The POLL-ACT Abridged and Methodised. Persons wholly Exempt from the Poll-Act. Folio 16. ALL Foreign Protestant Refugees. All Widows who are Discharged from Hearth-Money. All Officers in the Army who shall actually leave this Kingdom in Obedience to the King's Command. Every Person who served as an Officer in Londonderry or Enniskillin during the Siege of Londonderry, who is since Reformed or Disbanded, and who hath no Estate within this Kingdom— And the Widows of such. All Widows of any Officer or Soldier who shall he such at the time of the Execution of this Act and who have no Freehold in this Kingdom, and whose late Husband being Officer or Soldier died or was killed in His Majesty's Service during the late Rebellion. Folio 18 All Persons who receive Alms, and so Certified by the Minister of the Parish, or next Justice of the Peace. Persons Exempt in part, or quo ad hoc. Thomas hugh's, in respect of his Pension of 25 l. per Annum. Folio 11 All private Soldiers and Seamen in the King's Service, in respect of their Poll. Folio 17 All who served as private Soldiers in Londonderry or Enniskillin. Their Wives, Widows and Children, in respect of their Poll. Fo. 18 None to pay for more than two Children under the Age of Sixteen, who only pay one Shilling for Poll. Folio 4 All who are or have the Reputation of a Gentleman, and not being worth ten pound in Worldly Substance, shall pay only five shillings. Folis 17 Nor shall any French Reformed Officer (being a Protestant) ibidem Nor Officer of the King's Customs whose Salary exceeds not ten pound per Annum be Taxed as a Gentleman. ibidem Persons Exempt from payment for Salary. No Officer belonging to the Revenue whose Salary exceeds not forty pound per Annum shall be Taxed in relation to his Salary. Fol. 17 Nor any Officer of the Royal Hospital whose Salary exceeds not 30 l. per. annum. Folio 19 Nor any Town-Major or Fort-Major. ibid. Nor Chaplain or Chirurgeon to any Regiment. ibid. Nor any Officer in the Army under degree of a Captain be Taxed for or in respect of their pay. ibid. Bachelor. None to be Taxed as such who by this Act is Charged, and aught to pay for his Poll one shilling and no more. Folio 18 Nor any being a Menial Servant. ibid. Nor any Officer being in this Majesty's Army. ibid. Nor Provost, Fellow or Scholar of the College shall be Taxed as a bachelor. Folio 19 Clergy Exempted quo ad hoc. None to be Taxed as a Pluralist who hath his Benefices Contiguous, and lives in one of the said Parishes whereof he is Incumbent, where the said Parishes are not worth a hundred pound, or more, per annum. Folio 16 No Doctor in Divinity to be charged for his Quality, having no Ecclesiastical Preferment Folio 19 The Widow of an Ecclesiast not to pay after her late Husband's Quality. ibidem Poll. One Shilling per Poll to be paid by every Person of what Age, sex, or Condition soever. Folio 4 Clergy Taxed. Folio 4 Archbishop fifty pound Bishop, twenty pound Dean, ten pound , five pound Cannon, two pound ten shillings Prebend, two pound ten shillings Doctor of Divinity, five pound Pluralist of Benefices, with Cure of a hundred pound per annum, or more, five pound. Parson of one Benefice, with Cure, of a hundred pound per annum, three pound. Parson of one or more Benefices, with Core, of fifty pound and under a hundred pound per Annum, twenty shillings. Folio 5. Sine Cure, of a hundred pound per annum, and pro rata, over or under, ten pound Non-Resident on a single Cure, or having more, and not Rending on any one, of a hundred pound per annum, and pro rata, over or under, ten pound For all Parsons whose Benefices, with Cure, do not in all amount to fifty pound per annum, ten shillings. Every Person who shall be in this Kingdom, or hath any Estate in Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments therein, shall pay, Folio 5. Duke, fifty pound. His Eldest son, thirty pound. Every Younger son, twenty five pound. Marquesi, forty pound. His Eldest son, twenty five pound. Every Younger son, twenty pound. Earl, thirty pound. His Eldest son, twenty pound. Every Younger son, Fifteen pound. Viscount, twenty five pound. His Eldest son, seventeen pound, ten shillings. Every Younger son, thirteen pound, six shillings, and eight pence. Baron, twenty pound. His Eldest son, Fifteen pound. Every Younger son, twelve pound. Folio 6. Each Woman having Title of a Peeress of this Kingdom, or who takes place as such Residing or having any Estate in Lands, or otherwise, in this Kingdom, shall pay equal with any Peer of the same Degree. Folio 7. Every Widow of a Nobleman (tho' since Married to a Commoner) shall pay one third of what her Husband being a Peer, or