FOUR TABLES OF Divine Revelation Signifying What GOD in himself is, without Nature; and how considered in Nature; according to the THREE PRINCIPLES. ALSO What HEAVEN, HELL, WORLD, TIME, and eternity are; Together with all Creatures visible and invisible: and out of what all things had their Original. Written in the German language by JACOB BEHM, and Englished by H. B. LONDON Printed for H. Blunden, and sold at the Castle in Corn-Hill 1654. TO THE READER With an Account of the following Tractate. IT'S no less common with men would seem wise, than inconsistent with those that are really so, to find a facile Faith for what they like, and a sturdy Diffidence for what they dislike: Like the twins of a biased judgement, the one favouring of Affection, the other of Prejudice, and both of Partiality. That some Passages in the precedent Life will meet with such, I make no question, and therefore thought it not unnecessary to acquaint them with this Truth, that what therein is related concerning our Author, by the learned Gentleman that penned the Narrative, was received not form uncertain wandering Reports, but authentic Information, from the Tongues and pens of those, that (during his life upon Earth) were his familiar Associates; Men conscientious both in Words and Deeds, well knowing what strict account must be rendered of both. And how sad an Account have they then to make, whose Throats, like open Sepulchers, blast with their breath (as far as their venom reaches) the most eminent Gifts of God in men that bear his Image? whereof did they know the danger, it could not but make them tremble to consider how their poisoned Arrows will return and stick in their own Souls: Yet have some not feared maliciously to defame this deep illuminated man of God; A man whose Writings (though not to us made Canonical by Miracles) manifestly appear to have been the Dictates of God's Spirit; and the Will of God, the Rule of his whole life; always resigning himself (as his own Pen testifies) to the Divine Will: to will and work nothing but according to the will of God. Yet against the spirit of this pious man (as if they feared an eclipse of their Evening splendour, by the daylight of his writings) have some (especially among the Lamps of our Tabernacles) spit forth their Venom, in Aspersions so injuriously false, and palpably absurd, that neither Reason nor Religion, Prudence or Piety, could yield any motive thereunto; only the Monster of their own frailty. Thus doth the Prince of the Air blind men with self-love; that though in others they abhor unrighteousness, yet themselves can rashly proceed to sentence, before they understood him, yea some of them, before they had read one Leaf in his Writings: whereas others that have seriously studied him, and (with divine assistance) understood much of him, can justly as clearly evidence the true concordance of his writings, with the word of God in Holy writ; and their inconsistence with conceited Sects, corrupt Doctrine, both of our own and former Ages, and all Heterodox Opinions whatsoever. Well may be said of him, what an experienced Philosopher writeth of Paracelsus; Cur praestantis viri famam, omni laude dignissimi, periclitari sinemus? Scripta sua non nisi ad Dei Gloriam, proximique emolumentum edentis; lucrum utique, ut calumniantur, ex aliorum per scripta ipsius seductis incommodis nequaquam quaesitum ivit; neque, quod inimici ipsius factitare solent, ideo Medicinae dedit operam, ut ex aegris salutarem faceret; sed quicquid fecit, bono animo fecit, absque mercede, quam nec accepit, nec opus habuit, artibus suis ipsi absque aliorum detrimento abundè sufficientibus. Omnes prudentes veritatis amatores neminem ei unquam parem fuisse etiamnum credunt. Quod vero ignorantium quorundam invidia contemtim habetur, ipsi nihil derogat, ipse enim manebit Paracelsus, & hi imperiti convitiatores, suam tantum impudentiam prodentes, &c. 'Tis true, in respect of the common stile of most Authors, his language may, to some, seem somewhat monstrous; So do the Characters of Letters to Children, primo intuitu; and many, even Scripture expressions, to the Ears of the Natural man Besides, he proceeds much by affirmation; not Disputing, but Convincing Error; having not received his Knowledge from men, or from the imperfect fallible Principles of the Schools, but from the true Fountain of Wisdom and knowledge. Nor did he write, as most do, by transcription out of other men's Books; nor were his Dictates neither, the Products of his own Fancy, but by Divine influence; and (as is his own expression) out of his three-leaved Book, which the Hand of God had opened in him: wherein he found the Knowledge, not only of all that Moses, the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles taught in Sacred Scripture, but of all Mysteries also in Heaven and Earth, as himself affirms in his Epistles, and many other of his writings. But lest his own testimony should seem invalid, I make bold to insert what a learned German writeth of him. Now (saith he) when Reason supposeth that it is ascended up to the height, with its Wisdom and Arts, God hath stirred up this our dear Jacob Behmen (a plain unlearned Tradesman) and gifted him with such a noble endowment of the Universal Knowledge of God and Nature, and shown him the Centre of all Beings; How all things arise from God Originally, consist in God, and again return and flow into him &c. thereby to call man to the knowledge of God, of himself, and all things; That he might turn from the corrupt Dark being of this World to Christ the only Light &c. This high, rare, and precious Gift (which hath not been manifested in the like manner and Degree, Height and Depth, Breadth and Length before these times) our Jacob Behmen learned in God, hath employed in all faithfulness and simplicity, and laid it forth as it was given and imparted to him: And in all his writings hath laid his ground in God, and hath reared up his whole Building, very deeply founded, from Him: As Christ speaketh of the wise Master-Builder, that he digged deep, and laid his foundation on a Rock, whereupon he built his Tom'r on High. As it is clearly to be seen how he doth all along, drive and press at God, Christ, and his Spirit; at Faith and Love; at the mortifying of the old, and the renovation of the new-man; And in brief, at the Restauration in Christ of God's Image in us, which did disappear in Adam; Also he showeth the Order, Harmony, and Birth of all things; and how they subsist by the power of the yet uncessantly working word of God's FIAT, and hold their Analogy and orderly proportion in the wisdom of God's wonders: But he doth not set it forth with words of scholastic knowledge, and contrived Art of wisdom in Babel, and of her Builders; but as it was given him according to the knowledge of Nature, in his own Gift. And though such terms and Phrases as he uses seem hard and harsh at first, yet the diligence of an observant Reader, that earnestly desireth knowledge for his Edification, will (by the indwelling Grace of God) so bring him into a right apprehension thereof, that what before seemed difficult and dark, will at length be plain, clear, and easy, as it hath happened to myself. Thus far his own countryman and Accquaintance. Moreover he had the knowledge of that wonderful Mystery (containing the Secrets of the whole Creation) The language of Nature, and that in his Native tongue; whereby the very name of every thing gave him clear Inspection into the Nature of it. This Knowledge had Adam in his Innocency, but by his Fall lost it: Else it had been understood (as our Author affirmeth) in the Language of every Nation. Now to