THE French King's DREAM, WHICH He had in His COACH Going to MARLY; Together with its EXPLICATION. By the Sieur Van Beuninghen, late Ambassador from the State's General here in England. LICENCED November 22. 1689. J. F. LONDON, Printed for R. B. and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin, in the Old Bailie, MDCLXXXIX. THE PUBLISHER TO THE READER. AMong others, who have entertained Us with their Reveries upon a late Dream of the French Kings, Monsieur van Beuninghen has been very lately pleased to publish at the Hague, his performances upon the same Subject both in French and Dutch. To gratify the curious of our Nation, they are also now put into English, and the rather, seeing He is a Man so eminent through the World, on the account of his several Negotiations and long Ministry of Public Affairs, and more especially at the Court of Great Britain, where he was Ambassador for many Years: Tho' possibly this Statesman's Friends will be sorry to find he has so far outlived himself, That from Secrets he is come to Revelations. An Interpretation Of The DREAM WHICH The French KING had in His Coach, going to Marly. PARISH, November the 11th. The KING being in his Coach at Marly, Dreamt He saw the Heavens on a Flame; and that a very thich Smoak issued out of the Earth, of which was form a very Numerous Army of Men like to Black-Smiths. And that the Person who Commanded them in chief was mounted upon a Horse half grey, half green, and that He was clad in a Coat half Gold, half Iron, wearing a Breastplate of Lead, and Brass Boots, and having a Wooden-Sword, He fell a Crying, Now must Men Fight, for the hour is come that they who will not Fight, must Perish. That then the KING heard two lamentable Screams, and that He afterwards perceived that the Earth trembled, and that all that Multitude of Smiths was swallowed up. That in a little time after there appeared a fair Forest full of Stags, and other Animals for Chase, and that He called out to the Hunters who were surrounding it, Kill, Kill, for the Game is good. Whereupon he awaked, and told His Dream to the whole Court, and added, that He would give Twenty Thousand Golden Lovises to know its Interpretation, and then became very Pensive. If this Article of the Gazettier be true, as it is likely: it first seems to me very remarkable, that the French King (who may be looked upon as the Nebuchadonosor of our Time in Christendom) has had a Dream, or rather a Vision in Dreaming, which He has taken so much to heart, as to have declared He would pay so dear for its Interpretation: And that the Great Assyrian Monarch had the same fondness, but with so much the more Passion, as that He had lost the remembrance of his Vision, and that He stood in need of a new Manifestation, which to know, could only come from God; whereas that to satisfy His Majesty, there needs no more than a Man who understands the Interpretation of the Prophecies to which His Vision does relate. I believe that the Great and Good God has endued me with this Grace, and that I shall not swerve from the Truth in affirming, That the King's said Dream is come from Heaven, to let His Majesty know, that the last hour is come of the Accomplishment of the Prophecies, grounded upon the Apparition of Nebuchadonosor's Image or Statue, and of the second coming of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, and of that Stone cut out without hand, which will break to pieces and abolish all other Kingdoms, by Establishing this of God, and of the Saints here upon Earth, will suddenly become manifest, to give the final Conclusion to all the Prophecies. I shall presuppose that they who shall read this, have already taken, or would be willing to take the pains of reading my Remarks and Annotations on St. John's Revelation, and what is writ in my first Letter to David Pina, concerning the true sense of the Prophecies of Daniel, in the 2d. and 7th Chapters, so far as they are applicable to the Promise of the Reign of God and of the Saints upon Earth. I moreover entreat them to read with attention the said 2d. and 7th Chapters of Daniel, the last verse of the 8th, all the 9th, and the 11 last verses of the 16th, and the 13th, and 14th of the 11th Chapter, and the 16th verse of the 17th of the Revelations. And