Wit's Labyrinth. OR, A brief and compendious Abstract of most witty, ingenious, wise, and learned SENTENCES and PHRASES. Together with some hundreds of most pithy, facetious, and pathetical, complemental Expressions. Collected, compiled, and set forth for the benefit, pleasure, or delight of all, but principally the English Nobility and GENTRY. Aut prodesse, aut delectare potest. By I. S. GENT. LONDON, Printed for M. Simmons, 1648. TO The Illustrious and Generous, the Nobility and Gentry of the Kingdom of England. I. S. wisheth all increase of Honour, happiness, and Prosperity. Right Honourable, I Know it will appear strange & preposterous, to many, to see a Poem of this nature, in these distracted and confused times (when scarce the iron hand of war is ceased: but like a fearful and prodigious comet still hangs over us, threatening ruin and destruction to this royal kingdom) set forth to the view and Censure of the World. For, noble Gentlemen, I must ingenuously confess, it had been much more suitable to the Times, had it had its birth in our Halcyon days, when blessed peace and prosperity reigned in our happy Albion: but since 'tis so unhappy to breathe life in this unnatural age, let it beg your favourable and candid censures: not of Abortive, but a Posthumus. And now to vindicate myself from foul detraction, which the envious and carrying Zoylusses & Momusses of all ages (by their virulent tongues & pens, to prejudice and traduce the works of others) have too frequently, but most falsely cast upon Writers: I shall endeavour to give you some satisfactory reasons of publishing this my Pamphlet. As first, because I never heard or read of any book of this subject, set forth in the English tongue, although in all other languages they are most frequent. The next is for the benefit, pleasure, or delight of the Reader, especially now in these sad and disconsolate times, it being a great refreshment, and recreation to the mind of man, (by way of diversion) to take him off from the consideration of these danger-threatning times, and entertain his thoughts, sometimes with sweet variety of matter, according to that saying: Interpone tuis, interdum gaudea curis, ut possesses animo, quemvis sufferre laborem. And lastly, although this Poem is but a collection of divers sentences, phrasers, &c. as appeareth in the Title, (not methodically composed or digested) it being unpossible in a subject of this nature, so to do) but promiscously intermixed with variety and delight) which many years since in times of my better prosperity. I gathered out of some hundreds of Authors, never having the least thought of putting it to press. Yet now, by the importunity, or rather the commands of some noble friends, to whose endearments for their noble favours, I owe my gratitude: I have adventured, or rather presumed, (under your noble patronage and protection) to put it into print: And noble Gentlemen, let me indulge your favours, not to read it with prejudicate opinions, for than I know you will doom it to scorn and your contempt: but that you will behold it, with a gracious and favourable aspect, rather pitying then censuring the Author; and where you find it worthless and unuseful, you would bury it in the Ocean of your goodness, thereby you will oblige me for to be, Your Honours in all humble observance and duty, I. S. A brief and compendious abstract of most witty, Ingenious, wise, and learned SENTENCES and PHRASES. Virtue illustrates true Nobility. Bounty and mercy grace Nobility. bounty's the badge of true Nobility. Reputation is the soul of Honour. THE sickness of the body, ofttimes proves physic to the soul. Afflictions are preparatives for grace. virtue's more worth, than all the hidden treasures of the earth. mercy's the object of a Christian. Sin and grace are incompatible. This world's a moment to eternity. All earthly treasures are but vanities. Heaven is the object of the soul of man. Content is the crown of earthly happiness. Virtue and grace run parallel with Heaven. All qualities that spring from virtue, have their reward. Where beauty is, there needs no other plea. Riches are lent for to relieve the poor. He that relieves the poor, gives alms to Heaven. Bounty and liberality consists, not in feasting the rich, but feeding the poor. He that contemns the poor may forget Heaven. The rich man's bounty, is the poor man's Exchequer. To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and relieve the poor, is a Sacrifice heaven is well pleased with. The sickness of age is avarice, the errors of youth profaneness. The memory of past misfortunes augments the present happiness. Revenge sweetens disgrace. Innocence is the safest armour. Storms divided abate their force. Melancholy is the nurse of frenzy. Worth should ever be admired, and virtue loved. Conquests hard got, are sweet and glorious. Let virtue be the object of your will. Desperate torments must have desperate cures. Man's greatest extremity, is heaven's best opportunity. Grant me gracious heaven, the head of Solomon, and the heart of David. He is Master of any man's life, that contemns his own. Whosoever writes a modern history, and follows truth too near the heels, it may chance strike out his teeth. No man can so change himself, but that his heart may be sometimes seen at his tongue's end. The mind ought to have reason, to remember, that passion ought to be her vassal, not her Master. he's of a poor spirit that declines every man's anger. The covetous man relishes any thing that comes of free cost. Money comes near the nature of a spirit it is so subtle, it opens locks, draws curtains, buys wit, sells honestly. Affection flows uncompelled. Your fears abuse you. Show not a guilt of so much weakness in you. It is in vain to interrupt our fate. What is decreed above, becomes not mortals to dispute. Redeem yourself to liberty again. Ambition like a torrent ne'er looks back. Ambition is the last affection a great mind can put off. Let not faith seem cheaper for springing out of penitence. The dignity of truth is lost by much protesting, few are virtuous when reward's away. They are petty crimes are punished, great rewarded. Attempts begun with danger, still end with glory. As crimes do grow, justice should rouse herself. Better thy fortunes should forsake thee, than thy virtues. Let falsehood flee thy breast. Let not hatred harbour in thy bosom. Add not to the ill you have done, Resolution ever waits the noble mind. Obey necessity, and lick the lion's feet till happier times. By your delays, you hasten miseries. Betray not yourself to filthy lust, or base contempt. Let revenge sleep. Laugh not at aged sorrow. Destract not from yourself. Sell not your liberty. Sell not your soul for such a vanity as eye-pleasing beauty. Make trial of your virtues. No hell so low, which lust and women cannot lead unto. Into how sad a toil ambition and swift riot run into, when mean content sits low, happy and secure. No course that's violent, can be secure. Smooth runs the brook, whereas the stream is deepest. The fox barks not, when he would steal the lamb. As opposite to every good, as truth and falsehood. The smallest worm will turn, being trodden on. Things ill got, have ever bad success. The common people are like summer flies. Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind. The world's a theatre of theft, great rivers rob the smaller brooks, and them the Ocean. Close as a usurer's purse. Let reason clear your sight. Let not time outstrip you. Delay draws on danger. Most things are what they seem, not as they be, all is opinion. Sometimes at a banquet, more ground is got, then at a bloody battle. Nature will never violate herself. Were it a tempest in a shower of gold, I would endure it. One ill succeeds another, until the mouth of mischief be made up. Gold can make hard the softest conscience. Ascribe not that to merit, which was mere fortune. Rub not old wounds, to bleed again. Add not affliction to misery. Wound not reputation so Be a friend to truth. It's a mere comment of your own. Fortune is blind, and sees not where's desert. Bootless is complaint where there's no remedy. Love being resisted, grows impatient. Fortune is yet your friend. Time is the author, both of truth and right. Time is the child of truth. Violence leaps forth like Thunder, wrapped in a ball of fire. Seek not to increase your sorrow. Nourish not jealous thoughts. Beauty invites temptation. Rouse up your sleeping virtue. I am circled round with danger, and no hope left to redeem me. They are empty men that trumpet their own deserts. You trumpet your own shame. A virgin's speech must always be ushered with fear My very thoughts (I hope) are winged with innocence. I must exact your utmost care in this. From a pure spring, sweet rivers ever flow. Gold's not too dear a sollary for such a hazard. Burst not with envy. virtue's turned handmaid to blind fortune. Honest simplicity and truth are the agents I'll employ. I wish my secret thoughts lay open to discovery. It's no time now to play with your good fortune. Equal nature made us all of one mould▪ 'Tis not fortune, but your folly. You shall run no such hazard. Torment me not with expectation. I desire not my deep designs. True loves a servant, brutish lust a tyrant. Duty must not assume the name of merit. I am paid for all my sufferings. Have all your wishes. Disdain not virtue though clad in rags. Y'are drunk with a false opinion of your own worth. Think not with Giant arms to fathom earth. Flatter not yourself with such false hopes. Redeem the forfeit of your fault. A free confession of a fault wins pardon. Laugh not at danger. Let not your joy oppress you. Play not with anger, that will consume you. 'Tis above wonder, undeard of violence. All my poor fortunes are at stake, and I must run the hazard. I have long fed on the bread of sorrow. Comfort's a stranger to me. The amazed sun hides his face behind a mask of clouds. In my sufferings, all sorrow's comprehended. These are but chimaeras of your jealous fears. I have not faith enough for to believe you. I must not credit impossibilities. The torrent of your joys will o'erwhelm you. Temperance is the Queen of virtues. You describe a wonder a rare temper. You wrack me beyond patience. Cherish desert in all. I walk upon a bridge of glass. I would not live slave to jealousy for the world. Such cruelty would force a savage to compassion. Men pity beasts of rapine, if o're-matcht. You bear it with a saintlike patience. Add not fuel to that fire that burns too hot already. Where cruelty reigns, there dwells nor love nor honour. Will you assist me in my undertakings. It falls not in the compass of my understanding. Be not transported thus with grief and sorrow. This confirms what before I doubted. Can your charity descend so low as to look on my sufferings? Be not too indulgent to your folly. Your malice cannot reach me. You must of force now use your patience. Y'are wronged beyond a coward's sufferance. All circumstances meet to give it credit. Virtue though in rags, may challenge more, than vice with all her greatness. You'll pluck a mountain of disgrace upon you. You are all made of passion. I'll teach my Spaniel to howl in better language. You forget the dignity of the place. You cannot free yourself from these aspersions. I cannot clothe my thoughts in better language. Like a rock I'll bear off all temptations. You may as soon wash an Aethiop white. Never cure was, but with some pains effected. I'd rather trust the mercy of a storm, thento be calmed for ever. Let not fear fright you, nor hope fool you. All is not deadly, that looks dangerous. Times ancient bawd is opporunity. Folly begets danger. Y'have spoke the worst that malice could invent. Cedars and shrubs are not parallels. Virginity in an ancient maid, is like a garment long laid by, and out of fashion, not worth wearing. Virginity sometimes is like a false friend, better lost then kept. Your thoughts instruct you ill. Your heart's a rebel to you. Descents to ill are easy, steep are the steps to grace. I'll waken heaven and earth with my exclaims. Grief's a true watchman. Base ones made big by beauty, are but slaves. Unequal marriage is not love, but lust. The Bee can breed no poison, though she suck the juice of hemlock. Indignation flies on wings of thunder. Traitor's are like to poisoned arrows, which tyrants shoot at mischief. Mine eyes wax dim with expectation. The mind of man is like a restless ship that's tossed and hurled upon the surging seas. The lofty Eagle will not catch at flies. This world's a chaos of confusion The night's black mantle over-spreads the sky. Black night is fled to his deformed cell. You dwell in Labyrinths. Your language is more dubious than an oracle. The Spaniel sawnes, because he dares not bark. You flatter as though you had served your apprenticeship in Court. Your stars bid you be happy. Your heart's like pebbles, smooth, yet stony. Generous spirits, are still subject to credulity. 'Tis the misery of Princes to sin in ignorance. You will repent this language. Enroll your meaning in your speech. Old time hath thrown his feathers from his heels. It is legitimate blood of the rich grape. I'll sooner couple with a mandrake, and beget groans. I'm lost unto your memory. Time hath now sprained his foot, and goes awry. As pensive as the night. As liberal as the Sun, which shines on all. Gold is the quintessence and elixir of all metals. Time grows humorous with age. The morn's fair cheek hath not yet lost her tears. The eye of heaven doth wink, or is out. Mix ability with your will. As wholesome as the blood of grapes to age. You will enrage your violence. The frozen hand of death hath ceased him. The snake hath cast his skin. As swift as thought. Aeolus defend us from these storms. The jewel that's enjoyed, is not esteemed. True beauty, yet was never merciless. Who most do love, must seem most to neglect. Night, nor sleep are nor more silent. If a man halt but once in his estate, friendship will prove but broken crutches to him. Night with her black steeds draws up the day. They deafen air with their loud exclaims. In wars, is wealth and honour to be won. Mourning for the absent, is like sorrowing for the dead. Outward shows express not always truth. Imagination doth not ever fail. Sparks of honour will burst into flames. A Prince's greatest glory is but a cloudy mist. Princes with their looks engender fear. I love to hear vice anatomised. Observe him as the watch observes the clock. There's nothing Roman in him. Ambition makes more trusty slaves, than need. When power, that may command, doth much descend, their bondage, whom it stoops too, it intends. It is not safe to enforce a Soverainges ear. Princes hear well, if they at all will hear. Wrath covered, carries fate with it. Revenge is lost, if men profess they hate. It is not safe, the children draw long breath, that are provoked by a parent's death. Thunder speaks not till it hit. None sooner are oppressed, than they, whom confidence betrays to rest. All power is to be feared, where 'tis too much. Age in all things breeds neglect. Wolves do change their hair, but not their hearts. Take heed of whispering your thoughts. There is no loss, nor shame in providence. He threatens many, that hath injured one. Your fraud is worse to me then violence. You strive to make him guilty, whom you have foredoomed. Your thoughts look through your words. The coward, and the valiant man must fall. The times are sick, when virtue cannot safely be advanced. Who nourisheth a lion, must obey him. A Prince's power makes all his actions good. Prince's agents are like dumb instruments, to do, but not inquire. Prince's intents are to be served, not searched The way to rise, is to obey, and please. No innocence is safe, when power contests. What we do know will come, we should not fear. 