A PROCLAMATION, For Apprehending Ensign and Serjeant Campbels, and Regulating the Levy of Recruits. WILLIAM and MARY by the grace of GOD, King and Queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith. To the Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, our Sheriffs in that part, Conjunctly and Severally, specially Constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch, as, We are well Informed of a cruel Murder Committed by Ensign Campbel in Colonel D'Offerrills Regiment and Sierjeant Rober Campbel his Brother & their Accomplices, under Silence & Cloud of Night, upon Thomas Picket, Servant to William Bryce Weaver in Brughtown, while he was living peaceably in the Dwellinghouse of the said William Bryce his Master, upon the twelfth day of December Current without any Just Cause, or Occasion, falsely pretending the said Thomas Picket was a Deserter from that Regiment; And We being delirious, that the Committers of so heinous a Murder, should be brought to consign Punishment: Therefore, We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, do hereby Require and Command, all our Magistrates, Officers, Soldiers and other our Liege's, to-do their outmost Endeavour and Diligence, to apprehend the 〈◊〉 Ensign Campbel, and his said Brother, and deliver them Prisoners to the Magistrates of any of our burgh's, to be by them keeped in safe Custody, until they be brought to Trial, and suffer Condign Punishment for the said Crime: Indemnifying hereby all Persons from all Hazard of Slaughter, Mutilation, or any other Acts of Violence which they may Commit against the said Ensign and Sergeant Campbels, or any persons with them, in apprehending the saids Ensign & Sergeant Campbels, And We with Advice foresaid, Do hereby peremptorily Inhibit & Discharge all and every our Liege's whatsomever, to Shelter; Barbour, Conceal, or any way Aslift or Supply the said Ensign Campbel or his Brother, upon their highest Peril. And for remeading the Inconveniences which arise from Irregular and Disorderly Levying of Soldiers, or Seizing of Deserters on the one hand, and for Securing our Officers of such Soldiers, as they shall orderly Conduce And take on, and recovering Deserters on the other hand: We with Advice foresaid strictly Prihibit and Discharge, all Inhabitances within this Kingdom to Shelter, or Reset any Deserters, and Require and Command all our Liege's, to Secure any Deserters already Reset by there, and to deliver them to the next Justice of Peace, or Commissoner of Assessment, to be committed by them, or either of them, to the next Parison, until the Matter be Tried, either by the Sheriff of the Shire, or his Deputs, or by some Justice of Peace in the place, or Magistrate of the Burgh where the Party is Secured, and the Person so committed be either Absolved or Delivered to his Officer, or some other Person to his belove, under the pain of ten Pound of Sterling to be paid by the Resetter not observing the Premises, to the Officer of the Deserter, the Resetter always knowing him to be Deserter: and if any Officer shall orderly Conduce and take on any Person to be a Soldier for our Service, whosover shall Reset or Conceal him thereafter, shall Incur the like Penalty to be paid in manner foresaid. And siklike, We with Advice foresaid, strictly Prohibit and Discharge, all Officers and Soldiers to Seize upon or force any Person to Engage as Soldiers, but by the free Choice and Consent of the Person taken on, which is to be proven either by two Witnesser (not being Soldiers) or by the Oath of the Party taken on, under the like penalty of ten pound Sterling to be paid by the said Officers or Soldiers to the Person injured: And further, We with Advice foresaid, strictly Forbidden and Discharge all Officers, Soldiers and others employed to taken on Soldiers, to break open doors as any time, or to Invade or Beset any House, under Silence and Cloud of Night, upon pretence of Searching for, or Apprehending any Person as Deserters, or Soldiers taken on by them without a written Order, from, or as least the concurrence of the Sheriff of the Shire, or Justice of Peace in Landward, or Magistrate within Burgh, or the Heretor of the Ground where any Soldier of Deserter taken on is Reset, under the pain of ten pound Sterling Money foresaid, to be paid be the Contraveener of any part of the Premises, to the parties Injured: And We with Advice foresaid, Required and Command all Magistrates of burgh's and Landward, to receive the Coraplaints to be made to them, by any Person or Persons or Force and Violence, or any Irregular Means made Use of in Seizing upon the Compliners, either at Deserters, or to make up Recruits, and to do Justice therein with all Expendition, as accords. And siklike that they grant summar Deligence to any Officer, Soldier, or other who shall desire the same, to Seize upon Deserters: And to order all Prison-Keepers within their Respective Bounds, to receive and Secure such as shall be Seized upon, and such as shall be orderly on, and engaged to be Soldiers: the Officers who Seizes upon and delivers them into Custody, always Obliging themselves to Sustain and lintertrain the said's Persons, during their continuance in Prison. And further, there all our Troop may be the more speedily Recruited for the Defence of Religion. And all that is dear to us or our People. We with Advice foresaid, Required all Sheriffs, bailie of Regalities, Stewards of Stewarties, and their Deputs, Justices of Peace, and Magistrates of Burgh within this Kingdom, to give ready Concurrence for Stafing and and Secaring all Vagabonds, Sorvers, and other idle Perssons, who being able of Limb and Lien, do refuse to Work, or do not give a Resonble Account how they Earn their Living, before our said's Judges, to the Effect they may be delivered to any of the Officers at persent making Recruits: And by them be Employed in our Service as Soldiers, the said's Persons being always apprehended by an Order from one or other of our said's Judges, and Rumination being taken by them, that the said's Persons are of the Condition and Qualifications foresaid: And appoints them to be Secured and Entertained as is above Appointed, Conform to many good Laws made by our Royal Predecessors, for Freeing the Country of such Barthensom and idle Persons: And that our pleasure in the Premises may be known. OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and We Charge you strictly, and Command, that incontinent these our Letters scene, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and Mercat-Crosses of the whole reminent burgh's in this Kingdom, and other places needful. And there in Our Name and Authority by upon Proclamation, make Publication of the Premise, that none may pretend Ignorence. And ordains these Presents to be Printed. Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the Sixteenth day of December, and of our Reign the fourth Year, 1692. Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. In Supplementum Signeti. D A MONGREIFE Cls. Sti. Concilii. GOD save KING WILLIAM and QUEEN MARY. Edinburgh Printed by the Hair of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anne Dom, 1692.