reputed Peer of this Kingdom, aught to have paid had he been living at the time of Execution of this Act. Every Widow shall pay one third on that Degree which her Husband if living would have been rated at. Baronet, Fifteen pound Knight of the Bath, Fifteen pound. Knight, ten pound Each of the King's Sergeants at Law, twenty pound Each Gentleman or reputed Gentleman above sixteen Years, one pound Each Esquire or reputed Esquire, being of sixteen years, or more, five pound Doctor of Law▪ Five pound Folio ● Doctor of Physic, Five pound ibid. Servants having three pound per annum (or more) Wages, to pay one shilling per pound Folio 1● Servants under three pound per annum, Wages, to pay six pence per pound thereout ibid. To be paid by their Masters or Mistresses, and by them deducted out of their Wages. Folio 46 Debts. Every person (as well bodies Politic or Corporate as otherwise) having sperate debts (other then from the King) over and above what themselves bona fide own, shall pay ten shillings for every hundred pound thereof. Folio 13 Personal Estate. Every Person being worth a hundred pound in personal Estate (who is not herein after Rated at more than five shillings as a Shop keepee●) shall pay for that hundred pound, ten shillings. Folio 1● Every person worth two hundred pound therein, (and not Rated as a Shopkeeper) shall pay one pound. ibid. Worth four hundred pound, and not Rated as a Shopkeeper, two pound. ibid. Coach, Chariot or Calash. Folio 13 Every person who keeps one or more Coach, Chariot, or Calash with four Wheels, for his private use, four pound. And Calash with two Wheels, for his private use, two pound. ibid. Shopkeeper. Every Shopkeeper residing in this Kingdom, having in personal Estate a thousand pounds, or above, four pound. Folio 14 Of five hundred pound, and under a thousand pound, two pound. ibid. Of two hundred pound, and under five hundred pound, one pound. ibid. Of one hundred pound, and under two hundred, ten shillings. ibid. Each other Shopkeeper not Rated as above, five shillings. ibid. Every person using any Trade or Manual Occupation, shall for their personal Estate pay pro rata, as Shopkeeper. Folio 15 Gray-Merchant, Merchant Traveler, or Pedlar, who usually Travels with a Horse, one pound. ibid. Travelling without a Horse, ten shillings. ib Merchant— Adventurer, Factor or Exchanger. For every hundred pound, bona fide, worth above his Debts, ten shillings. Folio 15 Each Merchant Residing or Trading in any Town or Corporation, and not being Free thereof, shall pay double the sum charged on such as are free. ibid. Every person above the Age of thirty years, being a Bachelor, shall pay double the sum he is Charged with on account of his Quality. Folio 15 Assuming of Titles. Every person who at any time before or since the first Sitting of this Parliament, hath (or hereafter shall) by Words, Writing or otherwise, Assumed, or taken upon him the Name, or Title of Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, or Baron of this Kingdom, or Baronet, or Knight, altho' he has no Right thereto, he shall pay as if he had Right, or were really so. Folio 15 Non Jurats. Folio 19 Every person (except Women) and such as are Charged in this Act with one shilling only, and no more, under the degree of a Baron, and having an Estate in Lands, Goods and Chattles of the value of twenty pound, and being of the Age of sixteen, or more, and being within this Realm at the time of the Execution of this Act, who have not already taken the Oath hereafter mentioned, and who shall not voluntarily appear and take the Oath, (except Quakers who are to subscribe a Declaration) and Subscribe the Declaration (mentioned in Fol. 54) before two or more of the Commissioners shall pay double the sum, which by force of any Clause in this Act he ought to pay, (vid Fol. 55) Stewards or Receivers. Every Agent, Steward, or Receiver, who receives Salary, Wages, or Profits from any person, or Bodies Politic or Corporate whatsoever, of fifty pound per Ann. or under, shall pay per pound, one shilling. Folio 12 Two shillings per pound to be paid out of Offices or Professions. Folio 8 Every Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, Scrivener, Advocate, Proctor, and Public Notary. Every Cursitor, Philazer, Clerk in Chancery, Chancellor, Commissary, Official, Register, and all other Officers in any Court whatsoever, who receive Fees or Perquisits by their Professions or Offices, shall pay two shillings out of each twenty shillings which they respectively shall receive by their Offices, Practices or Professions in one year. Every Town-Clerk, Treasurer of a County, and County-Clerk, who