'Tis hard when ignorance is scarcely innocent. A good man rather must sit down with loss, than rise unjust. 'Tis place, not blood, discerns the noble, and the base. Night hath many eyes; whereof, though most do sleep, yet some are spies. 'Tis now about the noon of night. He well doth give, where merit meets his bounty. Injuries neglected, find their own grave. The punishment of writers augments the reputation of his works. The first crime is the bridge to all succeeding ones. When a woman hath lost her chastity, she hath no more to lose. Where distrust begins, there friendship ends. There's nothing in man but his ambition, that waxeth not old. Great matters should be sooner done, than disputed of. 'Tis more honour to give, than to receive. When the service is so great, that it cannot well be recompensed, it makes him that hath done it, odious and troublesome. Princes had rather give to oblige, than to acquire themselves by rewarding. Patience too much wronged, turns to fury. Providence is the safest shield against the threats of fortune. That power can never be well used, that is ill got. 'Tis hard to judge of a man's felicity, before his death. That favour that is acquired by merit, or good fortune, is conserved by modesty, and lost by insolence. Virtue wheresoever found, is honourable. Fortune attend me, as my ends are just. Suffer mine eyes for to discourse my griefs. Virtue and grace, are always paired together. Brain is the mother of invention. Kill this monster grief. True worth, scorns to turn chameleon. When beauty's withered, lustful love grows cold. Your guilt keeps ope your eyes. Midnight's the general bawd to the whole world. Nimble prevention outruns woe. 'Tis rare, to find a woman chaste and fair. Destruction, though delayed, yet's deadly sure. The blessed man is absolutely rich. As secret as calm silence, or the night. Another's loss, makes many fortunate. In sickness, an associate helps disease. Envi's the common traitor to Estate. That man's to lethargy condemned, that takes a Politician to his friend. To suffer wrong, inflames revenge. A pregnant pupil thrives without a tutor. An hypocrites heart is like a deceitful sponge. The sun at his departure seemed to smile. Mischief, like mighty waves, ne'er comes alone. Place cannot change the nature of good things. Innocence is resolution's ground. Let affection be your servant, will your slave, passion your drudge. The Ford is shallowest, where the stream doth roar. Hearts are small things, but infinite in desires. The headstrong winds do rage with hideous storms. The fearful sun descends as red as blood. There is no hell to an aspiring mind. All strive to have, but few for to deserve. What horror and affrightment ceaseth me. The sun will blush, for to behold such guilt. Man is the pride of heaven's creation. Let not clouds of passion choke your reason. Nothing deforms a man so much as sin. When black hands are lift up, heaven hath no feeling. Death could not speak a word more fatal to me. Just heaven will ne'er forsake the innocent. Grief's weight is eased, when each one bears his part. Ignorance doth not always strut in satin, it ofttimes walks a Clergy pace in black. The fox will have his prey before the lion. Words are airy shades, they are deeds that please. Wealth is abused, when it conducts to hell. He's blessed, that to be rich, can give consent with honesty, or rest poor with content. Let mercy lodge within your gentle breast. What ground for this suspicion, find your thoughts. Our heads cut air, and yet our hearts plough earth. Murder from heaven's eye cannot be concealed. Vain thoughts will flatter you. Passion must vent itself in speech or tears. Too much indulgence is not love, but hate. The body hath no sickness like the mind. You hug your hopes, as a politician his airy plots. Murder, like your Jesuit, doth whisper death in silence. The usurer whilst his interest money in doth troll, cares not to lose the principal his soul. Murder will out, though by the actors mouth. Rich men, as well as poor, must turn to dust. Gold's the world's idol. Gold is the young man's whore, the old man's saint. Ignorance is foe to arts. You put into a sea, you cannot sound. Hark how the sound of horror beats the air. The Alpine snow at the sun beams doth melt. 'Tis vanity to quarrel with your destiny Who seems most crafty, proves ofttimes most fool. Mercy is Nobilities true badge. The Raven doth not hatch a lark. Did ever Raven sing so like a lark. Sorrow concealed, doth burn the heart to cinders. The Firmament hath not more suns than one. Friends should associate friends in grief and woe. Trust him by leisure, that deceived thee once. Your smiles to me are like a flattering glass. There is sedition in your countenance. Contents a kingdom, and you wear the crown. Banish from your breast sad discontent. Care lodges in my heart, grief in my breast. Charity is fled to Heaven. Death is the end of all calamity. Rich men fly the poor, as good men shun the devil. Oh what a clog to the soul is sin. Pity it is repentance comes too late. Blow not those coals, which long were raked in embers. Let not the head contend against the foot. A benefit upbraided, forfeits thanks. There's no content attends a wavering mind. That man is only happy with his fate, That is contented in a settled state. Time flies with winged haste. A bounteous act hath always glory following it. 'Tis best to fear without a cause. Your sword hath made some windows for my blood. Who hunts for honour, happiness neglects. You are both deaf to prayers, and blind to tears. By base revenge, there is no honour won. To forgive an Injury, is the greatest victory. He that will once give the wall, shall quickly be thrust into the kennel. I was not salted at the University to be colted here. Love's the reward of love. Mischief for mischief, is a due reward. Blood asketh blood, and death must death requite. Wrong done, is righted, when men grant, they err. Tell truth, and shame all travellers and tradesmen. He that soars too near the sun, may melt his wings. Blushing doth ill in a waiting-Gentlewoman, but monstruous in an old Courtier. The Vulture smells a prey. Sin is the worst of ills. A duty well discharged, is never followed by sad repentance. The world's a city, full of straying streets, And death's the marketplace where all do meet. Make not misery and affliction a toy to jest at. My hope's a prisoner to me. A willing man dies sleeping. Truth is times eldest daughter. Awake, and pay the duty which you owe. Power makes all things lawful. Envy stands ever gaping at desert. Love hath a blindfold judgement. Truth hath no need of rhetoric. Death is a debt, for which there is no forgiveness. Persuasion shall not change me. No man shall want his merit. Still waters drown, the shallow do but roar It is truth's part to suffer. A Bastard is the filthy dregs of lust, that was be got when sin was revelling. Shake hands with passion. Earth must not question Heaven. As innocent as truth. Kill not your comfort. Gold is a good persuader. He that knows the world, knows not all her mischiefs. Care may prevent a danger. He that fears danger, shall be sure to find it. In stillest rivers, are the greatest dangers. Make