An Answer to the ESSEX Watchmens Watchword, being 63 of them in number. Or a discovery of their Ignorance, in denying liberty to tender consciences in religious worship, to be granted alike to all. Also, showing how persecution for conscience came in. Isa. 5. 20. 21. 23. Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight, which justifieth the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from them. 1 Sam. 2. 36, And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left in thine house shall come and crouch to him for a piece of silver and a morsel of bread. etc. Isa. 56. 10. 11. His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs which cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber; yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough. And they are shepherd's that cannot understand, they all look to their own way, every one for his gane from his quarter. Jer. 5. 30. 31. A wonderful and filthy thing is committed in the Land, The Prophet's Prophecy lies, and the Priests receive gifts in their hands, and my people delight therein, What will ye then do in the end thereof? Jer. 23. 1. 2. Woe he unto the Pastors that destroy, and scatter the sheep of my Pastor saith the Lord. Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the Pastors that feed my people, ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them. Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doing saith the Lord. Hosea 8. 12. I have written unto him the great things of my Law, but they were counted as a strange thing. Hos. 9 7. 8. The days of visitation are come, the days of recompense are come, Israel shall know it, the Prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad; for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. The Watchmen of Ephraim was with my God, but the Prophet is the snare of a Fowler in all his ways and hatred in the House of God. Hab. 1. 3. 4. Why dost thou show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievances? &c Ezek. 34. 2. 3. 4. Son of man, prophecy against the Shepherds of Israel, prophecy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto the Shepherds, woe be to the Shepherd of Israel that do feed themselves, should not the Shepherds feed the flocks. Ye eat the fat and you you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the flock. The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, etc. By Edw. Barber Freeman of Engl. Citizen & Marchant-Taylor of London. FOr as much, as the Author holdeth forth all due obedience unto just authority, who are Gods Ministers, to take vengeance one them that do evil, As also, the distinct Office of the servants of Christ in the free faith, and full dispensation of the Gospel, without forcing the conscience by humane Compulsion; For Magistrates ought not to persecute, but to protect all those who live under their authority, that they may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. And, for that the Author produceth most pregnant Scriptures, to prove and illustrate such Truths as are contained in this Treatise; all which, tend to the confirmation and consolation of all those who love the Truth in sincerity; therefore I do say. April the 2, 1649. Imprimatur Theodore Jennings, To those pretended Watchmen of ESSEX in general, and in particular to all such, as love the publishing of that glorious Everlasting Gospel of KING JESUS in sincerity. Dear friends, YOur condition being like the state of Demetrius and the Craftsmen, Acts 19 24. to the 29. Your Estates, Tithes, Honour, yea your all-being not only in great danger, I cannot blame you to cry out for help, your Diana and her Magnificence and Temple, being likely, not only to be despised & destroyed; but your craft also being in great danger to be set at naught. And also your cunning craftiness whereby you lie in wait to deceive, discovered. Yet notwithstanding, I cannot but admire at your weakness in that you take upon you the name, or title of the Ministers of the Gospel, having received ordination from your reverend Fathers, the Lord Arch-Bishops, and Lord Bishops, etc. pretending to renounce that Ordination sent over by Austin the Monk, from Pope Gregory the 7. Peter's pretended Successor, and Christ's Vicar General upon earth; but this being discovered, & your craft failing herein Jure divino, you obtain an Ordinance of Parliament Jure humano to ordain withal, making good the proverb, a bad shift is better than none at all, by which means you became Parliaments servants, and not Christ's Ministers, from whom also you know you have your wages by their Ordinance with treble damages, and upon refusal commitment without Bail or mainprize, being in your esteem better than Christ's words, freely you have received, freely give, Matt. 10. 8. or the Apostles Acts 20. 33. 34. 35. compare with 1 Cor. 4. 11, 12. Thes. 1. 2. 9 & 2. 3. 8. or as Fox in his Acts and Monuments declares, The maintenance of the Ministers is the pure alms of the Church. A condition to mean, and low for these plush and silken Ministers of these times. And truly, as you came in, and began to be set up by the Sword, and authority of the civil Magistrate: even so you stand and continue; and not by any rule, power, or Authority of Christ. And for the wounding the Gospel through your sides which you speak of, if you consider, and weigh your words in the Balance of the Sanctuary, you will find it to be yourselves that chiefly wound it, as your Predecessors the Scribes and Pharises, did the Doctrine of the Apostles, as Acts 4. 1. to the 21. and 6. 8. to the 14. and 22. 22. from whence Theodore Beza sweetly observes, That false Teachers, because they will not be overcome, flee from disputations to Magistrates, and open slandering, and false accusations; and that the first bloody persecution of the Church of Christ began, and sprung from a Council of Priests by the suggestions of the University Doctors. But your words hold true, concerning the true Ministers of the Gospel, who can prove their call, and Ordination by the word of God, as Acts 20. 