The Dialogue in the last Opera, called the Fairy Queen. He NOw the Maids and the Men are making their Hay, 've left the dull fools, 've left the dull fools and are stolen a╌way; then Mopsa no more be Coy as before, but let's mer╌ri╌ly, mer╌ri╌ly, mer╌ri╌ly, mer╌ri╌ly play; and kiss, and kiss, and kiss, and kiss, and kiss the sweet time a╌way. She Why how now Sir Clown, why how now, what makes you so bold? I'd have ye, I'd have ye to know I'm not made of that mould; I tell you a╌gain, a╌gain, and a╌gain, Maids must ne╌ver, must ne╌ver kiss no Men; no, no, no, no, no, no kissing at all, no, no, no, no, no, no kissing at all; I'll not kiss till She I kiss you for good and all; no, no, no, no, no, He Not kiss you at all, not no, no, no, no, no, no kissing at kiss you at all, not at all? all, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no not kiss you at all; why not, why not, no kissing at all? no, no, no, no, no no not at all, why not, no, no, I'll not kiss till I kiss you for good and all, He no, no kissing at all? should you give me a score, 'twould not les╌sen your store, then bid me, bid me chear╌ful╌ly, chear╌ful╌ly kiss and take my fill, and take my fill my She fill of the bliss; I'll not trust you so far I know you to well, should I give you an Inch you'd soon, you'd soon take an Ell;