the incredulous, if they could but fathom his depths, I should only bid them ask themselves this Question; whether Art or Nature ever did or can produce such sublime Knowledge, such pure and distinct knowledge of the highest Mysteries? knowing that upon debate with their serious. Thoughts, they must speak the Negative. But there is a malicious Ignorance possesseth many, by which they condemn all things above their, sphere, and cry down that excellency in others which exceeds the fathom of their own Comprehensions: I need not travail for Proof or Instance, Istorum plena sunt omnia, They are nowhere not to be found. Concerning the following Tractate, it contains Four Tables with their Explication; wherein may be seen, by a spiritual eye, the Ground and Foundation of all the author's Works, and profound Mysteries; Yea there is also clearly deciphered, that so much sought, and so rarely found Secret Cabal of the ancient rabbis. These Tables indeed contain the sum of all the author's writings, of all his Knowledge, of all in Heaven and Earth, yea of all the highest Mysteries that Man, in this life, is capable of knowing. The First Table, as the Radix, briefly includes the rest; The other three are Branches of the First, and all together are properly termed an A.B.C. to all that the Author hath written; which when I perceived, I could not but much desire their publication; and not knowing when or by whom that might be done, I furnished myself with all necessaries thereunto; and so by God's enablement performed it with that care and diligence, which the Majesty of the matter requires. And though I know it a general Expect, that the skill of a Translator should illustrate his Author, yet that, in this and some other of his Writings, can not well be done; for whoever (not perfectly baptised into his Spirit) shall render them in the genuine phrase of other language, and not punctually verbatim, will force his Reader to a double loss, both in the significancy of expression, and in the mind of the Mystery. In a word, this following Tractate I have annexed to the Author's Life, and both, not unfitly, to his Mysterium Magnum: For the first ten Chapters of that Book, are not only introductory to the following Commentary, but likewise an excellent illustration of these Tables; wherein the pious Reader, by a due search, may happily find (pulsanti dabitur) a greater Treasure than the world can afford, and that to his infinite satisfaction; which I heartily wish him, together with the Life, Light, and Love of Jesus Christ; In whom I rest His Servant H. BLUNDEN 1 Table What GOD is without Nature & Creature. What God without Nature and Creature is, and what the Mysterium Magnum is: How God, by his breathing forth or speaking, hath introduced himself into Nature and Creature. 1 Abyss NOTHING & ALL Father 2 Will of the Abyss. JE Son 3 Delight or impression of the will. HO Spirit 4 Science or Motion. VA 5 GOD in Trinity. Thus is GOD without Nature and Creature considered. 6 Word in GOD. 7 Wisdom. Beginning of Mysterii Magni of the Eternal NATURE Here beginneth Mysterium Magnum as distinction in speaking the WORD; where the WORD by Wisdom is made distinct, Natural, Sensible, Comprehensible, and Invenible. The Eternal beginning of the Principles is here also understood, with God's Love and Anger, in Light and Darkness. GOD in LOVE GOD in WRATH 9 The First principle Spiri- 8 The second Principle Moving, Thinking tual Dark, Feeling, Mind, Nature V II Angel, Light, Love-fire. 10 Tincture or speaking of the Trinity. I Desire, II. Prick or Science, III Angu●sh, IV Fire, Angelical World Root of the four Elements. VI Sound or Distinction. VII Essence, or essential wisdom. Austere Cause of Enmity, Fire root of heat. Hard, Hellish-life, Hell, Sub- Growing or Greening in the Spiritual World. 12 Pure Element. 13 Paradise. Sharpness cold fire Root, devil, stan- SAL, MERCURIUS, SULPHUR tial. 14 beginning of the external World. Here beginneth the external visible World, as the out-spoken visible WORD. 1 Is understood the good Life of the creature which stands in the Quint-Essence. 2 The poison and grossness of the Earth and Earthy Life. 3 The Reader understanding these, all Doubts and Queries cease in him: and Babel is lost in ignominy. The third Principle 15 Heaven. stars 16 Quint-Essence Good Powers. The 17 The 4 Elements. devil's poison introduced. Out spoken WORD. 18 Earthly Creatures. A Brief Explication of the first Table, of GOD revealed; how out of himself he continually begetteth, and breatheth forth himself: And how this Table is to be understood. NUmber 1. Is the Abyss, the Nothing, and the All. There we begin to consider, what God in himself is, without [or besides] Nature and Creature; and this consideration of the hidden God, extendeth unto wisdom, Numb. 7. Therein is understood how God dwelleth in all, and how all things from him have their existence; but, himself is to all Incomprehensible, and as a Nothing; yet through that All, he maketh himself visible, sensible, and (a) Invenible Finditch. attainable. Numb. 2. Is the Will of the Abyss. And by it, at the right side, FATHER, and on the other side, i E. This signifieth the Will of the Abyss, which is the Father of all Beings. And the i E signifieth the eternal One, as the Name JESUS from the eternal One. Numb. 3. Is the (b) Good pleasure, Beneplacitum. Delight [Lubet] or Impression of the Will; by which (towards the right) standeth SON, and opposite to it, H O, signifying how the self will includeth itself in the place of its possession: The place is the procreation out of itself; where God begetteth God; according to the good pleasure of his propriety. The HO is the breathing of the will, through which the Delight passeth. Numb. 4. Is Science or Motion: at the Right standeth SPIRIT, and over against it V A. Science, is the attraction of the Will to the place of God; where the Will comprehendeth the Delight which proceeded to the Son, or to the breathing; by which outbreathing is understood the Spirit of God. And here is understood the great Name JEHOVA, as the (d) Three in one. Tri-une Being; how the Father of himself begetteth the Son; and how the Holy Spirit proceedeth from both, and yet they be but one Being, which hath nothing before it. For the Science, in the drawing in, is understood a Root of the Eternal knowledge, or motion. Numb. 5. Is God in Trinity, signifying that the Tri-une Being, may be known, as a Similitude of the Will, Mind, and Senses; wherein lieth the eternal understanding. Thus is the ternary, the one Eternal understanding, and cause of all things. Numb. 6. Standeth WORD, signifying distinction in the understanding, as speaking, the (e) Or sensibility. Emp●ndligkeit. Perception of itself; which word abideth Eternally in God himself; and God as the Power of Perception, is the Eternal good. Numb. 7. Standeth Wisdom, signifying the outspoken Word, as the power of the Divine Contemplation; wherein God to himself is Intelligible, Perceptible, and Revealed. And thus far is God to the Creature, Invisible, Incomprehensible, not Natural, nor Creatural. Below the line standeth Beginning of the Great mystery, or of the Eternal Nature; As of the Separability, perceptibility, and sensibility of the Properties; wherein is understood, the Divine Extrication or Revelation, how God introduceth himself in the eternal Nature, in Love and Wrath; and not in himself, for himself is the one Eternal good, but without Distinction, were not perceptible or manifest. Here is to be Noted, that the 7. capital Forms of Nature, are marked (to distinguish them from the other Numbers) with