27. 33. 34. 35. 36. and 2 Cor. 11. 23, to the 28. And whereas you say, you are charged to the Authors of all the Kingdoms troubles, fomenters of these unnatural divisions; and bloody wars, who are they whose eyes the Lord in any measure hath opened but see it? Who have been the main Instruments but you? The one part of you stirring up the King & his party, the other part of you the Parliament & their party, to fight & kill one another for the Gospel, though brethren and in the nearest relation in Church fellowship. How did you press that text curse ye Meroz, yea with a bitter curse, to cause people to bring in their plate, money and jewels; and to send out their husbands, servants and children, and if they died in the cause, their souls would be in heaven, before their bodies would be in the graves? And how did you dissemble, to stir up men to go out against the King's Army, and yet not against the King and to bring [all men] without respect of persons to condign punishment, yet not the King? But when you saw your honour, riches, & indeed [your all] was leapt up in him, then with Pilate you began to change your notes, & to pretend to wash your hands in Innocency saying, I am clear from the blood of this just man; But be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap. And as you have sown in blood, so shall ye have blood to drink for ye are worthy. Yea the whole Antichristian State, from the Prelate to the Sexton, as well as from the Pope to the poorest Friar; because in you, to wit, in that State is found the blood of Prophets and Saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth; all which, all those whose eyes the Lord hath in any measure enlightened, knows you have in your measure fulfilled, and that for your own mere Interests, power, and gain of your goodly fat benefices (which now are) as Demetrius with the Tradesmen of the like occupation was, Acts 19 24 to 30. In great danger and hazard of losing, which some had rather have the ruin of the Nation, than the loss of their Trade, gain, and benefice; for are you not such as Micha speaks of that preach for hire, and divine for money, and yet will lean on the Lord, etc. Thus you whose names are there subscribed are proved, although Ministers of Essex, yet no Ministers of Christ, but State Ministers, and therefore cannot act according to the example of the Apostles, or other the faithful Servants of Jesus Christ, till such time as with the Jews. Acts 3. 19 ye repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord, and until such time as you change your minds, and obey the Commands of Jesus, against whom, in his Members you have engaged to uphold your own pride, covetousness, and persecution, with contempt of your poor brethren whom you ignorantly pretend, to be misled with ignorance and false zeal, but brethren I hope that through ignorance you do it. To the next, you have not without great weakness discovered your ignorance, that when God according to his promise is enlightening the earth with knowledge, as the waters cover the Sea, in discovering the mystery of Iniquity, and throwing down the Kingdom of Antichrist, whereby your Church indeed is in great danger and hazard, [but not the Church of Christ] which by this means flourisheth abundantly, increasing daily, And therefore there must be great alterations in Doctrine and Worship, for saith Christ, Mat. 15. 13. Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. And for your faithful conscientious Professors as you call them, to be persecuted to bonds, flight, and imprisonment, It's well your eyes are opened in your own cause, to see persecution for Conscience so great a sin which all this while you have winked at, [it seems the case is altered] had you formerly made Christ's rule yours: whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, the same do you unto them, this need not have been: And truly Sirs, if Popery should not be connived at, what would become of all your administrations. And for your grievous oppressions in the Liberties and properties of the Subjects, which you say you fighed for [good Sirs pity yourselves, or be better informed for the greatest burden that ever came of late to this Land, was that Ordinance for Tithes with triple damages, or commitment without bail or main prize upon non payment. For the Parliaments Declaration you speak of, upon the first and second time of meeting apprehending the danger of the State and the Church, how it say upon your hearts, it may easily be conceived, the day approaching their Declarations, Petitions, Remonstrances, etc. The blame lying upon the evil Councillors, but who were those evil Councillors, search and see, 1 Kings 22. 20. 21. who must persuade Ahab to go up and fall at Ramouth Giliad, but the evil spirit in the mouth of all his Prophets: here you may clearly see the chief Instruments and Insendiaries, compared with Revel. 16. 13. 14. Here was the cause of fear, and the Kings leaving the Parliament, and raising his Army, which kindled that fire which will hardly be quenched, but in the destruction of you or the Kingdom, if not timely prevented. And for the League and Covenant you so much speak of, we should desire but the performance thereof, and in particular, for Religion to have it established according to the word of God, and the best reformed Churches, which I hope you will grant to be according to the primitive institutions; for know through the mercy of God, we are not ignorant, that your National Presbyterial Churches are as truly Antichristian, as the Papal or Prelatical, it being the third part of that great City Babylon, Revel. 16. 19 which now comes in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the fiersness of his wrath, compared with verse 13. 