Miscellany ESSAYS: BY Monsieur de St. EUREMONT, UPON Philosophy, History, Poetry, Morality, Humanity, Gallantry, etc. VOL. II. Done into English by Mr. BROWN. jam senior, sed cruda Deo viridisque Senectus. LONDON. Printed for john Cheringham at the Star in Ludgate-street; and Abel Roper at the Mitre near Temple-Bar. 1694. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, ROBERT EARL OF SUNDERLAND; Baron Spencer of Wormleighton. MY LORD, 'TIS the Fate of Illustrious Persons to be often visited by such Importunate Addressers. Their Quality, which privileges them on so many other occasions, does but the more expose them to frequent Persecutions of this nature. Nay, their Retirements are not able to protect them; for a true Town-Dedicator will Invade their most private recesses, and attack them even in their Solitude. As I own myself somewhat interested in the Reputation of my Author, I was resolved, that whatever Injuries he suffered in the Translation, he should have right done him in the Choice of a Patron; and therefore to pitch upon one who was no stranger to his Person or to his Merit; and who best understood his value, because he has the truest and most accurate Judgement in the World. 'Tis true, my Lord, he needs no Patronage, as he shines in his Native Language, for there his own Merit abundantly secures him; but I am sensible, that after all the care that has been taken with him, he will stand in need of it, as he appears in ours: With this view, my Lord, I have presumed to give you the trouble of this bold Address; and perhaps your Lordship is the first Person in the World, that has suffered upon the score of being the Friend of Monsieur de St. Euremont. But besides this, my Lord, you have another Title to this Translation. We have long laboured under a Mean, but unjust Character with our Neighbours, who lie more to the Southward, and are particularly obliged to your Lordship for reversing it. For I done't at all question but that your Lordship's extraordinary Merit, drew from our Author that Ingenuous Confession, which in his admirable Discourse to the Marescal de Crequi, he makes does but the more expose them to frequent Persecutions of this nature. Nay, their Retirements are not able to protect them; for a true Town-Dedicator will Invade their most private recesses, and attack them even in their Solitude. As I own myself somewhat interested in the Reputation of my Author, I was resolved, that whatever Injuries he suffered in the Translation, he should have right done him in the Choice of a Patron; and therefore to pitch upon one who was no stranger to his Person or to his Merit; and who best understood his value, because he has the truest and most accurate Judgement in the World. 'Tis true, my Lord, he needs no Patronage, as he shines in his Native Language, for there his own Merit abundantly secures him; but I am sensible, that after all the care that has been taken with him, he will stand in need of it, as he appears in ours: With this view, my Lord, I have presumed to give you the trouble of this bold Address; and perhaps your Lordship is the first Person in the World, that has suffered upon the score of being the Friend of Monsieur de St. Euremont. But besides this, my Lord, you have another Title to this Translation. We have long laboured under a Mean, but unjust Character with our Neighbours, who lie more to the Southward, and are particularly obliged to your Lordship for reversing it. For I done't at all question but that your Lordship's extraordinary Merit, drew from our Author that Ingenuous Confession, which in his admirable Discourse to the Marescal de Crequi, he makes of the Partiality and unjust Prejudices of his own Countrymen; your Lordship's Acquaintance has convinced him that colder Climates than his own, may produce Persons of as sprightly a Wit, and strong a Judgement; and that Politeness and Elegance were not confined to France. Thus our whole Island, my Lord, reaps the benefit of your Noble Qualifications. They have procured one of the most Authentic Testimonies in the World, to pass in its Favour. No Foreigner will urge our distance from the Sun, or have the hardiness hereafter to impute Barbarity to us. St. Euremont has acquitted us from that Imputation. St. Euremont has owned us not to be inferior in Wit to any of our Neighbouring Nations; and 'tis to your Lordship that we stand indebted for so advantageous a Confession. I said, My Lord, one of the most Authentic Testimonies in the World. For I believe it will be agreed on all hands that since the Declension of the Roman Eloquence and Empire, there never was a truer or nicer Judge of Men and manners than our Author, or one in whom a fruitful Wit and a profoundnefs of reason were so happily reconciled. Amongst his own Countrymen or indeed any where else, I find none that can dispute the prize with him but Montagne; who was in truth an extraordinary Genius, and has left those remains behind him that will entertain and instruct, as long as Mankind preserves any Taste for Wit and good Sense. Tho' he writ in a very impolite Age, and his Language derives an unhappy tincture from one of the worst Provinces of France, yet there is something so forcible, so vigorous, and so masculine in his expression, that after all the considerable improvements the French Tongue has received since his time, it still pleases, nay it Charms and affects us. Now as all this, and a great deal more, may deservedly be said in his Praise, yet his warmest Admirers▪ must be forced to confess with me, that Nicety was never his Talon; that amongst his infinite Variety of Citations (for as our Author says very well of him, he's no troublesome Host, but when his own Conversation fails him, he has some Friends to keep it up, till he has got Breath again,) some never deserved to be mentioned, and others are urged Malipiero a Propos; in short, that his way of writing is too Pindarical, and his Excursions too frequent. 'Tis true, he is so Complaisant to his Reader, as never to leave him in any Barren Uncultivated places; he gives him an agreeable Vista of Groves and Meadows: The Scene varies every moment, and consequently, must delight him; but still he makes him wander; still he leads him out of the way, or at least for the sake of one Beautiful Prospect carries him a Mile or two about; and this at long run cannot fail to disgust nice Persons who are in pain till they arrive at their Journeys end. On the other hand St. Euremont is not only Master of all the good Qualities of Montagne without any of his defects, but possesses several others, to which the former was either altogether a Stranger, as Gallantry and a Delicateness of Discernment, or else was but slightly acquainted with. To dismiss this Comparison, he has a greater depth of penetration; a greater justness in Reasoning; a better taste of polite Learning, and a more exquisite knowledge of the World. Not to speak of his Language, which will admit no comparison. I cannot conclude this Article without observing, that even in his Misfortunes, our Author has received an honourable Elegy from one of the most Judicious Writers in France, but a Member of that Order, which is seldom guilty of paying Incense to Persons in disgrace; and what is remarkable, an Order to which he himself had expressed no great Respect. But I humbly beg your Lordship's pardon, for dwelling so long upon a Subject which your Lordship better understands than any person whatever. I am sensible, I should Commit the same Solecism, should I enlarge upon all your several Eminent Qualities since they are as well known to the greater part of mankind, as St. Euremonts Character is to your Lordship. That Air of politeness which distinguishes every thing you say or do; that Unwearied Generosity in extending your Favours; that greatness of Mind, that admirable Sagacity and Experience in all Affairs, are so readily ackowledged as well by those that have the honour to be admitted into your Conversations, as others that behold you at a distance, and only view you in your Character as it is universally established; that as they cannot be set in a better light, so the proclaiming of them would be no New Discovery. And yet my Lord, as in all Ages of the World, it has been (if I may be allowed the expression,) the Appennage of a conspicuous Merit to meet with many Enemies; you have not been without your share of them; but Heaven be Praised for setting such great Odds between their discretion and their Malice. 'Twas your Lordship's happiness that they charged you with things so disproportioned and absurd, that none seemed to believe them, but those who receive every thing without examination, or those whose interest it was to spread them. For as it was impossible for them to say the least injurious thing of you without having recourse to fiction, they managed it so profusely, that like the Old Relators of Heroic adventures, they destroyed that very belief they endeavoured to Propagate. Even that Instrument, which by one of the most industrious Agents of Hell was designed to ruin your Reputation with the rest of mankind, for which purpose no Artifices of Threats and promises were left unpractised; that very Instrument, my Lord, served to proclaim your Lordship's Virtue to the World; and never was Innocence more triumphant, and never did Truth gain a more glorious Conquest. And now, my Lord, if your Candour has not been wholly exhausted in forgiving these injuries, I humbly beg you to employ it once more in pardoning the imperfections of this Translation. My Friends and I did our best endeavours, but found to our expense, it was equally difficult to imitate and Translate St. Euremont. The periods every where so Harmonious and yet so unaffected, the Language so comprehensive and yet so clear, so Polite and yet so Natural, that tho' we could pretend to have reached his meaning in all places, which is no easy matter in an Author so very nice and penetrating, yet we cannot without a sensible regret, observe how much we have fallen below the Original. Your Lordship has received better presents from other hands, but this is offered with no less sincerity. And in this single presumption, I was glad of this occasion to declare to all the World with what Zeal and Integrity, I am, my Lord, your Lordship's most Humble, and most Obedient Servant, T. BROWN. Preface. I Had designed to have made some Critical Remarks and Observations upon those Chapters in the Second Volume of Monsieur de St. Euremont, where the occasion Naturally required them. But the Book happening to swell larger by several Sheets than was expected, I have no room here to insert them. Mr. Dryden indeed, who in his excellent Preface before the first Volume, has given us a very good account of our inimitable Author, seems to have spared me this labour; but however, he has not so exhausted the Subject, but that there is still a very ample Field for those that come after him to Cultivate. I shall here take no notice of what our Author, both in his Discourse to the Marshal de Crequi, and in his Letter to Monsieur Justel, the late Learned Library-keeper at St. James', has advanced upon the Score of Religion. For besides that he has managed the Controversy like a Gentleman, and not en Theologue; 'tis certain he drew his Character of the Reformed from the Huguenots of France, a sort of People whom we are not obliged to justify. The first Volume will speedily be Reprinted, with great Amendments, and Additions; where I shall have a proper opportunity to prefix Dissertation, which I am forced for want of room here to omit. TO MONSIEUR THE MARSHAL de CREQVI, Who asked the temper of my Mind, and my Thoughts of things in general. By Dr. DRAKE. WHEN we are young, the Popular Opinion sways us, and we are more solicitous to gain the Esteem of others then of ourselves. But arrived to Old Age, we are apt to have a less value for Foreign things, and are most taken up with ourselves, when we are ready to abandon ourselves. Life is like our other Possessions, all vanishes, when we think our stock greatest: Our measures are seldom rightly understood, till little remains to be managed. Hence we see young Men squander (as it were) their Being, in which they think they have a long term of Years to come. We grow more chary of ourselves, as we grow nearer to lose ourselves. The time has been, when my roving, uncontrol'd Fancy rambled after every thing strange to it: At present my Mind contracts itself to the Body, and unites more straight with it: Nor is this out of any sense of Pleasure from such an Alliance, but out of necessity of the mutual Succour and Assistance, which they endeavour to afford one another. In this feeble Condition, I yet retain some pleasures, but I have lost all sense of Vice, without knowing whether this change be owing to the Infirmity of a decayed Body, or the moderation of a Mind better improved in Wisdom than heretofore. I fear my Age has a greater share in it than my Virtue, that I have more reason to complain, than brag of the Obedience of Inclinations. In vain should I ascribe to my Reason the Four of subjecting my desires, if they are too weak to raise themselves; and what Wisdom soever Men at my Years may boast of, it is hard to distinguish, whether those Passions, we now no longer feel, be subdued or expired. Howsoever it be, when our senses are no longer touched with their Objects, nor our Souls moved by their Impressions, it is properly no more than a State of Indolence: Yet is not this indolence without its Charms, To think himself exempt from all uneasiness, is enough to give Joy to a reasonable Man. The Enjoyment of Pleasures is not always required; the privation of pain well used, renders our Condition sufficiently happy. If any misfortune befall me, I am naturally little sensible of it, without dashing this happy Constitution with any thoughts of Constancy. For Constancy is only dwelling longer upon our Miseries. It appears the most aimable Virtue in the World to those who are under no afflictions, but is truly a new load to such as are. Resistance only Fretts us, and Instead of easing one grievance adds another: Without Resistance we suffer only the evils inflicted on us, with it our own improvements too. For this reason under present Calamities, I resign all to Nature; I reserve my prudence for times of tranquillity. Then by reflecting upon my own Indolence, I take pleasure in the pains, I endure not, and by this means make happy the most indifferent State of Life. Experience grows with Age, and Wisdom commonly with Experience: But when I ascribe this Virtue to Old Men, I mean not that they are always Masters of it. This is cerrain that they have always the Liberty to be wise, and to knock off decently those Fetters which prejudice has put upon the World. They only are allowed to take things for what they really are. Reason does as 'twere plant every thing in our Education; which is afterward in a manner quite overrun by Fancy. Age only has the power to drive out the one from what she had usurped, and re-establish the other in what the had lost. For myself, I observe religiously all real Duties. The imaginary I refuse or admit, as I like or dislike 'em. For in things to which I am not obliged, I think it equal reason to reject what does not please me, or to accept what does. Every day frees me from one link at least of the Chain, nor is it less for the advantage of those from whom I disengage myself, then me, who regain my liberty. They are as great gainers in the loss of an useless Man, as I should have been a loser, by idly devoting myself any longer to 'em. Of all Ties, that of Amity is the only one that has, in my Opinion, almost irresistible Charms, and were it not for the disgrace that attends no Return, I could love merely for the pleasure of Loving, even where I was not beloved again. In Love ill placed, the Sentiments of Amity entertain us purely by their own agreeable sweetness. But we ought to divest ourselves of a just hatred for the Interest of our own quiet. Happy is that Mind which can entirely deny some Passions, and only unbend itself to some others. It would then be void of Fear, Sadness, Hatred, or Jealousy. It would desire without violence, Hope without impatience, and Enjoy without transport. The state of Virtue is not a state of Indolence. We suffer in it a perpetual Conflict betwixt Duty, and Inclination. Now we do what disgusts us, and now oppose what relishes well: Being almost always under force, both in our Actions, and Abstinence. That of Wisdom is sweet and calm. It reigns Peaceably over our movements, being only to Govern well as Subjects, what Virtue Combats as Enemies. I can say one thing of myself, as extraordinary as true, that is, that I have never in myself felt any Conflict between Passion, and Reason. My Passion never opposed what I resolved out of Duty; and my Reason readily complied with what my Pleasure Inclined me to. I pretend not that this easy accord is praise worthy; on the contrary, I confess I have been often the more Vicious for it. Not out of any perverse disposition to Evil; but because Vice covered the Crime, with an appearance of Pleasure. It is certain, the nature of things is much better discovered by reflection on 'em, when past, then by their impressions at perception. Now the great Commerce with the World, hinders all attention in Youth. What we see in others hinders us from examining well ourselves. Crowds please us at an Age, when we Love (as one may say) to diffuse ourselves. Multitudes grow troublesome at another, when we naturally recoil to ourselves, or instead of numbers come to paucity of Friends, who are more united to us. 'Tis this humour, that insensibly withdraws us from Courts. We begin through that to seek some Mean between Hurry and Retirement. We grow afterwards ashamed to show an old Face amongst young Fellows. Let us not flatter ourselves with our Judgements: A brisk Buffoonery will run it down; and the false glittering of a youthful Fancy will turn to Ridicule our most delicate Conversations. If we have Wit, the best use of it is in private Companies; for in a Crowd the Spirit maintains itself but ill against the Body. This Justice which we are obliged to do ourselves, ought not to make us unjust to the young Men. We ought not perpetually to cry up our own Times, or enviously always condemn theirs. Let us not rail at Pleasures when we are passed them, or censure Diversions, whose only Offence is our Incapacity. Our Judgements ought to be always the same. We may live, but must not judge by Humour. There is in mine an odd peculiarity, which makes me measure Magnificence more by its trouble than pomp. Shows, Feasts, and great Assemblies, invite not me to the sight of 'em: The Inconveniencies I must suffer, deter me. The elegant harmony of Consorts engages not me so much, as the difficulty of adjusting 'em disobliges me. Abundance disgusts me at my Meals, and Rarities seem to me an affected Curiosity. My fancy cannot recommend any thing to my palate by my scarcity. My choice should be of things easily to be had, that my Delicacy may not be ruled by Fancy. I am as fond of Reading as ever, because it depends more particularly on the mind, which tires not like the Senses. In truth, I seek in Books my Pleasure, rather than my Instruction. As I have less time for Practice, I have less desire to learn. I have more need of a stock of Life than of methods of living; and the little that remains, is better spent in things agreeable, than Instructive. The Latin Authors afford me the most, and I read whatever I think fine, a thousand times over without being cloyed. A nice Choice has confined me to a few Books, in which I seek rather found than fine Wit; and the true Taste (to use a Spanish Expression) is ordinarily found in the Writings of considerable Men. I am pleased to discover in Tully's Epistles, both his own Character, and that of those Persons of Quality that Write to him. He never divests himself of his Rhetoric, and the least recommendation to his most intimate Friend is as artificially Insinuated, as if he were to prepossess a Stranger in an Affair of the greatest Consequence in the World. The Letters of the rest want those fine turns; but in my Mind, they have more good Sense than his, and this makes me judge very Advantageously of the great and general Abilities of the Romans at that time. Our Authors prefer the Age of Augustus upon the account of Virgil and Horace; and perhaps more yet upon the score of Maecenas, who encouraged Men of Learning, than for those Men of Learning themselves. It is neverthelsess certain, that their Parts as well as Courages began at that time to decay. Grandeur of Soul was converted to Circumspect Conduct, and sound Discourse to Polite Conversation: I know not what to think of the Remains of Maecenas, unless it be that they had something of Grimace, which was made to pass for delicate. Maecenas was Augustus' great Favourite; The Man that pleased, and whom all the Polite, and sprightly Wits courted; now is it not likely that his judgement overruled the rest, that they affected his Air, and Aped, as much as they could, his Character? Augustus himself leaves us no great Idea of his Latinity. What we see of Terence, what was reported at Rome of politeness of Scipio and Laelius, the Relics of Caesar, and what we have of Cicero, with the complaint of this last for the loss of what he calls, Sales, Lepores, Venustates, Vrbanitas, Amaenitas, Festivitas, jucunditas; all together make me believe, upon better consideration, That we must search some other time than that of Augustus, to find the sound and agreeable Wit of the Romans, as well as the pure and natural Graces of their Tongue. It may be said, That Horase had a very nice Palate in all these Matters; which persuades me, that the rest of his Contemporaries had not. For the nicety of his Relish consisted chiefly in finding that of others ridiculous. But as for the Impertinencies, false Manners, and Affectations which he laughed at, his sense would not at this day appear so very just. I own that of Augustus to have been the Age of excellent Poets; but it follows not, That it was that of Universal Genius's. Poetry requires a peculiar Genius, that agrees not overmuch with good sense. It is sometimes the Language of Gods, sometimes of Buffoons, rarely that of a Civil Man. It delights in Figures, and Fictions, always besides the reality of things, tho' it be that only, that can satisfy a found Understanding. Not but that there is something Noble in making good Verse; but we must have a great command of our Genius, otherwise the mind is possessed with something Foreign, which hinders it from the free management of itself. He's a Blockhead (say the Spaniards) that can't make two Verses, and a Fool that makes four. If this Maxim prevailed over all the World, we should want a thousand fine Works, the reading of which gives us a very delicate pleasure; but this Maxim respects Men of Business, rather than professed Poets. However, those that are capacitated for such great Works, will not oppose the force of their Genius, for what I can say; and it is certain, that amongst Authors, those only will write few Verses, who find themselves curbed more by their own natural Unaptness, than by my Reasons. Excellent Poets are as requisite for our pleasure, as great Mathematicians for our use: But it is sufficient for us to be acquainted with their Works, and not engage ourselves in the solitary Enthusiasm of the one, or to exhaust our Spirits in Meditation like the other. Of all Poets, Comedians are most proper for the converse of the World: For they oblige themselves to paint naturally what passes in it, and to express after a lively manner the Thoughts, and Passions of Men. How new an Air soever, may be given to old Thoughts, that sort of Poetry is very tedious which is filled with Similes of the Morning, the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Our Descriptions of a calm and a tempestuous Sea, represent nothing which the Ancients have not done much better. Now we have not only the same Ideas, but the very same Expressions, the same Rhymes. I never hear of the Harmony of Birds, but I prepare myself for the murmuring of Brooks; the Shepherds are always lolling upon Fern, and you may sooner find a Grove without a Shade in its proper sight, than in our Verses. This must necessarily at length be very tedious; which cannot happen in Comedy, where with pleasure we see our own Actions drawn, and are touched with Parallel Motions. A Discourse of Woods, Rivers, Meadows, Fields, and Gardens, make but a very languishing Impression upon us, unless their Beauties be wholly new: But a discourse of Humanity, its Inclinations, Tendernesses, and Affections, finds something at the bottom of our Souls prepared to receive it; the same nature produces and receives 'em, and they are easily transfused from the Actors to the Spectators. The Delicacy of Love soothes me, and its tenderness touches me; and as in Spain they love the best of any Country in the World, I am never weary of reading in their Authors Amorous Adventures. I am more affected with the Passion of one of their Lovers, than I should be with my own, were I yet capable of any. The very Imagination of those Amours raises in me certain motions for the Gallant, which I could never feel for myself. There is perhaps as much Wit in the other Writings of that Nation, as in ours; but it is a Wit that gives me no satisfaction, except that of Cervantes in Don Quixot, which I could read all my life without being disgusted one single moment. Of all the Books I have ever read, Don Quixot is that, of which I should be most ambitious to have been the Author. Nothing in my Opinion, can contribute more to the forming in us a true relish of every thing. I wonder how Cervantes could, as it were out of the Mouth of one of the greatest Fools in the World, show himself maiter of all the Understanding and Knowledge imaginable. I admire the diversities of his Characters, which are of the most uncommon stamp in the World, and at the same time the most natural. Quevedo indeed appears a very Ingenious Author, but I esteem him more for wishing all other Books Burnt, when he had read Don Quixot, than for having been able to read 'em. I am not acquainted enough with Italian Verse, to taste their delicacy, or admire their Grace and Beauty; I meet with some Histories in that Tongue above all the Moderns, and some Treatises of Politics even above what the Ancients have Written. As for the Morality of the Italians, it is full of Conceits, which savour more of a Fancy that aims to Sparkle, than of solid Sense founded on deep Reflections. I am very curious of every thing that is fine in French, and am very much distasted at a thousand Authors, that seem only to have written for the Reputation of being Authors. I read not for the credit of having read abundance, and this is it which ties me up to certain Books, where I'm assured to meet satisfaction. Montagne's Essays, Malherbe's Poems, Corneille's Tragedies, and Voiture's Letters have established to themselves, as it were, a Title to please me during Life. Montagne has not the same success with others through their whole Course. As he particularly lays open Men, the Young and the Old are pleased to see themselves in him by the resemblance of their Thoughts. The space intermediate to these Ages, takes 'em off from Nature to other Professions; and then they find less in Montagne that fits 'em. The Art Military employs the General; Politics the Statesman; Divinity the Church Man; and Law the Judge. Montagne returns upon us, when Nature has brought us back again to ourselves; and the approach of Age, when we truly feel what we are, recalls the Prince as well as his meanest Subjects from his Engagements to his Function, to the more near and sensible interest of his Person. I Write not this out of any impulse of vanity, which urges Men to make their Fancies public. I instruct myself by what I say, and understand myself better by expressing the Notion I have formed of myself, than I could by private thoughts, and Internal Reflections. The Idea a Man has of himself by simple attention to Internal Meditations, is always a little confused. The Image which is outwardly expressed is much more exact, and gives us much truer Judgement of ourselves, when it is again submitted to the Examination of the mind, after having been laid before our eyes. Besides, the flattering Opinion of our own merit loses half its Charms, as soon as it comes into the light; and the complaisance of self Love insensibly vanishing leaves behind it only a disgust of its sweetness, and shame for a vanity as foolishly entertained as judiciously quitted. To equal Malherbe to the Ancients, I find nothing finer than his own compositions. I would only in his works retrench what is not worthy of him. It were injustice to postpone him to any one whoever. But he must bear with us, if for the honour of our own Judgements, we make him give place to himself. Almost the same we may say of Corneille. He would be above all the Tragedians of Antiquity, if he were not in some of his pieces much below himself. He is so admirable in what is fine, that he take saway all patience for what is indifferent. What in him is not excellent, methinks is naught; not that it is bad, but that it wants the perfection of the rest. It is not enough for him to please us lightly, he's bound to touch us to the quick. If he ravishes not our minds, they employ their utmost penetration, enviously to discover the difference between him and himself. Some Authors may simply move us. But those are petty tickle, pleasing enough when we have nothing else to mind. Corneille prepares our minds for transports: If they be not elevated, they are left in a condition more uneasy than languour. It is, I confess hard, always to Charm: Very hard at pleasure to raise a mind from its temper, to unhinge a Soul. But Corneille by having done it so often, has laid upon himself an Obligation to do it always. Let him expunge what is not noble enough for him, and he will leave us in a full admiration of those Beauties which no one can Parallel. I should not excuse Voiture for a great many of his Letters, which he ought to have suppressed, had himself been the Publisher: But he was like some Fathers, equally kind and prudent, who have a natural affection for their Children, and in secret cherish those that want worth, thereby to avoid exposing their Judgements to the Public by their Indulgence. He might have showed all his Fondness to some of his Works; for there is something in 'em so unaccountably ingenious so polite, so fine, and so agreeable, that it takes away all taste of the Sales Attici ' and the Roman ●rbanitas; ecclypses quite the Spirit and Wit of the Italians, and the Gallantry of the Spaniards. We have in French some particular pieces of admirable Beauty; of which number is the Funeral Oration of the Queen of England by Monsieur de Meaux. There is a certain Spirit diffused through the whole discourse, which gives as great an opinion of the Author before he is known, as of his Work, after 'tis read. His Character is impressed on all that he says; so that altho' I have never seen him, I pass easily from the admiration of his Discourse to that of his Person. Nor am I less affected with the Abridgement of General History done by the same Prelate. Such reach is there in his Reflections: The sense so sound, so great a purity of Reasoning! What a capacity of mind must he have in one Scheme to comprehend so great a variety of Events, so far disjoined both in time and place? What Judgement to reconcile 'em as he does, and draw from 'em Consequences so advantageous to the true Religion? How great soever the pleasure of Reading is to me, yet that of Conversation will ever be more sensible. The acquaintance of the Ladies would afford the sweetest, if their Charms did not put us to too much pain to defend ourselves from doing Homage to 'em. Yet this is a violence I rarely suffer; as my Age renders me unacceptable, my Experience makes me nice; and if they can't be pleased with me, I am by way of return as little satisfied with them. There are some whose Merits make a considerable impression on my mind, but their Beauty has little influence on me. And if I am at any time surprised by it, I presently reduce my Passion to a pleasing reasonable Amity, that has none of the uneasinesses of Love. Amongst Ladies, the most meritorious person with them, is the Lover; the next, the Confident of their Inclinations; the third, he that ingeniously sets off all that is amiable in 'em. If nothing will win their hearts, we may at least gain their Favours by Compliments; for next to the Lover, to whom all must give place, he pleases 'em most, that can make 'em please themselves best. When you converse with 'em, avoid carefully all indifference, they are from their Souls Enemies to such coldness, or love yourself, or flatter what they love, or paint 'em so as to plunge 'em still deeper in Love with themselves, For Love of some sort or other they must have, it is a Passion their Hearts are never unfurnished with. Direct a poor Heart how to employ it. 'Tis true, some of 'em can have esteem, and even tenderness too without Love; and others there are as worthy of our Confidence and Secrets as the most trusty of our Friends. I know some that have no less Wit and Discretion, than Charms and Beauty: But those are Rarities, that Nature wantonly bestows on the World, whether by design or caprice, and we can draw no Consequences in Favour of the General, from things so particular, and from Qualities so uncommon. Women so extraordinary seem to invade the Character of Men; and perhaps it is a kind of revolt from their Sex, to shake off the Natural Conditions of it for the real Advantages of ours. I confess I have formerly been more difficult in the choice of the Men, with whom I Conversed, then at present I am; and I think myself not so much a Loser in point of Delicacy, as a gainer in point of Sense. I then sought for Men that could please me in every thing, I now seek every thing that may please me in any Man. A Man in all respects agreeable, is too great a Rarity, and it is no Wisdom to hunt for what we are hardly ever like to find. That Delicacy of pleasure, which our imagination paints to us, is what we seldom enjoy; the sickly nice Fancy gives us a disrelish of those things, which we during the whole course of our lives might obtain. Not that, to say Truth, it is impossible to find such Jewels, but it is very rarely that Nature forms 'em, and that Fortune favours us with 'em. My good Stars made me know one of this rank in France, and another of equal merit in a Foreign Country, who was the whole delight of my Life. Death has robbed me of this Treasure, and I can never think on that cruel day on which Monsieur Daubigny died, but I may with a sad and sensible regrett, say, — Quem semper acerbum, Semper honoratum, sic dî voluistis, habebo. Among your other measures for the conduct of Society, you must take care to apprehend the good things separately; beware to distinguish Solidity from Prolixity, good Nature from want of Sense, Science from Ridicule. You will find these Qualities promiscuously blended, not only among those Men whom you may at pleasure make choice of, or repudiate, but even among those whom your interest, or other ties as obligatory, shall bind you to. I have seen a Man of the gayest natural parts in the World, lay aside the happy facility of his Genius, and engage in Arguments of Science and Religion, in which he betrayed a ridiculous ignorance. I know one of the most Learned Men in Europe, of whom one may Learn a Thousand things curious or profound, in whom nevertheless you will find an impotence of Beleif in every thing extraordinary, fabulous, or exceeding Credit. That great Master of the Stage, to whom the Romans are more beholding for the Beauty of their thoughts, then to their own Wit or Virtue: Corneille who sufficiently discovers himself without naming, speaks like an ordinary Man when he speaks for himself. He exhausts all his stock of thought for a Greek or a Roman: A Frenchman or Spaniard abates his courage; and when he speaks for him, he is quite dispirited. He racks his imagination for all that is noble to adorn his Old Heroe's, and you would say, that he debarred himself the advantage of his own proper Wealth, as, if he were not worthy the use of it. If you know the World perfectly, you will find in it abundance of Men valuable for their Talon, and as contemptible for their failing. Expect not they should always display their good Qualities, and discreetly cover their Infirmities. You shall see 'em slight their Virtues, and fond indulge their defects. It rests upon your Judgement to make a better choice than themselves, and by your Address, to draw from 'em that worth, which they could not easily communicate. For these Ten Years, which I have spent in a Foreign Country, I have found as much pleasure, and been as happy in the enjoyment of Conversation, as if I had been all the time in France. I have met with Persons of as great Worth as Quality, whose Society has been the greatest comfort of my Life. I have known Men as witty as any I have ever seen, who have joined the pleasure of their Friendship to that of their Company. I have known some Ambassadors so delicate, that it seemed to me a considerable loss, whenever the Duty of their Character suspended the exercise of their more peculiar Excellencies. I have formerly thought that there were no Man of Honour but in our Court; that the effeminacy of warmer Climates, and a kind of Barbarity in the colder, hindered the Natives from being raised to this pitch, except very rarely. But experience has at length convinced me, that there are such every where, and if I have not discocovered it soon enough, it is because it is difficult for a Frenchman under long use to relish any but those of his own Country. Every Nation has its excellence, with a certain turn proper and peculiar to its Genius. My Judgement, too much wedded to our own Air, rejected as faulty what was Foreign to us. Because we see 'em imitate us in the Fashion of things Exterior, we would impose upon 'em the imitation of us, even in the Dress of Virtue too. In truth, the grounds of any Essential Quality, are every where the same; but we endeavour to fit the Extrinsicks to our Humour, and those among us that pay the greatest deference to Reason, must have with it something to gratify their Fancies. The difference which I find between the Air of us and other Nations, to speak ingenuously, is that ours is industriously affected, and that of other Nations impressed by Nature, as it were in an indelible Character. In all my life, I have never known but two Persons that were universally taking, and those differently. The one had agreeable Qualities of all sorts; for the ordinary sort of Men, for the Humorists, and even for the Fantastical; he seemed to have in his Nature, wherewith to please every body. The other had so many rare Accomplishments, that he might assure himself of esteem wherever Virtue was revered. The first could insinuate himself, and never failed to gain the Affections. The second was somewhat morose and fierce, but commanded esteem. To complete this difference, a Man gave himself up with pleasure to the insinuations of the former, and submitted oftentimes with reluctance to the worth of the latter. I had a strict Friendship with 'em both, and can say, That I never saw anything in the one, but what was agreeable; or in the other, but what was valuable. When I want the company of men of Conversation, I have recourse to the Learned; and if I meet with Men skilful in polite Learning, I think myself no great loser by exchangeing of the delicacy of the present, for that of past Ages. But there are very few that have a true Judgement: Polite Learning is by most men's management rendered very nauseous. Of all the Men I ever knew, Antiquity is the most indebted to Mr. Waller, not only for the nicety and fineness of his apprehension, which he employs to dive, even into the Soul of the Ancients for their true meaning, but likewise for the Beauty of his Fancy, with which he embellishes their Thoughts too. I have seen in few Years abundance of Critics, and but few good Judges. I affect not that sort of Learned Men, that rack their Brains to restore a Reading, which is not mended by the Restitution. The whole Mystery of their Learning lies in what we might as well be ignorant of, and what is worth the knowing, they never understand. They never imagine, never think nicely enough to taste the delicacy of the Sense, or the elegance of a Thought. They may serve well enough for Expositors to Grammarians; they drudge the same way, and are made of the same Lump: but they can never rightly apprehend any Man of Sense among the Ancients; such a Talon is diametrically opposite to theirs. In History, they neither mind Men, nor matters; they lay the whole weight on Cronology; and for the date of a Consul's Death, neglect the knowledge of his Character, or of the Transactions during his Consulate. Tully with them had been no more than a Compiler of Harangues, or Caesar then a Scribbler of Commentaries. The Consul, the General slip by 'em without notice, the Spirit that animates their Works is unperceived, and the principal Matters they treat of unknown. I value infinitely a Critic of Sense, if the expression may be allowed. Such is the excellent Work of Machiavelli upon the Decades of Livy; and such would be the reflections of Monsieur de Rohan upon Caesar's Commentaries, had he pierced deeper into his Designs, and exposed to a clearer light the secret Springs of his Conduct. Notwithstanding, I must own that he has equalled, if not outreached the penetration of Machiavelli in his remarks upon the clemency of Caesar in the Civil Wars. But we may see that his own experience of such Wars, gave abundance of light to those judicious Observations. After the Study of polite Learning (for which I have a more particular affection,) I Love the Science of those great Lawyers, who might themselves be Legislators; who reascend to that Original Justice that rules Humane Society, that know what liberty Nature permits in established Governments, and what for the public Good, easies private Men of the burden of Politics. The Conversation of Mr.— affords these instructions with as much pleasure as profit. From Hobbs, that great genius of England, we may receive these shining Lights, yet not altogether so true; for somethings he mistakes, others he bushes too far. Were Grotius yet alive, all things might be Learned of that universally Learned Man, who is yet more valuable for his Reasonings than for his Learning. Tho' he is Dead, his Writings still resolve the most important difficulties; and were Justice only regarded, they might be a standing rule to all Nations in points of War, and Peace. His Book, de jure Belli & Pacis, aught to be the chief Study of Sovereign Princes, their Ministers, and whoever else have any share in the Government of the People. Nay, even the knowledge of that Law which descends to the affairs of private Men, ought not to be slighted. But this is left to the care of the Gentlemen of the Gown, and denied to Princes as a thing below-them, tho' every moment of their Reign, they issue out Warrants that extend to the Fortunes, Liberties, and Lives of their Subjects. They are only entertained with Harangues about Valour, which is only an instrument of Destruction, and Discourses of Liberality, which is but a more regular method of squandering, unless it is bounded by Justice. They ought indeed to suit the Virtues they preach to the necessities of every one's temper: To infuse Liberality into the Covetous, to spur the unactive with the thirst of Glory, and curb, as much as is possible, the ambitious with the Reins of Justice. But amongst all the diversity of Tempers, Justice is still most requisite; for it keeps up order as well in him that does it, as in them to whom it is done. This is not a constraint that lessens the power of a Prince, for in doing it to others, he learns to do it to himself, and so it is in him a voluntary act, tho' we necessarily receive it from his power. I read not in History of any Prince, better Educated than Cyrus the great. They were not contented exactly to inform him what was Justice in all respects, but they made him put his Instructions in Practice as often as occasion was offered; so that they did at the same time imprint the notions of it on his Mind, and establish an habitual Justice in his Soul. The Education of Alexander was of somewhat too large an extent: He was Taught the knowledge of every thing in Nature, but himself. His ambition afterwards diffused itself as far as his Learning; and knowing all, he grew desirous to Conquer all. But he had little or no method in his Conquests, and abundance of irregularity in his Life for want of knowing what he owed to the public, to private Men, and to himself. No Men Whatsoever can take too effectual a care to make themselves just, for they have naturally too strong a Bias the contrary way. Justice is the foundation and the Fence of all Society; without it we should still be Strowlers, and Vagabonds; our impetuosity would soon reduce us to our primitive confusion, out of which we are happily extricated, yet instead of cheerfully acknowledging the benefit, we find a regret to submit to that happy Subjection it keeps us in, and still long after that Fatal Liberty which would be the unhappiness of our Lives. When the Scriptures tell us that the Just are few, it means not in my Opinion, that Men are not yet inclined to good Works. But it seems to intimate how little an Inclination they have to 'em out of a principle of Justice. Indeed were men's good Actions examined, they would most of 'em be found to have their source from the consideration of some other Virtues. Bounty, Friendship, and Benevolence are the ordinary Spring● from whence they flow: Charity supplies our Neighbour's wants; Liberality bestows, and Generosity obliges. Justice which ought to partake in all, is laid aside as burdensome; and necessity alone gives it a share in our Actions. Nature endeavours to find a kind of self complaisance in these first qualities, where we act upon pleasing Motives: But in this she finds a secret violence, where another's Right extorts from us what we owe, and we only acquit ourselves of our own Obligations, not lay any upon them by our beneficence. It is a secret aversion to Justice that makes us fonder of giving than returning, of obliging than acknowledging. Thus we see the most liberal, generous Men are not usually the most Iust Justice includes a regularity that bridles 'em, as being founded on a constant method of Reason, opposed to those natural impulses, which are the Hinges upon which liberality almost always moves. There is something, I know not what, heroical in great Liberality, as well as in great Valour; and there is a great Analogy between those two Virtues, the one raises the Soul above the Consideration of Wealth, as the other beyond the management and desire of Life. But with all these gay and generous Motives, without good Conduct, the one becomes ruinous, and the other Fatal. Those whom cross accidents of Fortune have undone, are pitied by all the World, because it is a misfortune the Conditions of Humanity submit us to: But those that are reduced to Misery by vain profusion, raise more contempt than commiseration; because it is the Issue of a peculiar Folly, from which every Man has the good conceit to think himself exempt. But besides Nature is always a sufferer little by compassion, and to relieve herself of an uneasy thought, She represents to herself the Folly of the Prodigal, rather than rest on the prospect of the Beggar. All things considered, it is enough for private Men to be Benefactors. As this ought not to be merely through a softness of Nature which lukewarmly lets go what it has not its strength to keep; I despise the weakness which we call ill placed Bounty, and hate no less the vanity of those that never do a kindness but for the pleasure of boasting of it. There are not so many ungrateful Men, as there are thought to be; because there are not so many generous Men as we imagine. He that in silence suppresses a favour received is an unthankful Fellow, that deserved it not. But he that publishes one that he has done, turns it to an Injury, showing to your disgrace the necessity you had of him. I would have an honest Man cautious of receiving obligations, and sensible of 'em when received: I would have him that obliges satisfied with the generosity of the Action, and not think of any acknowledgement from the Party obliged. When a return is expected, it is no longer liberality; it is a sort of Trade, which the spirit of Interest would introduce into Favours. 'Tis true, there are some persons in whose nature ingratitude is rooted: Ingratitude is the main ingredient in their composition; with that their Heart their Soul, and every part is seasoned: Then make no returns to Love, not because they are hard and insensible, but because they are ingrateful. This ingratitude of the Heart is of all the kinds of it the most opposite to Humanity. For a generous Man may be sometimes necessitated to banish the thoughts of a past kindness, to ease himself of the trouble that some Obligations are apt to give. But Friendship knitts, not fetters us together; and without some extraordinary violence to Nature, it is impossible to resist its tender engaging Charms. The Ingratitude of the Soul is a Natural indisposition to acknowledge a Service, even without regard to Interest. Avarice may sometimes suppress an Obligation, to avoid the expense of a return. But pure Ingratitude is without farther design in itself averse to all acknowledgements. There is another sort of Ingratitude founded on a Conceit of our own worth; our Vanity mistakes services done us, for deuce paid to us. The ambition of Liberty has likewise its ingratitude as well as Vanity. The only subjection it allows is to the Laws; out of abhorrence of a dependence, it hates the memory of Obligations that show a superiority in the Benefactor. This makes Republicans ingrateful. They think that a Diminution of their liberty, which others impute to their Ingratitude. Brutus thought it meritorious to sacrifice his Obligations to his liberty. All the kindnesses heaped on him were converted to Injuries, when he began to look upon 'em as Fetters. He could kill a Benefactor that aimed to be his Master. An abominable Villainy amongst the Patrons of gratitude. An admirable virtue with the Sticklers for liberty. As there are Men purely ingrateful, out of a mere sense of ingratitude, so there are some merely thankful out of a pure sense of thankfulness. Their Hearts are sensible not only of good turns, but even of good will too; and have of themselves a propensity to acknowledge all manner of Obligations. There is as great a diversity of thanks, as of ingratitude; there are some poor Spirits that think themselves obliged by every thing, as well as vain Humours that do so by nothing. If self-conceipt has its proud ingrates, distrust of Merit has its weak thankful ones, that take common Justice for an Obligation. This diffidence of themselves gives 'em an inclination to subjection, and that obliges them to make another sort of acknowledgement. These Persons as they are encumbered with liberty, and ashamed of servitude, raise up chimerical Obligations, to give an honourable colour to their submission. I will not reckon among the grateful, those poor wretches that think themselves obliged to us for not hurting 'em. They are not only Slaves, but Slaves that have not the Courage to hope well. To these transported Wretches all treatment that is not rigorous is favourable, and every thing that is not an injury, they think a kindness. I shall only now consider Court Acknowledgements, which have not so much respect to the past, as design upon the future. They acknowledge obligations to all that are in any post to oblige; and by an affected gratitude for favours never done insinuate themselves into those, in whose power it is to do 'em, and industriously put themselves in the way of 'em. This trick of thanks as it is undoubtedly no Virtue, so neither is it a vice but cunning, which it is lawful to serve ourselves with, and guard ourselves from. The great ones in requital have a trick as artificial to excuse themselves from doing kindnesses, as the Courtiers can have to engage 'em to it. They reproach men with Services never done, and complain of ingratitude, tho' they have hardly ever obliged any one, to draw from hence a specious pretence to oblige no body. But let this affected Gratitude, and these mysterious Complaints of Ingratitude pass; let us see what is to be wished in the pretences to, and the distribution of Benefits. I could wish in the Pretenders more merit than Address, and in the Disposers more Generosity than Ofsentation. Justice respects every thing in the distribution of Favours: It regulates the liberality of the Donour, and weighs the merit of the Receiver. Generosity thus circumstantiated is an admirable Virtue: not so, it is the motion of a Soul truly noble, but ill governed; or of a wild Ostentatious Humour, that thinks Reason a clog to it. There are so many things to be considered in the distribution of kindnesses, that the safest way is always to observe strict Justice, and consult Reason equally about those we make the Objects of 'em. But even among those that intent strict Justice, how many are misguided by their tempers to reward or punish? When we give way to Insinuation, and yield to Compliment, Self-Love represents to us as Justice a Lavishness to them that flatter us; and we reward 'em for the Artifice they use to deceive our Judgements, and prevail upon the imbecility of our Wills. They cheat themselves yet more easily, that mistake a morose Temper for an inclination to Justice. The itch of punishing is ingenious in 'em to set an ill gloss upon every thing. Pleasure with them is Vice, and Error a Crime. A man must divest himself of Humanity to escape their Rigour. Misled by a false Notion of Virtue, they think they chastise Criminals, while they torment the Miserable. If Justice appoints a great Punishment, (which is sometimes necessary) it is proportioned to some great Crime, but is never harsh or rigorous. Severity and Rigour are no part of it, but spring from the humour of those persons that execute it. As these sorts of Punishments flow from Justice without rigour, so likewise does Pardon in some cases rather than from Clemency. To pardon Faults of Error is but Justice to the failings of our Nature. I might proceed to several other particulars of Justice, but it is now high time to think of Religion, which ought to be our principal care. After the manner that I have lived in the World, People will not easily believe that I am very solicitous about Salvation. Yet I can safely aver, that no man e'er thought of the next World with more Application than myself. 