I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Numb. 8. The second Principle, standeth to the Right. And Numb. 9 The first Principle, to the left. Thus Numb. 9 signifieth the father's property, through the speaking of the Word in Wrath; And the second Numb. 8. signifieth the son's property in Love; where the Love of God by the expressed Word is revealed. As that in Love, Numb. 8. showeth the angelical power-world; and that in Wrath, Numb. 9 signifieth the Dark power-world of Painfulness, wherein God is an Angry God. Numb. 10. Standeth tincture, signifying the Temperature of all powers, how there through speaking they go forth in Distinction and forms; as first in the 7. Capital Forms, the Desire, Science, Anguish, Fire, Love-Fire, Sound, and Being. And further, there standeth by every Capital Form, what Properties are born and proceed out of themselves. For, if there must be a speaking; then the power must first contract itself, that it may breathe forth itself; then it begetteth that Comprehensive or magnetic Impression, the something (which is the Beginning) wherein the Fiat which attracteth the powers is understood. I. Is the first Capital Form of the spiritual Nature, and standeth with Numb. I. Desire, which Desire sharpeneth itself, from whence existeth Sour, Hard, and the cause of Cold; and is the ground of all Saltish properties Spiritual, in the Spiritual world; and Essential in the External world. So also the Desire of Impression is cause of its own overshadowing, or Darkness in the Abyss; as all these Forms belong to Numb. I. To the desire of (f) Infassligkeit. Comprehensibility. II. By the second Capital Form, standeth (g) Pricking. Compunction or Science; signifying the contraction of the Desire; where the first enmity or contrary will ariseth; for hardness and motion, are not alike. Now in this form ariseth moving and feeling; as the root of pain; wherein is understood the Mercurial poison-life, both spiritual and (h) Essential. corporal; and in the Darkness the pain or Torment of the wicked life; Neither was the good life without the root of the evil manifest unto him; and that is the root of God's wrath, according to the Perception [sensibility] of the eternal Nature. III. The third capital Form is Anguish; which ariseth from the desire of Impression, and from the enmity of Compunction, where the will standeth in (i) Cruciatus. Qual. Torment, and is there the cause of feeling, and of the five Senses: for in the Anguish all forms grow painful, and then are they sensible of one-another. And here is the Word become distinct; and is the root of Sulphur, both spiritual and essential, [corporal] wherein is rightly understood the Hellish Fire in Darkness, in painful life, as appears in the Table downward. IV. The fourth capital Form, is called Fire; where is Understood the kindling of the Fire, from the painful Sulphurish root; for the Will goeth out of Anguish again into liberty; And the liberty goeth to its Revelation in Anguish: In which Conjunction cometh that terrible [like a flash of lightning] Coruscation, where the Abyss, as the eternal good, is revealed; And is in the Forms of Nature, the Understanding and Life, in the dark enmity; and in the liberty is the root of Joy, or rousing up the (k) Faculties. Kraffen. Powers; and is the kindling of the Fire; in which kindling the Abyss becomes a shining Light, as material. V. The fift form, is called the Love-Fire; where is understood how the eternal good, through kindling the painful Fire, introduceth itself into an elevating burning Love-Fire, which Love-Fire was first in God. But thus only it (m) Infoldeth Wickeit. windeth up itself that it becomes sensible and moving, where in the good Powers are operative. VI. Standeth Sound, or Distinction, as the sixt capital Form; signifying, that the natural manifested Life, where the eternal Divine Word, through the forms of Nature, hath enfolded itself; and where all the Powers of Wisdom stand in (n) N●yse shave. Sound: therein standeth the Understanding Life; which in Light, is angelical and Divine; but in Darkness it is diabolical; As at the right, Numb. 11. standeth angel. VII. Standeth Essence or essential Wisdom, of the out-breathed word; wherein all other Forms are revealed; and is even the Essence of all Forms; as good and Divine, in the Light; but in the Darkness evil and devilish: And therein is chiefly understood Mysterium Magnum [the great Mystery;] the angelical world is also therein understood; and likewise the internal spiritual body of Man, which disappeared in Adam, when the Souls will departed from God's will; but revived again in Christ, that giveth to him for the Essence of this Power-World, which is that heavenly flesh. Joh. 6. And it is the dry Rod of Aaron, which in the Spirit of Christ, again springeth up in Man. Numb. 12. Standeth Pure Element, signifying Motion in the angelical world in Essence; and is the One, Holy, Pure Element; wherein the four Elements, in the Temperature, lay, and is a root of the 4. Elements. Numb. 13. Standeth Paradise signifying the eternal springing, Thus hath this place been before the fall of Lucifer and Adam; namely, in an equal temperature or Harmony, of the 7. Planets and 4. Elements. or spiritual growing, in the spiritual world; from which the external visible world, out of good and evil (as out of both eternal Principles) is breathed forth: In which Source and Regiment, Adam in his Innocency stood; when the four Elements harmoniously existed in him, as in the holy pure Element. Numb. 14. Standeth Beginning of the External World; signifying how God by his Word, hath breathed forth that spiritual Mysterium Magnum, as the eternal Nature of all spiritual Properties, into a visible external formal Being; and through the Fiat, as the Divine Desire, hath fashioned it into Creatures; There standeth the third Principle, where 3. Worlds in one another, must be understood: as the dark world of God's wrath; the eternal light world of Divine Love; and this visible fading world. Numb. 15. Standeth Heaven; signifying the (p) Heaven is the parting-mark out of the spiritual fire and water between the Heavenly and Earthly. parting Mark, between the internal and external world; as of the visible and invisible Essence; which Heaven standeth in the Essence of the spiritual fiery water. Numb. 16. Stands Quintessence; signifying the spiritual Powers, as the Paradise-Ground in the four Elements; as well the astral, breathed forth by internal powers at the beginning of time; ●●d is that good in the four Elements wherein the light of Nature shineth) as an outbreathed (q) Or shine Glast. fulgor of the eternal light. Numb. 17. Standeth four Elements, viz. Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, as the created world, out of the dark and light world, which is the framed word spoken out of the eternal nature's essential power; therein did the devil cast his poison, which after the fall of Man, was accursed of God. Numb. 18. Stands Earthly Creatures; Man having 2. Eternals in him; may be saved or damned. signifying that out of the Quintessence and the four Elements, were all Creatures of this visible World created, and only from them have their life. But the animated Man hath also in him both inward spiritual worlds, according to the internal soul of man; therefore may God's love and wrath be manifested in him: for wherein the will impresseth and kindleth itself, of that Essence it partaketh, and the same is manifest in him; as is seen in Lucifer. Thus have you a brief Intimation of the first Table, and [consequently] of all the author's writings; faithfully imparted, out of a good Christian affection to his loving friends; and [is] as an A B C. to beginners. II. TABLE. In this second Table, God is considered according to his Essence in Unity; what he is in Trinity without Nature and Creature, whereby he filleth all things, and yet needs no place. AD Father Will IE O Son Delight HO N Spirit Science VA A Power Word Life I Colours Wisdom virtue TETRAGRAMMATON. In this Table is considered the efflux of the Eternal Divine WORD; how the WORD through wisdom brings itself from Unity into Separation and Multiplicity; as well in the Eternal Nature and Creature (according to which God calls himself angry jealous God, and a consuming fire; as well as a merciful God wherein is understood the foundation of Angels & souls, and how they may receive salvation or damnation.) God's Wrath, or Dark World God's Love, or Light World The first Prin- ciple The Second Prin- ciple. Similitude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To I N C To V R E Desire or Comprehending Science or Drawing Anguish Fire Light Love-fire Sound Essence To Dark Feeling or Moving Willing Painful Life Love-Life Understanding Working Oer Austere hardness enmity mind Terror Joy Five Senses Form NAL Sharpness Elevating Wheel of Life Killing Power Love Sperm In the Septenary without by itself, is understood the Mysterium Magnum, as the 7. properties of the Eternal Nature. In the Novenarie downwards, are signified the properties of Life. In the fourth Form, as in Fire, 2. Principles separate themselves from each other, as Darkness and Light. N fury Pride Despair Hell glory Giving Taking, or comprehending A Greater Death False will Lesser Death Souls ground devil Souls Spirit angel Praising Increasing T Standing still Breaking From Original separating Folly Wisdom highness Humility VR Impotent selfwill Robbing fantasy Knowledge Strength Throne The second Table Expounded. THe word ADONAI signifieth an (a) Or expansion. opening, or free motion of the bottomless Eternal Unity; how the Eternal generation, expansion, and effluence of the Trinity of God is in itself. A, is a triple I, which comprehendeth itself crosswise, as in a Beginning, Entrance, and Effluence. D, is the motion of the triple I, as the opener. O, is the Circumference of the triple I, as the birth of God's place in itself. N, is the triple Spirit, issuing forth of the Circumference out of itself as a triple I. A. This lower A, is the object, or operation of the threefold I, or Spirit; from whence eternally spring Motion, Colours, and virtue. Ay, is the essential Effluence of the triple I, where the Trinity floweth forth into unity. And in this whole word ADONAI, is understood the Eternal life of God's unity. The word FATHER, is the eternal beginning of operation and will in the threefold I of the unity. The word SON, is that Operation of Power, as comprehension of the will into which the triple Spirit encloseth itself as a place of the divine (b) Egoitas Ickheit. self-hood. The word SPIRIT, is the living, issuing motion in the comprehended power; as by comparition may be understood in a Flower: where the opening or working of the growth, is the beginning; the power of the working, is the circumference and corporal comprehension of the growth; and the Scent [or smell] which proceedeth from the power, is the motion, or the growing issuing joy-life of the power, whereout the flower springeth; by which comparition may be seen, how the birth of divine power is typified. The word Power, signifieth the breathing, going forth, understanding, and sensible life; as the foundation and fountain of the outflown knowledge of (a) Distinctness. Vnterscheiedligkeit. distinction. The word Colours, signifieth the subject, or object of Power, where the distinction and Original of the sensitive life and knowledge is understood; whence an Eternal contemplation existeth. The word Will, signifieth the ebullition or motion in the opened unity; whereby the unity willeth itself into trinity, as the Nothing, into its proper something, wherein it hath its Motion and Action. The word Delight [or Lubet] signifieth the effectual sensibility of the Will; as the highest ground of original love; where 〈◊〉 will of the Abyss findeth its self in its (b) Aliquid Etwas. something, where it yields itself to something as to its sensibility, in which sensibility it worketh and willeth in its own taste. The word Science, signifieth the effectual sensible knowledge and understanding in the love-tast; the root of the five Senses, and the ground of Eternal life: thence floweth the Understanding; and therein the Eternal unity (c) Groundeth. planteth itself. The word, Word, signifieth how the Eternal love of the sensible unity with knowledge speaketh forth itself eternally into an object: The Word is the speaking or breathing of the will out of the power by the understanding: It is the driving and forming of the eternal power into an infiniteness of multiplicity; as the Creator of powers, out of the sole power in virtue. The word wisdom, is the outflown word, as an object of the divine knowledge of divine will; as essential power of the great love of God; from whence all things have received their motion and possibility: the ground of all the three Principles; A Revelation of the Unity of God; A passive essence of divine Operation; the foundation of all humility; the Genetrix of all knowledge of Creatures: An Eternal domicile of the active love of God, and a Ray and breath of the Omnipotent Spirit. The word JEHOVAH, is the most holy Name of God, as the Divine sensual life, the only good; whereby the Holy Trinity, with Glory and Omnipotency, is understood; the life of the Abyss, as of the Unity; which chiefly standeth in the only love: And therein also is understood the most holy Name JESUS: as the egressed I. is the ground and fountain of the breathing of God's unity, and a forming of the understanding. For the egress of the Unity, leadeth itself with the I into E, as in the sight or beholding of a Chaos; wherein the Mysterium magnum (according to the Divine manner) is understood; and is a triple breathing of the powers. I E, is the breathing of the unity. H O, is the breathing of the i E. V A, is the breathing of the H O, and yet is only one breathing; but maketh a triple egress, of the 3. Centres or comprehensions. And therein is understood, how the triple I, at last closeth itself in A, as in a beginning to Nature. Under [V A] standeth Life, signifying, that this threefold breathing, is a real life and power. Under that, standeth virtue, which signifieth, the immense virtue of such a breathing life. Now in this Table is rightly understood, what God, without Nature and Creature, is, in trinity; as in a triple breathing of the unity in itself; where nothing can be said of the place, or dimension of his habitation: for God is neither here, nor there, but everywhere alike; as the Abyss is considered, namely the eternal unity without Nature and Creature: and thus is he an active power and essence of Unity. But that really such power and virtue is therein, may well be understood, in the effluence of the world, and the Creatures therein, generated by the breath of God: and there is nothing in the being of this world, which beareth not witness thereof, if truly considered. TETRAGRAMMATON. In this Table is also manifested how the holy Name of the eternal power; with the knowledge hereof, from Eternity to Eternity; bringing itself into properties, in Nature to eternal light & darkness; and how the word of breathing forth, brings itself into a subject, and how self-will & acceptation of properties arise in the subject; wherein two Essences are always understood; as God's own