THE ANCIENT STATE, AUTHORITY, AND PROCEED OF THE covert OF REQVESTS. 2. Octob. 1596. printer's or publisher's device Anno 1597. THE ANCIENT state, authority, and proceed of the Court of Requests. THE Court of Requests now so called, was, and is parcel of the Kings most honourable Council, and so always called, and esteemed. Penultimo Aprilis. & 1. julij. 17. H. 7. 27. Maij 21. H. 7. & 18. Septemb. 6. H. 8. 28. Novemb. 12. H. 8. 18. julij 14. H. 8. ultimo Novembris. 27. H. 8. 6. Novembris. 30. H. 8. 21. Aprilis 31. H. 8. 3. julij 32. H. 8. 8. julij eodem. 14. Martij. 33. H. 8. 15. Novemb. 35. H. 8. 11. Novembris. 36. H. 8. 1. Febr. 37. H. 8. 1. Junii. 38. H. 8. 29. julij. eodem. 25. Septemb. eod. & 5. julij. 6. Edw. 6. 1. Febr. 7. Edw. 6. 8. Maij. eod. & 7. Maij. 1. Mariae. 25. Octobris. 1. & 2. P. & M. 21. Novemb. eodem. 28. Novemb. 2. & 3. P. & M. 12. Junii. eod. 19 Junii. 3. & 4. P. & M. & 29. Junii. eod. & 12. Febr. 9 H. 7. THe judges of that Court were always of the kings most honourable Council appointed by the King to keep his Council board. 12. Feb. 9 H. 7. 21. Martij. 12. H. 7. 28. Maij. 13. H. 7. 29. jun. 14. H. 7. 11. Martij. 15. H. 7. 9 Martij. 17. H. 7. 22. Novemb. 21. H. 7. & 28. januar. 20. H. 8. 10. julij. 24. H. 8. & 23. Maij 25. H. 8. 24. Novembris. 26. H. 8. 23. janu. 29. H. 8. 28. Junii. 33. H. 8. 6. Novemb. eod. 10. Feb. eod. & 27. Novemb. 1. Edw. 6. 29. jan. 6. E. 6. 12. Junii. 7. E. 6. & 19 Novemb. 1. Mariae. 26. jan eod. 1. Junii. eod. 20. jan. 1. & 2. P. & M. 6. Maij. eodem. 24. Novembris. 2. & 3. P. & M. 25. Novembris. 3. & 4. P. & M. 3 Novemb. 4. & 5. P. & M. THe keeping of this Court was never heretofore tied to any place certain; but only where the Council sat, the suitors were to attend: But now of late for the ease of suitors, it hath been kept in the Whitehall in Westminster, and only in the Term time. viz. At Sheen. 3. Martij. 9 H. 7. At Canterb. 12. April. eod. At Windsor. 20. julij. eod. At Langley. 6. Sept. 10. H. 7. At Wouldst. 7. Octob. eod. At Worcester. 9 julij. eod. At Nottingham. 24. Augusti. 11. H. 7. At Leicester. 29. Augusti. eodem. etc. THe Court of Requests a Court of Record. 5. julij. 3. & 4. Philippi & Mariae. Recognizances taken by the King's Council (in his Court of Requests) at Westminster. 13. Junii. & 18. Junii. 13. H. 8. 15. Octob. eod. 26. April 21. H. 8. 11. Junii. eod. 8. julij. 25. H. 8. Temporal: As matters of title, and possession of lands. 17. Febr. 11. H. 7. 15. Febr. 12. H. 7. 17. Feb. eodem. vlt. Novemb. 14. H. 7. 2 Maij. eodem. & 9 Maij. eod. & 17 Augusti. eod. & 19 Novemb. 18. H. 7. 15. Novembris. 19 H. 7. & 16. Decemb. 2. H. 8. 15. Maij. 7. H. 8. 1. julij. 8. H. 8. 