14. And as the Kings of the earth have given their power and strength unto the beast, as in the raising, so to the upholding of that Antichristian state, they therein giving their power and strength unto the beast, making War, with the Lamb in his Members, to wit, with his poor Saints and Servants: But the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, Revel. 17. 13. 14. And they that are with him, are called, and chosen and faithful, compared with Rom. 1. 7. But the waters where the whore sitteth, are peoples and multitudes, and nations and tongues, not redeemed and gathered out from them, and so made Kings and Priests, being redeemed by his blood, out of every kindred and tongue, and people and Nation. Revel. 5. 9 Also observe, Revel. 17. 16. These ten horns there spoken of, which are ten Kings, to wit, Christian Kings as you call them, who shall upon the consideration of their being so woefully bewitched by those Frogs and Locusts that come out of the smoke, that assendeth out of the bottomless pit, hate the whore and make her desolate & naked, & eat her flesh, & burn her with fire, for God hath put into their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their Kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And truly we may now say as Christ once said, Luke 4. 21. This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears. That therefore the Magistrate would consider this, and take notice that for your part you are not the men that the Lord will give deliverance to his people by, but according to the words of the Lord by Jer. the 49, 20. Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out, surely a company of poor despised Mechanic men must do it. Again, Consider how much Innocent and Ignorant blood hath been spilt by the civil Magistrates, to set up and uphold, not theirs, but the Kingdom of Antichrist, lest it be one day made good according to the saying of Isaiah, Isa. 60. 12. For that Kingdom and nation that will not serve thee shall perish, yea those nations shall be utterly wasted, of which cup of God's wrath, this Kingdom with some others have already deeply tasted, according to Luke 20. 17, 18. compared with Acts 3. 23. And he beheld them and said what is this then that is written, the stone which the bvilders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner, whosoever shall fall on that stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder. You being such indeed as Micha speaks of Micha 3. 5. Thus saith the Lord concerning the Prophets, that make my people err, that by't with their teeth and cry peace, and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against them, etc. compared with, Zach. 13. 2 3, 4. Next you say, The Parliament seeing which way the Council of the King steered, apprehended a necessity of raising arms for the defence of themselves and the Kingdom, wherein they make you their Instruments, to stir up the people (as fittest for that purpose) wherein they declare for the maintaining of the Protestant Religion, which notwithstanding you have sat so long, and enjoyed so many goodly fat benefices by their favour, yet have you never declared to the people, what this Protestant Religion, so called, and which you so much speak of is, much less proved your Presbyterian Nationall Church and Directory to be it. And Sir I hope you think the preservation of the Freemen of England, whose servants they are, and you ought to be, but are indeed grown their Masters, according to salomon's words, being indeed that evil which he saw under the Sun, Eccles. 10. 5, 6, 7. There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the Ruler. Folly is set in great dignity or height, and the rich sit in low place. I have seen servants upon horses, and Princes walking as servants upon the earth. I say I hope you will have them prefer the good and safety of the Nation before any particular persons whatsoever. But had you been Ministers of the Gospel, you would have done as they, did mentioned Acts 6. 1. to the 4. who refused to leave the word of God to serve Tables. And truly for engaging in the cause, being called unto it by lawful Authority, in matters civil I grant they are a lawful Authority; But in matters Ecclesiastical concerning the government of the Church of Christ, there [neither they] nor you have any authority, the Government being wholly on Christ's shoulders, Isa. 9 6. compare with Matt. 28. 18. James 4. 12. he ruling by his own Laws, and not your acts nor commands. And truly had it been, that you had been Ministers of the Gospel, you durst not leave your flock to attend upon the Civil State and affairs of the Kingdom, seeing the Apostles thought it not meet to leave the word to serve Tables, that was to look to the necessity of the Saints; for which service they chose out seven Deacons, fitly qualified for that purpose as before is showed. I shall say no more to this, but what the Lord saith Isa. 29. 7. to the 17. And for pouring out your prayers in your days of humiliation, you have done as the Lord complains Isa. 58. 2. to the 8. Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a Nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the Ordinance of their God: they ask of me the Ordinance of Justice: they take delight in approaching to God. Wherefore have we fasted say they, and thou seest not? Wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labours. Behold, ye fast for strife, and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness, ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head like a Bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I have chosen to lose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free; and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked that thou cover him, and that thou hid not thyself from thine own flesh, then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy health shall spring forth speedily, and thy righteousness shall go before thee. The glory of the Lord shall be thy rearward, etc. For your Appeal to God the searcher of all hearts, to whom you must give account of all your ways, that these were your grounds of your first Engagement and intentions in it, But pray take in with you the love of money the root of all evil. And for your amazement, consider what the Lord saith, Isa. 29. 