A discourse OF husbandry USED IN BRABANT AND FLANDERS; showing The wonderful improvement of Land there; and serving as a pattern for our practice in this commonwealth. seal LONDON, Printed by William Du-Gard, Anno Dom. 1650. To The Right honourable THE council OF STATE. ALthough it is a duty incumbent to all Men, as Men; and to all Professors, as Christians, to love mankind, as Christ loved us; and to imitate the God of the spirits of all flesh, who causeth his Sun to shine upon the good and the bad; and although there is a special delight, to do that which is good and commendable, only for the love of Goodness itself, and the commendableness of Virtue; Yet, when we meet with special and powerful encouragements to set us on, and provocations to draw forth our affections to laudable endeavours, we must needs add some more effectual zeal to the performance of these duties. For mine own part I may say it without vanity, that the first of these motives, the delight to do good, in love to the public, hath supported me hitherto, notwithstanding manifold destructions in the way wherein I have walked. And as it hath been one of my Aims, to have the honour (if possibly I could attain unto it) of serving the public. gratìs, and at mine own cost, in the best things: So I have made it a part of my agency, to provoke others to do the like, by offering unto every one, the things which might be most advantageous unto themselves, by doing service unto others. And how far my affections have carried me beyond my abilities in this course, I need not to mention: this hath only been my comfort, that having served my Generation generously and freely, I never had cause to repent of what I had done, whether it were resented by others, or not. But now of late, seeing it hath pleased God, not only by the settlement of this State in the way of a commonwealth, to give to all men a more open door then ever heretofore, to enter upon a concurrence to serve the public, that thereby they might both preserv and encreas their own welfare; but that I have found unexspectedly from your honours some peculiar expression of favour towards myself, upon the account of my public-heartedness; I must confess, that I am thereby not so much refreshed by reason of that which befalleth to myself, as delighted in the hopeful apprehension of that which befalleth to the public, whiles in this particular I am able to perceiv, that the good hand of God hath put the management of his cause and Work in the hands of Men, whom he hath endued with a public spirit, which is a clear testimony to me, that he will build thereon a superstructure, which by his grace upon your ways will redound to his glory and evince unto the world, that it is not any private Interest, but his glory and the public Happiness, which hath acted and doth act, both the Parliament and yourselves in all your undertakings. And verily the consideration of this very thing, that God hath set in public places Men that mind the public for itself, and seek out those that are so-inclined, although they make no special application unto them (which hitherto I have not done) is more worth to me then the private advantage, which your honour's favour can bring unto me. For although the straits, wherewith the times, and my own forwardness to serve others have cast me, might induce me to rejoice at the fruit of your honour's bounty towards myself; Yet that is no ways comparable to the since of joy, which I have at the clear Character, which this hath given me of the spirit by which you are led; for herein I perceiv that henceforth the labours of impartial love towards the public, are not like to be in vain, as for the most part they have been heretofore, and that there will be some real encouragement for the making of rational overtures, tending to resolve that grand question, which is proposed by the Psalmist in the name of all men, who, with one and the same accent, say; Psal. 4.6. Who will show us any good? Therefore since the Wisdom of the parliament hath enacted a way to answer the Quere, as to the Trade of this Nation (which is a manifest demonstration of their eminent care for the public) it hath raised with joy both mine own, and the thoughts of some others to a forwardness of contributing, that which might be subservient and useful to that design; that as Bees belonging to t'e same hive, we should bring our honey together, to be preserved and increased in one stock for the good of all. In order to this resolution, and as a testimony of gratitude, I thought it might be seasonable to off●r to your honours, and under your name to the public, this following epistolary discourse, which relate's unto the advancement of Agriculture, being one of the Noblest and most necessary parts of industry belonging to a commonwealth, the first ground of mutual trading amongst men, and the wellspring of wealth in all well ordered Societies. And if concerning this subject (as being a main Interest of State) some course in due time were thought upon to set forward the Judicial, and regulate the Practical way of husbandry, such overtures could be made in that kind, as would sensibly (even to the meanest capacity) demonstrate a very cornucopia and fullness to be attained of the choicest temporal blessings to supply all mens' wants. And although I cannot say much of mine own experience in this matter, yet Providence having directed me by the improvement of several relations unto the Experiences and Observations of others, I find myself obliged to become a conduit-pipe thereof towards the public, chiefly now, where there is so favourable an aspect of Patronage from those that