smites them upon the Money. Then the Melters, Melters. that melt the Bullion before it come to the Coining. Then the Blanchers, Blanchers. Porter. who do anneale, boil and cleanse the Money. The Porter, who keeps the Gate of the Mint. Then the Provost of the Mint, Provost. Moniers. who is to provide for all the Moniers, and to oversee them. Lastly, the Moniers, who are some to sheer the Money, some to forge it, some to beat it abroad, some to round it, and some to stamp or coin it; their Wages is not by the Day or Year, but uncertain, according to the Weight of the Money Coined by them. There are other ingenious ways used by Screws, etc. which may be seen at the Tower in London. CHAP. XXVII. Of Money. Metal being thus Coined or Minted, it is called Coin from Cudere to forge, or from Communis, because it is then made common, or from the French word Coin, which signifies a Corner, because most of the Coins anciently were made with Angles, and some at this day in Spain and France. Or it is more probable, Vorstigan makes King and Cuning Synonyma's, so may King, Cuning and Coining; for his Regality is shown by his Coin, and to know the intrinsic value, use and allays fit for Coin, shows his Cunning; for we use that word to express a subtlety, or exquisite knowledge of any Art or Science. But the Romans had three names for Coin; Pecunia from Pecora, ; because men who abounded in were accounted rich, and called Pecuarii; and now those who abound in Coin are called Pecuniosi; The other name they gave was Nummus from King Numa as 'tis conjectured, who first gave an Impression on them; or from Numero, and therefore when money was paid, they say, and so we in our Law, it was paid Pecuniis numeratis. But it may as properly come from Numen a Deity, for the Romans had Tutelary Gods for every thing, and those who writ of subterranean spirits (if credit may be given to their stories) would induce us to believe the same, and indeed our Welsh Miners are of that opinion: for, say they, when we approach to the Master vein of a Mine, or near to any danger by digging too near the irruption of waters, they usually here knocking, which they call the Knockers, or a noise like that which their own Pickaxes make, both in expecting profit, or shunning danger, (A Discourse of this is printed by Mr. bushel, which happened in the Mines at Tallabont in Wales:) and so the Knockers may be called Numina Mineralia, or the Tutelary subterranean spirits of our Mines. The third name they gave it after it was Coined or Minted was Moneta, which we English Money, and St. Austin says it was derived from Monere, to admonish, and as it were to warn us, that all our disposals of it, should be Honest, Just, Honourable, and to Charitable Ends. CHAP. XXVII. Of Artificial Metals and Money. THe Manner of Adulterating and Sophisticating Metals and Moneys, is an Art belonging to Alchemy, and not properly the subject of this History. But in respect that by the Artifices of that Art our Staple and Standard Coin is abused, the base Metal being so overlaid or tincturd, that the Eye is deceived, or so curiously intermixed with base Metal, or other Ingredients, that the very Judgements of lesser Artists are also deceived, (especially when neither Touch nor Fire, (only weight) can distinguish them from better Metals) it is necessary to have some remedies against such Impostures: And it seems there were of these subtleties practised in former Ages; for we find in Poultons' Statutes, 5 of Hen. 4. cap. 24. these words, Item, It is ordained and established, that none from henceforth shall use to multiply Gold or Silver, nor use the craft of Multiplication, and if any the same do, that he incur the Penalty of Felony in this case: Now that which this Statute calls Multiplying and Multiplication, is either by counterfeiting Metals, or adding greater Alloy than the Standard allows, or by clipping, or otherwise lessening their due weight and proportions, and this Statute had so good effect, that our Records take no more notice of such Artists, till near 50 years after; for Mr. Prinn in his Aurum Reginae saith, that in the 34th. of the Reign of Henry VI the King, by advice of his Council and Parliament did then grant 4 successive Patents and Commissions to several Knights, Citizens of London, Chemists Monks and Mass-priests (non obstante the Law of Henry iv) to find out the Philosopher's stone or Elixir, which would not only cure all Diseases, and make Men live to the utmost possibility of Nature; but likewise transubstantiate other Metals into most true and solid Gold and Silver, to the great benefit of the Realm, and the enabling the King in very few years to pay all the Debts of the Crown in real Gold and Silver; and these Commissions and Patents (saith he in his Marginal Notes) the King granted to ecclesiastics upon this very account, that because they were so good Artists in Transubstantiating Bread and Wine in the Eucharist, they might as well transubstantiate base Metals into better. But it seems the King (upon better advice) did in the 35th. of his Reign grant new Letters Patents to ten several Considerable Persons of Eminent Qualities, (therein mentioned) to judge and certify to Him whether the thing were practical or no, and whether it would conduce more to the good or hurt of the Kingdom. But it seems Mr. Prinn with his indefatigable Labours could not find any Report upon the Patent, whether or no the Philosopher's stone was found, or whether the King's debts were paid thereby; or else he reserved that secret to himself. However our Laws take little notice of them till the 7th. of Edward VI in Dier 88 when one Eden confessed himself guilty of Multiplication, viz. that he had practised to make the Fifth Essence, and the Philosopher's stone, whereby all Metals may be made Gold and Silver; and also that he had accused one Whally than Prisoner in the Tower, that he did move and procure him to practise that Art, and that Whally had employed Money for red wine and other things necessary for that Art; and because the offence was but Felony Eden the Principal was pardoned by the General Pardon, but Whally as Accessary to the Felony was excepted, as one of those who were then in the Tower. Now besides the former Reasons this may be added as one very probable, why the Queen did frame these Corporations, viz. that they might see and inspect those Impostures and Sophistications so destructive to Commutative Justice, and to represent the Reformation thereof to Herself, or to those which should succeed Her, whether done by Foreiners or Natives. Nor was there ever more ground for the same then in this Age, where the Arts of this nature are so much practised, lest their Delights (which in themselves are commendable, producing most admirable effects in their several Operations) should tempt men to make the innocent and unskilful to receive those things for real and natural, which are but adulterated by their Arts. And therefore this History was writ, that the Societies may be known, and the Persons who at present conduct the same, and that their aim is not at the Philosopher's stone, Elixir or Quintessence (which though several in name are one in intent) but their chief business is to take care that the productions of our Mines and Metals may go to their right use, that is, for the public good. And therefore to conclude this First Part, whoever shall aim at this Philosopher's stone, according to the agreement of all Writers therein, they must be Men of upright and unblemished Lives and Conversations, free from Vice, and practisers of all Moral Virtues, Contemners of the World, and only thereby to study the public good of others, and not enriching themselves, and from such there is no fear of danger, because their Study is only to do good and not to deceive; nor is there much danger in the other, who under pretence of gaining this Rarity do but delude themselves and others, because their Impostures may soon be discovered by that Wisdom and Care which properly belongs to these Societies, and humbly recommended to them. THE SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY OF THE Mines Royal. THE SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY of the MINES ROYAL. CHAP. I. An Abstract of the Original Grants of the Society of the City of London, of and for the MINES ROYAL. 1. QUEEN ELIZABETH by Letters Patents, dated the 10th. of October, in the 6th. Year of Her Reign, did grant unto Houghsetter and Thurland, and their Heirs for ever, Licence to search for Mines, Oars or Ewres of Gold, Silver, Copper or Quicksilver, in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Cornwall, Devon, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and in Wales; and to try and convert the same unto their own profit, so as they search not under any Castles, Forts, etc. nor within any Houses, Gardens, etc. of any Subject without their consent, making recompense for all damages. 2. None to dig or search for Mines Royal without the Licence of Houghsetter and Thurland. 3. Power to purchase Lands within those Counties or in Wales, as any other Subject may do. 4. None to attempt within 20 years to use any Instruments or Tools which they use, and hath not been used within 20 years' last passed, nor to use their manner of roasting. 5. Power to take up at reasonable rates and prizes Workmen, Timber, Wood, Coals, etc. 6. All Mayors, Sheriffs, Justices, etc. to be assisting to them in their Searches; and to apprehend others that shall attempt to work or use any Tools contrary to this Grant, and to commit them to Gaol. 7. No former Grant to be prejudicial to this Grant. 8. A Proviso that the Patentees shall use their Privileges jointly and not severally. CHAP. II. An Abstract of the Indenture of Covenants of the 10th. of Octob. 6 Eliz. between the Queen and the Patentees. 1. THe Queen reciting Her former Grant did covenant not to give Licence to any others to search or dig, etc. in those 8 Counties, or in Wales, and that none shall search, etc. without consent of the Patentees, and that She will hinder all others, etc. And that She will deface and destroy all Tools, Instruments, etc. save only the Patentees. 2. Thurland and Houghsetter covenant that the Queen shall have the tenth part of all Gold, Silver and Quicksilver found, neat without melting, the tenth part of all Gold and Silver Ewer holding 8 pounds' weight or upwards in every 100 weight; and the preemption of all Gold or Silver found neat or tried, paying 8 d. per ounce for Gold, and 1 d for Silver, less than the common rate; and for the first five Years 2 s. for ever 100 weight of Copper, or the 20th. part, at Her Majesty's Election. And after the first five Years 2 s. 6 d. or the 15th. part, at the Queen's Election; and to be supplied with Copper upon a Years notice, paying as others; but in case the Queen do not require it, they may transport it, paying Custom and Subsidies. 3. If the Patentees shall find a Mine where they cannot conveniently have Wood at reasonable prizes, they may transport the Oar, paying half Duties for every 100 weight of Copper after the rate of 40 s. and so much ready Money as the Queen's Part shall amount unto. 4. A Covenant from the Queen that no former Licence shall be prejudicial to the Patentees, but they shall be preferred before others. 5. A Covenant from the Patentees, that if they find any rough Pearls, etc. the Queen to have the 10th. part, and preemption of the rest, paying ready Money; and such portion of Tin as the Queen had in Cornwall, and of Lead, as was accustomed in other places. 6. A Covenant from the Patentees, that they will bring the Queen's part of Copper and Tin to the place of Coinage in every Shire, not above one mile distant by Land from the Melting place, or 12 miles by Water, to be weighed and marked, etc. 7. A Covenant from the Queen, that they and their Partners, not exceeding 24, whereof 16 to be English, shall be discharged of all Fifteenths, &c and other Taxes, so their Names be certified into the Chancery within six Months, where they may have their Warrant of Allowance, etc. 8. A Covenant from the Queen, that they may bring in such Strangers as they need to work, being no Enemies, and to be received into the Queen's protection, and to be Indenizoned if they will. 9 A Covenant from the Queen, that they may bring in Victuals, and Tools, and Instruments for the Workmen and the Works, as they shall need, without Custom, etc. so as Entry be made thereof in the Custom house. After this Grant followed the Suit between the Queen and the Earl of Northumberland before mentioned; and upon a long Debate, and great Learning showed by all the Twelve Judges, as may be fully seen in Plowdens' Reports, Nine of the Twelve Judges gave their Judgements according to the substance of this following Abstract. CHAP. III. An Abstract of the Opinion of the Judges concerning a Mine Royal, in the Term of Saint Hilary, in the tenth Year of Queen ELIZABETH, being the Conclusive part of Plowdens' Reports, concerning Mines. THere is a Diversity between a Mine of Copper, containing in itself Gold, and a Mine of Gold containing in itself Copper; for when the Mine is called a Mine of Copper, containing in itself Gold, it is intended the Copper is the greater, and the Gold the less; for every thing contained is less than the thing containing, and that which comprehendeth a thing is greater than the thing comprehended; and therefore where the Copper is the greater, the Mine takes his Name from that, and is called a Mine of Copper containing Gold: and by the same reason, if it be called a Mine of Gold containing Copper, the Gold whereof the Mine hath its Name is the greater, and the Copper the less. And this agrees with their Opinions who have treated of Metallick matters, and with the Records of the Exchequer, which prove that the King hath the Mines of Copper containing or holding Gold or Silver, although the Gold or Silver be the less. But how it shall be esteemed the greater or lesser is the Dispute; that is, whether it shall be taken according to the quantity, or quality, or value thereof. Some are of opinion according to the quantity, saying, that that thing which comprehendeth an other, is greater than the other thing comprehended; as a Hogshead of Wine, or a Barrel of Beer, for the Hogshead in quantity is greater than the Wine, and the Barrel than the Beer, but not in value; and yet it takes his name from the greater, and therefore is called a Hogshead of Wine. And the Mine of Copper containing Gold hath its name from the greater in quantity; but not as from the value, for in the Mine of Copper containing Gold the Gold may be of the greater value. And herein regard aught to be had to the value of the Gold or Silver; for if there be but a Quill full of Gold or Silver in a great quantity of Copper, there is no reason that that small quantity should be respected; but the Gold or Silver ought to be of some value of itself, over and above the charge, and over and above the base Metal consumed in getting thereof; for if the quantity of the value be not respected, than the Gold or Silver (how little soever they be) shall entitle the Crown to all the Mines of base Metal in the Realm. For the Writers of Metals do agree, that there is naturally some proportion of Gold or Silver in every Metal; and the Smelters and Refiners do make it evident, that there is in Copper naturally Gold and Silver, and in Lead and Iron there is naturally Silver. And so if there should be no regard had to the quantity of Gold or Silver which is in the base Metals, the King should have all the Mines of base Metals in the Realm, and the Subject having Mines of base Metals in his own Lands, they are of no effect: for there is not (according to the said Authors) any such Mine either in this Kingdom or elsewhere, which hath not some Gold or Silver in it. And therefore it seemeth reasonable to consider the nature of a poor Mine, and the value of the Gold and Silver in the base Metal; and that the Product be of such value, that it countervail the charge of getting it, or otherwise there is no reason that it should draw the Property of the base Metal to the Crown; but if otherwise, than it is to be a Mine Royal. CHAP. IU. An Abstract of the Letters Patents dated the 28th. of May, in the 10th. Year of Q. ELIZABETH, Incorporating for ever the Society of the MINES ROYAL. 