THE Seventh Angel sounding, Presents A glimpse of the glorious Reign of Jesus Christ, whose personal appearance is royally attended with these fifteen Changes full of wonder, as so many Trophie's of his absolute victory and universal sovereignty. 1. The Saints Deceased Royal Jesus Brings. 2. The Rest Released mount on Angels wings. 3. To Israel mourning sounds a glorious Call, 4. To Babel burning an eternal fall. 5. The world Combined hath a fatal blow, 6. Satan Confined to his Den below. 7. The whole Creation finds a full release, 8. And every Nation flourishes with peace. 9 The Mount asunder (That vale of wonder cleaves t' enlarge the Plain, where the Lord must reign) 10. The glorious City from God's throne doth glide, 11. The Nuptial ditty ushers in the Bride. 12. Thus Saints regaining an immortal state, 13. In glory reigning while the Sun bears date, 14. The Nations bending Virgins voices Raise, 15. (All Duties ending) in joy, love, and praise. Joel 3.9. Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles. Zech. 14.5, 9 The Lord my God shall come, and all the Saints with thee: And the Lord, shall be King over all the earth; in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. Psal. 102.16. When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. THE Two Witnesses: Their Prophecy, Slaughter, Resurrection and Ascension: OR, An Exposition of the eleventh Chapter of the Revelation, wherein is plainly proved that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, are the witnesses there spoken of, who have Prophesied in Sackcloth one thousand two hundred and sixty years complete; That they are already slain, revived, and ascended. That the tenth part of the City is fallen by our late Earthquake, wherein seven thousand Names of men were slain. The second woe is past. This is the first part of the Chapter, the second Part follows. By Tho. Tillam, a weak Labourer in the Lord's Harvest. 〈…〉 4.20. We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. 〈…〉 .11. We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen, 〈…〉 and ye receive not our Witness. Printed by R.W. for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the 〈…〉 lack spread Eagle at the West end of Paul's, 1651. TO My Honoured Col. George Twissleton, Esq Governor of Denbigh. SIR, BEsides your many favours conferred upon my unworthy self for a thankful acknowledgement; I am also many ways (as I conceive) obliged to present unto you this Treatise, as having its spring and first appearance under your Command, where your faithful endeavours are employed for the advancement of the glory of God, in your many encouragements to those under your charge, to be daily exercised in such duties and services, as being religiously improved, will be your Crown and their comfort in the day of the Lord Jesus, when all present shadows of honours will be swallowed up in that immortal glory, which is prepared for all such as are free in laying out themselves for the honour of this King of Glory, as yourself (dear Sir) have often been, in improving your interest with Christ on the behalf of this Commonwealth and our Neighbour Nations, upon emergent occasions: Another motive inducing me to prefix your name, is your affection to those Changes that attend the coming of Christ, as they are digested in the Title Page, which your Worship caused me to write down in a Book which I am persuaded you dearly love above all the world. Sir, I doubt not you will be more affected to find each of these wonderful Changes distinctly cleared and proved by the Word of Truth, (as I suppose they are in this little Book.) Truly Sir, The holding of them forth hath cost me dear, upon the rising of a spirit of emulattion in some, who could not brook that applause which was openly given to these Truths upon the delivery thereof. But I have heard such expressions from you, which have savored of another spirit, as loving Truth for Truth's sake by whomsoever declared. One word from you hath made a deep impression upon my spirit, by which I desire my affections may be regulated; namely, Of loving men for Religion's sake, and not Religion for any men's sake: these, with other of like nature, have raised my affections to present this Treatise to your much honoured name: if you find Truth evident, I have confidence you will give it entertainment: and though any thing herein should seem to be New Light, yet I hope it will not be the less welcome, if it appear True Light. Sir, I might have enlarged this Epistle upon good and subslantial grounds in reference to you, as your unwearied Service, and constant fidelity (as of all your flourishing Family) to this State; your present Employments in the faithful administration of Justice, and the like. But for sundry reasons I forbear, Closing with my unfeigned desires of the welfare of your precious soul, that it may flourish in that full Society of Glorified Saints in New Jerusalem, as it is daily expected to be manifested in Power by SIR, Your real faithful servant Tho. Tillam. An Exposition of the eleventh Chapter of the Revelation. THe Lord by a special Providence, guiding me to a People daily exercised in reading his Word, and opening the the same (in order;) now having before them the eleventh Chapter of the Revelation, they desired my help in Expounding this Mysterious piece; which sudden and unexpected motion, did somewhat surprise me, as knowing that it hath been accounted one of the hardest knots in the revealed will of God: and withal, considering how various the Opinions of Writers are upon the subject matter thereof, and how little satisfaction I had ever received from any of them; I therefore intended to speak a word or two from the two first verses, and to discover my ignorance of the great Mystery of the Witnesses by passing it over in silence. But while I was reading the Chapter, I was most sweetly warmed by a secret heavenly heat, quickening my spirit, which was (as it were) transported by this soft gale of life and light, and even constrained to declare this, which with full and clear evidence was communicated to me; which also making some notable impression upon the spirits of the most judicious hearers, they importuned me to give it them in writing; at whose request I set to the work, and in the review of these impressions upon my heart, comparing them with such Ecclesiastical Histories as till then were unknown to me, I found such harmony, so sweet consent, in Time, Place, Person, every thing, that hath left no place in my spirit for any further disputes, reasonings, or objections against the truth of these teachings. And the Lord so open the Readers understanding, that he also may receive the like full and sweet satisfaction in this Divine Mystery; and so may obtain the blessing promised to such as read, Rev. 1.3. hear, and obey the words of this Prophecy. The eleventh Chapter of the Revelation. THe great God calls it a Revelation: Rev. 1.1. Who are they that dare any longer term it an allegory? Doth he that is Alpha and Omega delude his poor creatures, in declaring it as his revealed will, when (if many may have credit that affirm it) it is a concealed Mystery, not to be meddled with? Let God be true, and every man a liar. And let my soul flourish with those truly spiritual Saints, 1 Cor. 2. who judge all things by that spirit which searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God, to whom be glory for ever. The first Verse. And there was given me a Reed like unto a Rod; and the Angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the Temple of God, and the Altar, and them that worship therein. That which I intended chief to insist upon in the reading of this Chapter, namely the two first verses, I shall now run over briefly, and hasten to the great mystery of the two Witnesses. The first thing given to the Apostle John here, is a Reed, that he as a wise Master-builder might exactly measure his work and leave a Pattern to all Believers, as those that must work and walk by Rule; This Reed is the same with that measuring line; Zech. 2.1. & 4.10. The Plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel, by which Jerusalem (in all Ages) must be measured; Isay 36.6. Mat. 27.29 'tis not an Egyptian Reed, (too weak for such a work) nor such a Reed as was put for a mockscepter into the hand of our Crucified Lord. But this holy Reed is that Royal Sceptre of Christ's Kingdom, Psal. 145.6. whereby he ruleth his Princely subjects, which he hath won by Conquest from Death and Hell, being none other then the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, put into the hands and hearts of his faithful Ministers, 2 Tim. 2.2. 2 Pet. 1.15. whom he hath authorized to direct, guide, and govern his select sheep until his second coming. This Royal Reed is that staff of Doctrine and Rod of Discipline, Psal. 23.4. which was the great joy and solace of Kingly David's soul: This is the staff of beauty and the staff of bands, Zech. with which the Lord led and fed his flock of old, and with which he will have the Gospel-Temple, and the Altar and every Worshipper therein exactly measured now. As Christ the foundation was (in all his actions) measured by this line of truth, (that the Scriptures might be fulfilled, as it is written according to the Scriptures, and the like; Joh. 17.12. Mat. 26.24, 31. 1 Cor. 15.3, 4. Joh. 15.14. 1 Kin. 17.18, & 6.7. ) so must every living stone, every true branch be squared, ruled, and measured by the same Reed; Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you: Those stones that were admitted into Solomon's Temple, were first hewed, squared, prepared, costly stones: And can it be imagined that a promiscuous heap of rugged, polluted, deformed, unpolisht stones, should be fit matter for this second more glorious Temple? Is it probable that Christ will admit of scandalous, ignorant, profane persons, (neither resembling, nor in a capacity of discerning his blessed body) as choice materials for this true Tabernacle which the Lord hath pitched and not man? 1 Cor. 5.7, 8. Ezech. 22.26. Heb. 8.2. Would such dirty patches be seemly in his seamless Coat? the Lord abhorreth such a mixture. The true glory of this Gospel-temple consists in the purity of the materials, Living lively stones, exactly measured, and fitly framed together, 1 Pet. 2.5. Eph. 2.21.22. 1 Pet. 2.9. growing to an holy Temple in the Lord; An habitation of God through the Spirit: A chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood, an holy Nation, a peculiar People. Not such as challenge interest by virtue of cohabitation; not a Parish house of stone, as the Prelatical Hierarchy instructed us; this holy Reed was never presented by the Angel to John to measure Parish bounds. He that intends this work, must not be idle. Rise and measure the Temple, is the voice the Spirit. The second Verse. But the Court which is without the Temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles, and the holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two months. The Romish Conclave became this outward Court, Rev. 12.5. An. 304. immediately after the birth of the manchild Constantine, when suddenly with case, peace, and tranquillity, there crept in ambition, contention, covetousness attended with abominable Errors, Superstition, Idolatry, Brightman. Rev. Apoc. pag. 75. and all kind of luxury, and profaneness, which rushed like waves one on the neck of another, suddenly overwhelming and devouring that sweetness, humility, charity, chastity, and purity which lately were the royal ornaments of this now defiled, polluted, Church of Rome. And now the true and sincere servants of Christ, observing this dismal darkness gradually surprising her, and obscuring her former lustre and true beauty, dare no longer drink of her polluted streams, nor partake of her defiled Ordinances; but withdraw and separate themselves from such abominations, Rev. 16.6. creeping into corners (any Wilderness condition) where they may enjoy the pure Ordinances of Christ, and be nourished with the pure milk of the breasts of the heavenly Witnesses. (Like as the Saints lately did in the times of Prelatical persecution; and as many a poor Christian is even now constrained to do, from the pride, and other profaneness of some disorderly societies.) And thus the true Church flying into the Wilderness, all silent and solitary, is trampled upon by the outward Court of proud Prelates, who have learnt to Lord it over her, which they pursue through the whole course of her exile; and yet maugre all this malice of Antichrist, though she hath continued in her exiled, mournful, Wilderness estate, scarce daring to appear in her true glory through the whole term of 1260 years (in which she hath been secretly supported by her Witnesses in Sackcloth) yet hath he, (who is glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, Exod. 15.11. doing wonders, whose promises are Yea and Amen in his Christ) at length brought (through all storms, oppressions and miseries,) this his pure lovely Spouse with her distressed Witnesses to a blessed haven of glory and honour: That God blessed for ever who did assure them (some thousands of years since) that though they lay among the Pots, yet he would give them the wings of a Dove covered with silver and feathers of yellow gold, Psal. 68.13. hath so gloriously fulfilled his Royal Word, that now Saints may securely sit and sweetly sing, (as a Chorus to the voice of their Beloved,) Lo the winter is past, Cant. 2.11, 12. the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing of birds is come, and the voice of the Turtle is heard in our Land. The third Verse. And I will give power unto my two Witnesses, and they shall Prophesy one thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in Sackcloth. All the rage and malice of Antichrist, shall not be able to stop their mouths till toward the end of their Testimony; they shall prophesy all along, though it be not in that external pomp and glory wherewith Popes, Cardinals, and the rest of the Antichristian rabble rout now flourished; but all forlorn, retired, obscured, in mournful Sackcloth, yet they shall Prophesy; & the Temple, even in the midst of the outward Court (that is, the Apostatised Church of Rome) is given to them, and even there do they worship the Lord in purity, but so covertly and obscurely that they are not easily discerned; especially, by the Pope and his scarlet Conclave, whose eyes are dazzled with external pomp and glory. Thus is the Virgin Spouse of Christ and her heavenly Witnesses (which in the midst of Heathen Persecutions was clothed in the Royal Robes of her everlasting Husband) now become an object of scorn and contempt to those wicked watchmen, who (what in them lay) spoiled and depraved her of that heavenly simplicity and Gospel-purity she lately shined in. Rev. 2.13. Now is she become the true Antitype of the Church of Pergamos, dwelling (in obscurity) where Antichrists throne is, and there she holdeth fast the Faith, and denyeth not the name of her crucified Lord, which ever and anon doth cost some faithful Antipas his life. And here the blessed Witnesses nourish her, and Prophesy against her Adversary: that proud Scarlet Strumpet did so defile, darken, wrack, wrist, and pervert the holy Scriptures to uphold their abominable Idolatry and Superstition, that no other vesture appeared upon them but sable weeds of sorrowful Sackcloth; and when (in despite of their fond Allegories and sensual conceits,) these two Witnesses spoke to their faces against the dreadful abominations creeping in so fast; this Harlot not able to bear their reproof, hating to be reform, Psal. 51.17. and rejecting instruction, did at length cast behind them into secret holes and corners these blessed Scriptures of truth: so that in the midst of all this Papal Tyranny (which daily increased) they remained secretly, nourishing the true Church even where the Beast reigned, yea, in the heart of his dominions, the whole term of their testimony in Sackcloth, viz. 1260 years; during which time, this is the Character which is given of the Romish Harlot, Mich. Cec. contr. Tyrannid. Papae. Mornaus' Mist. Iniq. Bez. quaest. There were within the Papal Territories two Churches, the one of the wicked sort flourishing wherein the Pope reigned; the other of godly and good men, and this he persecuted; so that the Church was under (or within) the Papacy, but the Papacy was not the Church. Now this being clear in the word of truth, that the true Church remains alive in the midst of this dead sea, and is preserved like Jonah in the belly of this monstrous Leviathan; What will become of that empty flourish of a vaunting Jesuit, Where was your Church before Luther? We see (to the high praises of our eterternal King) that it was in the Ark in the midst of the great Deluge; in Goshen in the midst of the Egyptian darkness; in the den amidst those roaring Lions in the furnace, safe and secure in the extremest heat of Popish persecution: And is now come forth of that great Tribulation, as pure gold out of that fiery Trial, as a Crown of Glory in the hand of the Lord, Isai. 62.3. and a Royal Diadem in the hand of our God. But who can marvel at this foolish question of blind Papists, when the poverty, obscurity and simplicity of the True Church, and her abstruse Witnesses is considered? how could their eyes (so grossly blinded with the black scales of ambition, pomp, & luxury, behold, or discern, such contemptible objects as the Church in her exile, and her Witnesses in their Sackcloth? Did not their Fathers the Scribes and Pharises grope in the same Egyptian darkness, when they could not discern a Messiah, though working wonders even in the very midst of them? their Holinesses looked too high to behold Christ in a Carpenter's coat, even like His profane wickedness, who sitting in that Chair of pestilence at Rome could not perceive the holy City under his feet, nor the heavenly Witnesses in their mournful habit: of both which their Predecessors and themselves are alike wilfully ignorant to this day. O the distinguishing love of a gracious Father! Why should not we be thus blind and ignorant! shall we see the cause, Luke 10.21. I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. The fourth Verse. These are the two Olive-trees, and the two Candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. Mr. Mede saith, Clau. Apoc. pag. 11. 12. there lieth hidden in these words, an Hebraism, having this signification, viz. The two Olive-trees, [at, or besides,] the two Candlesticks; Annotat. Zech. 4.3. they are said to stand by the sides of the Candlestick. or as the London Ministers have it, With the two Candlesticks or Churches; so that the Churches are one thing, and the Witnesses feeding them another thing. These two Olive-trees are plainly called the word of the Lord, Zech. 4.6. not Zerubbabel and Joshua, as some imagine; nor Enoch and Elias, as others conjecture; nor Christ and his Saints, as a third conceive; nor Burton and Prynne, as hath been confidently affirmed, but all with as much show of truth as that the two Houses of this present Parliament should be them; but all these conceits and all other fancies of like nature are not worth the Answer, as having not the least ground or warrant in that blessed Rule, that is able to make the man of God wise unto salvation; others have supposed that they are the Word and Spirit: And our English Prophet Mr. Brightman thinks they are the holy Scriptures, and the Churches of the Saints: But this may not be granted for these reasons. 1. The Scriptures and the Saints cannot die one kind of death; and there is not the least appearance in the Word, of any difference or distinction in their sufferings, and we must be sure to keep close to the Reed that was given John to measure all true Believers by. 2. The Saints cannot be said (in any clear sense) to rise again three years and a half after their sufferings, at the time mentioned by Mr. Brightman. 3. It is evident, that the Saints suffered as great misery, and were as vehemently persecuted after his supposed resurrection, as at any time before; which were absurd, (and without any Scripture ground) to conceive of the Witnesses after their reviving. 4. Rev. 12.6. The Saints are the woman or Church, and the Witnesses distinctly added for her aid, succour and support in her exile 1260 days or years: Therefore the Saints and the Scriptures both, cannot be the Witnesses. But some who have thought that these two Witnesses are the Word and Spirit, do come nearest the truth, and in some sense this is truth, of which more anon. The two Olive-trees which we are enquiring of, are called the Witnesses distinct from the Candlesticks; for though our Translators have coupled them together by the conjunction [and] yet we have been informed, that [at, or besides,] is more proper and significant according to Zech. 4.3. But I have determined never to receive any testimony of man how excellent soever, unless it be strongly backed and substantially supported by that clear fountain of life the testimony of Truth; Isai. 8.20. To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them: And this testimony, even this very word discovers more heavenly light than I was ware of; for in this Text the Scirptures are plainly called a Testimony or Witness; Let the answer to Zechary's question clear the truth hereof more fully; the Prophet having a Vision of these two Olive-trees (which are plainly said to stand by the Candlestick,) Zech. 4.3. asketh the Angel what they were? to which he answered, This is the word of the Lord; that is to say, the Scriptures which before are called the Law and the Testimony; and this word of the Lord held forth by two Olive-trees, is purposely produced for the cherishing and establishing of that Temple-work that Zerubbabel had in hand, as if the Lord should say, Let this inform and assure you, that though mountains of difficulties appear, Neh. 6.1. though Tobiah and Sanballat (the exact type of Pope and Cardinals) and many false brethren use all means to hinder and destroy my Temple-work; though my Candlestick be now in a low, mean obscure condition; yet my work shall go on and prosper; the Word is gone out of my mouth, it is upon record in the writings of my Prophets, and therefore cannot fail; but these Scriptures of truth shall continually stand by my Candlesticks like two Olive-trees, conveying by my seven sorts of Instruments as by so many Pipes, such plentiful nourishment as shall be able to support my Churches in the most forlorn exiled wilderness estate: this was the condition of the distressed Church opposed by Potent Enemies, aswell in the time of the great builder Zerubbabel, as in the time of the great builder Constantine; and this also is worth our consideration, that neither the Enemies of the Jews then, nor the Enemies of the true Saints now, were such professedly, but made a great show of friendship; Come say they; we will build with you, Ezra. 4.2. for we seek your God, as ye do. But they secretly conspired against the Jews, endeavouring by all possible means to hinder the work: And this was the speech, and thus was the practice of that jobiah of Rome, and those other secret Enemies, in the time of Constantine. And now the word of the Lord is the only visible support, and supply of the poor distressed woman; and this word of the Lord stands like two Olive Trees on each side the Candlesticks, Zech. 4.11.12. Rev. 11.6. or true Churches, yielding constant nourishment to the Saints in their 1260. years' misery, all which being diligently compared, and seriously considered, raiseth my apprehensions to these conclusions. 