An Historical and Geographical Account OF THE PROVINCE and COUNTRY OF PENSILVANIA; AND OF West-New-Jersey IN AMERICA. The Richness of the Soil, the Sweetness of the Situation. the Wholesomeness of the Air, the Navigable Rivers, and others, the prodigious Increase of Corn, the flourishing Condition of the City of Philadelphia, with the stately Buildings, and other Improvements there. The strange Creatures, as Birds, Beasts, Fishes, and Fowls, with the several sorts of Minerals, Purging Waters, and Stones, lately discovered. The Natives, Aborogines, their Language, Religion, Laws, and Customs; The first Planters, the Dutch, Sweeds, and English, with the number of its Inhabitants; As also a Touch upon George Keith's New Religion, in his second Change since he left the QUAKERS With a Map of both Countries. By GABRIEL THOMAS, who resided there about Fifteen Years. London, Printed for, and Sold by A. Baldwin, at the Oxon Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1698. THE DEDICATION. Friend William Penn, I Here present Thee with a succinct (yet complete) Account of the late. Improvement, and Present State of the Noble Province, and Fertile Country of Pensilvania; with the strange things that have been found there, as the Salamander-Stone, and several others, mentioned in this Treatise; discovered since thou camest out of those Parts. I desire Thee to excuse me for addressing to Thee, such a Plain and Peasant-like Piece; yet however homely or corpse it may appear, Thou wilt find here a true and genuine Description of that (once) obscure, tho' (now) glorious Place. So considering how generous and candid a Man Thou art, I know thou wilt bear with my weak and imperfect Performance, and accept of my good Meaning and kind Intention, which may encourage me, in time to come, to add some more Memoirs to this rough Essay of mine. Being unwilling to tyre Thee with any long or tedious Epistle, I take my Leave of Thee, (Most Noble and Excellent Governor) and am Thy hearty Wellwisher, ever ready to serve Thee on all Occasions, (in the way of Truth,) Gabriel Thomas. THE PREFACE. Reader, THere never having been any fair or full Account given to the World of Pensilvania, I thought the Curious would be gratified with an ample Description thereof. For tho' this Country has made little Noise in Story, or taken up but small room in Maps, yet thus much with great Justice may be said of it, that notwithstanding the Difficulties and Inconveniences the First English Colonies met with before they were well settled there, yet the mighty Improvements, Additions, and Advantages that have been made lately there, are well worth Communicating to the Public, and I am sensible they will be well received. The late Tedious, Hazardous, and Expensive War (in which England, in Conjunction with the Allies was so deeply engaged) was without doubt no small Bar or Obstacle to the Flourishing of this New Country. The great Discouragements the Traders thither lay under, (together with the frequent Capture of their Ships out and home, could not choose but balk them in their honest Endeavours, which (now Peace is restored) they may pursue with greater Security and Satisfaction. Nor is there the least question or doubt to be made, but this Noble Spot of Earth will thrive exceedingly, and that in a short time too, and advance considerably to the mighty Advantage of the Present and Future Propietors, who have, and are willing to give all due Encouragement to any that shall Transport themselves thither. I could say much here in Praise of that sweet Tract of Land, but having spoken so largely and particularly thereof in the Book itself, I shall forbear the least mention in this place. Nor will I Anticipate or forestall thee, by presenting thee here with what thou wilt find there, with the greater Satisfaction. And so I bid thee hearty farewel. Gab. Thomas. map of east Pennsylvania and west New Jersey PENNSYLVANIA and WEST JERS●● THE HISTORY OF Pensilvania, etc. PEnsilvania lies between the Latitude of Forty and Forty five Degrees: West-Jersey on the East, Virginia on the West, Mary-Land South, and Canada on the North. In Length three hundred, and in Breadth one hundred and eighty Miles. The Natives, or first Inhabitants of this Country in their Original, are supposed by most People to have been of the Ten Scattered Tribes, for they resemble the Jews very much in the Make of their Persons, and Tincture of their Complexions: They observe New Moons, they offer their first Fruits to a Maneto, or supposed Deity, whereof they have two, one, as they fancy, above (good,) another below (bad,) and have a kind of Feast of Tabernacles, laying their Altars upon Twelve Stones, observe a sort of Mourning twelve Months, Customs of Women, and many other Rites to be touched (here) rather than dwelled upon, because they shall be handled more at large at the latter end of this Treatise. They are very Charitable to one another, the Lame and the Blind (amongst them) living as well as the best; they are also very kind and obliging to the Christians. The next that came there, were the Dutch, (who called the Country New Neitherland) between Fifty and Sixty Years ago, and were the first Planters in those Parts; but they made little or no Improvement, (applying themselves wholly to Traffic in Skins and Furs, which the Indians or Natives furnished them with, and which they Bartered for Rum, Strong Liquors, and Sugar, with others, thereby gaining great Profit) till near the time of the Wars between England and Them, about Thirty or Forty Years ago. Soon after them came the Swedes and Fins, who applied themselves to Husbandry, and were the first Christian People that made any considerable Improvement there. There were some Disputes between these two Nations some Years, the Dutch looking upon the Swedes as Intruders upon their Purchase and Possession, which was absolutely terminated in the Surrender made by John Rizeing, the Swedes Governor, to Peter Styreant, Governor for the Dutch, in 1655. In the Holland War about the Year 1665. Sir Robert Carr took the Country from the Dutch for the English, and left his Cousin, Captain Carr, Governor of that place; but in a short time after, the Dutch retook the Country from the English, and kept it in their Possession till the Peace was concluded between the English and them, when the Dutch Surrendered that Country with East and West-Jersey, New-York, (with the whole Countries belonging to that Government) to the English again. But it remained with very little Impovement till the Year 1681. in which William Penn Esq; had the Country given him by King Charles the Second, in lieu of Money that was due to (and signal Service done by) his Father, Sir William Penn, and from him bore the Name of Pensilvania. Since that time, the Industrious (nay Indefatigable) Inhabitants have built a Noble and Beautiful City, and called it Philadelphia, which contains above two thousand Houses, all Inhabited; and most of them Stately, and of Brick, generally three Stories high, after the Mode in London, and as many several Families in each. There are very many Lanes and Alleys, as first, Huttons-Lane, Morris-Lane, Jones's-Lane, wherein are very good Buildings; Shorters-Alley, Yowers-Lane, Wallers-Alley, Turners-Lane, Sikes-Alley, and Flowers-Alley. All these Alleys and Lanes extend from the Front Street to the Second-Street. There is another Alley in the Second Street, called Carters-Alley. There are also besides these Alleys and Lanes, several fine Squares and Courts within this Magnificent City, (for so I may justly call it.) As for the particular Names of the several Streets contained therein, the Principal are as follows, viz. Walnut-Street, Vine-Street, Mulberry-Street, Chesnut-Street, Sassafras-Street, taking their Names from the abundance of those Trees that formerly grew there; High-Street, Broad-Street, Delaware-Street, Front-Street, with several of less Note, too tedious to insert here. It hath in it Three Fairs every Year, and Two Markets every Week. They kill above Twenty Fat Bullocks every Week, in the hottest time in Summer, for their present spending in that City, besides many Sheep, Calves, and Hogs. This City is Situated between Schoolkill-River and the great River Delaware, which derives its Name from Captain Delaware, who came there pretty early: Ships of Two or Three Hundred Tuns may come up to this City, by either of these two Rivers. Moreover, in this Province are Four Great Market-Towns, viz. Chester, the Germane Town, Newcastle, and Lewis-Town, which are mightily Enlarged in this latter Improvement. Between these Towns, the Watermens constantly Ply their Wherries; likewise all those Towns have Fairs kept in them, besides there are several Country Villages, viz. Dublin, Harford, Merioneth, and Radnor in Cumbry; all which Towns, Villages and Rivers, took their Names from the several Countries whence the present Inhabitants came. The Air here is very delicate, pleasant, and wholesome; the Heaven's serene, rarely overcast, bearing mighty resemblance to the better part of France; after Rain they have commonly a very clear Sky, the Climate