THE Natures, Uses, & Doses Of Several APPROVED and EXPERIENCED Medicines, Faithfully PREPARED By JOHN SPIRE, junr. Medicinae Professor. To which is Added, A CATALOGUE of Various Chemical PREPARATIONS, By him always ready Prepared. LONDON, Printed by Benja. Harris, Senr. in Great East-cheap, for the AUTHOR, 1698. TO THE Courteous READER. HAving, through the Blessing of God (from whom alone cometh every good and perfect Gift) upon my Endeavours, obtained (through much Labour, great Study, and Experience) the Knowledge of several Specific Medicines, (or Arcanums) effectual for the Extirpating, and Rooting out the Original Causes of Tedious and Chronical Distempers: Being Friendly to Nature, pacifying the enraged Archaeus; thereby Conquering the Fury of most Diseases incident to Human Bodies. I might have Quoted the Names and Places of divers Persons, that have been Cured by these Medicines herein mentioned, but shall Desist, and leave every Prudent Experiencer to speak of them as they find: (only Desiring they would Communicate their Virtues to their Neighbours) Being Published for the Necessities of such, who many times Languish under the Burden of Diseases, for want of true Medicines. So to that Eternal, Invisible, and Incomprehensible Word of GOD, by which, All Things were Made, do I Recommend every One, Wishing them Health and Comfort here, and Eternal Happiness hereafter; and Subscribe myself, Thine in all Real Service, J. S. THE Natures, Uses, & Doses Of Several MEDICINES, I. Aquavitae Magistralis: Or, Our Magisterial Water. IT is an abstersive Medicine, of a powerful Nature, cleansing and strengthening the Stomach, effectual in opening Obstructions: it is Sudorefick, and Diuretic: 'tis very good in Fevers, especially in the Putrid; in Palsies, Epilepsies, and the Plague; resisting Corruption; in Apoplexies, Lethargy, and Stupification of the Spirits, stoppages in the Breast, Surfeits, Rheumatism, Stone and Strangury, Colic, Oppression of Wind, Loathing of the Food, Pleurisies (without Blood-letting;) and for Women with Child, and in their Travail, as also after they be Delivered. This Medicine hath proved itself a successful Remedy in many of the aforesaid Maladies; as many in several parts of England can Testify, to their great Satisfaction. It's Use and Dose. THe ordinary Dose to Man or Woman, (in any of the aforesaid Diseases) is generally 2 or 3 Spoonfuls, [observing for those that cannot bear with the strength thereof, they may allay it with 1 or 2 spoonfuls of Balm or Mint Water, or white Wine, or clean Spring Water] in all Distempers that call for speedy relief, as Surfeits, etc. take it 2 or 3 times in an hour: for the Stone, take it every half hour for 2 hours' space, then rest 2 or 3 hours, and repeat it as before, drinking sometimes a little Chamomile posset-drink, i. e. the Flowers boiled. In Pleurisies, take every half hour till Relief be found (observing to apply some hot Chamomile fried, or heated, being first sprinkled with a little Vinegar, to the side) taking once in 24 hours, a dose of the Balsamic Pill, in the method hereafter prescribed: For Women, when they go with Child, take it in the morning, and 2 hours after Dinner, for a Week together, then rest about 4 days, and repeat as before; in their Travail, the pains being slow, give 2 spoonfuls 3 times in an hour; and for after-pains, give it often. For Children that are troubled with Wind, mix a little of it with Fennel, or Speremint water sweetened, that it may but just taste of it, and then give a spoonful as often as need requires. In Windiness of the Stomach, which causeth Vapours in the Head, take 2 or 3 times in a Day. In Apoplexies and Lethargies, take it frequently, and apply a linen Cloth dipped in the same to the Temples. In the Gout pains, apply the same mixed with equal quantity of strong Brandy, often to the place afflicted, and take of it about 4 times in a Day as directed. ☞ Observe. If in any of the aforesaid Diseases, the Medicine provokes Vomiting, repeat the Dose immediately, and so take it again and again, till the last Dose stays; never be Daunted, but go on with it, always minding to take this Medicine in the beginning of any Sickness, in order to disperse the same. Price Three Shillings the Pint Bottle. II. Pilulae Samech: Or, The Friendly Balsamic Pill. WHose Nature and Virtues are such, that it Operates as Nature would have it, in order to cleanse the Body from the root of Diseases, viz. by Sweat, Urine and Stool, sometimes by Vomit, and other times by insensible Transpiration, according as the Occasional Matter wants to be carried off. 