virtue your companion evermore. Truth will appear sometimes by miracle. Severity brings safety. Misery will make a man the better relish happiness. Dally not with mischief. The lamb is unnatural, that should hate the dam. All shipwrecks are not drownings. Stomachs with kindness cloyed, disdain must stir. Deep plots desire the night, not babbling day. Wine is wit's midwife. Time may favour win. Fear's as bad as death. Dark night hath black velvet wings. Melancholy is the nurse of frenzy. The poorest service is repaid with thanks. It is the mind that makes the body rich. The fire of love is blown by dalliance. The more ill threats us, we suspect the less. Preferment seldom graceth bashfulness. Cares are companions of a crown. Mischief lurks in the dark. A storm may come, be the day ne'er so clear. Quick speed is good, where wisdom leads the way. Hasty purposes, have hated ends. Death is the conqueror of Kings. He loves not me, that loves mine enemy. The monster grief afflicts my very soul. Death is far sweeter than captivity. Reason's the Mistress of experience. Report is ever subject to abuses. Worth should be ever admired, and virtue loved. True love is void of fear. No danger can afflict a constant mind. Your waxen wings will melt against the Sun. Beauty may tempt to lust. Put not out the eye of reason. Beauty set to sale, wantoness the blood. Beauty doth draw like to the wanton morning sun, the eyes of men to gaze on. Truth will be prevalent. Justice, like lightning, ever should appear, To few men's ruin, but to all men's fear. Let not passion eclipse your judgement, or reason. Truth will discover all men's treacheries. Mercy and beauty well do sympathize. Causes best friended, have the best events. Better be ever dumb, than not speak truth. Silence argues guilt. Appetite to love, never leaves an old woman, till cracking of nuts fails her. Sleep is deaths younger brother. A man past grace, is past recovery. Night's candles burn obscure. The moon lies buried in a cloud. Earth's joys are but short lived Your soul bleeds at your eyes. The care of State is quick, and jealous. Good men may err sometimes. Soft rest hath ceased on mortals brows. Passion, like midnight, sits upon your thoughts. I'll vent my griefs in silence. Experience makes it good, they stand not fast, that rise by blood. What fits you not to know, leave to desire. Suspicions eye doth dog you. Death is the post of heaven. Take truce with sorrow. You may as soon persuade the Ocean, in a storm to leave swelling. Envye stands a typ-toe, to pull down innocence. Every thing the less common it is, the more admired. Love is ever seconded with flattery. Virtue is rich, and rewards itself. Death's a quick carver. Death is the harbinger of heaven. Fortune showers down content beyond desert. Nature hath made you, what she need not shame. When he that should reward, forgets the man, 'tis virtue to boast a merit. Time creeps, when we expect our bliss. Prevent your fate, by virtuous providence. No sunshine follows me. Virgin's resolves are weak. Be reconciled to virtue. Innocence is a strong tower. Death's a devouring gamester. Reproach is death, to him that lived in fame. Grief by despair seems greater than it is. By industry, wise men do seek relief. True settled love, can ne'er be turned to hate. Though fortune fail us, let us not fail ourselves. virtue's unto itself a sure reward. Beware betimes, and be not wise too late. There lurks an adder in the greenest grass. Danger, or purpose, always hides her head. Nothing wounds deeper than ingratitude. He that is one man's slave, is free from none. Where there is plainness, there is ever truth. Rage is the vent of torment. Mischief's ready way lies always open. Gold is of power to make an eagles' speed. Fortune is fickle, and her face is blind. The fox fares always best, when he is cursed. Great honours are but fortunes flatteries. Who soars too near the sun, may melt his wings. The shrub is safe, when us the Cedar shakes. Ambition like the plague, see thou eschew. A disgrace not seen, is held no shame. Let not lust conquer virtue. The Halcyon sings before a storm. You know no pity for an injury. At the lowest ebb, the tide still turns. You have showed me a rich jewel, and put it in a Casket for yourself. When mines are to be blown up, men dig low. Let plenty spread your board, and charity take away. Great men to Princes, are like valleys unto hills, they may be counselled by them, not controwled. Conscience is seldom seen in cloth of gold. Great fortunes earned, are great slaveries. Where Beggars once take alms, they look for't ever. Storms are at sea, when it is calm at land. You feed some discontent. Discontent's a mould, fit to cast mischief in. He that hath the muses smile, hath money's frown. Better to fight with lions, then with laws. Heaven is the poor man's champion. Sorrow ends not, when as it seemeth done. Truth hath a quiet breast. Where words are few, they are seldom spent in vain. Men's ends are marked, more than their lives before. You seek no shelter, to avoid the storm. A tide of woes comes rushing on all at once. Thanks is the exchequer of the poor. Things past redress, aught to be past care. Tears show their love, but want their remedy. Your heart is not confederate with your tongue. Grief's not to be assuaged by flattery. Chastity is a thing not known in Court. Nothing is hard to them that dare to die. Cherish desert in all. Men are not fit to live in the state they hate. The easiness doth much abate the edge. No pain's so irksome as a forced delight. There needs no flattery, but where desert is wanting. He's next in right, that hath the strongest power. Sometimes noble blood is hid in rags. Fear argues a base spirit. Death is the last, and the extremest of ills. Virtue is paid her due by death alone. Time wears out, what art or nature cannot bring about. When lust is up, all women are alike. None can find, the subtle cunning of a woman's mind. You give a drop of honey in a sea of gall. there's no resisting of necessity. There is a cloud obscures my sun. Late providence, procures long repentance. Blind is the censure of uncertainties. Great sorrow is always dumb. The greatest virtue is true patience. My heart was never feaver-shook with fear. All censures soon take fire. The dawn of midnight, is the drunkard's noon. Chastity is a virgin's riches. To shut your lips fast, take this lock of gold. A faulty woman never wants excuse. Women are like to Venice glasses, one crack spoils them. As kind as the sun to the new-come spring. As constant as the needle to the adamant. Good things abused, convert unto the worst. An eagle's nest disdains to hatch a crow. Small flies i'th' spider's web are ta'en, When great ones tear the web, and free remain. No man ever durst swear for his wife, but Adam. Innocence wronged, is crowned. Thieves are Diana's foresters, or Gentlemen of the shade. As melancholy as a lover's lute, or hair▪ Tread not upon my patience. A railing wife is worse than a smoky house. As bountiful as mines of India. Your letters speaks your mind. As wanton as a goat. Discretion is the better part of valour. A false comfort is worse than a true wrong. Suspicion always hath a ready tongue. In poison there is physic. Wake not a sleeping wolf. As near of kin, as the parish heifer to the town bull. Discretion is the better part of man. Let wisdom be your guide. Uneasy lies the head, that wears a crown. Old folks are times doting chronicle. He is walked the way of nature, and of death. Abate your fury. As quick and fiery, as the palfrey of the sun. There's flattery in friendship. The man that would have sold the lion's skin, while the beast lived, was killed with hunting him. Noble minds contemn despair or danger. There is more safety in a tiger's jaws. To wretched men, death is felicity. No beast is so fierce, but knows some touch of pity. A wren may prey, where an Eagle dares not perch. 