then most maturely to consider, whether the Heaven on a Fire does not evidently signify the just Anger of God, denoted in the Revelations made by our Saviour to St. John, by the Seven Angels which should inflict the last Plagues, and of whom the three last (which the King's Dream levels at) are to be the most fatal; as is very clearly said in the said last verse of the 8th Chapter. The thick Smoke issuing from the Earth, is doubtless that which the Gulf of the Bottomless Pit vomits out of its Flaming Furnace, and which darkens the Sun, and produces the strangely Monstrous and most pernicious Locusts, or the most infamous and black Corrupters of Christian Morality, and of true Felicity; and the most dangerous Disturbers of the Public Peace that have been in any time since there has been Men: And who, as my said Annotations and Remarks do make appear, by Diabolical Artifices, and the inconceiveable Blindness of those they have deluded, have occasioned all the Wars and Inhumanities' that have afflicted Christendom for above these 160 Years, through the mad Disputes and Differences in Matters of Religion. And so much the more Credence is to be given to this my Interpretation, for that, not only several of the Calvinist Writers have taken the Jesuits, and such like Religious and Political Monks for the said Locusts: but, more especially, because that my said Annotations have been communicated to those they so grievously accuse, without any one having undertaken to Refute me, among all the Prelates, Professors, Doctors, and Preachers of the Three Sects now Ruling: Namely, of the Papal, Lutheran, and Calvinian Heresies, to whom this horrible Crime is more especially imputed, than to all other Heretical Assemblies that have swerved from the Union, which is not to be found or procured, save by Preaching the Gospel all alone without Explication and humane Doctrines, as was done in the Primitive Church, and by taking care that Charity (which is the true Character of Christianity) be Christianly observed with all the other Duties imposed upon us by the Precepts of the Gospel, for the being Temporally and Eternally happy. And as the said Locusts were changed into Frogs, in the Revelations, to make up the Scene of the impure and diabolical Spirits that have excited the present Wars, or the War of that great Day of the Almighty God, as is seen in the 14th. and 15th. Verses of the said 16th. Chapter of the Revelations. It is in no wise strange, that those same Children of Darkness have appeared to the King under the Image of Darkness, that so their blackness might denote this Original; but more especially, because that the great Slaughter in the present Wars, is to be made according to the Prophecies, by Fire, and by Smoke, and by Sulphur, and that the Smith's Trade is carried on by the Ministry of the Fire. The General of this most numerous, black, and infernal Army which the King has seen, is evidently the same, who in the 11th. verse of the said 9th. Chapter, is called the King. The said Locusts and the Angel of the bottomless Pit, who in the Hebrew Tongue is called Abaddon, and in the Greek hath his Name Apollyon or Destroyer. The strange variety of Colours of his Horse denotes, That these Calamities proceed from the Spirit of the Monks, and from that of false Christians who resemble them, herein represented by the Grey, and for one part by the Secular Spirit, which is the most shining, is denoted by the Green. The Divinity and capricious mixture of the Metals, does doubtless signify, that this Vision does refer to Nebuchadonosor's Statue; and though we do not here find the Potter's Clay, and that the Gold which made the Head of the said Statue is here joined to Iron, whereas the Iron was joined to the Potter's Clay in the Feet of the said Statue: And further, that the Gold is here combined to the Iron in the Coat and not in the Feet. Methinks that this transplacing is not without Mystery, by reason that what was far off, or at the further end of the Body, or at the 〈◊〉 Nebuchadonosor's time, does now surround and wound us at present, as would do a very heavy, rugged, and insupportable Coat of Gold and Iron. In all the rest there is no notable Diversity, if the King saw Silver instead of Lead, if the aforesaid Advice says