A PLAIN AND PROFITABLE CATECHISM, with certain prayers adjoined, meet for parents and householders to teach their children and servants. Deuter. 6.6. These words which I command thee, shall be in thy heart, and thou shalt rehearse them continually to thy children. josu. 24.15. Choose you this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye devil: but I and my house will serve the Lord. joh. 6.27. Labour not for the meat that perisheth, but for the meat that endureth to eternal life. PRINTED BY JOHN LEGAT, Printer to the University of Cambridge. 1605. To the Christian Reader. I Can not but earnestly lament (good christan Reader) as I hope thou dost with me, these miserable times wherein we live beholding the great number, already grown and daily increasing, of wicked atheists, superstitious papists, profane worldlings, carnal gospelers, vain and idle professors and great multitudes of ignorant people even in the principles of religion in this land. Notwithstanding the gospel hath been so long & plentifully preached amongst us, so many godly books published, both of the interpretation of scriptures and also of other learned and holy treatises by sundry worthy men, so many excellent and profitable catechisms, set forth and fitted for teaching the grounds of religion to all sorts of people. So as we may justly weep over cities, towns, and villages as the Lord jesus did over jerusalem. Luc. 19.42. Oh that you had known even in this your day those things that belong unto your peace. But now are they hid from your eyes; for ah alas who seethe not, almost in all places, the mighty sins of the land, crying for vengeance: That that may justly be pronounced unto us which the prophet denounceth to Israel. Hosea. 4.1. Hear the word of the lord O people of England. The lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, no mercy, no knowledge of God in the land, by swearing and lying and stealing and killing and whoring they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Wherefore it is greatly to be feared that seeing wisdom hath cried unto us so long, Pro. etc. and uttered her words so loud abroad in the streets, in the assemblies, in cities and towns, and all sorts have refused, none would regard her calling, lest she also laugh at our destruction, and mock when our fear cometh like a sudden desolation, and our destruction like a whirlwind and a tempest, to sweep us away headlong into the gulf of all miseries and calamities. The Lord in mercy raise us up out of our deadly sleep of sins and security that we may awake to live righteously and sin no longer. Many of us have in our mouths, vainly boasting as the people of Israel, jer. 7.4. the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, we have the temple of the lord, so we the gospel of Christ, the gospel of Christ, we have the gospel of Christ, but ah alas many thousands of us know nothing what the gospel meaneth. A multitude of people throughout the land have not yet learned the very beginnings of the doctrines of Christ, of repentance from dead works: of faith towards God, of baptism, of laying on of hands, of the resurrection from the dead, and of eternal judgement, nay not so much as what sin is, or how they became sinners, what the punishment of sin is, or how they may scape it. Many thousands know nothing what sins are forbidden, what duties are required in any of the commandments, they understand not any article of the faith aright, any petition of the Lords prayer, the meaning of the sacraments, or any thing that belongeth to a christian life. O that we would learn in time to repent and turn unto the lord, jer. 4.4. before his wrath break forth upon us like fire, and burn that none can quench it, for the wickedness of our inventions. Even this were one good means if all parents and householders would set apart some hour every day to pray with their children and servants, & use some for catechism to inform themselves, and their family in the grounds, and principles of religion, Deut. & 11.18.19. Ephes. 6.4. Genes. 18.19. josu. 24.15. Act. 10.21 as they are bound in duty by the commandments of the Lord and taught by the example of Godly fathers and howseholders in the scriptures, namely Abraham, josua and noble Cornelius. So should themselves, their children & their servants be better prepared and fitted to understand the word of God & the doctrines thereof delivered unto them by their godly pastors and ministers, which now they hear most unprofitably, and after much and long teaching learn nothing at all. Among other catechisms I have found by long experience this one to be of very fit and profitable use, for the instruction of a family, being plain and easy and not longer then may every seven days be repeated through, being fitly divided. For the questions concerning fasting and government may be omitted, except there be special occasion, this may be done and prayer joined withal in little more than half an hour at one time. I confess some good part of this was published many years since, gathered out of another catechism by a godly and reverent preacher M. Moor of Norwich, which I have altered and enlarged in many places with such questions and answers as I thought meet for the instruction of the simple and unlearned, unto which I have added certain prayers for the help of such as are not yet able to conceive a prayer of themselves. I wish thee (good Reader) whosoever wilt use it, to examine with the doctrines the places of scripture quoted, some of them at the least though not all: otherwise thou shalt deprive thyself of a great benefit and comfort. This poor mite amid my ordinary labours at the request of some friends, I have cast into the Lord's treasury, If thou profit by it remember me in thy prayers. And so I commend thee to god and to the word of his grace, who is able to build further, and to give thee an inheritance among them which are sanctified. And the Lord give thee understanding to grow in grace & in the sound knowledge of our Lord and Saviour jesus Christ, to whom with the father and the holy Ghost be ascribed all glory and praise power, majesty and dominion now henceforth and for evermore. Thy poor loving brother in Christ, james Leech. Question. WHat ought every man first & chiefly to labour for all the days of his life? An. The kingdom of God and his righteousness and to be assured that his name is wrtten in heaven. Math. 6.33. Luc. 10.20. Ihon. 6.27. Revela. 3.5. & 20.15. Q. Why so? An. For hereby we are made partakers of everlasting blessedness which is the fullness of joy and fruition of glory, otherwise men are more miserable than the vilest creatures of the earth, for we are else condemned wretches unto everlasting death and damnation in hell fire. Q. May not men be perfectly blessed by enjoying the things of this life? An. No, Eccles. 1.4. Luk. 9.24. 2 Philip. 3.8. for all things under the sun are but vanity and vexation of spirit, and what shall it profit a man if he win the whole world and lose his soul. Math. 16.26. Q. How may we then be perfectly blessed? An. In the attaining of everlasting life. Mat. 19.29. 2. Cor. 5.1, 2, 3, 4. Q. What mean you by eternal life? An. That life which all they whose names are written in heaven shall possess with all fullness of joy & unspeakable glory in the kingdom of God for ver and ever. Revel. & 22.5. Mat. 25.34. Q. How may we attain to that eternal life? ●oh. 17.3. Rom. 7.7.9. etc. An. By the true knowledge of the only true God; and whom he hath sent jesus Christ and also by the knowledge of ourselves. Q. Where is this knowledge to be learned? An. In the written word of God which we call the holy canonical scriptures. joh. 5.39. 2. Tim. 3.16.17. Rom. 15.4. Q. What mean you by the canonical scriptures? Luc. 24.27. Ephes. 2.20. An. All those things which are written in the books of the old and new testament. 2. Pet. 1.19. & 3.2. Q. Why be they called canonical? An. First because they differ from other writings called Apocrypha. Secondly, because they are the rule of Gods will containing all things which we ought to believe and do, for this word Canon signifieth a rule. Gal. 6.16. Q. How must we use the scriptures that we may learn to know God and ourselves? An. We must search them. john. 5.39. Act. 17.11. Q. How must we search them? An. By diligent and reverent reading of them (a) 1. Tim. 4.13. by diligent and reverent hearing of the word of God (b) Rom. 10.17. preached (c) Psal. 1.2. By diligent and careful meditation of that which we have read and heard and by earnest and hearty prayer that God would open our understanding. Ephes. 1.17. Luc. 24.45. james. 1.5. Q. What must we know in ourselves? An. Who and what we are. Q. Who and what are we? An. The children of Adam & Eue. Gen. 5.3. Rom. 5.14.18. Q. Who was that Adam and Eve? An. The first man and woman that ever were upon the earth; the most excellent and principal creatures of god upon the earth, the father and mother of all mankind. Gen. 1.27. Gen. 2.7. Gen. 2.21.23. Q. Wherein stood this excellency of man and woman? An. In that they consisting of sensible bodies although created of the dust of the earth (a) Gen. 2.7. they had also understanding souls, and were made according to the image b Gen. 1.27. Collos. 3.10. Ephes. 4.24. of God in perfect holiness and righteousness to serve God according to his will; and were also placed at the first in paradise c Gen. 2.8.15. & had dominion over all the creatures of the earth, the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air. Gen. 1.28. Q. Did man and woman continue in this happy place and excellent estate? An. No, they were quickly thrown out from thence for their sin and transgression through the subtlety and malice of Satan, Gen. 3.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.23.24. 