'Tis good to sort occasion. When clouds appear, wise men put on their cloaks. The mind of man, mistrusts ensuing dangers. The waters swell, before a boisterous storm. Riches are in fortune, as great a good, as wisdom is in nature. Hope is such a bate, it covers any hook. Calumnies are answered best with silence. Health is the blessing of the rich, and riches of the poor. The sun that sets, may rise again. Play not with, or delay not opportunity. Guilty persons suspect what they deserve. Mischief doth ever end, where it begun. It is an act of horror. Heaven never fails the innocent. Good wits are greatest in extremity. To plead for the guilty, hurts the innocent. Mischief's feed like beasts, till they be fat, and then they bleed. Brave minds, are strongest in extremities. The most do favour error. Reason is the ground of arts. Your compliments call your faith in question. You may improve your virtue. Death hath more doors than one. Truth is a word, that doth in every language relish well. Play not too long upon my patience. Mine eyes begin to summon me to sleep. Love is always jealous. In full fields, the gleanings are allowed. The end still crownes the deed. Best natures are soonest wrought upon. Where shall I borrow patience. A storm is coming, I must provide for harbour. Man's right to every thing, wains with his wealth. 'Tis a dangerous thing to steal prey from a lion. The worst deeds are made good, with good success. Flatterers look like friends, as wolves like dogs. Misery of virtue, ill is made good with worse. A wronged heart will break a rib of steel, but vent itself. You are a gulf of all ingratitude. Dishonest things, have bitter rivers, though delicious springs. Truth is not made of glass. Prince's discontents, are like the flames of Aetna, not to be quenched. Pray yield my innocence justice. Do not enforce your merits, so yourself. Where medicines loath, it grieves men to be healed. Danger always haunts desert. Submission is a full, and complete recompense. Reward goes backward, honour on his head. We must to virtue, for our guide resort. Innovation is more dangerous than error. All faults are still-born, that from greatness grow. Frailty is fruitful. The height of love is still won with denyings. Gild carries fear with it. Flattery, like the plague, pierceth unfelt. Keep not fire in your bosom, lest it consume you. You cherish a viper in your bosom, which will destroy you. The Politician, or Machevilian, covers hate with smiles. A Politician must (like lightning) melt the very marrow, yet not pierce the skin. An old husband is good to make screen of, to stand next the fire, whilst his young wife sits behind him, and keeps a friends lips warm. You with your hand turn fortune's wheel about. Virtue is the fountain, whence honour springs. Let no man's birth be blemish to his worth. We must give way to want. 'Tis manners to take kindness. Necessity must be obeyed. The feast of Marriage is not lust, but love. When Cynthia's pride's at full, she wanes again. Death is the greatest Monarch in the world. Love is a slave to hope. Night clad in black, mourns for the loss of day. Sleep is death's younger brother. love's power by wisdom, cannot be withstood. Firm constancy, like rocks, can ne'er be moved. The face is the index of the mind. 'Tis a weakness to measure by ourselves, the purposes of others. You carry too much sale for your small bark. Let not false hopes abuse you. To be thankful to a servants merits, is grown a crime. Greatness comes from above. 'Tis a favour, which virtue cannot warrant. An innocent truth can never stand in need of a guilty lie. I am but coffin to my cares. My tongue's the voice of truth. Gold is the miser's god. Men fleshed in blood, know seldom to amend. Love subdues all things. Love is the sovereign virtue of the soul. Death to the godly, is the gate to bliss, But death (the wicked) leads to the abyss. MOST PITHY, FACETIOUS, and pathetical complemental EXPRESSIONS. Confirm me in your favour, with a smile. The justness of my cause, I hope will gain success. Her neck's more white, then new fall'n snow. Her breasts, are swan-like. Her very breath perfumes the air she breathes. You embrace the occasion to depart. Welcome as Manna, to my hungry soul. I will contrive myself for your best use. I will perform my best on your behalf. She is a rich mine of beauty. She is the glory of her sex. She bears the palm of beauty from them all. Others compared to her, seem like glimmering stars to the full moon. Her breath's more odiferous, than a bed of spices. Nature ne'er framed a more delicious piece. I'll pay the tribute of my lips, to your fair hands. The music of the spheres, is not so ravishing. The name of him you come from, is warrant sufficient to make your welcome here. Let my boldness prove pardonable. Let us change air a little. You have power to steer me, as you please. I hope you hold no suspicion of me. 'Tis my duty to obey your fair commands. My fears are almost over. In your good, I'll bury all my hate. I can relish any thing that comes of free cost. You are the only man I have ambition to honour. I should be proud to merit such a favour. 'Tis in your power to oblige me. Pray point me out some service, to express my gratitude. You will dishonour me by your suspicion. I know you are all courtship. You have discoursed me into admiration. I'll live an heretic in that point. You have a soul is full of gratitude. You have sown your charity in a fruitful ground. You are very liberal in language. Break silence, when you please. Doom me not a scorn, before condemned. Your sight gives me a lease of longer life. Be wise, fair opportunity waits upon your pleasure. Your will is but controlled by dastard fears. Let me now circle in mine arms, all happiness. I have not soul enough, to apprehend my joys. I hope my fortunes cannot deserve your scorn. Let me be bold to claim your noble promise. My blood heaves in my veins. 'Tis happiness enough, that you have mentioned it. Let me beg your pardon. Make me happy to renew my suit. Vouchsafe me kiss your hands. I'll consecrate this day to triumph. I am shadow to your worthiness, noble friend. The riches of the world flow to your coffers. Think not, that I would bid you grasp the wind, or call you to the embracing of a cloud. You have power to melt me, and cast me in any mould. All my breast holds, I'll pour into thee. I'll tell it, or speak it in thine ears. I had been happier by your fellowship. Put on your better looks, or thoughts, there's nought, but fair and good intended to you. Speak your imperfect thoughts. I am ever bound to you, for many favours. Fame renders you most worthy of it. Report could never have got a sweeter air to fly in, than your noble breast. You are all bounty, all worth. Enjoin me to what punishment you please. I'll fly at your commands. I fear 'twill prove prodigious to you. Your warrant must prove mighty then. For this let me embrace you. I will be secret as your soul, or night. I'll like your shade pursue you. All fair content dwell here. Fortune may be propitious yet. I fear, my griefs are not at full yet. I emulate your daring spirit. You can bawl well, with your full oyster voice. You bark too much, to bite. All valour's not confined within your breast. The happiness of the day crown your desires. I wish the night may equal the day's happiness. All content, both night and day, crown your desires. My desires equal your wishes. I'll weep the