A WARNING to all People, Nations, Kindred's, Tongues and Languages, to Repent and Turn to the Lord God, before the Day of their Visitation pass over, and no place of Repentance be found for them. ALL People are gone out of the way, they are gone astray, drove out from God into the earth, and so live without God in the World, in the lust and vanities of their minds, devouring every green thing, and spending it upon their Lusts, being captivated in Chains of Darkness, and knows not when good comes, but takes pleasure in that which will be their own Destruction, and will have none of thy ways (O God) but choose out ways to themselves after their own imaginations; Arise, arise O God for thy own Name sake; Avenge, avenge thyself on thy Adversaries; O God make known thy everlasting Name in the Earth, and let the People know that thou art God, and that there is none besides thee. How are all People degenerated and fallen from God, even like a degenerate Plant, a Plant of a strange Vine; yea, woefully are they fallen from God into the imaginations of their own hearts; even as in the days of old, so is it now, The Priests preach for hire, the Prophet's divine for money, and the people love to have it so; yea the Shepherds, the treacherous Dealers, have daubed with untempered Mortar, crying, Peace, peace, to whom no peace is; but to them all both Priests and People, Woe, woe, Misery, Calamity, and Destruction, Overturning, Overturning, Heaps upon Heaps, Confusion of Face, Anguish and Perplexity, until he come to Reign whose right it is; who saith, My Kingdom is not of this world, or else my Servants would fight; but neither with Sword nor Spear, nay, not with carnal Weapon, but through suffering the Lamb shall get the Victory: For the true Prophets whom the Lord God hath raised up, to bear testimony unto his Everlasting Name, them ye persecute and make a prey upon, as in Generations past, so is it now: But the Lord will ease him of his Adversaries, and avenge himself on his Enemies, yea on a hppocritical gainsaying People, who honour him with their lips, but their hearts are far from him. For, Even as it was in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of man be; For all flesh hath corrupted his way upon the earth, and the Lord God is wroth with man, for their Abominations are great before him; for even as they lusted in the Wilderness in the days of old, so are men and women given up to fulfil the lusts and abominations of their own hearts in rebelling against the Lord God, even to their own hurt; For the Lord will not always strive with man, but account shall he give, and a recompense shall he have at the hand of the Lord God; for even as they lusted, and perished with the meat in their mouths, even so will the Lord God plague the rebellious gainsaying Generation of evil-doers; for his Fury burns as fire, and his indignation waxeth hot, and the Fuel for the fire is great, and the breath of the Lord like a River of Brimstone shall kindle it: Yea Babylon shall fall, and the Merchants thereof shall lament and bewail themselves, and cry, Alas, alas, that great City, wherein many were made rich, for in one hour her Torment is come, (yea and coming.) Therefore Woe, woe to the Merchants of Babylon, who make Merchandise of men's Souls by Sea and Land; yea upon the waters on which the Whore sits (which John saw, Rev. were Peoples, Multitudes, Nations, and Tongues, for these are the Waters they trade on, and these are the Flocks on whom the Shepherds make their prey; but the Lord hath determined an utter Consumption for those things, yea their high places shall be laid waste, and their Altars broken down, and their singing turned into howling, yea their joy into mourning; for they shall cry to the Hills and to the Mountains to fall upon them, and to the Rocks to hid them from the wroth of the Lamb, but there shall be none to deliver; for although they climb up to heaven, thence will I fetch them down; though they dig into hell, thence shall my hand take them; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the Sea, thence will I command the Serpent, and he shall by't them, saith the Lord. And so consider these things all ye that forget God, for Tophet is prepared of old; and all ye Rulers, Judges and Governors of the People, do Justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before the Lord God; for Cruelty, Tyranny and Oppression is amongst you, and ye shall not escape for these things. Therefore howl, howl ye Shepherds, and lament ye their Flock, for the day of the Lord is at hand, which will leave neither root nor