EXHORTATIO. I. The first Exhortation of H. N. to his Children/ and to the family of love. by him newly perused/ and more distinctly declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English. CORONAE ASSIMILABO JUDICIUM ME●●●●● ESD 〈◊〉 יהוה Take mine Instruction to heart/ and learn Wisdom and holy Understanding: For She is a Tree of Life, unto all those that take-holde of her ● and blessed are they that retain her. Prou. 3. ●. The Prologue. WIth this same wholesome or godly Exhortation/ H. N. exhorteth and informeth⁏ with many good Documents and groundlie Instructions; his Children/ and the family of Love/ unto all Goodness/ nurture/ and Edifying: and expresseth or witnesseth in the same, the upright Righteousness, in divers and sundry Sentences/ To th'end that the Disciples or Youngons of Understanding, should become quickened or delighted in their zeal to the Righteousness/ as also stand-inclyned somuch-the-more to the upright Righteousness. Which Exhortation⁏ with the manifold distinct Infounations of the same; is also very commodious and serviceable for all Howsholde-fathers'⁏ which are comprehended in the House of Love/ or submitting themselves thereunder; to a good Information of their Children or Youngons/ To th'end that the Heart of all Father's/ might evenso⁏ with the same Exhortation and the good Documents thereof; Luk. 1. b. become turned to the Children. and the Heart of the Children⁏ in all Obedience of the holy and gracious Word/ and his Service of Love; to their Fathers: and that they monght cavenso become taught to the Prudent-understanding of the Righteous/ for to be prepared to an upright People, for the Lord. To the same now therefore, everyone⁏ which loveth the Righteousness; aught presently to endenour himself, under the Obedience of the love. and evenso, diligently to apply himself⁏ with his whole family; to the upright Righteousness/ To th'end that allthings might now go in their right course/ and that it all might evenso become fulfilled/ which is written in the Law of Moses'/ in the Propheates/ and in the Evangelists. Let everyone take it to Heart. The first Exhortation of H. N. to his Children and to the family of love. The first Chap. In this same Chapter there is witnessed and figured-fourth in Letters/ the ten principal Commandments of the most high God/ which the living God himself⁏ out of his holy Heaven; hath spoken/ and geeven them⁏ through Moses'/ his Servant; unto his People Israel, to an everlasting righteousness/ and commanded them to be obedient thereunto/ for evermore. Before the which, there are certain Instructions setfourth/ to an expressing/ whereto the Law and Commandments of God/ are geeven by God. 1. THe a Psal. 78. a Lord erected a Witness in jacob/ and gave a b Exod. 20. a Deut. 5. a 6. a Law in Israel: 2. Which he commanded our c Psal. 78. a Father's/ to teach unto their Children/ 3. To d Deu. 4. a. 16.19 Psal. 78. a th'end that the Posterity might learn the same: and that the Children which were year to be borne/ should in life-maner⁏ when they were grown-up; publish the same unto their Children: 4. And so set their Hope in c Psal. 78. a. b God/ and not the Worfes of God: but feepe his Commandment. 5. For-that-cause⁏ my beloved Children/ and thou family of Love; apply you⁏ from f Ecale 12. a Lament. 3. c your youth up; to learn and to observe the Commandments of the Lord. Hereunto endeavour you diligently/ g Deut. 4. a 6 a Ios. 1. a Psal. 1. a both Night and Day: and print the same⁏ as a Seal; in your Hearts h Deut. 6. a . For they are unto you a Life. 6. i Deut. 4. a Psal. 12 Keep them well in your Minds and Thoughts/ all your life-longe/ so shall they then bring great Wisdom unto you/ and make-manifest many Go creates of God and holy understandings. as also preserve you from the k Ios. 23. b Destruction of the ungodly/ and from all Errors of the Ignorant. 7. Therefore⁏ my beloved Children; ye shall always/ have an upright regard unto the Law or Commandments of the Lord: and consider to what good End/ that the Law of the Lord and the Priestes-office of the same/ becometh fulfilled: and to whatmaner of l Exo. 20. a Deut. 4. a 5 a. 6 good Conservation⁏ in all Equity; that the Law of the Lord/ was geeven to the Children of Men. 8. For/ seeing that the Sin/ beside the Righteousness/ the m Gen. 3. a 4 Lie/ besides the Truth/ the n Esa. 5. c d Darkness/ beside the Light/ the Ignorance or Good thinking/ beside God's holy Understanding/ the o Gen. 3. b Sap. 2. c Condemnation/ beside the Salvation/ and the p Deut. 28 Cursing/ besides the Blessing/ were entered or come-in/ to the Children of men and⁏ for that cause; all q Gen. 6. b 28 Generations of the Earth/ sold and capttued under the Devils Might and Violent-powre. and viterlie r Ephe. 2. a estranged from the Godliness and s Psal. 5. a 14 a Rom. 3 b Truth of God/ as also ignorant of the same (wherethrough the Generations of the Earth became bound⁏ everywhere; so mightily/ with the Bands of Death/ Hell/ and Condemnation/ that none⁏ of them all; could once t Sap. 1 a Mat. 11. c Rom. 8. a 1. Cor. 2. b mind/ understand/ find/ nor comprehend/ Gods Truth nor his holy Understanding/ neither yet likewise obtain any Salvation or Blessing)/ So hath the most-high God v Psal. 58. c Ephe. 1. a 2 c Tir. 2. b. 3 a taken-pitie of the manly Generation/ and been mindful of the same with his Grace. and vouchsafed to shewe-fourth his Love/ mercy/ power/ and Almightynes⁏ x Luk. 1. g Gen. 22. a to the Salvation and Blessing of all Generations; on the Earth. namely [in expreilinge] how/ and wheare-through/ all the Children of Men might come-againe to the true Light of Life ؛ y Mar. 1 d 1. Cor. 1. c their Salvation;/ to the upright Knowledge of the Wisdom of God ؛their holy Understanding;/ and to the everlasting z Heb. 4. b Rest and Peace; ؛their Blessing. 9 Now/ for to accomplish all this same/ so hath God chosen thereto/ caven a Gen. 12. a Abraham. and covenanted or made-promise with him/ that all Generations of the Earth/ should⁏ through Him and b Gen. 22. b his Seed; become blessed. 10. HOwbeit/ after that these Promises were made unto Abraham and his Seed/ so became the Seed of Abraham⁏ the which was also called c Gen. 32. c Israel; dwelling in the Land d Gen. 46. b c of Egypt: whereas it e Gen. 47. c d Increased to many Multitudes of People. Which People of Israel/ became made Bondseruauntes by Pharaoh ؛the King of Egypt;/ f EXo. 1. b c and were veryfore afflicted. 11 But/ the God of Israel g Deut. 4. c Luk. 1. g forgot not his People/ nor the Promises which he⁏ to a Blessing of all Generations of the Earth, had promised unto Abraham. but was mindful of his h Gen. 22. c 16 covenant/ that he had made with Abraham/ Isaac/ and jacob: and became a i Ezech. 34. c judge over his Flock. For he lead his People⁏ k Exo. 12. f 13 a 14.15 with his mighty Hand; out of the Land of Egypt/ and out of the Bondaige-howse of their Slaverye. 12. ANd God hath let them hear l Exo. 20. a Deut. 4. c d 5 a his Word of Life. also made-manifest/ witnessed/ and declared/ which is his eternal, true, and living Righteousness/ that He would have to be erected⁏ through his People Israel; upon the Earth: and wherein all the Children of Men/ Generations/ and Heathen/ should live/ that it might⁏ perpetually; go-well with them. 13. For/ through Israel ؛ m EXo. 20. a b Deut. 5. c the Seed of Abraham; the lords mercifulness stood over the Heathen/ for to make the Heathen also⁏ which turned them to the House of Israel/ for to live in the Laws and Statutes of Israel; out of his Grace/ n Ephe. 1. b 2 c Rom. 15. b coheir with Israel/ in the o Gen. 22. b 49 Esa. 49. a b c Ephe. 2. b c Testaments of the holy Father's/ and in the heavenly Richeses of God the Father/ according to the Promises. 14. THissame true and everlasting Righteousness/ hath the living God declared⁏ out of his holy Heaven; unto his People Israel/ upon the p Exo. 20. a Gal. 4. c Mount Sinai. And God spoke to Israel/ all these Words/ and said: 15. I q EXo. 20. a Deut. 5 a Psal. 81. b am the Lord thy God/ which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt⁏ even out of the Howse-of-bondaige;: The first Commandment. 16. Thou t EXo. 20. a Levi. 19 a shalt have none other Gods/ beside Me. The second Commandment. 17. Thou f EXo. 20. 2 new. 4. b 5 a Levi. 19 a josua. 24. b c shalt not make to thy-self any Imaige nor Lifenes, of that which is in Heaven/ above/ or of that which is on the Earth/ beneath/ or of that which is in the Water/ under the Earth: Pray not to them/ and serve or worship them not. For I ؛the Lord thy God; am a telous God/ which t Exo. 20. a 34 Deut. 7. b punisheth the Wickedness of the Father's/ upon the Children/ unto the third and fourth Generation/ of them that hate me: and show Mercy upon many thousands/ that sove me/ and keep my Commandments. The third Commandment. 18. Thou shalt not abuse the v EXo. 20. a Levi. 19 b Eccli 23. a Name of the Lord thy God. For the Lord will not hold him gileles or seave him unpunis head/ that abuseth his Name or taketh it in vain. The fourth Commandment. 19 Be mindful * EXo. 20.23 a 34. c. 35 a Deu. 5. a Ezec. 20. b 2. Gla. 8.9 10 4. Gla. ●. of the Sabboth-daye/ that thou sanctify the same. Six Days shalt thou labour/ and do all thy Work. But the seventh day/ is the fabbaoth day of the Lord/ thy God: in the same thou shalt do no Work/ nor thy Son/ nor thy Daughter/ nor thy manservant/ nor thy Mandseruaunt/ nor thy cattle/ nor thy Strannger that is within thy Gates. For in y Gen. 1. c d six days/ the Lord made Heaven and Earth/ with the Sea/ and all that is thern: and rested the seventh Day. Wherefore the Lord z Gen. 2. a Heb. 4. b blessed the Sabboth-day/ and hallowed it. The fifth Commandment. 20. Thou shalt honour thy a EXo. 20. b Mat. 15. a Ephe. 6. a Father and thy Mother/ that thou mayst live long ●● the Land/ that the Lord thy God geevesh thee. The sixth Commandment. 21. Thou shalt b EXo. 20. b Mat. 5. c Rom 13. b not fill. The feventh Commandment. 22. Thou shalt c Exo. 20. b Mat. 5. c 19 c not comrnit-adoulterie The eight Commandment. 23. Thou shalt d EXo. 20. b Lavi. 19 c Marc. 10. b. not steal. The ninth Commandment. 24. Thou shalt not bear e EXo. 20 b Deut. 5. b Mat. 19 c any false witenes against thy Neighbour. The tenth Commandment. 25. Thou f Exo. 20. b Deu. 5. b Mat. 5. c Rom. 7. a shalt not covet thy Neighbour's House/ nor his Wife/ nor his Servant/ nor his Maid/ nor his Ox/ nor his Ass/ nor anye-thinge/ of all that thy Neighbour hath. The second Chap. An Expressing and Declaration, who are the lords People that love him/ and who⁏ on the other side; contemn him- and how the good-willing to the Righteousness/ become nourtered and sustained by the Law and Commandments of God and lead evenso⁏ under the Obedience of the Low of the Lord/ and the Belief of jesus Christ, in to the true Being of Christ and his love. O Erelie/ all Such now as observe and keep these Comaundementes/ laws/ and Statutes of the supreme God⁏ in the Spirit/ and according to all Truth;/ and line therein: and turn not aside/ neither a Deu. 5. d 17 b Io●ne. 1. b 23 b 4. Esd. 7. a Pro. 4. c to the Right-hand nor to the Left. but are grounded or established with upright Hearts⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; therein: and evenso⁏ out of their Disposition and Nature; lust-for nor desire any other thing/ but to bear the Words/ Commandments/ and Testimonies of the true God/ b jer. 31. c in their Hearts/ and to be c john. 14. c obedient thereunto/ Those are⁏ douties; They which love God/ d 1. john. 3. b. 4.5. b also are borne of him/ and are his Children. 2. But all such as keep No these Words/ Commandments/ and Laws of the Most-highest/ nor live therein: neither yet will learn⁏ in the Service of Love; to observe those-same/ nor do thereafter/ nor live therein: nor yet likewise will endeavour themselves⁏ through the Doctrine and Belief of jesus Christ; to their purging from the sin (To th'end that they⁏ through the e Heb. 9 b Ephe. 1. a Blood of jesus Christ; might become washed and purged from their Sins and unpure Consciences)/ Those are verily They which f john. 14. b love not God. but are such as hate Him/ contemn his Law and word/ accounted the Blood of our Lord jesus Christ⁏ that cleanseth and faneth our Souls; g Heb. 6. a 10 ● for unpure/ and dis deign His Salnation. 3. For such perverse Hearts⁏ which are h Ephe. 2 b Allauntes to the Citizenshly of Israel/ and also Strangers to the merciful Love of jesus Christ/ and walk evenso without the Love and her Service; do plainly express with their wicked and apostaeed Will, i john. 8. d whose Children they are/ and whereto they have turned their Hearts/ Minds/ and Thoughts. For such on adoulterous k Mat. 22. c Generation/ are the Children l john. 8. a of the Devil/ and the wicked Seed of the perverse or corrunt. World/ which will not at all/ give themselves to the Cleansing of the Heart/ and Sanctification in jesus, Christ: nor yet submit them/ under the Obedience of the Law of the Lord. nor under the Obedience of the Faith of jesus Christ. nor under the Obedience of the Love of the holy Spirit. 4. Behold/ hereby now it becometh known/ which are the Children m 1. john. 3. b of the Devil 〈◊〉 of the wicked World;/ and which⁏ on the otherside are the Children of God⁏ or the Goodwillingons a the Righteousness;. 5. For all what is of God, n john. 8 c loveth God: and o john. 14. b c keepeth his Word. And all what is departed and estranged from God/⁏ if-so-be that it have a lust 〈◊〉 God and his Righteousness; That cometh against⁏ through the Love/ or through the Voice or Calling of the Spirit of Love; unto God: and endeavoured Itself⁏ in the Comunialtie of the Love; to live and walk in all p Luk. 1. g Ephe. 1. a. 4. c upright Righteousness and Holiness. 6. THese Children of God/ together with all f●● as⁏ with humble Hearts; have a q Psal. 40. a Lust to do the Will of the Lord/ become all justified ●● made-safe⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; ●● God⁏ through his Christ; from all their r Mat. 1. d Sins. a●● evenso/ through the Word/ s Ihon. 15. b with the Word/ and in the t r. john. 1. a Word of Life⁏ the which is jesus Christ himself; v john. 14. c. 16 lead and brought-in to the true Being jesus Christ: And he ؛the same Christ; insying * john. 20. c them with his holy Spirit of Love/ and y john. 6. d 10. giver them the everlasting Life. 7. howbeit/ whilst that this Word of Life/ nor his Love/ was not⁏ in tymes-●●assed; z 2. Cor. 3. b Heb. 9 a. b. renealed among the Generations of Abraham nor yet come unto them⁏ as a true Light; in true Knowledge/ Go could not this holy Law of Life ؛the Commandments of their Lord and God; become rightly ministered nor lived⁏ according to the heavenly Truth; among the Children of Men. 8. For that cause now/ it became All set forth before them⁏ to a a Gal. 3. c. 4. a Conservation of them/ till unto the Coming of Christ/ and till unto the Manifesting of his Resurrection; b Hob. 7. c 10 a in Images/ Figures/ Shadows/ c Mat. 13. b Luk. 8 a parabolous Words/ and Written-letters: wherewith there was required of them/ the good Will to God/ and to his Word/ d Deu. 6. a 10 a for to be obedient goodwillinglie/ unto the Lord their God/ and to live in his Righteousness/ To th'end that the Most-best/ and the e 1. Cor. 13. b 2. Cor. 3. b purest beauty of the Cicernes of Christ/ should come evenso unto them/ in the Spirit and according to the Truth/ and so they to become unto: porated⁏ f john. 15. b 170 in all Love; to the lovely Being of God. 9 Under this same foregoinge g Hob. 7. b c 9 a and figurative Godseruice⁏ which was witnessing upon a More-effectuall and Clearer; God hath h Heb. 1. a many-tymes sent his prophets unto the Fathers of Israel: wherethrough God⁏ in many-maner-of-wise; witnessed unto them/ of the i Esa. 2. a 3 b 5. a. 11. a. 12 a 60 clearness of Christ that was for to come/ of the Richeses of the most-pure Bewtyfulnes of God/ k Esa. 32.33.49 jer. 23. a 33 b and of the lovely and upright Righteousness/ which should become brought unto them: and how that they in the last times⁏ under the Obedience of ●● Love; should live therein for ever. 10. But whenas now this same gracious Ti●● was come/ whereof God had l Esa. 49. b c d spoken be●● fore. and like as he m Gen. 22. b promised to Abraham and 〈◊〉 Seed/ and wherein he (like-as theridamas was prophecy thereof/ by Moses in the n Deu. 18. b 30 Law/ and by all the prophets of God) would accomplish all his Work, to the Blessing of all the Generations of the Earth So hath God⁏ to the o Luk. 2. d Act. 13. g 1 Lighting of the Heathen/ and to the Renown of his People Israel; sentfourth from Him p Luk. 1. c his Angel Gabriel/ into a City in Gall●●⁏ which is called Nazareth; to a Virgin which was betrothed to a Man⁏ q Mat. 1. c named joseph; of the r Luk. 1. c House of David. And the Virgin was called/ Marie. 11. And the Angel Gabriel went in s Luc. 1. c unto her and saluted her: saying to her/ that she should come ceave in her Womb/ and bear a Son/ and call his Name/ jesus or t Mat. 2. c Saviour. 12. For through Thesame/ God would v Mat. 1. c save and bless the manly Generation/ according to his * Gen. 22. b Promises: to th'end that they⁏ with upright and pure Hearts⁏ should live always and y Deu. 30. ● for ever/ in his Law and upright Righteousness. and inherit evenso, the heavenly Treasures/ and Richeses of God. The third Chap. The Salutation of the Angel Gabrtell/ whering he salted the Virgin Marry/ when she should conce●● or becom-with-childe⁏ through the power of the 〈◊〉 highest. by the holy Goss: And the Blessing of Elyab●● wherewith she blessed the Virgin Marie, when for came to her/ and sound her to be with-child by the have Ghost. SAluted a Luk. 1. c be thou/ Ful-of-grace: the Lord is with thee/ thou Praised among Women. 2. Fear b Luk. 1. c thee not mary: thou hast ●ound Grace with God. c Esa. 7. b Behold/ thou halt conceive in thy Womb/ and bear a Son: his Name shalt thou call jesus. 3. Thesame d Luk. 1. c shallbe great/ and be called a Son of the Most-highest. And God the Lord shall c Esa. 9 ● give Him the Seat of his Father David: and he shallbe a King ●uer the House of jacob/ forever: and Her shall be no f Dan. 1. a 7 b End of his Ringdome. 4. Blessed g Luk. 2. d art thou among Women oh Marry/ the Mother of my Lord] and blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb/ jesus Christ. AMEN. The Blessing of Elizabeth. The FOUR Chap. The Prasse and Thankesgeeving of Marie/ wherein ●ee lawd the Lord⁏ through the joy which she rescued in her Soul⁏ when she had conceived by the ●● Ghost. MY a Esa. 61. b Luk. 1. c sauce doth magnify the Lord. 2. And my Spirit rejoiceth in God/ my Salvation. 3. For he hath loofed on b Luk. 1. c the Lowlyner of his handmaiden: Behold/ from henceforth/ all Generations shall count me blessed. 4. For He that is Mighty, hath wrought great things in Me: and holy in his Name. 5. And his c E 〈◊〉 20. a Deut. 5. Luk. 1. c Mercy endureth from of●● Generation to another/ among their that fear him. 6. He exerciseth power d 1. Reg. 2. a Luk. ●. c with his Arm●● and scattereth such as are proud in the imagination of their heart. 7. He thrusteth the Mighty from their Seat: and exalteth the Humble. 8. He filleth the e Psal. 31. b Mat. 5. a hungry with Good things: and leaveth the Rich empty. 9 He remembreth his Mercy: f Esa. 41. a jer. 31. a d and Healpeth-upp his Servant Israel 10.⁏ As he hath g 〈◊〉. 22. b spoken to our Father's Abraham and his Seed; forever. 11. Glory be to the Father/ and to the Son/ and to the Holye-goste. 12. As it was in the Beginning/ and ●● presently/ and always: and shallbe fr●● henceforth/ Worlde-without-ende. AMEN. The V Chap. The Elessinge/ wherewith the god-fearinge Man Simon, blessed the Lord/ when jesus ؛the Son of God; was borne of mary. and brought by the Elders/ 〈◊〉 the Temple of the Lord. Lord/ a Luk. a. d now leavest thou thy Servant⁏ according to thy Word; in Peace. 2. For mine Eyes have seen thy Savour. 3. Which thou hast prepared/ before all People: 4. A b Esa. 45. a 〈◊〉 Luk. 1. d Act● 3. c. Light, to lighten the Heathen: and ●o the Praise of thy People Israel. 5. Glory be to the Father/ and to the Son/ and to the holy Ghost. 6. As it was in the Beginning/ and is presently/ and always: and shallbe from thencefourth/ Worlde-without-ende. AMEN. 7. All now whatsoever we had heere-folowing/ to speak or writ⁏ more-at-large; of Christ/ 〈◊〉 lovely Being/ and of the heavenly Treasures and c Mat. 13. b 2. Cor. 4. b Col. 2. a . Richeses of God⁏ wherein all Men aught to sign;: and also all what is brought unto us through Christ/ and geeven us to inherit/ as the Heritable goods of our God and heavenly Father/ that have we plentifully and in manifolde-fort⁏ with full Resolution; wrtnessed and declared in the d Gla. 26.27 28.29.30 Glass of Righteousness. 