EXCELLENT OBSERVATIONS AND NOTES, Concerning the royal Navy and Sea-Service. WRITTEN By Sir Walter Raleigh and by him Dedicated to the most Noble and Illustrious Prince HENRY Prince of WALES. LONDON, Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be Sold at his Shop at the sign of the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's churchyard. 1650. Excellent Observations and Notes, concerning the royal Navy and Sea-service. HAving formerly (most excellent Prince) discoursed of a maritimal voyage, and the passages and incidents therein, I think it not impertinent nor differing from my purpose, to second the same with some necessary relations concerning the royal Navy, with the Services and Offices thereto belonging. For, as the perfection and excellency of our Shipping is great and remarkable, so the imperfections and defects of the same by use and experience of late years, have been found to be divers and inconvenient, as it falls out many times in the circumstances of Land service by the charige of arms, diversities of Fortifications, and alteration of Discipline. And therefore for the due reformation, many things are necessarily and particularly to be spoken and considered of in their Order. In regard whereof, I will first begin with the Officers, and therein crave pardon (if in speaking plainly and truly in a matter of so great importance) I do set aside all private respects and partiality. For in that which concerns the service and benefit of my Prince and Country, I will say with Cicero, Nil mihi melius, nil mihi Charius. And therefore not justly to be taxed with any presumption for meddling with matters wherein I have no dealings nor charge. For that in the affairs of this nature, every good Subject is deeply interessed, and bound in Conscience and duty both to say and do his best. Of the Officers of the Navy. FIrst therefore, it were to be wished, that the chief Officers under the Lord admiral (as vice-admiral, Officers under the Lo: admiral to be men of the best experience in Sea-service. Treasurer, Controller, Surveyor; and the rest) should be men of the best experience in Sea-service, as well as of judgement and practice in the utinsells and necessaries belonging to shipping, even from the bats end to the very Kilson of a Ship. And that no kind of people should be preferred to any of these offices, but such as have been throughly practised, and be very judicial in either kind of the above named services; but we see it oftentimes to fall our otherwise. For sometimes by the special favour of Princes, and many times by the mediation of great men for the preferment of their servants, and now and then by virtue of the purse, and such like means, some people very raw and ignorant, are very unworthily and unfitly nominated to those places, when men of desert and ability are held back and unpreferred, to the great hindrance of his majesty's service, to the prejudice of the Navy, and to the no little discouragement of ancient and noble able servitors, when favour or partiality shall eat out knowledge and sufficiency, in matters so nearly concerning the service and safety of the kingdom, wherein all private respects should be laid apart, and virtue truly regarded for itself. Of the building of Ships. SEcondly, it were no less behooveful for his majesty's service, and for the strength of the Navy, No Ships to be builded by the great. that no Ships should be builded by the great, as divers of them have been; For by daily experience they are found be the most weak, imperfect, and unserviceable Ships of all the rest. And it is not otherwise to be presumed, But as the Officers would be thought to be very frugal for his Majesty in driving a bargain by the great at a near rate with the Shipwright, So likewise the Shipwright on his part will be as careful to gain by his labour, or at least to save himself harmless, and therefore suit his work slightly according to a slight price. Out of the which present sparing and untimely thrift, there grows many future inconveniences and continual Charge in repairing and re-edifying such imperfect slight built vessels. The proof and experience whereof hath been often found in new ships built at those rates, but so weakly, as that in their voyages, they have been ready to founder in the Seas with every Extraordinary storm, and at their return been enforced to be new built. But seeing the Officers of the Admiralty do hold (by the grace of his majesty) places of so good Credit and benesit, it is their parts therefore (being well waged and rewarded for the same) exactly to look into the sound building of Ships, Officers of the admiralty exactly to look into the sound building of Ships, &c. and to employ their care and travel as well in the over sight thereof, as to provide that all things else belonging to the Navy be good and well conditioned: For the strong and true building of a Ship is not to be left barely to the fidelity of a marchantical Artificer (the chief end of whose work in his own account is his profit and gain) but some Superior Officer ought to have a further regard in that business, if he be such a one as hath more judgement in the building and conditioning of a Ship, than devotion to his own ease and profit. Moreover if any decayed Ship be intended to be new made, it is more fit and profitable to make her a size less than she was, than bigger; For than her beams which were laid overthwart from side to side, will serve again, and most of her timbers and other parts will say well to the building of a new ship. But if she should be made a size bigger, the timber of the old will be unprofitable for that purpose; we find by experience, that the greatest ships are least serviceable, The greatest Ships least serviceable. go very deep to water and of marvellous Charge and fearful Cumber, our channels decaying every year. Besides, they are less nimble, less maineable, and very seldom employed. The Spaniards phrase. Grande Navio grande fatica, saith the Spaniard, a ship of 600 Tuns will carry as good Ordnance, as a ship of 1200. Tuns, and though the greater have double her number, the lesser will turn her broad sides twice, before the greater can wend once, and so no advantage in that overplus of Ordnance. And in the building of all ships, these six things are principally required. 