9 10. Stay yourselves and wonder, they are blind and make you blind, they are drunken, but not with wine, they stagger, but not with strong drink, for the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes, the Prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered etc. Again you say, to see a war begun for the defence of Religion, likely to end in the ruin thereof, herein you discover your great ignorance in the mystery of the Gospel, for now is the Lord making good his promise, that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the Sea. God pouring out his spirit upon all flesh, as Isa. 11. 9 Acts 2. 4. Where they all spoke as the spirit gave them utterance [not Books, & Arts, Learned at the Universities.] And this is according to the desire of that faithful servant and type of Christ Moses, when Joshuah the Son of Nun his servant, desired Moses to forbid Eldad and Medad from prophesying, saying: Enviest thou for my sake, would God that all the Lords people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them, for know the Ministers of the Gospel are fitted for their service by gifts from heaven, as Ephes. 4. 8. 11. to the 15. And not by Arts, learned at Oxford or Cambridge; although I desire not in the least to take any thing from them, that is properly due to humane learning, as thereby to fit men for the service of the State and Common Wealth. Again you say, the War was begun for the defence of the King and Parliament, to end in the death of the King, and violation of the Parliament. Herein you show as little judgement in civil things as in spiritual, but your London brethren at Zion College hath been sufficiently answered to this, Next you speak of the fears about Religion and Parliament, which you say is turned into sorrows, I blame you not, for the mystery of Iniquity is discovered, and your cunning craftiness whereby you lie in wait to deceive also, who are those great merchants of the earth, with your weeping and wailing, for no man buyeth your merchandise any more? The which is much aggravated in you by the Agreement of the people, wherein your flattering with the Parliament, concerning the tender thereof is much discovered. And for the draught of poison you speak of, I wish this nation had been no more poisoned with the golden cup of the Whore; And for the love & care you speak of, to the people of your respective flocks, your Ordinance for Tyths with triple damages without bail or mainprize, upon refusal will sufficiently demonstrate it, wherein you have as your reverend Fathers endeavoured, to rule with violence, not by love. And whereas your hearts tremble, to think of the subversion of the ancient well grounded government of the Kingdom; the Protestant Religion, what do you mean? what ail you? Have not yourselves done this, in cutting of your Reverend Fathers the Prelates? Alas! they by their Agreement desire to take away all slavery and tyranny, brought in by Tyrants, and their flatterers, in their Civil or Ecclesiastical Government, and instead thereof inright the Freemen of England, and their posterity in their civil rights; and the liberty of the Gospel of King Jesus in its due, to wit, to set up his government by his laws and Statutes only. Next you speak of an unlimited power of Parliament, and that in Religion, surely the word of the Lord is fulfilled, Isay 44. 25. Saying that frustrateth the tokens of Liars, that maketh diviners mad, that turneth wisemen backward, and maketh their knowledge foolishness, etc. But truly Sirs, I cannot agree with you in neither of these, for first in civil things, for which they are properly called together, they are not to act for their own ends, and by respects, but for the good, safety, and well being of the people, their Trusters' or Impowrers, by whom they may, and aught to be called to an account, if they should neglect to perform their duty: For if in things civil, the Parliament have an unlimited power, why complain you of the Executions done in Queen Mary's days by a Parliamentary power, with the consent of your Reverend Fathers the Prelates. As also in Queen Elizabeth's days upon Barrow, Greenwood and Penrie, who were hanged for professing against the Common Prayer book, which now you practice, the case being altered, neither are we ignorant of the turn, change and unchangeing, of you Priests, as in Henry the eights days Papists, in Edward the 6. Protestants, in Queen Mary's Papists, in Queen Elizabeth's Protestant's in K. James and K. Charles his days, for the Bishops and Episcopal Government. Now for the Presbyterian, a greater Benefice being a loadstone sufficient to carry the greater part of you after it, like some Lawyers that looks more at the greatness of th● Fee, than the goodness of the cause, nay being Feed, leaves his Client, and turns on the other side, I would there were none such fate in the House of Commons. Secondly, For Religion, they receive no authority or charge from God, he having given that power and prerogative only to his Son King Jesus, they being Masters of the flesh only, but God the Father of Spirits, and therefore ●is worship being spiritual, he requires only voluntary, spiritual worshippers to worship him, as John 4. 