is something Colder in the depth of Winter, and Hotter in the height of Summer; (the cause of which is its being a Main Land or Continent; the Days also are two Hours longer in the shortest Day in Winter, and shorter by two Hours in the longest Day of Summer) than here in England, which makes the Fruit so good, and the Earth so fertile. The Corn-Harvest is ended before the middle of July, and most Years they have commonly between Twenty and Thirty Bushels of Wheat for every one they Sow. Their Ground is harrowed with Wooden Tyned Harrows, twice over in a place is sufficient; twice mending of their Plow-Irons in a Years time will serve. Their Horses commonly go without being shod; two Men may clear between Twenty and Thirty Acres of Land in one Year, fit for the Plough, in which Oxen are chief used, though Horses are not wanting, and of them Good and well shaped. A Cart or a Wain may go through the middle of the Woods, between the Trees without getting any damage, and of such Land in a convenient place, the Purchase will cost between Ten and Fifteen Pounds for a Hundred Acres. * Hear is much Meadow Ground. Poor People both Men and Women, will get near three times more Wages for their Labour in this Country, than they can earn either in England or Wales. What is Inhabited of this Country, is divided into Six Counties, though there is not the Twentieth Part of it, yet Peopled by the Christians: It hath in it several Navigable Rivers for Shipping to come in, besides the Capital Delaware, wherein a Ship of Two Hundred Tuns may Sail Two Hundred Miles up. There are also several other small Rivers, in number hardly Credible; these, as the Brooks, have for the most part gravelly and hard Bottoms; and it is supposed that there are many other further up in the Country, which are not yet discovered; the Names of the aforesaid Rivers, are, Hoorkill-River, alias Lewis River, which runs up to Lewis Town, the chiefest in Sussex County; Cedar-River, Muskmellon-River, all taking their Names from the great plenty of these things growing there abouts; Mother-kill alias Dover-River, St. Jones' alias Cranbrook-River, where one John Curtice lives, who hath Three Hundred Head of Neat Beasts, besides great Numbers of Hogs, Horses, and Sheep; Great Duck-River, Little Duck-River, Black-Bird-River, these also took their Original Names from the great Numbers of those Fowls which are found there in vast quantities; Apequinemy-River, where their Goods come to be Carted over to Mary-Land. St. George's- River, Christen-River, Brandy-Wine-River, Upland alias Chester-River, which runs by Chester-Town, being the Shire or County-Town; Schoolkill-River, Frankford-River, near which, Arthur Cook hath a most Stately Brick-House; and Nishamany-River, where Judge Growden hath a very Noble and Fine House, very pleasantly Situated, and likewise a Famous Orchard adjoining to it, wherein are contained above a Thousand Apple Trees of various sorts; likewise there is the famous Derby-River, which comes down from the Cumbry by Derby-Town, wherein are several Mills, viz. Fulling-Mills, Corn-Mills, etc. There is curious Building-Stone and Paving-Stone, also Tile-Stone, with which latter, Governor Penn covered his Great and Stately Pile, which he called Pennsbury-House, the Name it still retains. There is likewise Ironstone or Oar, (lately found) which far exceeds that in England, being Richer and less Drossy; some Preparations have been made to carry on an Ironwork: There is also very good Limestone in great plenty, and cheap, of great use in Buildings, and also in Manuring Land, (if there were occasion) but Nature has made that of itself sufficiently Fruitful; besides here are Loadstones, Ising-Glass, and (that Wonder of Stones) the Salamander-Stone, found near Brandy-Wine-River, having Cotton in Veins within it, which will not consume in the Fire, though held there a long time. As to Minerals, or Metals, there is very good Copper, far exceeding ours in England, being much Finer, and of a more glorious Colour. Not two Mile from the Metropolis, are also Purging Mineral-Waters, that pass both by Siege and Urine, all out as good as Epsom: And I have reason to believe, there are good Coals also, for I observed, the Runs of Water have the same Colour as that which proceeds from the Coal-Mines in Wales. Here is curious Diversion in Hunting, Fishing, and Fowling, especially upon that Great and Famous River Suskahanah, which runs down quite through the heart of the Country to Mary-Land, where it makes the Head of Chesepeck-Bay, in which place there are an Infinite Number of Sea and Land Fowl, of most sorts, viz. Swans, Ducks, Teal, (which too are the most Grateful and most Delicious in the World) Geese, Divers, Brands, Snipe, Curlew; as also Eagles, Turkeys (of Forty or Fifty Pound Weight) Pheasants, Partridges, Pigeons, Heath-Birds, Blackbirds; and that Strange and Remarkable Fowl, called. (in these Parts) the Mocking-Bird, that Imitates all sorts of Birds in their various Notes. And for Fish, there are prodigious quantities of most sorts, viz. Shadds' Cats-Heads, Sheepsheads, Herrings, Smelts, Roach, Eels, Perch. As also the large sort of Fish, as Whales (of which a great deal of Oil is made) Salmon, Trout, Sturgeon, Rock, Oysters, (some six Inches long) Crabs, Cockles, (some as big as Stewing Oysters of which are made a Choice Soupe or Broth) Canok and Mussels, with many other sorts of Fish, which would be too tedious to insert. There are several sorts of wild Beasts of great Profit, and good Food; viz. Panthers, Woolves, Fither, Deer, Beaver, Otter, Hares, Musk-Rats, Minks, Wild-Cats, Foxes, Rackoons, Rabits, and that strange Creature, the Possam, she having a false Belly to swallow her Young ones, by which means she preserveth them from danger, when any thing comes to disturb them. There are also Bears some Wolves, are pretty well destroyed by the Indians, for the sake of the Reward given them by the Christians for that Service. Here is also that Remarkable Creature the Flying-Squirrel, having a kind of Skinny Wings, almost like those of the Bat, though it hath the like Hair and Colour of the Common Squirrel, but is much less in Bodily Substance; I have (my self) seen it fly from one Tree to another in the Woods, but how long it can maintain its Flight is not yet exactly known. There are in the Woods abundance of Red Deer (vulgarly called Stags) for I have bought of the Indians a whole Buck, (both Skin and Carcase) for two Gills of Gunpowder. Excellent Food, most delicious, far exceeding that in Europe, in the Opinion of most that are Nice and Curious People. There are vast Numbers of other Wild Creatures, as Elks, Bufalos, etc. all which as well Beasts, Fowl, and Fish, are free and common to any Person who can shoot or take them, without any , hindrance or Opposition whatsoever. There are among other various sorts of Frogs, the Bull-Frog, which makes a roaring noise, hardly to be distinguished from that well known of the Beast, from whom it takes its Name: There is another sort of Frog that crawls up to the tops of Trees, there seeming to imitate the Notes of several Birds, with many other strange and various Creatures, which would take up too much room here to mention. Next, I shall proceed to instance in the several sorts of Wild Fruits, as excellent Grapes, Red, Black, White, Muscadel, and Fox, which upon frequent Experience have produced Choice Wine, being daily Cultivated by skilful Vinerons; they will in a short space of time, have very good Liquor of their own, and some to supply their Neighbours, to their great advantage; as these Wines are more pure, so much more wholesome; the Brewing Trade of Sophisticating and Adulterating of Wines, as in England, Holland (especially) and in some other places not being known there yet, nor in all probability will it in many Years, through a natural Probity so fixed and implanted in the Inhabitants, and (I hope) like to continue. walnuts, Chestnuts, Filberts, Heckery-Nuts, Hartleberries, Mulberries, (white and black) Raspberries, Strawberries, Cramberries, Plumbs of several sorts, and many other Wild Fruits, in great plenty, which are common and free for any to gather; to particularise the Names of them all, would take up too much time; tyre, not gratify the Reader, and be inconsistent with the intended Brevity of this little Volume. The common Planting Fruit-Trees, are Apples, which from a Kernel (without Inoculating) will shoot up to be a large Tree, and produce very delicious, large, and pleasant Fruit, of which much excellent Cider is made, in taste resembling that in England pressed from Pippins and Pearmains, sold commonly for between Ten and Fifteen Shillings per Barrel. Pears, Peaches, etc. of which they distil a Liquor much like the taste of Rumm, or Brandy, which they Yearly make in great quantities: There are Quinces, Cherries, Goosberries, Currants, Squashes, Pumpkins, water-melons, Muskmellons, and other Fruits in great Numbers, which seldom fail of yielding great plenty. There are also many curious and excellent Physical Wild Herbs, Roots, and Drugs of great Virtue, and very sanative, as