A SERMON PREACHED By a Reverend Father, in the JESUITS Chapel at the Kings-Inns Dublin, on St. Patrick's Day. 1687/8. Dear Catolicks, IT is not necessary wid my shelf to relate you de Shapter and Vershe, becash you are not allowed to read de Bibles; but the Vords be deese, And Macabeush he did make a great flau-ter. Which betokens, that Macabeush vash a great Varrior, I by my Shoul vas he; and sho vas Artaxus, and sho vas Darius, de King of Persia; and sho vas Alexander de Great: Now Catolicks, which of all deeses do you tink vas de greatest Varrior; I am know very well you will shay, Alexander de Great; and for fie? becash he did conquer the hole World: but I shay unto you, dear Kristians, that none of dem all vas like our Catolick Varrior Tyrconnel, for he is a greater Varrior nor none of dem all; yonder he shits. God bless King Jamas, for he has restore us to our own Country and Religshion; and fie did he do sho? becash he is true Catolick, and did believe in the Shurch, for de Shurch, dear Catolicks, she is like de Cammomille, the more you vill shit upon her the more she vill grow. And now, dear Catolicks, dish being St. Parick's Day, I vill make you an Exhortation relating to dish holy Day: and firsht of all, you vill know dish holy St. Parick, fen he vowed come from Rome to dish place, our holy Fader de Pope (resht his Shoul) did make him the Primate of Ireland; sho dish holy Shaint, fen he vid be after coming over, all the Devils vowed came before him: but the holy Shaint vid make de shigne of de Cross, and all the hole of dem vas presently vanish. In the same time dear vas a great King in dish Country, dat vas told, a Man wid a shaved Crown vowed take his Country, and make shanges in his Laws wid himself: sho fen he did hear Shaint Parick vas com'd, and had the shaved Head, he did sent to kill him: but fen they did she he vas only a poor Priesht, they did make scorn upon him, and shut a great masty Dog to vorry him: but fat do you tink, but fen de holy Shaint vas after making the shign of the Cross he vas dead in the plash. I am know you pay your Devotion to Shaint Parick very vel, for I observe in the houshes in the Country fere I com'd, some of dear Shildren vil have de Name of Parick upon dem very good Devoshion. But den Catolicks, another vay for your Devoshion to dish holy Shaint is to pray to him, fich I take notice your Parish Prieshts do very vel. And another way to pay your Devoshion to Shaint Parick is by keeping dish Day deicate to our great Aposhtel. Dear Catolicks, how do you tink vil you keep it now? I shay, do not be drunk, you are much to blame for dat: I tell you, I vill know shome of you drunk on Shaint Parick's Day, I by my Shoul, on Good Friday itself: have a care of dat; I am very well know you will go drink your Bunn Parick; I, and you vill not be content vid dat, but you vill drink till you be drunken; but I musht tell you dear Catolicks dat doesh Shins that you do take mo●…t delight in, oftentimes vowed be your Destruction; for I vill tell you de Story, to illustrate dish matter; it is a true Story, by my Shoul, for I had 〈◊〉 from de Priesht of de Parish fere de thing vash done. Dear vash shom Gentlemen vash drinking dear Bunn Parick upon Shaint Parick's Day, and they vent into a housh for drinkin, and dear vash up stairs in the housh, and dear day vere drinking till they vere dronkin; and de Woman of the housh was brewing dat day, and she did left a tub of hot Vorts at de stair feet to cool; and one of the Men vas coming down Stairs, and he had heels upon his Brogues, and the heel of his Brogue did take hold upon de Stairs, and Joy he did tumble vid his Head forward into de tub of hot Vorts, and dear he vash scaled to dett. She dear now, dear Catolicks, fat comes of Dronkening: did not I told you so, that does shins that a Man takes delight in does often prove his ruin; for dish Man did love cold Ale, and he was drowned in hot Vorts. Dear is for you now, dear Catolicks: But now to make you good Kristians, you must take the Exshample of dat good Vomans' that had Oil did grow in her Pots; they vere all clean Pots but one Pot, and de Oil did not grow in dat Pot: fie, dear Catolicks, I am much fear your Shouls be like dat dirty Pot fear no Oil vowed grow; but I vill told you now, if your Shouls be like that you are all dam; I shay you are all dam, I by my Shoul, all the hole of you; derefore, dear Catolicks, have a care of dat. And you, good Vomans', you must not go 〈◊〉 near the holy Altar vid dem fine Cloash, and does Patch upon your Fashes. I vill tell you now, fen the Men should be ●●… looking upon the holy Crushifex, they will be looking upon your Fashes. O hone, Joy, I told you now, dear be de Quakers, observe dem, they be the better Kristians den none of you all: I told you sho, de Devil vill take you all, if you vowed not mend. De Quakers be the best Kristians in the World if they vere join to the Catolick Shurch. Now let ush pray for our gracious King Jamas, that he may have a long and prosperous Reign, and Issue Male, wise Council, stour valiant Soldiers, faitful loving Subjects, that being all united in one Faith, we may embrace one another in the Arms of Love. In de Name, etc. Amen. After which he kneeled down and paid his Adorations to the Picture of St. Francis, on his right Hand. LONDON: Printed for R. Baldwin in the Old-Bayly.