2. Cor. 11.3. rebelling against god their creator, and so cursed and condemned to eternal death and damnation both of soul and body, in which estate they had remained and all their posterity for ever, if God of his free mercy had not provided a wonderful way of deliverance. Gen. 3.15. Q. Art thou then such a one as Adam and Eve were? An. Yea surely, & not only I, Gen. 5.5. Rom. Rom. but also all the children of Adam & Eve (only Christ jesus excepted) (that is to say) all men women & children which ever have been, are, or shall be borne into the world since Adam the first man unto the last, are even such as Adam and Eve were after they were cast out of paradise, (that is to say) wretched sinners, corrupted in nature, cursed and condemned creatures before the judgement seat of God, except we can find that remedy which God of his free mercy hath provided for us. Q. What is that remedy or what have we to answer before the judgement seat of God that we should not be condemned for ever? joh. 3.17.36. An. This is our only remedy and it is the full satisfaction of god's wrath & our deliverance from condemnation to believe that jesus Christ the son of God hath vouchsafed to become man for us, and hath so pacified gods wrath due unto us, 2. Cor. 5.21. Rom 4.25. Rom. 5.8. 1. Cor. 15.21.22. by his death and bloodshedding upon the Cross and hath purchased for us the favour of God & everlasting life. Q. What had become of thee if Christ had not thus died for thee? An. I had been condemned to eternal death and damnation both of soul and body in hell fire with the devil and his angels for ever. john 3.36. Q. What shall become of thee now seeing Christ hath died for thee? An. If I believe faithfully in jesus Christ that he hath paid the full price of my redemption and is become my saviour then am I justified both in soul and body, joh. 5.24. jon. 17.2.24. Rom. 8.29.30. 2. Cor. 3.18. and shall after this life ended be glorified both in soul and body with everlasting life in the kingdom of heaven to live in everlasting joy and blessedness with Christ and his angels for ever. Q. What doth God require at thy hands for these his great mercies toward thee? An. That I should seek to glorify him. Q. Wherein? An. In soul and body. 1. Cor. 6.20. Rom. 1.2. Titus 2.11. Q. How? An. In seeking how to serve him in true holiness and righteousness all the days of my life. 1. Pet. Luc. 1.74.75. Q. What mean you by holiness? An. It containeth all those duties which appertain to the true worship of God. Q. Where be they taught you? An. In the first table of the commandemen of almighty God. Q. What mean you by righteousness? An. It containeth all those duties which the Lord would have us to perform toward our neighbours. Q. Where be they taught you? An. In the second table of the commandments of Almighty God. Q. How many commandments be there? An. Ten. Deut. 4.15. Q. How many Bee of the first table? An. Four. Q. How many be of the second table? An. Six. Rehearse the commandments. God spoke these words and said I am the Lord thy God, which hath brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. i. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me. two. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven Image, nor the likeness of any thing, that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them. For I the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, & visit the sins of the Fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and show mercy unto thousands in them that love me, and keep my commandments. iii. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain. iiii. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day: Six days thou shalt labour, and do all that thou hast to do: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt do no manner of work, thou and thy son and thy daughter, thy manservant, and thy maidservant, thy cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gates; For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, & rested the seventh day; Wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. v. Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. vi. Thou shalt do no murder. seven. Thou shalt not commit adultery. viii. Thou shalt not steal. ix. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. x. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. Q. Which is the first commandment? An. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. The lord God straightly chargeth us in this first commandment, that we worship god alone which worship standeth in four points; first that w● a Phil. 3.7.8. Mat. 10.37. love god above all. Secondly tha● we b Mal. 1.6. Mat. 10.28. fear god above all. Thirdly that we make our prayers to c Rom. 10.13. non● but to god. Fourthly that we d Psal. 135.6. & 115.3. &. 145.15. & 95.4.5. acknowledge god alone to be the guide and governor of all things e jam. 1.17. o● whom we receive all the benefits that we have, and therefore that f jer. 17.5. & 48.7. Esay 31. we trust and stay upon him alone and give him thanks for all his mercies. Q. Which is the second commandment? Ans. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image. etc. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? A. In this second commandment be contained three things first that we should not (a) Deu. 4. 1● 16.17.8 etc. Act. 17.29. Io● 1.18. 1. Tim. 6.16. think god to be like either man or weoman, or any other thing: and therefore that we make no image of god in any case. Secondly that we make no Image of any other thing either to b Lev. 26.1. Exo. 34 14.31.34. Deut. 4.23 1. joh. 4.12. Esay. 40.18.29 & 46.5 Psal. 97.7. & 109.36 Esay. 44.17. Dan. 31.18. worship the image itself, either god; Saint or angel by the image neither yet to this end to be the better (c) Aba. 2.18 jer. put in mind of god by the image. Thirdly that we worship not god in any other d joh. 4.23.24 Mat. 15.9. Esay 19.13.14. outward worship according to our own fanteses but e Deu. 12.32. & 5.32.33. Pro. 30.6. josua. 1.7. Apoc. 22.18.19. as the lord hath commanded us in his word. Q. Which is the third commandment? A. Thou shalt not take the name etc. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. The lord god straightly chargeth us in this third commandment these three things; First that we use with a Deut 28. ●. 59. Psal. 8.1. ●re. 10.6. most high reverence the name of god whensoever we either speak or think upon him. Secondly that we never blaspheme the name of god by b Deu. 18.10.11. Esay. 8 19 & ●. 1●. Mal. 3.5. ●al. 5.19.20. ●ct. 19.16. conjuring, witchcraft, sorcery, charming, or any such like, neither by cursing or banning. Thirdly that we never c Mat. 5.34. ●5. 36.37 jam. 12. swear by the name god in our common talk although the matter be never so true, but only where the d Ios. 2.12. glory of god is sought, or the salvation of our brethren e Cor. 15. ●. & 11.31. ●al. 1.20. or also before a magistrate in witnessing the truth, when we are thereunto lawfully called, in which causes we must f Exo. 22.10.11. only swear by the name of God, but as for g Deut. 6.13. & ●. 20. saint, angel h 2. Cor. 1.13. jere. 5 7 & ●. 16.17. Amos 14. Soph. 1.5. Rood, book, Cross, Mass, or any other thing we ought in no case by them to swear. Q. Which is the fourth commandment? Ans. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day etc. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. We are here commanded to hollow the sabbath day (that is to say to (a) Deut. 5. 1● Exo. 6.26. rest from our labours in our callings; and in one place to assemble ourselves together; and with faith fear and reverence to hear, mark and (b) Mat. 13. 2● lay up in our hearts the word of god c Act. 20.7. & 15.22. preached unto us, to d Mat. 18.19. Cor. 14.16.17. pray altogether that which we (e) 1. Cor. 14 ● 33.34. Act. 2.42. & 20.17. understand with one consent and at the times appointed to (f) use the sacramenets in faith and repentance and all our life long to g Num. 29.7. Heb. 4.9.10. rest from sin & wickedness that the lord by his holy spirit may work in us his good work and so begin in this life his everlasting rest. Q. Which is the fift commandment? Ans. Honour thy father and mother: etc. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. The meaning of this fift commandment is, that we should honour (that is to say) love, fear, reverence, obey, and relieve our a Levit 19.3. ●ol. 3.20.22. ●. 24. parents or any other that are unto us in their stead, as our b Exod. 22.18. ●om. 13.12. ●it. 3.1. Prince's Rulers and Magistrates, c Hebr. 13.17.1. ●hes. 5.12.13. our pastors and teachers, our d Eph. ●it. 29.10. masters, and all other which are above us in any calling placed by god e Leu. 19 32. as the aged and grayheadded, and that all superiors show themselves indeed parents in f Col. 3.21. ●ol 4.1. Eph. 6. ●. guiding and defending their inferiors. Q. Which is the sixth commandment? Ans. Thou shalt do no murder. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. We are forbidden in this sixth commandment. First all (a) Gen. 9.6. ●eu. 5.17. kill (b) Mat. 5.38. ●9. fighting and (c) Col. 3.12.13. quarreling, all (d) Lou. 19 14.17. ●●. reproaches mocks and taunts. Secondly he forbiddeth all kill in heart, that is all anger (e) Mat. 5.21. ●. 1. joh. 3.15. and malice (f) Pro. 20.21. all desire of revenge. Thirdly on the other side he commandeth us to preserve life by exercising (g) ●. Mat. 25.33. ●say. 58.7. Eze. 8.7. the works of mercy and compassion towards our brethren yea even towards our enemies. Fourthly to h Mat. 5.44. Leu. ●h 18. luk. 27. Rom. 12. 1● love one another inwardly in heart as ourselves, yea even our enemies and them that hate us. Q. Which is the seventh commandment? Ans. Thou shalt not commit Adultery. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. We are forbidden in this seventh commandment. First (a) Levit. 18.20 Deut. 23. ● all Adultery, fornication, and all other b Leu. 18. 22.2● 24.25. uncleanness in our bodies. secondly all (c) Mat. 5.28 unpure thoughts and lusts of the heart. Thirdly all other things which might entice us to such uncleanness, as all unchaft d Esay. 3.16.17. Rom. 13. ●● behaviour e Eph. 4.15. & 5.3.4. filthy talk, books and songs (f) Deu. 22. ● Esay 3.18.19 20.21. etc. wanton apparel, lewd and idle pastimes (g) Eph. 5. ● gluttony, drunkenness h Deu. 22.20 21. houses of open whoredom, and what soever else may allure us to any manner of uncleanness. Fourthly on the other side he commandeth us to keep our bodies & souls i 1. Cor. 1. Thes. 43 45. chaste & pure as temples of the holy ghost, and if the (k) 1. Cor. 7. ● 9 Heb. 13.4. gift of chastity be not given us to use the lawful remedy appointed by god, which is marriage. Q. Which is the eight commandment? Ans. Thou shalt not steal. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. In this eight commandment the lord god forbiddeth all (a) Leu. 19.11. Deut. 5.19. stealing and robbing in outward deeds. Secondly he forbiddeth all (b) Eph. 5.3. Col. ●5. Psal 61.10. ● 15 3 5. stealing in heart, that is all desire of any man's goods wrongfully. Thirdly (c) ●ach. 8.17 Mic. ●. 1. 2. Act. 20. ●3. all deceit and wrongful dealing. Fourthly on the other side he chargeth us to be (d) ●. Thes. 4.6. ●xo. 21.21.22. 3. Deut 10.17. ●8. 19. & 24.14. Pro. 17.27.1. ●im. 6.6. content with that portion of goods which the lord giveth us & to (e) Gen. 3.19. ●ph. 4.28. Thes. 3.10. apply ourselves in our vocation and calling to get our own living, and to live of that which is our own and also to be helpful unto others. Q. Which is the ninth commandment? Ans. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. The lord god commandeth us in this ninth commandment. First that we never a Pro. 16.5.9. & 21.28. speak falsely in witness bearing. Secondly that not only in witness bearing but also in no other matter we should never b Eph. 4.25. Psal. 15.2. lie, flatter nor dissemble. Thirdly that we should never tell false c Psal. 15.3. Pro. 25.18. tales behind our neighbour's backs or hear them of others; that we should never d Mat. 17.2. Rom. 14.4. Psal. 15.3. jam. 4.12. believe any evil spoken behind their backs until we fully know the certainty thereof. Fourthly in private offences to speak nothing although it be true to the e 1. Pet. 4.8. 1. Cor. 13.7. Pro. 11.12. hurting of our brothers good name, if that by f Mat. private admonitions he may be reform. Q. Which is the tenth commandment? Ans. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet etc. Q. What is the meaning of this commandment? Ans. Here the lord in plain words doth forbid all inward desire whatsoever is a Rom. 7.7. unlawful to be done, although we never b Gen. 6.5. & 8.21. Pro. 20.9. consent unto it, as the c Rom. 7.23. rebellion of the flesh, all corruption of the d Eph 4.22. Col. 3.9. old man, all e Rom. 6.6. blot● of original sin: so that by this commandment most clearly we may see the image of that man which pleaseth god, even such a one in whom nothing is unpure neither in will nor nature 3. part Q. Canst thou fulfil the commandments of Almighty god? Luk. 17.10. Rom. 3.10. Ans. No, although I do all that can yet I break them daily both i● thought word and deed. Q. Why canst thou not fulfil● them? Ans. Because not flesh can attain unto the perfect fulfilling thereof. Pro. 9.1. Kings. 8.46.7. eccles. 7.22. 1. joh. 1.8. Q. What is the cause? Ans. Because all men are sinners Rom. 3.23. Q. What is sin? Rom. 7.7.8. Ans. It is a falling from and a failing of that holiness and righteousness which is required to be in every on● of us by the law of god without a corruption. Ecclesiast. 7.31. Q. Tell me more shortly what is sin? Ans. Sin is whatsoever disagre●th with the righteousness of the law ●f god. 1. joh. 3.4. Q. How many ways are we sinners? An. Two ways, Rom. 5.12. Eph. first by the sin of our forefather Adam: secondly by ourselves. Q. How many ways are we sinners ●y ourselves? An. Two ways. Originally and actually. Q. What call you Original sin? An. Original sin is that corruption of nature which we have received from the disobedience of our forefather Adam, Psal. 51.5. Rom. 7.5. & Rom. 3.10.11. etc. 2. Cor. 5. Ephes. 4.23 jeam. 1 14.15. Ephes. springing up with us in our very conception, dispersed into all the powers and parts of soul and body, which maketh us unapt and unable to all goodness, prone & ready to all sin and wickedness, from which as from a fountain springeth all evil actions job. 14.4. Q. What call you Actual sin? An. Actual sin is that stream● of sin which floweth out of our corrupted nature in the transgression of 〈◊〉 the commandments of Almight god a jac. 1.14.15. the several parts whereof are ca●led the works of darkness and deeds 〈◊〉 the flesh. Rom. 13.12. Galath 5.19. Q. How many ways do we actually sin? An. Two ways. In doing thou evil things which the lord hath forbidden us; and in leaving undone thos● good things which the lord hath commanded us. Deut. 5.32. Deut. 11. 3● Q. How many ways do we bot● these? An. Two ways. Inwardly an● outwardly. Q. How Inwardly? A. In thoughts & judgements of th● mind, & lusts & affections of the hear● Ephes. Colos. 3.5. Q. How outwardly? An. In words and deeds Rom. 6.13 Rom. 5.29.30. Rom. 3. 12.13.1● 15. Q. Are all the actions of all me● fin? An. There are natural actions in all ●en which of themselves be not sin ●ut as they proceed from our corrupted nature they are made sinful. Ro. ● 18. job. 14.4. Q. Doth no man then any thing ●ut sin in all his actions? An. The natural man doth nothing ●ut sin in all his actions. Rom. 8.6.7. Psal. 14.3.1. Cor. 2.14 Rom. 7.18. ● Pro Q. what mean you by the natural ●an? An. He whose heart and conscience 〈◊〉 not renewed, 1. john. 3.10. Rom. 12.2. purged and sanctified ●y the spirit of grace, through faith & repentance in jesus Christ. Act. 15.9. ● Cor. 1.2. Rom. 8.9. Q. Is there any man that doth not ●●nne in his actions? An. The Regenerated man doth not commit sin, 1. joh. because he is led by the spirit of God. Rom. 8.11. Eph. 4.20. ●1, 22, 23, 24. Gala. 2.20. Q. Is there no sin in the actions ●f a regenerated man? An. Yes; Ies. 64.6. 1. Cor. 13.9.12. for all our righteousness is ●s a stained clout, and there is no perfection in this life. Q. Why say you then that the ●●generate man doth not commit sinn● An. He is not said to commit sinn● because it is not he that sinneth, Rom. b● sin that dwelleth in him. Q. What is the punishment of sin●● An. The curse of God. Deut. 27. 2● Gal. 3.10. Q. What mean you by that? Deu. 28.15. etc. Mat. 25.41. Rom. 6.23. Ies. 66.24. Mark. 9.43.44. An. It is an eternal separation fro● the favour of God and all his mercik which hath adjoined unto it all miseries and calamities of this life, death 〈◊〉 the end, and eternal torments both 〈◊〉 soul and body in hell ever after. Ma● 5.29. Math. 22.13. Revel. 20. 1● 14. Q. Is there nothing which a ma● may do to serve as a sufficient recompense to God for one sin? An. No, although I should give (a) Luke. 17.10. all my goods to the poor, or suffe● my body to be (b) whipped all my li● long, Col. 2.23. or suffer any other punishment which might be devised, yet it were no● sufficient for one of my least sins. Q. Why so? An. For sin is infinite, because it offendeth the infinite majesty, & therefore deserveth an infinite punishment. Psal 51.4. Q. Yea but God (a) 1. Cor. 1.3. Psalm. 18.45. & 86.15. is merciful will he therefore punish sin so sharply? An. Our God indeed is merciful but he is also b Psalm. 7.9. Psalm. 11.5. Rom. 3.4. joh. 3.33. just and true, & therefore of his justice and truth he must needs punish man's sin with that punishment which he hath appointed. Q. then this punishment must needs be suffered, are we in ourselves able to suffer and overcome it? An. None is able to suffer a Psal. 130.3. Math. 19.25. and overcome this great punishment of sin being only man. Q. What learn you out of this? An. That my state is most miserable in respect of the greatness of my sin and the horrible punishment due unto the same. Rom. 7.24. Q. What profit is it to you to know this your miserable estate? An. First I am taught thereby to know mine own unworthiness, and that I should not seek to be saved by mine own works or merits (a) Deut. 7.7. Deut. 9.6. Dan. 9.18. Secondly to bewail this my miserable estate with a godly sorrow (b) Rom. 7.24. 1. Cor. 7.9.10. Thirdly to detest and abhor sin because it bringeth nothing with it but the curse of God (c) Rom. 6.21.23. Fourthly to call heartily upon God, and sue for his grace, that I may find and apprehend the riches of his mercy for my redemption (d) Ephes. 1.17. & 3.16.17. & 4.1.2. Q. Is there any means whereby we may be delivered from this miserable estate? A. Yes: there is a means which is taught unto us in the 3. of john. For God so loved the world, john. 3.16. that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Q. What learn you out of this? A. That whereas the pains which our sins deserve must needs be suffered by man, because God of his justice must needs punish sin in man, which was committed by man: therefore our Saviour Christ being everlasting god, became also (a) Gal. 4.4. Heb. Heb, 4.15. 1 Tim. 2.5. Rom. 8.3.4. man, & hath fully b Gal. 3.13. Rom. 4.25. joh. 1.29. 2. Cor. 5.21. Esay 53.6. Rom. 8.3. 1. john. suffered whatsoever was due for man's sin in his own person. Q. Are all people discharged, seeing the punishment is paid? A. None are discharged saving those that took (a) Col. 2.2. 1 john. 3.2. Eph. 3.12. Rom. 8.38.39. Eph. 1.18. Ephes. 2.8. Acts. 15.11 hold upon Christ and his merits by a true faith. Q. What call you this true faith? A. It is a special work of God's spirit in our hearts, whereby we believe to be saved by the grace of our Lord jesus Christ. Q. What do you see by this true faith? A. My sins both to be forgiven me, and yet fully punished. Q. How can that be? A. For in jesus Christ to 2 Cor. 5.21. Rom. 3.25. satisfy God's justice they be b 1. joh. 2.1.12. Gala. 3 13. Rom. 4.25. fully punished, and yet to me they be c 1. Cor. 5.9. forgiven, because in me they be not punished, but in Christ for me to set forth God's mercy: and therefore they shall never be laid to my charge: in this manner therefore I see the Lord my God to be both merciful and just. Q. Yea but although the punishment of thy sins be fully discharged in Christ, yet seeing there can no unrighteousness dwell with God, how canst thou stand before the judgement seat of God as just and righteous, seeing thou hast no righteousness but that which is stained with many sins? A. I stand as just and righteous before the throne of God, not clothed with my own righteousness, but with the (a) 1. Cor. 1.30. 2. Cor. 5.21. Rom. 3.28. righteousness of jesus Christ, which righteousness being taken hold upon b Ephes. 3.17. Rom. 3.28. joh. 3.18. by a true faith, is made mine: thus am I just and righteous in the sight of God, not in respect of my own works which I wrought in my own person, but by taking hold upon Christ's works to be mine by faith. Q. Doth not this doctrine make men careless, & so run into all sin and wickedness? A. No: for this true faith as soon as it is wrought in us (a) joh. 3.3.5. Eph. 4.20. Colos. 