A Just Enquiry INTO THE libeler's Abuse OF THE People called QUAKERS, In His Scandalous Pamphlet, falsely Styled, Some of the Quakers Principles, Doctrines, Laws and Orders, etc. They Shoot in Secret at the Perfect, etc. But God shall Shoot at them, Psal. 64. London, Printed, and Sold by T. Sowle, at the Crooked Billet in Holywell-Lane, Shoreditch, 1693. A Just Enquiry into the libeler's abuse of the People called Quakers, etc. THere's two or three Fallacies in the very Title of the said Pamphlet. 1st, In charging what's contained therein upon the Quakers in general, as being their Principles, Doctrines, Laws and Orders, etc. Whereas in truth, divers of them are neither the Quakers Principles, Laws, nor Orders, but disowned by the said People, though this Nameless Author has unjustly represented them, as if they were some Principles all entirely Transcribed, and that from the Quakers in general, without exception, which is a notorious abuse; For 'tis also very Obvious, That many of them are very Partially, unfairly and injuriously cited, minced, curtalized, Picktpached, and scraped up, thereby wronging some former Ancient Writings of particular Persons deceased, and not here to answer for themselves (as George Fox, Edward Burroughs, Francis howgil, John Burnyet, William Smith, John Audland, Josiah Cole, and others, and some yet alive abused) Others very falsely represented, being taken on Trust on an Implicit Faith, out of our Long-since Refuted Adversaries Books and Pamphlets. 2dly, That those pretended Principles and Doctrines etc. of the Quakers (at least many of them) are Rendered to be of dangerous Consequence; When we can easily make it appear that Many of them, even as cited by this Obscure Accuser, are agreeable to the holy Scriptures, and Testimonies of Holy Men, consequently not of any dangerous Consequence (though in many things the Libeler appears very Injurious as well as Envious.) Whereupon I inquire. 1. What dangerous Consequence can be in our Knowing or Believing our Election (i. e. in Christ) before the World began? pag. 1. Ephes. 1.4. 2. Or what dangerous Consequence in our believing or Testifying that Christ hath given us Discerning and Judgement? Or that we are of God, and they that own God will own us, or any who are his Children? 3. Or in our Believing the Tabernacle of God to be with us, that is with all his People whom we include as of us, or with us, who are not against us (nor Envious, nor exalted in Pride, or Self-conceit) but looking towards the Lord, as in every Nation and People they that truly fear God and work Righteousness, they are accepted, and so far of us. 4. What dangerous Consequence can be in asserting, That Christ's Ministry or Teaching, is to Bring up the Hearers to Perfection, to the measure of stature and fullness of Christ? pag. 2. 5. Can none (Quakers or others) in these Days, truly declare that they are or may be moved by the Immediate Spirit and Power of God to Write or Preach without dangerous Consequence? pag. 2, 3. 6. What dangerous Consequence can be in asserting, That they that have the Form and not the Power, and that are not Infallible in their Counsel and Judgement in their Ministry, are none of Christ's Ministers? pag. 3. 7. Is not the Spirit of Christ Infallible, and the Ministry thereof Infallible? And are any Christ's Ministers who have not his Spirit to Instruct them? pag. 3. 8. The distinction between the Letter, and the Word or Spirit, and between the Ministry of the Letter, and that of the Spirit, pag. 3, 4. as between the Shadow and Substance, the mere Writing in outward Characters, and the holy divine Doctrines and Truths therein contained, (or holy Scriptures as intending the same) Is so Scriptural, that I know no true Christian will deny such distinction, muchless deem it of dangerous Consequence: (We never esteemed or called the Holy Scriptures (that is the Holy Doctrines, or Precepts thereof) but a Dead Letter, etc. This Matter is fully answered and explained in a late Treatise, entitled, Antichrist in Flesh Unmasked; and in many others. But yet further. Section 8. Touching the Scriptures, implying that we call them the Husk, the Letter which Killeth, Earthly and Carnal Letter, etc. This is not Justly nor truly stated, and may Cause mistake and Misapprehension, as if the Divine and Christian Doctrine and Testimonies contained in the Scriptures were included in the Term Letter, Husk, etc. which could not be the Intention of any of our Friends in that case, but of the mere outward Writings, as in Paper, and Ink, the Shadows and Types, the Legal and outward Ministration as Distinguished and Separated from that of the Spirit, Life and Substance, Cor. 3.6, 7. Rom. 2.29. Please also to take G. F's Explanation and Sense, that by Letter, he means Paper and Ink, but saith the Scripture the thing it speaks of is Spiritual, the Word is Spirit, Great Mystery, fol. 78. And