A NEW PROGNOSTICATION For the Year of our LORD GOD, 1668. Being Bissextile or Leapyear. By J. A. Mathematician, EDINBURGH, Printed for the Year, 1668. A Succinct Computation of Memorable things to this present Year of God, 1668. Since The Creation of the World 5617 The general Deludge 3961 The destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah 3571 Haman was hanged 2121 Fergus the first King of Scotland 1997 The building of Edinburgh Castle 1998 The Christian faith was received in 1458 Scotland 1458 The invention of Printing 225 The Gunpowder Treason, Novemb. 5.63 The great plague in London, 1625. 43 The Birth of King Charles the First 68 Second 38 King Charles was Crowned at Scoon 18 The Transcendent great Plague in Lond: 2 The Terrible fire at London 1 Common or vulgar Notes this Year, 1668. THe Golden Number is 16 The Epact 26 Dominical Letter for Jan: and Feb. is E And for the rest of the Year D Fastens Even Feb. 4 Easter, or Pasch March 22 Whitsunday May 10 Of the Eclipses this present Year, 1668. FOur Eclipses happeneth this Year, 1668. Two of the Sun, and two of the Moon. The first of the Moon, and last of the Sun will only be seen of us in Britain. That of the Moon gins the 16 day of May, about 2 hours in the morning, and ends about 5 in the morning. That of the Sun happeneth upon the 25 day of October, about the 12th hour of the day. The Plagues incident this year, are these: 1. The plague of Poverty, when a man hath not a penny in his purse, credit with his neighbours, nor a hole to hid his head in. 2. The Plague of Discontent, when a Husband shall find cold cheer, and hot words from a scolding Wife. 3. The Plague of Contention, when a Traveller hath a long journey, a tired horse, and little money. 4. The Plague of Marriage, when a woman possesseth a husband that is very poor, yet jealous: young, yet a choleric fool. 5. The Plague of Debt, when a man hath much to pay, little to discharge, and an unmerciful Creditor. 6. The Plague of Hunger, when a man sees or smell good cheer, and hath an excellent stomach, but knows not how to get it. 7. The Plague of Ingratitude, when a man hath much wealth, and no wisdom; much coin, and no conscience; continual health, and no grace to return thanks unto him that bestow it on him. The exact day, hour and minute of the New Moon, her Full and Quarters: With the daily disposition of the Wether; As also, some Physical Verteses, together with the whole Fairs of Scotland, 1668. xxxi. January gins on Wednesday. New Moon 3 day, 20 min. past 7 at night. First quarter 10 day, at 12 at night. Full Moon 19 day, 10 min. past 4 in the morning. Last quarter 26 day, 30 min. past 1 afternoon. This year gins with hail and frost to the 5 day, from the 5 to the 11 great winds, with some snow, thence to the 15 weather sitting the season, from 15 to 21 blustering weather, 21.22, 23 frost, thence to 27 some showers, from thence to the end of the month frost. This Month set all kind of Fruit-trees, and Quicksets: In the New of the Moon (the wind and weather observed) you may set Pease and Beans, Parsnips, and Oats, if the weather prove mild, and the Moon decreasing. If thou be sick, and help wouldst have, The counsel of the Learned crave. If thou hast Health, to keep thee so, Fly Idleness as deadly so. The first Fair in the year, is S. naughlan's, at the Kirk of Bethelny, in Gerry, upon the 7 day. S. Mungo in Glasgow the 13 day a Fair, And at Dunkel, and Kilwinning, the 21 day. xxix. Febr. gins on Saturday. New moon 2 day, at 7 in the morning. First quarter 9 day, at 8 at night. Full Moon 17 day, 10 min. past 8 at night. Last