A TRUE RELATION Of the taking of NEW CASTLE, By the SCOTS by storm, on the 19 of October, 1644. As it was certified to a worthy Member of the House of Commons, from one of the Commissioner, there: and from another Gentleman, both which were eye-witnesses of it. Together with a true Relation of the state of Tinmouth Castle, and of the plague in it, and that it is likely shortly to be surrendered. LONDON, Printed for Ben: Allen in Pope's head Alley. 1644. A true Relation of the taking of Newcastle. SIR, I Hope you will excuse my long silence, which hath not proceeded from any unmindfulnes, or want of respect to you, but from want of opportunity, being so much pressed With business: we are but lately returned from settling Cumberland and Westmoreland, and now happily come to the taking in of Newcastle, at which action we were this day present, and were witnesses of a great deal of gallantry showed by thy the soldiers on both sides, in hot service. That unhappy man, the Major, who these three or four days hath treated only for advantage, (three Commissioners from the Army being yesterday sent into the Town to treat upon their sending forth of Hostages, after almost a day's debate, broke off, and returned without hope of obtaining it upon any peaceable terms:) this morning the Major sent forth a Drummer with a letter, enjoining him to deliver it with his own hand to general Leven, if there were such a man in the world; for he did believe he was dead. The general returned him answer by the Messenger, he hoped to do him some service yet before he died. This morning after our Batteries began to play, they jeered our men from the town, bidding them, Come on you cowardly rogues, if you dare, who before night were glad to sing another song, & crave quarter for their lives. We made 3 breaches in the walls with Cannon, and immediately after sprung four mines; all which took well: and thereupon entered them all at once. The Major and Scotch Lords are got into the Castle, and have sent to crave quarter. Our footmen are in the town, our horse keep guard without this night; and to morrow (God willing) we intend to go in with my Lord general, to give praise to God in the Churches. It is jate, and we but newly come from the service, so I must hasten to make an end. I refer you further to our letter to Mr. Speaker. Benwel Octob. 19 1644. Your assured loving friend to serve you R. F. Another Relation of the taking of Newcastle, sent in a letter to a Member of the House of Commons. SIR, AFter our unfortunate Major had refused all proffers of honour to himself and town, this day about two of the clock in the afternoon, the Lord General commanded his men to fall on, where they had made breaches, and spring mines, which they did very resolutely and gallantly, God was with them, for they were never put to any retreat in any place, I saw them all the time, being with my L. general, for the most part of the Storm. The Major took the Castle for a sanctuary and took down his flaming flags, and put up the white, than the soldiers laid down their arms and Colours, and left them, and so they are possessed of the Town: And the Major hath sent to the Lord general to render the parsons, from the new gate to the close gate: I am persuaded not one hundred men slain, what more of ours in other parts or in town I know not, and what of theirs; I thought once to have gone into town this night, but durst not, till the storm was wholly allayed: To morrow I intend to wait on his excellency and Sir william Armine to give God thanks for this great gain, being the considerablest place in the Kingdom for the Parliament. The storm lasted two hours or thereabouts, it was very hot and managed bravely, on both parts till the town was over mastered: I forbear to enlarge wishing God may give us thankful hearts that our and Godsâ–Ş malicious and malignant enemies are thus happily entrapped, howsoever all my goods they are like to be a prey to the soldiers as well as others, in common judgement there is seldom difference; I have not any manner of thing out of town, yet I am happy God made me a spectator of the fall of those wicked men who were borne to ruinate so famous a town, the major's house or some other adjoining are burning, yet my Lord General hath given order for the staying off the fire if possible. The Post stayeth I may not enlarge, so with my love to your good Wife and Henery Dawson his Wife and Mistress Fenick, I rest your ever loving friend E. M. From Benwell within a mile of New Castle October 19 1644. TInmouth Castle (as appears by a letter sent from Sir Thomas Riddles junior, to Sir Thomas Glenham governor of Carlisle, which letter was entercepted) wherein he certifies that the Plague hath broke out within the Castle, 8. men are dead, and 60. more infected, who are put into Lodges in the fields, and the chief Chiurgeon there dangerously sick, who I hear is since dead, so as it is conceived most of the rest that are in the Castle will run away, because of the infection. Your assured loving friend G. F.