true. But this seems to me more especially noteworthy, That in the King's Vision, the Gold which formed the Head of the said Statue of Nebuchadonosor is mingled with Iron, or rather is joined to the Iron instead of Clay, not only because that Gold can no more be confounded or incorporated with Iron than with Clay. But above all, because the present Ecclesiastical State, and specially in the Church of Rome, is become very rich, principally because the diobolical Pride of the Bishop of Rome, who has raised himself above all that is called God, and is seated in the Temple of God as God, does very energically betoken the Assyrian Monarchy, which was the greatest, the most pompous, and the most superb of all. Besides, that the Image or Statue of Nebuchadonosor which seems extreme high, fair and terrible in the Description of the four Monarchies, signified the Mammon, or the World perverted, which wrongfully, seems to us so great, so fine, and in its turn so terrible in this short, silly and wretched Life of worldly Men: And that the Gold is at the long run degenerated into Iron and Clay, gives to understand the deterioration or growing worse of Ages, the Ages of the World, which the Christian Religion, all divine, and all reasonable, and all beautifying, as it is, has not been able to hinder, by reason of the deceit and fraud of the Devil, and his Doctrine preached among Christians. I am not the first that has shown, That Iron joined with Clay to form a Member composed of those two unsociable Materials, signifies, the discording Concord of the Secular and Ecclesiastical Powers, which compose one and the same Civil Society. And methinks there is nothing that aught to appear more strange, and serve more to confirm this Exaltation, than the incredible things that is found by observing, That in the time of Nebuchadnosor, an Assyrian Monarch could put all those soothsayers to Death by one single Command. And that the Bishops of Rome in a Religion which teaches the respecting and obeying of Sovereign and Secular Powers, have been able to misuse Emperors, Kings, Princes and States, in such manner as is well known. The Wooden Sword must denote, That the ecclesiastics, who are the principal Actors in this Tragedy, have only a Staff of Command to put in action the Iron of those that wear it. But in all that the King has seen and heard, there is nothing more notable than the cry of the said infernal General, that Men must fight or perish. To express that the three ruling Sects at this day do banish out of civil Society, & very often persecute, and horribly misuse them that will not side with them, and become as many Antichristians and Heretics as they are, and partake at least by applause in the Tyrannies, Inhumanities', and Wars they set on foot and foment. I have shown in my Annotations upon the Revelations, that the Calamities occasioned by the fifth Angel are over, and that we live under the Plagues of the sixth, of which the present War with the Turks and amongst Christians is the first part, and that they are to be followed or interrupted suddenly, in my Opinion, by the Earthquake, whereof mention is made in the 13th. verse of the 11th. Chapter of the Revelations; but the swallowing up of all the Multitude, seen by the King, is more terrible than in the said 13th verse. But what is still more remarkable than all that has been yet said, is, that the King heard two lamentable Cries, and immediately after saw the said Earthquake, is, that We are still to undergo part of the Calamities of the sixth, and all the great Calamities of the seventh, which are to come very suddenly. The fair Forest afterwards seen by the King, seems to denote the Face of Christendom after the said Earthquake shall have ceased, in those that shall survive it; the Repentance whereof mention is made in the said 13th. verse of the said 11th. Chapter. And methinks, that the Orders which his Majesty has given for the filling the Wild-beasts, give to understand the fulfilling of the Prophecy, which says, That the ten Kings or secular Powers, shall be at the long run undeceived, shall revenge themselves for the deceit and delusion of the Infernal Doctors, who have so villaniously seduced them to the committing such fatal Follies through the zeal of a