'Tis stupidity to set up our Rest in a Life that may terminate every moment. Mere Curiosity will make us inquisitive to know what shall become of us after our Death. We are too dear to ourselves to agree to the irrecoverable loss of ourselves. Self Love secretly opposes the Notion of annihilation. We are desirous to exist always, and the Soul as it is interested in its own conversation, improves this desire we have of receiving some light into a thing so obscure. Yet the Body finding by certain experience that it must die, and unwilling to die alone seeks reasons to involve the Soul in one common State. But the Soul which knows its Actions are independent of those Organs, is sensible that it can subsist without 'em. I have called all the light I could both from the Ancients and Moderns to assist my reflections to dive into so dark a matter: I have read all that has been Written on the Immortality of the Soul, and after I have done it with all my attention possible, the clearest Proof that I find of the Eternity of my Soul, is my own perpetual desire that it may be so. I wish I had never read Mousieur Descartes's Meditations: The great reputation of that excellent Man among us gave me some hope of finding that demonstration he promises; but there appears to me rather probability than certainty in his arguments; and how desirous soever I was to be convinced by his Reasons, all that I can do in his favour or my own, is to rest where I was before. I leave the Study of Metaphysics to make an enquiry into Religion, and looking a Book upon that Antiquity of which I am so fond, I find among the Greeks and Romans, nothing more than a Superstitious Idolatrous Worship, or politic humane contrivances established for the Government of Men. It is not difficult for me to see the advantages of the Christian Religion over all the rest; and submitting myself the best I can with reverence to the Belief of its Mysteries, I leave my Reason to taste with pleasure the purest, and most perfect Morality in the World. Amidst the diversity of Beleifs that divide Christianity, the true Catholic engages me as well by my own free Election, were I yet to choose, as by the habitual Impression it has long since made upon me. What we now call Religion is indeed but a difference in Religion, and not a different Religion. I rejoice that my Faith is more sound than a Heretics; yet instead of Hating him for this difference, I Love him because he agrees with me in the Fundamentals. The means at length to agree in the whole, is always to commuicate in something. A desire of Reunion can never be inspired till the enmity that arises from division be suppressed. Men may seek one another as sociable, but they never join with their Enemies. Besides, the difference of Doctrine in some points affected in every Sect, I remark, as it were, a sort of particular Spirit that distinguishes 'em. The Catholic tends particularly to the love of God, and good Works. We look upon this first Being, as an Object sovereignly amiable, and tender Souls are touched with the sweet and agreeable impressions it makes on 'em. Good Works follow necessarily from this Principle; for Love once received within, actuates us without, and puts us upon endeavouring all we can to please him we love. All we have to fear in this case is, lest the source of this Love, the Heart, should be corrupted by the mixture of any Passion altogather humane. It is likewise to be feared, that instead of obeying the Ordinance of God, we should frame methods of serving him according to our own Fancies. But if this love be real and pure, nothing in the world yields that true sweetness and satisfaction. The inward joy of devout Souls rises from a secret assurance they have of being agreeable to God; and the true Mortifications, and holy Austerities are nothing else but pious Sacrifices of themselves. The Reformed Religion divests men of all confidence in merit. The Opinion of Predestination, which it dares not forgo, leaves the Mind languid, unmoved, without Affection, under prerence of waiting with submission for the Will of Heaven. It is Content barely to obey, and seeks not to please; and in a set common Worship, makes God the Object rather of their Regularity than Love. The Calvinists abstract from Religion every thing that appears humane, to preserve its Purity: but in endeavouring to debar Man of what is humane, they frequently retrench too much of what is addressed to God. Their dislike of our Ceremonies, makes 'em industrious to refine upon us. Yet when they have attained to this dry naked Purity, they have not so much Devotion. Those that are pious among 'em, raise up a private Spirit, which they think inspired; so much dissatisfied are they with a Formality that to them seems too common. There are in matters of Worship two sorts of Humours. The one would be always adding to, and the other always retrenching what is established. In the first, there is a hazard of giving too much outside to Religion, and covering it with so many Exteriors, that the real ground of it cannot be seen through 'em. In the other, the danger is least after having cut off all that appears superfluous, Religion itself should be pared. Tho' the Catholics have abundance of Ceremonies, yet that hinders not but that men of understanding may see well enough through 'em. The Reformed use too little, and their ordinary Worship is not sufficiently distinguished from the common Occupations of Life. In places where it is not tolerated, the difficulty heightens their disgust, and the Dispute raises a warmth that animates 'em. Where it rules, it produces only an exact Compliance, as the Civil Government, or any other Obligation might do. Good manners among the Huguenots are only the effects of their Faith, and the Subjects of their Belief. We are agreed on both sides, that every Christian is bound to Believe, and live aright, but our ways of expressing it differ: they say that good Works without Faith are but Dead Works, and we, that Faith without good Works is but Dead Faith. They that began the Reformation accused us of Corruption and Vice; and we now object against them our good Works. Those that reproached us with ill living, will now take no other advantage of us then that of an imaginary purer Faith. We allow the necessity of Belief, but Charity was commanded by Jesus Christ, and the Doctrine of his Precepts is much more plain than that of his Mysteries. Our Faith is obscure, but our Law is very clearly expressed. The necessary points of our Faith are above the apprehension of abundance of Men, but those of our Duty are suitted to the capacities of all the World. In a word, God has given us light enough to do well; and we would serve with it our curiosity of knowing too much; and instead of acquiescing in what he is pleased to discover to us, we would pry into what he has concealed from us. I know that the contemplation of Heavenly things does sometimes happily disengage us from the World: But it is frequently no more than mere speculation, and the fruit of a vice very Natural to Mankind. The immoderate Ambition of knowledge extends itself beyond Nature even to inquire into what is most mysterious in its Author, not so much out of a design to adore him, as out of a vain curiosity of knowing all things. This vice is close followed by another: curiosity breeds presumption, and we as boldly define, as we rashly inquire, we erect a Science of those things that are to us altogether inconceiveable. So depravedly do we use the will and understanding. We proudly aspire to know every thing and cannot; we may Religiously observe every thing and will not: let us be just, charitable, and patient according to the principles of our Religion, and we shall know and observe all together. I leave it to our Doctors to refute the errors of the Calvinists, 'tis enough for me to be persuaded that our opinions are the sounder. But if rightly apprehended, I dare say the Spirit of both Religions is differently grounded on good Principles; only one more extends the exercise of good Works; with the other, the cautions to avoid Evil, take deeper root. The Catholic with an active resolution, and Loving industry is perpetually seeking some new way of pleasing God. The Hugenot with all circumspection and respect dares not venture beyond a known Precept, for fear by imaginary novelties of giving too much sway to his Fancy. To be always disputing points of Doctrine, is not the means to reunite us. Arguments are inexhaustible, and the controversy will last as long as there are Men to manage it. But if we would leave these disputes, that only serve to exasperate us, and return without passion to that Spirit that distinguishes us. I think it not impossible to find some general in which we may agree. Let us Catholics bridle the restless Zeal, that makes us act a little too much of our own Heads. Let the Huguenots quit a little their unactive regularity, and animate their languour without departing from their submission to Providence. Let us do something in condescension to them, that they may return as much in complaisance to us. Then without thinking of Free will, or Predestination, we shall frame insensibly a true rule for our actions, which will be followed by that of our opinions. If we come to a reconciliation of wills upon the good conduct of Life, it will soon produce a good understanding in doctrine. Let us do what we can to join in good works. and we shall not long be of separate Faiths. I conclude from the little that has been said, that it is an ill Method of converting Men, to Attack 'em by affronting their Judgements. A Man defends his Notions either as truth, or as his own; and however it be, he raises a hundred objections against the Person that would convince him. Nature has given to every one his proper Sense, and seems to have engaged him to it by a secret fond judulgence, He can submit to the will of another, tho' he be free: he can own himself inferior in courage and Virtue; but to confess a submission to another Man's Sense, is what he is Scandalised at: And he is most naturally averse to acknowledge a Superiority of Reason in any one whomsoever. The chief advantage of humanity is to be born reasonable, and to hear another pretend more of it then ourselves gives us the greatest jealousies. If we Consult the conversions of Ancient Times, we shall find that their Souls were moved, but their Understandings very little convinced. The first disposition to receive the truths of Christianity is form in the Heart. Things purely Natural, the Mind may conceive, and its knowledge Springs from its Relation to the Object. With supernatural the Soul is taken, it is affected, it adheres, and unites itself, without ever comprehending 'em. Heaven has better prepared our Hearts for the impressions of grace, than our Understandings for illumination. It's immensity confounds our narrow Intellects. It's bounty agrees better with our Love. There is I know not what within us that secretly pleads for a God, which we cannot comprehend, and hence it is that to succeed in the conversion of Men, we must settle a pleasing commerce with 'em, by means of which we may inspire 'em with the same movements: For in disputes of Religion the Mind in vain strains itself to make us see, what we see but too much. In a sweet and pious familiarity it is easy for the Soul to infuse the same sentiments. To consider well the Christian Religion would make one think, that God had deprived it of the light of our minds, that it might turn more upon the motions of our Hearts. To Love God and our Neighbour includes all, says St. Paul. And what is this, but to require a disposition of Heart as well towards God as Man? It is to oblige us to do out of a principle of Love, what the civil Government enjoins by rigorous Laws, and morality requires by a severe order of Reason. Charity makes us relieve and succour, while Justice forbids us to do wrong. The one with difficulty hinders opposition, the other with pleasure procures Relief. Those that have the true Notions that our Religion inspires, can't be unfaithful to a Friend or ungrateful to a Benefactor. With these good sentiments a Heart innocently Loves these objects God has made amiable, and the most innocent of our Love is the most Charming and tender. Look upon Man in a civil Society, if Justice be necessary to him, yet 'tis a restraint. In the State of Nature, his liberty will have something of Barbarity in it; and if he govern himself by morality, his reason is austere. All other Religions raise in our Minds tempestuous Thoughts, and troublesome Passions. They erect against Nature superstitious Fears, and a furious Zeal: sometimes to the Sacrificing our Children, like Agamemnon, at other times to the devoting ourselves, like Decius. Only the Christian Religion composes all our inquietudes; softens all our Feirceness; sets all our tender movements a going, not only for our Friends and Neighbours, but for the indifferent, and even for our Enemies. This is the end of the Christian Religion, and this was once the practice of it. If it be otherwise now, it is because we have let it lose its influence on our Hearts, and given way to the Encroachments of our Imaginations. Hence springs the division of our minds about Faith, instead of the Union of our wills in good Works: so that what ought to be a band of Charity betwixt Men, is now become the Subject of their quarrels, their jealousies, and their ill Nature. From this diversity of Opinions has arisen that of Parties, and the adherence to Parties has caused Revolts and Wars. Many Thousands have Died in disputing the manner of takeing the Sacrament, which they have agreed must be taken. This mischief will last till Religion quits the curiosity of our Minds for the tenderness of our Hearts, and discouraged by the Foolish presumption of our inquiries, shall return to the sweet motions of our Love. him capable of perceiving his Folly, and by this means to kill himself out of mere shame and despair. The greatest and most prudent of the Goddesses favours scandalous Passions, and lends her assistance to carry on a Criminal Amour. The same Goddess employs all sorts of Artifice to destroy a small hand-full of innocent People, who by no means deserved her indignation. She thought it not sufficient to employ her power and that of the other Gods, whom she solicited, to ruin Aeneas, but even corrupts the God of sleep to cast Palinurus into a Slumber, who so ordered affairs, that by his Treachery the poor Pilot dropped into the Sea, and there perished. There is not one of these Gods in these Poems that does not bring the greatest misfortunes upon Men, and set them on the most Fatal attempts. Nothing is so Villainous here below, which is not executed by their Order, or authorised by their Example, And this is one of the things that principally contributed to give Birth to the Sect of the Epicureans, and afterwards to support it. Epicurus, Lucretius, and Petronius would rather make their Gods lazy, and enjoying their Immortal Nature in an uninterrupted tranquillity, than see them active, and cruelly employed to disturb our Repose. Nay, Epicurus by doing so, pretended he showed his great respect for the Gods; and from hence proceeded that saying which Bacon so much admire. Non Deos vulgi negare profanum, sed vulgi Opinionem Diis applicare profanum. Now I don't mean by this, that we are obliged to discard the Gods out of our works, and much less from those of Poetry, where they seem to enter more Naturally than any where else. A jove principium Musae. I am for introducing them as much as any man, but then I would have them bring their Wisdom, Justice, and Clemency along with them, and not appear, as we generally make them, like a pack of Impostors and Assassins'. I would have them come with a conductto regulate all matters, and not in a disorder to confound every thing. Perhaps it may be replied, that these extravagancies ought only to pass for Fables and Fictions, which belong to the jurisdiction of Poetry. But I would fain know what Art and Science in the World has the power to exclude good Sense? If we need only write in Verse to be privileged in all extravagancies, for my part I would never advise any Man to meddle with Prose, where he must immediately be pointed at for a Coxcomb, if he leaves good Sense and Reason never so little behind him. I wonder extremely that the Ancient Poets who were so scrupulous to preserve probability in Actions purely Human; violated it after so abominable a manner when they come to recount the Actions of the Gods. Even those who have spoken of their Nature more soberly than the rest, could not forbear to speak extravagantly of their Conduct. When they establish their Being, and their Attributes, they make them Immortal, Infinite, Almighty, Perfectly wise, and Perfectly good. But at the very moment they set them a working, there is no weakness to which they don't subject them; there is no folly or wickedness which they don't make them commit. We have two common sayings, which appear to be directly opposite to one another, and yet I look upon both to be true. The one is, that Poetry is the Language of the Gods; the other, that there is not such a Fool in Nature as a Poet. Poetry that expresses with force and vigour those impetuous Passions that disturb Mankind, that Paints the Wonders of the Universe in lively expressions, does elevate things purely Natural, as it were above Nature, by the sublimity of its Thoughts, and the magnificence of its Discourses, which may justly enough be called the Language of the Gods. But when Poets come once to quit this noble Field of Passions and Wonders, to speak of the Gods, they abandon themselves to the caprice of their own Imagination, in matters which they do not understand, and their Heat having no just Ideas to govern it, instead of making themselves, as they vainly believe, wholly divine, they are in truth the most extravagant Sots in the World. It will be no difficult matter to be persuaded of the truth of this Assertion, if we consider that this absurd and fabulous Theology, is equally contrary to all Notions of Religion, and all the Principles of good Sense. There have been some Philosophers that have founded Religion upon that Knowledge which Men may have of the Divinity by their Natural reason. There have been Law givers too that have styled themselves the Interpreters of the will of Heaven, to establish a Religious Worship without any concurrence of Reason. But to make, as the Poets have done, a perpetual Commerce, a familiar Society, and if I may use the expression, a mixture or hotch potch of Men and Gods, against Religion and Reason, is certainly the boldest, and perhaps the most unaccountable thing that ever was. It remains for us to know, whether the Character of a Poem has virtue to rectify that of impiety and folly. Now, as I take it, we don't give so much power to the secret force of any Charm. That which is wicked, is wicked for good and all; that which is extravagant can be made good Sense on no respect. As for the Reputation of the Poet, it rectifies nothing any more than the Character of the Poem does. Discernment is a Slave to no body. That which is effectually bad, is not a jot the better for being found in the most celebrated Author: And that which is just and solid, is never the worse for coming from an indifferent hand. Amongst a hundred fine and lofty thoughts, a good Judge will soon discover an extravagant one, which a great Genius threw out when it was warm, and which too strong an imagination was produced in defiance of good; On the other hand, in the course of an infinite number of extravagant things, this same Judge will admire certain Beauties, where the Spirit in spite of its impetuosity was just and regular. The elevation of Homer and his other noble Qualities, don't hinder me from taking notice of the false Character of his Gods: And that agreeable and judicious equality of Virgil, that pleases all Learned Men, does not conceal from me the least defects of his Aeneis. If amongst so many noble things which affect me in Homer and Virgil, I cannot forbear to remark what is defective in them; yet amongst those passages that displease me in Lucan either for being too flat, or weary me for being too far carried on, I cannot forbear to please myself in considering the just and true grandeur of his Heroes. I endeavour to relish every word in him, when he expresses the secret movements of Caesar at the discovery of Pompey's Head; and nothing escapes me in that inimitable Discourse of Labienus and Cato, where they debate whether they shall consult the Oracle of jupiter, Ammon, to know the destiny of the Commonwealth. If all the ancient Poets had spoken as worthily of the Oracles of their Gods, I should make no scruple to prefer them to the Divines and Philosophers of our time, and 'tis a passage that may serve for an Example in this matter to all succeeding Poets One may see in the concourse of so many People that came to consult the Oracle of Ammon, what effects a public Opinion can produce, where Zeal and Superstition are mingled together. One may see in Labienus a pious sensible Man, who to his respect for the Gods, unites the consideration and esteem we ought to preserve for true Virtue in good Men. Cato is a religious severe Philosopher, weaned from all vulgar Opinions, who entertains those lofty thoughts of the Gods, which pure undebauched Reason and a truly elevated Wisdom can attain to. Every thing here is Poetical, every thing is consonant to Sense and Truth; it is not Poetical by the ridiculous Air of a Fiction, or by the extravagance of an Hyperbole, but by the daring greatness and Majesty of the Language, and by the noble elevation of the Discourse. 'Tis thus that Poetry is the Language of the Gods, and that Poets are wise. And 'tis so much the greater wonder to find it in Lucan, because it is neither to be met in Homer or Virgil. OF RETIREMENT. By Mr. BROWN. WE see nothing more ordinary with Old Men than to desire a Retirement, and nothing so rare with them as not to repent of it when they are once retired. Their Souls that are in too great a Subjection to their Humours, are disgusted with the World for being tiresome, but scarce can they quit this false Object of their misfortune, but they are as angry with solitude as they were with the World, disquieting themselves where nothing but themselves can give them any disquiet. This infirmity in some manner is peculiar to Old Age: But 'tis not impossible for a wise man to preserve himself from it. A wise man that knows what is really good in every thing, draws all the assistances and agreements which they have, as well in a Retirement as in Society. The essential reason that obliges us to withdraw ourselves out of the World, when we are Old, is to prevent that laughter and contempt which Age brings along with it. If we quit the World to good purpose, we shall still preserve the Idea of that merit, which we had there. If we tarry too long in it, we shall proclaim our own defects, and what we are then, will efface the memory of what we were. Besides 'tis a shame for a Person that values his credit to drag about him the infirmities of Old Age at the Court, where the end of his Services occasions that of his interests and merit. Nature does redemand us to liberty, when we have nothing more to hope from Fortune. Behold what a sense of decency, what the care of our Reputation, what good Manners, and Nature itself require from us. Nor is this all, for the World has still a right to demand the same thing of us. It's Commerce furnished us with pleasure so long as we were capable of relishing it: And it would be the highest ingratitude to be a charge to it, when we can give it nothing but disgust. As for myself, I am fully resolved to live in a Convent or a Desert, rather than give my Friends an occasion to pity me, or to furnish those that are not so, with a subject for their malicious Mirth and raillery. But the mischief is, that a Man is not sensible when he becomes weak and ridiculous. It is not enough to know that we are wholly worn away, but we ought to be the first that perceive this declension, and like prudent Men to prevent the public knowledge of this alteration. Not that every alteration that Age brings along with it, aught to inspire us with the resolution of retiring. 'Tis true, we lose a great deal by growing Old, but amongst the losses we sustain, some of them are recompensed by considerable advantages. If after I have lost my Passions, the affections continue with me still; I shall find less inquietude in my Pleasures, and more discretion in the conduct of my Life. And in respect of others, if my imagination diminishes, I shall not please so much sometimes, but I shall be infinitely less importunate for the general part. If I quit all Company, I shall be less embarrassed. If I come from large Companies to the Conversation of a few, 'tis because I know how to make the better choice. Besides this, 'tis to be considered, that if we change, we do it amongst People that change as well as ourselves; Men of equal Infirmities, or at least subject to the very same And therefore I shall not be at all ashamed to search in their presence some relief against the weakness of Age; nor shall I be afraid to supply by Art what begins to fail me by Nature. The greatest precaution against the injury of time, the nicest management of a Health that daily becomes more feeble, cannot scandalise any Men of Sense, and we ought not to trouble ourselves with those that are not so. For to say the Truth, that which displeases in old People, is not too affected a care of their own preservation. We should easily forgive them every thing that relates to themselves, if they had but the same consideration for others. But the authority they assume is full of injustice and indiscretion; for they unadvisedly oppose the Inclinations even of those that bear the most with their infirmities. Their long course of life has untaught them how to live amongst their fellow Creatures, for they show nothing but a Spirit of rudeness, austerity and contradiction to those very Men, from whom they are so unreasonable as to exact affability, condescension and obedience. All that themselves do, they imagine to be virtuous, and place amongst the rank of Vices every thing that lies out of their power. In a word, as they are constrained to follow Nature, where she is tiresome and offensive, they would by their good will, almost always oppose themselves to her, where she is sweet and agreeable. 'Tis an envious Humour that hates in other Men the good we possess no longer, or a temper purely Melancholy, that disposes the Mind to find fault with every thing. There is no part of our Life wherein we ought to Study our own humour with more application than in Old Age, for it is never so difficult to be discovered as then. An impetuous Young Fellow has a hundred returns, when he his dissatisfied with his Extravagances: But Old People devote themselves to their humours as if it were a virtue, and take pleasure in their own defects, because they carry a false resemblance of commendable Qualities. In effect, proportionably as they render themselves more difficult, they vainly imagine that they become more Delicate. They take up an invincible aversion to pleasure, believing that they are justly opposing the current of Vice. A serious Air passes with them for Judgement, Phlegm for Wisdom, and hence proceeds that imperious authority they allow themselves to censure every thing. They look upon Melancholy to supply the place of an indignation against sin, and gravity of sufficiency. The only sure Remedy, when we once have proceeded so far, is to consult our reason in the intervals when she is disengaged from our humour, and if by its assistance we can arrive to the knowledge of our defects, we ought out of that little force that remains in us to form a resolution of concealing them from the sight of mankind. 'Tis all that our Wisdom can do at this juncture to hide them, and it would be a superfluous labour to endeavour wholly to get clear of them. 'Tis at this point of our life that we ought to assign some time between it and death, and to choose a convenient place to pass it in devotion if possible, at least with prudence, or with a devotion that gives us confidence, or with reason that promises us Repose. When our reason, which is so serviceable for the World, is, if I may use the expression worn out with long useing, a wise man forms another out of it to serve him in his retreat, which of ridiculous Sots, as we appear to be in Conversation, makes us truly wise in respect of ourselves. Of all the retreats that a man can possibly make when he is Old, I should infinitely prefer that of a Convent to all the rest, if their rules were less severe, and mortifying. 'Tis certain that Old Age shuns a crowd out of a Delicate and retired Humour, that cannot suffer either importunity, or an embarrass; and yet it avoids solitude with greater diligence, where it is delivered up to its own black disquietudes, or to sullen vexatious imaginations. The only remaining relief against all this is the Conversation of an honest Society: Now what society can better agree with it than a Religious one, where all manner of human helps are afforded with more Charity than else where, and where their vows all unite to demand those succours from Heaven, which cannot reasonably be expected from Men? I confess we sometimes meet a Religious (As the World calls them) of inestimable merit, such as throughly know the vanity of the World which they quitted. They are your truly virtuous and truly devout persons, that improve the Sentiments of Morality by those of Piety. They live not only exempt from the Tyranny of their Passions, but enjoy a most admirable serenity of Mind. They are more happy in desiring nothing, than the greatest Monarches upon earth in possessing all— I could wish that we had established Societies, where honest Gentlemen might Commodiously retire after they have done the public all the service they were capable to perform. When they were once entered here, whether out of a consideration of their future State, a dislike of the World, or a desire of tranquillity, which is to succeed the different agitations of Fortune, they might taste the delight of a pious retreat, and the innocent pleasure of an honest and agreeable Conversation. As for myself, I would freely retreat to such a place from the delights of the World at an Age, when a Man's relish of pleasure is as it were extinguished; but then I would not be without the Conveniences of it at this time, when we more sensibly feel whatsoever incommodes us, as in proportion we become more nice in the pursuit of what pleases us, or are less tender in Relation to what affects us. These conveniences so desirable in Old Age ought to be as far removed from abundance, that occasions disorder, as from those Anxieties that follow the heels of necessity; and to explain myself more clearly upon this Chapter, I would have a true frugality rightly managed. I was formerly acquainted with a certain person that had several pleasant thoughts about this affair. How happy might a man live, said he, in any Society where he disarms Fortune of that jurisdiction she pretends to have over him. We sacrifice to this Fortune, our Estates, our repose, our years, and perhaps unprofitably, and if we arrive to possess its Favours, we purchase the short-lived Enjoyment, sometimes at the expense of our liberty, and sometimes of our Lives. But suppose all our greatness should continue as long as we lived, yet it would at least expire with ourselves: And what use of their Grandeur have these great Favourites made, who never beheld the course of their Fortune interrupted? done't they seem to have acquired this mighty stock of Glory, and to have heaped these prodigious Riches for no other end, than to make themselves more sensible of the torment of being neither able to quit nor keep them. These were his usual Sentiments, and this agreeable Courtier, whose Conversation gave the greatest delight imaginable to his Friends, suffered himself to be entirely possessed with this train of thoughts, sometimes judicious, but always serious. I truly acknowledge there is a certain time when the wisest Action we can do, is to quit the World; but as fully persuaded as I am, of the truth of this Assertion, I should infinitely sooner be directed by Nature to my Retirement, than by my Reason. Hence it proceeds, that in the midst of the World, I live after such a fashion as if I were retired out of it. I still continue in it as far as I seek what pleases me, and am still out of it as far as I avoid whatever incommodes me there. Every day I steal away from Acquaintances that weary, and Conversations that tyre me. Every day I establish a sweet Commerce with my Friends, and find the most sensible pleasure in the delicacy of their Entertainment. After my way of living, I neither enjoy a full Society, nor a perfect Retirement. 'Tis only an innocent bringing of myself to that station which does most square with my Inclinations. And thus I possess all those harmless sweetnesses that are most suitable to the Repose of Old Age, and are justly fitted for the proportion of what I am able to relish agreably. When the last moments of our Lives draw near, Nature delights in Innocence and Ease: And she that ruffled the gay Scene before, Now whispers soft repose and holy Peace. Love once Expired, our Golden days are gone: But then our Mind disarmed of all wild Passions, Preserves its strength and vigour for its Exit. We learn vain gaudy Pleasures to despise, And justly in our own defence turn Wise. A NOVEL. By another Hand. AT the time that Monsieur de Comminges was Ambassador from the most Christian King to the King of Great Britain, there came to London a Physician, who called himself an Irishman: This Person passed for a great Philosopher, and a mighty performer of Wonders, according to the opinion of the Credulous, and his own persuasion; and the way he made use of to Cure the Distempered, made him to be suspected in many places for a Magician. Some Persons of Quality having entreated Monsieur de Comminges to send for him to his House in order to see some of his Prodigies, he was very willing to grant them that satisfaction, as well through his Natural curiosity, as his complaisance for them. Whereupon he sent notice to this pretended Magician, that he should come to his House. Upon the Noise, which was every where dispersed of this News, the House of Monsieur de Comminges was soon filled with sick People, who came with a full assurance of their Cure. The Irishman made them wait for him some time; and after an impatient expectation, the Sick and curious saw him arrive with a grave, but simple Countenance, which carried in it not the least mark of an Impostor. Monsieur de Comminges prepared himself to examine him nicely, hoping to be well enabled to enlarge himself at his pleasure upon all that he had read in Elmond and Bodin: but he could not effect it, to his great concern: for the crowd became so troublesome, and the infirm pressed on so eagerly to be Cured the first, that they had much a do with Menaces and even force to regulate their ranks. The Irish Physician referred all indispositions to Spirits, and all infirmities were, in his Sense, Possessions. The first that was presented to him, was a man oppressed with Gouts, and certain Rheumatisms, which it had been impossible for him to get Cured of. Which Our Wonder-Maker observing, I have seen long since, says he, this sort of Spirits in Ireland. They are Water-Spirits which bring Coldness, and excite superfluities of Humours in these poor Bodies. Thou Evil Spirit, who hast left the habitation of the Waters to come and afflict this miserable Body, I command thee to abandon thy new abode, and to return to thy Ancient residence. This being said, the Sick Man retired; and another supplied his room, who said he was Tormented with Melancholy Vapours. Indeed, he was one of those who are ordinarily called Hypocondriacks and sick of imagination, altho' they are but too much so in effect. Airy Spirit, says the Irishman, return into the Air to exercise thy Trade in raising of Tempests, and stir up no more Hurricanes in this sad and miserable Body. This sick person gave way to another who was disturbed, according to the Opinion of the Physician, with a simple Hobgoblin, which would not have force enough to withstand his discourse a moment. He supposed that he had sufficiently observed him by certain Marks, which did not appear to us; and smiling upon the Assembly. This sort of Spirit, says he, are seldom troublesome, and almost always diverting. In short, he pretended he was ignorant of nothing in matter of Spirits. He was acquainted with their Number, their Ranks, their Names, their Employments, and all the Functions to which they were destined; and he made a familiar boast of understanding the Intrigues of Demons, much better than the affairs of Men. You cannot imagine what Reputation he gained in a very little time. Catholics and Protestants came to him from all parts; and you would have said that the power of Heaven was lodged in the hands of this Man, when an unexpected Adventure, destroyed the wonderful Opinion which the Public entertained of him. A Man and Woman of the Country, who were Married together, came to seek some relief in his Miracle-working Virtue against certain Spirits of Discord, said they, which disturbed their Marriage, and ruined the peace of the Family. It was a good Gentleman, aged about 45 years, who looked like one of Estate and Quality. Methinks I have the Lady before my Eyes. She was about 30 years old, and seemed to be of a goodly make; but one might already see in her face, that there had been formerly more Delicacy in the Features of her Beauty. I have Named the Husband first by reason of the dignity of his rank; yet the Wife would speak first, whether it was because she believed herself to be more tormented with her Spirit, or that she was only pressed with that Ambition of talking, which is natural to her Sex. I have a Husband, said she, who is one of the best Men of the World, to whom I give a thousand disquiets, and who gives me no less in his turn. My intention would be to live comfortably with, and I should always do so, if a strange Spirit, wherewith I feel myself possessed at certain times, did not render me so fierce, and insupportable, that it is not possible to endure me: After these Agitations are ceased, I return to my natural good humour, I then forget no care, nor no agreement that conduces to the obliging of my Husband: But his Daemon possesses him, when mine forsakes me; and this Husband who has so much patience for my Transports, has nothing but fury for my Reason. And alas! I have no less to endure from him, than he from me. Here stopped a Woman in all appearance sincere eenough, and the Husband, who was no less, began his discourse as follows. Whatsoever reason I have to complain of my Wive's Devil, I am however under an Obligation to him, in that he has not taught her to lie; and I must acknowledge, that she has said nothing but what is very true. All the time she appears to me to be in agitation I am composed, but as soon as her Spirit leaves her in peace, mine Torments me in its turn; and with a new Courage, and new forces, which I find myself stirred up with, I make her discern with all possible vigour the dependence of a Wife, and the superiority of a Husband. Thus our lives pass either in committing or enduring mischief: Which renders us in a worse condition, than the most miserable. Behold our Torments, Sir; and if it be possible that you should know a Remedy, I conjure you to be our Deliverer. The cure of a Distemper so strange as this of ours, will procure you no inconsiderable Honour. These are neither Hobgoblins, nor Fairies said the Irishman, they are Spirits of the first order, and of the Legion of Lucifer: Proud Demons, great Enemies to obedience, and very hard to expel. You will not take it amiss, Gentlemen, pursued he, turning to the Assembly, that I examine my Books a little; for I have occasion for words that are not of the common stamp. Thereupon he with drew into a Closet, in order to turn over his Books and Papers; and after having made use of a hundred forms, as too weak against such powerful Enemies, he fell at last upon one, that was capable in his opinion, of confounding and expelling all the Devils in Hell. The first effect of the conjuration was upon himself; for his Eyes began to roll in his Head, with so many Grimaces & Convulsions, that he might very well appear distracted to those who came to seek his assistance. After having turned his Staring Eyes on all sides, he fixed them at length upon this Virtuous Couple, and striking both of them with a Wand, which was not without Virtue: Be gone, Devils, says he, go ye Spirits of dissension, and exercise discord in Hell, and by your departure let that happy Union be reestablished, which you have impiously broken. Then he approached softly to the Ears of the pretended Possessed, and raising a little the tone of his voice, I hear you murmur Devils, at the obedience which ye are forced to render me: But were ye to burst with madness, ye must be gone. Depart, depart, and you my Friends, go and enjoy that repose, which ye have been deprived of so long. It is sufficient, Gentlemen, I protest to you that I am all in a Sweat with the Labour, which the opposition of these obstinate Devils has given me. I Believe I have had to do with two Thousand Spirits in my life time, who all together have not given me so much pain and trouble as these. Which being done, the Irishman retired, and all the company went out of the House, and our good People returned to their Lodgings, with a satisfaction more wonderful, than the Prodigy which had been effected in their Favour. When they were come home, every thing appeared agreeable to them by this new alteration of mind, which created a strange severity in their Senses They found a smiling Air in all things; they looked upon themselves with pleasure, and were not wanting in sweet and tender words to express their Love. But, vain delights, how little dependence is there upon your duration! and how unseasonably do persons rejoice, that are born to Misfortunes, when they obtain a small happiness. Such was their tranquillity, when a Lady of their acquaintance came to express to them the general joy of the Town for their Cure. They answered this civility with all the discretion in the World; and the usual Compliments on this occasion being made and returned, the Husband began a very pertinent Conversation upon the happy condition they were in, after so long a train of miseries. Our Wife, either to cause a greater admiration of these wonders, or else to please her own malicious humour, enlarged herself with satisfaction upon the tricks which her Devil had suggested to her, to torment her Husband. Upon which the Husband jealous of the honour of this Devil, or at least, of his own authority, gave her to understand, That she talked too much of things past, the remembrance whereof was irksome to him. He added that in the state wherein they found themselves reestablished, she ought to think of nothing else, but that obedience, which a Wife owes to her Husband; as he would only consider on his side, how to make a lawful use of his privileges, in order to make their condition as happy for the future, as it had been unfortunate hitherto. Our Wife being offended at the word Obedience, but especially at the cruel injunction to be silent, forgot no arguments that might serve to prove an equality in Marriage, saying; That the Devils were not at such a distance, but they might be recalled, in case this equality was violated. This Lady above mentioned, who was as discreet and judicious as any of her Sex, wisely represented to her the duty of Wives, not forgetting the Conduct and good management, whereto Husbands were obliged. But her Reason instead of composing, did but incense her the more, and she became more insupportable than before. You are in the right, dear Wise, replied the Husband, the Devils were not gone so far, but they might be recalled; or rather, you have been so kind to yours, that he was resolved to continue with you, notwithstanding the command which was given him to leave you. I am too weak of myself to be concerned alone with you and him; which obliges me to retire, exposed as I am to such dangerous Forces. And I likewise retire, say she, with this Spirit, that will not abandon me. He must be a very ill humoured, damned sort of a Devil indeed, if he is not more tractable than so troublesome and so cursed a Husband. Then turning towards her Friend. Before I go, said she to her, I am glad I have an occasion, Madam, to tell you with freedom, that I expected quite another Treatment from your Friendship, and that you have forgot the interest which obliges you, to take a Wife's part against the violence of her Husband. 'Tis a very strange thing to see myself run down by one that should support me. Adieu, Madam, adieu; your visits do me a great deal of honour, but one may very well dispense with them, if they do no more good than this. This good, but too discreet Lady was extremely amazed; instructed by her own experience, that even Wisdom has its excess, and that for the most part one makes an ill use of ones Reason with those who have none. You may judge that she did not stay long alone in a House, where nothing was talked of but Devils, and nothing done but what was of the highest pitch of extravagance. The Husband passed the rest of the day and all the Night in his Chamber, ashamed of the short-lived joy he had received, vexed at the present state of his Affairs, and reflecting upon what might happen to him from this sudden return of his Wife's distemper, with great anxiety of Mind. As the agitation of the Wife had been much greater, so it remained not so long; so that returned soon to her Senses, she made sad reflections upon the loss of those Pleasures, whereof she found herself deprived. There are certain tempers in the World, that after a few moments come to themselves again, and demand of their Reason why they should sacrifice their Interest and their pleasure to a foolish Spirit of Contention that does them no good at all. This consideration that sometimes prevails with Women, and chiefly a Nights when they cannot sleep, had its desired effect upon our Lady, in so much that resigning herself up purely to the Conduct of Nature, she awaked her Husband as soon as it was day, designing to ascribe all past disorders to a strange power, which was neither Natural nor Human. I know, said she, in the lucid interval I enjoy at present, that our Spirits did not surrender themselves at the command of the Irishman; and if you believe me, my dear, but too unhappy Husband, we will return and ask him for a stronger and more effectual Charm. The poor Husband oppressed with grief, as he was, and fainting under the severity of his destiny, judge if he were not very glad to find so unexpected a calm, and tenderly affected with this amorous return of his Spouses submission: Let us bemoan, my Dear, says he to her, let us bemoan our common misfortunes, and go a second time to search a remedy, which the first could not give us. The Wife was agreably surprised at this discourse; for instead of a troublesome Daemon whose insults she expected, she happily found a Man tender and compassionate, who gave her Comfort for the Evil she had done him. They spent an hour or two in inspiring one another with a mutual confidence, and after having placed all their hopes in the virtue of the Physician; they returned to the House of Monsieur de Comminges, in order to seek a more powerful relief, than that which they had experienced before. Scarce were they entered into the House, but the Irishman perceived them, and calling them pretty loud that he might be heard of all the Company, Come, says he to them, and Publish the Wonders which are effected in you, and make an acknowledgement to that all Puissant Virtue, which has Delivered you from that miserable slavery under which ye groaned. The Wife immediately replied without consulting, that instead of the Testimony he demanded, they were ready to give him a very fine one of the obstinacy of the Devils, and not of his skill. For in truth, venerable Father, added she, since your fine Operation they have Tormented us, as it were out of spite, more violently than ever. You are incredulous (cried out the good Irishman in a wonderful passion,) or at least ungrateful, who maliciously deny those benefits ye have received. Approach hither, approach; that I may convict you both of incredulity, or Malice. When they were come near, he nicely examined all the lines of their Faces. He particularly observed their Looks, and as if he had discovered in the Apple of their Eyes some impression of these Spirits; ye are in the right, says he, all amazed, ye are in the right, they are not yet dislodged. They were too deeply rooted in your Bodies, but they shall hold fast indeed, if I don't turn them out by the Virtue of a few words I am going to pronounce. Leave, cursed Race, an Habitation of Repose too sweet for you, and go and rave for ever in places where dwell Horror, Madness, and Despair. 'Tis done, my Friends, ye are most certainly Delivered: But return no more, I entreat ye. I owe my time to all the World, and ye have had as much of it as ye ought to have. Now our Patients supposed themselves at the end of all their Misfortunes: This day seemed to them as it were the first of their Marriage, and the Night was expected with the same impatience, as that of their Nuptials had been formerly. This Night so much desired came, but Alas! how ill did it answer their desires? Too much Love causes the shame of Lovers, and I leave to the imagination of the Reader the great confusion of an Adventure. Where excess of desire, Does extinguish the fire. 'T was happy for the Husband, that the Wife accused the Devils that were innocent; But our Physician, somuch celebrated abroad, was no more in her esteem than a poor Irishman, who had not skill enough to conjure down an Ignis Fatuus. Sometimes she imputed to herself this non-performance of her Husband, after the Examples of the Spanish Women, who attribute to themselves, in these occasions, the failings of their Lovers, in regard of a persuasion they have, that the force of their Charms ought neither to submit to the infirmity of Nature, nor to the power of Witchcraft. Thus the Wife, who accused the Husband in every thing else, when he was most innocent, justifies him when he was most deficient in Family-Duties, choosing rather to impute a Want of Love in him, to a want of Charms in herself, than to impute it to a real defect, which would prove eternally destructive of her Pleasures. But as a Lady doth not willingly entertain a thought that hurts the Interest of her Beauty; she immediately recalled in her mind the Malice of the Devils, and turned her confusion into Anger against the Irish Man, who had not been expert enough to cure them. It is a long time, said she blunty, and as if she had been inspired, it is a long time since the simplicity of the Irish Man has amused us, and I know very well, that we shall expect in vain our deliverance from him. But it is not enough to be undeceived; justice obliges us to undeceive others as well as ourselves, and to make known to the World, the vanity of these Quacks. Sweetheart, replied the Husband, 'tis undoubtedly true, that the misfortune of this Night is the pure malice of our Devils. The Irishman had a mind to laugh at them, but they were resolved to ridicule him and us in their turn. You know me, and I know myself; such a strange Impotence could not naturally happen, and behold how strangely Conjuration has prevailed upon us. As for the rest, Sweetheart, when you shall make your reproaches to this fine Physician, take care that you descend not to any particulars of this nature; and that you let nothing slip, I beseech you, which may tend to our shame. All Family secrets ought to be concealed: But this in a more particular manner than any other. The Wife was ready to be offended upon seeing herself suspected of such an indiscretion: But not to embroil things anew, that were tending to a good accommodation, she promised so to manage herself, that the Irish Man alone should find fault with her proceeding. We usually seek the Night to conceal our shame, but the day here appeared to disperse it; and these unhappy Persons, who were not yet well recovered of their Misfortune, got up with the Sun, who enlivens all things, in hopes of a better success for the time to come. They rose out of their Bed with more tranquillity, than they had remained there, and after a small Breakfast and a little Conversation to fortify their Bodies, and reconcile their Minds, they went in peace and good Union towards the House, where they had been twice with Confidence, and from whence they had twice returned without any relief. They received advice there, that the Irishman was gone to St. James' to perform some Wonders there, at the instance of Monsieur d' Aubigny. It was the same Monsieur d' Aubigny so well known of all the World, for the most agreeable Man that ever was. Behold then some of the Prodigies which I remarked at St. James' with less credulity than the Multitude, and less prejudice than Monsieur d' Aubigny. Already did the Blind suppose they saw that light they did not see; already did the Deaf imagine they heard, and heard not; the Lame already thought they were grown well, and the impotent resumed in imagination the first use of all their members. A strong Idea of Health had made the Sick forget their Distempers; and imagination which was no less active in the curious, than in the Sick, gave the first, a false prospect out of a desire of seeing, as it did a false Cure to the second, out of a desire of being Cured. Such was the power of the Irishman upon our minds: Such was the force of our Minds upon our Senses. Thus nothing was the Subject, but Prodigies; and these Prodigies came from so great an Authority, that the astonished multitude received them with submission, whilst some more knowing Persons durst not reject them by their knowledge. A Timorous and slavish knowledge always pays respect to an imperious and Authorised Error: The Soul was feeble, where the understanding was sound; and they, who saw best in their imaginary Cures, were afraid to declare their real Sentiments amongst a prejudiced and Enchanted people. Such was the triumph of the Irishman, when our Couple courageously broke through the crowd in order to come and insult over him in all his Majesty. Art not thou ashamed, said the Wife to him, to abuse the simple and credulous People as thou dost, by the ostentation of a power, which thou never didst enjoy? Thou hast directed our Devils to leave us in Repose, and they have only Tormented us the more. Thou hast commanded them to go out, and they persist to remain notwithstanding thy orders, equally deriding our sottish credulity, and thy ineffectual impotence. The Husband continued the same reproaches with the same contempt, so far as to refuse him the name of Impostor, because there was need of Capacity, said he, for an Impostor, and this miserable wretch had none. The Physician lost his Speech in losing the Authority which made him venerable; and this formidable Power, established only in a superstitious Subjection of Spirits, came to nothing, so soon as there appeared persons bold enough to disown it; surprised, nonplussed, confounded, he withdrew, and went out at the Backdoor. His confusion extremely mortified the Assembly; there being nothing that the mind of Man receives with so much satisfaction, as the opinion of Miraculous things, nor leaves with more difficulty and concern. As for Monsieur d' Aubigny, he soon placed this Physician in the rank of others, whom he had tried; being resolved for the future to keep to those of the Country, without an ambition to make use of New Comers, merely because they were Strangers. All the company retired, ashamed of their easiness to be abused, and yet vexed at the loss of their Error. Our married couple, glorious and Triumphant, enjoyed the pleasures of Victory, without any further thoughts of the Devils; and Monsieur d' Aubigny, who passed from one Opinion to another, with an incredible facility, quitted his former belief of our Miracle-monger, to give himself the pleasure of laughing with me, at what had happened. At my breaking out into a sudden fit of laughter, the Husband turned his Head towards us, and perceiving Mr. d' Aubigny, he came civilly to excuse himself for what he had done at his House, without ask his permission. Mr. d' Aubigny replied to him very civilly, giving him thanks not only for having disabused the public, but also for having undeceived himself in particular. The Wife immediately took her part in the Conversation, which did not render it less agreeable; for altho' she was really extravagant, yet it was a sort of extravagance which did not proceed so much from her Mind, as from her Humour: But now she took care to conceal it; and we talked of nothing but mirth and pleasantry, when Mr. d' Aubigny entertained them with the the gravest discourse in the World, which I little expected. I am a person of an acknowledging temper, said he to them, and I should be ungrateful, if I did not draw you from your Error, after the obligation I am under to you for having drawn me from mine. Is it possible that ye should have Devils in reality? As if it was not enough for your own Minds to torment ye, and that there must be something else, besides a long Marriage, to afford ye that trouble, which has harrassed you this pretty while. There is no Man, but is sometimes at a loss with himself. The wisest are weary of themselves after they have been weary of others. And would ye have a Husband and Wife, who are almost always of different minds, and different humours, be able to live eternally together without disgust, without offence, and without disputes? Believe me, Sir, of a hundred married couple, fourscore and ten at least are possessed, after your fashion, but without any intervening of the Devil. The only difference I find between you is, that they suffer their misfortunes with patience, and conceal them with discretion, whereas you importune Heaven and Hell for yours, in accusing Demons that are innocent of your unhappiness, and in going to seek a supernatural assistance when there is no occasion for it. That which was a great Prodigy, was the alteration of the Mind of the Husband and Wife upon the Discourse of Mr. d' Aubigny; they looked upon themselves with astonishment, ashamed of having been their own Devils, and to find nothing of Possession, but the contrariety of their Humours. The Husband was the first who returned from his confusion to give a thousand thanks to Mr. d'Aubigny, for having given them the true knowledge of their misfortune. But, replied the Wife, doth this knowledge make us ere the less unhappy? And have we not as much need of a remedy against the torment of Marriage, as we supposed we had against that of the Devils? When I observed Mr. d' Aubigny just ready to say something pleasant upon a Subject that was sufficiently so; I had a mind to preserve to him the merit of a gravity, which was not ordinary with him. Whereupon I immediately took up the Discourse. Of all the Remedies one can seek against a troublesome Marriage, I know none, said I to them, more sure, nor more wisely practised, than that of believing one's self more happy than others; and to remain in this Error, in case one is mistaken in it, you will like an English Proverb, better than all the Reasons I can allege to you. He that lives in this World without being deceived, is an unhappy Man. To see, Sirs, how far the pleasure of Deceit goes, the greatest of your Enemies makes himself agreeable, when he imposes upon ye; and the best of your Friends seldom undeceive ye, but you are offended at it. Monsieur d' Aubigny, weary of his gravity, was now minded to end the Conference; and after the usual civilities at parting, every one returned to his home, extremely well satisfied. Mr. d' Aubigny had afterwards a very particular Conference with the Woman, and in spite of the Rules of Marriage, she told him all that happened during their imaginary Possession. A LETTER To Monsieur D'OLONNE. By the same Hand. AS soon as I heard of your disgrace, I gave myself the honour of writing to you, in order to testify my great concern for you; and I write to you at present to let you know that you ought at least to avoid so troublesome a Companion as Melancholy is, at a time when it is not in your power to relish any joy. If such valuable commodities, as Men of good Sense are to be had in the place where you are, their Conversation may in some manner repair the loss of the Correspondences you have quitted. And if you find none there, Books and good cheer may be a great assistance to you, and give no ordinary consolation. I speak to you like a Master that designs to prescribe Lessons: not that I presume much upon the force of my Reasoning, but I fancy I have some right to assume an Authority over persons that are Unfortunate, by the long experience I have had of Misfortunes and unhappy Revolutions. Amongst the Books you are to choose for your entertainment in the Country, apply yourself principally to those that strike in with your humour by their agreements, rather than those that pretend to fortify your Mind by Arguments and Reasons. The last engage with your Distemper, which is always done at the expense of the person, in whom this troublesome Scene is Acted; The first makes it to be forgotten, and it is no hard matter to make a sentiment of Joy succeed to an obliterated Grief. Systems of Morality are only proper to set the Conscience in good order, and retrieve it from confusion; and I have seen several grave and composed Men come out of its School, who were not over-stocked with the Rules of a prudent behaviour. Your true Men of Sense need not hunt Books to read these Lessons, but only to make Lessons for themselves; for as they know what's good by the singular exactness of their Taste, so they are disposed to it by their own voluntary motion. Not but that there are certain occasions, wherein such assistances are not to be rejected; but where it is a Man's fortune to have need of its aid, he may easily deliver himself from these perplexities. If you were reduced to the necessity of having your Veins opened, I would permit you to read Seneca, and to imitate him: Yet would I choose rather to fall into the carelessness of Petronius, than to study for a constancy which is not obtained without a great deal of difficulty. If you were of a humour to devote yourself for your Country; I would advise you to read nothing else but the lives of those Romans, who courted a glorious Death for the good of their Nation: But considering your present Circumstances, I think you lie under an Obligation to live for yourself, and to spend the remainder of your life as agreeably as you can. Now things being in this situation, leave off all study of Wisdom, which doth not contribute to the lessening of your troubles, or to the regaining of your Pleasures. You will seek for Constancy in Seneca, and you will find nothing in him but severity. Plutarch will be less troublesome, however he will make you grave and serious, rather than sedate. Montagne will instruct you better in what relates to Man, than any other. But after all, this rational Tool, this Man with all his mighty stock of knowledge, which is useful indeed in good Fortune to teach him moderation, has nothing but sad and afflicting Thoughts, which serve to deject him in the bad. Let not the unhappy then seek in Books to be disturbed at Our Miseries, but to rejoice at Our follies. For this reason you will prefer the Reading of Lucian, Petronius, and Don Quixot, before that of Seneca, Plutarch, and Montagne. But I recommend to you Don Quixot above all. What pressure soe'er of affliction you have, the fineness of his ridicule will insensibly conduct you to the taste of Joy. You will tell me perhaps, that I am not of so pleasant and easy a humour in my own Misfortunes, as I appear to be in yours; and that it is indecent for a Man to afford all his concern to his own unhappiness, when at the same time he preserves an indifference, nay, and even a gaiety for the misfortune of his Friends. I should agree with you in that respect, if I behaved myself so: But I can affirm to you with reality, that I am not less concerned at your Exile than yourself; and the joy which I advise you to, is in order to have a share of it myself, when I shall see you capable of receiving any. As for what relates to my Misfortunes, if I have formerly appeared to you more afflicted under them, than I seem to you at present, it is not that I was so in effect. I was of opinion that disgraces exacted from us the decorum of a Melancholy Air; and that this apparent Mortification was a respect we owe to the will of Superiors, who seldom think fit to punish us without a design to afflict us. But than you are to know, that under this sad outside and Mortified Countenance, I gave myself all the satisfaction I could find in myself; and all the Pleasure I could take in the correspondence of my Friends. After having found the vanity of that grave temper we learn from Morality, I should be ridiculous myself, if I continued so serious a discourse; upon this score I shall quit the Subject, and give you some Counsels that shall be less troublesome, than Instructions. Adapt, as much as possibly you can, your Palate and Appetite to your Health; 'tis a great secret to be able to reconcile the agreeable and the necessary in two things, which have been almost always repugnant and opposite. Yet after all, to arrive to this great secret, or mystery, we want nothing but Sobriety and Judgement; and what ought not a sensible man to do, that he may learn to choose those delicious Dishes at his Meals, which will keep both his Mind and Body in a good disposition all the remainder of the Day? A man may be Sober without being Delicate; but he can never be Delicate without being Sober. Happy is the Person that enjoys both these qualities together! He doth not separate his Diet from his Pleasure. Spare no cost to obtain the Wines of Champagne, were you 200 Leagues from Paris. Those of Burgundy have lost all their credit with Men of good taste, and scarce do they preserve a small remainder of their old Reputation with the Merchants. There is no Province that affords excellent Wines for all Seasons, but Champagne. It furnishes us with the Wine of Ay, Avenet, Dovillé till Spring; Tessy, Sellery for the rest of the Year. If you demand of me which of all these Wines I prefer, without falling into the several tastes, which are introduced by those who have a false sense of delicacy; I will affirm to you that the good Wine of Ay is the most natural of all Wines, the most wholesome, the most extracted from all Terrene smell, and of the most exquisite agreeableness, in regard of its Peach-taste which is peculiar to it, and is in my opinion, the chief of all tastes. L. X. C. V. F. I. and H. VIII. had each of them their several Houses in Ay, in order to the more curious making of their Wines. Amongst the greatest affairs of the World, which those Princes were concerned to disentangle, it was not the least of their cares to have some of the Wine of Ay. Express but little curiosity for extraordinary dishes, and show much choice in what may be obtained with convenience. A good wholesome, natural Pottage, which is neither too high nor too little seasoned, nor too much Jelly is to be preferred for common use before all others, as well for the exactness of its taste, as for the advantage of its use. Mutton tender and juicy, good sucking Veal, white and curious; your Barn-door Fowls, your fat Quail taken in the Country, your Pheasant, Partridge, and Rabbit, all which have an agreeable Savour in their taste, are the true Meats which are able to furnish your Table all the different Seasons of the Year. Your Wood-Hen particularly, is estimable for its excellency, but is not to be sought after where you are, or where I am, because of its great rarity. If an indispensible necessity obliges you to dine with some of your Neighbours, who shall have excused themselves from the Arrierban either by their Money, or their address, you may commend the Hare, the Stag, the Roebuck, the Wild-boar, but eat none of them: Let Dogs, and nets partake of the same praises. Of all Black-Meats, the Snipe alone is to be commended, in Favour of its taste, though it is somewhat prejudicial to Health. Let all mixtures and Kitchin-compositions, called Ragoo's, or Outworks, pass with you for a sort of Poison. If you eat but a little of them, they will do you but a little harm; If you eat a great deal, it's impossible but their Pepper, their Vinegar, and their Onions must Ruin your taste at last, and soon cause an alteration in your Health. Your Sauces, if you make them as simple and plain as is possible, can do no great harm. Salt and Orange are the most General and most natural Seasoning. Fine Herbs are wholesomer, and have something in them more exquisite than Spices; but they are not equally proper in all things. One must employ them with Judgement in Meats where they are most agreeable; and distribute them with so much discretion, that they may improve the proper taste of the Meat, without making their own discerned. After having Discoursed to you of the Quality of Wines, and the condition of Meats, 'tis necessary to come to the most proper counsel for the agreement of Taste and Health. Let Nature incite you to drink and eat by a secret disposition, which is lightly perceived, and doth not press you to it through necessity. Where there is no Appetite, the most wholesome nourishment is capable of hurting us, and the most agreeable of disgusting us. Where there is hunger, the necessity of eating is an Evil which causes another after the Meal is over, by having forced a man to an excess of Eating. The Appetite prepares, if I may so speak, an exercise for our heat in the digestion: Whereas Greediness prepares Labour and Pains for it. The way to keep us always in an agreeable disposition, is to suffer neither too much emptiness, nor too much repletion; to the end that Nature may never have wherewithal to fill itself greedily with what it wants, nor to ease itself with eagerness of its oppression. Behold all the Counsels that my experience has been able to furnish me with, in relation to reading and good cheer; I will not end without giving you a word or two concerning Love. If you have a Mistress at Paris, forget her as soon as possibly you can; for she will not fail to change, and it is good to prevent the unfaithful. A Person aimable at Court will be Loved there, and where she is Loved, she Loves to the end. They who preserve a Passion for persons that are absent, raise but little in those who see them; and the continuance of their Loves for the absent is less an Honour to their Constancy, than a Scandal to their Beauty. Thus, Sir, whether your Mistress loves another, or whether she Loves you still, good Sense ought to make you leave her as deceitful, or contemned. Nevertheless, in case you live to see an end of your disgrace, you ought not to put an end to your Love; so short an absence excites passions, whereas a long one destroys them. What way soever your mind turns, give not a new weight to it by the ponderousness of too serious things. Disgrace carries but too much heaviness along with it. Do in your Exile, what Petronius did at his Death. Amove res serias, quibus gravitas, & constantiae gloria peti solet. Tibi, ut illi, Levia Carmina, & faciles versus. There are some whose Misfortunes, have rendered them devout by a certain compassion, and a secret pity, which a man is apt to entertain for himself, proper enough to dispose Men to a more Religious Life. Never did my disgraces give me this sort of compassion. Nature has not made me Sensible enough of my own Misfortunes. The loss of my Friends might be able to excite in me those tender sorrows, and those nice afflictions, out of which the Sentiments of Devotions are form in process of time. I will never advise any one to resist that devotion, which is form out of compassion, nor that which gives us an assurance. Both the one and tother agreeably touch the Soul, and confirm the Mind in a sweet Repose; but all men, and particularly the unhappy, aught to defend themselves with care from a superstitious Devotion, lest it should mingle its blackness with that of their Misfortune. Of the PLEASURE that WOMEN Take in their BEAUTY. By Mr. BROWN. THERE is nothing so natural to persons of the Fair Sex, as to take a pleasure in their own Beauty. They please themselves as much as 'tis possible for others to please them, and are the first that discover their own Charms, and fall in Love with them. But the motions of this self-love are so sweet and so pleasing, That they are scarce sensible; for self-love only flatters; but Love of another nature, when it comes to visit us, makes us feel it with a Vengeance. This first sort of Love is congenial to all Women, it is naturally form in them, and has themselves only for its Object. The second comes from without, and is either caused by a secret sympathy, or by the violence of an amorous impression. The one is a Good that only occasions Pleasure, but yet it is always a Good, and lasts as long as their Beauty does. The other is capable of touching them more sensibly, but is more subject to change and alteration. To this advantage of duration, which the pleasure that the Ladies take in their Beauty, has above the influence of an Amour, we may add the following one, viz. That a Beautiful Woman is more concerned to preserve her Beauty than her Lover; and shows less tenderness for a Heart already vanquished, than she expresses vanity and ostentation, in extending her Conquests. Not but that she may very well be allowed to be sensible for her Gallant; but in all probability, she will sooner resolve to suffer the loss of what she loves, than lose and ruin what causes her to be beloved. There is a certain sort of a pleasure, tho' 'tis in a manner impossible truly to describe it, which we feel in deploring the death of one we love. Our Love supplies the place of a Lover in the Reign of grief; and thence proceeds that affection to this mourning which has its Charms. Cease, Thyrsis, cease, by an ill timed relief, To rob me of my best Companion, Grief. Sorrow to me all lovely does appear, It fills the place of what I held so dear. But 'tis not so with the loss of Beauty. This loss is a full consummation of all other Calamities; it cruelly robs the Ladies of the hopes of ever receiving any pleasure as long as they live. As long as a Woman is in full possession of her Beauty, no Misfortune can befall her, which she cannot in some measure alleviate. But when once that Blessing has left her, all the other advantages of Fortune will never be able to give her any tolerable satisfaction. wherever she goes, the remembrance of what she has lost, or the consideration of whashe is at present, will give her a thou sand uneasinesses. In such a case, her best remedy will be to employ all her discretion to make herself easy under that unfortunate Condition. But alas! what an unpalatable remedy is it for a Woman, who has once been adored, to abandon so dear a vanity, and come back to her Reason. 