8. For-that-cause/ we will not presently intr●●● much thereof here in this place. but declare the e Act. 4. b 15 b Boleef in jesus Christ/ wherein all our Salvation consisteth: As also testify and confess/ how/ or in whatmaner-of-wise/ that We ؛the communialty ●● holy ones in the Love; stand-grounded in the true Belief of our Lord jesus Christ. and what our H●●● and Comfort is/ which we⁏ through the Love of God the Father/ and his Christ; have g Ephe. l. b 2.3 in the same Belief: wherwichall we express and declare/ ho●men shall rightly/ and according to the Truth/ believe in Christ. 9 Which true Belief in jesus Christ⁏ reveals unto us/ out of the h Mat. 17. a 1. john. 1. a 2. Pet. 1. b heavenly Truth/ in our Hearth we do presently⁏ even out of Love; set fourth and express before everyone/ that the Lord stireth upon our Way/ To th'end that they all⁏ in this same D●●● i Psal. 118. c or Light of the Love; should become restored in untrue k Rom a. 8. b Belief of jesus Christ. and⁏ through the Belief l Gen. 22. b Esa. jer. 31. d Mal. 4. a saved in the Service of the Love/ according to the Promises. The VI Chap. In thissame sixth Chapter, there are certain Insteuc●●● contayved, touching the upright Faith: and immed●lie thereafter in the seventh Chapter, thee is witness and figured-fourth in Letters, the twelve principle head-atticles of the mostholye christian Faith or Belief/ 〈◊〉 as those same are believed and confessed of and by the Communtaltie of the holy ones of the House of love. together with the upright christian Baptism/ in the Name of the Father/ and of the Son/ and of the holy Ghost. SEeing⁏ my beloved Children/. and thou family of Love; that the a Esa. 2. a joel. 2. c Act. 2. c last or newest Dan doth presently appear/ and becometh revealed/ with Us⁏ in the which/ the Appearing b Esa. 26. a Oze. 13. b. 1. Cor. 15. f of the Coming of Christ and of the Resurrection of the Dead comethtopasse/ to a righteous c Dan. 7. c Mat. 25. d judgement of God upon Earth;: so can it not now likewise bide-back/ but the most-holy christian Belief must also appear and declare-fourth herself/ and⁏ according to the verytrue Truth; become made-manifest in the self-same day/ To th'end that the same true Belief/ might now in the d joel. 2. c last cyme⁏ even in this mostholie Day of the Love; become expessed or healed fourth⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; before all People/ and that the upright Belee●ers in jesus Christ/ as also all such as believe unfightly of Christ/ should become known and manifested 〈◊〉 one e Mat. 13. d e 25. d from the other. and evenso judged according ●● the Truth/ and righteous judgement of God. 2. forasmuch then/ as that now⁏ even in this same newest Day; f Mat. 24. d 25. Luk. 17. c 21 the Coming of Ie●● Christ⁏ as a Lord in his majesty; from the righthand of God his Father/ appeareth/ and becometh manifested unto us⁏ with full clearness of the heavenly Glory; g Act. 1. b 2 c / according to the Scripture/ Therefore pass we thorough the Nations of People/ ●●ting or making-triall/ whether the true Belief of Christ, be anywhere to be found h jer. 5. a Luk. 18. a upon the Earth. 3. But seeing that we cannot perceive or find the true Belief in jesus Christ/ among any People upon the Earth⁏ that walk without the Comunialtie of the Love/ and live unto themselves;: and that the same is appeared and manifested unto the Holyons of God/ i 1. john. 1. a in the Comunialtie of the Love⁏ through the Appearing k Mat. 25. d Act. 1. b of the Coming of jesus Christ; out of the high Heaven/ So cannot likewise the same mostholye Belief/ become uprightly witnessed nor confessed/ by any Other People/ Nations/ nor Communialties/ but only by the l 1. Cor 12. a b Ephe. 4. b. Comunialtie of the Holyous in the Love/ or by Such as live and walk m 1. Pet. 1. b 2. john. 3. b 4. b obediently/ under the gracious Word and his Service of love. 4. For Those/ that stand comprehended in the Light of the Love/ or that are n john. 6. c Ephe. 4. b taught thereof/ Thy walk in the true o john. 1. a 8 b 1. john. 1. a Light [that is in the clearness of Christ]/ wherethrough all the holy ones of God/ have ever p 1. Tim. 3. b a. Pet. 1. b witnessed/ published/ and confessed/ the true Belief of jesus Christ. 5. THe-whilst then that God extendeth his Compassion over us/ with his Light/ and doth now in the last Time⁏ through the Appearing of the Coming of his Christ; raise-upp his q john. 17. c Ephe. 1. a 2 c communialty of holy ones⁏ which he hath chosen from the●●gininge/ r Mat. 25. d to be the Heirs of his Kingdom; in his Love/ and in the Love of his Christ: and that her in like-maner/ expressly declareth unto us⁏ under the Obedience of the same Love; the upright Faith/ and the true judgement of God or Christ/ Therefore cannot we hide it or omyte/ to witness and declare⁏ according to the Truth; the same true Belief/ and the s Mat. 25. d 2. Cor. 15. c f Mystery of the true judgement of Christ both over the Living and Dead: and to endeavour us with all diligence/ for to setfourth⁏ according to the Truth; the upright Belief of jesus Christ/ before everyone whom God steereth-upp in our Way/ To th'end that they all which are t Luk. 2. b good-of-will/ might become plucked/ in the upright and true Faith of jesus Christ/ with us⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; in to the One v john. 17. c concordable communialty of holy ones. and evenso X Gen. 22. b jer. 31. d 32 obtain their Salvation and Blessing/ according to the Promises. 6. Therefore hear⁏ y Mat. 13. a Luk. 8. a Apo. 2. c 3 b he that hath Ears to hear; and consider-well⁏ he that hath Understanding to comprehend; our upright Ground of the true Faith/ in God ؛our Father;/ and in his Son jesus Christ ؛our Lord and Saviour;/ and in the holy Ghost ؛our z Ephe. 1. a Inheritance in the spiritual and heavenly Goods;/ and of the upright christian Baptism/ a Mat. 28. b in every of their Names. For all Such as believe and become b Marc. 16. b baptized uprightly/ according to the Truth and Testimony of jesus Christ/ they shall become saved. But whoso believe not/ they shall become condemned. 7. Wherefore⁏ my beloved Children; like-as the true communialty of holy ones and Elders of the House of Love/ confess⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; the Belief in jesus Christ/ and the christian Baptism/ and like as jexpresse the same here/ unto you/ and confess or acknowledge it before all men/ to be the true Faith/ and the upright Baptism/ evenso ground⁏ with fast Belief; c Ephe. 3. b your Hearts likewise therein. 8. Confess also boldly the same Belief/ before Men. also among the adoulterous and sinful Generation/ and the false-heartes of the Scripture-learned/ / which falselte boast them to be Christians/ and maliciously speake-evell of us⁏ which confess the upright Christianity/ in the Love;/ as also defame and persecute us/ with much falsehood and many lying-tales. 9 Thus keep it not close nor yet be ashamed/ to confess and acknowledge the Truth of Christ/ before Men d Mat. 10. d Mar. 8. d Luk. 9 c 12 a . For/ according to the same manner/ Christ shall also then acknowledge you before his heavenly Father/ and before the Angels of God/ in his Majesty. The VII. Chap. The first Article of the christian Faith. We believe in God the Father/ a Gen. 17. a almighty/ b Gen. 1. a b c Maker of Heaven and Earth. 2. We confess/ or acknowledge/ that The same/ is a true c john. 1. a 8. b and living God/ a mighty Spirit/ a pers●● d Sap. 7. c 1. john. 1. a Heb. 1. a clear Light/ and a true Being. and that the same Being/ is God the Father's Name/ and his e 1. john 4. a Love itself. 3. In which Name of the Father/ we are f john. 6. c plucked/ through the Service of his holy and gracious Word⁏ under the Obedience of the Laipe of the Lord/ of the Belief of jesus Christ/ and of the Love of the holy Ghost; by the Father/ to the Love of his only Son jesus or g Mat. 1. c Saviour ؛the h Col. 1. b Heb. 1. a very●●● Being or Substance of his Godhead; and cauen●● i Mat. 28. b. baptized or washed in the same Name of the Father. 4. Which k john. 6. c Plucking of the Father/ and baptizing in the Father's Name/ hath the Foregoing by ●s⁏ in the Administration of the holy Word under the Obedience of the Love; with the l Exo. 20. a Deut. 5. b 11 a Law or ordinance of the Lord/ and with his m Psal. 89. d 1. Gla. 11. g Correction or Discipline: wherewithal we even so⁏ as in an Enmity against the Sin; become prevented and informed/ to an Incorporatinge in the godly Righteousness. 5. For even so⁏ in the becominge baptized in the Name of the Father; doth the Lord n Pro. 3. b Heb. 12. b Apo. 3. chastise or nurture with his Law/ every Man which he plucketh or receiveth unto him: Wherethrough it becometh than all made-manifest in the Man/ o Ephe. 5. b whatsoever becometh chastifed by the Light or through the Light. 6. Through which fatherly p Pro. 3. b Heb. 12. b Discipline⁏ in the becoming-manifest q Rom. 7. b of the Sin; we are inseeinge and perceiving in the Light/ all the horribleness r Rom. 7. be of the sin/ together with the Devils and the Fleashes craftle, and deceitful, or false Nature. and God's s jer. 30. c judignation and t Eccli. 5. a Rom. 2. a Wrath/ over thesame/ and over all such v Psal. 5. a as are of one mind therewith. 7. WHen we now find ourselves guilty in All/ and become⁏ in such-sort; x Apo. 3. c chastised by God's Grace/ through his y Ephe. 5. b Light of the fatherly love/ so ●eare we⁏ at that time; grief/ forrowe/ and angwish/ ●● affliction for the sins cause: and z psal. 32. a Pro. 28. b confessing thesame Sins⁏ with humble Hearts; in the Service of the holy Word/ under the Obedience of the Love of the Father/ we become wholly inclined and good-liking/ a Psal. 45. b 13 ● to hate/ to leave/ and to lay-away or to mortify/ the sins/ and all what is ungodly: and to that effect we do⁏ as than; wholly give-over ourselves/ in the b Mar. 1. Act. 2. d Counsel of the holy Word and of the c Pro. 1. a 3. a 4 Eccli. 4. a 32. c Heb. 13. b Elders in the Service of the Love/ To th'end that God the Father's Name⁏ according to the requiring of the Service of his Love; might become d Mat. 6. b Luk.. 11. a hallowed and magnified in us. 8. And even so⁏ in the family or communialty of the Love; we obtain Grace and Favour before God the Father/ and his Son/ jesus Christ: and become⁏ through the Service of the holy Word/ and of the fatherly e Pro. 3. b Heb. 12. b Correction; kept and lead-fourth even unto jesus Christ/ the Son of God the Father/ for to become justified and released or f john. 8. d Rom. 6. c made-free/ through the Name of the Son⁏ unto whom God the Father hath given g Mat. 11. c 28 all power/ both in Heaven and Earth; from the h Mat. 1. c Sin/ and from her i Apo. 20. a Kingdom of the Death of the Devil/ and of all wicked Spirits: name lie/ to our Preservation in the Godliness/ in 〈◊〉 great and terrible k joel. 2. a Amos. 5. b Day of the Lord/ and of the righteous judgement of God/ which shall burn⁏ in wrath or l Soph. 1. b Malach 4. a fury; over all Ungodly⁏ which ha●● despised the Love in her Service and Requiring and refused the fatherly m Pro. 29. Heb. 12. b Correction; as a Fire●● n Mat. 25. d their everlasting Condennation in the Fire of Her which is prepared for the Devil and his Aung●● or Ministers. 9 In which Preservation o Baruch. 3. b and Extending ofgrace or Mercifull-favour of our God and Saviour/ God the Father⁏ with the p Psal. 89. d Discipline ●● his Law; manneth himself⁏ according to the 〈◊〉 ward Man; with us: and we become likewise/ and the clearness of his godly q Ephe. 5. b Light (wherewithal he with the Law r Psal. 8 9 d Pro. 3 a Heb. 12. b of his Chastising; is always against us/ in the Sin) godded or made-conformable⁏ in a goodwillinge Spirit to the upright s Mat. 5. a Righteousness; with Him/ To th'end that we through his own Being/ should bear or carry⁏ as Men of God; his holy Name/ under the Obedience of his t Gal. 4.5 a Law and live and walk even so⁏ according to the Law or Ordinance of his v 1. Pet. 1. b 2. a 2. Pet. 1. a true Being; in all love. 10. And that is the upright christian Baptism or washing/ in the x Mat. 28. b Name of the Father: and is the true Baptism/ which hath the Foregoing/ in the christian Doctrine of the Service of love. 11. We confess likewise/ that all Such as believe not even-thus in God the Father/ believe unfightly: and that also they all/ which become not eaven-so (as is abovesaid) y Mar. 16. b Rom. 6. a baptized/ through the Service of the holy Word⁏ under the Obedience of the Law of the Lord/ or of the Doctrine of his Word; in God's Love or true Being/ Bear or carry not Gods holy Name/ nor the Spirit of his true Being: nor are z Gal. 3. oh baptized in the Name of the Father: and that it in like-maner is not meet or convenient/ that men should count such unbelievers and Vnbaptisedons/ for Christians: neither yet also for Men/ at whose hands one should anyway suppose or trust to find any Word a john. 1. a. 3. a of God's Truth/ or yet any Works b Mat. 1. a of Righteousness/ or godservice/ that God regardeth or accepteth. The second Article. 12. We believe in a Mat. 1. a e Luk. 1. d 2 b jesus Christ ؛the b Mat. 16. b 17 Rom. 1. a only Son of God; our Lord. 13. We confess that the same Son of God ؛Iusus Christ; is the c Col. 1. b Heb. 1. a verylike Being of the living God his Father⁏ through Whom/ God the Father hath d Gen. 1. c john. 1. a made and accomplished all his Work; and that He [namely/ the son of God/ jesus Christ] for-that-cause/ beareth also all things e Heb. 1. a with the Word of his power: and maketh the purging of our sins/ through himself. The third Article. 14. We believe/ that the same Son of God/ is conceived of the holy f Esa. 7. b Mat. 1. c Luk. 1. d Ghost/ through the power of the Mosthighest/ and borne of the holy g Luk. 2. b Gal. 4. a Virgin Marie. 15. We confess that this same Son of God⁏ which is conceived of the holy Ghost/ and borne of the holy Virgin Marie; is the true and promise' Seed: h Gen. 22. b Rom. 4. b. Gal. 3. b and borne/ to the Blessing of all Generations of the Earth/ according to the Promises. The fourth Article. 16. We believe/ that this holy Seed of Blessing [namely/ this same only Son of God/ jesus Christ/ our Lord and Saviour/ i Col. 1. b the Verylike-beeinge of God the Father] k Esa. 53. a b hath suffered under l Mat. 27. b Luk. 23 1. Tim. 6. b Pontius Pilate: was crucified/ m 1. Cor. 15. a 1. Pet. 2. c dead/ and buried: and descended to the Hell. 17. We confess/ that this same Son of God (inasmuch as he beareth all things with the n Heb. 1. a Word of his power) o Esa. 53. b john. 1. d 1. Pet. 2. c beareth also in us our sins/ and hath suffered⁏ in all Obedience of the Word p Phil. 2. a of his heavenly Father; the Death of the Cross⁏ in Reproach/ Blaspheamle/ Contempt/ and false q Heb. 12. a Defamation or Accusation; for our sins cause: and that he likewise⁏ under the Obedience of the Love of his Father; is gone before us r Phil. 2. a 1. Pet. 2. c Heb. 5. b thearin/ for that we should⁏ in like-maner; s 1. Pet. 2. c followe-after Him⁏ under the Obedience of his Love; in his Death of the Cross/ to the Safemaking of us from our Sins: become incorporated to him with his like t Rom. 6. a. Phil. 3. b Death and v Rom. 6. a Col. 2. b baptized or washed⁏ under the Obedience of the Belief; in his Name or Safe-makinge. and bury even so⁏ through the Belief; the Olde-man⁏ x Ephe. 4. c which is destroying through the Lusts of Error;/ to the Forgeevinge and Releassing of our sins/ through his Name or safemaking/ To th'end that we might even so⁏ through y Act. 4. b 1. john. 2 a jesus Christ; obtain the Renewing of our Spirit and Mind/ in an upright Life/ and the Resurrection from z Esa. 26. c 1. Cor. 15. c 1. Tes. 4. b the Dead/ with Christ/ in the Appearing of his a Mat. 24. d Luk. 17. c Act. 1. b Majesty. For whenas we in such-sort become b Ephe. 4. b Col. 2. b incorporated⁏ as Fellowe-members of Christ; into the Body of Christ/ so is Christ then in like-maner c Mat. 1. e Ephe. 5. e a Saviour of his Body or of his People from their Sins/ according to the Scripture. 18. And that is the upright christian Baptism/ in the d Mat. 28. b Marc. 16. b Name of the Son/ and is the true forgiveness and e Heb. 9 b purging of 〈◊〉 Sins/ through jesus Christ. 19 Behold/ after this manner⁏ as we believe/ and do here confess or acknowledge; become we rightly f 1. Pet. 1. a 3 c baptized in the Name of the son/ and g Rom. 11. c incorporated or implanted⁏ as Fellowe-members of Christ; into the Body of Christ and the Stock of Israel/ To th'end that we should even so/ according to the Truth⁏ as true Christians and an holy People of Israel/ of the Seed of Abraham; bear or carry his holy Name. h Mat. 10. d Luk. 12. a confess or acknowledge the same Christ⁏ as our Saviour; before Men and even so live and walk in his lovely upright Being. 20. We confess likewise/ that all such as do not imitate or followe-after jesus Christ/ in his Death of the Cross⁏ in all Obedience of the holy Word of jesus Christ and of his holy Spirit of Love i Rom. 6. a b 8 1. Cor. 15. f Col. 2. b / to the Vanquishing of the Sin/ the Death and the Hell/ and to a Burying of all Iniquity/ destroying Nature/ and ungodly Being;/ or become not even so baptized or washed in his Name/ neither yet bear the Death of the Sin⁏ k Rom. 6. a through the Death of the Cross of Christ; in their l 2. Cor 4. b Gal. 6. b inwardness. Are no Christians/ nor yet baptized in the Name or Salvation of the Son. 21. For all Such as become not baptized or washed in the Name of jesus [that is/ in the Saving-health of his Death] to the mortifying m Rom. 6. a. Gal. 5. c Col. 3. a of the sinful Flesh/ according to the Inward-man/ neither yet iudevour them thereto: and yet nevertheless boast them to be Christians/ They are All false n Mat. 24. a john. 8. e. Christians/ also lying/ in all their confessing and Teaching/ Because they enter not in to the o john. 10. c communialty of the Sheep of Christ/ through the Death and p Rom. 6. a Comcorporatinge of the Death of Christ [which is the right Door of the sheepfold of Christ:] but thou some other way/ and believe not the Salvation⁏ or Saving-health; of jesus Christ. The fifth Article. 22. We believe that the God of Abraham/ / hath a Mat. 28. a Mar. 16. a Luk. 24. a b e Act. raysed-upp this his Son ؛Iesus; from the Dead/ and that he even so the third day/ rose again from the Dead: And appeared or made-manifest himself unto his b john. 20.21 Act. 10. c 13 d e 1. Cor. 15. a Friends which loved him: showing unto them⁏ through his Suffering and Death of the Cross; the c Rom. 6 a b. e 1. Cor 15. f Victory over the Sin/ Death/ Devil/ Hell/ the Flesh/ and the World. 23. We confess/ that noman can become partaker⁏ with all the holy ones of God and Believers of jesus Christ; of the Resurrection of Christ/ nor of the Resurrection from the Dead/ or yet rise-upp with the holy ones of God and Christ/ but Such as endeavour themselves in the Belief ⁏ under the Obedience of the Love of jesus Christ; to become implanted into Christ ؛the gracious Word of the Lord;: and even so then to dye with Christ/ in his d Rom. 6. a Phil. 3. b like Death/ e Rom. 6. a b c 1. Pet. 4. a as also to lay-away/ slay/ and bury⁏ through the Death of his Cross; the Sin in the Flesh/ Whereby they may even so⁏ out of the second Birth from the Dead; become g Ephe. 4. c renewed⁏ 〈◊〉 the Spirit of their Mind; in jesus Christ. 24. For therethrough we all obtain and enjoy⁏ in the upright h Luk. 1. g Ephe. 1. a 4. c Righteousness and Holiness which God esteemeth; the i Rom. 8. b Making-alyve from the Death⁏ namely/ with all the k Esa. 26. c Eze. 36. c 37 b Righteous/ and holy ones of God; in the Day l Oze. 13. b john. 5. c 1. Cor. 15. c of the Resurrection: and inherit m Rom. 6. c 8 the everlasting Life. The sixth Article. 25. We believe/ that this same jesus (like-as the Scripture mentioneth thereof) is n Marc. 16. b Luk. 24. f Act. 1. b ascended into Heaven/ fitting at the o Phil. 2. a Col. 3. a Heb. 12. a righthand of God/ his almighty Father. 26. We confess/ that he hath p Marc. 16. b Act. 1. b taken-in the Heaven/ and q Psal. 110. a Ephe. 1. c ratgneth and ruleth essentially⁏ in the heavenly Being; with his Father/ until that all his Enemies/ be laid under his Feet: and that he in like-maner/ shall⁏ in every-behalf; take-in the Kingdom r 1. Cor. 15. c / and all Dominion and power and tender it-all over/ unto his Father/ That God may even so be s Num. 14. c 1. Cor. 15. c all 〈◊〉 all/ according to the Promises. The seventh Article. 