1. REciting the Letters Patents granted to Tho. Thurland and Daniel Houghsetter, dated 10 Oct. b. in the 6th. Year of Her Reign, etc. 2. Grants Power to assign to any Person or Persons Parts and Portions of their said Privileges, Immunities, &c and ratifies and confirms all Immunities, Licenses, Privileges formerly to them granted. 3. Grants the said Licence, Immunities, Privileges, etc. unto William Earl of Pembroke, Robert Earl of Leicester, James Lord Montjoy, Sir William Cecil, Knight; Tho Thurland, Daniel Houghsetter, John Tamworth, and Jo. Dudley, Esquires; Lionel Ducket, Citizen and Alderman of London; Benedict Spinola, of London Merchant; Jo. Loner, Will. Winter, Anthony Ducket, Roger Wetherall, Rich. Springham, Jeffry Ducket, Rich. Barnes, Will Platten, Tho. Smith, Will. Bird, Gent. Daniel Ulstet, a Germane; Mat●hew Field, George Needham, and Edmund Thurland, all the said Privileges, etc. and Incorporates them for ever, and their Successors, by the Name of The Governors, Assistants, and Commonalty for the Mines Royal, and so to continue for ever. 4. Enables them by that Name to purchase Lands, Tenements, etc. and to alien, set or let the same, and to sue, implead, etc. and to be sued, etc. in any Court before any Judge Spiritual or Temporal, concerning any the Affairs belonging to the said Governors, Assistants, and Commonalty, etc. 5. Power to choose one or two Governors, one or two Deputy-governours', and six or more Assistants. 6. Ordains Lionel Ducket and Daniel Houghsetter, the first Governors; Anthony Ducket and Daniel Ulstet the first four Deputy governor's; Jo. Tamworth, Tho. Thurland, Benedict Spinola, John Loner, Will. Winter, and Roger Wetherall, the first Assistants; until the first Monday in May 1569, and thence if need be till others are chosen. 7. Power to keep Courts, to elect Officers, to make By-laws, Acts and Ordinances, when and where they please within, etc. and to admit more Members English or Strangers, etc. and to revoke Rules, Ordinances, etc. Every Member to have half a quarter of a 24th. Part, or a Gentleman of 40 Marks per Annuum in certain Counties a quarter part at least. 8. To rule and govern Officers, Ministers, Workmen and Labourers according to the Ordinances, etc. and to remove Members, and impose Fines, to purchase Lands, to elect one or two Officers who are called Sergeants, to collect the Fines, and to arrest Body and Goods. 9 Their Precepts to be obeyed in Cities, etc. and all Officers indemnified for their obedience thereto. 10. A Member having a Quarter part, his Voice is as good as two Members of half Quarter parts, and so of the rest greater Parts proportionably. 11. All Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. to be assisting. CHAP. V An Abstract of the Indenture of Covenants between the Queen and the Corporation. BY Indenture dated the 16th. day of June in the 10th. year of Queen Elizabeth, made between the Queen of the one part, and the Corporation of the Mines Royal of the other part; reciting the Indenture of Covenants of the 10th. of October in the 6th. year: The Company did covenant with the Queen to pay, deliver, observe, perform, fulfil and keep all Payments, Customs, Subsidies, Coinage, Sums of money, Gold, Silver, Precious stones, Pearls, Copper, Parts, Portions, Preemptions, Covenants, Grants, Articles and Agreements in that Indenture specified on the Patentees behalf to be paid, delivered, reserved, performed, etc. And that the Queen shall have all such Payments, Sums of money, Customs, Subsidies, Coinage, Duties, Gold, Silver, Precious stones, Pearls, Copper, Parts, Portions, Preemptions, etc. which the Patentees had covenanted the Queen should have. CHAP. VI An Abstract of the Grant of the Mineral and Battery-works, 17 Sept. 7 Eliz. 1. BY Letters Patents the Queen granted to William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz all manner of Ewres simple and pure, or mixed and compound, of the Metals of Gold, Silver, Copper and Quicksilver; and all other Minerals and Treasures likely to be found in Earth or Ground in England, Wales, and the English Pale in Ireland; and of Tin and Lead in such sort as by Law is or hath been used, (Copperice and Allom, and the Mines in the last Patent excepted.) 2. Therein is granted Power to dig, to build Houses, not to dig under Houses, nor in the Mines in the last Patent excepted, without consent, indifferent Persons to award a recompense; none to use their Tools or Instruments, or to dig for 21 Years, Disturbers of Workmen to be committed for six Months without Bail or Mainprize; to take up Necessaries for the Work, as Wood, Timber, etc. at reasonable rates; and if the Queen be minded to work any Mines without the English Pale, than William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz shall have like Privilege and Power as if the same had been granted. 3. Free for the Queen to resume this Grant for Her proper use only, and not to grant it to other Persons; their Charge, Loss, Expense, and Interest to be allowed by six indifferent Citizens, whereof two to be Aldermen, to be equally chosen; the Referrees to deliver a Certificate of the Charge to the Lord Treasurer, who is to make payment thereupon; and if after Resumption the Queen shall decline the working, than William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, their Heirs and Assigns, to have the preference of Farming it, etc. 17 Sept. 7 Eliz. A Patent to the same Persons of the Callamine stone, or Lapis Callaminaris, within the same places, and with like powers, for the better Composition of the mixed Metal called Latin, in reducing it to be soft and malleable for Wire, and mollifying of Iron and Steel, and drawing and forging them into Plates for Armour, in all our Realm of England and Wales, and within the English Fale in Ireland, power to dig, ut ante. CHAP. VII. The Abstract of the Indenture of Covenants between the Queen, and William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, dat. 17 Sept. 7 Eliz. concerning the Mineral and Battery-works. 1. FIrst, the Queen covenants, that no other Persons shall dig of or for what is granted. 2. William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz covenant to pay unto the Queen a 10th. part of all Gold, Silver and Quicksilver. 3. Gold. And for Gold oar to pay for every 100 weight 8 pound weight of fine Gold. 4. Silver. And for Silver the 20th. part, and the Queen to have the Preemption of the Oars, paying in every ounce of Gold 8 d. and in Silver 1 d. less than She can buy elsewhere, tobe paid within 30 days. 5. Tin. And for Tin, such portion as the Crown hath in Devonshire or Cornwall. 6. Lead. For Led, such Customs and Profits as are used in other parts of the Realm. 7. Callamint. Callamint, the 20th. part to the Crown, or the value thereof. 8. For every 100 weight of fine Copper during the first 6 years 2 s. or the 20th. part, at the election of the Crown; Copper. and after those six years 2 s. 6 d. or the 15th part, or the value thereof in Money. 9 The Queen to have what She will of Copper for Her Money, giving half a years notice. 10. If not, than power to transport the rest, paying the Customs. 11. Licence to transport the Ewres, where no Wood is. 12. No former Grant to any other shall prejudice Humfrey's Grant. 13. The Copper and Tin to be brought to the place of Coinage to be marked, not above 1. Mile by Land or 12 by Water. 14. Licence to bring over Workmen, being no Enemies to the Crown, and they to be indenizoned by the Great Seal without charge. 15. Not above 8 Strangers to be Partners at one time, and not to have above one third part of the whole. 16. Humphrey and Sbutz, etc. may bring over Victuals and Tools without Custom. 17. The Queen to have power to resume, paying to Humphrey and Shutz, their Heirs or Assigns, such recompense as shall be adjudged by 6 Citizens, whereof 2 to be Aldermen. 18. If the Queen let them again, then Humphrey and Shutz to have the Refusal. CHAP. IX. An Abstract of the first Incorporation of the Company of the Mineral and Battery-works, dated the 28th. of May, in the 10th. Year of Queen ELIZABETH. 1. THe Queen, reciting former Letters Patents, dated the 17th. of September, in the 7th. Year of Her Reign, unto William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, whereby She grants unto them to search, dig, and mine for the Callamine stone in all places of England, and within the English Pale in Ireland; and the only use and commodity thereof to have, and all sorts o● Battery wares, etc. and at their charge to erect Houses necessary, etc. with divers other Powers, etc. And also reciting other Letters Patents, dated the same Day and Year; whereas before that time the Queen had given privilege to Cornelius Devoz for digging Allom and Copperice, etc. And reciting further the Grant to Thomas Thurland and Daniel Houghsetter to dig for Oars of Gold, Silver, Copper and Quicksilver in the Counties of York, Lancaster Cumberland, Westmoreland Cornwall, Devon, Gloucester, Worcester, and in Wales, etc. with liberty to grant and assign Parts and Portions, etc. Ratifies and confirms all Immunities and Privileges to Will. Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, etc. And, 2. Doth give and grant unto Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, William Earl of Pembroke, Robert Earl of Leicester, William Lord Cobham, Sir William Cecil Knight, Sir Walter Mildmay Knight, Sir Henry Sidney Knight, Sir Francis Jobson Knight, Sir William Garret Knight; Rowland Hayward, John Tamworth, Peter Osburne, Thomas Cecil, Francis Agard, Thomas Fleetwood, William Roberts, Henry Codenham, Robert Christmas, Roger Wetherall, William Patten, Christopher Chewt, Thomas Smith, William Dodington, William Bird, George Barnes, William Humphrey; Christopher Shutz, Anthony Gammage, Richard Marten, Edmund Roberts, Francis Barty, Richard Handford, Edward Casteline, Jo. Goodrig, Jo. Lovison, William Williams, Christopher Birkbeck, and Andrew Palmer, that they by the Name of The Governors, Assistants, and Society of the Mineral and Battery-works, and their Successors, shall be Incorporate into a Body Politic to continue for ever. 3. Grants them a Common Seal, Liberty to purchase Privileges and Authorities formerly granted to the said William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, and to purchase Lands, Tenements, etc. by that Name, and to alien and sell the same, and be enabled to sue and be sued, etc. in all Courts, and before any Judge Spiritual or Temporal, etc. in all matters touching their Society. 4. Liberty to choose two Governors, two or more Deputies, and eight or more Assistants, Sir William Garret and Rowland Hayward the two first Governors, John Tamworth and Peter Osburne the two first Deputies, and Thomas Fleetwood, Henry Coddenham, William Bird, George Barn, William Humphrey, Christopher Shutz, Anthony Gammage, and Richard Marten, the 8 first Assistants, until the first Thursday in Decemb. after the Date, and from thence till new ones are chosen. 5. Power to assemble at their own pleasure, and to keep Courts there, and to elect their Governors, etc. and to make Rules and Ordinances for the well-governing the Affairs of the Society, etc. 6. Power to admit others to be Members, and to dismember, and to make Acts, and revoke the same upon occasion at pleasure; gives freedom to all the Society, Workmen, and Labourers, during the time of their Imloyment, not to be impanelled upon Juries, etc. 7. Licence to admit Aliens and Strangers as well as English, and to minister an Oath, and deliver Copies of Admittances under their Common Seal. 8. To rule and govern according to the Laws, etc. and to do speedy justice in putting them in execution. 9 To purchase Lands, etc. not held In Capite, nor above the yearly value of 100 l. over and above all charges. Power to set Fines, Pains, etc. upon any Member, Officer, Workman or Labourer, for any matter relating to the said Society. And if any be disobedient, they are to punish them as the quality of the Fault requires at discretion, which they are not to refuse. 10. Power to make one or more Sergeant or Sergeants, who is impowered to levy and gather all Fines, etc. and to arrest both Body and Goods in case of refusal of payment, in all places except Cities, etc. where the Mayor, etc. upon a Precept from the Society under their Seal, shall arrest and attach, etc. and the same to deliver over to the said Sergeant according to the tenor of the said Precept; and the said Mayor, etc. to be indemnified therefore. 11. Willing and commanding all Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. to be aiding and assisting to the said Society. CHAP. X. An Abstract of KING JAMES his Letters Patents, dated Jan. 28. in the second Year of His Reign, Incorporates for ever The Society of the City of London for the Mines Royal. 1. REciting the Letters Patents granted to Tho. Thurland and Daniel Houghsetter, dated the 10th. day of October in the 6th. Year of Queen Eliabeth, and other Recitals. 2. Grants all Mines and Oars therein recited to William Earl of Pembroke, Robert Viscount Cranborne, Henry Lord Windsor, Thomas Lord Burghley, Thomas Lord Gerrard, Sir John Popham Knight, Sir Edward Winter Knight, Sir Francis Popham Knight, Sir John Smith Knight, Sir Roger Owen Knight; Francis Nedham, Arnold Oldisworth, Christopher Toldervy, William Gammage, Francis Beale, Oats Nicholson, Richard Danford, Edward Barnes, Emanuel Demetrius, Abraham van Delden Emanuel Hechsteter, and Daniel Hechsteter; all Immunities formerly granted, and ratifies the same; and Incorporates them by the Name of The Governors, Assistants, and Society of the City of London of and for the Mines Royal; and by that Name to have Succession, and to continue for ever. 3. To choose one or two Governors, one or more Deputies, and six or more Assistants; and to have a Common Seal, and to purchase Lands, etc. 4 Robert Viscount Cranborne, Sir John Popham Knight, the first Governors; Sir John Smith and Arnold Oldisworth Esquire, the first Deputy-governours'; Sir Roger Owen Knight, Francis Nedham, Christopher Toldervy, Wil-Gammage, Francis Beale, and Oats Nicholson Assistants, until the first Monday in May 1605; and Annually that day to keep a general Court, and to elect Officers. 