day out, and out-mourn the night. Who gave you patent to examine me. She equals your Commends in all respects. So true a fair, I ne'er beheld till now. You merit not, to touch so choice a rarity, You overcharge me with so great a favour, as your descending thus to visit me. Your carriage speaks you so impartial worthy. I should do wrong to merit, not to honour you. Your hopes should fly a pitch above it. I see, there speaks a fortune in your brow. I dare not look so high. Is this the hook your golden bait doth cover. I will not further dissuade your resolution. I will not less esteem your merit. You engage me to you ever. Her mind's so chaste, a man may sooner melt the alps, than her You are ungentle to triumph in my torment. Glut your relentless sight with full eyed sorrow. She is all amorous, all fair. Those tears would melt the hearts of tigers. Gold, that doth usher greatness, lacques you. The tongues of Ravens are too mild to speak it. You cast your eyes too much upon the flame, proves your destruction. Turn back your comet eyes, or I shall perish in the flames of love. I'll be as just to you, as heaven to truth. Can there remain a soul, that will vouchsafe me pity. I'll put you to the test. You dazzle your own eyes. I will out-toil the day for your content. I cannot speak your worth to the full. What sad noise wounds my ears. You are the prodigy of nature. You are the substance of that shadow, I did represent. The world may smile again. Calm your contumelious tongue. Reverse that doom. If I say, I may repent, but if I swear, it is irrevocable. You look like lean faced envy. I scorn your worthless threats. You have a tiger's heart wrapped in a woman's hide. Even as the rocks please them, that fear their wrack. Pray give no limits to my tongue. Without your leave, I'm privileged to speak. Your manhood hangs upon your tongue. As if a channel, should be called, the Sea. Whether fly the gnats, but to the sun. Dark cloudy death, o'ershades his beams of life. Ask mercy, and obtain no grace. The ghostly Father now hath done his shrift. You cry content, to that which grieves you most. You can add colours to the chameleon. You can change shapes with Proteus. You'll set the aspiring Catiline to school. I'll never fawn upon your frowns. You are as amorous as youthful May. You are as grey as January. My deeds shall always wait upon my promise. Just AEsopps crow, pranced up in borrowed feathers. All my liberty lies in your service. More manners would become you better. I yield myself to your direction, manage me at your pleasure. You would fain endear your service. I have been faithful in all you trusted me. I'll make a virtue of necessity. No service, more than reciprocal. I cannot pass you without an ave. Secret as midnight, quick as lightning, sure as the sun. I listened for that string, and you have touched it. You oppress me with wonder. I'll give no suffrage to it. I fear you have made a conveyance of your Virginity beforehand. You have sucked the milk of the Court. I'll be your anvil to work upon. I will out-wait a Sergeant for you. Shall I hope this benefit from you. You set too high a price on my poor deservings. I reaped more grace, than I deserved or hoped. Dark night hath shut up day, to pleasure us. What ever joy earth yields, succeed to you. The virtues of your mind would force a Stoic to sue to be your servant. You are a stain of honour. I am a constant lover of your mind. Your noble deeds, transcend all precedents. It is an honour, and so I do receive it. Peace wait upon you. It is a favour, and so I do receive it. You have fired me with the heat of your deservings. The virtues of your mind are infinite. You wander in the wild maze of desire. Pray guide me to your lips. Your looks are agues to me. Let's have a scene of mirth. You are a diligent observer of the times. Too much of one dish cloys one. I'll seat you on a hill of happiness. I feel a woman's longing. You have out stripped me in the race of honour. 'Tis far from me, to be your rival. One frown of yours, strikes dead all comfort in me. Your fears are needless▪ I'll not be wanting: but still strive to serve. You are the miracle of virtue. I stand indebted for a benefit to you. In thankful duty, I'll study how to serve you. I cannot speak your praises to the full. Your breast's my Sanctuary. It is not worth your thoughts. I prize him to his worth. In thought I am not guilty. Let me thrive, as my intents are honest. I have a strong assurance of your virtue▪ It is unfit, that I should press it further. Such thoughts are far from my ambition. This is impudence beyond expression. Trouble me not with thanks. It merits not your thanks. Fortune claims a share in't. I do partake your sufferings. There's no happiness in my gift, but you may challange▪ I'll plead my interest. I'll rather doubt an oracle, than question what you deliver. You may teach Hermes eloquence. You look with covetous eyes upon her. I plead for that, which you with joy should offer. Leap into mine arms, and then ask pardon. These are strange Meanders. I hope you'll please to think upon my sufferings. My want of power to satisfy so great a debt, makes me accuse my fortunes. You may as you please, determine of me. You caper, as you were all air, or fire. I'll be as humble, as your Spaniel. Your bounty (like a new Spring) hath revived the autumn of my years. I will not war with Eloquence. A bed of snakes straggle within me. Fair fortune be your guide. You seem to outmarch time. You are skilful in patience. You are fortunes minion, and sleep in her bosom. I fear you'll make me guilty of Idolatry. Such endearments, will too much impoverish my gratitude. Take me into your bosom, and hide me there. I esteem you a friend to virtue. Not the mountain Ice, congealed to crystal, is more chaste than she. Your marrow's frozen in your bones. You speak, or puff, like a Cannon. I'll be obedient to your just commands I'll celebrate my Mris health to you. Her breath is like the smoke of spices. I ever held you my best example. She whispers like the amorous lute. 'Tis not in me for to resist your pleasure I'll fly with winged haste. You council, like an oracle. I'll like an amorous wind, sport with your hair. Let my entreaty have power, to alter your commands. I know your worth, and esteem your friendship precious. You may challenge all my power on your behalf. You are the star, that rules my faculties. Gallants are much obliged unto the sins of Ladies. You did misspend that breath. My faith cannot admit of this. To see your harmony, will make me sin in wishes. Trust not the unruly appetite of youth. You are much given to propogation. y''ave bathed your silken limbs in lustful dalliance. You walk in artificial clouds. Your guilt doth make you aguish. You tremble, like a frosty Russian on a hill▪ I fear you will convert to stone. You wrong your judgement. My services merit no such regard. My joy exceeds my wonder. You still oblige my gratitude. You walk in cloudy mists. You bark against the moon. See an object worthy pity. Leave with me first some comfort. Farewell, fair regent of my soul. You will make happy the man that shall possess you. I never hoped from you so large a bounty. Your tongue is a perpetual motion. Thought is not more swift. You are a Stukely, or a Shirley, for your spirit and bounty. She sends you amorous glances from her eyes. They fight love on both sides. Be moderate my joys. My joys are at the full. The blessings of your Mistress fall upon you. You seem able, without the help of muscadine and eggs. It shall be in my Creed. I'll mount me on the wings of haste. Ask your thoughts, if they can counsel keep. This sight is physic to my soul. I love to hear vice anatomised. Marriage is my wishes happiness. Would I were Secretary to your thoughts. Your thoughts and mine, run parallel in that. My best abilities of power are at your service▪ You are the star that guides my motion. I'll bosom what I think. It was the end of their creation. A maidenhead, is as a creature got in the eye, conceived in a kiss: some call it a sigh, and some an amorous groan. The very air is ravished with her touch. This place is not my sphere. I have no shift of faces, no cleft tongue. You are the soul of goodness. Let me adore my Esculapius. Check your passions, be master of yourself. He looks too full of death, for you to deal with. She shines bright like the moon, among the lesser lights. I must make a rude departure. You must use more than a common speed. I am not Oedipus enough to understand you. I must be glad to practise my obedience. As loved, as is the air I breath. You are the friend of season, and do follow fortune. I'll sooner trust a Sinon. You seem to tread on air. Let me enjoy my longings. 