27. We believe/ that jesus Christ shall come from thence [namely/ from he t Act. i b right Hand of God his Father/ out of Heaven] ●● v Mat. 16, d 2 ● 25. Act. 10. e 2. Tuno. 4. a 1. Pet. 4. a judge the Living and the Dead. 28. We confess/ that He will even so⁏ in his foaming; shewe-fourth his great power and Mate●●e/ and make-manifest⁏ with Him; the x Luk. 21.1. Tes. 4. b judae. 1. b Glorious●●●synes of the many thousands of his holy ones/ their Garnishing possess his Inheritance⁏ with God his Father/ and with all his Saints/ in Triumph and perpetual joy; everlastingly and judge even so⁏ with all his holy ones; as a righteous judge/ y Esa. 3. b Sap. 3. a Mat. 19 e 2. Tes. 1. a the World/ and all Nations/ Generations/ and Languages⁏ according to the Truth; with z Act. 17. d judae. 1. b Righteusnes. The eight Article. 29. We believe in the holy a john. 14. c 15 1. john. 5. a Ghost: and that The same/ in the oldness of the b joel. 2. c time (when the Days of the Patience of Christ⁏ in the Obedience of the holy and gracious Word and his Service of Love; are fulfilled) becometh c Act. 2. c 10. c powred-fourth from the right Hand of God; through jesus Christ. namely/ over them all that have d Mat. 13. c followed Christ⁏ in his Death of the Cross; obediently: and have kept his Doctrine with the Word of his Patience/ e Luk. 22 ● 2. ● even unto the End [that is/ which are passed-thorowe or have accomplished the Passover with Christ/ till unto the second f Mat. 1●. c. Rom. 6. ● Birth from the Dead/ or unto the new Life of the true Being of Christ:] Which upright Believers⁏ that followe-after Christ/ in Death and Life; become g Act. 1 a baptized or washed⁏ through Christ the pure and living h john. 3. a 7 d Waters of the holy Ghost: 〈◊〉 those same shall also i Act. 2. c become powred-fourth over thee⁏ with full clearness of God; abundantly. 30 For even so/ through the Sheadding-fourth the Holy-gost/ over the upright Believers in Christ⁏ under the Obedience of the Love of the holy God; doth Christ make-manifest k Apo. 21. a his holy Church ؛ l Act. 2. a Ephe. 1. c 2. c communialty of his holy ones;: and establish●● on the same/ the Promises m Gen. 12. a 22 of God his heaven Father: and even so plainly showeth/ who art right Christians● and in what maner-of-wise/ t●● they become baptized⁏ under the Obedience of 〈◊〉 Belief of jesus Christ; in the Name of the he●● n Act. 10. e Ephe. 1. b 4 d Ghost. 31. And that is the upright Christian Baptism/ in the o Mat. 28. b Act 1. a 2. a 10 e Name of the holy God and it is the true second p john. 3. a Birth out of the holy God the true Love of God and Christ. 32 We confess/ that they all/ which be●●● not grounded in this same upright Father of jesus Christ/ nor become even so baptized (as before mentioned in the first Article) in the Na●●● of the Father⁏ under the Obedience of the Love the Father/ and his Law;: and (as is before me●● oned in the fourth Article) in the Name of the God⁏ under the Obedience of the Love of the Son/ 〈◊〉 his Belief;: and (as is before mentioned in 〈◊〉 eight Article) in the Name of the Holy-gost⁏ 〈◊〉 the Obedience of the Love of the Holygost/ and 〈◊〉 renewing of the Life and Mind;/ Are no 〈◊〉 Christians: And that they also all/ that host the 〈◊〉 to be Christians/ without this same upright Faith and Baptism/ are doubtless false q Mat. 24. a oh Luk. 21. a Christians. 33. Therefore shall now⁏ in this same Day of the Love; the Word that the Lord jesus hath spoken/ concerning the true Belief and Baptism/ be a judge/ also become fulfilled and found very-true, and make-knowen the Believers/ from the Vnbelievers. 34. For verily/ whoso believeth/ and becometh r Marc. 16. b Act. 1. a baptized/ after this manner (like-as we here confess or acknowledge⁏ according to the Word of jesus Christ; the upright Faith and Baptism)/ he shall become saved: but whoso believeth not/ he shall⁏ according to the Word of jesus Christ; become s Mar. 16. b condemned. 35. FOr-that-cause/ let noman boast him to be a Christian/ that hath not⁏ in the upright Faith; received the true Tokens of the Christianity that is/ t Mat. 28. c Mar 16. b Act. 1. b 2. a that beareth or carrieth not the Name of the Father/ and of the son/ and of the holy Ghost⁏ essentiassie and livinglie; in him: [Otherwise he shall assuredly⁏ in this same Day of the Love of the righteous v Mat. 25. d Rom. 14. b judgement; before all the holy ones of God⁏ which are comprehended in the communialty of the Love; be found false and lying. For the Word that the Lord jesus Christ hath spoken/ x john. 12. d shall judge him/ in this same newest Day. The ninth Article. 36. We believe One holy Church ؛ a commonalty a john. 17. c Rom. 12. a 15. b 1. Cor. 12. a Ephe. 4. b of Holions'; which is be Contoyned-body b Ephe. 1. ● 5. e of Christ or incorporated⁏ through ●● Love; to Christ: and that the Sheadding-fourth c Act. 2. a. of the holy Ghost/ comethtopasse⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; upon The same. For/ through the holy Ghost (wherewith she is⁏ in all Love; anointed/ blessed/ and elected/ to a sanctified d Apo. 21. a Bride of Christ:) she becometh named/ One holy communialty of holy ones/ which is the holy Conjoined-bodye of the Body of jesus Christ. 37. We confess/ that this same One holy e Act 2. a Com̄●●nialtie (which becometh even so⁏ as is abovesalde; incorporated⁏ through the Love; into the Body of jesus Christ/ as one f john. 17. c Ephe. 4. b Body with him and baptized in his Saving-health) is the true Christianity/ and the upright holy g Apo. 21. a 22 Church of jesus Christ: whereunto all People should⁏ ofright; assemble them⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; to their Blessing and Salvation/ according to the Promises. For she is God's Malestie/ or h john. 14. b Apo. 21. a. the true House of the Love/ for his dwelling/ wherein God will have Mercy on all People. 38. WHoso now therefore assembleth him not⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; unto the same holy Church of jesus Christ: neither yet submitteth him⁏ humblelye; under the same Malestie of God: but contemneth the Righteousness of God and the spiritual Gifts and Richeses of Christ: and so i 1. Tim. 4. a 2. Tim. 3. a 2. Pet. 2.3. a turneth-away himself from the communialty 〈◊〉 the Love ؛the chosen holy ones of God;/ he showeth that he is false of Heart/ and standeth-minded against God and his holy Church: and bringeth even so the judgement k judae. 1. b of his Condemnation/ over himself. The tenth Article. 39 We believe/ the forgiveness of l Mat. 9 a 16 18 john. 20. c Act. 13. c Sins namely/ in the same Communtaltie of holy ones/ which standeth grounded in this same upright and godly Belief of jesus Christ/ and becometh baptized in that same holy Being of God above rehearsed. and where the m Col. 3. b Loan hath obtained the Victory. 40. We coufesse also/ that no man shall obtain Grace/ nor forgiveness of Sins at God's hand/ with out this same holy communialty of Christ. For thissame is the holy Christianity ؛the Famelye of Love; wherein God himself n 2. Cor. 6. b Apo. 21. a dwelleth/ liveth/ and walketh: and the true communialty of Israel/ which taigneth with God and Christ/ over all her Enemies. The eleventh Article. 41. We believe the o Esa. 26. c Ezech. 36.37 b Resurrection of the Flesh: 42 We coufesse/ that the Dead⁏ which are deceased or fallen-asleepe in Christ; ryse-upp p john. 5. c 1. Cor. 15. c d 2 Cor. 5. a 1. Tes. 4. b with their Bodles/ and appear with Christ/ in his Glory: Wherethrough the whole House of Israel/ becometh q jer. 30. b 31 d Ezc. 37. c erected or restored in the last day/ according to the Promises. The twelfth Article. 43. ANd we believe one r john. 6 o 17. everlasting Life. Amen. 44. We confess that the same everlasting Life/ is a true s john. 1. a 1. john. 1 a Light of Meu: and that God hath made and chosen him the Man heerto/ that he should live in the same t Gen. 1. c 2 a Sap. 1. b Light/ everlastingly. It is verytrue. The VIII. Chap. A Prayer to God the Father/ as Christ himself hath taught his Disciples to pray: before the which there is setfourth/ an Instruction touching the same Prayer. O Erelie⁏ my loving Children/ and thou family of Love; it appertaineth to the holy ones of God/ in the communialty of Christ (which stand comprehended or grounded⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; in the true Faith/ like-as we have before mentioned: and that live⁏ through Faith; in all Obedience and Concord of the Love) to call the almighty God of Life/ their a Mar. 6. a Luk 11. a Father: and to worship Him⁏ as their upright Father; in the Spirit and Truth/ b john. 14. b 25 through Christ. 2. For such c john. 4. c Worshippers are acceptable unto the Father/ because they are his upright Children and d john. 3. a 1. Per. 1. c 1. john. 1. a jam. 1. b borne or broughtfourth unto Him⁏ through Christ; out of his godly Kind and good Nature. 3. TO the same believing Children and Disciples of the Word of jesus Christ (and not to the Children of the wicked World) saith Christ even-thus/ and teacheth them to pray aright: 4. When ye pray/ ye shall not make e Mat. 6 a many Words/ as the Heathen do: For they suppose this they are heard, when they make many Words. Therefore ye shall not make yourselves like unto them. For your Father knoweth what is needful for you/ before ye pray unto him: Therefore ye shall pray even-thus: 5. Our Father/ which art in f Mat. 6. a b Luk. 11. a the heavens/ hallowed be thy Name: Thy Kingdom come: Thy Will be done on Earth/ as in Heaven: g Dou. 8. a Mat. 4. a john. 6. c give us this Day our daily Bread: And forgive us our Debts/ as we forgive our Debtors: And lead us not into Temptation: but deliver us from the Evil: (For thine is the h Apo. 4. b 5. b Kingdom/ and the power/ and the Glory/ for ever-and-ever:) Amen. The IX. Chap. A Blessing to the Lord/ to be said/ when one is satdowne at the Table to eat. My beloved Chudrens/ and thou Famelye of Love: when ye are sat-downe at the Table to eat/ then bless and laud⁏ first-of-all; the Lord/ for all the Goodness of his Gifts: and feed eavenld⁏ in thankfulness; on the lords Meat and Drink/ all which he hath⁏ to our moderate repast; rightwell blessed and hallowed. and say even-thus: Bless the a Psal. 145. b Dan. 3. f Lord/ in all the Works of his hands. For his right-hand hath blessed and hallowed it all. 2. Blessed be the Lord/ the Mosthighest/ which feedeth his: People with b john. 6. c Meat and Driucke: and nourrisheth us with his c Deut. 8. a Math. 4. a john. 6. c Word of Life⁏ namely/ his communialty of the Love; in all good Blessing. Amen. 3. O Lord God ؛heavenlie Father;/ nourtout our Heart in thy holt d Pro. 1. a Eccli. 1. b c 2 c Fear: and bless us with thy e jam. 1. a 3 b Wisdom/ that we may bless thee/ in Righteousness: and not misuse thy Gifts/ which we f Ecch. 39 c 1. Tim. 4. a take to us: but may receive and enjoy those same⁏ with thankfulness; at thy bountiful g Psal. 145. b Hand/ in thy holy Name/ and in all Obedience h Col. 3. c of the Love/ Amen. The X. Chap. A thanksgiving to the Lord/ to be said after our Repast. My beloved Children/ and thou Fannelye of Love: when ye now have eaten and drunken/ and⁏ according to your necessarye-behoofe; are resonablie satisfied: then laud and thank always the Lord/ for all his Goodness/ which he is daily shewing on you/ and on all the Children of love. and say even-thus: Thank the a Psal. 106.136 Lord/ which liveth everlastingly/ and praise Him for all the Gifts of his Goodness. For with his b Deut. 8. a john. 6. c Word of Life/ feedeth he daily our Souls/ in the Service of his Love: And giveth our natural c Mat. 6. 1. Tim. 6. b Manhood his Food and Ciothing/ as also all what is needful for us. 2. Therefore praise our God/ and extol his holy Name: for his Great-mightynes endureth for evermore. Amen. 3. We thank and pralse thee/ O Lord God heavenly Father/ O thou true God; for all thy Goodness. For thy Blessing is always over us/ in thy House of Love/ and thou guydest us⁏ Therein; with thy d Esa. 41. b 42. right-hand. 4. In thesame House/ thou reloyeest also our Souls/ with thy e Deut. 4. a 32 Psal. 136. c 145 Mat. 6. c d word/ and fatiffiest our Bodies with thy Food. 5. Where is-there then such a f Deu. 4. a God/ as our God of Love/ which is so Almighty: and such a God service/ as the mostholie Godseruice of his Love/ which is so lovely/ and teacheth us so uprightly? 6. Laude/ g Apo. 4. b 5.7 honour/ Praise/ and Thankesgeeving/ be to that God everlastingly/ which hath⁏ out of his bountiful Goodness; prepared all this for us: and giveth us thereto his everlasting h john. 6. e 10 Life/ Amen. The XI. Chap. A good Exhortation/ wherewith H. N. informeth his Children/ and the Fainelie of Love/ and teacheth them to the good and lovely Life of Peace. Which Exhortation is also very profitable and convenient for all Howse-fathers'/ in the Commialtie of the Love/ for to use and unpsoy the same to the Service and good Document of their Children or yovagons. MY loving Children/ and thou Famlie of Love: a Eccli. 3. a give-ear to me/ your Father/ and live according to my Doctrine/ that it may go-well with you. For b Eccli. 3. a EXo. 20. b Ephe. 6. a the Lord will have the Father honoured of the Children: And what the Mother biddeth or commandeth the Children to do/ that will he have kept. 2. For-that-cause/ incline your Ears c Pro. 2. a 4. to the Words of my Mouth/ and bow your Understanding to my Information. give always care to your Father. d Pro. 1. a 4. a And look also that ye contemn not your Mother's Counsel and Information. Take-heede to my Doctrine. And all what I⁏ out of Love; do setfourth/ teach/ and exhort you unto/ that print⁏ to a Seal of Life/ or a Witness of the Truth; in your Hearts. For it e Pro. 4. b is your Life. 3. Fear the Lord/ the almighty f Esa. 48. b 51 b God/ which hath made Heaven and Earth. Pratses his excellenty: g Psal. 105.145 Apo. 15. a 19 a and give all Laude/ Praise/ and Honour/ unto his holy Name. For He is a God of all Life/ even a God which giveth you the Spirit or h Psal. 104. c Esa. 42. a Breath. 4. Have therefore now a Lust⁏ with all your Heart; to serve the same God/ and to do his William. And although ye know not his excellenty/ nether-yeat can confess Him⁏ as he is a God; according to his clearness/ yet i Psal. 37. a set your confidence⁏ nevertheless; on Him: and hope always upon his Goodness. 5. O My Children in the Love/ submit your Souls under the k Pro. 1. a 3. a Eccli. 6. c Counsel of the Wisdom: and be not/ in any-case; l EXod. 17. Psal. 59 b obstinate/ as is the wicked Nature of the corrupt World: but receive my Doctrine in Lowelynes/ To th'end that the Wisdom/ with her virtuous Nature of the Loan/ may become m jam. 1. c planted in you with Meekmindednes. 6. And therefore/ To th'end that ye may inherit these holy Treasures of the godly Richeses/ so give-over all your Will and Counsel/ in the Will and Counsel of the Priests ؛your Elders;. For then inform or direct you to the same Life of Righteousness: and are serviceable to you⁏ with the godly Documents; thereunto. 7. For-that-cause/ see that ye n 1. Tes. 5. b 1. Tim. 5. b love the Priests/ your Elders/ as your own Soul: and be o Heb. 13. c obedient unto them/ in their teaching and Orders. Contend nor p Exo. 16. a Num. 12. a 16. a murmur not against them: neither yet deal or behave yourselves towards them/ in any Hypocrisy or q Eccli. 1. d 2.5 doubleness of heart: but let all your Counsaties/ Enterprises/ Purposes/ Will/ and deeds (whether they be then secreator manifest) appear⁏ at all times; naked and bore t Eccli. 4. c before your Elders. 8. After this manner⁏ my beloved Children; let all your Conversation or Walking/ be s Tob. 4. b in the Fear of the Lord: and consent⁏ in nocase; to the Evil/ at any tyme. 9 Also/ keep not company with the Crafty and Wicked/ that ye become not seduced by them/ to commit anything that is unlawful/ t Pro. 1. a 7. b Sap. 2. a 14. c or to use any inordinatedealinge with them: nor yet likewise enterprise you by yourselves/ the doing of any uncombly thing: but endeavour you to order your Life and Walking/ v Psal. 1. a according to the Law of the Lord/ like-as it becometh the Children which fear God/ for to do. 10. Take always good-heede to your x Pro. 4. c. Sap. 1. a Thoughts/ that they at no time conceive any y jer. 4. a News/ or apply them to the study of any new Invention: but hold them in the Bridle/ according to the Law of the Lord: and keepe-well your Hearts/ from the z Heb. 12. a enticing sin. 11. O Ye Children/ young of years/ and ye young men of little Understanding/ give-ear to the Wisdom a Pro. 2. a and Doctrine of your Father: and take his Instruction to heart. 12. Flee from the vaive or unprofitable Things of the b 4. Esd. 2. d 2. Pet. 1. a. wicked World: and seyerate you from thence/ where men deal with falsehood and deceit. But have regard to the Instructions and Intelligence of the godly Virtues: and grow-up even so/ till unto the c Ephe. 4. b oldness of the holy Understanding. 13. COnsider also on the old d jer. 6. b Ways of the holy Father's/ and take you their Doctrine to heart: and despise not their Institutions. but persever firmly therein/ So shall ye then bide well defended/ from all the Seducinge e jer. 33. c d Ezech. 13. b of the false Teachers/ and from all New-inuentions of Men (which divide and entangle themselves in so manifold Secies or Schysmes): and live⁏ without Fear; in the upright Righteousness. 14. If ye then apply your Hearts hereunto/ ye shall be well preserved from the f Psal. 35. a 57 Snares of the Wicked/ and from the Infelicity of the Ungodly. 15. FOr-that-cause/ separate you⁏ with whole Heart; from every-thinge that hath an g 1. Tes. 5. b 2. Timo. 3. a appearance of Evil: and think always upon that which is right and reasonable. 16. Let your Fourth-going be in h Psal. 37. a Esa. 30. a b stillness/ with few Words: and occupy your Mouth i Mat. ●a. d Ephe. 4. c with comdlie and fruitful Talk. 17. Shut without your Hearts/ the lightminded Behaviour/ k Ephe. 5. a with all his Wantonness and fond Toyinge: and love the constanty. 18. Let your Fearing l Sap. 1. a of the Lord/ be in m Mat. 11. c Lowelynes: your Love toward God/ n Ecch. 7. b 1. Pet. 5. a in Humility: and your Understanding/ o Sap. 1. a Mat. 10. b in all Singleness of Heart. 19 Let not the Lies p Ephe. 4. c or Falsehood be witnessed or spoken of you: but love the Truth and Righteousness / with all your Heart. 20. But if ye chance to offend/ in committing any Misdeed/ yet bind not⁏ in any eases your Heart thereon: r Eccli. 5. a neither yet fear you or be ashamed/ s Eccli. 4. c d 17 to confess the same before God t Pro. 28. b Esa. 2.9. b jer. 23. c 4. Esd. 16. g and the Prlestes ؛your Elders;: but let it all appear⁏ apparently; before Them. 21. Which Discoveringe and confessing of your Sins⁏ with a v Ezec. 18. d 33 forrowe-bearing and repentant Heart;/ shall be a testimony on your side/ that ye love not the Sin/ nor yet destre to stand●●●able to her William. 22. For whoso x Psal. 32. a confesseth and leaveth his Miss●●ede/ he shall obtain Mercy: y Pro. 38. b But whoso kec●eth-scilence thereof/ also bindeth his Heart thereon/ and for-that-cause; covereth or hideth the same/ he is a ●rafty one/ and a deceiver/ in his Spirit. 23. IF ye therefore at anytyme fall into the Sin/ so sigh unto God/ beseeching him ●o be z Luk. 18. a merciful unto you: and make-manifest yourelues to the wise ؛ a Levi. 13.14. a Mat. 8. a Luk. 5. b 14. a 17 jam. 5. b your Elders; under the Obedience of the Love: and bewail your Transgressing/ and Ignorance/ or Fratltie/ So will God then be merciful unto you. 24. And even so⁏ through the Grate of God; ●e Elders in the communialty of the Love/ shall receive or help you up again⁏ in the Repentance or your Sins; b Gal. 6. a from your fall of the Sin/ and inform and teach you/ through the Service of the ●●●e and gracious Word/ To th'end that ye may ●●●ease⁏ with holy Understanding; in the virtuous being of the Love/ and so grow-up therein/ to a Strength against the sin. 25. Thus doing with singleness of heart/ ye shall 〈◊〉 become chastised/ as Disobedientons but much-more commended/ as good-willing Children/ which have a Lust unto the good Life. 26. For/ in the confessing of the Misdeed (〈◊〉 such-a-one as⁏ with a sorrowful and repentance Heart; bewaileth and accuseth himself thereof) c 2. Reg. 12. b Esa. 55. a joel. 2. b Ion●e. 2. 