further he Explains, viz. the Scripture itself without the Spirit that gave it forth, is a dead Letter in itself; the Spirit is it that gave forth the Scriptures; Gr. Mist. fol. 127. Wherein he distinguisheth between the mere Letter and the holy Scripture, between the Letter and the Doctrine, between the Writings and the Gospel or Word declared of, because the one will decay, the other is permanent, the Books and Writings in Ink and Paper will wear out, so will not the Word: jehoiakim King of Judah could Burn Jeremiah's Roll, or Book writ with Ink by Barach, but not the Word of the Lord, nor the Words thereof; for the same Word caused all the former Words to be Written again after the Roll was burnt, Jer. 36. This is no contempt of the Scripture, no more than it is of the Earth and the Heavens, to say they shall Wax Old and Perish. But the Word that made them, Endureth, Psal. 102.25, 26. Heb 1.11, 12. Dust, cannot properly be said of the holy Scriptures, or Doctrine; but that the Letter or Writing will decay, and some pervert it; and in setting the Shadow above the Substance, and the Letter above the Spirit, and thinking to have eternal Life therein, will not come to Christ, that they might have Life. The Devil and Serpents have perverted and abused the Scriptures, and turned the Truth thereof into a Lye. But the Truth remaineth, the Truth is Truth still, and the holy Scripture itself (or Doctrine of Truth therein) cannot be broken. The Husk, that intends no contempt upon the holy Scripture, but thereby intending the mere Letter or Writing, it is not the Kernel, the seed, the Living Word, Spirit or Life which the Scriptures testify of. Those Repeated Stories and Reflections insinuated concerning Governments Monarchy, Rulers Laws, etc. pag. 4.5, 6, 7. Enviously and perversely Raked up by Patches, Mincing and piece-meal out of old Books, the most part writ in the Commonwealth's Days, are plainly answered, and our Innocency cleared in several late Books, one Entitled, Christ's Lambs defended from Satan's Rage. Another, Some Reflections on some Remarks upon the said Christ's Lambs defended. Another Entitled, Innocency against Envy. Another, The Quakers Answer to a scandalous Libel, styled, A Letter to the Quakers. All these Printed, and Sold by Thomas Northcot in George-Yard in Lumbard-street, London. So that much more time need not be spent to Answer the Libeler over again in these matters. As for outward or Civil Governments, our Peaceable and Christian Conversation, as a People, is so well known under all from first, that we need not fear secret Smiters and libeler's unjust attempts to blast or cloud our Christian Reputation on that account, well knowing that when we have suffered great wrong, and been sevearly persecuted by any in outward Power for our tender Conscience toward God, he would be ready to Plead our Innocent Cause, as he hath many times done. And as for such Rulers or Persons in outward Power, as have abused their power either by Injustice, Oppression or Persecution, they were all accountable to God, who is no Respecter of Persons; and for any of his Servants to warn such against their Evil Ways, and of their Destruction or Overthrow, when God requires them; this is so far from any act of Rebellion or Sedition, or unkindness either, that I think such kind of Pious Plainness and Caution seasonably given, is a token of the greatest Kindness can be expressed to the Great Men or Potentates of the Earth; though such Friendship is rarely well resented or accepted except by such Princes and Rulers whose Hearts are tenderly inclined, as was David's, Josiah's, Hezekiah's, and such Kings of Judah, etc. as had some tender Fear towards God, and regard to his Laws in their Hearts. I do grant that several among our Friends at first and in the Commonwealth's, days had no great affection to some sort of Monarchy, and the more doubtful thereof, because they were Jealous that thereby, such Bishops would be set up again as would renew or cause Persecution upon Conscientious Dissenters again; For many of them came of Puritanical Families, who had deeply suffered by the former Bishops, and their Courts (their Star-Chamber, and high Commission Court, etc.) This caused the greater Averseness (in many heretofore) to such Monarchy thus considered; But what then? is it Just to upbraid us always as a People, and to aggravate the same against us as Criminals? Or to render us as disaffected either to Just Government or Monarchy in General without Exception? when as good Kings and Governments we had no reason to disaffect or oppose; and tho' we like not bad ones, who are for Persecution and Oppression, etc. we have always been true and Constant to the Doctrine of Non Resistance, and Passive Obedience, ever since we were a People; and learned quietly to submit as Christians to the overruling Hand and Providence of God in the Revolutions and Change of Governments, (which have Eminently happened even in our days) as Samuel did, though he was as much a Republican and averse to Monarchy as some called Quakers were at first, as when Israel's Requiring a King, like other Nations displeased Samuel, 1 Sam. chap. 8. Yet when a King was given them, he granted him to be the Lord's Anointed and Chosen, 1 Sam. 10. which is something suitable to the Case of those our former Friends, for whose sakes in this Concern we are by these Apostates implicitly (yet very unjustly) rendered Obnoxious to the Civil Government. Some of the libeler's false Charges and notorious abusive Perversions. 