27. Maij. 9 H. 8. 9 Novemb. 15. H. 8. 6. julij. 31. H. 8. Matters of title only. 28. Novemb. 3. H. 8. 10. & 13. Novemb. 8. H. 8. 23. Maij. 11. H. 8. 13. Novembris. 13. H. 8. 9 Decemb. 17. H. 8. 18. Maij. 26. H. 8. 2. Junii. 30. H. 8. 15. Maij. & 16. Novemb. 37. H. 8. 14 jul. 38. H. 8. & 28. Octob. 4. Ed. 6. 7. julij. 6. E. 6. 10. Maij. 7. E. 6. Matters of possession only. 18. Octobris. 11. H. 8. 5. Feb. eod. 15. Febr. 12. H. 8. 8. Novemb. 13. H. 8. 25. Maij. 28. H. 8. 25. Octob. 31. H. 8. 22. Decemb. 37. H. 8. & 20 April. 2. E. 6. 18. Maij. 4. E. 6. vlt. Maij. 2. Elizabethae. Matters of Annuities, extents, debt with specialties, and without, detaining of evidences, rend, assurance of lands, etc. 24. Octobr. 13. H. 8. 18. Maij. 22. H. 8. 30. Novemb. 27. H. 8. 29. Maij. 33. H. 8. 6. Maij. 34. H. 8. 30. Aprilis. 37. H. 8. & 8. julij. 3. Edw. 6. 30. Maij. 6. Ed. 6. 8. Feb. 7. Ed. 6. 13. Maij. 2. Elizabethae. Matters of contracts, villainage, water courses, & covenants, and high ways. 10. Febr. 8. H. 8. 24. Novemb. 10. H. 8. 13. Febr. 11. H. 8. 6. Novemb. 26. H. 8. 25. Junii. 36. H. 8. 25. Novembris. eod. 27. Novemb. 37. H. 8. 6. Junii. 38. H. 8. & vlt. januar. 2. Ed. 6. 11. Feb. 4. E. 6. Matters of Dower, jointure, and Contracts for marriages. 15. Martij. 11. H. 7. 14. Novemb. 14. H. 7. 24. Feb. eod. 16. Feb. 24. H. 8. Matters of wilful escape. 23. Maij. 4. & 5. P. &. M. 20. Octob. 5. & 6. P. & M. Forfeitures to the King by recognisance, or otherwise. 9 Novemb. 11. H. 7. 5. Martij. 13. H. 7. 26. Febr. 19 H. 7. 14. Octobr. 22. H. 7. & 4. julij. 38. H. 8. & 4. Febr. 2. Ed. 6. & 12. Maij. eodem. Riots, and Routs, Forgery, and Perjury. 9 Febr. 13. H. 7. 23. Febr. 14. H. 7. 16. Novemb. 16. H. 7. 6. Decemb. 18. H. 7. & 15. Maij. 14. H. 8. 10. Novembris. 33. H. 8. Causes tried here, whereas the Defendant dwelled in the Marches of Wales, or in the North. 27. April. 2. & 3. P. & M. & 10. Novemb. 3. & 4. P. & M. Sometimes causes referred to the judges of the law, and their advise required. 10. Junii. 7. H. 8. 14. Martij. 10. H. 8. 11. Novemb. 13. H. 8. 4. Febr. 17. H. 8. & 27. Octob. 6. E. 6. & 10. Feb. 2. & 3. P. & M. THe form of the proceeding in this Court, was altogether according to the process of summary causes in the Civil Law. 5. Feb. 13. H. 7. 14. Novemb. 14. H. 7. 3 Decemb eodem. 20. Martij. eodem. 18. Martij. 15. H 7. & 17 Decembris. 10. H. 8. & 18. Novemb. 22. H. 8. 18. Novemb. 31. H 8. & 21. Maij. 3. & 4. P. & M. & 5. Junii. 