24. God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth, etc. For the many Oaths, Protestations, and Covenants you speak of, I fear, as Jeremiah saith, For these the Land mourneth, for it had been good if they had been fully debated concerning the lawfulness of them, before they had been with such violence forced upon the Nation, although now you desire not to have them kept: for if not lawful by the word of God, they are of no more force than theirs that had bound themselves with an Oath, neither to eat nor drink, till they had killed Paul, Acts 23. 12. And whereas you object against the Ambiguity or darkness, in that it is said, it is intended that Christian Religion should be held forth, as the public profession of this Nation; yet doth not declare what that Christian Religion is. And can you object this? Have you forgot the Protestation, Covenant, Vows, League and Covenant you engaged this Nation in, for the Protestant Religion, yet never did declare what that Protestant Religion was you intended, and so much spoke of. And whereas you allege, that all Sects and Errors in the Church of Christ (nay take the Church of Antichrist to it) since the Apostles days, do all lay claim to Christian Religion, and may by this Agreement plead, at least stand as Probationers for the privilege of public profession: I wonder else, how could you all this while come in for a share, and are you not herein as those of whom the Apostle saith. Ye profess that ye know God, yet in works you deny him, etc. Titus 1. 16. And whereas you seem to take offence, that only the Popish and Prelatical are left out, I shall desire to include them also, otherwise I nor you, nor they can obey Christ's commands, Mat. 7. 12. and Luke 6. 31. to wit, to do to all men, as we would they should do unto us. In the next place, I joy that you desire that God would increase that care in you and others to have Religion reform to the greatest purity in doctrine, worship and Discipline, according to the word of God, and for instructing people in a public way. And for the confutation of Heresy and Error, etc. How can this be done, and not liberty of conscience granted? I hope then the truth will not be confined as it hitherto hath been by you, within the Lips only of the Tribe of Levi, as you call them. But that others shall have liberty to speak, either to add unto, or contradict if erroneous. To the second branch, where sound doctrine, and a good conversation shall be the only means to win upon the contrary minded, I shall plentifully prove that to be according to the Gospel rule. As 2 Tim. 2. 24. 25, 26. And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle towards all men, apt to teach, patiented, in meekness, instructing the contrary minded, etc. And for your distinction of Paganism, I have elsewhere, proved your state Antichristian, and to be fare worse, and is compared to Sodom and Egypt, the vety worst of Heathens, and therefore not to have given their hands and Seals to Christ, nor taken upon them the profession of faith in him, unless it be implicit, to believe as the Church believes, or by tradition of men. And whereas you conceive there is so much zeal for God and for his truth in the people of England, that did they but know the liberty intended and endeavonred after, they would be so far from subscribing their hands to the Agreement, that at the very hearing of it, they would Rent their , and cast dust upon their heads. Sirs I believe it, for as the children of Israel, who had been a long time in bondage and slavery in Egypt, God sending his servant Moses to deliver them in their journey, they murmered against him, desiring rather to return and remain by their fleshpots with Onions and Leeks, then to be transported into the Land of Canaan, so these having drunk so deep a draught of the golden cup of the Whore from your hands, that they are now in the same condition that the Jews were to whom Paul preached the Gospel, Acts 22. 22, 23. Who said, Away with such a fellow from the earth for it is not fit that he should live, crying out casting of their , and throning dust into the air, etc. Then you fall into the old strain of enveighing against Anabaptists, Antinomians, Arminians, Arians, Socinians, Phocinians, etc. never showing what they are, much less confuting their doctrine to be erroneous, neither can you bring any part of the Gospel to prove, that these men, were they as erroneous as you pretend, should be persecuted for their opinions, and not enjoy the Liberty of their Conscience. But herein you show yourselves brethren to James and John, That would have had fire come down from heaven to consume the Samaritans. But as Christ said to them, so say I to you, Ye know not of what spirit ye are of, for the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them. And for your fear of overthrowing the Oath of Allegiance and Supremecie, your Shibboleths, if they had never been; but according to James his words, yea Christ himself not to have sworn at all, we had been far better, and the sin of perjury and swearing would not have lain upon the Land, as I fear it now doth. The rest of the discourse is as much as in you lies to hinder a general Liberty of Conscience in matters of worship, which is your Parenthisis, your fly in the box of oyutment, disabling the power of the civil Magistrate, and Societies in private Families. And why are you so invictive against the Papists and Prelatical, your late reverend Fathers from whom you had your Ordination, being, and maintenance, [Oh Ingratitude!] That children should so degenerate, as to seek the death and overthrow of their Fathers, that so they may get into their possessions, which you have done by Papists and Prelates. And whereas you say, Popery and Prelacy may have liberty by the Agreement, because they make profession of faith in God by Jesus Christ, do you Presbyters any more? Are ye not of those the Apostle speaks of, Titus 1. 16. That profess they know God but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and to every good work reprobate, or void of judgement. In which your practice, you show your woolvish nature derived from your Fathers, that notwithstanding by the providence of God your rage is stopped, and teeth struck out. Yet like a muzzled Wolf do you not retain your nature of snapping and snarling, making good the word of the Lord, Jer. 13. 