1. That the Quakers have a Spirit Given them beyond all the Forefathers (since the days of the Apostles in the Apostasy) and they can discern who are Saints, and who are Devils, quoting G. F's Great Mystery, pag. 89. Answ. This is a notorious Perversion, this Parenthesis before being a Forgery, and not in G. F's Answer: The truth of the matter is thus, viz. Magnus been said, The Quakers knows a man whether he be a Saint or Devil— and they are beyond all our Forefathers, etc. G. F. answers, viz. Here thou hast showed that the Quakers have a Spirit Given them beyond all the Forefathers (since the days of the Apostles) in the Apostasy. G. F's Parenthesis being Only [Which we do Witness.] His words do not intend nor import a Spirit or Attainment among the Quakers beyond all the Forefathers, true Apostles, and others without exception (as the Libeler makes them look) but beyond all such Forefathers as were in the Apostasy since the days of the true Apostles; And what dangerous Consequence can follow thence, Pray? Can it be of dangerous Consequence not to believe a ●●tter Attainment than Apostates had? who th●● will Credit this Obscure Smiter to be any better than an Old Apostate? And of what validity is his Work then? Sect. 4. pag. 2. He attempts to prove the Quakers guilty of High Boasting, by accusing G. F. with saying he is the Son of God; I suppose he intended a Son of God; but take it as it is, was not Adam called the Son of God? Luke 3.38. G. F. preferred Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God we are sure, and owned himself to be a Servant of Christ (as he truly was, and a Son of God too) in his Work and Service in his day. Christ the only begotten Son of God in all things must have the pre-eminence; though as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God, and now are we the Sons of God, etc. 1 John 3.2. Again, we are charged with saying, He that hath the same Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ, is Equal with God. For which Saul's Errand, pag. 8. 1654. is quoted, We deny the words as there printed; The words [he that hath] should be left out; and have reason to suppose the mistake has happened either in the Printing or Transcribing, (for 'tis very carelessly and badly printed) and that contrary to G. Is. and our Principle, and to his own very words and confession a little before in the same Book, where being charged with Professing himself to be Equal with God, he positively denys the Charge but confesses The Father and the Son are One, and that Christ and the Holy Spirit are Equa, with God, pag. 5, 6. and to Christ Jesus both as he was of the Seed of Abraham and also as he was Equal with God (i. e, both to his Manhood and Divinity.) It's therefore a gross Slander employed against the Quakers that 'tis their Boasting, Doctrine, or Principle that They or any of them are Equal with God, because they partake of his Spirit that raised Jesus from the Dead (and of the divine Nature and Image) they pretend to no such Equality or Principle, neither doth G. F. but the contrary he denys it of himself, or any other Creature, as that any Creature should be Equal with the Creator, as in his Great Mystery, fol. 127. And we abhor any such Boasting. Charge. Sect. 22. Some of the Characters they give to other Ministers that are not of them. This by the way is a notorious falsehood, importing (without exception) that the Quakers in general give the Subsequent Characters to all other Ministers that are not of them (here's no exception) this appears an Envious Forgery to sow Discord, and stir up ill will and prejudice in all other Ministers and their Hearers against us, which appears no better than a devilish Design, and a great Abomination to sow Discord among Conscientious Dissenters and others. And what Characters do they give to other Ministers, as he pretends, but such as these, viz. The Priests of the world are Thiefs and Robbers, Antichrists, Conjurers, Devils, Liars, a Viporous and Serpentine Generation, Babylon's▪ Merchants, Whited Walls, and Painted Sepulchers, Ravening Wolves, Greedy Dogs, Ambitious Pharisees, Hunting after their Prey, never satisfied, raging like Sodomites, Quoting a Brief Discovery, Printed 1653. with five Names to it. But stay, soft a little; 