Religion, which is as contrary to all that is foolish, fatal, as it is the sincere, good and charitable Doctrine of the Gospel; The said avenging Prophecy being described in the said 16th. verse of the said Chapter, with these most memorable words, and the ten Horns which thou sawest upon the Beast, namely the ten Kings before mentioned, they shall hate the Whore and make her desolate and naked. Would to God that neither the ecclesiastics nor the Seculars had bad the boldness to regulate Religion, and that they had taken more care to observe its Precepts, that so we might not have had occasion for such lamentable Remedies. God grant Mercy to the King, and to all such as invoak him in Spirit and Truth: This the Author wishes with all his Soul. Hague, Nou. 19 1689. EXPLICATION DV SONGE Que le Roy de France a eu en son Carosse allant à Marly. DE Paris le 11. Novembre: Le Roy étant à Marli en Carosse songea qu'il voyoit le Ciel en feu; & qu'une fumée trés-épaisse, sortoit de la Terre dont il forma une trés-nombreuse armée d'hommes semblables à des forgerons. Et que le Chef qui les commandoit étoit monté sur un cheval moitié gris, moitié vert, & qu'il étoit uêtu d'une casaque moitié or, moitié fer, portant une cuirasse de plomb, & des bottes d'airain, & ayant une épée de bois, il se mit à crier, il faut se battre presentement, car l'heure est venuë, que ceux qui ne se battront pas periront. Que le Roy entendit ensuite deux lamentables cris, & qu'il vit aprés que la terre trembla, & que toute cette multitude de forgerons fut engloutie. Que peu de temps aprés il parut une belle forest pleine de cerfs & d'autres bestes de chasse, & qu'il cria aux Chasseurs qui l'entouroient, tuë, tuë, car la chasse est bonne. Il s'éveilla là-dessus, & conta son songe à toute la Cour, & ajoûta qu'il donneroit vint mille Louïs d'or pour savoir son interpretation, il a paru ensuite tout reveur. Si l'avis de ce Gazettier est veritable, comme il y a quelque apparence: il me paroît d'abord trés-remarquable, que le Roy de France, que l'on peut considerer comme le Nebucadonosor de nôtre temps dans la Chrêtienté, a eu un songe ou plûtôt une vision en songeant, qu'il a pris si fort à coeur, que d'avoir témoigné de vouloir acheter si cherement son interpretation; & que le grand Monarque Assyrien ait eu le même empressement, mais avec d'autant plus de passion, qu'il avoit perdu le souvenir de sa vision, & qu'il avoit besoin d'un nouvelle manifestation, qui devoit venir de Dieu, pour le savoir, au lieu que pour satisfaire à sa Majesté il ne faut qu'un homme qui sache l'interpretation des Propheties ausquelles sa vision se rapporte. Je crois que le grand & bon Dieu m'a fait cette grace, & que je ne m'éloignera pas de la verité, en disant, que ledit songe du Roy est venu du Ciel, pour saire savoir à sa Majesté que l'heure derniere est venuë de l'accomplissement des Propheties, fondées sur l'apparition de la statuë de Nebucadonosor & de la seconde venuë de nôtre Seigneur Jesus-Christ nôtre Sauveur, & de cette pierre faite sans main, qui brisera & abolira tous les autres Royaumes, en établissant celui de Dieu, & des Saints sur la terre, éclatera bien-tôt, pour donner la finale conclusion à toutes les Propheties. Je présupposera y que ceux qui liront ceci ont déja pris, ou voudront bien prendre la peine de lire mes remarques, & mes annotations sur l'Apocalypse, & ce que l'on trouve dans ma premiere lettre à David Pina, touchant le veritable sens des Propheties de Daniel au Chapitre 2. & 7. entant qu'elles sont applicables à la promesse du Regne de Dieu & des Saints sur la terre. Je les prie de plus, de lire avec attention lesdits 2. & 7. Chapitres de Daniel, le dernier verset du VIII. tout le 9. & les 11. derniers versets du XVI. & les 13. & 14. du Chapitre XI. & le 16. vers. du XVII. de l'Apocalypse. Et de considerer ensuite trésmeurement, si le Ciel en feu ne signifie pas evidemment la juste colere de Dieu, dénotée, dans les revelations faites par nôtre Sauveur à St. Jean, par les 7. Anges qui infligeroient les dernieres playes, & dont les 3. derniers, (ausquels le songe du Roy vise) doivent estre les plus funestes, comme est dit trésclairement audit dernier verset du 8. Chap. La fumée trés-épaisse sortie de la terre, est sans doute celle que le Puis de