'Tis a most noble Preparation, being exalted to the true Intention of Healing: For such is its Property, that it first works as an Anodine, and allays the enraged Archaeus, and then carries off the poisonous offending matter by Stool, or some other gentle way. It totally corrects and destroys the virulency of vegetable Poisons, either out, or in the Body; and being taken as a Corrector, shows its effects: For, if you are assaulted with the violent working of any Potion vomative or purgative, 'twill so take it off, as to settle Nature in her due Decorum: such is the Nature, Force, and Operation of this Pill, as a Corrector. It's Prevalency will be seen in helping Nature to discharge and expel those things that offend her, for if you take a Pill, drinking a Cup of mulled Sack after it, and sweat in Bed, 'twill immediately disperse itself through the Body, fortifying the Fountain of Life, and so expels Poison in any part of the Body.— 'Tis prevalent in most Diseases incident to the body, as hath by long Experience been confirmed: For by its Abstersive Nature, and Pacative Virtue, it pacifies the enraged Archaeus, and by this means insinuates itself into the languishing Fountain of Life, and per orms much to the Patients content and satisfaction; especially in Colds, Coughs, Disenteria, or Fluxes of any sort, or Gripe in the Bowels, Fevers or Agues, as the Tertian, (Quartan) and Quotidian, Plurifies, Calentures, Headache, the distilling of Humours called Catarrhus, which destroyeth the Lungs; also in pains of the Breast, tremble of the Heart, giving the Blood a Fermentation, and cleansing it from Superfluities; and therefore prevalent in the Dropsy, Anasarca, Ascites, Timpanites, Inflammation of the Reins, difficulty of Pissing: It bringeth forth the small-Pox and Measles. 'Tis a very general Remedy, curing many Diseases, and not hurtful in any, etc. In pains of the Limbs, Scurvy, Gout and inveterate Gonorrhaea's, and several other Diseases, as may be seen by Its Doses and Application. FOr any of the afore-named Diseases, you must take the bigness of a grey Fea, and drink it down with a Glass of mulled Sack, or hot Mace-Ale, and being in Bed, dispose yourself to Sweat: This method does very well in the King's-Evil, Measles, Smallpox, or Swine-Pox, to bring the Venomn from the Heart. For Agues, take a Pill the bigness of a large grey Pea, and drink it with 2 Ounces of Cinnamon Water, and as much Pepper as will lie upon a Groat, an hour before the Fit, and Sweat plentifully in bed, drinking a little Rosemary, Marygold, or Cardus Posset-drink; which being continued four or five times, generally takes it off.— For Fluxes, and such Distempers in Women, as debilitate their Strength, take a Pill in a glass of Sack mulled with Cinnamon. For the Gout and Rheumatisms of the whole Body, take a Pill in a glass of Rhenish-wine, drinking sometimes of our Aquavitae Magistralis; this generally eases at twice taking: it divides also clods of Blood, and breaks inward Imposthumes, carrying off their matter, and heals them; as also Bruises and Squats.— For difficulty of making Water, the Strangury, Stone or Gravel in the Kidneys, dissolve 2 Pills, the bigness of 2 large grey Peas in a pint of White-wine, and sweeten it with 5 or 6 Ounces of Syrup of Marsh-mallows, and let it be for 2 draughts, with 3 hours' Intermission in the most violent pain, drinking often a draught of posset-drink, wherein is boiled some Pelitory of the wall, and a few Gromwel seeds, at the discretion of the Patient, keeping yourself warm in Bed always when it's taken, and so will the Offending matter be carried off. For Children within 3 or 4 Years Old, you may give the bigness of a Pepper Corn, and so it may be increased or diminished in its Doses, according to the Wisdom and Discretion of the Parent. Price 12 d. the Box. ☞ Observe, Always when you take of this Pill, to take some of our Cordial Drops in a glass of Sack, or other Cordial Water to refresh the Spirits. III. Aqua Bezoratica: Our Cordial (or Plague) Water. 1 THis Cordial is good in Sadness, Melancholy, and Dejection of mind, pains of the Spleen, reviving the Spirits. 2. It powerfully resists Poison, Plague, Smallpox, and all sorts of malign Fevers: it cures the biting of Venomous Beasts. 