1. Were these Characters given in general, or to all, other Ministers that are not of us, or not in Society with the Quakers (so called?) No sure, they seem to be directed to such Priests of the World then (mark) as were both very Covetous, Proud, and Envious Persecutors, and there were too many such we know right well, and have, many of us deeply suffered by them, many both severe Imprisonment (some till Death) and spoil of Goods; 'tis true to compare such to Vipers, Serpents, Wolves, greedy Dogs, etc. may seem hard Characters and Comparisons, yet they are not unscriptural; but their Cruel Usage of many of us, has been far heavier and harder than such Scriptaral Characters, which never were intended to all other Ministers that are not of us; nor to any of them who are men of Moderation, Gentleness and Sobriety; therefore the Libeler has shamefully misrepresented us in this matter. Which is fully Answered in our Treatise, Entitled, The Contemned Quaker and his Christian Religion defended against Envy and Forgery, etc. pag. 55. to pag. 66. In Sect. 30. under the Title, Hear a few of the Execrations THEY Give, etc. Is inserted a mistaken prediction against John Story, viz. This Year shalt thou die. dat. 1. 1. Mon. 1677. Though he lived several Years after. This the Libeler has very unjustly charged (under his general Title and Words THEY Give) on the Quakers, for [They] is falsely made relative to the Quakers without exception, according to his Title, when as the said mistake, was but one man's (i. e. S. Is) and as such condemned, by the Quakers, and in himself also who committed the Error as to the time. Thus immorally and unjustly has the Libeler dealt by the Quakers, such Injustice, the Common justice, Laws and Custom of England allows not of, even in Criminal Cases; a Felon after he has answered the Law by undergoing the Condign Punishment thereof, may not afterward be upbraided as being a Thief still, much less may others that are Innocent be branded or Reproached for his Fact, but this kind of Injustice we meet withal from Lying Spirits, and malicious Apostates, who regard neither Truth nor Common Justjce in such injurious dealing. And the like measure we have in Sect. 39▪ about a few inconsistent and indeed unsound Expressions (or Agreement) alleged against the Quakers, dated December 23. 1680. about Giving up ones whole Concern (if required) unto the Judgement of the Spirit of God in men's and women's Meetings, rather than any particular Measure in myself, etc. Our obscure Accuser was not so ingenious nor just here, as to tell the World, that the said Agreement was only of a few in Barbades; nor to tell the Reader the Quakers in England long since disowned it, and that those Persons themselves (or most of them) concerned in it have seen and retracted their own Mistake and Error therein. As in our Paper, entitled, Some Reflections on some Remarks, pag. 6. This account is given, viz. How immoral and unjust is it to upbraid us with a pretended Order from Barbadoes? seeing when it first came over it was disowned by us, and our Friends in General, especially wherein it imports a Contra-distinction or Division between the Spirit in a particular Member, and the same Spirit in the Church, or opposing the particular measure thereof in myself to the Spirit of God in Meetings, which we cannot make Good Sense of, for the same Spirit Cannot be divided; And the Judgement that rises in the Church of God from the Spirit of Truth in any matter, comes from the same Spirit in particular Members, before it be received in the general. And we have understood that the aforesaid pretended Order was then disowned by some particular Friends even in Barbadoes, and afterwards revoked by them in general, and therefore not Justly to be made a Charge against them or us. Pray do but observe how implacably Envious, Unjust, and Injurious these our secret Smiters and Adversaries are; what Reiterate (and Charge) particular and personal Revoaked and Exploded Mistakes and Errors upon a People wholly Unconcerned therein? Oh! Horrid Injustice and gross Injury! If men should deal thus by them after they have paid their Debts, as to recharge them over and over with the same Debts, and never be satisfied, they would conclude at this rate there would be no living one by another. Or if God should deal so by you (our secret Adversaries and Smiters in the dark) as never to forgive nor blot out your Offences, but should always remember them against you after Repentance, Pray what would become of you? What would be your End? But God is both Just and Merciful, tho' you are neither, you bear no resemblance of Him in this your Injustice and Implacableness. However we doubt not but our just and good God will plead our Innocent Cause with you implacably envious Persons and our injurious Enemies and Apostates. In the 31. Sect. Some nonsense, Long-since writ by S. E. about G. F. and