1. First, that she be strong built. 2. Secondly, that she be swift. 3. Thirdly, that she be stout sided. 4. Fourthly, that she carry out her Guns all weather. 5. Fifthly, that she hull and try well, which we call a good Sea-ship. 6. Sixthly, that she stay well, when boarding and turning on a wind is required. 1. To make her strong consisteth in the truth of the workman, and the care of the Officers. 2. To make her sail well is to give a long run forward, and so afterward done by Art and just proportion. For as in laying out of her bows before and quarters behind, she neither sink into, nor hang in the water, A caution for Shipwrights. but lie clear off and above it, And that the Shipwrights be not deceived herein (as for the most part they have ever been) they must be sure, that the Ship sink no deeper into the water, than they promise, for other wise the bow and quarter will utterly spoil her sailing. 3. That she be stout, the same is provided and performed by a long bearing floor, and by sharing off above water even from the lower edge of the Ports. 4. To carry out her Ordnance all weather, This long bearing floor, and sharing off from above the Ports is a chief Cause, Provided always, that your lowest tire of Ordnance must lie four foot clear above water when all loading is in, or else those your best pieces will be of small use at the Sea in any grown weather that makes the Billoe to rise, for than you shall be enforced to take in all your lower Ports, or else hazard the Ship. Mary Rose in 11. 8. time. As befell to the Mary Rose (a goodly vessel) which in the days of King Hen. 8. being before the Isle of Wight with the rest of the royal Navy, to encounter the French Fleet, with a sudden puff of wind stooped her side, and took in water at her Ports in such abundance, as that she instantly sunk downright and many gallant men in her. The captain of her was Sir George Carew Knight, who also perished among the rest. 5. To make her a good Sea-ship, that is to hull and try well, there are two things specially to be observed, the one that she have a good draught of water, the other that she be not overcharged, which commonly the King's Ships are, and therefore in them we are forced to lie at try with our main Course and Missen, which with a deep keel and standing streak she will perform. 6. The hindrance to stay well is the extreme length of a Ship, especially if she be floaty and want sharpness of way forwards, and it is most true, that those over long Ships are fitter for our Seas, then for the Ocean, but one hundred Foot long and five and thirty Foot broad, is a good proportion for a great ship. It is a special Observation, special observation. that all ships sharp before, that want a long floor, will fall roughly into the Sea and take in water over head and Ears. The high charging of Ships a principal cause that brings them all ill qualities. So will all narrow quartered ships sink after the tail. The high charging of ships is it that brings them all ill qualities, makes them extreme Leeward makes them sink deep into the water, makes them labour and makes them overset. Men may not expect the ease of many. Ease of many cabins and safety at once in Sea-service not to be expected. cabins and safety at once in Sea-service. Two Decks and a half is sufficient to yield shelter and lodging for men and mariners and no more charging at all higher, but only one low cabin for the Master. But our mariners will say, that a Ship will bear more charging aloft for cabins, and that is true, if none but ordinary mariners were to serve in them, who are able to endure, and are used to the tumbling and rolling of ships from side to side when the Sea is never so little grown. But men of better sort and better breeding would be glad to find more steadiness and less torturing Cadge work. And albeit the mariners do covet store of cabins, yet indeed they are but sluttish Dens that breed sickness in peace, serving to cover stealths, and in Fight are dangerous to tear men with their splinters. Of harbouring and placing the Navy. THere are also many and great reasons why all his majesty's Navy should not in such sort be penned up as they are in Rochester-water, His majesty's Navy (in such sort as they are) not to be penned up in Rochester-water, &c. but only in respect of the ease and commodity of the Officers, which is encountered with sundry Inconveniences for the Sea-service, the difficulty being very great to bring them in or out at times of need through so many Flats and sands, if wind and weather be not very favourable. Besides, they must have sundry winds to bring them to the Lands end, and to put them to the Seas, which oftentimes fails, and