3. It is a good Stomachick; Comforts the Head, Brain, and Bowels: it causes a good Appetite, taking away Sickness at Heart and Stomach: it's profitable against Swoonings, fainting Suffocacations, and Fits of the Mother. 4. This Water is Sudorific, Alexipharmick, and Antifebritick: It is also a Cordial Cephalick, and a great Restorative; and is excellent against cold and moist Diseases. It's Use and Dose. YOu may take from half a Spoonful to ● Spoonfuls, or more, in the morning Fasting, a little before Dinner, and at bed time; it may be also taken at any time of the Day, or Night, upon any Fainting, or Sickness at Stomach as occasion requires, or in any languishing Conditions. It may be taken alone, or in case of great weakness, in a glass of Canary. Price Sixpence the Ounce. iv Panacea Nostri: Or, Our Prevalent Emetic, and Cathartick Powder. THe Virtue and Nature whereof is such, that it expels all Contagious and Malignant Humours by the Emunctories; viz. by Vomit, Stool, Sweat, and Urine, and that after a most friendly and pleasant way, few Doses whereof will radically cleanse the Body and Blood from the original cause of old chronic and Hereditary Diseases; as the Epilepsy, Convulsion, Madness, Schrophula, (or the Disease called the King's Evil,) Leprosy, or any foulness or corruption of the Blood, French-Pox, and other most grievous Diseases, as Ulcers, Fistula's Noli me Tangere's and in all kinds of Diseases in Men, and Women (except Women with Child) of what Nature soever they be. It's Use and Dose. FOr any of the aforesaid chronic Diseases, let the Body be once or twice well purged with our Sal Lenitium, then after 3 Days respite, take a Paper of this Powder in the pulp of an Apple, or prune, a little fine Sugar, or Syrup of Gillyflowers; and if in case at any time this Medicine should not have any visible Operation at all, yet never the less it will perform its Office, and drive forth the Distemper: Now if the Disease be Rebellious it must be continued to be taken every 5th Day, and the intermitting 3d Day, take a Dose of our Balsamic Pill, as 'tis prescribed; this method doth very well For the Scurvy, Pox, Gonorrheae, and inveterate Ulcers.— For Agues, let it be taken 2 hours before the Fit, to cleanse the Body; and to perfect the Cure, proceed as is directed in the use of the Pill. For Fits and Convulsions in Children, let it be taken in Breast-milk, and not exceeding the weight of a Rape-seed: It may be given to Newborn Infants; but as they increase in strength, so may the Dose be somewhat increased, at the discretion of the Parent. For Children of 3 or 4 Years of Age, give the 3d part of a Paper: For those of 7, 8, or 9, give half a Paper, always observing to take Posset-drink freely, during the Operation: The Paper contains 3 Doses, at 2 s. 6 d. V Elixir Magnum Cordialis: Or, Our Great and Famous Cordial Drops. BEing a wonderful Arcanum, whose Virtue and Prevalency hath been powerful in these following Diseases; as the Falling-sickness, Apoplexy, Lethargy, Palsy, Convulsions; and most other Diseases of the Head, Brain, and Nerves; they cure the Vapours in Women, and Fits of the Mother; they remove Ostructions, and pains of Spleen; they are also an admirable Remedy in the Plague, Spotted-fever, Smallpox, and Measles, or any malignant Fever, resisting putrefaction of the Blood, which have been confirmed by about 19 Years Experience in our daily Practice etc. It's Use and Dose. TAke as follows from 4 drops to 12, 14, 20, 25, or 30, to 60. in Canary, or any other proper Cordial; and for the diseases of the Head, let it be taken in a Cephalick Cordial; and also let the Temples and Nostrils be bathed therewith. For Children that are like to have the Smallpox, give this Medicine to bring out the Distemper; (increasing or diminishing the Dose as you see convenient) in a glass of Sack, hot Mace-ale, or some convenient Cordial, disposing the party for Sweat, drinking often a good draught of hot posset-drink, and boil there in Marygold-flowers, a top of Balm, Angelica, and Rosemary; in Surfeits let it be taken in the manner aforesaid, (observing that the Stomach be first cleansed by often taking of our Aq. vitae Magistralis) for Children that are inclined to Rickets, or breeding of their Teeth, give some drops in a little sir. of Cowslips or Poppies.