1. The two Olive trees, are the holy Scriptures, or Two Testaments. 2. The Candlesticks are the Churches of the Saints. 3. The two Branches of the Two Olive Trees, are Doctrine and Discipline. 4. The Golden Pipes of the Candlesticks are the Ministers of the Churches. For the clearing of these, I shall make my address to that Crystal fountain, from whence one clear testimony is to me of more validity than all the Arguments in the world. This light the Spirit of truth is pleased to Communicate in this 4. Vers. of the 11. Chapter. of the Revelation; that these witnesses are two Olive Trees; which must be so understood, as Christ is a Vine, a Door, a Stone, a Nail, etc. That is not really, Though I depend not upon man's testimony, yet you may note, that Austin (the flower of Antiquity) was fully of this judgement. but figuratively: so these blessed witnesses have the same use, and therefore are fitly compared unto Olive Trees. First That these two Olive Trees are expressly called the word of the Lord, hath been already proved from Zech. 4.6. and though this might abundantly satisfy being joined with that of Isa. 8.20. yet for the further Evidence of this truth, let us consider the nature of the Olive tree, Rom. 11. Rom. 11.17. from which the Jews were broken off, and I believe it will clearly appear, that the Olive Tree there mentioned is none other but the word of God growing up, and drawing sap from the eternal word the Lord Jesus Christ, the root of this tree, whereof faithful Abraham was only a Type. And that the breaking off the unbelieving Jews was their separation from, (procured by their contempt of) the doctrine of salvation contained in the Scripture; these, Rom. 3.2. Mat. 10.5.6. Acts. and only these were the children of the Kingdom, to whom only the pure Oracles of God were committed, to whom only the Gospel was Commanded to be preached, and to whom only for a long time it was Preached, till they rejecting this heavenly juice, putting away the sap and fatness of this Olive Tree, thereby judged themselves unworthy of everlasting life. So that this Act of theirs in putting from them the word of God, (causing those words of Paul, and Barnabas, Lo we turn to the Gentiles) was the breaking of them off from the Olive Tree (the eternal word) it is worth our consideration, that the Apostle calls it their own Olive Tree, Rom 11.24. Mat. 15.26. as the Lord Jesus also calls the word of Salvation their bread. They are here said to be cut off from the Olive Tree upon which they did grow; and we are graffed upon that stock, or tree from which they were cut; now it is plain that we are built upon the foundation of the Apostles, Ephes. 2.02. and Prophets, which I am sure are the two Testaments that make out the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the root of this Olive Tree. For the further Illustration of this truth (that it was the doctrine of salvation contained in the Scriptures, from which these Jews were broken off, and consequently that this Olive tree is none other than the word of God) let us examine what those two staves in Zachary are with which the Lord himself fed this stiffnecked obstinate People, and this will plainly appear to be the holy Scriptures, or word of God: and lest it should be deemed the humane fancy of a conceited Brain, take the naked words as they lie in the Scripture. I took unto me two staves, the one I called beauty, and the other I called bands, and I fed the flock. Zech. 11.7. And I took my staff, even beauty, and cut it asunder; and it was broken in that day, and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me, knew that it was the word of the Lord. That then from which these stubborn Jews were broken off, is the word of the Lord, or the holy Scriptures; but the Jews were broken off the true Olive Tree; therefore the true Olive Tree is the word of the Lord, or the holy Scriptures. All which being compared, it will evidently appear, that the two Olive Trees in this of the Revelation, and that of Zacariah, are none other than the holy Scriptures, or word of God. Secondly, It is as plain that the blessed Scriptures are the proper Food and Noufishment of Saints; spoken of Rev. 12.6. Isa. 25.6. Psal. 36. what else is that feast of fat things, that Wine on the Lees well refined, that fatness of the Lords house wherewith he satisfieth the souls of his Saints, those Rivers of pleasures he makes them drink of, and to which the Lord Jesus so freely invites them? Eat O friends, Drink, Cant. 5.1. yea Drink abundantly O beloved. But I pass this briefly, as not to be denied, that the holy Scriptures are the proper Food and Nourishment of the Saints: For which employment these holy witnesses are designed, Rev. 12.6. namely to feed the Church in her exiled Wilderness estate 1260 years. But if any shall cavil, that I attribute that to the Scriptures, which is peculiar to the Spirit of God; I have this to say, that I have no thought of the Scriptures without, or beside the Spirit of God; I receive all Scriptures as the Lord Jesus delivered them. The words that I speak unto you, Joh. 6.63. 2 Tim. 3.15. Heb. 4.12. they are Spirit, and they are life, able to make wise unto salvation. And therefore the blessed Scriptures are the proper, fit, suitable nourishment for the Saints, and particularly for the Church in her afflicted despised wilderness estate. Thirdly, That the holy Scriptures are called witnesses, and which is yet more plain, these very witnesses of Christ, will appear in the perusal of several Scriptures; And first that the Law is called so; Deut. 31.26. Take this book of the Law and put it in the side of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there for a Witness against thee. And it appears as clearly to me that the Gospel is so called also. 1 Joh. 5.9. This is the Witness of God which he hath testified of his son. If it be objected, that it is the Spirit etc. that is here called the Witness; 'tis readily granted, neither dare I call the Spirit one thing, and the word another thing (except it be said that the Scriptures are the mind of the Spirit) it is above noted that the Lord Jesus saith they are both one thing, The words that I speak, they are Spirit; therefore the Scriptures have ordinarily the same Appellations, and operations ascribed to them, as are to the Spirit itself; the Spirit is called Truth, so also the word is called Truth; 1 Joh. 5.6. Joh 17.17. the Spirit is said to sanctify, so the word is likewise said to sanctify and the like; and certain I am, that the properties ascribed to the word, Heb. 4.12.13. are not Communicable to any essence below the Spirit of God. For the word of God is quick and Powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and Spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, etc. Therefore have I hewed them by the Prophets, Hos. 6.5. Isa. 11.4. compared with Rev. 11.5.10. I have slain them by the words of my mouth. When I compare these Scriptures with the fifth and tenth verses of this eleventh of the Revelation, it doth so wonderfully clear this truth to me, that the Scriptures of the two Testaments, and only these, are the two Witnesses; that if there were no other ground but this, it would abundantly satisfy, and confirm me in the discovery of this abstruse and wonderful mystery. To conclude, this truth so manifest already, is yet further cleared by those blessed Lips where never guile was found; the Lord Jesus Christ himself affirms it in these words, Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they that testify of me. John. 5.39. Where it is plain, that they are not only called Witnesses, but these very Witnesses here spoken of; for the words carry with them this clear sound, Search the Scriptures, for they are my Witnesses. Thus, as these blessed Witnesses testify of Christ, so Christ also giveth testimony to them, Fulk. Contr. Mart. Pres. Pag 5. as to his Witnesses, and so puts the point in hand beyond all dispute: That the holy Scriptures of the Two Testaments, and only these, are the two Witnesses here spoken of. And yet one word more for the more ample discovery of the transcendent excellency of these heavenly Witnesses, (the Scriptures of truth) from the clear evidence the Apostle Peter gives; who having declared the excellent glory of Christ in the mount which he saw; and the audible voice, 2 Pet. 1.17. from the highest Majesty, giving Invincible testimony of his son. We have also (saith he) a more sure word of Prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, etc. What? the Scriptures more sure than the voice of God himself from heaven? yes, a more certain Infallible voice now in these Gospel days, than any miraculous extraordinary voice whatsoever; and here we may admire the wisdom, care, and faithfulness of our Royal Lawgiver, who knowing that many false Prophets would arise, and deceive many; and considering how Satan usually transformeth himself into an Angel of light; 2 Cor. 11.13. 2 Cor. 11.14. 2 Thes. 29. and that his eldest Son Antichrist would come after the working of this Prince of darkness, with all Power, and signs, and lying wonders. But especially foreseeing that monstrous impiety (which so many of his Servants have warned us of, as) that ordinances would be slighted, vilified, & rejected, that many foul beasts would defile, pollute, and at length totally departed from those pure Crystal streams that make glad the City of God, even the blessed Scriptures of truth, 2 Pet. 1.21. & 2.1. immediately flowing from that infinite Ocean, of all fullness. That many of them would deny (in part, (as the divinity) others absolutely) the Lord that bought them. And that the Devil would so far prevail with some whom he would mount to such a height of blasphemy, as to affirm that they are Christ, the Spirit, the Eternal Father, that their words are the words of God; and when you hear them speak, it is God that speaks, for they are God, and God is them, etc. To detest this detestable wickedness, and most dreadful blasphemous abomination, so frequently belched forth in these days of Satan's power, Gal. 6.16. Luk. 29.13. 1 Cor. 11.26. Rev. 2.25. Gal. 1.8. hath our eternal King left his Royal will and pleasure upon Record, as a certain rule for his Subjects to walk by, till his second Personal appearance, denouncing Anathema to all such as shall presume to prescribe any other rule, or pretend any voice or vision, revelation or inspiration, beside or against this sure word of Prophecy. Here we see the transcendent excellency, and unparallelled Dignity of these glorious Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ; upon this sure foundation we are built; to this sure Word we do well if we take heed, it being the Character of a truly blessed man to make these testimonies his delight, Psal. 1.2. and to meditate herein continually, abominating the Witchcrafts, Sorceries, and cunningly devised Fables of such as come with all plausible, sweet, affable carriage, and mild pleasant behaviour, lying in wait all the while to deceive with enticing words smooth as oil, saluting the Lord Jesus Christ with a Hail King of the Jews, thou art most excellent, the chief of ten thousand, full of grace are thy lips; pleasant, yea most lovely is thy voice; all thy odours are fragrant, therefore the Virgins love thee, and the like expressions: Here's a beautiful cup indeed: who would dream there should be any Poison in it? But amongst all these heavenly truths, comes up secretly one little horn, or a beast having two horns like the Lamb, but he speaks like the Dragon, bringing in such an expression as this (as he finds a fit opportunity when he hath pretty well wrought upon his Auditory) Oh saith he (of Christ) thou art the most glorious Creature in heaven or earth; who would not run after thee, who would not be ravished with thine excellency thou chief among all the Gods? etc. And now hath many a fish swallowed this pleasant bait, hook and all, and little dreams of a foundation here laid to destroy the divinity, and eternal deity of Christ, and to make him a Creature-God. These Jesuitical Principles are plainly detected in some that would go for Gospel preachers in these days; whom the Lord Jesus (whom they thus dishonour) will shortly consume with the breath of his Nostrils, and utterly destroy with the brightness of his coming, except they repent. But to return, having clearly (as I conceive) proved the holy Scriptures, or two Testaments to be the two Witnesses of Christ, or the two Olive-trees spoken of, by Zachary, and John, I descend to the other conclusions mentioned, as, Secondly, That the Candlesticks are the Churches of the Saints; which in Zechary's time was but one National Church of the Jews, and therefore by him said to be but one Candlestick; but in Saint John's time they are sometimes called two, Zech. 4.2. Rev. 1 Cor. 14.33. sometimes seven, that is, many several Congregations of Saints, springing from the Lord Jesus Christ, (the Root of the Olive tree, or the bowl of the Candlestick) being daughters of that heavenly mother, Jerusalem that is above, 〈…〉 .26. Ephes. 3.15. Hebr. 12.22. or the whole family in heaven and earth, the general assembly and Church of the first born; the several congregated Churches in Gospel order, as so many Branches of this great Candlestick; which also are themselves called Candlesticks, growing and increasing by the heavenly Artifice of those Instruments that Christ hath designed for this building, till we all come in the unity of the faith, Ephes. 4.13. and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; and this is the Catholic or universal Church; and not any other Churches (neither National, Provincial, or any other devise of Antichrist) have the least appearance in the Gospel, save only (I say) those particular congregated Churches which are planted together in the likeness of his death, Rom. 6 5. being as so many similar parts of this universal Church of Christ, his complete glorious body. Thirdly, The two Branches of the two Olive-trees are the Doctrine and Discipline of the Churches; these two are the Rod, Psal. 23 4. and the staff with which the Lord did lead and feed his servant David; and when the abominable wickedness of those Idol Shepherds (which he placed over his ancient People) was ripe for destruction, Zech. 11.7. the Lord himself (pitying the Flock that had escaped the slaughter of those wicked Shepherds) takes his beautiful staff of Doctrine, and his ruling Rod of Discipline, and with these he feeds the poor of the Flock, till by their ingratitude and high provocations, Acts 13.46. rebelliously rejecting the tenders of Grace, and the word of Salvation, they so exceedingly incensed the Lord against them, that he takes his beautiful staff of Doctrine and cuts it asunder; and it was broken in that day, when the dreadful word was uttered, Lo we turn to the Gentiles: Now was the Doctrine of salvation (which they had so long slighted and abused) hid from their eyes, Luk. 19.42. of which the Lord Jesus had warned them with strong cries and tears, (as pitying the obstinacy of this his People.) Indeed there remained yet among them some external forms and shadows; a body without a soul, a Lantern without a Candle: The rod of Discipline, (or staff of Bands) was not yet broken, and this they rested on, crying, The Temple of the Lord, The Temple of the Lord; but (as they regarded not, so) the knowledge of the most High was departed from them, and at last a total rejection and absolute exclusion of this rebellious people by the Lords breaking his other staff of bands; and this was done by the destruction of that Temple they so much trusted in, and so grossly abused by Profaneness and Idolatry. Thus was the prediction of our blessed Lord fulfilled by Vespasian and Titus (forty years after his Ascension) when the Temple being fired, could not possibly be quenched by any industry of man; yea, so eminently and remarkably did the hand of God appear against this Place and People, that the heathen Titus confessed, That he had only lent his hands and help to God in this work. Now did the Lord give them a bill of divorce, upon which they were exposed to such direful plagues and woeful miseries, as never befell to any People, as Histories do abundantly testify; Mat. 24.21. (according to the Scriptures.) And thus I have delivered what I apprehend to be the sense and meaning of the two Branches of the two Olive-trees, namely the Doctrine and Discipline of the Scriptures, which pour out of themselves that golden oil continually, Zech 4.12. Rev. 12.6. by which the Churches of Christ are fed in all Ages. Fourthly, The last general conclusion, from this fourth of Zechary, is, that the golden Pipes are the Ministers of the Churches, through which the golden Oil is conveyed from the two Olive-trees (the two Testaments) by the branches of Doctrine and Discipline, into the Candlestick (the Church) to feed and nourish her. Rev. 12.6. These Pipes in the second Verse of this fourth of Zechary, Zech. 4.2. are said to be seven, which in the twelfth Verse are called The eyes of the Lord, which run too and fro through the whole Earth. Now what these seven eyes are, may be found out by that means which the Lord Jesus hath appointed, viz. searching the Scriptures. S. John will tell us that these seven eyes sent forth into all the Earth, Rev. 5.6. Rev. 1.4. Rev. 8.2. are the seven Spirits of God which are before his Throne, & that these thus standing before him, are the seven Angels with Trumpets: which are none other than the Ministers of the Churches, as they are plainly called, Rev. 1.20. They are called the seven Spirits, because as they are abundantly filled, so they are employed by the Spirit which so mightily over-powers them, that they seem many times to be nothing but Spirit, taking their denomination from the most noble part in them, which is the Spirit, as Paul speaks, Not 1, 1 Cor. 15.10. Act. 15.28. Mat. 5 14. but the grace of God which was with me. These seven eyes are the light of the world, appointed by the Lord Jesus (that corner stone upon which they stand, Zechary 3.9.) for the building of his Church, Eph. 4.11, 12, 13. Rom. 12.6, etc. for the perfecting of his Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. And these seven are thus distinguished in the holy Scriptures (those faithful Witnesses of truth.) 1. Prophets. 2. Apostles. 3. Evangelists. 4. Pastors. 5. Teachers. 6. Ruling Elders. 7. Deacons. These are the seven sorts of Officers, or seven Pillars, that the Lord Jesus Christ (the wisdom of the Father, Prov. 9.1. Gal. 2 9 ) hath hewn out for the building of his great house the Church. These are his golden Pipes, so called by the Spirit of the Lord, as conveying this precious liquor, this divine Treasure of the heavenly word for nourishment to the poor Church as well in her Wilderness condition, as in all Ages; though these blessed instruments of Christ term themselves but earthen Vessels, that so the excellency of this heavenly Treasure which is conveyed through them, 2 Cor. 4.7. may the more redound to the glory of God, yet the Spirit calls them golden Pipes. These seven mentioned in the second Verse, are more comprehensively reduced unto two golden Pipes, vers. 12. answerable whereunto those seven sorts of Officers mentioned, are comprehended under the two chief; Eph. 2.20. that is, Apostles and Prophets, upon whose foundation we are built, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner Stone. And thus I suppose it is evident, that I have not presumed without clear warrant from the Law and the Testimony to affirm; 1. That the two Olive-trees are the two Testaments, or those Witnesses of Christ appointed to feed the Church, as in all Ages, so through the whole course of Papal Persecution, viz. one thousand two hundred and threescore years. 2. That the Candlesticks are the Churches of the Saints. 3. That the two Olive-branches are Doctrine and Discipline. 4. That the golden Pipes are the Ministers of the Churches. The fifth Verse. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their Enemies; and if any man will hurt them, he must on this manner be killed. The Pope and his Parasites had power enough, and did exercise that power to the utmost, in killing and spoiling, tormenting and harrasing the poor Saints in this time of their exile; and therefore the Saints cannot possibly be the Witnesses, as some have conceived; many a precious servant of Jesus lost his life for the Witnesses sake, that is for holding close to the Law & to the Testimony, (those Witnesses of Christ) against the Antichristian Tyranny of their bloody persecutors; but to the wonder and amazement of the World, (& to the high praises of our God, be it for ever acknowledged) they had no power to overcome or suppress the Scriptures till toward the end of their prophecy, or finishing their testimony in Sackcloth. I know many had an earnest desire to destroy them; they wanted no will to the work, but maugre all their rage and malice, though they digged as deep as Hell, leaving no stone unturnd that might seem to conduce to the support of their Tyrannical Antichristian State: yet whether they judged the Scriptures of no weight, or slighting them as below the glory of their Babel; or whether the terror of the Curse, Rev. 22.18. like fire in their bones deterred them, or what other secret operation it was, I know not: but by the mighty power of God, these heavenly Witnesses have been wonderfully preserved in this Babylonish Captivity, through the whole course of their Prophecy in Sackcloth 1260 years. The sixth Verse. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their Prophecy; and have power over waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. While the Saints are in Goshen, the Kingdom of Antichrist is smitten with sundry plagues (the effects of the Saints prayers) but none so dreadful as that universal thick darkness that soon overspread the whole Land of the Beast: Rev. 16.10. while the holy Spouse of Christ (trodden underfoot) enjoys the light of her Beloved's shining face, to whom it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but the scarlet Strumpet in the midst of all her brags, (that she is no widow but the wife of Christ, that her eldest son is his Vicar, that she is Infallible and cannot be deceived,) is given up to a spirit of slumber and strong delusions, to believe lies; Mark. 4.11. that seeing they might see and not perceive, and hearing they might hear and not understand, lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. No dew of Grace descends upon those cursed Families; the waters of the Sanctuary are now by little and little stopped from them; at first, the great burning Mountain (the Beneficence of the great Constantine) being cast into the Sea of Rome, Rev 8.8, 9 a third part presently became blood, and the third part of the Ministers in that Church (with their adherents) departed from the Faith: a while after, the whole Sea was generally poisoned, and became as the blood of a dead man; Rev. 16 3. and so there was an universal revolt from the doctrine of salvation to lying Fables, vain Superstitions, Miracles, Signs and Wonders, with all deceivableness of unrighteousness; and every living foul that drank this poison in the Cup of her abominations, presently died. How the fire that proceeded out of the mouths of the Witnesses hath devoured their Enemies, and how they have smote their Enemies with all manner of plagues, is very remarkable. Multitudes of Examples might be produced, of which take a taste: Surely the fiery indignation of the Lord hath been wonderfully manifested against these desperate Antichristian Enemies in their cursed Attempts, to race, deface, corrupt, or any way to hurt these Divine Witnesses (the holy Scriptures) in their 1260 years' Sackcloth. The Emperor Valence (infected with the Arrian Heresy) opposing the Scriptures and the Divinity of Christ, Ruff. lib. 2. cap. 13. after a shameful flight before the Enemy, got into a little house, which being suddenly set on fire, consumed this cursed miscreant. Dioclesian for burning the holy Scriptures, Ruff. having been tormented with sundry diseases in his body, and his house burned with fire from Heaven, at last (being terrified with Thunder) fell mad and killed himself. Olympus' Bishop of Carthage (an Arrian Heretic) blaspheming the holy Trinity, Paul Diacon. Ann. 510. was immediately struck dead with a threeforked thunderbolt. Anastatius Dicorus a grievous Enemy to the Lord and his blessed Witnesses, Zenoras', lib. 3. (the holy Scriptures) was destroyed with Thunder and Lightning. For this same detestable wickedness, the City of Antioch was consumed with fire from Heaven, in the seventh year of Justinus the Emperor. Other Heretics (in the time of Pope Innocent the Third) denying the Resurrection, and defiling the holy Scriptures with Urine, etc. were destroyed at once by War and Fire, to the number of 100000. A Treasurer of Julian the Apostate, Chrysost. lib. 1. cap. 34. as he was mocking and deriding at the holy Word of God, fell a vomiting up his own blood, his privy parts rotting, putrifying, and consuming with lice; he died therewith most miserably. Arrius (that arch-Heretick) having blasphemed the Lord Jesus and his blessed Word, Theodor. and after pretending a recantation of his Errors, and subscribing his name to the truth; from whence having quickly revolted again; he was smitten suddenly with such horrible pangs in his guts, that seeking to ease himself, his breath was stopped, and his guts ran out of his fundament, and so he died upon his own excrements. Pope Leo the Tenth, a profane scoffer at the holy Scriptures, Theatr. Judg. pag. 144. calling the Gospel a Fable; was in the midst of his horrible blasphemies surprised by death from the immediate hand of God. Nestorius' the Heretic, N●ceph. lib. 3 cap. 36. opposing the Divinity of Christ, and blaspheming the Scriptures, (in his banishment) was tormented with such a fearful disease, that his blasphemous tongue was gnawed in pieces by worms, and the Earth opened her mouth and swallowed him up. Pope Julius (a notable despiser of God's Word, Pale. ) was another like object of his fierce wrath. So Julian Apostata, Theodor. lib. 3 c. 11 jeering and scoffing at Mary's Son and his blessed Word and Ordinances, had his entrails secretly rotten, and vomiting up his excrements he died. Denterius (an Arrian Bishop) baptising in a blasphemous manner contrary to the Scripture, viz. I baptise thee in the Name of the Father through the Son in the holy Ghost; the water suddenly vanished: the like also befell to Paulus a Novation Bishop. Cerinthus (the Heretic) obscuring the everlasting Gospel, Euscb. was overwhelmed with the sudden fall of an hothouse. In the year of our Lord 420. many thousands were destroyed for the like indignities offered to the holy Scriptures, (as an evident testimony of the great power of these blessed Witnesses.) Doctor Whittington (in the reign of Henry the Seventh) having miserably afflicted a Christian woman in Chipping-Sadbury for her use of the Scriptures, Theatr. Judg. pag. 60, 61. and having past the sentence of death upon her as an Heretic; a Bull breaking lose from a place far distant, ran violently through the throng of people (without hurting any) till he came to the Doctor, thrusting him at the first blow through the paunch, and after often goring him, trailed his guts upon his horns about the Street, while the people stood astonished with admiration. Thus by a few Examples of many that might be produced, is the wrathful indignation of a mighty offended Majesty evidently demonstrated against such as durst presumptuously attempt to hurt the blessed Witnesses (the holy Scriptures) during the time of their 1260 years' Prophecy in Sackcloth. The seventh Verse. And when they shall he about (for so the word is to be translated) to finish their testimony, the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless Pit, shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. Let us now look back again, and before we speak of the finishing; let us consider diligently, when they began their testimony in Sackcloth. That they began to put on Sackcloth at that time exactly and precisely, when the Church fled into the Wilderness, is clear, Apoc. 12.6. and that they should continue with her (prophesying in Sackcloth) in her exile, Ibid. and affliction, the whole term of 1260 years, is clear also: And I believe there is none (but Papists and their Fellows) but will readily grant, that the Woman is the Primitive Churches, Isa. covered with Christ her Husband the true Son of Righteousness, and trampling upon all inferior sublunary things, Acts, etc. Phil. 3.7, 8. crowned with her twelve bright infallible Stars, whose heavenly Doctrine and Discipline made her eminently glorious in those Primitive times, before the forth of men's invention had soiled her pure garments, those precious Robes of Righteousness wherewith she was most richly adorned by her Royal Husband, looking upon all earthly glory with an eye of scorn and contempt. And now her pregnant womb being become fruitful, Isai. (and her former barrenness taken away) according to those precious Promises made unto her, The ten Primitive Persecutions. she travels and labours through many a bitter pang of heathen persecution, crying in pain to be delivered; which that ancient Enemy of mankind perceiving, he stands ready before the distressed, afflicted, persecuted Church, to devour her child as soon as it was born. At the end of three hundred years, her long looked for hour came, when to the exceeding great joy of all true Saints, she was delivered of a Manchild, Ann. 304. (viz. the first Christian Emperor Constantine) who breaking forth like the Sunbeams in glorious rays, for the dispelling of those dismal clouds of bloody persecution, which had so miserably harrased the Churches, he openly taking upon him the patronage of the Gospel, performed most glorious exploits for the honour of the Lord Jesus, and by the martial prowiss of a victorious Arm, blessed by many wonderful Achievements, he ruled all the Nations with a Rod of Iron; the weight whereof Maxentius and Licinius (among many others) did feel to purpose. But all this while the Dragon roars wonderfully, having drawn to his Party the third part of the Stars, endeavouring by all possible means to devour this manly Son of the Church, first by his instruments Dioclesian and Galerius, who exposing him to the rage and fury of the Samaritans, and failing herein of their design by his unexpected victorious return, they contrived a way to devour him by engaging him with a Lion under a pretence of trying his valour; many other snares were laid to take away his life; but none so dangerous as that Arrian gulf, wherein the Dragon with the third part of those fallen Stars endeavoured to swallow him. From all which cursed designs, he was wonderfully, and even miraculously preserved, by that gracious hand, who took him up to his Throne, viz. the Royal Thorn of the Empire; the highest honour and dignity in the world, and to make his glory complete indeed, he was (from his former Idolatry) caught up to the chaste embraces of the Spouse of the Lord Jesus, that blessed holy Throne where the great Jehovah delighted to sit; while it continued pure. To this and all other Churches of Saints, Rev 8.8. Now was that voice from heaven heard, viz. this day is poison poured forth into the Church, for now Christ's is death slighted; and errors etc. prevail abundantly. he presently became not only a famous Protector, but a most bountiful benefactor; heaping mountains of Royal favours upon them, in so much as he is supposed (through his fervent zeal manifested in wonderful beneficence) to be that burning Mountain cast into the sea, upon which the third part of the sea of Rome suddenly became blood, that is the third part of her doctrine, and discipline was corrupted by the third part of the Stars that the Dragon drew down after him: which fallen stars being now at rest and peace, this peace producing plenty, and that luxury, all which beget ambitious designs, which having the bounty of a Royal Emperor, as a fit object before them, they not knowing how to manage such a prosperous estate, having been so long pressed down with cruel persecutions and deep afflictions, do suck in this liberality with so much greediness, that they cease not swelling till they burst with it, into such excessive pride, pomp, state, cruelty, luxury, and all kind of wickedness, that they force the poor woman, (even as soon as she hath but newly brought forth her manchild) to fly into the Wilderness, Rev. 12.5, 6. that is into holes and corners; anywhere to enjoy her Beloved in the purity of his Ordinances, with which she is fed and nourished by her two Witnesses (the holy Scriptures prophesying in Sackcloth with her) 1260 years. And now that an open gap might be made for the man of Sin to be set up in his Chair of Pestilence, the Royal manchild translateth his Imperial Throne from Rome to Constantinople; 2 Thes. 2.7. Comment of the London Ministers. and so the let, spoken of by S. Paul (being by the judgement of most of the ancient Doctors of the Church, the Roman Empire) by this removal of Constantine taken out of the way, Pope Sylvester (taking hold of this opportunity of the Emperor's absence,) laden too heavily with many royal favours, lays the foundation of Babel, but yet so secretly, privily, covertly and obscurely, that a very curious diligent eye could hardly discern it in these beginnings; and indeed had it not wrought so obscurely and almost indiscernably, it could not have been the Mystery of Iniquity; and therefore the Prophet Daniel (though throughly acquainted with this working of the man of Sin) is brought in, diligently observing, and prying very narrowly before he could discern him; so secret and obscure were his beginnings, Dan. 11.21. Dan. 7.8. hardly suspected of any, as being a horn too little (at first) to be feared, but as little as it is, it loseth no time to make itself great, but partly by flatteries & subtle insinuations, highly raising the same & merit of such as were bountiful and liberal to the Churches, vehemently exciting others to the like beneficence, till at last he is heightened (by obtaining of Kingdoms and Provinces) to an open discovery of himself to be that great Antichrist. Thus in his Infancy he gins to erect the Chair of Pestilence; for no man denyeth (saith Guicciardin) that the Translation of the Empire, was the first cause of the Pope's Authority. Hist. Trent. pag. 833. Hakewil Apol. pag. 473. For now the people of Rome withdrew their obedience from the Emperors, by occasion of their absence; and it is the confession of the Jesuits themselves, that the Empire was (not only then translated, but even) long since dissolved, and so the great Let removed, and an open door set for the Papal Kingdom to be elevated by degrees to its height of impiety, which must likewise by degrees come to utter ruin and destruction, as the foundation of Babel is now laid upon the translation of the Empire from Rome; so the poor woman (the true Church of Christ perceiving the Mystery of Iniquity beginning to work) not able to side with the pomp, pride, ambition, superstition, and all kind of wickedness, that the most are drowned in; she flies into the Wilderness; which is no other than the few faithful Saints that kept close to the Rule, associating together in some private corners, even in the midst of Rome, (the outward Court,) as also many precious societies of Saints did in London, and other places in England and Wales, in the late days of bloody Antichristian Prelates) giving up themselves to the Lord, and one to another. Even so did this virgin Spouse of Christ keep close to the Faith, holding fast to her first love, being fed and nourished with the pure lively Oracles, (these heavenly Witnesses of Christ) in these secret corners and retired covert places, in the midst of Pergamos where Satan's seat was. And this is that Wilderness condition and obscure hiding place, that God prepared for her and her Witnesses, that there she might be securely preserved from the unfaithful Watch men, who having learned to lord it over God's Heritage, and to smite their fellow servants, and to eat and to drink with the drunken, and to abuse this simple Spouse of Christ, and take away her vail; these and such like actions as these, is the treading underfoot the holy City by these degenerate Romish Gen. tiles (the outward Court) which are now generally infected with the Arrian Heresy and other dreadful abominations. Taylor. Libert. pag. 141. 143. This is the Revelation of our English Prophet, Brightman. Rev. Apoc. p. 79. who saith that no sooner did some peaceable conditions begin to appear, and Heathenish Tyranny cease, but straightway did the Bishops begin to be set on fire with spiteful dissensions, etc. the Bishops of Rome (even so early) boasting with brags of pride in Peter's Chair and succession from him, upon whom they affirm the foundations of the Church is laid; and this foolish conceit produced that presumptuous Edict, that Tertullian (who lived in the third Century) condemned; I hear (saith he) that there is a peremptory Edict set forth of late, Trap. Comment. pag. 291. Thus saith the chief Priest, the Bishop of Bishops, etc. I hate (saith Basil) the pride of that Western Church. And thus by this excessive pride of these Romish Gentiles, boasting of their external glory and lustre, they do plainly declare to the world that they are none of the true Church hid in this secret covert. By all which it is evident, that immediately after the birth of the manchild, Rev. 12.5.6. the woman fled into the Wilderness (or secret corners, with her heavenly Witnesses the sweet Scriptures of truth) and this is that Inner Temple that was exactly measured and prepared by God for her, Rev. 11.1. where she is fed, nourished, and supported by them, through her saddest, darkest, Wilderness course of 1260 prophetical days, which in Scripture language, is so many years, as is clear by Ezeck. 34.6. and other Scriptures. In all which term of time the holy City lies trodden underfoot by the Gentiles in the outward Court, even those who were but yesterday (as it were) come out of trouble and misery themselves, having been the objects of Heathens scorn and derision, and subject to their rage, malice, & cruelty; having obtained a little rest, and the sweet gales of peace now breathing upon them, they turn this grace into wantonness and cruelty, smiting their fellow servants, and lording it over their brethren, even as others do to this day, who think themselves the true Churches of Christ, robbing them of all external comforts, while they cleave to, and dare not relinquish the Gospel's simplicity; and so Rome, (lately a true Church of Christ) is the first that preacheth and practiseth cruelty, force, violence and persecution. And did Rome do so? Taylor. Libert. pag. 26. and is Rome singular in these ungospellike deal? have not England's Watchmen learned the same lesson, and pretty well conned it by heart? Look upon the late Prelates, see what their practice was, soon after the bloody Marian days. Many living testimonies can yet bear witness against the monstrous cruelties of them and their Successors; but they are gone out like the snuff of a tallow candle, and no doubt but their name will soon perish, though the stink remain. How happy had it been if Diotrephes had perished with them! but alas our misery! our brethren who suffered with us under the late Antichristian persecution of the Prelates, have now laid and do already act upon as violent principles of Tyranny and cruelty as either of the former; and had not the Lord wonderfully raised up a faithful Magistracy for the support of his Saints, banishment had been their gentlest punishment. Had it been an open Enemy that had done this, Psa. 55.13. I could have born it; but it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide and mine acquaintance, with whom I took sweet counsel, and walked unto the house of God in company; this cuts to the quick. All these, Pope, Prelates, Presbyters, and some mounted a little higher, while they were under the ferula, accounted persecution unlawful; but being out of the danger of a Pile and a Faggot themselves, they quickly change their opinion, and become as bloody persecutors as their Predecessors. But to return, to consider the exact time when the Witnesses began to prophesy in Sackcloth, it is clear, I hope proved by full evidence from Scripture, etc. that no sooner did the Churches begin to take breath from Heathenish Persecution by the birth of the manchild Constantine, but the Dragon cast out of his mouth such a horrible flood of Arrian cruelty, Clau. Apoc. pag 47. that (as one saith) it did seem to equal that of the Heathens, if not far exceed it, while the poor Saints (with a wonderful constant resolution) sadly sigh forth this Swanlike Song, Moulin. Theoph. pag. 278. We are burned for reading the Scriptures, while we burn the more in love to read them. These blessed Witnesses (the Scriptures) were at first collected by the Imperial Edicts of the Royal manchild Constantine, immediately upon his birth (I mean his spiritual birth all along) and though many other Writers came in under the names of the Apostles, yet only those were received for Authentic, of which evident proof was made to be truly theirs. And these being completed in one Volumn together, were called the New Testament, and joined to the other Scriptures of Moses and the Prophets, which were called the Old Testament. So that now, and not till now, were the Two Testaments apparently visible: For what by reason of those ten bloody Persecutions, their extreme poverty, their continual labouring for life, etc. the poor Christians had neither leisure nor liberty to collect the Scriptures into one Volumn, (they being also deprived of that benefit of Printing which we, now enjoy) & withal considering the far distant places each from other to which the Gospels and Epistles were written, it cannot well be imagined how the poor distressed Churches should accomplish so great a work as this, of compiling this holy Book; this was a design reserved (and a work only fit) for the royal manchild to accomplish. So that at this instant, the two Witnesses received the power promised to them; Rev. 11.3. and no sooner did they receive this Authority, but presently they began to prophesy in Sackcloth; Anno Dom. 304. for now the Church of Rome that was lately so famous in their sufferings, raised with the prosperous gales of the Emperor's breath, do sail with such a full clew of peace, tranquillity, honour, wealth, etc. that being hereby lulled fast asleep, the grand Enemy who is ever waking and watching for such an opportunity, now sows his cursed tares of Superstition, Idolatry and Heresy amongst them; Tulk. Rhem. Test. p. 657. Dr. Homes new world pag. 14. but so secretly and cunningly as is declared, that this Cockatrice did not suddenly appear to open view. But presently these tares grew apace (as ill weeds will do) so that with ease and prosperity they soon degenerate into Error and all kind of vanity; and as vice increaseth, Hosea 4.7. Brightman. Rev. apoc. pag. 112. so (the foster mother) the false Church increaseth, and quickly grows very ample and spacious, while the true Church lies hidden, obscure in corners, with her sorrowful Witnesses in sable Sackcloth; so that the major part laying aside the simplicity of the Gospel, betake themselves wholly to advance their outward state; and the blessed Word of Truth, that prohibits affectation of greatness, lordliness, and outward pomp, is slighted, and contemned, by this Apostatised Church of Rome, who being now full and complete (in their own conceits) lacking nothing, tread underfoot the holy City, and by degrees mounting from poverty to all outward felicity, and her Pastor from being an honest poor Minister, riseth to the state of a Lordly Diocesan Prelate; from thence to be Primate and Metropolitan of Italy; and at length by fawning and flatteries he obtaineth the Kingdom, even the Province and City, denominating the Emperor; 2 Thes. 2.7. Dan. 11.12. and now this Let being taken out of the way, that only obstructed the Revelation of Antichrist, the Popish Authors (little suspecting their lord god the Pope to be the man) begin to wonder where this king of pride is; what shall we say (saith one) to this, that long since the Nations fell away from the Roman Empire, and yet Antichrist is not Come? Before the coming of Antichrist, the Nations were to fall away, Thomas. Lyra. as we see it already done saith another; but as their Forefathers, the Scribes and Pharises seeing the Sceptre departed from Judah, wondered that the Messiah came not, when he was working wonders amongst them all the while, and they could not discern him: Even so these blind Popish Guides were gaping after the Revelation of the son of Perdition, when he was all the time of their seeking for him (and long before) sitting in his Pontificalibus, exalting himself above all that is called God; being mounted by almost insensible degrees from a little horn, Fulk. Rhem. Test. pag. 329. & a vile contemptible condition to command (as he pretends) all the Kings and Kingdoms in the World; as to instance a little in some particulars. Zacharias Pope of Rome having deposed Childerick King of France, and absolved his Subjects from their Oath of Fealty, he gave the Kingdom to Pippin, who afterward he made to kiss his feet. Gregory the Second, excommunicated the Emperor Leo the Third, because he was an enemy to Images; and while the good Emperor was casting down these Idols, Field of the Church, pag. 623. this son of Perdition made Decrees for the