quarter 24 day, 15 min. past 9 at night. The 1, 2, and 3. days fair weather, but cold, from thence to the 10 good weather for Ducks and Geese, from the 10 to the 16 frost, 16, 17. some cold hail showers, the rest of the month fair weather. This Month set Roses, with all other kind of Plants, cut Quick sets, sow Pease and Onions; as in the Month before (the weather considered) you may now Garden for Sallet-Herbs, and such like. Be choice of Food in any wise, To keep thee warm, also precise: Beware likewise thou let not blood, Except the Learned think it good. At Abernethy and Forres in Murrayland, called S. Bride's day, 1. On Candlemas day in Bamff, Dunkell, Dingwall the 2. day. Valentine's day at Linlithgow the 14 day, and at Forfar the 15 day, holding eight days. Ashwednesdayes Fair beginneth on Fastens even, at Lanerk the same day; at Valley field the 24 day. xxxj. March begins on Sunday. New Moon 2 day, 28 min. past 7 at night. First quarter 10 day, 25 min. past 4 afternoon. Full Moon 18 day, 8 min. past ● in the morning. Last quarter 28 day, 6 min. past 4 in the morning. This month gins roughly to the 5 day, the 5, 6, 7 more sober, thence to the 12 cold showers, 12, 13 raw frost, from the 13 to the 19 high winds, thence to the 25 kindly weather, from 25 to 29 flying showers, the rest of the month fair weather. This Month (in the New of the Moon) graft, set Quicksets and Vines, cut your Hedges and Vines already growing: As also you may sow Onions, Beans, and Oats, and all manner of Garden-seed. Now Bleed and , if thou desire, And purge also, if need require, Ill humours do in many breed, Provide in time before you need. S. Monnence in Aberd. Dumser. Abercherder, and S. Marnoch Kirk the 1 day, at Petten●em 3 S. Duth●s in ●ain of Ross the 9 day, in Auchte●tuil the 10 day, S. ●ausnan the 11 day, S. Patrick in Dumbartan, and at the Kirk of Strageeths, and at Kirkaldy, a fair of Horse Neat and Sheep, etc. the 16 day, in S. Johnstoun the 19 day, Cuthbert in ●angtoun of the Mers the 20 day, ●ady day in West-weem● Ramff, and Auchtermuchty the 25 day, Valmsunday at the Kirk of Forrig, and in S. Johnstoun, and Skverthursday fair is upon thursday before Good-friday, at Cowper of Angus: Otherwise, Monks Cowper. A fair in Forres, called S. Marks fair, the first tuesday after Faster rearly, which will be custome-free till, 1660. xxx. April gins on Wednesday. New Moon 1 day, at ● in the morning. First quarter 9 day, 30 min. past 11 beforenoon. Full Moon 16 day, 20 min. past 7 at night. Last quarter 23 day, 40 min. past 10 in the forenoon. From the 1 to the 6 sharp cold weather, from thence to the 11 more temperate, 11, 12 strong North winds, thence to the 19 calm and clear, from the 19 to the 25 dry and windy, and some rain towards the close of the month. In this Month Pole your Hops, sow Barley and Artichokes, Bark Trees for Tanners, sow Hemp and Flax, set Citions, Melons, and Cucumbers, and furnish and replenish your Gardens with Summer-herbs. Now wholesome Baths thou mayst frequent. Let blood also, and not repent: These are good means thee to defend, From Griefs, the which on thee attend. A fair at Leslie on tuesday before Easter; in Corstorphine the first tuesday after Faster a fair: Saint Donald fair at the Kirk of Achtheles 17 day, Mark Evangel in Dys●rt the 23 day, Beltan da● the first, the 26 day, a fair at Rugland the 28 day continuing four days, at Leaven the 29 day, and in R●lreny the 30 day. Whiles in March, and whiles in April. Skirethursday before Pasch, in Glasgow, Dumbattan, Cowper of Angus, ●lgin of Murray, Paschinunday in Cowper of Pisa, ●anerk, and