— In intermitting Fevers give above 60 drops in a glass of Sack or Rhenish Wine. In continual Fevers give it every 6 hours in the manner aforesaid; always minding to take at the hour of rest, a small Dose of our Balsamic pill, as also our Pulvis Antefibriticus, according to directions in its place. In Consumptions and great Weakness, take 40 or 50 drops Mornings and Nights in a glass of Canary; as also 2 or 3 times a Day, for the space of 40 Days together. ☞ Observe. Women with Child may safely take this Medicine. Price four Shillings the Bottle. VI Pulvis Antifebriticus Noster: Or, our General Febrifuge. 1. AN admirable powder against Fevers of all sorts: A few Doses thereof (with the use of the other Medicines) takes off the Fever beyond Expectation. 2. It is something Sudorific, but for the most part works downwards first, and afterwards provokes Sweat; it is a prevalent remedy against putrid Fevers, Measles, Smallpox, Calenture, Spotted-fever, and other venomous Diseases. 3. It is good against the Green-sickness, Dropsy, Melancholy, Scurvy, Jaundice, and its profitable in Hectic Fevers. 4. It resists Putrefaction, fortifies the Stomach, corrects Crudities, purifies the Blood, cleanses the Bowels of filth and viscous Humours, by a gentle Purging way. The Dose and manner of Using it. 1. LEt the Patient drink plentifully of our Aq. Vitae Mag. according to the directions in its place: give a Dose of powder in the Morning, and at Evening for 8, 12, or 16, days as you see occasion, more or less; you may give it in form of a Bolus in a little Marmalade of Quinces, or pulp of Pruens, Jelly of Hartshorn; or it may be exhibited in a Glass of Canary, or a spoonful of Syr. of Saffron, or Clove-Gilly flowers. VII. Aqua Ruba Mineralis. IS an excellent Medicine of a preservative Nature, of great benefit in the plague, and other contagious distempers; particularly against the burning thirst in Fevers: Good against Coughs, Shortness of Breath, Ptysick, the diseases of Throat and Mouth; as Angimas, Strumas, Inflammations of the palate, or Uuula of the Mouth, Thrush in Children, Quinsies, and such like Inflammations; as also for an unsavoury Breath. It's Use and Dose. FOr Thrushes or sore Mouths in sucking Children, or any foulness of the Tongue, or Throat, 2, 3, or 4 drops dropped into a little White-wine, or Plantain-water, sweetened with a little Honey of Roses, and so drink it, and wash their Mouths with the same; for People of riper Years, they must Gargoyle their Mouths with it; it being composed to a Gargarism with White-wine, or Plantain-water, and dulcified with Syrup of Mulberries, or Honey of Roses; often taking from 6 drops to 40, or 50, in Beer, White-wine, or Plantain-water. For the burning Thirst in Fevers, give from 6 drops to 40 or 50, or half a Spoonful in so much Beer, or Ale, that it may taste sharpish of the Medicine; if the Fever be violent, it may be given 3 or 4 times in 5 or 6 hours' space; but in continual Fevers it may be given as often as the party desires to drink, observing in such cases to take often to procure Sweat, of my Elix. Magnum Cordialis, and at Night to take a Dose of Vinum vitae, to cause rest, and expel the venom of the distemper; for shortness of Breath, the Ptysick, and Cough, give it in Hysop-water, with a little Liquorish, and 5 Figs decocted therein; for a stinking Breath, and to create an Appetite, take it Mornings fasting, and 2 hours before dinner; and an hour before supper; about 6 or 8 drops in Beer or Wine. Price One Shilling the Bottle. VIII. Potestates Succini: Or, our Powers of Amber. 1. IS a most admirable Remedy against Cold, and moist diseases of the Head, Brain, Nerves, and Womb. 2. They Cure head-aches, Lethargies, Dulness, and Sleepiness, and other pituitous distempers of the Brain. 3. They are admirable against Cramps, and Convulsions. 4. They are excellent in Palsies, Rheumatisms, and Gouts. 5. Against Fits of the Mother in Women; and takes away pains after their Deliveries, cum multis alijs. The Dose, and manner of Using them. FOr outward uses bathe the place affected very well twice a day, till you find Relief; inwardly, take them from 15 drops, to 30, 40, or 60, in a Glass of Sack, Night and Morning: Continue the same for 40 days or more, as you see occasion. Price one Shilling an Ounce. IX. Tinctura Hysterica: Or, our Hysterick Drops against Fits. THese Drops are composed against those called Hysterick Fits, viz. Suffocation of the Matrix, (alias, Fits of the Mother) for which its a most excellent Remedy; as also against the Colic Megrim, Falling-sickness, palpitation of the Heart, Obstructions, and