people to revolt from their obedience to him. Pope Gregory the Seventh, deposed Henry the Fourth, and made him, his wife and child, wait three days barefoot at his Palace Gate. What shall be said to that excessive pride of Pope Alexander the Third, treading upon the neck of Fredrick the Emperor, spurning from the head of another the Imperial Crown, making others hold his bridle, his stirrup, kiss his feet? the Emperor's being water to wash his hands, carry the first Dish to his Table, bear his Cup, his Train, carry him upon their shoulders, etc. call him our lord god the Pope; yea to this day, the Elect Emperors by order are to worship the Pope at his Coronation. Paul the Third said, that he was above all Princes in the World; that he could change Kingdoms at his pleasure; that no Prince should be his Companion, but all Subjects under his feet, as it was fit they should, by the will and appointment of him who had built his Church upon Peter his Predecessor; that he would die, overthrew all, and set the World on fire, rather than be base; and yet as much as he scorned baseness, he was not ashamed nor afraid of that desperate sin of Perjury, etc. Boniface went in Procession attired with the Crown Imperial. Pope Alexander the Sixth, was so enraged with burning lust to his own Daughter, that he could not endure any man to enjoy her but himself, and therefore he dissolved her Marriage from two Husbands, that so he might wholly engross her to his Incestuous lust, which yet he fell short of; for his own two Sons, the Duke of Candia, and Cardinal of Valentia, did also share with their Father in the Incestuous enjoyment of their Sister, for whose sake Valentia murdered his Brother. Yea, In Vita Pauli 5. so generally wicked and abominable were the Popes of Rome, that Papirius Massonius (a Popish Writer) saith, no man expects any sanctity in Popes now adays; they are thought to be excellent Popes if they have never so little honesty, or be not so wicked as other men use to be. Is it not miraculous that the great and holy God, the fountain of Justice hath so long endured such dreadful and abominable wickedness? If it be said that some Bishops of Rome were accounted holy men, in the fourth and fifth Century, and some Counsels of those times were well approved of; and therefore Antichrists rising could not be so early as the year 304. I answer: Antichrist and his kingdom, is the Mystery of Iniquity (as hath been showed,) and therefore the Prophet Daniel considereth diligently, and searcheth curiously before he could espy him, so dark & obscure were his beginnings, in sheep's clothing, Mat. 7 15. Rev. 13.11. Mat. 24.24. with horns like a Lamb, yet spoke like a Dragon, and ravened like a Wolf. Neither do I believe that all the Bishops of Rome immediately after Constantine, had knowledge of what they did (as to the furtherance of this work of darkness) or that their seat was the Chair of Pestilence. Nay, I do think that some of them did with great confidence abominate, and would with abundance of zeal and resolution, have detested the thought of being instrumental in the setting up of Antichrist. The Jews and Gentiles that put the Lord of glory to a shameful death, 1 Cor. 2.8. little knew what they did; 2 King 8.12.13. when the Prophet Elisha foretell Hazael of that horrible wickedness that he should do to the children of Israel, he was amazed at the thought of such abominations, & replied with great resolution in detestation of it, But what is thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing! Acts 22.4. Little did Paul think what he was about when he was going to Damascus against the Saints. I dare not think that all the Bishops of Rome did promote this work knowingly and resolvedly; it is clear that Gregory opposed John of Constantinople in his attempt to be made universal Bishop; and I believe he little dreamt how irrecoverably the Chair he sat in was poisoned with the infection: Trap. Comment. pag. 292. And yet 'tis well known that himself did most basely insinuate, and earnestly desire the same title from the bloody Emperor Phocas. Brightman considering the monstrous pride and worldly pomp that followed upon the Enjoyments of that glorious peace that was now established, thinks it no great wonder that this defection should so slily creep in, even whilst they were fervent in promoting and advancing Christianity; because that at the same instant, many were swollen big with contentions, others gaped after honours, some were delivered of desperate heresies, Rev. Apoc. pag. 112. and the Generality heaped up superstitions without measure. And all this while the obscurity of the true Churches increased every day more and more; the simple plainess and sincere purity of the Scriptures were more and more slighted, defiled, obscured, wrested and perverted by idle and fond Allegories, and absurd Expositions; Relics were adored, and Religion placed in toys and trifles, while all kind of iniquity got ground. And therefore we may not conceive that the man of sin was at first to be openly manifested; for how then should it be a Mystery of Iniquity? Rome was not built in a day; the Mystery was working in the Apostles days, but never got a feat in the Church till the Arrians bore sway, when the Christian world seemed to turn heretic; and though the Chair of Pestilence was now erected, and the true Church with her true witnesses now exiled: yet it was long before the man of sin was openly discovered; for as the true Church of Christ (after she had conceived) travailed with child 300. years to bring forth a Christian Emperor, so this degenerate Church of Rome (the ape of the true Church) traveled also 300 years, still swelling, and by insensible degrees growing bigger and bigger, till at last she brought forth the spurious birth of a universal Bishop; in the reign of the bloody Emperor Phocas, Anno Dom. 600. And now is the great Antichrist openly enthroned at the same time when the Empire is divided and broken into ten Kingdoms. Rev. 17.12. viz. 1. Britons. 2. Saxons. 3. Franks. 4. Burgundians. 5. Wisegothes. 6. Swedes. 7. Vandals. 8. Astrogoths. Mede Apoc. cap. 8. 9 Almans. 10. Greeks. Of which ten, three fall quickly before the Beast according to daniel's Prophecy; Dan. 7.8. Park. Prophe. p. 28. and those were the Greeks, Longobards and Franks; and to these, Pipin adds another temporal dominion. And now this king of pride, A brief Exposition of part of Dan. 11.22. (as with the arms of a Flood) bears down all before him, exalts himself against the Prince of the Covenant, with all power and lying wonders; yea, with all deceivableness of unrighteousness: Vers. 24. Entering upon the fattest places of the Provinces; whereupon he found'st his Superstitious profane Abbeys, Nunneries, Monasteries, etc. where he fat's up his Locusts, those Idols drones, belly-gods, that in huge swarms have filled all his Dominions, even the choicest fattest places thereof, as is obvious to every eye that will but look upon the decayed superstitious Places in our own Land where the Swine have swilled: he wageth war with the King of the South, and overcometh all those Southern Kings that dare oppose him, Dan. 11.25. as Soliman in Asia, Cassianus in Syria, the Egyptian Caliph in Judaea; which exploits were performed by that incarnate Devil Hilderbrand, Vers. 26. Vers. 28. who returned with great spoils and abundance of Treasures, he falls on with rage, fury and violent persecution against the poor Waldensian Protestants; and at length by open hostility he destroys many thousands of this covenanted people, Vers. 30. in a most bloody, fierce and cruel War. After this, Vers. 31. is the breaden god, (the abomination that maketh desolate) set up amongst them, Via Tuta, pag. 118. the Idol doctrine of Transubstantiation established for an Article of Faith, Vers. 32. and the true Sacrifice taken away. In the midst of all this Pride, Tyranny and Persecution, the Lord preserves himself a peculiar people (as in Elias time) even in the heart of Rome's Dominions; a people that cleave close to the Lord, whom he strengthens in the midst of their sorrows, so that they do glorious exploits (of the highest nature, like the Son of God) while they overcome by sufferings: These Waldensian Protestants were undoubtedly that people here spoken of, that know their God and understand his will, Vers. 33. and therein instruct many thousands both by doctrine and sufferings, by the sword, by flame, by spoil, and by Captivity, whereunto they know they were appointed with the rest of their brethren for many days, even 1260 years, which they go through with wonderful constancy, Vers. 34. patience and resolution. But at last they shall be helped with a little help, some small weak unlikely means; for what was Luther, Calvin, Melancton, and a few such in comparison of that great Potentate, and his Scarlet Conclave? and yet this little help strikes a good stroke, & wonderfully refresheth the poor wasted Churches, but abates little of the pride and cruelty, luxury and abominations of Antichrist, who is still as desperately wicked as any of his Predecessors; what wickedness was formerly acted, that France, Spain, Italy, etc. is yet reform of? Did Clement the Sixth poison the good Emperor Lodowick? Did Pope Joan (alias Gilberta) openly discover herself to be a notorious Strumpet in the open street? what may be said to Ticell, affirming, that though a man should lie with the Virgin Mary, he could by the Pope's power freely pardon the sin. What may be thought of the Tyranny, Perjury, Murder, Extortion, Adultery, Incest, and other monstrous villainies of Pope John the Thirteenth, who lay with Stephana his Father's Concubine, deflowered several Virgins, set houses on fire, put out the eyes of Benedict, drank to the Devil, etc. What a goodly Tenet was that of Boniface, That whoredom is no more a sin then the rubbing of the hands together. These and many such like are the apples that grow in that filthy Lake of Sodom to this day, as they that have any experience in Rome's Territories do well know; what fearful Tragedies, what desperate villainies, what inhuman bestialities are still rise within these Confines? scarce a night passeth, but in most Towns of Trade in Spain and Italy, several lose their lives; and no wonder, when for a Royal of six pence value, a Brave will undertake to dispatch any man's life, and when he hath done, fly but to the Popish Church and he is secure; how abominably is the Lords day profaned by Mercats, Plays, etc. what multitudes of filthy Stews doth this man of Sin yearly receive sums of money from, for their allowance? God forbids whoredom, and appoints marriage: the Pope that he may show himself to the life to be Antichrist, expressly forbids marriage, and allows whoredom. But this sin is venial (indeed they say) in comparison of that more dreadful, beastly, Sodomitical abomination maintained amongst them, and defended in books, and praised in Songs, etc. A Cardinal seeing two men led to Execution, said they should not die; but he would desire their lives of the Duke his Brother; when it was told him what villainy they had committed, The one being a wretched Murderer, he set him free, but the other being condemned for Sodomy, he presently cried, Away with him to Execution! Base Peasant that dare presume to meddle with the pleasures of a Prince. Of the like stamp was that other Cardinal, who having a Bitch, that he had long abused himself with, and the Bitch at last dying, he buried her with much cost in his Garden, and built a stately Monument over her, and upon it wrote these two lines: This Tomb for thee dear Bitch I builded have, Who fit wert for Heaven then a grave. But how have I forgot myself in raking this filthy Jakes; but the abominable wickedness that mine eyes have seen practised amongst them (with much, much more) hath even forced this digression from me. I shall now return to the further discovery of this man of Sin from the eleventh of daniel's Prophecy. Who was so far from Reformation upon the discovery of Light by Luther, (that little help spoken of) that now he grows more enraged, Dan. 11.34. mad and fierce then ever, witness those horrible butcheries, Massacres, Martyrdoms of poor Saints in Germany, and other places. What? such a contemptible fellow as Luther, presume to meddle with his Scarlet Holiness, that exalteth himself above every God; yea, magnifieth himself and speaketh marvellous things against the God of gods! Vers. 36. for what God commands expressly in his sacred Law, they can easily find some device or other to evade, or else to dispense with; whereas the commands of this son of perdition must be exactly obeyed, Europae spec. p. 52. and the breach of any of them (especially his late twelve diabolical Trent Articles) accounted a sin unpardonable. And thus he must go on and prosper till the indignation be accomplished; Dan. 11.36. for before this Scene changes, it is so determined by the Highest, that he must overcome the blessed Witnesses, as will be clearly proved. Neither shall he regard any God, Vers. 37. nor the desire of women (in a lawful way.) His Forces and strong Holds are the gods he rests upon; Vers. 38. his sumptuous Monasteries and swarms of Locusts, in them are his strength; the great riches (gold, silver, precious stones, and pleasant things) that by the superstitious devotion of his deluded Creatures have been offered to Pictures and Images are his delight; and thus ●e must frolic it according to the Wo●d, till he be ripe for destruction, which will eminently begin at the Resurrection of the Witnesses. The residue of this eleventh Chapter of Daniel foretells, that the Turk shall invade Antichrist on the one hand, and the Emperor of Germany on the other hand, with their various exploits. Dan. 11.44. But while this son of perdition is thus embroiled in fierce Wars; tidings out of the East shall trouble him, that is, the Jews (the Kings of the East) being now moved by the Spirit of God to return to their own Land (before whom the great River Euphrates is dried up, to make way for them to their ancient habitation) this news shall so exceedingly amaze them, that now these great Enemies, Turk, Pope, Ezech. 33. & 39 Chapters. Zach. 14.2. etc. (that have so long kept the poor Jews in slavery) shall join their Forces altogether, and go forth with one consent to destroy with great fury this poor distressed unarmed people; Dan. 11.45. and having now begirt and surrounded them in the holy Land, with intent to devour them at once, as being now fully in their power in the midst of this miserable, helpless, hopeless condition, up stands Michael the great glorious Prince, discomfits this great and mighty Host, and delivers his distressed ancient people out of their hands; and not only so, but he also puts such courage into his people's spirits, that they fall upon their Enemies, and obtain a wonderful Victory; all their oppressors by this mighty Conquest being now made their Captive slaves according to promise. Isai. 14.2. This is that glorious day in which the Lord Jesus Christ by the brightness of this his glorious appearance will utterly destroy this man of sin. And thus from the eleventh Chapter of Daniel we have had a short survey of the rise, reign, and ruin of Antichrist; of which we may have a more full discovery afterwards. I shall now return to prosecute the story of the blessed Witnesses, as they are now about to lay aside their Sackcloth. Dan. 5.1.2, 3, 4, 5. Now while Antichrist is in the midst of his pomp, power, and ruff of Pride, abusing (like Belshazzar) the holy things of the Lords Temple, feasting, and praising his gods of silver and gold, in this his height of jollity, comes forth the hand writing against him; for now by the appearance of Luther, Calvin, Melancton, etc. he perceives that the Witnesses are about to finish their Testimony; wherefore he adresseth him with all power and policy to overcome them: Let us therefore more diligently inquire; 1. Of the time when these blessed Witnesses were to finish their Testimony. 2. Of the nature of the War made by Antichrist against them. 3. How they were overcome and killed. 4. The precise time when they were overcome. First, The woman began to creep out of corners, and her faithful Witnesses to leave their Sackcloth, at that time when the little help (wherewith they were helped) appeared in Luther, Dan. 11.34 Calvin,. etc. by whose endeavours (blessed be the Lord) the holy Scriptures rising from the dark Dens of obscurity wherein they had so long continued, feeding the Church in her Wilderness condition, began now to draw near to the finishing of their testimony in Sackcloth. Clau. Apoc. pag. 115. Now do many Princes, Provinces, and Kingdoms renounce communion with Antichrist, and embrace the Gospel of salvation, breathing in life and glory to their souls: But it must be considered that their Sackcloth is not yet laid aside; they are yet but about (in the way) to finish their Testimony; the day only gins to break, Cant. 2.17. and Romish shadows to fly away. For now the Beast lays about him to purpose; how doth he rage, and tear, curse, and blaspheme? how do his roaring Bulls and thundering Anathema's fly about the World? now he declares himself Antichrist to the life, showing himself as god (nay, above all that is called God,) absolving Subjects from their Allegiance, promising heaven to murderers to destroy Princes, casting others to the Devil by Excommunications, that either countenance, encourage, or embrace the Instruments by whom the holy Scriptures are brought to light. And because it was hoped that a general Council might be a means to obtain a right understanding of differences; how many shifts and stratagems are found to divert it? Cons. Trid. Epist. the Pope and his Creatures being as fearful of a general Council, as our late Prelates were of a Parliament; for they had some ground to suspect that their pomp, and pride, and luxury would hereby be detected; but when it was resolved upon, what devices, what subtleties were contrived to procure a majority of voices; and thus the pretended Vicars of Christ are found the most pernicious Jugglers in the world. At the length after 24 years' expectation, the cursed Conventicle of Trent was jumbled together, Ann. 1545. not to redress those foul enormities complained of, but to overcome and suppress the Witnesses, now about to finish their Testimony, which is the first thing. Secondly, The nature of the War made by Antichrist against the holy Scriptures, is lively described, Dan. 11.36. And the King shall do according to his will, Dan. 11.36. and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every God, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods. This War than is his blaspemous language and cursed Decrees against the Scriptures, Rhem. Test. Pres. Sect. 7. while under a pretence of a high esteem and reverence of them, he cuts out their tongues, and suffers not the people to have them in their own language; thus with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, with the kiss of a Judas, and the salute of a Joab, he stabs these blessed Witnesses under the fifth rib, belching forth these daggers of destruction against the holy Scriptures, that there are in them a thousand lies, Acts and Mon. Epist. Via Tuta, pag. 289. that they are dead Characters without life, a shell without a kernel, a leaden rule, Sphinx his Riddles, a wood of Thiefs, a shop of Heretics, imperfect, obscure, full of perplexities: with these weapons the man of Sin fighteth against the holy Scriptures, speaking great words against the most High, (one of the Scarlet crew cries out before the Pope, Fie upon Peter, fie upon Paul, with a great deal more of such blaspemous stuff.) Dan. 7.25. Erasm. de Lat. Conc. lib. 3. And that he may throughly declare himself to be that great Antichrist, he daringly meets the Lord Jesus at his own weapons. I will make war and fight with mine enemy's Gog and Magog, Apoc. with the sword of my mouth, saith Christ. I will make war against mine enemies the Scriptures, with the Sword of my mouth, saith Antichrist. And he is as big as his word, Hist. Coun. Trent. 155. witness their accursed dealing with the Scriptures in their Conventicle of Trent; where, though clear proof was made of the excellency of the Hebrew and Greek Originals (to the full sense whereof they confess the Latin cannot attain) yet lest the cause should be yielded to the Protestants, Rhem. pref. sect. 57 Counc. Tre. pag. 156. the vulgar Latin is preferred, and they pronounced Heretics that refuse it. And it is there blasphemously asserted, that the Holy Ghost, who did dictate the Scriptures to Prophets and Apostles in Hebrew and Greek, Pag. 156. doth as truly dictate to the Church of Rome the vulgar Latin, as more beloved than the rest. 158. That there can be no hope of ending controversies, if popular Licence be granted to read the Scriptures. That the Doctrines of Faith were so well cleared by the Pope and Schoolmen, that we ought no more to learn them out of Scripture. That it was (indeed) formerly read in the Church, for instruction of the people: but now it was needless to study it any more. 159. That Scriptures must be interpreted, C. Cusanus. according to what articles of faith are established by the Church. That the Church may vary in Exposition of Scripture according to the times. That it was fit to bridle the sauciness of such as should attempt to add any good thing to former Expositions of Scripture. 