branch; for the fire of his Jealousy shall burn and devour before him, and it shall be tempestuous round about him, and who shall be able to stand in his presence? for a speedy work will the Lord make in the earth, with righteous judgement will he plead with the Inhabitants thereof: So all People bow and tremble before the Lord God, for terrible will his presence be to all the workers of iniquity. But good is the Lord unto the seed of Abraham, and his mercy endureth for ever, from everlasting to everlasting; yea let the seed of Jacob say, good is the Lord, and exceeding great is his loving kindness unto all them that are of an upright heart; Holy, Righteous, and full of Compassion is the Lord our God, whose Name is worthy to be praised; So praise ye the Lord, praise him O all ye his Saints, Magnify and extol his holy Name; yea, let all that know the Lord praise him, for his mercy endureth for ever. Come all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and take his yoke upon you, which is easy, and his burden which is light, and be ye followers of the Lamb, who is meek and low in heart, and teacheth all his followers so to be, in meekness and of a Lamb like spirit, gentle and easy to be entreated, full of compession and bowels of pity towards all that hunger and thirst after Righteousness, who hath promised that all such shall be filled. O come let us sing unto the Lord a new song, let our mouths be full of his praises, let us sing unto him upon the well-stringed Instrument, yea let us sing praises, sing praises unto his holy Name; for he is our God, and we are his People, even the sheep of his pasture: Whom have we in heaven besides thee, or on earth in comparison of thee; Everlasting honour and praise be given unto thee, for thou art worthy O God, thou art worthy, for all is thine, yea the Cattle on a thousand hills: what shall we prepare for thee, Sacrifices and Offerings thou would not, but a broken and contrite heart, O God thou wilt not despise. O all ye Nations, fear the Lord, yea let the fear of our God be before your eyes, stand in awe, and sin not, lest he rebuke you in his fore displeasure, and tear you in pieces, when there is none to deliver; for our God is the living God, to whom all the Gods of the Heathen shall bow and tremble; when he utters his Voice the Hills shall melt, and the strong Oaks shall bow, and the tall Cedars bend before him, for Majesty, Dominion, and Authority is with him, who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion, and of whose Glory there is no end; yea, from Everlasting to Everlasting is his Name. How do the People imagine vain things, and the Kings of the Earth take Counsel together against thine Anointed, even against thy chosen People Israel, but the Lord will scatter them, and in the imaginations of their own hearts shall they be confounded; for the Lord will arise for his own People, and shame shall cover the face of their Enemies; for a work hath the Lord begun in the Earth, and in Righteousness it shall be accomplished; but woe to the workers of Iniquity, for it shall go ill with them. Therefore slight not the day of your Visitation, O all ye Kindred's, Tongues, Languages, and People, but harken to the call of God, who calls for Purity and Holiness, Singleness and Uprightness of heart towards God and all men; whose call is near every one of you, even in your hearts and mouths, to obey it and do it (as Scripture saith, Rom. 10.6, 7, 8.) and so you need not say, who shall ascend to fetch Christ down? or, who shall go beyond the Sea to fetch us a Teacher? for the Lord is fulfilling his Promise which he made of old, That he would write his Laws in our hearts, and all should be taught of him; and every man should not say to his Neighbour, know the Lord, for they shall all know him, from the greatest to the least, Jer. 31.33, 34. So all ye People, Kindred's, Tongues, and Languages, turn from your dumb Idol-Shepherds, who have not fed the Flock, but themselves; who have been greedy after the Prey, and stood not in my Counsel (saith the Lord) for if they had stood in my Counsel, they would have turned my People from their sins. And all ye People, who live in the Types, Figures, and Shadows, arise (hence) this is not the Rest; nay, this is not the Substance, but a Shadow of it, which passeth away, and is no more seen, but the Substance endures for ever, which is Christ, in the Male and in the Female, which ends the Types, Figures, and Shadows (which is the first Covenant) and so brings into the second, which is everlasting, and fades not away, but endures for ever: And so judge not, nor strive not one with another about these things, as Meats, Drinks, and Days, Col. 2.16. for the Kingdom of God stands not in these things, but in Joy and Peace in the Holy Ghost; and so come to Christ the Substance, that a hiding place you may know, when the storm ariseth, which will sweep away the refuge of Lies, and all that which stands not in the Power of God (which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory) and so you come to witness what the Apostle said, That the end of all things is at hand; who for a time lived in those things which were a Shadow of the things to come. Where if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the World, why as though living in the World, are ye subject to Ordinances? Col. 2.20, 21, 22. Touch not, taste not, handle not, which all are to perish with the using; but mind the Head, from whence the whole Body is nourished and knit together, with joints and bands, in unity and fellowship; who sit together in Heavenly places, and feel their strength renewed, day by day, from the Head (which is Christ) not from any visible thing, but through his Blood are we washed and cleansed, and with his Baptism are we Baptised, which is with Fire and the Holy Ghost; so Bone of his Bone, and Flesh of his Flesh, is his Body (which is the Church) of whom Christ is Head; who are a Spiritual House of living stones, built up unto God; not an earthly Tabernacle, made with men's hands, but Spiritual in the Heavens; whose Praise is of God, and not of man: And this is above all earthly things, which stands in time, and in time hath its end; And so all People, ye are to come off from those things which are below, which perish with the using, to that which is Eternal, and fades not away, but endures for ever; which is the Seed of the Kingdom, which the Lord of the Harvest will gather into the Gardener; but the Chaff and the Husk, which the Seed lay in for a time, will he burn with unquenchable Fire: So all People, turn from your dumb Idols, and serve the living God, who is come near to Judgement, who will purify the Sons of Levi, even as Gold is purified; for the House of Jacob shall be a Flame, and the House of Esau as Stubble; for what is the Chaff to the Wheat? But woe is me, woe is me, the Heritage of the Lord lies waste like a Wilderness, having no Shepherd, but even as Sheep gone astray, wand'ring from Mountain to Hill, seeking rest, but find none; return, return, O ye back-sliding People, turn in your minds to the Lord, and hearken to his Voice, that you may find rest for your Souls, and hunt no more, lo here, and lo there; for behold, your Teacher is within you, which tells you Lying is a sin, and Swearing a sin, Drunkenness, Covetousness, Envy, Wrath, Hatred, Malice, Mocking, Scoffing, and idle Speaking, are sins; and as you believe in it, and are obedient to it, strength from the Lord shall you receive in it, over the Devil, and all the unfruitful works of darkness; for this hath the Lord placed in you, which goes along with you, and beholds your do, when no eye sees you, nor no man can accuse you; this will reprove you, and set your sins in order before you; but as you believe in it, and obey it, it will lead you out of them, up to God, from whence ye are fallen; for it will be as a Lantern to your feet, and a light to your paths; yea, if you turn to the right hand, or to the left, it will be as a voice behind you, saying, This is the Way, walk in it; yea, an everlasting Covenant of Peace shall it be unto all that believe in it, and are obedient to it; for it is He, which the Lord hath promised should be as a Nail fastened in a sure place, Isa. 22.23. even the Anointing which will teach you all things, which is Truth, and is no Lie, 1 John 2.27. yea, the same to day, yesterday, and for ever; a Standard which the Lord our God hath lifted up; yea, an Ensign for the People, a light to enlighten the Gentiles, and the glory of his People Israel, unto whom the brightness of his rising hath appeared, and unto whom the gathering of the People shall be; and unto it shall the Kings of the Earth bring in their Treasure; for at his feet shall all Crowns be laid, and all Tongues shall confess unto his Glory; for it is he whom the Father hath exalted, to be both Lord and King, and given him a Name above every Name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in Earth, yea there is not another besides him; it is he alone that shall be the Ruler of his People, a Light to enlighten the Gentiles, and the glory of his People Israel, unto whom all the Gods of the Heathen shall