'Tis a new and mortifying experiment this, after a person has been used to entertain herself with such agreeable Thoughts. The last Tears that beautiful Eyes reserve, are spent in bewailing themselves, after they are effaced out of all Hearts. The only person that still laments a lost Beauty, is the miserable Possessor. One of our best Poets, endeavouring to comfort a great Queen for the loss of her Royal Spouse, would make her ashamed of the extravagance of her Affection, by citing to her the Example of a certain Princess in despair, who so wholly abandoned herself to this weakness, that she reproached the Stars, and accused the Gods for the loss of her Husband. Boldly she charges every Power above. (So much her Reason's governed by her Love.) With all that fruitful anger can inspire, When Grief indulged, renews the glowing Fire. But finding that the horror of Impiety was not strong enough to make any impression on a mind so disordered by grief; for his last and concluding Reason, he represents to her that it was her Interest to be sedate, as if he had no better a remedy against this excess, but to put her in mind of the great injury it did her Beauty. Those charming Locks the rudest Hands would spare, And yet they suffer by your own despair. Alas! what Crimes have those fair Tresses done? Think what a train of Conquests they have won. Is grief so cruel, or your rage so blind, That to yourself you must be thus unkind? He excused the Ladies for paying some Tribute to their Sorrow, but he never pardons them the Sin of making themselves less amiable. This is a Transgression that he imagines will easily create an horror in them, without urging any farther Considerations. It had been mere impertinence to endeavour to reduce them by reason; but to set before their Eyes the interest of their Beauty, was the strongest Argument he could think of to oppose to the obstinacy of their Grief, and he knew nothing beyond that, which was capable to reform this extravagance. That we may fully know how far the Ladies are devoted to their Beauty, let us consider the most retired and solitary amongst them. There are some in that station who have renounced all Pleasures; who are weaned from the Interests of the World; who endeavour to please no body, and whom no body pleases. But amidst all this coldness and indifference for every thing else, they secretly flattor themselves, to see they are still agreeable enough. There are others that abandon themselves to sorts of austerities; yet if they accidentally happen to see themselves in a Glass, you shall hear them sigh, to behold so Melancholy an alteration. They do every thing that helps to disfigure their Faces with all imaginable readiness, but can't endure the sight of them when they are once disfigured. Nature that can consent to destroy herself out of Love to God, secretly opposes itself to the least change of Beauty, out of a principle of self-love that never dies with us. Let a Fair Person retire into what place she pleases, let her condition be what it will, yet her Charms and Features are still dear to her. They will be dear to her even in the time of sickness, and if her sickness goes as far as Death, the last sigh that passes from her is more for the loss of her Beauty, than for that of her Life. A LETTER TO Monsieur the Count de B. R. By the same Hand. YOU ask me what I have been doing in the Country, and since the place could not furnish me with agreeable Conversations, whether I did not take great Pleasure to entertain myself in Contemplation. I will tell you then without affection, that I endeavour to divert myself as much as possible, where I am. Every Country has its Rarities, which we learn not without satisfaction; and the most Savage places have their Pleasures, if we are in a capacity to use them. It cannot otherwife happen, but that every thing must displease me, whenever I begin, I employ myself in Meditation; for to speak soberly upon the matter, we never fail to be tiresome to ourselves, in too long and too serious a commerce with our own Thoughts. Solitude has this peculiar to its self, that it imprints upon us I don't know what sort of a Mournful Air, barely with thinking upon the wretchedness of our State. Oh strange condition of Man! If he intends to live happy, he must make but few reflections upon life; nay he must often depart as it were, from himself, and amidst the Pleasures which exterior Objects furnish him with, steal from the knowledge of his own Miseries. Divertisements have their name for the diversion they give us from tiresome objects, to those that are Pleasant and agreeable. Which sufficiently shows how difficult a matter it is to overcome the hardships of our Condition by any force of Mind; but that a man may turn them away from him by dexterity and address. In effect, choose the firmest Soul upon Earth; can she digest without regret the knowledge of what we are, and of what we shall one day be? As for my part, I believe it is almost impossible; but tho' by a long habitude and solid reasoning, we may arrive to such a pass, as to look indifferently upon all troublesome objects whatever; yet they will at least give us an austere humour, far from any Sentiments of Pleasure, nay from the very Idea of joy. 'Tis the distinguishing Character of God alone, that he can view himself, and there find perfect Felicity and Repose. We can scarce cast our Eyes upon ourselves, but we there discover a thousand defects, which obliges us to seek elsewhere that which is wanting in us. Glory, Reputation, and Fortune, are a mighty relief against the rigours of Nature, and the miseries of Life. Thus we had Wisdom given us for no other end, but only to regulate these Goods, and to direct our conduct; but let our stock be never so great, we shall find it stands us in small stead, when we are alarmed with the pains and approaches of Death. I know there are several persons who prepare themselves against it by solid judicious reflections, and by designs well concerted: But it generally so happens, that the extremity of pain dashes all these fine resolutions to pieces; that a fever throws them into a delirium, or that by doing every thing out of Season, they are strangely fond of Life, when they ought to take up a Resolution of quitting it These empty Pretenders, so vain and high Flying, That Preach up a Constancy without Relenting, Resemble the Fop, who as he lay dying, Begged his Maker to give him three Years to Repent in. All the circumstances of Death regard only those that remain behind. The Weakness, the Resolution, the Tears, the Indifference, all is equal at the last moment; and 'tis very ridiculous to imagine that this aught to be considered as a great matter by those, who are going to be nothing themselves. There is nothing that can effectually conquer the horror of this dissolution, but a firm persuasion of another Life; we must put on a Spirit of confidence, and place ourselves in such a situation, as to hope every thing, and fear nothing. In truth, 'tis impossible not to make some reflections upon a thing so Natural; nay, a man must be guilty of a strange effeminacy not to dare to think of it. We may say the same thing of sadness, and indeed of all sorts of grief; 'tis a Chimaera for Man to wish to disengage himself absolutely from them. I may add, they are sometimes lawful, and I think they may be reasonably used on certain occasions. An indifference is perfectly scandalous in some sort of Misfortunes. A tenderness is justly paid to the Calamities of a faithful Friend; but then we are to observe, that as grief ought to be rare, so it ought to be soon laid aside. After having observed the greatest part of People that hunt after their pleasures, I have found four sorts of them, and I am apt to persuade myself, that I know all their Sentiments exactly: They are the sensual, the hasty or Choleric, the voluptuous, and the delicate. The sensual apply themselves more grossly to that which is most Natural; and like other Animals, follow their own simple Appetites That which touches the Voluptuous, makes an impression upon the Senses, which reaches as far as the Soul. I don't mean that intelligent Soul, from whence proceeds the light of Reason, but a Soul more mixed, and interessed in the Body; which the passions cause to languish, and which may be tickled with all manner of Pleasures. The Choleric have a more lively Sense, and a more violent Soul; sensible of impressions, and full of Heat in all their Movements. The Mind has a greater share in the taste of the Delicates, than in that of others. To these do we owe our inventions and refinements in Luxury; without them Gallantry had been unknown; Music harsh and rude, and our Eating mean and ill ordered. To these are we indebted for the eruditus luxus of Petronius, and all the exquisite discoveries, the politeness of our Age has made. But it must be confessed, that if these Persons are ingenious in preparing Pleasures for other Men, they are fruitful in disgusts for themselves, and having too great an Idea of the perfection of things, are over difficult to be pleased. I have made some observations too upon the objects that please us; and methinks I have remarked very particular differences in them. There are a slight sort of impressions, that if you'll pardon the expression, only glance upon the Soul, and employ it for the time upon agreeable things, where it is fixed with complacency, without the least invention of care to disturb it. This we call agreeableness; and it is conformable enough to the humour of the most Virtuous Persons, who mingle this sort of Pleasure with their most serious Occupations. I have observed another, which the Ancients called Mollities, a soft voluptuous impression, that flatters and tickles the Senses, and diffuses itself deliciously all over the Soul. From hence arises a certain Laziness that insensibly robs the Mind of its vivacity and vigour; insomuch that being once Charmed with it, 'tis a difficult matter to shake off so sweet a Lethargy. Offensive disagreeable Subjects are felt after a manner quite opposite to this. They do violence to the Senses; the Soul is wounded by them, and this proceeds so far as to give a disturbance and inquietude to the Mind. But the highest degree of merit in Objects, is that which is touching; which penetrates even to the bottom of the Heart, which raises the finest Images in our Minds, and moves us after the most tender manner imaginable. It is hard to speak of it well, and there is no expression but comes infinitely short of what those persons enjoy that are affected by it. These transports and deliquiums proceed from the want of proportion between the Objects and the Soul that receives the impression of them. Whether it is, because not being able to contain ourselves, we are as it were, carried out of ourselves by a sort of ravishment, or that overwhelmed with excess of pleasure, we faint away under the weight of it. I should never have done, if I were minded to pursue all the differences that are to be found in so copious a Subject. The best way is to choose what we find most conformable to our taste, to our Inclination, or to our Genius. Let gay Persons search after diversion and joy; let the indifferent content themselves with what is agreeable; let the Delicate refine upon the most curious things; let passionate Souls suffer themselves to be touched with tender Objects, provided that Reason banishes all disorder, and corrects the excess of them. This is all I had to say to you, upon the Article of Pleasure. It now remains, that I say something of a Mind which is restored to itself, and enjoys a perfect degree of tranquillity. We are not always possessed by our Passions; and it is to be feared, that instead of tasting true liberty, a lazy, unactive Scene of Repose, may throw us into a state of wearisomeness. However that time which a Man renders tedious to himself by his sullen Humour, is no less placed to his account, than the sweetest part of Life; and those Melancholy hours, we desire to pass away with so much precipitation, do full as much contribute to fill up the measure of our days, as those that escape us with regret. I am not of their Opinion, who spend their time in complaining of their condition, instead of thinking how to relieve and sweeten it. Unhappy knowledge, source of all our Woes, Destructive of our Pleasure and Repose; Why, when some dire mischance has been sustained, Should the ungrateful Image be retained? Must we to Grief this slavish homage pay, As sigh our best, our dearest Hours away? Or to improve the pressures of our doom, Must we bewail the past, and fear the Ills to come? I freely leave these Gentlemen to their Murmurs, and take what care I can to extract some comfort from those very things they complain of: I endeavour to entertain myself with an agreeable remembrance of what is past; and furnish myself with pleasant Ideas of what is to come. If I am obliged to regret any thing, my regrets are rather sentiments of tenderness than of grief. If in order to avoid any Evil, we must of necessity foresee it, my foresight never goes so far as Fear. 'Tis my aim, that the knowledge of feeling nothing that troubles me, and the consideration to see myself free and Master of myself, should give me the spiritual pleasure of good Epicurus. I mean that agreeable indolence, which is not, as the vulgar imagine, a state without grief, and without pleasure; but the sentiments of a pure and delicate joy, which proceeds from a repose of Conscience, and a serenity of Mind. After all, whatsoever sweetness we find in ourselves, let us take care to keep it there as long as we can. 'Tis an easy leap from these secret joys to inward griefs; and there is no less good Husbandry required in the Enjoyment of our own proper goods, than in the use of those that are external. Who does not know that the Soul is tired to be always in the same posture, and that at long run, it would lose all its vigour, if it were not awakened by the Passions? In short, a man must make but very few reflections upon life, if he designs to pass it happily; nay, he ought to use a quite different Conduct. He must often steal as it were from himself, and amongst the pleasures that other Objects give him, forget the knowledge of his own Misfortunes. A Letter to Monsieur D. L. YOU left me yesterday in a Conversation that insensibly became a furious dispute. There was every thing said that can be alleged pro or con, either for the disgrace or advantage of Learning. It is not necessary to acquaint you with the parties; you need only know they were both of them interested very much to maintain their own cause. B. having little obligation to Nature for his Genius; and N. might say, without being ungrateful, that he owed his Talon neither to Arts nor Sciences. The occasion of the dispute was this. Some body happened to commend the great variety of Madam G—'s knowledge: When N. all on the sudden rose from his Chair, and taking off his Hat with a scornful Air. Gentlemen, says he, if * I am apt to believe from what follows, that the famous Christina is here meant, who, as all the World knows, was a Woman of great learning, and abdicated the Crown of Sweden. Madam G. had known no more than the customs of her own Country, she had continued there still. To learn our Language and Customs; to put herself in a condition of making a Figure eight Days in France, she has lost all that she had. See what good is come of her Knowledge and fine Learning, which you boast of so much. B. seeing such an injury done to Madam G. whom he esteemed so highly; and to learning in general which he has so great a value for, lost all manner of consideration; and beginning his discourse with an Oath. One must be very unjust, answers he, to impute to Madam G. for a Crime the noblest action of her life. As for your aversion to the Sciences, I don't at all wonder at it; this is not the first time that you have made merry with them. If you had read the most common Histories, you would then be sensible, that her Conduct is not without Example. * He means Charles the Fifth. C. V. is no less celebrated for the renouncing of his Kingdoms, than for his Conquests. Did not Dioclesian quit the Empire, and Sylla the Dictatorial power? But all these things are utterly unknown to you, and 'tis down right madness to dispute with an Ignorant. To conclude, where can you find me any extraordinary Man, who was not a Man of Letters, and exquisite knowledge? He began with Monsieur the Prince, and went on as far as Caesar; from Caesar to Alexander the Great; and God knows how far the matter had gone, if N. had not interrupted him with so much vehemence, that he was forced to hold his Tongue. In troth, says he, you do mighty feats here with your Caesars, and Alexander's. For my part, I don't know whether they were learned or unlearned, it does not signify a farthing: But this I am sure of, that ever since I knew the World, no Gentlemen were obliged to study, but only those that were designed for the Church; and now for the generality of them, they content themselves with the Latin of the Breviary. As for those that are designed for the Court, or for the Army, they go fairly and honestly to an Academy. There they learn to ride the great Horse, to Dance, to handle their Arms, to play upon the Lute, to Vault. Then comes a little spice of the Mathematics, and that's all. We have in France several thousand Soldiers, and all of them Men of honour. By this means, such and such Gentlemen I could name to you, if I were minded, made their Fortune. Latin! I thank myStars for't, ever since I was born, Latin has been thought scandalous for a Gentleman. I know the great qualities of Monsieur the Prince, a am his Humble Servant. But I must tell you, there was a certain person of Quality that knew how to maintain his Credit in the Provinces, and his Interest at Court, yet was not able to Read; with the Devil a word of Latin, but only good French on his side. It happened luckily for N. that his Adversary had the Gout; otherwise he had revenged the Quarrel of Latin with something more effectual, than mere blustering and big words. At last the Contest was renewed a fresh. The former being resolved to die a Martyr for his Opinion, and the other still maintaining the cause of ignorance with great ardour and resolution. When a charitable Father who chanced to be in the Room, interposed to accommodate the difference; being ravished to meet so favourable an opportunity to show his Wit and Learning. He coughed thrice very Methodically, and then turning himself towards the Doctor, he thrice sneered (as your Men of the World use to do) at our pleasant Ignoramus. When he thought he had composed his Countenance well enough, digitis gubernantibus vocem, he spoke after this manner. I must tell you, gentlemans, I must tell you, that Learning adds to the Beauty of Nature; and likewise that a natural Genius gives a grace to Learning. A genius of itself, without Rule and Art, is like a Torrent that pours down irregularly: And Knowledge without a natural Talon, resembles those dry and barren Fields that are so disagreeable to the sight. Now, Gentlemen, the business is how to reconcile what you have so unadvisedly divided, to re-establish an Union where you have made a Divorce. Learning is nothing in the World, but a perfect knowledge, and Art is nothing but a Rule that directs Nature. And would you, Sir, addressing himself to N. be ignorant of the things you speak of, and value yourself only upon your natural force, which is irregular and far from perfection? And you Mr. B. will you renounce the natural Beauty of the Mind, to render yourself a slave to troublesome Precepts, and borrowed Knowledge? Come, come, replies N. very briskly, let us make an end of this Discourse; I would rather bear with his knowledge than with the great Harangue you have made us here. At least he is Laconic, and I understand you no better than I do him. The good Man, who was not of an irreconcilable Nature, soon suffered himself to be sweetened; and to quit scores with N. preferred his agreeable ignorance to the Magnificent words of the Father. A Letter to Madam L. HOW violent soever my Friendship is, it has left me force enough to write to you with less concern than I used to do. And to tell you the truth, I am somewhat ashamed to send you Country sighs, which have neither the sweetness nor delicacy of those you hear. But let them be what they will, I must of necessity hazard them; and endeavour to make you remember me at a time when all the World endeavours to make me be forgotten. I don't question but that the interview of your Pious Mother, and the rest of your godly Family was accompanied with abundance of Tears To be sure to such a Mother's Tears, you paid a civil and respectful return like a well-bred Daughter. But than you know the World too well to exchange a real tenderness for the grief of Hyppocrites, whose Virtue is nothing else but a mere Artifice to deprive you of those Pleasures, which themselves regret. 'Tis enough you showed your obedience once, and Sacrificed your Repose to a complaisance, which perhaps you did not owe her; she is unjust, if after she has exacted so severe an obedience from you, she pretends to regulate your Inclinations, and constrains the only thing she has left in your power. We Love that which pleases us, and not what is barely permitted to us; so that if you must demand leave of your Parents, before you are suffered to Love, so well am I acquainted with their humour, that I dare assure you, you'll have but a little occaon to be acquainted with that Passion, should you live as long as a Sibill. But perhaps this discourse may seem very impertinent to you, and considering your present circumstances, I ought rather to be apprehensive of those persons that counsel you to Love, than those that forbid it. Perhaps you may follow the advice I give you, and laugh at the reprimands of your Mother. How do I know but that this poor Mother of yours, to whom I wish so much mischief, may be in my interests; and that to stifle a growing Friendship in its birth, she does not give you the liberty to Love a Person so remote from you. Hitherto I have had all the reason in the World to commend your constancy and resolution; but I doubt whether a mere Idea will be able to dispute it long against a Face, and memory against Conversation. I have too great a concern upon me, to leave the advantage of being present with you any longer, to those Gentlemen that daily behold you and within a few days; no manner of business shall hinder me from throwing myself at your feet. While you are expecting that I should come and entertain you with my passion, remember how many Thousand Oaths you have sworn to Love me, and only me as long as you Live. Another Letter to the same Person. YOU imagine, Madam, that I hate you, and so far you are in the right on't, that if you consult the reason I have to do so, you may well believe that I hate you most abominably. But then if you consider what a mighty power you have always had upon me, you conclude rightly enough, that it is not in my power to hate you; and to my shame I acknowledge it, that I still Love and Dote upon you, after all the cruel injuries you have done Men. The difference between your and my way of procedure is extraordinary enough; you wish me ill because you have been obliged by me; on the other hand I wish you all the Prosperity in the World, in spite of the ill treatments I have received at your hands. For God sake, Madam, pardon me the injuries you have done me; forget what I have done for you, and you will remove all the occasion you have to hate me. Let us therefore, if you please, begin a new sort of Friendship, where neither reproach, nor Justification, nor Quarrels, nor Reconcilements, shall have any thing to do. The only motive of my Friendship is, because you are lovely in all respects; that of yours ought to be the opinion you now have, or at least, I desire you to have, that I am an honest well meaning Admirer of yours. Excuse my Vanity. The practice and custom of the Gascons could not give me a less share of it, and provide I keep myself here without making further advances, you & I are sufficiently even with one another; but I will by no means promise to imitate those People in all things, particularly where you have any manner of Concern. A Letter to Madam O. I Remember, Madam, that as I went to the Army, I begged of you to Love the Count of B. In case I should be so unfortunate as to meet my Death there; in which particular I have been so well obeyed, that you do not hate him at all during my life, to learn (I suppose) how to love him the better after my Death. Madam, you have punctually obeyed my orders, and should I continue to give you the same Commission, in all appearance you would see it carefully executed. You may imagine, Madam, that I design to hide a real grief under a pretended grievance; and being so well acquainted with my Passion, you cannot without difficulty persuade yourself, that I suffer a Rival without jealousy. But do you not know, Madam, that if I dare not complain of you for obliging me to Love you too much, I dare complain of him, for your Loving him not much less. And if you must of necessity make me angry, teach me whom I am to be most angry with, either the person who goes to rob me of my Mistress; or you who steal my Friend from me. Let the matter be how it will, you need not give yourself much trouble to appease my indignation. My Passion is too violent, to allow the least Interval to my Resentments; and my tenderness will always make me forget the injuries, I have received from you. I Love you, tho' you are perfidious and faithless, and only fear that a sincere Lover is none of the Favourites of Heaven. Farewell, let us enter I beseech you, into a new unknown sort of Confederacy, and by a strange Mystery, let his, let your, and my Friendship be only one and the same thing. A Letter to Madam D. D. I Thought you had utterly forgot me, but by the most ingenious, and surprising conduct I ever saw, you treat me as if you only now began to know me. Upon my integrity I never saw such a Civil Letter in my Life, and at the same time so very little obliging as yours. You have found out a way to treat me with so nice, so delicate an indifference, that I cannot complain of you without regret, nor commend you without the just imputation of Sottishness. Generosity, Gratitude, and Obligation are the least words in all your Letter. It seems for my sake alone, you have been at the expense of learning all the terms that are used in Compliments, and have forgotten all those that express the real sentiments of Amity and Friendship. I must frankly own to you, Madam, that you imitate your Mother's stile perfectly well. At first sight, I thought I had received some Mark or other of her Ladyship's good Memory: Besides this, Madam, that miserable jargon of Calamities, and Misfortunes, and Destinies, with which it is all along stuffed, don't agree with your humour, but seems to proceed from some person that labours under some very Mysterious discomposure indeed. As for yourself, who as far as I can hear, never made a false representation of affliction, how came you to pitch upon me, a God's Name, to tell your stories, and frighten with a Relation of the Miserable Fair one! What am I good for nothing in the World, but to be the Confident of your Melancholy thoughts and studied sorrows? As it is impossible for you, Madam, to become so indifferent to me; as to my cost I find I am to you, I was ask M. N. after you, who told me that you danced tother day from Morning till Night, and that one could not be more agreeably diverted, than you did the whole Company. Adieu, miserable Person, perplexed with a long series of Misfortunes, full of gratitude and acknowledgement to those, who tother day take any part in your Miseries. Adieu more tenderly, a thousand times, than ver you writ civilly to me. I conjure you to believe that you have not civility enough to discourage me; and that I would rather choose to be all my Life time the Confident of your Misfortunes, than to have no manner of Commerce with you at all. A Letter to A. N. YOU are upon the point of making a very sorry Gallant of a very good Friend; and I perceive that what I called satisfaction, when I was last with you, is now become insensibly some sort of a Charm. I don't speak this to Ridicule you: The very same person who put his malicious imagination so much upon the Rack, now discovers in you such touching qualities, that they even make him disgust your first Agreements. You always appeared very amiable to me; but I now begin to feel with emotion, what I was used to see with pleasure. To speak plainly to you, I am afraid I am in love with you, if you will suffer me to love you: For at this present writing I am in such a condition, that I can let it alone, if you done't like it. You must not expect from me any fine Thoughts, or any pretty Passions. I am wholly incapable of them, and freely leave them to the Admirers of Madam C. Let the Ruells make their profit of them: At least, permit Madam de N. to define Love by her own Fancy; and don't envy those vain, but miserable Creatures, who in the Ruins of their Faces, value themselves upon their Wit that still continues with them, at the expense of their Beauty, that has deserted them. Perhaps finding me so Brutal as to despise these pretty Notions, you imagine I may make an Atonement for it some other way; Pray harken how the case stands with me. I am indifferent in every thing; and neither Nature nor Fortune have done any thing for me but what is common. As I scarce see, without envy, those people that are sumptuous and magnificent in their expenses; so I cannot without some displeasure, behold those that are too much given to their Pleasures; and if I durst use the expression, I hate in some measure the V's and the S', because I cannot resemble them. My affairs go always in the same Track; I never permit myself to use any irregularity, and I stand in need of a little Oeconomy to make things even at the Years end, and pass a Winter's Night. Not that I am reduced to the last necessity neither. But to explain myself honestly, my Expense is small, and my Revenue indifferent. Behold now the condition of my Affairs; behold the circumstances of my Fortune. Tell me now whether with these qualities I may presume to set up for your Lover, or whether I am still to continue your Friend? As for myself, I am resolved to take what part you assign me; and if I pass from Friendship to Love without difficulty, I am able, with as little violence, to return from Love to Friendship back again. A Letter to Madam de N. I Am injustly accused for having too great a Complaisance for Madam de Mazarin. There is no Person that she has greater reason to complain of, than myself. For Six Months together I was maliciously spying out something in her which might displease me but in spite; of all my endeavours, I could discover nothing there that was not too Lovely, and too Charming. An ill-natured curiosity made me examine every Lineament of her Face, with a design to meet either some irregularity there to disgust me, or some disagreements to render me less her Adorer. But how unluckily did I succeed in my design? Every Feature about her has a particular Beauty, that does not in the least yield to that of her Eyes: And her Eyes, by the Consent of all the World, are the Finest Eyes in the Universe. Her Teeth, her Lips, her Mouth, and all the graces that accompany it, are confounded amongst the great and different Beauties of her Face; if we compare them to those pretty Mouths, that are the greatest Charms about those Persons whom we most admire. They extinguish, and efface every thing which is but little distinguished in them; and done't give us leave to consider what is most remarkable in others. The Malice of my curiosity did not stop here; I proceeded to find out some defect in her shape; and I found, I know not what graces of Nature so happily and so liberally scattered in her Person, that the Charms of other Persons only seem to be constraint and affectation. When Madam de Mazarin pleased me too much in her negligent Air, I counselled her to have recourse to Art, hoping that her Ornaments and her Dress would not fail to ruin those Natural agreements. But scarce had she Dressed herself, but I was forced to confess that I never saw in any Person, so great and so Noble an Air as hers. My ill Nature was not satisfied with all this; I had a mind to see her in her Chamber amongst her Dogs, her Squirrels, and her Birds; hoping that the disorder of her Dress would make her lose the Majesty of that Beauty that astonished us at Court. But here it is that she is a hundred times more amiable; here it is that a more Natural Charm gives us a disgust to all that Art and Industry can do; here it is that the freedom of her Wit and of her Humour leave none to the Person that beholds her. What could the greatest of her Enemies do more? I wished some sickness might invade her to undermine her Graces; but alas we had more reason to complain than she had in her pains. Her very pains have a Charm that does us a greater mischief than she suffers by them. After I had waited some time to see what would be the consequence of her Indisposition, I endeavoured to raise her some Enemies, or to be of the number of them myself: With this design I purposely contradict all she says; I excite her Anger by some dispute; I imagine she wrongs me at Play: I insinuate to myself all the circumstances of my oppression, to furnish me with a pretence for a real Resentment. But alas! to what purpose is all this troublesome industry? Her ill treatment pleases instead of provoking; and her injuries, more charming than the Caresses of others, have so many Charms that they engage me to her will. I pass from her serious moments to those of her gaiety; I was willing to see her serious, out of hopes to find her less agreeable; I was willing to see her more free, thinking to find her indiscreet. When she was serious, she made me admire her good Sense; when she was pleasant, she made me Love her Judgement. She knows as much as any Man can know; she conceals her knowledge with all the discretion that a reserved Woman ought to have. She has some acquired Learning, which upon no occasion betrays the study that was employed to acquire it. She has some happy thoughts that are as far from an affected Art that displeases us, as from a natural excess that offends us. I have seen some Ladies that have got themselves Lovers by the advantage of their Beauty, and lost them again through a defect of Wit. I have seen others that have engaged Us to them by being beautiful and witty together; and discouraged us from a farther pursuit by their Indiscretion, and want of good Conduct. But in Madam de Mazarin, pass from her Face to her Wit; from the qualities of her Mind, to those of her Soul, you will find that every thing attracts you, that every thing fastens and binds you, and that nothing can disengage you. We defend ourselves from the Triumphs of other Ladies by our Reason. 'Tis Reason that either frees us, or else subjects us to its power. Our Love begins or ends our Reason. Here our Love cannot end, unless we lose our Reason. What I observe to be most extraordinary in Madam de Mazarin, is that she daily inspires new desires; and that in the habitude of a continual Commerce, she makes us feel all the tender sweetnesses of a growing Passion. She is the only person of her Sex, for whom one may be eternally constant; and with whom one may enjoy every Hour the diversion of Inconstancy. We never change for her person: we change every moment for her attractions. One relishes in some manner, all that new, that lively Joy which unfaithfulness in Love makes us feel. Sometimes her Mouth is abandoned for her Eyes. Sometimes we leave her Eyes to gaze at her Mouth. Her Cheeks, her Nose, her Eyebrows, her Forehead, nay, her Ears (so much pains has Nature taken to make every thing perfect in this beautiful Body) her Ears attract our Inclinations in their turn, and make us taste the pleasure of Change. To consider her Features separately, one would say that there is a secret jealousy between them, and that they are still busied to attract Lovers. To consider them in conjunction, and as they are united and joined together, we see they form a Beautv, that neither suffers inconstancy for itself, nor infidelity for others. A Conversation of Monsieur de St. Euremont with Monsieur d'A— BY the following Discourse it appears, that our Author was not over much a Friend of the Jansenists, whom he considered as the Recommenders of too austere a Morality, to pass with the generality of Mankind. I am en passant, to inform the Reader, that in the French Copy, the word Jansenists is not writ out at length, but only the first Letter: However, since 'tis plain the Author meant them; whatever Reasons he had, not to name them at large, the Translator did not think himself obliged to follow that Conduct. Having one day recounted to Monsieur d'A— the Conversation which I had with Father C.— it is not reasonable, says he to me, that you should find more freedom amongst the jansenists than amongst us. Take the pains to hear me, and I dare be confident you'll find me no less a Man of Honour, than the Reverend Father whom you mentioned to me. I must tell you that we have a World of Ingenious Men that take the part of the jansenists in their Works; of vain impertinent Discoursers; that to do themselves the honour of being thought jansenists, and raise continual Disputes in all Houses where they come; of wise able Men, that prudently manage both the one and the other. You will find amongst the first great Learning, a Faith well enough principled, oftentimes too much Heat, and sometimes a little Animosity. In the second Class there is much obstinacy and Fancy. The least useful of them fortify their Party by their Numbers; and those that are considerable, give it some credit by their Quality. As for the Politicians they employ each of them their Talon to govern the Machine, by ways and resorts unknown to the particular People whom they set on work. Those that Write or preach upon Grace, that handle this Question which is so celebrated, and has been so often discussed. Those that place the Councils above the Popes; who oppose themselves to Innocent their Pastor; who defeat the great pretensions of the Court of Rome, act with a góod Faith, and are effectually persuaded of the truth of what they say. Our Directors are but little concerned for the different Sentiments of the Doctors. Their aim is to set Catholic against Catholic, and Church against Church, to make a great Party in the Church, and a great Faction in the State. They are for making a Reformation in the Convents, but don't think of reforming themselves; they exalt Penance to the Skies but never practise it; they recommend the eating of Herbs to those People that have a mind to distinguish themselves from the rest of their Brethren, by a few singularities; but at the same time, they are so complaisant to their own Bodies, as to eat every thing that persons of the best Rank use to eat. After all, our Politicians, such as I have described them, do the Jansenists more service by their Directions, than our Writers do with all their Books. 'Tis their Sage and prudent Conduct that supports us; and if ever Monsieur de G. B. Monsieur de L. Monsieur de C. Monsieur de B. fail us, unless I am mightily mistaken, we shall find a great change amongst the jansenists. The reason is, because our Opinions will hardly subsist of themselves. They commit an everlasting violence upon Nature; they take away from Religion all that comforts us, and in the room of it, place Fear, and Grief, & despair. The jansenists, who by their good will, would make every Man a Saint, are scarce able to find out ten Men in a Kingdom, to make such Christians as they would have. Christianity without question is divine, but they are Men still that receive it; and whatever measures we take, we ought to accommodate ourselves to Human Nature. Too austere a Philosophy makes few wise Men; too rigorous a Government few good Subjects; too harsh a Religion, few religious Souls, I mean, that will long continue so. Nothing is durable that is not suited to Nature. Grace itself, of which Monsieur A— speaks so much, accomodates itself to it. God makes use of the docility of our Minds, and the tenderness of our Hearts, to cause himself to be received and loved by us. It is certain that your austere Casuists cause a greater aversion to themselves, than to Wickedness. The Penance they preach up, persuades the Ignorant to prefer the Ease they find in continuing to be wicked, to the difficulties in getting free from Vice. The other Extreme appears equally Vicious to me. I hate those Sullen, Melancholy Spirits, that fancy there is Sin in every thing; no less do I hate those easy complaisant Doctors that admit it no where; that favour the Irregularities of Nature, by making themselves secret Partisans of Evil Manners. In their hands the Gospel allows us more indulgence than Morality does; and Religion as it is managed by them, opposes all manner of Crimes more feebly than Reason. I respect virtuous intelligent Persons, that judge sound of our Actions; that seriously exhort to what is good, and dissuade us, as much as in them lies, from what is Wicked. I heartily wish that a just and nice discernment would make them know the real difference of things; That they would distinguish the effect of a Passion from the execution of a design; That they would distinguish a Vice from a Crime, and Pleasures from Vices; That they would excuse our Weaknesses and condemn our Disorders; That they would not confound light, simple, and natural Appetites, with wicked and perverse Inclinations. In a word, I am for a Christian Morality, neither too severe, nor too indulgent. Of Friendship. By another Hand. THE first Friendship which arises in the World, is that which is form in the Bosom of Families: The continual habitude of being always together, and of considering ourselves as being of the same Blood; the same opinions in which we are brought up; the conformity there is between us; the communication of secrets of affairs, and interests: All these things contribute as much to its production, as Nature itself: They Consecrate at least the Name of Brother, Sister, and the rest, as much as the tye of the same Blood. For whatever is affirmed of certain Natural inclinations, which a Man feels at the meeting of those Relations, who are as yet unknown to him; it is certain that the Examples thereof are either aggravated, or extraordinary; and that we should use them like mere Strangers, if we were not accustomed to consider our near Relations, as our selves. This therefore is the first conjunction of our Hearts. It were to be wished that this first Friendship would continue during Life ni the same condition, wherein we find it in our first Years. But it decay's insensibly. In the first place, by the great number of Persons whereof a Family is composed: For it is a certain Principle, that Friendship cannot long subsist between several Persons. Besides, a Man leaves his Family in order to establish himself in the World. He enters by Marriage into new alliances, or by the profession of a particular Piety, he goes out of his Family without having the Pleasure of adopting another. Thus he contracts on one side, in some sort, an obligation to forget his Parents; and on the other, a Duty of Loving new ones. What shall I say of the interest which so often divides Families? Admit a regulation of all these things, yet a single separation, lessens something of the first affection. During this absence, a Man insensibly contracts particular manners, whether for the the Conduct of his Life, or for his Fortune, or in Relation to the Government of his Family. The first Bond of Friendship is scarce of any further use afterwards, than to express itself a little more, than we would do, if they were our Rrelations; to have a little more curiosity in their respect, and to behave ourselves with care enough not to appear inferior in any point to others. Not but that when there happens any essential occasion of being serviceable to them, we take a pride in not being wanting therein. Thus this first Friendship, which is tender in the first Years, which admits some degrees of relaxation in the succession of Life, appears notwithstanding always strong, when any important Interest is in agitatiou. And as for me, I believe that of all sorts of Friendship this aught to be managed with most Care. There is a Second kind of Friendship, which has also its perfections and imperfections, as well as the first we have spoken of. It is that, which is between a Husband and Wife, when they enter without constraint into the State of Matrimony, and preserve a good intelligence on both sides. It has somewhat of that Friendship which is between a Superior and inferior; since the Laws have declared that Women ought to consider their Husbands as their Masters; and that the civility of Men obliges them to receive marks of respect from their Wives; only to quit them immediately, and to depend on them by their own choice, as they depend on their Husbands by the Laws and Customs. When People live together after this decent manner, they maintain a continual commerce of esteem; they taste all the Delicacies of Love; they have the Pleasure of Loving, and of being beloved, and even make a glory of this Friendship. I am of opinion that it is this mixture of tenderness, this return of esteem, or, if you will, this mutual ardour to prepossess one another by obliging Testimonies, wherein consists the Sweetness of this Second Friendship. I speak not of other Pleasures, which are not so much such in themselves, as in the assurance which they afford us of the perfect possession of those persons whom we Love. Which appears to me so true, that I am not afraid to affirm, that if a Man were assured of meeting the perfect affection of a Wife else where, he would easily support himself under the loss of his Spouse at home; and that they ought not to enter into the order of Friendship, but as tokens and proofs that it is without reserve. Few Persons, 'tis true, are capable of the purity of these Thoughts. Thus a perfect Friendship, is rerely observed in Marriages, at least they seldom continue long. The Object of gross Passions is not able to support so noble a Commerce as Friendship. After it has produced it, and maintained for some time the shadow and resemblance of it, Indifference, Contempt and other new Passions, soon arise to efface it. Even the constraint one is under, always to keep the same Society, lessens somewhat the value of perseverance. We lose by degrees, the assurance we had of being loved: We enter into suspicions, Jealousies, and disquiets, and can hardly conceal them in the necessity we lie under of living eternally together. From thence arise Mistrusts, Complaints and Quarrels. The Children are at that time, the only Bonds which retain Man and Wife in their duty. These are the Pledges and Fruits of their first Affection: 'Tis an Interest that binds them at the very moment, when their Hearts incline to a separation. But when a Man speaks of friendship, or hears it every day mentioned; he is not to understand it either of this first, or second kind. It is of a Species altogether particular. The World would have it only between two Persons; that it requires whole years to form itself; that Virtue alone is the Foundation of it; that it continues for ever; that it is a perfect communication of all things: In a word, that there is made of these two persons a Metamorphosis so general, that they mutually transform themselves into one another. Author's triumph upon this Portraiture. They even give it finer Colours than I do. Notwithstanding I believe I may without rashness assert, that these ingenious Painters, who afford us such Illustrious Copies of Friendship, never saw the Originals. In truth, 'tis natural for us to take a pleasure in exaggerating matters; and the first moment we begin a Book, or a Discourse, we forget that our Heroes are but men, and that we speak to men. But a man must avoid likewise to take for friendship I know not how many Correspondences he meets in the course of life, which certainly deserve not this glorious Title. To partake together in some diversion, to be engaged sometimes in the same Conversations; to meet often at Court, or in the City; such kind of obligations cannot assure one of a solid Friendship. All these things generally happen by pure chance; and 'tis Fortune that produces these different occasions. What share can the Heart enjoy herein, but the interest of some pleasure? and can this Interest beget a truly perfect Friendship? 'Tis true, we love persons that may be useful to us, or such as are pleasant and agreeable; we are delighted to be where they are, and give them a favourable reception. We have also more particular regards for those that have the Reputation of having great numbers of Friends; of being Men of Intrigue, and of being able to serve us upon occasion. For to speak agreeable things, and to be capable of doing useful ones, are two great steps towards an introduction into the most inaccessible Hearts. But 'tis no less true, that those persons whom we only know upon this bottom, should not put that Friendship we entertain for them, to too strong proof. A Man will hardly purchase the pleasure which the Conversation of a Wit affords; and it is ordinary enough to refer to others, the care of serving a person, who doth nothing but divert us. If we make but a little reflection upon this, we shall observe that it is this sort of Friendship, which as imperfect and as common as it is, doth not cease to form a Civility, by which our Conduct is regulated, and which is as it were the Foundation of the public Peace. 'Tis that which instructs us how to live; and this manner of living comprehends an infinite number of small inferior Duties, without which all things would be in confusion. A friendship more exact is prodigious; whose Examples are so rare, that a Man may easily compute them. The Character of Madam, the Countess of d'Olonne. By Mr. BROWN. I Don't expect to be more successful at your Character, than our Painters have been at your Portraiture, where I may safely say, the best performers have lost their Reputation. Till now, we never beheld any Beauties so finished, but they were obliged to these Masters; either for bestowing some new graces upon them, or else for concealing some of their defects. Only you, Madam, are above those Arts, whose peculiar Character it is to flatter and embellish. They never took the Pencil to copy you without a shameful foil to their skill, and doing an infinite injustice to the Original; in short, without making so accomplished a Person as yourself lose as many advantages, as they usually give to those that possess them not. If you have not been much obliged to the Painters, you are much less I am sure to the curiosity of your Dress: You owe nothing either to the skill of other People, or to your own Industry: And may safely rely upon Nature for the care she takes of you. As there are very few Persons upon whom negligence sits well, I would advise them not to depend too much upon it. To say the truth, the generality of our Ladies are not pleasing any farther than their Habits make them so. Every thing they employ to set them off, conceals some defect. On the other hand, the more you take from your Dress, the more Graces you display; and it is as much your Interest to return to the primitive simplicity of Nature, as it is for their advantage to keep at a distance from it. I will not amuse myself with any general Praises, that are several Ages old. The Sun shall not furnish me with a Comparison for your Eyes; nor the Flowers for your Complexion. I might speak of the regularity and delicacy of your Face; of the Charms and agreeablenesses of your Mouth; of that Neck so well turned and polished; of those bewitching Breasts; but after a Man has made the most curious observations, there are a thousand things may be thought of in you, which cannot be well described, and a thousand things better perceived than comprehended. Take my Advice, Madam, and done't repose the care of your glory on any other person; for certainly you are no where so well as you are in yourself. Appear in the midst of your Portraitures and Characters, and you will defeat all the Images that 'tis possible to frame of you. After having well admired you, what I find the most extraordinary is, that you have as it were heaped together in yourself, the several Charms of different Beauties. You are Mistress of those Graces that surprise, that please, that flatter, that forbid, and affect us. Your Character, properly speaking, is not a particular Character; 'tis that of all the rest of your Sex. One Man maintains his Heart against an imperious, that suffered himself to be Conquered by a delicate Beauty: Delicacy gives disgust to another, who was proud to surrender his Heart to his imperious Mistress. You alone, Madam, are the Foible of all the World. The ravished Lover finds in you an unexhaustible Subject for his Transports: Passionate Souls find their tenderness and languishments. Different Spirits, different Humours, contrary temperaments, all contribute to the largeness of your Empire. In this confusion, you cause the unhappiness of Persons between both Ages; you trouble the Repose of the most serene, and the Reason of the most advised. Those persons that were born neither to give nor to receive Love, preserve the first of these Qualities, and unhappily lose the other. From hence it proceeds, that there is some resemblance between the heat of your Friends, and the Passion of your Lovers; that 'tis impossible to love you without Interest, and that the judgement of the most simple Spectators is never free. From hence in short, it proceeds, that every one commences a Lover that sees you, except yourself alone, who continue still insensible. I beg your pardon, Madam. Something would be wanting to your glory, if you continued such an insensible all your life. Once, and only once, you may quit this indifference. But to make you quit your resolution of never being in Love, we ought to find out Subjects worthy of you. If there be any such, Madam, I don't doubt but that drawn by your Charms, and disgusted by the defects of others, they will soon sigh for you; and than you must remember that cruelty has bounds, and that what ever goes beyond them, is rudeness and insensibility. Hitherto I have paid one part of the Duty I owe your Beauty, and 'tis none of your least praises, that I have been able to praise you so long. At present, 'tis but just I should have some consideration of myself; and that in speaking of your Wit and Humour, I should indulge myself to talk of my own. I will deliver nothing but Truths, and lest you should imagine them to be disadvantageous to you, I will begin with the Charms of your Conversation, which are not in the least inferior to those of your Face. Yes, Madam, we are no less affected with hearing you, than with seeing you. You may inspire love even when you are veiled; and may make France resemble Spain, in being the Scene of the Adventures of the Fair invisible. Never was there more Politeness than we find in your Discourse; and what is surprising, nothing is so lively and yet so just; Things so happy and so well thought. And to Crown all, a quick Understanding, and a vivacity of Sense equal that of your Wit. But let us conclude these Praises, the length whereof is always tiresome, tho' they be never so true; and now, Madam prepare to suffer patiently a recital of what I have found to blame in you. If you cannot, without difficulty, hear your defects: I am sure I could not without greater difficulty discover them. To find out any faults in you, I was obliged to make very profound Inquiries, and after a long but narrow Examination, behold what Faults I have remarked. I have often beheld you too respectful, and condescending to ordinary Persons; and submit your judgement to that of others who were inferior to you. I am likewise of Opinion, that you suffer yourself too much to make new acquaintances. That which at first sight you have rightly judged to be gross and dull, has after some time appeared to you to be delicate without Reason; and when you come to rectify these Errors, 'tis rather by a return of your Humour, than by the reflections of your Mind. Sometimes, Madam by a contrary Motion you think too much, and pass by the truth in Debate; so that the Opinions you form, are rather more strongly imagined, than solidly conceived. As for your Actions, they are equally innocent and agreeable; but as you may very well neglect those little formalities, that are in truth, but so many Fetters of Life, you must expect to meet the calumnies of Sots, and the ill Nature of those People whom your merit has made your Enemies. Those Ladies, who are your professed Enemies, have been constrained to own to us that you have received a Thousand advantages from Nature. There are some certain occasions when we are obliged to own to them, that they might be better managed, and that you don't always make the good use of them, as others in your Station might do. I shall end all with the unequalities of your temper, of which you yourself have made an agreeable representation. They are afflicting to those that suffer undet them; as for myself I always find something mortifying in this Scene; and I see that when we most complain of any one's Humour, 'tis then when we must interest ourselves in the Person. However it is, the more we are obliged to take any advantage over you, we are apt to take it without measure; we easily disoblige you without thinking of it; nay the very design to please you has more than once made us so unfortunate as to displease you. Believe me, Madam, a Man must be very happy to find out your good moments, and very just to make use of them. What we may truly say, after we have well examined you, is, that there is nothing so unfortunate as to fall in Love with you, yet nothing so difficult as not to do it. Behold, Madam, the observations of a Spectator, who to judge the more impartially of you, has endeavoured to continue free. The means he took to keep himself so, was to shun you as much as was possible for him. 