C ² R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms An ACT acknowledging and asserting the Right of Succession to the Imperial Crown of SCOTLAND. C ² R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT royal blazon or coat of arms THe Estates of Parliament considering that the Kings of this Realm (deriving their Royal Power from God Almighty alone) do succeed Lineally thereto, according to the known degrees of Proximity in Blood, which cannot be interrupted, suspended, or diverted by any Act or Statute whatsoever; And that none can attempt to alter or divert the said Succession, without involving the Subjects of this Kingdom in Perjury and Rebellion, and without exposing of them to all Fatal and Dreadful Consequences of a Civil War: Do therefore, from a hearty and sincere sense of their Duty, recognize, acknowledge and declare, That the Right to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, is (by the inherent Right, and the Nature of the Monarchy, as well as by the fundamental and unalterable Laws of this Realm) transmitted and devolved by a Lineal Succession, according to the Proximity of Blood; And that upon the Death of the King or Queen who actually Reigns, the Subjects of this Kingdom are bound by Law, Duty and Allegiance to obey the next immediate and lawful heir, either Male or Female, upon whom the Right and Administration of Government is immediately devolved; And that no difference in Religion, nor no Law, nor Act of Parliament, made, or to be made, can alter or divert the Right of Succession and Lineal Descent of the Crown, to the nearest and lawful Heir, according to the degrees aforesaid; nor can stop or hinder them in the full, fry and actual Administration of the Government, according to the Laws of the Kingdom. Like as, Our Sovereign Lord, with Advice and Consent of the said Estates of Parliament, do declare, That it is High. Treason in any of the Subjects of this Kingdom, by Writing, Speaking or any other manner of way, to endeavour the alteration, suspension or diversion of the said Right of Succession, or the debarring the next lawful Successor from the immediate, actual full, and free Administration of the Government, conform to the Laws of the Kingdom; And that all such Attempts or Designs, shall infer against them the pain o Treason. An ACT ratifying all former Laws for the Security of the PROTESTANT RELIGION. OUR Sovereign Lord, with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament, ratifies and approves all and whatsoever Laws, Acts and Statutes, made by His Royal Grandfather and Father of Blessed Memory, or made and passed in any of His Majesty's former Parliaments, for settling and securing the Liberty and Freedom of the true Kirk of God, and the Protestant Religion presently professed within this Realm, and all Acts made against Popery, and ordains the same to stand in full Force and Effect, and to be put in Execution conformable to the tenor and purport of these Acts, as if they were specially mentioned and set down herein. LONDON: Printed by N. Thompson, 1681.