The Lord General MONCK, Capt. General of all the ARMIES and FORCES In ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, and one of the Generals at Sea. The humble ADDRESS of the Officers of your excellency's Army, in the Name of Themselves and their Brethren, as it was presented to his Excellency this 2d. day of May, 1660. By us whose Names are Subscribed. ALthough we cannot doubt of your excellency's confidence in our Affections, and our faithfulness to your Excellency, and that Discipline which by your good and prudent Conduct hath been Exercised over us, whereby we are instructed in an entire Obedience to your Excellency; and that Authority which the Lord shall place over us, which we hope we have manifested in our late Actings under your Excellency, against all Persons whatsoever in any ways disturbing the Peace and Settlement of the Nation; although some of them have been our Brethren formerly engaged in the same Cause with us, as also in our late Remonstrance and Address to your Excellency; wherein, as it becomes us in Duty, we have solemnly declared to acquiesce in what the Lord shall bring forth from the Consultations of this present Parliament. Yet in regard your Excellency hath been pleased to Communicate unto us a Letter and Declaration from the King's Majesty, full of gracious Expressions; we cannot but acknowledge that the matter of it gives a great measure of quiet to our minds, and more than ordinary Expectations of the enjoyment of much tranquillity and Happiness under his majesty's Government. The Free and General indemnity offered by his Majesty, with a Liberty for Tender Consciences, Satisfaction of Arrears, and his readiness to consent to a Confirmation of Sale and other Grants and Purchases of Estates to all Persons now in possession of the same, is that, of which, as we cannot doubt of the real performance, being left by his Majesty to the Parliaments determination, so we believe it is the most probable way to bring the Nations to their desired Settlement. And we hope to Evince to his Majesty, and all the world, that we and all those that have been engaged in the Parliaments Cause, are his majesty's best and most loyal Subjects; And that your Excellency, and the Armies under your Command, have complied with the Obligations, for which they were first raised; for the preservation of the true Protestant Religion, the Honour and Dignity of the King, the privileges of Parliament, the Liberty and Property of the Subject, and the Fundamental Laws of the Land. Charles Howard Coll. Richard Ingoldesby Coll. Herbert Morley Coll. Sir John Lentball Coll. Ralph Knight Coll. Th. fag Coll. John Clobery Coll. Thomas Read Coll. Leonard Lytcott Coll. John Hublethorne Coll. John Birch Coll. Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper Col. Jor. Bridges Col. Co Robert Venables Governor of Chester. Col. Sir Peter Killigrew Governor of Pendennis Castle. Col. William Morris Governor of Plymouth. Col. Carew Raleigh Governor of Jarsey. Col. Sir John Carter Governor of Beaumorris and Holyhead. Col. George Crompton Governor of the Block-house at Gravesend, and Fort of Tilbury. Sir Will. Appletree Deputy Governor of Scylley. Ethelbert Morgan Lieut. Coll. James Mutlow. Lieut. Coll. Henry Needler Lieut. Coll. William Farley Lieut. Coll. Joseph Witter Lieut. Coll. James Emerson Lieut. Coll. Richard Hatt Lieut. Coll. George Weldon Lieut. Coll. Dennis Pepper Lieut. Col. Thomas Johnston Major. Philip Prime Major. Jeremiah Smith Major. Richard Scot Major. Sylam Callant Major. Robert Huntington Major. James Dennis Major. John Farmer Major. John Clarke Major. Daniel Lisle Major. Francis Nicholls Major. Benjamin Gifford Major. Thomas White Major. Tho. Clarges Commissary-Gen. of the Musters. John Clarke Commissaries of Musters. Jos. Stubbin Commissaries of Musters. Sam. Barrow Physi. to the Army. Tho. Gumble Scout-master Gen. Jo. Miller Adjutant General. Richard Merist Adjut. General. Will. Disher Adjutant Gen. Richard Gerard Marshal Gen. Thomas Fleetwood Commissary of the Ammunition. Phil. Howard Captain of the lifeguard. John Butler Captain. Edmond Warcuppe Captain. Oliver Nicholas Captain. George Elsemore Captain. Henry Jones Captain. John Barker Captain. William Salkeld Captain. Peter Wilmott Captain. Thomas Coulson Captain. Henry Ogle Captain. Natth. Harrison Captain. Francis Hacker Captain. Thomas Milward Captain. Thomas Munns Captain. Anthony Buller Captain. William Goodwin captain. John campbel captain. Edward Bertles captain. Thomas Hooper captain. John Paddon captain. Anthony Nowers captain. Thomas Simnell captain. John Collins captain. John Mutlow captain. Thomas Mansfield captain. R. Harley Lt. to the lifeguard. George Lassells Lieut. Thomas Figes Lieut. James Cole Lieut. Richard Barker Lieut. Sam. Bridges Lieut. H. Monck Cornet to the Life-g: William Maslin Cornet. John grant quartermaster. Richard Collins quartermaster. Thomas Cutchley chirurgeon. John Price Chaplain. William Clarke Secretary. Matthew Lock Secretary. St. James' 2d. May 1660. Ordered by His Excellency the Lord General MONCK, that this address be forthwith Printed and published. William's clerk Secter. London, Printed by William Godbid for John Playford. 1660.