3.9. Rom. 6.6. & 12.1.2. through the holy Ghost, doth frame our hearts anew, and causeth us to (b) Rom. 7.23. detest, hate, loath, and abhor sin in all men, but especially in ourselves, and maketh us to have our c Rom. 5.12.11. whole delight, joy, and comfort in those things which be agreeable to Gods will, and causeth us also to d Rom. Mat. 7.17. joh. 15.5. express the same in our godly living and conversation, or else it is no true faith but a e jam. 2.17. jam. 2.17.20. joh. 15.6. Psal. 92.12.13. Ioh 15.5. Math. 7.17.18 etc. Gala. 5.6. dead faith. Q. What difference is between a dead faith, and a true faith? A. A dead faith is like a barren and withered tree that bringeth forth no fruit: a true faith is like a living and fruitful tree that ever bringeth forth good fruit to the glory of God. Q. What be the fruits of a true faith? A. A continual and true repentance, and every good grace of God's spirit, and all the good works which he hath ordained for us that we should walk in them. Eph. 2.10. 2. Pet. Eph. 415. Q. What mean you by repentance? Gal. 6.15. 2. Cor. 7.1. R●● 12.1. 2 Eph. etc. 1. Pet. 1.13. ●● 15.1. Pet. A. That change and renewing of the whole man that bringeth forth a new, Christian, and holy life and conversation, growing and increasing more and more. Q. How many things be required in true repentance? A. Two: the mortifying and subduing of sin, and the living & growing in the practice of true godliness and righteousness: 2. Cor. 7.1. both which do proceed from the virtue of the death and resurrection of jesus Christ, ●om. ●1. 12. ●m. 12.1.2. ●l. ●1. Pet. 1.2. ●. 23. Gal. 6. ● 15.16. into whom we are engrafted by faith. Q. Seeing then we be saved by Christ's works, without our deservings, whereto serve our wel-doing, or what availeth it to do good works? A. We must do good works, not to deserve (a) Esay. 46.6. ●b. 35.7. ●al. 17.2. ●ik. 17.10. salvation by them; but by our works to (b) ●at. 5.16. ●or. 6.20. ●t. 2.12. ●ol. 1.10. ●l. 1.27. & 2. glorify God in (c) Thes. 2.12. ●h. 4. & 4.1. walking as becometh God's children (d) Rom. 6.11, ●3. & 12.1.2. , declaring thereby our thankfulness to God for our redemption. Secondly, by our works to make our (e) ●. Pet. 1.10. election more certain to ourselves. Thirdly, to (f) Pet. 3.1.2. ●m. 14.29. win others to Christ by our holy life and conversation. Q. What works callest thou good works? An. Our work can never be acceptable and good in the sight of God unless in doing of them we keep these two things; first that a Eph. 2.10. Collos. Esay 9.13. Mat. 15.9. Rom. 14.23. Heb. 11.6. 1. Cor. 5.7. they be framed according to the will of God's laws and commandments and not after our own devices. Secondly that they proceed from an heart purged by fairh; if either of these points be lacking our works are abominable in the sight of God although they appear never so glorious in the eyes of men. Q. What things ought every one to believe which hath this true faith in jesus Christ with out the which none can be saved? 4. part. An. All those things which are contained in the articles of our christian faith. Q Rehearse the articles of our christian faith A. I believe in God the father almighty maker of heaven and earth and in jesus Christ his only son our Lord which was conceived by the holy ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell the third day he rose again and ascended into heaven and there he sitteth at the right hand of God the father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge both the quick and the dead. I believe in the holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Q. What things are contained in these articles of your christian faith? An. First what we ought to believe concerning God. Secondly what we ought to believe concerning Gods people called the Church. Q. What ought we to believe concerning God? A. First, such things as concern God in his nature and essence. Secondly, such things as concern God in his actions. Q. What ought we to believe concerning God in his nature or essence? A. First, that he is one infinite, invisible, and eternal spirit, of unsearchable majesty, most holy, mighty, wise, just, and merciful (a). Secondly, (b) that the self same God, being one in essence hath made himself known unto us in three sundry persons, the father, the son, and the holy Ghost. a Rom. 11.34.35, 36. Rom 9.11.22, 23. Deut. 6.4. Ies. 43.11. & 44.8. & 46.5. & 46.5. Ies. 57.15. & 66.1. 2. joh. 4.24. joh. 1.18. 1. Tim. 1.17. Rom. 9.33. Exod. 34.6, 7. Psal. 103.8, 9, 10, 11. b Psal. 33.6. Gen. 1.31. Ie● Col. 1.16. Matth. 3.16, 17 & 28.19. Q. What ought we to believe concerning God in his actions? A. First, a Rom. 11.34.35, 36. Rom 9.11.22, 23. that he hath decreed and ordained all things in his eternal purpose and counsel before all worlds. Secondly, that by his Almighty power he hath made the heavens and the earth, and all the creatures therein. Thirdly, c Mat. 10.39.30. Psal. 115.3. & 135.6. Psal. 145 17. that he doth rule & govern them and all their actions according to the good purpose of his own will most holily, righteously, and wisely. Q. Why is God called Almighty? A. Because he is of all-sufficient power in himself to work all things according to the good purpose of his own will, Ies. 42.8. & 4● 13 & 44. 24.2● & 49.7. Mat. ● 29.30. so as nothing can be done in heaven, earth, or hell, without his providence. Act. 4.28. Q. Why do you call God father? A. First, in respect of creation. Secondly, in respect of adoption. Q. Why in respect of creation? Rom. 11.38. Acts. 17.25.38. A. Because of him, from him, and by him all things have their being & beginning. Q. Why in respect of adoption? Eph. 1.5. Gal. 4.5.6. A. Because he hath adopted those whom he hath chosen to be his children in jesus Christ. Q. What comfort have you in this that you call God father? A. I learn thereby that he loveth me, and hath a most tender care over me. Psal. 103.13. Rom. 5.5.8. Q. What comfort have you in this that God whom you call father is Almighty? A. I learn thereby that he can and will defend me from all evil, so as nothing can hurt me, and that he can and will give me all things that be good for me in this life, and in the life to come. Q. Why so? An. He can because he is almighty, he will because he is my loving father. Q. What duty do you learn here concerning yourself? An. That I should honour him as my heavenly father. Malech. 1.6. Q. How? An. In loving him, fearing him, reverencing him, and obeying him the sixth commandment. Qu. Wherein must we show forth this? An. In the care that I have to keep his commandments. Q. Wherein standeth the keeping of the commandments? An. In doing those good things which the lord hath commanded; and in leaving undone those evil things which the lord hath forbidden. Q. What believest thou in the second part concerning god the son? An. I believe that jesus Christ one (a) Rom. 9.5. john 1.1. joh. 14.10. God in subtance with the father & the holy ghost b Rom. 1.3. Mat. 1.20.2. took flesh of the virgin Marie & is become perfect man as I am in all things, Heb. 2.14.15. Rom. 8.3. sin only excepted c Heb. 2.14.15. Rom. 8.3. and in my nature hath wrought whatsoever was needful for my salvation. Q. What meanest thou when thou sayest he suffered under Pontius Pilate An. Because that manner of death which men do suffer by the sentence of the judge & under the title of justice, is more shameful, slanderous and terrible, then if a man should die naturally in his bed: Therefore our saviour Chris● took upon him our person to show himself (a) Psal 2.2. Acts. 4.27 before an earthly judge and to be b Mat. 27.16. joh. condemned by the mouth of Pilate he being then judge, that thereby we might be cleared before the judgement seat of God. Q. What meanest thou when thou sayest Christ was crucified dead and buried? An. First I mean in that he was crucified that he suffered (a) Luk. 23.33. the death of the Cross which was an abominable and cursed death b Gal. 3.13.14. to deliver me from the curse which was due for my sins. Secondly for as much as death was a punishment due to man for sin; therefore our Saviour Christ ●d suffer death and by suffering ouer●●me death; for in his death did lie 〈◊〉 principal point of our salvation; ●r if he had not been truly c Esay. 53.12. Rom. 5.8. 1. Cor. 15.3. 1. Pet. 2.24. dead we ●d been yet subject to eternal death ●d damnation. Thirdly he was buried ●r the greater assurance and confirma●on of his death, and resurrection, and 〈◊〉 the intent to make it more certainly ●owne unto us, it pleased him also to ●e buried after the common manner of men, and that by two Notable persons d Mat. 27.57. Mar. 15.43. Luke 23.53. Nicodemus and joseph of Ara●athia, which was also done by the will and consent of Pilate who caused the body to be delivered unto them. Q. What meanest thou concerning that Christ descended into hell? An. Where it is said that Christ descended into hell thereby I believe that Christ did not only suffer in his body the punishment due to my body, (a) Esay. but also in his soul the punishment due to my soul, c Luk. 2●. 44. which was the torments of hell, d Luk. 23.46. Math 27.46. second death b Act. 2.24. Math. 26.38. sorrows of death, abjection from god as it doth appear by the anguish of 〈◊〉 soul in the garden c Luk. 22.44. when drops blood issued out of his body and a●● upon the cross d Luk. 23.46. Math. 27.46. by his lamentab● cry unto his father for in a miserab● case had we been in if he had only suffered the punishment due to our body and not to our souls. Q. What fruit hast thou by th● death of Christ? An First I believe that this dea● and punishment which Christ suffere● is the whole appeasing of Heb. 1. Pet. 2.24. 1. joh. 2.1. go● wrath and a full satisfaction to god f●● all my sins. Secondly that b Gala. 5.24. Gala. ●1. as he is dead f●● sin so he will cause sin to die i● my mortal body. Q. What profit hast thou by th● rising again of Christ? An. First I am assured by this rising that he hath (a) 1. Cor. Rom. 8.33.34. Rom. 4.15. overcome death hell, sin and finished my justification▪ Secondly that as he is risen from deat● so he causeth me as a member of hi● b Rom. 6.4. Colos. 3.1.2. to rise from sin and delight i● righteousness. Thirdly his rising against ●a sure pledge c 1. Cor. 15.16. ●0. to me that my body ●hall in like manner rise again. Q. What is the meaning of this ●at Christ ascended into heaven? An. Christ as touching his manhood is a Act. 1.11. Act. 3.21. only in heaven: but b Mat. 28.20. as ●ouching his godhead and comfort of ●is holy spirit he is with us to the end ●f the world. Q. What good gettest thou by the ascending of Christ into heaven? An. First Christ his ascending into ●eauen is a sure pledge unto me that a joh. 14.3. Phil. 3.21. 