are in eminent places towards those that mind public advantages. Prov. 11.25. It is said in the Proverbs, that he who doth withhold Corn the people shall curs him; but a blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it. If not to impart the means of livelihood to those that stand in▪ need thereof, when it is in our power to supply them therewith, be to withhold the same; and this deserves a curs: then no man can blame me for the largeness of this communication, from which all that shall reap any benefit, are thereby to be indebted unto your public affections, and bless them as the cause, whose influence hath given it this production; for it is included only as a pledge of further endeavours in the same and other kinds, for which the State in due time will be beholden to your care and vigilance, when the tenders thereof shall find that acceptance, and the furtherance thereof, that encouragement which your wisdom and love to the public shall find expedient to bestow thereon. May the God of all grace and goodness so bless your Consultations for the good of this State, that they may end in the settlement of a firm and lasting Peace, where not only outward plenty and prosperity, but the treasures of a better life in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, may be enjoied to the prais of God the Father. These are, and shall be the daily prayers of Your Honor's truly faithful and most humble servant SAMUEL HARTLIB. A discourse of husbandry used in Brabant and Flanders; showing the wonderful improvement of Land there; and serving as a pattern for our practice in this commonwealth. IT is a certain thing, that the chiefest and fundamentallest point in husbandry, is, to understand the nature and condition of the Lands that one would Till; & to Sow it with such Seeds, as it will produce either Naturally, or by Art, that which may turn to a man's greatest profit and advantage. I did think I had understood that point (when I went out of England) after thirty years' experience in husbandry, and having improved my Land, as much as any man in this Kingdom hath done both by Water and Fire. But, after I had been a while in Brabant and Flanders, I found I was to learn a new Lesson, in point of husbandry; for that the barrenest, heathy and Sandie Lands in those Countries did produce richer Commodities, by an ordinary way of husbandry there in practice, than the strongest and richest grounds that were in both those Countries. When I first arrived at Dunkirk, and went to Bridges, (which was near forty miles) I saw as rich a country as ever my eyes beheld, stocked with goodly Wheat and barley, and excellent Meadows and Pastures. The soil began to alter into worse, midwaie between Bridges and Gaunt, which were twenty four English miles asunder; and so soon as I was past Gaunt, in my journey towards Antwerp, I did see such Land, for about twenty miles together, that I cannot compare any ground more like, than the Land by Sandie chapel, three miles' distance from Kingston upon Thames. A great part of the highways, out of the Road and Track of Horses and Carts, did bear Heath; and such enclosures, on the inside of the ways, which were not kept in Tillage, did either produce Heath or Broom of their own natures. The soil did not much amend until I came within two miles of Antwerp, which was thirty English miles from Gaunt. There I saw a goodly Marsh or feeding ground for cattle, which was kept with a strong bank for being overflowed by the River of Sceld, under which notwithstanding there lay sluices to let in the Water when they pleased, and Ditches were made in the Marsh to convey it back into the River at low Tides when they thought fit. On the other side of Antwerp was Contribution-land lying in Brabant, which naturally was as barren and apt to Heath as any land betwixt that city, and Gaunt. I stayed not long at Antwerp before I returned to Gaunt, and diligently reviewing the country as I went back, I could find no other Corn to grow there, than rye, Oats, and French Wheat; which seemed a sufficient testimony to me of the barrenness of the soil, which would neither bear Wheat, barley, or Peas; and for that the former Grains did usually grow in England upon the edge of forests and heathy grounds. A few days after my return, I fell into discourse with a Dutch Merchant, then living at Gaunt, but had lived some years in England, and told him that I did not think that all Flanders had yielded so much barren ground as I had seen between Gaunt and Antwerp. he answered me that that Land was the richest part of all Flanders. I smiled to hear him say so, thinking at first he had jested, and I replied, that I believed, that one Acre of Land between Bridges and Dunkirk, was worth ten Acres of any Land I saw there between Gaunt and Antwerp (excepting the marshland and some little straps of Meadow by the River side): for one did bear goodly Wheat, barley, and Peas, and was in many places naturally excellent Meadow and Pasture; and the other would carry no other Corn, but rye, French Wheat, and Oats, and would never bear any considerable grass, but turned presently after it was laid down, to Heath or Broom. The Merchant told me again, that their best Commodities were pulled and cut before I went that way; but he would prove that the Land did yield more profit yearly than the best Land in Flanders, and that the boars (for so they term their Farmers) were richer than in any part of the country. I must confess at first I thought his discourse to be some kind of Riddle, but seeing him earnest in affirming that, which seemed strange to me; I desired him to explain himself, how it was