the Sassafras, and Sarsaparilla, so much used in Diet-Drinks for the Cure of the Veneral Disease, which makes the Indians by a right application of them, as able Doctors and Surgeons as any in Europe, performing celebrated Cures therewith, and by the use of some particular Plants only, find Remedy in all Swell, Burn, Cuts, etc. There grows also in great plenty the Black Snake-Root, (famed for its sometimes preserving, but often curing the Plague, being infused only in Wine, Brandy or Rumm) Rattle-Snake-Root, Poke-Root, called in England Jallop, with several other beneficial Herbs, Plants and Roots, which Physicians have approved of, far exceeding in Nature and Virtue, those of other Countries. The Names of the Counties are as followeth; First, Philadelphia County; Second, Bucks County; Third, Chester County; Fourth, Newcastle County; Fifth, Kent County; Sixth, Sussex County. The chiefest and most commodious places for raising Tobacco, as also for Breeding and Improving all sorts of Cattle, are the Counties of Kent and Newcastle; the other chief depend upon Raising and Improving English Grain, of which they have a prodigious Increase, which I have particularly instanced in the beginning of this Book, both as to their Quality and Quantity: All those Counties also very much abound in all sorts of Cattle, both small and great, for the Use and Service of Man. Their sorts of Grain are, Wheat, Rye, Pease, Oates, Barley, Buck-Wheat, Rice, Indian-Corn, Indian-Pease, and Beans, with great quantities of Hemp and Flax; as also several sorts of eating Roots, as Turnips, Potatoes, Carrats, Parsnips, etc. all which are produced Yearly in greater quantities than in England, those Roots being much larger, and altogether as sweet, if not more delicious; Cucumbers, Coshaws, Artichokes, with many others; most sorts of Salading, besides what grows naturally Wild in the Country, and that in great plenty also, as Mustard, Rue, Sage, Mint, Tanzie, Wormwood, and Purslain, and most of the Herbs and Roots found in the Gardens in England. There are several Husbandmen, who sow Yearly between Seventy and Eighty Acres of Wheat each, besides Barley, Oates, Rye, Pease, Beans, and other Grain. They have commonly Two Harvests in the Year; First, of English Wheat, and next of Buck, (or French) Wheat. They have great Stocks both of Hogs and Horses, kept in the Woods, out of which, I saw a Hog killed, of about a Year old, which weighed Two Hundred weight; whose Flesh is much sweeter, and even more luscious than that in England, because they feed and fatten on the rich (though wild) Fruits, besides those fattened at home by Peaches, Cherries and Apples. Their Horses are very hardy, insomuch that being very hot with riding or otherwise, they are turned out into the Woods at the same Instant, and yet receive no harm; some Farmers have Forty, some Sixty, and from that Number to Two or Three Hundred Head of Cattle: Their Oxen usually weigh Two Hundred Pounds a Quarter. They are commonly fatter of Flesh, and yield more Tallow (by feeding only on Grass) than the Cattle in England. And for Sheep, they have considerable Numbers which are generally free from those infectious Diseases which are incident to those Creatures in England, as the Rot, Scab, or Maggots; They commonly bring forth two Lambs at once, some twice in one Year, and the Wool is very fine, and thick, and also very white. Bees thrive and multiply exceedingly in those Parts, the Sweeds often get great store of them in the Woods, where they are free for any Body. Honey (and choice too) is sold in the Capital City for Five Pence per Pound. Wax is also plentiful, cheap, and a considerable Commerce. Tame Fowls, as Chickens, Hens, Geese, Ducks, Turkeys, etc. are large, and very plentiful all over this Country. And now for their Lots and Lands in City and Country, in their great Advancement since they were first laid out, which was within the compass of about Twelve Years, that which might have been bought for Fifteen or Eighteen Shillings, is now sold for Fourscore Pounds in ready Silver; and some other Lots, that might have been then Purchased for Three Pounds, within the space of Two Years, were sold for a Hundred Pounds a piece, and likewise some Land that lies near the City, that Sixteen Years ago might have been Purchased for Six or Eight Pounds the Hundred Acres, cannot now be bought under One Hundred and Fifty, or Two Hundred Pounds. Now the true Reason why this Fruitful Country and Flourishing City advance so considerably in the Purchase of Lands both in the one and the other, is their great and extended Traffic and Commerce both by Sea and Land, viz. to New-York, New-England, Virginia, Mary-Land, Carolina, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Nevis, Monserat, Antego, St. Cristophers', Barmudoes, Newfoundland, Maderas, Saltetudeous, and Old-England; besides several other places. Their Merchandise chief consists in Horses, Pipe-Staves, Pork and Beef Salted and Barrelled up, Bread, and Flower, all sorts of Grain, Pease, Beans, Skins, Furs, Tobacco, or pot-ashes, Wax, etc. which are Bartered for Rumm, Sugar, Molasses, Silver, Negro, Salt, Wine, Linen, household-goods, etc. However there still remain Lots of Land both in the aforesaid City and Country, that any may Purchase almost as cheap as they could at the first Laying out or Parcelling of either City or Country; which is, (in the Judgement of most People) the likeliest to turn to account to those that lay their Money out upon it, and in a shorter time than the aforementioned Lots and Lands that are already improved, and for several Reasons. In the first place, the Country is now well inhabited by the Christians, who have great Stocks of all sorts of Cattle, that increase extraordinarily, and upon that account they are obliged to go farther up into the Country, because there is the chiefest and best place for their Stocks, and for them that go back into the Country, they get the richest Land, for the best lies thereabouts. Secondly, Farther into the Country is the Principal Place to Trade with the Indians for all sorts of Pelt, as Skins and Furs, and also Fat Venison, of whom People may Purchase cheaper by three Parts in four than they can at the City of Philadelphia. Thirdly, Backwards in the Country lies the Mines where is Copper and Iron, besides other Metals, and Minerals, of which there is some Improvement made already in order to bring them, to greater Perfection; and that will be a means to erect more Inland Market-Towns, which exceedingly promote Traffic. Fourthly, and lastly, Because the Country at the first, laying out, was void of Inhabitants (except the Heathens, or very few Christians not worth naming) and not many People caring to abandon a quiet and easy (at least tolerable) Life in their Native Country (usually the most agreeable to all Mankind) to seek out a new hazardous, and careful one in a Foreign Wilderness or Desert Country, wholly destitute of Christian Inhabitants, and even to arrive at which, they must pass over a vast Ocean, exposed to some Dangers, and not a few Inconveniencies: But now all those Cares, Fears and Hazards are vanished, for the Country is pretty well Peopled, and very much Improved, and will be more every Day, now the Dove is returned with the Olive-branch of Peace in her Mouth. I must needs say, even the present Encouragements are very great and inviting, for Poor People (both Men and Women) of all kinds, can here get three times the Wages for their Labour they can in England or Wales. I shall instance in a few, which may serve; nay, and will hold in all the rest. The first was a Blacksmith, (my next Neighbour) who himself and one Negro Man he had, got Fifty Shillings in one Day, by working up a Hundred Pound Weight of Iron, which at Six Pence per Pound (and that is the common Price in that Country) amounts to that Summ. And for Carpenters, both House and Ship, Brick-layers, Masons, either of these Tradesmen, will get between Five and Six Shillings every Day constantly. As to Journeymen Shoemaker's, they have Two Shillings per Pair both for Men and women's Shoes: And Journeymen Tailors have Twelve Shillings per Week and their Diet. sawyer's get between Six and Seven Shillings the Hundred for Cutting of Pine-Boards. And for Weavers, they have Ten or Twelve Pence the Yard for Weaving of that which is little more than half a Yard in breadth. Wooll-Combers, have for combing Twelve Pence per Pound. Potter's have Sixteen Pence for an Earthen Pot which may be bought in England for Four Pence. Tanners, may buy their Hides green for Three Half Pence per Pound, and sell their Leather for Twelve Pence per Pound. And Curriers have Three Shillings and Four Pence per Hid for Dressing it; they buy their Oil at Twenty Pence per Gallon. Brick-makers' have Twenty Shillings per Thousand for their Bricks at the Kiln. Feltmakers' will have for their Hats Seven Shillings a piece, such as may be bought in England for Two Shillings a piece; yet they buy their Wool commonly for Twelve or Fifteen Pence per Pound. And as to the Glaziers, they will have Five Pence a Quarry for their Glass. The