THE RESOLUTION OF THE PRINCES ALLIES & CONFEDERATES; WHICH Has been taken in the Assembly at the Hague, in the Month of February 1691. Done out of French. SINCE We look upon the Union that is between Us, as the Work of God alone, it is but reasonable that We should make a Solemn Protestation to him to delibrate nothing in this Assembly, but what may be very just and equitable. We therefore Solemnly Protest before God, that our Intentions are, that We will never break off this Union, nor make any Peace with Lewis XIV. till the following Articles be executed: To the Obligation of which We oblige ourselves for ever. I. till he has made Reparation to the Holy-See, for whatsoever he has acted against it, and till he has annulled and made voided all those Infamous Proceedings against the Holy Father Innocent XI. II. till he has restored to each Party concerned, what he has taken since the Peace of Munster, and till he has demolished Brisac, and delivered up the Country of Geay to the Canton of Bearn. III. till he has restored to the Protestants all their Goods and Possessions, and till there be an entire Liberty of Conscience, throghout the whole extent of the French Dominions. IV. till the Estates of the Kingdom be re-established in their Ancient Liberties; so that the Clergy, the Nobility, and the third Estate may enjoy their Ancient and Lawful privileges; And till the Kings for the future shall be obliged to call together the said Estates, when they desire any supply, without the Consent of Whom, they shall not raise any money after any manner, or for any pretence whatsoever. V. till the Tax upon Salt, that upon the third Estate, and an infinite number of other unreasonable Taxes and Impositions, be abolished for ever. VI. till he has restored to the Parliaments their Ancient and Rightful Authority; that so they may be enabled to distribute to every one Justice freely and without restraint, according to their Consciences. VII. till all the Towns of the Kingdom be re-established in their Ancient privileges, and till their Revenues be restored, which have been taken from them with such violence and Injustice. God who knows the Intention of our Hearts, knows that We bear no Hatred against the French Nation, and that We do not aspire to have the Lawful Dominions of the Kingdom of France: And if all those who are Inhabitants thereof would join with Us, We should soon dispatch this Affair without effusion of Blood, and without desolation of the Kingdom. And We promise all those that shall do it, that We will treat them as our particular Friends, and preserve their Towns and Possessions, as if they were our own: And as for those that shall not do it, We shall look upon them as Persons that have approved and abetted all these Persecution, Burnings and other Devastations that have been made, and We will make them feel without mercy those Pains and Torments, which they have been the occasion that so many poor People have suffered. We were willing that the whole World should have a perfect knowledge of our Resolutions, particularly the French Gentlemen and Persons of Honour, who are oppres't with the heavy load of the Government, and can no longer endure the Slavery which they lie under: To the end they may be able to take such Measures as may be assisting to Us, in recovering for them their Ancient Liberty which has been so cruelly, and so unjustly taken from them. FINIS.