causeth delay when haste is most needful. For if any service be to be done upon the South parts of England, Wight, Portsmouth, Garnsey and lersey, Devonshire Cornwall, Wales, or Ireland. as the Wight, Portsmouth, the I slands of Garnsey and Jersey, or Westward towards Devon-shire or Cornwall, or towards Wales or Ireland, It is so long ere his majesty's shipping can be brought about to recover any of these places, as that much mischief may be done the while. For the same winds that bring in the Enemy, binds in our shipping in such sort, as that oftentimes in a month's space they are not able to recover the nearest of any of these above named Coasts. But how perilous a course it is, is easily discerned, and as casily remedied, seeing there are besides so many safe and good harbours to disperse and bestow some of the Navy in, where they may ever lie fit for all services, Portsmouth, Dartmouth, Plymouth, Falmouth, Milford and divers others, Harbours very capable and convenient for Shippingâ–Ş As Portsmouth; Dartmouth, Plymouth, Falmouth, Milford and divers others, All of them being harbours very capable and convenient for shipping. But perhaps it will be alleged, that they cannot ride in any of these so safe from enemies as in Rochester-water, because it reacheth far within the Land, and is under the protection of some Blockhouses. To which I answer this, That with very easy care and provision, they may in most of these places ride sufficiently secure from any foreign practices. And I do not mean that all the whole Navy should be subdivided into all these Ports, but that some half dozen or eight of the middling ships, half a dozen or eight of milding Ships and ships and some Pynnaces to lie in the West, &c. and some Pynnaces should lie in the West, and yet not in any Port so near the Sea, as that in a dark night they may be endangered by enemies with fire or otherwise, but in some such places as Ashwater is by Plymouth, Ash-water by Plymouth. where an Enemy must run up a fresh River, a dozen miles after he hath passed the Forts of the Island, and the Alarum given, before he can come where they lie at Anchor. In which River the greatest Charack of Portugal may ride a Float ten miles within the Forts. But if regard be only had of their safe keeping, and not also of their readiness and fitness for service, then let them never be sent abroad to be hazarded against the enemy's forces; for therein they shall be more subject to casuality and danger, then by lying in any of these harbours above specified. But certain it is, that these Ships are purposely to serve his Majesty, and to defend the Kingdom from danger, and not to be so penned up from casuality, as that they should be the less able or serviceable in times of need. And therefore that objection savours not of good reason, but rather of self respect in the Officers, who are all for the most part well seated near about Rochester. But the service of his Majesty, and the safety of the realm (in my poor opinion) ought to prevail beyond all other respects whatsoever: and to him that casts thoseneedlesse doubts, it may well be said, pereat qui timet umbras. Of the needful expense in manning the Navy and other inconveniences by placing all the Fleet in Rochester-water. IF the service of the Shipping lying for any of these places above named, Nota. or for Spain, or for the Islands, they are enforced of very necessity to press the best and greatest part of their men out of the West Countries, which is no small charge in bringing them so far as between that and Rochester, and then when they are embarked at Rochester, their charge is again redoubled in their pay and expense of victuals, before the Ships can recover so far as Plymouth, which many times is long a doing, for they do ever usually touch at Plymouth in all Southern voyages, for the furnishing many Sea-necessaries, which that Country doth afford. And therefore for so many Ships as should be there resident, the Charges of Conduct Money for mariners, Charges of Conduct money for mariners well saved, &c. of wages and of victuals, would be well saved for all that time, which is spent betwixt Rochester and Plymouth. Besides, it were to be presumed, that Enemies would not be so troublesome to the Western Coasts, nor that Country itself would be so often dismayed with alarms as they have of late years been, if some of his majesty's good. Ships were resident in those parts. If therefore in his majesty's wisdom it should appear fit, to bestow some of his Shipping in any of these Horbours aforenamed, it shall be very needful likewise that there be a magazine of all A magazine of all manner of necessary provisions, &c. manner of necessary provisions and Munitions in the same places, according to the proportion of the Shipping that there shall be resident, whereby such defects as by accident may fall out, shall upon any occasion be readily supplied without delays or hindrance of service: And that withal in the same places, some Officers belonging to the Admiralty be there always attendant, otherwise it would be found very inconvenient to be enforced ever to at-attend such helps and supplies as must come so far off as London, when it may more easily and with less charge be effected in places where they ride. Of great Ordnance. IT was also very behooveful, His majesty's ships not to be overcharged and pestered with great Ordnance as they are. that his majesty's Ships were not so overpestered and clogged with great Ordnance as they are, whereof