Rule for the Cooper's I have almost forgot; but this I can affirm of some who went from Bristol, (as their Neighbour's report) that could hardly get their Livelihoods there, are now reckoned in Pensilvania, by a modest Computation to be worth some Hundreds, (if not Thousands) of Pounds. The Bakers make as White Bread as any in London, and as for their Rule, it is the same in all Parts of the World that I have been in. The Butchers for killing a Beast, have Five Shillings and their Diet; and they may buy a good fat large Cow for Three Pounds, or thereabouts. The Brewers fell such Beer as is equal in Strength to that in London, half Ale and half Stout for Fifteen Shillings per Barrel; and their Beer hath a better Name, that is, is in more esteem than English Beer in Barbadoes, and is sold for a higher Price there. And for Silversmiths, they have between Half a Crown and Three Shillings an Ounce for working their Silver, and for Gold equivalent. Plasterers have commonly Eighteen Pence per Yard for Plastering. Last-makers' have Sixteen Shillings per dozen for their Lasts. And Heel-makers' have Two Shillings a dozen for their Heels. Wheel and Mill-Wrights, Joiner's, Braziers, Pewterers, Dyers, Fuller's, Combmakers', Wyer-Drawers, Cage-makers', Card-makers', Painters, Cutlers, Ropemakers', Carvers, Blockmakers', Turner's, Button-makers', Hair and Wood Sieve-makers', Bodies-makers', Gun-Smiths, Lock-Smiths, Nailers, File-Cuters, Skinners, Furriers, Glover's, Patten-makers', Watchmakers', Clock-makers', Saddlers, Coller-makers', Barbers, Printers, Bookbinders, and all other Tradesmen, their Gains and Wages are about the same proportion as the forementioned Trades in their Advancements, as to what they have in England. Of Lawyers and Physicians I shall say nothing, because this Country is very Peaceable and Healty; long may it so continue and never have occasion for the Tongue of the one, nor the Pen of the other, both equally destructive to men's Estates and Lives; besides forsooth, they, Hangman like, have a Licence to Murder and make Mischief. Labouring-Men have commonly here, between 14 and 15 Pounds a Year, and their Meat, Drink, Washing and Lodging; and by the Day their Wages is generally between Eighteen Pence and Half a Crown, and Diet also; But in Harvest they have usually between Three and Four Shilling each Day, and Diet. The Maid Servants Wages is commonly betwixt Six and Ten Pounds per Annum, with very good Accommodation. And for the Women who get their Livelihood by their own Industry, their Labour is very dear, for I can buy in London a Cheesecake for Two Pence, bigger than theirs at that price, when at the same time their Milk is as cheap as we can buy it in London, and their Flour cheaper by one half. Corn and Flesh, and what else serves Man for Drink, Food and Raiment, is much cheaper here than in England, or elsewhere; but the chief reason why Wages of Servants of all sorts is much higher here than there, arises from the great Fertility and Produce of the Place; besides, if these large Stipends were refused them, they would quickly set up for themselves, for they can have Provision very cheap, and Land for a very small matter, or next to nothing in comparison of the Purchase of Lands in England; and the Farmers there, can better afford to give that great Wages than the Farmers in England can, for several Reasons very obvious. As First, their Land costs them (as I said but just now) little or nothing in comparison, of which the Farmers commonly will get twice the increase of Corn for every Bushel they sow, that the Farmers in England can from the richest Land they have. In the Second place, they have constantly good price for their Corn, by reason of the great and quick vent into Barbadoes and other Islands; through which means Silver is become more plentiful than here in England, considering the Number of People, and that causes a quick Trade for both Corn and Cattle; and that is the reason that Corn differs now from the Price formerly, else it would be at half the Price it was at then; for a Brother of mine (to my own particular knowledge) sold within the compass of one Week, about One Hundred and Twenty fat Beasts, most of them good handsome large Oxen. Thirdly, They pay no Tithes, and their Taxes are inconsiderable; the Place is free for all Persuasions, in a Sober and Civil way; for the Church of England and the Quakers bear equal Share in the Government. They live Friendly and Well together; there is no Persecution for Religion, nor ever like to be; 'tis this that knocks all Commerce on the Head, together with high Imposts, strict Laws, and cramping Orders. Before I end this Paragraph, I shall add another Reason why women's Wages are so exorbitant; they are not yet very numerous, which makes them stand upon high Terms for their several Services, in Sempstering, Washing, Spinning, Knitting, Sewing, and in all the other parts of their Employments; for they have for Spinning either Worsted or Linen, Two Shillings a Pound, and commonly for Knitting a very Course pair of Yarn Stockings, they have half a Crown a pair; moreover they are usually Married before they are Twenty Years of Age, and when once in that Noose, are for the most part a little uneasy, and make their Husbands so too, till they procure them a Maid Servant to bear the burden of the Work, as also in some measure to wait on them too. It is now time to return to the City of Brotherly-Love (for so much the Greek Word or Name Philadelphia imports) which though at present so obscure, that neither the Map-makers', nor Geographers have taken the least notice of her, though she far exceeds her Namesake of Lydia, * Thirty Germane Miles from Smyrna. (having above Two Thousand Noble Houses for her Five Hundred Ordinary) or Celisia, or Coelesyria; yet in a very short space of time she will; in all probability, make a a fine Figure in the World, and be a most Celebrated Emporeum. Here is lately built a Noble Town-House or Guild-Hall, also a Handsome Market-House, and a convenient Prison. The Number of Christians both Old and Young Inhabiting in that Country, are by a Modest Computation, adjudged to amount to above Twenty Thousand. The Laws of this Country, are the same with those in England; our Constitution being on the same Foot: Many Disputes and Differences are determined and composed by Arbitration; and all Causes are decided with great Care and Expedition, being concluded (generally) at furthest at the Second Court, unless they happen to be very Nice and Difficult Cases; under Forty Shillings any one Justice of the Peace has Power to Try the Cause. Thiefs of all sorts, are obliged to restore four fold after they have been Whipped and Imprisoned, according to the Nature of their Crime; and if they be not of Ability to restore four fold, they must be in Servitude till 'tis satisfied. They have Curious Wharves, as also several large and fine Timber-Yards, both at Philadelphia, and Newcastle, especially at the Metropolis, before Robert Turner's Great and Famous House, where are built Ships of considerable Burden; they Cart their Goods from that Wharf into the City of Philadelphia, under an Arch, over which part of the Street is built, which is called Chesnut-Street-Wharf, besides other Wharves, as High-Street Wharf, Mulberry-Street Wharf, and Vine-Sreet Wharf, and all those are Common Wharves; and likewise there are very pleasant Stairs, as Trus and Carpenter-Stairs, besides several others. There are above Thirty Carts belonging to that City, Four or Five Horses to each. There is likewise a very convenient Wharf called Carpenter's Wharf, which hath a fine necessary Crain belonging to it, with suitable Granaries, and Storehouses. A Ship of Two Hundred Tun may load and unload by the side of it, and there are other Wharves (with Magazines and Warehouses) which front the City all along the River, as also a Curious and Commodious Dock with a Drawbridge to it, for the convenient Reception of Vessels; where have been built some Ships of Two or Three Hundred Tuns each: They have very Stately Oaks to build Ships with, some of which are between Fifty and Sixty Foot long, and clear from Knots, being very strait and well Grained. In this famous City of Philadelphia there are several Ropemakers', who have large and curious Rope-Walks especially one Joseph Wilcox. Also Three or Four Spacious Malt-Houses, as many large Brew-Houses, and many handsome Bake-Houses for Public Use. In the said City are several good Schools of Learning for Youth, in order to the Attainment of Arts and Sciences, as also Reading, Writing, etc. Here is to be had on any Day in the Week, Tarts, Pies, Cakes, etc. We have also several Cooks-Shops, both Roasting and Boiling, as in the City of London; Bread, Beer, Beef, and Pork, are sold at any time much cheaper than in England (which arises from their Plenty) our Wheat is very white and clear from Tares, making as good and white Bread as any in Europe. Happy Blessings, for which we own the highest Gratitude to our Plentiful Provider, the great Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Water-Mills far exceed those in