5. To keep Courts at such Places and Times as the Governors or Deputies shall think fit. 6. If any Officer elected die before the Year be expired, the Major Part to choose another in his place. 7. Power to keep Courts, to ordain and enact Statutes and Ordinances, to admit or expel such as are deemed unworthy to be Members of the Company; as also for the good Government of the Society. 8. All Persons to be admitted, before they be admitted to have a Quarter Part appointed for term of Life at least. 9 A Gentleman, and a Freeholder of an Estate of Inheritance within certain of the 8 Counties, of 40 Marks per Annum, before Admission to have half a quarter part assigned and to be admitted within 3 Years after the Date hereof. 10. An Oath to be administered to such as shall be admitted to be of the Company: and any Person admitted otherwise then is before expressed, not to be accounted a Member of the Company. 11. If any Person admitted to a Quarter or Half-quarter Part, and shall either alien, renounce, or otherwise by Act of Court be removed from the same, he shall no longer be held a Member of the Society. 12. A full Court to have power to dismember such of the Society as they shall determine unworthy to remain of it: and their Dismembering being entered into the Book of the Acts of the said Company. 13. The Parties so removed not to be held Members without new Admission. 14. Powers to keep Courts for putting the Acts and Statutes to be made in due execution, as well to rule and govern every Member of this Corporation, as all the Ministers, Officers and Workmen, touching all Causes and Controversies concerning their Privileges. 15. Power to them or any Member to purchase Lands, not exceeding the yearly value of 100 l. nor held In Capite, above all charges and reprises. 16. Power given by Fines, For foitures or Imprisonment, to punish any Member, Officer or Workmen of the Company, for breach of any Rules or Acts to be made, or for any other Offence in the Affairs of the Society. 17. No person offending, and censured as aforesaid, shall refuse to be ordered by this Society. 18. Power to make an Officer or more in London, or elsewhere, and him or them to be styled Sergeant or Sergeants of the Mines Royal, who have power to levy, receive and gather all Fines and Forfeitures aforesaid; and for default of payment to arrest as well the Body as Goods of the Offender. 19 The Offender being in any City or Town Corporate, upon a Precept under their Common Seal to the Mayor or Sheriff, etc. they to arrest or attach the Body and Goods of such Offender, and them to deliver to the said Officer of the Company. 20. That the Mayor, Sheriff, or others, shall not be troubled for executing any Precept to them directed from the Company as aforesaid. 21. No Person to have Voice in Elections or other Affairs, not having half a quarter of one 24th. Part. 22. The Voice of every Person having a quarter Part to be held of as great account as the Voices of two others, having but half quarter Parts apiece. And so the Voice of any other having a greater Part than a quarter, to be esteemed of as great force as so many several other Persons, having but an half quarter Part apiece. 23. All His Majesty's Officers, etc. to be aiding and assisting to the said Governors. CHAP. XI. The Abstract of the Letters Patents of the Mineral and Battery-works, of the 22th of January, in the first Year of KING JAMES. 1. THe King reciting the Letters Patents of Queen Elizabeth, dated the 17th. day of September in the 7th. Year of Her Reign, whereby She granted to William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, their Heirs, etc. Liberty to dig, mine, and search for the Callamine stone within Her Kingdom of England, and within the English Pale in Ireland, together with the benefit of working thereof; with other Metals, with divers Immunities and Privileges, etc. for the making of all Wire and Battery-wares, etc. and to erect and build Workhouses necessary. 2. And also reciting other Letters Patents, dated the same Day and Year, reciting by them, That whereas She had formerly granted Privileges to Cornelius Devoz for mining and digging within Her Realm of England for Allom and Copperice, and for divers other Oars, etc. And further reciting Her Grant to Thomas Thurland and Daniel Houghsetter, of Liberty to dig and search for all Oars of Gold, Silver, Copper and Quicksilver, within the Counties of York, Lancaster, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Deven, Cornwall, Gloucester and Worcester, and in Wales, etc. And by the said last recited Letters Patents the Queen grants to William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, full power to dig within England and English Pale in Ireland, (except the said 8 Counties and Wales) for all manner of Oars and Metals simple and pure, or mixed and compound; and of Gold, Silver, Copper, Quicksilver, and for all other Treasures, etc. and to erect many other Immunities and Privileges, etc. 3. And whereas the said William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz have heretofore granted divers parts and portions of the said Immunities, Powers and Privileges, etc. and whereas the said William Humphrey and Christopher Shutz, and all or most of their Assigns are since dead. And whereas the said Powers and Privileges, etc. are since come unto William Earl of Pembroke, Robert Lord Cecil, Sir Julius Caesar, Sir James Pemberton, Sir William Bond, and Sir James Lancaster, Knights; John Osburne, Thomas Caesar, Francis Barty sen. Arnold Oldisworth, Christopher Toldervy, William Gammage, Charles Chewt, Henry Tamworth, and William Bond sen. Esquires; Henry Palmer, Francis Barty jun. Richard Danford, George Browne, Gent. Richard Marten jun. Nathanael Marten, Richard Collins, and Alexander Found, etc. 4. Know ye therefore, etc. the King ratifies and confirms all the former Grants, Powers, Immunities, Privileges, Profits, etc. And also for the better Advancement of the said Works, grants to the last recited Persons, that they shall be for ever one Body Politic, and Corporate in itself in Deed and Name, by the Name of The Governoure, Assistants, and Society of the City of London of and for the Mineral and Battery-works; to have Succession for ever, and liberty to have a Common Seal. 5. Licence to purchase any parts and portions of the Immunities, Privileges and Profits, etc. and also to purchase Lands, Tenements, etc. by that Name; and so to alien and sell the same; and so to sue, implead, etc. and to be sued, impleaded, etc. in any our Courts, before any our Judges Spiritual or Temporal, etc. touching the Affairs of the said Corporation. 6. Power to ordain two Governors, two or more Deputies, and 8 or more Assistants; and makes William Earl of Pembroke and Robert Lord Cecil the first Governors; Francis Barty sen. and Thomas Caesar the first Deputies; and Arnold Oldisworth, Christopher Toldervy, Charles Chewt, William Bond sen. Henry Palmer, Richard Dunford, Richard Marten jun. and Nathanael Marten, the first Assistants, until the first Thursday in December next, etc. and from thence until new ones shall be chosen. 7. Liberty to assemble and meet together for the keeping of Courts, and ordering their Affairs, and for Elections of Governors, etc. yearly, and for making Laws, Rules and Ordinances for the good Government of the Society, for the admitting of Members, and for the Dismembering; and the same Laws, etc. also to change or revoke. 8. Indemnity to every Officer, Minister. Workman and Labourer from all injuries, etc. To admit Aliens and Strangers, and to administer an Oath, to give Copies of their Admittance under their Common Seal, and enter the same in their Register-book, and to do speedy justice to all. 9 Liberty to purchase Lands, etc. not holden of the King In Capite, or in Chief, not exceeding 100 l. per Ann. over and above, etc. 10. Power to impose Fines, Penalties, Imprisonments, upon any Member, Officer, etc. for any Offence touching the said Society; and in case of Nonpayment to sue for the same in any Our Courts of Record. 11. Power to ordain one or more Officer or Officers, to be styled Sergeant of the City of London for the Mineral and Battery-works; who shall have power to receive and gather the Fines, etc. and for Non-paiment to arrest both Body and Goods, except in Cities, etc. where the Governors' Precept is to be obeyed by the Mayor, etc. and they are to be indemnified for acting therein. And all Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. are to be aiding and assisting to the said Society. 12. Powers and Enlargements of some Defects in the former Patents concerning the Callamine stone, and all sorts of Battery-wares, Cast work, and all sorts of Wier. As for the digging and working of all sorts of Oars, of Gold, Silver, Copper, Quicksilver, Tin and Lead; and for conveying of Water, and to erect Houses for the Melting, etc. not to dig in Orchards, etc. without Licence. And shall give reasonable satisfaction for Damage as shall be agreed, or else to be referred; and if they disagree, then to be determined at the Council Table. 13. All Persons (except the said Society and their Lessees, etc.) prohibited to use the Callamine stone, or to attempt to dig for the same, or to melt or make into Wier, etc. or to dig for any Oars, or use any their Tools or Instruments without Licence. 14. All Persons commanded not to hinder or disturb the Works of the said Society, or any their Workmen or Labourers, upon penalty of 100 l. for every Offence, the one Moiety to the King, the other to Society; and such other punishment by Imprisonment, etc. as shall be thought fit. 15. Power to the said Society and their Assigns, etc. to take up at reasonable wages and price Artificers and Workmen, Instruments, etc. and to buy Wood for Coals, and Timber, only for the finding and melting the said Callamine stone, or the digging of or melting, etc. of any the said Oars and Minerals, etc. or for conveying of Waters: Except prout, etc. 16. Power at the King's pleasure to search in other parts of Ireland without the English Pale, with like Profits, etc. 17. And the said Letters Patents made to Thomas Thurland and Daniel Houghsetter, and the other made to Cornelius Devoz as aforesaid, shall remain and continue still in force. And that these Our letters Patents shall remain and continue inviolable, etc. 18. Provided that if the King shall at any time be minded to resume the Powers, etc. hereby granted, than he shall detain the same to His Own use, but not to let to any others; so as the Governors, etc. be first paid all their Charges, etc. as shall be adjudged by 6 persons Citizens of London, whereof 2 to be Aldermen, etc. and upon their Certificate the Lord Treasurer to make present pay without further order. 19 And if the King after His resumption shall be minded to grant the same again, than the Society to be preferred, etc. 20. A Precept to all Justices, Barons, etc. that the said Society, etc. shall have the benefit of these Presents from the said 17th. of September in the 7th. Year of Queen Elizabeth. And that they do not suffer any Action or Information against the said Society, etc. touching any thing herein contained. CHAP. XII. The Abstract of a Proclamation against Importation of Iron Wier, dated 7 Maii, An. 6. CAR. I. 1. WHereas Iron Wier is a Manufacture here, and by that Trade many thousands were maintained, etc. 2. And whereas Our English Wire is of better use than any Foreign Wire, especially for making Cards for Wool, etc. as by several Certificates, etc. And whereas sundry Complaints have been made, etc. Therefore, 3. Well-weighing the danger and prejudice, and finding that sundry good Laws and Statutes have been formerly made against Importation thereof; By the advice of the Privy Council We do straight charge and command all Persons from attempting to import into England or Ireland, etc. any Foreign Wire or Cards made of Foreign Wire, etc. upon pain of Forfeiture, etc. 4. Commanding that which shall be forfeited be carried to the several Custom-house where they are seized, without selling or compounding, etc. upon pain, etc. 5. Commanding all Officers attending our Customs to forbear to make Entries or Compositions for any the same Foreign Wire, etc. but to seize the same as forfeited to the Uses hereafter specified, etc. 6. And whereas there hath been one evil use in buying old Cards and trimming them up, and selling them for new ones to the prejudice of the Cloth trade; therefore commands all Persons to forbear, upon pain of Forfeiture, etc. 7. And for encouragement to search and seize, a Moiety to him that seizeth, the other Moiety to the King. 8. Commanding all Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. to be aiding and assisting; all Customers, Searchers, etc. herein. And if any Mayor, Sheriff, etc. shall offend herein, to be proceeded against in the Star-Chamber by the Attorney General, etc. CHAP. XIII. An Abstract of a Proclamation against importing Latin Wire, dated Aug. 19 in the 14th. Year of KING CHARLES I. 1. REciting (as in the Proclamation precedent against importing of Iron Wier, etc.) prohibits the importation of any Foreign Latin Wire. 2. Commanding all persons to forbear to import it after Michaelmas day in the said 14th. Year of K. Charles I. upon pain of Forfeiture. 3. And that all which shall be forfeited, shall be carried by the respective Officer (who shall seize the same) to the several Custom-houses, without selling or compounding upon pain, etc. 4. Commanding all Officers after the said day to seize what shall be imported, and not to make any Entry or Composition; the one Moiety to the King, the other to the Officer who seizeth the same. 5. Commanding all Mayors, Sheriffs, etc. to be aiding and assisting to all Customers, Searchers, etc. at all times after the said Michaelmas day, for the searching in any Ship, Cellar, Warehouse, etc. CHAP. XIV. An Abstract of the Reasons for continuing the Brass Manufacture in this Kingdom given in about five Years since to the House of Commons by the Brass Manufactors. 1. THat England is in a capacity to be the Staple of Brass Manufacture for itself and Foreign parts, by reason of the inexhaustible plenty of the Callamine stone, etc. 2. That Parlements have always encouraged Manufacturies by means of great Impositions upon Foreign Wares, whereby the Staple may be here for supplying Foreign parts, especially of Pins; which may also be done with Latin Wire, and would tend to great security and advantage, etc. 3. Seeing the Staple of Pins is now here, and not having Latin Wier, upon Embargoes or Wars beyond Sea, they may for want of Wier lose their Trade, etc. 4. To prevent which His late Majesty caused a Prohibition of all Foreign Latin Wire, to continue the Brass work here, which was diverted by reason of the late Troubles, etc. 5. That His Majesty's Customs may not be diminished, but rather increased, a Prohibition is not so much desired as a larger Imposition upon it, proportionable or more to that of the King of Swedens upon Copper, whereby we shall be enabled to work as cheap, etc. 6. The Swedes have since entered into a Corporation, with a resolution for some time to be Losers by their Goods, intentionally to subvert the Manufacture in England, endeavouring to inveigle away our chief Workmen, etc. 9 These Brass works being once down here, five thousand pounds will not set them up again. 