SAD news FROM black-wall. Being a true RELATION OF THE BLOODY design OF SIMON MAN. Who being denied a But of Wine by a Bristol merchant, whose Name was Master Henry Uichols, most cruelly carried match, powder, and Candle, into one of the lower-most rooms, and burned the good Ship, called the Bonaventure, upon Friday night, being the 19 of November, 1641. In which Ship were burnt fifty eight men. Also, The Description in what manner the merchant and the Ma●ter of the Ship were slain. And how the murderer escaped away With a true Account of all that were lost, and how many escaped the horrible fire by swimming. London, Printed for E.W. 1641. C· R SAD news from Blackwall. IT is an old saying, that there is more knavery used by Sea and by Land, then in all the whole world besides; which is most true: but my sorrowful Relation proceeds no further than the river of Thames, which is not more tragical to be read, than the spectacle was to be seen. In divulging of which, white paper and black ink doth not well agree; for white and black, the one signifies joy, the other mourning. Wherefore with sable paper, and bloody ink, doth this most doleful story deserve to be written with, Reader, my intents at this time is to exhaust fountains of brinish tears, from each eye, although composed of the most dry puny stone; for the Relation so bloody is that in Democritus himself the Reader of it, he would forget presently his laughing humour and learn how to weep: but my preambulation must not exceed my relation: wherefore, mark the story which shall now ensue. There was one Mr. Henry Vichole, a Bristol merchant, who was not more famous for riches, than piety, but as God doth sometimes let tribulation fall upon the head of the righteous, so did it happen unto him Two years since did he make a voyage to Spain, and loaded his ship very richly with Malligo-wines; which had they been put to sale, would have returned unto him the full sum of forty thousand pounds. Neptune was mild and gentle, and permitted him a safe return unto black-wall, which is about four miles off from the City of London. To behold which place, I am not able to express the good merchant's joy. But alas, how soon was that joy metamorphosed into sorrow, how soon was his triumph converted to a funeral, he missed Scylla to fall by Charybdis, the unnatural Seas did show more love and affection to him, than a natural man; for they did endeavour to enrich him coming home; but a man did undo him, being come home: as i now shall truly declare. The merchant and the Master of the ship being very merry together, for joy of the good ship, called the Bonaventure unto Blackwall: there was one Simon Man a common sailor, who required of the merchant a But of wine; which the merchant, insomuch as the Customers than had not received their due, denied him; saying, that it was as then an unreasonable request. Bu● notwithstanding, so soon as the Customers had their pay, he should have his desire. But the aforesaid Simon Man, the more the merchant denied, was the more greedy to have his desire: but at length he made this answer, profaning the miracle of our Saviour, as water was turned into wine: so will I turn your wines into water, and so murmuring to himself some discontented words● he left the merchant's Cabinet, which was between 6 and 7 of the clock in the evening: and then did he take counsel with the devil, how he might be revenged on the merchant for denying him his demand, the devil which is always ready to do any thing which will cause a man to come unto woeful destruction, furnished him with a bloody mind without delay to burn the ship, which after this most inhuman manner he did. He descended down into the lowest room of the ship, and did carry both powder, candle, and match when the deadest time of night was, and sleep had locked up the casements of each man's body, he set fire to the powder, which could not blow up the ship at once, by reason that there was not enough powder, but notwithstanding, the hold was all in a flame, w● seized upon many, burning off their legs, others their arms, others had their eyes burnt out, others had the force of the fire so much upon them, that their very entrails were burnt out. Great cry and lamentation there was, some cried out for aid to other ships, others laboured to restinguish the fire, others again leaped resolutely into the Thames, to avoid the danger of the fire, and so were drowned in the water. The merchant himself first seemed as one distracted, and then anon, the flames were so violent upon him, that thereby he after great Lamentation died. The Master also striving to do his best for the good of the ship, was catched hold on by the fire, and so was slain. In all the time of this most unhappy and bloody Catastitophe, not one ship d●d dare to venture unto their aid, but sent their long boats which were to very little purpose. The fatal Executioner of this most bloody deed, escaped away himself by swimming, and as yet, is not to be heard off, b●t let time fly whither it will, or can: let him be certain of this, that God will not suffer a murderer to continue unpunished, his Conscience will so torment him, that he will be in as unhappy a case, as despair Judas was when he hanged himself. Thus, gentle Reader, hast thou the true and full relation of the woeful overthrow of that good Merchant Mr. Henry Vichole, men, ship, and goods. Five passengers, the pursers' mate, a boy, and the bloody murderer escaped by swimming, but all the rest of the officers and common men of the ship, either by Fire or Water were consumed and slain to the number of fifty eight souls: all which came to their ends by one malicious servant, who wanting his will, forced them to die unwillingly: I conclude thus, From pestilence and Famine, from battle, and from sudden Death, Good Lord deliver us. FINIS.