l'Abysme vomit de sa fournaise ardente, & qui obscurcit le Soleil, & produisit les étrangemens monstreuses, & entierement pernicieuses Sauterelles, ou les plus infames & noirs Corrupteurs de la morale Chiêtienne, & de la uraye felicité, & les plus dangereux Perturbateurs de la paix publique qui ayent été en aucun tems, depuis qu'il y a des hommes: Et qui, comme mesdites annotations & remarques, le font voir par des artifices diaboliques, & par l'inconcevable aveuglement de ceux qu'ils ont trompés, ont causé toutes les guerres & inhumanitez qui ont affligé la Chrêtienté depuis plus de 160▪ ans, par des differens insensés sur la Religion. Et l'on doit adjoûter d'autant plus de foy à cette mienne interpretation, non-seulement, parce que plusieurs d'entre les Ecrivains Calvinistes ont pris les Jesuits, & semblables Religieux & Moines politiques, pour lesdites Sauterelles: mais sur tout parce que mesdites annotations ont été communiquês à ceux qu'elles accusent si grievement, sans que personne ait entrepris de me refuter d'entre tous les Prelats, Professeurs, Docteurs, & Predicateurs des trois Sectes aujourdhui dominantes: à savoir de l'heresie Papale. Lutherienne, & Calvinienne, ausquelles cet horrible crime est plus specialement imputé qu'à toutes les autres assemblées heretiques, qui se sont éloignées de l'union, que l'on ne peut trouver ni conserver qu'en faisant prêcher l'Evangile tout seul sans explication, & doctrines humaines, comme on faisoit dans la Primitive Eglise, & en prennant soin que la charité, qui est le uray charactere du Christianisme, fût Chrêtiennement obseruée avec tous les autres devoirs que les preceptes de l'Evangile nous imposent, pour être temporellement & eternellement heureux. Et comme les sudites Sauterelles ont été changées en Grenoüilles dans l'Apocalypse, pour faire la scene des Esprits impurs & diaboliques, qui ont excité les presentes guerres, ou la Guerre de ce grand jour-là du Dieu Tout-puissant, comme cela se voit au 13 & 15 verset dudit XVI. Chap. de l'Apoc. Il n'est nullement étrange que ces mêmes Enfans des tenebres, ayent paru au Roy sous l'image des Forgerons, afin que leur noirceur marquât leur origine; mais sur tout parce que la grande tuerie dans les guerres d'aujourdhui se doit faire selon les Propheties Par le feu, & par la fumée, & par le souphre, & que la forgerie se fait par le ministére du feu. Le General de cette trés-nombreuse armée noire, infernale que le Roy a uû, est évidemment le même quidans l'XI. v. dudit IX. Chap. est nommé le Roy. Lesdites Sauterelles & L'ANGE DE L'ABIME, qui a nom en Hebreu Abaddon, & duquel le nom est en Grec Appollyon ou destructeur. L'Etrange bigarrure des couleurs de son cheval marque que ces malheurs viennent de l'Esprit des Moines, & de celuy des faux Chrêtiens qui leur ressemblent, marqué ici par le Grissel, & pour une partie par l'esprit seculier, qui comme plus brillant, est denoté par le Vert. La diversité, & le bizarre mélange des metaux signifient indubitablement que cette vision se rapporte à la statuë de Nebucadonosor; & quoy que l'on ne trouve pas ici l'argille, & que l'or qui faisoit la tête de ladite statuë est joint ici au fer, au lieu que le fer étoit à l'Argille aux pieds: & de plus que l'or est ici combiné au fer dans la casaque, & non aux pieds. Il me semble que ce transplacement n'est point sans mystere à cause que ce qui étoit loin, & dans l'extremité du corps, ou aux pieds tu temps de Nebucadonosor, nous environne & nousblesse presentement comme feroit une tres pesante, & tres dure, & insupportable casaque d'or & de fer. Dans tout le reste il n'y a point de diversité notable, si le Roi a veu de l'argent au lieu du plomb, si le sudit avis dit uray. Mais il me paroît sur tout fort notable que dans la vision du Roy, l'or qui formoit la tête de ladite statuë de Nebucadonosor est mêlé avec le fer, ou plûtôt se joint au fer au lieu d'argille, non seulement parce que l'or ne se peut point confondre ni incorporer avec le fer non plus que l'argille. Mais sur tout parce que l'Etat Ecclesiastique d'aujourd'hui, & specialement dans l'Eglise Romaine, est devenu fort riche, principalement par ce que le Diabolique orgueil de l'Evéque de Rome, qui s'est éleué dessus tout ce qui s'appelle Dieu, & est assis dans le Temple de Dieu