'Tis now about the noon of night. Run a lictor's pace. I'll rear a pyramid to your memory. It is an act most worthy Hell, and lasting night. Now Venus be my speed. Can you freeze, and such a heat so nigh you, ready to dissolve you. She hath an easy melting lip, a speaking eye. All the days good attend you. Can your belief lay hold no such a miracle. Good gall be patient. I'll feed you with delight. My fortunes thrive beyond imagination. My hopes are prevalent. Why are you clothed in tears or sorrow▪ Venus compared to her, was but a blouse. Her eyes are diamonds, set in purest gold. You are the star, by whom my fate is led. I love to relish sweet variety. You are clouded all with passion. I hope our loves are twins. Your wanton blood danceth within your veins. You speak all comfort to me. My blood is almost frozen with despair. Laments are idle, seek better remedies. I must enrol you in the catalogue of my dearest friends. You will persuade belief. You live like a screech-owl in a secret cave. It is the blessing of my fate. Your example steers me. Our moderators are our swords. I burst, if I contain my passion. I'll be a just executor, of your will. I'll rain a shower of gold into your lap. My trust shall quit your faith. Her name, like some celestial fire, quickens my spirits. I never knew virtue, and beauty mere in a sweeter nature. My wish requites you. I am planet-struck. Your guilt doth bind your secrecy. You cannot tempt me, Siren. I know what snake would sting you. My love's like fate, unmovable. I am blind to your enticements. I have been true unto your pleasures. I shall rest grateful for it. Your presence is restorative. Let me not perish in your favour. They greet in silence, as the dead are wont. Your words are Raysers to my wounded heart. I'll climb Olympus top. The golden sun salutes the morn. You are above pale envies threatening reach. The sun hath gilt the Ocean with his beams. You thunder with your tongue. Better than you, have worn Vulcan's badge. There's music in her smiles. I will prevent the suns up rising, from his bed. Court her with fair entreats. My rage hath plunged me into a sea of danger. Disparage not your worth so. You are full of fair desert. I have been bound to you, by many favours. I shall never merit your least of favours to me. I never bound you to me by desert. You are a man most dear in my regard. The Ocean's not more boundless, than your favours. Some fury pricks you on, and hurries you to mischief. I cannot harbour such a disloyal thought. Your purse is my Exchequer. Build on my faith. With what face of brass can you speak this. You move me both to passion, and to pity, It is an act of night. Your lipp's she path of pleasure, and the gate of bliss. You will have much ado, to win belief, I am wrapped in a maze of wonder. We come with prepared stomachs, to your Feast. A general silence hath surprised all. I'll lodge you in my bosom, and wear you in my heart. Her honour is as spotless as the moon. This light in me begets much admiration. I shall turn baby too. A mart of beauties in her visage meet. If once I loved you, greater is your debt. Wrong not our friendship so. Let fear go seek a dastard's nest. I'll call your tongue to strict account for this. I'll ope my bosom to you. You think you can enchain me with a smile. You are a white enchantress, Lady. A beauteous body hides a loathsome soul. You are to her a sunburnt Black-a-moore. Your tongue is like the sting of Scorpions. Let my submission my presumption salve. No pains, but pleasure Sir. Come, forget your Courtiers, and talk like honest men. Sure you had a satire to your sire. Midnight would blush at this. I ever held your worth in great esteem. Your breast is my sanctuary. I hear, or fear a tempest coming. Give me leave to plead my innocency. Which of my actions hath rendered me suspected. Pray use my service in't. Let proof plead for me. 'Tis a disgrace would dwell upon me, should you refuse me. I have no faculty, which is not yours. Your charity is my heritage. Your looks enforce a freedom out of bondage. You are as jealous as a Turkey. May your goodness get you a happy husband. I am proud to please you. You are a noble giver. Let me seal my vowed faith on your lips. By you, like your shade, I'll ever dwell. You outdare danger. My fancy's oft a prophet. The justness of my cause, and honour guard me. You mke my faith to stagger. Let no due be wanting. You are to her a mere dull shadow. 'Tis pity love should be so tyrannous. I'd rather see a Wren haul at a fly. My heart is winged with haste, that outflies motion. You have a goodness, past equality. I'll stretch your patience higher yet. I hold your words a rock to build upon. Doubt not my diligence. This kiss seals my repentance. 'Tis now no time for courtship. You cannot command, what I'll not execute. You have hit the object, that I looked at. You cannot command, with more willingness than I'll obey. I dare not speak my knowledge. As you have virtue, speak it. Unlock this secret. Your jealousy doth fool, or slave you. The unblown Rose, the mines of crystal, nor the Diamond, are not more chaste, or pure than she. Can there be such a lethargy in nature. Let not sadness thus afflict you. They which dare do, dare suffer. 'Tis no more, than what your worth may challenge. You are my Nightingale of comfort. I'll keep a jubilee to your memory. Your tongue cannot defame me. Nothing can hinder fate. Few words, and good deeds, are best pleasing to women. You are racked in the haven of happiness. The hand of heaven reward you. You have thrown me on a bed of misery. Your love outstrips my merit. The Court's a spring, each Lady is a rose. Women are Angels, clad in flesh. Your will commands, and mine obeys. Her maiden cheeks, blush with Vermillion. My eyes pay tribute, where my heart pays love. You are the patron of my hopes. Your purse is proud, although your garment's poor. This gallant will command the sun. The harvest of his life is past. Your memory deserves to outlive time. You like a comet do attract all eyes. I must enjoin you to an act of secrecy. You are the star of my felicity. You apply a balm, worse than the wound itself, You seem devoted unto sorrow. It is a paradise, enjoying you. Wrong not her spotless chastity. You are the shame of men. You breathed a p●ssionate sigh. You temporize with sorrow, mine is sincere. Swifter than meditation. Let my repentance make satisfaction, for my wrongs to you. Your chin, almost appears a wilderness. It is a mere imposture. You have made me sick with passion. My arms shall be your sanctuary. I'll free you from all danger. The hand of heaven is in't. O suit