Weaknesses of the Head, Nerves, and Womb: It attenuates, opens Diseases, resists Poison, provokes Urine, and the Terms; and is profitably given in the Green-sickness in Virgins, Rickets in Children. The Dose and manner of takng it. IN any of the aforesaid diseases, you may take it in White or Rhenish-wine, or in Shery, or Canary, or other proper Hysterick Julep; give it when the Fits is off, and in a Morning fasting, and last at Night; but when any Fit comes, give it in the time of the Fit: For young Virgins, let them take in White-wine: For the Rickets in Children, give it in Canary, or old Malago, Bathing the Joints, and Backbone with our Vnguentum Rachitidem, or Ointment for the Rickets, twice a day, before the Fits: The Dose is from 20 drops, to 30, 40, or 60, according to Age, and Strength. Price three Shillings the Ounce. X. Arcanum Chalybeatum: Or, our Steel Drops. WHose Virtues are powerful in removing, and carrying off all Obstructions, of what kind soever they be, which are incident to young Virgins; and also a very safe Remedy in the Dropsy, provided it be taken with the other. It's Use and Dose. WHich is from 10 or 12 drops, to 20 or 30, according to Age and Strength. Morning's fasting in a draught of Water-gruel, warm Broth, or Mace-ale, keeping the Body stirring by some moderate Exercise, always observing to take every 3d Day, a Dose of our Sal. Lenitium; let it be continued for the space of forty Days. Price Two Shillings the Bottle. XI. Gutta Lythontripticae: Or, our Stone-Breaking Drops. THese Drops are a most incomparable Remedy for the Colic and Stone; being an Arcanum fit for the Closet of a Prince, or any Noble Man; and is herewith made public for the benefit of those that are afflicted with that deplorable disease of the Stone, Strangury, Colic, and difficulty of Urine. The Use and Dose of these Drops, with necessary Observations. THe Dose is from 20 to 40, or 50 Drops in a glass of White or Rhenish-wine, every four hours, and in the time of each four hours, drink a Dose of our Aqua Vitae Magistralis, as directed in its place, and at the hour of Rest, take a Dose of our Balsamic Pill, as in the directions of the said Pill in its place; and by the blessing of God upon this Medicine thou wilt find the Stone to break and dissolve, coming away in small pieces, and Sand: proceed in the same manner for the Colic. And I need say no more it being so effectual an Arcanum; it will sufficiently demonstrate its own Praise. Price Ten Shillings the Ounce. Sal. Lenitivum: Or, A Famous Purging Salt. BEing a Salt prepared of Mineral Subjects by apt mediums, purified and reconciled to the Archaeus and thereby becomes a Salutiferous Remedy, ennobled with Virtues sufficient for the Curing of many Diseases. It is neither an Acid nor an Alcaly, but a Salt of a middling Nature, being able to pass the several Digestions unchanged, and in its passage to resolve and absterge all Preternatural Coagulations, for which reason I call it Sal. Lenitivum, it is endowed with these 4 general properties, viz. Cathartick, Dieuretick, Deobstruent, and allaying of all Preternatural heat and Acrimony: besides it is a general easer of pain, (and extinguisher of Venom) as is manifest by what it effects in alleviating the Pains of the Gout, Rheumatism, Colic, gripping of the Guts. 1st. It Purgeth the gross Excrements, and most viscous humours of the first passages without nauseating the Stomach, or the least Griping Pains. 2ly. It is singular in opening Obstructions of the Vessels and Viscera. It is of great use in Fevers, especially those that proceed from Surfeits, occasioned by Eating or Drinking. It also dissolves all Stagnant and Obstructing matter in the Viscera. This Medicine doth not only dissolve and expurge the Excrements of the Stomach and Guts; but it also corrects the violence of all Preternatural Purges, if you put but two drams of it in their Infusion, or drink the same quantity in a draught of warm Ale, or Posset-drink, after any Potion, that will Gripe or Operate Churlishly, etc. This admirable Salt never leaves the Belly bound, as the common Purges do, but always Soluble, therefore excellent against a Costive temper of Body. The 2d. intention of this Salt is to alter and open Obstructions in the Liver, Spleen, Mesentery, Pancras, Reins, Bladder, and Womb, from which proceed many tedious and stubborn Diseases, as the Scurvy, Dropsy, Jaundice, hypocondriac