'Tis not enough for one not to see you, after he has once beheld you; and this remedy which is elsewhere infallible, does not carry an entire safety with it in Relation to yourself. Perhaps you will tell me that a Man, whose Sentiments are somewhat tender, is not generally Master of so rigorous a Judgement. But altho' you should give yourself the trouble to tell me what displeases you, I shall scarce take the Pains to undeceive myself; a discernment which does not seem advantageous to you, cannot subsist but in your absence; for to repeat what I have already told you, do but appear, Madam, in the midst of your Portraitures and Characters, and you will soon efface all the Images the most fruitful imagination can form of you. A Letter to Madam, the Countess of d' Olonne, and sent with the foregoing Character. I Have here sent you your Character, which tells you the general Sentiments of the World concerning you; and which will inform you, if you never knew it before, that there is nothing so Beautiful in all France as yourself. Don't be so rigorous to your own merits, as to deny yourself that justice which all the World pays you. The greatest part of Ladies suffer themselves to be easily persuaded, and receive these sweet errors with Pleasure; and it would be very strange indeed if you could not be prevailed upon to believe the truth. Besides the Public Opinion, you have the Judgement of Madam d'Longueville on your side. Submit to so authentic a Testimony without further scruple, and since she believes it, believe yourself to be the most Charming Creature that was ever beheld. From your Beauty, Madam, I pass to the mischiefs it has occasioned, and to the infinite numbers of those that daily languish and die for you. 'Tis not my design to render you compassionate; on the contrary, if you will follow my advice, it shall cost one of your unfortunate admirers his Life. Our Poets and Authors of Romances have too long entertained us with false Deaths; I demand a true one of you, which will be a new addition to your other achievements. To counsel you only to Love Subjects that are worthy of you, is to reduce you to an impossibility; and properly to counsel you never to Love. Nothing now remains but to excuse my hardiness in finding out your faults; and indeed I could hinder it, for otherwise I had gone against the rules of Character, whose perfection consists in well separating the good and bad qualities. After all, I have infinitely more occasion to complain, than you have; one quarter of an hour is time sufficient for you to read them over, but I passed whole Nights to discover them. These were the first difficulties of this Nature I ever met; and for a mark of a very extraordinary merit one of our nicest Critics here in Town has found my praises easy and natural. A LETTER to Monsieur D. B. I Don't know why you should admire my Verses, since I don't admire them myself; for I must inform you that in the opinion of a celebrated Master in Poetry, a Poet is always the most affected with his own compositions. As for myself, I acknowledge abundance of faults in mine, which I might correct, is exactness were not extremely troublesome to my Humour, and did not take up too much time for a Person of my Age. Besides this, I have another excuse in reserve, which you'll admit too unless I am mightily mistaken. Essays are not often the best Masterpieces; and my praises of the King, being the first true and sincere one I ever gave, you are not to admire if my success was not extraordinary great. Your commendations of me are an ingenious Irony, which figure I was so great a Master of formerly, that the Marshal d'Clarambaut thought no one but myself capable to dispute the merit of it with you. You ought not to employ it against a Man who has lost the use of it, and who is so much your humble Servant as I am. You see I am sufficient proof against laughter; and yet in spite of all my precautions, I cannot forbear to take in good part, the Praises you give me upon the score of my Judgement. 'Tis your interest it should be good, just, and delicate, for the Idea of yours, which I always preserve by me, is the rule of mine. That Miracle of Beauty which I formerly saw at Bourbon, is the same Miracle of Beauty which I see at London. Some Years which have arrived to her since, have given her more Wit, and taken away none of her Charms. Fair Eyes so sweetly Charming and Divine, That Cause such Transports where you Shine. Oh! ne'er to grief your Crystal Treasures pay, Your Pearls on grief are thrown away. Tears from those Orbs let no misfortunes move, So rich a Tribute's only due to Love. A Panegyric upon the Duchess of Mazarine. By Mr. BROWN. I Have undertaken to day a thing without Precedent; I have undertaken to make the Funeral Oration of a Person, who is in better Health than her Orator. This will surprise you Gentlemen. But if we are permitted to take care of our Tombs, to order Inscriptions for them, to give a greater extent to our vanity than Nature has been willing to give our Lives: If those that are alive may appoint the Place where they are to lie, when they shall be no longer in the Number of Living: If Charles the Fifth caused his own Funerals to be celebrated, and for two Years assisted at them in Person; can you think it strange, Gentlemen, that a Beauty more illustrious by her Charms than that Emperor was for his Conquests, is willing to enjoy the happiness of her Memory, and hear whilst she is alive, what may be said of her after her Death. Let others endeavour to excite your sorrows for one that is dead, I will command your Tears for one who is Living, for a Person who is to die one day by the necessary misfortune of humane condition, and who ought to live for ever for the sake of her admirable qualities. Weep Gentlemen, and not tarrying to bewail a Beauty till she is lost, afford your Tears to the Melancholy consideration that we must once lose her. Weep, weep. Whoever expects a certain and unviolable Misfortune, may already Style himself unfortunate. Hortensia will die. That Miracle of the World will die one day. The Idea of so great a calamity deserves your Tears. Yes Charminng Goddess you must leave us, Death will remove the heavenly prize: And of those numerous Charms bereave us, That now employ our hearts and Eyes. Let us turn our imaginations from her Death to her Birth; that we may steal one moment from our grief. If your see her come into the World, you will immediately remember that she is to depart out of it. HORTENSIA de MANCHINI was born at ROME, of an Illustrious Family. Her Ancestors were always considerable, but though they had all of them governed Empires, they had not brought her so much Glory, as she reflects back upon them. Heaven form this great Masterpiece by a Model unknown to the Age we live in. To the shame of our time it bestowed upon Hortensia the Beauty of ancient Greece, and the Virtue of old Rome; Let us pass over her Infancy in silence, without stopping our Discourse there. Her Infancy was attended with a thousand pretty simplicities, but had nothing of Importance enough for our Subject. Gentlemen, I demand your Tears, I demand your Admiration. To obtain them I have both Misfortunes and Virtues to represent to you. It was not long before Cardinal Mazarine was sensible of the Advantages of his beautiful Niece, and therefore to do Justice of the Gifts of Nature, he destined Hortensia to carry his Name, and to possess his Wealth. After his death, she had Charms that might engage even Kings to court her out of Love, and a fortune capable to oblige them to do it out of interest. But what occasion had you, Madam, to become a Sovereign? Does not your Beauty make you reign wherever you go? There is no Nation that does not pay a voluntary Submission to the Power of your Charms; there is no Queen that has not a greater ambition for your Beauty, than you can possibly have for her Grandeur. All Climes and Countries do adore her, Fresh Triumphs on her Beauties wait. The World injustly calls her Rover, She only views the limits of her State. In effect, what Country is there which Hortensia has not seen? What Nation has seen her that has not at the same time admired her? Rome beheld her with as great Admiration as Paris did. That City, in all ages of the World so glorious, boasts more upon giving her to the World, than producing such a race of Heroes. She believes that so extraordinary a Beauty is preferable to the greatest valour, and that more Conquests were to be gained by her eyes, than by the Arms of her Citizens. Italy, Madam, will be everlastingly obliged to you for abolishing those importunate Rules, that bring a greater constraint than regularity with them: for freeing her from a science of Formality, Ceremony, and Civility mixed together; from the tyranny of premeditated respects that render Men unsociable even in Society itself. 'Tis Hortensia who has banished all Grimace, and all affectation from thence; who has destroyed that art of Trifles which only regulates appearances; that Study of exterior things that only composes men's Countenances. 'Tis she who has rendered ridiculous a stiff awkward Gravity, which supplied the place of Prudence; and who has triumphed over a politic Itch without concern and without interest, busied only to conceal the defects a Man finds in himself. 'Tis she who has introduced a sweet and innocent Liberty, who has rendered Conversation more agreeable, and made Pleasure more pure and delicate. A Fatality caused her to come to Rome, and a Fatality caused her to leave it. Madam, the Constable Colonna's Lady had a mind to quit her Husband, and imparted this resolution to her Sister. Her Sister, as young as she was, represented to her upon this occasion all that a Mother could have done to hinder it. But seeing her unalterably fixed to execute her design, she followed her out of Love and Affection, whom she could not dissuade by her Prudence; and shared with her all the Danger of flight, the Fears, the Inquietudes, and the Inconveniencies that always attend such sort of Resolutions. Fortune who has a great Power in our Enterprises, but a much greater in our Adventures made Madam the Constable's Lady wander from Nation to Nation, and threw her at last into a Convent at Madrid. Right Reason advised Hortensia to seek her repose, and a desire of retirement obliged her to settle her abode at Chambery. There she found in herself by her Reflections, by a Commerce with learned Men, by Books, and by Observations, all that solid Satisfaction which a Court does not give Courtiers, who are either too much taken up with business, or too much dissolved in Pleasures. Three whole years did Hortensia live at Chambery, always in a state of Tranquillity, but never obscure. Whatever Inclinations she might have to conceal herself, her merit established for her a small Empire in spite of her, and made a Court of a Retreat. In effect she commanded that City, and all the Country about it. Every one acknowledged with pleasure those Rights which Nature had given her, even He who had them over all the rest by virtue of his Birth, forgot them freely, and entered into the same subjection with his People. Those of the greatest merit and quality quitted the Court, and neglected the Service of their Prince, to apply themselves particularly to that of Hortensia: and considerable Persons of remote Countries made a Voyage to Italy to furnish themselves with a pretence to see her. 'Tis an extraordinary thing to be able to establish a Court at Chambery. 'Tis as it were a Prodigy that a Beauty, which had a mind to conceal itself in places almost inaccessible, should make a greater noise in Europe, than all Europe together The most beautiful Persons of every Nation had the displeasure to hear a continual mention made of an absent Fair. The most lovely Women had a secret Enemy that ruined all the Impressions they could make. It was the Idea of Hortensia; which was preciously preserved in those places, where she had been seen▪ and was form with pleasure in those where she had never been. Such was the Conduct of Hortensia, such was her Condition, when the Duchess of York, her Relation, passed through Chambery in the way to find the Duke her Husband. The singular merit of the Duchess, her Beauty, her Wit, and her Virtue inspired Hortensia with a desire to accompany her, but her Affairs would not permit her. So she was obliged to delay that Voyage till a more favourable opportunity; the curiosity she had to see one of the greatest Courts in the World, which she had never beheld, fortified her in this Resolution: the death of the Duke of Savoy determined it. This Prince had the same Sentiments of her as all People that had the happiness to behold her. He had admired her at Turin, and this Admiration Madam of Savoy interpreted to be Love. A jealous black Impression produced a behaviour very little obliging towards the person who hád caused it. There needed no more than this to oblige Hortensia to depart out of a Country, where the new Regent was in a manner absolute. To separate herself from the Duchess of Savoy, and approach the Duchess of York was but one and the same Resolution. Hortensia acquainted her Friends with this determination, who employed all their Arguments to dissuade her from it, but 'twas in vain; never was seen so great a profusion of Tears. As for her own part, she was not insensible of the general Grief that was occasioned by the thoughts of her departure. Persons so lively affected as they were, knew how to affect her. In the mean time this Resolution was taken up, and in spite of all their Regrets she concludes to depart. What other courage but that of Hortensia would have undertaken so long, so difficult, and so dangerous a Voyage? Before she could accomplish it she must traverse savage Nations, and Nations that were up in arms; she must sweeten the one, and make herself be respected by the other. She understood not the Language of any of these People, but they understood her. Her eyes speak an universal Language, which causes her to be understood by all mankind. What Mountains, what Forests, what Rivers had she not to pass? What did she not suffer from the wind, the snow, and the rains? What Dissiculties of the ways, what Rigour of the season, what mighty Inconveniences had she not to struggle with, which yet did but little Injury to her Beauty. Never did Helen appear so charming as Hortensia was. She had the air, the habit, and the equipage of a Queen of the Amazons! She seemed equally fit to charm, and to fight. It was said, she went to give Love to all the Princes, whom she was to meet in her Passage, and to command all the Troops which they commanded. The first of these things she had in her Power, but it was not her design. she made some Essay of the second; for the Troops received her Orders more voluntarily than those of their Generals. After she had travelled more than three hundred Leagues she arrived at last at Holland. She made no longer a stay at Amsterdam than was necessary to view the Rarities of so remarkable and famous a City. After she had satisfied her curiosity she came to the Brill, where she embarked for England. An extraordinary Tempest happened in this Voyage, which lasted five days. The Storm was as as furious as it was long; and made the Seamen lose all their Conduct and Resolution, and the Passengers all their hopes. Hortensia alone was exempt from Lamentation; less importunate with Heaven to preserve her, than submitting and resigning herself to its Will; But it had decreed she should visit England. She landed there, and in a short time came safe to London. All People had a great curiosity to see her. But the Ladies had a greater Alarm at her Arrival. The English who were in possession of the Empire of Beauty saw It lost, not without great regret, to a stranger; and 'tis natural to be sensibly concerned for the loss of the sweetest of all Vanities. So considerable an interest was the only thing in the World that could unite them. Old Enemies were reconciled; those that were indifferent now began to visit one another, and Friends linked themselves more strictly together than before. This was the first Conspiracy I beheld in England. A Conspiracy as fatal to the Beauty of Hortensia, as the the latter was to the Arms of the King of France. These Confederates very well foresaw their Misfortune, but not being willing to advance it, they prepared to defend an Interest, which was dearer to them than that of their Country. Hortensia had nothing to defend her but her Charms, and her Virtues. This was enough to make her apprehensive of nothing. After she had kept her Chamber some time, less to recover herself from the Fatigues of her Journey, than to have her habits made, she appeared at Whitehall, Fair Beauties of Whitehall give way, Hortensia does her Charms display. She comes, she comes! Resign the day, She must reign, and you obey. From that day they never disputed the Prize with her in public: But they carried on a secret War against her within doors; where all ended either in private Injuries which never arrived to her knowledge, or in vain Murmurs which she despised. The World now beheld an extraordinary turn. Those that were the most violently transported against her were the first that imitated her. They would dress and apparel themselves like her: but this was neither her dress nor habit. For her Person gave a new Grace to every thing she wore, and those that endeavoured to take up her Air and her dress, wanted the principal thing, her Person. One might say of her what was said of the late Madam, All the World imitates her, and no one resembles her. As for what regarded the Men, she made Subjects of all those judicious Persons that beheld her. They were only Men of ill Palates and worse wit, that could defend the Remainder of their Liberty against her; Happy in the Conquests she made! more happy in those she did not make! Hortensia no sooner arrived to any place but she established a House there, which caused the rest to be abandoned. The greatest Freedom in the World was to be seen there, and an equal Discretion▪ every one was more commodiously treated there than at home, and more respectfully than at Court. 'Tis true they dispute often there, but than it is with more Knowledge than Heat; 'tis not done out of a Spirit of Contradiction, but fully to discover the Matters in agitation: rather to animate Conversation than to exasperate it. The Playing there is very inconsiderable, 'tis the Diversion only that makes the Play. You can neither discover in their faces the fear of losing, nor a concern for what is lost. Some of them are so far disinterested, that they are reproached with rejoicing at their own losing, and afflicting themselves at their winning. Play is followed by the best Repasts in the World. One may there see every thing that comes from France forth delicate, and all that comes from the Indies for the curious; and the Common Meats become rare by the exquisite Sauces which are bestowed upon them. 'Tis not a Plenty which may cause a Dissipation to be feared; 'tis not Frugality that shows either Avarice or Penury. They do not here love an Oeconomy niggard and sullen, that contents itself merely with satisfying the necessities of Life, and affords nothing to the Pleasure of it. They love a good order that furnishes every that can be desired, and that wisely manages the use of it, so that nothing may be wanting. There is certainly nothing so well regulated as this Family. But Hortensia diffuses throughout the whole I do not know what sort of an easy air. Something free and natural that conceals the administration of it. One would conclude that things moved of themselves, so secret is the ordering of them, and so difficult to be perceived. Let Hortensia change her Lodgings, no Man can know whether she has changed them. The difference of places is insensible. Wherever she goes we see nothing but her; and if we see her, we see every thing. The Novelty, the Alteration is not to be perceived. She alone attracts our Eyes, and employs them. Here no Visits are made, properly speaking. These Devoirs and Respects to any one but her are mere slavery. The most regular Visitants secretly reproach themselves for stealing from her the time of looking after her Family. They never come soon enough, and never depart late enough. They go to bed with the Regret to have quitted her, and they rise with the desire to behold her afresh. But how great is the uncertainty of our human condition! At the time when Hortensia seemed to enjoy her Health the best; at the time when she innocently enjoyed all the pleasure which Inclination desires, and Reason does not prohibit; that she tasted the Sweetness to see herself beloved and esteemed by all the World; that those Ladies who had opposed themselves to her establishment, were charmed by her Conversation; that she had as it were extinguished self-love in the Soul of her Friends, every one expressing the same kind Sentiments for her, which it is natural to have for ones self: At the time when the most lovely of the fair Sex forbore to contend with her Beauty; that Envy had concealed itself in the bottom of their Hearts, that all repining against her was private, or appeared ridiculous as soon as she begun to appear. At this happy time an extraordinary indisposition seizes her, and we were upon the point to lose her, in spite of all her Charms, in spite of all our Admiration, and Love. You were just a perishing, Hortensia, and so were we. You through the violence of your pains, we through that of our affliction. But is was more than being simply afflicted. We felt all that you did, and were sick as you were. Your unequal moments sometimes carried you to the brink of Death; and sometimes recalled you to life. We were subject to all the Accidents of your Sickness, and to know how it fared with you, it was not at all necessary to inquire after your Health. We needed only to observe in what state we ourselves were. Praised be that universal dispenser of good and evil; praised be Heaven that has restored you to our Vows, and given you again to yourself. Behold you are living, and so are we; but we have not as yet recovered the cruel fright that this danger gave us, and a cruel Idea still remains behind, which makes us more lively conceive what must one day befall you. Nature will destroy this beauteous Fabric, which it has taken so much pains to frame. Nothing can cxempt it from that lamentable Law to which we are all subject. She who was so visibly distinguished from others during her life, will be confounded with the meanest at her death. And do you then complain, you that have only an ordinary Genius, a common Merit, or an indifferent Beauty, do you complain that you must die? Don't murmur, injust as ye are, Hortensia will die like you. A time will come (Oh that this infortunate time would never come) when we may say of this Miracle. She's now resolved to common Clay, She that did Beauty's Empire sway, Fate, cruel Fate would have it so, Fate that governs all below. Now vulgar Souls learn to resign your Breath, And without murmuring submit to Death. In my opinion a Funeral Oration ought not to end without leaving some Consolation to the Auditors. After we have drawn their Tears for a Person who has quitted the World, 'Tis usual to tell them the party deceased is in heaven, that the Idea of his Happiness may form in us some Sentiments of Joy. Let us pass, let us pass from Grief to Pleasure, we have already wept because we saw Hortensia upon the point to die. Let us now rejoice to behold her living. Our Sovereign is well. What can be greater? What can we desire more? There are but few Reigns which we are not glad to see finished. The lightest Chains are heavy to those that bear them. They appear easy to none but those that wear them not. Your Reign, Madam, still continues, and we wish it may continue for ever. Your Subjects find themselves happy under your Government. There is not one of them but looks upon his Liberty at the greatest Misfortune. Set us rejoice, our Sovereign is living, and we live. To live is the chief of humane Blessings; and to live for her is the chief of them. 'Tis the sweetest and the best use we can make of our Life. REFLECTIONS Upon the DOCTRINE OF EPICURUS, By Mr. Brown. EVery one knows that the greatest part of Men condemn Epicurus, and reject his Doctrine, not only as unworthy of a Philosopher, but what is more severe, as dangerous to the Commonwealth: They solemnly declare that a Man becomes vicious from the very moment he declares himself one of his Disciples; that his Opinions are directly contrary to good manners, and thus they cover his Name with all imaginable Scandal and Infamy. Notwithstanding all this, the Stoics, who, were his greatest Enemies, never treated him so ill: they combated his Hypothesis, but never invaded his Reputation; and the Books they have left us plainly discover in abundance of Places the singular Esteem and Respect they had for him. From whence then proceeds this extraordinary difference? and why don't we rather follow the opinion of the wise? It is an easy matter to give the true Reason of it, which is, that we don't do as they do. We don't vouchsafe to inform ourselves of any thing, but blindly adhere to what is told us: without instructing ourselves in the nature of things we judge those to be the best that have the most Examples, and the greatest Crowd of Admirers; we don't follow Reason, but only the resemblances of it. We stiffly retain our Errors because they are countenanced by those of other Men. We rather choose to believe implicitly than to put ourselves to the expense of judging; and are so strangely injust as to conclude, that the Antiquity of an Opinion is a sufficient Title to authorize us to defend it, even in defiance to reason itself. This, in short, is one of the Causes that has made Epicurus fall into the public Hatred, and has prevailed with almost the generality of Mankind to discard him out of the number of Philosophers. We have condemned him without condescending to know him, we have banished him without hearing him speak for himself; nay we have denied him the justice to explain his own Sentiments. But after all, in my Opinion the chief and indeed the most plausible Pretence that Men have had to despise his Doctrine, has been the irregular Life of some Libertines, who as they abused the Name of this Philosopher, so they have ruined the Reputation of his Sect. These People have recommended their own Vices under the reputation of his Wisdom; they have corrupted his Doctrine by their ill Manners, and came over in vast Numbers to his Party, only because they understood that Pleasure was mightily commended by them. All the Mischief is, that they would not know what this Pleasure was, and what these Praises meant; that they contented themselves with his Name in general; that they have made it serve as a Veil to their Debaucheries; and that they quoted the Authority of so great a Man to support the Disorders of their Life. So that instead of profiting by the sage Counsels of this Philosopher, or correcting their vicious Inclinations in his School, they have lost the only good quality they had left them, and that is, the shame of sinning. They have arrived to such a pitch as to commend those very Actions they blushed at formerly; they take a Pride in those Vices they had the Discretion to conceal before; and at last without the least remorse or shame, they blindly followed the Pleasure they brought along with them, and not that which he would have taught them. In the mean time the World has passed judgement by these Appearances, and observing that a sort of People who called themselves Philosophers, were extremely debauched, that they made a public Profession of their Crimes, that they cited Epicurus to authorize their Idleness, their Impurity, and their Lewdness, they made no difficulty to pronounce the Doctrine of this Philosopher to be pernicious, and to compare his Disciples to the uncleanest Animals in nature. — Epicuri de grege porci. The Affairs of Epicurus had been in a very ill condition of some disinterested Persons had not taken care to do him justice; and freed themselves from the prejudices of the Multitude, whose Opinions are generally opposite to those of the wise. For some generous Persons have been found, who have throughly informed themselves of this Philosopher's way of living; who scorning to be determined by the common Belief, have penetrated farther into the matter, and after a due Inquiry have produced very authentic Testimonies both of the Probity of his Person, and the Purity of his Doctrine. These Gentlemen have published in the face of the World, that his Pleasure was as severe as the Virtue of the Stoics, and that a Man who had a mind to be as debauched bauched as Epicurus, must also for his Comfort be as sober as Zeno. And to say the truth, it is highly incredible that a Man to whom his Country erected several Statues; whose Friends inhabited all the Cities of Greece; who loved the worship of the Gods, and the Prosperity of his Country; who was celebrated for his Piety to his Parents, his Liberality to his Brothers, and his sweet Carriage to his Slaves; whose Modesty hindered him from meddling with State-Affairs, and whose ordinary Sustenance was nothing but Bread and Water: It is highly incredible, I say, that such a Man should ever give Precepts of Debauchery, or teach his Disciples the Practice of those Vices, which he naturally abhorred. On the contrary, as if this excellent Person had been apprehensive, that the Title he gave his Philosophy might be so far abused as to encourage wicked Inclinations; and that Men in after Ages might calumniate this Pleasure, wherein he placed the Sovereign good: as if he had foreseen the unjust Aversion of the following Ages, and the Irregularities of some Libertines that would abuse his Doctrine, he took care himself to make an Apology for it, and satisfied the World, that the Pleasure he speaks of was austere and sober. I am not so vain as to believe that my bare Word will be taken for this, and therefore will produce one of his Letters, wherein any one may be able to read his true Sentiments. It is addressed to one Meneceus, and now pray observe after what manner he explains himself. Although, my dear Meneceus, we say that Pleasure is the end of Man, we would by no means be supposed to speak of infamous lewd Pleasures that proceed from Intemperance and Sensuality. This ill Inference can only be made by those Persons who are wholly ignorant of our Precepts, or else combat them; who absolutely reject them, or pervert the true meaning of them. By this single Fragment one may perceive how careful he was to preserve the Innocence of his Doctrine against Calumny and Ignorance; that he well foresaw that only these two things were capable to decry it; and in effect, as we have already observed, they have ruined his Reputation with the greatest part of the World. His Life, as sober and innocent as it was, could not escape censure, or free him from an infinite number of Lies and Invectives: But those that have written it, after having recounted the several Calumnies of his Enemies, have immediately refuted them; and at the same time that they published our Philosophers, History, have likewise published his Apology. As it is not my Design to entertain you with a Narration of his Actions, but only to defend his Pleasure, I shall send you back to Diogenes Laertius for the Account of his Life; and shall content myself to Philosophise upon the nature of this Pleasure, that has created him so many Enemies; and examine whether it is of such a heinous Character, that we ought to cashier those Persons from the number of honest Men that defend and follow it. To live according to Nature, and not to feel any Pain, is what Epicurus calls living voluptuously. Now I am of opinion, that there is nothing in this that deserves to be condemned; that such a Life as this does not merit censure; that no Republic in the World was ever so severe as to disapprove it. To live according to Nature is to follow right Reason. The bounds she prescribes us are those of Innocence. There is nothing in her but what is equitable and equal. 'Tis not along of her that Avarice came into the World. She industriously concealed Gold in the entrails of the vilest Element, and we have dug it from thence. She is not the cause of that Ambition that torments us; she brings us all equal into the World, and so she takes us out of it. We don't differ one from another, any farther than we corrupt her. Do you think it is she that excites us to Pleasures? The Poets themselves that have lodged all manner of Extravagancies in Heaven, that so they might sin with Authority, and who have represented jupiter weak and vicious, out of a design to copy a God in their own irregular Lives, were never guilty of the Presumptien to do it. They have preserved its Purity whole and entire; and in describing her Age, have not taken notice of the Luxury that became so rampant in the following ones. Hear what they say, and they will tell you, that Acorns were then the nourishment of Mankind, that Rivers quenched their Thirst, that they dwelled in Caves, that they had no Apparel to defend them from the Cold, and that they followed Nature in all their Actions. I know very well, that things did not pass after this manner, and that the first Inhabitants of the earth never lived in this strange simplicity, which is more proper to the stupidity of Beasts, than the politeness of Men. The Poets have carried Matters too far, but their meaning was, that our Extravagancies don't proceed from Nature, that she never recommended them to us, that it is not she which says; Alice Phasiacis petita Colchis, Atque Afrae Volucres placent palato Quod non sunt faciles. That she did not invent vain gaudy Equipages, purple Habits, and a long train of Lackeys; and in fine, that it is we who abuse the Gifts of Heaven, and the Advantages we have over the rest of the Creation. What then can be the meaning of living according to Nature? must we abstain from those things she has made us Masters of? I don't pretend that, but am rather inclined to believe, we ought to make use of them, provided it be done pursuant to the Dictates of Nature. We ought to use these things after such a manner, that we may easily part with them; we ought to be Masters of them, and not Slaves to them; we ought not impatiently desire to attain them, not to abandon ourselves to despair upon the Loss of them. Let us quietly enjoy them as occasion serves, but not search after them with inquietude and pain. There is no condition that does not sit well upon a wise Man. For this reason I shall never quarrel with a Philosopher for living in a Palace, but shall at the same time not excuse him if he can't content himself with a Cottage. I shall not be scandalised to behold him in the apparel of Kings, provided he has not their Ambition. Let Aristippus possess the riches of Croesus, it matters not; he will throw them away as soon as they incommode him. Let Plato sit down at the Table of Dionysius the Tyrant. Sometimes he will eat nothing but Olives. We done't at all blame the possession of Riches; we only condemn those Persons that are mere Slaves to their wealth. Poverty of itself will never make us wise; it may indeed render us uncapable of committing certain Disorders, but then there are others which it cannot remedy. The sordid eating of the Cynics did neither contribute to their Tranquillity, nor to their Modesty. Ambition followed Diogenes into his Tub; and there it was he had the Presumption to command Alexander the proudest of all Men. All external Accidents will become indifferent to us, if we have moderation of Soul; that is, if we are wise, and follow the Dictates of Nature. I own 'tis harder to follow them in abundance than in necessity; and that our Moderation has much less to apprehend from the miseries of Adversity, than the snares of Plenty: But then 'tis infinitely more glorious to surmount them, and the loss of false Joys does only recommend to us the Possession of solid ones. A Man does but faintly, if at all, relish that Felicity which costs him nothing, and for which he's obliged to mere chance. It is necessary that Wisdom should give it us: nay sometimes it is necessary that Pain itself should lead us to Pleasure. One that enters the Lists at the Olympic Games with a design to fight, in case no body offers to appear against him, may well enough be crowned, but for this does not deserve the Title of Victorious. Storms and Tempests give Reputation to Pilots. Had the Chastity of Penelope been never put to the Proof, it might have been said of her, that she wanted Gallants to debauch her. Let us not therefore fly the World; let us not abandon the Court; let us not hide ourselves in a Desert, from whence Philosophy drew the first Men. Let us possess Riches, let us not refuse to enter upon public Offices. If we are wise, we shall enjoy these things without the least danger; we shall steer safely by these Rocks, we shall behold all these Objects with an indifferent eye. And if they are taken from us, we shall testify to all the World, by our not casting our Eyes back upon them, that we despise them, and that we were never wedded to them. It is scandalous for a wise Man to fly, and to be subdued by his Desires, which as they are not in reality according to Nature, so they can boast of no other Credit, than what the depraved Opinion of Mankind bestows upon them. I have thus in part explained wherein the Pleasure of the Epicureans consists, what it is they mean by living up to Nature, in short what their Doctrine and true Sentiments are. Let us now consider whether this Opinion deserves the hatred of Mankind, or whether we have any reason to ridicule it. Let us examine whether this Pleasure favours Debauchery and Excess, or whether any thing in the World can be more sober and chaste than it. If you inquire of Epicurus what it is to live voluptuously, he will answer that it is to disengage ourselves from too vigorous a pursuit of Riches, to resist and suppress evil Desires, to contemn Honours, to make ourselves Masters of Fortune; and in a Word, to enjoy an absolute and uninterrupted Peace and repose of mind. All his Precepts centre here, true sincere Pleasure in only to be found here; and in effect we ought only to search her here,; not in a brutal satisfaction of the Senses, nor in any violent emotions of the Appetites. It is too pure to depend wholly upon the Body; Reason is both the Mistress and Rule of it, the Senses are only its Servants: and therefore whatever mighty delights we may expect to find in good eating, or in the Pleasures of the eye, or in Perfumes and Music, yet if we don't come to these things with a Calmness and Tranquillity of Soul, we shall find ourselves miserably disappointed; we shall abuse our minds with a false Joy, and embrace a Phantom, a mere appearance of Pleasure for Pleasure itself. Consume, if you are so minded, all the odoriferous Wood of Arabia the Happy, revel in the arms of Venus, feed upon Nectar and Ambrosia, enjoy all the Pleasures that the most fruitful Poet ever form in his Imagination. All this will but create Vexation and Bitterness, if we feel the least Inquietude within; and our Melancholy will force us to complain in the midst of these sweet Entertainments. I will give you an Example of this, that shall fully convince you how impossible it is for a Man to relish Pleasure when his Mind is disturbed. You have without question read of the mighty Feast which Tigellinus made for Nero, and therefore may recall this great scene of Intemperance into your memory, the Luxury and Fame of which make no little noise even in our times. In all appearance it was the greatest Effort that the most excessive Prodigality, joined to the most exquisite Niceness, could make; in short, it was impossible for sensuality to advance a step beyond it. Agrippa's Pond was more chosen to be the Scene of this extraordinary Feast it was kept on board a most magnificent Vessel, which being drawn by an infinite number of others seemed to move insensibly. All these Vessels were curiously enriched with Gold and Ivory; the Rowers were so many beautiful Boys, or to speak better, so many Cupids or Gods of Love. The Ocean furnished this Entertainment with Fish; and the several Provinces of the Empire with a prodigious variety of other Dishes. Not to be tedious, the great Plenty of it was only to be matched with the extreme choiceness of the Provisions. I don't speak of the infamous Houses erected on the banks of this Pond, that were all filled with Ladies of Quality. I don't speak of the Courtesans that were here beheld naked. The Night itself contributed to the Pleasure of this Debauch; its Darkness was overcome by an infinite number of Illuminations; and its Silence agreably disturbed with the harmony of several Consorts. Would you now know whether Nero took pleasure in all these things, and whether he parted from the Banquet satisfied and content? You need only consider with yourself that he carried the remembrance of his Crimes, and the remorse of his Conscience about him. Having done this, you'll soon conclude that Despair accompanied him, that he suffered as much as the greatest Criminal, and that although his outside carried the show of a Triumph, yet he was acting a terrible Tragedy in his Soul. If he felt any Joy 'twas that of frantic Persons; he owed his Pleasure to his Fury or his Drunkenness, and was no longer happy than he was abandoned by his Reason. I say the same thing of those Sots that accompanied him; for I cannot believe, that either Seneca, or Thraseas Paetus, or Bareas Soranus, who lived up to Nature amidst the universal corruption of their Age, were in the number of his Guests: without doubt he had none but such whom a Life full as irregular as his own made him love; who advised him to all his Crimes, who were the Executors of them, and before whom he might not be obliged to blush. A Herd of such profligate Wretches never aspired to true Happiness; there was not one wise Man in the whole Company; now Pleasure has no influence on Minds that are corrupted and spoiled with all sorts of Debauchery and Excess. — Quemvis mediâ erue turbâ Aut ob avaritiam, aut miserâ ambitione laborat. Hic nuptarum insanit amoribus, hic puerorum. In short, they lay open to all those Passion that disturb the Peace of the Soul, and consequently were not in a condition to relish the Pleasure we speak of. I could wish that Fpicurus had been present at this Assembly, and declared his Opinion in the face of the World. I am confident he would have spoke the truth before Nero himself; that he would never have dreaded Death, which was looked upon by him to be a thing indifferent, and am apt to imagine he would have explained himself after this manner: Oh unfortunate Prince! how strangely art thou infatuated to believe, that Pleasure consists in Intemperance, which is as far removed from all Excess, as thou art from the true felicity of Life. Thou draggest thy misery about thee wherever thou goest, and in spite of all thy endeavours, thou art not able to purchase one moments repose from thy Conscience. Load thy Tables with the most exquisite Dainties that were ever eaten; drink the most generos Wines that Greece and Italy can afford; and after this wallow in all the most abominable Varieties of Luxury and Incontinence. Thou wilt find nothing there that can satisfy thee, and when thy body is surfeited with them, thy mind will still be upon the search after Pleasure. These are not the things that render Life happy; it is Prudence only which causes the Sovereign good; which will teach thee to regulate thy desires according to Nature, and in this regular state thou wilt find what thou wilt never be able to find in these Disorders. If thou wantest any thing cast thy eyes upon this common Mother, and she will give thee wherewith to content thyself easily. Art thou thirsty? She has carefully provided Rivers and Fountains in every place to quench it. Art thou hungry? there is no part of the Universe so barren, but thou mayst meet with Fruits to relieve thyself: if thou canst not be satisfied with these things, much less shalt thou ever be satisfied with excess. Pleasure is nothing but a privation of Pain. Consult thy hunger and thirst, and they will make thee find Pleasure in the simplicity of Nature; and Bread and Water will supply the Place of the choicest Repast thou canst think of, when once thou hast need of them. At present thou art not in this Condition, thou dost not allow thy stomach time to digest thy Meat: thy Intemperance daily lays in a new stock of Crudities, and hastens that Death which gives thee so many cruel Apprehensions. Thus thou sittest down at Feasts without finding any pleasure in them, because thou dost commit a violence upon Nature, and force her to obey thy desires: but know for a certain truth, that they are contrary to her, and that the Irregularities of thy Body darken the light of thy Reason. Don't imagine therefore to find any relish in those Pleasures thou proposest to thyself: it is only to be found in those that are permitted by Nature. The Ambition of servants carries them to a fond longing after Crowns. If they were once Kings, they would then desire to be the only Monarches of the World; and when arrived to that height they would be calling out for Incense and Sacrifices. The Fable of the Giants instructs us, that Earth has presumed to dispute the Pre-eminence with Heaven. 'Tis the same in all other wild disorderly desires: No one is happy but the Person that knows how to regulate them; and as this can be done by no one but a wise Man, whose peculiar Talon it is, so it only belongs to him to command the Universe. He, and only he, can extract Pleasure from all things; he alone uses these delights with sobriety, and despises them even while he possesses them. As for thee, who dishonourest the race of Augustus, and who art the infamy of Mankind, over whom the Indignation of the Gods has placed thee: do what thou wilt, thou wilt be always miserable, thou wilt always carry thy Torments about thee: thou wilt never free thyself one minute from the horrors of thy Conscience, and in the midst of the Regale thou wilt not taste one drop of Wine, which shall not represent to thy Imagination the Blood of those Innocents', that thy Cruelty has shed. Behold, unless I am mistaken, what Epicurus would have said upon this occasion. Behold how he would have justified his Philosophy; behold how he would have reprimanded the Vices of the Emperor. But since it is utterly impossible that the Mind, which is the Judge of Pleasure, should perfectly relish it, if the Body, whose Ministry it uses, does languish under any torment; Epicurus teaches, that all privation of bodily pain, as well as that of the mind, is necessary towards the consummation of that sovereign Good, which he calls Pleasure. And to say the truth, there is so immediate a Communication between the Mind and the Flesh, that it is very difficult to separate their Pleasures and their Suffering. It is hard to comprehend how the Soul can be perfectly happy, while Diseases afflict its Companion the Body: how it can think of Joy whilst the violence of pain extorts Complaints from it, or how it can be sensible of Pleasure, whilst it is present at all those Places where the Indisposition rages. Let the Stoics boast as long as they please of the insensibility of their wise Man, and of this rigorous Virtue that laughs at Pain. When they come once to the suffering part, they'll find that their Body is by no means of this Opinion, and that although these Discourses are really magnificent and lofty, yet for all that they are neither to be reconciled to Nature, nor to Truth. I will not justify this Proposition by the Examples of the generality of their Philosophers. I will not cite any name which they may have the least Pretence to reject, nor urge any Man upon them whose Virtue may be called in question: Hercules alone shall assert the truth of what I have delivered. This Hercules, who is reckoned amongst the Gods, whom so many Exploits have made immortal, and whom the Stoics have chose for a perfect model of their Strength and Wisdom. Let us a little reflect upon the dying behaviour of this Hero, and consider the last Actions of his Life. Without doubt this invincible Man will depart out of the World, as he came into it, by doing something Heroical and great. To be sure he'll not let a syllable drop from him that may dishonour his mighty Exploits, or seem unworthy of his former Character. We shall find ourselves extremely mistaken if we are of this Opinion. The force of his Pain triumphs over his Courage, his Constancy yields to the rage of the Poison that burns him. He does not only complain, but he weeps, he cries, he stamps, he flings about — At circum gemunt petrae Locrorum, & alta Euboeae promontoria. And by these his last effects of Rage and Despair he quits his life to go and take his place amongst the Gods. Let the Stoics therefore come over to our party; Let them amuse us no more with their insensibility, let them not pretend that their wise Man can be happy amidst his Tortures, and let them not despise pain with their usual insolence since they see Hercules himself could not support himself under the Pressure of it. But if they answer, that the Poet has been guilty of a great Solecism in representing Hercules after this manner, and continue to give other Relations of this Hero contrary to the Authority of Books, and the Consent of the Theatre, Posidonius heretofore one of the Masters of Cicero, and the greatest of all the Stoics, (for so this celebrated Disciple of his calls him) will furnish us with a notorious Example, and we shall see one of the strongest Pillars of the Porch shaken by a slight Indisposition. The Gout which at last attacked this Philosopher, proved to be the rock on which his Constancy split. He complained of his pain with as much impatience as any ordinary man would have done: and though he reproached it by vaunting that all its Efforts should never constrain him to own that it was an Evil, yet he could not forbear to afflict himself with it, to complain of it, and herein he testified more Opiniatretè than Constancy and Reason. It seems that Cicero was scandalised at weakness of this wise Man, or at least that he was astonished at it. I have beheld, says he, Possidonius the greatest Man amongst the Stoics suffer the pains of the Gout with as little Resolution and Bravery as my Landlord Nichomachus the Tyrian, whom he esteemed but as an ordinary Man. And indeed I am so far from believing that the Felicity of Humane Life is compatible with pain, that I am of Opinion it would be the Action of a wise Man to quit it, in case he were not able to set such an uncomfortable Attendant as some distance from him. And although I have the memory of Maecenas in great Veneration, and think that no one ought to mention his Name but with the profoundest respect; yet I could wish, if it were possible to be done, that some Verses of his were utterly lost, and that he had never informed us, that he was more fond of a wretched Life than (I don't say a Philosopher) but a Man of the meanest Courage ought to be. You cannot offer him Life upon never so disadvantageous Terms, but he readily accepts it. Let him be deformed it signifies nothing, let him be crooked he still comforts himself that he is alive. Let him endure all the united Torments of the most violent Diseases, he is still contented, if they are not mortal; and though you should condemn him to the most cruel Death imaginable, yet, by his good will, he would not be brought to quit his Life, provided he could still preserve it amidst the most terrible Punishments. Debilem facito manu, Debilem pede, coxâ, Tubber astrue gibberum, Lubricos quate dentes Vita dum superest, bene est. Hanc mihi vel acutâ Si sedeam cruse, sustine. His effeminacy, no doubt on't, dictated these Verses to him, whilst he tasted all the pleasures of Life. He had never experimentally known what pain was before; and I dare boldly aver, That if he had found himself in this lamentable Condition of his own choosing, he would have earnestly desired Death to rid him of his Torments. By this 'tis an easy matter to conjecture that Maecenus, was a Man of Pleasure, but not an Epicurean; since those Philosophers had too elevated a Soul to condescend to such ignominious Conditions. They were less apprehensive of Death than of Pain, and sometimes renounced Pleasure for the sake of Pain. And the reason is, That Epicurus very well judging that the generality of Men, corrupted by the enjoyment of Pleasures, and suffering themselves blindly to be hurried on by their Appetites, would not be in a Condition to foresee the Griefs and Afflictions, which would be the certain consequences of their irregular Courses: And on the other hand, fearing that the love of Ease, and an effeminacy of Spirit, joined to the fear of Labour and Pain, would oblige them to be deficient in their respective Duties, and render them inserviceable in the whole course of their Life; he was of opinion that at some certain times, when a wise Man had full liberty to choose for himself, and nothing hindered him to pursue his full Satisfaction, he might abandon himself to Pleasure, and entirely remove himself from Pain: But then that there were certain conjunctures, when the obligation of his duty, and the necessity of affairs, aught to incline him not to refuse Pain, and to reject Pleasure. It was this generous Maxim that obliged Cato Vticensis to die. For although he might have continued safe upon the Ruins of his own Party, and Cesar would have been proud to have given him his Life: Nevertheless the Shame to survive the loss of the public Liberty, and the Infamy of Servitude, would not permit this generous Person to deliberate, Whether he ought to choose the Pain of dying gloriously, to avoid the Pleasure of living after a manner, which to him seemed unworthy of a Roman. It was this Maxim that obliged Regulus to deliver himself into the hands of his Enemies, where the cruelty of his Executioners was less sensible to him, than the remorse for having broke his word would have been. It was this Maxim, which as it made Fabricius despise the Treasures of the King of Epirus, so it made him despise those evil desires which attend the possession of Riches, to preserve the repose of his Mind, and the chief Pleasure. In fine, it was this Maxim which compelled Cicero to declaim against Anthony, and to devote himself for the preservation of the Republic, at a time when he might have lived peaceably at his own House, and enjoyed all the ease of Life, and the diversions of Study. There is nothing commendable in the World which cannot be reduced to this Maxim; and whatever Heroic Actions these great Men have done, you will find that if they chose one Pain it was to avoid a greater; and on the other hand, if they have not practised certain Pleasures, it was only to acquire by this abstinence others that were more satisfactory and solid. For to what other cause can you assign their illustrious Actions? Do you imagine that they parted out of this World with so much Indifference? That they rejected the possession of Gold? That they drew dangerous Enemies upon their Heads, and did not at the same time think that what they did was either for their Profit or Pleasure? Don't let us do them this Injustice. Don't let us impute the effects of their Wisdom to the efforts of their irregular Minds. Let us believe that in all these things they acted with Deliberation; and let us not represent them in a worse Condition than the most savage Animals; which are never so strangely transported, but that we may easily to conclude whither the impetuosity of their Motion tends. Cato parted with his Life; it was become a Burden to him. He found much less Pain to quit the World than to submit to Cesar, whom he did not believe to be an honest Man; and much more Pleasure in not Living at all, than in Living under an ignominious Servitude. Regulus returned back to Carthage: had he not done so, he had been accused of Perfidiousness. Fabricius could not be corrupted by Pyrrhus: in this he testified his Integrity, he served his Country; and with the bare pleasure of refusing Riches, satisfied himself infinitely more, than if he accepted them. In short, Cicero publicly reproached Antony, and declared himself his capital Enemy. If he had no reason to do so, he deserves indeed to be blamed; but if he designed to establish the tranquillity of the Republic, though it were at the expense of his own; if he endeavoured to ruin Anthony that he might save Rome: besides that by this Conduct he contributed to the Safety of his Fellow Citizens, wherein his own was in a manner wrapped up, so much more did he deserve the praises of all the World, and the love of the Roman People. These great Men, in Truth of History, were not of the Family of Epicurus; nay one of them, in some of his Writings, has attempted to confute his Opinions; but 'tis sufficient that the Authority of their Examples is to be found in the Doctrine of this Philosopher; and that the World should be informed that Virtue alone was not their chief Motive, or at least that what they call Virtue, aught to be named Pleasure. Not but that several Persons of the greatest Bravery have been bred up in this School; who in a degenerate corrupt Age have done Actions full as vigorous, and noble, as those of the ancient Romans in the most Flourishing days of their Republic. Under Nero's Empire the World no less admired the Death of Petronius, than they had done that of Seneca. The Emperor's Tutor did not purchase any Glory by dying, which his Master of the Revels did not afterwards acquire: And the common opinion was, That this Stoic, who had all along preached up a contempt of Life, did not quit it more generously, than Petronius who studied all the Pleasures of it. I am obliged for the honour of Epicarus to enlarge somewhat upon the Life and Death of this Courtier, who was one of his greatest Disciples; and it will be impossible for me to handle this Subject without giving you a sensible Entertainment. Since you are not at this time of day to be made acquainted with the Qualities of illustrious Men, I am sure you will not be unwilling to allow Petronius a place in this number, and to observe, en passant, the marks of his Generosity and Wisdom. This famous Epicurean, far from resembling our modern Debauchees, that eat and drink away their Estates, made profession of a cultivated polite Luxury, and minded nothing but refined Pleasures. And as Industry and Diligence give a Reputation to the rest of Mankind, he was the only Person in the World that acquired it by his ease, and sitting still. His Words and Actions were very free and negligent; and as they showed the candour and sweetness of his Temper, and carried an air of