possible, that, that Land should yield more profit than the other. I will tell you (said he) the reason, why it yieldeth more profit, is, because that Land is natural to bear Flax, which is called the Wealth of Flanders; and one Acre of good Flax is worth four or five Acres of the best Corn, which groweth between Dunkirk and Bridges; and after the Flax is pulled, it will bear a Crop of turnips; which may be better worth, Acre for Acre, than the best Corn in the country. After that Crop is off, about April following you may sow the same Land with Oats; and upon them clovergrass seed only harrowing it with bushes, which will come up after the Oats are mowed, and that year yield you a very great Pasture till Christmas; and the next year following you may cut that grass three times, and it will every time bear such a burden, and so good to feed all sorts of cattle, as the best Meadows in the country do not yield the like; and will continue good four or five years together without sowing it. After this we parted. At first I wondered much at his discourse; but much more at the ignorance and slothfulness of our country which being near to Flanders, and many Merchants and Gentlemen travelling thither daily, none should understand, or at least put in practice these Husbandries, there being so much Barren and heathy Land in England of very little value, which might by following their Example in these Husbandries be made more profitable, than the best Land in this Kingdom. I after pondered what the Merchant said all that day and the next, and then began to imagine with myself, what an huge Improvement I might make of my own Estate, if these things were true which he had told me; and if God almighty pleased to permit me quietly to enjoy it. And to be further satisfied, I sent another Dutchman in the Town that had been in England, with whom I was grown acquainted, and desired him to inform himself from some of the boars in the country, whether those things the Merchant had affirmed to me were true. He returned me an Answer from three or four, whom he said he knew to be honest men and understanding those Husbandries, that a Gammet of Flax, (which was their Acre, but somewhat more in quantity than ours) might well produce forty or fifty pounds worth of Flax, if the Land were well dunged and Husbanded, and sowed with good east-country seed, and that it pleased God to send convenient rain after it was sowed, and a seasonable time till Harvest. These were no other conditions, than I conceived all other seeds and grain to be subject to, either to prove good or bad. And for the other questions wherein I desired to be satisfied, concerning the turnips and clovergrass, he told me they did concur in all with the Merchant, without any other condition or limitation. The Winter after I did examine divers persons upon the like questions, who I thought did understand that business, and found very little difference in their relations. And in April following, which was the chiefest time for sowing of Flax and clovergrass, I did often walk into the Fields a mile or more out of the Town, and expostulated the business with the boars, when they were sowing of Flax and Clover-grass-seed, and afterwards observed that these things did prosper very well, on such ground as I conceived to be extreme barren of its own Nature. But further to inform myself more fully what an Acre of Flax might be worth, I bought an English rod of Flax, when it was grown up, neither the best nor worst, and caused it to be pulled, watered, and dressed by itself; then valued it as Flax was sold the week following in the market at Gaunt, and the seed likewise afterwards. I cast up what eighty rod, which was an Acre, would rise unto, according to that valuation; and I found that it came to thirty six pound, fourteen shillings, six pence, and though by that rate an Acre did not come to forty pound, yet it made me believe, that an Acre of good Flax might be worth forty pound and more; for that which I tried was but indifferent Flax. I went presently afterwards to Antwerp, and saw almost every third or fourth field by the highway side for twenty five miles together, stocked with goodly Flax, far beyond that which I bought to make my Trial off; Whereof some was pulled, and the rest was ready to pull. The similitude of a great quantity of Land I had in England unto theirs in Flanders and Brabant, which I saw did bear their richest Commodities: and my Loss in England both of personal and real Estate, made me inquire after all Husbandries of those Countries, of such as I conceived could any way instruct me, that I might learn something, or other, whereby to repair my fortunes, if hereafter it pleased almighty God to give me leave to enjoy my own Estate in Peace again. And being one day in company of some Merchants, It happened that discourse fell out about Improvement of their barren ground. I said that I had a great quantity of Barren and heathy Land in England, that I thought might be easily brought to bear Flax, turnips, and clovergrass as well as their barren Lands did in Flanders and Brabant. To which a Merchant answered, that he would carry me to a man within three miles of Antwerp, who had taken a Farm upon Improvement, which was just such heathy Land as I described mine to be. For he was about five years since to have bought it, and when he saw it all Heath, he would not meddle with it; but the Farmer had so improved it already, that he had now growing upon it, a nursery of twelve Acres of all sorts of Trees, as Pear-Trees, appletrees, Cherrie-Trees, Chesnut and Walnut-Trees, Oaks, Ashes, Elms, and the like; he had there