3 Mat. 8. b 〈◊〉 becometh Grace found before God and his Ho●●ons. 27. But Such as are evil of will/ and haue pleasure in their own Mind or Goodthinking⁏ which always maketh-upp itself against the Lord and her upright Service;/ and therefore d Pro. 1. a 28. b Esa. 29. b 4. Esd. 16. b hide the Wickedness/ and turn-away themselves from 〈◊〉 Communlaltie of the holy ones in the Love/ Then 〈◊〉 well worthy of Chastisement. It shall likewise 〈◊〉 fail to work them Woe/ when they are found 〈◊〉 their wicked Works and reproved or chastised 〈◊〉 the same. 28. Howbeit/ not that it shall work them Wo●● cause they have dealt evil or untustly: but/ because 〈◊〉 are reproved or corrected for their Wicked-doinge and that their wicked Hearts become e Act. 7. f made-know● unto them. But/ whoso humbleth himself 〈◊〉 the Correction and Chastisinge-erudition/ 〈◊〉 even so showeth Repentance f 2. Reg. 12. b Mat. 3. a Act. 1 d 3 e for his Sin The same shall obtain Mercy and Forgeevence Sins. 29. Therefore⁏ my loving Children; refuse the chastising Erudition: but submit ways your Hearts/ g Pro. 1. e 3. b Heb. 12. b under the fatherly Correct and Discipline/ wherewith ye are taught and in●●●med/ to Ameudment/ To th'end that ye may obtake a pure Heart/ in all love. 30. And fear not neither yet be you abashed/ to confess your Sins and Transgressions nameite/ to the Elders/ which are comprehended in the Communtaltie of the Love/ also do administer the holy Word/ and inform and teach you⁏ out of the Service of Love; unto the good Life. 31. Love therefore these Elders ؛ h 1. Tes. 5. b 1. Tim. 5. b. Heb. 13. b your Foregoers in the Love; with all your Heart. And although they setfourth your Sins and Trans●●essinge before your Eyes/ or make them known ●●to you/ yet withdraw not yourselves⁏ for-al-that; ●●om them: but give⁏ at all times; good ear to ●●it Doctrine and Information. For they i Ezech. 3.33. a warn ●●ou⁏ out of hartle Love; of the Way that leadeth ●●your Destruction. 32. And like-as a Mother is careful over her Children/ jest any harm should chance unto them/ or ●●y Misfortune come upon them: Even so do then ●●tch and take-eare over your k Heb. 13. c Souls/ to your preservation and Salvation. 33. But/ whenas ye now are holpen-upp and receaved-to-mercye⁏ to your Amenement; in the Service of the Love/ by your Elders borough the Understading of the gracious Word; from your Fall of the Sin: l Eccli. 5. a 21. So fear then from that time fourth/ to sin anye-more: but⁏ at all times; incline your Heart and Mind/ for to be obedient unto the godly Truth/ in her Service of the Love: and 'cause not your Elders to sorrow. For an obedient Child m Pro. 10. a 15 rejoiceth his Father: and is a ●●oye/ in the beholding of his Mother. 34. Behold/ this is⁏ assuredly; a great Delectation/ to the Elders/ and a godly Peace/ for the Youngons and Children. 35. Such a family of Peace/ God will bless/ and shine therein always and forever/ with his n Esa. 60. c Apo. 21. a 22 a Light of Love/ as also make his o john. 14. b 2. Cor. 6. b Dwelling with the same: For It is p Pro. 8. d veryacceptable unto Hym. 36. Yea to such a godfearing Famelye⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; it is geeven/ to q Pro. 1. a 2 a Sap. 1. a understand Gods secret Wisdom: and the holy Understanding shall flow unto the same. 37. The Fourth-going thereof/ shall be in all Love lines/ Felicity/ and Welfare: and God ؛the Most highest; will also r Lem. 26. b 2. Cor. 6. b Apo. 21. a devil/ live/ and walk in the same everlastingly/ according to his Promises. 38. OMy Children/ which I love in the Love hereunto [namely/ unto all that whereto I exhort/ teach/ and instruct you] apply your Hearts/ and all your Minds and Thought s Pro. 1. a 4. a Exercise you daily in t 1. Tim. 4. a these good Documents: 〈◊〉 occupy yourselves in the holy Scripture. 39 Glass your Being and Mind/ v jam. 1. c in 〈◊〉 Glass of Righteousness: and behold therein/ 〈◊〉 many Spots and Wrinkles there are year in 〈◊〉. 40. When ye now have x jam. 1. c in seen and perceant your Spots/ and all what is not conformable 〈◊〉 the pure Bride of Christ: so pass then thorough 〈◊〉 communialty of holy ones in the Love/ and have your communion [or uniforme-societie] with The same and become even so washed y Esa. 55. a Ezech. 36. c in her pure Water [namely/ in the pure z john. 4. b 7 d Waters of the holy Spirit 〈◊〉 Love]/ To th'end that ye may become purified or p●●ged/ in all your Spirit and Mind. 41. But see that ye love and embrace the Wisdom/ above all Treasures and ●●●●able or costly a Pro. 3. b Richeses of this World. For their 〈◊〉 ●●-maner of Beauty to be compared unto her/ nor●●tauye Treasure or b Pro. 3. b 8. b Sap. 7. a Mat. 13. costly Richeses to be valued 〈◊〉 her: Therefore doth She⁏ of Worthynes-pare; well it all far-awaye. 42. seeing then that the Wisdom ؛the holy Understanding of the gracious Word of the ●orde; is the bewtifullest/ richest c Pro. 8. b Sap. 7. a / worthiest/ and above all things; the most-pretious/ Therefore approprlate and bind-fast thereon/ d Pro. 4. a your Heart/ Soule/ 〈◊〉 Mind/ so shall ye then assuredly find in experence/ that the Band or the Appropriatinge to the Wisdom/ shall become a great and a true Freedom unto you. 43. For I say unto you verily/ that the e john. 8. d Truth 〈◊〉 Christ/ maketh none other free/ but Such as have espoused or bound-fast their Hearts to the Wisdom the which is the Truth or Christ himself]: and that abide even so⁏ in the Service of the Love; f john. 14. b 1. a jam. 1. c in her Doctrine. For her Children or Disciples⁏ which per●●ere-constant in the Word of her Doctrine; re●●ue and inherit the holy g Act. 2. a Spirit of the most-high God. Therefore is also the h Sap. 7. c Spirit of the holy Understanding/ comprehended in the Wisdom. The XII. Chap. The Children deo demannd-question of the Father/ touching the upright Wisdom: whereupon a right ●ngular Resolution/ and simdry groundlie Declarations/ are answered. and whereby also many good Documents are taught: with certain Admonitions concerning the Destruction. INstruct us⁏ we beseech thee; 〈◊〉 Father: What/ or what-maner-of-thinge this upright Wisdom is/ whereof the speakest? The Father. 2. THe upright a jam. 3. b Wisdom/ is one oulie: also manifold/ subtle/ eloquent/ noble/ b Sap. 7. c pure or unspotted/ loving all Good or Virtue: c jam. 5. b She 〈◊〉 meekminded/ frindlie/ beneficial/ courteous/ gre●●ous/ firm/ certain or sure/ sweet/ constant/ free/ 〈◊〉 is able to do al-thing: having all Virtue/ fore-s●●●● al-thinge/ and which receiveth and passeth-thown all Spirits of Understanding. For the Wisdom is subtler/ then all subtle things: and she excelleth all/ because of her Pureness. 3. She is a subtle d Sap. 7. c Breath or Wind of 〈◊〉 power of God/ and a pure outflowinge Cleerues● the Almighty. Therefore also there cometh not in 〈◊〉 e Apo. 21 a 22. anything that is defiled. 4. This Wisdom is a Brightness of the eternal and true Light/ and an f Sap. 7. c unspotted Glass of 〈◊〉 godly power/ the Majesty of God/ and an Ima●●● of his Goodness. 5. Although now She be but one-onlie/ yet doth 〈◊〉 Al-thinge: g Sap. 7. c and bydinge in Herself/ she renew●● all thing: also she conveyeth herself about⁏ throw the Nations; in the holy Souls/ and maketh God/ friends/ and Propheates. For God love none/ but such as inhabit with the Wisdom. 6. h Sap. 7. c She passeth also the Sun/ in glorious 〈◊〉: she far surmounteth/ all the Comlye-order the Stars: and the Dan is not to be compared 〈◊〉 her. 7. The Day geeveth-place to the Night: i Sap. 7. c but the ●●●quitie can nevermore subdue the Wisdom: For She reacheth valiavely k Sap. 8. a from one End to another/ adgoverneth allthings well. 8. Wherefore⁏ my Children; seeing that the Wisdom⁏ of Worthiness part; l Sap. 7. a resseth al-thinge/ so love her also m Pro. 3. b 8. b above al-thinge: ●●d walk⁏ in the same; uprightly/ in the Fear of the lord/ all the Days of your Life: and dispose all 〈◊〉 Affairs with Lenity or Sweetues. For that 〈◊〉 work you Softness and Welfare/ prolong 〈◊〉 Life/ rejoice your Mind n Pro. 3. a / and refreash your ●oues. 9 So doing/ your Souls shall come to the o Heb. 4. b jest/ and your Spirit become comforted in God. ●he Destruction shall not reign over you: but the ●eace of God the Father shall inhabit with you. 10. O/ take that therefore p Pro. 4. a to Heart/ whereto 〈◊〉 instruct and teach you/ To th'end that ye may be●●● Understanding. 11. Exercise your-sclues in the q Psal. 1. a Deut. 5. Law of the lord: love well his Precepts and Statutes: and even so with diligence/ have a sharp regard unto all 〈◊〉/ which is just and right/ so shall ye not then direct 〈◊〉 course/ in any ignorant zeal. r Phil. 4. a but understand 〈◊〉 or comprehend/ what manner of Righteousness God requireth. 12. Endeavour you likewise/ to shewfourth an upright and seely s Phil. 2. b 4. a 1. Pet. 2. b Conversation among all People. 13. And wherever ye come or devil/ there 〈◊〉 mitt you obediently under the Rulours or Magistrates t Rom. 13. a 1 Pet. 2. b of the same Land: and show all reverence unto them. 14. Be discreet and orderly/ in all your Counersation or Walking: and give also Commend●●●● and Pranse to the Governors of this World: v Sap. 6. a Rom. 13 a For they are ordained by God/ to all good Government on the Earth. 15. Therefore speak not estell by any Rulours: 〈◊〉 they are Gods x Sap. 6. a Rom. 13. a Ministers/ to the Protection 〈◊〉 Welfare of the Commonalty. 16. Under these-same Rulours⁏ seeing that 〈◊〉 bear and execute such an Office; live y Rom. 13. a subiect●●● and peaceably: and turn-away your Heart/ from all vain or unprofitable dealings and Foolishness. 17. For the foolish z Ephe. 5. a Vnseemsynes or Disorder●nes/ is an abomination before the highest God/ and 〈◊〉 seducing of the Thoughts of Men: a 2. Tim. 2. b withdrawing their Hearts from all good Ordinances. 18. FOr-that-cause⁏ my Children; become b Rom. 12. a 〈◊〉 like unto the World/ in her Foolishness and Disorder: but exhort daily one-another to the go●● Being/ in all love. also to all Stillness/ and chaste or discrect Orderlynes/ with upright c 1. Pet. 2. b 3 b Counersation and shut out of your Hearts/ all wicked Desires. 19 Shewfourth d Eccli 1. a Hob. 12. a Patience in like-maner/ in 〈◊〉 Temptation or Assalting to the evell-thinges: 〈◊〉 pray unto e Mat. 26. c God in the Spirit/ that he will be you helper/ and release or rid you out of all the T●●●● tations of the wicked Things which so assault you To th'end that ye at no-tyme fall to any evil/ 〈◊〉 yet commit any f rob. 4. b inordinate Dealing/ whereby 〈◊〉 should come into the Snares of their Destruction. but that ye may become g Math. 6. b Luk. 11 released therfrom/ for to malke in all Truth. 20. Moreover/ when ye stand-disposed to employ yourselves to the right God service/ or to do any good Works⁏ wherein ye serve the God of Life/ or your Neighbour;/ so execute you then thesame h 2. cor. 8. b with all diligence of Heart. 21. Fain or cover you not therein in any-case/ as seeking⁏ after the appearance of the Eye; i Mat. 6. a to please Men therewith: but do and purpose the same/ out of all your Soul and Thoughts/ that ye walk not deceitfully/ with false k Mat. 23. a b Hearts/ nor deal falsite against God or his God service: and so l Esa. 5. c forsake the Law of the Lord. 22. Therefore keep your Hearts pure or unspotted from the Hipocrifie or m Eccli. 2. b 3. Doubblenes of heart. For/ to deal hypocritically towards the upright Virtues and God services/ or to have therein a double Heart/ is aseducing sin/ that God leaveth not n Act. 5. a unpunished. 23. IF ye then will not that the Wrath of God should come or fall upon you/ so deal o Act. 5. a faithfully before God and his holy ones: and walk with your Spirit/ in the lovely and virtuous Being: 24. Fasten your Mind thereto: and build your Righteousues thereon. For that is an eternal fast-standinge p Mat. 7. b 1. Cor. 3. b Foundation/ whereon all God's prophets q Ephe. 2. c and holy ones have builded: and is Christ himself. 25. seeing then that the virtuous Being of the Love or of God/ is the true Foundation of all the holy ones of God/ the Wisdom of the Mosthighest/ and Christ himself: so esteem the same therefore for much worthier/ r Pro. 3. b 8. b Mat. 13. then Gold and Silver. For there is no Richeses/ s Sap. 7. a of so great price/ nor Pretious-stones/ so precious/ that⁏ of Worthyves part; are to be compared unto The same. 26. Therefore spouse your Souls to the same: and have your communion therewith. For the clearness or Illumination of the same virtuous Being/ is the true t john. 2. a 8. 12 Light of the godly Wisdom: his Food/ the living v john. 6. c Bread of the heavenly Being: and his Prudence/ the holy Understanding of the godly Truth. 27. Wherefore/ if ye will govern well/ with the x Psal. 2. b Sceptre of the godly Ringdom: and if ye desire that Honour/ Might/ and Richeses might abound towards you/ y Mar. 6. d then seek first⁏ before all things; the upright and virtuous Being of the Love or of God: and walk therein/ so shall then allthings⁏ sufficiently; be brought unto you. 28. But beware of the bewitched z Mar. 6. a 23. a Virtues/ which are common with the World/ and are sutermixed with Foolishness and Vncomblynes: For all Such as take those-same inhand/ or communicate therewith/ They a Sap. 2. a 14. a Rom. 1. c looke-into or esteem the inordind●● dealings⁏ according to the Lusts of their fleshly Desires; for right amiable Virtues. 29. Through which false Virtues/ they take unto themselves the Releassinge of the Heart from the Law of the Lord/ b Ram. 1. c 2. Pet. 2. b Iud●. 1. b to their Freedom/ for to 〈◊〉 even so in the Lusts of their Flesh/ according to their Will/ or according to the same that the Knowledge⁏ agreeing with their fleashite Destres; figureth-fourth in them: the which is a false and 〈◊〉 ordinate Freedom. 30. THese false and bewitched Virtues/ are well to be known c Mat. 7. b 12 by their Nature: For there is no Fear of God/ nor yet true Being/ by them. And therefore also the upright Wisdom/ nor the true Light/ becometh not declared through them. 31. For the self-clected Virtue/ with her foolish Love/ according to the Flesh/ is utterly blind and without understanding/ seeking her selfnes selfness/ in all her Doing. And not/ the Lord/ nor his true Being. 32. But the d Psal. 111. b Pro. 1. a Eccli. 1. b c d Fear of the Lord/ and the Law of his Commandments/ teachmen the upright Virtue. For/ in the End of their Way or Doctrine/ they bring the Man in all good and well-exercised Minds/ and to the true c john. 8. d Freedom/ wherethrough the Wisdom of God [the true Being/ and the holy Understanding] becometh made-manifest and all Unrighteousness put-downe and utterly rooted-out. 33. Therefore harken-to and believe this same Service of the holy Word/ and the Ministers of the same/ which administer and set forth⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; the true Law of the Lord/ and the Fear of God/ before the Children of Men/ to their Life and Salvation: and f Eccli. 4. b 6. c submit your Hearts thereunder/ until that the Love⁏ which is the upright g Gal. 4. b Being of Christ himself; have a Shape in you: and come even so to the upright Freedom/ whereunto we are called through jesus Christ. For whoso becometh made-free of the Love ؛the h john. 8. d Truth of the true Being of Christ;/ Thesame is become rightly⁏ or according to the Truth; made-free. 34. Therefore followe-after the Good/ in his Goodness: and i 2. Cor. 6. b Apo. 18. a departed/ from all what is ungodly. 35. Forsake all strange Ways/ which are without the House of Love/ or that lead either shewe-men any otherwhere: and hearken not to nor believe any other Service nor Information/ but that which direcreth or pointeth you/ to the k 1. Pet. 1. b Obedience of the gracious Word/ and to the l Ephe. 4. a Col. 3. a Unity in the love. 36. Further is nothing better/ there shall likewise no better thing come nor appear/ then the m 1. john. 4. a 1. Cor. 13. a Love/ with the Administration of her lovely Being. 37. FOr-that-cause then⁏ my beloved Children; have only your respect bend to the unde ceaveable Service/ which becometh administered by the n Deut. 17.18. ancients or Elders in the House of Love⁏ to the Edifying and Salvation of the People; according to the Law of the Most-highest: and submit all your Mind and Understanding thereunder. 38. For God hath chosen-hym the House of Love/ and his Service of the holy and gracious Word/ to his Habitation/ and to an eternal Glory of his godly Malestie. For his holy Name/ shall⁏ always and forever; become o Mat. 6. b hallowed/ magnified/ and declared/ in The same/ to an holy p Gan. 22. b Blessing for all Gentrations of the Earth: namely/ which q john. 3. b believe in the Love/ also addice or give themselves obediently to her Service/ and cleave unto the family of Love/ to the maintaining of Coucorde. 39 For that is verily the Kingdom r Esa. 9 a 11. a Dan. 2. c of Peace/ which God⁏ in times-past; hath promised to ma●● mavifest and erect upon the Earth/ to an everlasting Rest s jer. 23. a 31.33 and Peace of the House of Israel and Iud●. 40. Thissame Kingdom of Peace and of Love/ shall⁏ through the Administration of the grations Word of the Lord; t Mat. 24. b Marc. 13. spread-abrode and make-manifest the Fullness of the Light and Life/ over the whole World: and call and bid all People⁏ to their Preservation; thereunto/ To thintent that all Kingdoms of this World/ should assemble them to this One Kingdom of Peace and of love. and that we all monght even so/ live⁏ concordablie and peaceably; In all Love/ to the Laud and Praise of the supreme God. and to the joy and Salvation of all the Children of Men. 41. Behold/ those are the Promises of God the Father/ over his House of Love/ wherein he will v Levi. 26. b 2. Cor. 6. b Apo. 21. a devil and walk/ always and forever. 42. Which communialty of the same House/ is God's chosen People of Israel: and He himself with them/ is x jer. 24. a 31 d Ezec. 37. c Apo. 21. a their God/ and will likewise bide their God/ from Generation to Generation/ everlastinglye. 43. And if it chance that they transgress in anything/ so will he then (like as a gracious Father pre●●enteth and nurtureth his loving Children/ with Correction and Teaching) chasten/ y 1. Paral. 5. teach/ and inform them. But he will nevermore withdraw his Grace ●and Mereye from them. 44. Therefore⁏ my beloved Children; estrange you not/ nor turn-away yourselves/ from the House of love. For there is in The same the a Heb. 5. a Gtoole-of-grace/ to an everlasting Remission of Sins/ over all such as cleave thereon: and to a Peace and b Heb. 4. b Rest of the Life/ for all such as humble them therunder. 45. Hear to/ let all your Hearts stand-submitted: and fire c 4. Esd. 1. d 1. Cor. 7. d the Shadow of the wicked World. Walk uprightly both before God and Men: and eschew d 1. res. 4. a all Deceit. 46. ANd if he now endeavour your Hearts heerto/ and desire nothing-els/ but to live in the good Being of God: so shall then no Ignorance seduce you/ neither yet shall ye become entangled or captived by any false e Mat. 7. b 16. a Sects/ or divided and discordable f Col. 2. c Holiness/ nor yet by any false Hearts of the Seripturelearned. For God shall make-knowes unto you⁏ in the Service of the Love; all g Psal. 91. a b Esa. 4. a bands and Seducinges/ tending to Destruction: and nothing⁏ needful to Salvation; shall be wanting unto you. 47. For God himself/ will⁏ as a Light of Life; be daily/ and at all times/ at your Right-hand/ for 〈◊〉 h Levit. 26. a Deut. 28. a bless and prospero you/ in all your doings/ To th'end that it may chaunce-well unto you/ and so ha●● joy all your Life long. 48. But if-so-be now that ye despise my Cothe sail/ receive not my Doctrine/ nor yet fear God but give-over your Hearts/ for to live in all 〈◊〉 which i jer. 7. c seemeth-good or is well-pleasing to your own selves/ and followe-after the manner of the 〈◊〉 World/ which is k 1. john. 5. c full of Falsehood and Deceit/ God foretell I you then assuredly/ that all Infelicity 〈◊〉 l Levit. 26 b Deu. 28. b encompass you/ and⁏ in all your Ways; hang 〈◊〉 your Heads/ for that it might destroy you. And 〈◊〉 ye shall not see nor perceive⁏ in all those your erring Fourth-goinges; your Infelicity and Thraldom before that it go very-evell with you/ m Gen 7.8. a Pro. 1. c Mat. 24. c Luk. 17. d and that 〈◊〉 have brought yourselves into much calamity 〈◊〉 iniserye: and cannot found how for to come again 〈◊〉 the Way of Life. 49. This shall & without fail; fall upon you/ ifso- 〈◊〉 that ye despise the Wisdom/ n Deut. 28. b c contemn the Law of the Lord/ and take not to heart the Instruction of your Father: but give-over yourselves to the vain or unprofitable Things. 