A true Relation OF THE Horrid and Bloody Massacre IN SCOTLAND, By the Irish Papists; who Landed Sixty Miles from Edinburgh, putting all to Fire and Sword, in their way to that City. Barwick Decemb. 23, 1688. SIR, Yesternight we had the sad and surprising News, by an Express of the Council of Scotland to our Governor, that about 20000. Irish were Landed in Scotland, about Sixty Miles from Edinburgh, putting all to Fire and Sword; to whom 'tis said the Apostate Chancellor of that Kingdom, will join with the rest of the Bloody Papists there. And truly, Sir, that Kingdom being unarmed, and undisciplined, those Massacres will in short space run a great length. I desire you may disperse this News abroad, if it be not in Town, before your Receipt of this; for that Country, and the North of England, without speedy relief, is in great danger of depopulation: And the Duke of Gordon hath in his possession the Castle of Edinburgh; whereby he can at pleasure levelly that City with the Ground. At 12 of the Clock yesternight, our Governor, Lieutenant Colonel Billingsley, dispatched an Express to the Lords Danby and Lumley, for drawing their Forces to this Town. I received yours to day, which being Sabbath day, I beg your Pardon for brevity. I was told, they see some of the Fires and Burnings of those Rebels at Edinburgh; this is the beginning of the Discovery of the Popish Intrigue. God defend England from the French, and his Highness the Prince of Orange from Bloody Popish attempts. London, Published by J. Wells, in St. Paul's Alley in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1688.