160. That if any thing were discovered to any singular spirit, C. Facceco. he should be enforced to conceal it. And after all these and such like desperate blasphemies against the Scriptures, their Latin Translation is approved, and none other to be received; And upon pain of Heresy it is forbid to say there are Errors in it; 161. and that none shall dare to refuse it, though it be plainly proved that they have blasphemously corrupted the Text in many things (in that corrupt translation) as changing Ipse into Ipsa, thereby to make way for their Idolising the blessed Virgin. Fulk Cont. Mart. p. 19 Their desperate wounding the 4. Commandment, reading it in this Diabolical Dialect, Remember to sanctify the holy days. In the Latin Bible upon Deut. 4. Via tuta, pag. 280. where it is observed, that God forbids the making of Graven Images, their Jesuitical Index Expurgatorius hath cast it out; as all see they have most shamelessly dealt with all the writings of the Fathers; Rhem. Test. pag. 328. which hath provoked Doctor Fulk to exclaim against them, Out upon you Antichristian Heretics, void of all truth and honesty. But their shameful and blasphemous reproaches of these heavenly Witnesses, exceed all bounds of civility and humanity, charging them with inextricable obscurity, insufficient, imperfect, and what not. Paul must be censured for a person, Europe. speculum, pag. 164, 165. of whose assertions there is no great reckoning to be made; that 'tis dangerous to read him, Fulk Rhem. Test. Epist. to the Qu. as savouring of Heresy; upon these and such like pious conclusions the Sacred Bible hath the honour of the first place in their Catalogue of Books prohibited; Via Tuta. these Monsters endeavouring to their utmost power to hinder that any sound of Scripture should possess the people. This is the nature of that cursed war, raised by the Beast against the Scriptures, as they are about to finish their Testimony. What shall be given unto thee, Psal. 120.3, 4. or what shall be done unto thee, (for this thy Blasphemy) thou false tongue? What reward shalt thou have for the marvellous things thou hast done against the most High? Sharp Arrows of the mighty, with coals of Juniper. Thirdly, the manner how these heavenly Witnesses were overcome and killed, must not be imagined to be a shedding of blood, forasmuch as these two Olive trees are uncapable of such suffering. But as the working of their enemy is the mystery of iniquity, so are the weapons of this warfare such as may carry a resemblance of the weapons that the Lord Jesus useth in his Kingdom, 2 Cor. 10.4 whose Vicar the Beast pretends to be. So that the Victory obtained by Antichrist over the sacred Scriptures, is by the exercise of his power in suspending, suppressing, prohibiting the Translation of them into the vulgar Languages, not permitting them to live or breath in the streets of his great City. Indeed they are not buried, (that is beyond the power of Antichrist) they are still above ground, but 'tis in a dead letter, They take out the Candle, and give the Lantern to guide ignorant people in a dark night. Deut. 4.2. & 28.14. the life and strength of them is taken away, nay the very heart of them is pulled out; for they have (to their everlasting shame) excluded the second Commandment from the Decalogue. Thus void of fear of that dreadful curse which the Lord hath denounced against such desperate wickedness, and without the least apprehension of the terrors of the Almighty & his fierce wrath against that abhorred sin of Idolatry, which did so often provoke the eyes of his jealousy to punish his ancient people, hath this infernal beast not only presumed to blaspheme, Fulk Rhem. Test Epist. mangle, suppress and prohibit the eternal Word, but hath also most desperately corrupted the sense of it, lest the deep silence of these blessed Witnesses (thus cloistered within the walls of an unknown Language) should break forth into loud clamours against his detestable wickedness; you have beheld him tearing out their very heart (as it were) in discarding the second Precept from their Adulterate Decalogue; and this (by their detestable Council of Trent) is declared good Catholic Doctrine. Europe. spec. p. 185. Taylor Libert. pag. 115. Much like that Antichristian expression of Pope Clement, Perswas. from Pop. p. 15. who shameth not to vaunt of that detestable Decree of his bloody Inquisition, That no Lay man must be permitted to have the Bible, or any part thereof in the vulgar Tongue; and this he prescribeth to be inviolably kept. But from Decrees they at length come down to downright blows, etc. for after they have dealt with these blessed Witnesses, as their Predecessors did with the Lord Jesus, Mat. 26. with most bitter reproaches, calling them a dead and dumb thing, Jewel Def. Apol. p. 552. Act. Mon. p. 1133. a black Gospel, inken Divinity, dumb Judges, etc. they bring them to the stake; and this was done by the Pope's Inquisitors in Paris, and in England, where by Proclamation they were burned. And yet these Monsters while they burn the Scriptures, are more wicked in abusing them, to warrant their detestable practice, producing that blessed word, Mat. 7. Give not holy things to dogs, to justify the withholding the Scriptures from the common People. Fourthly, The exact time when these sacred Witnesses were overcome and killed, was in the year of our Lord 1564. when after the Conventicle of Trent (who as Judges in the Pope's Assizes) had blasphemed, arraigned and condemned this Word of truth, Bulla Pii 4. 1564. Pope Pius the Fourth acted the part of the Executioner by his Antichristian Decree, absolutely suppressing them, and denouncing Excommunications against any that should dare to use them; and now these blessed Witnesses having prophesied so many years in Sackcloth, as their Lord and ours, had been preaching days in the time of his flesh, The power of Rome they are overcome and killed by the same power that killed him, and are to lie unburied about so many years as our Lord lay in grave; and some certain space of time after to ascend into Heaven, in imitation of his Ascension, as shall with the gracious Assistance of this Lord of life be showed in its place. By this time I hope it appears with some clearness, 1. Apoc. 12.6 That the woman was no sooner delivered of the manchild Constantine, but immediately (through the violence of Arrian Persecution, etc.) she flies into the wilderness in the time of Pope Sylvester. Anno 308. 2. That at the same instant the sacred Witnesses began to Prophesy in Sackcloth, and to feed the woman in her exile, as being her only support, succour, and sustenance, the whole course of her wilderness condition, viz. 1260. years. 3. That the holy City began even then to be trodden underfoot by the Romish Gentiles, (the mystery of Iniquity being now acting in the Chair of Pestilence) but so obscurely and secretly, that it was hardly discernible at first. 4. We have also seen a glimpse of the excessive Pomp, Pride, Luxury, and Cruelty of the man of sin all this dismal time of black obscurity. 5. The nature of the War raised and prosecuted, to the overcoming of the Witnesses, as they were about to finish their testimony. 6. How, and when they were overcome and killed by those soul-murdering Butchers in the Slaughter-house of Trent, and the bellowing Bull of Pope Pius the 4. Ann. 1564. And if we add hereunto the three years and half of their lying dead in the streets of the great City, which will be terminated in the year 1568. we shall fit (from the time of Sylvester, when they put on their sackcloth, Anno 308. to this time of Pius, when they put it off, Ann. 1568) the Account exactly perfected, viz. 1260 years of the woman's exile, and the Witnesses Prophesy in Sackcloth. For it cannot be imagined (I suppose) that their Prophecy should cease (in Sackcloth) till they had ended their sufferings at their Resurrection. The eighth Verse. And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great City, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. That is, the City of Rome, by whose power our Lord also was crucified under Pilate the Roman Governor; through the streets or Provinces of this spiritual Sodom and Egypt, are the mangled, A fit Character for that Scarlet Strumpet, except it fall too short, in regard of her more dreadful abominations than either Sodom's filthiness or Egypt's gross Idolatry or inhuman cruelty. massacred bodies of these Witnesses hurried and tumbled in a dead letter, which the people understand not. The ninth Verse. And they of the people and kindreds, and tongues, and nations, shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. The kindreds and tongues assembled in the Conventicle of Trent having overcome and killed them, Brightman saith, that unless the Angel had named the Council of Trent in express words, he could not have spoken more plainly, pag. 119. as hath been declared, they now (as assured they have taken their life and power away) cast them out (thus mangled in a dead Character) to the people and Nations, devoted to the Whore, and all agree to keep them out of Graves, that they may exult and rejoice in the triumph of their victory over them. Will you have a brief Character of this accursed Crew in their Slaughter-house of Trent where the Witnesses were slain? Conc. Trident. pag. 840. The Council of Trent was a mere painted Sepulchre with a beautiful outside of specious pretences, Bp. 5 Churches, pag. 849. nothing within but rottenness and putrefaction; or as one of their own Bishops said, the Council seemed to consist, not of Bishops, but of disguised Masquers, Images rather than men, all striving to maintain the Pope's inordinate and shameful domination; here poison was caroused in a golden Cup. Or to use the words of the French Queen Mother, nothing but a fair appearance of Flowers, without any fruit at all, their proceed being quite contrary to their expressions, two thirds of the Bishops conspiring and subscribing to hinder Reformation, etc. In this filthy heap of mud and dirt whited over, are these blessed Witnesses strangled, and then (not suffered to remain in this painted Sepulchre, nor by the people to be finally buried) they are exposed to the scorn, derision and reproach of their enemies, with their tongues cut out, their breath stopped, overcome and killed. The tenth Verse. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another, because these two Prophets tormented them that dwelled on the earth. If you have taken notice of the deal of the Philistines with Samson, you have a picture drawn to the life of these Antichristian miscreants, in their abominable practices against the Scriptures, in the Council of Trent, whereat they smile to this day in their triumph of their own wits, as at a Master-stratagem; let us compare them together. Judg. 16.19. Delilah betrays him into the hands of the Philistines. They cut off his seven locks wherein his great strength lay, whereby he had done such high exploits. They put out his eyes, and brought him down to their Great City. They bind him with fetters of Brass, and he did grind in the prison house. The Philistines feast, and rejoice over Samson, who had vexed and tormented them. After a certain time Samsons locks did grow again, and his strength returned to him. And he overthrew the house of Dagon. And there were slain of Nobles, etc. 3000. Revel. 11. The great whore of Rome betrays these holy Witnesses into the hands of his Butchers, in his Slaughter-house of Trent. These cut out their tongues, and suffer them not to speak in those known Languages wherein they had wrought wonders. These put out the eyes of the Scriptures, and so cast them into the streets of their great City. These bind the Witnesses with their cursed Decrees of Trent, and of Pope Pius the 4. 1564. and then cloister them up in their Monasteries & Convents, and there wrest them at their pleasure. Apoc. 11.10. And they shall rejoice over them, and make merry, etc. because these two Prophets tormented them, etc. And after three years and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet. And the tenth part of the City fell. And there were slain of Names of men 7000. Thus run these grand Enemies of Truth exactly parallel in their Acton's, and are therefore designed to the like ruin. I shall not further enlarge upon this verse, save only on the latter part of it a little; and were there no other ground to evince the truth of what hath been delivered, this passage would abundantly satisfy that the Witnesses are none other than the holy Scriptures; for these two Prophets tormented them that dwelled on the earth. And what is it that hath power to torment the consciences of wicked men on earth, but the Word of God? this, and only this (being the engine of the spirit) tormenteth them that dwell on the earth; Heb. 4.12. For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged Sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the hearts: No wonder if earthly men rejoice and make merry at the overthrow of such opposites as these. At the hearing of the Word Ananias fell down dead, Foelix trembled, the Officers that came to apprehend Christ fell backward to the ground; and by this Word shall wicked men be judged; and therefore no marvel that Antichrist and his Adherents should exalt, rejoice, be glad, and send gifts one to another, when these blessed Witnesses that have so tormented them, are overcome and suppressed. The eleventh Verse. And after three days and a half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them that saw them. Three years and a half they continued in a dead letter suspended, suppressed, prohibited by Antichrist; and after this, in despite of all his Thunderbolts, the spirit of life from God entered into them, being translated into many common Languages about this time, and amongst the rest into English; yea the Papists themselves at Rheims (seeing the multitude of people departed from them, and embrace the Scriptures) were at last constrained to translate them also, though in a corrupt manner and with most abominable Annotations upon them; yet even from hence did many a precious soul draw life and salvation, converting that into Honey which was the bane and poison of others; and it is wonderful to me, that at this very exact time, both this and many other Translations of the Scriptures should come abroad in the open view of the world, Pref. Rhem. Test. Sect. 1. Compared with title page. Fulk. count. Mar. Epist. Dedic. received and countenanced by many Christian Princes, to the great fear and terror of their Enemies who saw them thus raised from the dead. But as yet, they ascended not into Heaven; only they were raised and lived, and stood upon their feet; that so in every thing they might resemble the Lord Jesus (their Fountain,) who after his Resurrection stood also upon his feet on this Earth forty days, before he ascended up to Heaven; so these having stood a proportionable time upon their feet, not in that glory they were to have, but in expectation of it. The twelfth Verse. And they heard a great voice from Heaven, saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them. That the two Testaments are the Witnesses, and that they were overcome, lay dead, and rose again (as hath been declared) I have good ground to be confidently assured of; but how long they stood upon their feet before they ascended up into Heaven, I am not so clear in; yet if I may deliver what my serious thoughts (grounded upon fair probabilities) prompt me to, I shall declare; namely, the great voice, calling up the Witnesses, is this present famous and renowned Parliament of England, which I believe for sundry reasons. First, The Scriptures never appeared in their true lustre, splendour and glory (since their suppression) till now, that this blessed voice hath called them up to the Throne where these Worthies sit. Secondly, They ascended up to Heaven in a cloud of much trouble, wonderful Commotions, and violent oppositions. Thirdly, Their Enemies beheld them, and would gladly have pulled them down; which they endeavoured by all possible industry, policy and violence; and to their perpetual shame be it spoken, they never beheld them but as Enemies; King, Prelates, Papists, and the whole rabble of Cavaliers, restless in their spirits, from the first ascending of the Witnesses into Heaven to this very day. The thirteenth Verse. Fourthly, And the same hour was there a great earthquake. Which certainly cannot be forgotten; the whole Land, yea, the three Nations trembled; nay, which of the Kingdoms of Europe, were free from Commotions? so great was the Earthquake this same hour of the Witnesses ascension. Fifthly, And the tenth part of the City fell. Great Britain (the tenth part of Rome's Dominions) had long before separated from Antichrist in Doctrine, but never fell from Rome totally till now; we kept close to her detestable Discipline till this happy Parliament; (the joy of Saints, & the honour of Christ:) Now the day breaks, and shadows fly away; down go Crosses, Altars, Images; away pack Surpless, Service-Book, Organs, and the whole bundle of Popish Superstitious Ceremonies. Sixthly, And in the Earthquake were slain of names of men seven thousand. Archbishops, Diocesan Bishops, Chancellors, Commissaries, Deans, Chapters, Arch-deacons, Ordinaries, prebend's, Sumners, Choristers, Parrators, Parsons, Vicars, Curates, Clarks, and I know not how many names devised by Antichrist. He that shall diligently consider the particular persons in this Land distinguished by these and such like Babylonish Titles, will find no less a number then seven thousand, all slain in this terrible Earthquake. Seventhly, And the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of Heaven. The late terrible Earthquake (that great Commotion) wherein the seven thousand names of men were slain, did so affright the rest of the long Robe, that they were glad to change their names, and their clothes; and instead of that of Parson, Vicar, etc. to call themselves Ministers of the Gospel; and get into the Parliaments favour for a Benefice; their last refuge was the craft of the Gibeonites; Joshu. 9 4. if this wile prevail not, they see they are undone, Vers. 6. and therefore (say they) we are not of the Prelatical Faction; Vers. 8. Vers. 10. we are the Parliaments friends, that rejoice in the ruin of their Enemies; by these and the like expressions, many a crafty Gibeonite got both protection and provision. But after a little time they are discovered to have only denied their names, Vers. 16. but retain the natures of those seven thousand, by bowing the knee to Christ, whilst they lay Principles of persecution against his poor members. They were (saith the Text) affrighted; my fear is that their profession of Reformation was more out of fear than love, as their persecuting Principles declare, and their practices verify; but the time is at hand that our Princes who were beguiled by them, Vers. 19 to confer favours upon them, shall cut them short of their expected flourishing Estate: Yea, their own designs shall reduce them to a low and mean condition: For why should they be fostered in the Parliaments bosom, who refuse subscription and subjection, and upon the rising of every Scottish mist, may again attempt their ruin and destruction? But through the Lord's goodness, moving this renowned Parliament, the Decree is gone forth for the extirpation of the vilest sort of these, (as the infection, rape and poison of poor silly sheep) in Wales and the Northern Counties, and is expected all over England. Upon these grounds (among others) I am induced to believe that this present unparallelled Parliament is the great Voice, which hath (to their everlasting honour) called up these blessed Witnesses, (the Scriptures) to a heavenly freedom, and blessed flourishing estate in the Heaven of the Saints Society. And long may these Worthies sit together, flourishing with true Felicity, and all blessings of peace and piety; and let their indefatigable labours and dear expressions of unexampled love, and faithfulness to the poor members of Jesus Christ, with their opposition and final ejection of those seven thousand names of men of the Train of Antichrist, be recorded in golden Characters, among their successful and wonderful Achievements, with that excellent piece of Justice, in cutting of the late Tyrant, (with some chief Incendiaries) which shall eternize their names and make them famous by the acclamations of all truehearted Saints, while they have power to pray or spirits to praise, which also raised and with joy transported the spirit of their faithful professed servant, to Pen these plain Verses, upon the death of the late bloody, perjured, persecuting Tyrant King. The King of Kings must Reign; Let every land, With horror and amazement trembling stand: While mighty Potentates come tumbling down As sturdy Traitors to th'imperial Crown. Great Charles of England marches in the Van, (Flushed in the blood of thousands) here's the man, Whose adamantine heart could not relent, Though dreadful judgements to astonishment Came thundering down, but could not pierce his ear; 2 Chro. 28.22. Lisle, Lucas. This is that King did never spend a tear: Yes, once he wept for two arch Traitor's death, Whom Martial Justice had deprived of breath. But for the thousands murdered by his hands, For all the Widows, Orphans, made i'th' lands, For all outrageous spoils and cruelties, Inhuman rapes, and dreadful villainies, Fair Towns and Cities that his rage did burn, For these fell crimes who ever saw him mourn? O man of mischief, let me now deplore At thy sad Corpse weltering in crimson gore: Not for thy blood, but for those thousands slain, Which die thy conscience in a scarlet grain. Not that the hand of Justice does thee wrong, But that their pity let thee live so long. Man's doom is past; thy wife & children now Shake hands with thousands in this land of wo. But what an answer will thy Conscience make, At that Tribunal, where the Judge will take, No bribes, nor Lawyer's Fees? where thou must stand Equal with poorest Peasants in the Land: And hear this dreadful voice,— Traitor, appear, Hold up thy bloody hand, thy judgement hear. Thou hast conspired against the sovereignty Of heavens great King, his crown and dignity. Not satisfied in three fair Realms to reign, O'er bodies and estates: Thou didst ordain Laws to compel the conscience, thus presuming T'uncrown Jehovah, his high power assuming. Thou hast polluted and profaned his day By Laws commanding men to disobey; And those dear Saints, who published not these laws, Thou didst give up to the devouring jaws Of High-commission wolves: who tear & rend, Imprison, whip, crop, them to exile send. Thou didst agree with Rome's black complices, To persecute these Saints t' a wilderness, Thou gav'st the reverend stile and honour too, Which from a child is to the Parent due, To Rome's great vicar-General: nay, complied To yield thy power to that King of pride. How didst thou court, embrace, admire, adore, That queen of strumpets, Rome's proud scarlet whore! Why didst thou wed a Romish brat, could she Have gained thy love, if thou hadst loved me? There is a monstrons' sin, called Patricide; Art Thou not guilty? At York. can it be denied? That dreadful Curse, which Thou didst wish might fall On thee, and thy Posterity withal, May fill th'amazed world with awful fear, And force them yield Johovah hath an ear. Thou didst in words abjure Rome's traitorous crew, Yet, who like those that very instant knew Thy choicest secrets? Thou didst freely yield Power to those Irish monsters, who have killed With such unheard of barbarous horrid rage, Thousands of Loyal Subjects: that no age Did ever parallel; yet these are made Fit Instruments for thy accursed aid. Ten times ten thousand have thy furious hands Cut off in these thy three distressed lands; Whereof some thousand Saints, dear in mine eyes, Whose precious blood aloud for vengeance cries. Thus are thy monstrous foul detected facts, (Besides vast volumes of concealed acts;) Before th'Impartial Just Jehovah come; What canst thou plead, why an eternal doom Pass not upon thee?