Melancholy, Vapours, Green-sickness, Rheumatism, inveterate Headache, Restlessness, Sleepiness, Vertigo, Frenzy, Cramps, Convulsions, internal Inflammations, and Aposthumes, Piles, Exulcerations of the Kidneys and Bladder, Gravel, stoppage of Urine, etc. Together with many others, arising from Obstructions and Acrimony of the Blood, and Vital Juices. This excellent Salt may be taken at all times of the Year, and in all places, without loss of time, or hindrance of business; and although it be of great Use and Service in very many Diseases, yet I have by experience observed, that in some it is Specifically Potent; as in the Scurvy, Jaundice, Dropsy, Suffocations, Green-sickness, stoppage of the Menses, Piles, Colic, Diarrhaea, Bloodyflux, Worms, Inflammations, and Rheums of the Eyes, Itch, and other Choleric Eruptions, of the Skin, heat of Urine; in all which cases it hath signalised itself. It's Use and Dose. FOr any of the aforenamed Diseases, to a Man or Woman is, from half an Ounce, to three quarters of an Ounce, a Child of a Year Old, one Dram to two Drams, and so on according to Discretion of the Parent, and Age of the Child, always to be dissolved in Spring water, plain Posset-drink, or thin Water-gruel, (and in Summertime) in Whey, which the Patiented fancies best to take it in. In the Scurvy it ought to be taken daily, or every other day, for a Month or six Weeks together, taking in all their Drink a pure Spirit of Salt, (to the quantity of 40 drops in a Day) which may be had at my House for 12 d. the Bottle. For the Jaundice I give it in Summer in Water or Whey, in Winter in warm Gruel, or Posset drink; 5 or 6 drams while the Jaundice cease, observing to take it every other Day; in the Dropsy in the same manner as the Jaundice, only in a less quantity of the Vehicle, continue it for a Month's time. In the Green-sickness in Maids, it is necessary to dissolve an Ounce of the Salt in a Quart of pure Spring-water, and to take half a pint every Night, and the same quantity early the next Morning; continue taking, if need be a Month or 5 Weeks. In the Piles, a quarter of an Ounce of the Salt dissolved in Water or Whey, and taken for some time. In the Colic, or gripping of the Guts, take one Quart of Spring-water, and boil therein two Drams of each of the Seeds of Annis, Fennil, Caraway, and Coriander, then dissolve therein an Ounce of the Salt, and let the Patient drink frequently thereof a small draught, that the whole Quant may be drank in a Day; if the Party Vomit, continue the Dose while the Vomiting ceaseth. In a Diarrhaea, or common Looseness, boil Wheat-bran in Spring-water, and take half an Ounce in the Decoction thereof, daily or every other Day, according to Strength. In a Diassenteria, or Bloodyflux, give it in a Decoction of red Rose-leaves, boiled in Water, giving a Clyster daily, made with the Broth of a Sheehead, continue the use till the Party find Relief. For Rheums of the Eyes, take it daily in the ordinary manner. In the Itch, Botches, Boils, and other Choleric Eruptions of the Skin, give half an Ounce, or 5 Drams, dissolved in Fumatory-water, or Whey, for a Fortnight or three Weeks together, taking sometimes in their Beer, a Spirit of Salt, till the Cure be perfected. The Price of this Noble SALT is one Shilling the Ounce. XIII. Vinum Vitae: Or, Our Anodine Drops. BEing a sovereign Medicine against a Diassenteria, or Bloodyflux, Colic, Gripes, Vomiting, and Looseness in Young or Old; and to procure quiet Rest. The Use and Dose. FOr a Man or Woman, take always at Bedtime half a spoonful in a draught of Mace-ale, or Mulled wine. For Children in the Month, from 4 drops to 20 in Brest-milk, or Ale; as they increase in Age, so may the Dose be increased; at the Discretion of the Nurse, or Parent. Price one Shilling the Bottle. XIV. Essentia Stomachia: Or, our Stomach Essence. IS a great strengthner of the Stomach, and expels Wind, good against the Colic, Gripes, Pains at the Stomach, Stitches, and Pains in the Side: It helps indigestions, and cures Surfeits, and attracts cold watery Rheums from the Stomach. The Dose is from 4 drops to 25 in a glass of Wine, or Ale, 2 or 3 times a Day, as necessity calls for it. Price Two Shillings the Bottle. XV. Spiritus Paragoricus: Or, Our Bathing Spirit. WHich is a safe sure and ready Medicine; it may be taken inwardly in Paralytic and Appoplectick Cases; but I here chief design it, for external Uses; it being a singular Arcanum in the Erysipelas and