receive Salary or Fee, shall pay two shillings out of each twenty shillings they shall receive by reason of their Salary or Office in one year. ibid. Every of the Clerks to the Master of the Light-Houses, Paymaster, and Pay-Masters-General, and his and their Deputy and Deputies to the Lord High-Treasurer, and Vice-Treasurer, Commissioners of Appeals, Commissioners of Forfeitures, Commissioners of Accounts, and to the Accomptant-General, shall pay two shillings out of each twenty-shillings they receive in one year, by reason of their being Clerks to the aforesaid Officers or Offices. Folio 9 The Purse-bearer, every Doctor and Practiser in Physic or Chirurgery; each Examiner in Chancery, and all other Officers of the High Court of Chancery, shall pay two shillings out of each twenty shillings they shall receive in one year, by reason of their Practice or Profession. Folio 10 Every Customer, Collector, Searcher, Packer and Gauger, Taster, Craner and Wharser, controller of the Customs, Clerk of the First Fruits, and every Clerk of the Market, shall pay two shillings for the Profits and Fees of their said Employments (over and above their three shillings out of their Salaries▪) ibid. All and every other person, not before named, who hath any Place, Profession, or Office of Profit, shall pay two shillings out of each twenty shillings they receive in one year, for or by reason of their Profession or Office, ibid. Stewards or Agents Receiving above fifty pound Salary, Wages, or Profit, two shillings per pound. Folio 12 Salaries to pay two shillings per pound. Every Town-Clerk, Treasurer of a County, and County-Clerk; every Collector and every person dependant upon them, Clerk to the Commissioners of the Treasury, to pay two shillings out of each twenty shillings they receive for Salary. Folio 8 Also the Seneschal, Judges, and other Officers of the Palatinate of Tipperary, and the Deputy Post▪ Master-General, Folio 9 Every Commissary of the Musters, every Commission or Warrant Officer of the Army, all Governors, or Constables of Castles, Towns or Forts, all Lieutenant-Governours of the same. Folio 11 Master-General of the Ordinance, Lieutenant-General of the Ordinance, controller of the Ordinance, Clerk of the Ordinance, the three Engineers belonging to the Office of Ordinnace. Folio 12 Three shillings per pound to be paid out of Professions or Employments. Every Agent and Clerk of any Regiment or Regiments, shall pay three shillings out of each twenty shillings they receive in one year, by reason of their said Employments. Fol. 11 Three shillings per pound out of the following Salaries. Folio 8 All Judges, and every person having any Judicial or other Office, or place of Profit, every Master in Chancery, Commissioners of Revenue, their Secretary and Solicitor. Folio 9 Master of the Light-Houses, Paymaster, and Paymasters Gen. and their Dep. or Deputies, Lord High-Treas. Vice-Treasurer, Commissioners of Appeals, Commissioners of Forfeitures, Commissioners of Accounts, Accomptant-General, their Secretaries and Solicitors, Clerk of the Council, every Clerk of the Crown, every Clerk of the Peace, every Clerk of Nisi prius, Master, Treasurer, and other Officers of the Royal Hospital; Surveyor-General, and other Officers of the Works, Master of the Rolls, Clerk of the Rolls, and his Deputy, Auditor-General, Secretary of State, The Secretaries to the Chief Governor, Kings-Remembrancer of the Exchequer, Second Remembrancer, Clerk of the Bells, Clerk of the Pipe, Clerk of the Hanaper, all other Officers of the Exchequer and their Deputies, Every Judge Advocate, Every Judge of the Admiralty, Judge of the Prerogative Court. Folio 10. Every Customer, Collector Searcher, Packer and Gauger, Taster, Craner and Wharfer, controller of the Cust. Clerk of the First Fruits, And every Clerk of the Market. shall pay three shillings out of their Salaries and also two shillings out of each twenty shillings they receive for the profits and Fees of their said Offices or Employments. The Muster-Master-General. Physician to the State. King at Arms. Sergeant at Arms. Herald at Arms. Escheators. Aulnager. Seal-Master and Weigh-Master. Folio 11. Every person, and all Bodies Politic and Corporate, or otherwise, who receive a yearly Pension exceeding, twenty pound, and under Fifty pound out of any Branch of the King's Revenue, shall pay thereout per pound three shillings. Folio 10. All and every other person whatsoever who receive from the King any Salary or Fee by reason of his Office, shall pay out of each twenty shillings thereof three shillings. Four Shilling per pound out of Pensions or Annuities of Fifty pound, or