also growing, both Flax, turnips, clovergrass, Roman Beans and most sorts of Corn, and he had planted a Hop-ground and an Orchard; he said he would tell me what husbandry he used to make such a strange Conversion, and that I could not pleas him better then to come to see it: and he did assure me, that it was worth my journey to be informed from him: for never a man in that country could better instruct me, than he; and I will (said he) go thither with you, when you pleas. I thanked him very kindly for his offer, and told him I would wait upon him thither to morrow morning. It was agreed between us both to see this wonder. But I asked him before we parted, what that taking of a Farm upon Improvement was, which he before did speak of. He answered, that when another had bought the Land, this man offered more Rent than he could make of it at that time, to have a Leas for one & twenty years, upon condition, that whatsoever four indifferent persons (whereof two to be chosen by the one, and two by the other) should judge the Farm to be improved above the Rent at the end of his Leas, the Owner was to pay so much in value to the Tenant for his improving it. I told him it was a way of letting land I never knew of before: he answered it was an ordinary way with them of letting such barren Land, as men could not tell how to manage themselves. The next day, we went thither, and the first thing we saw was his nursery of trees, which did grow and prosper very well, and he made account they would yield him ten thousand pounds before his Leas was expired and as I remember he valued them one with another but at two shillings a tree. Then I saw a little Close of flax, which I esteemed to be about three english acres: of which flax he told me, the Merchant that brought me thither before I came from Antwerp, that he had made a hundred and fifty pounds, which was by computation fifty pounds an Acre. I also saw growing there very good turnips, and excellent clovergrass, which he valued to be then worth twelve pound an acre. I after saw it cutting the first day of June 1644, being then two foot long, and very thick, and went thither again the nine and twentieth day of the same month, and saw the same grass grown up, and then cutting again, being twenty Inches long, I saw it cutting again in August following, being then eighteen inches long. I viewed the grounds round about, and found the skirts of the Closes left unploughed to be heath: and both he and the Merchant affirmed, all the rest, where his flax and clovergrass grew, was heath but three years before. I was very inquisitive of him to know what husbandry he used to the land, for to convert it from heath to bear such rich Commodities. He told me, first he broke it up with a strong Team of horses, then ploughed it cross, afterwards tore off the heath with a great harrow, then gathered it up and burnt it, and laid about twenty loads of dung upon an acre, and spread it upon the Land; then ploughed it again, and sowed the first crop with Rye, the next with Oats; and when he had harrowed his oats, he sowed Clovergrass seed upon them, which he harrowed with a bundle of bushes under his harrow, and that came, after the Oats was off, to be of a very good pasture before Michaëlmas; and this third year he had mowed the clovergrass thrice, as I had seen, and it would come to a very good pasture quickly, to feed till Christmas; and the same he thought he should do for three years more; but afterwards the ground would turn to an ordinary grass. He said, he used his ground where his flax grew, as his other; but first again, about half the quantity of dung he did at first; and then sowed it with flax, and upon the flax Clovergrass-seed, as he had done before upon the Oats. his Roman-beans, his Hops, and Orchard thrived very well, and all with the same quantity of dung, proportionably used; for there they know no other Manure. I asked him how he could make 12 l an acre of this clovergrass: he said, either die feeding Cattle, or keeping Kine, or laying it for seed after the first cut. For an Acre of it being made part into hay, and the rest fed green, would keep four Kine, winter and summer; and an Acre laid for seed might carrrie five bushels, which valued at 6 d. a pound, comes to 8 l. Sterling; besides the first and second cuts of grass and hay, and the after-pasture. He said the best time for sowing flax and Clovergrass-seeds was about the beginning of April, presently after a shower of rain. Some continue sowing of flax until the end of May, and some sow after; though I know no cause to commend their slowness, in sowing of it so late. I was not very inquisitive after his other Commodities. I saw by his turnips which he had sowed upon his heathy land, at his first breaking up, that he differed in that point from all other husbandmen in those Countries, who sowed them immediately after Rye or flax; but those things are left to every one's experience to proceed therein as he thinks best, according to his own Observation. Now what I had observed here, and between Gaunt and Antwerp, my Reason told me, grounded upon some former experience, that there was no land that naturally bore heath, being either of a sandy, or loamie mould, but might by devonshiring first (which I prefer before their husbandry in Flanders, whereunto adding some Dung, or Lime, or Marle, in fit proportion as shall be hereafter expressed) may be made better than the best land, that Flanders or England doth afford. For no man with reason can deny, but that Land is best, which will bring forth such Commodities as will yield most money to make one wealthy and rich; for though