1. Cor. 1.7. 1. Thes. 4.16.17. ● shall in like manner as a member of ●y his power be received into heaven 〈◊〉 the same nature wherein he is ascended. Secondly Christ having ascended ●nto heaven b 1. joh. 1.2. Heb. 9.12. Rom. 8.32. maketh continual intercession for me. Q. What mean you by this that Christ sitteth at the right hand of the father? An. Christ sitteth at the right hand of the father, that is, he hath a Mat. 28.18. Eph. all power given him of the father over all things, being exalted into the full power of his kingdom and priesthood & made the only head of his Church. Q. What fruit dost thou receive this that Christ shall come to iudge● quick and the dead? An. To me that am a member 〈◊〉 Christ it is singular comfort a Mat 24.31. Mat. 25.34. Mat. 19.28. 2. Thes. 1.10. whe● do know assuredly that none shall 〈◊〉 my judge but he that is my Saviour; b● terrible will it be to those that flee fro● Christ b 2. Thes. Luk. 21.25. Mat. 15.41. when they shall see him com● to judge them whom they in their li●● time have refused. Q. What believest thou in the thi● part concerning God the holy Ghos● An. I believe that God the hol● Ghost the third person in the godhead, equal God with the father and the son, finisheth and makes perfect all the works of God, and a Rom. Gala. 4.6. sealeth into my heart all Christ's benefits to be mine, and b Ephes. 1.17. Eph. 4.23. Psal. 1.3. Col. makes sin to die in me and stirreth me up to holiness and righteousness of life. Q. What call you the catholic Church? An. The catholic Church is the a Rom. 8 20. Eph. Mat. 16.21. joh. 10.26. whole company of faithful people which ever were since the beginning of the world in all places, which also be ●ow & shall be to the end of the world, of the which number I believe that b 1. joh. 3.21. 2. Cor. 13.5. Rom. 8.16. I am one, I believe that God c 2. Tim. 2.19. 1. Pet 5.7. Esay 49.15. Mat. knoweth them all and hath a most tender care over them. Q What callest thou the communion of Saints? An. The communion of Saints is that society that all we which believe have one with another as a 1. Cor. 12 12.13.14. etc. 5.30. Col. 1.18. Rom. 1.12.5. members of one head jesus Christ. Whereby we are b 2. Cor. 11.28. Gala. 6.2. Phil. ready to communicate all gods benefits both spiritual and temporal to the mutual help and comfort one of another according to the measure which we have received of God in this life. Q. What believe you of the forgiveness of sin. An. I believe that jesus Christ hath a 1. joh. 2.2. Col. 1. Cor. 1.30. Esay. 53 Rom. 3.24.15. & 5.8.10. 2. Cor. 5.19. wholly appeased Gods wrath for my sins and hath paid the full punishment due unto them: and therefore that they are freely forgiven me, and shall never be laid to my charge. Q. What believest thou of the rising again of the body? Ans. I believe that after this life ended a Luke 16.20. & 12.20. my soul shall go to God that gave it and my body shall rest i● the grave until the appointed time and then I shall b job. 19.26.27. 1. Cor. 15.53. Philip. 3.21. see God in my flesh and these my eyes shall look upon him & this my body shall be made like to the glorious body of Christ without al● corrupion. Q. What believe you of life everlasting? An. I believe that when God shall raise again this my body and join it together with my soul that then I shall live with a 1. Cor. 15.53.54. ●. thes. 4.17. Christ for ever in his everlasting kingdom of glory. Q. Is it in our power to believe & to attain to this true faith? 5 part. Ans. No, it is the special work of god's spirit in our hearts by those means which he hath appointed. Q. By what means then may we attain unto faith? An. The holy Ghost hath appointed the preaching of the word to be the ordinary means whereby he a Rom 10.14.17. 1. Cor. 1.21. worketh in our hearts this true and lively faith and without the preaching of the word we can never have faith by any ordinary means. Q. What danger is it to be without faith? An. Without faith it is impossible to please god. Heb. 11.6. for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Rom. 14.23. Q. By what means doth God increase and strengthen this faith and the fruits thereof? A. This faith and the fruits thereof doth God strengthen and increase in us by four means: 2. Cor. 8.7. & 8. 2. Pet. 3.18. by the self same preaching of the word; by use of the sacraments; prayer; and Christian government. Q. What call you Sacraments? A. Sacraments are a Gene. 17.11 Exo. etc. outward signs ordained of God for the greater assurance and strengthening of our faith, being unto us b Rom. 4.11. sure seals and pledges of those benefits of our salvation which we receive in Christ to be ours, and are represented unto us by the outward signs of water in Baptism, and bread and wine in the supper of the Lord, they serve also for a mark of our profession whereby we differ from other people which be heathen. Q. Tell me more shortly what is a sacrament? A. An outward sign ordained of God, Rom. 4.11. and a seal to assure us that we are made partakers of Christ jesus and all his benefits unto salvation, if we do truly believe in him. Q. How many things are to be considered in a sacrament? A. Two: the outward sign, and the inward thing signified. Q. What mean you by the outward sign? A. The outward element, appointed by our Saviour Christ, and all the rites belonging to the ministering and receiving thereof, according to his institution. Q. What mean you by the inward thing signified? A. Christ jesus himself with all his benefits unto salvation, offered unto us in the sacrament, and so also received of every faithful believer. Q. How many sacraments be there? A. There be a 1. Cor. 10.1, 2, 3, 4. two. Baptism, and the supper of the Lord. Q. What is baptism? A. The sacrament of our new birth, whereby we are incorporated into the society of God's people. Rom. 6.3. Q. What benefits of your salvation are sealed to you in baptism? A. I am taught and assured by a Acts. 22.16. Mar. 1.4. Baptism that my sins are forgiven me. For as the water washeth away the filthiness of the body, even so should I by the holy Ghost be thereby fully certified and persuaded, that b 1. Pet. 1.2.19. 1 joh. 1.7. Eph 5.26. Tit. 3.5.6. Acts. 22.16 the blood of Christ being sprinkled upon my soul by the c Acts 15. ●. hand of faith, hath washed away both the guiltiness of my sin, and the horrible punishment due to the same, the fruit and effect whereof appeareth herein that through the power of Christ's death and resurrection I am dead d Rom. 6 3. ● 6. etc. as touching sin, and raised up again e 2. Cor. 5.17 Gala 5.24.25 to newness of life. Which two things in whomsoever they appear not, they may well have the name and title of baptism, but indeed they are no true Christians. Q. What mean you by the supper of the Lord? A. The sacrament of our growth and spiritual food, whereby we are to be nourished till we come to a perfect age in Christ. Q. What benefits of your salvation are sealed unto you in the supper of the Lord? A. The supper of the Lord through the holy Ghost doth strengthen my faith, that I should not doubt but believe assuredly that as I receive the bread and wine into my body to become wholly mine, so my a Mat. 26.20. ●7. 28. soul receiveth withal, through faith, Christ with his b Cor. 10.16.17. ● 1. Cor. 1.30. ●om. 4.23. Cor. 5.31. passion, ransom, righteousness, and obedience, to become wholly mine, as surely as if I had performed all in mine own person. 1. Cor. 1.30. Q. Are not the bread and wine in the supper of the Lord turned into the body and blood of Christ? A. The bread and wine as touching their nature and substance a Mat. 1. Cor. 10.16.17. & 11.24.25. & 12.13. are not turned, but as touching the use of them they differ from common bread and wine, in that they are appointed of god to serve unto us as b Rom. 4.11 sure seals and pledges of those benefits of our salvation which Christ in his body hath wrought for us. Q. What persons are fit to be partakers of this sacrament? A. Such as are able and do fitly prepare themselves. Q. In what manner oughtest thou to prepare thyself to receive such holy mysteries? A. In preparing myself to receive the supper of the Lord, I ought diligently to observe these three things. First, to a 1. Cor. 11.28. examine myself whether I b 2. Cor. 13.5. stand in faith or no, which I shall know if I feel my c Eph. 1.13. 2. Cor. 1.22. & 5.5. heart inwardly d Rom. 8.15. Eph. 3.12. assured by the spirit of God, that the e 1. joh. 2.1.2. punishment of my sins is fully discharged in Christ, and that whatsoever he hath wrought for man's salvation pertaineth not only to others, but even (f) Eph. 3.17.18. ●9. to me. Secondly, to examine myself whether I find my heart g Mat. 26.75. ●erem. 4.4. ●oel 2.12. inwardly sorry for my sins with an inward hatred and loathing of sin, and an h Rom. ●. 8. Phil. 3.13.14. earnest desire and sure purpose wholly to conform myself to the will of God's word. Thirdly, if any offence be betwixt others and me, that I i Mat. 5.23.24. reconcile myself unto them all, which things although they ought earnestly to be considered in the k Luk. 1.74.75. ●. Peter. 1.15. whole course of our life, yet then especially when we come to receive the supper of the Lord. ●6. part. Q. Which is the third means that God hath appointed for the increase and strengthening of our faith, and all graces of God? A. Prayer. Q. What is prayer? Psal. 25.1. Psal. 50.15. Psal. 116.13. A. It is an holy lifting up of the heart unto God, and a calling upon his name. Q. How many parts be there of prayer? A. Two: Petitions, and Thanksgiving. 1. Tim. 2.1. Q. What mean you by Petitions? A. Petitions are those prayers wherein we crave any thing at the hands of God. Q. What mean you by thanksgivings? A. Thanksgivings are those prayers wherein we acknowledge the benefits which we have received at the hands of God, and give him thanks for the same. Q. Where are you taught ro pray? A. In the sixth of Matthew. Q. How? A. In that form of prayer which our Lord jesus Christ taught to his Disciples. Q. Rehearse that form of prayer. A. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven: give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Q. What do you observe in this form of prayer? A. Two things: the Preface, and the prayer. Q. Which is the preface? A. Our father which art in heaven. Q. What learn you out of this? A. The necessary circumstances of true prayer. Q. What is to be observed in true prayer? A. It is requisite that in true prayer we observe these five things: first, that we make our prayers a Psal. 50.15. & 81.8. Rom. 10.13. jam. 1.5 Marc. 4.10. only to God through b joh. 14.13. & 15.16. & 16.23. Christ, and not to Saints, secondly, that we be c 1. joh. 5.14. joh. 4.23. Psal. 51.17. & 45.18. 2. Cor. 4. ●0. Mat. 6 7. Rom. 8.26. inwardly touched with the need of the thing that we ask, having our minds wholly bend thereupon, and not carried away with by-thoughts: thirdly, that our prayers be grounded upon d jam. 1.6. Mar. 11.24. Luk. ●2. 13. joh. 5.15. God's promises with full assurance that they shall be granted unto us so far as the Lord shall see them meet and needful for us: four, that we e Luk. etc. Rom. 12.12.1. Thes. 5.17. Eph. 9.18. Col. 4.2. Ma. etc. continue in prayer although we have not our request at the first: fifthly, that we ask not those things which we f jam. 4.3. Rom. 8.16. think good in our own fantasies, but as g 1. joh. 5.14. the Lord hath commanded us in his word. Q. What do you observe in the prayer itself? A. Two things: the Petitions, and the thanksgiving. Q. How many sorts of petitions be there? A. Two. First those petitions wherein we crave such things as concern the glory of God. Secondly those petitions wherein we crave such things as concern our own necessity. Q. How many things are we taught to crave for the glory God? An. Three. First that his name may be hallowed. Secondly that this kingdom may come. Thirdly that his will may be done in earth as it is in heaven. Q. How many things are we taught to crave for our own necessities? Ans. Two. First such thing as concern our natural life. Secondly such things as concern our spiritual life. Q. What do you crave for your natural life? An. Our daily bread. Q. What for your spiritual life? An. Forgiveness of sins, and spiritual strength against our spiritual enemies. Q. What pray you for in the first petition? Ans. In this first petition I desire of my heavenly father that his name may be hallowed. First in his excellent works which is when we acknowledge a Psalm. 113.2. ●. & 145.1. Rom. 11.36. & 16.27. his mercy, wisdom, justice, and providence, that he alone worketh all things, and that he b josua 1.24. ●4. 52. ●. joh. 5.21. Psal. 8.10.11. only be had in honour, all other set aside. Secondly that his name may be hallowed in our godly living and conversation. Q. What pray you for in the second petition? An. In this second petition we pray ●hat God his kingdom c Esaz. 52.5. ● Eze. 36.20. Rom. 2 24. may come, ●hat is, that he would declare himself ●o be king over his d Mat. 3.2. & 5.19. & church in guiling and defending it, in increasing of ●he number of the faithful, in e Mat. 9.38. thrusting ●orth labourers into the harvest & blessing their labours f 1. joh. 3.8. Rom. 16.20. suppressing the rage of the wicked Tyrants. Secondly that he would excercise his kingdom severally in every one of us g Rom. & 6.9. 1. joh. 5.8.9. killing sin in us and all worldly cares; and stirring us up to holiness & righteousness of life. Q. What pray you for in the third petition? An. In the third petition we desire that Gods will may be done, that is, that we may h Luke. 22.42. Titus. 2.12. 1. Pet. 4.2. 1. joh. 2.1. willingly in all things resign ourselves to the will of God's word without murmuring or grudging. Q. What pray you for in the fourth petition? An. In this fourth petition we pray that he would give unto us i Gen. 3.19. Eph. 4.18. 1. Thes. 2.9.1 walking faithfully in our caling our daily bread, that is all k Psal. 145. 1● 145.27. & 10 26. Esay. 3.1. Psal. 78.18, 1● 20.29. & 16. ● 10●. 1, 2, 3. things needful for our living in this present life. Q. What pray you for in the fift petition? An. In this fift petition we pray th● god would forgive us our sins that 〈◊〉 that he would not lay to our charge our sins nor the punishment due unto them, but that he would accept the death and passion of jesus Christ as the full satisfaction for all our sins and that we may hereof have l Eph. 3.12. 1. joh. 5.13.20. fu● assurance in our souls and conscience● that the punishment of our sins i● fully discharged in Christ, and therefore that they be freely forgiven us, as m Rom. 8.15. & 8.38.39. Mat. 6.45. & 6. ●4. 5.1. Luke. 6.36. jam. 2.13. surely as we forgive others and that we n Mat. 16.20. ●. Tim. 4.17.18. Eph. 6.10.11. ●. Cor. 10.13. ●. Pet. 2.9. love one another inwardly in heart as ourselves all desire of revenge set aside. Q. What pray you for in the sixth petition? An. In this sixth petition we pray that god would not lead us into temptation but deliver us (that is) that he o Rom. 16.20. ● Tim 14.17.18. ●ph. 6.10.11. ● Cor. 10.13. ●. Pet. 2.9. would not lead us further into battle with our spiritual enemies than we by his holy spirit may be able ●o prevail and overcome. Q. Which is the thanksgiving? An. For thine is the kingdom the ●ower and the glory for ever and ever. Amen. Q. Why is this added? A. Not only to kindle in our hearts to a 1. Cor. 10.3. Rom. 11.36. desire the glory of god: but also to ●each us that this prayer is grounded upon none other then god only and that we should not think the b Psa. 114.7. kingdom of god to be weak and void of force and might but that c Deut. 9.13. Apo. 4.9.11. Apo. 5.12.13. 1. Cor. he is to ●e honoured, praised and glorified and that his power is infinite, perpetual & everlasting. Q. What meaneth this word Amen? An. And in this word d 1 Pet. 5.11. Apo. 6.14. Apo. 7. 1● Amen is the fervent desire that we have to obtain those things which we ask, and our hope is confirmed that those things which we ask are granted unto us, whereby our consciences are pacified and with this word Amen we end our prayers. 1. Cor. 1 4.16. Q. Is there any special help of prayer? ●. part. An. There is a special help whereof we have both commandments and many examples in the scriptures. And that is fasting. Levit. 23.27.28 & josua. 7.6. Math. 9.15. joel. 2.12.15. Dan. 9.3. Q. What mean you by fasting? An. The christian and religious fasting is an holy abstinence joined with prayer in humbling of ourselves that our prayers may be the more fervent. Dan. 9.3. jona. 3.8. Q. From what must we abstain in this christian fasting? An. Not only from all meats and drinks so far as the state of our bodies may bear but also from all other even lawful things, delights, & recreations which we naturally desire and may lawfully use. jona. 3.5. Ezra. 10.6. Ester. 4.6. Q. How long must this abstinence be used? An. According to the cause for which we take it in hand; at the least on● whole day, from evening to evening or from morning to morning, wherein we must cease from all other labours, and keep it in the manner of a Saboth. Levit. 23.32. Dan. 10.2.3. Ester. ●4. 16. Q. For what cause are fasts appointed? An. To the better humbling of ourselves in prayer; to obtain some special grace at gods hand, when we feel the want of any necessary blessing, gift, or benefit: or to entreat the Lord to turn away or remove any grievous afflictions from ourselves or others, either presently upon us, or like to come. josua 7.6. 1. Sam. 7.6. judges 20.26. Q. How many sorts of christian fasts be there? An. Two. A private fast, that is of any particular persons or of several families by themselves. Nehem. 1.4. Cornelius. Act. 10.30. Ester. 4.16. And a public fast in a whole congregation; some part of a country, or a whole nation being ordained and appointed by such as are in authority. 2. Chron. 20.3. jona. 3.7. Q. What mean you by christian government? An. That order which god ha● appointed to be among his people for the maintenance of peace and god lines. Q. How many sorts be there of 〈◊〉 Ans. Two; ecclesiastical, and Civil, and both these are both public 〈◊〉 private. Q. What call you public ecclesiastical government? An. That order of discipline which God hath appointed for his Church in exercising the power of the keys to the censuring of offenders, the removing of offences and the restoring o● such as have fallen. Math. 18.15.16 etc. 1. Cor. 10.31.32. 1. Cor. 14.40 1. Thes. 5.14. Q. By whom and how is this power to be used? Tim. 5.17.16. ●0 An. By the ministers and such as are lawfully called to have government in the church, admonishing, suspending, o● excommunicating offenders, according to the quality of their offence, & restoring and receiving into the church those offenders that do repent and reform themselves. 1. Thess. 5.14. 1. Cor. 2. Cor. 2. Thess. 3.14.15. 1. Tim. 5.20. Q. What call you the public civil government? A. That order which God hath appointed to be kept by the authority of the Prince, Rulers, and Magistrates, for the punishment and bridling of sin, and the maintenance of peace & quietness among other people. Rom. 13.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1. Pet. 2.13.15. Q. What difference is between the Ecclesiastical and civil punishment? A. The punishment of the Church ●s inflicted upon the soul and conscience, by admonitions, reprehension, or separating of the offenders from the Fellowship of the Church. 1. Cor. 5.4.5. ●3. The civil punishment is inflicted upon the body or goods of malefactors, according to the laws of Princes and countries. Q. To what end hath the Lord appointed this order? A. That men might live a peaceable and quiet life in all godliness and honesty. 1. Tim. 2.2. Q. What call you private ecclesiastical government? A. That government which parent and governors of families ought t● observe in teaching, instructing and informing their wives, children, and servants, in the knowledge and fearing 〈◊〉 God, to avoid sin, and to live god● and virtuously. Gen. 18.19. Ios. 24. 1● 1. Cor. 15.34.39. Eph. 6.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ● Tim. etc. 1. Pet. 3.1.23. Q. What call you private civil government? A. That government which parent and governors of families ought al● to observe in correcting their childre● and servants, for their amendment, according to the quality of the cause a● person, and to keep them in a lawful and orderly course of life. Prov. 19. 1● & 22.15. & 23.13, 14. & 20.30. 