your pity with your infinite beauty. You are the only anchor of my hopes. There is no treasure upon earth like her. What breeds distrust in you. I wait the censure of your doom. Your heart is not confederate with your tongue. I am proud, my house contains such worthy friends. My sword shall be your guardian. In your loss, my joy eclipsed is. As white as innocence itself. You serve the times. Her breath casts sweet perfumes. Your goodness is the spring from whence it issues. Goodness and virtue, are near of your acquaintance. You understand not the language of my intent. Light is not clearer. A charity, like all your other virtues. I am in strait of miseries As covetous as a barren womb. As rare as virtue at the Court. As glorious as a noontide sun. My entertainment hath confirmed my welcome. We love by destiny. I live endeared unto your faith. You have blasted the harvest of my hopes. Your words have charmed my soul. Let me entreat your silence. I will not trust the air with it. You wound my heart. You swell like a spring tide. Heaven hath been my friend. I am sorry to have been the messenger of that afflicts you. I want no part of welfare, but your wished presence. You have no sense of grief. Make me companion of your cares. Play not the Tyrant with me. You'll bed with ice and snow. You are too much an Adamant. My thanks requite you. You'll wast yourself with sorrow. Those eyes were made to shine, not wast with dew. Your presence is powerful. My stars owe me more happiness. Let not passion cloud your virtues. Your words and looks are strangers. It is no pilgrimage to travel to your lips. Go bath your lips in rosy dew of kisses. You are the miracle of friendship. I wear you in my heart. Your favours have fall'n like the dew upon me. You make my virtue bleed. Give me leave to waken your memory. It is an age, till night, Mischief hath scarce a name beyond it. My Genius and yours are friends. Take heed, my hands will mutiny. My tongue speaks the freedom of my heart. You are a very rat of Nilus. Mine eyes have feasted on your beauteous face. I am all joy in your conversion. I owe service to your love. In your love I number many blesses. I will unrippe my very bosom to you. I hope you are not marble▪ I will beg your pity. I'll cherish your desert. Command what you desire. The sun and I must rise together. I love the brain for the invention. Sure winter dwells upon your lip, the snow is not more cold. The stars whereon I gaze, shall be your face. You with ambrosiac kisses bathe your lips. You may by virtue beat down your ambition. Our morning cock's turned owl. Y'are turned Parnassus, late. You feed my heart with much sweet hope. My patience can digest your injuries. You are rich in meekness. You have a flinty heart. Your head doth bear the Calendar of age. You may usurp your pleasure. You are full of passion. I'll sentinel your safety. You have power to sway me, as you please. Convert your rage to pity. I should question truth, to doubt it. Your goodness wants a precedent. I ne'er beheld a beauty more complete. I'll chronicle your virtues. Your acceptance shall be my recompense. You no way have offended. It was my ignorance, and no pretended boldness. Your sun shines in my day. I'll be an Argos o'er you. Your words to me are Acts, your promises are deeds. The sun ne'er met the Summer with more joy. To you, I will disclose my very bosom. No storm could be so tyrannous. You wrap me up in wonder. I am as mute as night. Freely relate your sorrows. Report strikes with wonder. You are grateful, beyond merit, or desert. You take truce with sorrow. It would become you ill. Innocence is bold. You guild my praises far above my deserts. My boldness wants excuse. I am your servant, still at your commands. Dream on your best desires. My language was not aimed at you. Reward stays for you. I am barred of much content. Your service shall not die unrewarded. This physic cures not me. I'll pay the tribute of my love to you. You will outstrip the wind. I gather from your eyes, what your disease is. I'll safely land you out of all danger. If a storm fall, you shall be my shelter. The wolf's in's own snare taken. Mine eyes have lusted for you. You make me much your debtor. Welcome, as light to day, as health to sick men. The sun shines on you still. It is the riches of the mind, that I do aim at. The riches of your mind are infinite. Let me share your thoughts 'Tis not so sweet as music. This is beyond all patience. She needs not learn her beauty's worth of you. Give quiet to your thoughts. Let men that hope to be beloved, be bold. You have a face, where all good seems to dwell. My duty binds me to obey you ever. You are an usurer of fame. I sacrifice to you the incense of my thanks. You wear a snowy livery. I will repay your love with usury. I have no reason to misdoubt your faith. Virtue go with you. You are the star I reach at. Where shines this star. Give him a Court loaf, stop his mouth with a monopoly. I am engaged to business, craves some speed. Her eyes are orbs of stars. Thanks for your wishes. You speak the courtier's dialect. Your tongue walks from your heart. 'Tis your own guilt afflicts you If I can friend you, use me. Oh, I shall rob you of too much sweetness. Sure, you have lost your use of reason. You fret like a gummed velvet. All things lie level to your wishes. Your title, far exceeds my worth. You run before your horse to market. You are my counsel's consistory. Inherit your desires. Your kindness freezeth. Hope flies with Swallow wings. The cock already salutes the morn. Ay, like a child, will go by your direction. Your love hath taste in this. You are the rising Sun, which I adore. 'Tis only your desert, I know no second cause. My crosses meet to vex me. Success hath made you wanton. It is a confidence that well becomes you. I burn in a sweet flame. This service is for virtue's sake, not for reward. May your own rod whip you. I see your wit's as nimble as your tongue. Your favours I still taste in great abundance. Let me but touch the white pillows of your naked breasts. May you be ever happy. Your pleasure is your own. Your words, like music, please me. My fancy riots within me. You have all circumstances of worth in you. You feed on wishes. I prize your love above all the gold in wealthy Indi'as' arms. Your garments are all made of Median silk. I'll play at kisses with you. Your Chin hang like an udder. Here's beauty set in goodness. Give me a naked Lady in a net of gold. Your fingers are made to quaver on a lute. Your arms to hang about a Lady's neck. Your tongue is oiled with Courtly flatteries. A kiss, is but a minute's joy. Detraction dares not tax you. Your beauty's without limits. I glory in the building I have raised. You build upon my ruins. Your words are Delphian Oracles. My care shall not be wanting. Your wit hath too much edge. I am a castaway, in love. You are a flame of beauty. Sweet and delicious as the feast of love. The amorous sun courts the earth with smiles. Sweet as the breath of lutes, or loves deliciousness. FINIS. The Errata. PAge 2. l. 6. forget, r. forfeit. p. 6. l. 6. sollary, r. salary. p. 6 l. 16. I desire, r. pierce. p. 9 l. 1. undeard, r. unheard p. 9 l. 26. enrol, r. involve. p. 20. l. 10. ived, r. lived. p. 20. l. 12. care, r. car. p. 21. l. 30. us, r. as. p 30. l. 22. a, r. to. p. 35 l. 8. of honour, r. to honour. p. 35. l. 28. strue, r. strive. p. 37. l. 2. straggle, r. struggle. p. 38. l. 6. propogation, r. propagation. p. 41. l. 24. Raysers, r. Raysors. p. 42. l. 19 she path, r. the path. p. 43. l. 14. your, r. you are. p. 44. l. 8. mke,. r. make. p. 44. l. 12. haul, r. hawk. p. 48. l. 16. blesses, r. blisses. Printed according to Order.