Irwing, ●owsunday after Pasch in Ki●●imore, and all the week after at the Senzie of Saint Andrews. xxxi. May gins on Friday. New Moon 1 day, before one in the morning. First quarter 8 day, 20 min. past 5 at night. Full Moon 16 day, 24 min. past 3 in the morning. Last quarter 22 day, 26 min. past 6 at night. New Moon 30 day, 24 min. past 2 afternoon. The first 8 days very hot weather, 9, 10, 11. thunder, with some rain, thence to the 16 dry weather, from the 16 to the 21 misty and dark weather, and the rest of the month brave Summer showers. In the beginning of this Month you may sow the Seeds of Summer-Herbs, which could not endure the cold of the forepast Months. You may yet sow Hemp and Flax; Weed your Hop-Gardens, and take away superfluous Branches, and Moss your Gardens. Rise early now this Month of May, And walk the Fields that be so gay: From Surfeiting see thou refrain, Or soon it will procure thy pain. The first day of May, called S. Philip, a fair in the Grange within the Sheriffdom of Linlithgow. Holy-Crosse day, the second Beltan, in Monrosse, Kinrocher and in Pebbles the 3 day, at Carlouk the 10 day, at Bamff, and at Kirkaldy, a fair of Horse, Neat, and Sheep, etc. the 16 day, and in Sterling a fair, 10 days before Whitsunday. Whiles in May, and whiles in June. Whitsonmonday in Glasgow, Dumbarton, Lanerk, and Jedburgh, Whitson-tuesday, called Pardon day, in the Chanry of Rosse, and at the Kirk of Ninians above Kirkealdy. Trinity-monday in Edinburgh and Brichin 8. days, in S. Andrews one day, in Bruntiland one day. A fair in the Brugh of Linlithgow, the first thursday after Whitsonday. Trinity tuesday in Rugland lasting 2 days. Trinity thursdayin Falkland. xxx. june gins on Monday. First quarter 7 day, 6 min. past 4 afternoon. Full Moon 14 day, 24 min. past 10 in the forenoon. Last quarter 21 day, 10 min. past 4 in the morning. New Moon 29 day, 26 min. past 8 in the morning. Hot and dry to the 9 day, thence to the 12 some small showers, thence to 19 exceeding hot, 19, 20.21. some thunder and lightnings, and all the rest of the mouth fair and pleasant Summer weather. In this Month (at the Full of the Moon) gather Herbs to keep dry for the whole Year: Weed your Cornfields and Gardens; Set Rose marry and Gillyflowers; Sow Lettuce, Shear Sheep, the Moon increasing. Drink new or sweet, taste not at all, For thereby grows no danger small▪ And, to thyself such past-time take, As may in God, thee merry make. A fair in Kinross the first tuesday of June. A fair in Stramiglo, Aberdour and Ennerkeithing the 6 day. A weekly mereat in For far, beginning the 8 of june, of Neat, Sheep, Horse, etc. containing till the first of October, the 10 day, a fair in Forgondeny, S. Barnaby in Lawder and Dysert, S. Laurence at Grinnock, 11 day, S. Margaret in Abernethie, Ceres in Fife 13 day, Midsummer on S. John's day, in S. Johnstoun five days, in Air four days, in Wigton, Bamff and Athelston 14 day, in Auchtertuil the 15 day. And also a fair in Clackmannan 15 day, S. Margaret in Dumferinling, and at Moffet 18 day, in which place there is a weekly mereat every Friday, Ea●lestoun 19 day, Methill 22 day, Midsummer day in Forres, the 24 day, and at Townyettam on the Border, the 24 day, of Horse, Neat and Sheep, etc. with a weekly mereat. In Alathy, in Angus, called S. Fmagola, the 25 day, S. Peter's day at Forfar 26 day, holding four days. As also in Faulkland, Bruntiland, Bamff, Kelso 26 day, gallashiel's 27 day, in Pebbles 29 day, S. Serif fair, the last tuesday of this month, S. John Baptist day, a fair in Fraserburgh 24 day. xxxi. july gins on Wednesday. First quarter 7 day, at 