Bishop Ushers SECOND PROPHECY WHICH He delivered to his Daughter on his SICKBED. Wherein Is contained divers Prophetic Sayings for the Years 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684. which were by him Predicted for the said years. Wherein also is laid down the divers Revolutions for the ensuing years. Likewise a very strange Prophecy concerning the King's Restauration, which he gave to a Person of Quality in the time of his Sickness. ALSO He foretells that the PAPISTS were the persons that should cause all the Calamities that would ensue. LONDON, Printed for John Hunt at the Sign of the Black Spread Eagle without Temple-Bar. 1681. BISHOP USHER'S SECOND PROPHECY, Which he discovered to his Daughter on his Sickbed, etc. HE Prophesied of the Rebellion in Ireland, and Massacre there, and the Wars in England, many Years before they broke out; and this he saw fulfilled. He Prophesied of another great Persecution that was to come; and when one demanded of him, whether that great Persecution were passed or not? He turning his Eyes to the Person ask him, and fixing them after an ireful manner, as he was wont to do, when he spoke not his own Words; and when the Power of God was upon him; he said, Feed not yourselves with vain Hopes of its being past: For I tell you, all you have seen, is but the beginning of Sorrow, to that which is to come over all the Protestant Churches of Christ, who e'er long will fall under a sharper Persecution than ever they have had upon them; and therefore, (said he to the Person that spoke to him) look you be not found in the Outward Court; for Christ will measure all that profess his Name, and call themselves his People; and the Outward Court he will leave out to be trodden under Foot, and to be swept away, whose Religion stands in performing the outward part, without the inward power of Faith, and Love uniting them unto Christ. Those God will give to be trodden down, and swept away by the Gentiles; but the Worshippers which are in the Temple before the Altar, are those who indeed worship God in Spirit, and in Truth; whose Souls are made his Temples, by whom he is loved and adored in their most inward Thoughts: They have, and do sacrifice their Lusts and vile corrupt Affections, and their own Will to him. These God will hide in the Hollow of his Hand, and under the Shadow of his Wing. And this shall be one great difference between the last and all preceding Persecutions, That whereas in the former, the most eminent Saints were cut off, here the most eminent and faithful to God shall be preserved by God as a seed for the Glory which shall immediately follow to the Churches, as soon as this storm shall be blown over; for as it shall be the sharpest, so it shall be a short Persecution, and shall take away the Dross with Hypocrites and Formalists, whilst the true Spiritual Believers shall be preserved till the Calamity is over. It was then asked, by what Instruments this Persecution should be carried on? He answered, by the Papists. It was answered, that seemed improbable, since they were now less countenanced, and less numerous than heretofore in these Nations, and people more against them. He replied, it should be by their Hands, and by the way of a sudden Massacre; and that the Pope should be the Instrument of it. And these things he pake with that Assurance, and that was seen to be, which had been observed in him, when he predicted several things formerly, which came to pass accordingly, in the Observation, and to the Knowledge of those he spoke them to. And he added, those were in his esteem the Gentiles spoken of, Rev. 11. And the Second, to whom the outward Court should be left, that they might tread it under Foot, they having received the Gentiles Worship by Images and many Mediators. And this, saith he, is more designing among them, and will come; therefore look you be found watching and ready. The like he spoke also to the Lady Tyrrel, his Daughter, about the same time, expressing himself as above: And the said Lady adds, that after she had opened the Door of his Chamber, she found him with his Eyes lifted up to Heaven, and Tears running down his Cheeks apace, and in a kind of Ecstasy, wherein he continued after she came in, near half an hour, without taking any notice of her; and then recovering, told her, his Thoughts were exercised in contemplating the great Miseries and Persecution which was coming, which would be so sharp and bitter, as that they had drawn those Tears from his Eyes; but he hoped he should not live to see it; but possibly she might: for they are, said he, even at the Door; therefore take heed you be not found sleeping. The same also he repeated to Mrs. Bisse, the Chief Baron of Ireland's Wife in Dublin, with this Circuustance added to her, That, said he, if they bring in the King, and restore him, it may a little longer be deferred; but it will surely come; and therefore be not unprovided for it. FINIS.