effluence; and than the properties own acceptation in the free will; in which acceptation another external kind of subject is understood; whereby the Unity in its Effluence becomes more external; and thereby the Eternal love bringeth itself into a sensibleness, and like a fiery flame, as in the working of divine Power. At the upper end of the Table standeth Dark World; and under, The first Principle: and over-against it standeth God's Love, Light World; and below it, from the figure 4. to the figure 7. the second Principle; which signifieth how the outflown will doth enclose and overshadow itself, with acceptation of its own desire; In the Eternal, is an Eternal light; but in the time he●e on Earth, darkn●ss ●s the gr●und of N●ture; and light the ground of the Kingdom of joy, the Revelation of God▪ that we may behold his works and ourselves. and with the self desire bringeth itself into properties, and causeth Darkness; in which Darkness the egressed one by fire in the Light is revealed and made sensible; and is the cause of the Light; in which Light God's love assumeth a fiery operation, from the fire of eternal Nature, and shineth in fire through the dark painful acceptation; even as the light from a Candle, or day in the Night; whence day and night have their names in Time; but in the Eternal, there is also an Eternal light and darkness in one another: the Darkness is the ground of Nature; and the Light is the ground of the joyful Divine Revelation. The Dark world, as the ground of the properties of self-desire and will, is called the first Principle; because it is the cause of Divine Revelation, according to sensibility; and also maketh a (a) Own Eigen. proper Kingdom in itself, as namely painful torment; according to which God calleth himself an Angry Jealous God, and a consuming fire. And the Light which is revealed in the fire, wherein the unity of the divine effluence of Love is understood, is called the second Principle, as the divine Power-world wherein God's love is a love-fire, and active life; as it is written, God dwelleth in a Light which no man can approach unto: for the power of the unity of God worketh in the Light, and is God; and the fiery quality in the Light is of the eternal Nature; wherein the Eternal love of the unity Perceiveth and loveth itself. Below the first and second Principles (in the 7. spaces) stand seven numbers; which signify the seven properties of the Eternal Nature; And under it standeth tincture, distributed in the seven spaces; which signifieth the Divine Word in the (b) Moderation or mean. Temperature, or equality of the seven properties; wherein the divine powers lie in an equal will, action, and being; as the outflown name of God, wherein is understood the great Mysteries of Divine power and operation; with the characters of the letters [on the left side] divided into the seven Properties. For the word tincture, is that separating word, from whence flow the seven properties. To, is the Tau, or the opening of the unity [monas] the cross of the triple I a ground to the breathing. Ay, is the effluence from Tau, or the egress of the Unity, as the cross-Angle of life. N, is the effluence of the sounding Threefold spirit. C, is the cutting of the sound; where the I as the effluence of unity, separateth itself again from Darkness, and where the (c) Or a willing receiving. Annehmligkeit. acceptation of the Eternal will breaketh. To, under the figure 5. is that holy Tau, or the opening of Glory, in the fiery sensibility openeth with * Fewrenden Lieve. firing love, as with God's Kingdom: and signifieth the great strength of the Light-Power. V, is the true Character of the Holy Spirit with three points, the two upward signify the Fire and Light, and the third downward signifieth the Unity in love, as the meekness. R, with this the holy fire and light, is comprehended in an active natural essence; for it signifieth the Kingdom, as the Throne; and hereby is intimated, how the holy Name with the outflown will introduceth itself in Mysterium Magnum, as into the Eternal mystery, whereout (d) Originalis, is outspoken. existed the visible world. The great Mysteries of the tincture, or the highest ground of God's trinity. To, is the triple I, the Father. Ay, is that begotten I, JESUS. N, is the threefold I, in Spirit. C, signifieth CHRIST. To, in the fift Space, is the Father in Christ. U, is the Spirit of Christ in the Word, which quickeneth. R, is the royal Throne, about which darkness and Light strive; there Satan and Christ stand against one another; namely according to the assumption of Satan's self-will, as an erroneous Spirit, and according to the Unity, Christ; where is understood Love and Anger in one Ground; but in a twofold Revelation. Here are understood those that belong to God; the other, (e) Ein Shcios darier an diesem Orthe. a Lock rather, at this place. In this Table in the 7. Spaces is the ground of Angels and souls; as that Great Mystery of the change, in which lieth all Possibility. Sideways, after the seven figures, the efflux from (f) Monas. one into seven, is understood. The first Principle is to be understood, unto the Fire; out of which the Light is manifested: And from Fire to Essence, the Second Principle. And downward under every property, is understood, what kind of Effluence, out of every property, in the cooperation of other properties, doth proceed; yet not so to be understood that One property alone, gives the efflux; but all seven afford it; though the first Form is predominant therein, and retains the higher Regiment. As under the figure I. standeth Desire or Comprehending, whereby is understood, that the Desire is magnetic, and encloseth, and darkneth itself, which is also the ground of Temporal and Eternal darkness, and from that (g) Orig. Drawing in. attraction, cometh (under it) Sharpness, Austereness and Hardness; and is the Original of wrathfulness, whence ariseth the Great Eternal Death. For this Magnet, draweth the Powers into itself, and in itself encloseth them; so that the working Standeth still, and steps into Impotency; as under the Number 1. appeareth. Under number 2. standeth Science or Drawing, which is the second Form to Nature; as the motion of the magnetic attraction, from whence the sensibility of Nature existeth; and is the ground of all Contraries, for Hardness and Motion are Enemies; Motion breaketh the hardness again, and yet also begetteth Hardness by attraction. Thus two Essences have their existence in the desirous out-flown-will of God; as the drawing of the magnetic power, giveth Motion and sensibility; and the thing attracted affordeth Essence; wherein is understood the cause (h) Orig. to. of Spirit and Body; as in the attracting of sensibility is caused the Spirit; and in the extracted, the body or cause to corporiety. Now if this attraction and Essence be not able to reach the Light of God's Unity, whereby it may be mollified; then in itself remaineth only a mere enmity, and is the cause of the torment of Fury and ambition: whence existeth self-pleasing, and Pride; for the will of self-pleasing is a false-will, a continual corruptor of itself, and its Essence. And in these two Forms, Desire and In-drawing, in their out-flown Properties, is understood God's Wrath; and though they be the ground of the sensible life, Yet if the light shineth therein, then are they the ground of the Joy-Kingdom, as an inward motion of God's unity; and a ground of the five Senses; whence also the creatural life hath taken its beginning; and therein standeth its (k) Consumption. Verterbnus. corruption, so far as it loseth the light: for it is the Spring of Hellish