10. When these Works were last revived the Wire was at 8 li. per 100 but since, the Swedes have brought it to 5 li. 5. s. per 100 but upon the decrease of these Works they begin to raise the price, and so in time we shall be enforced to take it at their own rates. 11. The Complaint of the many Towns in Somersets who live upon it, show the great concernment of it. 12. These works being brought to perfection, will cause the exportation to be as considerable to the King's revenue, as the Importation now is. 13. The continuing of these Works in England will occasion plenty of rough Copper to be brought in, and make it the Staple in time, of Copper and brass, we having the means so plentifully here. 14. It is desired, that the like encouragement be given him, as the Crown of Sweden gives their subjects, etc. We in England not being able to work upon equal terms, which by a Medium of raising the duty here upon the Foreign Latin Wire, may easily be remedied, etc. This Kingdom being so fit for it by reason of the Callamint stone, which if we use not ourselves, must either lie waist, or be transported: and in these works many thousand families will be employed and maintained, and in time may be as fit to be exported by us, as 'tis now imported when and how they please, besides the consideration of the great importance, for the defence and strength of this Island, etc. CHAP. XII. The Abstract of an Act against Importing Foreign Wool, Cards, Card Wier, or Iron Wier, Anno 14. CAROLI II. Regis. REciting, that whereas by several Acts of Parliament made in the 3d. Year of Edwerd I.U. and in the 39th. of Queen Elizabeth, and several former Statutes, no Cards for Wool nor Iron Thread or White Wire should be imported, by reason many Families of poor people by that Manufacture were maintained; Notwithstanding contrary to the said Statutes many Cards and much Wire have been brought in, etc. Be it therefore Enacted, that no Foreign Wool Cards or Card Wier be imported, nor any old Wire put upon new Board's to be sold, upon the Penalties following, (viz.) upon Forfeiture of the same, or the Value thereof, the one Moiety to the King, and the other to such person as shall first seize or sue for the same, etc. Provided this Act extend not to hinder any one of Wool Cards to cause them to be mended for their own use, or to sell or transport them being old and overworn. CHAP. XVI. The second Opinion of other eminent Lawyers concerning Mines Royal. ALthough the Gold or Silver contained in the base Metal of a Mine in the Lands of a Subject be of less Value than the base Metal, yet if the Gold or Silver do countervail the charge of the Refining it, or be of more worth than the base Metal spent in Refining it, THIS IS A MINE ROYAL: and as well the base Metal, as the Gold and Silver in it, belong to the Prerogative of the Crown. 16 CAR. I. 9 Feb. 1640. John Glanvill E Harbert Ralph Whitfield Oli. St. John's 25 Feb. 1640. John Herne Christ. Fulwood Harb. Grimston Edw. Bagshaw Jo. White Jo. Glover Ja. Haward 26 Feb. Eus. Andrews Ed. Prideaux John Maynard Tho. Culpeper 27 July 1641. CHAP. XVII. Rules Agreed upon by the Societies of the Mines Royal, and Mineral Battery-works, concerning the letting of Leases, to Owners, Discoverers, or Undertakers, of such Mines as hold Gold or Silver, and the Manner and Conditions of the Leases. 1. IF any Owner or Proprietor do discover any Mines Royal in his ground, he shall have as many Leases as he pleaseth, he covenanting for every Lease, according to Conditions underwritten. 2. If any Farmer or Possessor do discover a Mine Royal in the Land which he useth, which was never wrought, he shall have the Moiety of the profits, and the Proprietor the other Moiety, if they will jointly work, and in that case a Lease shall be made to both of them; but if the Proprietor refuse to join in such Lease, than the Lease to be to the Discoverer, he Covenanting as followeth; But if both shall refuse, or forbear to work through disability or unskilfulness, than the Corporation will reward the Discoverer, according to the Nature of the Mine, whether he be Proprietor or otherwise. 3. If any Farmer or Possessor discover a Mine Royal which hath been wrought otherwise then as a Mine Royal, he shall be proceeded with according to the second Rule. 4. If any other person, being neither Owner, Possessor, nor Farmer, shall discover a Mine Royal in another man's ground, he shall be proceeded with according to the second Rule. 5. A Discoverer who shall be capable of a Lease in other men's grounds, is such a person as shall be the first, who without fraud or Circumvention shall inform the Corporation of it. 6. If any person shall undertake to work a Mine Royal, that hath been long deserted by reason of water, or other causes hindering the work, the Owner refusing to work or join in the same, such Undertaker shall have all reasonable encouragement from the Corporation, by Lease or otherwise. 7. The Term to be granted in any Lease not to exceed the Term of forty and one years. 8. The Lessee shall have power to dig, etc. in as full manner as is granted by the Charter, Provided he dig not under any Castles, Houses, Gardens, or Orchards, without the Proprietors' consent. 9 The Grounds and Mines to be Leased, shall not exceed one mile in Diameter, which is to be measured from such a place as the Lessee shall fix upon, and is to be described by the Town, Village, or Hamlet where it lieth, or the situation or peculiar name, or distance from such remarkable place or places, as Churches, etc. which description is to be Certified by some Justices of the Peace, or the Minister of the Parish, or both, or by any of the sworn Officers of the Corporation, or by such other way as the Corporation shall particularly direct in that case; and in this allotment, care to be taken that the said mile diameter do not extend or entrench upon any other Grant from the Corporation, in which case the Corporation will not justify the Lessees Encroachments, but limit the Lease accordinglys 10. If the Lessee shall drive a Mine into another man's Propriety without the limit of that mile, then upon that Lessees taking of a new Lease, consideration shall be had of the Proprietor, as the Company shall think fit, it being not reasonable that he be admitted to the entire advantage of the second Rule. 11. That the Fine to be paid upon every Lease granted, be at least equal to a years rend reserved. HEADS of the COVENANTS to be Contained in those Leases. 1. For the Lessees, paying the reserved rent at the time and place appointed by two equal portions. 2. That the Lessee shall covenant to discharge all deuce to the King, and save the Company harmless, and to give an Account to the Company when required, what metal he vendeth inward and outward, and how the King's deuce are answered. 3. Not to dig under any Castles, Houses, Gardens, etc. 4. The Lessee to Covenant immediately to set in hand, proceed and continue the effectual working of the Mines and Mineral work demised. 5. A Proviso that the Lessee may surrender his Lease, after six months' advertisement to the Company, paying all Arrears. 6. Damages for breaking ground, to be referred to six indifferent persons according to the Patent. 7. That every Lessee shall bring in all his Gold and Silver into the King's Mint, or otherwise forfeit the same, or the value thereof. 8. the Lessee to extract the Gold and Silver out of the base metal, as long as it containeth so much of both, or either of them, as will countervail the charge of extracting, and the loss of the base metal, or else shall forfeit his Lease. 9 The Lessee not to assign his Lease, or make any Lease out of it, without Licence from the Corporation. 10. The Lessee at the end of the Term, or other determination, to deliver quiet possession without prejudice to the Mine. 11. The Corporation to Covenant for quiet enjoyment against them, and all others claiming under them. CHAP. XVIII. Extracts out of CAMBDENS BRITANNIA concerning the Tin Mines in Cornwall. THe Inland Parts have rich and plenteous Mines of Tin; Tin. for there is digged out of them wonderful store of Tin, yielding exceeding much profit and commodity; whereof are made Household Pewter Vessels, which are used throughout many parts of Europe in service of the Table, and for their glittering Brightness compared unto Silver Plate. The Inhabitants do discover these Mines by certain Tin stones lying on the face of the Ground, which they call SHADD, being somewhat smooth and round. Of these Mines or Tin Works there are two kinds; the one they call Lode Works, the other Steam-Works: this lieth in lower Grounds, when by Trenching they follow the Veins of Tin, and turn aside now and then the Streams of Water coming in their way: that other is in higher places, whenas upon the Hills they dig very deep Pits, which they call Shafts, and do undermine in working: both ways there is seen wonderful Wit and Skill, as well in draining Waters aside, and reducing them into one Stream; as also in the underbuilding, pinning, and propping up their Pits. To pass over with filence their devises of Breaking, Stamping, Drying, Crusing, Washing, Melting, and Fining the Metal, than which there cannot be more Cunning showed. There are also two sorts of Tin; Black Tin, which is Tin Oar broken and washed, but not yet founded into Metal, and White Tin, which is molten into Metal, and that is either soft Tin, which is best Merchantable, or hard Tin, which is less Merchantable. That the Ancient Britain's practised these Tyn-works, for Pliny reports, Lib. 6. c. 8, 9 That the Britan's fetched Tyn out of the Island jeta in Wicker boats covered, and sticked about with Leather:) And Diodorus Siculus writes, that the Britain's who inhabited these parts digged. Tyn out of stony ground, and at a Low-water carried the same in Carts to certain Islands adjoining, from whence Merchants transported it by ships into Gaul, and from thence conveyed the same upon horses within 30 days unto the Springhead of the River Eridanus, Po. or else to the City Narbone, as it were to a Mart. Ethicus also insinuateth the very same, and saith, that he delivered Rules and Precepts to these Tyn workers. But it seems, that the English Saxons neglected it altogether. After the coming in of the Normans, the Earls of Cornwall gathered great riches out of these Mines, especially Richard, brother to King Hen. 3. and no marvel, since in those days Europe had Tynn from no other place, for the Incursions of the Moors had stopped up the Tyn Mines of Spain; And as for the Tyn veins in Germany, which are in Misnia and Bohemia, they were not as yet known, or not discovered before the year after Christ's Nativity 1240. for then, (as a Writer of that Age recordeth) was Tyn Metal found in Germany, by a certain Cornish-man driven out of his Native soil, to the great loss and hindrance of Richard Earl of Cornwall. This Richard began to make Ordinances for these Tyn-works; and afterwards Edmund his son granted a Charter, and certain Liberties, and withal prescribed certain Laws concerning the same, which he ratified or strengthened under his seal, and imposed a Tribute or Rent upon Tyn to be answered to the Earls. These Liberties, The Commonwealth of Tymurs. Privileges and Laws, King Edw. 3. did afterwards confirm and augment, the whole Commonwealth of those Tynners' and Workmen, as it were, in one body, he divided into four quarters, which from the places they call Foymore, Blackmore, Irewarnayle, and Penwith; Warden of the Stannaries. over them all He ordained a Warden called Lord Warden of the Stannaries of Stannum that is Tin, who are to give judgement as well according to equity and conscience as Law, and appointed to every quarter their Stewards, who once every three weeks (every one in his several Quarter) ministers justice in Causes Personal between Tinner and Tinner, and between Tinner and Foreiner, except in Causes of Land, Life or Member, from whence there lieth an Appeal to the Lord Warden, from him to the Duke, and from him to the King in matters of moment. There are by the Warden General Parlements or several Assemblies summoned, whereunto Jurats are sent out of every Stannary, whose Constitutions do bind them. As for those who deal with Tin, they are of four sorts; the Owners of the Soil, the Adventurers, the Merchants or Regrators, and the Labourers called the Spadyards, (of their Spade.) The Kings of England and Dukes of Cornwall in their times have reserved to themselves a Preemption of Tin, as well in regard of the Propriety; as being Chief Lords or Proprietaries, as of their total Prerogative, lest the Tribute of Rent imposed should be embezzled, and the Dukes of Cornwall defrauded, unto whom by the old Custom for every thousand pounds' weight of Tin there is paid forty Shillings. It is by a Law provided, that all the Tin which is cast and wrought, be brought to one of the said four appointed Towns, where twice in the Year it is weighed, and signed with a Stamp (they call it Coinage) and the said Impost accordingly paid. Neither is it lawful for any man before that to sell or send it abroad, under Forfeiture of their Tin. And not only Tin here is found, but also therewith Gold, and Silver, yea and Diamonds shaped and pointed Angle-wayes, Cornish Diamonds. smoothed also by Nature herself, whereof some are as big as Walnuts, and inferior to the Orient Diamonds only in blackness and hardness. Sir John Dodderich his History of the ancient and modern Establishment of the Duchy of Cornwall, etc. is almost verbatim with what Cambden hath writ concerning Tin; and both of them from carew's Survey of Cornwall. But all the Laws concerning Tin are fully digested in the Lord Coke 12th. Report concerning the Case of the Stanaries. CHAP. XIX. Concerning the Laws of the Led Mines in Derbyshire and Mendip in Somersetshire. From the Bundle of the Exchequer, and the Inquisition of the Year of the Reign of King EDWARD the First. 16. EDWARD by the Grace of God King of England, Derby. Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitain, to the Sheriff of the County of Derby, Greeting: Know ye that We have assigned Our Faithful and Wellbeloved Reynold of the Ley and William of Memill, to inquire by the Oaths of good and lawful men of your County, by the which the truth may best be known, of the Liberty which our Miners do claim to have in those parts, and which they have hitherto used to have, and by what means, and how and from what time, and by what Warrant: And therefore We do command thee, that a certain Day and Place which the said Reynold and William shall appoint thee, thou shalt cause to come before them so many and such good and lawful Men of thy Bailiwick, by the which the truth may there the best be known in the premises by the Inquirie; and that thou have there the Writ. Witness Our Wellbeloved Cousin Edmond Earl of Cornwall at Westminster the 28th. day of April, in the Year of Our Reign the 16th. By William of Hambleton, and at the instance of Hugh of Cressingham the Day is appointed at Ashbourne, upon Saturday next after the Feast of the Holy Trinity. An Inquisition taken at Ashbourne upon Saturday next after the Holy Trinity, in the Year of the Reign of EDWARD the First the 16. before Reynold of the Ley and William of Meignil; of the Liberties which the Miners of the said Sovereign Lord the King, in the Peake, do claim to have hitherto used, to have in those part, by what means, and how, and from what time, and by what Warrant. By the Oath of Tho. Foliamo Will. Hawley Ralph Cotterill William of Longsden John of Tearture Clement of Ford William of Bradlow Peter of Rowland Richard of Longsden Jur William son of the Smith of Bradwall Henry Foliambic John of Longsden All Jurors. 1. Who say upon their Oaths, Of a new Field. that in the beginning when the Miners did come to the Field seeking for a Mine, and finding a Mine, they do come to the Bailiff, which is called Burghmaster, and did desire (if it were a new Field) that they might have two Meers of Ground, that is to say, one for the finding thereof, and the other by the Miners Fine, viz. paying a mere Dish of his first Oar. 2. An old Work and length of a Mere. And the Miners desired also in an old Work of right to be measured to the said Miners, every Mere to contain four Measures, and the hole of the Mine to be 7 feet wide or broad. 3. The length of the Measure, the King to have a 3d. Mere in a new Field. And every Measure shall be of 24 feet, and the King shall have the third Mere next the Finder, and the other two Meers shall be delivered to the Workman Finder of the new Mine by the Burghmaster. 4. And in an old Field every Workman demanding such Work, one Mere in the Field next our Sovereign Lord the King. 5. The King is to have the 13th. Dish for lot. And the King shall have the 13th. Dish or Measure of Oar, which is called Th. Lot. 6. And this hath been used, and for this our Sovereign Lord the King shall find unto the Miners free ingress and egress into and from their Mines, For which cause Lot is paid. to carry and bear their Oar unto the King's High way. 7. The King shall have Oar, giving as much as another. And the Jury do say, that they are used for coming in Mines, that our Sovereign Lord the King shall have the Buying of their Oar before all others, giving as another will. 8. And in the Miners have received any Money of any other man before hand for his Oar, An Exception. than the Miners shall pay their Debts without any let of Burghmaster, so that this be without fraud or deceit, or else the King shall have the Oar before all others. 9 Miners may lawfully fell their Mere at pleasure. And the Jusie say further upon their Oaths, that it is and shall be lawful to the Miners to sell, give and assign his Grove or Mere of ground, or any part thereof, without the Licence of the King or Burghmaster. 10. An Exception. And this hath been used time out of memory of man in all the Territories and Liberties of the High Peak unto this time, save in a certain place there called Man Dale, in which place all Buyers of Oar are prohibited to buy Oar by the space of 4 Years last passed by the Burghmaster. 11. Courts of the Burghmaster to be kept every 3 Weeks. And for what cause the Miners may maintain their Right and Customs above the said Jury do say, that the ancient Custom of the Mine is, that the Pleas or Courts of the Burghmaster ought of right to be kept and holden Yearlie upon the Mines from 3 Weeks to 3 Weeks. And the Jury say upon their Oaths, Coroner of the County not to view the Body of any Miner. that if any Miner be slain by any misfortune, that such Miner be buried (without the view of the Coroners of the said County) by the view of Miners. And if any person or persons be convicted of any small Trespass, Tenth Fine for small Trespasses. he ought to pay for his Amercement 2 d. and that to be the same day paid, or else to double the same Amercement till it come to 5 s. 4 d. If any blood be shed upon the Mine, Every Bloodshed 5 s. 4 d. the Author shall pay 5 s. 4 d. the same day, or else shall double the same every day till it come to 100 s. And if any Miner do any Trespass under the ground to his Fellow he shall pay for his Amercement 5 s. 4 d. and satisfy his Fellow the full value of his Trespass. FINIS. In Nomine Dei, Amen. First time that the New Mine was found, Of a new Field. the Merchant and the Miners chose them a Burghmaster, for to deliver unto the Finder of the Mine two Meers, The Lord of the Field to have a new Mere. and the Lord of the Field a Mere near to the said two Meers on the one party; or else half a Mere on the one side of the said Mere, and another half on the other side, at his own election: and after that the Burghmaster shall deliver to the Miners Meers to work after the Law of the Mine. THE LIBERTIES AND CUSTOMS. And a Mere shall contain in length 10 wands and 7 feet, A Mere of Ground which in length. that is to say 87 feet there, always as the Mine goeth between two Coals, and the Miners shall have their Meers to them and their Heirs for ever: but if they be forfeited by the Law of the Mine to the Lord, Wives to have Dowers in Meers. their Wives shall have Dowers in the said Meers: but if they be forfeit, they are as aforesaid. And the Miners shall work their Meers duly, How the Work to be followed. and shall choose their Stool on that one part there as he may find Mine between two Walls, in the natural way till he come to the Mere Stake, and then his Neighbours next him shall choose the Stool in the same manner, and so the Stool shall be closed from Mere to Mere, For letting by Water. but if it be letted by Water. And then the Burghmaster shall see that the Mine be wrought duly, The Burghmaster is to score the Spindle of the Stow●, where it is not rightly wrought. and where he findeth a Mere unwrought, he shall score on the Spindle one score, and so from week to week he shall visit the Field, and see that the Mines be wrought. And if he find any Mere standing unwrought 3 weeks together, he shall score three scores on the Spindle, and deliver it to him that will work it as the Law will; but if it be borrowed and replevied, as the Law of the Mine will at the 3 week's end. And then the Lords and the Miners shall ordain them a conveniable Measure by which the Lord shall receive his Lot, Concerning Measures. and the Miners shall sell their Mine. And the Miner abiding upon his Mere shall have delivered to him by his Burghmaster a sufficient place for his Lodge, and for his Cottage, with sufficient House-boot and Hay boot, and all manner of Timber for their Groves delivered by the Lords, or by his Fosters (if they have sufficient within their Lordships) else the Miners shall buy them at their own proper cost in other Lordships, and then the Lord shall take Lot, and then it shall be lawful for them to carry their Mine whithersoever them list, and burn it, and do with it what them likes best, without disturbance of the Lord, or any of his Officers. And the Miners and Merchants of the said Mine shall be quit of all Damages and all other Customs, Miner and Merchant toll-free. as far as the Lordship lasteth, and in all places as the Lord may spend Four Pence by the Year. And the Miners shall have for their Beasts Pasturing with the Lords Beasts in his Wastes, Miners to have Pasture in the Lords Waste. Not to pound the of Miners. except his fenced Parks, Meadows, and sown Fields; and then no Minister of the Lords shall pin them nor distrain them for no Article of the Mine within the Franchise of the Mine, but only the Burghmaster and the Lord. Also the Stewards shall hold Yearly on the Mines at their own wills Courts, Courts to be kept. and two Great Courts every Year; and if any Miner or other person be Attaint for stealing of Barmine, first he shall be amerced in it 5 s. 4 d. the which 4 d. the Burghmaster shall have; and if he be Attainted again, the Miner shall be amerced in 10 s. 8 d. the which 8 d. the Burghmaster shall have; and if he be Attainted the third time for stealing of Mine, he shall be taken and stricken through the Right Hand in the Palm with a Knife up to the Heft into the Stow, and there he shall stand till he be dead, or else cut himself lose, and then he shall forswear the Franchise of the Mine. And if any man be taken by occasion of any Article that belongeth to the Mine, Office of the Steward touching Felony in the Mine. he shall abide in the keeping of the Burghmaster; and if he will be Mainprised, the Pain shall be 100 l. to be brought again before the Steward at the next Court of the Mine; and if he that is Mainprised be Attainted of Felony in the Court, the Steward shall do to him as the Law will upon the same place, if he will put him upon the Miners. And each Trespass of Oaths or Blood shall be amerced at 5 s. 4 d. which 4 d. the Burghmaster shall have. A Blondshed 5 s. 4 d. And every other Trespass done upon the Minerie shall be fined at 2 d. and that shall be paid to the Burghmaster the first day of Affirmment, Fines for Trespass in Mines. or else the second it shall be doubled, and so from day to day till it come to 5 s. 4 d. and then the Burghmaster shall have the 4 d. and the Lord the 5 s. And the Miners and Merchants shall have Weights, their Lead and Measure for their Oar, Weights & Measures. at all times when they will, and the Ministers to be ready at all times upon warning without let of the Lord or of his Officers. And if it happen that the Miners or any other be dead in the Grove or elsewhere, Burghmaster only to do with any slain in the Mine. , no Escheator or Commoner, nor no other Officer of the Lords, shall meddle of Lands, Goods nor Chattels of him that is slain or dead by any misfortune, but only the Burghmaster of the Mine. And if any Felony be done within the Franchise by Manslaughter, Of Lands and Chattels, of Felons and Fugitives. or Fugitive of Felony, or Theft, or Robbery, the Lands and Chattels of Felons and Fugitives shall be forfeited, (if they have no better grace.) And if any Miner of his own underbeit his Neighbours Mere, that then he shall fill his Underbeitings with such as he got out, be it pure Mine, or Bergh, or Bous, and be amerced at 5 s. 4 d. which 4 d. the Burghmaster shall have. And if any Miner or other take Costage of a Merchant, Liberty for Miners in respect of lot & costs. and may not find Mine to that Merchant, the which Merchant will make no more Cost to find Oar in the same place, and after he laboureth, and findeth Mine to the profit of another Merchant after such labour shall come, and if there be two or three, the said first Merchant that first made his Costage shall have the 3d. Stone till he hath received his Costages, and the other Merchant shall have the two parts, for that the Mine was found at his Costages. Also the Miner and Merchant shall have free entry and issue by all the Lordship to carry their Mine, Which due to ●● paid for Cope. and carry it whither they list, without let of the Lord or any of his Officers: but they shall give to the King for every Lord 4 d. for entry and issue by his Lordship, and that is called Cpu. and if any Miner or Merchant died by misadventure under the Earth, or be slain by Chance medley, Burghmaster Coroner for the Mine. the Burghmaster shall see his body as Coroner, and let his body be buried without any other Coroner. And the Miners shall have for their lot and Copr. sufficient Timber for their Work (without any Penny giving) of the next Founder within the King's Lordship. Grove Timber. Also they shall have Water to wash their Mine without any let for the said Lot and Copr. Water. And if the Lord will buy their Mine for as much as any other man will give them, The Lord to have Preemption of the Miners Oar. he shall have their Mine before all other men; and if he will not, they shall sell their Mine where they will to their most profit, without impeachment of disturbance of the Lord, or any of his Ministers. In witness whereof, etc. These been the Laws and Customs of the Mine used in the highest Peak, and in all other places through England and Wales, for the which to be had the wise Miners sued to our Lord the King that He would confirm them by His Charter under His Great Seal in way of Charity. And for his Profit, forasmuch as the aforesaid Miners be at all times in peril of their Death, and that they have nothing in certain, but that which God of his Grace will send them. FINIS. WILLIAM DEBANCKE. CUR. MAGNA BARMOT. TENT. APUD WWKSWORTH CORAM FRANCISCO Com. Salop. 20 die Septembris, Anno Regni EDWARDI VI etc. Tertio. Inquistio Magna pro Domino Rege Miner. infra Wapentag. praedict. per Sacramen. Jurors. Nicholas Hides Robert Cotten Edri. Robotham Hen. Storer William Leigh John Spencer Tho. Bramwall John Gratton John Somers Rich. Wighley Tho. Cockshotte Tho. Woodivis William Bennitt Tho. Steepld Tho. Wood James Hall Roger Gell John Storer Hen. Spencer Ralph Haughton Oliver Stonne Roger Malle Edw. Willie Will. Shawe We do present and set down Pains for the Miners, as followeth. 1. Measure. We will that the Lord of the Field shall make an able Dish from this day forth between the Merchant buyer and the seller, and against every good time, as Christmas and Whitsuntide two able Dishes, upon pain of every time wanting if it be called for, to forfeit for every time 3 s. 4 d. to the King. 2. That the Lord of the Field, deputy, For Ground not justly wrought. and the Burghmaster or his Deputy, shall go every week once or twice over the Fields, and where they find any Ground wrought wrongfully by any man, contrary to the right and custom of the Mine, than they shall take them up until such time as the Law of the Barmote hath determined it, or else the Burghmaster or his Deputy (according to the old custom) shall put 4 or 6 honest men among the 24, that they may have the hearing of the matter between the Parties, for to set an Order for the same Ground so wrought wrongfully, that the Field be not stopped. And whosoever disobeyeth this Article, to forfeit for every time so doing 3 s. 4 d. or else to go to the Stocks if he be a light person, and the 24 Miners shall aid the Officers in so doing, according to the old custom of the Mine. 3. Also that the Burghmaster or his Deputy shall able us the next way to the King's Highway to the water with Oar, if any man stop us, according to the custom of the Mine. 4. Also if there be any poor man that hath any Oar under a Load to meet, and give the Burghmaster warning according to the custom of the Mine, and cannot have the Dish, than it shall be lawful for such poor men to take two honest Neighbours, and deliver his Oar to whom it pleaseth him, paying the Church and the King their Duties. 5. Oar-stealers. Also if the Burghmaster attach any Oar (or his Deputy) which is stolen, he shall attach the Seller thereof, that he might have the Law of the Mine, according to the Charter. 