there is such superfluity, as that much of it serves to no better use, but only to labour and overcharge the Ships sides in any grown Seas and foul weather. Besides many of the ships that are allowed but twenty Gunners, have forty piece of barsse pieces, whereas every piece at least requires four Gunners to attend it, And so that proportion of Ordnance to so few Gunners, very preposterous: For when a Ship seels or rolls in foul weather, the breaking loose of Ordnance is a thing very dangerous, which the Gunners can hardly prevent or well look into, they being so few, the guns so many; withal we do see, that twenty or thirty good brass pieces, as Cannon, demi-canon, Culverin, and Demiculverin, is a royal battery for a Prince to bring before any town or strong fortress. royal battery for a Prince. And why should not we as well think the same to be a very large proportion for one Ship to batter another withal? which if it be, then may his Majesty ratably save a great part of the Ordnance throughout every Ship, and make the Navy the more sufficient and serviceable, and thereby also save a great deal of needless expense in superfluous powder and shot, needless expense of superfluous powder and shot, &c. that is now pretended to be delivered out according to this huge and excessive proportion of Artillery, whereof if many had not been stricken down into Holt in many voyages and (especially in this last journey to the Islands) divers of the Ships, weight, Heaft, and Charge thereof, would have foundered in the Sea: wherein I report me to such as have served in them, and saw the proof thereof. For this journey to the Islands, The journey to the Islands. did most of all others, discover unto us these experinces and trials in the royal Navy, for that it was the longest Navigation that ever was made out of our realm, with so many of the Prince's Ships, and tarrying out so late in the year, whereby both the winds and Seas had power and time throughly to search and examine them. Besides many times, there is no proportio of shot and powder allowed rateably by that quantity of the great Ordnance, as was seen in the Sea-Battaile with the Spaniards in the year 88 when it so nearly concerned the defence Spaniards Armado in 88 and preservation of the kingdom. So as then many of those great Guns wanting powder and shot, stood but as ciphers and scarecrows, not unlike to the Easterling hulks, Easterling hulks. who were wont to plant great red portholes in their broad sides, where they carried no Ordnance at all. Of Calking and sheathing his majesty's Ships. THere is a great error committed in the manner Great error committed in manner of Calking his majesty's ships with rotten Ocum. of Calking his majesty's Ships, which being done with rotten Ocum, is the cause they are Leaky, and the reason is this, for that they make their Ocum wherewith they Calke the seams of the Ships, of old sere and weather-beaten ropes, when they are overspent and grown so rotten, as they serve for no oath use but to make rotten Ocum, which moulders and washes away with every Sea, as the Ships labour and are rossed, whereas indeed of all other things, the most speicall & best choice would be made of that stuff to have it both new and good, for that sparing to employ old rotten Ropes, is a great defect either in the building of new Ships, or in the repairing of old, and is the cause why after every journey they must be new Calked. And therefore it were much to be wished, as a thing fit for his majesty's service, profitable for the Navy, and happy for those that shall serve in them, that the whole Navy throughout were all sheathed, as some of them are. The benefit and good whereof for Sea-service is manifold, and no less frugal for his Majesty in making his Ships as strong and lasting thereby, as they are otherwise good of sail. And then shall they never need (scarcely once in ten years) this new Calking and repairing which now almost every year they have. Censure taken of the best Seamen of England. And hereof let the censure be taken of the best Seamen of England, and they will not vary from this opinion. Of Victualling. AS his majesty's due allowance His majesty's allowance for victualling Ships very large and honourable, for Victualling of ships is very large and honourable, and would be greatly to the encouragement and strengthening of the mariners and soldiers that serve in them, if it were faithfully distributed, the Sea-service (indeed) being very miserable and painful, So again as it is abused and purloined, it is very scant and dishonourable to the great slander of the Navy, to the discouragement of all them that are pressed thereunto, and to the hindrance of his majesty's service. For that many times they go with a great grudging to serve in his majesty's Ships, as if it were to be slaves in the galleys. So much do they stand in fear of penury and hunger; The case being clean contrary in all merchant's ships, and therefore the Purveyors and Victuallers are much to be condemned, as not a little faulty in that behalf, who make no little profit of those polings which is cause very lamentable, that such as sit in ease at home, should so raise a benefit out of their hunger and thirst, that serve their Prince and Country painfully abroad, whereof there hath a long time been great complaining, but small reformation. Of beer casks. THere is also daily proof made, Great inconvenience by bad cask used in his majesty's ships what great inconveniences grows by the bad cask