Mid ' ss. Ad General' Quartenal' Session' Pacis Dom' Regis & Dom' Reginae, tent' pro come Mid ' apud Hicks's-Hall in St. John's-Street, in com praed' Die Lunae, scilicet Vicessimo Septimo Die Junii, Anno Regni Dom' & Dom' nostr'. Gulielmi & Mariae, Dei Gratia, Ang. Scot Fran. & Hib. Regis & Reginae, Fidei Defensor' etc. Quarto; coram Joh. Dom' Ossulston, Jacobo Mundy Arm. Ric. Bulkely Bar' Car. Lee Mil' Guil. Pritchard Mil' Jac. Smith Mil' Johanne Elwes Mil' Thoma Rowe Mil' Carolo Umfrevile Mil' Thoma Lane Mil' Thoma Owen, Samuele Buck, Thoma Johnson, Jacobo Cardrow, Lancelot Johnson, Craven Peyton, Andrea Laurence, Johanne Pery, Maynard Colchester, Josepho Offley, Johanne Herbert, Theophilo Eyton, Thoma Hariot, Thoma Smith, Thoma Hall, Radolpho Bucknal, Rogero Jennings, Nic. Grice, Henrico Hawley, Richardo Woodward, Richardo Shoreditch, Joh. Wilson, Waltero Bridal, Richardo Milner, Gulilelmo Allestree, Gulielmo Withers, Gulielmo Underhill, Georgio Bohun, Leonardo Hancock, Edwardo Chamblaine LL. D. Thoma Alston, Johanne duval & Gideon Harvey in Medicinis Doctore Arm. Justic' Dictorum Dom' Regis & Dom' Reginae ad pacem in come praed. conservand' nec non ad divers ' Felon' Trangrs' & al' Malefact', in eodem Com' perpetrat' audiend' & terminand' assign. etc. WHEREAS their Majesties, both by their several Letters and Proclamations, have from time to time been graciously pleased to declare their earnest desire, That all the Laws against Vice and Profaneness be duly Executed, and have expressly Commanded us Their Majesty's Justices of the Peace of this County, to take the most effectual Care for the due Execution thereof: And whereas this Court in pursuance of Their Majesty's Commands, have by their Order, bearing date the Tenth Day of July last, Commanded all High Constables, Petty Constables, Headburoughs, Churchwardens and other Officers within this County, to Use their utmost Diligence, for bringing to condign Punishment all the Offenders against the said Laws, which upon the Oaths of divers credible Witnesses (as we are informed) hath through the diligence of the Officers, in divers parts of this County had this good effect, that many Houses of disorderly Tippling, Debauchery and Gaming have been suppressed, and very great Numbers of Bawds, Whores, and other Lewd Persons, profane Swearers, Cursers, Drunkards, and Prophaners of the Lords day, have been Convicted and Punished according to Law; Yet notwithstanding in some other parts of this County, through the Negligence, Connivance and Evil Practices of the Constables, Headburoughs, Churchwardens and other inferior Officers of such Places; the Offences aforesaid have received great encouragement, and such Lewd Offenders as had been so suppressed, have been yet received and permitted there to continue such their Lewd Practices. This COURT therefore taking the same into their serious consideration, and being steadfast in their Resolutions, effectually to carry on a Reformation of manners by the due punishment of the several Offences aforesaid, in all parts of this County, the same being a Work acceptable to Almighty God; and so earnestly and piously recommended by Their Majesties, Doth Order and strictly Require, all High Constables, Petty Constables, Headburoughs, Churchwardens, and all other Officers, to be diligent in making more frequent searches after such as keep Houses of disorderly Tippling, Debauchery and Gaming, and such as haunt the same, and of the said Offenders, and of all profane Swearers, Gursers, Drunkards, and Prophaners of the Lords Day, and to give due Information thereof, from time to time, to some One of Their Majesty's Justices of the Peace of this County, That no Partiality, Connivance, or underhand Practices, by private Notice to Offenders, or any other ways, by such Officers may prevent the. Conviction, or Detection of them, but that the several Offenders may be punished, according to Law; And whereas the public Sports, and playing of Boys, and others, on the Lords Day, in Churchyards and elsewhere, is a great Contempt to the Worship of God, and tends to the Corruption of Youth; The said Officers are therefore hereby Ordered, and Required to take notice on the said days, of such disorders, and to disperse such Prophaners of the Lords day, or to apprehend them, and to bring them before One of Their Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County; that they may be proceeded against according to Law; And we being resolved to proceed with all due strictness against all such Officers is shall be found faulty in the due observance of this our Order, do recommend it to all persons who shall at any time hereafter have Knowledge of any of the Offences aforesaid, or of any neglect or undue Practice of any Officers aforesaid, whereby the Conviction or Punishment of any of the said Offences shall be hindered, or avoided, that they will give timely Information thereof, to some One of Their Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the said County, from whom they shall receive all due Encouragement; And whereas the keeping of Music Houses of late practised in several public Taverns and Alehouses within this County, to which there is a great Resort of Idle and Dissolute Persons, is of very ill Consquence, and tends to the Debauching and Ruin, especially of the younger sort of people, of both Sexes, and doth also occasion many Quarrels and Riots, to the great disturbance of the public Peace. It is hereby further Ordered, that the several Officers aforesaid, do make a due Return to some Justice of the Peace in their respective Division of the Christian Name, Surname, and Place of abode, of all Persons keeping the said Music Houses, and of such as frequent the same, to the end they may be prosecuted according to Law; And it is further Ordered by this Court, that the Clerk of the Peace for this County, do forthwith cause this Order to be Printed and Affixed upon the great Gates of Hicks's-Hall, the Church Doors, and all other Public Places of each Parish within this County, and distributed to the several High-Constables within this County, who are Ordered by this Courr forthwith to send the same to the several Petty Constables, Churchwardens and Headburoughs within their several Divisions, to the end Public Notice may be taken thereof. per Cur' FOX. LONDON, Printed by Tho. Braddyll. 1692.