6. Trials for Grounds in variance. Also if there be any man that maketh any Title to any man's Ground contrary to Right, and it be tried by the Law, he that is cast shall pay two Shillings for the twelve men's Dinners; and if he will not pay it, than the Burghmaster shall take so much Oar of him as cometh to two Shillings or else some other Distress if he be worth so much. 7. Not to be amerced. Also that no Miner shall be amerced by the Burhmaster without lawful Warning. 8. That no man shall meet without the King's Dish, for if he do, and be so taken, if it be above a Load of Oar, the Load of the Field shall have it; and if it be under a Load, the Burghmaster shall have it, if it be taken meeting besides the Dish, if he do not call for the Kings accordingly. 9 Concerning Oar debt. Also that no man shall sue any Miners for any Oar Debt forth of the Barmote Court; nor no Officer shall serve a Writ nor Warrant upon any Miner when he is at his Work upon the Mine, nor when the Miner cometh to the great Leets of the Barmote, but the Burghmaster or his Deputies; and if any man sue for Oar Debt forth of the Barmote Court, he shall lose the Debt, and pay the Costs. 10. How the Courts ought to be kept. Also the Burghmaster shall keep two great Courts every Year, and if need be or require, every third Week a Court, upon pain of 3 s. 4 d. 11. Also if any Miners by the Grace of God find any new Rake or Vein, If a new Field be found. the first Finder shall have two Meers, and the next Mere after the Burghmaster shall have for the King, according to the old Custom of the Mine, and every taker after but one Mere; and so the Field to be occupied according to the Right and Custom. 12. Also by the old Custom Miners ought to have Wood of the King's Woods to stow and timber their Groves under the Earth and above; Why Lot paid. and therefore they pay lot to the King, for which they ought to have sufficient off the King's Grounds that is next thereto. 13. Also if there be any man slain or murdered upon the Mine upon any Grove, neither Escheator or Coroner, nor any other Officer, shall meddle therewith, but only the Burghmaster. 14. Also all new Grounds, How long Crosses and Holes shall hold Possession. as Crosses and Holes that be not stowed nor yoked lawfully, from the first day of July, or within three weeks and a day next after ensuing, that then it shall be lawful for any man to take them and work them lawfully. And no Crosses nor Holes shall stand no longer than a man may go home and fetch his Tools to work with, and Timber to stow with; and the furthest Day so standing to be 3 days, and after the 3d. day any Cross or Hole shall be lawful for any man to work them lawfully. 15. Also we say, A Ground measured freed by the Oar there gotten. that the Burghmaster shall not measure any man's Ground until such time as the Mine hath Oar gotten within the same Ground to free it with, or else it shall not be measured. 16. The buyers not to touch the Dish. Also that no Merchant buyer of Oar shall touch the King's Dish, nor put his Hands therein to make his Measure; but the Burghmaster or his Deputy shall be indifferent between the Merchant buyer of the Oar and the seller. 17. Also that no man that is a Workman, Her Imposition to work; Claimer take his course by Law. that doth work his Ground truly, there shall no man come to claim his Ground, and take him up to stop the Field: but the first Workman shall work, and the Claimer take the Law, and the Burghmaster shall do him the Law truly. 18. Also no Barmer, nor any other Deputy, Gage and Counterfeit Dishes being kept. shall keep no Counterfeit Dish nor Gauges in their Cows nor Houses; but every man shall buy by the King's Dish, and no other Dish used, upon pain for every other Dish or Gage so known or taken, to forfeit for every time 6 s. 8 d. and the seller to forfeit his Oar. 19 Touching Gentlemen and other men's Groves unwrought. And if any Gentleman or other man have any Ground lying in the Mine called The King's Field of the Mine, they shall keep them lawfully with Stow's and Timber openly in all men's sight between this and Michaelmas next to come, or else it shall be lawful for any man to take and work them for their own. 20. Against Maintenance touching Groves in variance. Also we lay a Pain, that no person shall at any time from henceforth go to any Gentleman or other man, for to give or sell any Groves or Grounds in variance for Maintenance, and every person so doing to lose his said Grove or Grounds, and the taker of any such Groves in variance as aforesaid, to forfeit 10 l. to the King. 21. Measured by Counterfeit Measures. Also if any person or persons from henceforth do make any Gage, or counterfeit the King's Measure to meet Oar with, if it be a Lord, every such person or persons so taken shall forfeit every time 10 l. and his Oar to the King. CUR. MAGNA BARMOT. DOM. REGIS & DOM. REGINAE, TENTAPUD WRICKSWORTH 3 Maii, Annis Regni PHILIPPIS & MARIAE, Dei Gratia Regis & Reginae Angliae, Hispanniae, Francioe, etc. tertio & quarto. Inquisitio Magna pro Domino Rege & Domina Regina pro Miner. insra Wapentag. praedict. secund. consuetud. ibidem usitat. per Sacramen. Jurors. Rud. Cadwan Hen. Smith Rich. Winfield Hen. Spencer Will. Sands Rich. Hilton Rob. Alleynsea Hen. Mycock John Steeple Will. Ballance Tho. Bennet Thomas John Wright Mich. Keight Holm Laurence Supper Roger Marlee Roger Tippinge. Rich. Wigsey John Norman Will. Robotham Tho. Wood Tho. Needham John Pickocke Tho. Jones 1. Lord of the Field to provide able Dishes. We will the Lord of the Field shall make for us and all other Miners an able Dish from this time forth, between the Merchant buyer and the Merchant seller of Oar, and against every Good time, as Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide two able Dishes, if need shall require, if they be called for, upon pain for every time not so doing to forfeit 3 s. 4 d. 2. Also we tax a Pain, Not to dig or shovel within 7 feet of any man's Washing Trough. that whereas every man that hath a Washing Trough of his own by the custom of the Mine, aught to have the space of 7 feet about the said Washing Trough, that if any person shall dig, delve, or shovel nigh upon the said Trough within the said space, shall forfeit so oft as they shall so do 4 d. 3 Also we lay a Pain, A Pain touching Purchasers. that no person or persons shall purchase any Oar in any man's Ground, (but in their own only except) that the Owners be upon the Ground, upon pain to forfeit the Oar to the Owners of every such Ground, and 6 d. to the King and Queen so oft as they shall be taken therewith. 4. Also that no person shall dig, delve, Not to dig, etc. near any man's being place. or shovel at or about any man's being place, upon pain to forfeit for every time 12 d. 5. Miners not stopped from Wash-troughs. Also that no Purchasers shall let or stop any Miners from any Wash-trough at any time, upon pain for every Offence to forfeit 12 d. 6. Also we present and say upon our Oaths, Barmers' to measure poor men's Oar. that the custom of the Mines within the Wappentake of Wricksworth is such, that if there be any poor Miner or other person that hath Oar to be molten under one Load, if the Barmers have thereof notice, and will not come to the measure theaeof upon reasonable request and warning to him made and given, than every such poor man may lawfully take two Neighbours, and deliver his Oar to whom he will, so that the Church, the King and Queen have their due lawful Duties for the same. 7. None to deliver Oar besides the King's Dish. Also that no person shall deliver any Oar besides the King and Queens Measure called The Dish, without licence of the Barmer or his Deputy, upon pain to forfeit for every time 2 s. 8. 4 s. allowed for 12 men's Dinners. Also if any Action be commenced in the said Court of Barmote by any person against any man for any Grounds in variance, whosoever shall be condemned by Verdict of 12 Men or otherwise, or if a Panel be summoned, and thereupon do appear, and be sworn to try the issue, if the Plaintiff will not follow the Suit, or if the Plaintiff for his unjust Suit, or the Defendant for the unjust defence of his unlawful Title, shall be condemned, he shall pay 4 s. for the 12 men's Dinners, and the Barmer to lay forth the Money, and he to levy the same against the party condemned. 9 No Miners amerced without lawful Summons. Also that no Miner shall be amerced by the Steward of the Court of Barmote without lawful Summons or Warning, upon pain for every time 4 s. and the Burghmaster to pay amerciamenta. 10. A Pain against Purloiners. Also we lay a pain, that if any person or persons take away at any time any Stow's, Timber, Pick, or any other things concerning the occupation of the Mine from any man's Ground or Cows, shall forfeit for every time 5 s. whereof 20 d. to the King and Queen, and 3 s. 4 d. to the party grieved. 11. Holes and Crosses hold not possession above 3 days. Also we say upon our Oaths, that all Grounds, as Crosses and Holes that be not stowed nor yoked lawfully, from henceforth within 3 weeks and 1 day, that then it may be lawful for any person or persons to take them, and work them lawfully; and no Cross nor Hole shall stand nor prevail any longer time than a Man may go home, and fetch his Tools to work withal, and Timber to stow with; and the furthermost day to be 3 days, and after the third day, than every such Cross or Hole shall be lawful for all men to work them to their most profit and advantage. 12. Wood and Water allowed by the King. Also we say upon our Oaths, that all Miners within the Wapentake of Wricksworth ought to have by custom the freedom there of the next Wood, and Water of the Kings and Queens to stow and timber their Grounds under the Earth and above, and therefore the Miners do pay Lot to the King and Queen. 13. Barmer to set a way nearest the water. Also the Barmer shall able the Miners the next way lying to the Highway to the water (if they be stopped) upon pain for every time 12 d. 14. Also we do present, Miners Privilege places to work in: and upon our Oaths we do say, that it is lawful for all the King and Queen's Liege people to dig, delve, search, subvert, and turn up all manner of Grounds, Lands, Meadows, Closures, Pastures, Moors, and Marshes for Oar Mine, within the aid Wappentake of Wicksworth, of whatsoever Inheritance or Possession the same be: but if any Arable Grounds or Meadows be digged, delved, or subverted for Oar Mine by any person, not wrought lawfully according to the custom of the Mine, that then it may be lawful to the Inheritors or Possessors of all such Arable Grounds and Meadows only so digged and delved, and subverted or mined, the same to fill up again at their own wills and pleasure. 15. As also we do present and say upon our Oaths, Wherein a Miner is amerced. that the custom of the said Mine is, that if any Miner be amerced at the Court of Barmote the first time is (and so at every Court if such occasion ensue) to double the same until it shall amount to 5 s. 4 d. whereof 5 s. to the King and Queen, and 4 d. to the Burghmaster. 16. Also we do present and say upon our Oaths, Barmote the only Court to be sued in. that the custom of the said Mine is such, that no person ought to sue any Miner for Oar Debt, or for Oar, or for any Ground in variance, but only in the said Court of Barmote; and if any do to the contrary, they shall lose their Debt, and pay the Charges in Law; and that no Officer shall execute any Writ, Warrant, or Precept upon any Miner being at his Work upon the Mine, nor when the Miners shall come to the great Courts of Barmote, but only the Barmer or his Deputy. 17. None to keep any Counterfeit Measure. Also that no person or persons shall buy Oar at any times, lawfully or unlawfully meet, but the same to be done openly by the King and Queens Measure called The Dish, upon the Pain for every time so offending and taken therewith to forfeit 10 s. the seller thereof the Oar. 18 We also lay a Pain, that no person or persons from henceforth shall keep any Dish or Counterfeit Measure in their Houses, Cows, or in any other place; and that every person shall buy and sell their Oar by the King's Dish, and none other to be had or used amongst them; and every buyer so offending and taken therewith for every time to forfeit 10 s. and the seller to forfeit the Oar by any such unlawful Measure so bought or sold. 19 Keeping Courts. Also that the Barmaster shall keep two great Courts of Barmote Yearlie, at or about the Feasts of Pasch and S Michael the Archangel, and every Week a small Court, as need shall require, upon pain for every default 4 s. 4 d. 20. Custom of finding a new Vein. Also our Custom is such, that if any Miner by the grace of God do find any new Rake or Vein, the first Finder ought to have two Measures, and the Barmaster ought to have the next Measure thereunto, for the King and Queen, according to the Custom of the Mine; and every one after so far as the said Rake will contain. 21. Also if it fortune or happen that any Miner be slain, Barmer instead of a Coroner. killed, murdered, or damped upon the Mine within any Grove, neither Escheator, Coroner, nor other Officer ought to meddle thereupon, but the Barmaster or his Deputy. 22. Not to measure Ground before freed. Also the Barmaster shall not meet or measure any man's Ground, until such time as there shall be Oar gotten within the same Ground, and that when they free it it shall be meaten. 23. Not to touch the Dish. Also that the Merchant buyer of the Oar shall not touch the King's Dish or Measure, nor put his Hand therein to the intent to make his Measure; but the Barmaster or his Deputy shall be indifferent betwixt the Merchant buyer and seller. 24. Against stopping the Field. Also that no Workman shall come to any Workman, that doth work his Ground truly, by any colour to claim his Ground, or take him up to stop the Field of the Mine, but the first Workman shall work, and the Claimer take the Law, and the Barmer shall do him Law. 25. Also if there be any Gentleman that hath any Grounds in the Mine called The King's Field of the Mine, Keeping Grounds without Stow's or Timber they shall keep them in occupation with Stow's and Timber in all men's sight, or else it shall be lawful for any man to work them as their own to their most profit and advantage. 