1. Elizabethae. THe persons plaintiffs, and Defendants, between whom they judged, were always either privileged as officers of the Court, or their servants, or as the King's servants, or necessary attendants on them; or else where the Plaintiffs poverty, or mean estate was not matchable with the wealth, or greatness of the Defendant: or where the cause merely contained matter of equity, and had no proper remedy at the Common law: or where the cause was specially recommended from the King, to the examination of his Council: or causes concerning Universities Colleges, Schools, Hospitals, and the like. As 18. Novembris. 11. H. 7. 27. Novemb. eod. 11. Decemb. eod. 26. Novembris. 14. H. 7. 1. Maij. eodem. 6. julij. 17. H. 7. 13. Martij. 1●. H. 7. ultim. julij. eod. 28. Maij 21. H. 7. 14. Feb. 23. H. 7. & 27. Octob. 3. H. 8. 13. julij. 11. H. 8. 4. Febr. 12. H. 8. 21. Feb. eodem. 6. Junii. 13. H. 8. 18. Octobris 22. H. 8. 4. julij. 24. H. 8. 17 Novemb. 25. H. 8. 6. Junii. 29. H. 8. 2. & 4. Novemb. 30. H. 8. 6. Febr. 31. H. 8. 8. Junii. 32. H. 8. 12. Febr. eodem. 17. Octob. 38. H. 8. 20. Novemb. eod. 26. Novemb. eod. & 4. Feb. 1. E. 6. & 6. Feb. eod 22. Ma●j eod. 28 jun. eod. 5. julij. eod. 18. Octob. eod. 30. januar 2. Ed. 6. 9 Feb. eod. 9 jun. eod. 26. Novemb. 4 E. 6. & 24. januarij, & 24. Aprilis. 5. Edw. 6.26. Maij. 6. Ed 6. 26. Aprilis. 1. M. 28. Maij. eod. 25. Octob. 3. & 4. P. & M. 5. Maij eod. 10 Feb 4 & 5 P. & M. 9 Maij. eod. 24. Junii eod. THE causes wherewith they deal, and whereof they judge, are of all sorts: As Maritime, Ecclesiastical, Temporal, but properly of Temporal causes, and only of the other sort, as they are mixed with Temporal. Ecclesiastical. 2. Martij. 17. H. 7. 15. julij. 20. H. 7. & 25. Novemb. 8. H. 8. 12. Febr. 21. H. 8. 25. Maij. 33. H. 8. 25. Novemb. 34. H. 8. 20. Novembris, & 21. Feb. 35. H. 8. & 22. Junii. 2. Edw. 6. 28. Novemb. eod. 20. Maij. 3. Ed. 6. 28. Novemb. eod. 23. Novemb. 5. Ed. 6. 22. Junii. 7. E. 6. & 7. Maij. 1 M. 18. Novemb. 4 & 5. P. & M. Maritime. 3. Martij. 9 H. 7. 24. Martij. 10. H. 7. 21. Aprilis. eodem. 25. Aprilis. eodem. & penult. Martij. 11. H. 7. Vltramarine. 21. Maij. 15. H. 7. 13. julij. 17. H. 7. & 16. Feb. 10. H. 8. & 27. Feb. eodem. & 4. Novemb. 6. Ed 6. & 25. Octobris. 3. & 4. P. & M. Temporal: As temporal offices, etc. 25. Feb. 14. H. 7. & 22. Octob. 31. H. 8. 4. julij. 38. H. 8. & 4. Junii. 3. Edw. 6. ultimo Aprilis. 5. Edw. 6. 19 Feb. 7. E. 6. THe manner of proceeding in the said Court. 1. First by Privy seal, Letter missive, or Injunction, or messenger, or bond. 2. Second by Attachment. 3. Third by Proclamation of Rebellion. 4. Fourth by Commission of Rebellion. 5. Fift by Sergeant at arms. 11. Novemb. 11. H. 7. 14. Decemb. eod. 10. Feb. 12. H. 7. 21. Feb. eod. 14. April. eod. 4. Feb. 17. H. 7. & 30. Maij. 14. H. 8. & 6. April. 7. E. 6. Appearances by virtue of the Privy seal. 6. julij. 15. H. 7. 5. julij. 