FROM ONE who was moved of the LORD GOD to go a sign among the PRIESTS & PROFESSORS of the Prophets, Apostles, and Christ's WORDS, But dead from their life, and naked from Salvation and Immortality, but as black as spiritual Egyptians and Aethiopians, dead from the Life. And so this is to you spiritual Egyptians and black Aethiopians which in obedience to the Lord, a sign I was made unto you all of your wickedness and nakedness in the sight of the Lord God, who will not be warned neither by word nor by writing, signs must be given unto you. William Sympson. LONDON, Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. Oh Priests, Howl and weep, for a day of lamentation is coming upon you, a day of woe and misery if you repent not, you are become as trees in the wilderness dry and barren, rotten within, and the people are become like briars and thorns, which grows under you, which the day of the Lord will burn and consume, which is coming upon you all suddenly as a thief in the night; repent now while you have time lest the day of wrath come upon you, for the Lord hath waited long to be gracious, and ye have rejected his Council, and doth reward him evil for good; if any come amongst you of his Servants, to bear their testimony against you, (ye are all become like briars, and like thorns, and like withered branches lopped off the trees, dried, fit to kindle the fire withal) either with their on, or with their off, ye are tormented, and your peace is broken; for the Lord is risen in his mighty power, for you have been warned from the Lord by his servants, by words and by writing, and all these hath not wrought upon you; now the Lord God is sending you signs and wonders, so that men's hearts shall fail with fear, with looking after these things that shall come upon the earth; Therefore give over your wickedness, and come down into the dust, and cover your lips, for there is no answer of God amongst you, the Lord is leaving you, because you have rejected his Council; if you speedily repent not, sudden destruction will come unawares, for as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man; therefore consider your ways, that the Lord give you not over, for the Lord proffers freely, and hath proffered, and you have rejected and rebelled against the Lord; so if you repent not, he will bring you to destruction, for the decree is gone forth against all unrighteousness, and every tree that brings not forth good fruit must be hewn down and cast into the fire, but ye are almost fallen, your time is near an end, the Lord will surely plead with you, for you are going on till all may see your folly, rending & devouring the Servants of the Lord, both in body and in goods; Oh blush and be ashamed, for the Lord God is coming to lay you naked, and give you signs of your naedness, both Priests and people, your profession is abomination unto the Lord while you are out of the life of righteousness, the Lord hath spared you long, but now the Lord will bring your deeds and your nakedness to the light, that which hath been done in secret shall be made made manifest openly, for your ill savour is come up into the nostrils of the Lord, and he will reward you according to your works, the day is approaching, wherein you shall gnaw your tongues for pain, and cry alas, for the day of misery is coming upon us, and then it will be too late; Therefore now while you have time give over your wickedness, and give over mentioning the Name of the the Lord all ye who are found in iniquity, for the Lord will separate you, ye must all departed if you repent not with speed, and turn unto the Lord while the door of mercy is open; for when it is shut, you may call and cry and not be heard, for warnings from the Lord in words hath not wrought upon you, nor in writing, and you cannot yet believe; Oh consider, gross darkness is coming over you; had not Egypt many signs and wonders before the seed came forth? you who are spiritual Egypt and Sodom, gross darkness is coming over you, so the Lord is giving you a sign, and yet you will not believe, but hardens your hearts, and stiffens your necks, like as your Fathers did, so do ye; therefore nothing can be expected to come upon you, but woe and misery if ye speedily do not repent, ye have many of you builded your nests high, and thinks ye are safe, with a covering of the Saints words, but all will be too narrow, it will not cover you, the Lord is coming to lay open your nakedness, ye Priests this is to you, ye shall become like trees in the winter, not so much as leaves to cover you withal, but your nakedness shall appear as my nakedness hath done, as a figure unto you and many people; Come down out of your imaginations to the light of the Son of God in you, that with it all actions may be brought to light, and turned and overturned, for the Lord will overturn the surest foundations that you can lay in your imaginations, and God abhors them; Therefore come down to the light of the Son of God that with it you may see the way of the Lord, and no longer that it may be foolishness unto you, for no man gathers grapes of thorns; ye are thorny and briery, and thistly-natured, the Lord God is coming to overturn and destroy; so this is a warning unto you to repent while you have time, and give over your wicked ways both Priests and people, and give over your bad usage of the Servants of the Lord, when they come amongst you in obedience to his spirit as signs unto your wickedness, seeing words will not serve, nor writing will not serve, but still you go on in your wickedness; Oh, fear the Lord God, for it were better that a millstone were hanged about his neck and cast into the Sea, then to offend the little ones that believe in Christ; So consider what you do to the light of the Son of God, I speak that with it you may all come to be guided into the fear of the Lord, so your wicked ways and words you may come to be redeemed from, and to find mercy with God while the door of mercy is open; for you are all become as a Wilderness not inhabited, and the Children of the Lord passing through, is like to be destroyed by devouring creatures, and this is a figure unto you all, for so are you become in the sight of the Lord, envy and murder is in your hearts, as doth appear daily; if any of the Servants of the Lord be moved to bear their Testimony against your wickedness in your hearts, thirsting after blood; the Lord sees your wickedness, and he will give you blood to drink, for he is turning your water into blood, you spiritual Egyptians, who crucifies the Lord afresh with your wicked ways and ungodly lives which you go on in, and hate to be reform, and casts the Law of