wealth and Riches may consist either in Cattle, Corn, householdstuff, Plate, Jewels; yet, when those things are valued, we commonly say, they are worth so much money. So Regina Pecunia, money is the Queen that commands all. Now if the same quantity of Acres of poor heathy Land, by producing Flax, turnips, and Clovergrass, will yield more money than the rich Land, which beareth wheat, barley, meadow, and good pasture: then by consequence it followeth, that the poor Land is better than the Rich. And I suppose that they find by experience in Flanders that their rich land will naturally bear those Commodities; otherwise they could not be ignorant that they do so far exceed their best Corn and Meadows in matter of profit, which appeareth clearly by their own valuations: for they value an Acre of flax may be worth forty or fifty pound. An Acre of turnips worth eight pound, or ten pound; an Acre of Clovergrass worth ten or twelv pound, whereas they value their best barley may be worth ten or twelv pound, their best wheat may be worth five or six pound an Acre, and their best meadow worth four or five pound an Acre: Now if ye compare the value of these Commodities together, supposing the rich Land will not bear the other, which are the richer Commodities, so well as the poor; you must needs conclude the poorer Land to be the better. And it is a strong Argument to me, that their rich land will not bear those rich Commodities so naturally as the heathy and sandy Land doth; for though I went often between Bridges and Dunkirk, which is thirty nine miles, being the richest Land in Flanders, and where there is goodly wheat, barley, and meadows, as ever my eyes beheld; yet I never saw in all that ground, to my remembrance, one Acre of Flax, or clovergrass: whereas, on the contrary, between Gaunt and Antwerp, (which is thirty miles, and the poorest Land in all the country, much like sandy-chapel in Surreie, or some part of the heathy Land in Windsor forest) I have seen many hundreds of Acres of goodly Flax, turnips, and clovergrass, close by the highway side, and their Corn there not any thing but rye, French Wheat, and Oats. It is not only dung, which causeth the fertility in those Barren, Heathie, and sandy Lands for to bring forth those rich Commodities; but partly the nature of those seeds, which do delight to grow rather in a light and gentle Land, then in one too stiff and heavy. Though it is true, that dung is of that virtue, that it heats, fattens, sweetens, and reclaims all Barren grounds: and unslakt Lime and Marl are of as great an efficacy, being proportionably tempered with Earth and Ashes, and of longer continuance to enrich Land, as I will show hereafter. But because some will say, that the burning of the turf (which we call Devonshiring) will make the ground the worse after three years, I do most confidently affirm, upon my own experience, that, with the addition of Dung, or Lime, or Marl, in fit proportions, there is no such husbandry in the World, perfectly to prepare any heathy Land and make it nourish, receive and ripen seeds. For the Earth is, as it were, renewed by the Fire, having no other Roots in the entrails of it, produceth nothing for many years but what one sows upon it; and shall remain vigorous enough to serve as long as one of knowledge and understanding will desire it. And therefore I shall advise you to prefer this husbandry upon your heathy Land before any other. Though they have no other manure to mend their Land, but Dung in the Barren and heathy Land in Flanders and Brabant: yet they have a very fine way in Brabant to raise a great quantity of Dung; the practice whereof may much advance the Improvement of St Leonard's forest. They that keep sheep there, upon the Heaths, house them every night, and in the Summer, at noon, first having laid three or four Inches of Sand at the bottom of the Floor, wherein they lodge their sheep for a night or two, which tread their Dung and Piss into the Sand, and so they daily use more Sand to be used in the same manner, until the quantity be grown so great, that the sheep cannot conveniently go in or out. Then they cast that out of the house, and put in more Sand, and so proceed throughout the year, and by that means three or four hundred sheep will raise one thousand Loads of Dung in a year: and eight hundred sheep two thousand Loads, which, allowing twenty Loads to an Acre, will Dung an hundred Acres yearly: and this Dung by experience doth mightily improve such heathy Land as St Leonard's is. Besides there is Marl in most part of the forests. I account any mine that is free from stones, and lieth so thick, as it is worth the digging, and near and convenient to carry to your Land, and of clammy substance, when it is wet, though it seem only Clay or Loam, yet to be Marl, and very good Manure for Sandie and Heathie Land, be it of what colour it will; as either Graie, Yellow, or Blue; and forty Loads of it laid upon an Acre in Summer, and presently spread, and so let lie all Winter to incorporate with the earth, then Devonshired the next March, and spread upon the Land and sowed, will mightily improve it. I did use six Acres thus, that was nothing but Heath, and had two Crops of Corn from it; and the third year it came of itself to be as good Grass, as ever I saw grow in any Meadow in England. I saw another great Improvement in Clement Stoke's Farm adjoining to the forest; he had Land, that he let out, two years together, for twelve pence an Acre: at last he Devonshired it, and caused his hills, before they were burnt, to be set a just rod square one from another; and when they were burnt, he put a peck of