above, per Annum. Folio 11. Every person or persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate, who receive yearly Pension or Annuity of Fifty pound or above, out of any Branch of the King's Revenue, shall pay thereout per pound four shillings. Quakers. Folio 20, 21. Not to be Charged double if they Subscribe the Declaration in the presence of two or more of the Commissioners. The Money payable by this Act to be paid Quarterly, vizt. Folio 21. The second day of February. The second day of May. The second day of August. The second day of November. Assessors. Oath of Assessors Folio 43 The Commissioners to appoint Assessors. Folio 38 Folio 39 And read to them the Rates in the Act mentioned, and openly declare the Effects of their Charge unto them, vizt. To bring in the Names and Surnames, Qualities, Degrees, Titles, Estates, Professions, Employments, and Trades of all Persons Residing within their Limits. And of all other things, in respect whereof any person is or may be Chargeable by this Act. On pain of Forfeiting any sum not exceeding Five pound. Also to Return the Names of two able Pe●●ons for Collectors, and for whom the Parish shall be answerable. Folio 42, 43. Assessors to have three pence per pound paid by the Collectors. Commissioners may Examine and Correct the Omission, etc. in the Assessments, within twelve days after their Receipt thereof. Collectors. Folio 40 Upon Receipt of the Assessments the Commissioners, or any two, or more of them, shall forthwith Issue their Warrants to the Collectors for speedy Levying the moneys by Distress. The Collectors are within six days of their Receipt of the Commissioners Warrant, to make demand of the Parties themselves, or at the place of their last abode. And if the said Collectors fail in their Duty by Neglecting to get in the Money, etc. Two or more Commissioners may Issue Warrants under their Hands and Seals to Levy by Distress upon the Negligent Collectors, all such Sums as they have Received, and not paid in, or which they ought to have Received. Folio 49. Collectors are to deliver (under their Hands and Seals) a Schedule in Parchment of the Arrears, to the Receiver appointed by the Chief Governor: And Signed and allowed by two or more Commissioners, Containing the Names, Surnames, and places of abode of every person within their Collection that shall make default of payment of any sums that shall be Assessed on them. The same to be Returned by him into the Exchequer, The moneys to be paid over to such as the Chief Governor shall Order by Proclamation ten days before the day of payment. Folio 41 Parish Collector to have three pence, and Barony Collector two pence per pound. Folly 42 No Collector to Travel above twenty Miles from his abode to pay his Money to the County Receiver. Folio 51 Duplicate. Folio 40. A Duplicate of the whole sum charged on each Barony, etc. without Naming the Persons, shall under the Hands and Seals of two or more of the Commissioners be Returned to the Court of Exchequer, by the High-Sheriff of each County, before the twenty seventh of January, 1695 (all Appeals being first determined.) The Commissioners to Return such Duplicate to the Sheriff by the twenty third of January. Folio 53 And the like Duplicates within thirty days of each Quarterly payment. And in convenient time like Duplicates to be made out, and delivered unto the Receivers-General, so as they may be Charged to answer their Respective Collections, etc. Folio 41 Clerk to the Commissioners. Folio 43, 44. To have two pence out of each twenty shillings (to be paid him by the Receiver appointed by the Chief Governor) for the careful Writing and Transcribing the Warrants, Estreats and Duplicates in due time— And for making Certificates upon Appeals. Three or more of the Commissioners giving a Warrant under their Hands to their Clerk to receive the said two pence from the said Receiver. Persons refusing to pay as per Act. Folio 44, 45. If any person shall refuse to pay what is charged upon him by Virtue of this Act, within ten days after demand or Notice left at his place of Residence by the Officer or Collector of the place, according to the Estreats to him delivered by the Commissioners the said Collector is to Distrain, and keep the Distress for Eight days at the cost of the owner, and then the said Distress to be Appraised by two or more of the Inhabitants where the said Distress is taken, and there to be sold by the said Officer, and the Overplus, after the Charges of taking and keeping the Distress deducted, to be Restored to the Owner— And for want of Distress the Party to be Committed to Goal by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of