Simplicity, they were always received with a great deal of Satisfaction and Delight. Nevertheless this excellent Man, very well knowing that there is a time when a wise Man ought to quit the repose and tranquillity of his Life to serve the Public, abandoned this happy way of Living, when he was elected Proconsul of Bythinia, and afterwards Consul; and by acquitting himself worthily in these illustrious Employs, he demonstrated by his vigour, and by his conduct, that he was capable of managing the greatest Affairs. At his leaving these Offices he betook himself to his old way of Living, and afterwards happening to become one of Nero's greatest Friends, although this Prince had none but vicious Inclinations, yet he was so strongly enchanted by his merit, that he made him the Arbitrator or controller of all his Pleasures; and believed that amidst all his Affluence and Plenty, he ought not to esteem any thing as sweet and agreeable, unless Petronius first approved it. I speak here only of Lawful Pleasures, and Virtuous Delights for our Epicurean was so far from having any Share in Nero's brutal Excesses, that this Prince was in a strange Confusion when he knew they were arrived to the knowledge of Petronius, who reproached him with them in some Writings; and caused Silia to be punished, because he suspected that she had revealed them to him. From that moment Tigellinus looked upon him as his Competitor; and fearing least by the means of this wise and honest Pleasure, whereof he made Profession, he might effect what Seneca could not by the Authority of his Sect, that is, recall Nero from the disorders of his Life; he resolved to destroy him, imagining there was no other way to establish himself but by ruining him. To this end he awaked that Prince's Cruelty, to which, as being his predominant Passion, all his other Pleasures gave way. He accuses Petronius with being a Friend to Scevinus, who was in Piso's Conspiracy: he corrupts one of his Slaves to impeach him, takes from him all means of defending himself, and gets the greatest part of his Domestics to be chained and imprisoned. In this condition, a Man of less Generosity would either have flattered himself with the prospect of his Prince's Clemency, or at least have prolonged his Life to the last extremity. As for him, he does quite otherwise: he believed it was downright Weakness or Shame to bear any longer the Torments of Hope or Fear; and being resolved to die, he searched a way to do it with the same Tranquillity wherein he had lived. So not being willing to quit life with Precipitation, he ordered his Veins to be opened, and afterwards to be bound up again; and then taking the Ligatures off as he pleased himself, he entertained his Friends with agreeable Conversations; not affecting to make any serious Discourses before them, by which he might pretend to the glory of Constancy. Nor would he employ the last Hours of his Life in speaking of the Immortality of the Soul, nor of the Opinions of the Philosophers; but having pitched upon a more voluptuous and more natural sort of Death, he rather chose to imitate the Sweetness of a Swan; and therefore caused some delightful moving Verses to be repeated to him. Nevertheless he reserved a few moments to dispose of his own Affairs; he rewarded abundance of his Slaves, and some of them he ordered to be punished. Then perceiving the Hour of his Death approached, after he had used a little exercise he laid himself peaceably down to sleep; that his Death, which was violent, might however resemble, as much as possible, one that was fortuitous and natural. People, if they please, may still talk of Socrates, and mightily commend the Constancy, with which he drank the Poison. Petronius is not at all inferior to him; nay he may justly pretend to have the advantage over him; as having abandoned a life infinitely more delicious than that of this wise Grecian, with the same Tranquillity of mind, and the same Equality of Soul. But that you may better comprehend the great value of this Pleasure, which I am here maintaining, I will give you the Portraiture of a Man, who perfectly possesses it, and by a Representation of his Counterpart, which I will afterwards give you, put you out of all manner of doubt, that Epicurus' pleasure is to be infinitely preferred. Imagine to yourself a Man in perfect health, plenty and affluence; innocently enjoying the Delights of this World; his Soul peaceable, serene and easy; possessing always, and that in abundance, the most agreeable Pleasures of the Body and Mind; being neither troubled with the presence, nor threatened with the fear of any Grief whatever. What Condition can you propose more excellent, or more desirable than this? For before a Person can arrive to this exalted state, it is necessary that he possess a Force of Soul proof against Death and Pain; that his Mind be entirely disengaged from all the false Opinions of the vulgar; that it be not disturbed with impertinent Fears; nay, that it suffer not the Pleasures it has tasted to be lost; but always entertain itself with a sweet remembrance of them. This is to arrive to the highest Period of Felicity; where the defect of nothing can be pretended, as to the full consummation of Humane Happiness. On the other hand let us represent to ourselves a Man overwhelmed with all the Evils that can afflict Humane Nature; deprived of all hopes to see them ever diminished; neither feeling any present Pleasure, nor having ever tasted any, nor daring to promise himself any for the time to come: and after we have owned that nothing can be imagined more miserable than this Condition, let us at the same time confess, that nothing can be more happy than the voluptuous Epicurean. Now if you think that this happy Person, whose Picture I have drawn, is no where to be found but only in my own Imagination; and that so perfect a Scene of Felicity cannot be among Men, any otherwise than in Idea; I protest you have wrong Sentiments both of Humane Condition and the goodness of Heaven; and I am obliged to draw you out of this Error, that you may no longer murmur at our Misery, and the Injustice of our Destiny. I find this Original done by the hand of one of the greatest Masters, placed in the Cabinet of one of the most curious Authors that ever writ. It is Felicity itself painted under the Character of Orata, for so does Cicero call him, and here follows a faithful Translation of what he recounts concerning his Happiness. Nothing was wanting in Orata, (a Man extremely rich, very polite, and very delicate) of all that contributes to make a Man live voluptuously, and to make him be loved, and to enjoy a perfect and entire health. For he possessed a very plentiful Fortune in the finest Country in the World; he had always store of Friends about him, serviceable, pleasant and diverting; and he dexterously managed every thing to the best Advantage of Life. And to comprehend all in a few Words, his Designs met always as happy a Success, and as favourable an Accomplishment as Man could wish. I don't believe that there is any thing to be blamed in this condition, provided no sudden Change befalls it. We must therefore conclude Orata to be perfectly happy, if he can still continue in the fortunate state, wherein we have showed him. Thus I have given you, unless I am mistaken, a Portraiture that very well resembles the first Design which I was to lay before you; and which you mistook for a Work of Fancy, and the Product of mere Imagination. Now let us turn the Tables▪ and find out some miserable Wretches to oppose to this Orata. Let us compare to him, if you please, some of those infortunate Persons, whom we behold on the ancient Theatre; one of whom judges himself too criminal to wield the Sceptre of the Greeks; who is afraid to dishonour the race of Pelops, from whence he owns himself descended; who dares not show himself before Men, who dares not enter the Temples. Let us compare to him another of the same rank, who making Signs to his Friends not to approach him, looks upon himself to be so unfortunate, that he is apprehensive, lest his very shadow should prove contagious. Or rather let us think no more of Atreus and Thyestes; let us forget their Crimes, the remembrance of which still inspires us with horror; let us not cast our eyes any longer upon a Family which has forced the Sun to go backward; and which has furnished Hell with one of its most famous Punishments. — Occultè Noxitudo obliteretur Pelopidum. Let us rather choose Heroes, but Persons full as unhappy as the Offspring of Tantalus. Let the Son of Amphiareus make his Entrance, frighted with Visions, and demanding help against the Furies that press him. What do I see! Whence do these Flames arise! From gaping Tombs they seem to strike my eyes. Oh help me to put out this cruel Fire, In whose embraces I shall soon expire. At me their Whips the restless Furies shake, Their angry Snakes a dreadful Consort make. See, see, they come! I feel the pointed Pain, And in my labouring soul unruly Tempests reign. And after Alcmeon has made us see the Tortures of Conscience, and Pressures of the Soul; let Philoctetes entertain us with the Miseries to which he finds himself reduced; let him speak, let him complain of his ill fortune. Does he not paint out a very wretched Person when he says? Who e'er thou art, in what e'er Country known, Whom Winds upon the Lesbian shore have thrown. Pity a Wretch, abandoned by his Stars, Who for the space of Nine revolving years Has been devoured by Sicknesses, and Cares. Behold these Cliffs, whose tops invade the Sky: Here tortured with my pains I piece-meal die. View but the frightful horrors of this place: The Scene of all my Sorrows and Disgrace, Where robbed of Glory, to a Rock confined, I bear all Plagues of Body and of Mind. And my keen Arrows for the Birds prepare: Their Plumes my raiment, and their Flesh my fare. After this let him show us the pains of the Body; when his Ulcer being inflamed he despairs, he bemoans himself in these following Lines: Alas! What Friend to ease me of my Pain, Will kindly send me headlong to the Main. Now, now, quick Shootings all my Sinews tear, What Racks, what Torments can with this compare? A raging Ulcer angry Heaven did send; Which an eternal Fever does attend. Thus in Complaints the day, in Groans the night I spend. Or if these Misfortunes are not sufficient, let us heap together, as Ovid has done, all the Plagues, all the Calamities that old Fables afford us; and wish they may light upon one single Person, and then judge whether his Condition is happier than that of Orata, or of the famous Vatia, who merited heretofore this Exclamation, O Vatia, you alone know what it is live; and conclude all with an Exclamation of the like nature; O Epicurus, you and only you know how to Philosophise. From all these evident Truths it is an easy matter to conclude, that Pleasure is not only worthy the Commendations of all Men; but that it is the sovereign Good, and only end. Nevertheless, since this first Proposition makes the principal point in the Doctrine of Epicurus; and as it is the truest, so it is also the most contested; since I say we have begun to undeceive the Enemies of this Proposition, we ought to conclude with Instructions, and leave the truth of this Opinion so well established in their minds, that they shall have no occasion to question it, without being guilty of the greatest Injustice. That they may therefore submit to so Catholic a Truth, I only desire them to turn their eyes on the side of Nature; the Effects of which are reasonable, and the Experiences certain. They will not only find that it authorises what we have asserted; but it will likewise give them such clear, such visible Demonstrations of it, that unless they hoodwink themselves on purpose, they must be forced to submit to it. Let them consider what this Common Mother does in the Birth of Animals; that is to say, in its perfect Purity and before its Corruption. They will soon observe that it inspires them with the love of Pleasure, and an aversion to Pain; that it carries them towards what pleases them, and teaches them to avoid what would hurt them; that it instructs them (if I may be allowed the Expression) both in what is good and what is bad; and when they attain the former, she causes them to rejoice, and be satisfied with it. This is the Reason why our Philosopher following the Dictates of Nature, pronounces a voluptuous Life to be the end of Man; but does not give himself the Trouble to prove so obvious a Proposition. As he imagined there was no necessity of force of reason to persuade People that Fire is hot, that Snow is white, and that Honey is sweet, because they are all sensible things; so he believed, that to make Men comprehend the Love of Pleasure, which may easily be known by the Effects of Nature, there was occasion for no more than a bare Observation of these Effects, and an ordinary Reflection. Nevertheless, though we have Nature on our side, that is to say, an infallible Decision; though we find in our Souls a natural Inclination to avoid Evil, and to follow Pleasure; though the very beginnings of our Desires, of our Disgusts, and of all our Actions, derive their Original from Pleasure and Pain; yet because some Philosophers pretend that Pain ought not to be reckoned amongst Evils, nor Pleasure amongst things that are good, and that to establish this Opinion they bring abundance of plausible Arguments, we must not so strongly rely upon our own Opinions, as we ought to keep up to the simple Truth. We must therefore produce Reasons in behalf of Epicurus' Doctrine, and show that Reason as well as Nature is of his side. And in effect in those Philosophers that have condemned this Pleasure had well considered her beforehand; if they had throughly known her before they attacked her, they would easily have discovered, that it was not she they meant; that they were mistaken in their Invectives, and only rejected her out of a consideration of those Pains that sometimes attend her; they would have perceived that those Pains did not proceed from her, but from the Irregularities of those Persons that use her ill. And then they had never decried her after so furious a manner. For they must be forced to acknowledge, That there is not one single Person in the World that hates Pleasure, as it is Pleasure; or loves Pain, merely as it is Pain. Now because those that abuse the most innocent Pleasures, do afterwards feel a great deal of Torment and Uneasiness, and that on the other hand, there are certain times when Labour and Pain produce and prepare some sort of Pleasures: this hath been the reason, that these Philosophers, who only considered the consequences of an ill managed Pleasure, and the Advantages of a profitable and necessary Labour, have effaced the former out of the number of good things, and then placed Pain amongst those that are desirable. But now it is high time to employ all our Forces to carry our Erterprises. This is the hour we ought to Combat in good earnest, that so we may obtain a glorious Victory. It is not our business here to defend Pleasure, nor to consider it as the Sovereign good of humane Life: we must elevate her above the throne of Virtue itself that disputes this Title with her; and although we don't banish this Virtue from it, whereof we make Profession, we must nevertheless constrain her to resign the first place to Pleasure. In short, as all the Philosophers in the World are agreed, that the ultimate end a Man ought to propose to himself here, is a quiet and agreeable Life; several of them have been mistaken in placing this Life in Virtue, and not in Pleasure; and Suffered themselves to be led aside by the gaudy Splendour of a Name that imposes upon them, without considering a Truth which Nature itself forces them to own. For certain it is, if they would but consult and believe her, they would confess that these same Virtues, which they are used to call Magnificent and Pompous, are no farther to be esteemed than as they contribute to Pleasure; and consequently that not being courted for their own sake, they ought not to be preferred to the motive from which they receive all their merit, and all their value. 'Tis after the same manner that we approve Physic, not upon the account of the Art, but because of our Health; and the Skill of Pilots deserves Commendation for no other reason, but the great utility of Navigation. After the same manner we should not desire Wisdom, which we may call the Art of Life, if it were not serviceable to us, and did not directly lead us to the possession of Pleasure. There is no necessity to repeat in this place what this Pleasure is; or to desire you once more not to despise this Name, which Men have corrupted. You know well enough how severe Epicurus makes it; and you ought to own to me that it is no disgrace for Wisdom to yield to it, and to be respected only for her sake. We will confess to you likewise on our side, that unless a Man is a Philosopher he cannot be happy, and that Wisdom is the only way to arrive at Pleasure. In a word, the weakness of humane of Nature labouring under the ignorance Good and Evil; floating generally between these two things, without being able to discern them, and often choosing with Joy what it ought to have studiously avoided; in so strange a Blindness it so happens that Men instead of the felicity they desire, get at a farther distance from it; that they become miserable instead of finding themselves satisfied; and that in exchange of the Pleasures they proposed to meet, they plunge themselves in Sorrows that torment and trouble them. It is necessary therefore that a right application of Wisdom should draw them out of so miserable a Condition, that its light should direct them in this wretched darkness, that its force should deliver them from the Servitude of wicked Desires, unjust Terrors, and rash Opinions, and in imitation of Hercules clear an open passage for them through so many Monsters, and safely conduct them to Pleasure. Wisdom alone performs these great things like a faithful, generous Guide; she removes the difficulties of the way where she leads us. 'Tis not sufficient that we don't wander; what is more, we must march in security with her; and while the Winds and the Sea overwhelm those poor Vessels that sail without her conduct, others that are steered by her enter the Harbour without fearing the Tempest. 'Tis in this Harbour that a wise Man finds Pleasure. Here it is that he quietly contemplates the Pains of other Men; that he discovers all the impertinent Errors wherewith their weakness is persecuted; that he observes with what eagerness they strive to satisfy their Passions; that he sees them press forward in throngs towards him, that shall advance himself highest in Power, Riches, and Fortune. Certare ingenio, contendere nobilitate, Noctes atque dies niti praestante labour Ad summas emergere opes, rerúmque potiri. And that he cries out, having considered all these things, O miseras hominum mentes! O pectora coeca! Qualibus in tenebris vitoe, quantísque periclis Degitur hoc aevi quodcunque est! As for himself, nothing disquiets, nothing molests, nothing troubles him. He is happy, he follows nature, he enjoys a perfect felicity; and in this Situation, gives thanks to wisdom, which procured him this Pleasure. Let us act like him, if we have a mind to be happy like him; let us cast ourselves into the arms of this Wisdom, let us endeavour to arrive at this Pleasure, let us suppress those ill desires that rob us of it: They are insatiable and dangerous; they don't only ruin private Persons, they destroy whole Families; they ravage Kingdoms, they occasion Hatred, Division, Discord, Sedition, and War; they tyrannize over those Souls that nourish them, and if we carefully examine the Poets, we shall find that by the Torments of the Damned they had a mind to represent those Persons whom these inward Plagues afflict. Cui vultur jecur ultimum pererrat, Et pectus trahit, intimásque sibras, Non est quem Tytium vocant poetae, Sed cordis mala, livor, atque luxus. And thus, since by the only assistance of Wisdom we are able to crush these Vipers; since she alone instructs how to resist Fortune, and that through her means we arrive to obtain tranquillity, why should we fear to conclude that she is not desirable, but only as she creates Pleasure, and secures us from Pain? We must say the same thing of Temperance, and not desire her only for herself; but because she preserves that peace, that serenity in our Souls, without which we cannot be happy, and by the concord she inspires appeases our Trouble, and gives us Pleasure. 'Tis this Virtue that always comes to the relief of Wisdom: 'Tis she that puts in execution what the other does only resolve; and as that shows us what we are to avoid, and what we are to follow, this stops us in our career when we go against the Counsels of the other, and believe our Senses rather than our Reason. 'Tis the oridle that keeps us in, when we are posting towards any unlawful Pleasure; the hand that surely conducts us to the way of truth. In short, 'tis the Virtue without which we can neither be happy nor wise. And in truth what advantage is it to know what is Good, if we are too feeble to put it in practice? To what purpose is it to see a Precipice, if we suffer ourselves to tumble down it? To give Wisdom leave to speak, but not to permit her to act? The generality of Men are reduced to this pass. All of them conclude in favour of Wisdom, but don't know how to live up to what they have concluded. They know that there are Pleasures the consequences of which are dangerous, and severely prohibited by our Epicurus: but they laugh at the prohibitions of this Philosopher, and abandon themselves to the tyranny of their disorderly Passions. They resemble the unfortunate Phaedria in Terence, and his Character, as it is drawn by that excellent Man, suits them all from the highest to the lowest. This outrageous Lover is sensible that he should do a foolish Action in endeavouring to set himself at rights with his Mistress. He knows she's a Coquette, and that himself is miserable. This gives him disturbance; this makes him uneasy. But to what purpose? he does not amend his Condition. He still suffers his love to control him; and at that very instant when he sees himself ready to perish, at that very instant he perishes deliberately. 'Tis certain that Phaedria does not want Wisdom; he only want Temperance. He knows well enough what measures he ought to take to be at ease, but does not put them in execution. He sees what is best for himself, and approves it, but for all that follows what is worse. Behold now the manners of those Men, whom we describe, admirably well expressed. Behold an image of their Thoughts and Infirmities. Behold how for want of true Wisdom, it is impossible for them to find Pleasure. You lose your labour when you tell them that the Pleasure they pursue is unreasonable, that it is not necessary, that the privation of it does not cause any pain: In vain do you represent to them the Sicknesses, the Losses, the Infamy that attend the enjoyment of it. In vain do you threaten them with the punishments of the Laws, and the severity of the Magistrates. You can tell them nothing but what they know, and what they are able to say upon occasion. What are they the better for all this? They are Slaves to that very Folly they detest as well as you, and resemble the Greek Philosophers who were allowed the liberty to make a great Parade of those very Virtues they never practised. Besides these, there is another race of Men who in truth are not Philosophers, but for all that manage their Cause with a world of Spirit and Vivacity. These People, whom we may properly call the Prophaners of the Pleasure of Epicurus, will by no means be persuaded to acknowledge Temperance for a Virtue, but after their imperious way pretend that all happiness depends on mere fancy. It is not worth the while to enter into a solemn dispute with such unreasonable Creatures as they are. The severest return one can make them is to leave them at liberty to do as they desire. 'Tis sufficient for us to know that their Opinion is false, and that true felicity consists only in those desires which flow from Temperance. For 'tis not only a miserable thing to desire what is dishonest, but 'tis infinitely more advantageous not to obtain what we desire, than to obtain what we cannot desire without shame. In this view 'tis better to be of the Opinion of that Ancient, who passing his Judgement of Camillus that was banished out of Rome, while Manlius was Master there, preferred the Exile of the virtuous Refugee to the Splendour of the dishonest Citizen. Now in truth those that study Temperance, and manage the fruition of Pleasure with that discretion that they find no After-claps; those certainly may call themselves happy, and deserve the title of wise Men. Their Pleasures are durable, because they are regular; and all their Life is calm and serene, because it is innocent. They have no inclination to run after forbidden Pleasures; nay, their felicity consists in abstaining from them. They sometimes embrace Pain, but then 'tis done with a design to avoid a greater. The use they make of Wisdom is by her means to attain to a state of Tranquillity; and this makes it clear, that there is no other way to enjoy this Pleasure, wherein Epicurus supposes the sovereign Good to consist, but by the means of Virtue. You would be amazed, and perhaps angry, if examining the rest of the Virtues, and bringing them to the Touchstone of Pleasure, I should maintain that Valour depends upon her no less than Wisdom and Temperance; and that this Virtue that dares encounter Lions, that despises danger, and that without any concern or emotion could behold the entire ruin of the World, produces nothing illustrious but only as it regards Pleasure, and flows from no other source than it. For in the first place we ought to take it for granted, that the Fatigues we undergo, and the Pains we sustain, have nothing in them to induce us to court them, if we view them simply, and separate them from other Considerations: That Industry and Diligence, so much commended in affairs of Life, and that Valour itself, of which we are now talking, are never put in execution but for some design and motive. This is not all; we may affirm, that these things have been introduced merely for the ease of Life, and that the only reason we follow them is, that we may live without trouble and fear; that we may free, as much as in us lies, our body and our mind from those Maladies and Vexations which may afflict it, and to taste with greater serenity that indolence which makes one part of Epicurus' Pleasure. And indeed how can you expect a Man should live happy when he perpetually fears death? How can you imagine the famous Sicilian, whose Name is upon record, should taste any Pleasure in the midst of his Feasting and Music, if he everlastingly dreads the falling of the Sword, that threatens his Head, and his Diadem. Is it not an aggravation of misery to faint under our Pains, and not to have courage enough to suffer those Misfortunes, which 'tis not in our power to avoid? This weakness of mind has it not led abundance of People to those Extremities that are a disgrace and scandal to humane Nature? What was it in your Opinion that gave occasion to the Poets to turn Hecuba into a mad Bitch, but the Grief that overcame her, and constrained her to imitate the fury of those Creatures? Had she suppressed and conquered her Grief, or had she at least endeavoured to forget those subjects that occasioned it, without question she had never passed from tears to despair, and from despair to rage. Listen I pray to the Complaints she makes. Observe how by representing to herself the miserable Condition she finds herself in at present, and from what a height she is fallen; how by this conduct, I say, she feeds her sorrow upon the Stage, and of her own accord provokes the motions of that Rage which is ready to seize her. Oh the severe Oppressions of my Grief! What Place can give me refuge or relief? To what far distant Region shall I run The wild disorders of my Soul to shun? Unhappy Troy, our late delight and pride, By Grecian fraud and malice lies destroyed. Tell me, ye Gods, where I my steps must bend? Who will a poor despairing Queen befriend? Pressed by my Wants, wand'ring from place to place, While meager Famine stairs me in the Face. See how th' insulting Argive Flame devours Those Shrines that once received the heavenly Powers. If the proud Flames their Temples will not spare, But sacred Piles the common Fate must share. After this she remembers herself of the Beauty of these Structures, and the Riches of Asia, in order to raise her own Grief, and that of the Spectators; for who is it that can avoid being sensibly touched with this Discourse? Must Ilium then, the Scene of all my Joys, Must all this Wealth be made a Grecian prize. The rich aspiring Mansions of the Gods, Worthy their names, their presence, and abodes, And glittering Roofs— Or what heart would she not inspire with horror and pity, when she thus goes on? All this I saw consumed by impious Fire, And Priam by a barbarous hand expire. ●ove's Altar with the Royal Victim stained, And Hector's Blood by common dust profaned; Nor was this all. But my prevailing Miseries to Crown, From a high Tower his Son thrown headlong down. So that I done't at all wonder if the people of Rome were strangely affected when they heard these Verses repeated; or if when I read them myself I cannot forbear the Tribute of a few Tears. To say the Truth, Hecuba had great reason to complain of her ill Destiny, she had lost her Husband, her Son, her Kingdom and her Liberty. If she had beheld these Calamities without lamenting them, she had been insensible; and we should be inhuman, if after so many Losses we should hinder her Tears. But then, after she had for some time wept, we should not be at all unjust to prescribe bounds to her Grief, to regulate her Complaints and her Sorrow; and lastly, to advise her to oppose strength of Reason to that of Despair. Some Persons that are touched with her Complaints may perhaps allege in her Justification, that those who would limit her Grief, and not suffer it to exceed its first Motions, would resign themselves up to it till the very last Moment's of their Life, if they once shared with her those Misfortunes the weight of which they can only conjecture: and that our Philosophy which speaks of nothing less than Conquests and Triumphs, would faint under such a pressure of Calamities, if it saw them present and inevitable. Now, for my part I wish a perpetual Sunshine of Prosperity to so tender, so melting a Man as this is: for no doubt on't, if any Disgrace happens to him, he will discover his Infirmities very plentifully: on this condition that by way of requital to me for my Wish he will dispense with me for not believing what he says, nor oblige me to judge of the strength of Philosophy by the weakness of his Reason. For without losing any time to refute word by word this sort of Reasoning, which can obtain credit no where but amongst effeminate Men; I shall content myself to convince those Persons that make use of it by two known Examples that ought to overwhelm them with confusion. These Examples are drawn from two Persons, whom their Age and their Sex ought to render extremely feeble; but who notwithstanding all this weakness preserved such a presence of mind, that I shall despair to find the like among the Philosophers. Let us consider Astyanax and Polixena as they are going to die: one is a Boy, the other a young Maid. The Greeks had condemned both of them to Death. Observe Ulysses, who advances first leading the former by the hand, and marching hastily to throw him down the Precipice. But see the Child does not follow him with less Assurance. — Sublimi gradu Incedit Ithacus, parvulum dextrâ trahens Priami Nepotem, nec gradu segni puer Ad alta pergit moenia.— Consider that amongst all those that accompany him and weep for him, he is the only Person whose eyes are dry, and who refuses to pay Tears to his own death. Observe that whilst these barbarous Executioners invoke the Gods to this bloody Sacrifice, he throws himself headlong from the Tower, from the top of which they were to cast him, and voluntarily puts an end to that Life which he had scarce begun. But now turn your eyes on the other side; for by this time Polixena is placed upon Achilles' Tomb, and only waits the fatal Blow which is to appease the Anger of the Greeks, and to rejoin her Soul to that of her Parents. Admire her Beauty that still appears so charming and so serene. Her Countenance is not at all changed with the Apprehensions of Death. On the other Hand this Sun, which is going to set for ever, seems to receive a new Splendour at the last moments of its light. Nay there is something in her air more bold and undaunted than her Sex, and her present Circumstances ought to promise. And to do her right she is not content to wait the Blow, for without avoiding it she goes to meet it with an Heroic Bravery. Conversa ad ictum stat truci vultu ferox. And when Pyrrhus has given her the cruel stroke, it seems that her last Action is an Action of Courage, that she does not suffer herself to fall upon the Sepulchre of Achilles, but with a design to make the earth lie more heavy upon him, and to revenge herself upon him even as she dies. Tell me now freely, is it not a shame for Hecuba to see her Children more courageous than herself? Tell me whether it looks well for her to shed so many Tears, when Astyanax and Polyxena die without shedding any? Tell me whether you don't think these two Persons infinitely happy in comparison of this miserable Creature? Or if you have nothing to say for her, confess at last with us, that she has too little courage in her Misfortunes, and that she wanted strength of Mind to resent them less cruelly. Now if it be true that Weakness is the only thing that renders our Misfortunes insupportable to us, and which causing us to abandon the Helm in the most violent Tempests makes us suffer Shipwreck in those places where we might have rode securely; ought we not to search after this strength of Mind to serve us instead of an Anchor, to oppose it to the fury of the Wind and Water, and preserve us from the violence of the Storm? We ought to sustain ourselves by this Pillar, which serves as the Basis to Pleasure, and to join this Virtue to Temperance and Wisdom; and that we may live in repose and in a privation of Misery, believe that by her influence a courageous persevering Spirit is above all Pain and ill Fortune; since it despises Death, and is so prepared for Pain that it always reshembers itself that Death is the remedy of the most violent ones; that the lesser have abundance of good Intervals, and that it is the Master of the ordinary ones. Matters being thus, we ought to say that we don't blame Cowardice and Weakness, as also that we don't practice Temperance and Valour for their own particular respect; but that we are to reject the former, and desire the latter, because those foment Griefs, but these preserve us from them. It only remains now for us to examine Justice, and then we shall have dispatched the principal Virtues. But these things one may say on this Chapter are almost the same with the preceding ones, and Justice is no less united to Pleasure, than Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude, which cannot be separated from it. In effect this Virtue is so far from bringing any uneasiness to our Mind, that by its Influence and Power it perpetually nourishes in them those Sentiments that render them quiet, and never leaves us without this hope, that we can want nothing that Nature desires, as long as she is not corrupted. And after the same manner that Folly, Intemperance, want of Resolution incessantly torment, plague and afflict us; so Injustice no sooner enters the Soul, but it throws her into Disorder and Confusion, and makes her unfortunate even when she does not make her criminal. For if an unjust Man suffers himself to commit some wicked Action, although he commits it after such a manner, that neither the Sun nor Men can give any Testimony of it, yet he can never assure himself that it will be always kept private; and for all the obscurity of the night that covered it, he will still be under terrible apprehensions that Truth will at last discover it. Suspicion commonly follows the Actions of the wicked; and though the Judges should never concern themselves with them, yet their own Conscience forces them to betray themselves. But if any Person believes that their Riches, their Power and Authority shall secure them from the Injustice of Men, and place them above the Laws, and out of the reach of Punishment, yet they can never cover themselves from the Divine Justice. They never lift up their eyes to Heaven, but their Conscience alarms them with horror, and the cruel Inquietudes that devour them without intermission, are the secret Executioners of that punishment which the Divinity makes them endure. For what Power, what Wealth, when they are injustly obtained, can so far diminish the difficulties of this Life, but at the same time remorse of Conscience, fear of Punishment, the hatred of Mankind augment them infinitely more? These ill, these unlawful Remedies don't they often turn to Poison? and what we have sometimes chose to extinguish our sorrow, has it not made it burn with greater Fury and Vehemence? Are there not prodigious numbers of Persons that don't know how to prescribe Limits to their desire of being more rich, of having more Honours, of reigning more absolutely, of living more voluptuously, of feasting more deliciously, and of carrying their evil Inclinations too far? And done't we see that the mighty heap their Extortion and their Avarice has amassed together, instead of satisfying their unreasonable Appetites, does but inflame them still the more, and that these People has more need to be corrected by the Laws, than inflamed by Remonstrances. Reason therefore invites all Men that have their Judgement sound, to preserve Justice which the Laws have established. Equity which derives its Original from Nature, and which may properly be called the knot of Civil Society, tells us plainly enough, that an unjust Action ought never to be committed, neither by those that are weak, because they would attempt it without success; nor by the powerful, because after the business is completed, they would not find repose, nor this accomplishment of their desires. In short, she forces us to own that Justice is not desirable for itself, but because it gives us a world of Satisfaction, makes our Life more assured, and our Pleasure more accomplished. Now if the Praise of Virtue itself, on which Subject principally the other Philosophers have employed their most magnificent Discourses, produces no other effect than Delight or Pleasure; and if this Pleasure alone, which is the end of all the Virtues, calls us to itself, and attracts us by its proper Nature, we may fafely conclude, that she is the sovereign Good; and the most perfect of all other, and no longer doubt but that a happy Life is that which Epicurus has taught us. Oh holy and severe Pleasure! O admirable Philosophy! What Misfortune was it that decried you amongst Men? Who is it that drew upon you the aversion of so many virtuous Persons that knew you not? Who has hindered them to see that their Virtues are owing to you, and that they speak injuriously of you, at the same time you contribute to their Felicity. But happy the Men who have been of the Sect of that Wise Man that followed you: happy those who have imitated him: happy even those who being born in an Age, when many believe that Vice and the Pleasure of Epicurus are but one and the same thing, have had understanding enough to discover the contrary, and have at least force of Mind sufficient to defend it, if they have not Courage enough to practise it. CHAP. I. Of the Use of LIFE. By Mr. SAVAGE of the Inner-Temple. That a Man ought to Apply himself to a diligent search after Happiness, since it is wholly in his power to augment his joys, and diminish his Miseries. AFter having a long time Reflected on the condition of Men, I have found but two things that can reasonably deserve the care of a Wise Man: The first is the Study of Virtue, which makes a Man Honest; and the second, The Use of Life, which renders him Content, If he can possibly become such; or at least less unhappy, if he cannot deliver himself from his Troubles. 'Tis true, that 'tis but folly to think of Sovereign Good here below: All the Ideas that Ancient Philosophers have given of it, are but confused Images of that which might fill the vast capacity of our desires; and the uncertainty of their Opinions which varied so often on this Matter, makes us easily see how doubtful this Happiness was which they promised us nevertheless with so great Pride and Ostentation. In effect, the perpetual Motion of Things of this World, the continual revolutions of our Minds, and the inconstancy of our Passions, will not permit us to establish a fixed repose and tranquillity of Life: And when I consider the inability of Objects to content us, and the weakness of our own Senses to receive their Impressions, than I renounce all vain pursuits of this false Happiness; and I am not very far from entering into a general neglect of all things. For what sweets are there in the World which are not mixed with bitter? Are not our Senses often interupted in their functions by the disorder of our Organs? And has not our Mind its unsteadiness from the same disturbance? A Disease, a Winter, a bad Day, and sometimes less than any of these, changes us, and all things relating to us: And tho' there were no alteration in Us, or any thing about us, In the most easy situation our Soul can be placed in, and with the best constitution that a Body can have, 'tis certain we are incapable of tasting a pure and true Content. Neither the Conversation of virtuous Men, which gives us the most agreeable satisfaction; nor the delicacies of a Feast, nor the Charms of Music, which create the most sensible pleasures, have ever had power to give me a greater relish of delight than my Imagination promised me: And I may truly say, that amongst the greatest liberties of my Senses, I have enjoyed the pleasure with so little confinement, that ordinarily I have Meditated upon my most serious Affairs. The divertisement of the Theatre, whither we see so many people flock daily, Has it created any true delights in its most professed Followers? For my part, I could never see the most part of them without being tired; and the best Plays, which seemed to ravish all the Audience, have had no other power over me, than to make me grieve for the Misfortunes of a Heroine who suffered no more, what afflicted me; or for those of some Imaginary Hero, whose false griefs drew from me true Tears, and filled me with Indignation against myself. Neither the beauty of the Tuilleries which enchant all eyes, nor the Magnificences of Courts, adorned with the glorious confusion of haughty Equipages, nor the most shining Assemblies of the fairest Ladies, nor Shows, nor Balls, nor Art, nor Riot, nor Riches, can give a full satisfaction to any Man in this World. Those that frequent but seldom public Representations, are as it were forbid 'em, and cannot digest the hurly burly of these great divertisements; those that visit 'em often are insensible of 'em; and both together through ecstasy or stupidity, cannot peaceably enjoy their Charms. Those who out of the abundance of all things flatter their Minds with whatever is excellent, Do not they give us marks of their Melancholy amidst their Pleasures, complaining (as it were) that excess of delights rendered 'em odious. But if ever any Man desired to be happy, it must be granted 'twas that great Prince who had Wisdom his Lot, without ever burdened his Mind with Chimeras, he carried himself to the search of solid Good; His Abilities gained him immediate possession. Every thing succeeded according to his wishes; and the enjoyment always followed close his desires: Nevertheless he declared, That he found so much vanity in Pleasures, that he could scarce forbear to hate Life, and to have in abhorrence his very Being. Then we must conclude there is no perfect happiness for Man here below; and ought rather to think of defending ourselves against the Mischiefs that oppress us, than to sigh after a Bliss that is out of our reach. But although it be true, that we cannot find in this Life the Imaginary Happiness we look after, yet we ought not to wish for death, nor abandon ourselves, as through despair, to our Miseries: For thence springs our ordinary folly, to look for Happiness where we cannot find it, and to overlook it when it is under our hands. Our Pleasures are short, 'tis true, and they are not freed from Gall; but as they are Pleasures they overweigh our sorrows; and 'tis one of the greatest Uses of Life, to manage 'em with Address. As we ought to be capable to support the Ill, so we ought also to know how to enjoy the Good; we ought to have it equally in our power to lull asleep our senses for Grief, as to awaken 'em for Pleasure; for Temperance is far removed from all Excess: She is no less an enemy of excessive Fasting, than excessive Debauchery; and he that should suffer himself to die with hunger, would as much offend her Laws, as he that should choke himself with too much eating. Madmen that we are, always complaining of the rigours of our Birth, the uncertainty of our Life, and the misery of our Death; nevertheless we every day add new miseries to the old; and it looks as if we were only rational to Render ourselves the more wretched. This sort of Conduct is very different from that of the Wiseman we mentioned just before▪ He made, as it were, an Essay of all things of this World, for which we have the most ardent desires, and presently knew the vanity of them: But yet he did not suffer himself to go to a general disgust of all things that he had looked after; but remaining always in the same station, he enjoyed peaceably his pleasures. But let's return to our Subject, and see how we ought to manage the Good and the Evil for the Use of Life. CHAP. II. Of the Existence of GOD. WHen I make an exact Reflection upon all my Life, I acknowledge I have had sorrows and satisfactions according to the different Opinions I had a mind to assume: My Thoughts have as well created my Griefs as my joys; and I have always found within myself the source of my Miseries or Happiness. I'll not dissemble my Thoughts, The Persuasion of a Deity, and the uncertainty of our Condition after Death, have many times very much entrenched upon my Repose; and in these moments of confusion, I considered that all our Watchings, all our Knowledge, all our Employs, our Profits, and our Honours, must end in Death; and that none of those things being eternal, we ought to search elsewhere for refuge. But I often suffered my Soul to think licentiously of these things; and not respecting enough the first Truth, I met with nothing but doubts and difficulties about the Immortality of the Soul. And as I always relied in this Affair, upon the Reasons of other Men, so I could never have certain Notions; and the confusion of the different Opinions of our Authors, gave me Insupportable uneasinesses; never were my Mind and Conscience of one Opinion. I was constrained to suffer the shocks of these two Parties which combated incessantly within me; and nothing equalled my disquiet so much, as the difficulty to resolve the Question which was the Subject. At length finding myself foiled by all this Foreign Assistance, I was resolved to rerire within myself, and consult my own Thoughts; as those sick Men do, who finding themselves abused by the Ignorance of their Physicians, undertake to cure themselves. 'Twas here I cut off Commerce with all Books, where I never found any thing but difficulties and uncertainties. 'Twas here I resolved to consider with myself, and consult my own Opinion upon the structure of the Universe, and the Admirable Order and Symmetry which Reigns in all things. And when I considered the Heavens, the greatness of those wonderful Vaults filled me with astonishment, and with I know not how awful a respect! The beauty of the Stars, the silence and the solitude of the Night, pierc" d me with such a secret horror as disposed me insensibly to Religion. Can it be possible, said I to myself, that the Motions of the Spheres, so just and regular, should not have an Intelligent Being for their Author? If these wonderful Globes know and govern themselves, are they not the Gods who command the World as they please? And if they suffer the control of some Superior Power, who can sway these fearful Machine's but a supreme Hand? Who can move these Huge Bodies but an unaccountable Force? Who can reconcile their various Motions but an Infinite Wisdom? This glorious Sun, continued I, which shines equally upon all Men, could it ever give us its light by chance? And that exquisite proportion that we may observe in it, could it ever proceed but from an eternal Wisdom? After these Meditations I considered the perpetual Disagreement of the Elements; and I could never enough admire that Happy War which entertains the World with so many wonderful Motions. But above all, I made my Reason give place, and my whole Soul bend to that Prodigy of the Flux and Reflux of the Sea. The vast extent of Waters amazed me. But when I came to consider, that the most Threatening Billows broke against the smallest Rocks, and that having no sooner met 'em, but in despite of all their forwardness, they were obliged to return with Violence into themselves; 'twas here that I cried out, transported with Wonder, and seized with Astonishment: The Sea eternally does roar, It's angry Billows beat the passive shore. But Mounds of Sand their might restrain, And force them to their watery Realms again. Neptune with Indignation sees His Waves ingloriously retreat: Then from the conquering Cliffs he flies, And murmurs at his shame, and sighs at his Defeat. At last, when I had sufficiently considered of these Objects, I took great pleasure to descend into myself, and there to observe the Structure of an Humane Body, and to contemplate all the Springs that move this admirable Machine. I reflected upon the disposition of so many differing parts, and yet all necessary to the composition and conservation of our Bodies; as Bones, Nerves, Muscles, Blood and Spirits. I considered the marvellous Oeconomy of all these parts, and cried out with Admiration, Poor Man! who know'st not these things but by means of thy senses; Nevertheless, canst thou boast thyself Author of so excellent a Work, Thou who understoodst it not till after 'twas made? And must all the parts be exposed to thy Eyes to give thee the least Insight? 'Tis certain, that the experience of many Ages has made thee comprehend the cause of thy Living, Digestion, Motion, etc. and yet in despite of thy most exact Observations, thou dost not know it but after a very imperfect manner. On the other side, casting my Eyes on the rest of Creatures, I examined, with admiration, the different Figures of Animals, the Scales of Fish, the Feathers of Birds, the Furs of Beasts, and all those Things which regarded without attention, represent nothing distinctly to the mind, but sensibly discovered to me the greatest Wonders in Nature: For, call that Destiny, Nature, Knowledge, or Divinity, which creates and governs all below, yet is it not always a Sovereign Power? Is it not always an Infinite Wisdom? Then I remained confounded, to think where I had been; and I could never enough wonder at the malice of the wicked, or the blindness of the unbelieving: For a Man must altogether forget himself, and lose the knowledge of all things, before he loses that of his Creator. On whatever part we cast our Eyes, we presently perceive the Character of the Divinity; and whoever studies Nature throughly, shall find sensible Proofs of the Power on which it depends. But we have some lazy would-be-wits now a-days, always bend to the imitation of others, who, without ever examining themselves, or considering of the matter, espouse the Cause of Impiety, only to be thought Partners with some famous Libertines. There are also some men, who by an extravagant reach of Soul, will in nothing depend on their Maker; imagining, that the Obedience which they should pay to this Infinite Majesty, would take away the Freedom of their Opinions. Not but that we see sometimes the best and most knowing men in the world fall under some sort of Incredulity or doubt. But these do not give themselves the trouble to discover an Eternal Intelligence by the Order of the Universe. Their Curiosity drives them to consider what is possible to be; and after having stunned their Understanding with those Infinite Qualities which the Soul of Man cannot comprehend, they oftentimes become incredulous, because they cannot reconcile the Sentiments of their Conceptions to those of their Conscience. Now as we ought to laugh at Sots, and abhor the Wicked, I think that we ought to have compassion for the last, and to pity 'em, only because they are miserable. Some people are upon the rack to persuade themselves to believe that which they cannot comprehend. Others attack Heaven itself, through a fearful Malice, and blaspheme a God whose Power they do not understand: So as they are always in trouble and despair; and after having been tossed by the Fury of Impiety, they find themselves torn by the Remorse of their own Conscience, especially when the Light forsakes 'em, and the Company which upholds 'em, leaves 'em in the Desert of Solitude. There is no passion so tormenting but they feel the sting on't; Fear, Trouble, Disquiet and Madness torture 'em by turns. It were better for their Quiet, if they never thought, than to have but the least Commerce with their Conscience; for nothing equals the Torments of the Wicked. If some lewd Blasphemies he pours, In endless pains he spends the Conscious Hours. Hagged by the Ghastly Image of his sin, No safe retreat without, no peace within. He flies the Day, he fears the Night, He runs from Truth's all searching light. His Conscience too would leave behind, But in himself both judge and Torturer does find. The Unbelieving, though they are not altogether so faulty, are not less Miserable. Tbey hunt after, with difficulty, a thing they never find, and at every turn accufe Nature of being cruel only in regard of Man. Thence proceeded the Complaints of that Great Man, who envied the Advantage which Beasts enjoyed, of living in a commodious Ignorance of all things, without disquieting themselves with a search after any Truth. Thence also proceeds the discontent of those Men who cannot think, without envying those of other Countries; Nor see any Beast in the sweetness of his Repose, without envying the Tranquillity that Nature has bestowed on him. It is then certain, That the Belief of a God makes the best foundation of all Pleasures; and the Opinion we have of him, never suffers a Man to be without satisfaction in his Prosperity, and comfort in his Adversity. A Mind well ordered does not only taste delights in the enjoyment of a Good it receives, it also finds Dainties to thank its Benefactor for; and every Reflection it makes upon 'em is a new Subject of satisfaction. 'Tis to God we must have recourse in Afflictions; and there is no Anguish so great, but it may be sweetened by a total resignation to His Providence. Then let every one judge how much Religion imports us, How much it advantages us to acknowledge God, and to submit ourselves to his will, as well in consideration of our Duty, as for the interest of our Repose. CHAP. III. That we ought to restrain the Violence of our Appetites, by considering the true Worth of those things we desire. I Find nothing more profitable, and more important to any one that has a mind to taste true Content in this Life, than to oppose his greatest Inclinations, and reduce his desires to those simple Motions which we call Wishes. Nevertheless, as there is no Man but has some particular Inclination and Favourite Passion, so it is not an easy thing to come to an Indifference: But one may, notwithstanding, weaken one's Chains; for there are no Bonds so strong which Reason and Experience cannot break in time. In effect, as the sweetest Objects have their Call, so there is no doubt but the Heart loses much of the force of its desires by some disgust. At such a time a Man lifts himself insensibly up above the World, the Pleasures that he was wont to hunt after with so much earnestness, then appear Insipid to him. He than sees how much it imports him to understand the True Price of Glory; What pain, or what satisfaction one finds in knowledge, that so we may not attempt any thing we may repent of; or expect any thing we cannot hope to enjoy. With these prospects, Is there any Man whose Reformation one ought to doubt of? He that has been always used to Submission and Obedience, shall not he raise his desires to the glory of Command? The needy, shall not they establish their happiness in abundance, tho' they have been oppressed with want? A Sluggard that suffers the reward of his Idleness, and the remorses of a bad Life, shall not he reckon him happy whom he sees in the esteem of all honest and good Men? Those that are embarrassed with a Crowd will they not with for the quiet of the Private? The Court and its Pomp tires us; The Woods and the Fields become uneasy to us: But whoever has not tasted fully of Vexation, cannot easily be persuaded of its strange effects. In short, we may disgust ourselves with our condition, but not with those we have never experienced. And see here the manner we ought to make use of on this occasion, to find the Vanity of all things. Although one has not all the Riches, all the Merit, all the fair Qualities; yet one may reflect on them who have acquired them by Fortune or Virtue, and discover the Anxiety they labour under. We may see them then oppressed with the same Maladies subject as we to the same Diseases that Nature afflicts us with. We shall see a Wise Man not able to defend himself from humour and folly: An Hero fe●ble, full of defects, and as much a Man as they which are below him. And the greatest Originals of Europe, as subject to particular weaknesses as the lesser Copies. We shall find in the end, that 'tis impossible to renounce Nature, and to raise ourselves above the condition that God has placed us in. For in truth there are no great Men, if we compare 'em one with another, but they are in themselves weak, unequal, and deficient in some part or other. Pomp and Splendour do not satisfy all those whom they surround. The excess of Delights palls our Appetites oftener than it pleases; and all the advantages of Nature and Fortune, joined together, know not how to create a full and entire Happiness. This consideration moderates the fierceness of our desires, and it may be will destroy those Inclinations we have to the most sensible and pleasing Objects: And then we shall search after our Content without disquiet, enjoy it without eagerness; and lose it without regret. CHAP. IU. Of REPUTATION. By Another Hand. THere is no Passion which makes more unhappy people than this, which almost all Men entertain for an Universal esteem: For excepting some Persons of truly Heroical Minds, who act only for the satisfaction of their Conscience, and perhaps too for the approbation of good Men, all the rest do that for Noise, which ought to be done for Virtue, and suffer themselves to be enchanted with the shadow and appearance of a Thing, whose real Body doth not so much as affect them. They would have all their Actions be esteemed Virtuous, but not that they should indeed be so; They wish nothing more than the applause of the people, tho' in the midst of such a crowd and agitation 'tis almost impossible to discern the Truth; and without considering the Opinion of the Wise, they suppose that all things are to be decided by Numbers; and that the sentiments of Learned Men, whom they are pleased to call Fantastical Persons, cannot eclipse their Fame. The most Ingenious demonstrate on this occasion a sufficient siness in their Conduct; for being satisfied with themselves, and having had the luck to content honest Men by some essential quality, they accommodate themselves in a gross manner to the humour of the People, and gain the Vulgar by outward show and appearance. They commit voluntary Fopperies to agree with real Fops: They appear without parts to the Stupid; Subile with Intriguzing Persons; Generous with Men of Honour; and in a word adapt themselves to all sorts of Characters with so dextrous a compliance, that one would say, Their humour is that of all others. But besides that, in this way of proceeding we betray our proper sentiments, and that we oppose ourselves to the design of Nature, which has made us more for ourselves than for other Men; I don't observe that these persons with all their good-humour and complaisance, with all their feints and their dissimulations, ever arrive at the point which they propose to themselves. On the other side, I have known it a Thousand times by experience, That those Men who are so greedy of Reputation, almost always lose it by that very irregularity and greediness with which they seek it; and that nothing so much interrupts their design, as their excessive Passion to obtain it. In effect, show me the Man who has at anytime had merit and good fortune sufficient to acquire an esteem truly general? Who is he that was ever powerful enough to suppress the calumnies of all his Enemies? And who is he that has been able, hitherto, to stop the mouth of Envy? I can certify, that I have known some Persons so very agreeable, and so virtuous, that a Man could not converse with them without admiration, and love. They made Partisans even of their own Enemies; and one must have been brutal even to excess, either to withstand the Charms of their Conversation, or not to be won by the Goodness of their Nature. Yet for all this, I have seen some envious Devils oppose their malice to so conspicuous a Virtue; and according as they had either address or power, stop the course of an esteem so just, and so well established. Now, since it is impossible to ca●ch this flying Vapour, after which I see the whole World runs, What folly is it to labour to obtain it with so much application, and pains so ill rewarded! Besides this, a Fop that desires this esteem with passion, and does not deserve it, cannot long enjoy it. A good Man on the otherhand, soon makes reflections upon the weakness and frailty of this little Good; and feeling his miseries even through the applauses which are given to his felicity, he suffers disquiets and uneasinesses, when the World cries up his advantages and his happiness. Verae gloriae cupidi nullâ ratione quiescere possunt, cum non inveniant unde possint aliquatenus gloriari. In effect, Have not we seen a Vespasian, who amongst all his magnificence and splendour, tired with the tediousness of the Triumph, and sensible of the vanity of that glory for which the People flatter him, appear melancholy and sad; nay, in the very festivals that were celebrated to thank the Gods for his Fortune and Prosperity? Have not we seen that great and formidable King of Sweden despise the acclamations of the People? and reject the Panegyrics of Orators? The Duke of Candale, whom we lately lost, regretted by all good Men, Had not he as great an aversion for this kind of esteem, as our ordinary Courtiers express a zeal to procure it? It is then undeniably true, That 'tis impossible to acquire it, and that tho' we should obtain, yet the possession of it would be absolutely unserviceable; That as it depends less upon ourselves, than upon Fortune, it is found liable to her inconstancies; That it is a noise which strikes nothing but the Ear, and which cannot form a sensible impression upon a Noble Soul. If we have a mind then to labour for our happiness, let us endeavour to satisfy the Minds of the Wise, who are, 'tis true, but few in number, but from whom we may receive real Approbations. Hatilius would not have a wise Man hazard his Life for the repose of Fools: But since we owe our Services and ourselves to the advantage of our Country, and the good of our Friends, we ought always to do Actions worthy of public Applause, and to despise that very renown, after we have once performed them. I would not, at the same time, advise such a sort of disinteressedness as should extend to the finding no satisfaction in the esteem we deserve; but as Censures follow Approbations close at the heels, let us rebate the edge of Malice, by withstanding those false praises which render it the more sensible to us; let us take advantage of a good Reputation, and not to be so sottishly stiff, as to forbid ourselves all sort of complaisance relating to our own Merits: And if the Public has unjust Thoughts of us, let us appear from their Opinion to the judgement of the Wise, and so retire within ourselves to receive comfort from the testimony of our Conscience. CHAP. V. Of Vexations and Displeasures. By the same Hand. 