THE SPEECHES OF THE Five JESUITS That were Executed at TYBURN on Friday the 20th. of this instant June 1679. These Speeches which I have here published, being most exactly taken verbatim from the mouths of the Condemned persons who spoke them, I thought I could do no less than make them public to the World, as well for the satisfaction of the Curious, as to let the World see how little Faith is to be given to any of that Religion, wherein Lying is so much more prevalent than Repentance, and where to commit a sin, and deny it, is more meritorious than not to sin at all. I couldâ–Ş were it to my purpose, give you a thousand instances of what Lies have been suffered by the Church of Rome to be made use of as lawful, under the helps of Equivocation, mental Reservation, etc. but this is not time of day for such things, when they have so lately had the Impudence to deny, that there was ever born alive such a man as Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, because he was neither Knighted nor Christened at the hour of his Birth. In the same manner the Priest (conditionally that they shall deny such and such things) absolves them of all things from the time of their Birth, which makes them as Innocent as the Child unborn, the very expression they so often use: Tantum Religio potuit suadere malorum. Mr. Whitebread's Speech. I Suppose it is expected I should say something as to the Matter for which I am Condemned, and am brought hither to Suffer. It is no less than the Contriving and Plotting His Majesty's Death, and Alteration of the Government of the Church and State: You all either know, or aught to know, I am to make my Appearance before the face of Almighty God, and with all imaginable certainty and evidence to receive a final Judgement for all the thoughts, words and actions of my whole life. So that I am not now upon terms to speak other than Truth, and therefore in his most Holy Presence, and as I hope for mercy from his Divine Majesty, I do declare to you here present, and to the whole World, that I go out of the World as Innocent, and as free from any Gild of those things laid to my charge in this matter, as I came into the World from my Mother's womb. And this I do, renouncing from my heart all manner of Pardons, Absolutions, or Dispensations for Swearing, as occasion or Interest may seem to require, which some have been pleased to lay to our charge, as matter of our Doctrine and Practice: but is a thing so unjustifiable, that I believe, and ever did, that no Power on Earth can Authorise me, or any body else so to do. And for those who have most falsely accused me, (as time either in this World, or the next, will make appear) I do heartily forgive them, and beg of God to grant them his holy Grace, that they may repent of their unjust proceedings against me; otherwise they will in conclusion find, they have done themselves more wrong, than I have suffered from them, though that hath been a great deal. I pray to God to bless him Majesty both Temporally and Eternally, which hath been my daily Prayers for him, and is all the harm I ever intended or imagined against him. And I do with this my last breath, in the sight of God declare, That I never did learn, teach, nor believe that it is lawful, upon any occasion or pretence whatsoever, to design or contrive the Death of his Majesty, or any hurt to his Person; but on the contrary, that all are bound to obey, defend and preserve his Sacred Person, to the utmost of their power. And I do moreover declare, That this is the true and plain sense of my Soul, and as I hope to see his blessed Face, without any Equivocation, or mental Reservation: That is all I have to say concerning the matter of my Condemnation. That which remains now for me to do, is to recommend my Soul into the hands of my blessed Redeemer, by whose Merits and Passion I hope for Salvation. Mr. Harecourt's Speech. THe words of dying Persons have always been esteemed of greatest Authority, because uttered then, when shortly after they are to be cited before the high Tribunal of Almighty God. This gives me hopes that mine may be looked upon as such: Therefore I do here Declare in the presence of Almighty God, the whole Court of Heaven, and this numerous Assembly, that as I ever hope (by the Merits and Passion of my sweet Saviour Jesus Christ) for eternal Bliss, I am as innocent as the Child unborn of any thing laid to my charge, concerning the Matter for which I am here to die: And I do utterly renounce, abhor and detest that abominable and false Doctrine laid to our charge, that we can have licence to commit Perjuries, or any other sin, to advantage our Cause, being expressly against the Doctrine of St. Paul, saying (Non sunt facienda mala ut eveniant bona) Evil is not to be done that good may come thereof; and therefore we hold it in all cases unlawful to kill or murder any Person whatsoever, much more our lawful King now Reigning, whose Person and temporal Dominions we are ready to defend against any Opponent whatsoever, none excepted. I forgive all those that contrived my Death, and beg pardon of Almighty God, and I also pardon all the World. I pray God to bless His Majesty, and grant Him a prosperous Reign, and the like to His Royal Consort, the best of Queens. I humbly beg the prayers of all those who are of the Roman Church, if any such be present. Mr. Fenwick's Speech. I Suppose you expect I should say something, as to the Crimes I am condemned for, and either acknowledge my Gild, or assert my Innocence: I do therefore Declare before God and the whole World, and call God to witness, that what I say is true, that I am as innocent of what is laid to my charge, of plotting the King's Death, and endeavouring to subvert the Government, as the Child yet unborn, and that I know nothing of it, but what I have learned from Mr. Oates and his Companions, and what comes originally from them. And as to what is said and commonly believed of Roman Catholics, that they are not to be believed or trusted, because they can have Dispensations for Lying, Perjury, killing Kings, and other the most enormous Crimes: I do hereby utterly renounce all such Pardons and Dispensations, and withal Declare, that it is a malicious and most wicked Calumny cast on them, who do with all their hearts and souls hate and detest such wicked and damnable practices, and in the words of a dying Man, and as I hope for mercy at the hands of