A SPECIMEN, Of the Rhetoric, Candour, Gravity, and Ingenuity of Wi. Williams, Speaker to the late House of Commons at Westminster, in his Speech to Sir Robert Peyton, When he expelled him that House. You are absolutely the worst of Men, The Speaker not excepted. Guilty of the sin against the Holy Ghost. Nonsensical Bombast. and have committed the Greatest of Offences, for which you deserve to be Obliterated from the Knowledge of all; being of a base and timorous Spirit: You have endeavoured to cast the damnable Plot upon the most Innocent of his Majesty's Subjects; Witness their Feats from 41 to 48, etc. even those Friends who Chose you to Sat in this Honourable House. Never the more honourable, for being supplied by such people. You have disgraced the Honour of your Family, brought such perpetual Ignominy upon yourself, as can never be Retrieved. You have forsaken God and your Country; The poor Dunce knows not the meaning of the word Retrieve. The noble and elegant style of an Indictment. and Satan being your director, you have imagined, contrived, and endeavoured to bring Popery into this Kingdom, by the vilest ways the Devil and the Pope could assist you withal. But the Bill of Union would have been a more effectual one. You have been out of measure, ungrateful, and fled from the Principles of all honest men, I cannot call you fallen Angel, for you have been a Devil from the beginning; Charity and Civility. and to bring your Diabolical purpose to pass, you have consulted the Devil, Gadbury, and hugged the Witch Celliers, and have been a True Hypocrite, If true, how a Hypocrite? if a Hypocrite, how true? and played a Prize with Religion for advantage. But why should I say Religion, when you never had any, but were ever a profuse rolling Hero, having nothing now left you but the shape of a Man, whereby you are become nauceous to this House, Can any thing have, been more cleanly and gently, more decently and gravely expressed? You should have put your Finger in your Throat, and have gone on with this great work. and therefore they now spew you out.