denied by the Quakers, is again not only reitterrated, but G. Whitehead (i e. myself) unjustly accused with Excusing the same, for which my hidden Accuser Quotes Serious Search, pag. 58. etc. And also Innocency against Envy, pag. 18. Wherein he has dealt very unfairly and falsely by me, for in neither do I excuse S Is words in that case, but deny them in the first, as unsafe. In the second, as being both Nonsense, and not to be stood by. How did I herein stand by S. Is. words or challenge? What in deeming them unsafe and Nonsense, and not to be stood by? See Serious Search, pag. 58.59. And Innocency against Envy, pag. 18. Which plainly clear me from the accusation before. All impartial Readers may take it for granted that these secret Smiters will make little Conscience of wronging the dead (many whereof being Reproachfully accused in the said Pamphlet) when they can thus wrong the living, as the Libeler has done by me in a case so notorious as this is, by charging me to excuse that which I plainly declare to be Nonsense and not to be stood by; but only excused the intention of the writer on his own Explanation as declared in our Friend's Book Judas and the Jews, pag. 75. And not the Nonsense of his words in his challenge, but corrected the incoherence by his own declared intention accordingly, as where he applies [The World was made by him] only to Christ. Innocency etc. pag. 18. Wherein I aimed at nothing but Truth and Justice on all hands, which I prefer to all Personal fame and interests, and through the Lord's goodness have long resolved not to decline or conceal Truth to vindicate or excuse Error or mistake in any; Concerning the Charge against several Ministers of some divine Attributions to G. F. in two Letters pretended, the first said to be from Josiah Cole, in 1658. (above thirty four years ago.) The other from John Audland, and dated from Bristol, 1665. Whereas in Thomas Camm's account, (who was much conversant with John Audland in his last Sickness) 'Tis declared (in his Testimony) That J.A. finished his Course here in the 1st Month, 1663. And the same Account in a late Letter to me, Tho. Camm confirms according to their Register of Burials, etc. in Westmoreland, That John Audland was buried the 24th of the 1st. Month, 1663. being the very last day of that Year, according to the usual beginning of the Year on the 25 th' of the same; so that John Audland died about two Years before the date of the said pretended Letter from him to G. F. How could he then write the Letter (to G. F.) two years after he was dead? That pretended to be from J. C. our Adversary says, Is vindicated by W. P. and other Chief Quakers in Judas and the Jews. pag. 44.45, 46. Is it so? Yet does he not attempt to refute that Vindication; which tho' it was of the Substance of it only; Supposing the Copy for granted as cited, yet I still question the Copy whether true in all parts as I have done, therefore shall not undertake to Warrant it in every part●clar or word in it, as it has been divers times slung at us, both by F. Bugg, and some Baptists, and yet each apparently vary in their own Recital thereof, in their Pamphlets, as F. B. has done in his One Blow more, pag. 7.1691. And in his Battering Rams, pag. 29.1690.91. Wherein tho' I have cause still to Question the Verity and Authority of his Copy, yet cannot find nor see that he can justly infer either Idolatry or Blasphemy on Josiah Cole in particular, muchless against the Quakers in General from any thing as yet reiterated out of his pretended Letter, by— Bugg, Baptists or the Libeler, §. 31. But further to clear Josiah Cole, and his Friends from their Reproach of Idolatry and Blasphemy (in relation to G. F. or any other Creature) as utterly contrary to his Christian Principle and Profession. We'll have recourse to his own plain Testimonies on Record, for and in behalf of the same Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the holy Scriptures testify, in his positively declaring No other Name under Heaven to be saved from Sin by, but HIS who preached himself the Light of the World, and who Lighteth every Man that cometh into the World, John 1.9. and against the Pope and Church of Rome and the Pope's Headship, affirming that Christ never ordained a Visible Head to his Church, but that Christ is the Head and Foundation, and that Prophet whom Moses prophesied of, whom the People are to hear in ALL things, Deut. 18.15. and that Christ is the Governor and Head of the People called Quakers, and their Church. And that Christ is the Word which was in the Beginning with God, Joh. 1.1. And that Christ was the Spiritual Rock which followed Israel, and which they all drunk of, 1 Cor. 104. And that Christ ascended far above all Heavens, that he might fill all things, Ephes. 