50. Therefore/ take now mine Instruction to heart: and consider thereon: construe it to the best: and keep it well o Deut. 6. a 12. Pro. 3. a 4. a in your Minds and Thoughts: and take even so good-heede betimes/ unto all That wherewith I have exhorted you to the good Being and warned you of all Destruction/ To th'end that ye should live. 51. Howbeit/ if ye will not receive my Counsel and Doctrine/ but followe-after your own Counsel p jer. 7.44. b and Goodthinking/ So will I then also⁏ both before God/ and before you all; q Deut. 4. c 30. Act. 20. c clear myself/ of all the Misery and Calamity that shall come upon you. 52. For lo/ I am⁏ doubtless; r Act. 20. f unguilty of all your Infelicity/ because I have somuch and sufficiently/ exhorted and informed you to the good Life/ as also marned you of the Destruction: and ye have not willed to hear me/ nor yet to take to heart the Information to the Good/ nor the Admonition from the Destruction. 53. For/ in what time/ that the Infelicity/ with his destruction/ hath encompassed and bewrapped you in all your Ways/ and that ye shall see/ that it cometh/ the longer the harder/ upon you: Than shall ye lament and complain you s Pro. 5. b Sap. 5. a Luk. 16. a / that ye have followed your own Counsel/ forsaken the Law of the Lord/ and not taken to Heart the Wisdom and the justruction of your Father. 54. But/ if ye stand-minded to fear the Lord/ to be obedient to his Law; that passeth-fourth presently out of the true t Esa. 2. a Mich. 4. a Zion;/ and his Word⁏ that passeth-fourth presently out of the heavenly jerusalem;/ and to geene-over yourselves/ after●●● Counsel and Instruction (according to it all/ as the Lord hath revealed the true Being unto Me/ out of Zion v Esa. 2. a Mich. 4. a 2. Pet. 1. b and jerusalem) wholly and altogether/ So will I then in like-maner/ even out of hearty love/ stand serviceable⁏ somuch as I may in the Lord; unto you/ daily⁏ and at all times; thereunto/ To th'end that ye should fear the highest God/ and might learn to know his Righteousness. For his Righteousness/ x john. 14. b 17 is the Love/ the true Being/ and the everlasting Life. 55. In which upright Righteousness and Holiness/ that God accepteth/ the almighty God of Israel vouchsafe to establish you/ through his Truth ؛his Son/ the Lord jesus Christ; Amen. 56. The Grace of the supreme God/ with the true y Esa. 4. a 58. a 1. john. 1. a Light of his Love/ encompass you always with their shive: and his right Spirit keep you/ z john. 16. b and lead you into all Truth. AMEN. The XIII. Chap. A Dialogue/ between the Father⁏ or Oldest-elder; of the family of Love/ and his obedient Son⁏ or Disciple; in the godly Wisdom. Wherein there are many special Questions/ by the Son/ and many groundlie Resolutions and Instructions/ by the Father/ contained and declared. The Son. seeing now that I have heard many good Documents⁏ that do demonstrate to the true Life and Godliness; of my Father/ and that I am also year young and unexpert/ in the spiritual and holy Understanding/ So is it in like-maner/ right/ orderly/ and expedient or meet/ that I a Eccli. 4. a 6. c submit myself under my Father's Doctrine/ live according to his Counsel/ take-heede to his Instruction/ and order and apply me thereafter/ To th'end that I overshoot not myself/ in my young-alge/ nor become b Luk. 15. b deceived by my young Understanding nor yet seduced by any c Rom. 12. b Self-wisedom/ d jer. 7. c Goodthinking/ or Imagination of the Knowledge. 2. For-that-cause⁏ O my Father in the Love; I submiet myself (and wholly give-over myself and all mine Understanding) under the Wisdom of thy Doctrine: and desire to demand of thee/ my Father/ also to hear/ and to answer thee: and to live and walk obediently/ according to all thy e Pro. 1. a Counsel/ in the Nowse of love. The Father. 3. O My Son⁏ my Beloved in the Love; standeth thine Heart f Pro. 2. a 4. a inclined to the Wisdom/ and is thy Lust bend/ to the holy Understading/ for to live and walk uprightly in the House of Love: then speake-on⁏ my Son;/ and demand all that wherein thou desirest to be instructed: And there shall good Instruction be geeven thee thereof/ according to the godly Wisdom/ and the Declaration of all that whereof thou demandest me/ shall⁏ out of the Wisdom; become opened unto thee. The Son. 4. FIrst-of-all⁏ my Father; my Demand is to thee: Whether it be permitted/ and requisite either beseeming/ for Me⁏ and all Disciples and Littleons of Understanding;/ to demand the Eldest in the holy Understanding⁏ or the Father of the family of Love; of all Things/ for to know the difference thereof/ and to require of him/ to be instructed and resolved in the same: For many suppose/ that to know the Difference of all things/ is the right Knowledge of the Wisdom? The Father. 5. OF that⁏ my Son; whereof thou demandest me/ I will⁏ out of the Wisdom g Eccli. 24. b of the Mosthighest; give thee good Instruction. and declare unto thee⁏ according to the Truth; the right Difference/ out of what manner of mind and Intent/ that it is permitted the Disciples and Littleons of Understanding/ and also very meet or requisite for them/ to demand for the Resolution and Instruction in the Wisdom: and in what maner-of-wise/ they aught to submit and behave them/ towards the Eldest in the Love/ of whom they require the holy Understanding/ for to become rightly taught and ●●structed/ in the godly h Sap. 7. c jam. 3. b Wisdom. 6. BErelye/ to know the Difference of all Things/ is no right i 1. Cor. 8. a Knowledge of the godly Wisdom: but the Love⁏ with her vericous Nature and Being; is the upright Wisdom of the godly Knowledge: 7. And whosoever is taught to the same/ or hath inherited the same/ in her Service⁏ as that She be planted in him with k jam. 1. c Meekmyndednes;/ He hath the right Knowledge of the true Wisdom/ and the mostholie Understanding: and is a Fellowe-elder and Father in the House of Love/ which bringeth-fourth⁏ out of the Treasure l Mat. 13. f of his Heart; the upright Instruction of the Wisdom. 8. Seeing then that thou demandest of me/ whether it be permitted the Disciples/ to demand the Eldest in the godly Wisdom/ of all Things/ for to know the Difference thereof/ and to require Instruction therein/ of him/ So give-ear then and understand/ how they all which are year young in the holy Understanding/ and desire to demand the Eldest in the godly Wisdom/ for to be instructed and resolved in all things/ aught to stand-minded: and in whatmaner of wise also/ that they⁏ with their Hearts; aught to submit them to the Eldest. 9 First/ it behoveth or there is required/ that the Disciples and all Littleons of Understanding/ together with all Goodwillingons to the Righteousness⁏ which desire to become taught/ trained/ and exercised/ by the Eldest in the family of Love/ in the godly Wisdom and holy Understanding; should give-over themselves to be obedient m jam. 1. b Disciples of the gracious Word and his Service of Love/ and that they n Reb. 12. a 1. Pet. 2. a turn them away even so⁏ according to the Requiring of the gracious Word and his Service; from all their o 1. Cor. 3. c Selfwisdom and Knowledge/ that riseth up or becometh imagined in them: also take nothing inhand themselves/ out of their own Counsel: nor yet stand-perswaded/ that they themselves⁏ before their new p john. 3. a Birth out of the Doctrine and Spirit of the gracious Word; know q Gal. 6. a anyething/ neither yet can⁏ according to the Truth; r 1. Cor. 8. a judge rightly: but that they⁏ with all their Heart; give-over themselves and all their Understanding⁏ singlemindedlie; in the Wisdom and Counsel of the Eldest/ for to hear the right Sentence● of Him/ and to become taught even so⁏ out of the Counsel of God; s Mat. ●. ● 1. Cor. 2. b in the godly Wisdom. 10. secondly/ it behoveth/ that all their Minder Will/ and Meaning stand minded/ to demaund-after/ noryet just to hear/ any other thing (for to know the same) but only this/ namely/ Which are the upright Ways of the Lord t Eccli. 2. a 3.5. / how they should enter into those-same and walk in them/ and even so⁏ in the good-pleasure or Delight of the Mosthighest; have their Fourth-going therein/ for to v Ephe. 1. a Col. 1. b 2 Pet. 2. a grow-up in the upright Virtues of God/ and in the sovelie Being of the Love/ To th'end that they might even so⁏ growing up in the oldness of the godly Wisdom and holy Understanding; become perfect Men/ in the x Ephe. 4. b Olde-aige of the Man Christ/ also Elders and Fathers of the holy Understanding administer the holy y 1. Cor. 4. a 1. john. 1. a Word of Life/ in the family of the Love and even so live and walk in the upright z Ephe. 1.2.4. Righteousness and Holiness: And not/ for to carry the Resolution and Instruction⁏ as in manner of a Knowledge; in their Memory or Understanding. 11. thirdly/ they aught to beware/ that they distrust a Deu. 17. b 13 a not the Eldest in the family of Love/ nor suspect any-maner of evil or unwisedom by him: nor yet also in anywise persuade themselves/ that the Exercises/ Documents and Instructions/ which are taught or setfourth before them/ by the Father of the family of Love/ or Oldest-elder/ are to b 1. Cor. 1. b ●. ● flight/ to childish/ or to unwise/ for them to followe-after or to obey. But 〈◊〉 with perfect Hearts; c Eccli. 7. b humblelie and d Sap. 1. a Mat. 10. b single-mindedlye⁏ even as good willing e 1. Pet. 1. b Children unto the Obedience; to receive the same Instructions/ proceeding out of the Wisdom and Counsel of the Eldest: and to stand even so submitted always⁏ till unto the manly f Ephe. 4. b oldness in the Love; unto the holy Word and the Exercises or Orders of his Service of Love/ singlemindedlie and g 1. Reg. 5. b obediently/ as Those that have a Lust/ to do the Lords William. 12. fourthly/ it is expedient/ that they should h Pro. 2●. b Ecch. 4. c 17. b jam. 5. b make manifest their whole Heart/ with all their Counsels/ Minds/ wills/ and Thoughts/ together with all their doings/ dealings/ and Exercises/ naked and bore/ before the Eldest in the family of Love: and not cover i Esa. 29. b 4. Esd. 16. b or hide anything (be it what it is) before Him. also all whereunto their Inclination/ ●yude/ and Nature draweth them/ and all wherewith they become tempted or assaulted in their Hearts/ To th'end that they might hear good Instruction and an upright Difference of all things/ wherein they err or go-amisse and understand the clear Resolution thereof/ for that they might order or endeavour them accordingly. and grow-up even so in the holy k Col. 1. b Understanding⁏ to all l Ephe. 4. b Concordablenes/ with the family of Love;/ and in all Godliness of the upright Life. 13. Behold and mark this well/ my Sons In such a State/ Mind/ and Will/ it doth very-well beseem the Disciples/ and all Littleons of Understanding/ together with all Goodwissingons to the Righteousness/ to demand and hear the Eldest ؛the Father of the family of Love; and to require the good Declaration of the Truth/ of Him/ for to become even so informed and taught/ uprightly and according to the Truth/ in the godly Wisdom. The Son. 14. I Perceive and note well⁏ my Father; that thou hast witnessed unto me at-full/ the clear Resolution or Declaration⁏ of that whereof 〈◊〉 have demanded thee; according to the Truth and figured fourth before me/ the right Style or Ground of the upright Disciples and Littleons of understanding/ that desire to become instructed in the godly Wisdom and holy Understanding. 15. But⁏ alas; there are Few/ that will⁏ in suchlike wholly give-over themselves/ or that will⁏ after su●● a-maner; learn the holy Understanding/ and 〈◊〉 godly Wisdom/ in the Service of the love. The Father. 16. Therefore shal-ther also Few become Mat. 20. b Matc. 10. d Lak. 13. oh 〈◊〉 For Many are called: but Few cleared. The Son. 17. What is then the Fall (instruct me 〈◊〉 Father) that they all⁏ one-with-another; do not wholly give-over themselves/ to such upright and lovely Being/ like as thou⁏ through 〈◊〉 ●●lye Spirit of Love; dost presently⁏ in the Service of Love; setfourth and teach the same unto us. name●all Those that have heard thy Testimonies/ or before whom They are held fourth and administered. The Father. 18. THe Fail or Fault⁏ verily; is This: Because there are Many/ which will/ themselves⁏ out of themselves; n Esa. 14. b Gal. 6. a be/ and also know Somewhat/ and give not God the o Esa. 42. a 48. Honour/ that 〈◊〉 might have the Foregoinge in his gracious Word and Service of the Love: and beare●●uye towards the Eldest in the godly Wisdom (whom God hath illuminated with his Light/ for to illuminate or geeve-light to them that devil year in p Isa. 42. a Darkness upon the Earth). or vouchsafe-not ●●em/ the gracious Works of God⁏ which God is working by him;/ nor allow him therein: nether●et laud or thank the living God in all his Works/ which he is shewing and extending on his cleeced holy ones. 19 For these occasions sake/ they bide all⁏ whilst that they humble not themselves under this same love ●●and upright Service of the Love; suared/ vexed/ and burdened/ with their own Knowledge and self q Rom. 12. b Col. 2. a Elected-wisedom or Goodthinkinge. To the which also/ they⁏ with their Will and Pleasure; are captived/ and bound/ or married: seeking all That/ which according to their Knowledge; is wel-pleasinge unto them. and not/ to be obedient to the Word not Work of the Lord/ nor to the requiring of him Service of love. The Son. 20. O⁏ beloved Father; is there no Remedy or Counsel heerto/ that all those r 3. Reg. 22. c estranch Hearts/ might become released or unbound/ from all their Ignorance/ Goodthinkinge/ and Selfwisdom/ wherewith they are so bound/ also burdened and grieved/ and so become saved? The Father. 21. YEa/ and Not: theris Remedy/ and no Remedy thereto. The Son. 22. HOw shall I understand that⁏ my Father that thou sayest/ Yea/ and Not: Thereto Remedy/ and also no Remedy thereto? The XIIII. Chap. The Father. ALL Such as a Mat. 16. c Marc. 8. d Luk. 14. c forsafe themselves/ becom-nothing/ and renounce or go-without 〈◊〉 their own Counsel/ Will/ and Wisdom b Mat. 18. a 1. Cor. 14. c turn themselves about⁏ with all their hea●●● to the childish Simplicity/ and submit them vnder●● Love: give-ear only to the Service of the same give c Act. 14. b Apo. 19 b 22. a God the Honour/ that Heeis the Worker himself in his Service of Love: and praise/ laud/ and thank him for the Goodness of his Works/ d Psal. 97. b. 98 that he hath declared-fourth his true Light and holy Wisdom/ upon the Earth/ among the Children of Men: and so give-ear⁏ as singleminded Children; to the Primates/ or principal Elders in the same Light/ as also followe-after them⁏ in the Service of the Love; obediently: For all These or Suchlike/ there is good Remedy or Counsel to be had: and they may also rightwell be helped/ with small labour. For/ after this manner (as is before said) they e Mat. 16. c 2. Cor. 6. b separate them or go-out/ from themselves/ and from all their Darknesses: and come or enter in/ to the true Light of Life/ that becometh administered and figured-fourth before them/ in the true Service of love. Which Light/ is f john. 1. a 8. b Ephe. 5. b Christ himself/ which releasseth all them that come unto Him/ from their g Mat. 11. c Burdens or Bands/ and lighteth them with his Light. For He himself is the Rest/ h john. 1. a 11. c the Life/ and i Ephe. 2. b Peace. and the true Light/ to the Preservation k john. 3. b of all Men which believe in Hym. 2. But all what remaineth ther-with-out/ must perish in his own Wisdom of the Darkness/ l john. 3. b. 5.8 and dye in his Sins: also obtain the everlasting Condemnation/ and not behold the lovely Face of God and Christ/ for evermore. 3. For whoso m Mat. 18. a curneth him not about/ to become 〈◊〉 a Child: but bideth by himself/ and will follow 〈◊〉 own Counsel and Wisdom/ he cometh not n john. 3. c to the Light/ in the communialty of the holy ones. And whoso adjoineth not himself obediently⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; to the communialty of 〈◊〉 holy ones/ there is no Counsel to help Such-a-one/ nor yet to make him safe. The Son. 4. IT is true⁏ my Father; thou hast witnessed unto me the good Counsel and sure Remedy o Deu. 28.30. / wherewith the Man is to be helped: and⁏ ther-against; the Dissuasion or Let-of-remedye/ where through he bideth lost/ rightly and according to the Truth. 5. But now there are Many/ that know not at-all of the true Light: nor yet have heard thereof/ which now⁏ in these last times; is p Mat. 15. c manifested and to vealed⁏ through the Grace of God; among us Littleons and Poor of Spirit/ in the House of love. Also there are Many/ that have heard thereof but yet not understanded/ that this our Doctrine or Ministration of the holy Word⁏ which now becometh administered/ through the holy Spirit of the Love of God and Christ; is the upright and living q Esa. 55. a john. 4. b. 7. d Apo. 22. b Water/ that floweth fourth out the Love: nor yet likewise could comprehend or conceave-in-mind/ that the same Voice of the holy Spirit of Love/ is God's Voice/ and his last r 2. Cor. 15. c 1. Tass. 4. b Trumpet/ which He presenilie/ to the purging s Mat. 3. b 13. d of the Earth/ to the Sanctification of all People/ to the t Gen. 22. b Blessing of all Generations of the Earth/ and to the Establishing of his Promises; letteth to be heard out of his most-holy Heaven: ne●●●e yet also believe/ that the Service of the holy Word under the Obedience of the Love/ becometh adminitred to that effect. 6. touching Those now: O my Father; 〈◊〉 Demand is/ Whether that They that know 〈◊〉 hereof/ and also they that are ignorant herein (and for that cause do not believe the lovely Being of the Love ؛the gracious v jet. 31. d Word revealed out of God; but hear/ believe/ and follow-after themselves/ and their own Imagination x Rom. 1. c 2. a of the Knowledge) are worthy to be blamed: and whether that they likewise must now of right/ have sentence pass against them or receive any punishment/ in this same last Day of the Love/ which is the true Day of the righteous judgement of God? The Father. 7. GEue-care⁏ my Son; and understand the distince Diversity/ who They all are/ which are guilty/ and worthy of the judgement/ y Deu. 27.28 of the Cursing/ of the everlasting z Mat. 25. d Heb. 10. c Condemnation/ and of the hellish Fire: and whatmaner of People shall euloye and inherit the Glory of God/ and the heavenly a Apo. 21. a Treasures of his Richeses/ and so become saved. 8. Behold and consider: The Sound b Mat. 3. b 17. a of the lovely Being of the Service of Love/ passeth-fourth preseutlie [namely/ out of the Mostholie of the true c Apo. 21. a Tabernacle of God/ and out of the clearness and power of the Mosthighest] for to make-manlfest the Perfection/ among the Children of Men/ and to set up the same among them/ under the Obedieuce of the love. 9 Thissame God service/ this holy Word/ this true d john. 1.28. b Light/ and lovely Being and the Sound or Fame of the same/ shall breate-in among all Nations of People/ and le●t itself to be e Psal. 19 a Esa. 49. a b 52. heard over all Lands: in such-wise/ that everyone which geveth-care thereunto and believeth the same/ shall see and understand in his Heart/ as also certainly know and feel by or in himself/ that all Those which live not in the same true Light⁏ that becometh witnessed and administered in the Service of the Love;/ nor are comprehended thereof/ and which have not wholly given-over nor yet will give-over themself to Obedience/ in the communialty of the Love/ f 1. john. 1.2. b walk year in Darkness. 