2 in the morning. Full Moon 13 day, 16 min. past 5 at night. Last quarter 20 day, 36 min. past 4 afternoon. New Moon 28 day, 30 min. past 8 at night. The 1, 2, and 3. days small showers, from thence to the 10 pleasant weather, 10, 11, 12 misty, thence to 17 very hot, from the 17 to the 22 wind and rain, the rest of the month calm and clear. In this Month ply your Haying, follow your Land for Wheat; pull up Hemp that is ripe; get Rue and Wormwood to drive away Fleas, and Moths. Dry Flowers in the shade, and then Sun them a little for fear of corruption. Presume thy House with savours sweet, But such as are for purpose meet. Abroad as thou in Streets dost go, Defend thyself from stinks also. Culros' the 1 day, Abernethie and Auchtermughtie 2 day, S. Martin of Bulzeon 4 day, S. Thomas 5 day, S Palladius in Forden in the Mernes 6 day, S. Andrew in Glasgow the 7 day, Kilwinning the 12 day, the 13 Saint Margaret in Killimure, 6 days at the Kirk of Forrig, the third tuesday in this month: Moffat, and at Kirkaldy, a fair of Horse, Neat, and Sheep etc. the 18 day: a fair in Stirling the 20 day, Marry Magdalene in Linlithgow, Pettenweem, and Path-head 22. day, in Airth the 24 day. S. Cristina in Corstorphine a fair, the same 24 day. S. James in Forfare, Cowper of Fife, Lanerk, and Ro●●burgh, Kinghorn, and in Musselburgh, 25 day. The last Thursday of July a fair at Whithorn 2 days. xxxi. August gins on Saturday. First quarter 5 day, 40 min. past 9 in the morning. Full Moon 12 day, at 1 in the morning. Last quarter 19 day, 10 min. past 8 in the morning. New Moon 27 day, 50 min past 10 in the forenoon. From the 1. to the 5. great showre● of rain, theder to the 11 fair and clear▪ from the 〈◊〉 to the 16 inclining to rain▪ thence to 22 windy, 22, 23 rain, and the rest of the month pleasant Harvest weather. Reap Wheat and Rye, cut down roar Oats, gather Garden-Seeds, sow Lettuce and other Winter herbs in the new of the Moon. Use moderate diet, forbear to sleep presently after Meat, take heed of sudden cold after great heat. As burning heat will thee destroy. So shivering cold will thee annoy. Let little sleep thee now content, Purge not, nor bleed, lest thou repent. Lambmasday in Atturse 3 days long, and in Melrois, Ennerkething, S. Andrews, and in Dumbartan the 1 day, Laurance fair in Rane, the first tuesday and thursday after in Falkland, S. Laurence in Selkirk, Auchtermuchty and in Forres 10 day, in Rane, 2 days before Kilmahug, and at the bourn of Campsie, Lady day in Dundee, Bamff, Mernes, Valley-field, the 15 day, the 20 day a fair at Rugland 4 days, Bartholomew Apostle in Linlithgow, Kinkarn of neil, and in Clackmannan, and Peebles the 24 day, Saint Zephirinus in Corstorphine the 26 day, a fair Saumarevis day in Forres 27. and S. John's day in S Johnstoun the 29 day. xxx. September gins on Tuesday. First quarter 3 day, 20 min past 4 afternoon. Full Moon 10 day, at 11 in the forenoon. Last quarter 18 day, 30 min. past 2 in the morning. New Moon 25 day, 10 min, past 12 at night The first 6 days wind and rain, thence to 12 more temperate, thence to the 22 could showers, from thence to the end of the month raw frost. Set Artichokes, sow Seeds for Winter herbs, about the Full of the Moon, the weather being day. Sow wheat and Rye, kill Bees, make Verjuice, sow Parsuips, and Carrots, and remove Trees every New Moon till February▪ Raw fruit, through ripe, may sickness bring; Unripe much eat, a dangerous thing. If now a Surfeit thou dost take, When others sleep thou must awake. Saint Giles in Flgin 1 day, in Moffat the 2 day, in Skirlin the 4 day, Latter Lady day in Sterling, Dundee