23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, on the Leopard his spots, then may ye also do good that are accustomed to do evil. compared with verse 22. and chapped. 5. 19 For your conclusion, upon your being better informed and enlightened in your minds, I wish your light prove not darkness, for then how great is that darkness, and whereas you do all freely and solemnly underwrite the substance of what is there published concerning the honour of God, I shall be of your mind, when I see you with the Jews and the Go●lor cry out, What shall we do to be saved, Acts 2. 37. and 16. 30. Or with those that used curious Arts, and burned their books, when you go and do likewise, Acts 19 1●. Or according to Christ's command, and the Apostles rule and practice preach the Gospel freely, getting that Ordinance for Tithes repealed, with your tr●ble damages or imprisonment, without Bail or Mainprice. When with the Damsel, in whom was the spirit of divination, Acts 16. 16. You confess those whom you revile and persecute, to be the servants of the living God, that show forth the glorious Institutions of the Gospel of Christ the way of salvation, renouncing all Antichristian practice and traditions of men, that you have neither precept nor example for. Then and not until then, shall I judge you to be no Malignants against Christ, nor Sectaries, nor Schismatics from the only rule of Christ. But herein Reader take notice of two things: the state of the Nationall Church of the Jews under the Law, from the world, distinguished by circumcision, and the Church of Christ under his government in the time of the Gospel, distinguished by baptism or dipping. That being a Covenant of works made with Abraham, and his carnal or natural seed after the flesh. The other being a new Covenant made with Christ, believers, Isaac and his spiritual seed, being of the faith of Abraham. Gal. 3. 7. 26. 28, 29. compared with Rom. 9 7. 8. john 1. 12, 13. and 3, 4, 5. 2. We hinder not men from Instructing, Catechising, and persuading their families, either Magistrates, or private persons, yea and to pour out themselves with Jeremiah and Paul in prayer for them: But not to use any violence or carnal weapons to force them to the worship that God requires, under the Gospel by Christ, it being spiritual, according to that great Charter, Mat. 28. 19, 20. His Churches being so gathered in the Primitive times, and aught to be so gathered after the Apostasy of the man of sin, to wit, by one and the same rule and ministry, etc. being taken from the Heathens or Antichristians, although you seem to make a difference, for the word sets forth the state of Antichrist, to be Sodom and Egypt, the worst of Heathens, If you will make a difference. I shall now desire to show you what was practised under the Law, as also under the Gospel, concerning Liberty of Conscience, with the grounds and reasons for it. And lastly show you how persecution for conscience came in, and was afterwards agrivated to uphold, not the Church of Christ, but the state and church of Antich●ist. First then, were our Religion as false as you our Adversaries pretend, yet were that no ground to take away our lives, estates, o● banish us, pulling down our houses to make jakes thereof, and hang us on the timber, as some of eminency have preached for before authority, I spare to name them. I say we proving loyal to our Country, though holding errors in our judgements, yet were that no ground for persecution, as is clear from Christ by the parable of the Tares, Mat. 13. Whereby the Tares must needs be understood, men professing a false Religion, which when some would have had them plucked up, Christ declared his mind to the co●t●ary, and commanded they should be let alone, and grow with the wheat, until the harvest in the world. Although not in the Church, least men undertaking to pluck up the Tares, wanting wisdom to distinguish, pluck up the wheat in stead thereof, as it hath and doth often come to pass, according to the words of Christ, which shows that some shall be so blindly led, and devoted as to kill the Saints, thinking thereby that they do God service, and therefore Christ will have the tares let alone with the wheat, until the harvest, than who without great sin can attempt to pluck them up before that time. And this doth no way contradict God's word which saith, that Magistrates are Gods Ministers to take vengeance on them that do evil, the tares being sinners against God in false Religion; whom he hath reserved to be punished with flaming fire at the day of Christ, the other being trespassers against men, and are justly to be punished by the civil Magistrate, and herein we give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are Gods. 3. The Lord commandeth, that those that are blindly led on in a false Religion, and are offended with him for the teaching of the Gospel, should be let alone, and referreth their punishment to the falling into the ditch, Mat. 15. 14. And Phil. 3. 3. For we are the Circumcision which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Thirdly, the Lord Christ reproveth those Disciples, that would have had fire come down from heaven, and consume the Samaritans that would not receive him, in these words, Ye know not of what Spirit ye are, for the Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them. Which showeth plainly, that Christ would have no man hurt for Religion, yea, though they were refusers of himself. Luke 9 54. 55. 56. Fourthly, when the Lord Christ sent forth the twelve to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom; this is the utmost that he directed them unto concerning those that should refuse to hear their words, namely, Mat. 10. 