England, both for quickness and grinding good Meal, their being great choice of good Timber, and earlier Corn than in the aforesaid Place, they are made by one Peter Deal, a Famous and Ingenious Workman, especially for inventing such like Machine's. All sorts of very good Paper are made in the German-Town; as also very fine Germane Linen, such as no Person of Quality need be ashamed to wear; and in several places they make very good Druggets, Crapes, Camblets, and Serges, besides other Woollen , the Manufacture of all which daily improves: And in most parts of the Country there are many Curious and Spacious Buildings, which several of the Gentry have erected for their Country-Houses. As for the Fruit-Trees they Plant, they arrive at such Perfection, that they bear in a little more than half the time that they commonly do in England. The Christian Children born here are generally wellfavoured, and Beautiful to behold; I never knew any come into the World with the least blemish on any part of its Body, being in the general, observed to be better Natured, Milder, and more tender Hearted than those born in England. There are very fine and delightful Gardens and Orchards, in most parts of this Country; but Edward Shippey (who lives near the Capital City) has an Orchard and Gardens adjoining to his Great House that equalizes (if not exceeds) any I have ever seen, having a very famous and pleasant Summer-House erected in the middle of his extraordinary fine and large Garden abounding with Tulips, Pinks, Carnations, Roses, (of several sorts) Lilies, not to mention those that grow wild in the Fields. Reader, what I have here written, is not a Fiction, Flame, Whim, or any sinister Design, either to impose upon the Ignorant, or Credulous, or to curry Favour with the Rich and Mighty, but in mere Pity and pure Compassion to the Numbers of Poor Labouring Men, Women, and Children in England, half starved, visible in their meager looks, that are continually wandering up and down looking for Employment without finding any, who here need not lie idle a moment, nor want due Encouragement or Reward for their Work, much less Vagabond or Drone it about. Here are no Beggars to be seen (it is a Shame and Disgrace to the State that there are so many in England) nor indeed have any here the least Occasion or Temptation to take up that Scandalous Lazy Life. Jealousy among Men is here very rare, and Barrenness among Women hardly to be heard of, nor are old Maids to be met with; for all commonly Mary before they are Twenty Years of Age, and seldom any young Married Woman but hath a Child in her Belly, or one upon her Lap. What I have delivered concerning this Province, is indisputably true, I was an Eye-Witness to it all, for I went in the first Ship that was bound from England for that Country, since it received the Name of Pensilvania, which was in the Year 1681. The Ship's Name was the John and Sarah of London, Henry Smith Commander. I have declined giving any Account of several things which I have only heard others speak of, because I did not see them myself, for I never held that way infallible, to make Reports from Hear-say. I saw the first Cellar when it was digging for the use of our Governor Will. Penn. I shall now haste to a Conclusion, and only hint a little concerning the Natives or Aborigines, their Persons, Language, Manners, Religion and Government; Of Person they are ordinarily Tall, Strait, well-turned, and true Proportioned; their Tread strong and clever, generally walking with a lofty Chin. Of Complexion Black, but by design, Gypsie-like, greasing themselves with Bears-Fat Clarified, and using no defence against the Injuries of the Sun and Wether, their Skins fail not to be Swarthy. Their Eyes are small and black. Thick Lips and flat Noses so frequent with Negroes and East Indians, are rare with them. They have Comely Faces and Tolerable Complexions, some of their Noses having a rise like the Roman. Their Language is Lofty and Elegant, but not Copious; One Word serveth in the stead of Three, imperfect and ungrammatical, which defects are supplied by the Understanding of the Hearers. Sweet, of Noble Sound and Accent. Take here a Specimen. Hodi hita nee huska a peechis, nee, machi Pensilvania huska dogwachi, keshow a peechis Nowa, huska hayly, Chetena koon peo. Thus in English. Farewell Friend, I will very quickly go to Pensilvania, very cold Moon will come presently, And very great hard frosts will come quickly. I might Treat largely of their Customs and Manners, but that will not agree with my proposed Brevity. As soon as their Children are born, they wash them in cold Water, especially in cold Wether. To harden and embolden them, they plunge them in the River; they find their Feet early, usually at Nine Months they can go. The Boys Fish till Fifteen, then Hunt, and having given proof of their Manhood, by a large return of Skins, they may Marry (else 'tis ashame to think of a Wife) which is usually at the Age of Seventeen or Eighteen; the Girls stay with their Mothers, and help to ho the Ground, Plant Corn, bear Burdens, and Mary about Thirteen or Fourteen. Their Houses are Mats, or Barks of Trees set on Poles, Barn-like, not higher than a Man, so not exposed to Winds. They lie upon Reeds or Grass. In Travel they lodge in the Woods about a great Fire, with the Mantle of Duffils they wear wrapped about them, and a few Boughs stuck round them. They live chief on Maze, or Indian Corn roasted in the Ashes, sometimes beaten and boiled with Water, called Homine. They have Cakes, not unpleasant; also Beans and Pease, which Nourish much, but the Woods and Rivers afford them their Provision; they eat Morning and Evening; their Seats and Tables are the Ground; they are reserved, apt to resent and retain long: Their Women are Chaste (at least after Marriage) and when with Child, will not admit of their Husband's Embraces any more till Delivered. Exceeding Liberal and Generous; Kind and Affable; uneasy in Sickness, to remedy which, they drink a Decoction of Roots in Spring-Water, forbearing Flesh, which if they happen to eat, it must be the Female; they commonly bury their Kettles and part of their Goods with their Friends when they die, suspecting (poor Souls) they shall make use of them again at the Resurrection. They Mourn a whole Year, but it is no other than blacking their Faces. Their Government is Monarchical, and Successive, and ever of the Mothers (the surest) side, to prevent a Spurious Issue. The Distaff (as in France) is excluded the Regal Inheritance. Their Princes are Powerful, yet do nothing without the Concurrence of their Senate, or Councils, consisting chief of Old, but mixed with Young Men; slow and deliberate, (Spaniard-like) in resolving, naturally wise, and hardly to be out-witted. Their Punishments are Pecuniary. Murder may be atoned for by Feasts and Presents, in Proportion to the Quality of the Offence, Person, or Sex injured; for if a Woman be killed, the Mulct is double, because she brings forth Children. They seldom quarrel, when Sober, and if Boozy, (which of late they are more apt to be, having learned to drink, a little too much Rum of the Christians, to their shame) they readily pardon it, alleging the Liquor is Criminal not the Man. The way of Worship the Sweeds use in this Country, is the Lutheran; the English have four sorts of Assemblies or Religious Meetings here; as first, The Church of England, who built a very fine Church in the City of Philadelphia in the Year 1695. Secondly, the Anabaptists: Thirdly, the Presbyterians, and two sorts of Quakers (of all the most numerous by much) one Party held with George Keith; but whether both Parties will join together again in one I cannot tell, for that Gentleman hath altered his Judgement since he came to England, concerning his Church-Orders in Pensilvania, by telling and showing them Precepts that were lawful in the time of the Law, but forbidden under the Gospel to pay Tithes, or Ministers to Preach for Hire, etc. As also to sprinkle Infants; and he tells the Presbyterian Minister, That he must go to the Pope of Rome for his Call, for he had no Scripture for it, and that Water-Baptism and the Outward Supper are not of the Nature of the Everlasting Gospel; nor essential Parts of it, see his Truth Advanced page 173. He gives likewise a strict Charge concerning plain Language and plain Habit, and that they should not be concerned in the compelling part of the Worldly Government, and that they should set their Negroes at Liberty after some reasonable time of Service; likewise, they should not take the Advantage of the Law against one another, as to procure them any Corporeal Punishment: These Orders he tells his Followers, would make Distinction between them and Jews and Moral Heathens, this was in the Year 1693. in Pensilvania: But now the Year 1697. since he came to England, his Judgement is changed, for he tells his Disciples, that Water-Baptism is come in the room of Circumcision; and by so doing, they would distinguish themselves from either Jews, Pagans, or Moral Heathens: He keeps his Meeting once a Week at Turners-Hall in