and Bamf 8 day, Rude day in Carill, Jedburgh, Dumfermling Dumfreis, and Athel●ton 24 day, in Auchtertuil and Salane the 11 day. A fair at Forsar the 15 day, holding eight days. A fair at Kirkaldy, of Horse, Neat, and Sheep, etc. the 20 day, Matthew Apostle in Linlithgow 21 day, A fair at Leven the 27 day, Saint Michael in Hadington, Leslie, Aire, S. Andrews, Crief, Kirkubright, gallashiel's, and at the Kirk of Forrig the 29 day: S Jerome in Bamff the last day. xxxi. October gins on Thursday. First quarter 2 day, 40 min. past 10 at night. Full Moon 9 day, 24 min. past 11 at night. Last quarter 17 day, at 11 at night. New Moon 25 day, 40 min. past 12 a clock. This month gins with frost and snow to the 7 day, thence to 17 inclining to rain, from thence to 21 seasonable, the rest high winds. Remove young Plants and Trees in the new of the Moon, about the Full gather such Fruit as you left ungathered the last Month, cut your Rosetrees but once in two years, if you intent to have store of Roses. Warm must now provided be, Also warm meats are good for thee. Have good regard thy feet be dry, Thou shalt avoid much harm thereby. The 1 2 3 a fair in salt Preston, S. Francis in Abernethy and Valley field 4 day, Dionise in Peebls, Earlston, Kirkintilloch, Aiton, Auchtermuchty, Ceres in Fife, and in Killimure and Moffat the 9 day, Dalkeith and Tillibol 10 day, at Ennerkeithing the 12 day, Fenduck at Dunning 13 day, in Forgondennie 15 day, at Musselburgh the 16 day S. Luke in Lawder, Kinrose and Rugland 18 day, Town●ettam on the Border 20 day, of Horse, Neat, and Sheep, etc. with a weekly mereat. S Irena in Corstorphine, and at the Kirk of Carlouk 20 day, with a weekly mercat every Wednesday, Mary Salamine in Sterling and Kelso 22 day A fair at Forsar 24 day, holding eight days, in Linlithgow 24. in Kil●eny, and Stramiglo 25. Fowls fair in Pasl y, and Falkirk 26 day, Simon and Judas in Dysert, Falkirk C●ckany, and K●●kliston 28 day, in Alloway the 29 day. The last Thursday of this month, a Fair in Whithorn, holding two days. xxx. Novem. gins on Sunday. First quarter 1 day, 20 min. past 6 in the morning. Full Moon 8 day, 40 min. past 2 afternoon. Last quarter 16 day, 8 min. past 7 at night. New Moon 23 day, 20 min. past 12 at night. First quarter 30 day, at 4 in the afternoon. The first 2 days snow and sleet thence to the 7 frost, from the 7 to the 15 rough weather, and the rest of the month inclining to frost. In the New of the Moon remove young Trees, and in the Old of the Moon, set Pease and Beans, sow Parsnips and Carrots, make Malt, and salt Martimas-Beef. If Rheums do now molest thy head, It is not ill to sweat in bed. Feed on good meats, if stomach serve. Else seek for that which doth preserve. Hallow-day in Edinburgh 8 days, in Faulkland, Dumblane Fordyce, 1 day, in Alathie 2 day, in Kilwinning 3 day, Leonard in Lanerk, in Foreste, 6 day, S. Matth. in Dumbar, Melrois, Martinskirk, Strabogie, Cowper of Fife, Hamilton, Culrosse, Kilmahug 11 day, S. Clement in Dundie 13 day, S H●lins day at Grinock 15 day, Margaretmesse in Dumfe●●ling 16 day, S. Machharmuch in Ta'en and Auchtertail 22 day, Bruntiland 23. S. Andrew in S. Johnstoun, Pebbles and Ch●●side 30 day. xxxi. December gins on Tuesday. Full Moon 8 day, 50 min▪ passed 8 in the morning. Last quarter 16 day, 30 min. past 1 afternoon. New Moon 23 day, 10 min. past 11 in the forenoon. First quarter 30 day, 10 min. past 4 in the morning. The month seems to enter with frost till the 9 day, from the 9 to the 12 inclining to snow, thence to 21 variable, the rest of the month frost. This Month and the next are best to