10. All Those now/ before whom Thissame (as is before said) becometh set forth or expressed/ through God's Grace/ and to whom it becometh grounted to see and to g Ephe. 1. b a. 3 know it/ in their Hearts/ And year than/ love rather the Darknesses/ h john. 3. c then the Light: cleave more unto the World and the worldly Things/ then unto the gracious Word in his Service of Love: hear/ believe and follow rather their i jer. 7. c. 44. b Goodthinkinge/ and the Imagination of their Knowledge/ then the Testimonies of the holy Spirit of Love/ which are seefourth and offered unto them⁏ by the Elders in the holy communialty of the Love; out of the heavenly Truth: and even so k Act. 7. ● 13.14 wax-offended thereat or with the Minister of the same turne-awaye or hold them back therfrom/ and resist the Service of the Love and the Minister of the same/ as also not believe the Saving-health of the Service of Love/ Those shall all⁏ if they turn them not to the Service of the Love/ nor repent them of their Sins; become l Psal. 2. b Apo. 2. c brokens-in-peece/ and justly bear their blame/ or be punished/ with the everlasting Destruction. and bide captived⁏ for ever-and-ever; with the Death and Mortalttie: also miss or want eternally/ the Lovelynes/ Sweethartednes/ and all Frindlynes of the communialty of Love/ and the lovely Shape of the clear and uncoverd m 2. Cor. 3. b 4 Face of Christ: and not find the Refreashinge nor yet any n jer. 6. b Asswaginge in their Souls. but o john. 8. c dire in their Sins. 11. But all Such as do presently/ in the Manifestinge of this same day⁏ seeing into their Darkness; love more the Light of the Love of the true and lovely Being/ then the Darkness: and take-heede even so to the proffered p 2. Cor. 6. a Gal. 6. b Grace of the Service of Love: also give-over themselves⁏ with all their Heart; in the communialty of the Love/ and have their communion or uniformitie-of-heart with The same: Those shall all have also their communion q 1. john. 1. a with God/ the Father/ with his Son/ the Lord jesus Christ/ and with the lovely Being/ the holy Ghost: and inherit even so r 4. Esd. 2. f the true Salvation/ with the communialty of the holy ones/ and s Mat. 19 d 25. judge the World with Righteousness: and so triumph t Apo. 4. b 5. b 7. b. 20. a in joy⁏ everlastingly; with God and all his Saincees: and have v Psal. 110. a 1. Cor. 15. c the Victory or prevalle/ over the universal wide World/ and over all their Enemies. The Son. 12. THis perceive I now well⁏ my Father; that thou hast witnessed unto me the Truth/ of that whereof I have demanded thee. But now/ my Demand is year farther to thee: 13. For that there are many/ which do both suppose and also say/ that they have the x Mat. 24. c Light/ and witness likewise thereof/ out of the Imagination of their Knowledge. and yet have not their communion/ with our commonalty of the Love/ Whereby shall now the Goodwillingons to the true Light/ know the true Light y Esa. 59 b Mat. 6. c / and the false Light/ and wherethrough may they/ discern the one from the other of them: Namely/ which/ or in what sort/ ether-other Light is⁏ the True/ in His Form/ and the False/ in His Form;: and whereout ether-other proceedeth or hath his Original? To th'end that I⁏ O my Father; and all that hear thee/ may understand the Difference betwirt the true and the false Light/ and so followe-after the true Light? The Father. 14. THe Difference betwixt the True and False Light/ and from Whence ether-other proceedeth/ we have largely⁏ with full Resolution and clear Distinction; witnessed and declared in the z 4. Gla. 4. Glass of Righteousness/ and in the spiritual Land of Promise/ or heavenly Io rusalem. But seeing now that it falleth-out at this present in our Communication/ to speak there-of/ therefore I will⁏ briefly; witness and declare also the Truth thereof/ unto thee: The XV. Chap. THe true a john. 1. a 17. Light (understand it/ my Son) is the everlasting Life itself: and by them to whom it is come or manifested/ in the Obedience of the gracious Word and his Service of Love/ it into b john. 1. a a Light of Men/ to the Presernation in the Godliness/ of all such as believe therein. 2. Thissame true Light/ c Pro. 8. c Eccli. 24. b john. 1. a hath his Original or Fourth-cominge out of the lovely Being/ and true Mind of the eternal and lining God: and therefore it is also the eternal Life itself. 3. This true Light and eternal Life/ bringeth with him the d Heb. 5. a Mercye-seate of the kingelie Malestie⁏ which is/ e 1. john. 4. a 5. God/ Christ/ and the Holycoste itself;/ also all spiritual Treasures f Col. 2. a and heavenly Richeses/ and all Love and Peace/ in the Godliness. 4. And even so⁏ out of this high Majesty of God; doth this true Light shewe-fourth his Service/ through the illuminated g Act. 6. etc. 2. Cor. 4. a 2. Pet. 1. b 1. john. 1. a or godded Man/ with whom the Most-highest⁏ through the self-same Light and his Service; is also manned: Witnessinge and declaring/ how that the true Light/ consisteth not in the knowing of This or That. but is an upright and true Being of God h john. 17. c / and his eternal Life. 5. Whosoever now therefore⁏ through the Service of the holy and gracious Word; becometh comprehended of this true Light/ in the Love/ and in the Obedience of her Service/ and is grown-up even so therein/ till unto the manly i Ephe. 4. b oldness of Christ and k Mat. 13. f taught in such-sort to the Kingdom of Heaven/ He ministreth-fourth than the same/ according to the true Being. 6. Not⁏ verily; for that anyman should have onite the Knowledge thereof: but that they all⁏ which hear/ believe/ and are obedient to the Service of the holy Word; might become l 2. Pet. 1. a partakers⁏ m Ephe. 4. c in the renewing of their Spirit and Mind; of the same true n john. 1. a 3. c. 8. b. 12. d Light/ and of his upright and lovely Being and o john. 17. e Ephe. 3. b incorporated⁏ with their inward Man's unto the same. and that they should even so live and walk in the same p 1. john 1. a 2. Light/ in all love. 7. But/ the False Light/ is the Imagination of the Knowledge or the Richeses q Gen. 3. a of the Knowledge itself/ which men⁏ out of their Ingeniousues or Humaine-prudentie; take unto them/ ere-ever that they have been obedient unto/ and fulfilled⁏ till-unto the second Birth r Rom. 6. a from the Dead; the holy and gracious Word/ in the Service of his foregoing Testament. With which false Light/ all wicked Nature/ and all goodthinkinge Men and false Hearts of the Seripturelearned and s jer. 14. b 33. c unsent Preachers/ together with such as turn them away from the true Doctrine/ serving to the Unity of the Heart in the Love/ and even so take-on the false Light/ or give-forth themselves through the same/ to be Teachers and Ministers of the Word/ or to be esteemed and heard for Such/ have in all ayges t Mat. 21. d 26. Act. 21. d 24.25 persecuted the Vpright-heartes. belied and defamed them with false matters. yea/ and also judged v Sap. 2. b Act. 3. b. 7. f or condemned them for Seducers and wicked Men. 8. seeing then that the false Light/ hath not his Ministration unto the second Birth or Renewing of the Life/ for to live and walk⁏ with an upright Heart and a meckeminded Spirit; in all Love and Concord: and that it bringeth with it/ all Presumpieous-boldnes and Lies/ and all Infamy/ Slander and Contempt/ over the upright Hearts/ Therfort do all false Hearts and unregenerated x jer. 6. b 8. a Seripturelearned; which are arrogant and proud/ in these mind of the own Wisdom;/ and all such/ as⁏ with an vnrenewed Heart/ and false y Col. 2. c Holiness/ or show of God service; administer the ceremony Services thereout/ and set-forwarde or maintain the same in Dissension/ gladly take-on and embrace the same: and also busily apply them therein/ with a fervent zeal nearnestnes. For thereunder they can best-of-all⁏ before all unlighted People; cover their wicked Nature/ z Mat. 23. c and the falsehood of their Hearts: and get the a Mat. 6. a 23. a Estimation at men's hands/ that they have the right Doctrine/ and that they do no wrouge/ in their Persecution/ Sciaunder/ and Lies or Euel-speakinge against the Vpright-of-heare. 9 But they will not humble themselves obediently unto the true b john. 3. c Light/ nor yet by Those/ where through The same and his upright Doctrine becometh administered/ under the Obedience of the Love: but c john. 7. a 15. b hate the true Light/ and also the upright Doctrine/ that becometh taught out of the same. And for this cause they hate the true Light/ and the godly Service of his Docirine/ namely: because their wicked Hearts become d john. 3. c chastised thereby and their ungodly Works and false witnessings made-knowen unto them. and also/ for that they are e jer. 23. c not sent of God/ for to teach. 10. Where now therefore this same Richeses f jer. 8. a. 23. c d. of the Knowledge (above rehearsed) is talgninge. and received or taken-on⁏ by the false hearts of the Scripture-learned/ and by the presumpteous-bolde or proud selfwise and goodthinkinge Men; for a Light g Ezech. 13. b of the true Wisdom: and that also any Service of the Word/ becometh set forth and administered by them/ for an holy Word many Service/ for a right God service/ there is then the same Ministration false: For it stretcheth no farther/ but to the breeding of h Mat. 24. a 2. Cor. 3. a 〈◊〉 3. b Schysme/ Partiality and Sedition among the People: Where through each Sense or Congregation/ or the unilluminatded unsent Teachers of the same/ busy and apply them very earnestly about the profound Knowledge of the Scriptures or high understandings/ according to the i 〈◊〉 4. a pleasing either contentation of Men/ or about a painted k Col. 2. c 2 Tim. 3 a Holiness or false Righteousness according to the Flesh or outward Apparannce/ that hath⁏ before the fleashlie-minded; a Show of Righteousness: But inwardite/ their l Mat. 23. c Luk. 16. b Nature or Mind is full of Iniquity/ and full of all false Witnessyuges/ against God's gracious Word/ and his Ministers: and they are not eis-what/ but a Nest of Deveis/ and of all wicked Spirits. 11. Therefore surely/ the Richeses of the Knowledge⁏ in all false Hearts of the Scripture-learned/ and in all presumptuous or arrogant Selfwise; is the false Spirit m 1. 〈◊〉 4. b of Antichrist/ which⁏ through his show of outward Holiness/ and great knowledge in the Scripture; worketh a secret n 2. 〈◊〉 2. a Iniquity: and esteemeth themselves as more worthy than the Love and her Service/ and above the Wisdom of God/ or the byright Life; to be the Spirit of the full Wisdom itself. 12. Seeing now then that it all is nothinge-els but Knowledge/ and a painted or coloured Holiness and not the upright Being of the Love/ nor the godly Nature of Christ/ So is it likewise a false and deceitful Light: Yea so false and deceitful/ that all simple and o 〈◊〉 3. c. d Ezeck 3. b unlighted Peope (which gladly court to have p 〈…〉 the praise at men's hands/ that their Cause is upright/ and have not⁏ with all their Heart; their resect bend to the Service of the Love⁏ whose Administration tendeth to the everlasting Life/ q john. 1. a which is a true Light of Men;/ for to become r john. 17. c Ephe. 3. b 2. Pet. 1. a incorporated or impianted obediently⁏ according to the inward Man; unto the same true Being) become therewith seduced or s Mat. 24. c 2. Tim. 3. a 2. Pet. 2. a judae. 1. b beguiled. also captived with manifold Divistons and Sects. and so brought into manifold Misenes/ Thraldoms and Calamities. 13. Nevertheless in all this same/ so hath heerto⁏ even in general; every sundry Sect or Opinlated-assembite⁏ in their Understanding of the Knowledge; their respect bend to the false Light: and they minister-fourth the same likewise/ as-though Thatsame/ were r 2. Reg. 22. b jer. 8. a 23. c Ezec. 13. b the Word of the Lordel. and the Illumination of the holy Spirit. Where through the common People become so bewitched/ that they v john. 10. d contemn the true Light/ also envy and speake-evell by the Service of Love and the Minister of the same/ and bide altogether x Ephe. 4. b estranged from the upright Being of the highest God and Christ. 14. THis false Light/ and He that is seduced and beguiled thereby. and also⁏ in his Good-thinking; clymmed-upp on-high therewith: and doth not turn him about obediently therefrom/ to the singlemynded childhod. and to the Service of the Love/ The same will not/ neither desireth to hear y Esa. 30. b nor believe anyman/ that⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; doth witness the Truth of the true Light: noryet standethbent to have regard to God's true Being/ nor to Him/ which⁏ with his Spirit and Mind; z john. 17. c 2. Pet. 1. a is of uniforme-beeing therewith/ but only to that which becometh imagined in him by the Knowledge ؛that false Light;. 15. THe Original from whence this false Light springeth/ or from whence his Coming moreedeth/ is out of the unbelieving or dovefull a 3. Reg. 13. b Rom. 1. After-surmisinge and Curious-scanninge/ which the Man⁏ through his ingenious prudentie; taketh-to-him/ over the holy Understanding of the Wisdom of God and his Testimonies/ or to take and interpreat the same to the worst. 16. His Treasures of Wisdom⁏ which the false Light bringeth with him; are these: b Rom. 1. d Gal. 5. c ●. Tim. 6. a Tit. 3. a 〈◊〉 3. b Variance/ Renting/ or Division/ and discordable Disputations about unprofitable Arguments/ which are not to be discussed/ neither do men grow to any end therein/ by the Knowledge. 17. WHose false Being/ is the Devil/ the Antichrist/ the wicked Spirit/ the Kingdom of Hell/ and the Malestie of the Devil himself wherethrough all Falsehood and Deceit becometh in●●●● mixed/ among the Children of Men. and the Knowledge of the godly Mysteries/ more meditated and laboured-for/ then the Obedience to the good Life of the same. The Son. 18. O⁏ alas; O Woe unto all the Generations of Men/ which⁏ through the c Gen. 3. a 2. Cor. 11. a Serpent's Counsel; have taken to them the Poison of the decelifull Knowledge/ as a thing having a sweet cast. and not regarded at all the upright Being/ not yet the Entrance into the same. 19 O⁏ my Father; standeth the case so: Whate ●erresons d Mat. 24. a Time is it then presently⁏ for all People; 〈◊〉 secom saved! And what an heap of miseries 〈◊〉 Calamities is-there⁏ in these last Days; e Luk. 21. d 2. Tim. 3. a 2. Pet. 2. a for to 〈◊〉 over all them that devil upon the Earth/ Because all Men (the which I presently note for-cer●●●●e/ through the Manifestation of the Truth) are so whoilie inclined/ to hear and to believe much-more 〈◊〉 f jer. 6. b. 8. 18. false Light (which⁏ with his Goodthinkinge and Richeses of the Knowledge/ and with his false or self-made Holynesses; administereth his false Wi●●●ssinges and devided-partiall Services) than the true Light/ that administereth⁏ in the Service of Love; the lovely Being of God/ and the good Excuses or Orders of the same. 20. Out of this thy clear Instruction and Declaratien⁏ my Father; I understand or comprehend presently/ Fromwhence it proceedeth/ and which is the Miss/ that so few Men become ●eued/ although⁏ notwithstanding; they are all called 〈◊〉 unto. For I notewell presently/ and find it likewise in the Deed/ that the most part of People/ do g 2. Tim. 5. a 2. Pet. 2. a 3. a judae. 1. b cheer and believe the false Light; and are deceaned and seduced by the same. 21. Now instruct me also⁏ my Father;/ Whether that out of both these Lights⁏ namely/ out of the True and the False; there are Freedoms also ingen●●ted. For I hear/ that there is now⁏ in these perrelous times; much ●alkinge of the Freedoms/ among the Children of Men. The Father. 22. O Yea⁏ my Son; Each Light engendereth his Freedom. but the true Light/ engendereth a True and upright h john. 8. d Rom. 6. c 8. a Freedom in 〈◊〉 Christ/ which⁏ in all that she doth/ dealeth-in/ and ●●eth; is orderly and coumblye/ also harmful to Noman. but⁏ much-more; edifying and healpfull cowards every-man. 23. But the false Light/ engendereth a False and unorderly or i 2. Pet. 2. a b 1 〈◊〉. 1. b uncoumbly Freedom: seeking the Owne-selfnes. and not/ that which seruech his Neighbour to Edifytuge or Reformation. 24. HOwbeit/ in that there is presently so much spoken of the Freedoms/ among the People/ and that Many of them/ have a lust to their own Freedom/ that speak they⁏ and let themselves lust for such; out of the Imagination of the Knowledge. The which is the false Light itself/ that deceiveth them Wherethrough they are dr●uen and lead/ to the Difore dience of the holy Word/ and to the k Sap. 14. a Rom. 1. c unseemly Cuscomes or Exercises/ and inordinate Freedoms; and forsake even so the upright and true Freedom of the Children of God⁏ which cometh unto the Man/ in the l Ephe. 4. c renewing of his Spirit and Mind;/ so that 〈◊〉 utterly m Apo. 2. a want or miss the same/ and can nevermore obtain nor enjoy it. The Son. 25. MY Father/ which is then the upright and true Freedom/ that Fecometh engendered or brought forth out of the true Light? The Father. 26. THe true Freedom⁏ verelte; ☞ is this: That the Man⁏ through the Ministration of the 〈◊〉 Word/ and the declaring of the true 〈◊〉/ under the Obedience of the Love; becometh 〈◊〉/ from himself/ and from all his taken-on knowledge/ Wisdom/ Will/ and Selfmindednes/ or to have thoroughly unlearned the same: and that also his heart/ Spirit/ and Mind/ is wholly n Rom. 8. c ●. ● released and ●●rged or purified from all wicked Nature/ which with reigned over him: and that there o 1. 〈◊〉. 26. a jer. 31. d 2. Cor. ●. b devil/ live/ nor rule any other thing in him [namely/ in all his Spirit/ thoughts/ Mind/ and Soul] but alone the true God head/ with his lovely Being of the upright Love: 〈◊〉/ to be so wholly repleanisyed with all Virtues of God/ that there flow nothing-els in him [namely/ in 〈◊〉 is Spirit and Mind] but the spiritual/ heauen●●/ and living p Esa. 12. 1. 53. a Ezec. 36. c Apo. 22. b Waters: Which spring-upp or flowe●●aine⁏ at that time; from his q john. 4. b 7. d Body/ even into 〈◊〉 eternal Life. The which is the holy r Rom. 8. b Spirit of Promise/ and the s Ephe. 1. b 4. d Pledge of the godly Inhe●●●unce. 27. Behold/ that is the upright Freedom of all the children of God and Christ/ whereunto also the Man is t Gen. 1. c 2. a made/ by his God/ that he should inherit such a Freedom/ in his God/ To th'end that he should not be a Servant of v 1. Cor. 7. c Men/ of the x Rom. 6. b 1. Cor. 6. b Sin/ nor of the Devil but live⁏ in all y Ephe. 4. a b Love; to his God/ 〈◊〉 the same upright z Gal. 4. a Freedom. The Son. 28. BErely⁏ my Father; that is a right-good and sincere Freedom/ which thou hast here defined and declared unto me. For it is the self same Freedom/ whereof Christ hath spoken/ saying: If that ye abide 〈◊〉 my Words/ a john. 8. d so are ye then my upright Disciples. In which Disclpline ye shall know the Truth: and the Truth shall make you free. 29. Therefore he is⁏ aright; made-free (liteas I presently hear of thee/ my Father) that is released from himself and his Selfmyndednes/ and from all wicked b Mat 6. b Nature and c john. 17. c Rom. 8. b Ephe. 3. b 2. Pet. 1. a incorporated to the Truth/ in her true, spiritual, and heavenly Being/ and even so knoweth the Truth. 30. NOw inform me likewise⁏ my Father; which is the false Freedom/ that becometh engendered out of the false Light/ or hath his proceeding thereout? The XVI. Chap. The Father. THe false Freedom of the false Light/ is this: That the Man setteth his Con●●bence/ and the Contentation or Appaisement of his Heart/ upon the a Gen. 3. a 1. Cor. 8. a Knowledge/ and will likewise⁏ out of his Knowledge; make himself holy and righteous: and so persuade himself/ that the Richeses of the Knowledge/ is the Wisdom of God itself. Wherewith he supposeth/ to have/ to know/ and to inherit/ all what is needful for him/ and that he lacketh not anything more. Wherethrough he siveth freemindedlie⁏ out of his Knowledge; in all thing to that he useth. But it is all false and a mere dece●● For the false b Rom 2. c Apo. 2. b Light [the which is the Imagination of the Knowledge] hath seduced his Heart/ to the Applisement on the Knowledge/ and so beguiled him. 2. Out of this same Appaisement of the Heart on the Knowledge/ there ariseth manye-maner of false dealings: as also certain false c Mat. 15. a 21.22.23 2. Tim. 3. a Exercises or Usages/ which bear a good Show/ wherewith many ignorant People⁏ that know not any Difference/ betwirt the True and the False Light; d 2. Pet. 2.23. a become seduced and deceived. 3. For certain take-in-hand and use/ out of the Inagination of the Knowledge⁏ whereon they set their hearies at peace; false Godseruices e Col. 2. b oh / which they notwithstanding institute or bring-in/ for true Godseruices/ Religion's/ laws/ and Commandments of God: and plant the same Knowledge/ into the People/ As-though they aught⁏ of right; to be oxdient thereunto. 4. Certain other bring-fourth⁏ out of the Freemindenes of their Heart; many-maner of f jer. 23. c Witness●igts and Expositions/ according to the Imagina●on of their Knowledge. Yea they dare also to boast them verie-boldlie and impudently/ that Thesame/ 〈◊〉 g Ezech. 13. b Mat. 24. c the true Light/ shining in their Hearts: and that God hath revealed the same unto them/ and that ●●y are the Testimonies of the holse Ghost. 5. Again/ certain Other (whilst that they persuade themselves/ that the Knowledge/ is the h john. 8. d Truth/ which maketh them free) suppose (because they now know much/ and that the Knowledge doth daily ima●he much in them) that it is the Spirit of Truth/ that ●●ueth or leadeth them into such an high Vnderstan●●ge i 2. Tim. 3. a Tit. 1. b of Much Knowledge: and that they far excel est simple People. Wherethrough certain k 2. Pet. 2. b. ludae. 1. b. take-occasion to boast them of the Freedom: and affirm that it is all free to them/ and lawful for them/ to dease-in and use what they will/ and what pleaseth themselves. 6. Heer-out now there becometh the trading or iwringe of many-maner of false and inordinate Freedoms/ taken-ourwhich accord not/ nor yet are dealtwith-all/ by the Children of God. But with these false Freedoms/ the Man deceiveth himself/ and l 2. Tim. 3 a 2. Pet. 2. a seditceth or deceiveth also all them that hear/ believe/ and follow him. 7. Behold⁏ my beloved Son; such a m Eccli. 