26. Also we lay a Pain, No person to sell Grounds in variance. that no person or persons shall go to any Gentleman or other man to give or sell any Ground or Groves in variance for Maintenance in pawn, for every man so doing to forfeit the said Grounds or Groves, and the taker of them to forfeit 10 l. 27. Against, any Counterfeit Measure. Also if any person or persons from henceforth do make any Gage or Counterfeit Measure to meet any Oar with, if it be above a Load, that then every such person or persons so taken shall forfeit 40 s. and if it be a Load or under a Load, the Barmaster ought to have the Oar. 28. Also we lay a Pain according to our custom, Against unlawful weapons. that no persons shall bring any unlawful Weapons to the Mine, for every time 3 s. 4 d. and if any make an Assault or an Affray upon the Mine, every such person is 10 l. and every blood maliciously shed against the King and Queen's Peace is 100 s. 29. Also we say upon our Oaths, Groves or Mere in variance. that the custom of the Mine is such, that if any person or persons will make any Title in or to any Grounds, Groves, Shafts, or Rakes, Veins or Meers of Groves or Oar, aught to arrest the same according to the old custom of the Mine, and the Defendants ought to be bound in sufficient boud, with sufficient Sureties with him to the Plaintiff or Claimers, not only to make answer at the next Court of the Barmote to such Actions or Accounts as shall be attempted by the Plaintiff or Claimers upon the said Arrestment, but also to yield so much Oar, or the value thereof, to the Plaintiff, if the Defendant be cast or condemned by Verdict of 12 Men or otherwise. And furthermore we do Order in the premises, that after such Arrestment made, the Barmer shall appoint a Court of Barmote within 10 days, or else as shortly after as he can convenienlie, and if the Plaintiff do not follow and pursue his Suit upon the said Arrestment, than he to lose to the Barmer 6 s. 8 d. and to lose his Suit also, so the Barmer keep a Court, as is aforesaid; and if the Barmer do not keep a Court, upon request to him to be made, then is he to forfeit for every Court not kept 10 s. 30. Stealing of Oar. Also we do present and say upon our Oaths, that any person or persons do steal or felloniouslie take away any Oar from any Grounds, Groves, Cows, Houses, Bowls, or Bolsteds, if it be under the value of 13 d. ob. than the Barmer shall punish such Offenders in the Stocks, Pillory, or otherwise, as is fit for such Offenders to be punished; and if any Oar be stolen above the value of 13 d. ob. we say it is Felony; notwithstanding any surmised, feigned, or imagined Customs amongst us used to the contrary; and that all such persons receiving, aiding, helping; or comforting such Offenders, knowing them to have committed such Offences or Felonies be Accessory to the same. 31. Barmaster or Deputy walking in the Fields. Also if there be any Miners which do work in any Mere, Grove, Shaft, Vein, Rake, or Grounds according to the custom of the Mine aforesaid, for that we do lay a pain that no person or persons at any time or times, neither by day nor night, shall cast in any of the said Grounds, howsoever they shall be wrought, upon pain for every offence, None to cast in any man's Ground. ten pounds, for if any grounds be not wrought lawfully, there is a Law for reformation to be had in such cases provided. 32. Also we will that the Lord of the Field or his Deputy, and the Barmaster or his Deputy, shall go once a week once or twice over the Field; and where they find any of these Articles not done, or any that do offend in any of them, they shall do their diligence to reform the same. And if any of these Pains be broken or forfeited, they shall endeavour themselves and inquire thereof, and present the Offenders and Offences at the Great Court of Barmote from time to time. 33. Also we do lay a Pain, Against Cavers. that no person or persons shall from henceforth Cave in any man's Grounds or elsewhere, upon pain to forfeit the Oar to them that will take the same from the Cavers, and they to forfeit for every Offence to the King 6 d. FINIS. AN ABSTRACT OF THE CIVIL LAWS Concerning Metallists, Metallick Artists, Alchemists, Metals, and Money. DE METALLARIIS. Metallarius quilibet esse potest. Metallarii possunt esse Laici & Religiosi. Metallarii pro in roi u debent s●lvere Fisco tertiam partem unciae pro fossione lib●um annuam: 14 unciarum pro purificatione, duas decimas Fisco si fodit in publico, unam si in privato. Sed de auro solvere tantùm debent 7 scrupulos annuos. Praevalet t●men consuetudo. Si d●seruerint artem, possunt compelli ad illam reassumendam, quacunque Praescriptione non obstante. Ita possunt retrahi ad officium filai Metallariorum. Etiamsi fuerint in servitio Principis. Quilibet in proprio sundo metalla potest inquirere, dummodo Fisco partem debitam s●lvat. In fundo usufructuario similiter inquirere potest, nisi partem fundi laedat, vel formam mutet, vel aerem corrumpat, vel sumptum magnum proprietario afferat. Ita poterit in fundo Emphyteotico. Et in fundo Feudali. Et in Dotali. In fundo Communi potest inquiri invito Socio, si praedium sit ad hoc destinatum, vel aliqua pars, & socio damnum non inferatur. Socius potest incidere sylvam coeduam, invito socio, nè pertinacia unius altero noceat. Ad Metalla inquirenda vel effodienda societas coiri potest. In solo publico Metalla inquiri possunt. Et in solo alieno volente domino. Et invito domino ob publicam utilitatem. Dummodo non inferatur praejudicium domino. Incipiens inquirere vel fodere in suo, si vena transit in alienum, potest eam prosequi domino invito, dummodo fiat sine ipsius detrimento. Vel nolet ipse dominus initio inquirere & fodere. Nisi extraneus jam repererit, vel expensas in fodiendo fecerit. DE ARTIFICIBUS METALLORUM. Artifex alicujus artis dicitur, oui ejus artis babet scientiam Ementes, & Vendentes, & Negotiatores, non veniunt sub nomine Artificum. Ad probandam peritiam Artificis opus est testibus in arte peritis. Artifices puniuntur, si non justè & sine fraude artes suas exercent. Aurifex faciens aurum minoris Ligae punitur poena falsi. Aurifex vendens rem vitiosam scienter, tenetur ad totum interesse; si ignorans, tenetur ad quanto minoris empturus fuisset. Artifices sant immunts à publicis muneribus personalibus. Artifex ad hoc, ut gaudeat imunitate, Matriculae quinque requisita habere debet. Descriptus in Matricula. Peritus in illa arte. Exercens illam artem. Per se, non per alios. Bonam partem fortunarum suarum in illa arte positam. Discipuli non gaudent privilegiis artificum, sed in testamentis & beneficiis gaudent. Artifex deserens artem per decennium desinit esse Artifex. Artifex consuetus obedire alicui Magistratui, non liberatur nisi desuetudine legitima in contrarium. Artifex qui deseruit artem potest conveniri ante superiorem, artis in his quae ad artis exercitium pertinent. Haeres artificis coram Judice defuncti, prorebus artis est conceniendus Duas artes exercens ambarum privilegiis gaudet. DE ALCHEMISTIS. Species una Metalli in aliam mutari potest. Aurum vel Argentum Aichemicum habet verum & proprium Aurivel Argenti substantiam, sophisticatum habet colorem, & apparentiam tantum. Alchemicum verum à naturali non differt. Alchemicum pro naturali solvi potest, sophisticatum non potest. Re in totum sophisticocta vendita, non valet venditio. In partem sophistieata valet, in ea parte in qua non est erratum. Error in materia vel qualitate substantiali non vitiat actum, sed in qualibet invisibili vitiat. In distractu & liberatione error vitiat actum, ut aenea solutio pro debito aureo. In deposito non vitiat. Neque in pignore. Emens aes pro auro, ignorans, habet actionem adversus venditorem, scien● non habet. Si ignar vendi um & datur actio ex empto; si scienter actio d● dolo. Alchemista si vendit sosh sti atum pro vero, non potest esse testis; si p oh s poisticato potest. DE METALLIS. Aurum, vel Argentum, vel aliud quodcunque à flumine praedio meo adjectum & terrae cohar●ns, meum fit. Quod pr●cedi● si dominus ignoretur. Venae A●etallorum ignotae sunt in dominio domini fundi. Venae quae sunti● fundo Fisci vel Principis, ad F●s●um vel Pr●ncipem spectant. Quae s●nt in fundo Universitatis, sunt ipsius Vniversitatis. Quae in fu do Ecclesiae sunt Ecclesiae. Quae s●m in fundo privatorum, ad privatos pertinent, non ad Fiscum. Quae in fundo Emphyteotico ad Emphyteotam non ad dominum directum. Quae in fundo Foudali ad Feudatorium Quae in fundo usufructuarii ad usufructuarium. Quae in fundo Dot●li si renascantur, u● aurifodinae sunt Mariti, si non renascantu, ut l●pides, sunt uxoris. Expensas in fundo Dotali factas à Marito proinveniendis fodinis, s●sunt ad perpetuam utilitatem rei maritus rep●tere potest; si sunt ad f●uctus quaerendos vel collige●dos, non repetit sed compens●ntur cum fructibus. Si multer impediat ma●ito foainarum usum, & impensa facta sit gratia fructuum, da●ur marito actio ad exhibendum, si gratia rei, datur actio de Do●e contra ia. Metalla qui invenit in fundo alieno, decimam unam debet domino fundi, alium Fisco vel Principi, reliqua sibi acquirit. Incipiens fodere in suo fundo, & per cuniculos transit in alienum & ibi Metallum invenit, sibi venam acquirit, non domino fundi. Et retinens cuniculum apertum, acquirit jus in tota vena, licèt fodiat in un● parte tantum. Dominus fundi sciens & patiens aliquem fodere in sua vena spatio 30 annorum, amittit jus suum. Commoditas vel jus fodiendi servitus est personalis, non realis. Dominus venae praesumitur is qui repertus est possessor hostii cuniculi. In dubio possessionis Judex debet summariè se informare, & possessionem manu tenere. Fundo vendito venae fundiomnes censentur venditae. Venis in venditione exceptis, extantes eo tempore, intelliguntur non postea inventae. Nondum inventae invenditione refervari possunt. Vena inventa in fundo diviso, spectat ad eum cui fundus obtigit in divisione. Castrum si Princeps concedat cumfodinis suas fodinas concedit non privatorum. Pup●llus fodinas alienare nequit. DE MONETA. Monetam cudere solus de jure potest Imperator. Vel is qui ab ipso Licentiam habet. Expensis Debitoris & Creditoris talis aestimator solvi debet. Auri pretium angeri vel minui potest à Principe vel Autheritatem cudendi habente. Pro valore currenti quilibet accipere tenetur. Duabus monetis in Civitate currentibus, debitor eligere potest ad solvendum quam volet, nisi aliter pactum sit. Pro debito au●i vel argenti, in massa, non potest solvi pecunia, nisi sit ejusdem probitatis, ponderis & ligae. Debitum expresse quantitatis & monetae veluti librarum 100 in florence, debet solvi in quantitate 100 librarum, licet Florenus sit valoris varii. Moneta in Testamento relicta juxta valorem testamenti solvi debet. Contra Campsorem aget Creditor, si ex ejus approbatione damnum habet. Traditio monetae aureae pro argentea vel alia est contractus innominatus. Moneta non est vendibilis neque locabilis, sed mutuabilis. Falsa est monet a vel mistione materiae, vel defectu nominis Principis, vel ex defectu authoritatis in eo qu cudit. Falsans Monetam Imperatoris incurrit in crimen Laesae Majestatis, sed minoris Principis alterius non incurrit. Falsans monetam auream Imperatoris cum ejus imagine comburendus est, & ejus bona confiscanda. Non auream, vel non cum imagine Imperatoris capite plectendus & num. 100 Tondens non cudens ultimo supplicio damnandus. Si tonsa remaneat in suo justo valore, non punitur. Expendens falsam stannii vel plumbi incidit in poenam falsi, aeris vero vel argenti in leviorem poenam. Et poenam evadit, si doceat unde habuerit. Vel si habens sit bonae conditionis & famae. Vel si paucam monetam habeat. Fundens monetam committit poenam falsi. Falsans monetam reprobatam non incidit in poenam falsi. Fabricans monetam sine licentia superioris, licèt non falsam, committit poenam falsi. Hae & aliae reperiuntur Leges & amplificantur in Codicibus Juris Civilis, viz. Digest. l. 3. tit. 4. leg. 1. & lib. 48. tit. 19 leg. 8. sect. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. & Cod. l. 11. tit. 6. leg. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. & Instit. lib. 2. tit. 1. sect. 39 & diversis Authoribus diligentissimè scrutatis per Joannem Guidium Volateranum. An Abstract of Sir JOHN DAVIES Report of Mixed moneys. Queen Elizabeth for Paiment of Her Army Royal for the suppression of the Rebellion of Tyrone, coined in the Tower of London a great quantity of Mixed moneys, with the usual Stamp and Arms of the Crown, and Inscription of the Royal Style, and sends it over into Ireland with Proclamation dated 24 May, 43 of Her Reign, where. by She declared the said Mixed Money immediately after the Proclamation made to be Lawful and Currant Money of the Realm of Ireland, and commands that the said moneys shall be so accepted, reputed, and used by all Her Subjects, and others having any Traffic within the said Realm; and if any person shall refuse to receive the same according to the Denomination and Valuation, viz. Shillings for Shillings, etc. they shall be punished as Contemners of Her Royal Prerogative and Commandment. And to the intent the said Mixed moneys might pass more freely, it was also declared by the said Proclamation, that after the 10th. day of June next all other former Currant Monies should be decried and annulled, and esteemed as Bullion and not Currant Money. In April before the Proclamation one Brett of Drogheda a Merchant having bought certain Wares of one Gilbert of London, became bound to the said Gilbert in 200 l. Conditioned for the payment of 100 l. Currant and Lawful Money of England at a certain day to come, and at a certain place in Ireland, which day happened to be after the said Proclamation. At the day and place Brett tenders the 100 l. in the Mixed Money: Whether this Tender was sufficient to save the Forfeiture, and whether the said Brett should be compelled to pay the said 100 l. in the other or better Money, was the Question at the Council Table upon the Petition of Brett. And because this was a General Case, and of great importance, Sir George Carry (being then Lord Deputy) required the Chief Judges to consider of the Case, and to return their Lesolution; who upon consideration resolved the Tender of the said 100 l. in Mixed moneys was good to save the Forfeiture, and that Brett should not be enforced after to pay any other Money in discharge of the Debt, but according to the rate and value at the time of the Tender. And this their Resolution was certified to the Lord deputy, and entered in the Council Book, wherein divers Points were resolved. 1. That in every Kingdom or Commonwealth there ought to be a certain Standard for Money. 2. That the King of England is to coin the Money in His Dominions, and none other without his Licence; and if any shall presume to Coin, 'tis Treason against the King's Parson by the Common Law. 3. That the King by His Prerogative may make Money of what matter and form he please, and establish the Standard thereof; and may change His Money in Substance and Impression, and enhaunse or abase the Value, or decry and annul it, and make it Bullion at His Pleasure. 4. That the Mixed Money having the Impression and Inscription of the Queen, and being proclaimed Currant within the Kingdom of Ireland, aught to be accepted for Sterling Money. 5. That although this Mixed Money was made to be Currant within the Realm of Ireland only, yet it may be called Currant and Lawful Money of England. 