A SONG for St. CAECILIA's Day 1685. Written by Mr. N. Tate, and Set by Mr. William Turner. TUne the Viol, Touch the Lute, Wake the Harp, inspire the Flute, Call the Jolly Swains away, Love and Music reign to day. Let your Kids and Lamkins rove, Let them sport or feed at will, Grace the Vale, or climb the Hill: Let them feed, or let them love: Let them love, or let them stray: Let them feed, or let them play: Neglect 'em or guide 'em, No harm shall betid 'em, On Bright Caecilia, Bright Caecilia's Day. Thus the Nymphs and Jolly Swains, Kindly mingled on the Plains, In delightful Measures move, Full of Joy and full of Love, With their Cheerful Roundelay, Celebrate Caecilia's Day, While Angels join in Consort from Above. What Charms can Music not impart, That through the Ear finds passage to the Heart? In vain the Muse indites the Lover's Tale: In vain his dolefule words declare His Passion to the Cruel Fair: 'Tis Music only makes his Song prevail: This only can her scorn control, In vain do Wit and Sense combine, Without this Art to make our Numbers shine: Words are the Body, Music is the Soul. Call the Jolly Swains away, To celebrate Caecilia's Day. Rouse the Viol, wake the Lyre To sing her Praise who did our Art inspire. Let victorious Heroes stay At leisure we will do them Right, To our own Art we consecrate this Day, And Music best can Musics Praise recite. FINIS.