2. b Looseness of Heart⁏ as to followe-after and dealewith/ whatsoever the Man n Sap. 2. a 14. c Rom. 1. c Ephe. 4. b lusteth/ and hath pleasure-in; is verily the false Freedom/ which becometh engendered out of the false Light ؛the Imagination of the Knowledge; or proceedeth thereout. 8. O what shall I say more unto thee hereof⁏ my Son; but that thou apply chee always obediently/ to the requiring of the gracious Word and of his Service of Love/ and followe-after the Counsel of the godly o Pro. Wisdom: and that thou p Rob. 4. b have a sharped regard for falling⁏ into the danger of the false Freedoms/ which are so many and manifold. For there are Many seduced and deceived/ that tooke-on⁏ out of the Imagination of the Knowledge; a Freedom to themselves: which could not become made-free by the Truth/ nor by the true Light/ Because they rose-upp q john. 10. b before this same true Light of the Love or/ ere-ever they were implanted obediently/ to the gracious Word in his Service: and so took to them the false Freedom/ out of the false Light/ as also boasted and set forth themselves to be free r Mat. 14. a Christians or free Children of God. 9 Therefore/ the holy nor the mostholie/ the true nor the mosttrue Light (Which the Most-highest hath presently⁏ in his mostholie Service under the Obedience of the Love; geeven unto us/ for to be declared-fourth) hath s Heb. 9 b 10. ● not been declared by any of them all/ that have taken-on/ setfourth/ and taught anything/ before this same or without this same our Service of the love. The Son. 10. THis understand I well presently⁏ my Father; that before this same/ nor without this same our most-holy Service of the Love [namely from the Day of Christ fourth/ which hath been t 2. Cor. 3. b darkened through the false Light and remained invisible ●till unto this Day of the Love; before the Children of Men:] the True hath not been setfourth/ minisred/ nor taught: and that there shall likewise no Other light nor clearness⁏ that can be true; appear. nor●●●m at anytyme hereafter/ but the Light of the ●oue. For/ according to all the Testimonies of the ●lie Spirit of Love/ this gracious Word and his ●ruice of Love/ is the Light v Mal. 4. a Mat. 24. d. Act. 17. d and the Day of the ●ie judgement/ wherewith God with his holy ones/ complisheth/ and wherewith also he will accomplish/ 〈◊〉 judgement upon the Earth/ according to the truth. 11. But now/ of the false Freedom⁏ whereof thou hast ●●en unto me; I must yet demand somewhat of 〈◊〉/ To th'end that I may submit myself so-much● more uprightly/ according to the upright Truth: 12. Wherefore⁏ my Father; termest thou this also a false Freedom [to-weet] to sett-fourth Godseruices/ Religion's/ and Doctrines/ out of the Imagination of the Knowledge. For I supposed that there had been none Other false Freedoms more/ but the inordinate and false Usages or doings/ which become taken-on and used⁏ according to the x Sap. 14. c Rom. 1. ● inordinate Works of the Flesh; out of the Self-covetousnes/ and out of the earthly and fleshly Sensuality? The Father. 13. IT is true⁏ my Son; the inordinate and y Rom. 1. o 1. Cot. 5.6. b Gal. 5 c Ephe. 4. b 2. Pet. 4. a. unseemly dealings⁏ which become taken-on and occupied with boldness or freemindedne● of Heart/ out of the earthly and fleshly minds; an●⁏ no-dout; wicked and evel-deeded z 2. Tim. 3. a 2. Pet. 2. b judae. 1. b false Freedoms But consider this also/ that there cannot devil an● wickeder Freedom nor more damaigefull Thing/ 〈◊〉 the Hearts of Men/ then a spiritual a Apo. 17. a 18. a. 21 b. Pride/ and 〈◊〉 live freemindedlie therein. For the same Presumpthon/ is a great blaspheming of God. 14. Therefore cannot the Man (whilst that he 〈◊〉 not yet wholly godded⁏ in One Spirit of the godly Being; with God) occuple or use any-maner of fre● dons/ that are falser/ wickeder/ absurd/ sedueinger/ a roganter nor horribler/ against God and his vprig● Service. nor yet damaigefuller nor destructlen● bler to the Children of Men/ then this: Namely that anyman should become so arrogant and free unbound of Heart/ that he⁏ out of an appeased Coscieuce or contented Heart; should dare to teach or see fourth avythinge/ through the Imagination of 〈◊〉 Knowledge (whether he then have taken-on the same out of the learnedness of the Scriptures/ or out of his good thinking wisdom) as a b 1. Reg. 15. a b let. 5. 6-7.8.14. Word or Commandment of the Lord: oryet to institute any Services⁏ out of the Letter of the Scripture; according to his Goodthinkinge/ and so to pluck or make-subiect the Hearts of Men⁏ to Dissension; c 3. Reg. 12. c d therunder. 15. I Tell thee truly/ that it is a great Presumption against God and his Saints/ that the Man becometh so free of Heart/ that he⁏ out of the learnedness of the Letter/ or out of the Imagination of the Knowledge; taketh upon him/ to be a Teacher or Preacher: and caven so suiteth his eleced God services/ which certes are false God services: or witnesseth either speaketh-fourth anythinge for truth/ that concerneth the godly and heavenly Things. 16. For noman can rightly⁏ according to the Truth of the holy scriptures/ nor according to the spiritual Understanding of the godly Wisdom; deale-in or use the true God services/ nor the Services of the holy Word (it becometh not likewise/ that anyman should take-inhaude to busy himself thereabout) but onlte the illuminated d Mat. 13. ● Elders in the godly Wisdom/ which walk in the House of Love: the which are grown-up obediently in the Service of the Love⁏ from the youngness of their Understanding/ till unto the e Ephe. ●. b Olde-alge of the Man Christ; in the godly Wisdom/ and s Maz. 13. f taught to the Kingdom of Heaven/ as also have g 1. Cor. 11. c Gal. 1. b Ephe. 3. a 1. john. 1. a received the Word of Life/ through the power of the Mostlighest⁏ out of his holy Heaven; from the living God: and are even so⁏ through the same Word; godded with God⁏ or incorporated to God; in all love. With whom also/ God⁏ h john. 14. b. 17 in One Being and power of his holy Spirit; is hominified or become man. 17. Therefore/ it is assuredly/ all false and lies/ seducinge and deceitful/ what the i jer. 23. c 29. a ungodded or unissuminated Men⁏ out of the Imagination or Richeses of their own Knowledge/ and out of their k 1. Cor. 1. b 2. learnedness of the Scriptures; bring-fourth/ l ler. 8. a 27. institute/ preach/ and teach. 18. They preach indeed the Letter/ and the Imagination of their Knowledge but m ler. 5. b 6.8. Ezech. 13. b 34. not/ the Word of the living God. 19 GEeing then that they have not fulfilled obediently/ the first n Mat. 3. a Luk. 3. a Act. 2. d 3 c Entrance into the Doetrine of the gracious Word/ and yet nevertheless⁏ with free Hearts; presumpteouslie o jer. 18. b 19 a bos them/ to have and to use/ all what is brought and geeven⁏ out of p Ephe. 2. a 3. a Grace; to the holy ones of God/ in the commonalty of the love. and lie or err therein/ So is⁏ doubtless; all their Doing and Word⁏ that they use out of the Freemindednes of their Heart; a false Freedom/ q Ezech. 13. b out of the false Light ؛the Imagination of the Knowledge; and all their Congregation (let them esteem themselves so holy as they will) a false Christianity/ and r Apo. 2. b Denels' Synagogue or School. 20. ☞ For there is none other communialty of holy ones/ nor true Christianity/ but the communialty of holy ones/ s john. 17. c Ephe. 4. a b in the Love of jesus Christ/ and all Such as adjoin them thereunto/ and grow-up⁏ under the Obedience of the Love; in the same Love/ to Elders of the holy and godly Understanding. 21. To which Elders and Fathers/ God hath renealed his Word/ in this Day of the Love: which t Psal. 118. c Day of the Love/ God himself hath appointed or ordained/ for v Psal. 96.98. b Act. 17. d to judge in the same/ the universal Compasse-of-the-earth⁏ according to his Word; with Alghteousnes: and x Psal. 1. a Esa. 13. b to takeaway all false Lights/ and inordinate or false Freedoms/ from the Hearts of Men/ and condemn the same: and so to plant the sovelie Being of the Love⁏ with all y Mat. 11. c lamb. 1. c Meekmindednes; therein. The XVII. Chap. The Son. O⁏ my Father; my Heart trembleth/ whenas I hear thee speak of the manifold false Freedoms/ which become now so used/ traded/ and set forth/ in all the World! Oh! Whether shall then the Children of Men get them/ that they might a Mat. 24. d Luk. 21. d escape all these deceltfull Snares? 2. O Lord God/ heavenly Father/ What a special cause have I/ to laud and thank thee for all this/ that thou hast granted me little Youngone⁏ through the Service of thy Love; to know all these secret Treasures of the godly Wisdom also manifested such an heavenly Truth/ in me and brought and ●eenen me all this/ for to enjoy. 3. O My beloved Father in the Love (of whom I⁏ through God's b Ephe. 2. a Grace have heard all these groundlie Instructions and godly Declarations and⁏ through the Illumination which God hath ●●nen in my c 2. Cor. 4. e Heart; well understanded those-same) d Gen. 14. b Heb. 7. a blessed art thou to the Lord ؛the living God; which⁏ out of the abundant Liberality of his Godhead; hath geeven thee all this/ for to be declared/ To th'end that thou shouldest accordingly⁏ in these last perrelous times; declare-fourth the same again/ among us the Children of Men. 4. All this same cometh unto us/ out of the merciful Grace of God/ and out of his hearty Love/ e john. 3. b Iphe. 2. a which he hath to our Salvation/ To chentent that we should take the same⁏ that becometh expressed and set forth before us/ out of his Love; to heart/ and apply us⁏ through the true f john. 1. a 8.12 Light; to the lovely Being of the Love/ and so become saved: and that we. should not all perish with the wicked World/ as Godom g Gen. 19 oh and Gomor: to whom this Light of Grace/ nor this lovely Life of Righteousness/ hath not been proffered/ h Math. 11. c like as It becometh presently declared unto us and proffered to the World/ to their Amendment/ and Preservation in the Godliness. 5. GEeinge now that I⁏ my Father; studeout in the Deed and Truth/ that the Lord ؛the Mosthighest; hath revealed his i Esa. 16. b Heb. 5. a Mercieseace ؛the Possession of his most-excellent Majesty; with all his Saints and heavenly Richeses/ in thee and⁏ with the same Being of the perfect Godhead; made a godly k Ioh n. 14. b 2. Cor. 6. b Apo. 3. c dwelling with thee/ So were it therefore very right and meet⁏ yea/ and also very expedient; that all the Generations of the Earth/ l Heb. 5. a submitted and wholly gave-over themselves/ under that same mercyseat ؛the godly Majesty;/ and assembled them thereunto: and that they in like-maner/ with repentant Hearts⁏ m Mat. 3. a Luk. 3. a to the Amendment of their Life and Being/ and to the Inheritinge n Gen. 22. b jer. 31. d of their Blessing of the Promises; harkened-unto and believed the Words of Life/ and the Instructions proceeding from the Godliness of the true and lovely Being/ To th'end that they all/ through the godly Wisdom (which is⁏ O my Father in the Love; come and revealed unto thee/ out of the Mostholie of the true Tabernacle of God/ for to minister the same⁏ according to the Truth of the naked and o 2. Cor. 3. b 4. a uncovered Face of Christ; among the Children of Men) might become taught and instructed. chified in all love. and not p Ezec. 34. a b feduced nor beguiled any longer/ by themselves/ nor by the Imagination of the Knowledge. 6. THat same q Ezec. 11. b 18. d. 36. c Heart⁏ to become even so minded; grant us all/ O Lord God heavenly Father/ To th'end that we may live peaceably and uprightly⁏ under the Obedience of thy Love; in thy most-holy Service of the Love/ and in thy upright and r Pro. 3.4. b lovely Ways. all Kingdoms on the Earth/ stand bowed and obedient s Ezec. 37. c Dan. 2. c to this same One Peaceable-kingdom of the love. and all People obtain⁏ to an eternal Peace; the Concord in all Love/ t Esa. 2. a 3.4.13 jer. 23. a 31.33. Mich. 4. a Zac. 8. a b according to the Promises. O yea: That com-to-passe even so. The XVIII. Chap. A Morning-prayer/ to be said unto the Lord/ when we rise. My beloved Children/ and thou family of Love: All the Days of your Life/ see that ye pray every a Psal. 87. a Esa. 26. a Morning unto the Lord/ that he will vouchsake to keep and preserve you. And let everyone pray even-thus: O Lord God heavenly Father/ thou which art my God. and a God of all the World: I thy Creature ؛ b Gen. 1. c 2. a Psal. 95. a 100 the Work of thy Hands; pray and make-supplication before thee/ and before thine excellent Majesty/ that thou wilt keep me this Day and at all times/ under the c Psal. 17.36.61. ● 3. a. 91. a Mat. 23. d Wings of thy Love/ d Sap. 7.9 1. Cor. 1. a jam. 3. b illuminate me with thy Wisdom/ e john. 14. c instruct me with thy Truth/ f Pro. 1. a Iccli. 1.2. b nurture and sustain me with thy Fear/ and g john. 16. b guide me with thy holy Spirit/ that I in any-case⁏ O my God; enterprise not in any of all my Dealing and Walking/ the doing of any evil or h Mat. 15. b Iphe. 5. a uncomely thing: conceive nor pretend any i Psal. 15. a 26. a wicked-thing in my Heart: speak no k Ephe. 4. c 5. a Col. 3. b 4. a unlawful nor undecent Words with my Mouth: mark nothing with mine l Pro. 4. c Eyes to deceitfulness: hear nothing with mine Ears/ that should seduce me from thy most-holy Service of the Love: occupy or do nothing with mine Hands/ that is unjust: nor walk with my Feet/ m Pro. 1. a in any unlawful or unright Ways/ To th'end that I⁏ O mostholie God; enterprise not/ nor yet deale-in anything/ that is against thine Honour/ or the Love n Mat. 7. b of my Neighbour: neither yet take anything inhande/ wherethrough I might become tourninge-awaye/ from the godly Doctrine of thy o Esa. 2. a jer. 31. d 33. b holy Word and Service under the Obedience of thy Love: but chastise and teach me p Psal. 94. b with the Law of thy Commandments. 2. even-thus⁏ O my God; humble my Heart⁏ with thy Chastisement and Information; under thy Righteousness/ To th'end that I may walk⁏ under the Obedience of thy Love; in thy Ways/ all the Days of my Life. honour thine holy Name/ in thy peaceable Paths. laud and praise the. shewfourth q Pro. 3. b e Mat. 7. b all Good towards my Neighbour. deal and behave myself with all Men/ r Rom. 12. b Heb. 12. b 13. peaceably and uprightly. keep my Mouth/ from speaking of all s Mat. 12. d Ephe. 4. c 5. a Col. 3. b unnurtered, unedifying, and unadvised Words. and order and use all my doings and Leavinge/ to a good Exercise and t 1. Cor. 14. b c Edifying of my Neighbour. 3. O Most-gratious Father: Let my Prayer in all This/ v Psal. 54. a 55. a 88.102.130. become heard of thee. and my Supplication/ enter into thine Ears: and hold always thy merciful x Psal. 33. b 34. Eyes over me: and teach me without ceasing⁏ O Lord; with the Rod of y Pro. 3. b Apo. 3. c thy Discipline/ To th'end that I turn me not aside into any by-ways/ z Psal. 141. a from thee/ and that my Heart thelyne him not to the a Tob. 3. b Lightmindedons/ and so forget thee. 4. Keep me⁏ O my God; from all gins and subtle b Psal. 140 141. Suares of the Wicked/ from all Bloud-thirstyons c Pro. 1. b Sap. 2. a b / and Violent-oppressours/ and from all Workers-of-mischeef: that I become d Esa. 26. e not destroyed nor swallowed-up by the Ungodly. 5. O loving Lord/ preserve me also from all the deceitful e Psal. 73. a 74. a 91. a 1. john. 2. c Contrary-spirites unto thy mostholie Service of Love/ To th'end that I become f Mat. 24. b c not⁏ at any time; seduced or lead-away from thy Word and Service of Love/ nor from thy lovely Being. 6. O Lord/ Lord/ my God⁏ thou which art an unthaungeable g 1. Tim. 6. b jam. 1. b Light/ a most-constant Wisdom/ and an eternal, true, and living God; Be thou thyself⁏ I beseech thee; h Esa. 60. Ephe. 5. b 1. john. 4. a my Light/ in these perreious times/ to-thende that I malke not in i john. 1. a 8.12. Darkness. 7. Be likewise⁏ O God; my Knowledge/ k 1. Cor. 1. c wisdom/ and Understanding/ To th'end that I⁏ through any-maner of Ignorance/ or through mine own l 1. Cor. 1. b 2. 3 Self-wisedom; seduce or beguile not myself/ nor yet become arrogant or proud: but deliver m Psal. 140. a Mar. 6. b me from the wicked Nature: and keep me under thy Night-haud/ That I perish not in the Plagues of the n Esa. 47. b Apo. 18. a ungodly. 8. Sustain and secure my Mind⁏ in all o Psal. 94. b Patience; against all wicked and unchristen or lying Men/ and against all false p Psal. 62. a 64. Spirits/ by whom I chance⁏ at anytyme; to become tempted and assaulted: and lead me⁏ through thy Service of Love; in all q Psal. 25. a john. 16. b Truth. Amen. The XIX. Chap. An Eueninge-prayer/ to be said unto the Lord/ when we lay us down to sleep. My beloved Children/ and thou Famelye of Love: Forget in no-wyse/ to pray eneeye evening a Psal. 22. c 118. c 140. b unto the Lord/ that he⁏ in the Night of your Sleep; will bouchsafe to keep you/ and preserve you from all Destruction. And let everyone pray even-thus: I Pranse thee/ O Lord God heavenly Father: whose Works/ are all b Gen. 1. d 2. a. Eccli. 39 c d upright/ holy/ and good. For/ in like-maner/ as the Day maketh-manifest himself/ and hath his convenient Ctrevyte: and every Day bringeth-fourth his c Eccle. 3. a Time/ for to labour in the same (according as the time requireth) about that which is d Ephe. 4. c profitable/ right/ and meet/ to a good ordering of all things (like-as thou⁏ O holy Father; hast e Psal. 8. a geeven the same under the hands of the Children of Men): Even so doth the Night also make-manifest itself/ to a conjure nient Rest/ f Gen. 1. b To th'end that the Man should then sleep/ and rest-him/ from all Travel and Labour. 2. seeing now that this Day is passed by me/ and that the Night approacheth/ So will I therefore⁏ O Lord God heavenly Father; give myself to the Rest (according to all thy good Ordinance) in thy holy g Col. 3. c Name. 3. HOwbeit/ whilst that⁏ in the Sleep of my Rest; the Sight of mine Eyes/ and the Understanding of my Life and Mind/ shall be closed or shut-to/ So pray I thee⁏ O holy Father; that thou wilt h Psal. 〈…〉 keep me/ from all what is destructionable/ and preserve me/ from all Peril that might happen to the endamaging of my Soul. For I will say me down/ and rest me⁏ O my God; in Thee: and shall not⁏ in my Sleep; know anythinge of Thee/ or of Myself. 4. But thine i Psal. 33. b 34. Eyes are always wakeful over all thy Servants: and Thou art a k Psal. 62. a Esa. 26. a Fortress/ and a vigilant power/ over all them that fear Thee. For thy Life and Mind/ l Psal. 12.1. a doth neither sleep nor slumber. 5. Therefore⁏ O holy Father; be thou in this Night⁏ and in all the Nights of my Rest; a good Watchman over my Soul and Body/ and over all that which is committed and put-in-trust⁏ to be well ordered; under my Hands. 6. O Lord/ Lord: Be always⁏ I beseech thee; m Psal. watchful over us: and⁏ as a strong God; be our Defender and Keeper. For our Enemies go rounde-about us/ and our Aduer saries n Mat. 12. c Luk. 11. c 1 Pet. 5. rest them not/ Day nor Night/ in seeking to destroy us: Yea/ all wicked Nature raygeth/ and o Psal. 35. b 〈◊〉 gnasheth his Teeth at us/ and would gladly devour us. 7. But thou⁏ O my God; hast the power and Possibility/ p Mat. 6. b to keepe-of and chase-away all the Wicked and ungodly from me. and to preserve and save me ؛thy Handworke; from all q Psal. 138. a Destruction. 8. seeing then that I⁏ O holy Father; have not the power for to keep nor yet to save myself/ Therefore will I⁏ O my God; r Psal. 25. b 31. commit myself in trust unto thee/ O God Father/ even unto thy power and mercifulness: and even so give myself to the Sleep/ and rest me in thee/ O God⁏ my Salvation;/ until that I s Ephe. 5. b awake again in thee: and may eaven-so always and for ever/ t Psal. 145. a Col. 3. a laud and thank thee⁏ in thy holy Day of Love; through jesus Christ/ our Lord. Amen. The XX. Chap. A good Instruction/ how one shall daily prepare/ order/ and endeavour him/ against the crafrie Assaults and Deceit of the Sin. My beloved Children/ and thou Famelye of Love: If ye will become faithful Servants of God/ in the Service of the gracious Word under the Obedience of the Love/ So prepare your Souls then a Eccli. 2. a to the Temptation. And when ye are tempted or assaulted/ for to be plucked-away⁏ iutisinglie; from the Love of God and her upright Being/ and to yield your consent to the sin and her Ministers/ Then b Eccli. 2. a Heb. 12. a standfast in Patience/ and shrink-not-away: to th'end that ye⁏ growing-up in the upright Being of the Love; may become strong against the c Rom. 6. b Heb 12. a jam. 1. a Syune/ and against all that which is not Gods/ and so always become stronger and stronger. 