God, before whom I must shortly appear, and give an account of all my Actions. I do again Declare, that what I have said is most true, and I hope Christian Charity will not let you think, that by the last Act of my Life, I should cast away my Soul, by sealing up my last Breath with a damnable Lye. Mr. Gavon's Speech. Dear beloved Countrymen, I Am now come to the last Scene of Mortality, to the hour of my Death; an hour, which is the Horizon between Time and Eternity; an hour, which must either make me a Star to shine for ever in the Empire above, or a Firebrand to burn everlastingly among the damned Souls in Hell below; an hour, in which if I deal sincerely, and with a hearty sorrow acknowledge my Crimes, I may hope for mercy; but if I falsely deny them, I must expect nothing but Eternal damnation: and therefore what I shall say in this great hour, I hope you will believe. And now I do solemnly swear, protest and vow by all that is Sacred in Heaven or on Earth, and as I hope to see the face of God in Glory, That I am as innocent as the Child unborn of those Treasonable Crimes which Mr. Oats and Mr. Dugdale swore against me in my Trial, and for which Sentence of Death was passed against me the day after my Trial: And that you may be assured, I do in like manner protest and swear, as I hope to see the face of God in Glory, That I do not, in what I say unto you, make use of any Equivocation, mental Reservation, material Prolocution, or any such ways to palliate Truth; or if I do make use of any Dispensation from the Pope, or any body else, or of any Oath of Secrecy, or any Absolution in Confession, or out of Confession, to deny the Truth; but I speak in the plain sense which the words bear: And if I do speak in any other terms, to palliate, hide or deny the Truth, I wish with all my Soul that God may exclude me from his Heavenly Glory, and condemn me to the lowest place of Hell fire: And so much to that point. And now, dear Countrymen, in the second place, I do confess and own to the whole World, that I am a Roman Catholic, and a Priest, and one of that sort of Priests which you call Jesuits. And now, because they are so falsely charged for holding the King-killing Doctrine, I think it my duty to protest to you with my last dying words. That neither I in particular, nor the Jesuits in general, hold any such Opinion, but utterly abhor and detest it: And I assure you, that among the vast number of Authors, which among the Jesuits have printed Philosophy, Divinity-Cases, or Sermons, there is not one to the best of my knowledge that allows of King-killing Doctrine, or holds this position, That it is lawful for a private person to kill a King, although a Heretic, Pagan, or Tyrant: There is (I say) not one Jesuit that holds this, except Mariana the Spanish Jesuit, and he defends it not absolutely, but Problematically, for which his Book was called in again, and the Opinion expunged and censured. And is it not a sad thing, that for the rashness of one single man, (whilst the rest cry out against him, and hold the contrary) that a whole Religious Order should be sentenced? But I have not time now to discuss the point at large, and therefore I refer you all to a Royal Author, I mean the wise and victorious King Henry the 4th. of France, the Royal Grandfather of our present gracious King, who in a public Oration which he pronounced himself in defence of the Jesuits, (among other things) declares, That he was very well satisfied with the Jesuits Doctrine concerning Kings, as believing it conformable to what the best Doctors of the Church have taught. But why do I relate the Testimony of one particular Prince, when the whole Catholic World is the Jesuits Advocate? For to them chiefly Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Flanders, trust she Education of their Youth, and to them in a great measure they trust their own Souls to be governed in the Sacraments. And can you imagine so many great Kings and Princes, and so many wise Statists, should do or permit this to be done in their Kingdoms, if the Jesuits were men of such damnable Principles, as they are now taken for in England? In the third place, dear Countrymen, I do Attest, That as I never in my life did machine or contrive either the Deposing or Death of the King, so now I do heartily desire of God to grant Him a quiet and happy Reign upon Earth, and an everlasting Crown in Heaven. For the Judges also and the Jury, and all those which were any ways concerned either in my Trial, Accusation, or Condemnation, I do humbly ask of God both temporal and eternal Happiness: And as for Mr. Oats and Mr. Dugdale, who (I call God to witness) have brought me by false Oaths to this untimely end, I heartily forgive them, because God commands me so to do, and I beg of God in his infinite mercy to grant them true sorrow and repentance in this World, that they may be capable of eternal Happiness in the next. And so having discharged my Duty towards myself, and innocence to wards my Order and its Doctrine, to my Neighbours and the World, I have nothing else to do now my great God, but to cast myself into the Arms of thy Mercy, as firmly as I judge that I myself am, as certainly as I believe that you are one divine Essence, and three divine Persons, and in the second Person of the Trinity, you became Man to redeem me; I also believe you are an eternal Rewarder of good, and a Chastiser of bad: In fine, I believe all you have revealed, for your infinite Veracity, I hope in you above all things, for your infinite Fidelity, and I love you above all things, for your infinite Beauty and Goodness, and I am heartily sorry that ever I offended so great a God; with my whole heart I am contended to undergo an ignominious Death for the Love of you my dear Jesus, seeing you have been pleased to undergo an ignominious Death for me. As for Mr. Turner, he spoke twice, much to the same purpose and effect with his Brethren; whose Speech being too long to be contained in this Sheet, I thought fit to omit it: But in sum, He professed that he was wholly innocent as to any Plot, or Conspiracy against the Life of his Sacred Majesty, or the Subversion of the Government; which he declared with great earnestness and asseveration, praying God to forgive his Judges, Jurors, Witnesses and Accusers. And so laying all their heads to Whitebread's, after some secret conference, they made their final Exit and Catastrophe.