Gangrenes (it allayeth the Pains of the Gout) being dipped in it and applied, if it be laid to the Pulse at the Wrists, its good in ardent Fevers, it helpeth strained Limbs, Pains and Aches in any part of the Body; with benumbed Nerves, the shrinking of the Sinews, and is very good to smell to, and Bathe the Temples and Forehead for the Headache, warming and comforting the parts where there seems to be a decay of Life, or want of Nutriment. Price Two Shillings the Bottle. XVI. Pulvis Antivermis: Or, Our Worm-powder. BEing a certain Remedy killing and destroying the cause of all sorts of Worms in the Bodies of Men, Women, and Children; it ought to be taken generally at the New or Full of the Moon in the Morning Fasting; it works moderately by Stool; you may give it to a Child of a year old a quarter of a Paper, for one of 3 years half a Paper, for those of six or seven a whole Dose; so go on according to discretion; it may be taken in the pulp of an Apple, Sugar, or Syrup of Clove-gilly-flowers, or warm Ale. Price one Shilling the Paper, which contains 4 whole Doses. XVII. Vngt. Anti podigra: Or, Our Famous Ointment against that Rebellious Disease, the Gout. IN the most violent pains of the Gout, let the part be well bathed before the Fire Night and Morning with a warm Hand for a quarter of an hour, applying soft Brown-paper to the part; then, Flannel-cloaths 2 or 3 times double, and Bind it up, and after it hath been used 3 or 4 Days, usually arises some small Blisters, or Pushes, from whence the morbific matter will be somewhat discharged, Then cease from using this Ountment, and proceed thus; first, take every third day a dose of our Panacea, as it's directed in its place, till about 7 or 8 doses be taken; then take Nights of our Balsamic Pill, as is prescribed, for 2 or 3 Nights, till the pains are abated; and in the day time take every hour after, of our Aq. vitae Magistralis, observing about once in 4 days after you begin to take the Pill to take a dose of our Sal. Lenitium and doubt not by continuing the use of the Ointment, with the other Prescriptions thou may be relieved from the dolours thereof with Success. Price Five Shillings the Pot. XVIII. Vngt. Rachitidem: Or, Our Ointment against the Rickets. WHich is excellent for bathing down the Backbone, and all the Joints, (giving them daily of our Hysterick Drops in old Malago, and sometimes of our great Cordial Drops, as directed.) — Observe. This Ointment is of excellent use for curing any Cut, Rench, or Strain; and for old settled Pains in the Joints, provided it be well chaffed in by the Fire: For Cuts, or any Green-wounds, melt a little of the same and dip a pledget of Lint and apply it warm once in 24 hours and it will heal the same. Price one Shilling the Pot. XIX. Vngt. Viridi: Or, A sovereign Green-oyntment for Burns, and Scalds, etc. THis Ointment being melted, and the Burn or Sealed anointed with a Feather Morning and Night, infallibly cures the same, observing after the anointing to apply a piece of soft White-paper, and cut the Blisters, and if the Burn or Scald be filthy or dirty, let it be washed with warm Milk. For an Erisipleas (or St. Anthony's-Fire) with all other hot Inflammations, let it be used every six hours, and doubt not the Success. Price one Shilling the Pot. XX. Vnguentum, & aqua occularis; Or, our wonderful Ointment and Water for the Diseases of the Eyes. BEing a Remedy inferior to none that is extant of this kind, but is a singular Medicine for Dimness of the Sight, Pin and Web, Pearls, etc. it eases Pains, and cureth Diseases of the Eyes to a miracle; it takes away Suffusions, Clouds, Bloodshot; it cures running Eyes, salt, hot and sharp Rheums etc. (I need say no more) it having cured those that have been almost Blind, which we have often Experienced; and (particularly in our own Family) it ought to be esteemed as a Jewel. The Use thereof as followeth FIrst, Let the Eyes be daily washed 3 or 4 times in a Day, letting some of it drop into the Eyes, and after they have been well washed (especially at Bedtime) take the quantity of a Pepper-corn of the Ointment and put it in at the corner of the Eye and lie down, and it will disperse itself, and it causeth no Pain, but effects the cure in a little time; if the Party be afflicted with violent Pains in the Head, we would have them to take a Dose or two of our Balsamic Pill, and to Purge twice a Week with our Sal. Lenitivum. The Price of the Bottle of