'tIS one of the greatest Secrets of Life to know how to sweeten our Troubles, and if we cannot get rid of our Afflictions, at least to weaken the influences of them. Without this we must resolve to be often miserable; for being exposed to an infinite number of Misfortunes, there hardly passes a day but presents us with a taste of some new unhappiness. Now, I don't know any Remedy so effectual for this purpose as foresight; and whoever makes an exact reflection upon the disappointments and crosses of humane Life, will find himself consolable at least in his severest disgraces. For, as 'tis natural for us to make a vigorous defence against a premeditated assault, the Soul which prepares itself for resistance, through the consideration of danger, is much less shaken and concerned at it. I would have every one then so to foresee and expect all kinds of Misfortunes, that they may not be surprised at whatever happens. Let a happy Courtier enjoy the favour of his Prince, and possess, as long as it shall please him, the delights of his good Fortune; but let the example of so many Falls dispose him to mistrust the firmness of his situation; Let him not always raise his Eyes, because he is at the top of the Wheel, but humble them sometimes; let him regard the place from whence he began to rise, and consider the first degree of his Fortune, as a Precipice, to which he may every moment fall again. Let not a General of an Army be always secure of Victory, nor be puffed up with the Glory he has won, as much by the assistance of his Troops, as by his own Valour. One single day may determine his Fortune; but then after the loss of a Battle, let not him, who was before encompassed with so many people, suppose himself to be destroyed with them: He must be unconcerned, he must return to himself, and enjoy himself again. Let not a Prince confide in his Empire without Reason, nor let the obedience of so many people rashly flatter his Self-Love: In Four and twenty hours we have seen Kings in the Throne, and following a Chariot. In the course of a few days, we have seen a Prince Triumph, and led in Triumph. The Revolt of the People, or the loss of a Battle, may dispossess him of the Crown, and put his Sceptre into a Foreigners hand. And here I cannot forbear to make an open confession: I adore the Romans, and believe they were something more than Men. I cannot without a sensible emotion consider Brutus and Cassius, who knowing the frailty of humane greatness, agreed before the Battle began how to dispose of their Lives, and considering the uncertainty of the event embraced one another as if they were never to meet again. Methinks I see them giving their last Adieus with these noble sentiments of Affection and Courage. The Vulgar imagine there is a timorousness in foresight, and as they are unable to conceive any sort of danger without fear, persuade themselves that a Man cannot fall into it without blindness. But as 'tis the fault of such weak Reasoners, to venture upon many things they don't understand, and to renounce them as soon as they come to know them; so it belongs only to Men of sense to foresee the dangers that threaten them, and to sustain with the same equality of mind, the favours and disgraces of Fortune. But 'tis not sufficient for us to prepare ourselves only against the loss of the prosperities of Life, for there are many other proofs of our Constancy: The death of our Friends, and even our own, much more sensibly affect us; and therefore we ought to expect it with a more solemn preparation, than a bare simple privation of extrinsic things, which ought to be indifferent to wise Men. I am thinking every day how many things are dear to me, and after I have considered them as temporary and perishable, I then prepare myself to undergo the loss of them without weakness. When the Sun begins to shine, I don't rely upon seeing the Evening. The day and the moment wherein I shall die, will it not resemble that which I spend to day? A Man shall equally hear the hurry of the World, shall enjoy the light, and live after the same manner. Now, since we must all die, and are in so great uncertainties as to the time of death, let us prepare ourselves, from this day, to leave one another. There doth not pass an hour but somebody loses a Friend, I may then likewise reasonably expect every moment to lose one of mine; and whenever such a thing happens, the circumstances of his death will not increase my sorrow nor my affliction. Perhaps he will shed his Blood upon a Scaffold; perhaps a Fire will reduce him to Ashes, or he shall be swallowed up in the Sea: But done't imagine that the circumstances of his death should redouble my grief, and that I should complain of nothing so much at his Funeral, as the manner of his loss; 'Tis he that I find wanting, and it is of no imortance whether he was taken from me by Water, Sword, or Fire, Not that I would be here so wretchedly misunderstood, as if I would have a Man become a Barbarian in order to exercise himself to Constancy; or that Nature or Friendship have not a right to extract tears from us, I am so far from advancing so Brutal an insensibility, that I maintain on the other side, it would be inhuman to refuse them on certain occasions. We sigh and weep justly enough in the first motions of our Grief, but a strong, vigorous Soul ought soon after to retire within itself, and return to that happy situation from whence the disorders of its Passion had removed it. For can a reasonable Man consider the unprofitableness of his Tears, and the vanity of his regret, but he must of necessity blush at a long and violent Affliction? Indeed in those cases where we are able to repair our ill Successes, I am wholly of opinion that we ought to employ all sorts of Remedies: But in a fatal Accident which is never to be retrieved, pray tell me what is the service of a ridiculous affliction, and paying Tears which are at best troublesome to those who shed them, and unserviceable to those for whom they are shed? Why do we sigh, or why complain? All these Tears are shed in vain; Deaf to our sorrows and our grief, The Dead receive not this relief. Besides this, we are to consider, that the most sensible persons in the World at length forget their tenderness; and the Soul which at first is afflicted to excess, soon makes a relaxation of this violence, and is not long in exhausting the whole stock of its sorrow. Our Complaints wear with our Years, and as the Object begins to remove itself from our imagination, our displeasure for its loss is insensibly removed from our mind. If we were wise then, Should we not without reluctance resign up those sentiments of Grief to our Reason, which Weakness at last is constrained to resign to the length of Years? A Father who died but two or three hours ago, is as effectually dead as any of our Ancestors; and that which is no more for us, ought no longer to affect us. Your Father, summoned by his Fate, Now mixes with his Brother-shades below. Not the least tittle of your State, Your Grief, or Sorrow does he know. Tho' but last night he lost his breath, Yet since He's in the hands of Death, He's full as dead as Caesar, who we know Died so many years ago. This Reason alone is capable of sweetening our bitterness, and appeasing all the motions of our Grief: He whom I lost but now, feels nothing, has no further share in the day, and enjoys no more Life than those who were swallowed up in the Deluge; Why then should I torment myself in vain after a shadow, that has neither Voice nor Thought? Wisely your vain complaints give o'er, This foolish Tribute pay no more. For empty shadows why should Tears be shed? Let's bury even the memory of the Dead. We ought further to consider, That in this rigorous separation of Soul and Body, nature commits no more violence, and shows no more ill usage to us than she does to the rest of the World: Of all these prodigious swarms of Men which fill the Earth, show me one single person who is exempted from the cruelty of her Laws. I very well know that every one has a sense of his affliction, and that those whose example I allege here, relent and complain as well as we: For as we don't forbear to taste our own happiness, when we know the felicity of others; so the knowledge we have of the miseries of our equals, deprive not us of the sense of our own misfortunes: And since private Persons partake in the Public rejoicings, How should they otherwise than share in the General Sorrow? There are some common misfortunes which have a relation to all Men, but every Man has his particular sentiments of them, and so endures, in that sense, the whole weight of his affliction singly. Let us confess the Truth: That which affects us most in our disgraces, is to see no body bear a resemblance to us. We cannot with any patience behold ourselves destined to suffer an unhappiness alone, which all the World may be affected with as well as we. And to speak soberly, nothing so much augments the sharpness of our afflictions, as the fierceness and pride of those who seem to brave and despise them. Now it is not mankind alone that attends us to death; all Animals, of what species soever, arrive to the same end, and undergo the same Law. That strength, dexterity and foresight which Nature has bestowed upon them for the conservation of their Life, is of no use and service to them at their death. The most insensible things have their end, which is a sort of death to them. Those very Ramparts that were proof against all the batteries of the Cannon, and the violence of Men, will sooner or later have their share in this universal ruin. The Elements themselves, which compose all things, will be at last destroyed. The Heavens will be turned topsy-turvy; The Sun and Stars will lose their light; and all the Mass of the World will be confounded in a general ruin: Can we then demand with justice the everlasting Health of our Friends, or of ourselves? And since we must die of necessity, Is it not a comfort for us to know, that all the things we have seen will perish, and suffer the same destiny with us? The Stars shall lose their glorious light▪ The Element shall jar and fight, And all be buried in vast night. The Great Creator of this Ball, Master and Sovereign Lord of All▪ Who our of Nothing did display, Air, and Earth, and Fire and Sea, Will with the same Almighty Hand, To Primitive Nothing All Command. And this great Change, to our surprise, May happen e'er to morrows Sun does rise. But behold now an Affliction, of which I am so sensible, that no Arguments, no relief drawn from Philosophy, can make me support it: 'Tis that Concern which public Calamities inspire me with, in which my Senses interest me in spite of myself. I am not able to hear the Groans of the People; I cannot understand their Cries, nor behold their Tears, without feeling myself affected with a real Compassion. I cannot be a spectator of the disorders of my Country, nor consider the ambition of its Oppressors, without conceiving an invincible aversion for them. We likewise experience another sort of Vexation, which invades us in the midst of Pleasure itself: It is nothing else oftentimes but a disgust of abundance; for our Soul having not strength enough to digest it, suffers a mighty remission in the vigour of its faculties, and yields at length to the violence of these excesses. Now for this, I find no better, and indeed, no other remedy, than to moderate our Passions, and to manage our Pleasures with a prudent and wise Oeconomy. Thus Epicurus revived his Appetite by abstinence, and avoided all excesses to shun the inconvenience of Debauchery; and as the continual society even of the best Men, becomes at length tiresome or insensible, those persons that have a delicate apprehension of Pleasure will voluntarily remove themselves from one another, to avoid the disquiet that threatens them, and to have a better taste of the charms of Conversation, by a new vigour which they bestow upon their Thoughts. There remains nothing more for me to speak of but another sort of Vexation, whose Cause I am not able to divine; and as 'tis extremely difficult to know the real subject of it; I find that it is hard to sweeten it, or to withstand it: It is a Secret Displeasure which hides itself in the bottom of the Soul, and which we feel much better than we can discover. 'Tis that which goes to Bed with us, which awakes and rises with us, which attends us at our Repasts, which follows us in our Walks, which we carry along with us, as well in a Crowd, as in Retirement, and which doth not forsake those whom it has once seized, till it has exhausted all its power upon them. I have had a wearisome experience of this Malady, and have often felt the whole bitterness of it: I have gone with it to the Playhouse, and have come out with the same. I have carried it into the best Conversations without any relief; I have, during its excesses, used the most agreeable Diversions, but was insensible to them all the while; and in the midst of the public joy, have been constrained to show my ill humour, and to appear disgusted 〈◊〉 the sweetest contentments of Life; and at last have found no other Remedy to Charm it, but the pleasure of good Eating and good Drinking. Good Cheer with our Friends is the Sovereign Remedy against this sort of Vexation; for besides that Conversation, which then becomes more free and pleasant, insensibly sweetens it, 'tis certain that Wine revives the forces of Nature, and gives our Soul vigour sufficient to exclude all sorts of Melancholy. I know some morose, unsociable Persons will, at least in outward show and appearance, declare a great aversion for this Remedy, whose Delights notwithstanding they do not contemn. But let us banish all grimaces here; I am little disturbed at their mistaken severities, since the most rigid Philosopher of the World has prescribed us this very Remedy; since the severest of our Illustrious Men have submitted, if I may so express myself, their most austere Virtues to the charms of this agreeable pleasure; and since the best sort of Persons disown not the Use of it; but are only content to condemn the Excess. CHAP. VI Of PLEASURES. By Mr. MANNING of the Inner-Temple. The same Hand with the former. AFter having discoursed of our Disgusts, and the means of qualifying the bitterness of them, it is not improper to entertain ourselves about the Pleasures of Life. Although, to speak the Truth, extrinsic things contribute much to our Pleasures, and 'tis not enough to have Senses, unless we have Objects to content them; yet the multitude of them being almost infinite, as in effect we find; it seems that our happiness depends in some measure upon ourselves, and that our greatest diversions are unpleasant to us, if our Senses are not in a disposition to receive them. As for myself, I am of opinion that we should never debar our minds of those innocent pleasures which occur, but live free from all those disquietudes that a consideration of what is past uses to infuse, as from the disturbance we conceive for what's to come. The present time only is ours, and if we were wise, we should manage every moment as it were the last; but nothing is more ordinary, than the evil use we make of that time which Nature has allowed us. There are few Men but would live long enough, if they knew how to live well; but it happens for the most part, that when we are a dying, we complain of not having lived as yet. If we are destined to a long Life, we disturb it by the fear of not arriving to it; and when we are come to our limitation, we have nothing else left us but the concern of having managed it very ill. This Pleasure which now presents itself, is perhaps the last I shall be sensible of; an infinite number of pains may overwhelm me a moment after, Who then shall hinder me from enjoying myself innocently, whilst I may? Must the difference of places, or the inequality of Objects, keep me always in disorder, when I have power to live contented in all parts of the Earth? I grant that indeed certain Persons are dearer to us, and more agreeable than others; that as there are different Subjects to divert us, so there are delights more and less affecting; But for the sake of a pleasure which I earnestly hoped, am I to despise all others? That Life which slides away in the Country, is no less mine than that I pass at Paris. The days wherein I am wholly buried in Grief, will be reckoned to me as well as my most joyful Festivals; and will contribute as much as they to make up the number which must confine my years. Why then should the charms of my Repose be troubled here by the remembrance of those Pleasures I should have tasted, or by the imagination of those which I pretend to enjoy? 'Tis an imprudence to be desirous thus to return to those places we had forsaken; and to endeavour to be present in those, where we cannot be so soon. If the Pleasures we find in the Country are different from those of the Court, let us endeavour to adapt our minds to them: For who can hinder us from exalting and humbling ourselves in this manner? We have here neither music-meetings, nor Balls, nor Playhouse; but then we have no disgraces, no servitude to fear or undergo. Conversation is not so agreeable here. Admit it is not, a Man may have Commerce with himself, and with Persons that however are not troublesome. Cato entertained himself with Children, after he had applied himself all the day to the Service of the Commonwealth; and our best Wits in France disdain not to hear a Tale from one of their Servants, after the most serious Discourses. A Man must endeavour to live easily in all places, and taste those Pleasures which his respective abode can furnish him with. Let us not play the Philosophers so much, as to condemn by our austerity the Magnificence of the Court. I wish we could imitate the Virtue of the Ancient Romans. Let us be Just, let us be Generous as they were; but we may very well neglect those extravagant Maxitus, whose severity Corrects fewer Persons than it scares. If we have not wherewith to be splendid, let us not accuse others of an immoderate splendour; for certainly one cannot condemn so much fine Workmanship produced by human Industry, without being fantastically severe. One may admire the Pomp of a glorious City, very innocently; one may partake of the delights of Perfumes, and the satisfactions of Music; In short, one may behold with pleasure the delicacy of Painting, and yet not infringe the Laws of Temperance. If, by constraint, or inclination, we have established our residence in the Country, let us there leave off admiring the Labours of Man, in order to Contemplate the Works of the Creator, and the Wonders of Nature: Let us remove our thoughts from the Pride and Glories of the Court, and innocently taste the sweets which occur in solitary places. The Heavens, the Sun, the Stars, the Elements, have not they Beauties enough to satisfy the mind that contemplates them? The extent of Plains, the course of Rivers, the Meadows, the Flowers, the Rivulets, have not they sufficient Charms to enchant the sight? The Music of Birds, is that ever wanting in our Groves? And if it is true, that men have learned theirs from the Nightingales, What advantage may we receive by having so great a number of these little Masters at our Service, without being in our Pay? WEll, whate'er sins by turns have swayed me, Ambition never reached my heart. It's lewd pretences ne'er betrayed me, In public ills to act a part, Let others Fame or Wealth pursuing, Despise a mean but safe retreat, I'll ne'er contrive my own undoing, Nor stoop so low as to be great. The faithless Court, the pensive Change, What solid Pleasures can they give? Oh, let me in the Country range, 'Tis there we breath, 'tis there we live. The beauteous Scene of aged Mountains, Smiling Valleys, murmuring Fountains, Lambs in flowery Pastures bleating, Echoes our complaints repeating. Birds in cheerful Notes expressing Nature's bounty, and their blessing: These afford a lasting pleasure, Without guilt, without measure. In a word, we may live contented in any part of the World, and we only change our pleasure, when we change the place of our abode. Here the mind finds its satisfaction in the study of Nature; Here our Senses meet with their delights; and whoever is capable of moderation, may find in all places but too fertile a scene for his contentment. Neither the limits of Solitude, nor the little space of a Prison, can hinder a wise Man from finding his tranquillity: He may meditate there, and with pleasure reflect on the good Actions he has done, and comfort himself by the pleasing thoughts of his Innocence. A Man does not always lie under a necessity to enjoy the full extent of the Fields in order to be happy. Our happiness for the general part lies in ourselves; and as we sometimes find ourselves uneasy under the full enjoyment of our Liberty, so it may very well happen, that we may be satisfied even in those Prisons in which we are confined. The most cruel Tyrants in the Universe could never yet find Dungeons for our Souls; they cannot become Masters of it, unless we are willing to enslave it ourselves; Their Chains cannot bind it, and let the Body be enclosed in what place it will, it changes neither place nor habitation. Thus we may find contentments every where; Let us endeavour only to enjoy them with moderation; and rest persuaded that it is an error to condemn Pleasures as Pleasures, and not as they are unjust and unlawful. In truth, let them be never so innocent, the excess is always criminal, and tends not only to our disgrace, but to our dissatisfaction. A Man that loseth his Reputation by Debauchery, very often loses his Health too, and hurts his Constitution no less than his Honour. If we are insensible to the Charms of Pleasure, let us excite our Taste and our Appetite by a just consideration of those pains which are their contraries. Let those who find themselves abound in the conveniencies of Life, taste their happiness by the opposition of the necessities of others; and let the thought of misfortunes make them deliciously enjoy that felicity which they possess. Let a good Man make reflections upon the state of his Conscience, and rejoice that he finds neither remorse nor anguish in the bottom of his heart. Let Health, which we ordinarily taste after the same manner as we do an insensible Good; let this rich present of Nature, I say be felt more lively by the comparison of Diseases and Infirmities, to which so many others are liable. Let a Man of good Health, esteem himself happy, not only in the enjoyment of his felicity, but let the thought of enduring nothing amongst so many troublesome Objects that encompass him, render him still more undisturbed; Let him rejoice not only for the good fortune which he enjoys, but likewise for the unhappiness he has not: Let the Pleasure which he tastes, and the Pain which he suffers not, contribute equally to give him new satisfactions. As to what remains, let us banish that disorderly passion of Envy, that vile infamous passion which corrupts all our Pleasures. Let not our Eyes or Ears become in the least concerned for possessions that don't belong to us; but let us partake, without Covetousness, of all the Charms of those places which we go to see. Every thing that is made for the pleasure of sight, Doth it not belong to me, so long as it is exposed before mine? The Lovure, Luxembourg House, and the Tuilleries, as much belong to me, when I am gazing upon their Beauty, as to those whose legally they are. For, to speak properly, nothing can be ours, but by an actual enjoyment. The conclusion which I infer from all these Discourses, is, that we ought to rejoice with Moderation. To apprehend this Assertion rightly, all that is done in the World, is done only for pleasure; and though we take different ways, yet we see all mankind incline to the same end. He that searches for Reputation in the Field, and breaks through all the dangers of Fire and Bullets to obtain Honour, would not expose himself to the least Danger, if he did not expect that satisfaction one finds in himself, or that which is derived from Fame. He that grows old in his Closet, amongst a parcel of Mouldy, Motheaten Books, would not employ the least pains in the acquisition of Sciences, if he did not receive some pleasure in the pursuit: All our Actions have no real object, but Pleasure; without that the most Laborious Persons would Live languishing and idle. 'Tis that alone which makes us active; 'tis that which stirs all bodies; 'tis that which gives motion to all the Universe: Let every one then follow that method which suits best with his innocent inclinations, and enjoy all Delights that present themselves to him, when they are not repugnant to the true Sentiments of Honour, or Conscience. To Mademoiselle L. …A Consolatory Discourse upon the Death of Monsieur M… By Mr. MANNING. I Hear, Madam, that you lament the death of Monsieur M… and am sensible that it is your Duty to lament it: He was a person of extraordinary Merit; he Loved you tenderly; he had done you great Services: How cruel, how unjust, nay, how ungrateful would you be, if you did not bewail his loss! I am so well persuaded of the greatness of it, that I am even in pain to know if you have been able to preserve your Senses all this while; I wish the abandoning of your Eyes and Mouth to sorrow may be the utmost of your affliction: What way soever you escape, you will give the World sufficient proofs of your Wisdom, if you don't run Mad. Let others shed Tears by measure, and proportion their sadness to the occasion of it, I shall not be surprised; but it would be an amazing thing to see you afflict yourself by Rules; you, who may so justly mourn, you, who have no other way to signalise your gratitude than by your lamentation. Perhaps it may be represented to you, that you ought to weep with more moderation, and that your Sex, your Age, and your Condition, exempt you from abandoning yourself entirely to your Grief: But believe me Madam, don't for all that deprive yourself of the satisfaction of Weeping; Answer the Duties of a just Friendship to the full: Mourn without constraint for a Man, whose chaste delights you were; and without shame lament a Man, who could not be but the delights of the Chast. In dying he has set all your Sentiments at Liberty; and his death delivers you from those scruples, which tormented you during his Life. It would be in vain for Slander to misinterpret your complaints: The Relation that was betwixt him and you doth but too highly justify you. 'Tis apparent, as you were so nearly joined in blood, nothing but a lawful correspondence could be established between you. You could find nothing in him but Wit, Honour and Wisdom: These Qualities, generally speaking, are not overmuch the favourites of our Senses. They are fitter to raise Friendship than Love; and to serve as a support for Virtue, than to afford matter for Passion. You could not be tempted, either with Youth, Beauty, Riches or Splendour: He had neither wherewith to purchase, or seduce you; and Nature and Fortune equally conspired to deny him what might engage a Lady of your merit to Love, and what might engage himself to miscarry. Alas! who is ignorant that if you had been inclined to one of the two, either your Love might have chosen Demigods for its Objects, or your Wants might have found Treasures for their Recompense? Let them alone then, let them talk who have not the gift of silence: Innocence and Virtue are not a sufficient sanctuary against Calumny. Sanctity itself has not defended the Paul's, the Melanius'; and if Canonised Friendships have been suspected, why should not yours, as untainted as it is, be brought into question? Besides, Where's the advantage of constraining yourself? you run an equal hazard, both by dissimulation, and by divulging your Grief. If you divulge it, you will perhaps awaken the Reproach; but if you dissemble, you will undoubtedly increase it: And as it is always sooner fastened upon concealed Actions, than those that are above-board, it will impute your moderation to your Artifice, and the serenity of your Face to the easy submission of your mind. But, Madam, I would have your Grief keep to appearances, and take a superficial Calm for a profound Tranquillity. What will you advance by this Conduct? If it doth not find you too tender, it will find you too ungrateful. I leave it to you to judge, whether it is better to be accused of a Vice, or of a Passion? And if it is more shameful to appear susceptible of Love, than capable of ingratitude? But why should I seek Reasons to encourage your affliction? Can it be possible that you should fear to hazard your Tears upon the death of your Friends, and that you must be heartened against the attempts of Calumny, to dispose you to pay the last offices to Friendship? In the mean time, what can my design be here? and who obliges me to wish that your Grief may be free and violent, instead of being moderate and constrained? I would have it free, lest it should prove dangerous; I would have it violent, for fear it should be of continuance: It might attempt some violence upon you, if you should keep it captive: It would be lasting if you should let it be moderate. I consent to have it make your tenderness appear; but I pretend likewise to have it demonstrate your force of Mind; you will acquit yourself of the Duty of a good Friend, in lamenting your Friend; As you will perform the duty of an Heroic Woman, in not lamenting too long. Manage yourself then in such a manner, that your Grief may not be unworthy of him, and that it may be worthy of yourself: Lament then, if you please, as a Hero; but lament him in the quality of a Heroine. I allow you more than this; abandon yourself for some time to your affliction; but take care to see it so well satisfied in that time, that it may require no farther a Tribute from you. Entertain it as long as you think fit, with the Idea you conceive of your Illustrious Deceased; Represent to yourself that Noble Countenance, that severe Air, those venerable Wrinkles; in a word, that Head of Socrates, which denoted so well both the Soldier and Philosopher. Then proceed to the qualities of his Mind: Reflect upon that natural elevation which rendered things of the greatest moment entirely familiar to him. Consider with what clearness he pierced into the obscurest matters; with what subtlety he examined the most curious; with what fecundity he handled the most barren; and with what solidity he made choice of the most important. From thence proceed, if you will, to the equality of his Soul: Consider what an absolute Command he had over his Senses; and his Moderation, that made him renounce all Pleasures. Then after you have considered the regularity of his Manners, consider also how easy they sat upon him: What indulgence had he not for all those defects that might be supportable in a civil Life? Did he not seem to believe that he singly was obliged to be Wise? And (directly opposite to the rest of Men) did he not more easily dispense with the greatest infirmities of his Friends, than the meanest of his own imperfections? Can you imagine any person to be more Virtuous? Yes, without doubt, Madam, his Virtue went yet further, since he made it no less a scruple to discover the Vices of his Enemies, than to publish his own Perfections. You know, Madam, that one of the most powerful Men of Europe was his Enemy, and proved the instrument of his ruin; and yet you know, Madam, that your Friend never failed to pay the respect due to his Quality, nor the discretion to conceal his defects. No doubt on 't but he was perfectly acquainted, and consummate in this Wisdom of condemning no body, since he preserved it even in favour of those who oppressed him. How many Thousands, in his Circumstances, would have exclaimed against the Times and Manners! How many Thousands would at least have revenged themselves of the injustice done them, by speaking the Truth! and in a word, sharpened their Tongues to destroy their Enemy, to discover the Vices of his Mind, and the disorders of his Soul; the baseness of his Designs, and the iniquity of his Actions; the evil use of his Authority, and the misemployment of his Riches; the indiscretion of his Conduct, and the indignity of his Person! Your Friend was Master of a Soul too generous, as well as strong to evaporate his Grief in Complaints and Invectives. He was convinced that nothing more discredits the violence of wicked Men, than the moderation of the good. He knew well that Persecutors never become more odious, than by the Wisdom of those whom they Persecute. He was contented to let his silence and reservedness declare him worthy of a better Age. He would not say a Word that might deserve his disgrace. He would not do an Action, that might acquit the Authors of it. In a word, He would oppose nothing to their Ambition, but his Modesty; to their Violence but his Constancy; to their Authority, but his Prudence: And without doubt the Conduct which he preserved in his Disgrace, was a perpetual exercise of these Virtues. I am persuaded that he practised all the rest in Prosperity: But although great Souls are always great in both Fortunes, I ever took more care to observe them in the bad, than in the good. I look upon them in the good, as in a career of Exercises and Sports; I regard them in the bad, as in a Field of Hardships and Battles. The Virtues of a happy Man are agreeable and easy; the Virtues of the unhappy are difficult and troublesome. In a word, the happy Man has nothing else to do, but to give himself up to his Virtues; and the unhappy must even sacrifice himself to his. I look upon your Friend then through the finest part of his Life, when I consider him in his Adversity: Nevertheless I leave you the liberty to recall the most agreeable ideas, that ever his good Fortune furnished you with. You may still do more, and you will undoubtedly: You will recollect all the Marks of Friendship which he gave you; you will recall all his tenderness, and all his Services. Grief is too ingenious not to make an exact search after all: things that may be of advantage to it: It is accustomed to live at the expense of the memory, and as long as it can find any subsistence, I question not, but it will rake up all its corners, and put all the subservient faculties in agitation. But after all, there must be a time prescribed to this Passion; and indeed time itself will prescribe limits to it. I know there are some obstinate people in the World, who have swore an Oath of Fidelity to their Grief, and contracted with it for their whole Life. But what offence has Nature done them, that they should thus throw themselves into the party of her Adversary? It is true, she has deprived them of what they loved. But what, if she makes us die without our own consent, can we take it amiss that she destroys others without our permission? Are not other people of less value to us, than ourselves? And since we must learn to die without repugnance, should we not learn to see others die without despair? Let us refer then, both our own Death, and that of our Friends, to the order of the Universe. Let us consider our Friends, whilst they live, as good things we are obliged to part with. Let us consider them▪ when they are dead, as good things, which we were to enjoy but for a short space. Thus we shall enjoy them without too much inquietude; and shall lose them without too much concern. You will allege to me perhaps, that Precepts are of no service; that enjoyment has always afforded pleasure, and that privation will always cause pain. But examine well, Madam, whether you are not mistaken in some manner upon the Public Faith. The greatest part of the World believes that the privation of a great happiness, is a great misfortune: The most judicious part believes the contrary; great Men, 'tis true, have established this Error, but greater have opposed it. I make you the Arbitrator. Is it not certain that there is no medium between enjoyment and privation; but that there is one between pleasure and pain, which is indolence? How then can you pretend we are obliged to fall from pleasure into pain, just as we fall from enjoyment into privation? The Philosophers that have received no grief by their Losses, and the Saints, who have even extracted joy from them, sufficiently justify, that privation is not a natural cause of Pain. The Blind, the Cripples, and the Infirm, whom neither their Reason nor Holiness has raised above Sensibility, justify it yet more. We see them rejoice like other men, yet they endure the most cruel of all privations. But we need not admire at it. Nature teaches them to support themselves for the Pleasures they have lost, by reflecting upon those which remain to them; and they have always enough, provided their mind is not distracted with pain. Observe then, if you please, that in Privations the Pain doth not always distract our Mind; that the cutting off of a hand, doth not hinder us from being Voluptuous: But that a Gouty-hand makes us insensible of all Pleasures. For there needs no more to prove that Pain must have a real cause, and by consequence cannot be the effect of Privation. I don't disown, but that the loss of what has afforded us Pleasure, does furnish us with an occasion of Grief; the experience of all Mankind would contradict so Fantastical an Opinion. I should have against me the Tears of all Widows, the Cries of all Orphans, the Mourning of all Relations, and the Voice of all the Afflicted. But must be granted also, that privation is not a cause of Pain; otherwise Pain would be Eternal, as Privation is. You know, Madam, that there is no Privation, but what is Eternal; and that there is no Grief but what is Transitory. So that if to prove Privation to be a cause of Grief, you allege the Example of all those, who Mourn; to prove that privation is but an occasion of Grief, I can use for my own justification, the example of all those who are Comforted. Is it not true, that those who are comforted are in a state of Privation, as well as those who are Afflicted? 'Tis therefore probable that Privation is not precisely a cause of pain; and that we must admit some other, which suffers degrees and variations. I am of opinion Madam, it would not be improper here to discover to you this Cause, and to let you see why it doth not act upon some particular minds: Why it acts upon others: Why it ceases or continues to act; and in a word, why it acts with more or less Violence: But as this Discussion would engage me in too large a Field, so it would put you to the expense of too intense an Application, which perhaps in your present condition you are not capable of making. I would treat you as a Lady of Resolution and Learning, and also as a languishing or a curious Person; I am for leaving to your She-Friends the care of sweetening your Affliction by their Tears, and for reserving to myself the employment of engaging it with my Reasons. But as I pretend to confine myself to useful things, I will apply myself only to what may be proper for your cure. To which end, Madam, you need only make a short Reflection upon the Causes of Grief: You know that all Grief immediately proceeds from Separation, and that there are two kinds of Separation: (For one relates to things continued, and t'other to things united,) But you are perhaps still to be informed that the Separation of continued things occasions the pain of the Body; and that the Separation of things united, causes the pain in the Mind. In the mean time, 'tis of no great importance to dwell longer upon this cause, by reason it is not possible to hinder Separation from producing Pain, and that it is even impossible to hinder Separations. We must ascend somewhat higher, and in that imitate the Conduct of the Physicians, who seldom have any regard to the nearest Cause, but always apply themselves to that which is remote, because 'tis that which seeds the Distemper, and is the cause of ill Humours; and 'tis chiefly against this that their Remedies exert their Virtue. The remote cause of the pain in the Mind, is Opinion. But what is this Opinion? Some say that it is an undertermined judgement. As for myself, I take it to be the evil Choice of our judgement. At least I don't apprehend how indetermination agrees with what one ordinarily calls Opinion. There is nothing less indeterminate than that: For does it not principally proceed from the force of Opinion that we expose ourselves to Dangers, to Vexations, and to Death itself? Would we incur so many Hazards for real Benefits? What likelihood then is there that Opinion would engage us so far, if it was nothing but an undetermined judgement? I have here great Discoveries to make to you, did I rather propose to myself to satisfy your Mind, than to calm your Heart. I would then endeavour to show you after what manner Opinion is form, and how it moves the Mind and the Body: But when you have well considered, that Opinion is the remote cause of Grief, you will have almost all the Knowledge, which is necessary for your Cure. Pleasure and Pain are the Sentiments which our Soul has of what is agreeable or offensive to us: But because nothing can feel, if it doth not touch, nor be felt if it is not touched, it follows of necessity that what produces pleasure and pain must touch the Soul; it is certain than that all sensible Being's necessarily touch it: But all Being's are not necessarily sensible: There are none but those, which are delightful or prejudicial to us in themselves, that are so; and these are the Goods or Evils of Nature. The rest, which are called indifferent, are not so but when they lose their indifference; and they never lose it, but when Opinion fastens to them the Idea of Good or Evil, and then they become the Goods or Evils of Opinion. But the Idea of Good or Evil is no sooner fixed to an Object, but the Soul unites itself with it, or separates from it. This Union is made by a kind of touch, which gives pleasure to the Soul; and this Separation is made by a motion which gives pain to it, and which cannot be better expressed than by the word Divulsion, which Physic has appropriated to its own use. You see then, Madam, that the separation of the Soul from its Objects, is the immediate Cause of Pain; and that Opinion must be the remote Cause of it, since it is the cause of this separation. This Principle being once established, it is easy to explain all the degrees and differences of Pain, by the greater or lesser violence which the Soul endures, in disengaging itself from those objects to which it was fastened. But we must pass to a more useful consideration, and observe after what manner Opinion acts against us, that we may know how to act against Opinion. I find then that Opinion cheats us three ways; Sometimes it gives us an Idea of Good and Evil altogether false; oftentimes it gives us one that is false in part, and almost always misapplies their real Idea to objects. It gives us an Idea of good and evil altogether false, when it makes them pass with us for what they are not: It gives us an Idea partly false, when it makes us conceive them to be less, or greater than they really are. It misapplies their real Idea to Objects, either when it applies it to an object, from which it disagrees; or to an object with which it agrees less than with another, or to an object with which it agrees no more than all other objects of the like nature. Thus, although Existence and Nothing, Life and Death, are neither Goods not Evils, yet Opinion has made them pass for the greatest Goods and the greatest Evils in the World. Notwithstanding Health is the most valuable Gift of Nature, yet the Covetous prefer the Gifts of Fortune to it; and fear less to become indisposed, than to become poor. After that Opinion has given us these Ideas, either absolutely false, or false in part, or misapplied as to the Objects, it wholly puts the Soul upon possessing the Good, or avoiding the Evil, which it presents to it. It prepossesses it so much, that it hinders it from disposing itself to the contemplation and enjoyment of other Goods; and leaves it no leisure to beware of other Evils, and to avoid them: Insomuch that it seems the Soul knows but one Single Good, and one single Evil; or at least but one great Good, and one great Evil. This state of prepossession is a kind of divorce that the Soul makes from all other Goods, in order to unite itself more strictly to the Good it espouses. This Good which proceeds from its choice, appears to be solely made for it, and reduces it to the necessity of being no longer happy, than by its possession. 'Tis for this Reason, that too passionate Lovers cannot partake of other pleasures than those which they receive from Love. Notwithstanding this Good of Opinion, the Good of the choice of the Soul, is not more solid, or more durable than the rest; and as soon as it comes to fail, the Soul which knew nothing else for the object of its felicity, no longer knows where to betake itself. It sees nothing that can make amends for what it has lost; and till such time as it has form another Idea full as strong and as agreeable, it remains fixed in the contemplation of the change it finds in its object, or else it acts in the search of other objects. When it was fixed, its pain is stupid and dumb: when it moves, its pain is restless and complaining. To cure ourselves of Opinion, and consequently of the pain it occasions to us, we must do against it, the contrary of what it doth against us; We must frame to ourselves a true Idea of Good and Evil: and either correct what is false in the Idea we have; or if we conceive a just one, to apply it well to objects. In order to frame a true Idea of Good and Evil, a Man has nothing else to do but to consult Nature; what it avoids is really bad; what it searches after is unquestionably▪ good. But we must take care, that there are things which it avoids or desires merely for themselves; and likewise that there are other things which it avoids or desires to shun or obtain others. The first are pleasure and pain; the second are those which may afford us pleasure and pain. We must also remark, that the things which Nature desires for themselves, are those one may call good of themselves; and that all others have but a borrowed goodness. Examine, as long as you please, all the Goods of the World, and you will always find them much more desirable than really they are, till you have enjoyed them. Examine likewise all the Evils, and you will always, find them to be feared beyond what they ought to be, till you have made the experiment yourself. You may demand of me here why Virtue opposes Pleasure, if Pleasure is the good of Nature? And you may likewise add, That Virtue ought not to be called a Good, if it is contrary to the essence of Good. But if you regard Virtue near at hand, you will observe that it is not Pleasure which it opposes, but only the species and excess of Pleasure. You will also see, that when it opposes either the species or the excess of it, 'tis only done in its favour, to render it greater, or more secure. All moral Virtues are but means to preserve, both Pleasure in Nature, and Nature in Pleasure. Might I assume the freedom here to make a little digression, I would make you sensible, that the severest Virtues are but honest Mediators between pleasure and pain. But what should we say of those Christian Virtues which have no other object, or at least no other allurement but Pleasure; and which conduct us to God no otherwise than as He is the source of Eternal pleasures? What shall we say of those Expressions used by the Prophets, who say that God will overwhelm us with a torrent of pleasure? In a word, what shall not we say of the opinion of the greatest Doctors, and the greatest Saints, who believed. That the joy of seeing God, would make up the essence of our Eternal felicity? All these advantages would be of mighty use to establish pleasure for the single good of Nature: But let us keep to the most simple and most evident Reasons: and agree, That since there is nothing good but what affords pleasure, and nothing bad but what affords pain, it is certain that pleasure and pain, are really the good and evil of Nature. All this being well understood, would you believe, Madam, that a pretended Prince of Philosophers, has affirmed that Nothing was the greatest of all evils; and that Death was the most formidable? Will not you maintain against him, That they are not evils, since they represent no Idea of pain? Can Nothing do an injury to what is not? And can Death prejudice what is no more? Nothing takes away the subject of pain; Death destroys it; and neither of them can be the principle of it, since they are both Nothing, and that to produce, there must be existence in the Case. You see then, that by forming to yourself a just and natural Idea of evil, you exterminate presently the two most formidable Monsters, that opinion ever brought forth. I own there is an infinite number of things which we call evils. Shall we then give the Lie to Mankind, or shall we force it to change its Language? No, Madam, I know that the public Voice has right to impose Names; But have not we also a right to interpret the names which it imposes? We may say then, that this name of Evil, which properly belongs to pain, has been transferred to all things that may produce it. We have divided them into Evils, of Nature, of Opinion, and of Fortune. The evils of Fortune and of Opinion only differ in this, That all the evils of Fortune, are evils of Opinion; and that all the evils of Opinion are not evils of Fortune: Wheresore we may reduce all evils to those of Opinion and Nature. Under this term of evils of Nature, we understand all kinds of Pains and Distempers, and all natural inconveniencies. And we use to comprehend them in three conditions of Life, in which it is as it were impossible to be without pain: And they are. Indisposition of Body, Slavery, and Poverty. But these three conditions sometimes leave us so much indolence and tranquillity, that one cannot so much call them the evils of Nature, as evils of Opinion. It is not enough for us to have a just Idea of evil in general, we must also have a just one in particular; and after having known that all evils are pains, we must know what are those pains which are called evils of Nature; and what are those, the World calls evils of Opinion. It will likewise be of great service to learn how to regulate and put them in order; to the end that we may not only avoid running the risk of taking Evils for what they are not; but also that we may be exempt from the danger of apprehending them for greater than they are. The Evils of Nature are those which, without our thinking of them, excite in us the sentiment of Pain; The Evils of Opinion are those which excite it only, when we think upon them. We may also say, That the evils of Nature are those, which not only make themselves felt without our thinking of them; but which make us even think of them, because we feel them: And that the evils of Opinion, are those which we don't feel, but when we think of them, and because we think of them. Upon this Rule, it will be judged that Hunger and Thirst are evils of Nature; and that the death of a Father or a Husband, are evils of Opinion. You may derive from thence four consequences, which will serve you to assign a difference and order amongst all evils; to judge rightly of their greatness, and in a word, to regulate your sense of them. The first is, That the evils of Nature, are but the evils of the Body; and that the evils of Opinion, are no more than the evils of the Mind: For they are only the evils of the Body, that depend not upon our Thoughts; and evils of the Mind, that depend thereon. The second is, That the evils of Nature are in some sort the Masters of our Mind, since they compel it to be present at all their actions, and fall upon us, as it were, with full right; but that our Mind is Master of the evils of Opinion, since to remove ourselves from them, we need only remove them from us; and that they cannot act upon us but by a borrowed Authority. The Third, That the more the evils of Nature are Masters of our Mind, the greater they are; and that the more our Mind can be Master of the evils of Opinion, the lighter they are. The Fourth, That the evils of Nature are sometimes so small, that they cannot Rule over our Mind, and then they are but as evils of Opinion; but that the evils of Opinion are sometimes so great, that our Mind cannot be absolutely Master of them; and then they hold the place of evils of Nature: For which Reason 'tis said to be natural to bemoan one's Father; and when any one is too much possessed with the thought of a small indisposition, he is reproached with being sick of Fancy. After having thus established an Order between the evils of Nature, Is it not likewise possible to establish one between the evils of Opinion? But who can regulate what proceeds from so disorderly a Cause? Is it not too adventurous a design to prescribe limits to the Caprices of Men; and to endeavour to make out how far our Grief should extend, when it goes beyond the evils of Nature? No, undoubtedly: And since our Mind can be Master only of the evils of Opinion, 'tis against them alone that it is not amiss to afford Instructions. How is it, Madam, that one comforts the Afflicted? Don't we diminish the idea of their misfortunes in order to diminish their Grief? Can that be done in the evils of Nature? Can one deceive the sense of a Man Tormented with the Colic? Is it possible to make him believe that his Gripe are but illusions? Can one even propose to render him attentive to such a Discourse? And if he could be capable of harkening, what effects would remonstrances have, except it were to add anger to pain, and join a great passion to a great disorder? The best method we can take in the evils of Nature, is to cry out upon the greatness of the Distemper, and the patience of the indisposed; and 'tis exactly the contrary of what's done in the evils of opinion. It is true, there are some conmforters in the World who begin by the aggravation of evils; but that's only to obtain a free admittance in the mind of the afflicted, and to surprise their belief. Thus we may artificially oppose the Grief of feeble Minds: But we openly and sincerely oppose that of Stronger ones. We consider what is the source, the principle of their affliction, and attack it immediately. But which way soever we proceed, whether with the strong, or with the weak, either we don't comfort at all, or else we effect it by lessening the idea of the evils, and this is no where possible but in the evils of Opinion. So that 'tis no rashness to endeavour to establish some Order amongst evils; and to give certain Precepts how to combat them. The Order of the evils of Opinion is not harder to find than the Order of the evils of Nature. For, if the greatest evils of Nature are those which expose us most to pain, the greatest evils of Opinion should be those which expose us most to the evils of Nature. I see but two kinds of the evils of Opinion, that expose us to the evils of Nature. One is the loss of Persons that are dear to us: The other is the loss of Estates. I understand by these words of dear Persons, both those whom we Cherish, and those that Cherish us. For the loss of those whom we Cherish, and who done't Cherish us, is not an evil of much consequence; and therefore no great strength of Reasoning is necessary to comfort us upon this Article. In the first of these losses we comprehend the Death of Relations, of Lovers, and of Friends. In the second we comprehend the loss of Law-Suits, Storms, Barrenness, Fires, Pillages, and all things that bring a diminution to our fortune. The last of these evils exposes us to Poverty, but the first exposes us to all the evils of Nature. Wherefore we may allow it the first rank amongst the evils of Opinion. If we happen to be sick, by whom are we relieved but by Persons that are dear to us? What are the cares of our Physicians, and our Surgeons? These Mercenary Cares are seldom confined to above a quarter of an hours useless presence, or hazardous Operation; blind Advice, or frivolous Conference. Of what consideration, of what advantage can these Cares be, in comparison of the Charitable Offices, the continual Assiduities, and the kind Disquietudes of our Friends and our Relations? How often are we delivered by their indefatigable Zeal from that quickness of of Pain, wherein the insensibility or negligence of Physicians often leaves us? If we become Slaves, by whom are we redeemed, but by persons that are dear to us? Do ordinary Friends contributed towards our Ransom? Do they undertake great journeys for our Deliverance? If we are reduced to Poverty, who shares his Fortune with us, but those dear persons? The rest either abandon us to our Misery, or assist us but sorrily, or only serve us out of Vanity; and whatsoever kindness they do us, it always costs us both some repugnance to demand it, and shame to receive it. A true Friend, a passionate Lover, prevents our necessities. They will not suffer us to perceive that we are Miserable; They employ all their Addresses to avert our Misfortune, all their force to oppose it, all their Power to Alleviate it, and all their Discretion to conceal it. What have we then that defends us better from the evils of Nature, than persons that are dear to us: And consequently what have we that can pass for a greater evil, in the Order of Evils of Opinion, than the Death of those Persons? But as indisposition of Body, although it is the first evil of Nature, is no great evil, if it doth not expose us much to pain; the Death of Persons dear to us, although it is the first evil of Opinion, is no great evil, if it doth not expose us much to the evils of Nature. Let us examine then at present what consequences the Death of your Friend draws after it: Whether it abandons you to an indisposition of Body: Whether it gives you over to Servitude: Whether it reduces you to Poverty. And I believe we shall soon discover that it draws down upon you none of the evils of Nature. How should it abandon you to an indisposition of Body? Your Friend was Old, and you are Young. He could not have dispensed with your cares, though you could have been without his assistance. He reached the end of his Race, before you arrived to the middle of yours; and the time of his Death had much got the start of your Infirmities. It is true, if it was not impossible for you to have an infirm Youth. But all possible evils are not formidable. Human Prudence doth not look upon Objects that are too wand'ring and too remote. We should not fear evils that threaten not, and we should not much fear even those that threaten at a distance. How should it give you over to Servitude? Thanks to our Religion, our Laws, and our Manners, we are free; and if we except