14. 15. To shake off the dust of their feet for a Testimony against them, leaving their further punishment to the day of Judgement. This was clear under the Law, where none was compelled to the worship of God by the Authority of the Civil Magistrate; but as the Lord did persuade the heart by his Word. And as this was so under the Law, much more in the time of the Gospel, the Body being of Christ: as first, by the Commission of Christ given to the Apostles, where Christ showeth, though all power in Heaven and Earth was his, yet he only appoints Preaching the Gospel, for gathering of his Churches throughout the world: according to Paul's words, where he saith, The weapons of our war-fare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down Imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. Gen. 9 27. Exo. 35. 5. 21. 22. 23. Psa. 18. 43. 44. 110. 3. Col. 2. 17. Matt. 28. 19 20. 2 Cor. 10. 4. 5. Again the same Apostle commandeth, 2 Tim. 2. 24. That the servant of the Lord strive not, but be gentle towards all men, suffering the evil instructing with meekness the contrary minded, proving, if God at any time will give them repentance, that they may acknowledge the Truth▪ and come to amendment, out of the snare of the Devil. Which plainly showeth, that repentance must be continually waited for, and not constrained by violence and persecution; and that because repentance is the gift of God, and cannot be given by man: and therefore Religion not to be forced or compelled. Ephes. 2. 5. 8. According to these commands the holy Prophets foretell, That when the Law of Moses should cease, in matters of worship, and the Law of the Messiah should be set up instead thereof, that then the carnal Weapons should cease They shall break their Swords into Mattocks, and their Spears into Sythss, Nation shall not rise against Nation, neither shall they learn War any more; They shall sit every man under his vine and under his own figtree, and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord ha●h spoken it; There shall none hurt nor destroy in all my holy Mountain, for the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the Waters cover the Sea, Which when Christ came, he taught and practied and so did his Apostles and servants: Behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my Soul is well pleased; I will put my sppirit upon him, and he shall show Judgement to the Gentiles; he shall not strive nor cry, neither shall any man he are his voice in the streets; a bruised Reed shall he not break, and smoking Flax shall he not quench, till he send forth Judgement unto victory. Advising them to be so far from persecuting those that should oppose, and not be of their Religion, that when they were persecuted they should pray, when they were cursed they should bless, leaving the Judgement to God. Isa. 2, 4. Micha 4. 3. 4. Isa. 11. 9 Isa. 42. 1, 2, 3. Matt. 12. 18. 19, 20. 2 Tim. 2. 24, 25, 26. 2 Cor. 10. 4. Rom. 12. 14, to the 20. The reason of all is, They who are now blind, may see; They who now reject the Truth, may receive it; They who are now Tares, may become Wheat; They who are now in the snare of the Devil, through wicked works, and adversaries to the Truth, may hereafter come to repentance; They that are now Blasphemers and persecutors as Saint Paul was, may in time become most glorious and faithful witnesses, as he did; They that are now Idolators as the Corinthians sometimes were, may hereafter as they, become true worshippers of God; They who for the present are no people of God in vissible appearance, nor under mercy, may hereafter become the people of God, obtaining mercy as the Saints have done; for some come not till the eleaventh hour, though some came at the First, Third, and sixth hour, yet some not till the last; which should they be put to death, because they come not with the first, they then would be prevented from coming at all. Acts 8. 3. Acts 9 5. 6. 1 Cor. 6. 9 1 Pet. 2. 10. Matt. 20. 6. It is affirmed by King James of famous memory, in his Speech at the Sessions of Parliament, Anno 1609. That it is a sure rule in Devinity, That God never loves to plant his Church with violence and Bloodshed. Again, in his Apology for the oath of Allegiance, Pag. 4. speaking of those Papists that took the said Oath, saith, I gave a good proof for it; that I never intended persecution for Conscience cause, but only desired to be secured of them for Civil obedience. It was usually the condition of the Christians to be persecuted, but not to persecute. And lamentable it is to see the folly of late times, and we cannot but grieve at the folly of men, who think by humane Inventions, and carnal aid of Laws, and Statutes, to help God and with worldly power and pomp, to defend the Churches of Christ; as if he by his own power were not able to do it, and to perform his own will. Matt. 27. 52. 53. 54. The Church hath formerly been known, by enduring Misery and imprisonment; but it is the mark of the Church of Antichrist, to terrify others by imprifonments, bannishments, and persecutions, boasting herself, that she is highly esteemed in the world, whereas the true Church of Christ cannot but be hated of the same. john 15. 18. 19 20. Rev. 13. 3. It was commanded by the Law, If a man met a betrothed Damsel in the ●ield, and the man force her, he was to die: Then what shall those expect that shall force the conscience the spouse of Christ? Deut. 22. 25. Hosea 2. 19 20. 2 Cor. 11. 