1. Pet. 18.19. Deut. 21.18, 19, 20. The end of the Catechism. A morning prayer for a family. O Most mighty, eternal, and everliving Lord God, maker of heaven and earth, and in Christ Jesus thy dearer beloved son, our most patiented, gracious, and merciful father; we thy ●oore unworthy servants here humbling ourselves before thy divine Majesty, do unfeignedly acknowledge that ●e are not worthy to lift up our eyes 〈◊〉 heaven, nor to enjoy the least of thy mercies, being in ourselves most vil●●d wretched sinners, guilty both of ●at original corruption which we ●e received from the fall, and disobedience of our forefather Adam, and al● of most grievous and innumerable transgressions of all thy holy laws and commandments, in our thoughts, ou●●ctions, our words, and deeds, ●erein we have fearfully sinned and ●elled against thee: both in omitting 〈◊〉 good things thou dost command us, and in committing those evil things thou dost forbid us, in the duties of thy holy worship, the love of our brethren, and the labours of our calling: we have infinitely dishonoured thy holy name and taken it in vain, in that we have not walked worthy of thy Gospel, & our holy calling and profession: we have defiled thy sanctuary and plac● of thy holy presence, coming befor● thee with unprepared hearts to offer v● our sacrifice of prayer & thanksgiving and to hear thy word, our lips ha● come near unto thee, but our hea● have been far from thee; whereby all the heavenly instructions of thy h●ly word have been stolen away fro● us, and made unfruitful, and we 〈◊〉 come unprofitable hearers. O Lord, 〈◊〉 confess we are not able to reckon 〈◊〉 the least measure of our sins, for th● are more than the hairs of our he● whereby we have fearfully provoke thy wrath and indignation against 〈◊〉 from day to day, and from time 〈◊〉 time; giving thee just occasion to 〈◊〉 prive us of all blessings, and to pow● down all thy curses upon us in all plagues and miseries of this life, and to cast us out of thy presence into everlasting torments of soul and body in hell fire. Notwithstanding, O Lord, seeing thou hast taught us that mercy pleaseth thee, and that if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to purge us from all our iniquity: we fly unto this thy mercy, and that in the only name, merits, and mediation of thy son jesus Christ, in whom only and alone thou art well pleased, beseeching thee for his sake, to pardon and forgive us all our sins, original and actual, to wash away all the guiltiness of them in his most innocent blood, to bury them ●or ever in his most precious death: to turn thy face away from them, and ●rom us all thy judgements and curses ●hich we have worthily deserved for ●hem, either public or private. And we beseech thee vouchsafe with ●e precious water of thy spirit, daily to ●ash and cleanse our hearts and minds, ●ir souls, and bodies, from all uncleanness of sin, from all iniquity and ungodliness, from every evil work, and evil way, to work in us more and more a true sight and hatred of all ou● sins, with that Godly sorrow tha● may bring forth in us repentance neue● to be repent of, to arm us with a● that spiritual armour, that may mak● us to stand steadfast and fight manfully under thy banner in our holy profession of thy gospel, make thy holy word t● dwell plentifully in us with all wisdom● that it may be unto us the sword of th● spirit whereby we may get victor● over all the power, malice, and subtlety of Satan, and all the wickedness 〈◊〉 our own sinful, and rebellious nature, over all the courses, customs, occasions, and examples of this sin f●● evil world: yea over every sin th● hitherto hath passed us, even those th● have most strongly prevailed against us, wherein we have most often a● fearfully fallen, and to that which w● are most prone and subject: that he● forth we may walk in the ways 〈◊〉 good men, & in the paths of the righteous, that is, in the way of thy laws, and the path of thy commandments, hating all works of darkness, and behaving ourselves in all things as the children of light. This must be added for the day. And now, Lord, we further commend ourselves and this whole family, and every member of the same, unto thy most gracious government and protection the rest of this day, beseeching thee to watch over us for good, and to preserve us from all dangers and evils that otherways may come upon us in soul or in body, or in any thing that belongeth unto us, stirring up our hearts and strengthening us with thy grace to walk diligently and faithfully in our several callings, making conscience to bestow this day, and all the days of our life, & all thy precious time which thou dost vouchsafe us more profitably than ever we have done hitherto; furnish every one of us with all gifts and graces necessary for our callings, both governors, children, & servants, that every one of us in our several places may know how to behave ourselves, and faithfully to perform every good duty with all simplicity and godly pureness, as thou dost teach us in thy holy word; truly loving one another, truly caring one for another, to the glory of thy name, the peace of our own consciences, our mutual comfort and the good example of all those with whom we live. Sanctify unto us the use of all thy good creatures this day, bless us and prosper us in all our labours, provide mercifully for all our necessities, supply our wants, make us every way cheerful in thy service, and so guide us in all things that we may carry out the profession of thy glorious gospel in a holy, blameless, and christian conversation all the days of our life, that we may make a godly, christian, and comfortable end of this pilgrimage, with full assurance of eternal life, through our Lord and saviour jesus Christ. A thanksgiving to be added to this prayer, either morning or evening. O Lord, we do now also give hum●le thanks unto thy majesty, for all thy ●oue and mercies towards us, for the ●oote and fountain of all thy blessings ●uen our Lord jesus Christ and that love wherewith thou hast loved us in him, ●uen before we were; that thy hands have made us and fashioned us in our mother's womb and that thou hast brought us forth into the world reasonable creatures, preserved us mightily and provided for us graciously from our mother's breasts unto this present hour, we thank thee more specially for the great and glorious work of our redemption, salvation peace and reconciliation made between thee and us through the blood of the Cross of thy beloved son; we thank thee also for the inestimable treasure of thy holy word whereby thou hast made known unto us the riches of these thy mercies and revealed unto us thy son jesus Christ, by whom we have access unto this grace wherein we stand and rejoice under the hope of thy glory; we thank thee also for all other blessings which we daily receive by thy graci● providence in preserving us fro● manifold dangers and evils wher● unto we are subject, in feeding 〈◊〉 nourishing us from day to day with 〈◊〉 continuance of our life, health, food apparel, houses, liberty and the use all thy good creatures. Finally that thou hast kept us 〈◊〉 night past; for the quiet and comfortable rest; health peace and safety, whi●● we have enjoyed by thy gracious providence, and protection, for this liberty we have to come before thee a●● call upon thy name, beseeching the mercifully to receive our prayers gra●ting unto us; and to all thy church an● children these and whatsoever grace thou in thy heavenly wisdom an● incomprehensible love dost know v● or any of thine to stand in need of, fo● our lord and saviour jesus Christ hi● sake in whose name we pray furthered Our father which art in heaven, etc. A prayer for the state of the Church and of the land which may be added to the former prayer before the thanksgiving. We beseech thee also good Lord to ●esse thy whole church and every part ●nd member thereof, glorify thy name, advance thy kingdom, confound the ●ower of Satan, Antichrist, sin, and darkness, bless this thy church and country where we live, give thy gosnell a free passage amongst us, remove all the hindrances thereof, ●aise up daily by thy almighty power and goodness all those means & instruments that may further it aright, bless ●we beseech thee, prosper and preserve the excellent estate of our sovereign Lord the King's Majesty, our gracious Queen, the Prince their eldest son and all their royal posterity; multiply thy blessings upon them, preserve them from all dangers, make them earnest lovers, favourers and furtherers of thy truth and gospel and tender nursing fathers and nursing Mothers unto thy Church & people all the days of their life. Good Lord bless the honourable councillors magistrates and nobility of this land and all that be in authority under the King's highness that they ma●● carefully & faithfully in all their cour● sails, consultations and government labour for and procure the promoting 〈◊〉 thy glory, the advancement of th● gospel; the maintenance of true religion, virtue and godliness, the suppression of sin and wickedness, the peace and prosperity of the church and commonwealth, that we may live under his highness and them a peaceable and quiet life in all godliness and honesty. Lord furnish thy Church continually with godly, faithful, learned and worthy pastors and teachers of thy holy word, bless their ministery to thy people and defend it against all the malice of the wicked. Lord bless all the christian families in the land and increase the number of them daily; open the eyes of the ignorant, mollify the hearts of the obstinate, convert them that run astray, comfort the feeble hearted; raise up such as be fallen, if they belong unto thee; & add unto thy church daily such as shallbe saved, be merciful to all thy servants ●hat be in any manner of affliction con●ort them and relieve them, help them ●nd secure them according to their several necessities, give them a holy use of all their afflictions and a gracious deliverance in due time, finally good Lord send thy blessings upon all our land with fruitful seasons and plentiful increase of all thy good creatures which in thy gracious providence thou hast ordained for our uses and necessities that we may cheerfully sing unto thee from day to day the praises of thy mercies through jesus Christ An Evening prayer. O almighty and eternal Lord God father of our