July .5. 1649 An Act for redrese of the Complaint ˢ and q●●●●ntes of the People against Master's Collectors Officers and Soldiers. Vide voll. 8th. fol. 53. single sheets. blazon of the Commonwealth AN ACT Touching the Moneys & Coins OF ENGLAND. Whereas the Ordering of Moneys and Coins, and setting the same at such valuations and prizes as shall be thought convenient & necessary, is appropriate and of right belonging to the Sovereign and Supreme Authority of this Commonwealth; And the Parliament having Resolved to change and alter the former Stamps, Arms, Pictures, with the Mottoes, Words, Styles and juscriptions in and about the same, and to cause new Coins of Gold and Silver to be made of several Stamps, Weights and Values, but of one uniform Standard and Alloy, to be current within this State and Commonwealth of England; (that is to say) One piece of Gold of the value of Twenty shillings Sterlin, to be called, The Twenty shillings piece, stamped on the one side with the Cross, and a Palm and Laurel, with these words, The Commonwealth of ENGLAND; and on the other side with the Cross and Harp, with these words, God with us: One other piece of Gold money of Ten shillings, to be called, The Ten shillings piece; and one other piece of Gold money of Five shillings, to be called, The Five shillings piece, with the same Words, Inscriptions, Pictures and Arms on each side, as the former: And for Silver moneys, pieces of Five shillings, and pieces of Two shillings and six pence, and pieces of Twelve pence, and pieces of Six pence, having the same Words, juscriptions, Pictures and Arms on each side as the former; Also pieces of Two pence, and One penny, having the same Pictures and Arms as the former, without any Words or Inscriptions; and the Half penny having on the one side a Cross, and on the other side a Harp: All which several Coins of Gold and Silver, The Parliament doth hereby Enact, Declare, Publish and Authorise to be amongst others heretofore used, the Money's current for this State and Commonwealth of England, to be used and received by all the People of this Nation, in all Receipts and Payments, and in all manner of Traffiquing, Bargaining and Dealing between man and man, at the several rates and values contained in the Schedule or Table hereunto annexed, expressing their true Values and Weights, according to the Account of the Mint within the Tower of London. Peny weights 20. Grains 24. Mites 20. Droits 24. Perits 20. Blanks 24. Pieces of Gold. S. xx 05 20 10 00 00 00 S. x 02 22 05 00 00 00 S. v 01 11 02 12 00 00 Pieces of Silver. S. v 19 08 10 08 00 00 S. d. two vi 09 16 05 04 00 00 d. xii 03 20 18 01 10 00 d. vi 01 22 09 00 15 d. two 00 15 09 16 05 d. i 00 07 14 20 02 12 ob. 00 03 17 10 01 06 Memorandum, Twelve Ounces makes a pound weight Troy; Twenty penny weight makes an Ounce; Twenty four Grains makes a penny weight; Twenty Mites makes a Grain; Twenty four Droits makes a Mite; Twenty Perits makes a Droit; Twenty four Blanks makes a Perit. Die Martis, 17 Julii, 1649. ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Act be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliament'. London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Parliament of England, 1649.