2. The example of many Nations, both in Scripture, and at this day known, may suffice to suffer the conscience free: Abraham lived in Egypt in Gerar, among the Philistines, after with the Hittites: Lot in Sodom; Isaac in Gerar, Israel in Egypt 430. years, after in Babylon 30 years; yet never constrained in their Religion. Also in the days of our Saviour, how many Religions were there in that famous Empire of Caesar's, yet not by him persecuted, or constrained to his Religion. Gen. 20. Gen. 23. Gen. 13. Gen. 26. It was the Judgement of Luther, That the Laws of the Civil Magistrate extended no farther than over the bodies & goods, & that which is external; for over the soul, God will have none to rule but himself. And therefore, wherever the civil Magistrate undertaketh to set laws, for the souls and consciences of men, he usurpeth that Government and authority to himself, which appertaineth only to God. Psa. 89. 27. Isa 33. 22. Phil. 2. 9 2 Tim 3. 16. James 4. 12. Rev. 22. 18. 19 And therefore we conceive it, the highest degree of Antichrists impiety, sitting in the temple of God as God, showing himself that he is God, 2 Thess. 2. 4. in giving Laws to the Conscience, which is God's Prerogative only. Deut. 27, 4. In the building of the Temple, there was no sound of Iron heard, to show, that Christ will have in his Church a free consent, not compelled mor constained by Laws and Statutes, for the Kings of the Earth shall bring their glory unto it. 1. Kings 6. 7. Joshuah 8. 31. Isa. 60. 11. Rev. 21. 24. Again, the Churches of Christ must look for suffering, with every particular member thereof, as he himself did, who is their head, being thereby made perfect, being the way and means that God hath appointed to publish the Gospel: which caused the Fathers to say, The blood of the Martyrs was the Seed of the Church, Rom. 8. 29. Phil. 3. 10. Heb 2. 10. Therefore Christians are to be exhorted, not compelled: for he that will not do that whereunto he is exhorted and persuaded, the Gospel enjoining, is no true Christian as yet; and they that go not this Gospel way, to persuade men by exhortation and Counsel, but seek to do it by constraint, show themselves not Gospel Teachers but worldly Beadles rather, 2 Tim. 2. 24. For consider, if an earthly King will take it so ill, as surely he may at his subjects hands to have any equalise themselves with him or submit to a foreign power, or to make Laws for his Subjects to be guided and ruled by; how much more the King of Kings Christ Jesus, by whom alone King's reign, will he suffer himself to be displaced, and an earthly King placed in his throne. Deut. 4. 2. Pro. 30. 6. Rev. 22. 18. 19 Thus we conceive it is clear, That no man ought to be forced in matter of Religion, the Gospel being spiritual, and requireth only, spiritual worshippers, like to itself: which cannot be made so, but by the Word and Spirit of God, which breatheth where and when it listeth, and not where and when men's Laws and Statutes pleaseth; which may make hypocrites, but not true Christians. As we said unto you before so say I unto you again, If any man preach any other Gospel unto you then that ye have received, let him be accursed for do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ John 4. 24. John 3. 8. 2 Cor. 5. 10. Gal. 1. 9 10. And thus as you see, persecution was never taught by Christ, nor yet practised by his Apostles, nor by the Primitive christians: so afterwards it arose, and was brought in by the bloody Heathen Tyrants, and continued by Antichrist and his Ministers as appears in Tho. Beacon's Relics of Rome, set forth with Privilege Anno Dom. 1563. Pope Seritius ordained that Heriticks should be banished, and that no Christian should Communicate with, or keep them company Anno 588. fol. 214. Pope Pelagius the first, not content with the former punishment made a Decree, that all Heriticks and Schismatics, with all such as be contumiliter disobedient to the holy Church Ordinances, should be put to death by the secular power, provided always, that those bloody B. with their Woolf-like Officers, and Antichristian adherents, do first of all prosecute imprison and condemn them for Heriticks, and aftewards according to their wicked Decrees, commit them to the secular power, and temporal Magistrates, as unto their Butchers and Hangmen, to dispatch them out of the way, either by fire, sword or halter; for these holy Fathers cry out with their Forefathers, and Pope-like Predecessors. john 18. 31. It is not lawful for us to put any man to death. Anno Dom. 551. fol. 215. Pope Innocent the 3. bearing rule in the year 1215. the Council of Lattern● was called, or celebrated, where was present two Patriarches 70. Arch-Bishops Metrapolitans, 400 Bishops 12. Abbots 800. Convinciall Priests, the Legates of the Greek and Roman Empire, with the Ambassadors of the Kings of Spain, Jerusalem, France and England, and Cyprus; In this Council it was Decreed, that all Heriticks, and so many as do in any point resist the Catholic f●ith should be condemned. In this Council was also Decreed, that the secular power of what degree soever they be, should be compelled openly, to swear for the defence of the Catholic Faith, And that to the utmost of their power, to root out and destroy in their Kingdoms, all such persons as the Catholic Church h●th condemned for Herit●cks. And if he do not reform within one whole year, than the Pope is to denounce all his Subjects absolved, and utterly delivered from showing, or owing any fidelity or obedience unto him, as in this Kingdom it was done by King johr. Again, that the Pope may give that Land to be occupied, and enjoyed by the Catholics, and they to possess it, all Heriticks being rooted out peaceably, and without contradiction. fol. 217. Since this answer to the Ministers Watchword was at the Printers, Mr. John Fereby, Minster of Thoydon Garnon, one of the 63. April the 22, being Lords day, took occasion much to inveigh against Sectaries, Anabaptist●, etc. as ●e cal●s them. But the Author desires if he doth it out of conscience, to answer him by word in a free dispute, or by writing, concerning the constitution of their Church Ordination, of their Ministry, Worship, Government, Maintenance, Baptism, or persecution for conscience, referring the censure and judgement there of to all judicious hearers. E. B. FINIS.