unslackt Lime, which was forty Bushels, this Lime being slacked in the hills, with the first Rain was mingled together with the Ashes, and then spread upon the Land, and after sowed with Wheat; and brought as good as any was in the country: brought next year a very good Crop of Oats, and the year following come to as good Grass as any he had to his Farm. This I hold to be the cheapest husbandry: because four or five Load of Fern, of which there is store in the forest, being cut from the beginning of July to the middle of August will burn off twelve Loads of Chalk Lime; and though your Chalk cost dear the bringing thither; yet the Lime will not stand you in twelve shillings a Load, and by this way you save much carriage, and so by consequence may compass to manure yearly much more Land. As for Example, you carry but one Load of Lime to your Land, whereas by the other ways you must carry twenty Loads of Dung; and forty Loads of Marl. So as by the Lime, if that will do as well, you may Lime twenty Acres as soon as you can Dung one Acre, and forty Acres for one with Marl; But I advise you to make Trial yourselves of all these several Husbandries, and then to follow that which you find cheapest and best. I have set down at large, how I came first to know the Husbandries, and how I was satisfied in the particulars. I have also set down three several ways to improve your Land; now I will lay down the charge in severalty; then cast up the profit from one Acre to five and twenty Acres; then to fifty, and so to an hundred Acres; by which it shall appear, that by an ordinary way of husbandry, according to the value, which they make of like Commodities in Flanders, how that by improving a hundred Acres of Heathie Land every year, as namely of St Leonard's forest, and Sowing the Seeds of Flax, turnips, and clovergrass, you may in five years improve five hundred Acres to be worth above seven thousand pounds a year. The particular charge of an Acre of Flax is as followeth. First, the devonshiring of an Acre 01 00 00 A load of Lime to put into the Hills 00 12 00 The ploughing and harrowing of an Acre 00 06 00 The bushel of flax-seed at thirteen shillings four pence the bushel. 02 00 00 The weeding of an Acre 00 10 00 Pulling and binding an Acre 00 10 00 Graffing the seed from the flax 00 06 00 Watering, drying, swinging and beating the flax of nine hundred weight upon an Acre. 04 10 00 This is the uttermost charge that I could learn: so the whole cometh to L S D 09 5 00 Nine hundred pound weight of Flax, upon an Acre at eight Stivers the pound, which was an ordinary price in Gaunt, when I was there, together with the Seed, valued to be worth 40 00 00 Now if you deduct fifteen shillings, an Acre, more, towards Charges or Losses, the Account being already ten pound an Acre, short of the value of their best Flax, yet remains above all Charges clear for an Acre 750 00 00 By the same Account you will be at five hundred pound charge for fifty Acres and then receive at forty pound an Acre, two thousand pound; but clear abov all Charges but 1500 l. The like Account of a thousand pound charge for an hundred Acres; you receive upon the Account of forty pound an Acre four thousand pound; but clear abov all Charges 3000 l. This thousand pound Charge for an hundred Acres is only supposed, in case you lay out all the Charge before you receive any Money for part of your Flax; but before you are out seven hundred pound, some Money will come in for Flax continually, so as indeed you shall not go out abov seven hundred pound at all in stock, and after the first years profit is come in, you cannot Account that you are out any thing from your purse, because you have your full stock again, and three thousand pound more. But this is not all the profit you are to expect from your hundred Acres the first year; for after the Flax is pulled, which will be either in Julie or August, the same Land may be sowed with turnips, and, prove according to the Flanders Account, worth eight pound an Acre, over and abov all charges: so twenty five Acres cometh to two hundred pound; fifty Acres to four hundred pound, and an hundred Acres to eight hundred pound. They sow in Flanders but two Bushels and a half of turnip seed upon an Acre, which was worth, when I was there, but twelve pound, and plough it once after the Flax is pulled, they harrow it, and weed it, if there be cause, and that is all their charge concerning that business. Both these Crops are sowed, ripe and ready to be pulled within eight months; that is, between the beginning of April and the end of November: so the profit of an hundred Acres, the first year, cometh to, besides all charges on this Account, unto three thousand eight hundred pound. And the hundred pound allowed for charges, may very well come into your purse again within the other four Months. When the turnips are pulled, I would have the same hundred Acres made ready again to be sowed with clovergrass seed alone, about the beginning of April than next following, therein altering the custom of Brabant and Flanders, which is to sow it immediately either with or after the Corn. For I found by Experience in Herefordshire, that it will thrive much better the first year, and turn to more profit alone, than a Crop of Oats and it sowed together will do. The charges of an Acre is first ploughing and harrowing about 00 05 00 Ten pound of seed as it cost me at Antwerp 1645 at sixpence a pound 00 05 00 Cutting the Grass, twice making the hay, and threshing out the seed. 01 10 00 So the whole charge is 02 00 00 The second years profit. Which being deducted there remain's clear for one Acre, according to the Brabant and Flanders Account. 