Fill-Pot-Lane, London, on Sundays in the Afternoon; he gins between Two and Three of the Clock and commonly ends between Four and Five. Friendly Reader, by this thou mayst see how wavering and mutable Men of great Outward Learning are, if the Truth of this be by any Body questioned, let them look in the Creed, and the Paper against Christians being concerned in Worldly Government, and the Paper concerning Negroes, that was given forth by the Appointment of the Meeting held by George Keith at Philip James' House in the City of Philadelphia, in Pensilvania; and his Letter also in Mary-Land against the Presbyterian Catechism, Printed at Boston in New-England in 1695. with the Answer to it bond up together in one Book and in Truth Advanced, page 173. And for what relates to him since in England, let them look into the Quakers Argument Refuted, Concerning Water-Baptism and the Lord's Supper, page 70. And now Reader, I shall take my leave of thee, recommending thee with my own self to the Directions of the Spirit of God in our Conscience, and that will agree with all the Holy Scriptures in its right place; and when we find ourselves so, we have no need to take any Thought or Care what any Body shall say of us. The End of the History of Pensilvania. An Historical Description OF THE PROVINCE and COUNTRY OF West-New-Jersey IN AMERICA. A short View of their Laws, Customs and Religion: As also the Temperament of the Air and Climate; The fatness of the Soil, with the vast Produce of Rice, etc. The Improvement of their Lands (as in England) to Pasture, Meadows, etc. Their making great quantities of Pitch and Tar, as also Turpentine, which proceeds from the Pine Trees, with as clear as , with particular Remarks upon their Towns, Fairs and Markets; with the great Plenty of Oil and Whale-Bone made from the great number of Whales they yearly take: As also may other Profitable and New Improvements. Never made Public till now. By GABRIEL THOMAS. LONDON: Printed in the Year 1698. To the Right Honourable Sir John Moor, Sir Thomas Lane, Knights and Aldermen of the City of London, and to the rest of the Worthy Members of the West-Jersey Proprietors. Worthy Friends, TO whom can the History of West-Jersey with more Justice pertain, than to you the Noble and Generous Proprietors. That was the chief Motive that inclined me to this Dedication, which I hope will be the more acceptable to you, because the Account of that Country is so Sincere and Candid. I have endeavoured (by setting forth) the great Encouragements there are) to persuade the Poor, the Idle, the Lazy, & the Vagabonds of these Kingdoms and of Wales to hasten thither, that they may live plentifully and happily, and I doubt not but they will hearken to it, because it is their true Interest. I have done my best endeavours to possess them and others of the great Fertility and Plenty in those Parts, which I need not repeat to you, who must needs be well ac, quainted with the State of that Place. That it may Flourish and mightily tend to your Advantage, as also to the Benefit of England, the hearty desire of your Friend, Gabriel Thomas. THE PREFACE TO THE READER. Courteous Reader, MY Chief Design in writing this short Account of West-New-Jersey, is to inform all (but especially the Poor) what Ample and Happy Livelihoods People may gain in those Parts, whereby they may subsist very well without either Begging or Stealing, for if they Steal, they are Whipped, and obliged to pay Four Fold; and if they are not of Ability to do that, they must abide in Servitude till they have made Satisfaction to the injured Person: And if they should be Lazy and turn to Beg, they will get nothing by that Base and Scandalous Employment; But if they be so Poor that they have not of their own to supply their Wants and Necessities, nor are able to Work, they will have no need to Beg, for People out of their own free Compassion and pure Charity will relieve them in their Necessities. Now if this were all, (though it is not) it would be a sufficient Encouragement to the Idle, the Slothful, and the Vagabonds of England, Scotland, and Ireland to hasten thither, where besides this, they have a fair prospect of getting considerable Estates, at least of living very Plentifully and Happily, which Medium of Life is far better than linger out their Days so miserably Poor and half Starved; or Whipping, Burning, and Hanging for Villainies, they will have little Temptation, nay or Inclination to perpetrate here. The French Refugees or Protestant People, would soon find it their Interest to remove thither, where they would live far better than in Germany, Holland, Ireland or England. Written by one who earnestly wisheth thy Welfare and Prosperity in the ways of the Lord, and then thou canst not do amiss in this World. Gab. Thomas. THE HISTORY OF West-New-Jersey. WEst-New-Jersey lies between the Latitude of Forty, and Forty two Degrees; having the Main Sea on the South, East-Jersey on the North, Hudson's Bay on the East, and Pensilvania on the West. The first Inhabitants of this Country were the Indians, being supposed to be part of the Ten dispersed Tribes of Israel; for indeed they are very like the Jews in their Persons, and something in their Practices and Worship, for they (as the Pensilvanian Indians) observe the New Moons with great Devotion, and Reverence: And their first Fruits they offer, with their Corn and Hunting-Game they get in the whole Year, to a False Deity or Sham-God, whom they must please, else (as they fancy) many Misfortunes will befall them, and great Injuries will be done them. When they bury their Dead, they put into the Ground with them some House-Utensils, and some Money, (as Tokens of their Love and Affection) with other Things, expecting they shall have Occasion for them again in the other World. And if a Person of Note dies very far from the Place of his own Residence they will carry his Bones home some considerable time after, to be buried there. They are also very curious, nay, even nice in preserving and repairing the Graves of their Dead. They do not love to be asked twice their Judgement about one Thing. They are a People who generally delight much in Mirth, and are very studious in observing the Virtues of Roots and Herbs, by which they cure themselves of many Distempers in their Bodies, both internal or external. They will not suffer their Beards to grow; for they will pluck the Hair off with their own Fingers as soon as they can get hold of it, holding it great Deformity to have a Beard. They are very loving to one another; for if three or four of them come into a Christian's House, and the Master of it happen to give one of them Victuals, and none to the rest, he will divide it into equal Shares among them: And they are also very kind and civil to any of the Christians; for I myself have had Victuals cut by them in their Cabins, before they took any for themselves. Their chief Employment is in Hunting, Fishing, and Fowling, and making Canoes, or Indian Boats and Bowls, in all which Arts they are very dexterous and ingenious: Their women's Business chief consists in planting of Indian Corn, and pounding it to Meal, in Mortars, with Pestils, (as we beat our Spice) and make Bread, and dress their Victuals, which they perform very neatly and cleanlily. They also make Indian Mats, Ropes, Hats, and Baskets, (some of curious Workmanship) of their Hemp, which there grows wild, and Natural, in the Woods, in great Plenty. In short, the Women are very ingenious in their several Employments as well as the Men. Their young Maids are naturally very modest and shamefaced: And their young Women when newly married, are very nice and shy, and will not suffer the Men to talk of any immodest or lascivious Matters. Their Houses are, for the most part, covered with Chesnutt Bark, but very close, and warm, insomuch that no Rain can go through. Their Age in Computation may be compared with the Christians. Their wearing Habit is commonly Deer-Skins, or Duffles. They don't allow of mentioning the Name of a Friend after his Death; for at his Decease, they make their Face black all over with black Lead; and when their Affairs go well with them, they paint their Faces with red Lead, it being a Token of their Joy, as the other is of their Grief. They are great Observers of the Wether by the Moon. They take great Delight in of various Colours. And are so punctual that if any go from their first Offer or Bargain with them, it will be very difficult for that Party to get any Deal with them any more, or to have any farther Converse with them; And moreover it is worthy of Remark, that when a Company of them are got together, they never interrupt or contradict one another, till two of them have made an end of their Discourse; for if never so many be in Company only two must discourse at a time, and the rest must keep Silence. The English and they live very peaceably, by reason the English satisfies them for their Land. As to the manner of their Language, it is high and lofty, with a Short Sentence. Their way of counting is by Ten, as to say Two Ten, Three Ten, Four Ten, Five Ten, etc. I shall now proceed to