Water, and Box of Ointment is two Shillings. Necessary Directions (for the sake of those that are Poor) to make the Pearl Cordial, and the cooling Purple Julep, etc. which any Apothecary's-Shop can furnish you with. And may be properly taken, either of them, or both, with the Medicines herein Prescribed, at the Pleasure and Discretion of the Patient. XXI. Julapium Perlatum: Or, our Pearl Cordial. TAke the Waters of Borage, Bawm, Black cherries, of each three ounces; Compound, Peony-water, and Therical-water, of each one ounce; double resmed Sugar, one ounce; Pearls prepared, one Dram and a half; being mingled in a Glass-viol, and shaken together; you may take four or five Spoonfuls at a time in any Fainting, it being a good Cordial, and revives the Spirits. XXII. Julapium Purpureum: The Purple Julep. TAke Syrup of Violets four ounces; Oil of Sulphur, per Campane thirty Drops; Barleywater (or Plantain-water) two Pound mixed together, is very good to quench thirst in Burning-fevers, and may be taken three or four Spoonfuls at a time, as often as the Patient shall require. A Catalogue of the Names and Prizes of the Medicines contained in this Tract, which is Published for the sake of those who are not of Ability to give great Fees to a Physician; I therefore refer them to the use of these Medicines which are able (by the blessing of God) to extirpate the most stubborn Diseases incident to humane Bodies, provided they are taken in due Method, as they are directed in their proper Places; the charge of which not amounting to much more than some physician's Fees, if thou take them all together; which may be had, or any one of them, or more, as People may have occasion at the Prizes mentioned. Aquavitae Magistralis; or our Magesterial Water; the Bottle being above a Pint. 3 s. The Balsamic Pill, the Box 1 s. Panacea, the Paper 2 s. 6 d. Elixir Mag. Cordialis, the Bottle 4 s. Pul. Antifeb. the Paper 2 s. 6 d. Aqua Ruba Minaralis, the Bottle 1 s. 6 d. Potestates Succini, or Powers of Amber, the ounce 1 s. 6 d. Tinctura Hysterica; or the drops against Fits the ounce 3 s Gutta Lythontripticae; or our Stone-breaking Drops, by the ounce 10 s. Vinum Vitae; or Anodine drops, the Bottle 1 s. Esentia Stomachia; or Stomach Essence, the Bottle 2 s. 6 d. Pul. Antivermis; or the Wormpouder, the Paper 1 s. Ungt. Antipodigra; or the Gout Ointment, the Pot 5 s. Sal. Lenitivum, the ounce 1 s. Arcanum Chalybeatum; or our Steel Drops, the Bottle 2 s. 6 d. Ungt. Rachitidem 1 s. Pot. Ungt. Viridi, for Burns and Scalds, and other Inflammations. the Pot 1 s. Aqua & ungt. Occularis, the Box and Bottle 2 s. Spiritus Mundus per ounce 1 s. 6 d. Spir. Mundus mixed per qut. 6 s. Spir. Sedativus per ounce 3 s. Aqua Ruba 1 s. A Catalogue of various Preparations. 1. ARgentum Cristalum. 2. Arcanum Helibori. 3. Aqua Antiscorbutica. 4. Aqua Regina Hung. 5. Arcanum Goderani; or Dr. Goderd's Drops. 6. Antimonum. Diaphyret. 7 Speties Generalis Ant. 8. Pul. Solaris Ant. 9 Speties Russeli Ant. 10. Tinct. Antimony Emet. 11. Tinct. Antimoni Antisco. 12. Balls. Samech. 13. Balls. Sulphur nost. 14. Elix. Sulphur. 15. Spir. Sulphur. 16. Elix. Propritatis. come. 17. Elix. Propritatis Medium Helmonti. 18. Elix. Prop. cum. cor. cer. 19 Elix. Propritatis volatile. 20. Elix. Propritatis nostri. 21. Elixir Salutis. 22. Ence veneris. 23. Spiritus Odontugiasus; or an excellent Spt. for Teeth. 24. Tinct. Antifebritica. 25. Tinct. Cordialis Amar. 26. Tinct. Corali Rub. 27. Tinct. Cordialis Regale. 28. Tinct. Benzonium. 29. Spirit Lavendulae. 30. Castori. 31. Sambucini. 32. Cochlearae Simplex & purgans. 33. Absinthi. 34. Vini come. 35. Vini. Tartarised. 36. Salis come. 37. Salis Dulci. 38. Nitri. 39 Nitri Dulci. 40. vitriol Dulci et Volatile. 41. Crani Humani. 42. Cor. Cervi. 43. Salis Armonici. 44. Oleum Salis Tartari. 45. Salis nitri Fixi. 46. Oleum Juniperi. 47. Oleum Succini. 48. Laudanum Volatile. 49. Laudanum Liquid. 50. Laud. Starky vel Pill Mathei. 51. Laudanum nostri. 52. Sal volatile Oleosum Cephalicum. 53. Sal Volat. Oleosum Stomachum. 54. Stypticum pro. Gonorrha. 55. Stypticum Pulvis pro. vol. Neribus. 56. Gutt. Stypticum pro. vol. Neribus. 57 Sal. Cathartici Amari. 58. Sal. Lenitivum nost. 59 Sal. Mirabilis. 60. Sal. Solutivum. 61. Sal. Glauberi. 62. Sal. Tartari. 63. Sal. Armonci Volat. 64. Sal. Cor. Cer. Cum Multis Alijs. Published from my House at the two Blew twisted Posts at Horsley-down Fair-street, in Southwark, by John Spire.