comme Dieu, marque fort energiquement la Monarchie Assyrienne la plus grande, & la plus pompeuse & la plus superbe de toutes. Outre que la statuë de Nebucadonosor qui parût extrémement haute, belle, & terrible dans la description des quatre Monarchies, a signifié le Mammon ou le monde perverti, qui nous paroît a tort si grand, & si beau, & a son tour si terrible dans cette courte, sotte, & miserable vie des hommes mondains: & que l'Or est degeneré à la fin en fer & argille, fait entendre la deterioration des âges du monde, que la Religion Chrêtienne toute divine, & toute raisonnable, & toute beatifiante qu'elle est, n'a pas pû empêcher, a cause de la fraude du Diable, & de sa doctrine prêchée parmi les Chrêtiens. Je ne suis pas le premier, qui a fait voir, que le fer joint à l'argille pour former un membre composé de ces deux materiaux insociables, signifie la concorde discordante de la puissance Seculiere, & Ecclesiastique qui forme une même societé civile. Et il me semble, qu'il n'y a rien qui doive paroître plus étrange, & qui serve plus à confirmer cette exaltation, que l'incroyable changement que l'on trouve en observant, que du temps de Nebucadonosor un monarque d'Assyrie pouvoit faire tuer par un seul commendement tous ces Devins. Et que les Euêques de Rome, dans une Religion qui enseigne de respecter & d'obeir aux Puissances souveraines, & seculieres ont pû mal-traitter les plus grands Empereurs, Rois, Princes, & Etats de la maniere qu'il est connu. L'Epée de bois, doit denoter que les Ecclesiastiques, qui sont les principaux acteurs en cette tragoedie, n'ont qu'un bâton de commandement de bois pour faire agir le fer de ceux qui le portent. Mais dans tout ce que le Roi a veu; & entendu il n'y a rien de plus notable que le cri dudit General infernal, il faut se battre, ou perir. Pour exprimer que les trois Sectes dominantes d'aujourdhui bannissent de la societé civile, & bien souvent persecutent, & maltraittent horriblement ceux qui ne veulent par prendre party, & devenir autant Antichrêtiens & heretiques qu'ils sont, & participer au moins par l'applaudissement dans les tyrannies, inhumanitez, & guerres qu'elles exercent. J'ay montré dans mes annotations sur l'Apocalypse que les malheurs causés par le 5 Ange sont passez, & que nous vivons sous les playes du 6, dont la presente guerre avec les Turcs, & entre les Chrêtiens est la premiere partie, & qu'elles doivent être suivies ou interrompues bientôt, selon mon opinion, par le tremblement de terre dont il est parlé au 13. verset du XI. Chapitre de l'Apoc. mais l'Englourissement de toute la multitude que le Roy a veu, se fait plus terrible que le dit 13 verset. Mais ce qui est de plus notable, que tout ce qui vient d'être dit, c'est que le Roi entendit deux lamentables cris, & vit incontinent aprés le dit tremblement, est que l'on ait encore a essuyer une partie des malheurs du septiéme Ange qui seront fort subits. La belle forêt, que le Roy vit en suite, semble marquer la face de la Chrêtienté aprés que le dit tremblement de terre aura causé, dans ceux qui la surviuront; la repentance de laquelle il est parlé au dit 13. vers, du dit XI. Chap. Et il me semble que les ordres que Sa Majesté a donné pour tuer des bêtes feroces, font entendre l'accomplissement de la prophetie qui dit que les dix Rois ou les Puissances seculieres seront à la fin détrompez, & se vengeront de la fourberie des docteurs infernaux qui les ont si vilainement seduits pour faire des sortises si funestes par le zele d'une Religion qui est si contraire à tout ce qui est sot, & funeste, comme c'est la sincere, bonne, & charitable doctrine de l'Evangile, cette Prophetie vengeresse étant d'écritte au dit 16. verset avec ces paroles trés-memorables, & les dix cornes que tu as veuës à la Beste; à savoir les dix Rois, dont il avoit parlé auparavant, sont ceux qui hairont la Paillarde & la rendrout desolée & nuë. Pleût à Dieu que ni les Ecclesiastiques ni les Seculiers n'eussent pas eul'audace de regler la Religion, & qu'ils eussent pris plus de soin a en observer les preceptes, & que l'on n'eut pas eu besoin de si lamentables remedes. Dieu fasse misericorde au Roy, & à tous ceux qui l'invoquent en esprit & verite; c'est ce qu'il souhaitte de toute son Ame. A la Haye ce 19. Nov. 1689. FINIS.