Lord jesus Christ we thy poor unworthy servants, being come together to offer up unto thee our evening sacrifice of prayer & thanksgiving according to our bound duty do first of all acknowledge against ourselves that we are all of us most vile & wretched sinners, not worthy the least of all thy mercies; being guilty of the fall of our forefather Adam, of our own original corruption and of innumerable & most heinous transgressions of all thy ho●● laws and commandments both 〈◊〉 our sinful thoughts, words and deed and so much the more guilty, because we have not regarded the good mean which thou hast mercifully ordained for us, to have wrought in our heart true knowledge and understanding o● thy will and commandments, repentance of our sins and amendment of our life; we confess therefore that we have infinitely provoked thy wrath & judgement against us, and justly deserved all curses, plagues and miseries to be poured upon us in this life and to be cast for ever hereafter into the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; but good Lord we appeal unto the unsearchable riches of thy mercies in Christ jesus, beseeching thee to wash away all our sins & guiltiness in his most precious blood, to bury them all in his most glorious death, that they may be removed for ever out of thy sight and be unto us as though they had never been, let thy blessed spirit of Adoption good lord seal unto our hearts ●he full assurance of this thy everlasting ●oue and mercy▪ and lord work in us ●ayly more and more a godly sorrow ●or all our sins with hearty and unfeigned repentance, and so work in our ●earts by thy holy spirit that all the ●ower of sin may daily die in us more and more, and all good graces of ●hy spirit may daily grow and increase ●n us, that our hearts may be strengthened with an unfeigned faith and we may be purged from evil consciences and made fruitful in all duties of christian love, so as in the whole course of our life hereafter we may walk before thee in all simplicity and godly pureness and serve thee unfeignedly in all the duties of true holiness and righteousness all the days of our life. And now lord we further commend ourselves and every member of this family into thy merciful protection this night, beeseeching thee to preserve and keep us from all dangers and perils to which we are subject in soul or body, or any thing that belongeth unto us▪ to give us quiet and comfortable rest with the continuance of our health peace, and safety to the glory of th● name that we may be more fit for th● duties of our calling when thou sha●● raise us again and so to guide us and sanctify us throughout, that whethe● we sleep or wake, live or die we ma● be thine. After this the thanksgiving to this mark * and then add this following. Finally we give thee humble thanks that it hath pleased thee to preserve 〈◊〉 this day, and for all those blessings tho● hast vouchsafed unto us, our health peace and safety, the comfortable use 〈◊〉 all thy good creatures, with thy blessing upon our labours, and last of a● for this liberty we have to come befor● thee, beeseeching thee to accept of thi● our evening sacrifice; graciously t● hear us and grant unto us etc. as before. A prayer before the reading of scriptures. Almighty Lord God our most merciful and heavenly father in jesus Chri●● we beseech thee vouchsafe by thy holy spirit to prepare our hearts▪ that with ●ll reverence and diligence we may attend to this thy holy word and so to open our understanding and to sanctify our affections as thou mayst thereby disperse in us more and more all the ●mists and darknesses of Satan and of sin and make us apt to every good work and wise unto salvation through ●esus Christ our Lord & only Saviour. Amen. A prayer before catechizing. O lord our god and our most merciful father in jesus Christ which hast commanded us to lay up thy words in our hearts and to speak of them when we rise up, when we lie down, when we go forth, when we come home, to ●each them and rehearse them continually to our children. And seeing our lord jesus Christ hath commanded us to search the scriptures that we might know thee the only true god and him whom thou hast sent, and so attain to eternal life▪ we beseech thee be gracious unto us thy poor servants being come together in the obedience of these thy holy commandments, to seek thee by such means as thou ha●● mercifully ordained for us. Lord we confess our hearts are full of hardney our understanding is full of darkness 〈◊〉 our ears are dull of hearing, we bese●●● thee vouchsafe by the grace of thy hol● spirit to open and circumcise our ears to lighten our dark understanding an● to mollify our hard hearts that we ma● hear with reverence, understand wit● judgement, mark with diligence an● receive with meekness all the instuctions which we shall hear at this tim● out of thy holy word and that they ma● be written in the fleshy tables of o●● hearts by the finger of thy own spir●● to breed and increase in us all spiritual knowledge and heavenly wisedom● faith, hope, love hatred of sin, practi●● of righteousness and all holy duties 〈◊〉 christianity and of our several calling & so serve thee with all simplicity an● godly pureness all the days of our li●● through jesus Christ our only lord, Saviour and redeemer. Amen. A prayer After catechizing. O lord our god most gracious and merciful father, we most humbly thank thy heavenly majesty that thou hast vouchsafed us this great mercy to be partakers of these heavenly doctrines and instructions of thy holy word, which thou hast so mercifully and graciously ordained for us. we beseech thee good lord that thou wilt also vouchsafe us that grace of thy holy spirit, that we may faithfully remember and diligently meditate upon those things that now or heretofore we have heard out of thy holy word: that we may lay them up in our hearts and make a good and profitable use of them, to the increasing of our knowledge, our faith, our obedience, our hope, and love, and all spiritual graces and gifts meet for our places and callings, to the glory of thy most holy name, the peace and comfort of our consciences, the salvation of our souls and bodies, the good & good example of those with whom we live; through thy dearly beloved son jesus Christ our Lord and our most blessed saviour and only redeemer Amen. A morning prayer for servants by themselves. O almighty Lord God our most gracious and loving Father in jesus Christ we do unfeignedly confess before thy majesty that we are all of us most vile wretched sinners, conceived & borne in sin, altogether corrupted & defiled in our own nature, guilty of innumerable & heinous transgressions of all thy holy laws and commandments, unapt to all goodness, prone to all sin and wickedness, unworthy of any of thy blessings, even the least of all thy mercies; and worthy of all thy fearful curses contained in thy law, in all miseries of this life, and of eternal death and damnation in the life to come; but most merciful father we beseech thee look upon us in jesus Christ pardon and forgive us all our sins for his sake, work in us more and more the sight and feeling of all our sins, with a true loathing and hatred of them, a godly sorrow for them, and an holy repentance; give us faith in thy precious promises that we may trust perfectly upon that salvation that is brought unto us by Christ jesus, with the full assurance of our eternal election unto immortal life. Increase in us care & conscience to use all good means that thou hast ordained for our instruction, and write in our hearts all the good lessons that we hear out of thy holy word that we may daily grow and increase in all grace and godliness. Receive us this day into thy holy protection, keep us from all dangers and evils of body and soul, work in us all dutiful reverence to our superiors, all diligence, and faithfulness in our labours. Keep us from slothfulness, negligence and idleness, and all manner of unjust dealing in our service. Bless and prosper us in all our labours; wherein we are to be employed that we may be profitable to our governors to whom we own our service, & carry the testimony of good consciences in our souls, to thy glory and our everlasting peace and comfort, through jesus Christ our only saviour and redeemer in whose name we pray further as he hath taught us. Our father, etc. A prayer for Scholars. O almighty lord God, most merciful of our Lord jesus Christ, the fountain of all wisdom, grace, and goodness, we beseech thee to look mercifully upon us, to forgive us all our sins, to work in us daily more and more the hatred of all sin, and wickedness, the love of all goodness, yea we beseech thee to teach us to know and remember thee our creator, our redeemer our sanctifier and preserver in these days of our childhood and youth, work in us a true love unto thy holy word, and delight in thy commandments, give us grace to seek for, and to attain unto that true wisdom taught in thy holy word, whereby we may understand the fear of thy holy name & attain the knowledge of thee, and all godliness, that we may know also, justice and judgement and equity & every good path that, this heavenly wisdom may be our watchman and this knowledge our garder and keeper to preserve us from the crooked ways of wicked men, and all the baits and allurements of sin, to the end that we may walk in the ways of good men and in the paths of the righteous. And good Lord work in every one of us all love, reverence and obedience unto our teachers and governors all diligence and good conscience to bestow this precious time profitably. Lord we beseech thee vouchsafe daily more & more to quicken out wits, to open our understanding, to strengthen our memories, to confirm our judgements. Send down thy blessings upon all the instructions that are delivered unto us, upon all the labours of our teachers, & all our own studies & endeavours that we may daily grow and increase in all good learning and knowledge, wisdom, virtue, and godliness, that we may be answerable to the good expectation of our parents and friends, to their great and effectual comfort, and worthy and wise servants unto thy majesty, in the places thou hast hereafter appointed for us, in the church or common wealth, grant good Lord these graces & whatsoever else thou knowest us to stand in need of for our lord jesus Christ his sake. Amen. FINIS.