4. Thus far Josiah Cole in the Collection of his Books, pag., 321, 332. where more at large he magnifies our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in his divine Being and Offices. Therefore our Adversaries that have reproached him and us on is account with Idolatry and Blasphemy, or wresting Christ's Sceptre out of his Hands (as some have done) have very grossly defamed him and others, and shown their inveterate Malice and Persecuting Antichristian Spirit, which the righteous Lord will rebuke. And as for G. F. who was an Eminent Instrument in the Lord's hand for the good of many; he was so far from opposing or denying Christ, or his divine Offices, Dignity, Divinity, (or Blessed Manhood) and so far from accepting or assuming to himself any such Dignity or Honour only peculiar, to Jesus Christ, That he did own himself a Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, and did Preach and Pray in his Name, and to him, and not in his own, as many Thousands can Testify. [These last Lines the Libeler has very unfairly omitted and concealed in his recital of my words, in his 33. Article against me, pag. 13. out of Innocency against Envy, pag. 18. Thus it has been the Common Course of our most Envious Adversaries to conceal what ever in our Writings tends most to clear us.] And G. ●. is more fully Cleared from ●hese Adversaries Reproach in this matter by his own naked and innocent TESTIMONY of WHAT we believe in behalf of Christ, both as God and Man, (according to the Holy Scriptures) and of His Miraculous Conception by the holy Ghost, and being Born of the Virgin Mary, and of his Sufferings, Death, Resurrection and Ascension, etc. Printed, 1677. Farther testifying to his Divinity, Great Mystery, fol. 254 That by Christ (the Light) all things were made and created, and that he was Glorified with the Father before the world began, Of whom the Scriptures testifies; And that this Christ is the same to day, yesterday and forever, that the Saints came to Witness WITHIN them, Not another Christ, nor many Christ's. With many more sincere Confessions (to the true and very Christ of God) of the same import, which would fill a Volumn to recite; a few whereof being sufficient to clear both G. F. and us from the false and foul imputations of Idolitry and Blasphemy, or denying the One true and ever Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, (of whom the Holy Scriptures Testify) and from promoteing or adoring any other Man (or Creature) in Christ's stead, as we have been most unjustly defamed, and the Righteous God knows and will plead our Innocency and Clear us in this matter, we doubt not. And as to that pretended to be John Audland's Letter to G. F. Sect. 32. There's 16. or 17. lines of Mater added in it; more than are (in F. B: is Copy One Blow more page 7. Thus confused and varied Transcripts are cast upon us to defame and brand us with Idolitry, etc. without either Producing us the Original Leters pretended to be from I. C. and I. A. or any Credible Authority to prove the verity of their differant Copies, tho' demanded both of Bugg, Baptists and Athenians (so called) since we both questioned their broken Printed Copies, with their dashes— and & c's. And now I still Question the Truth of this as enlarged against John Audland, and we disown it as it is; let the Libeler Produce the Original Letters or sufficient Authority of Credit (and no parties against us) to prove his Copy exactly true in all parts and perticles thereof, where there's any stress of the Sense concerned; for the Charge is high, and requires strict proof in all Essential points (as common Law and Justice doth of Indictments in Criminal Cases) otherwise our Adversary's Copy of the said Letter, may be of as much Credit, as that J. A. writ it two Years after he was dead (as before.) Both J. A. and J. C. were well known to many, and still remembered to be sincere upright hearted Men, fearing God, and eschewing Evil, who truly honoured and preached Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, our blessed Lord and Saviour, as their own Testimonies on Record do still plainly Evince; And that John Audland was a man of more Wisdom, and of a more sensible Christian Spirit than to detract from, or lessen the Honour, Glory or Dignity only due and peculiar to Jesus Christ, or to attribute the same to any other, or to prefer G. F. or any Man or Creature else (as the Fountain of Life) in Christ's stead, but only as an Instrument in God's hand, for the Turning of many from Darkness to Light, even to Jesus Christ, the true Light, for Life and Salvation: Besides, 'tis no new thing for sincere Christians to praise the Lord God, and to pray to him, and to confess to the Power and Goodness of God in Christ Jesus, the Fountain of Life, even in a Letter or Epistle to a Friend or Friends, as the Martyrs (divers of them) did in their Letters, which if such their Confessions, etc. had been (by their Adversaries,) turned and applied to the Persons or Friends they writ unto, it had been a