— Lord I leave the rest, As secrets treasured in thy royal breast. Be wise ye Kings that yet alive remain, The day's at hand, the Lord alone must reign: You all must bow, or break; for he alone Must be exalted on his glorious Throne. The prayers of Saints shall make such thundering work,, Shall raise such dreadful storms 'gainst Pope and Turk, And all their dark Confederates, which shall Levelly their pride; For Babylon must fall. And you Grand Sir; with your Seraglio too, The Turk. Must trudge to Tophet, 'tis prepared for you. Thus springs the gladsome day of Saints release, And so ensues an everlasting Peace. The fourteenth Verse. The second woe is past, and behold the third woe cometh quickly. And if I may deliver my judgement, I think the second woe is passed indeed, in the slaughter of those seven thousand names of men, with the death of the Tyrant, and many other grand Enemies in the three Nations, who had so long oppressed the Reformed Churches. And I do also conceive that the third woe (yet to come) doth properly belong to, and shall miserably torment the Antichristian Train, and all profane wicked men and false Professors, who will slight, and reject, and contemn the voices of the feventh Angel. For the seventh Vial, Rev. 16.17. which will produce this woe, is to be poured forth into the common Air, in which all the cursed brood do breath. So that those who will not receive & embrace the voices of the seventh Trumpet (proclaiming the Lord Christ's personal Reign now at hand) must shortly, quickly, (whether they will or no) receive the voice of the seventh Vial; and that will be a dreadful, direful voice, saying, It is Done; That is, all power of the Enemy is destroyed, Babylon is ruined, and all the Prophecies and Promises made to Saints are accomplished, in this glorious coming of our King, and the utter ruin of the king of pride. And that which makes this voice woeful and dreadful to purpose, is, Math. 25.10. Rev. 18.19. with Rev. 11.19 that it is attended with that soul-confounding voice, that will reach the hearts of those fools, that now slight the Gospel of Grace, viz. The door is shut. Mercies door is shut, never to be opened any more; nothing remains now, but Thunders, Lightnings, terrible Earthquakes (such as never was) fierceness of wrath, blackness of darkness, Judas 13. woe and alas for evermore. Wherefore my humble advice, and earnest request is, that you will diligently hearken to, receive, embrace, and walk up to the ensuing voice of the seventh Trumpet; Ah dear friends, The door will be shut! THus have I endeavoured to hold forth the Light I have received (by those soft, sweet, soul refreshing gales of the blessed Spirit) concerning this deep Mystery of the Prophecy, Slaughter, Resurrection and Ascension of the two Witnesses. With the rise, reign, and ruin of Antichrist, which will be fully completed in the days of the Voice of the seventh Angel. Whereof I shall now speak, as of the second part of the eleventh Chapter of the Revelation. The Fifteenth Verse. And the seventh Angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. TO give an account of my judgement concerning the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials; it appears clear to my understanding, that the opening of each Seal is the Discovery of some Gospel-light, one glorious Truth after another as the day approacheth; and no sooner is one Gospel-Truth made known (by the secret breathe of the Spirit according to his word) but presently the Trumpet sounds; that is, The Ministers of the Gospel publish it abroad, as the Prophet speaketh, The Lord gave the word, Psal. 68.11. great was the company of those that published it. Thus did Luther (upon the discovery of new Light) sound such an alarm, as made the Throne of the Beast to stagger like a drunken man; I will not say the first Seal was opened to Luther, nor that he was the first Trumpet; but this I can speak that a further degree of Gospel-glory (new light, though the word be odious amongst some) was discovered to Calvin; and after him, to others, who as they received it, presently became the Lords Trumpets to declare it to the world, upon whose refusal of it, the Vials are successively poured forth; so that first a Seal is opened; secondly, a Trumpet sounds, declaring the truth discovered within that opened Roll; thirdly, a Vial of wrath is poured forth upon those that hear and reject it: but because the Seals, Trumpets, & Vials are not contained in this Chapter, I shall forbear to enlarge upon them at this time, and prosecute the work of this present Chapter. If we look back to the former Discourse of the Witnesses, and consider the seven thousand names of men (there discovered to be) slain or suppressed by this present Parliament, and observe the sweet consent of things attending, it will be no harsh or improbable Conclusion, that the seventh and last Trumpet is at this instant sounding; yea, sounding (at present) such an Alarm that there are scarce any other voices heard among watchful Saints, but the Lords at hand, the Bridegroom is coming, The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, etc. Which as it is the earnest expectation of all waking Virgins, and the unspeakable support of many a poor dejected, disconsolate, drooping soul, to think (in the midst of afflictions, temptations and fiery trials) My Lord is a coming to put an end to all my sorrows, to wipe all tears from mine eyes, to tread Satan under his feet, to set me free from sin and sorrow; and so I shall (by way of improvement of my small Talon, lest it be found hid in a Napkin) for the augumentation of the joy of every waiting, longing, breathing, panting spirit; and for the information of such poor souls (belonging to Christ) who are yet in the Dark, as touching this great Mystery, hold forth what the Lord hath entrusted in this earthen vessel, of the unconceivable Glory of this his universal sovereignty: In which glorious discovery I shall show, 1. That he will come to reign upon earth. 2. How, and in what manner he will come. 3. Where he will establish his Throne at his coming. 4. When he will take his great power & reign. 5. The signs of his coming. 6. His ends in thus coming. 7. Events succeeding. 8. The uses we are to make of all. And if these and each of these shall be fully cleared by the pure Word of the Lord without wresting, or any other subtle invention of man's brain; then let all the sons and daughters of Zion with joy embrace them as intelligence and sweet tokens of love from their King and Husband, whose bowels yearn, whose high endeared affections are upon the wing, unsatisfied with his present glory in Heaven till the fullness of time come that he may be inebriated and overcome with the soul ravishing embraces of his purchased Spouse on Earth. But if any circumstance belonging to this glorious Subject shall be found wanting of clear testimony from the fountain of truth, Let it be detested, abhorred, and rejected, as the froth and vanity of a deceived and deluded creature; but to the particulars. First, That the Lord Jesus Christ (who did ascend into Heaven) shall come again to reign upon the Earth, is clear from divers Scriptures; Jer. Isai. 4.2. first, that of Jeremiah, Behold the days come saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a Righteous branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute Judgement and Justice in the Earth,— and he shall be called the Lord our Righteousness. Secondly, That in Rev. 5.10. where the glorified Saints in Heaven do exceedingly exult and rejoice, not only that they are redeemed from amongst men and possessed of heavenly glory, but (as an addition to their felicity) that they are made Kings and Priests unto God, that they may reign (with Christ) upon the Earth. For where they reign, Christ shall reign; Apoc. 5.10. & 20.4. where his Throne is erected, there they are enthroned, To him that overcometh, Apoc. 3.21. will I grant to sit with me in my Throne, etc. Sing and rejoice, O Daughter of Zion; Zech. 2.10. for lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, the Lord. And the Lord shall inherit Judah, Vers. 12. his portion, in the holy Land. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem. Zeeh. 14.4. Vers. 9 And the Lord shall be King over all the Earth; in that day shall there be one Lord, Jer. Ezech. 34.33, 34.37.22, 24. Dan. 7.14. Mich. 4.7. Zeph. 3 17. Zech. and his name one. Many more Scriptures might be produced to confirm this Gospel-truth, that the same Lord Jesus Christ (who did ascend into Heaven) shall come again to reign upon the Earth, Luk. 19.12. But if these do not satisfy, neither will credit be given if an Angel speak from Heaven, or one should rise from the dead to affirm it: For my own part, I do not know any point of Faith throughout the whole Book of God more clearly proved then this in hand; as certain as he ascended, and is now receiving his Kingdom, Luk. 19.11, 12. so sure will he return again to reign in his Kingdom; Read Psalm. 72. And these and many more Scriptures do superabundantly ratify this assertion. Use. 1. What then remains on our part, but first to believe this truth of his coming here to reign? we can do him no greater honour then to believe his Word; nor no greater disgrace then to reject and refuse so great a cloud of Witnesses (of himself, his Prophets, and Apostles.) Use. 2. To pray fervently as himself hath taught us, Mat. Thy kingdom come, for though it is true that neither this nor any other mercy shall be detained from us one minute longer than the appointed season; Yet know O house of Israel, Ezech. (saith the Lord) I will for this be enquired of. Use. 3. And thrice blessed those that are counted worthy to be the Lords Remembrancers, to watch, wait for, and constantly expect the coming of this King of Glory. Blessed is that servant, Mat. whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing; Isai. 30.18 Yea, blessed are all they that wait for him. Secondly, how and in what manner shall this King (our Christ) come to reign upon the Earth? First, he shall come in Majesty, Power, Mat. 24.30 2 Thes. 1.9 and great Glory, not in the form of a servant, not riding upon a Colt the foal of an Ass; not to be laid in a Manger, abused, condemned, and crucified, but now the voice is, Gird thy Sword upon thy thigh, Psal. 45.3, 4, 8. O most mighty with thy glory and thy Majesty, and in thy Majesty ride prosperously; All Garments smell of Myrrh, his Aloes and Cassia out of the Ivory Palaces. He shall also have dominion from sea to sea, Psal. 72.8. and from the River to the ends of the Earth, yea all Kings shall fall down before him, 11. all Nations shall serve him. Secondly, 2 Thes. 1.7 Mat. 24.31 25, 31. Zech. 14.5. Judas 14. He shall come attended with all the Angels in Heaven, and all his Saints that ever were, now are, or ever shall be; never such a King, never such a train. Thirdly, Mat. 24.27 1 Cor. 15.52. He shall come swift as the Lightning, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at unawares; O dear Christians, watch for your lives. Fourthly, Mat. 24 30 Apoc. 1.7. 2 Thes. 1.8 1 Cor. 3.13 He shall come in Clouds, and flaming fire; look carefully to your works, actions, and conversation; for this fire will try every man's work of what sort it is. Fifthly, Mat. 24 30 Apoc. 1.7. He will come in view of all the world, and every eye shall behold him; And what wilt thou do? or how wilt thou be able to look on his glorious face, that canst not now endure the sight of his Saints? Sixthly and lastly, He will come in person, with the same body that was born of the Virgin, crucified upon the Cross, raised from the dead, and ascended into Glory; only here's all the difference, it will be a Spiritual, Immortal, Glorious Body, but the same Body; If we believe that he was a perfect man, and had a real Substantial Body here on earth, and that he hath exalted the same Body to the right hand of the Majesty on high, then certainly he shall come in person here to reign in the same Body with his Saints; for proof hereof many Scriptures might be alleged; I shall only produce two, and they are very full and clear; the first is in the first of the Acts, Acts 1.11 vers.. 11. and it is the Doctrine of Angels, which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into Heaven, This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven. I am even amazed, that men professing godliness should have a vail so thick upon their hearts, and their understanding so wonderfully obscured, as to reject the serene brightness of this impregnable Testimony. The second Scripture, is the first to the Thes. 4.16. For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, etc. 1 Thes. 4.16. there needs no further proof; if these two convince not, what will? If any shall yet continue in darkness and unbelief of this so necessary glorious truth, thus measured by the line of the Word, and weighed in the balance of the sanctuary, it is because there is no light in them. The use that I would have my fellowbrethrens to make of the personal Reign of Christ, is this, if ever we expect to see his face with joy, if ever we hope to be sharers in his Glory, at his personal coming, in his Kingdom; let us get a large proportion of his spirit in our hearts; his personal presence will be no comfort to us then, unless we are filled with his spiritual presence now; Gen. 43.5. Ye shall not see my face (saith Joseph) except your Brother be with you. Can we think of entertainment in his Royal Palace without the wedding garment? the Lord make us wise betimes. Thirdly, the next thing to be enquired into, is, where this King of Glory will establish his Throne at his coming; and this hath been proved already (in general) to be upon the earth, but more particularly I affirm (because the Word of truth affirms) it will be in the Valley of Jehosaphat; for so the Prophet Joel speaks in plain words; Joel 3.2. I will also gather all Nations, and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehosaphat, and will plead with them there; Thither cause thy mighty ones to come, O Lord. 11.12 Let the Heathen be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehosaphat, for there will I sit to judge all the Heathen round about; the Heathens must come up to the Valley, the Saints must come down. And it will be worth our labours to consider the rest of this third Chapter of Joel, which will give much light to this truth; for after the Lord's Throne is thus erected in the Valley of Jehosaphat, it is said, that the Lord will dwell in Zion, and that there shall be abundance of rich blessings there, 17, 18. And that for ever, as long as the Moon endureth. But because the Valley of Jehosaphat, Psal. 72. Dan 7.14. as it now is, hath not capacity, or extent to receive the New Jerusalem, therefore the Prophet Zachary tells us, that it shall be wonderfully enlarged by the dividing of the Mount of Olives. Zech. 14.4 And the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the East and toward the West, and there shall be a very great Valley; For the valley of the Mountains shall reach unto Azal; Vers. 5 All the land shall be turned as a Plain from Geba to Rimmon, 10. — and it shall be inhabited in her place; 11. And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; But Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited; and how should it be otherwise, when the Prince of Peace shall reign (in Glory) in the midst of it? This then is the place of which the Lord speaketh, Isa. 65 10. Rev. 24.4. I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people, and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying: here Lord let my soul flourish with thee and thy Saints, according to thy Word, Rev. 3.21. Fourthly, the fourth thing to be discovered, is, when (this Lord of Glory and King of Saints) will come to reign in this his Kingdom on Earth; and first, it is plain, that it was not in the days of his humiliation; for as he is answering his Disciples question about his coming to Judgement, Mat. 24.25.6. he tells them the time of it is then when all the Virgins (seeing the signs, and hearing the voice or cry) Go forth to meet him, coming as a Bridegroom, to marry his Church, that is, the whole body of his Saints (which will be then completed and) brought together into one place, Mat. 24.28. Joh 10.16 where, in the view of all the world, the Marriage will be gloriously solemnised. And secondly, it is as plain, that this Glorious Reign cannot be after the day of Judgement; for then there would be a change in Heaven; 1 Cor. 15.24. since it is clear, that after Christ's Reign, and subduing of all his enemies, he must give up the Kingdom to his Father. Then thirdly, it cannot be the spiritual Reign of Christ (in that way as most dream) which they conceive is now in being, and that Christ will never come to Reign any other way (save only in greater purity) than he doth now by his Spirit. Which fond imaginations, as they have not the least substantial Pillar from the word of Truth to support them: so the contrary is plain and evident from the clear current of that pure fountain: namely, that the Lord Jesus Christ will come then, and not till then, to take to himself his great Power and Reign, when all the signs that are to precede his coming, are visibly discovered, which I am sure are not yet, as shall be showed in its place. Again, the Spirit was given in a most glorious eminent manner, (far exceeding present dispensations) when the Apostles Generally (and Saint John more particularly) waited for, Act. 3.20, 21. Rom. 8.23. 1 Thes. 4.17. Rev. 1 7. and yet expected this Glorious Personal Reign of Christ, as abundance of unerring Witnesses do testify, but in special the present Scripture that I am now opening, namely Rev. 11.15. which plainly declareth that the Personal * See Rev. 1.7. Reign of Christ is to begin when the seventh Trumpet is sounding; at that time (and not before) when the seventh Trumpet gins to sound, Rev. 10.7. shall this great Mystery be accomplished. And certain I am, that the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ was gloriously eminent, before any of the seven Angels began to sound; and therefore it cannot be only the spiritual Kingdom of Christ that is here spoken of, and so the time is not yet in being of this Reign of Christ. As therefore we must not cast off our expectation of, nor our diligent constant watching, waiting for this Personal Glorious manifestation on the one hand, saying with that evil servant, My Lord delayeth his coming, and so split ourselves upon the desperate rock of carnal security; Neither must we run upon that other shelf of a vain ungrounded conceit, that he is already come, Mat. 24.23, 24, 25, 26, 27. whereof our Lord himself hath given us fair warning, the Lord give us hearts to receive and embrace it. It is not then the spiritual Reign which we now enjoy, but the personal, glorious, truly spiritual Reign, which we shall shortly enjoy, that is, the Life, and Crown, and Hope, and Comfort of many precious enlightened Saints, who have found such sweet support, succour, and solace from this sure Pillar of divine truth, that all the delusions of Satan in this luxurious, giddy Age, hath not been able to shake. The ignorance of this soul-ravishing Gospel-truth is that horrible Gulf that hath swallowed up thousands, who (finding in the words of truth such glorious things spoken of this day of the Lord, but through ignorance in this Mystery, and the cunning slights of Satan, who transforms himself to an Angel of Light) are deluded in their sense, and all their intellectuals, believing that Christ is come already, and doth Reign already, whereupon they conclude to throw away all Ordinances; for, say they, Christ hath commanded us to use them till his coming, and no longer, Do this till I come; hold fast till I come; Occupy till I come; Nay, so far hath this restless spirit of error prevailed with some, as to believe that Christ hath already Reigned, that he hath already given up the Kingdom to his Father, and that now God is all in all, that they live in God, that they are God, etc. And now this Prince of darkness hath played his part to purpose; now he hath possessed them, not only with a distaste of Ordinances, and slighting of them, but now away go Scriptures, Christ and all, they are a lie, an Allegory, he a shadow, a Type, etc. and now Satan hath his will, having deceived them so far, as to deny the Lord that bought them; for he well knows that there is no other name given under heaven to bring salvation, but this Christ whom they thus reject; and now he is cock sure of them, and now they are ripe for any mischief, drunkenness, whoring, swearing, cursing, blaspheming, any thing. And that which exceeds admiration, this cursed Serpent hath so wonderfully led them away captive at his will, that they believe these abominations are lawful, and not sinful at all; Nay, amongst many of them the most bloody execrations, and most desperate wickedness is counted the highest attainment. And all this arising (principally) from their ignorance of this wonderful Mystery of Christ's Personal Reign. Now here the poor Saint (wondering at the free distinguishing Love of God, in leaving such through ignorance, to wallow in all kind of filthiness, and revealing this profound Mystery so sweetly and clearly to him) Cries out, My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; nothing (through thy strength) shall shake my resolution; then, and not till then will I believe my Lord is come, when I shall see the departed Saints raised, the living changed, thine ancient People called, Antichrist and his Babel destroyed, the whole Creation restored, universal peace established, the world combined, Satan chained, the Mount of Olives divided, Jehosaphats Vale enlarged, the holy City erected, the Marriage Royal solemnised, the Saints immortalised, and gloriously enthroned, the Nations all subdued; then, and not till then shall Gospel Ordinances be abolished, or rather contracted into those Gospelexercises that shall abide to all eternity, as love and praise, and joy unconceivable, till these glorious wonders be clearly manifested. I shall keep close to the Mountains of Myrrh, and the Hills of Frankincense, where I have so often enjoyed the beloved of my soul from whose chaste embraces and heavenly (continued) delights, I must not (through the riches of his love I shall not) be enticed by the fond conceits of any deluded Notionist. Though they tell me he's here, there, Mat. 24. nowhere, I stir not; though thousands are deluded, I flinch not, Vers. 23. though they say he is in the Desert, I move not; Vers. 24. in the secret Chambers, I believe it not; Vers. 26. I know the coming of my Lord will be more glorious than so: Vers. 27. which coming is now at hand, and the precise time, though no mortal creature doth know, yet the Saints are so far acquainted with his mind and will revealed, that they can tell he will come. 1. When sinners are in their highest jollity, Mat. 24.43 44. and will take them in the midst of their carnal security when they little think of it, he will come and break the house upon them, and destroy all their mirth for ever. 2. He will come when wicked Ministers are laying Principles of Persecution, Luk. 12.45. and contriving miseries to the poor Saints. 3. Ephes. 4.12, 13. Z●ch. 14.5. He will come when the number of his Elect are completed; he will bring all his Elect with him when he comes; he cannot come while one Saint is unborn, uncalled. 