Treason Unmasqued, OR Truth brought to Light, TO A PLEASANT NEW TUNE, etc. When Loyalty depressed lay, And the dark Night took place of Day; When deep Cabals, took place of State And Statesmen sought to ruin State, Then England's Genius, did disclose Where Treason lurked, and showed its Foes. NOw at last the Riddle is Expounded, Which so long the Nation has Confounded, For the Round-head; Begins the Game again, Which so well, they played in Forty Four And in greater hope: That the Damned Sham-PLOT, will ne'er be over Till Piously they routed King and Pope. Shaftsbury, that Worm of Reformation Who for Commonwealth has laid Foundation; Which the Nation, So hotly do pursue: Is justly now rewarded in the Tower, For his Merits due, But when his busy head, is once laid lower Than will appear the Plots he did pursue. Perkin, makes fine Legs tothth' shouting Rabble, Who to make him King, he thinks are Able But the Bauble, Is only chose for Use; The silly Idiot, serves but for a Tool still For Knaves to work their Feats: And remains a dull inciped Fool still, For all their Damned Cabals, and Wapping Treats. The most zealous Parliament Denoted, Who for public good Devoutly Voted, Pray note it, That the Duke shall ne'er be King; And like Faithful honest Loyal Subjects, His Majesty Implore: To Sign their Godly and Religious projects, Or else the threatened King shall Reign no more. FINIS. London, Printed for Francis Smith, in the Year. 1681.