C R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms By the King. A PROCLAMATION. CHARLES R. WHereas upon Tuesday, the Sixth of this instant December, between the hours of Six and seven in the Evening, A Barbarous and Inhuman Attempt was made upon the Person and Life of Our Right Trusty, and Right Entirely Beloved Cousin, and Counsellor James Duke of Ormond, who was set upon in the Street, as he was going in his Coach, between S. James' and Clarendon House, by Six persons armed and mounted on Horses, who forced him out of his Coach, and then caused him to be set on Horseback, behind one of their Company, with intent to have carried him to some obscure place out of Town, where they might with more privacy have executed their Villainous and Bloody Conspiracy, until, at last, the said Duke endeavouring to rescue himself, by disarming and dismounting him that road before him, was very much wounded in that conflict, and now lies languishing under those Wounds, at his Lodgings in Clarendon House; the bold Assassinates having made shift to escape all pursuit by reason of the darkness of the night: We have thought fit by this Our Royal Proclamation, to publish and declare, That whosoever shall discover unto Us, or any of Our Privy Council, or any other of Our Magistrates or Officers, any one of these Six Persons, or any of their Aidors, or Abettors, and shall cause him to be Arrested and Siezed upon, He shall, for such his pains and diligence in this Affair, receive from Us a Reward of One thousand pounds Sterling; and moreover, shall be further esteemed and considered by Us, as one who hath done Us, a most eminent and most acceptable Service. And if any one of these Conspirators, shall after due consideration of the horror of this Fact, be so far touched with remorse of Conscience, as to discover himself to one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, or to any one of Our Privy Council, and declare his whole knowledge of this Conspiracy, and of the Authors or Abettors thereof, The ssaid Offender shall for such his discovery, receive Our Full and Gracious Pardon; and also shall immediately receive from Us, as a further Reward, the full Sum of One thousand pounds Sterling. And because it may be some good Means to promote the Discovery of these Malefactors, if it could be known, to whom a Brown Bay Horse, with a white Stripe or Blaze all along his face, or a small Pocket Screwed Pistol, garnished with Silver, and marked with these Letters T. H. Did or doth belong, both which are now to be seen at Clarendon House. Therefore, whoever shall discover the true Owner or Proprietor of the said Horse or Pistol, shall for such his Discovery, receive from Us the Reward of One hundred pounds. And We do farther require all Majors, Sheriffs, justices of the Peace, Constables, and all Officers, Civil, and Military, and all other Our Loving Subjects whatsoever, That they be Aiding and Assisting in the Arresting, Seizing, and Discovering of the said Malefactors, whom We resolve to pursue, and bring to justice, as the Enemies of Our Crown and Dignity. Given at Our Court at Whitehal, this Seventh day of December, 1670. In the Two and twentieth Year of Our Reign. GOD SAVE THE KING. In the SAVOYE: Printed by the Assigns of Jo: Bill, and Chris. Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1670.