God behind your backs, howl and weep, for misery is coming, and you cannot escape unless ye speedily repent; Oh how is the Lord grieved with your abominations, the Lord is weary of your Sabbaths, and your solemn Assemblies he cannot away with them, wickedness is in your hearts; fear God, and give glory to his Name, for the hour of his judgements is come, wherein he will plead with all unrighteousness, repent repent, a cry is gone forth from the Lord, yea the sound of the trumpet; arise, ye dead, and come to judgement, for the trumpet hath been sounded in your ears from the Lord of life, and you remain stiffnecked and rebellious, and will not take council at the Lord; so signs in your streets also must you have, that you may be left without excuse in the day when the Lord will come to reckon with you, that you shall not say you have not been warned, so your blood shall be upon your own head if you repent not, and the Children of the Lord clear of your blood, who in obedience to his spirit hath warned you to repent, for the day of the Lord is at hand, wherein he will reward every man according to his deeds done in the body, whether they be good or evil, and though you be not gathered, my labour shall be with my God, & you must bear your iniquity and profaneness, and give an account unto the Lord for all your wicked ways, and for all your hard speeches that ever you have spoken against the Lord and against his servants, which in obedience to his spirit he warned you time after time, and yet you continue in your rebellion; so the Lord is weary of you because of your iniquity, and will surely punish you in his anger if you continue stiffnecked and rebellious against him; for ye are all become like waters, unstabled, unsettled, but you shall not overflow the banks; The Lord hath set bounds to the sea, and he will make it stand as a wall, and be divided that his seed may pass thorough, and this is a mystery to you who are in the Egyptian bondage, and is delighting yourselves in your fleshpots and onions of Egypt, in pride and wantonness, and all manner of iniquity and profaneness, you are become like Sodom; Therefore haste to meet the Lord, return unto his light which will show you your dark ways, and worships which you are found in, which the Lord is weary of; for you are an unseasoned people, you are not salted at all, the salt hath lost its saltness, and ye are good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden of men in the streets; Therefore turn to the light of Jesus, and with it you will see yourselves to be in that state, and nature that is aforementioned, & cannot be hid from the sword, storm, and hail, which your heads lie open too, and cannot be covered in this the day of the Lords battle against you, your oppression, your wickedness, persecution, prisoning till death the saints and servants of the most High God for your bellies, and that you have done against them, you have done against Christ, and have fought against him, the Lord who now is risen against you, and he hath drawn his sword against you, and his arrows his quiver full; The darts of the wicked hath been long shot at the righteous, but now they shall be found all naked men without the weapons and armour of the Lord God as spiritual, as naked as I have gone among you, and that to you is the word of the Lord; The Lord is now come upon you as an armed man who doth work his mighty act by his power which is his right hand, overturning the safety that is not in him, bringing destruction upon them that cries peace, that are fat & full, & says all is well, who says no evil can come upon us, we have Church and Ministry, we profess the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles words; but saith the Lord, have not you prisoned unto death, them that be in the life of the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles? so do not I see your hypocrisy, can you dissemble with me saith the Lord, who thus hath long dissembled with men, making people believe that which you are not, making people believe that you are my Ministers when you never heard my voice, & I never spoke to you, nor sent you? think you not that my fury and indignation is against you? think you that the crown of pride shall rest upon the head of the persecutor, that he shall go on in his ambition, and say who sees me, ha', ha', is not all our own? Is not all the Lords? am not I the Ruler of Heaven and Earth? can you hid yourselves? do I not see it? have you diged deep to hid your council, whereby your ends you would bring about upon the just? am not I a God of power? cannot I bring all things to light, and turn your bottom upward, and your inside outward, and strip you, and make you as bare and naked as him that is sent amongst you, who is your sign and wondering stock, as though you had never read of the Prophets that walked in sackcloth? yea, and naked as the Prophet Isay, and as I have done, in Waltom, London, Colchester, Cambridge, and other Towns about, which was as death to me before I gave up to the service of the Lord, which is a figure of all your nakedness, though I am clothed on with immortality. This is to you which preach to the people for your mouths, and for your bellies, which is a shame unto you, for the shame of your nakedness the Lord is laying open, and you cannot hid yourselves from his presence, for the fire of the Lord is kindled against you, and the worm is gnawing in the conscience which shall never die, and this will be the portion of all that forget the Lord and rejects his Council, and hates to be reform, and casts his Law behind their backs, and will not take Council at it, but kicks against it like wild heifers not accustomed to the yoke, because of you the Land mourns, who live in iniquity, lying swearing, & all manner of profaneness is found amongst you, will not the Lord visit for these things? will not the Lord be avenged on such a Nation as this? consider it now while you have time, lest the time come that you may seek to repent, and there be no place found; so become Esau like, who sold his birthright for the earth, so was hated of God, and so are all who are in that nature, who profess God and Christ, but are out of the life; the Lord abhors, and will not hear your cries, though you cry unto him, and use his name, but he hath not sent you, therefore you have not profited this people at all, as it appears by the wicked lives and conversations in all places; so the Lord is blasting your works and bringing them to nought, for his decree is gone forth against the unrighteous; consider this all who forget the Lord, and haste to return, and seek him while he may be found. THE END.