16. H. 7. 16. Novemb. 18. H. 7. 15. julij. 19 H. 7. 21. Junii. 20. H. 7. 29. Martij. 21. H. 7. 2. Junii. eod. 15. Octob. 22. H. 7. 27. janua. eod. 21. April. eod. 23. Octob. 23. H. 7. 25. Novemb. 23. H. 7. 19 Maij. eod. & 4. Novemb. 3. H. 8. 6. Novemb. eod. 20. jan. eod. & 4. Martij. 6. H. 8. 20. Octob. 7. H. 8. 15. jun. 9 H. 8. 16. Octob. 12. H. 8. 22. Aprilis. 14. H. 8. 4. julij. 24. H. 8. 23. janu. 25. H. 8. 22. Junii. 33. H. 8. Appearances by bond, or letter missive in the Star chamber, or elsewhere, or the King's signet. 15. Aug. 9 H. 7. 26. April. 12. H. 7. 6. Martij. 16. H. 7. 3. Novemb. 21. H. 7. 27. Junii. 21. H. 7. & penult. Octob. 2. H. 8. 8. jul. 10. H. 8. 18. Novemb. eod. 13. Octob. 11. H. 8. 17. Octob. eod. 12. Novemb. 12. H. 8. 28. jan. eod. & 10. Maij. 16. H. 8. Appearances by Messenger, either Pursuivant, or Sergeant at Arms. 1. Junii. 14. H. 7. 20. Maij. 18. H. 7. 7. Junii. 19 H. 7. 12. Junii. eod. & 1. Maij. 13. H. 8. 28. Junii. 31. H. 8. & 28. April. 1. M. 18. Junii. 2. & 3. P. & M. Appearances being so enjoined by Commissioners. 3. Junii 12. H. 7. 18. Octob. 18. H. 7. 24. Octobris. 23. H. 7. 18. Feb eod. & 16. Octob. 3. H. 8. 4. Novemb. 7. H. 8. 11. Maij. 11. H. 8. 5. julij eod. 4. Novemb. eod. 23. januarij. 12. H. 8. 26. Octob. 14. H. 8. 5 Feb. eod. & 10. Octob. 34. H. 8. & 26. jan. 1 Mar. 27. April. 1. M. POssession of lands given for contempt in not appearance, or not answering after appearance: as 17. Feb. 12. H. 7. 16. janu. 4. E. 6. 8. Junii. 2. & 3. P. & M. 27. januarij. 4. & 5. P. & M. & 19 Octob. 1. Eliz. & 5. Febr. 2. Elizabethae. & 2. Maij. 10. Maij. & 16. Novemb. eod. THat the party Defendant attend De die, in diem on the Council, till he have made his answer to the Plaintiffs bill, and be licensed to departed upon caution De judicio sisti, & judicato soluendo, and constitution of his Attorney and Counsel by name. 3. Mart. 12. H. 7. 23. Feb. 14. H. 7. 9 Maij. 14 H. 7. & 7. Decemb. 17. H. 7. 13. April. 29. Junii. & 2. jul. 17 H. 7. vlt. Octob. & 4. Novemb. 18. H. 7.29. Novemb. 21. H. 7. & 9 Maij. 4. H. 8. 20, & 22. Junii. 9 H. 8. 9 Feb. 9 H. 8. 24 jun. 10. H. 8. vlt jan. eod. & 10. Maij. 11. H. 8. 28. jan eod. H. 8. 21. Maij 14. H. 8. 2. julij. eod. 12. Junii. 17. H. 8. 21. jun. 22. H. 8. & 7. Novemb 6▪ E 6. & 9 Feb. 3. & 4 P. & M. SOmetimes answers put into the Court by the Guardian of an Infant. 24. Novemb. 4. & 5. P. & M. SOmetimes answers taken by Commission, upon oath made, that the party for old age or infirmity can not appear: as 13. Novemb. 11. H. 7. & 19 Octobris. 1. H. 8. 29. januarij. 11. H. 8. 25. Junii. 14. H. 8. 26. Junii. 30. H. 8. 23. januarij. 34. H. 8. & 7. Novembris. 5. & 6. P. & M. & 10. Octobris. 