fell great Timber in the Old of the Moon; uncover the Roots of your Fruit-trees, Fallow Land for Barley, look well to your Cattle. Now cold December is come in, The poor man's back is clothed thin, Then feed and him as you may, The Lord will it threefold repay. Saint Nicolas in Aberdene 7 day, Lady day in Westweems 8 day, S. Dustane in Bamff, and at the Kirk of Diere 14 day, S. Cuthbert in the Grange, within the Sherifdom of Linlithgow the 17 day, S. Thomas in Glasgow the 15 day, S. John's day in Bamff, Forres, Levens-mouth 27 day. A Table showing the hour and minute of high water at Leith for every day of the Moon's age, increasing or decreasing. Moon's age min. Moon's age decr. Full Sea-at Leith in hours & min. 1 16 2 44 2 17 3 32 3 18 4 20 4 19 5 8 5 20 5 56 6 21 6 44 7 22 7 32 8 23 8 20 9 24 9 8 10 25 9 56 11 26 10 44 12 27 11 32 13 28 12 20 14 29 1 8 15 30 1 56 The use of this Table, and the practical part thereof is this: First find the age of the ☽ on the other side, with which age of the ☽, enter this little Table, which (by inspection) will show you the hour and minute of full Sea or high Water at Leith. Example, for full Sea or high Water at Leith, the 14 day of September, 1668. Enter the following Table of the Moon's age, and for that day it will be found she is 18 days old; with which 18 in this little Table annexed under the Title of the Moon's age, and over against it stands 4.20. which signifies, that at 4 hours and 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon it is high Water at Leith for that day. Here note, that every twelve hours, it is full Sea or high Water at Leith. As also, that every Tide altars 24. minutes of time, so that the Afternoons Tide is 24 minutes later than the Morning's Tide. A ready Table showing the Age of the Moon every day throughout this year, 1668. The Days of the MONTHS. January February March April May June july August Septemb. October Novemb. Decemb. 1 27 29 29 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 2 28 30 30 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 7 7 3 29 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 4 30 2 2 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 9 9 5 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 7 9 9 10 10 6 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 11 11 7 3 5 5 7 7 9 9 9 11 11 12 12 8 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 13 13 9 5 7 7 9 9 11 11 11 13 13 14 14 10 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 15 15 11 7 9 9 11 11 13 13 13 15 15 16 16 12 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 14 16 16 17 17 13 9 11 11 13 13 15 15 15 17 17 18 18 14 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 18 18 19 19 15 11 13 13 15 15 17 17 17 19 19 20 20 16 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 18 20 20 21 21 17 13 15 15 17 17 19 19 19 21 21 22 22 18 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 20 22 22 23 23 19 15 17 17 19 19 21 21 21 23 23 24 24 20 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 25 25 21 17 19 19 21 21 23 23 23 25 25 26 26 22 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 24 26 26 27 27 23 19 21 21 23 23 25 25 25 27 27 28 28 24 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 26 28 28 29 29 25 21 23 23 25 25 27 27 27 29 29 30 30 26 22 24 24 26 26 28 28 28 30 30 1 1 27 23 25 25 27 27 29 29 29 1 1 2 2 28 24 26 26 28 28 30 30 30 2 2 3 3 29 25 27 27 29 29 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 30 26 28 30 30 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 31 27 29 1 3 3 5 6 The daily age of the Moon this Year, 1668.