which is used in his majesty's ships being commonly so ill seasoned and Conditioned, as that a great part of the beer is ever lost and cast away, or (if for necessity it be used) it breeds Infection, and Corrupts all those that drink thereof. For the Victuallers for cheapness will buy stale cask that hath been used for Herring, train oil, Fish, and other such unsavoury things, and thereinto fill the beer that is provided for the King's Ships. Besides the cask is commonly so ill hooped, as that there is wast and leaking made of the fourth part of all the drink were it never so good, which is a great expense to his Majesty, a hindrance of service, and a hazard of men's lives, when the provision fails so much and answers not the account. The which might easily be redressed, if the cask for his majesty's Shipping, were purposely hooped in such sort as Wine cask is, or else hooped with Iron, which would ever serve and save that continual provision of new cask, which now falls out every voyage. But this course were more profitable for his Majesty then for his Officers, and therefore unpleasing to be spoken of, But yet such as serve in the Ships have good cause to wish the reformation thereof. Of the cookrooms in his majesty's Ships. ANd whereas now the The great Inconveniences of the Cookrooms in all his majesty's Ships made below in hold in the wast. cookrooms in all of his majesty's Ships are made below in hold in the wast, the inconveniences thereof are found many ways by daily use and experience. For first it is a great spoil and annoyance to all the drink and victuals which are bestowed in the hold, by the heat that comes from the cookroom. Besides, it is very dangerous for fire, and very offensive with the smoke and unsavoury smells which it sends from thence. Moreover it is a great weakening to a ship to have so much weight and charge at both the ends, and nothing in the Mid-Ship, which causeth them to warp, and (in the Sea-phrase; Sea-phrase. and with mariners) is termed Camberkeeld: whereas if the cookrooms were made in the Forecastle (as very fitly they might be) all those Inconveniences above specified, would be avoided, and then also would there be more room for stowage of victuals, or any other necessary provisions, whereof there is now daily found great want. And the commodity of this new cookroom the Merchants have found to be so great, as that in all their Ships (for the most part) the cookrooms are built in their Fore-Castles, contrary to that which hath been anciently used. In which change notwithstanding, they have found no inconvenience to their dressing of meat in foul weather, but rather a great ease, howbeit their Ships go as long voyages as any, and are for their burdens as well manned. For if any storms arise, or the Sea grow so high as that the Kettle cannot boil in the Forecastles, yet having with their beer and biscuit, Butter and Cheese, and with their pickled Herrings, oil, vinegar and Onions, or with their red Herrings and dry Sprats, oil and Mustard, and other like provisions that needs no fire, these supply and varieties of victuals, will very sufficiently content and nourish men for a time, until the storm be over blown that kept the Kettle from boiling. Of Mustering and pressing able mariners. AS concerning the Musters Musters and Presses for sufficient mariners to serve in his majesty's Ships the care therein very little, or the bribery very great. and Presses for sufficient mariners to serve in his majesty's Ships, either the care therein is very little, or the bribery very great, so that of all other shipping, his Majesties are ever the worst manned, and at such times as the Commissioners Commissions come out for the pressing of mariners, the Officers do set out the most needy and unable men, and (for Considerations to themselves best known) do discharge the better sort, a matter so commonly used, as that it is grown into a proverb amongst the sailors, That the Mustermasters do carry the best and ablest men in their Pockets, a custom very evil and dangerous. The sailor's proverb. where the service and use of men should come in trial. For many of those poor Fishermen and Idlers, that are commonly presented to his majesty's Ships, are so ignorant in Sea-service, as that they know not the name of a Rope, and therefore insufficient for such labour. The which might easily be redressed; if the vice-admiral of the Shire where men are mustered, and two Justices had directions given, to join with the Muster-masters for the pressing of the best men whom they well know, and would not suffer the service of their Prince and Country to be bought and sold, as a private Muster master would do. Besides, the Captains tains themselves of the Ships, if they be bare and needy (though pity it were that men of such condition should have such charge committed unto them) will oftentimes for Commodity Chop and change away their good men, and therefore it were sitly provided to bridle such odd Captains, that neither they themselves, nor any of their men, should receive his majesty's pay but by the pole, and according as they were set down in the Officers books when they were delivered without changing of any names, except to supply such men as are wanting by death or sickness, upon good testimony under the hands of the Master, the Boat swain, the Master Gunner, the Purser and other Officers of the ship. For it nearly concerns them to look well thereunto, having daily use of them. Of Arms and Munition. IT were a course very