Anguish, as the cause of painfulness; and is also the Root of Natural life. In the third space standeth the third Form of Nature called Anguish, as a spiritual Sulphur-source, according to its property: This taketh its Ground from the first and second Form; as from the magnetic Desire, and from the Motion of Drawing; where the out-flown Eternal will, in that unquietness standeth in Anguish. This Anguish is the cause of Natural Will, Mind, and the Senses, and is the Wheel of Life, as the cause of the Firing-life: for when the out-flown will of God's unity standeth in Anguish, than it longeth again after Unity, as after Rest, and the Unity or Rest longeth after Motion and Revelation, for in the Unity there can be no Revelation without Motion; and therefore the Divine will freely floweth out of itself; and the Divine (l) Lubet. good pleasure in the out-flown-will, bringeth itself into a Desire and Motion unto a sensibility; that it may perceive itself, and remain two in one Essence; as the sensible Divine delight, and the cause of sensibility; wherein God calleth himself a Loving God, according to the sensibility of Divine Love-delight; and an Angry God according to the cause of sensibility; as after the Eternal Nature. And thus, we understand by Anguish (when the divine Light is not revealed therein) the Hellish fire, and an Eternal despair and terror: where the selfwill of Nature continually standeth in a dying Torment; ever desiring to be released from such a condition, which I therefore call the (m) Little. lesser Death; it is the Eternal dying Death; but in the Hardness, it is the great still-standing Death. This Form if it hath not Light, is the head spring of the false mind; but if it perceiveth Light in itself, than is it the spring and ground of the sensible mind, and the right root of fire, as appeareth in number 3. downwards. The fourth Form, numb. 4. is the Fire of the Eternal Nature; understand spiritual Life-fire: and that existeth from a continual conjunction or conjoining of Hardness and Motion. Understand, that thence ariseth the Painfulness; but the splendour existeth from the Delight of the freewill; where the Unity of the Delight [good pleasure] is acuated in the properties; then like a flash [of lightning] it shineth through the continued Conjunction, of the great meekness of the Unity, and the Fierceness and Motion of the three first Properties; for than it is in the Essence of the Conjunction, as if Steel and Stone were rubbed together; whence the flash ariseth. Such a Flash, is the true Natural Life of the Eternal; for it is the Revelation of Divine Motion, and hath the properties of Nature; and also the Revelation of the Unity of God's effluence in itself. Now which of these two getteth predominancy, in that standeth the Life. The splendour of the Fire, is the Light from the effluence of God's Unity; and the Essence of the Fire is the out-flown will, which hath brought itself with the desire into such Properties. Thus in the out-flown fiery will, we understand Angels and Souls; and in the sensible sharpened Lights power from the unity, we understand the Spirit wherein God is revealed, and understood in the spiritual essence; and in the Fire two kingdoms separate themselves, as the Kingdom of Glory from the efflux of God's Unity, and the Kingdom of the properties of Nature; and yet [these two Kingdoms] dwell in one another as one. The Kingdom of Nature is in itself, that great Eternal Darkness, but the Light is the Kingdom of God; of which S John saith, The Light shineth in darkness, but the darkness comprehendeth it not. As day and night dwell in one another, and yet the one is not the other. Thus from the Fires own property, comes the painful life, if it break itself off from the Eternal Light, and doth (as in the property of selfhood) enter the object; then is it only fantastic and foolish; even such as the devils were, and the Souls of the Damned are; as appears Numb. 4. downwards. In the fift property of Nature, is the second Principle, with its foundation understood; as the Essence of the Unity in the Light-power) where in the out-flown Unity is a fire-flaming-love understood, whence existeth the true understanding-Spirit, with the five Senses. The first three Forms are only the property to Life; and the fourth is the Life itself; but the fift is the true Spirit. When the fift property is revealed out of the Fire, than she dwelleth in all the rest, and changeth them all into her sweet love, that no more painfulness nor Enmity is discerned, but even as the day changeth the night. In the first 4. Properties, is that life like the devils; but when the Lights-power (as the second Principle) is revealed in the property, than is it an Angel, & liveth in divine power & holiness, as appeareth in the Num. 5. downwards. The sixt Property, is the Understanding, as the Sound, where the properties in the Light stand all in an equality; then they rejoice, and the power of the five Senses is manifest, and all the properties rejoice in one another; and thus the love of the Unity leadeth itself into working, willing, sensibility, finding, and (n) highness' Hochkeit. celsitude. Thus is there a contrary in the Eternal Nature; that the Properties existing therein, the love is known, and that there might be something, to be beloved, wherein the Eternal Love of God's Unity may work, and God may be praised. For if the properties of life be penetrated with the Divine love-flame, than they praise the great love of God, & yield themselves all again into the Unity of God. Such rejoicing & knowledge could not be revealed in the Unity, did not the Eternal will bring itself into painful moving properties. The seventh Property, is that Essence, wherein all the other are essential; wherein they all act, as the Soul doth in the Body: wherein the Natural, Essential, Eternal Wisdom of God (as the Mysterium Magnum) is understood; out of which the visible World, with its Essence and Creatures, did arise. Thus by this Table is understood the hidden Spiritual world, as the Eternal manifestation of God; from whence the Angels and Souls of Men received their existence; therefore may they turn themselves to evil or good, for both lie in their centre. This Spiritual world is no other than God's revealed Word, and hath its being from Eternity to Eternity; for therein is Heaven and Hell understood. III. TABLE. The seven Properties of the visible World, or external Nature. MACROCOSMUS In this Table is signified, how the hidden Spiritual, Eternal Word, (as the Mysterium magnum) by the motion of God's Word issued forth, and became visible, manifest, and Material; And how the inward Powers, through God's working, have comprehended and fashioned themselves; how good and bad in every thing is to be understood; and yet there was no evil in Mysterium magnum, but existed through the sensibility and assumption of self-desire. Here also is showed what in the working issued forth from every property, and which have the predominancy; according to which every thing is formed and governed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ground of Nature Pure Element Para- dise Cold, Earth, Snow Original of Air Fire of Essence Heaven Light of Nature stars Water Saturn Mercury the planet Mars Sol Venus' Soft Jupiter Luna Sal Mercury thunder Sulphur Flesh Sal-niter oil Power Body Black, grey Mixt-colours Red Yellow Green, and white within blue White without within Red and Green Melancholy choleric sanguine Phl●gmatick G●ossness of S●one Metal, Stone Rust Growing Pearls Jewels Menstruum Lead Quicksilver Iron, St●el Gold Copper Tinn Silver Bone Wood Herbs Res●n Tincture