very foul abuse and perversion of their Letters and Intentions; and so may this be to defame J. A. and his Friends for his sake, for any thing yet appears to the contrary; His confessions to Jesus Christ as the Fountain of Life and Strength, and to his Power, etc. may possibly be wrongfully turned and attributed to another; If we might see the very Letter itself from J. A. we could say more to it, to manifest and clear the Truth. To conclude this Point; 1 st. I find not that the said Letter is directed and applied by John Audland himself unto G. Fox. 2dly, I do not approve thereof as cited and directed by our Adversaries (with the date of 1665.) unto G. F. As for John Audland's Christian Principle and clearness in behalf of Jesus Christ, we have reason Charitably to credit his own Testimonies, rather than Libels, or any thing his and our Adversaries enviously suggest, and turn or throw upon him (or us) to defame him and his Christian Reputation. Now they know he is gone, he is not here to answer for himself, therefore his own Innocent undoubted Testimonies on Record shall speak for him (and his holy Respect and Honour as is only due to the very Christ of God) and against his Enemies. In behalf of Jesus Christ, according to the Holy Scriptures; John Audland thus writes, The Lord our Righteousness (by whose Grace we are saved) hath chosen us in Christ Jesus, who hath all Power and Authority committed unto him, and upon whose Shoulders the Government is laid, pag. 116. Of the Collection of the Books and written Epistles of John Camm and John Audland. And further, Christ Jesus, since the Fall of Adam, hath perfectly fulfilled the Law of God, and there is Salvation in NO OTHER, pag. 117. ibid. Again, (of Christ) The true Shepherd laid down his Life for the Sheep, and he is the Door where no Thief can enter, etc. pag. 120 Christ is not born by the will of man, pag. 122. That Christ expounded the Scriptures, was never denied by us, he opened their Understandings to understand the Scriptures— and the Spirit of Christ is one in all his Saints, pag. 124. Dear Hearts, other Foundation can no man lay, then that which is laid already, which is Christ Jesus the Light of the World, the Way to Life and Everlasting Rest, etc. pag. 157. Let nothing separate you from the Love of God in Christ Jesus our Light, our Life, and our Redeemer, pag. 161. I must walk according to the Commands of Christ and his Apostles, p. 180. Walking in the Spirit which mortifies the Deeds of the Flesh, being subject to the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; here is rest to the Soul, pag. 188. We see the Way of Life to all that believe in the Name of the Lord Jesus, p. 190. The Jews had a Law, by which they Judged the HOLY ONE that he ought to die, pag. 202. Christ said, Love your Enemies, Pray for them that Persecute you, p. 203.— We find acceptance with God through Jesus Christ, p. 222.— You are washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, pag. 250.— The Seed of the Woman which all the Promises are unto, Yea and Amen in Christ (by which the Serpent's Head is bruised) is but one, which Seed is Christ, pag. 269. Dear Hearts▪ walk in the pure Eternal Love and Light of God, that so you may come to the pure Life of God, to follow the Captain of your Salvation, who was made perfect through Sufferings, p. 275— They (i.e. the holy Prophets) prophesied of Christ, who was born not by the Will of Man, supposed to be the Son of Joseph, which was the Son of God, pag. 287. These Passages are (as many more might be) truly Collected out of John Audland's Works and Writings to show. 1st, That he truly owned and honoured the true Christ, the only begotten Son of God according to the holy Scriptures. 2dly, That therefore no divine Attributations, Confessions, Honour or Worship (only due and peculiar to our Lord Jesus Christ) could he ever intent to any other besides him. 3dly, These of J. A. his Free and Voluntary Confessions to the very Christ of God, and his Light and Life, etc. are plain Indications of his clearness from the gross and absurd Imputations of Idolatry and Blasphemy wickedly Insinuated by his and our Adversaries. 4thly, And how easily may such Apostate Adversaries wrong the Dead, when they make no Conscience to wrong the Living, as they have done in plain matter of Fact? and what Credit then can their Scandalous Pamphlets, or their Envious and defaming Suggestions and Reproaches (many whereof are omitted here) be of, to any impartial Readers, or Persons indifferent? There are divers of those other Articles exhibited by the said Libeler in the said Pamphlet (which are truly cited, and owned by us) which I need not vindicate, until the Libeler come forth, and make his Objections, and own his said Pamphlet, styled, Some of the Quakers Principles, etc. and subscribe his Name thereunto. George Whitehead London in the 1 st Month, 1693. THE END.