4. He will come at midnight, when most of the Virgins are asleep, and the one half of those sleepy Virgins (like false professors) do either hid their Talents, Mat. 25.5, 6. or are unfruitful, unholy in their conversation; their vessels empty, which will make themselves most miserable. So that between the drowsiness, and stupidity of the wise, and the barrenness and hypocrisy of the foolish Virgins; Luk. 18.8. the Lord makes a great question whether or no he shall find Faith on the Earth at his coming. I do therefore in the name and fear of the Lord, advise you my dear fellow members, who shall share with me in that exceeding eternal weight of glory, be diligent to employ and improve your Talents. As every man hath received the gift, 1 Pet. 4.10. even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope to the end, 1 Pet. 1.13 Luk. 12.35, 36. for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ. 5. He will come when many of his servants are waiting, watching for his coming, diligently employed and busy in the work of their Lord,— Lord, Luk. 12.37. why should not I be found so doing? 6. And lastly, Mat. 24.32, 33, 34. he will come in that same Generation wherein the figtree buddeth; that is, when all the signs are accomplished that are mentioned in his word. Fifthly, And these signs are either remote or immediate. The first sort, Are 1. the rise, reign, and decay of Antichrist. Secondly, The Church's exile, and slaughter of the Witnesses. Thirdly, Wars, Treachery, Villainy, Cruelty, Persecution, etc. Fourthly, Idolatry, Heresy, Superstition, and all kind of abomination. Fifthly, False Prophets that shall affirm he is come already, that he hath reigned, given up the Kingdom to his Father, that he is here, there, not at all, deny his Divinity, etc. These and many others are already accomplished. The second sort of signs that do more immediately precede his coming, Rev. 16.12. Dr. brown's Enquiry, pag. 313. are, 1. The drying of the great River Euphrates, one of whose streams are already dried up, and how soon the rest may be, is uncertain. 2. The Sun darkened, some think this will be a wonderful Eclipse, or some more extraordinary obscurity: Mat. 24.29. Joel 2.31. & 3.15. Which others conceive is meant of Turk and Pope, the latter pretending to be the glorious light of the world, whose false raves have by degrees been extinguishing these many years upon the blessed discovery of the pure heavenly light of the Gospel; before which true light all his juggle have been detected, as once Simons were by the preaching of Philip; Acts 8.9. and at last shall be universally obscured, all the glistering stars of this defiled heaven (of Rome) falling as untimely fruit, when at the same time the other grand enemy of Jesus Christ (who bears for his Crest, the Moon) that hath so greedily hunted and delighted in blood, shall be overwhelmed and swallowed up in blood. 3. The third sign immediately preceding this glorious personal appearance & reign of our Lord, is the secret sign displayed, whether this be Elias or the Lord Jesus himself in the clouds, Mat. 24.30. restoring all things to their primitive purity and perfection before he descend to the Earth; Rom. 11.26. or what else it may be, I shall not presume to determine, as having no clear Scripture-Light to direct me; and I should be loath to deliver any thing but with good warrant from the Law and the Testimony, especially in a point of such weight and concernment. 4. The world shall be purified by fire, all combustible matter must be burnt up; 1 Cor 3.12. 2 Pet. 3.6.7. Peter (in allusion to the old world) calls this a perishing, that is, all wood, hay, and stubble must perish in this fire, while the gold, silver, and precious stones shall abide: If we be not (dear Christians) found of this sort, what shall we do? how shall we stand, when the Lord shall be revealed with his mighty Angels in flaming fire? 2 Thes. 1.7.8. For further illustration and confirmation of this glorious truth, I shall now particularly clear by Scriptures, those fifteen remarkable Changes, which as so many Trophies of Victory shall attend this Prince of praises, at his taking to himself this his great power and Sovereignty. 1. The Saints Deceased Royal Jesus brings, THis will be the first Act of this King of glory according to the express Testimony of the Spirit; 1 Thes. 4.14. For if we believe that Jesus died and risen again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. And this will be a total (not a partial) Resurrection of all departed Saints, not the Martyrs only as some conceive, not only those that have lost their lives for Jesus, but the Scripture is plain and full, that whoever they be that sleep in Jesus, Apoc. 20.4. God will bring with him; not only those that were beheaded for the Witness of Jesus, but all those also which had not worshipped the Beast, nor his Image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. These are they * Rev. 5.9, 10. Pro. 8.31. Heb. 12.2. that are so exceedingly transported with that more glorious condition of reigning with Christ upon the Earth: for as the joy and delight of Christ from Eternity was placed with his Saints on Earth; so the Saints (filled with the same spirit) place their joy and delight with this glorious King, in his high exalted state on that Earth (and in that part of the Earth) where he was so shamefully abused and so cruelly crucified. When therefore I shall see (with these eyes) my blessed Redeemer in the clouds attended with all his holy Angels and departed Saints, then and not till then, shall I see the end of Ordinances, and all those glorious Prophecies and blessed promises fulfilled and accomplished, which concern this high point of my belief in the personal reign of my Redeemer; I would not for ten thousand worlds be deprived of this Light which leads to the glory of this blessed day. 2. The Rest Released, mount on Angels wings. OUr blessed Jesus (O most wonderful loving Jesus) counts not his joy entire, nor his glory complete while any one of his beloved Lambs is absent, and therefore he makes it his great request to his Father, and our Father, Joh. 17.24. O (saith he) that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me: 'Tis granted saith the Father (our most gracious infinitely loving Father) and accordingly Paul is informed, That we which are alive, 1 Thes. 4.17. and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the Air; and so shall we be ever with the Lord. 'Tis true, the raising thus the dead Saints, 1 Cor. 15.51. and changing the living Saints, is such a Mystery as most will give no credit to; for who indeed can take delight in this doctrine, but those that shall share in the glory of it? it hath no relish upon other men's palates, they cannot digest it, though never so clear in Scripture; but God hath revealed it to many of his dear ones by his Spirit in his word, which plainly tells them, Mat. 24.31. That he will send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together his Elect from the four winds, Zech. 14.5. from one end of Heaven to the other. And can I believe my Lord is yet come to reign, while I see poor Saints scattered here and there in various straits and fiery trials? Away with thy conceits, deluded Notionist, and shallow profane man; my Lord comes not in the Desert, nor in the secret chamber, but when he comes to take the Kingdoms of the world to his own Government, thou shalt see (it may be to thy terror) that word of Zechariah fulfilled, Zech. 14.5. The Lord my God shall come, and all the Saints with thee. 3. To Israel mourning sounds a glorious call; WHen all eyes shall see him, Rev. 1.7. Zech. 12.10. Ezech. 37.21. poor Israel must not be excluded; they also shall (to their unspeakable joy and comfort) behold him whom they have pierced, Zech. 14.2. even then when they have greatest need of him, when their new possessed City shall be taken, their houses rifled, their women ravished, and all miserably enslaved; in this time of so great trouble, Dan. 12.1. Rom. 11.26. Isai., 6. such as never was since there was a Nation, shall they behold Michael the great Prince; that blessed deliverer, who shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob; and now all Israel shall be saved, Jer. 30.10. Joel 3.1. even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem; for now the singing of Birds is come, and that blessed voice is heard in their ears, Awake, Isai. and sing ye that dwell in the dust: Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee: Zeph. 3.17. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy, he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. Multitudes of Scriptures might be produced for the confirmation of this truth, but these may suffice (or nothing will) especially considering that not one Scripture, nor indeed any Author of credit that I know of doth seem to deny it. This then in brief is my judgement (with many dear Saints) grounded upon the word of truth, concerning this wonderful work of the Jews conversion. First, That they shall have an outward Call. Secondly, That they shall be inwardly converted. The former is thought to be at hand, if not already in being; since it is well observed by Merchants of credit and others, that they have these two or three years been gathering wonderfully, from places more remote towards Palestina; the Lord seeming now to make good his word; first, Isa. 5.26. Zech. 10.8. in moving them to come in person to the Land of their Inheritance, according to these Promises, Vers. 6. I will hiss for them and gather them, for I have redeemed them; and I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again, to place them. And I will make them one Nation in the Land upon the Mountains of Israel, Ez●ch. 27.22. and one King shall be King to them all; for, When the Lord shall build up Zion, Vers. 24. Ps. 102.16. he shall appear in his Glory. Therefore thus saith the Lord, Ezeck. 39.25, 26. now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel. And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, Isa. 35.10. and come to Zion with Songs, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads, they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. And thus will he perform the second more glorious work upon their souls, for a through conversion. And now I do hearty desire for the confirmation of Saints, and for the confutation of such as deny the glorious personal Reign of Christ, that they will seriously consider, and weigh those clear proofs of Scripture that do so fully establish this truth, viz. That when the Jews shall be thus wonderfully converted, Jer. 33.14, 15, 16. Joel 3.1, 2. even then and not before shall this King of glory take to himself his great power and Reign; what can be more plain and clear then this, In those days, and at that time, (see those other Scriptures,) now will this glorious Mystery be fulfilled which hath been so largely held forth by all the Prophets; Rev. 10.6, 7. the seventh Angel is now sounding, who swears that time shall no longer be delayed; but the Lord Jesus that high and mighty one shall gird his sword upon his thigh, and wonderfully bring in this his ancient people, to whom shall all Saints be joined with transcendent glory. Wilt thou admit such a one as I into this glory Lord! 4. To Babel burning an eternal fall. Zions' restauration, must be Babel's confusion; the same blessed day that brings forth Jerusalem's safety and felicity, will also produce Rome's ruin and everlasting misery; I do not undertake which of these shall precede, whether the Jews Call, or Rome's Fall; I believe they will neither of them be long a doing; it may be as sudden as our change shall be; Zeph. 1.18. Joel. 3.4. he will certainly make a speedy riddance; swiftly and speedily will he return Rome's recompense upon the accursed heads of all her children. But that which the word of truth is full and clear in, is, that Rome, Antichrist, and all their adherents, Rev. etc. 17. 1●.18.2. etc. Jer. 51.8. etc. shall certainly be destroyed; and that I may prosecute my design, or rather the design of the Spirit of God: it is plain that Antichrist, and Rome, shall be destroyed even then, and not before, the Lord Jesus shall come in Person; 2 Thes. 2.8. he is now consuming him with the Spirit of his mouth, but he shall give up the ghost at the brightness of his coming. But since this is the day of Antichrist's consumption in which we live, it behoves all true hearted Saints diligently to consider what the will and mind of the Lord is concerning us, how he would have us be acted in order to the accomplishment of this great design. First, we must join in prayer with our fellow brethren under the Altar, Rev. 6.9, 10. and give the holy One of Israel no rest, till Babylon be consumed, and Jerusalem be made a praise in the Earth. And secondly, we must set hand and heart, purse and person to the work, even the great work, the strange Act that he is doing for, and by his Saints; yea, let every one that is the redeemed of the Lord, say, I will have a hand in her destruction; Jer. 51.1.2. etc. Psal. 137. ●. 9. yea, blessed, yea, happy shall he be that hath his hands deepest died in the blood of her children. 5. The world combined, hath a fatal blow. THis is the fifth remarkable change, that will help to celebrate the triumphs of the glorious day; for as the (long enthralled) Jew's and Israelites are entered into their ancient Land, and have newly got Possession of (the present) Jerusalem; their potent Enemies, Turk, Pope, &c, (who have long detained them in a miserable slavery) shall raise huge Armies to pursue them, Dan. 11.45. and shall plant their Tabernacles in the glorious holy mountain; (see this fully Ezek. 38.4, 5, 6, 9.15, 16. and Chap. 39.6.) And shall begird their new-obtained City, Z●ch. 14.2. which they shall speedily storm and take, and reduce these most miserable distressed people into such dreadful calamities, Dan. 12.1. Z●ch. 12.10 11. as the like was never heard of since there was a Nation, even to that same time; but in the midst of these sad straits, fearful horror and dismal darkness, when nothing but black despair (or a second more miserable slavery then ever) is before them; the great Prince of the Kings of the Earth shall appear in some wonderful manner to them, Dan. 12.1. and shall go forth and fight against those Nations, and put such terror into their hearts, and such courage into the hearts of his unarmed people, Isa. 14.2. that they shall take them captives, whose Captives they were, and they shall rule over their oppressors. 6. Satan confined to his den below. HIs present condition is a Princely Rule in the air, and in the hearts of the children of disobedience; but in these Halcyon days will that blessed voice be heard amongst the Saints, Now is come salvation and strength, Rev. 12.10 20.1. and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down. For the Angel shall bind and shut him up in the bottomless Pit, to which he shall be confined for a thousand years, during which restraint he shall not be able, no, not to tempt his own vassals, but they shall willingly serve the Saints for the preservation of their lives, till the thousand years be fulfilled, Vers. 3. And after that he must he loosed a little season: Of which I shall speak in its place. Some have fancied that Satan hath been already bound, and the thousand years are already expired, but without any shadow of truth: since there hath not been the least intermission of Satan's rage and fury, since the Book of the Revelation was written. For what with the gross Idolatry of Pagans, obstinate blindness of the Jews, wonderful defection of Turks, strange Errors, Sects and Heresies of Christians, abominable Superstition, Idolatry, Ignorance, and all kind of wickedness, with bloody persecution of Saints by Antichrist; Alstedius Dr. Hakewill, Apol. pag. 476. which things cannot possibly stand with the confinement of Satan; and consequently this Prophecy is yet unfulfilled: and the time of the binding up of this Bandog will be the glorious triumphant state of Saints, when they shall be married to Christ the universal Monarch of this great Universe. 7. The whole Creation finds a full Release. FOr now this second Adam shall complete his work, Rom. 8.19. and reduce the whole frame of Nature to its primitive purity and perfection, which by the sin of the first Adam hath been so long subjected to vanity and corruption; this is that great Deliverer; and this time of his personal Reign will be the blessed state (as of the redemption of our bodies from sin, Acts 3.21. sorrow & corruption, so) of the restitution of all things (the Elements and all that are produced by them) to that goodness wherein they were first created: how often have we like Parrots, prated over in our Popish Liturgy, this heavenly Doctrine which to this day we understand not? Psal. 67 4. O let the Nations be glad and sing for joy, for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the Nations upon Earth. Selah. Mark that; but now Saints have experience of this blessed Mystery, Jer. 35.5. that at the same time when this King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgement and justice in the earth, Ezech. 34.23.24. then shall the earth bring forth her increase; when David the great Prince shall reign here in highest glory, then and not till then shall the whole Creation (brought into this glorious Liberty of the Sons of God) fill the Universe with abundance of all rich blessings. I have little to say to those, who knowing nothing of this wonderful Mystery of the glorious Reign of our King, and know as little of the meaning of Rom. 8.19, etc. Yet because they must say something, are pleased in their grave wisdoms to affirm, that this glorious liberty (with the children of God) which the whole Creation shall enjoy, is nothing but the annihilation of the creature, as if all Creatures (which in their kind do (wonderfully) endeavour the preservation of themselves) should yet groan and earnestly long to be made nothing: what is this, but to speak daggers, and introduce a secret Atheism? 8. And every Nation flourishes with Peace. HOw can it be otherwise when the Kingdoms of the world are ruled and governed by the Prince of Peace? what the glorious Peace of the Saints shall be, hath been in part (and shall be more fully) declared. But there will be universal peace over all the earth; for all the wicked of the world shall as earnestly seek peace as ever the Gibeonites sought it of the Israelites; when the great seducer of mankind is shut up in prison, his Vassals will neither have skill nor courage to stand in opposition against the Saints; for he that hath the disposing of all hearts, will so mould their spirits, that they shall be glad to crouch for safety at the Saints feet; and blessed be the Name of our exalted King, he hath already given his people in this Land a taste hereof, when in many places the proudest enemy thinks himself in a safe condition that can obtain the favour of a child of God to serve himself and his forfeited estate. But in this glorious Reign of Christ it will be universally so; Psal. 72.8. for when his Domiminion shall reach from sea to sea, even to the ends of the earth; then they that dwell in the Wilderness shall bow before him, and his enemies shall lick the dust. The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring Presents; 10. the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts, 11. yea all Kings shall fall down before him, all Nations shall serve him. This is that blessed time, when the Righteous shall flourish, and abundance of Peace so long as the Moon endureth; Mic. 4.3. Isai. 11.6, 7, 8, 9 then, and not till then shall they beat their Swords into Plowshares, and their Spears into Pruning-hooks, no more contention, no more war for ever. 9 The Mount asunder cleaves t' enlarge the Plain. IF all the Prophecies that are fulfilled already concerning Christ were performed in the very Letter; Psal. 8.2. Ps. 22.18. Isai. 7.14. Zech. 9.9. I desire any man to show a substantial Reason why those that are yet unacccomplisht should belookt upon in a mysterious obscure way; till such a reason be given, I must look upon this (as upon all other Prophecies) to be fulfilled in the same way as others have been, and therefore must expect (according to the Word) that this day of Wonders will produce this Wonder amongst the rest, that the Mount of Olives that stands over the Valley of Jehosaphat shall cleave indeed, Zech 14.4 to enlarge that Vale to a sufficient capacity for the reception of the New Jerusalem; it is clear, Ver. 10. that it shall reach from Geba to Rimmon; but of what extent that will be, is (I think) unknown; only this: it seems to extend over the whole Land of Palestina; Psal. 60.6. what else means the Royal Psalmist, I will divide Shechem, Vers. 8. and meet out the Valley of Succoth; Moab is my washpot, Psal. 87.3, 4. and 108 7, 8, 9 over Edom will I cast out my shoe, Philistia triumph thou because of me; and that of the Prophet, In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, Amos 9.11, 12. — that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the Heathen,— they shall possess the Mount of Esau, Obad. 19.20, 21. and they of the Plain Philistia, etc. And Saviour's shall come upon Mount Zion to judge the Mount of Esau, Isai. 10.29. etc. and the Kingdom shall be the Lords. All which compared, makes good the word of Zechariah, That the dividing of this Mount of Olives shall produce a very great Valley; Zech. 14.4. till which Valley appear in its lustre and beauty, not any of the notions of Giddy brains shall stagger my faith, to conceit, That my Lord is already come to Reign. (That Vale of Wonder where the Lord must Reign) AS once the eyes of Elisha's servant were opened to see the Mountains full of Horses and Chariots of fire; 2 Kings 6.17. so certainly were the eyes of this Prophet in a wonderful manner enlightened to see the glory of the Lords Day, Joel. 3.14. the Day of his great Power in this mighty Valley of Jehosaphat; at which glorious apparition he raiseth up his voice (as one transported) with this heavenly rapture. Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Decision, for the Day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Decision: but what will the transcendent joy of this Prophet be (with all the blessed Prophets and Saints of Christ) when this Day of the Lord is come in the Valley of Dicision, when we shall see all the heavenly Host gathered together in this spacious Mount-dividing Valley, Psal. 45. Matth 25.31. Judas 14. 2 Thes. 4.14. Joel 3 2. the Lord of Glory riding in his Glory and Majesty, attended with all the holy Angels in heaven, and all those Myriad of Saints that sleep in Jesus this mighty Potentate! How unconceivably glorious, how wonderfully spacious will this Valley of Jehosaphat then be which must contain all the Saints and Angels in heaven, with all both good and bad that are found living upon the earth: this is no private fancy, but the express words of the Spirit of God. I will also gather all Nations, and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehosaphat, Verse. 