1. Elizabethae. SOmetimes answers of the Defendant respited, till the Plaintiff have paid charges given against him by a former Decree: as 8. Novemb. 2. & 3. P. & M. THat both parties, or the one of them be sometimes commanded to bring into the Court, all their Evidences, Writings, Miniments, Bonds, etc. concerning the cause. 6. Septemb. 11. H. 7. 15. Decemb. eod. 12. Aprilis. 14. H. 7. 14. Febr. 17. H. 7. 30. Maij. eod. 10 Decembris. 18. H. 7. & 10. Feb. 29. H. 8. SOmetimes both the Plaintiff & Defendant; sometimes but one of them bound to the peace for himself, & his men: as 19 Aprilis. 12. H. 7. 21. julij. 17. H. 7. 24. julij. 19 H. 7. 19 Maij. 22. H. 7. & 26. Aprilis. 21. H. 8. Injunctions granted to bar the Defendant from suing the Plaintiff at the Common law, and to stay the suit at the Common law, before commenced, and not to arrest the body of the Plaintiff till further order be taken by the King's Council: as 5. Maij. 12. H. 7. 7. julij. 16. H. 7. 27. Martij. & 21. Junii. 18. H. 7. & 24. Maij. 19 H. 7. 6. & 7. Maij. 22. H. 7. 28. Octobris. & 18. Novembris. 23. H. 7. & 10. Junii. 8. H. 8. 4. julij. eod. 12. Maij. 13. H. 8. 18. julij. 14. H. 8. 8. Febr. 22. H. 8. 19 Novemb. 24. H. 8. & 13. Febr. 2. Edw. 6. 28. Novemb. 6. Edw. 6. & 17. Octob. 2. & 3. P. & M. 17. Novemb. eod. 10. Feb. & 6. Maij. eod. & 27. Novembris. 3. & 4. P. & M. 19 Maij. eod. 19 Novembris. 4. & 5. P. & M. & 24. Novemb. eodem. & 15. Febr. eodem. Injunctions not to fell wood, etc. 7.23. & 27. Novembr. 2. & 3. P. & M. & 5. Junii. 1. Elizab. THat the execution of a Decree may be done either by imprisonment of the person disobeying, being party, or claiming under the party, or by levy of the sum adjudged upon his lands: as 4. April. 13. H. 7. 10. Junii. 17. H. 7. & 12. Novembr. 4. Ed. 6. 1. Aprilis. 7. Edw. 6. & 18. Junii. 1. & 2. P. & M. & 16. Maij. 2. & 3. P. & M. & 27. April. 1. Eliz. 19 Maij. 3. Eliz. 18. Novemb. 4. Eliz. IN NOMINE DOMINI nostri IESV CHRISTI. 13. Februarij. 1592. Acts, Orders, and Decrees made by the King and his Counsel, 9 H. 7. remaining amongst the Records of the Court, now commonly called the Court of Requests. 12die Februarij anno H. 7. nono per Regiam Celsitudinem appuntuantur domini & alij Consiliarij subscripti ad obseruandum Consilium suum a die 12. praedicto, per totum iter per eundem dominum Regem post Pascha faciendum, modo sequenti. Episcopus Bathon. post Pascha continuè. Episcopus Exon. Episcopus Roffensis continuè. Dominus Prior S. joannis, post 15. dies post Pascha continuè usque ad mensem Augusti proximum. Dominus de Daubeney mensibus Augusti, Septembris, & Octobris. Dominus de Broke cum domino Priori eisdem mensibus.