2. But whilst now that the Man is yet⁏ in the mean-time; heald-captive with the Body of Death clothed with the d 4. Esd. 2. f lud. e. 1. b mortal Garment and bewrapped with the earthly and consumeable Things: and must for-that-cause yet daily/ deal and have-to-do with the e Mat. 12. c Luk. 11. c 1. Pet. 5. a. Euemies either Adversaries of the Life or Christ (which daily invade/ tempt/ and assault him on everysyde/ for to plurk him⁏ with his f jam. 1. b Will; after their deadly g Rom. 6. b 8. Gal. 5. b Lusts and Destres): So cannot the Man⁏ in his Youngues of the holy Understanding/ or in his Weakness of the godly Righteousness; well overcome or prevail⁏ at the first; in the h Eccli. 2 a Battle of the same Assaultinge/ without i Rom. 7. a b stumbling or falling but well/ in his k Rom. 8. a Gal. 2. c oldness of the holy Understanding. 3. AGainst these Assaultinges/ the Man aught⁏ in his youngness; to learn to l Mat. 16. c Luk. 9 c. 14. c take-up his Cross on him to followe-after Christ ؛his saviour; in his like Suffering m Rom. 6. a 1. Pet. 2. c. 4. a and death of the Cross and to shewe-fourth n Eccli. 2. a Heb. 12. a jam. 1. a Patience⁏ with Christ; against all the Assaultinges/ until that all the Enemies or Adversaries of the lovely Life/ through the o Rom 6. a 1. Cot. 15. f Death of Christ [that is/ in manner of suffering] be utterly vanquished: and that he even so is grown up/ through the Death or Together-sufferinge of Christ [which is the daily p Num. 28. Heb. 9 b Oblation in the Holy] to the Oldaige q Ephe. 4. b of the Man Christ and entered⁏ through the second Birth r john. 3. a Rom. 6. a from the Dead; into the everlasting Life. Which Passaige or Way to the everlasting Life/ we have witnessed and figured-fourth distincelie and cleerlie/ in the Figure of the true and spiritual Tabernacle/ and in othermoe places/ in the Glass of Righteousness. 4. EAuen-thus/ my beloved Children/ and thou family of Love/ together with all ye Disciples of the gracious Word/ in the Service of the Love/ and all ye Lovers of the Truth/ and goodwilling Hearts to the Testimonies of the holy Spirit of Love/ Letoy it not be tedious unto you/ to shewfourth s Aba. 2. a Luk. 21. b Reb. 10 d Patience for a little time/ whenas the evil Things [namely/ the evil Inclinations and the deadly Enemies of the Life] make them up in you/ and t Heb. 12. a 1. Let. 5. a assault or tempt you/ for to turn you away from the good Will that ye have to the godly Beeiuge/ under the Obedience of the love. 5. For/ after a little time v Tob. 3. b Esa. 54. a. b of your distress/ affliction/ and angwish or heaviness/ the Lord will bring his Christ [that is his best-beloved and mostholye Being] in power and Glory/ unto you: as also x Psal. 91 a Rom. 16. b tread-downe in you/ and lay under your Feet/ all your Enemies (which are also Adversaries of the godly Being) that have⁏ with all Unrighteousness; dwelled in you/ reigned over you/ and brought all disquieenes'/ tedious-travell/ and veration unto you. 6. YEa/ even so will God now in these last Days/ out of his hearty Love⁏ to the Blessing y Gen. 22. b Esa. 35. b and Salvation of the Man/ according to the Promises; take-in his House and juheritaunce⁏ to his Habitation; z Esa. 42.49.51 jer. 23. a 33. b with Righteousness: and let you behold⁏ with the Eyes of a pure a Mat. 5. a Heart; whereto he hath b Gen. 1. c 2. a created/ chosen c Ephe. 1. a 2. b / and loved you. 7. For ye shall evidently see/ and/ in d Rom. 6. a maner-of-suffering⁏ through the Suffering of Christ; rightwell perceive/ and finde-in-experience/ that God/ with his Christ/ and Holye-gost/ and with the heavenly Fellowship of all the Holyons/ will e Levi. 26. b 2. Cor. 6. b Apo. 21. a inhabit with you/ and live and walk in you. and that He assuredly is your God f jer. 31. d Eze. 37. c / and ye his People. For He hath chosen none other House nor g jer. 7. a b Temple/ for his Habitation/ h 1. Cor. 3. b 6 2. Cor. 6. b but you/ O ye godly Children/ or communialty of the love. 8. Therefore⁏ O ye elected i 1. Pet. 2. a Children of God; For this same loves sake of your God⁏ wherewith He loveth you; like-as He is now extending the same/ in these k jer. 31. d joel. 2. c Act. 2. b last Days⁏ according to his Promises; in manifolde-sort and abundantly/ on you/ So give God now his l Esa. 40. a Mat. 3. a 11. b Room: and thrust or keep Him not off from his O welling/ in this same Day of your Sanctification. 9 Suffer not yourselves to be m Rom. 12. c vanquished by the Wicked/ nor seduced by any n 1. john. 2. c Contrarye-spirites to our mostholye Service of the Love: but in Patience/ o Rom. 12. c vanquish the Evil with the Good. 10. For/ with the holy Spirit of the Love/ ye are able to resist/ keepe-off/ and quench-out/ all Seduceinges rising p Ephe. 4. b through the Wylye-craftynes of Men/ wherewith they invade you/ for to catch and seduce you. 11. But if ye chance to offend in anye-thinge/ or that ye become sometimes q Gen. 3. a beguiled through subtlety. and so r Gal. 6. a plucked-away from the holy Mind of the godly Doctrine of the holy Spirit of Love (whether it be then through your own Wisdom/ or through any venom that ye receive of the viperous Generation/ which⁏ through the Imagination of the Knowledge; soweth nothingels but mortal Seeds s Mat. 13. d Luk. 8. c / and Weeds⁏ to an Intangleing; among the Children of Men)/ yet bide not⁏ for-al-that; lying in the deadly Vevym: t Eccli. 21. a but stand-up again/ and repent/ and refreash or renew your Mind in the godly Doctrine/ which⁏ through the Spirit of the lovely Being of God; becometh witnessed and taught in our mostholye Service of the Love/ So shall not then the deadly v Gen. 3. a Mar. 16. b venom of the viperous Generation/ nor your own Wisdom/ destroy you/ nor yet shall ye dye of their Wounds. but become eured there-of/ and made-whole again: and go-fourth even so always obediently⁏ according to the Requiring of the gracious Word and of his Service of Love/ and according to the Counsel of the Elders of the holy Understanding; in the virtuous x Mat. 7. b 22. Nature of the Love ؛the mostholie Being;/ until that ye⁏ with all your Heart and Mind; are y Ephe. 3. b Col. 2. a established and strengthened Therein/ and that God alone have the Dominion. 12. But if it now so comtopas/ O ye beloved Hearts⁏ ye dearly-beloved Children of the holy Spirit of Love; that z Eccli. 21. a anyove should chance to sin/ or overreach himself in anythinge: and perceive/ that he (by reason of his a john. 15. a 2. Cor. 3. a unableness or weakness) were fallen/ Yet let not the same (whilst he yet⁏ in his youngness; standeth under the Discipline of the holy Spirit of Love) suffer himself to be judged nor b 1. john. 3. c condemned/ by his Conscience/ nor yet⁏ on the other side; make c Eccli. 5. a small account of the Sin/ and so runeon lightmyndedlye therewith: but let him d Eccli. 4. a Heb. 13. b humble himself to the Elders or Ministers of the Word in the Service of the Love/ and suffer him to be reformed and e Mat. 18. b instructed by them/ in the gracious Word and his Service of Love: Those shall then f Gal. 6. a jam. 5. b help him up again from his Fall/ and direct him⁏ aright; unto the Way of Life. 13. But let noman judge Himself/ mitch-lesse than Another: For we have⁏ in our communialty of the Love; a true judge/ jesus Christ ؛ g Esa. 33. c Zach. 9 a 14. a our Lord and Ring;/ which executeth the right h Psal. 90. b Esa. 42. a judgement of his Father/ according to the Truth. 14. The same judgeth i Esa. 11. a not after the Sight or judgement of Men/ nor out of any Imagination of the Knowledge/ like as a Man judgeth: but he judgeth with an upright k Esa. 11. a 42. ● judgement/ out of the true Being of his Father. 15. He is unto us⁏ in all our Walking; l Psal. 36 a john. 4. b a Fountain of Life/ and to a Making-alyve of us all/ m Sap. 16. b against the Death and the deadly Venom of the sin. 16. We have also⁏ through Him; a daily n Num. 28. a Heb. 9 a Offering in the Holy of his spiritual and true Tabernacle. 17. Into which Holy/ he is gone before us: and therein he himself beareth o Esa. 53. b john. 1. d 1. Pet. 2. c 4. a our Sins/ through his Suffering and Death of the Cross. Wherethrough He showeth or teacheth us the upright Offering for our Syunes: and prepareth for us even so a free Entrance with Him/ p Heb. 10. b into the Holy/ to an eternal and living Way. 18. WHen we now are entered into this Holy/ with Him/ so manneth he then himself with us/ to an Implantinge of us in him/ with the like q Rom. 6. a Death of his Cross/ for to cruciste and slay even so⁏ through his Suffering and Death; the sinful Flesh/ r Gal. 5. c with his Lusts and Desires. 19 Through which daily Godseruice and s Num. 28. a Heb. 9 a Offering/ in the Holy⁏ in the taking up of our Cross; in the t Mat. 16. c Mar 8. d Imitation of Christ/ in his Death/ we obtain the v Act. 13. c 1 jeb. 9 b Remission of Sins. 20. From which Death⁏ that we so x Rom. 6. a dye or passe-thorowe with Christ; we arise y 2. Tim. 2. b or stand-up again with Him and all his holy ones (which He⁏ even like as Us; hath z 1. Cor. 6. o 1. Pet. 1. b Heb. 9 b Apo. 5. a bought and fanctified with his Blood): and become even so godded with the eternal/ living/ and almighty Godeas' true Children of God unto Him; in all jone a Esa. 35.52. b Rom. 8. b and Glory/ for to possess heyrlike b Mat. 25. d the Kingdom of God and Christ/ in the everlasting Life/ according to the c Ephe. 1. a Promises: eaven-like as the Scripture mentioneth unto us. 21. FOr-that-cause⁏ my beloved jufances in the Love; forsake not⁏ in anywise; d Mat. 16. c Mar 8. d Luk. 14. c the Cross of Christ/ nor his Gulfed or Meate-offeringe: nor yet heap you up to yourselves/ one Sin e Ecch. 5. a upon another: but take-up f Mat. 16. c 1. Pet. 2. c 4. a your Cross: followe-aftter Christ/ the Scoole-of-grace: become implanted to Him/ baptized in his g Rom. 6. a Gal. 3. c Act. 2. d 3. c Death/ washed with his Blood/ and so purged/ to the Forgeeving of your Sins. 22. Doubt nor despair not of your Salvation: nor yet become you h Esa. 35.41.43 feeble-minded in your Spirit. Fear not also/ although your Sins⁏ which make-up themselves against you; be many and many folde● and although that you find yourselves yet infirm and weak: but be i Esa. 35. a of good cheer/ and bide always k Ecch. 2. a Mat. 24. b Heb. 12. a steadfast in the good William. 23. For we have/ over our mostholye Service of the Love⁏ and over all such as humble them thereunder; a gracious and merciful God/ which knoweth well what we are l 1. Cor. 10. b able to do. He doth also rightwell see-into and behold the Heart/ what we there will and desire. 24. If we then desire in our youngness and Weakness/ to live⁏ with whole Heart; in Gods holy Being: and yet notwithstanding stumble/ stagger or fall someimes/ m Rom. 7. b against our will/ So looketh He in like-maner⁏ with gracious Eyes; on our jufirmitie or Weakness. Yea/ He himself hath also n Heb. 2. b 5. a. Compassion with us in our Weakness and Smarts: and beareth⁏ with Patience o Rom. 2. a and Longesufferinge; our Sins: requiring no more of us/ then we are able to do. 25. seeing now then that we⁏ in this same Day of the Love; have obtained such Grace and Mercy/ before the Mosthighest/ so take then good-heede⁏ Oyee chosen holy ones of God; to hissame p Esa. 49. 2. Cor. 6. a gracious Time/ to the purging of your Spirit and q Ephe. 4. e Mind/ under the Obedience of the Love: and cease not to r Luk. 18. a Rom. 12. b sigh and pray unto your God/ until that ye have felt and tasted in your Spirit⁏ with Eyes of pure s Mat. 5. a Hearts; the Refreashing from the clear and uncovered t 2. Cor. 3. b 4. a Face of Christ. 26. Wherefore/ whenas now your stumbling and falling/ becometh daily figured very great and horrible before you: and that ye for-that-cause⁏ being woeful of heart; feel yet v Oze. 13. b 1. Cor. 15. f the prickings of the Sin/ the Darts of the Death/ and the Condemnation of the Hell/ or bear the same/ with angwish; in your Hearts/ Yet fear not/ nor the dismayed in your Hearts: x Esa. 35. a 41. but shewe-fourth y Heb. 10. d lamb. 1. a Patience: and z 1. Pet. 2. c 4. a. followe-after Christ/ in his Suffering. 27. For those are the Days a Dan. 12. b Mat. 24. c of Affliction/ Hea●●yes/ and Death/ wherein Christ hath gone before you/ in the Holy/ for to prepare you⁏ through the same b Rom. 6. a Heb. 9 b Death of the Cross; the everlasting forgiveness and Redemption of Sins: as there is before said. 28. In this time of your Suffering and Angwish⁏ with Christ; for your Sins 'cause/ give yourselves daily c Luk. 11. b 18. Rom. 12. b unto Prayer: (Leave not of to pray unto God/ until that ye⁏ through the holy Spirit of Love; become atpeace in your Conscience d Ephe. 3. b 4 c incorporated with your Spirit and Mind/ to the lovely Being of God and e 2. Cor. 1. a comforted evenso by God⁏ in the communialty of the Love; in your Hearts:) And let everyone pray unto God⁏ f john. 4. c in the Spirit; after this manner The XXI. Chap. A daily Prayer/ for to pray evenso unto God/ when one inseeth and knoweth that he hath sinned/ or overreached himself in anythinge: and beareth grief and sorrow therefore/ in his Heart/ or is ful-of-heavynes. O Lord God/ heavenly Father⁏ O God/ full of all a EXo. 34. a Psal. 86.103.145 Grace/ Goodness/ and Mercy; thou which hast promised b Esa. 1. c 55. a. jer. 3. b 4. a 31. Ezec. 18. c 33. b joel. 2. b and assured thy Grace/ and forgiveness of Sins/ unto all them that⁏ with repentant Hearts; turn them unto thee/ Be now c Luk. 18. b gracious unto me/ O holy Father/ and forgive me my Sins: purge d Psal. 51. b my Heart from the Iniquity/ and wash-awaye all mine Offences. 2. O/ how woe and e Psal. 31. b sorrowful am I/ in my Soul: and how gree5uouslie am I streeken and wounded in my Mind/ for my Sins cause: 3. O God⁏ my Lord and Father; remember f Psal. 79. a not/ I beseech thee⁏ in thy righteous judgement; the manifolde-sort of my Sins: but think upon the Grace of thy hearty mercifulness/ which thou hast promised and assured to thy House of love. namely/ that thou wilt g Psal. 89. d Esa. 54. a nevermore withdraw thy Grace and Mercy from us/ nor from any of them all/ that h Levit. 26 a Deut. 28. a give or submit themselves under the Service and Counsel of thy House of love. 4. Wherefore⁏ O holy Father; seeing that we⁏ in these i joel. 2. c Act. 2. b last Days; have found such Grace/ Favour/ and Mercy⁏ which shall endure forever; before thine Eyes/ that thou wilt k 2. Patal. 6. not⁏ at any time; world-without-ende/ reject us our Sins 'cause but teach and inform us⁏ as a gracious l Pro. 3. b Heb. 12. b Father; with manly m Psal. 94. b Chastisement/ to Amendment: help us then now⁏ O holy Father/ in our Need and Misery/ when we call unto thee/ and whilst thy Help is daily needful unto us. For without thy Help/ we are able to do nothing. 5. O God/ be thou our n Psal. 91. a 94. Fortresse-of-defence/ in our Weakness: and remember/ that we⁏ without thy power; are able to do nothing. For whenas thy mighty Hand⁏ with thy Goodness; doth not stay us up/ then are we all/ like unto a o Luk. 7. e Reed that is moved heere-and-theare with every Wind: that doth also lightly bow and p Esa. 36. a break/ when one leaneth upon it/ or stayeth him thereon. 6. And in like-maner/ as the Flowers and the herbs of the Field/ do whither and fade-away: evenso⁏ O Lord; is all q Esa. 40. a. 1. Pet. 1. c jam. 1. b Flesh/ before thy Face. For-that-cause⁏ O God; we sin verye-much before thee. 7. But⁏ r 1 Luk. 6. d merciful Father; whenas we iurne us away from the Iniquity: confess our sins/ and leave them: and sigh/ pray/ and cry unto thee/ for thy Favour and Grace/ So receive we then s Ezec. 18. d 33 joel. 2. c Mercy at thy hand: and thou receivest us⁏ as thy beloved Children; t Psal. 103. b into thy Favour/ forgeevinge all our Offences: v Ezec. 18.33. and remember'st nomore our Sins. But thou remember'st x Esa. 54. a 55. jer. 31. d thy covenant of Grace/ that thou hast made with thy House of Love: and thinkest on all thy Love and y 2. Paral. 6. Mercy/ which thou hast promised to take-effect⁏ in these last times; on us/ and on all such as adjoin themselves to thy People Israel [namely/ to the communialty of thy Love]/ and z Esa. 54. a jer. 31. d Eze. 36.37. c covenanted to keep or continue the same for ever. 8. In all this⁏ thy; abundant Grace/ Love/ and Mercy/ which thou⁏ O most holy Father; art extending on us/ We acknowledge⁏ in the Truth; that thou art a gracious God toward us/ and a Act. 13. e 15. b Ephe. 2. b Tit. 2. b 3. a iustifyest/ and savest us⁏ through thy Christ; from the sin 9 OR all this⁏ thy; Goodness/ Love/ and Mercy/ and on all that thou⁏ O holy Father; hast foresaid and promised unto us Singleminded b Mat. 11. c 18. a and Littleous⁏ which are adjoining ourselves in thy communialty of the holy ones/ under the Obedience of thy Love; I will altogether trust or stay myself (O yea⁏ my God; on thy Grace.) Thy Goodness/ Love/ and Wisdom/ c Psal. 25. a john. 16. b lead me in all thy Truth. Amen. The XXII. Chap. A common Prayer/ for to pray evenso unto God⁏ in the Spirit; one for another/ and to confess our Sins with each-other: and so to seek all help and Comfort at the Lords hand/ when we⁏ for the Sifies cause; are become sorowful-minded/ and feeble-hearted. O Lord⁏ thou almighty God; a Lord of Heaven and Earth: Thou art the same which alone is righteous: whose a Psal. 19 b Dan. 3. c 4. d rob. 3. a Apo. 15. a Ways and judgements/ are upright and true. Now⁏ O Lord; be mindful of us: and extend thy Mercy over us. Revendge thee not on us/ b Tob. 3. for our Sins cause: and c Psal. 79. a think not once⁏ O God; on our Offences. 2. We acknowledge and confess⁏ O God; that we have grievously d Dan. 9 a sinned. and not done/ that which is right before thine Eyes. Now⁏ O Lord God/ heavenly Father; We Poor and Miserable/ lay us down before thee/ c Psal. 110. a 1. Cor. 15. c to a Footstool for thy Feet: Deal with us; O God; according to thy William. 3. O Lord/ let us f rob. 3. find Grace before thine Eyes⁏ thou Lord of Lords; which art⁏ assuredly; full of all Grace. O Lord/ remember we beseech thee/ that we⁏ out of our earthly Birth; are g Gen. 3. b Psal. 103. b nothing but Dust: yea nothing but h Ecch. 10. a 18. earth and ashes: and must⁏ without thy Spirit; wither as the i Esa. 40. a 1. Pet. 1. c jam. 1. b Grass of the Field: for there is no power by us. 4. Therefore⁏ O God; extend presently thy Mercy on thy Handworke: k Psa. 119. d 14; teach us through thy Law or ordinance; thy Will: takeaway from us/ the ungodly Being l Rom. 7. c of the Sin and Death/ and m Psal. 51. b purge our Hearts from the Iniquity: and strengthen us in thy Righteousness. n Psal. 25. a. 27.119. d. 143. b Lead us⁏ O God; in thy Ways: and let thy holy Spirit reign over Us/ for otherwise we are able to do nothing⁏ O God; before thee. 5. O Lord/ Lord⁏ thou Most-highest; sanctify thy o Mat. 6. b Luk. 11. a Name/ To th'end that thy Glory may become known. For p Apo. 5. b all Honour/ Laude/ and Praise/ belongeth to thee only: For thou alone art holy. 6. But unto us⁏ O God; there belongeth nothing-els/ but all baseness/ shame/ reproach/ and contempt: for we have not q Baruch. 1. b 2 Dan. 9 a loved thee/ nor sought thee with heart/ nor yet inquired after Thee/ or after thy Ways: but have walked r Psal. 81. b jer. 18. b 25.35 Baruch. 2. c according to our Desires/ and according to the Selfmindednes of our Thoughts: and are⁏ with our will; so deepe-sonken in the sin/ that we⁏ O God; without thy Help/ cannot become reseased. 7. WHilst now⁏ O God; that thou hast no s rob. 3. b Ezech. 18. d pleasure in our Destruction/ so call we⁏ O Lord; to thee/ that thou wilt vouchsafe to strengthen our Mind: and cure us/ of our Miseries. O Lord/ make us t Psal. 41. a jer. 17. b whole/ and bring us toright again. 8. O Lord God/ heavenly Father/ bring us toright again. For thou art almighty⁏ O Lord; which art the v Esa. 43.44.45 God of all the World: For besides thee/ there is no God more. 9 O God/ let us not x 3. Reg. 22. b Psal. 119. s Esa. 53. b err any longer/ nor be estranged any farther from thee: but help us: Otherwise we must perish. O Lord/ y Cant. 1. a pluck us to thee: prepare our Heart: and lead us out of the z Mat. 24. b Desolation of the horrible World. 10. Be merciful unto us⁏ O God; be merciful unto us/ and lead us out of the Destruction: For our Heart calleth to thee. 11. Destroy us not⁏ O God; a Psal. 26. a with the wicked Nature of Vngodlynnes: but b Psal. 94. b chasten and nurture us⁏ O most-lovinge Lord; with thy c Pro. 3. b Heb. 12. b fatherly Discipline/ according to thy good pleasure. For our Heart bydeth-waitinge for thee/ O God/ for thy Grace. AMEN. H. N.