in the Earth Swe●t Bitter Grass Sour poison 〈◊〉 Opening Healing Srengthning Flesh Stopping Smelling Feeling Seeing Tasting Hearing Loathing of Nature Dying Lying Wrath War Richness Noble Reason Own possession Lord Craft Force Justice faithful Truth simplicity Stealing Deceiving Losing Finding Earthly Love being friendly Lightminded Obstinate Sad Confounded Senses Careless Constant Pure Jo●full Ignorant Earthly Beastly evil H●●venly Modest Sensible Low ●olfe Fox dog lion Bird Ape Great Beasts Worms venomous worms evil Beasts Good Beasts Flying Beasts Tame Beasts Fish. An Explanation of the third Table, MACROCOSMUS. IN this Table is understood, how the hidden spiritual world hath made itself visible; and with its own breathing forth, hath made it (a) Gegenwurff. an object where the Eternal Principles are out-flown; and the powers therein became comaterial. For the External Nature is no other than an efflux or object of the Eternal Nature. The 4. Elements exist from the first 4 Properties of the Eternal Nature; as the Earth and grossness of all Essences of the Dark desire, where the other six Properties always became comaterial; as we may conceive of Metals and Powers, good and bad. The Air existeth from the motion of the magnetic Impression; The Water from the abruption [breaking off] of the Impression, where Heat and Cold are in Strife; the Fire of the spiritual fire. The cold is Perceived in the magnetic sharpness, as in the right root to Fire. Before the seven Properties, above the Table, standeth Ground of Nature distributed in the three first Forms. And in the fourth and fift Form or property, is divided the word Pure Element. With the word Ground of Nature, is understood the root of the 4. Elements, The Pure Element is the equality in the Elements; and is called the Quint-essence of the Elements; as the Tincture of the equality of Nature: both are the occult Arcanum so much sought for. as the four causes of Motion and Sensibility. By the word Pure Element, is understood the Temperature, or the equality of Nature, and the four Elements; where the Light also is sensible, Moving, and Elemental. Thus is understood, how the Eternal Element, as the motion of Divine Power is acuated by the ground of Nature, and revealed in the Light; where the pure Element is the motion of the inward Spiritual world; and at the Creation of the world, went forth into a Being; and is understood of the fift Essence. The word Paradise in the 6. and 7. Properties, signifieth the spiritual work in the Lights Essence; as a springing up, or spiritual growth, which at the beginning of the world, sprung up through all the 4. Elements; and out of the Earth formed itself into all manner of fruits, and changed all the properties of wrathfulness into a Temperature. But when those fierce properties, with the 4. Elements, were awakened, by the alienated desire, and false will in Adam, and attained the Dominion, than the Greening [springing forth] retired back; that is, it remained in the Tincture of the inward Ground, and is yet in the 4. Elements, but, in the Inward Pure Element only; and may not be attained but in the New-birth of the inner man; and in the material Tincture, wherein the Paradisical working is also fully manifest to our understanding. This Table showeth from whence all Essences [or Beings] in this world did arise; and what the Creator is; namely that the Creator hath been the divine power-world; which the (b) Monas Unity, as the Eternal will, hath moved, Einheit. God made first the Angelical light world, which in this place (after the devil's apostasy) separated into this external visible essence. which will, is God himself, But the Separator or Divider, was the owt-flown will in the spiritual world; in such motion, he issued out of himself, and made him a subject for his working; in which motion, one subject issued out of another continually, until the external matter of the Earth (through the divine motion) was drawn into a Mass or Chaos: and this drawing of the Motion standeth thus still: all things therefore fall in the deep towards the Earth; and that is the reason, that all Power of motion, even to this day, and to the end of Time, continueth so. The seven days, and seven Planets, signify the seven Properties of the spiritual world, The three Principle in Spiritu Mundi, as Sal, Sulphur, and Mercurius, signify the Trinity of the divine Revelation; as an everlasting Spring or Fountain, whereout all external Creatures are flown, do flow, and will flow, even to the end of this time; and therein the Separator, with the 7 Properties, is understood. In this Table we see what proceeded from the 7 Properties; and how the Spiritual power hath brought itself into a Material one (as in the seven spaces downwards appears) whereby we may understand whence Good and evil sprung up in this World. IV TABLE. MICROCOSMUS. In this Table MAN is held forth; What he hath been in Paradise; as also how the Properties in him (without assuming Self-desire) equally stood in the Image of God: and what he is become through Satan's Deceits: what that Monster of the Serpent (whereby he is become earthly and mortal) is in him. And then how God's Word and LOVE came in to help him again, new born in CHRIST, daily destroying that Serpentine Image: also in what danger & misery he standeth in such an Image, either on the ground of Hell or Heaven. Also a similitude of Divine Revelation and knowledge in the seven Properties according to Time and Eternity, formed out of all the Three Principles; for a further understanding how he is wisely to regulate his Life; and unto what driving [impulsion] he should yield himself. Human Ground before and after the FALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To I N C To U R S OU L E S PIR IT BODY ♄ Saturday ☿ Wednsday ♂ Tuesday depiction of sun Sunday ♀ Friday ♃ Thursday ☽ Monday Adam in Paradise Desire Motion Sensibility Seeing Loving rejoicing Heavenly flesh Erring sp. Sharpness Anger Pain Bitter woe Hating Despair Passion Christ God's word Life Acceptance Sweet glory Power Divine Essence Adam in Paradise Similitude Out going Spirit Heating High Humble Will Praising Unity Satan self-seeking Self-knowl. selfwill Dominiering Pride Reproaching Folly Christ God's unity Resignation Suffering Yielding Desire Equality of Power Wisdom Adam in Paradise Tasting Thinking Mind Understanding Spirit Speaking Evestrum of Nature Satan Desire of division Lying Anguish Doubting Fall stink Extruding Christ Baptism Law Breaking hoping Humility Believing Genius or Type Adam in Paradise Strength Pentrating Might Holy Modest powerful Throne Satan Lord Potent Malice Thirsty Wanton Mad Self honour Christ Humility Obedience Mercy Forgiving Going Generating reverence Adam in Paradise Angel Officious Mild Friendly Beauty virtue Diligent Satan devil Perverse thievish mind murder Belial's Whore poison Earthly flesh Christ Christ returning repentance New life Holy Restoring Sophia Adam in Paradise Heaven Child like Secret Manifest Singing Sounding Paradise Satan Hell or Perdition Strife Torment Ever falling fantasy Changing A Den of the Deep Christ Christ's Calling, Teaching, Dissolving, New mind, Rejoicing Praying, Springing. An Explanation of the fourth Table. MICROCOSMUS. What Man is in his Trinity; as first according to Paradise; Secondly, according to he Spirit of Error; Thirdly, according to the New birth, which Christ teacheth and will have, John 3. IN this Table, Man is held forth as a similitude of the Three worlds, according to the Soul, Spirit, and Body; What he hath been in the beginning, according to his Creation; What he is become in the fall, by the