show something of the manner and way of Discourse that happens between them and the Neighbouring Christians that use to deal and traffic with them, or when they meet one another in the Woods accidentally, one a looking for his , and the other a Hunting the Wild Deer, or other Game, by way of Questions and Answers. I shall put the Indian Tongue on one side of the Leaf, and the English just opposite. Their Discourse is as followeth. The Indian Tongue. The English of it. Quest. Hitah takoman? Answ. Andogowa nee weekin. Quest. Friend, from whence comest? Answ. Yonder. Quest. Where yonder? Answ. My House. Quest. Tony andogowa kee weekin? Answ. Arwaymouse. Quest. Where is thy House? Answ. Arwaymouse, which is the Name of an Indian Town. Quest. Keco kee hatah kee weekin? Answ. Ne hatah huska wees youse og huska chetena chase og huska orit chekenip. Quest. What hast got in thy House? Answ. I have very fat Venison, and good strong Skins, with very good Turkeys. Quest. Chingo kee beto nee chase og youse etka chekenip. Answ. Halopa etka nisha kishquicka. Quest. When wilt thou bring me Skins and Venison, with Turkeys? Answ. To morrow, or two days hence. Quest. Keco kee hata kee weekin? Answ. Ne hata orit poonk og huska horit haloons etka neskee og marchkee ochqueon. Quest. What hast got in thy House? Answ. I have very fat Venison, and good strong Skins, with very good Turkeys. (O huskia orit.) (Very well.) Quest. Kee namen neskec kabay og marchkec moos etka opeg megis? Answ. Mata namen megis nee namen neskec kabay undogwa tekany. Quest. Didst thou see black Horses and red Cows, with white Sheep? Answ. I saw no Sheep: I did see black Horses yonder in the Woods? Quest. Kee namen marchkec moos undogwa tekeny? Answ. Mogy. Quest. Didst see red Cows yonder in the Woods? Answ. Yes. Quest. Kee squa og enychan hatah? Answ. Mogy. Quest. Hast thou a Wife and Children? Answ. Yes. Quest. Kacha hatah? Answ. Neo. Quest. How many hast? Answ. Four. Quest. Benoingtid etka squatid? Answ. Nisha benointid og nisha squatid. Quest. Boys or Girls? Answ. Two Boys and two Girls. Quest. Tongtid enychan hatah? Answ. Mogy. Quest. Hast got a young Child? Answ. Yes. Quest. Etka aroosise? Answ. Neo kishow. Quest. How old? Answ. Four months. Quest. Etka aroosise kee? Answ. Pelenacheenckan katingan aroosis. Quest. How old art thou? Answ. Fifty years old. In the next Place I shall give an account of their way in counting or numbering; which is as followeth. The Indian Counting. The English to it. Kooty nisha nacha neo pelenach Kootash nishash choesh peskonk telen. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten. Nishinchkan nachinchkan neochinchkan pelenchinchkan. Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty, etc. The Names of some of the Indians. Anachkooting, Bussabenating, Okonycan, Potasko, Quindamen, lame, Alpoongan, Kohonk, Hiton, Temeny. The Dutch and Sweeds inform us that they are greatly decreased in number to what they were when they came first into this Country: And the Indians themselves say, that two of them die to every one Christian that comes in here. Reader, I shall not insist any farther upon this Subject, because what is deficient or short here, is inserted already in the preceding History of Pensilvania; for the Natives both of that, as well as of this Country, speak the same Language, and live after the same manner; for my chief aim, in the next place, is to acquaint thee how, and after what manner the Christians live there And I hope I have pleased thee so far, as it may prove a means to encourage me to give a larger Description hereafter. The next who came there were the Dutch; which was between Forty and Fifty Years ago, though they made but very little Improvement, only built Two or Three Houses, upon an Island (called since by the English) Stacies-Island; and it remained so, till about the Year 1675. in which King Charles the Second (or the Duke of York (his Brother) gave the Country to Edward Billing, in whose time, one Major Fenwick went thither, with some others, and built a pretty Town, and called it Salam; and in a few Years after a Ship from London, and another from Hull, sailed thither with more People, who went higher up into the Country, and built there a Town, and called it Burlington, which is now the chiefest Town in that Country, though Salam is the ancientest; and a fine Market-Town it is, having several Fairs kept yearly in it; likewise well furnished with good store of most Necessaries for humane Support, as Bread, Beer, Beef, and Pork; as also Butter and Cheese, of which they fraught several Vessels, and send them to Barbadoes, and other Islands. There are very many fine stately Brick-Houses built, and a commodious Dock for Vessels to come in at, and they claim equal Privilege with Burlington for the sake of Antiquity; tho' that is the principal Place, by reason that the late Governor Cox, who bought that Country of Edward Billing, encouraged and promoted that Town chief, in settling his Agents and Deputy-Governors there, (the same Favours are continued by the New-West-Jersey Society, who now manage Matters there) which brings their Assemblies and chief Courts to be kept there; and, by that means it is become a very famous Town, having a great many stately Brick-Houses in it, (as I said before) with a delicate great Market-House, where they keep their Market: It hath a noble and spacious Hall overhead, where their Sessions is kept, having the Prison adjoining to it. Likewise in the said Town there are very many fine Wharves and large Timber-Yards, Malt-Houses, Brew-Houses, Bake-Houses; and most sorts of Tradesmen, (whose Wages are upon the same Foot with the Pensilvanians) viz. Cloath-Workers, who make very good Serges, Druggets, Crapes, Camblets, (part Silk or Worsted, and part Camels Hair) and good Plushes, with several other Woollen , besides Linen. There are many Fair and Great Brick Houses on the outside of the Town which the Gentry have built there for their Country Houses, besides the Great and Stately Palace of John Tateham Esq; which is pleasantly Situated on the North side of the Town, having a very fine and delightful Garden and Orchard adjoining to it, wherein is variety of Fruits, Herbs, and Flowers; as Roses, Tulips, July-Flowers, Sun-Flowers (that open and shut as the Sun Rises and Sets, thence taking their Name) Carnations, and many more; besides abundance of Medicinal Roots Herbs, Plants, and Flowers found wild in the Fields. There are kept also in this Famous Town several Fairs every Year; and as for Provisions, viz. Bread, Beer, Beef, Pork, Cheese, Butter, and most sorts of Fruit here is great Plenty and very Cheap; all those Commodities are to be bought every Market-Day. A Ship of Four Hundred Tuns may Sail up to this Town in the River Delaware; for I myself have been on Board a Ship of that Burden there: And several fine Ships and Vessels (besides Governor Cox's own great Ship) have been built there. There are also two handsome Bridges to come in and out of the Town, called London and York-Bridges. The Town stands in an Island, the Tide flowing quite round about it. There are Watermens who constantly Ply their Wherry Boats from that Town to the City of Philadelphia in Pensilvania, and to other places. Besides there is Glocester-Town, which is a very Fine and Pleasant Place, being well stored with Summer Fruits, as Cherries, Mulberries, and Strawberries, whither Young People come from Philadelphia in the Wherries to eat Straberries and Cream, within sight of which City it is sweetly Situated, being but about three Miles distance from thence. There are several Meetings of Worship in this Country, viz. the Presbyterians, Quakers, and Anabaptists: Their Privilege as to Matter of Law, is the same both for Plaintiff and Defendant, as in England. The Air is very Clear, Sweet and Wholesome; in the depth of Winter it is something colder, and as much hotter in the height of Summer than in England. Commonly (with them) the Days differ two Hours in length from ours here. The longest Day in Summer is shorter by two Hours than the longest Day in England, and the shortest Day longer by two Hours than with us here. As for Corn, they have Wheat, Rye, Pease, Oates, Barley, Rice, etc. in vast quantities: Also Indian-Corn, Pease and Beans, likewise English Hemp and Flax, which prospers there exceedingly. Eating Roots, Pumpkins, Cashews, Water-Melons, Muskmellons, Cucumbers, Squashes, Carrots, Artichokes, Potatoes, Turnips, Garlic, Onions, and Leeks grow there in greater Plenty than in Enland. And for Herbs, they have Cabbages, Coleworts, Savoys, Lettuce, Purslane, and other Salads in abundance; beside Wild Herbs which are there very commom, as , Mint, Mustard, Sage, Rue, Tansey, etc. and likewise there are choice Phisical Roots, as Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, Black-Snake-Root, Rattle-Snake Root, and Poake-Root, with divers others, which there is great store of. Of Fish, they have Whales, Sturgeon, Cod, Scale-Fish, Cole and Hake-Fish, large Mackeril, Flat-fish, Rock, Shadds, Cats, Eels, Perch, and many other sorts in prodigious Shoals: And Wild-Water-Fowl, as