A very Strange, but True RELATION OF THE Raining a Shower OF BLOOD AT SHEWALL In the PARISH of STOAKE IDITH IN THE COUNTY OF HEREFORD, On the 16th. Day of this Instant July, 1679. The EXAMINATION whereof was taken upon Oath the 18th. of this Instant July before Richard Hopton Esq One of His MAJESTY'S Justices of the Peace for the said COUNTY. London, Printed in the Year, 1679. THE EXAMINATION OF MARY the Wife of WILLIAM GODSAL, Taken at Cannon Froome IN THE COUNTY OF HEREFORD July the 18th. 1679. before Richard Hopton Esq One of his MAJESTY'S JUSTICES of the PEACE for the same COUNTY. THIS Examinant saith, That upon the 16th. Day of this Instant July in the Evening of the same Day, about an hour before Sun set, as she was Milking her Cows at Shewall in the Parish of Stoake Idith, in the said County of Hereford, she did see Drops, like the Drops of Blood, rain down upon the ground, where she was Milking One of her Kine, That it covered all the ground where she was Milking to the breadth of a Sheet, with thick Drops of Blood, That it covered the Right Side of her Cow, as she was Milking, all over with Blood, That some of the Drops fell into her Pail of Milk, and dispersed itself all over the Pail, and discoloured the Milk, That she was much astonished and afraid, and took up the pail of Milk and went into her House and sent for some of her Neighbours, (that is) the Wife of one Richard Billy, Alice the Wife of Philip Herrington, Margaret the Daughter of Edward Chamberlin, and Mrs. Carpenter the Wife of one Warncomb Carpenter; and this Examinant and her said Neighbours went into the said Ground, where it reigned BLOOD as aforesaid; and there this EXAMINANT and the rest of her Neighbours did see the Blood upon the Grass in the said Ground, not only in the same place where the Examinant milked her said Cow, but also in several other places in the said Ground: and this Examinant seeing it continued raining drops of Blood in the said Ground sh● cast up her Eyes towards the Sky, to view and see in what manner, and from whence the same drops of Blood did come, and as she was beholding the same, several drops of Blood fell upon her Face and her Neckcloath, the which Neckcloath she hath since washed, to see if she could get the Blood out, but she cannot get out the same. This is an Exact COPY of the EXAMINATION, taken before the said Worshipful Justice of the Peace, concerning this Miraculous Relation, and is published to prevent False Reports. FINIS.