To the supreme Authority, the PARLIAMENT of the commonwealth of ENGLAND. The Humble Petition of William Caddy of Taunton, and Nicholas Ward of Chard, in the County of Somerset. Showeth, THat your Petitioners have faithfully served your Honours with the expense of their dearest blood and estates, from the very beginning of the late rroubles, in opposing the late King and his Party, and especially Sir John Stowel, and his bloody Adherents, who was the first that drew blood from your friends in the West of England. That your Petitioners, (besides the plunder and loss of their estates, by the said Sir John Stowel and his Party,) have received such wounds and maims in their bodies, that they are disabled to labour in their lawful Callings; And your Petitioner Caddy hath lost three Sons in your service, (who were as the staff of his age,) and himself cast into a loathsome goal at Ilchester, where he was fourteen months together laid in irons, by the immediate Command of Sir John Stowel, for no other cause but his faithfulness to the Parliament. And your Petitioner Ward for the same cause, had his Nose and one of his fingers cut off, and one of his eyes cut out, with twenty six wounds at the same time, by Sir John Stowels own cruel hand, and that in cold blood, your said Petitioner Ward being unarmed, and all this without any provocation from your Petitioners. That your Petitioners are by this means utterly undone; and whereas heretofore they were (by the blessing of God,) able to relieve others, they are now like to perish for want of food, with their Wives and Children. That your Petitioners in Order to their relief, six years since brought their several Actions against Sir John Stowel, wherein they obtained Judgements, namely your Petitioner Caddy for 212 li. and your Petitioner Ward for 107 li. 10 s. That these judgements have been so far from being a remedy, that they have proved a great increase of their misery, in respect they can get no benefit thereby, and have spent as much money in their journeys and attendance, as the said judgements amount unto. That your Petitioners, yet further to increase their misery, have been lately summoned by Sir John Stowel from their country, (sevenscore miles from London,) to appear and answer his Petition before the Honourable Commissioners for Articles, in relation to their said judgements, where he hath caused your Petitioners to attend for the space of eight weeks' last past, their Wives and Children like to starve at home in the mean time, your Petitioners no way able to relieve them; They petitioned the Honourable Commissioners for Articles, and are only permitted into their country, till further order of Summons from the said Sir John Stowel as may appear by the Copy of the said Order hereunto annexed. Your Petitioners therefore in this their great extremity, do humbly address themselves to your Honours, as their last Refuge; And do humbly beseech you (amidst your many weighty affairs,) so far to cast your gracious eye on this their sad and just complaint, that some relief may be afforded them by your means, that they with their poor Wives and Children may not utterly perish, and be ● longer a reproach to your enemies, who are encouraged to insult over them. For prevention of which, your poor Petitioners humhly prostrate themselves; and their lamentable condition at your honour's feet, begging the Lord to move your hearts to pity, and to find out some way for their relief either out of the jointure of the Lady Stowel, or her fifth, which she now enjoyeth by the favour of your Honours; or in some other present and effectual way, as to your wisdoms shall seem best and most fitting. And your Petitioners, their Wives and Children, shall ever pray, &c. WILLIAM CADDY, NICHOLAS WARD. Excheq. Chamber Westm. Wednesday Feb. 9 1652. By the Commissioners appointed for relief upon Articles of war. Upon motion made by Nicholas Ward and William Caddy, summoned by themselves, or some one authorized for them, to give answer unto the Petition of Sir John Stowel, depending before this Court, praying to be discharged their further attendance, having delivered a Petition into this Court, which is by the consent of the said Sir John Stowel declared by his council, accepted as their answer thereunto. It is by the like consent of the said Sir John Stowel declared as aforesaid, ordered, That the said Defendants be permitted to repair to their several habitations, there to remain until this Court shall find cause to give further order in that behalf. Tracy Panncefote Regist.