three Commissioners. Appeals. Folio 45. If any person over Rated, do in five days after demand made of his Assessment by the Collector, complain to three or more of the Commissioners (whereof two shall be of the Commissioners who Signed the said Rate) the Commissioners shall within seven days of such Complaint, Examine the Parties Complaining on his or their Oaths, and thereupon abate or increase as to them shall seem meet. Vide fol. 48 of the Act. Where to be Rated. Folio 45, 46. Every person to be Rated at such place where he or she with their Family shall be Resident, at the time of the Execution of this Act. And every person not being a Housholder, nor having a certain place for abode, shall be Taxed at the place where they are Resident, at the Execution of this Act. ibid. And if any person be out of the Realm, such shall be Rated where they were last abiding within the Realm. Folio 46 Folio 46, 47. If any should by changing their place of residence, or by other Fraud, escape being Taxed, and the same be proved before two or more Commissioners, or before two Justices of the Peace of the County where such person shall reside, at any time within twelve Months after such Taxation, such person shall pay double of what he ought to have been Taxed. Persons double Taxed to be Relieved. Folio 46 If any, having divers Mansion-Houses or places of residence, should thereby become doubly Taxed; upon Certificate made by two or more Commissioners where the party was so Taxed (which Certificate the Commissioners are to give without Delay, Fee or Reward) under their Hands and Seals, of the sums there Charged upon him or them; and upon Oath made of such Certificate, before any Justice of Peace of the County or place where such Certificate shall be made, than the party so doubly Charged, shall for so much as shall be Certified, be discharged in every other County or place. Receivers. Folio 51 Every Receiver of any Barony or Division, shall within a Month after his receiving the full sum Charged on the said Barony or Division, for each Quarterly Payment, give the Commissioners (who shall Act in such Barony or Division) a Receipt under his Hand and Seal for the full sum Charged thereon. Folio 49 The Receiver appointed by Chief the Governor or his Deputy, shall give Acquittances gratis to the Collectors for all Money he or they shall receive from them. Commissioners. Folio 38 Commissioners to Act in all places, as well Privileged as not. Folio 47 Are to Assess each other Commissioner by the Major part of them: And are to Assess the Assessors. Folio 48 And in Case of Controversy arising between the said Commissioners, about the said Assessing, the Commissioners concerned therein shall have no Voice, but must withdraw on pain of a Fine of twenty pound. Folio 47 If any Assessor, Collector, Receiver, or any other person appointed by the Commissioners, shall wilfully Neglect, or Refuse to perform his duty in Execution of this Act, Any two or more Commissioners may for their neglect Impose a Fine, not exceeding twenty pound, for any one Offence. Folio 53 Folio 48 Any two or more Commissioners, shall or may, from time to time call for, and require an account from the Receivers, of what is received by them from the Collectors. Two or more Commissioners may direct their Precepts or Warrants to all Constables, and other His Majesty's Officers, requiring them to be Aiding and Assisting in the Execution of this Act. Folio 53 Two or more Commissioners may be Warrant, cause all Penalties and Forfeitures to be Levied by way of distress. Folio 50 Any person Molested or Wrongfully Sued, for what he shall do in pursuance of this Act, shall recover triple Damages. Folio 52 Any person certifying any sum to be in Arrear, which is already Received, shall forfeit triple Damages to the party, and double the sum to the King. Folio 50, 51. The Parents, Guardians, and Tutors of all persons under twenty one years, shall upon default of payment of such person, and upon demand, pay what is due by this Act, for every such person residing in their Family, or under their Tuition. Folio 55 The Judges, Benchers, etc. or any three of them, are appointed Commissioners to put in Execution this present Act. Folio 56 Every Housholder shall upon demand of the Assessors, give an account of the Names and Qualities of such persons as shall there lodge or Sojourn, on pain of ten pound. Folio 49 No Grant from the Crown, to exempt any Persons, or Body Politics, etc. from Tolls, Taxes, etc. shall be taken or construed to Exempt them from any of the charges in this Act. FINIS. Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. 1695.