those whom the Service of God and the State engage to cross the Seas, there are scarce any but Vagabonds that can become Slaves. But though by the Revolution of Human Affairs, Servitude should come and seek after you from one end of the World to the other, or should meet with you upon its own Lands, would you not enjoy Consolatory means enough in all your great Qualities? Would you not easily attract the veneration of your Masters? And would not your Masters employ all their Power to hinder you from depriving them of your presence? Yes, Madam, you might always render your condition supportable to yourself. But in case it should appear uneasy to you your Friend would never be capable of changing it. Your Ransom would exceed his Power. Your Merit would obstruct your Liberty; and if they should exact your real value, it would be impossible for you to find Redeemers. In fine, how should it reduce you to poverty? Your Friend was not rich; and it is hard that you should be poor. One cannot be so with the Graces, the Virtues, the Sciences, and Arts which you possess; and the world is not yet become so insensible of merit, as to give you leave fo fear extremities which would dishonour your Age. Don't apprehend then, Madam, any lamentable consequences from the Death of your Friend. Nothing will be wanting to you in life, not even such Friends as he, you have lately lost. There will arise some from the dust of him you lament; and there is no Man of equal honour and wit with him, but will love you as he did, and like him, will be devoted to your service. But you are in pain perhaps whether there are still such perfect friends to be found. Make no question of it, Madam. Virtue loses nothing, no more than Nature. The seeds of goodness circulate eternally, and pass without intermission from one subject to another, and the principles which contribute to the production of the wise, no more annihilate than those, which concur to the generation of Men. Your Friend has made room for an infinite number of others to succeed him; and 'tis only your province to elect him a successor in the most numerous Court, that ever Sacrificed to the Graces. You will find, that Heaven will restore you full as much, as it has ' taken from you. How do you know but it will give you even more? You will discover in him, you shall make choice off, all that was in him you have lost, and perhaps something more: possibly more youth, and a better mien: possibly a virtue less severe, and a friendship more agreeable. Let the things we lose be of never so great, yet we must not abandon ourselves to immoderate grief, when we only lose what we are able to recover. You need only defend yourself from this popular mistake; which makes us apprehend, in second friendships, either the jealousy of the dead, or the censure of the living. The dead are offended at nothing, and the living are affronted at all things. But the living are of a very scurvy humour, when they oblige us to sacrifice ourselves to the dead. If the dead loved Sacrifices, they would take the pains to demand them of us. They must needs have lost the taste of the things of this World, since they entertain no commerce with us. And if they are so unmindful of us, why should we be reduced to live only for them? Assure yourself, Madam, that their state is a state of Insensibility, or a state of Repose; and that we can do nothing to make them either happy or miserable. What is it, in your opinion, that has prescribed to us the duty of preserving fidelity to the Dead, but the weakness and tyranny of the Living? Every one would flatter himself with the thought of fixing another to himself, when he is no longer fixed to any one. Our Vanity is so great, that it exacts veneration for our Ashes, and endeavours to make our shadows triumph over our Rivals. It is not just, Madam, to have regard to this fancy. At the moment we are buried, the world is quit of all obligations in relation to us. The duties of interment are called the last duties; and beyond the Funeral, all that is given to the Dead, is taken from the Living. Lamentations, that are too long, not only hurt Nature, but Society likewise. They render us incapable of the duties of a civi● Life: And one may say that out of complaisance to those Friends we have lost, they make us wanting to those whom we still retain: Observe all those people that indulge their sorrow, and seek to get reputation by their Grief. Is it not certain that their affliction seems to suspend their Friendship, or at least that it dispenses them from acting in favour of the Friends. Nay, one may say that 'tis an Incivility to offer a petition to them, and request a service of them: So much doth Grief devote them to the Dead, and render them unuseful to the Living. But what, must there be no lamenting for the death of our friends? No, Madam, there must be none, if it were possible. This passion is absolutely pernicious; and if it were good in any respect, it would only be in demonstrating that we knew how to Love. But if tears were certain marks of love, the greatest weepers would be the firmest Lovers; and we are sensible of the contrary. Weak Women cry more than those of stronger courages; and the latter love more than the former. I am not surprised to find. Tears were in so great reputation with the Poets, and despised by the Philosophers: Poetry borrows its fineness from the Passions, and the infirmity of Nature: And Philosophy derives what it has Noble from the Virtues and force of the Soul. A Poet represents to us a Niobe, who melts into Tears for the Death of her Children: A Philosopher represents to us a Cornelia, who beholds with dry Eyes the Death of all her Family: The one is very tender, the other is very courageous: both are very Mothers. Whose part do you take? Without doubt you have an admiration for Cornelia, and compassion for Niobe. You pity Niobe, and you commend Cornelia. You have reason, Madam. Niobe submits to Grief: Grief submits to Cornelia. We should pity those, whom Grief overcomes: But commend those, who overcome Grief. But if it is not possible for us to live without Grief, is it possible for us to have as much of it, and as long as we please? You put a great question to me, Madam, But to excuse myself from returning such an Answer as it deserves, I must tell you, that if we are not able to get rid of our Grief, when we please; we may however choose whether we will retain it: It removes of itself, when we let it lose. I can tell you more than this, Madam, we have the power of removing ourselves from it, since we can transport our thoughts from impertinent Objects, to those that are agreeable; and all our Afflictions depend upon the Application of our Thoughts. But in fine, is it decent to think no more of our friends, when they are interred? I could tell you, 'tis wholly indifferent to think, or not to think of them: However, not to sirike too severely against the sentiment of all the World, I will affirm to you, That at least it is not decent to maintain and feed our Weakness by our Thoughts. We decently remember the Dead, when we remember them Wisely; and we remember them Wisely, when we preserve an easy rememb●●●●● 〈◊〉 them. All that disturbs Tranquillity, is not Wise; and whatever is not Wise, is not Decent. Till such time then as one is accustomed to reflect with easiness upon the Death of his Friends, it is good to avert his mind from it, and to amuse it else where. Wherefore 'tis no consequence, that because there is a Decency in Loving, there is also in Lamenting what one has Loved; since friendship is a virtue that cannot be but Decent, whereas Grief is a passion, that at most can be but excusable. Why then, say you, are we told that it is becoming to be Afflicted; and why did the Romans appoint a time for Women to Mourn? Harken to one of your good Friends of Antiquity. Our Ancestors, says he, have given Women a year to Mourn in; not that they should Mourn all this time, but that they should Mourn no longer. He adds, that they prescribed no time for Men to mourn, because they can never mourn with decency. Thus you see the Wise men and Lawgivers of Antiquity have not set too great a value upon Tears: That they have in some sort prohibited them to men; and that they only permitted them to Women through a sort of precaution against their Obstinacy, and through a kind of indulgence to their weakness. I leave it to your consideration whether this difference makes for the honour of Women, and whether a resolute Woman ought to make use of such a Privilege. A Lady that has a true strength of Soul afflicts herself like a discreet Man: She lets fighs escape from her, rather than sends them forth: She suffers her Tears to slide away, rather than pours them down: She gives something to Nature, without taking any thing from Reason. In a word, she employs the first days after the loss of her Friends, so as to make it appear she is a Woman: but she employs all the rest of her life, so as to make it appear she above these weaknesses. Bohold, Madam, how a Lady of your condition ought to be afflicted. It is not possible but you must be concerned for the Death of your Friend: but then 'tis possible for you not to resent it too long. You ought to consider, that you will do no kindness either to yourself, or to him, if you consume all your days in lamenting his loss; He is deprived of his sensibility, and no longer has a sense of yours. In spite of all Romantic expressions, and all Poetical Fictions, there is no Loving after death; and we don't preserve Fire under Ashes. Monsieur M … is no more, or at least is no more your Friend. What Service then do you propose to yourself by persevering in a Grief, which he is not obliged to you for? What advantage will you gain by losing your best days, for which he will make you no compensation? Would you follow the example of ordinary Women, who being unable to advance themselves by eminent Virtues, would signalise themselves by vehement Passions? Leave them to contrive Snares for their Lovers: Leave them to bemoan the dead, in order to Mollify the living: Leave them to insinuate their Friendship into those, whom they first convince of their Grief. An amiable Person, like you, is above their Artifices; She doth not weep to obtain Love; She will not owe to the reputation of her tenderness, what she can o'ercome by the force of her merit. It is then of no service to you, Madam, to be afflicted, but it is not easy to be not so; Grief is entered into you with a strong hand; Acknowledgement and Friendship have introduced it into your Heart; you have not been able to dispense with yourself from admitting it there. Well! Act your part, give up to Grief all the Tribute that acknowledgement and friendship require you to give: But act so, that Reason may regulate what Acknowledgement and Friendship ought to require. Take care, Madam: they are often indiscreet; and they will be so, if they suffer Grief to reside too long in your Soul: 'Tis enough they have had the credit of introducing it, they should leave you that of driving it out; They have shown you hitherto their power; do you show yours in your turn. It is near a Month since your Friend died, and it is near a Month since you have been dying. What would Acknowledgement and Friendship demand of you? Would they encourage you to follow him? Reason will not. Don't you observe, that Heaven has not designed to unite your destinies? It is sufficiently shown by the interval, which it has put between your births. It gave you a a Friend, already advanced in years, to instruct you how to live, and not to engage you to die; and it was pleased to let you enjoy his conversation for some time, that we might enjoy your Wisdom long. Dispose yourself then to follow the decrees of Heaven; Put yourself in a condition to improve the instructions you have received: Honour your Friend by your constancy, after having paid homage to him with your Grief. Imagine that you are to bemoan him in his presence, and done't force him to disown your Tears; hitherto they have been becoming, but presently they will not be so. Your Grief appears somewhat long. The Earth, which covers the Ashes of your Friend, is almost stiff. Think upon recalling your firmness; Reason and Decency do now oppose your Grief: Your Friend opposes it himself; and if you make use of his Precepts, hereafter you shall be only free to extol his Merit, to consider his Relations, to cherish his Friends, and to respect his Memory. CHAP. I. Of the True and False Beauty of Ingenious Writings. By Mr. SAVAGE. IF the Idea which all Men have naturally of the True Beauty of Works of the Mind, were not effaced by the great Number of false judgements, there would not be so m●ny various Opinions about their Merit. For this Idea would be a certain Rule which every one would be obliged to follow; unless one would expose himself to the Universal Censure of Readers, who would easily discover when they were out of the way. I will not here take notice of the Causes that have created in the greatest part of our Writers, the common custom of giving so many wrongful Opinions. Some of them are general, which have so extinguished the light of the Soul upon all objects which are not exposed to our Senses, that there are Infinite Errors in all Sciences, and even reach to the distinguishing of Good and Evil. There are some other particular Causes which are apt tohinder, of themselves, the knowing the true or false Beauty of the Works of the Mind, when Reason would be otherwise Just, Exact and Clear. That which is must common is Precipitation: For every one flatters himself that he is capable to judge, either through Pride, not to be thought Ignorant; or through Affection and Hate, according as one is engaged in any Party; or through Imitation, neither judging for or against, but only as one has heard the World talk; or in fine, through Caprice, Chance, Elevatition and sally of Humour, as happens oftentimes to persons of Quality, who pretend that their Rank gives 'em all the necessary illuminations, to know the Price and worth of the Gifts of the Mind. But whatever these Causes are, General or Particular, the variety of Opinions is too evident, to doubt the certainty of this truth, viz, that we don't judge upon the same Idea, or by the same Rule, tho' it be not certain there is one. 'Tis to form it in the Mind, that Rhetoric and Poetry, and the Art of writing History has been employed: But the more rules are invented, the more they seem to be neglected. And 'tis a wonder that the most expert Masters of the World, as Aristotle, Cicero, Horace, Quintilian, etc. should have so few perfect Followers. It seems then, that we ought to forsake the way of Precepts, and search elsewhere for sure and immutable Guides, either to Write Well, or to judge well of the Merit of Authors. To give one's self a just and exact Idea, I think it would be necessary chiefly to examine any Book, with some other which has acquired an Universal Approbation. Malherbe in the late Reign, excelled in the beauty of his Odes, and they have preserved to this day the same Charms to their Intelligent and Judicious Readers. Wherefore when you read any Ode to the Glory of this King, compare the Style with that of Malherbe, and according as you find 'em agree, so you may venture to decide. But then the Piece you compare it to must be of established reputation, and which you must be sure is like to continue such; we have seen several Authors who have had very great Applause, but it only continued for a very few years: during which the buzzing of the Readers, and the suffrage of their Friends, gave 'em their short-lived worth. There are but very few true Models: Voiture himself is none, and much less Balzac. The pretty Conceits of Voiture, and the Flights of Balzac, have both an Affectation which naturally displeases; The one endeavours to be agreeable, and make us laugh in whatever humour we are; The other would be admired and esteemed by the number of his Words, and the excess of Amplifications. The two Letters writ to * By Monsieur Boileau, where they are to be found at the end of his Satyrs. Monsieur de Vivonne, imitating both their manners of Writing are an excellent satire on their Style, and easily discover the ridiculousness of these two Authors, who were not long since so famous. It were easy to foretell that such will be the Fate of a certain Author, who Composes his Works upon the Memoirs of the Streets, and Female Fooleries; who believes that all the beauty of a Book, when the subject is the Life of a Saint, consists in bringing in some new term, or smart expression; and is very well satisfied with himself, when the Period, which has neither depth nor solidity, rowls agreeably to the Point. But not to make any further offensive Predictions, we know that Seneca writ no otherwise, than scattering through all his Works, Points, Antithesis' and Paradoxes. He surprised his Times with the Arrogance of his Decisions; and there are some yet alive who hold him for a Model of Eloquence: But they must write very ill that imitate him, and they may be assured to tyre those Readers that have any taste or relish. 'Tis not with these extraordinary flourishes that Nature explains herself: Whatever requires a continual attention displeases, because the greatest part of Men are not capable of it. There is a force and weakness in all Writers whatever. This Fantastical mixture makes us naturally conclude those Works to be disagreeable, where we must have too intense a thought to conceive 'em; or at least are so much below one, that they deserve not the least regard. Nevertheless there are but few good Writings, where the Author excelled so far as to stand for a Model. We have Homer and Virgil for Heroic Poetry. Horace is a perfect Original of Satyrs, Epistles, and Familiar Discourses. I dont say the same thing of his Odes, and I would explain myself farther, if the excellency of some of 'em did not oblige me to a respectful silence of the rest. If the * I suppose he means Monsieur Dacier. Author of the long Comments upon him disapproves my Opinion, I will add, what may perhaps appease him: That those of Anacreon are more lively, more sweet, more engaging; and by consequence more perfect. Let's return to the Authors of our own Language: Corneille and Racine are admirable in Tragedies; nevertheless it were to be wished, that the cleanness of Expression in Corneille suited with the variety, and abundant fertility of his Thoughts. Few Authors can arrive to represent so many different Characters; To invent so many Intrigues; To make so many Persons Reason with so much connexion and solidity. We assist at the very Action, whilst he does but represent it, and pass immediately from the figure to the reality. 'Tis Augustus that we hear speak in Cinna. 'Tis the Cid that we see in his first work, who Cause so much talk in the Court and the City, and was as it were the signal of the course, where he carried away the Prize. Not but that the copiousness of his Subject, the whole exttent whereof he penetrates his vast imagination, and his Inexhaustible Genius, sometimes has left in his Expressions too much confusion, as if it were impossible to be profound and solid, and yet clear enough at the same time to be understood. But these Faults hinder not, but Authors of this Reputation may pass for excellent Models. If I were obliged to speak precisely, which of the two I would choose for a Model, when I were to write for the Theatre; I would answer, That it were more difficult to follow the former, and that 't would be more sure to imitate the latter. So much shall suffice upon this Subject; and I do not think it necessary to tarry any longer upon the first Head. At present I will make bold to add; That instead of ask yourself, Would Virgil have writ after this manner? Did Malherb sing his excellent Odes in such a tone? Or, if you please, Is it thus that Corneille, or Moliere drew to their Theatres, both the Court and the whole Kingdom? Ask you yourself, Is there any Method more confused, than that of this Work? Is there any Design less ingenious? The Expressions, could they ever be more imperfect? Is there any Imitation more low and servile than that of this Book? This is a fault very common, and it oftentimes happens, that one becomes a very bad Copier of a very good Original. We ought also to take a great deal of care not to fall into the Whimsical design of that Painter, who being to draw an extravagant Picture of Helena, which he designed to represent perfectly beauteous, advised with himself to give her all the Graces that he had heard commended in the fairest persons. In effect changing her Lips into Coral, her Cheeks into Roses, and her Eyes into Suns, and unskilfully joining 'em together, he made a Figure like to that which Horace describes in his Epistle to the Piso's. 'Tis certain he had a mind to laugh. But Authors are serious people, they are careful of their Reputation, and copy with gravity. But in short, whatever good a opinion an Author may have of himself, 'Tis an easy matter to mortify his self-pride, which these people cannot forbear showing to their Friends▪ by defying them to write worse upon the same Subject. In such a case we ought to show our sincerity in the utmost degree, and to explain ourselves with the greatest freedom, against the ridiculous Opinionatrate of those Scribblers, who never read, but to court your applause, and not your Critiscism, how reasonable and just soever it may be. Nevertheless, we ought to take care that we don't mistake implicity as where it is admirable for downright meanness. 'Tis the perfection of every Work, and if I dare say so, the embellishment of Beauty itself. Horace has given us this advice, when he would have the manner of explaining ourselves appear so natural, that thereupon an ordinary Reader might judge it would be very easy to speak the same things, though is nothing but a reflection upon all that is fine and delicate, discovers the difficulty to express ourselves with the same good Fortune. Truth has nothing changeable in it. Falsity imitates Truth in all sorts of ways: We always find out the last, if we have recourse to the first, but are often cheated if we are not very diligent to discover the Imposture. When we follow Reason with steadiness, and arrive at thinking aptly, and expressing truly our thoughts, 'tis impossible that the Reader should not be moved, because there is in all men a natural propensity to Truth So that what is really false, cannot please any longer than we are dazzled with the appearance of Truth, under which only it shows itself. Upon this score, if the Expression be mean, it will present without trouble, a great number of the like to your mind: But if it be simple, do what you will, it will please you, and you will think it the finest thing you ever saw, If your Wit is not much superior to the Author's, and your Experience in the Art of Writing much more advanced than his. For this simplicity has different degrees of perfection as all other Objects have, that present themselves to us. But it we have a mind to profit by the two Rules we have already proposed, we must necessarily have some knowledge of the defects that are to be found in the most perfect Authors: For it is not my design here to instruct ordinary persons, but make some Remarks for the entertainment of the Curious. The first is, That one ought not to make use of Metaphors too often, nor too long: We are very much weaned from it in this age; and since the world has taken a new measure of the taste of true Eloquence, all this pompous heap of glittering falsities has disappeared. The Learned men of the last Age, who were filled with it by reading some of the Ancients, believ'd their Style was adorned and set out by Metaphors; there was then▪ as strange a caprice in Eloquence, as in their other Opinions. At the vanishing of that profound Darkness, wherein the foregoing Ages were as it were lulled asleep, we waked suddenly, and then knew not distinctly enough which was the better side. The use of Figurative and Metaphorical Expressions was first abolished from that minute, when we begun to discern more clearly what we ought to say. The French Genius, which is lively, natural, and sincere, cannot endure these Languishing, Artificial and Embarrased Discourses. Nevertheless, we have some Metaphors still left; and it does not displease us to see * That is, where Metaphors are natural, and the Ideas obvious; they may be safely employed in our Author's Opinion. Flames in Anger and Love; but these Expressions are become proper and literal, and can deceive no body. The second Remark is; That 'tis an inexcusable fault to pass from one Metaphor, by which we have begun, to a new one, and so to connect Images which have no agreement amongst themselves. When a man is careful to write well, he knows how to continue, and support the same Idea; I pity him, says the Author of the Characters, I give him for lost, he is cast away. It is not thus that we ought to make use of the Wind, to arrive at the delightsome Port of Fortune. You see he takes care to mix nothing that is foreign with the first Image he gave us to express what the Rich think of the conduct of Philosophy. This person is represented as it were upon the Sea. The Rich Man saw he would be Shipwrecked. He saw him out of the road. He judged that 'twas not so, that he ought to make use of the Wind, and that he would never arrive at the Port of Fortune. There is not here one term which is not Allied with the rest. But the Author had committed an unpardonable Solecism, If after all these expressions taken from Navigation, he had happened to say, It is not thus one ought to bear against the Wind, and build his fortune. This new Image of Building, joined to th●●e of the Sea, which preceded it, would have produced a disagreeable effect; whereas all being united, the discourse becomes clear and easy. The third remark resembles this, and chiefly consists in advising that we ought never to pass from one person to another in the same Period. The same we may also say of the Numbers, and of all that the Grammarians term Moods and Tenses of Verbs. I will give an Example of this fault, taken from an Author who is extraordinarily regular in his Subject and Style. All that is here below, says this excellent Writer, has no long duration. He should have stopped here, but he was resolved to carry on his Period. Wherefore he adds, And this perpetual Motion of Creatures, (you may take notice already that he passes from a subject indefinite, all that is here below, to one which is determined; And this perpetual Motion of Creatures, which have no other apparent connexion but by the Conjunction, and none at all in the Sense. He continueth, which succeed one another. (This adds an Image altogether unnecessary, since it was sufficiently remarked by the defect of Duration, and the perpetual Motion) render as it were a continual Homage to the Immutability of God, who alone is always the same. I say, That these Tails of Periods render 'em Intricate, Confused, and Superfluous; and that this is truly the Style, not of an Orator, but a Declamer. One might have expressed the same thing after this manner: All that is here below, has no duration, and renders as it were a continual homage to the Immutability of God. I know there are some People so extremely exact that they will not permit one to join an Affirmative proposition with a Negative so close together. I say nothing of this Homage that Motion renders to Immutability. It is a point which signifies nothing to my design. But to quit this Digression; If Authors of the most accomplished exactness fall under these sort of Faults, what must Vulgar Authors do? these remarks will appear to them too severe, because they are sensible, it may be, that they are not in a condition to practise 'em. All that I can do at present in their Favour, is to propose no more of 'em. Our general discourse is about Observations upon our Tongue. And we go no farther than barely to examine, If a term be well used, and how long it has been in Vogue. Tell me, I beseech you, may not your Discussion go farther. Can a Work be said to be perfect, when 'tis only composed of choice words? If this is your Opinion, you are easy to be contented; but there are a great many Men more difficult, because they are more delicate. CHAP. II. Of the cleanness of Expression. By Mr. MANNING. I Was formerly too indulgent, and perhaps am now become too nice and severe. In the heat of Youth, and those first ardours of Passion, a Man is not acquainted with the discreet coldness of a Life somewhat more advanced; We observe with pleasure, that Authors who have been admired both by the Ancients and Moderns, have embraced the same follies, which our inclinations recommend to us. The Licentiousness and Debaucheries of Petronius' Style, have nothing then that shocks our Nature: It is without any disturbance to our Modesty, that we still represent its irregularities; and as if there was not obscenity enough in his Fragments, we regret the loss of what is wanting with as lively a concern, as if we had lost the only Discourse that could preserve Decency and Manners amongst Men. I bethink myself, too late perhaps, to make these Reflections; but it usually happens, when we have arrived at our Journeys end, and are talking of our Travels, and the Road we followed, that then and only than we perceive our going a stray. This is one sort of going astray, and I don't know if there be a grosser, than to Address one's self to all one's Contemporaries, nay, to all those who shall come after us, without having any thing but what is highly undecent and unseemly to tell them: And this proceeds from Ignorance. They don't know, at least they don't consider that there is a secret Pride in the bottom of the Soul, which obliges us to take exceptions against too licentious a conversation, as a want of respect. To this Pride we are obliged, that those splendid names of Glory, Decency, and public Civility are still preserved. But though Pride were silent, and somebody had found out a Mystery to make it hold its peace, which I confess is a very difficult task, yet Virtue would not be silent; She has not as yet so utterly abandoned Mankind, but that they still pay a great respect and veneration to her. The Modesty of one whole Sex will be always armed for her defence; and the greatest part of the employments of Men are only taken up for her sake. Pleasure itself, I speak of lawful and indifferent Pleasure, dishonours whosoever seeks it with affectation, or who procures it for another. Thus, I know no satire, included in one word, more stabbing than that of being called the controller of Nero's Pleasures. Since I declare so freely against myself, by disowning the Praises I have given to Petronius, no one will expect that I should spare the Raillery of Cicero in his Oration for Coelius. I freely own, that he was brought up in business, and knew the World; that he raised himself by his Merit, much above his Birth; that he was equal in dignity to Pompey and Caesar. But certainly he forgot himself, when indulging his natural propensity to Raillery, he reproached, in full Senate, Clodia, for making her younger Brother lie with her, Propter nocturnos quosdam metus. A Man may easily find out the equivocation; but I wonder that so great a Man should tax Caelius with so great a Crime only by way of Irony, if he believed it to be true; or that he should give himself the liberty to accuse him of it, if he believed it not. It were to be wished, that what has been required of Orators, were likewise required of all Authors, and even Poets. Virum bonum Oratorem esse oportet. We have mightily neglected this Precept in our Language. Our old French Poets were almost all guilty of writing obscenely. Desportes is the Man that fell into this vein, with the greatest affectation and impudence imaginable. But since Voiture, who had a refined Genius, and who conversed with the politest Company carefully shunned this sordid, this ungentleman like way of Writing; the Theatre itself has no longer suffered our Authors to write any thing too licentious. Thus all this liberty is no more supported even in the most familiar Conversations; and if our Age is not more chaste than the preceding ones; at least it knows how to manage the outside, and to set itself off with the appearance of Virtue. Our niceness goes yet further; and we cannot ●●dure now adays to see the description of any object that is apt to leave a bad Idea behind it. All that we can suffer a sick Man to do, is to tell his Distemper: we give some ease to his indisposition, in harkening to him with some little attention: But this complaisance which we express to his infirmity, is no excuse for it; especially if he descends into too long a relation of particulars. But, except this occasion, 'tis not possible to make a description of things, for which we have naturally an aversion, without offending the Company; notwithstanding this has been the defect of many Authors. Buchanan has described a Dream with all the luscious figures of Rhetoric. St. Amant has discovered a World of Debaucheries with all the plainness peculiar to his Style; but upon such subjects, both Rhetoric and plainness are unseasonably lost. Let us return to Cicero. Now ought this Consul, when he was declaiming against Piso, in the presence of the Senate, to have made use of terms, which in so lively a manner represent the most beastly circumstances of Drunkenness? His description is charged with particulars, which must needs be very nauseous and disagreeable. Catullus also might have given to the Annals of Volusius another term, than that of Cacata charta. This Poet, who pretended to a purity of Style, should have abstained from an Epithet so gross and so licentious. Martial found out a by-way to commend the cleanliness of his Mistress' Lap-Dog, yet for all that he has fallen into a very unseasonable expression, Gutta pallia nec fefellit ulia. It had been more proper to have said nothing of it. Without doubt these Authors were corrupted by their bad Morals. There was in their times, how fine soever we may represent them, so total an ignorance of what the Laws of true decency require from us, that they have not produced one Author who has observed them with exactness. But, in endeavouring to avoid this fault, be cautious lest you fall into another, very common in our days. Passions and Vices are described to us in such pretty colours, even in the Pulpit, that a Man can hardly perceive what deformity they have in them. There are those persons that know how to conceal the impieties and extravagancies of the most pernicious manners, in order to hide what conformity they maintain to the weakness and frailty of our Hearts. We should be too much startled to know the impiety thereof. No body would draw down upon himself the vengeance of Heaven. We are too much humbled in a severe examination of our extravagancies and no one has a mind to be ridicuous. But to be frail, to be subject to infirmities, this is no more than being born Man; and no one thinks he ought to be ashamed of his birth, or of his destiny. I should therefore rather choose a description which would faithfully represent things, than those flattering Pictures which fortify Men in their false opinions, or in their usual disorders. However, don't follow Juvenal's footsteps, or assume the liberty to make the grossest representations of the greatest irregularities: In vain doth an Author so abominably licentious and impudent persuade me to hate the excesses of Messalina, I hate him even more than I do her; and the lewdnesses of his wit that are sufficiently discovered in the boldness of his Style, scandalise me infinitely more than those of the most abandoned Women, who are blindly transported by the fury of their Passions. I love his Translator better than him: He took great care to preserve the cleanness of his Style in such ill Company. He has omitted nothing in the Satyrs of his Author, but what might hinder the secure reading of them. His fine indignation at the Vices of Rome, his Fire, his Vivacity, even to the tone of Declaim, which was the true Character of juvenal, he has preserved entire. And let it never be said that satire divested of these excesses, is less agreeable; for 'tis certain, that nothing but the Salt of acute Raillery makes up the whole entertainment in that sort of Poetry; and that on the other side, grossness of expression and thought, cannot fail to displease those Gentlemen that have the least delicacy. Which is easily justified by the example of Monsieur * We know him better in England under the name of Boileau. Despreaux; For do we read any of the Ancients with greater satisfaction? And yet can one carry further, than he has done, discretion and reservedness. His Muse always chaste, always modest, knows how to pursue Vice, and to condemn it, as Virtue itself uses to do, by its light, and by its vehemence: For we should overstretch things, and push them to the utmost rigour, should we say, he had done better if he had afforded no room for the la Neveu in his Works. What he says in that respect is so short, that he deserves to be excused, if it be a fault; and if not, we must acknowledge that he has taught us, that a Man may speak sometimes of such a Person, provided he observes the temperaments of this Author, in one or two words, and yet never infringe the Rules of Decency. But Lucretius neglects this conduct at the end of one of his Books: A Man must certainly have his Veins kindled with the flame of Love, a Burning Aetna in the bottom of his Soul; or, to leave these great expressions, A Man must be a Madman, as in effect he was, to tyre his Reader with a long description, and that in the most extravagant and nasty circumstances, of the Dreams and Illusions of a young Man. The more I consider of this passage, the less I discover those Reasons which make People generally so fond of so violent, so imperious an Author: When he would act the Serious Man, and the Reasoner, 'tis then he's utterly lost, and knows not what he says: witness that verse which I have often heard so impertinently quoted. Primus in orbe Deos fecit timor. That is to say, Fear induced Men to believe, that there were Gods. For if one should ask him, Who is it that produced this Fear? Would not he have been obliged to Answer, That it is the natural Idea which Men conceive of a Divinity? For Fear, and other Passions, are no otherwise raised in us than by the Objects which excite them by the means of the Imagination or Thought. But if I find in myself the Idea of a Divinity, before I find that fear which I ought to have for it, this fear than is the effect, and not the cause of the thought I conceive of it. A man needs but very little penetration, and extent of mind to make so obvious a discovery? If he has a Mind to descend from this State, which doth not suit with his Talon, Why must he go throw away fine expressions, to represent impertinent things, to insist upon them so long, and not to leave, till he had exhausted it, so ridiculous a Subject, as that of the Dreams of an Age, which performs nothing, even in the day time, that deserves our attention? If this is Beauty, or Delicacy, or Learning, I heartily congratulate the grossness of our days, which certainly would near bear so irregular a freedom in any Author whatsoever. I wish with all my heart I could excuse Ausonius, that illustrious Consul of Gaul; but the consequence of this remark carries me in spite of myself, to speak of him, nay, and to speak ill of him, What can be finer than his Thanksgiving to the Emperor upon the subject of his Consulship? Pliny the 2d, would have envied him this work. What can be more ingenious, than the Punishment of Cupid in the Elysian Fields, and those sufferings and reproaches which the Heroines made him undergo, who had all of them some cause to make their complaints of him? He must, for the misfortune of his Reputation, amuse himself in that employment, which of all things in the World is most unworthy of a Learned Man: Judge what time he lost in busying himself to pick up sometimes a beginning of a verse in Virgil, sometimes an end; and tack all these different parts together, in order to compose a poor wretched Cento. What shall I say of those expressions of Virgil, which though they were innocent as they lay in him, yet as Ausonius has managed and sorted them, they are conscious of all the indecencies that imagination can possibly form to itself? Behold now a strange description of this Man. He that was Author of a serious Work, which he Addresses to a great Emperor, who has Wit and Learning, as we may sufficiently see in many other places of his Books, is notwithstanding the same that prostitutes his Muse, and composes an infamous Poem out of several pieces of Poetry very harmless in themselves. To condemn all these insolences, doth not argue too great a sowrness of Spirit; many persons would be pleased to see even Virgil himself condemned for the interview of Aeneas and Dido in that cave of the 4th of the Eneids. Speluncam, Dido, Dux & Trojanus, eandew, Deveniunt.— Nor would they be less willing to condemn Homer for what passed between juno and jupiter, upon the Mount Olympus. These two great and illustrious Authors have avoided a thousand occasions, wherein any other person would have lost himself. If Paris and Helena converse together in the Iliad, 'tis only to reproach one another. Calypso, Circe, the Sirens of the Odysseys, contain nothing that offends Modesty. Ulysses doth not abuse the Favours of the Princess Nausicaa. A Man who has a truly great Soul, Elevated and Noble; a vast genius, and an imagination clear and well disposed, will never stoop and descend to that meanness which I here condemn. or any Method. I will tell you, with all sincerity, what the Desire to satisfy you, rather than Study or Experience, suggested to me upon this Subject. The first step that a Man makes into the World, generally determines all the rest, and is the Foundation of his Reputation, and best Presage of his Fortune; and, from the first Marches that he makes, those that have had Experience, will tell you how far he will advance. 'Tis then very necessary to make this first step with a great deal of caution, and to signalise one's Entry by something that is glorious and great. There is a great deal of Art in gaining the public Esteem, and to make one's Talents appear so to advantage, that the World shall never disgust, or be glutted with 'em. The means to preserve one's Reputation, is to produce something more and more excellent, and to provide a fresh Nutriment for the general Admiration, which seems always to grow up equal with our Merit. The great Actions we do, promise something greater; and the good aught to be followed by better. A Great man ought not then to suffer the depth of his Capacity to be sounded, if he will be always esteemed by the Vulgar: He ought, on the contrary, to behave himself after such a manner, as never to discover all that he knows, and that no man may have it in his power to assign Limits to his Learning. For, let a Man be never so learned the Opinion we have of him, when we know him but by halves, goes always farther than the Idea we conceive of him, when we are wholly acquainted with him. Therefore let him take care not to discover his Ability all at once, but make an absolute use of his Cunning. He should always to manage himself with caution, that he may be able to disengage himself from the Inconveniencies he may fall into; and, to have a hidden Reserve, where he may command suitable Succours, to repair his greatest Mistakes, and to retrieve him from his greatest Oversights. As the Success of the most Judicious Undertake depends upon the meeting of a multitude of Conjunctures, many of which Chance can only reconcile; an excellent man ought not ever to commit his Reputation to the risk of a Conversation, a Dispute, or an Interview; for, if it does not succeed with him, he never recovers it: And no man can be sure not to fail in an Essay or a Trial; since nothing is more common, than to find ones first Projects disappointed. He ought then to expose his Reputation to the hazard of the Enterprise, whatever Advantage he may promise himself from its Success. On the contrary, the great Art of all consists in not discovering all one knows at once, but to unfold it (if I may speak so) by degrees, and always to nourish and excite Curiosity. The Magazine should always answer the Occasions; and the Piece should not belie the Pattern: In fine, a Man ought always to keep exactly to what he promises. 'Tis upon this consideration only, that great Masters never discover the whole Mystery of their Art in their Lessons to their Scholars, and by that means they remain always the Masters; the Source of their Instructions never dries away, and as 'tis not communicated but by proportion and measure, they never exhaust that Fund of Knowledge, whence they draw continually both to satisfy the expectation of others, and to keep up their own reputation. There is one thing more that I would recommend to an ingenious Man, and that is, To be seen as seldom as may be; for as his presence diminishes the Esteem one has of him, so his absence and distance augments it. Fame every day increases Objects, and the Imagination goes much beyond the Sight. We ought not then to be lavish of ourselves; we ought to make ourselves expected to be truly welcome. The desire any one has for us, is commonly the measure of the Esteem they have of us: Happiness is better tasted when it has been a long time expected; and the Pleasure that costs one something, is much more ardently sought after, than that which is easy: so the nicest People find in Hunger a sauce that all the ragouts could not give to their Victuals; and 'tis a refining of Epicurism not to satisfy our senses and Appetites but by halves. A Man should never make himself familiar with the Vulgar, lest he lose that Air of Dignity, which a Retreat and serious Life bestows on those that show themselves but seldom: for presence brings to light those Defects which absence would conceal. The most precious things lose their worth as soon as they become common. Those great inclinations we have for Rarities are changed into scorn, when we find 'em to be had everywhere; and the mind is much more delicate and difficult to satisfy than the senses, which are glutted with the most delicious and exquisite Viands, when they are made their daily food. Thus we may see the farther a learned Man is from us, the more we wish for his company; the more he absconds the more we look after him: not that he ought to render himself inaccessible; nothing but a mean Genius ought to be difficult to come at, being conscious that his Merit would not bear too near a Scrutiny; there is in this a Medium that consists between a Haughtiness that despises others, and a Familiarity which makes ourselves cheap. There are many other things might be said upon this matter, and the more I endeavour to measure the extent of 'em, the less I discover their bounds. Let us proceed then step by step: Let us clear, if we can, this confusion of Ideas, which present themselves in crowds to the Mind, and follow some sort of Order, which may hinder us from fruitless wandering. The first thing, in my opinion, that a Young Man ought to do, who has a mind to settle himself with Success in the World is, to know his Planet, for there is no body but has one, and 'tis want of being acquainted with it, that an infinite number of People have not made their Fortune as they might have done in the World. How many men do we see in Favour, who have not thought it possible they should be known by Great men, yet they have been so by the effect of their Destiny? And as soon as they have made an entry, and are settled in their Posts, they need but ordinary Capacities to maintain 'em. Therefore we ought to search with care our predominant Destiny. He that fails at the Court, perhaps, may succeed in the City: And, he that finds himself the Jest of the Town, may set up for a Wit, and be admired in the Country. In a word, No man is a Prophet in his own Country. 'Tis necessary then to know how to transplant onesself. Many Great men had never been known, if they had always tarried in the place of their Birth. Some men must stand in a good Light, to appear in their true lustre. We see every day several persons that would have been the Scandal of their Order, if they had continued in it, yet forsaking it, they have become the Honour of another. Men succeed oftentimes better in one condition than in another, altho' they have not a better Genius for that which they have undertaken, than that which they leave. 'Tis to nothing but their Fate that we ought to attribute the Rise or Fall of most Great persons: Wherefore every one ought to look into his Lot, to content himself with it, and follow it; for, to think to make one's Fortune by any other means, is, to have a mind to sail against Wind and Tide. The second thing that is necessary for a Young Man to do, is to know his good and ill Qualities; for every thing in the World is mixed with Good and Evil. There is no man but has something good in him, which may become excellent, if it be cultivated. Such a one would have become a Great man, if he had known his Strength, and perfected his best Talents. But the most part force their Genius, and lose the Reward of their Course, because they drive beyond the Posts that should bond their Career. He ought also to know his predominant Defect, for every body has one, which counterballances in a manner his excelling good Quality; and if one takes a Resolution to destroy it, one may infallibly succeed. But one ought to take it in good time, and to labour with a great deal of Courage and Perseverance; for 'tis not a small matter to destroy a Vice that is born, and has grown up with us. When a Young Man is arrived so far, he ought not to think, that he must presently enter upon upon the World, and embark in some Employ; he must reflect upon it a long time first; he must consider his Abilities, provide himself of Patrons, and measure the height of the Undertaking he pretends to: He ought, if I may be allowed the expression, to feel the Pulse of his Affairs, and to wait a long time, if it be necessary; for it belongs only to Wise men never to precipitate, and be impatient for any thing. He that never grieves, or puts himself in a Passion, shows that he is an absolute Master of himself; and when once a Man is Master of himself, he is not long after of others also. There is a certain term to bring great Designs to maturity; those that can expect it, are commonly paid with Usury for their Patience; for, in many things Delay does more than Force. Precipitation ruins the best-laid Erterprises; whereas Patience ripens the most difficult Designs, and renders the execution of them easy. Not but that it becomes a Young Man, to tempt Fortune by some bold and courageous Action; for, on the contrary, this way seldom fails of Success, and the Character of Attempting is almost a certain Pledge or Security for the Success of any Enterprise whatsoever. Nothing more resembles Sottishness than Cowardice; whereas a little Bravery supplies oftentimes the want of Ability. We ought not then to be afraid so much of the Merit of others, nor suffer any Idea we may have of it to give us any disturbance before 'em; for, how much soever one is possessed in Favour of a man of great Reputation, he shall not have a long time conversed with him, before he finds a great deal to be abated of the excess of his Reputation; and that every one has his Weaknesses, which levelly him with the Vulgar, as much as he is removed from 'em by his Merit. A man that is upon the Rise dazzles us if we regard him at any distance; but let us come near him, and his Personal Defects will immediately moderate the Foreign Gloss that he but borrowed from his Rank and Dignity. Let us then be upon the guard, against a Power that an Imagination too favourably biased usurps over our Reason. It no more becomes a learned man to be fearful, than an ignorant to be bold. We ought to know how to undertake seasonably: 'tis not enough to begin, we ought to know how to proceed in an Undertaking. There are a great many Men who are only good to broach an Affair, but are absolutely unfit to finish it: 'Tis from this Default that many great Battles have been gained without any great Advantages to the Conquerors, because they tarried behind to reap the Fruit of the Victory, when they should pursue the Advantages. And 'tis from the same Principle that a Statesman, in Public Affairs, commits the same Solecisms, as a private Man does in those of his Family. If a Man after having taken his Measures on all sides, happens to succeed in any thing, let him take a great deal of care not to suffer himself to be overcome with the flattering Design, which Self-love inspires those with, who have too much Satisfaction in any happy Success: for there is need of as much Moderation not to be corrupted by one's good Fortune, as Patience not to be cast down at the bad: Besides, one ought to have the power to stop one's self in the middle of one's most favourable Erterprises: The Torrent of Prosperity ought not to carry us away against our Wills. 'Tis often times necessary not to desire one's Victory as far as one might; a wise Retreat is no less glorious than a courageous Attack; 'tis by retiring from the World in good time, that we can secure the Glory we have acquired in it; and 'tis the Character of a consummated Merit, to be able to live in a Retreat with Honour, after having lived in the Public with Lustre. See here, my Lord, in what manner it seems to me, that a young Man who would maintain an illustrious Figure in the World, aught to begin, proceed, and finish his Actions. I am very well assured there are many other things might be said upon this Subject, but in the little I have writ upon this Occasion, there is enough to make me understood to one, that has had so much Experience as your Lordship, and whose Thoughts are so much elevated above those of other Men. Reflections upon what a Man ought to do to live Happy. 'TIS a great Advantage towards the Tranquillity of Life, Reflect. 1. to behold it through the most agreeable part of it: A thing must be very adverse indeed, that one cannot draw some profit from; we grieve oftentimes, and give ourselves abundance of trouble for something that in a little time becomes of itself easy to us. 2. satire may give us a great deal of pleasure, whether we write it ourselves or hear it from another; but this pleasure should not inspire us with a kind of Melancholy, that is to be seen in the Conversation of some People who are seriously concerned at the Follies or Extravagancies of other Men; who are not pleased with the Condition they find the World in, and do not consider disagreeable Objects, but to be displeased with 'em. What good did it do Heraclitus to sigh and grieve? Did he by those means reform the Abuses of the Age? The wisest side is to take care of one's self, and to leave to others the managing their own Persons: Has not every one enough to do with his own Affairs? 3. When a Man is in trouble, he ought to remember that he has had some favourable minutes, and impute to his good Fortune all his former happiness; in short, one is less Unhappy when one can charm one's Sorrows either by a remembrance, or an hope of a Condition more Happy. 4. The greatest part of Mankind look upon the Honours, Riches, and Pleasures of others, as Adulterers do upon other men's Wives, in despising those they enjoy: Cannot a Man make use of Life with pleasure without possessing all that may belong to it? Why should we make a Necessity of an hundred things without which we may live content enough, providing we be but a little reasonable. 5. Although Ambition oppose this, yet we are more at quiet when we consider those that are below us: she would have us aspire to the first Rank, and despise this petty sort of Tranquillity; but had she any better recompense to put in its place? 6. The measure of our Happiness ought to be taken from that of our Passions: he that has the fewest desires, hopes, or such like other motions of the Mind, without doubt will be the most content. 7. There is nothing except the desire of Virtue, which ought to be limited, if one would live happy: For in fine, how many Virtues are there incompatible? How many Undertake which are not proper to all sorts of People? it aught to suffice us that acquit ourselves in the Employ wherein we are, and there to bond all our Duty. 8. That Man's truly miserable who goes to search for Sorrows in Futurity; 'tis an Abiss so profound that the prospect from above is enough to fright one. To make use of the present good is a very rare Secret: but not that a Man ought to be prepared for the different Accidents of Life. This may shield us from the Insults of Fortune. No Misfortune can happen to us when one has a sufficient Fund of Patience and Reason to overcome it. 9 'Tis very much to misunderstand one's self, to be troubled and frighted when one has done amiss. A man must have a great deal of Vanity, not to know his Weakness. But if he knows it, at least he may gain this Advantage by it, to remain in a calm Condition after any Frailty whatsoever. 10. There is nothing more frights the World than Death, as if it were not a passage to a better Life. Live well, and the thoughts of Death will but create in you an excess of Joy. 11. Let not your Soul, prevented by any austere Maxims, hinder you from taking the innocent pleasure of Life. There are some Men that build themselves up a Merit, by refusing the smallest, and most natural Sweets that Heaven has been pleased to mingle with the Bitters of Life, to render them supportable. 12. Solid Content proceeds from a good Conscience; without that, there is no Pleasure which does not become uneasy, for there is no body that receives more Satisfaction or Uneasiness, than either to be in good or bad Circumstances with himself. Now 'tis the thought that we have performed our Duty, that makes us be content at Home; and on the other hand, nothing gives us more Pain and Inquietude, than the mortifying Reflections we make on the ill Disposition of our Hearts. 13. Happy is the Man who knows to make a right Judgement of what is truly Good, and truly Evil; for there are a thousand false Scruples, that nevertheless give us true Vexations: And therefore, if we desire to regulate them, we must by no means reject the Natural Instincts we have of all that is really Good. The Quiet of those Persons who have lost their Conscience, is a lamentable Lethargy, that leads to Infallible Destruction. Of Logic, by the same Hand. INstead of a great number of Precepts, of which the Logic we learn at the College is wholly composed, and which are for the most part, either Unprofitable, or too Intricate; it seems to me, that these four only may suffice to all those, who have a mind to conduct their Reason surely in their Search after Truth. 1. We ought not to determine, That a thing is, or is not, without having a Reason for it, that is explained in so clear terms that it may naturally convince the Mind. 2. For fear of suffering one's self to be carried away by a Precipitancy of Mind, or Prejudice, to which we are so obnoxious, we ought to examine all the terms in which any Reason is laid down, dividing it into as many parts as we can: For it is not possible for us, having our Minds so confined, to judge well of a thing, unless we examine it peice-meal. 3. Moreover, we ought to establish an Order in all the Thoughts that a Subject is filled with. That which is the most simple, most general, and most easy to be understood, aught to precede that which is most confused; because there is nothing which is a greater help than this Order, to know if one be not deceived in Reasoning; that is to say, in making one thing follow another. 4. In fine, we ought to take a great deal of care, to make so exact an Enumeration, that we may be assured, that nothing is omitted. If but one thing be forgot, 'tis impossible there should not be some defect or other in what we propose. To comprehend in fewer Words these four Maxims, remember, 1. Not to Judge of any thing which is obscure, or without Proof. 2. Divide the thing you are to judge of. 3. Take care to have a Method in your Thoughts. 4. That the Enumeration you make be entire. Of the Multitude of Words, or the Number of Books. I Cannot well explain my Thoughts upon this Subject, without making use of this Question, viz. Whether it be not true, That those who Divine, or Conjecture upon any private Affairs, do not speak much more, and say many more things than those who know the Secret? What is not daily said about Affairs of State, when 'tis the Prince only that knows the Mystery? One word from his mouth would explain better all the different faces of things, than all that the Politicians commonly babble. Hence it seems to me, That a Man may well think, that the more Books he sees upon a Subject, the more he may conclude we know nothing of the Matter. Of every thing there is but one Truth to be known; but for want of this Knowledge, there is a multitude of groundless Conjectures. Of Moral Philosophy. MOral Philosophy ought to endeavour to conduct us in the search of Good, as Logic guides us in the search of Truth. So then, that of the College is not truly Moral Philosophy; for 'tis certainly true, that it only proposes some unprofitable Questions, concerning the Idea that one ought to have of the Order of Things that create our Happiness, of the number of our Passions, and other Metaphysical Points which serve for nothing else but Matter for a Dispute. The true Moral Philosophy ought to teach us, 1. What it is truly to act like reasonable Creatures, that is to say, with liberty; It therefore first treats of Humane Actions, that is to say, rational, or free. 2. After having supposed, that nothing but free Actions are Good, or Evil, it inquires what this Goodness, or Evilness of our Actions is; or if there can be any indifferent. 