bow and tremble. And all ye rebellious and stiffnecked People, that have been gainsaying and despising this Prophet which the Lord our God hath raised up; and all you that have been persecuting of them, in whom he is risen, Repent and return from the evil of your do, lest the Lord cut you off in your Iniquities, 〈◊〉 so you die in your sins, and there be no place of Repentance, ●ound for you, but shut out from the presence of the Lord God, and of his holy Angels, for ever and for evermore; unto whom shall all his Saints and holy Angels for ever sing Hallelujah, Honour and Praise be given unto the Lord our King. Given forth the 9 th' day of the 1 st Month, 1662. from the Prison called the Hole, in martin's Le grand, London; where I bear my Testimony through Suffering against Wickedness; who am known to the World by the Name John Tyso, but hath received a new Name that none can read but the Seed of the Woman which bruiseth the Serpent's head. My People shall be a willing People in the day of my power, saith the Lord. THe cause of these Lines, is not that I seek whereof to glory, but the Lord be glorified over all, and his living Truth exalted above all; neither on this wise do I open my mouth as to accuse any man out of envy or hatred towards his person; but the desire of my soul is, that all men might turn from the evil of their do, and that the Lord might have mercy on their souls and bodies, and that they might come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved; for God is merciful and desireth not that man should die, but rather that he should repent and return to him (from whom he is fallen) and live to serve his Maker, for which end he was created, and not to serve his own lusts in oppressing and destroying the Creation of God thereupon, but to live in God's fear in meekness, and to love his neighbour as himself; then Equity and Justice would flow as a mighty stream, and Righteousness run down our streets like a river, and God would bless our increase, and great should be our store; but where the contrary is brought forth, as Pride, Covetousness, Drunkenness, and all manner of Wickedness, how can people expect but that the hand of God should be against such things? Although his patience and long-suffering hath waited on man long, yea whose loving kindness hath been great towards me from a Child, who hath many a time raised from his own Seed in me breathe and hungrings after him, and desires to know him of whom I was ignorant; but knowing not where to stay my mind, the enemy soon got advantage, and drew out my mind into vanity, and so I heeded not that tender Principle which the Lord had placed in me, which would have drawn me towards himself, and giv● me a good Understanding to have walked before him in fear, and wi●●●n upright heart; so evilly did I reward the Lord for all his mercies, but still the Lord continued his loving kindness towards me, in that he left himself not without a witness in me; but when I was alone in secret, and going by the way, yea and laying on my bed, should I feel the secret hand of the Lord reproving me, and setting my sins in order before me, and smiting the hardness of my heart, and causing a tenderness to arise from his own seed in me, which now makes me to cry, Oh the height and depth of the love of God towards mankind; for now I know the Lord is no respecter of persons, but his love is towards all the Sons and Daughters of men; and in whom the Lord hath opened his living Fountain, and caused the fresh springs of Life to spring up, they cannot be silent, but even their bowels earn towards others, yea, with sighs and groans towards the whole Creation, that the Day might down, and that darkness might fly away, and the singing of Birds might come, and the yelling noises of the wild Beasts might cease, & that they might return again into their Dens from whence they came: So the Lord our God open the hearts of his People, and enlighten their understanding, that his living Truth they may come to know, which hath been hid from their eyes in this cloudy and dark day, and night of Apostasy, which hath been over the face of all People, since the days of the Apostles; but the night is far spent, and the day is dawning, and the time is at hand, that darkness shall fly away, and the light shall shine forth of obscurity; for the light of the Moon, shall be as the light of the Sun, and the light of the Sun as ten days, and Glory, Honour and Praise shall be given unto the Lord, who is God blessed over all, for ever and for ever, Amen. THE END. LONDON, Printed for the Author, in the year, 1662.