6. That although at the time of the Contract and Obligation pure Money of Gold and Silver was Currant, yet the Mixed Money being established before the Day of Paiment, the Tender is good, and the Obligee is bound to accept thereof, or is without remedy of any other Payment. FINIS. An EXPLANATION of several Words used in this History, as an Essay to the larger Dictionary of Metallick and Chemical Words, mentioned in the Preface. A. ADit, what: see page 2. Adulterate, adulterating. Adulteration, metaphorically used for the undue Mixtures of any thing which is prohibited by Law. Agriculture, tilling, dressing, or manuring Earth, whereby it may be better adorned with varieties. Alchemist, Alchemy. See Chemistry. p. 4. & 43. Alien, a stranger or foreiner, to alien, alienate, or fell to another, or stranger, from Alienus. Amber, Metallick or Electrum, compounded of Gold and Silver, vide Preface. Architecture, or the Art of building houses, etc. Arts Mechanical, vide p. 30, 31. Aspect, beholding or viewing; Aspect of Stars, is when certain Planets and Signs in Heaven do behold each other; and there are four such Aspects. 1. Trine. 2. Quartile. 3. Sextile. 4. Opposite Aspect, viz. in Books of Astronomy. B. Barmote, vide Barrmaster. Barrmaster or Barmer, and Burgh-Master, Barrmoote and Burghmoote; Moot here signifies a Court where the Matters in Controversy are decided, and as Hallimoote is called from Guild-Hall, where such Mootes are kept, and Burghmoote from such Burgs, Boroughs or Towns where Courts are kept, so Barrmoote is only used for Miners, where they appear at a Bar, and he that gives the sentence as Superior is called the Barrmaster or Barmer, or Ruler of that Barrmoote or Court for the Miners. Barrmine, such Mine as is adjudged at their Barmoote. Bell-metall, how made. p. 4. Bellows, such as blow the fire for melting Metals. Blocks, what, see p. 4. we give pieces of wood the same name, and they have an Analogy in respect of weight. Bowls or Bolestids, are places, where in ancient time, (before Smelting-Mills were invented) the Miners did fine their lead. Bone-ashes, or bones burnt, and then beaten small, of which Tests are made, vide Tests. Botannists, such as deal in Plants. Brass, how made, see p. 4. The Latin word is Aes, which is usually applied to Copper, but improperly; for Cuprum is Copper as a simple Metal, and Aes brass, a compound Metal of Copper and Lapis Calaminaris, and this word Brass having no affinity with the Latin words Cuprum or Aes; it is probable that Composition was known before the Romans time, and so never altered its name, and so of Gold and Silver. See Copper. Boule, or dish, which is a certain measure, wherewith the Miner use to measure out the duties to the Church and King, reserved from the Oar as Tithe, containing about half a peck. Bullion, what: see pag. 40. Burghmaster, see Barmaster. Cakes, what, see p. 4. called so in relation to their form round and flat, in part convex. Calefaction, calefying, or making warm. Cards, which are certain pieces of board, whereon wire is fixed, so as to comb out wool, and fit it for making of woollen clothes. And are sure Cards, Cards of labour and profit, not of pleasure and idleness. See Wire. Carriers. See p. 39 Cast-works: such Metals as are not Malleable, or apt to be beaten, by reason of their fragile or brittle nature, and are therefore cast into Plates or forms fit to be cut into Wire, or other uses. cephalics, Cures of Diseases belonging to the head. p. 5. Chemistry, Chemic, Chemical, or Chemistry. The Art of separating Metals. See Alchemy. Cinders, the scum or refuse of Iron which is burnt. Circuit, Circuity, a compass, or going about. Coale, 1. Black, such as is burnt or charkt. 2. White, which is only baked in an Oven to make it dry for fuel. Celestial, things belonging to Heaven, from Coelum. Condensation, or being more hard or thick. Conflagration, when all things shall consume together, as at the last day of Judgement. Cope, from Copia plenty. See p. 89. Copper, consists most of sulphur, this is like to come from the Latin word Cuprum, and taught us by the Romans. See Brass. Cordials, things which comfort the Heart. p. 5. Cows, are houses that the Miners build over their Groves, and not such as give milk; I suppose rather Coves Cover. Coin, to coin, coinage. p. 40. 42. 56. D. dialing of Mines, what, see p. 2. which is done with the like Instruments of Art, by which Sun-dials or surveighing of ground is performed, p. 2. See G. Agricola. Discoverer, is any person who doth find out a Metal or Mineral which was covered, and discovers or reveals it to the Proprietor of the ground, or to the Societies, etc. Domestic, or that which concerns business at home. E. Effluxion, which flows from a thing as sweat from the body. Elixir. See Quintessence. Ens veneris. p. 5. Epileptioks (from Epilepsy) Cures for the falling-sickness. p. 5. Eucharist, or the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. See Transubstantiation. Ewers, vide Oars. p. 57 Excression, that which grows naturally, or by force of Art, out of any thing. Exhaustion, to exhaust, exhausting or drawing out. Extraction, or drawing by force, also to extract, Extractings. Extrinsic, or outward. F. Evil, or Materials wherewith to supply or continue sires, whether wood or any other combustibles. G. Genuine, or natural, from Genus, its proper kind. Gold, the most perfect of all Metals, it comes not from Aurum the Latin word, which shows the Romans had little use of it here, or it had a name with us before their Language. Grove is the Pit that leads down to the Mine. H. Hypocondriacks, diseases relating to the spleen. p. 5. Hysterick Passions, such as the Diseases called the Mother, Convulsions, etc. I. Incorporation, Corporation, Incorporating, are embodying several men into a joint Company, or Society, for the carrying on some Affair, and the person so incorporated called a Corporators, or Incorporators. Ingots, or silver melted into proporportions, fit to be cut into coin. See p. 40. Intrinsic, or inward. Iron, seems to be a word which is more ancient than the Roman Language, which terms it ferrum, unless ferrum be called Iron by way of Irony. L. Latin, is brass coloured over with oar, it is only cast, and is too brittle to endure the hammer: How the word hath relation to the Roman Language is to be enquired. Lead seems to be a word also with us more ancient than the Roman Language, which calls it Plumbum. Lessees, such as take Leases from others, or of any Mines from the Societies, with Covenants to work the same, and pay the King's duties, etc. Letters Patents, Literae Patentes, or Writing, sealed with the broad Seal of England, whereby men are authorised to do or enjoy any thing, that otherwise of themselves they could not do; there are four sorts mentioned in this History: First, of the Mines Royal, p. 49. 54. 62 Secondly, of the Society of the Mineral and Battry-works, p. 57 60, 65. Thirdly, of the Society of the Royal Company, p. 27. And fourthly, of the Royal Company, p. 17. Ligament, a mineral word from Liga, where the Composition of Metals bind together more firm. Liquidity, Liquidities, liquid or moistening. M. Manufactures, such useful Arts as are performed by the labour or action of the hand. Meditullian, that part of the Earth which is between the Centre and the Surface of the Earth. Mere, 29 yards is a Mere in the low Peak, 31 in the high Peak, and the breadth is from skirt to skirt, in a rake or Pipe-work, and in a flat work. Metallists, such as deal in Metals. Metals of seven sorts, vide Preface, and p. 3. 6, 7. the distinction of which are referred to the intended Dictionary of metallics, or pertaining to Metals. Metals Artificial. p. 43. Mines, what. vide p. 1. Mine Royal, and poor-Mine, vide p 9 & 52. Minerals, the several sorts, see p. 5, 6. 7 the definitions of which are referred to the intended Dictionary. Mineralist, such as deal in Minerals. Mint, see p 40. Money, see p. 42, 43. Multiplication of Coin, see p. 43. N. Needle, a piece of Iron fixed on a Centre with which Mariners, Surveyors, and Diallers use to show the North and South-points: The word is also used for an instrument wherewith men and women few garments. O. Oars, what, and the sorts of them, vide p. 2, 3. the word is also used for oars which Water men use, only differs in Orthography Glanceore, white-ore, which sometimes are called Ewres, see p. 49. Ostiology, or a discourse of the nature of bones. P. Pale of Ireland, see p 8. Parliament or Parliament. ib. Patents, vide Letters Patents. Petrefying, petrefaction, or turning soft or liquid substances into more hard or stony, from Petra a Rock. Pewter, vide p 4. Philosopher's stone, see Quintessence. Pigs of Lead, see p. 4. some call them Sows, with some Analogy to Animals of that name, in relation to their production. Pitts, what, see p 1. sometimes taken for places which hold water, which are digged with Spits or Spades. Pores, are certain visible or invisible holes in the bodies of all sublunary Creatures through which they send out a certain breath or Liquid matter. Practical or Practic learning, or the Theory, or Theorems of Arts which may be put in practice, vid. Theory. Prae Emption, a power given for one to buy any thing before an other. Prerogative, is that especial power, pre-eminence or privilege which the King hath in any kind over and above others, and above the ordinary course of the common law, in right of his Crown, wherein he is only subject to God Proprietor, he who hath the property or right of the soil, wherein a Mine lies hid, or discovered. Q. Quarry, what, vid. p 1. Quicksilver, seems to be a word used by us more ancient than the Roman language, which calls it Argentum Vivum, or Living Silver, which we call quick by reason of its nimble and active power, and therefore by some called Mercury. See Silver. Quintessence, Elixir, or the Philosopher's Stone, is a 5th spirit that doth tie the spirits of the four Elements together, and as the four Elements are in some proportions in all bodies, so is this spirit, and it is the Art of the Philosopher to extract this spirit out of any body, and that 5th. spirit which they extract out of Metals is this Quintessence, or five spirits, by which such Miracles are to be effected, vid. p 44, 45. See Elixir. R. Rake, is a vein of Oar that lieth between two Wought, that is not covered with a lid stone, and not a Rake made with teeth. Reassume, Reassuming, Resumption not a taking a thing back again, which was formerly given or granted. Refiner or to refine, is he that melts Metal again, to bring it into a more pure substance. Resplendency, Resplendent, splendid or splendour, is that which affoards great brightness, so that Resplendency is to be understood double that brightness, and so in other words, where the addition of Re, guides the word. S. Sledges, such wherewith in many places they draw weights, where Carts, Tumbrells, etc. are not used. Sciences, the 7 Liberal. vid. p 30. and 31. Shade, or glittering Earth, being as it were the shadow of a greater light. Shafts, what, see p 2. Silver, begotten of Quicksilver and Sulphur, it comes not from Argentum, the Latin word, which shows it was not in use before the Romans, or at least had that name before them. See Quicksilver. Slaggs, is the dross remaining after melting or refining Led, etc. Smelled, or Melt, thence a Smelter or Melter. Specimen, a proof or example. Speculation, speculating or beholding any thing as in a glass face to face, and sometimes a mere vision of the Mind. Sophisticate, to imitate the wisdom of Naure, by some false or counterfeit Art. Spadiardo, such as dig with Spades p. 81. Stannaries, from Stannum Tin, See Tin, Standard, Money according to the Standard, is that which the State doth allow to be the mixture, as if 10 parts of Silver and 2 of Copper to 12 d. or more or less as the State please to decree: The word is also used in martial affairs, as the King's Standard, which carries his Colours, as money doth, his Superscription. Stampers, such as beat the Oar small and fit for the Washers. Steel, natural and artificial, see p. 4 and hath no affinity with the Latin word chalybs. Stow, to stow is to set pieces of wood upon the Grove or Pit, or the place where the Miners do intent to make a Pit, so as to lay a turntree and rope, whereby to draw Earth or Mine out of the Grove. Subterranean, that which is in and under the Earth, and under the surface thereof. Superficies or Surface, that which appears first to the eye of a thing represented unto it. Swords, whereby is here to be understood somewhat belonging to the Bellows, and not weapons offensive or defensive, or rather Soards from Soare, or the arising and depression which cause their sufflation of the fire, and so melts the Oar. Synonimons, or of like name. T. Terrestrial, or things belonging to the Earth, and Terrene. Tests, are made of bone-ashes mixed with water, of several proportions great or small, wherein Metal is essayed in small parts, or melted and refined at large. Theory is the consideration of what may be put into practice, vide Practice. Tin, Tinners, Stannaries, vide p. 12. & 79. Touch, from Touchstone, upon which if Gold or Silver be rubbed, the true is more easily distinguished from the false. Transubstantiate, or Transubstantiation, or Transubstantiating, is to alter the substance of a thing, or transfer it from one substance to another, as making Gold of Silver, etc. See p. 44. and Eucharist. Tun is 20 hundred weight, or four Hogsheads, or 12 score and 12 Gallons. V Veins of Metal, see p. 2. Virgula Divina, see the Preface. Vocabulary, a recital of words. Utensils, properly used for things of use, belonging to house-keeping, but generally used for the tools belonging to any trade. W. Wash, the Metallists usually, when their oar is stamped small, do put it it into a sieve, and pour water on it, which washes the dirt from the Oar. Winlace, or an Engine to wind up weights, or any thing else withal. Wier, there is a Prohibition of foreign wire in the fourth of Edw. the fourth, and in the 29. of Eliz. and other Statutes; but I find not in any of our Dictionaries, English or Latin, the word Wire, but in the Italian, (who use no W. S. it is virare, to veer, or vertere, to turn, or draw any thing round, and so is Wire, and the French call the drawing of Wire, Tirare, T and V, being the same in their dialect, so that Vier or Wire intends the same thing, and Walton in all his Translations of the 7 Oriental Tongues, calls Wire only silum, and Jun. & Tremel. filamentum, or Metal drawn out like a Thread, from whence we call small wire, thread of Wyer. The reason of prohibiting foreign wire, is because it is so weak and flexible, that it doth not comb the wool as it ought to be, whereas English wire is strong and more fit for that purpose, and these wires are framed with pieces of flat boards, which are called Cards. See Cards. Woughs, or Wall of the Groves. Y. Yoked, is to set pieces of Wood joined together within. the Grove, to prevent the Earth falling. CORRIGENDA. PAg. 5. line 28. read cephalics. p. 7. l. 36. r. Mines lie, are. p. 28. l. 17 r. Tinn. p. 32. l. 22 r. Receive supplies p 33. l. 25. r. Abertivy in Wales. p. 37. l. 21. r. At the Red. p. 38. l. 4. r. great Treve. p. 42. l. 19 r. As Vorstegan. p. 44. r. Maps of Tallibont, and the darrein Hills, and Roman works. p. 51. l. 4. r. For every. p. 60. l. 30. r. Jepson Knight. p. 73. l. 19 r. given them. p. 79. l. 16. r. Melting. p. 86. l. 8. r. be not. l. 15. deal but. p. 87. l. 4, r. carry from. p. 80. l. ●, 10, 14. r. Cope. p. 99 l. 30. r. Is to pay. p. 105. l. 7. r. Cuniculi. p. 108. l. 5. r, Resolution. l. 19 Person, FINIS.