11. and will plead with them there— Assemble yourselves, and come all ye Heathen, and gather yourselves together round about; thither cause thy mighty Ones to come down, O Lord; Let the Heathen be wakened and come up to the Valley of Jehosaphat, 12. for there will I sit to Judge all the Heathen round about. None so blind as those that will not see. 10. The glorious City from God's Throne doth glide. EXcept by clear Scripture it be disproved, I must believe, & therefore affirm, Rev. 21.2. joh. 14.1, 2 that the City described by Saint John is a material City, that the Carpenter's Son hath been these 1600 years preparing it for his Saints, and that the cleaving of the Mount of Olives producing that wonderful spacious plain (already proved) is to receive this glorious City of twelve thousand furlongs, Rev. 21.16. or one thousand five hundred mile's compass, wherein his Saints shall reign in glory with this Jehovah our Righteousness as long as the Sun and Moon endureth. If it be said (by a mistake of Rev. 21.9, 10.) That the holy City is called the Bride; I must answer plainly it is not so: but on the contrary, if the 9 and 10. Verses be compared with the 24. we shall find them manifestly distinguished: and it appears plainly that the design of the Spirit is, to show the Apostle the City where the Bride dwelleth; Psal. 45.14. Isa. 65 18. Ezech. 14.11. and if we shall further consult these Scriptures, it will be yet more clear, that the City is one thing, and the Bride, the Saints, the glorious Inhabitants in that City another thing. But if it should be granted, that the City is called the Bride, there would be little gained by it as to the opposite of this Point, because it is ordinary in the Scriptures to term the Inhabitants of the City the City itself, as Matt. 11.20, 21, 22, 23. sure it will not be affirmed, that the buildings of Capernaum, etc. are threatened to be thrown into Hell: Let the Prophet Ezechiel decide this Controversy from the mouth of the Lord, Ezech. 37.27. saying, My Tabernacle also shall be with them; yea, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people; this is that royal Palace into which the Bride, with her Virgins, shall enter to solace themselves with our King in unconceivable spiritual delights for ever. 11. The Nuptial ditty Ushers in the Bride. THe Ancient people of the Lord, the natural seed of faithful Abraham, after their tedious time of divorcement, Isai. 62 2, 3, 4, 5. Hos. 2.19, 20. shall not only be espoused as formerly, but now in view of all the world married with transcendent joy in highest Glory to the King of glory. This is the Royal Bride; the Gentiles Saints or Churches are the Virgins her Companions. All the Angels in Heaven join in Consort to celebrate the Nuptials in that triumphant ditty, Alleluja, Rev. 19.6, 7. for the Lord God omnipotent reighneth; Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready; so shall she be brought unto the King in raiment of needlework; Psal. 45.14, 15. the Virgins her companions that follow her, shall be brought unto thee; with gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought, they shall enter into the King's Palace. There is a great question, (but of no great importance) whether the fullness of the Gentiles shall come in before Israel's conversion; for my own part, I am satisfied in this, that in respect of a full conversion, the work among the Gentiles shall precede; but after the Jews effectual Call, so glorious will that dispensation be, Isai. 60 3. That the Gentiles shall come to their light, and Kings to the brightness of their rising. Yet when all is known and understood which the word discovers of this wonderful Mystery, what a small spark is it to the exceeding unconceivable glory of that day of wonders! and who would hazard his interest in the glory thereof; for all the bewitching, painted, seeming glories of this luxurious Age! 12. Thus Saints regaining an immortal state, HOw miserably are they handled, (by men of corrupt minds) that stand for the honour of Christ's Kingdom, as though it were carnal delights and earthly pleasures they looked after; if any such there be, they will see their vanity and folly perhaps when 'tis too late. The Saints are of another stamp, and are hereby chief discerned from hypocrites by seeking holiness, rather than happiness; it is the pure, spiritual, immortal, glorious state of Christ's Kingdom that they believe, and profess and expect; and that which makes their spirits dance, and their souls to leap for joy, is the consideration of being fashioned like his glorious body, when being free from corruption, Phil. 3.21. they shall never sin against God any more; not any kind of pleasure can stand in competition (in their pure affections) with desire of freedom from sin; their King hath taught them, and they have learned to know, Luk. 20.35. That they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage, neither can they die any more; for they are equal unto the Angels. This is that blessed state of immortality that Saints believe, Phil. 3.11. 1 Cor. 15.54. and with the blessed Apostle press hard after; When this corruption shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, and death shall be swallowed up of victory. Rom. 8.23. This adoption is that redemption of our bodies that now we wait for, Luk. 22.30 Isai. 62.9. and shall then enjoy, when we shall eat and drink at Christ's table in this glorious Kingdom: There will be eating and drinking, but not as now; for in this state of mortality, other creatures lose their lives to support ours, for so is the word * Acts 10.13. Isai. 65.21. : in the state of immortality the fruit of the Vine, the food appointed Adam in Paradise. And only the state of Eternity, is supported by God himself. 13. In glory reigning while the Sun bears date. THe Lord Jesus Christ is not now in his own proper and peculiar Throne; Rev. 3.21. his present station is at the right hand of the Majesty on High, even in his Father's Throne; but the glorious Throne that he hath purchased with his precious blood, he will shortly erect upon this Earth for himself and his beloved Saints; then shall he have and enjoy the actual return of that request of his, Joh. 17.24. That where I am they may be also; and this the Saints in Heaven are wondrously affected with, and do therefore exceedingly rejoice in the consideration of this glory which they (with their fellow brethren) shall enjoy (as an addition to their present glory) with Christ in his Throne upon the Earth: Rev. 5.9, 10. for then, and not till then, will the glory of our King be complete, when the great voices of all the heavenly Host shall be heard, (in the words of the Scripture I am now opening) the Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall Reign for ever and ever. Rev. 11.15 And this Kingdom thus established by, and for Jehovah our Righteousness, shall be also given to the people of the Saints of the most High, Dan. 7.27. whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all Dominions shall serve and obey him. And thus the Saints being gathered into one fold (even into that holy City the new Jerusalem, seated in the Valley of Jehosaphat) and there married to Christ our everlasting Husband, do also (like the married condition here) obtain the glorious name of our Royal Husband; for even then, Jor. 33.16. She shall be called the Lord our Righteousness. 14. The Nations bending, Virgin's voices raise. THis posture they shall most gladly observe, Zech. 14 3. Vers. 12. Vers. 16. who are escaped the slaughter of the great day, and the plagues thereof: For every one that is left of all the Nations which came against Jerusalem, shall even go up from year to year to worship the King the Lord of Hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. What manner of worship the Lord will have from these Nations, I know not; Ps. 72.11. but this I know, that all Kings shall fall down before him, all Nations shall serve him; some kind of homage and worship they must perform without the holy City; for there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, Rev. ●●. ●7 Math. 25.4 — But they which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life; These are those blessed Virgins who have their Lamps of a holy conversation gloriously burning, and a ready supply of grace in their souls, Cant. 5.2. Math. 25. Vers. 6. Vers. 10. whereof their pure vessels are full; though these sometimes slumber and sleep, yet their hearts are awake; & every noise they hear, they expect to be the midnight cry for the Kings coming, and are instantly up and ready, and so in they go (with this glorious Bridegroom) into the marriage-Chamber, where they meet with such a Feast, such soul-ravishing delights, that are not possible to be conceived, much less possible to be uttered. And now their hearts and voices being tuned to one celestial Key, Rev. 14.3. they begin that new Song which will never wax old, but with renewed sweetness in all heavenly delights, joy shall arise from praise, and praise from joy to all Eternity. Rous. Psal. And no man could learn that Song, but they that were redeemed from the earth. Mark that; Redeemed from the earth; these are they which were not defiled with women, for they are Virgins. 15. (All Duties ending) with Joy, Love, and Praise. THe same blessed hand that first instituted Gospel Ordinances, Isai. 60.1. will now himself put an end to them; Cant. 4.6. for now the Sun of Righteousness is risen, and dispels all clouds, dissipates all mists; now breaks the gladsome Day, and shadows fly away; presumptuously Arrogant is that hand that shall dare to anticipate this work, in casting off those Ordinances, which is the proper and peculiar work of him that appointed them, Luke 19.13. 1 Cor. 11.26. Rev. 2.25. and commanded the use of them till his coming; then, and not till then, all these shall see their period, except those that shall abide to all Eternity; for some Gospel Ordinances must never cease, but shall then be established in their perfection; when all other Ordinances shall cease, Joy cannot cease, Ps. 16.11. In thy Presence is fullness of joy, at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore: Christ hath promised that when he sees his Saints again, their hearts shall rejoice; then Joy shall be complete, Joh. 16 22 and this Joy shall no man take away from the Saints. So for that Gospel-Ordinance of Love, that shall be permanent; Charity never faileth; all other Ordinances shall cease, but Love shall then shine in its true lustre, 1 Cor. 13.8.10. Isai. and full perfection; and then for Praise, it shall then be the garment of the Saints; Jerusalem shall be made a praise in the earth; the Saints shall eat and praise the Lord, and drink in the Courts of his holiness. Jer. 33.11. The voice of Joy, and the voice of Gladness, the voice of the Bridegroom, and the voice of the Bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of Hosts, for the Lord is good, for his mercy endureth for ever, and of them that shall bring the Sacrifice of Praise into the House of the Lord. joh. 1.3.2. Isai. 52.8. Ah, what a little glimpse of that excellent glory are these narrow-mouth bottles now capable to apprehend! but than we shall see him as he is, and that is the fullness of glory. And thus I suppose these 15. wounderful Changes are clearly proved by the Word of God, as Concomitants, or close Attendants to the glorious appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ: as also (for the silencing of idle Notionists) that the Lord cannot take to himself his great Power and Reign till all these Changes appear; then, and not before will the voices be heard, and the words of the Text be accomplished, The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. The sixth thing proposed, is, the ends of the Lord Jesus Christ coming to reign upon the Earth; amongst many glorious ends that we may believe, I shall briefly mention a few. 1. The end that the Lord Jesus proposeth to himself, is, to be gloriously exalted in his Royal Throne of highest Majesty, even in that place where he was so shamefully and ignominiously abased, abused, and cruelly crucified; He suffered over, (or near) the Valley of Jehosaphat, and there (as hath been proved) he will exalt his Throne, Zech. 12.10. and there they that pierced him shall behold him, and be in bitterness of soul because of him. 2. joel. 3. joh. 17.24. joh. 10.16. Isa. 53.10.11. Another end is to gather all his Saints together into that place (which shall be the great Sheepfold) that there they may behold his transcendent Glory; and that there he may see his seed, and the travel of his soul, and be satisfied. 3. A third end is to take an account of his servants, how they have employed, and improved his talents; for this is that day of judgement, 2 Pet. 3.8. Rev. 20.4. wherein the Lord Christ will reward his servants, and enslave his enemies, the extent whereof will be a thousand years, the longest day that ever any man lived one Earth; for within this day Adam, Ezech. 34.17. etc. Mat. 25. Methusalem, yea all men have died; and only Christ (with his Saints) shall live the whole day; in this day he will judge between and , admitting wise, rejecting foolish Virgins. For the accomplishment of these and such like ends, Heb. 9.28. unto them that look for him, shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. The seventh thing to be considered, is, the events succeeding the second appearance of our Lord in this his day of power, in which after he hath reigned with his Saints a thousand years in full beatitude, such wonderful Changes will ensue, as will make a ready entrance to that great change when changes shall be no more. 1. 1 Cor. 15. 2●. Rev. 20.7. Vers. 8. As first, Satan shall be loosed for a little season, wherein he will so bestir himself in all quarters of the Earth, exciting his vassals, (that have gladly served the Saints this thousand years) to shake the yoke from off their necks, which they (as his sworn servants) shall readily yield to, and this will produce, 2. The second Change, which will be the combination of these his Instruments, whose number is as the sand of the Sea, and in confidence of their great strength, they shall surround the beloved City, & think (by their huge multitudes) to devour it at once; but how little does this trouble the Saints within? all tears were wiped away from their eyes long ago; they know not what belongs to sorrow or trouble; for the Prince of peace, and Author of eternal felicity is among them; if they can hurt him, they may harm them, but both being above the reach of these poor deluded creatures, they are only making way for their own eternal ruin, for while they are thus besieging the Camp of the Saints, 3. The world is fired about their ears, Verse 9 2 Pet. 3.10. Rev. 20.11, 12. & with it themselves are devoured; and this produceth the final conclusion of this great day: for now, 4. The Lord is seated in his great white Throne, before whom the Earth and the Heaven vanisheth. 5. Then shall the dead, small and great, be raised & stand before his great Tribunal upon his left hand, as so many cursed goats, Math. 24 32. vessels of wrath fitted to destruction, where they shall receive the final sentence of eternal condemnation, which is a perpetual separation from the presence of God's love, to be tormented with reprobate Angels and men, (the objects of his wrath and fury) to all eternity: oh what will they do in this estate of eternity! oh that they would now consider of it! Why are not the sinners in Zion now afraid? Isa. 33.14. why doth not fearfulness now surprise the hypocrites? who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burn? 'Twil be in vain then to call to the Mountains & Rocks for a hiding place. 6. But the Saints are securely hid in the great Rock, and sure Refuge of his people, who are long since acquitted by virtue of their marriage with the King's Son, Ephes. 5.27. 2 Pet. 3.14. who now presents his Spouse pure & spotless, a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; and so having also justified them before Angels and men, he makes a free surrender of his Office of Mediator with his purchased Spouse, into the hands of his and our Father, 1 Cor. 15.24.28. who is the eternal infinite Ocean of that fullness of happiness, 1 Joh. 3.2. 1 Cor. 13.12. which we must (and well may) admire, but shall never fully understand, till we come to see him as he is, & know him as we are known. O thou infinite Ocean of transcendent sweetness! for this Jesus sake whom thou so dear lovest, raise up thy Saints, by the divine influence of thy eternal Spirit to such a height and eminency of faith, zeal, love, holiness, and all heavenly qualifications, that we may be able to comprehend with all Saints, Ephes. 3.18, 19 what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that we may be filled with all the fullness of God; to behold thy blessed face in that day with joy. Come Zions sons with Zions songs, Psal. 145.45.14, 15. Attend your Royal King; Join consort in celestial throngs, Rev. 19.6, ●. His wondrous reign to Sing. Hark Virgins, that's the midnight cry, Mat. 25.6. The Bridegroom is at hand With burning Lamps, full vessels by: Verse 10. Stand lovely Virgins, stand. That's he who with ten thousand Saints Judas 14. In those bright clouds appears: Dan. 7.10. We join, so cease all sad complaints, Rev. 1.7. 1 Thes. 4.17. All troubles, toil and tears. Isai. 56.19. Now like his glorious body we Phil. 3.21. Shall all be fashioned Rev. 7.9.14. With Robes, and Crowns of Majesty, As Kings be furnished. Thus to Jehosaphats fair Vale, Joel. 3.2, 11, 12. We with our King descend: Where vanquished foes, faint, feeble, pale, Psal. 72.11. Must at his Throne attend. The day is come, Micah. 4.1. the Lord must reign, The Saints must judge the world, Dan. 7.27. Satan confined, Rev. his cursed train Into confusion hurled. Rom. 8.19, 20, 21, 22. The groaning creature from that snare Which long entangled them Set free, Isai. 56.26. with Saints in glory share, Of new Jerusalem. Acts 3.21. These sweet refreshing times, Acts 3.19. O Lord, From thy sweet presence spring, Psal. 16 11. With hearts and voices Saints accord, Rev. 11.17. Thy glorious reign to sing. What remains then, Rev. 11.16. but that all the Saints who expect this appearance of our Lord, do with the four and twenty Elders fall down and worship God, Vers. 17. saying, We give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty, which art, and waste, and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great Power, and hast reigned. For this work, this wondrous work, Isai. 52.9, 10. is so certain, that the Spirit of the Lord presents it (like many other Prophecies) as already done. Great ground of rejoicing is this to Saints, as it is ground of terror and vexation to the wicked; there's not more sad news in the world than this to the ungodly, this will be a dark day to them, according as it follows (for I shall but name the rest.) The eighteenth Verse. And the Nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the Prophets, and to the Saints, and them that fear thy Name small and great, and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Here the portion of the Saints is far different from that of the dead, and earthy-minded men, and therefore there must be different returns from them: While (then) the Nations are angry at the wrath and judgements of that Lord whom they have so much slighted, let the Prophets and Saints, and them that fear the Name of the Lord, exceedingly triumph; for the time is at hand that they shall be superaboundantly rewarded for all their pains and labours of Love and Charity, for all their reproaches, scorns, and affronts that the world hath cast upon them for all their sufferings, and cruel mockings, and all manner of persecutions; for it is to them that the following words pertain. The ninteenth Verse. And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament;— This is the lot and portion of the Righteous, which because we cannot conceive or understand, I shall pass over in silence, hoping that our spirits will be raised to admire what cannot be expressed in word, or conceived in the heart, pressing forward by a Christian conversation to the sweet fruition of that glory which will be the sure portion of those that have part in the first Resurrection, while the wicked (that continue to do wickedly) have nothing to expect, or hope for in that day, but that wherewith the Spirit closeth this Chapter. And there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an Earthquake, and great hail. This will be the terrible portion of those of whom the Apostle Judas speaketh; Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints, to execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. Judas 14.15. The mouths of wicked men will then be stopped and put to silence, though now they bark and belch forth blasphemies (at pleasure) against the Saints; yet will it then be proved to their faces, that all their wicked actions, and hard speeches are done and spoken against him, whose doctrine they now reject, whose yoke they will not now bend to, whose personal Reign they contemn as a Fable: but then, will they, L●ke 19 ●●. nill they, this voice shall reach them; But those mine Enemies which would not that I should reign over them, bring them hither and slay them before me. And this will be such a slaughter, where they will be ever killing and never dead, but shall live in death to all eternity. As this is ground of woe and alas to the wicked sort, Mat. 25.10. against whom the door is now shut, never to be opened any more, never more tenders of Grace, never more offers of Mercy in the Gospel, but howling and wailing without ceasing world without end. So is it true matter of unspeakable joy to all Saints, no ground of Joy like this, it comes with a Rather; Luke 10.20. But rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven: This is the poor souls fullness of joy, 1 Joh. 1.3, 4. to know his interest in that society that shall continue rejoicing to all eternity. I give a word of advice (in the wordsof the Spirit) to every man that hath this hope in him, 1 Joh. 3.3. to purify himself, even as he is pure; for since our expectation is such, what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation & godliness, 2 Pet. 3.11, 12 looking for, and hasting unto the coming of the day of God; wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ: 1 Pet. 1.13. Luk 2.36. And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord when he will return from the wedding. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he comes shall find watching; Isa. 30.18. yea blessed are all they that wait for him. It's no matter (dear Christians) how much pains we take in the way, nor what our trouble and misery is; for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us: Rom. 8.18. When Christ our King shall say, Well done thou good and faithful Servant, Mat. 25.21. enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. How then should our hearts be transported with holy Ravishments in expectation of this his Appearance, singing in Consort, with the Heavens, Earth, Sea, Fields and Trees, (in the sweet Singers heavenly Rapture) For he cometh, Psa. 96. for he cometh to judge the Earth; he shall judge the world with Righteousness, and the people with his Truth: Even so come Lord Jesus, come quickly. FINIS.