Geese, Ducks, Swans, Divers, etc. are very numerous, even beyond all expectation. As to Land-Fowl, Turkeys, Geese, Pheasants, Partridges, Pigeons, Woodcocks, Blackbirds, etc. they are there in extraordinary great abundance, and very large. There is also that uncommon and valuable Bird (being near the bigness of a Cuckoo) called the Mocking-bird (known, but not very well in England, being so very Nice and Tender, that they usually die by the way) with several other Charming and Curious Birds, too tedious here to specify. As to the Wild Vermin, There are Otters, Beavers, Foxes, Mush-Rats Minx's, Wild-Cats, Rackoons, Pollcats, and also that cunning Creature the Possom, particularly mentioned and distinguished in the annexed Account of Pensilvania for its remarkable Qualities, whither I refer the Reader, not in the least being fond of Tautology. This Creature is about the bigness of an English Cat, being of a light grey colour. Likewise there were some Wolves and Bears, but now they are very rare to be seen, by reason the Indians destroy them (as before). Also that strange Creature the Flying Squirrel, mentioned in the foregoing Book. There are great numbers of Wild Deer, and Red Deer also; and these wild Creatures are free and common for any to kill and take. And for Wild Fruits, there are Chestnuts, Filberts, Hickery-Nuts, Grapes, Mulberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Huckleberries, and Craneberries, with several sorts of Plumbs, and all those Fruits in great plenty being free for any Body to gather. Now I am a coming to the Planted Fruit-Trees, as Apples, Pears, Apricocks, Quinces, Plumbs, Cherries, Gooseberries, Currants, and Peaches, from which last they distil a liquor as in Pensilvania, much like Rumm or Brandy, in the taste; and all those Trees will come to bear in a little more than half the time, they do in England, the Soil is so rich; they have great plenty of the aforementioned Fruits, which are exceeding delicious. These, as also many other Fruits that come not to any pitch of Perfection in England, are the Natural Product of this Country, which lies warmer, being more befriended by the Sun's hot and glorious Beams, which without doubt is the chief Cause and true Reason, why the Fruit there so far excels the English. They have likewise great Stocks of Horses and Hogs, raised in the Woods; of the latter of which I have seen some of a Prodigious Weight that only fed there, their Horses are very hardy, strong, and of good Spirit for Labour or Travelling; they commonly go unshod (which in many Years saves much Money). Their Plow-shears require but small Reparation, wearing out but little. They Harrow their Ground with a Wooden-tyned-Harrow, and twice over does the business. Of Bees also they are well provided, & abound in Sheep naturally very sound, and that stand well, the Rot, Scab, Maggots, etc. rarely invading them; they usually bring forth two Lambs at once, and their Wool is very fine, white, and thick; they have great Stocks of Cattle, as Cows, Oxen, etc. Their Oxen commonly weigh well. Tame Fowl there are (almost) incredible in numbers, viz. Geese, Turkeys, Hens, etc. In this Country also is great Plenty of working Timber, as Oaks, Ash, Chestnuts, Pine, Cedar, Walnut, Poplar, Fir, and Masts for Ships, with Pitch and Rosin, of great Use and much Benefit to the Country. Here are several good Navigable Rivers, besides that famous River Delaware (which I have mentioned elsewhere, and where the Tobacco is excellent) being deep enough for Vessels to come in: First, Prince Morise's River, where the Sweeds used to kill the Geese in great numbers, for their Feathers (only) leaving their Carcases behind them; Cohansey River, by which they send great store of Cedar to Philadelphia-City; Allaway-River; Salam-River, which runs by Salam-Town (of greatest Antiquity;) Naman-River, Rackcoon-River, which had its Name from the great numbers of those Creatures that always abound thereabouts; Old Man's River; Manto-River; Woodberry-River; Great Eggharbor River (up which a Ship of two or three hundred Tuns may sail) which runs by the back part of the Country into the Main Sea; I call it back, because the first Improvement made by the Christians, was Delawar Riverside: This Place is noted for good store of Corn, Horses, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, etc. the Lands thereabouts being much improved, and built upon: Little Egg-Harbor-Creek, which take their Names from the great abundance of Eggs, which the Swans, Geese, Ducks, and other wild Fowls on those Rivers lay thereabouts: Timber-River, alias Glocester-River, which hath its Name (also) from the great quantity of curious Timber, which they send in great Floats to Philadelphia, a City in Pensilvania, as Oaks, Pines, Chesnut, Ash, and Cedars. This River runs down by Glocester-Town, which is the Shire-Town; And Newton-River, that runs by Newton; Cooper-River; Pensokin-River; Northampton-River, with several others, at a convenient distance upon the Sea, the Shores whereof are generally deep and bold) of less Note, as Wissahiskonk-river, that runs down into the great River Delaware, by Burlington. The Country inhabited by the Christians is divided into four Parts or Counties, tho' the Tenth part of it is not yet peopled; 'Tis far cheaper living there for Eatables than here in England; and either Men or Women that have a Trade, or are Labourers, can, if industrious, get near three times the Wages they commonly earn in England. Courteous Reader, As yet I have given thee no Account of East-Jersey, because I never was there, so in reality cannot properly or pertinently speak to that Matter. I will not pretend to impose any thing on the World, but have all along, and shall still declare nothing but Verity; therefore one Word of that by and by. I might have given thee a much larger Account of this Country, and have stretched this (now) Pocket Volume to an extraordinary Bulk and Size; and yet without straining or deviating in the least from the Principles of my Profession, which are Truth itself. I have no Plot in my Pate, or deep Design, no, not the least expectation of gaining any thing by them that go thither, or losing by those who stay here. My End chief in Writing, nay, indeed my great Aim, is to inform the People of Britain and Ireland in general, but particularly the Poor, who are begging, or near it, or starving, or hard by it (as I before took notice in my Preface) to encourage them (for their own Good, and for the Honour and Benefit of their Native Country, to whom they are now a Scandal and Disgrace; and whose Milk and Honey these Drones eat up, and are besides a heavy Burden to the Commonwealth, in the Taxes paid by every Parish in England, etc. to support them. Law-Causes are here (as in Pensilvania) speedily determined, in the second Court at least, unless in some difficult Business. One Justice of the Peace hath Power to try a Cause, and give Judgement therein, if the Original Debt be under forty Shillings. And for Thiefs and Robbers (as I hinted before in the Preface) they must restore fourfold; which, if they are not able to do, they must work hard till the injured Person is satisfied. I shall conclude with a Word or two on New-East-Jersey. This Country is exceeding fruitful in , of which I have seen great numbers brought from thence, viz. Oxen, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, and Horses, to Philadelphia, the Capital of Pensilvania. The chiefest Manufactory (besides English and Indian Grain) fit for Traffic that this Country affords. Now I shall give thee an Account of the English Manufactory, that each County in West-New-Jersey affords. In the first Place I shall begin with Burlington-County, as for Peltage, or Beavers Skins,! Otter-Skins, Minks Skins, Musk-rats Skins, Rackcoon, Wild Cats, Martin, and Deer-Skins, etc. The Trade in Glocester-County consists chief in Pitch, Tar, and Rosin; the latter of which is made by Robert Styles, an excellent Artist in that sort of Work, for he delivers it as clear as any . The Commerce carried on in Salam-County, is chief Rice, of which they have wonderful Produce every Year; as also of Cranberries which grow there in great plenty, and which in Picle might be brought to Europe. The Commodities of Capmay-County, are Oil and Whale-Bone, of which they make prodigious, nay vast quantities every Year, having mightily advanced that great Fishery, taking great numbers of Whales yearly. This Country for the general part of it, is extraordinary good, and proper for the raising of all sorts of , very plentiful here, as Cows, Horses, Sheep, and Hogs, etc. likewise it is well Stored with several sorts of Fruits which make very good and pleasant Liquors, such as their Neighbouring Country before mentioned affords. Now Reader, having no more to add of any moment or importance, I salute thee in Christ; and whether thou stayest in England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, or goest to Pensilvania, West or East-Jersey, I wish thee all Health and Happiness in this, and Everlasting Comfort (in God) in the World to come. Far thee well. FINIS.