10 l. Which for twenty five Acres cometh to two hundred and fifty pound, for fifty Acres, to five hundred pound, and for an hundred Acres to 1000 l. Then an hundred Acres must be Devonshired and sowed with Flax and turnips, as is before expressed, which, with God's blessing, may yield the like profit of three thousand eight hundred pound, when to the thousand pound above mentioned for clovergrass, being added the whole profit of the second year from two hundred Acres, amounteth to four thousand eight hundred pound. 4800 l. The third years profit. Then the last hundred Acres, sowed with flax and turnips, must be sowed as before, with clovergrass seed, which, according to the former account coming to one thousand pound, and a hundred. Acres more devonshired, as formerly, and sowed with flax and turnips, yielding the like profit of three thousand eight hundred pound, as is before specified, adding thereunto the two hundred Acres of Clovergrass, the whole profit of the third year is 5800 l. The fourth years profit. Then the hundred Acres sowed before with flax, and turnips, must be sowed as formerly with clovergrass seeds, which yielding a thousand pound, according to the former accounts, and another hundred Acres devonshired as formerly, and sowed with flax and turnips, and yielding like profit of three thousand eight hundred pound, and adding thereunto the three hundred Acres formerly sowed with clovergrass seed, makes the whole profit of the fourth year 6800 l. The fifth years profit. Then the last hundred Acres sowed with flax and turnips, must be sowed as before with Clover-grass-seed, which yielding like profit of a thousand pound, and another hundred Acres devonshired as formerly, and sowed with flax and turnips, yielding the like profit of three thousand eight hundred pounds, thereto adding the four hundred Acres formerly sowed with Clovergrass seed, make's the whole profit of the fifth year 7800 l. Thus have I plainly showed what I promised in my Preface, that was, how an industrious man in Brabant and Flanders would convert five hundred Acres of barren and heathy Land from little value in five years to be worth above seven thousand pounds a year. You see, you have better means to mend your Land than they have; your Land lieth in a manner under the same Climate; for Chichester and Mecklin are in one degree; the Soil is much alike, as I have showed, you may have as good a vent for your Commodities, as they have for theirs, if you pleas; and therefore I do not know what Reason can hinder you from putting those things into practice. You may continue this yearly profit of seven thousand eight hundred a year upon this five hundred Acres. If you will by Liming, dunging, or marling, and devonshiring again the first hundred Acres, laid down with clovergrass, and sowing it with flax, and turnips as before, and so go round with every hundred acres, as formerly in its course; but having great store of barren and heathy ground, you were better improve that, and let the clovergrass continue as long as it will. And if after five years' continuance it turneth to a mingled Grass; yet that will be as good as most Meadows and Pastures, that I know in England; for it turns commonly from a red honey suckle to a white, which we repute the sweetest Grass, although it doth not carry the greatest burden. And I am persuaded it will continue longer if it be kept for Seed and cut but twice, whereas they commonly cut it thrice a year in Flanders always in the Sap, which will kill Fern. Now I will show you how they vent these Commodities, that you may learn the better, how to vent yours. First, they make great store of linen themselves, and send it most for London, what they make not in Cloth; they have a Market every Thursday at a place called St Nicolas, almost midwaie between Antwerp and Gaunt, whither Merchants come on purpose to buy it, and send it into Holland, and there sell it at dear rates. I met with a linen Draper of London, when I was at Gaunt, and questioning him what vent there was for Flax at London: he told me that before these troublesome times, if I had had a very great quantity, he could have helped me to Chapmen to have bought it off at dearer rates at London, then usually they sold it at in Flanders; for he said he did believe there was not less than a hundred thousand pounds worth of Flax brought yearly into England from foreign parts; a great part whereof to his knowledge was sent from London into Lancashier; there made into Cloth, and afterwards brought back in Cloth, and sold in London; and if times grew peaceable again in England, he told me I need not doubt the venting of more Flax at London, then ever I would have to sell; and two honest English Merchants of my Acquaintance did assure me, that if I could not sell my Flax at London to my content, they would transport it for me into Holland, where I might fell it dearer, than they sold their Flax in Flanders: for Merchants usually sent for Flax out of Flanders and sold it again in Holland, at dearer rates than they paid for it there. But if you find that these Commodities thrive with you, and you grow rich by them; I would advise you to send for some workmen out of Flanders, that understand the Manufacture of linen cloth, and make your Flax into linen cloth, you cannot choose but gain by it exceedingly, when you are aforehand with the World, if they live by it who fetch it first from London into Lancashire by Land; being made in Cloth, recarrie it up; and besides you shall do a charitable deed by bringing in that Manufacture into the Kingdom. For it keeps a very great