3. For this reason as the goodness of our Actions depends upon their Rule, and their End, it inquires what is the certain Rule, and the certain End. 4. Then it teaches us, That we have not her Rule but the Law of God, which it considers two ways: 1. As it is written in the Books of Moses, etc. and the Gospel, interpreted according to the Fathers of the Church. And, 2. In every Man's Conscience. 5. As to what concerns the End, it shows that it consists not in Virtue only, which the Pagans sought after with so great a Passion, but that God only ought to be the Object, upon which all our Love is employed, of which it discovers to us the absolute Necessity. 6. Next, considering that the Passions are a certain Obstacle to it, it does not so much teach us to know them, as how to tame them. 7. In fine, because Men are obliged by the Necessities of Life, to live together, it speaks of the Duties of Justice, which we owe to one another, whatever condition we are in. It seems to me, that, if every one followed these Rules in the Study of Morality, one might make a much greater Progress, and find more Pleasure, than in the insipid Systems of the Philosophy of the Schools. Maxims of Morality REason, which obliges us to be oftentimes irresolute in our Judgements, because the greatest part of Objects do not present themselves to our Minds with proof enough to make them well understood, obliges us not to be so in our Actions; for being to live with one another, 'tis necessary to choose at last some sort of Conduct, which we should constantly observe, till we can find a better. For in the same manner, as a Man who pulls down one House to build up another, makes choice, by way of Provision, of some place where to stand while he builds it; so when a Man would examine with care his Thoughts, and reform his Soul from the Prejudices it may have imbided, he ought to provide himself, after the same manner, of a Morality which may serve him for a Rule. This Morality may be reduced to four Maxims: 1. To obey the Laws and Customs of the Country where one is born, and to follow in all things, the most moderate Opinions, without disapproving, or condemning any Person. 2. To be so constant in this Conduct, that one has chosen, as not to have any regard to whatever may be said, to put us out of conceit with it: Like in this to Travellers, who finding themselves in a Forest, ought not to wander this way, or that way, but go as directly as they can in the same path, and not to change it, for idle Reasons; for at last they must come to some end, wherein all probability, they will be better than in the middle of the Wood 3. To deliver themselves from all those Disquiets, which are wont to move those feeble and staggering Spirits, which suffer themselves to be turned inconstantly by all sorts of Examples: For these Agitations, and these unprofitable, and confused Reflections amuse the Mind; and take away from it all the force it should have. 4. Of all the kinds of Morality, we ought rather to make use of that which teaches us to vanquish ourselves, than that which has no other end, but to triumph over Fortune, and to change our Desires, without pretending to change any thing in the Order of the World. I believe this was the Secret of thosej Philosophers, who, inspite of the Incommodities of Life, were able to dispute Happiness with their Gods: But it is impossible to experience this Secret, unless one be throughly persuaded, that there is nothing truly in our Power, but our Thoughts, and our Desires. With these few Maxims one may observe a regular Conduct, till one has form another from long Experience, if it be possible to find a better; Life being short, and the occasions of improving it very rare. To the Earl of Ormond ALL Men have a mind to be Happy. This Desire leaves us not, during the course of our Lives; 'tis a Truth wherein all the World are of one Opinion. But to render ourselves Happy with less trouble, and to be so with Security, without fearing to be disturbed in one's Happiness, we ought to act in such a manner, My Lord, that others may be so with us; for, if one pretends to take care only of himself, he will find continual Oppositions: And when we will not be happy, but upon condition, that others may be so likewife, all Obstacles are removed, and all the World agrees with us. 'Tis this management of Happiness for ourselves and others, which we ought to call Honesty, and which properly speaking is nothing but Self-love well managed. Honesty ought then to be considered, as the desire of being Happy, but after a manner, that others may be so too. Let us look into, let us examine all Virtuous Actions, and we shall find they are all of this Nature, and that they all move upon the same Principle. To possess this Honesty in the highest Degree, we ought to have a sound Understanding, and our Hearts honest, and both to agree together. By the power of our Understanding, we know what is most Just, and most Reasonable to say and do; and by the Honesty of the Heart, we never fail to be willing to do, and say the same. When a Man has but one of these two, he cannot pretend to complete Honesty; for the power of the former does vainly comprehend Reason and Justice: if the integrity of the Heart bened on its side, nothing is executed, nothing is done. And in like manner, if the integrity of the Heart be alone, and the Assistance of the Soul be wanting to guide it, it will blindly feel out its way, without ever knowing exactly the road it ought to take. These two things are Essential to make an honest Man; and since 'tis so rare a matter to see them separately, how much ought it to be more rare, to see them together? But, My Lord, when they meet in the same Person, What Greatness do they not show, what Justice, what Charms, and what Reason? A Man of this Character completes equally all his Duties, however extended, or different they may be. He is a good Subject, a good Father, a good Friend, a good Citizen, a good Master: He is Indulgent, Humane, Assisting, Charitable, and Sensible of the Misfortunes of another. He is Circumspect, he is Modest, he doth not act the Man of Censure, or Pride; he takes notice of another's Faults, but never talks of them, nor does seem to have seen them. He is not in the least interested, but, as he knows the Necessities of Life; his Conduct is always regulated, and he never lives in Disorder. He is not moved, but by true Merit. That which is called Grandeur, Authority, Fortune, Riches; all these do not enchant him, and 'tis this which hinders him from taking sometimes the way to Fortune. Although he be agreeable, and of good Converse, yet he is enough retired, and loves not a Crowd: So we may see he seldom endeavours to show himself upon the Theatre of the World: but if his Birth or Fortune are pleased to place him there, as he has a vast Wit, as he is prodigiously Apprehensive, Penetrating, Expert, and what not, he performs his Part esxceedingly well. The honest Man makes a great account of Wit, but yet he makes a greater of Reason. He loves Truth in all things; he would willingly know all things, but is not vexed, if he knows nothing. He takes care of all, examines all, knows the Worth, Force, and Weakness of all. He esteems nothing, but according to its true Value. The nicest Errors and Disappointments do not impose upon him, nor make any Impression upon his Mind. The honest Man, in short, says nothing, and does nothing, which is not Agreeable, Just, Reasonable, and which does not lead to the making all Men Happy. 'Tis then evident, My Lord, That to make the World Happy, 'tis necessary to establish Honesty in it. But to bring this about, 'twould not suffice to know in what Condition it is at present in; 'tis necessary also, to know how it ought to be, and how it would be in effect, if all Men were Reasonable. In the present Estate of the World, every thing is almost out of Order: Honesty has no place in it, and honest Men live in it, as it were a strange Country. The Re-establishment of Honesty amongst Men, would be easy for Kings; and to accomplish this great Work, they would have nothing else to do, but to prefer good Men, and punish the bad. If all Men were reasonable, there would be nothing among us, but our Natural Infirmities, as Sickness, Old Age, and Death. Nevertheless, we have a thousand others, as Prevention, Madness, Ambition, Perfidiousness, Ignorance, and the Contempt of Knowledge. There is nothing else in the World that attracts the eyes and esteem of all Men, but great Birth, and the Glory of War; all other Deserts, if I may speak so, are sad and languishing, and not taken notice of. 'Tis very just that the Merits of War should be considered; the Fatigues, Wounds, and Death itself, to which the Brave are so often exposed, ought yet to be more taken notice of then they are: Nevertheless, if one compares the Honours that are bestowed upon 'em, with those of Persons dignifyed in other Arts, we shall find that they are enough rewarded. There is this unhappiness in the Merit of the Mind, that few People understand it, and that even in this small number there are some who have no great esteem for it. It is not the same with Riches; all the World esteems them, the Poor as well as the Rich: The other Gifts of Fortune have the same advantages; the Men of the lowest birth aim at Greatness, and do what they can to raise themselves, etc. Maxims for the Use of Life. MEN never commend freely, and without interest: Some advantage must come to 'em, or it must cost him something considerable that has a mind to be well praised. Those that are of high Birth are continually respected, their name alone is a great Elegy; there is not a greater Privilege amongst Men. The Conditions of the most Unfortunate are the most despised; their Miseries alone are not enough, but there must be added to 'em Shame and Scorn; Men are in truth very cruel. One must never say, Citizen, Country Boor, and such like. All these names are injurious, and words of contempt; one must endeavour to avoid 'em, for they do but create malice amongst Men: but we must preserve the names of Knave, Traitor, Ungrateful Fellow, and others of such nature, on purpose to cast a shame on those that deserve it. We ought not to despise those that are in want, but rather on the contrary give 'em some marks of our Esteem: And as Contempt is, it may be, one of the greatest misfortunes of Poverty, we may sweeten in some manner their troubles, by declaring, without affectation, that we do not esteem 'em less, however unhappy they be. One must be affable and courteous to one's Domestics, and by this behaviour comfort 'em in their conditions. 'Tis the work of Fortune that they are so low, and that we are above'em. We must not be rigorous in what regards our own interests: Nothing becomes a Man better than to release a little of his privilege. One must avoid great Play, 'tis a Divertisement too dangerous; Anger, Heat and Quarrels accompany it always; it procures a Man often times bad nights, and at long run it perpetually incommodes him: Nor is this all, he must be always upon his guard; lest he be cheated, and 'tis but an uneasy condition to be always as in an Enemy's Country. A Man ought not to have any thing remarkable or too gay in his Habit, Discourse, or Manners: It seems to me that the modest Air becomes one better than that which they call the Bel-air; 'tis good to have in one's Countenance something great, that procures both Esteem and Respect; but the Courteous, and Honest Air does not create less good Effects; 'tis from thence that we make ourselves beloved: For the fierce Air that is so much esteemed, in my Opinion, is only proper for War. We ought to learn not to disquiet ourselves, and to study well this Lesson. The Court, if I may say so, is an Epitome of the whole Kingdom; whatever is most Exquisite and Pure, is there met with. The manner of speaking, the the Modes, the Air, and the Customs are there excellent. The greatest part of these things are not learned, but by the Success, as Physic is not well understood, but by Experience: However, it seems to me, that one ought to endeavour to know them by their Causes, which would be the best and surest way. And to this end, we ought to know the nature of those things which please, and be skilled in the Hearts of Men. There is no other Study, but how to please in the Courts of Princes, because there a Man makes his Fortune by rendering himself agreeable. Hence it comes, that Courtiers are so Polished. On the contrary, in Towns and Republics where Men manage their Affairs by Labour, the the last of their Cares is to Please, and 'tis that which renders them so Clownish. That which we call the Last in a Figurative Sense, is a very rare thing, and is found but in very few People. One can scarce learn it, or teach it, but it must be born with us. Exquisite Knowledge seems to be above it, and carries a greater Latitude; but in truth, for the Commerce of the World, and most affairs of Life, a true Judgement equals its Worth, and possesses its place. When we have got this Advantage, we ought not to despise those which have it not. To be agreeable, and good Company, a Man ought to think discreetly, and readily upon all that is said in Conversation; and this cannot be, if one has not an excellent Wit, a great deal of Memory, and an Imagination suitable. One ought also to be Master of one's Language, by knowing all the Niceties, Beauties, and Delicacies of it. We ought to suit ourselves to the Capacities of those we converse with, and to take in some manner, the Height, and the Degree of their Wit. We ought to take a great deal of care not to affect the Vanity to be the head of the Company. One makes himself more agreeable, when one hears willingly, and without Jealousy; and susters others to have Wit as well as himself. There is no Subject so barren, upon which there may not be something well said; but even when the Subject affords nothing, a Man of sense has always in Reserve, some agreeable manner of speaking, of which he is an absolute Master, and which can never fail him: Apt Words are rare, and depend upon Time and Chance. Narratives and Stories do not always succeed; we ought not to make use of them often; but when we find ourselves engaged in them, we must take care that they be not long, and that there be always something particular and diverting, to surprise the Company. One must avoid Repetitions. We care not to hear what we know already, and we can reap no more benefit by, Things that are New, Great, Universal, and those which have the Air of great Persons, are always pleasing, because Men are Curious; because they despise those things that are limited, and of small consequence, and are commonly very much affected with Grandeur. 'Tis for this Reason, that what comes from the Country, from little Towns, and private Quarters, is but indifferently received. We are apt to imagine, that Politeness, and a good Taste is not to be found there. The same Reason occasions also, that Figures d●●wn from War, Hunting, and the Sea, are so well received; and that we cannot endure those that are taken from mean Professions; of which the World makes but small account. One must not expect, that Conversations should be always equal; they depend upon Chance, as well as other things. A Man can't become Learned, or Agreeable, if he does not love Reading; without it the best natural Parts are commonly dry and barren. He ought to behave himself so, that in his Actions, Discourse, and Manners there may be always a certain Air of Politeness, that never forsakes him: Nothing is more shameful than to be Ignorant. Politeness is a mixture of Discretion, Civility, Complaisance, and Circumspection; accompanied with an agreeable Air scattered throughout, whatever one says, or does. And as so many things are Essentially necessary to acquire this Politeness, it is no wonder if it is uncommon. Whether it is, that Women are naturally more Polite, or that to please them, the Spirit raises, and embellishes itself; 'tis principally from them, that this Politeness is learned. A Letter to Monsieur Justel. By Mr. Savage. I Am overjoyed to see you in England. The Conversation of a Man so Knowing, and so Curious as you, will give me a great deal of Satisfaction. But permit me to disapprove of the Resolution you have taken to quit France, so long as I see you maintain for her so tender, and so loving a Memory. When I see you doleful and desolate on the shore of our Thames wishing for Paris; you put me in mind of the poor Israelites bewailing their Jerusalem upon the Banks of Euphrates. Either live happy in England, in an entire Liberty of Conscience, or accommodate yourself to the Catholic Religion in your own Country, to enjoy the advantages you thirst after. Is it possible, that Images, Ornaments, Ceremonies, and other such like things, upon which you establish so many ill grounded Disputations, and which you make so unreasonably the Subject of Separation; should trouble the Quiet of Nations, and be the cause of so many great Misfortunes which happen to Men. I confess, 'tis a good thing, to search God in Spirit and Truth. This first Essence, this sovereign Intelligence deserves our most purified Speculations. But when we have a mind to disengage our Soul from all commerce with our Sense, are we assured, that an abstracted Knowledge is not lost in wand'ring Thoughts, and does not create more Extravagancies than it discovers Truths? Whence, think you, comes the Absurdity of so many Sects scattered through the World, but from deep Meditations, where the Mind, as it were in a Dream, meets with nothing but its own proper Fancies? Forget Sir, this melancholy Disgust you have to our Images. Images stop in a manner, this Spirit so difficult to be fixed. Moreover, there is nothingmore natural to Man than Imitation; and of all Imitations, there is nothing so lawful as that of a Picture, which represents to us only what we ought to Worship. The Idea of virtuous Persons creates in us a love of Virtue; and produces a just desire to attain that Perfection which they have arrived to. There are Emulations of Holiness, as well as Jealousies of Glory; and if the Picture of Alexander animated the Ambition of Caesar to a Conquest of the World, the Image of our Saints may well excite in us the ardour of their Zeal, and inspire us with that happy Violence which ravishes Heaven. I allow you, that the Old Testament did not permit us to form any thing that looked like the resemblance of God. This God painted himself in the great Work of the Universe. The Heavens, the Sun, the Stars, the Elements were the Images of his Immensity and Power. The wonderful Order of Nature expressed his Wisdom to us. Our Reason, which would know all, finds in herself a kind of Idea of this Infinite Being; and this was all that could be figured of a God, who did no otherwise discover himself to Men, but by his Works. But it is not thus in the New Alliance. Since that a God is become Man for our Salvation, we may well make to ourselves Images of him, to stir us up to the knowledge of his Goodness and Love: And in effect, if those are condemned as Heretics, that denied his Humanity, is not it a strange Absurdity to call us Idolaters for loving to see it represented? You are commanded to think always of his Passion, to meditate always upon his Sufferferings, and it yet is made a crime in us, to have Figures that should support the Remembrance of them. They would have the Image of his Death always presented to our Souls, but won't allow of any before our Eyes. Your Aversion for the Ornaments of our Priests has no better Foundation. Do not you know, Sir, that God took the pains himself, to ordain even the Fringe of the Habit of the High Priest? And do you find that our Pontifical Habits are very different from those under the Jewish Oeconomy? You are not less forward to deny us our Music, than to condemn our Images. You ought to have remembered, Sir, that David recommended nothing frequenter to the Israelites, than to sing the Praises of the Lord, with all sorts of Instruments. The Music of our Churches exalts the Soul, purifies the Spirit, inspires the Heart, and rectifies, or augments the Devotion. When a Mystery, or a Miracle is treated of, you understand nothing but Sense and Reason. In Natural things, which lead to Purity, Sense and Reason are your Enemies. There you give all to Nature, here to Grace; there one can allege nothing supernatural but you laugh at it: Here one says nothing of Humane to you, but you think it Profane, and Impious. Contrarieties have lasted but too long. Agree with us about the lawful established Customs, and we will write with you against the Abuses that have been introduced. As to the Doctrine of our Church, touching the real Presence of the Body of Jesus Christ, in the Sacrament of our Altar, you have no more reason to dispute it. You say, that it is difficult to agree with us about a Body without Figure and Extension; But is it more easy for us to agree with you about your Spiritual eating it? After this manner, who eats really the Substance of this same Body? The difficulty of comprehending the Mystery, is it less great on your side? And is not a Miracle as necessary to your Opinion, as ours? So that, if in spite of all this, the love of a Separation still possesses you, and that you cannot disengage yourself from the prejudice of your Sentiments; do not complain of that which is taken from you as an Injustice, but rather be thankful for that which you have left as a Grace. Melancholy Muttering, and Opposition, will rather hurt than serve you. Whereas a Conduct more respectful, and an Interest more discreetly managed, than violently maintained, might hinder the design of your Ruin, if it were thought on. One of the chiefest points of Discretion, and the oftenest recommended, is to respect in all Countries the Religion of the Prince. To condemn the Belief of the Sovereign, is to condemn the Sovereign himself at the same time. A Protestant, who in his Discourse, or Writings, taxes the Catholic Religion of Idolatry, accuses the King by a necessary Consequence to be an Idolater; and makes an assault upon him in his own Dominions; which the Emperors of Rome would never suffer. I know well, that I exhort you to no purpose, in the humour you are at present. A Sentiment as it were natural, which is formed in our first Impressions; the inclination one has for ancient Customs; the difficulty that one suffers to quit a Belief, one has been born in, to embrace another which one has always opposed; a delicacy of Scruple, a false opinion of Constancy, are bonds which will not easily be broken. But then at least leave to your Children the liberty of choosing that which your long Engagements will not suffer you to do. You complain of the Edict, that obliges them to choose a Religion at seven years old; Now this is the greatest favour could have been done them; by that they are restored to their Country which you robbed them of; It returns them into the Bosom of the Commonwealth, whence you dragged them; It makes them capable of Honours and Dignities, that you had excluded them from. Do not envy them Sir, those Advantages that you will not benefit by; and keeping your Opinions and Misfortunes to yourself, remit the care of their Religion to Divine Providence, which shows itself so visible in such a conduct. Where is the Father who does not inspire the Zeal of his Party, as well as his Religion, into his Children? And what does any one know what may happen from this Zeal? whether it will proceed to Fury or Piety? if it will produce Crimes or Virtues? In this Uncertainty, Sir, remit all things to the disposition of a Law, which has no other end, than the Public Good, and the particular Interest of your Family. A Letter to Monsieur the Count de C. By the same Hand. AS I interest myself infinitely in all that concerns you, the particulars of your gallant Actions have created in me a sincere pleasure. Persons that have been perfectly acquainted with 'em, have taken the pains to send me an account of 'em; and I should be ready to complain to you, for concealing them as a Secret, if I did not fear to disturb a Joy so great as yours, by reproaches of Friendship. How truly Glorions are you, Sir, after having so often given proofs of your Valour against the Enemies of the State, to have vanquished, amidst the Delights of the City, the most merciless Creature, in the World, and who had defied all the Earth? I know that charming Person in whom Beauty, Wit, and Manners seem to dispute which shall gain her the greatest Esteem: lovely, delicious, and now, for you only becomes a Lover. In truth, Sir, I enter into those very Transports which have made you forget all the World, to imprint in your Soul only the Idea of a Person so accomplished: I pardon your abandoning yourself wholly to her; and I conceive it is difficult for you to have any Kindness left for Madam de L. who is so much below her in Charms of Body. But at length, Sir, your forgetting and abandoning, excusable in the beginnings of so great a Fortune, would be so no longer if they should last always: You know that Madam de L. has a Merit very much distinguished: you know all that you owe her. She loves you as much as ever any loved: Ought not her Love then to take place of Beauty? And this Acknowledgement, with which you were smitten so much heretofore, does it not oblige you to some manner of Return? For my part, I confess to you, that the Description she makes of your Insensibility, and of her Griefs, is so lively and touching in the Letter she writ to me upon this Subject, that I cannot avoid entering into her Interests: Suffer then, Sir, I beseech you, my Remonstrances; you owe this to our Friendship, and I owe them to the Confidence that an Unhappy Lady has reposed in me. I do not mean here that you should forsake in favour of her, this. Beauty that so bewitches you: you have nothing more to do than to give yourself the trouble to deceive Madam L. You will do it easily because she'll assist you herself. And I believe you will not pretend to so squeamish a conscience as to make a scruple of it. You are not ignorant that your new love will be mixed with some Confusions and Coldnesses: you may allow those Intervals to Madam L. and she'll be content with 'em; and you may make use of her to re-inflame the fires of t'other, that unlucky Accidents or a mere Cessation may extinguish. Yet once more, Sir, do not despise a Woman that a great many others would be glad of: permit her to think that she has yet some place in your breast. Alcibiades did not disdain to eat course Bread and black Porridge with the Lacedæmonians, after he had tasted the Delights of Athens; he came out of the arms of the lovely Aspasia, the most charming Creature of all Greece, where he enjoyed all the Spirit and Delicacy of a tender Love, and yet submitted himself to the Embraces of the Queen of Sparta, whose Manners were fulsome, and who was very far from having the Charms of Aspasia. See here, Sir, an Example to follow; consider also with a little attention, the Character of Alcibiades, and you may find it throughout to have much resemblance with yours; which I presume will not be thought disadvantageous. A Letter to Madam D. D. B. C. By the same Hand. FRom what I understand, Madam, you've a mind to become a Religious; I thank God for it with all my heart; having more need in your Conversation of the Purity of Sentiments, you are about to have, than all those you may be inspired with from the Conversation of Men. I conjure you, then in the name of Heaven, to take up a sincere Devotion; and to render it such as it ought to be, take care to avoid the Defects which that of other People is so often accompanied with. There are some Men who think they have the ardour of a lively Zeal. There are some who enjoy themselves in a good and solid Piety. There are others who could be able to die for God, through the Sentiments of a courageous Faith. But in truth there are very few who can live according to the Laws of the Gospel and Religion. You may expect all from their Heat, where there is occasion to employ it: but you must hope almost nothing from 'em where there is need of Constancy and Discretion. Let us see how they behave themselves in things which God requires from their Submission: and when they show a Rule in their Manners, a Modesty in their Conversation, a Patience in Injuries, then will I be convinced of their Devotion by their Conduct. Govern yourself, Madam, by the Errors of others; and having a mind to give yourself to God, let that less enter into your Devotion which you love, than that which pleases him. If you do not take care in this, your heart may bear its inclinations to him without receiving the impressions of his Grace, and you will be altogether your own, when you think you are altogether his. Not but that there may be an holy and happy Agreement between his will and yours: you may love what he loves; you may desire what he desires; but we do commonly by a pleasing and secret Impression, that which we desire of ourselves; and 'tis this which ought to render us more attentive and inclined to do nothing but by a consideration of what he enjoins. You need not nevertheless for this reason subject yourself wholly to the Conduct of those Directors, who make use in their Maxims of a certain Spiritual niceness which you do not understand, nor perhaps they themselves. The Will of God is not so concealed but it may be discovered by those who have a mind to follow it; and generally speaking you'll have less need of Inspiration than Submission. Those things which have relation to your desires, are easily understood, and easily followed: Those which encounter your inclinations explain themselves enough; but Nature resists, and an indocible Soul defends its self from their Impression. I should desire then, Madam, two things of you, in the Devotion you are about to engage yourself in: the first is, That you would take care not to raise your Heart to God, because you believe it more proper for the Passions of Men. The second is, That you would not disguise your Animosities under an appearance of Zeal, or prosecute those you with ill to, under a false pretence of Piety. A Relation of a Dispute between the Marshal of Hocquincourt, and Father Canaye, a jesuit. By M. D. S. E. AS I dined t'other day, with the Marshal d' Hocquincourt, Father Canaye, who dined there also, let fall the Discourse insensibly, upon the Submission of the Spirit that Religion requires of us; and having related to us many new Miracles, and some modern Revolations, he concluded, that we ought to avoid more than the Plague, those headstrong Spirits, who would examine all things by Reason. To whom do you talk of headstrong Spirits, says the Marshal? And who has known them better than me? Bardouville and St. Thibal were the best of my Friends; 'twas they that engaged me on the side of Monsieur le Comte, against Cardinal Richelieu. If I were acquainted with many more of these headstrong Wits, I would write a Book of all they have said. Bardouville being dead, and St. Thibal retired into Holland, I entertained a Friendship with Lafrete, and Sauve Beuf; these were not headstrong Wits, but brave Men. Lafrete was a gallant Man, and my very good Friend, and I think that I have sufficiently testified myself to have been his, in the Distemper that he died of. I saw him die of a small Fever, which would have scarce killed a Woman; and was enraged to see Lafrete, that Lafrete who fought Bouteville, go out, neither better nor worse, than a Farthing Candle. We were concerned, Sauve Beuf and I, to preserve the Honour of our Friend, which made me take a resolution to kill him with a Pistol-bullet, that he might die like a Man of Courage. I clapped the Pistol to his Head, when a certain Bougre of a Jesuit pushed my Arm aside, and hindered my Design. This put me in so great a rage, that presently I resolved to become a jansenist. Take notice, my Lord, says the Father, take notice how Satan is always lying in wait for us. Circuit Quaerens quem Devoret; You conceive a kind of Displeasure against our Order, which he takes occasion of to surprise and devour you; nay, worse than devour you, to make you turn jansenist: Vigilate, Vigilate; One cannot be too much upon his guard against the common Enemy of Mankind. The Father's in the right, says the Marshal; I have heard, that the Devil never sleeps. We must have a good Guard, a good Foot, and a good Eye upon him. But let's leave the Devil and discourse of the things I love. I have loved War above all things, Madam de Monbazon next to War, and such as you see me, Philosophy after Madam de Monbazon. You have reason to love War, replies the Father, and War also loves you; she has crowned you likewise with Honour. Don't you know that I am also a Warrior? The King has given me the Direction of the Hospital of his Army in Flanders: Is not this enough to be a Warrior? Who would ever have believed that Father Canaye should ever have become a Soldier? I am such, my Lord, and do not render less Service to God in the Camp, than I did in the College of Clermont. You may then love War innocently; to go to War, is to love one's Prince; and to serve one's Prince, is to serve God. But as for what concerns Madam de Monbazon; if you have lusted after her, you must permit me to tell you, that your Desires were criminal. You should not lust after her, my Lord, but love her with an innocent Friendship. What, says the Marshal, would you have me love like a Sot? The Marshal of Hocquincourt has not learned in Ladies Chambers, to do nothing but Sigh. I would, my Father, I would— you understand me well. I would— Oh how many I would? In truth, my Lord, you rally with a good Grace. Our Fathers of St. Lovis would be astonished at these I woulds: When one has been a great while in the Army, one learns to bear all. No more, no more, you speak this, my Lord, I suppose to divert yourself. There is no such Divertisement in't, Father: Do you know for what design I loved her? Vsque ad Aras, My Lord: No, Aras, my Father. Look here, says the Marshal, taking a Knife, and grasping the Haft fast in his hand, look here, if she had commanded me to kill you, I would have buried the Blade in your Heart. Father Canaye surprised at this Discourse, and more frighted at the Transport, had immediate recourse to his Mental Devotion, and prayed God secretly, that he would deliver him from the danger wherein he found himself. But not trusting altogether to Prayer, he leaped insensibly out of the Marshal's reach, by an unperceivable motion of his Buttocks. The Marshal followed him in the like manner; and one that had seen his Knife always lifted up, would have sworn, that he was going to put his Order into Execution. My ill Nature made me take pleasure a while in the fears of our Reverend Spark; but fearing at length that the Marshal in his Transports, might render that Scene melancholy which was before only pleasant, I caused him to remember, that Madam de Monbazon was dead; and told him, That fortunately the Father Canaye had nothing to fear from a Person that was no more. God does all for the best, replies the Marshal: The fairest Woman in the World began to play the fool with me when she died. There was always near her a certain Abbot de Rauce, who talked to her of Grace before People, and entertained her with other things in private. This made me forsake the jansenists; before I never missed a Sermon of Father Desmarez, and never swore, but by the Gentlemen of Port-Royal. I have always been at Confession with the Jesuits since that time: And if my Son has ever any Children, I am resolved they shall study at the College of Clermont, upon pain of being disinherited. Oh, how wonderful are the Ways of God cries out Father Canaye: How profound is the Mystery of his Justice! A little Weathercock of a jansenist, to follow a Lady whom my Lord wished well to. The merciful God made use of Jealousy to put the Conscience of my Lord into our hands; Mirabilia judicia tua Domine; Wonderful are thy Judgements, O Lord! After the good Father had finished his pious Reflections, I thought it might be permitted me to enter into the Discourse; and I asked the Marshal, If the Love of Philosophy had not succeeded his Passion for Madam de Monbazon? I have loved Philosophy but too well, said the Marshal, I have loved it but too well; but I have at length left it, and will trouble my head with it not more. A Dog of a Philosopher had so puzzled my Brain about our first Parents, the Apple, the Serpent, Terrestrial Paradise, and the Cherubins, that I was about to believe nothing of the matter. The Devil take me, if I believed any thing then; but from that time, I would have crucified myself for my Religion. 'Tis not that I see more reason in it now, but on the contrary, less than ever: But I cannot help telling you, I would nevertheless have sacrificed myself without knowing wherefore. So much the better, my Lord, replies the Father, with a tone of Nose very devout, so much the better; that shows they are not Humane Motions, but that they proceed from God. No reason! that is the true Religion which has no reason. What an extraordinary Grace, my Lord, has Heaven bestowed upon you? Estote sunt Infants; be as Infants. Infants have yet their Innocence, and why? because they have no reason, Beati pauperes Spiritu, Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: they sin not; the reason is, that they have no Reason. No Reason, I cannot help telling you wherefore. Oh excellent Words! they aught to be writ in Letters of Gold: 'Tis not that I see more Reason in it, but on the contrary less than ever. In truth, this is Divine for them that have any taste of Heavenly Things: No Reason, what an extraordinary Grace, my Lord, has God bestowed upon you? The Father had gone on farther with his Invectives against Reason, but that Letters were brought from Court to the Marshal, which interrupted so Pious an Entertainment. The Marshal read them softly to himself, and afterwards he was pleased to tell the Company what they contained: If I had a mind to seem a Politician, as others do, I should retire into my Closet, to read Dispatches from the Court; but I always act and speak with an open Heart. The Cardinal sends me word, That Stenay's taken, that the Court will be here in eight days; and the Command of the Army, which made the Siege, is given me, to go and relieve Arras with Turenne and La Ferte. I remember well that Turenne suffered me to be beaten by Monsieur the Prince, when the Court was at Gien; perhaps I may find an occasion to do him the like favour. If Arras were relieved, and Turenne beaten, I should be content; I'll do what I can; but I say no more. He related to us all the particulars of his Combat, and the subject of his Complaint, that he thought he had against Monsieur Turenne: But we were advertised, that the Convoy was already far enough from the Town, which made us take leave sooner than we meant to have done. Father Canaye finding himself without an Horse, desired one to carry him to the Camp: And what Horse will you have, Father? says the Marshal. I will answer you, my Lord, says the Father, as the good Father Suarez did the Duke of Medina Sidonia, upon the like occasion, Qualem me decet esse, Mansuetum. Such an one as I ought to be, gentle and tractable, Qualem me decet esse Mansuetum; I understand a little Latin, says the Marshal; Mansuetum would be fitter for Sheep than Horses. Let my Horse be given to the Father; I love the whole Order, and am his Friend, therefore let them give him my best Horse. Here I went to dispatch a few Affairs, but stayed not long, before I rejoined the Convoy. We jogged on prosperously, but not without some fatigue. As for the poor Father Canaye, I met him upon the prance, on one of the best Horses of Monsieur d' Hocquincourt; 'twas a mettlesome fiery Horse, restless and always in action; he chewed his Bit eternally, always went on one side, neighed every minute, and that which shockt most the Modesty of the Father, he very indecently mistook all the Horses he met for Mares. And, what do I see my Father? said I, coming up to him. What Horse have they given you? Where is Father Suarez ' s Nag that you asked so earnestly for? Ah Sir, says he, I can sit him no longer. He was about to continue his Complaints, when a Hare crossed the Road, and an hundred Horse immediately hurried away in confusion after the Course, and we heard presently more discharges of Pistols, than at a Skirmish. The Father's Horse being accustomed to fire under the Marshal, carried a way his Man, and made him charge instantly through their confused Ranks. 'Twas a thing very pleasant, to see a Jesuit at the head of all this Company, against his Will. Happily the Hare was killed, and I found the Father in the middle of thirty Horse men, who all gave him the Honour of a Chase, which one might have better called Chance. The Father received their Commendations with apparent Modesty; but in his Mind he despised very much the Mansuetum of good Father Suarez, and was raised to the best humour in the World, in reflecting on the Miracles that he fancied he had done on the Marshal's Courser: Yet he was not long without remembering that good saying of Solomon, Vanitas vanitatum, & omnia Vanitas. He was no sooner grown cool, but he felt an uneasiness which the heat had concealed from him, and false Glory giving place to true Grief; he wished for the repose of his Society, and the content of a peaceable Life, which he had quitted. But all these Reflections signified nothing, he must go to the Camp, and he was so tired with his Horse, that I saw him ready to abandon his Bucephalus, and walk a foot at the Head of the Infantry. I comforted him for his past Fatigue, and exempted him from any future Inconveniences, in bestowing on him the easiest Nag he could have wished for. He gave me a thousand thanks, and was so sensible of my civility, that forgetting all regard of his Profession, he conversed with me more like an honest sincere Fellow-traveller than a Jesuit. I asked him what opinion he had of Monsieur d' Hocquincourt? 'Tis a good Lord, says he, 'tis a good Soul: He has quitted the jansenists; our Order is obliged to him: but for my part, I think I shall never eat at his Table again, or borrow Horse of him. Being much pleased with this first freedom, I had a mind to try him farther. Whence comes, continued I, the great Animosities between the jansenists and your Fathers? Does it proceed from the difference in Opinion about the Doctrine of Grace? What folly, what folly, says he, is it to think that we hate one another for not having the same Opinion about Grace! 'Tis neither Grace nor the five Propositions that have raised these Animosities between us. The jealousy of governing Consciences, is the true reason. The jansenists found us in possession of the Government, and they have a mind to dispossess us. Now to effect their ends, they have made use of Methods quite contrary to ours. We employ Gentleness and Indulgence, and they affect Austerity and Rigour. We comfort Souls by the Examples of the Mercies of God, and they frighten them by those of Justice. They make use of Fear, where we make use of Hopes. They would ride those that we would have to be our Subjects. Not but that both of us have a mind to save Men, and each has a mind to have the credit on't. And to speak freely to you, the interest of the Director goes almost always before the salvation of him who is under the direction. I speak to you after another manner than I did to the Marshal; I was purely a Jesuit with him, but with you I use the freedom of a Soldier. I commended very much the new Liberty which his last Profession had made him take, and it seemed to me that the commendation pleased him. I had continued it longer, but as Night began to approach, we were obliged to separate; the Father being as much contented with my proceeding, as I was satisfied with the confidence he reposed in me. Motives for a general Peace in the Year 1678. IF it be a difficult matter to discover the Origine of Winds and Subterranean Fires, 'tis no less very often to dive into the hidden Causes of the greatest part of our Wars; sometimes Ambition and Avarice keep those designs long concealed, that the least pretence discovers. The Declarations of the pretended Cause, for the most part, are only calculated to amuse the People; and oftentimes so dexterously, that the true Reasons of State and Policy are covered with some appearance of Justice. They never scruple to ruin the Foundation, and violate the most Sacred Rights of Nature. Don't let us look for any fresh Instances of this in the unhappy War which at present oppresses all Countries of Christendom; let us conceive for the Princes who are the cause of it, a Respect which perhaps Posterity will not subscribe to; let us suppose, that they do all out of a good meaning, and that Justice is the rule of so many destructive Actions. It seems at least, that they have not forgot all impressions of Equity, since they have agreed to choose Mediators to decide their Differences; and that those who are chiefly concerned seem willing to accept his Intervention, whom the God of Peace hath made his Lieutenant upon Earth. But as it may happen, that these Princes are not all equally disposed to accept of a speedy Peace, 'twill be necessary to remember them, that they are obliged to it by the Motives of Glory, Interest and a good Conscience. Glory is nothing else but an high Esteem which is acquired amongst Men, and which passes down to Posterity. We may say, that there is nothing more glorious for a Prince, than to make his People happy. * Nulla Major Principis Gloria, quam fecisse felicem & satisfecisse Inopi. The glory of storming Towns and acquiring Victories is common even to Barbarians. But to conquer one's self, and renounce one's own Interest; to give Repose and Peace to the World, is the proper Character of an Hero. The People of France will never cease to give a thousand Benedictions and a thousand Praises to the Memory of Philip the Good Duke of Burgundy; his Hate and his Vengeance appeared just, since he armed against the Murderer of his Father: Glory and the Reasons of State seemed to forbid him to think of a Peace, since he might promise himself assured Conquests by the Union which he had made with a puissant Monarch. Yet for all this, out of a pious Consideration of the Public Calamities, he stifled his Resentments, and by one so great a Mercy, he rendered himself a thousand times more glorious than his Son, who was so terrible and who fought so many Battles. Many Conquerors have thought to gain immortal Glory by their Arms, who in the next Age have been treated as * As Alexander has been by Seneca, Lucan, and Quintus Curtius. Robbers and Pirates. War is never truly glorious, but when it is founded upon Justice; which also ceases when one may have a reasonable Satisfaction without it, and when the Interest of the State demands a Peace. It would be no difficult matter to prove that even those Princes who are at present most concerned in this War, will find their truest Interest in a Peace, if they have any regard to that of their own Subjects, which is the only a Salus populi superma lex esto. true Interest of State. Misery is general, we are a alike ruined by Friends and Enemies: To take any Place you must shed the Blood, as it were, of all the People, who being seduced to the last Extremities, mourn secretly amidst the Songs of Triumph that are publicly commanded. In effect, they are so far from being the better for the Conquests of their Prince, that they are more burdened with Taxes, and Imposts, than ever. The Towns and conquered Provinces do not afford for the most part half the necessary Expense to fortify, and descend them. They must pay Contributions to their Enemy, furnish free Passage and Quarter to Soldiers, who almost everywhere live like Licentious Robbers. The present posture of Affairs seems to give us some indications of the approach of the day of Judgement, whose knowledge God hath reserved wholly to himself; that it will be the last War of the World, foretold us by the Scripture, and which will for ever take away the Power from Princes and People, of Insuring and Supporting each other. Yet this is not all, they must either receive Soldiers, or pay Winter-Quarters, which destroys all they saved from the Pillage of the Campaign; perhaps they commit all these Excesses, to teach the People not to fear Death, in robbing them of all they have to keep them alive. But it is to be feared, that this Despair in the end may produce some b Maxim metuenda desperantium audacia, tanquam acerrimi morientium belluarum Morsus. ill effects; that it may set the People upon looking for ease from their Burdens elsewhere; or at least that in this Conjuncture, when the Pope labours for a Peace, they will second his good Intentions in spite of their Masters who would oppose them. When the Popes heretofore made use of the Ecclesiastical Thunder for their temporal Interest, the greatest part of the World never heeded it, because their Power ought to be employed to edify, and not to destroy: But if at this day the Holy Father would make use of the Church Censures against the most obstinate Opposers of Peace, which is the Source of all Impieties, 'tis to be presumed, that so holy an Action would draw down the Blessing of Heaven, and procure the Applause of all Mankind. It may be objected, perhaps, That the Interest of State, and Prudence does make Princes defer Peace, in order to weaken a growing Enemy, whose Power, unless prevented, may occasion a common Disadvantage: As for example, the Allies seem to have some reason not to accord so soon with France, hoping that time may give them some Advantages, to reduce her to such a condition, that she may not be in a capacity to hurt them. But this reason alone is not sufficient to continue the War, no more than it would be to begin it; 'tis from Divine Providence, and not from Violence, we must expect a Remedy against the fear of an uncertain Evil c Illud vero minime ferendum est, quod quidam tradiderunt, j●re gentium arma recte sumi ad imminuendam potentiam crescentem, quae nimium aucta ●●cere posset 〈…〉 vim pari posse ad vim inferendam jus tribu●t, ab omni aequitatis ratione ab horret. Gror. li. 2. cap. 1. Sect. 17 Jure. Bell. & Pacis. Whatever Interest we may have in a War, and whatever Justice we have to take Arms; We ought seriously to desire Peace out of a pure Principle of Conscience, though we are employed in the justest War. 'Tis indeed the last Reason we have mentioned, but it would be the the first and strongest, were it not for the universal Depravity of the World. Heretofore it was a Doubt, whether Christians might make b Non militandum Christiano, cui nec litigare quidem liceat. Tertul. lib. de ●●●●. War; but not to raise any difficulty upon the Argument; it is certain, they may not, but upon those conditions which have been seldom or never observed. 'Tis a strange thing, that a private Man shall be put to Death, if he kills another who withholds his Estate from him; and yet a Prince for the least occasion shall be permitted to lay all in Blood and Flames: We know the difference between them; and that a private Man has not the power to do himself Justice, as Sovereigns have; but nevertheless, they ought to prescribe Bounds to their Pretensions and Revenge; a Bellum ita suscipiatur ut nihil aliud nisi pax quaesita videatur. Cicero de office lib. 1. they ought to make it appear, that they seek Peace and its Effects, and not a Pretence to destroy their Neighbours. But let us go on farther, and show in what case a War, though never so Just, may injure a Prince's Conscience; a In poenis quoque exigendis illud maxime observandum est, ne unquam eo nomine bellum suscipi atur in eum cui pares sunt vires, nam ut judicem civilem ita qui armis facinora velit vindicare, multo esse validiorem altero opertet, neque vero prudentia tantum aut suorum caritas exigere solet, ut bello periculoso abstineatur, sed saepe etiam justitia rectoria scilicet, quae ex ipso regiminis natura, superiorem non minus ad curam pro inferioribus, quam inferiores ad obedientiam obligat. Grot. de Jur. Bell. & Pacis. c. 24. . 'tis first when his Enemy is as potent as himself, and thereby engages his Subjects in great hazard; and when he sees that the War will cause them more prejudice than advantage b Quod si plus damni evenit reip. quam compendii ex bello suscepto etiam justo, princeps debet resticuere detrimenta. This is the Opinion of the Casuists, and even of the Jesuit Diana, Panormit. de regular. part. 6. pract. 4. de Bello Reg. If we make a Reflection on the success of Parties who are at present engaged, 'twill be hard to determine which will have the better; nevertheless, we may see, that there is none that do not do more Mischief to themselves, than their Enemy; and that like the Soldiers of Cadmus, in the Fable they devour themselves. The second Reason which ought to incline a Prince to Peace by a Motive of Conscience, is That he that is responsible to God for all Disorders, and Damages, that his Soldiers occasion in a Friend's Country: First, when they commit them for want of their Pay. This is the Opinion of all the Divines; a Puto Regem, qui quae debet stipendia militibus non solvi●, non tantum militibus teneri de damnis inde secutis, sed sub●●●is suis, & vicinis quos inedia coacti milites male habuerunt. Great. de Jur. Bell. & Pac. lib. 3. cap. 17. secr. 2. Num. 6. and indeed of all those that have written about politics, obliges him to make a Reparation. 'Tis but too often seen, that the greatest part of Soldiers pretend a Licence for want of being paid; and that all parts are much embarrased at present, to furnish their Troops with Subsistence, and that they will be more for the future. 2. When a Prince suffers, or permits Rapines, and the Violence of Soldiers, he isobliged to make'em good: We may allege here, what heretofore b Tom. 4. cap. 13. Gerson said in the presence of the King of France, Tu ea non agis mala, verum est sed ea fieri permittis & suffers. Sic Deus judicabit ●●●strate, & dicet, non te alii, sed infernales Diaboli te cruciabunt. How then can these Sovereigns that make this present War dispense with these Obligations, or Punishments? they know well enough, that wherever their Troops pass, nay, tho' it be in a Friend's Country, that they leave nothing behind them, that they can carry away; that they mow the Corn when it is green, and plunder both Women and Children, and commit oftentimes Crimes yet more enormous. Perhaps it may be objected, That all these Disorders do not come to the knowledge of the Prince; but yet he is not less guilty before God because he ought to inform himself exactly, and remedy the same by his presence. With what hopes can a Prince offer his Prayers to God, when he knows, that in quitting a point of Chimerical Honour, he might prevent Pillage, Violence, Burning, and Sacrilege; that he might put all Christendom in a state of Peace, and defend her from the Assaults wherewith the common Enemy threatens her; that he might establish the Glory and Worship of God, so much profaned by the Violations of War; and that he might hinder an infinite number of innocent People from being exposed to the last Extremities and insupportable Outrages. It is not possible but that such prevalent Reasons must move the Christian Princes to search after Peace. But 'tis not enough to have bare Inclinations towards it; Piety obliges them to establish it with Industry, and to take the most proper and ready Measures for so great and good a Work. The best and most assured Method that can be found on both sides, is to speak freely their Grievances and Pretensions, without losing the time in the discussion of Preliminaries and Formalities; and not pretend an Indisposition on purpose, or some default of the Equipage of a Plenipotentiary, to retard the Effect of his Commission. Every one ought to do himself Justice in the Tribunal of his own Conscience, as well as his Enemy, and offer him a Reparation of the Wrong he has done him; after the example of that holy Prince, Heze'iah, 2 Kings. ch 18, 19 who having broken an Alliance which he had made with an idolatrous King, was not ashamed to condemn and submit himself to render a just Satisfaction. Which was the cause that God, who had punished him for this Breach, afterwards heaped upon him infinite Prosperities. After the rate that the Ministers assist at the Assembly of Nimeguen, they seem to be very far from entertaining so pious an Intention. They are so slow in coming thither, that in all probability they will not be slower in moving Questions, and yet they may be more slow in resolving them. They may make it last, if they please till the Diet of Ratisbonne; and perhaps amidst these Delays there may happen some Accidents that will exasperate their Spirits so much, that they'll break it as they did the Treaty of Colen. Whenever there is sincere Inclination to treat of Peace, the Points are always proposed before, by a secret and private Mediation, and concluded in the Cabinets of Princes: The sending of Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries, and Public Conferences serve for nothing else but show. This appears by the most important Treaties of this Age, and particularly that of the Pyrenees; so that we may easily see that Nimeguen, where they know not yet what they mean to propose, will cause us a long time to expect a Peace; during which every Party endeavours to make the best Advantage of the present Conjuncture, and flatter themselves with Successes they think to find over the rest. The Allies imagine perhaps, That France in the end will be distressed by the vast Numbers of its Officers and Soldiers; and that the poverty or natural inconstancy of the People will cause a speedy Reverse of its Prosperity. On the other side, France confides in the Union of its Forces, in the good Fortune she has always hitherto had, and in the Dissension she endeavours to spread among her Enemies; and in fine, trusts to the Revolution of Affairs, that the Port or Poland may produce in the North and the Empire itself. All these Conjectures are very ill grounded, both on one side and tother, but especially through the ill Conduct of one Party. These three Years they have been framing them to no purpose, and accordding to the judgement of the best Politicians, each side has more reason to fear than to hope. In the mean time, for these uncertain Hopes, all Christendom undergoes infinite Devastations, which can never cease, but by the end of the War. We must expect Peace from God only, and believe; that at last he will move the Hearts of these Princes to hearken to his Voice and the Groans of the People. FINIS BOOKS Printed for John Everingham, at the Star in Ludgate-street. AN Enquiry into several remarkable Texts of the Old and New Testament, which contain some difficulty in them; with a probable Resolution of them. In two Parts. By John Edward's, B. D. sometimes Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. Octavo. 2. A Discourse concerning the Authority, Stile, and Perfections of the Old and New Testament: With Illustrations of several difficult Texts of Scripture. By John Edward's, B. D. sometimes Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. Octavo. 3. Miscellaneous Essays. By Monsieur St. Euremont; Translated out of French, with a Character. By a Person of Honour here in England; continued by Mr. Dryden. Octavo. 4. A New Family-Book: or the true Interest of Families; being Directions to Parents and Children, and to those that are instead of Parents; showing them their several Duties, and how they may be happy in one another; together, with several Prayers for Families and Children; and Graces before and after Meat: To which is annexed, a Discourse about the right way of Impreving of our Time. By James Kirkwood, Rector of Astwick in Bedfordshire, with a Preface by Dr. Horneck; the Second Edition Corrected, and much enlarged. Twelve. 5. 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Monarchia Microcosmi, the Origen, Vicissitude and Period of Vital Government in Man; for a farther Discovery of Diseases incident to Humane Nature. By Everard Maynwaring, M. D. Twelve. BOOKS Printed for, and Sold by Abel Roper near Temple-Barr. 1. NEW Poems, consisting of Satyrs, Elegies, and Odes: Together with a Collection of the newest Court-Songs, set to Music by the best Masters of the Age. All written by Mr. Durfey. 2. The Princess of Cleve; as it was Acted at the Queen's Theatre. Written by Nat. Lee. 3. The Amours of Anne (Queen to Lewis the XIII.) with the Chevalier de Rouen, the true Father of the present Lewis the XIV. King of France; in which the whole Cabal and Intriegue of raising this Heir to the French Crown, is fully detected and exposed: Together with the Engines and Instruments of that grand Impostor. Written by a Person of Quality. 4. A Week's Exercise, preparatory towards a worthy Reception of the Lord's Supper. In Meditations, Prayers, and Ejaculations, before, at, and after the Holy Communion: Also Rules and Exercises how to live well after it. By W. W. Dedicated the Princess of Denmark. 5. The State of Innocence, and Fall of Man; an Opera, written in Heroic Verse; Dedicated to the Dutches. 6. An Historical Dictionary of England and Wales; in Three Parts. I Geographical. II. Historical. III. Political. 7. Sir Anthony Love: or, The Rambling Lady. A Comedy, 8. Advice to a Young Lord, written by his Father. 9 The Complete Constable. 10. The Distressed Innocence; A Tragedy. Written by Mr. Settle. 11. The Heroes of France; being a Dialogue between Monsieur Louvois, Colbert, Motcheuril, Sarsfield, and Prince Waldeck; wherein is contained the present State of Affairs in Europe. 12. The Wary Widow: or, Sir Noisy Parrot. A Comedy, Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Written by Henry Higden, Esq 13. The Rules and Maxims of Pleading; which will be Published this Term. FINIS.