Comfortable, defensive and honourable, that there were for all his majesty's ships a proportion of Swords, A proportion of Swords Targets of proof and the like allowed; and set down for every Ship according to his burden, &c. Targets of proof, Moryons, and Curatts of proof, allowed and set down for every ship according to his burden, as a thing both Warlike, and used in the King of Spain's ships, the want whereof as it is a great discouragement to men if they come to any near fight or landing, so would the use thereof be a great annoyance and tertifying to the enemy. And herein should his Majesty need to be at no extraordinary expense: For the abating of the superfluous great pieces in every Ship, with their allowance for Powder, Match and Shot, would supply the cost of this provision in very ample manner. Of Captains to serve in his majesty's Ships. AT all such times as his Majest. ships are employed in service, it were very convenient that such Gentlemen as are his Majesties own sworn serunats, His majesty's own sworn Servants to be preferred to the charge of his majesty's Ships. should be preferred to the charge of his majesty's Ships, Choice being made of men of valour, and capacity; rather than to employ other men's men, And that other of his majesty's servants should be dispersed privately in those services to gain experience, and to make themselves able to take charge. By the which means his majesty should ever have Gentlemen of good account his own servants, Captains of his own Ships, instead of petty Companions and other men's servants, who are often employed, being (indeed) a great indignity to his Majesty, to his shipping and to his own Gentlemen. For that in times past, it hath been reputed a great grace to any man of the best sort, to have the Charge of the Prince's ship committed unto him, and by this means there would ever be true report made unto the Pr. what proceedings are used in the service, which these meaner sort of Captains dare not do, for fear of displeasing the Lords their Masters, by whom they are preferred, or being of an inferior quality, have no good access to the Presence of the Prince, whereby to have fit opportunity to make relation accordingly. But now forasmuch as I doubt not, but that some contrary spirits may or will object this as a sufficient reason to infirm all those points that I Objection. have have formerly spoken of, and say unto me, why should his Majesty and the State be troubled with this needless Charge of keeping and maintaining so great a Navy in such exquisite perfection, and readiness? the times being now peaceable, and little use of arms or Ships of war, either at home or abroad, but all safe and secure, as well by the uniting of the two Nations, as by the peace which we hold with Spain, and all other Christian Princes. To this I answer, that this (indeed) may stand (at the first sight) for a pretty superficial argument to blear our eyes, and lull us asleep in security, and make us negligent and careless of those causes from whence the effects of peace grows, and by the virtue whereof it must be maintained. But we must not flatter and deceive ourselves, to think that this calm and Concord proceeds either from a settled immutable tranquillity in the world (which is full of alterations and various humours) or from the good affections of our late enemies, who have tasted too many disgraces, repulses, and losses, by our forces and shipping, to wish our State so much felicity as a happy and peaceable government, if otherwise they had power to hinder it. And therefore though the sword be put into the Sheath, we must not suffer it there to rust, or stick so fast, as that we shall not be able to draw it readily when need requires. For albeit our enemies have of late years sought peace with us, yet yet hath it proceeded out of the former trial of our forces in times of war and Enmity. And therefore we may well say of them as Anneus (praetor of the Latins) said of the Roman ambassadors, who seemed curious and careful to have the League maintained between them (which the Roman estate was not accustomed to seek at their neighbour's hands) and thereupon saith this Anneus, unde haec illis tanta modestia nisi ex cognitione virium & nostrarum & suarum. For with the like consideration and respect have our late enemies sought to renew the ancient friendship and peace with us. And well we may be assured, that if those powerful means whereby we reduced them to that modesty and courtesy as to seek us, were utterly laid aside and neglected, so as we could not again upon occasion readily assume the use and benefit of them, as we have done, those proud mastering spirits, finding us at such advantage, would be more ready and willing to shake us by the ears as enemies, then to take us by the hands as friends. And therefore far be it from our hearts to trust more to that friendship of strangers, that is but dissembled upon policy and necessity, then to the strength of our own forces, which hath been experienced with so happy success. I confess that peace is a great blessing of God, and blessed are the Peacemakers, and therefore doubtless blessed are those means whereby peace is gained and maintained. For well we know that God worketh all things here amongst us mediately by a secondary means, The which means of our defence and safety being shipping, and Sea-Forces, are to be esteemed as his gifts, and then only available and beneficial, when he withal vouchsafeth his grace to use them aright. FINIS.