number of poor Women and Children at Work in Flanders and Holland, that otherwise would not have means to live. So by this way you should be sure to vent your Flax, and withal procure a public benefit to the Kingdom. The husbandry of turnips is as Common between Gaunt and Antwerp, as that of Flax; for, as there is more Flax sowed there, then of any other Grain or Corn; so Commonly, after the Flax is pulled, immediately they sow turnips, and presently after their rye; what they do not eat themselves they give unto their cattle; they will feed Oxen and Kine as fat, as Hay or Oats; the Roots being clean Washed, and then Roots and leaves being put into a Trough▪ and there stamped together with a Spitter, and after boiled in Water and given to Kine will make them abound in Milk, yet grow so fat withal, that you would wonder at it. The only difficulty is to make you cattle eat them at first; but breed them up by hand, as they do there. Others do the same already▪ in many parts of England, they will take turnips and eat, or any other thing you will give them. To encourage you the more to sow turnips, I will demonstrate unto you what an Acre of them transplanted may be worth by Calculation as they are sold in London. They commonly there sell four or five turnips in a bunch for a penny. A rod square being sixteen foot and a half may bear a thousand eight hundred and nine turnips, being set at half a foot distance the one from the other. Now suppose that a thousand cometh to good, and five sold for a penny, than a Rod of them amounts to sixteen shillings eight pence, and an Acre of them being eightscore Rod by the same Account, comes to abov thirty pound, and therefore certainly an hundred Acres sowed, may be very well valued at eight pound an Acre one with another, when you have brought your cattle to eat them as theirs do. I told you before how in Brabant and Flanders they made twelve pound an Acre of their clovergrass, either by feeding Cattle, keeping Kine, or by the seed; which, commonly increasing to five Bushels upon an Acre, was worth eight pound when it was sold, but at sixpence a pound; but being sold for two shillings a pound (which price I myself now paid for it) the value of the Seed quadruple's from eight pound to thirty two pound an Acre; and the man that sold me seed this year for two shillings a pound, desires all that I can spare, the next year at the same price, if you get but into the best kind of those they use in Flanders. For when your neighbours see your labours thrive and prosper so far as to convert your Land which bore nothing but Heath, for many Ages, First into excellent Flax, then into such delicate turnips, as they never saw before or tasted, and to end with such clovergrass, as they will admire, when they once see your Crops, and somewhat understand, that you do reap some benefit by them, they will come to you as to an Oracle to ask your Counsel, and be instructed and desire it from you as a favour, at first to buy your Seed at any reasonable price. But if you find that you have more Seed of Flax and turnips (if you will let them grow to Seed) than you can vent, you must then set up either a Water-Mill, or windmill, as they do in Flanders, and make them into Oil; both which Seeds makes good Oil, which you may be sure to sell in London at good Rates. And for your Clover-grass-seed, if you find you cannot sell it to your content, you may choose whether you will let it grow to Seed or not; and if you do not let it grow to Seed, you may cut it once more in a year, than otherwise you could do. You must change your Flax Seed, though never so good at first after four years, the other Seeds do not so much require it. I doubt not but these things will seem as strange to you at first, as they did to me; and therefore I desire you but to try what I propose, upon such profitable Terms, as no man, that is well in his wits, but will venture at them, being laid down so plainly to you, as a child may understand them. You may observe, that Flax, turnips and clovergrass, already grow in England; but there is as much difference between what groweth there, and here, as is between the same thing, which groweth in a Garden, and that which groweth wild in the Fields. To prevent what may be strange or troublesome to you at First for want of knowledge, I would advise you to send to Tom or Robin to Gaunt, where by means of some of their old Acquaintance there, they may provide you a servant, who understands these several Husbandries as well as any of ours do the husbandry in getting Corn; and by observing of his practice, you yourselves, or whom you will appoint may be sufficiently instructed in a year or two so far, as to Command such things to be done by others as are not fit and necessary to be done by yourselves. Besides the excessive profit you will reap by Sowing these Commodities, imagine what a pleasure it will be to your eyes and Sent, to see the Russet Heath turned into greenest Grass; which doth produce most sweet and pleasing honeysuckles; and what praise and Reputation you will gain by your Examples, first introducing that into your country, which being followed by others, must need's redound to the general benefit of the whole commonwealth. I do by my Will Command you for to execute no more, than what I would myself to morrow put in practice, if I had liberty: you should learn these things I have set down by Examples, which I am enforced to leave you as a Father's Precepts, and with a Father's blessing to you all, desiring God almighty to guide you and direct you in all your Actions, I will leave you to his divine protection and providence. FINIS.