Spirit of Error; and What he will be in the new birth through the Spirit of Christ; which is a true Essential Image, out of the three Principles of the Divine Revelation; as from the outflown Word of the Divine will. Man according to the Soul, is an Eternal Nature of the firing quality, as a spark out of the centre, from whence the fire existeth: If this ground cannot reach into the divine Light; then is it a Darkness of the magnetic attractive desiring power; but if he reacheth out of the fire, unto the light, that his magnetic desire feeds on the out flown Unity of God's Love; then ariseth from that fire the good true Spirit, even as light shineth out of a Candle. These are now two Principles, the Soul, in the fire of Eternal Nature; and the Spirit in the light of Divine Power. But the Body is the third Principle; as an Essence of the visible world, from the stars and Elements, formed into an Image, out of the seven Properties of Nature. The Soul hath the seven Properties of the inward Spiritual world, N. B. The Difference between the Soul, and the Spirit of the Soul which without God, is but a dead Image. according to Nature; But the Spirit of the Soul is without these Properties; for it standeth out of Nature, in God's unity but through the Souls fiery Nature, is manifested in the Soul; for it is the true Image of God; as an Idea, in which God himself worketh and dwelleth; so far as the Soul brings her desire into God, and submits unto God's Will: if that be not done, than is this Idea, or Spirit of the Soul, dumb and actless [not working], standing like an Image in a Looking-Glass, which soon vanisheth, and hath no being, as it befell Adam in the Fall. But if the Soul submits to God, and bringeth its magnetic hunger into God's Love, the Soul then attracteth divine Essence, namely, the Essential wisdom of God; then her Idea or Spirit becometh Essential in the Lights power, and obtaineth a pious life; as being then the true Temple of God, wherein God's Unity is revealed and operative. But if the Soul herself with her desire, bring in self-love; and with her desire turn herself into the seven Properties, to try them; and feedeth on the vain delights of the seven Properties; then she extols herself, and maketh to herself an (a) Evestrum is a continued Astral Influence in the 4. Elements, and likewise, an Astral Spirit in Man. Evestrum, as an astral Object; which Evestrum presently hungreth after the vanity of the false delight; even as it befell Lucifer and Adam, where the Evestrum of Lucifer imagined itself into a fantasy; and the Evestrum of Adam's Soul, into the Animalish Properties of the External world; whereby the Soul was poisoned, and the Body (out of the Earth's Lincus) was suddenly infected; that the Animalish properties awakened in him, How the holy similitude of God in Man became quenched, and a monstrous Image assumed. and longed after Earthly, Beastly sustenance; as Heat, Cold, Sharp, Bitter, Sweet and Sour; and with these Properties introduced itself into a springing fountain of such delights; and so with the desire, Fed on Good and evil; whereby the Image of God, as the Idea, became obscure and unactive. Thus the true Spirit (as the active Idea) became dumb and dead, even as an Image in a Looking-glass; and so was the Soul cut of from God, and stood in a natural will; but God's will in the Spirit worked worked no more; and the will of the Evestrum (as the Opposite Image of the dark eternal world began [to work], for the holy Genius was changed. At the head of this Table standeth tincture divided into the seven Properties; which signifieth the equality of the seven Properties according to the Soul & Body that in the first man before the fall, the property [or inclination] to separation, (b) acceptability Annehmligkeit. and Acceptation, stood in a like will; and all its desires were brought into God's unity: thus were they the true Paradise; for the Essential Spirit with the Unity of God, was revealed in them, who were to work through God's love in all things. But the devil envied them, and with his false Lust deceived the seven Properties of life, and persuaded them, it would be good for them, and they should become wise; if the Properties (each one according to its kind) would introduce themselves into self-Acceptance, then should the Spirit taste and know what was Good and evil: but than it could not subsist in God's Unity, of that he told them nothing. But no sooner had they brought themselves in their own lusts, than such a strife and contention awakened in them, that all the Properties began to be formed in their selfhood. Thus the Unity, as the Element, was broken [or divided], and the four Elements strove for predominance; whereupon suddenly from without, fell in the Inequality, as Heat and Cold, and the Astral division working in the Body; Thus was our nature first corrupted: which ground was never before so plainly discovered. and God's wrath (according to the Dark world's property) in the Soul; which caused in them (according to the Soul), Horror, Anguish, Necessity, and Eternal despair; and in the Body, arose Heat, Cold, Woes, Sickness and a Mortal life. Thus God's Image, the whole man, fell from his Ordinance; and became a disguised monster: and the awakened Properties presently began to set up their Government, with Envying, murdering, Raging, Tearing and Tormenting. Love was changed into Pride and self-love; Desire, into Covetousness; Sensibility, into Envy; and the life's fire, into wrath: Thus was the Hellish foundation, in the whole Man, revealed, and ruled both in Soul & Body. Now this Hellish Foundation, is the Spirit of error; for which man must have been damned, had not the Divine mercy, the Serpent-treader (as the efflux of God's love) after the fall, been presently (c) Origin is in-spoken. promised to the New birth, in the Holy Name Jesus. Which holy Name hath, in mere mercy, and great humility for man's soul & body, given itself forth, assumed humanity, broken the power of the diabolical Spirit of Error, killed the lives self-will, & brought again the Properties into God's Unity. There the true Spirit (as the human Idea and God's Image) is renewed again, and filled with the Divine Love-Essence. And thus the human Soul, through Christ's Soul and Spirit in that love and divine Essence, hath again attained an open Gate unto God. Thus in this Table is held forth [or drawn to the life] what Adam hath been; what, through the Fall, he is become; and how he is again Redeemed; and what is his New-birth out of Christ Spirit. soul's ground. 1, 2, 3. first Princip. soul's Spirit out of God 4, 5, 6. second Princip. the Body. 7. Heavenly, now earthly. And these are delineated in the seven Properties under the Word tincture. In which Properties the Soul hath its centre, and in which the Spirit, and in which the Body [have their centres also] of which the Reader may further consider; for under them stand the seven days of the week, intimating, that Man is even the same. This Table showeth what Man is internally and externally; first according to the good Adam, and then according to the corrupted Adam; and also what he is again in Christ. Whereby, we may understand, how evil and Good is man; and whence exist the property of good and evil, both in the mind and senses. By the word Satan (signifying the Spirit of error) is not understood a creaturely-devil; but the Spring [or fountain] of the Spirit of Error. And by the word Christ, is understood the New-Man (according to the internal) in the Spirit of Christ. The other spaces, are understood as in the other Tables; wherein is understood the cause of mutation. FINIS.